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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1888)
Win. Fortmille., FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Proaipt Att8ntiQU-First-class Haarso RaT After businss hour call al residence corner fifth anl lUksr QVRLM) TJ CUIFHatt Southern Paciflo Company's Line. Tan wr. atattrii aarrx. o sabatwua AUy Fr ialJ 1 hours 0WrvIA BXrasaS 1. MM PMLT Suu-h North 4.09 p. Lsas iVarUatid ArrWa I 10:40 a a a ft r Ua alssn Usv T.-Of. a M j; 40 A a I A-rrtx Sax Fiaial-o Lbs ) amp r Li urmiimtuiM Mi" v.oapl Sunday). IVrtleitd AlSan- Arm. 1 S:s r Lmv, ll:S6 u Lmv, I W AM) M ICturi Lm ;Wf ArHrs UKAL TAAI KAII.Y, HCIrt l M'AT . M IS 1 Arrtva I :& a a I 4.1 Arm U-e I b.UO A Arm I Uwv l:Uom l-Mt I Arn.a lest button PULLMAn BUFftF SLPHS. f ourist Sleeping Gars ae tec a m tasiis SasaMla r stars ra. ataalae4 t ttaarsaa !. Wsal I4 I. i I" " itkrHKM i.artaa ana sVaUM. TAA1S MJbT (ax .) tVjrtlaud t.f r m I Arms Owrr alias Arma 0.1 j r a Lmt, I 1:30 TtAIM MILT (esejp. Sanda. m Lmi, Aert-t rVrUAiiJ McJUna.tll Arrtf (MM A M a.46 A M AiA'ar J OocrtU wllo trmiM ut PaoiiA IUilna retail tutorAO rarAnUttf rU. nfci. a coo,a' Ait. KOCHLKR. . r. KtMlSRo, V i" . i .'. A r IK VAQULNA KOUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad. goo Development Coocpany'a siteaiu ahip Liuo. 225 MILES SHORTER- 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. Firet-Otaes tarougu pajuwrnjr and freight I. ne from Portuna and all peinta in um WdUmeUe Valley to u lrm sn Praooiaoo, Oat. f ULamduDa HiTdr Liaj Ot Moaners. Taa '.Vm. U. rloa." Tue "N. S. Ueot y," Toe "I'urae rtuicrV re in arvtoe for bota ,Aiwo,r .i freuol traitlj be tweeo Corvallw aud l'.ruu t -nd io.r medlate ooiute, iea.iug Jmput afla: f. CorvAUis, and .vi.j.f -.. tiuiuiu & Co wharf, No. AW an l U Krout, roit land, tnrtw timet, a mK a fuliowa : NORTH UuU.fU. LaAVaCoTYSi'ta. o. . u. .kI KfuUji, lO.JiA. M. ..a AH1A.1-.. at .11.1.). Wei. aii titO-iv, li.oj sjuuj Arnva IVrtamii, ,ua , fnu. Soiura.i , - J t. at iOfl d UOtA.'. Lava rl!iia. Wi. ut 'rUlJf, 8:00 A, M. Leava Aitawijr, fua., Ti.or -' tUi j.m., t: p. M. Arn.o Oo'vaiUa, fu, 1 hu. twl SalurXAj , 4: 1. si. lktaut msae clou uuotiagiUHi ut Aioan Afttn wants uf tkoUrugoo I'solAo Kailroed barira Alu.i. 1:0) r. a, . L-M'a YaqttuiA, 0:6 A.M. Lasva CorUis 1; l r. a. Jw4 CrirUu,...Ai a.m. Arriv uks r. m I Vir..a aimu, ll:i0 a. m, O k 0. iraiis 000 ue :t at Albany and Oorvallla. the aoove trains connect at yaquiQA with thj J: n loveiupmsiil tjouspaay'a Lins if :io ttibips beisreen faquiua and au I'rau i-kva. NAlfuIMG BIIE1 . ra ,i rA.i-;i -. fVI, TA; I. A Valley. Miv. In 8 am Nov. Oth. Nov. L3Ui. Nor. SOtO. WillaoMtM VaJI, No. 12 M 4 p 111 ArUlMasttS Vallay, Nov. f. U to a ... The Coiiip.tty rv- .ho rgin to ehsvogo aahiu i v n wititou. soil oe. N. It Fasawngtrs fro'U i'.r-Uud and WillametU) V lev poi ilsrasn m' close oonoo it m with to4 trius of the Yaqeina route at At mm) u ' jrvaliis. and if des tined Ui -11 KrAifj.-. should ariattgeto Arrive at Y tquiu ttte evuiu tef -rv oate of sailing. Aaeaer mmA r. eight aaaas slwaya im liwrii "forloformaiion apply to C J Stuart, Freight and TT-kat Afei.t. Aiban,, o lo C 11 a.aarril, Jr. O. T. V. Airt,, Oreaon le.e ..pmei.i C . ' 4 MonlKoniary f ' Ban Kiadc aeo, Cal. fj MO.i A. U. F. an.l P. Acant Orn:i Pa.1-? R KOo. Oorvaltia, Or DR. 4.1. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Strt. ALBANY- - OREGON. Andrews & il icki m in, W.LDOUGLASl SOLE AGKNT8, LEBANON - OREGON "Jim Wcstfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OREBOH PHIFH CO JTEACT J I, for this section. Laborers fnrniahed on dbort notice To y.ny pariose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, New WashgUoune. Is? Chiuamoi, who lived 10 thin town foi in. 11, y yoar a i.l vv i so well liksd by every hotly lias returned tndwi.i opii up a nv wash houne the Jir-t of Srip'emher. one door south of tbo Uner House. Leo dixsfvood work and w.ntx everybody to k-t Qtheir washing done by biui. Nw Wash Hiiuse U. Jo ChuiOooni has houuh S thi wash hoi has Mr do ol 1 . l--f nr Fchmeer'n tttvllj and iovmI it to F1r.1t Scieot, 3 i'ooi's weet of Murra'a Mol Lero he is prepare ! to ,ork m farst-olssf. )mmS $3.00 Amg SHOE Hpi n Taw aa . t amaaan C. J. DILLON & CO., Ill vl.KK?. IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Crossing and Sawinp: Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc, MANUFACITKK ALL KINDS OF FU UN ITU UK. Special advance to purchasersiof J rustic flooring, Factory at loot of St r eel . Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will knoti cunNtHutlv on hand lat. mutton, pork, vosl, mii.m, ett the Inmt meats MM largest variety in the city. lath paid fur all klnda,of fat slock. aw Tho T!UYER8'OUrDIla .Pav lMued March and Sept., iT WOAoh year. It ia an ency- olopedla or uaeful Infor. mat ion for all who pur. HbMbf ohaae the luxurloa or the neoeasiUoa of life. Wo cn ciotho tou and furnish you with iUl the neoeaaary and unneoeasary appliances to ride, walk, danoe. sleep, at. flah. hunt. work, co to church. or atay at home, and in various aisee, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do ail these thine COHPORTIBLT. and you atn make fair oatimsto of tho value of the DUVKBB GUIOB, which will be aent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. lll-m Michigan Avenuo, Chicago, m. PATENTS blttsc l, and all otlirr tmslnaab ia tha V. S. Mm n. . attrtiJMlwt U l r wnUrsla lr. Our ufflca U oprnwit tha V.H. laUat Offica. aiui wsaaa obuio IhttanU Wa unie tSMi thuao ratuota BkMlia or r aaaaai . Wa at 1.. pairnt slulu y trw f vbra ; aid wamska u chsrg sukws ssaetsla patont. W rafar hr, t tUa ratmasur, tha Supi. ot Mosay Oniar IHv. ait to oiflciAia of tha V. & Fauui vaiv. t r tin ular, a.lK, lern a, ami o actual clu-iiU lu your own Dtsta or county, sUUi Ce .4. SNOW fcCOe, Oo l"a,ein imica, n v - VM MAY. a. sKNoxaa MAY iv SEKDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnanaise. HARRiSBURC - - - OREGON Will bay tirain, Wool and all kind; ridjtuc HAT AILS YOU? Do yell fWI dull, languid, low-snirttod, llfe laa. and indtirribably misimtiie, both physi cally ana mentally: rp ri.n.-w a stnao or fullness or bloating after cmting, or of "gone ness," or emptiness of stomach in tbo morn ing-, conarue i-oaxeo. Dittcr or oaa utste in mouth, irrvfruliir sppetite. dizziness, frvjucnt heeds oh IP. blurred eyesight, " floating epecka" before the eyea, nervous prostration or ex- naustion. irntaroiity or tewjx-r. not Uiianeg, aJN-rnating with chiilr setuiatlons, iarp, biting, transl-nt pains liero sod tb-re, cold Cast, drowsiness after m nia, wakefulness, or ojsturneo ana unrerresiiina; sk-ep, constant, lndescn liable feoUng of dread, or of lm pend ing calamity? If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies Bilious OyspeiHsia, or Torpid lJvor.aaaoclau.-d with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Tbo more complicated your disease baa become, tbo greater tho number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stage It has reached, nr. IMerce's Golden .Yfedleal Ilm oery will aubduo It, if taken according to direc tions for reasonable length of time. If not cured, eomplli.ations multiply snd Consump tion of the Lunira. Skin Iilseascs, Heart DfiS ltbeutnatism, Kllney Jisea-, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner or later. Induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dls eovcry acts powerfully upon tho Liver, and through that great blood - purifying organ, cieanaea tho nystctu of all blrxl-talnta and itn purltiea. from whatever cause arising. It la equally efficacious In acting upon tbo Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As sn appciumir, restorative tonin. It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both llesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful m-dicido has gained great lebrit v in curing Fever and Ague. Chills and 1'evor, Iiiimb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Goldcu Medical Dis covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Kalt-rhr-um. " Fever-sores," Bcaly or llrjugh Skin. In short, ail dlsnasra caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi cine. Great Fating Ulcers rapidly heal under Its bemgn influence. Especially has it mani fested its potency In curing Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils. Carbuucles, Sore Eyes, Scrof ulous. Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease. -White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick Neck! and Kniargcd Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored 1 lutes, on Skin Diseases, or tho same amount lor a Treatise ou Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse- it by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will bo established. CONSUMPTION, which Is ftcrofula or the Longs, is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of tbo disease. From its mar velous power over this terribly fatal disease, when flrst offering this now world-famed rem edy to tho public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his " CowstJM ptiok Ceng," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequalod, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Diseases of tbo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, agtetna. Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. It is an efficient remedy. - i'l Iruggtsts, at $1.00, or Big Bottles for i6.0O. $w Send ten cents in stamp for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association. COS Idain St., BUFFALO, If. Y. Koto for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or, ) Sept. 21st, 1888. Notict is hereby pvi that the follovting named skitter im filed notice of his intention to make proof m support of his claim, and that said proof will l made before the Coun ty Judge or in his absence then the County Ob rk of Linn county. Orejron, at Albany. Oregon, on Tftesday, sTsveasbef Utii, loss, viz: James 11. Orabtree, Homestead Entry No. 4871. forth H'A of 8 W, N W of S E snd S K of N W t tec. 2o, Tp. 10 8 R 2 W. He names tht following, witnesses to prove his oonttouotfs ronidence upon, snd cultiva tion of, raid land, via : Otto 8erfl'ng, A. 8ummt rw, John ii Smiih and John Holt, all of S,-io 1'. () , Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Buhnky, Keyistt r. Portrait Fhotograjpher. stibiio eorner Second aud Ferry Streeia noripHri Hon. Ground flor. Children '1 pictures a upecialty, FOR MAN AND DE-AST. r.v, ? i 1 J a i j? iit 0 -l X f a cj . X m o s 90 r m cn cr o c fa H C 3 a 3 m 9 i a S m P m 30 o a i K B I 3 5 (A d I er- 'a: New and Second Hand Store Owing to I ne Inoreaved demauda of our bualnena we have leen compelled to move Into a larger ato-e and we can now be found nixt doiir to M, K. Young, whar we will be plaaaed to see our patrona. ir you need anv atorea. f irulture. tinware, ejfoogfty, i'ok', ctrpeia, plcttirot. fruit lam, licnka, hvka. r tllor skatei. aaddlea, eawa, planeti, et and a thousand dlf ferent m l iiw a ttcla v 'i otu n H do bettot ! ! I "f "' 'r t si i thn you nut dr. alth ut on a purohaaeor exchauge L. GOTTLIEB LM First Street, Albany, Or. Referee's Sale. Slate ol Oregon, ) Linn count v. J . NOTICE ia hereby given that by vlttue of a decree of partitlou and order of sale entered In the Circuit Court of tbo Mate of Oregon for Multnomah county on the 15th day of June HS7,anri en ameuuatory decree thereto entered in said Court on the 20th dav of September, 1887, In the lartltion suit of Amanda Fiinii, et al va. J. It. Hmith, et al, wbereby it was erdored that tne .ollowing real tlat, to wit : Be ginning at a point eieyen chelae and nix liana norm ana seven mains ar t eigm v linka wsat of the southwMtl eornwi if (sec tion nineteen In Township twelve south of range 4, west, Willamette meridian, ami running tbooce cast fifty-Might chains and sixtyfour Hake; ibsmv ooith ten chains; t hence east eight cbauaand fifty links; theooa Mouth ten chains tbenoe south two dewreee and thirty mlaute wet tweuty two chains aud slaty links ; thence south eighteen degree and thirty minutes twenty cbalna and ninety ef x nncs ; lien.-e wet slxtv-alx chains ami fignty veu links; thenre north five degteea and thirty mlnotw,eat twenty cbalna and nine link ; tbenns north ten dsgreee and thiM v mlnatae. v, emt. eleven ehaln and oe'itv links and ihetie noith twenty six degrtes weal twelve ehaioa and thirty liukn to tho plaee of be. inning, c-f.ntaiii ln two Iniiuired snd event .three actss, situated In l.lnn county, Oregon, snd b- ing a part of Sect Ions mnoteeti, twenty, t t my n!m and thirty In asiu lownship, in coitnnclittti with lbs other res) r.jem botona-ing to tbelat of John suitth. de eeaed, be sold at public sucthm secird luir t- law to ibe biwht bidder. Pt , therefore, by villus of said dee res and wiiitindii.eiii tbirefo. I, tbe under signed wtto duly ap."lnu-d ov said C ur:. as n-froo teil sld real properly ii: on u-.' Ifar Kill day mt twessfarr. I. at taM C- tirt House door of Linn county, Orego-In the city of Albany, at 10 o'clock a. in. of .aid day, sell lb ab-ive fully do N Tiiied r-rti at public iaetioa tatlaf holiest bidder. C. II. RAKriSTT, Keferee. Notica for Publication. Laud Mil.- at Oregon I by. Or. I ?ept. 2lt, 1HH8 Notice ia hereby given that the following nnmed settler has died uottee of bis In tentioi. to make fiaal proof in support of bis claim, snd that said proof will 1 made bbite the Count; 'udgti or in his absence then tbe County Clerk, of Linn county, Oreeon, si A llany, Oregon, on 'rldsy. SvesMbr etlt. ISXa, viz; John If, Stewart, Homestead Fnlry, No. bb&i for lb M of M of Sec. 18, 1 p 10 H K 1 K Ho namea ibe following lt nesaea to prove Lis continuous residence upor, at d cultivation of. Vd lato. via : Kranh Harris. Spruce 'latl, It Hall and Tho. Large, all of Hcln. Linn county, Or. W T. Buhhky, KegiMer. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., September, 22nd, 1888. N.dice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to mske final proof in support of bis elstui, and that said proof will be made Ikdnre the County Jodge ur in his absence the County Cleik of Li mi county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on Wedaesslay, Msvrmbrr 1 lib, 1HSK. viz : Cal via C. Cooper, Homestead Entry No. 467U, for the N of the N K j of lots 1 and 2 of Sec. 28, Tp. 1.1, h U 1 E. He oamei the following wttnesaes to proye bis cootiPiinus restdencM apon, snd cultivation J, said land, viz : Gee. H. Miller, Gee. vV. I'lckena. Thomsi WesMJa iud I'm. I M g . lis, ail of 8sei Ilorr,e,LMin count v, Of, W. T. Bi;aaV, H- giNter. corrs OF ?URE COR LIVER OIL A2 HYPOPHOSPHXTES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Oe diagwlsed that it can be taken, dSgewred, and assimilated by the meat sensitive stomach, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated and by the com bination of tbe oil with the nypuphos. pitltes Is mnch more emcaefovs. Beaurkatts aa a flesh profiteer. Pcrscas gala rapidly wkiie taking it, SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and care of CONSUMPTION, SOROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for (Jonsumptian, and Waatiwj in Children. Sold by all Druggists. Revere House: ALBANY, - - - OREGON CMS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted ud in first -class style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, MTtrvi fusion t so. 4 fr.tat the II ! rs ui.. SON (The democrat. OJfQUNTY V FPIOHL Bjantt MlPEE. How Urcelved. San FitANtiaco, Nev. 3. The Steane City of Sidney, which arrived from China and Japan last nigh', was the flrst vessel to leave Hong Kong after new ot the passive of the exclusion act had reached there, 1 he news caused considerable consternation there, and out of i to Chinese who had pre vlously engaged passage on the steamci for San Francisco only five of them sailed. The steamship company cancted the tickets of all Chinese except those who guaranteed that their return passage would be paid In case they were refused landing in t'.ic I'nlt ed Slates. Terrible Arrldsat. K i i.lin.., Fa., Nov. a. An accident, re tiiltlng in the killhu: of five persons ami initirltig many others, took place this fore noon on the farm of Jonas Npayd. In this county, where the boiler of a steam threMh- tng machine In operation rxnloilert and kill led Irvln Duntelherger.VVin, Rever, Jot. H, Mai -Inner and Im Marberger, boos, nml oa. Spavd. The bodies of all five were uried fatm thirty to fifty feet and were terribly mutiiuled. The boJy of Machmer was hurled clear through the weather boarding of a barn, The building was com plctely wrecked.nnd (he force of the expU sion van felt many miles away, Veasels All Ktght. San Francimco, Nov. j. The steam whaler Thrasher arrived from the Artlc this afternoon and brought information that the thirteen whalcra with their crews of about 500 men which were caught In an Ice pack the lat of September are safe. A Strike. Loa ANOK1.KK, Nov. j. The strike o brakemen and SMitchmen on the Calalor rda Central and California Southern roads, which commenced still on,and no Iretglit la now being moved. The cause Is the alleged promotion of members of the Conductor s Association in preference to mc. iibna of the Hrakemen's I'nlon. A Losdoa KM. Lommiv, Nov. i A itt iniiirtrd ut Middletnn, Lnnra.l Ire. last evening, from an attempt to rescue a prisoner. '1 he pol ice took refuge In a shop. I he crowd be sieged the place aud threw stones. Sever al persons were Injured, One civilian Is dy ing. A Little CI W AHiiiNOTo.N, Nov.a.The navy depart ment this morning received information that the cruiaer Boston hs arrived at Kiog ston, Jamaica,and ordered he commander to proceed to Fort au Prince to protect American Interests In Havti. A Cyrloas. L FokTg, Iowa, Nov. 1. A cyclone struck this place at 9 o'clock to night, com iriL' from the northwest, in ion hall was. demolished, and a large number of houses were unroofed and blown down, a section of building being carried many blocks awav. Great Ins has been occasioned to merch ants. The residence of Sanders Walker wa blown to atoms and children roiled about the ground. The mother was aaa iousiv hurt. No other Injures are reported. T he fos on property Is $75,000. Report of damages are coming from all section of t he country. Capl h kt Agala, Fall Kivkr, Mass., Nov. 1. James If. Kddy, of llorscnock, K. I., has unnearthed 2500 Spanish doubloons in his ba.k yard, and i-aicuiate there are toovoot. more,on hi farm. HI father was once lieutenant gov crnor of Rhode Island. One uf his ances tors, who sailed with Captain Kidd, return cd tu hi Horseneck farm and aowed it w'.th doubloona. Among hi pa pet as a cltart locating hla buried wcaltn Twrnty-aftk Aaaiversasy- Atiikxs, No '. I.- The festivities yes terday in honor of the twenty-fifth anniver sary of King George's accession to the throne were on a grand scole. The king headed a graud ptocession to the cathedral where a 1e Deum was sung. Returning to the palace he addressed the people. Yen ii, the I'nited States minister presented a telegram of congratulation from Presi dent Cleveland. I u.l Wolves. iIklrna, Mont., Nov. 1. Wolves are playing havoc with sheep and colt in North ern'and Eastern Montana. Chateau county is the greatest sufTerer. It might possihlv stand off its own wolves.but with the a hole Northwest territorv across the line full ef them and constantly breeding them, It can make but little headway in their destruc tion. Fur a Beer. Santa, Bamhaia, Nov. An accident occured in the mountains about twenty tnl'e from here yesterday resulting in the death of Kdward Doty. George Owen and young Detv were out deer hunt ing. The morning was foggy and Owen mistaking Doty for a deer, fired, killing him instantly. Knowing In Dakota. Pkmmxa. Dak. Nov. s. It ha been snowing hard here all the evening. About three Indies of snow is on the grourd now and there is no sign of letting up. New t'hanael. San Franisco, Oct. 31. A local paper to-day prints the following: ship cap tain who arrived yesterday from Portland states that he found that a vessel entering Columbia river can get a clean channel nineteen feet in depth, to enter, Cape Dh appointmen'. three huts at llwaco bearing in line with No. 3 buoy astern. This is news as the United States hydrographic officer's latest charts only give the depth of ater at three to eight feet on these bearing, Beats Dynamite, New BRiiAiN.Conn., Oct. 31. -A patent has been taken out in this country and Furope for a new explosive, more power than dynamite. Itissaidto be perfectly safe against explosion by ordinary concus sion in open air or by lire. It ( named Extralite." ( old tseetlea, Walla, Oct. 31. Sheriff Bowles of this country returned Tuesday from La Grande, Or., where In- 'cured the arrest of Mi s. Mattie Elder and her sister, Mra, Agnes Holloway, and turned them over to the charge of the sheriff for safe keeping until a requestion con Id be had as they re fueled to accompany him without it. They were arrested under a charge of the murder of John Summerville of Seattle, about December y, 1887, Mrs. Eider being at that time the wife of John Summerville. This has an appearance, from ail that can be learned, of being one of the coldest blooded murders that ever ocsured in this territory. Sheriff Bowles had an inkling of this some weeks ago, and has followed the matter up until it loks as though the proper persons were secured. Bargains! Bxualns! ! Bargains! 1 1 Remember we are closing out our stock of boots and shoes and have yet some very desirable styles. Come and see for your selves and you will not regret it. Buownfll & Stanard. J. P, Wallace, Ph; bany, Or cian and Sargeoo, Al Horse for Salk.- -A good, gentle year old horse for Bale. Enquire of Brown ell & Stanard. Farmers, if you want the btst harness all hand made, goto E.L. Power, next to l. HAItUIMHlMUl Fred V.ltotman was here to fill his en gagrment as announced previously and handled his mi inert ( 1 ne taring to tnc en tire satisfaction of nil present. Next came M. V. Rork, of Michigan, and addressed the citizens upon the subject of prohibition, and who handled his sub' ject well arid also toid us how Inconsistent and fallacious '.he present protective tariff system was, and using facts and figure t illustrate with that made the most radh al protectionists admit that the manufacturer waiind Is protected at the expcnc of the poor working man and woman. Then came Hon. R. A. Miller, of lack- ton Co,, who Is the last one that has spok en here, but not the least In the estimation of all who were there, and this Includes a few republicans who smilingly admitted his position on tariff ae correct, judging from (he way they looked, and we can truthfully say that Mr, Miller is a man of ability, gentlemanly appearance and a nat ural orator, and we hcNprak foi hint u grcal future. J, H. White lectured here last night, sub ject, "Cure for Labor Strikes." ills lm- iiersonatious were very good and frequent I v brought the house down. Fern Hvde has bought the AHiertina Krelaeli hardware stock. County Recorder K. K. Davis was on our streets yesterday. David Cheery and R. V. Feters, of Ku- gene City, are on our streets, and we learn that the latter gentleman !ought ail the barley In the warehouse of t'pmeycr at Hrlggs. Mr. Mcllcath and family, recently from Misaouri, will soon move into the tat vacant house In town. Why Is it that more people go up into the mountains hunting elk during court week than any other time? (i'icaae an swer.) We learn than there will soon be anoth er dry goods store In town. Out tK.lnia.trr. IV llrnnef. matic a flying trip to Portland for goods. Hugh Bhcrrrll will run the hartlwae store for Perry Hyde. We hear that thrre arc a number of our citizens that very frequently kill Chinese pbeaaants. Now boys be careful. Some have already expressed themselves that they would report the first one that killed another pheasant on their farm, and the law is very plain, indeed, and no dlacre- tion left with the juttlce, therefore we ad vise you to desist. The Tangent school is progreasing uii der the able management of Minnie Mc Farland. Mr James Wheeler, of this place left on last nights train train for .southern Oregon Ut be gone all winter, aud if that country dor not suit, he will go on to California. Tramps are too numerous to mention here. They are very plentiful and are trou blesome to the citlsens of Tangent. The Tangent Brass Band boys are mak ing some excellent music, their instructor, Prof Sibbits is a thorough musician. Mis Allle Beard started on yesterday morning train to Iowa to and slay with her grand-mother this winter. Mr tenks new residence will be com pleted In about two weeks. Firmer, in this section arc rushing their fall work. Home of our fellow townsmen are attend ing Court thla week In Albany. We are informed that Mr Mills from near Lebanon ha taken up hi abode with us. CItCITT COU HT 341. J F Rsckaoato vs I F Cooo; ouatio ad. 343 t ..,!., Mill Co aet C J Dtlloo. For (oltdln.ri.t of contract snd damage. t tinutd. 2W John W (irary vs hsncy J Hippy sod .tlsrths A Porter. Ieo-i t sews. 210, J P School lag va T S T bom son Gontioned. Adjourned at 4 p. m. Mratbrr. Summary of Meteorology for Oct., I&8, from observations taken at Albany, Una Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.voi. observer for the Signal Svryiee, U s. Army. Highest Urometer on the 2 1 at, 30 21. lowest barometer on tbe 6th, 29.55. Mean barometer for tho month. 29.8ti. Highest daily sversgeof lar. 30.21. Iiwest daily average of bar. 20 50. 11 ik-heat temperature on the 5th. 84. IO west tempersture on the )&th, 34, Mean for the month 54 87- Hiitkeat dailv ramie of tt.. r. on the 6, lowest daily range of titer. oulhs23l, 5 Mean temperature at 7 a. m. dsily 4309. Mean temperature at 2 p. tu daily 63. Mean temperature at 9 p. at. dsily 53. Prevailing directioo of wind, S aad N. Maximum velocity force, 4. Total rainfall or melted enow, 3 26 iacboa. Ib-pth of a now at cod of month, 0. Number of daya 00 which .01 inch or more rain fell, 12. Number of days of cloudiness average 8 scale of 10. 19. Of 13 observations 25 were clear, 30 cloudy, 5 fair, 6 foggy, 6 rain, 3 haay, 17 overcast, 1 miaty. Frost oa ths moriiags of 4. 5, 1 , 20 and 30. Temperature, f3 73oa average of 10 year. Rainfall 0 12 on average of 10 years. Sunburn, tan roughness of tbe akin and pimples are promptly relieved aad cured by applying Dutard's Specific It la a never falling remedy for Salt Rheum, Tetter and all akin disease. Sold by Fo shay dt Mason. Sslem. Or., April 10th. I have just been cured ef quite a severe attack ot Cat rt ah cf the Bladder and Stristure of the Urrtha mainly by tbe use ef a couple of boxsa of the Oregon Kidney Tea, ami can therefore reoom mend tbe tea as a valuable remedy for diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Organs. Lno Willis, Sold by Foshay fe Mason, Plenty of rsio. F. M. Fiench keep railroad time. Why will you go about with that listless air ami pale face ? Have you no life, no ambition ? You eem lo caro nothing foi' what transpires around you. Tbe beauties of nature do not interest you, and you feel tha life i a burden. If you would have the vigor and elasticity of youth return, enjoy a good hearty meal, and feel like an altogether differet.t person, then take Dr, Henley' Dandelion Tonic. Itoertainly produces remarkable result. Sold by Fosbay A Mason, letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining In the Post Office, Albany, Linn .county, Oregon, Nov. 1st, 1SSS, Persons calling for these letter must give tha date on which they ware advertised : Brown, Lorren C A Waiting One Fabl, Leans Gilbert, W B 2 Morris, Julia Lambert, C U Park, Jame C Procherter, William F Working, P W hartlett, Mrs Harriett Charles, J B Preiser, D lloven, Apice Horati, B W lander, D E Uumsell, Mias Lillian Keeny, 8 T Woods, Charles It. THOMPSON, P. It, FOB PILES. Itching- Pile 1 are known by moisture like y japir ioit. producing a very disagreeable itching after ing warm. This form ss well ss Blind, bleeding and Srotrudiur Piles, yield at once to the applloatiun of r. Bosanko's Pile remedy, wnich acts directly upon the parts affected, abaorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching and effecting a jrnauept cure. 60 cents. Address The Dr Bosanko M4icine Co , Piqu O. hold by Dr, Guias and Son. Bicycle ior'Sale A No. 1, second-hand 43 inch all Bear ing Columbia in good repair for sole at a bar gain. Euqutre of HOME AND ABROAD. iirniAV, A'huii II o has been elseted K." Company at Corvaili. Km ma Abbott won Id come to Captain of A lbs ny for $1000. Outss we'll have to pass. s.J.-m is agitating a street railway, Al the batty has alrosdy had its agitation on subject. Mr Heed, the painter, fell from a resffold yosttiniay breaking a itone at one of his wrists. ? There was not a siogls loss by firs in Portland during the month of OotoWr. Nor in Albany. An exchange say it has boon liocovared that thtre art- no bald hsdd trsmi p, They are not at home enough for that. Mrs L Flinn and con Stephen, arrived homo this morning from California, We re gret learning that Htephtm is mtii.h worse. Prof Iloork delivered an address on tirohi bition last night at th W C T U Hall to a fair audience. Tho Pi of. hits tho nail on the head on ths tariff question occasionally. Rev J It N Bell, It U Commis.toner's Sec re tar), editor of ths Hosebnrg Itevlrw, and C II Monroe take charge of the lictntdo-ta I Hotel at Salem to-day, Thny will make thing hum. There srs 23H, lob final entries of lend pending in the land office at Washington. Ae the otlice aa diaposeof only 7t,uu() p.-r annum, tt is not strange that it take live yeais to secure a pafent to land. I KIHAV, The Evangelist will begin business in Portland ahoul I Joe. 1st'. Fred Blumbarg returned last night from bis trip to Michigan, it was a flying our. About I.OOO.000 buahels of whsst were ehtpped from. Portland during October. Hobo, that ia the nam. It mesne a tin hoi a gerubler, tramp or something bad. Mr 1'oy Baiter, of Corvsllis has a gold mining machine, in which tt is claimed, there sre million. Mr Presley Denny am! wif. of Salt Lake City, are in the city oa a visit, the goeat -f Mr Decoy' iter, Mrs W H tioltrs. Hoa ft A Irvine returned last nigh from Helix, K O, where people sre hsppv over ths possession of lots of wheat and good prices. We can hardly realix bow they can be filaying base ball in Etrn Oregon sftsr nosing at oar street ; bat then tbst is a differeot country. ('has Kiefer baa joat received a letter so nouaciog the death of his brother at Phil delphia, just a month slur the deoesse of hu father. Frank Arsbsrger snd wife arrived in Al bany yesterday from San Francisco, and the groom may now lis feend hold of the l.attoo at tb Postal Telegraph otHee. Hoo W II Bilyea. of Albany, and demo cratic presidential clwtur, tuAde a very able apeech in this plaer, Tuesday at S o'clock r. M. He was greeted by a good siotd aodieoos. Ash'aod Hrronl. a a as a . t 0 a. asai . s Mr ."M-ans, 01 .-oifip iresn, na tieeo in Sslem seeking tbe contract for boltding the atreet railway there." How would it do to set Mr Searle to work on tbe Albany hoe Ths Democrat has received an anonymous communication hom Uraiu on the Ancient Kotnane, modernised sod aatinxed aad sev eral other ires. It is no doubt good ; bat w don't kr.ow who wrote it. . . area a a - m "fir aei.a ua a sample copy of your pui-r ts a greeting we recciva by nearly every toad. N'idM itbatandinM it is like giving away a yard 1 f calico alwaj end. The merchants will send sample af bis good but dosen t do it ny the yard Oaly aboul a month t- th city election. alaolo tbo firemen's elect 100. Numerous csudidstes are mentioned, hut there will be plenty of time for agitation after the prereet big election Mover ami matter have cooled down. Rev II V Romtnger will lectors to-night in Esst Portland, on "Abaeks the Wonder land of the North." It will be remembered that Rev Romioger has paid tbst country a too leaving A!iaoy and heoce is past ed. Dr Mmthori.. of Salem, has been appoint ml by toe Superintendent of Indian affairs to go to Warm Springs re--rvatioo and take charge of the allotment of la-id to the In dian. This reesrvation baa recently beeo surveyed, ami there is to be a certain amount of land allotted to heada of fatuities. Fred D.vidson returned from Alaska on the "Idaho" yesterdsy. The Aatoris boy seem to have s monopoly of that portion of Uncle Sam's farm, aud it wotld not be aur prtaiog if when scientists succeed io discov ering the north pole there woald be aa en terprising Astorian there with a cannery waiting for them. - Pioneer. iltsce & Thompson's. Another paper is to be started at Newport. It is as easy ftf two to starve aa one. Kvea politic have Iteeu dropped to-day to dtscoa the daring attempt at bank rob bery at Iebaoon. All the latest novelties in millinery good at E aad C Howard'. Call and see them. No trouble to shew goods. A big vote from reilroad then can general ly be counted on aa a bogaboo. That wa well illustrated in the eleotien on the prohibition amendment. CotoFM French' f r your spec tack:, aud havo yoar oyes tested by ooe of the finest optimeters manufactured Each eye fitted separately. Five hundred and twenty person ore con tlned in ths insans aaylum at Salem and more are arriving by nearly every train. What's tbe matter anyway. Oar citizeoa should put up boxes no their front gstes .or their daily papere. It woald he a great convenience, both for the carriers and patrons of the papet. Partios dreiring to eater W W Crawford's dasciug class should notify Mr Crawford. If necessary arransimeuts can be made the class will be opened in a short time. Mr Percy Kelley, who has been Capt. General of one nf the taeas houses on the 0 P hss returned home on account of a difference of opinion with one of the time-keepers. C A Chessman hss sold his frm at Helix and ia ready tn start for the K illsmetto Valley to look 11 p a new hon e. He made $1,200 this year on fifty acres. Pendletou 7'n'ot.m!. The "Golden Rule" ii to lie the name of Mr Grad wold's store, and he wants everybody to call and examine his large stock of goods and soe if the name ia not an appropriate ooe. A ocw invoice of Premium Savon aoao has just hven received t F. L. Kenton's di rect from the f ictory in Sun Francisoo. This is a special brand put up for Mr. Kenton, and he warrants it to givo satisfaction. H A Adams, of Myrtle Creek, an exten sive prune grower, has dried aud packet) ready tor market 20,000 pounds of prunes from about eight acres of prunes this season. At 8 cents a pound, whioh he expeots to get, his prune orchard will yield him $1600, or $200 per acte. Plaindexiler . State Senator R. A. Irvine, of Linn coun ty, was in town last evening. He has been visiting his son, Doo Irvine, of Helix, and left on the west bound train for home. He thinks tho Republican majority in Oregon wilt not be over half what it was iu June. Pendleton E. O. Julias Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, faaoy goods and silver ware, of which he carries a Urge and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is tho best in the market and his lice of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. Whoa Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she "lung to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria. HA ItltAY, , I m BWBfa. rat uue i-iwa enesiauis tun i uu w 1 Wi for Infanf and ChHdrert "Caatoria m so well adapted to children that I laterta eerss Colic, CoaaUpatJvn, I rcommsDd it as superior to any pr. npUon I w SvJSfTSS sdMotas di aowa tome." H. A. AacBsa, M. D., I i toep pronaotae ai Ul So, Oxford Ut, Brooklyn, K. Y, Witbou ixijtoious modiceUos. The Curraca Coerrajrr, 77 Murray Ktreet, V. Y. Executor's Sale of Real Estate, 1kTOTICK Is hereby given that tbo tin 1 ceratgned, the duly annotated and acting Executor of tbe last will and testa ment of Mary Jane Costal lo, deceased, by vlrtao of an order of tbe County Coait for Linn county, State of Ori-goo. in probate dnly made on the 6tb day 01 1 ber, 1848, and entered of record, will on the lilts day ef ksvember. is .. at tbo boar of one o'clock In the .fternoon of oala day at tbe Court 11 o tow: itoavlB tbe oily of Albany, Lion county, Oreaoa, sell a public auction to tlie bight bidder all the right title and Interest of Mary Jane Costsi 10, deceased, at tbe time ut ber death, iu and to the following described rest estate belonging to said estate, to wit ; Tbe Hi Ei4 of the H K lA of Sec 2?i. -m taming 80 acres, also tbe H K J4 of Sao 20 containing MO acres; also tbo SK M of Sec 21, containing 100 acres; also tbe N F. :, of the M K 14 ot the s vv : , 1 See 20, con taining 40 acta ; also the beginning at a point 27 UOliok west aud io.87 links south of tie quarter so H bin stake between Sec tion 24 and 25, iu Tp 11. s it:, w,tn claim No tib; thence north 7Haeat 4U links; ibeuce Lortd 2V west 000 links ; tbsnco st,uia7H west 444 links; thence south H2HU oast 900 links to the place of begin nitig.ooutalnlng 4 ecreejsnd in ail 4i ami lying and being lu Township 14, S K Alo beginning at a point 25 cha east of the S W oorner ol 1 homes Shepard's do- nation land claim, ooi'ig claim IoI, ot o 21Ho, In Tp 14, S K 4 W ; tbenoe nortfc 40 cba ; tbenoe east 7Jw cha ; thence south 40 chs ; thence west 7.80 c-bsiusto tbe place of beginning, coutaiutng 2D.44 acres, all in Sec tf.rp 14. a R 4 W.Ltnn count, Oregon. Also beginning at a iioint o cbams nomb of the N E ooruer of claim No 41, Not No 21 &3, in Tp 14 H K 4 W ; r until g thence south 64 ens ; tbenco west 36.54 cba ihenoo north 40 chs ; thence west b. 15 chs; tbenoe north 13 88 cba ; tbenoe east 44 5 chains to toe place of beginning, contain mg 2oh acres, being parts of Section 4.T;. 14. S R 4 W,in Una county, Oregon, save and except 200 acres of! the wes end cf said tract willed to Martin CummiugH, Beginning at a point 0.20 chains north of tbe southeast corner of tbe northeast j of See 4, Tp 14, 8 B 4 W ; ihence north 2s.l0 cha to tlae northeast corner of Win. Chris tian donation land claim ; theni-o west 52.70 cba ; thence sou th 28 5i cha ; 1 ben 20 east 63 28 chains to the piece of beginning, containing 152.76 acres. Also beginning at tbe northeast corner ef Wot. CbasUiua de.nattoo land claim ; thence east 130 rods to the hue of Ckb Craty'r land claim ; thence sooth 61 1 rods ; thence west 130 rolk ; tbeuc north (il j rod to the place ef begtoittog, eontainiog So acres. A sao beginning at a stake 00 tbe south I too of the donation land claim ol Randall Yar- hroaufl !M S.I r-llKlua U rmt ,. I ha , ,,. 1 , in lh eagle of eaid claim, it bt-ipg claim 37 aad 1 Not 21b7,tb Tp 14, S R 4 W,iu Lino county, Oregon; ruaumg theuce nuith 17 -1 che to a loagij ; thence iu a aouth westerly direc tion up said alough, following the meaouets ' of the aame to the south linu of eaid claim ; thence N 81 30' E 18.50 cha to the plane of beginning, eontaiutog 18 acre. Beginning at a point hearing N 61 30' W 3.20 chain irom the S K corner of tie N K j of Seo 8, tn Tp 14. S R 4 W ; thence eat 100 rxxia ; thence sou to 40 chains ; thence west 100 rods; north 40 chains to the place of beginning, being parts of Secticns 8 and 9 in Tp 14 S R4 W, Lwin oouuty.Oregon, con taining 100 acre. lieiclunintr at a o.tint If) chain north ai .1 ; 33 chains east of tbe S W corner .of Claim oG4 inlpUS R3 linn county, Otcgon, thence runuing esat 8.31 chs ; ihence ooth 10 eh ; thence esst 2 82 chs ; thence oort i 81 esst 18.57 eh ; thence oorth 34 chs to th nvcr , thence south 54" west 13.00 chs meaodrriog tbe river ; thence S 73 W 3 aa thence south S 76 W 10 chs ; thenoe S 70 W 6 oh ; thence 8 hD" W 3 3? ch ; thence S 20 W 4.78 eb ; thence eaat 5.09 ch ; thence south 8.93 ch to the place of login uiug, conlaioiug 75 2-100 seres. Hegioaing 15 cha uorth ami 70 chs east of he I corner ia west buuodarv ol Sec 5. Tp 14 S R 4 W aud running, rcuth 2S '2S cha; theoce west 28.28 cha ; tbeoce oorth 28 28 ch ; tbenoe east 28.2S chs, to the plsoe of beginning, hOai-n-.i. Beginning 20.40 chs uorltt of a quarter section post in Sec 6, Tp 14, S R 4 W ; thencs south 31.45 chs; thtiu west 52 10 chs ; thence uorth 15.28 chs ; theooe uorth 15 28 chs ; thence 7 SO chs ; theucv uorth 1917 chs ; theuce eaat 44 60 chs to the place of beginning, containing Kit) acres. Beginning 60 rods north of the quarter stake iu the west line of See 5, Tp 14, S R 4 w j tbeoce east 280 rods ; theoce south 160 rods ; theuce west 280 roda ; theoce north 160 rods to tbe place of beginning, and be pinning at the southwest corner of a 5 acre lot of laud owned by Caleb tiiay io Sec 1, Tp 15, 8 R 5 w ; theooe west 80 rds ; theoce oorth 40 rods ; thence eaat 80 roda ; thence south 40 rods to tho ;Jace of beginning, con taining 300 acres. Together with the tenements and hered itaments tbeieunto belonging. The same to be sold in tracts to suit, or aaa wbolo. Terms of sale -One-half of the purchase price to be paid down and ono haif ou uine mouth time wi:h interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum, the deferred payment to be secured by mort gage on tho promise sold. This 6ib day of Oct, 1888. SaMHKL Nixon, E&ecutor of the last will and testa. ment of Mary Jane Costelio, deceased, (JRAND Excursion East ! VIA- NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from tho Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon and Washington Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AN D CHICAGO. Tickets to, saie. September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return tOiOctoller 81st. Join the O. A, R. special train oarryin Oregon and Washington Territory Department to the 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, G.A.R which meets in Columbus, September 12th, 1888. This rate is open for everybody, Not necessary to be a O, A, Vin order to get this cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist sleeping oars. For farther information cal! on or address A, D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass, Agt. N. P. R. K., No, 2 Washington felt., Portland, Or. lit an file In Philadelphia 1 tat the Nowsuatier Adver. 1 tisUa AiwncV of Messrs ill filUV ALBANY SAW AND PLAN iNC MILLS. AU kinds of rough, dr eased iindscas. iumber,lathr pickets kept constantly en land Bills sawed to order on uhortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON a WEST. t. O. FOWLI W. It. JtlLTaYU POWELL A B1L.YEU, aTTORNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. tl.RANY, ... UKkbOS. Collections promptly made on all point. (ans negotiated on reasonable terms, sjar Office in Foster's Brtck.-m rI4nl9tf. T. J. STITES. TTO UNEY AT LAW -AUD Notary Public. ALBANY, OEQON. J I. WHITNEY, ittorne; ind noiiiisellor At La? SdaND- io(arf Public. AlBAIH', OREGON. Will prac&se ta all of the Courts e .hlsBUte. All bjeiness intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. CATARRH COLD IN HEAD. Try tho Cure Ely's Cream Balm deaixaes the Nasal Pnaaoiroa Al t&y Inflammati.m. HoalstEe Sorea. Heetoroe the 8enea of Toato, Smell and Hearing. A part tele is esipMs 4 latassaeti aasnrfl masl Is snrrcrabte. PrleeoOc aU UrsasiMa r ky tamU. ELY BB0THSR8e WamnatKew York. AL3AKY CQLLEIHATE IHSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1888, 1889. llrst Terau tfprat aeateasttci Ilia, loaa. A tall corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY. COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coamoa of - ui iy arranged to meet tbr need of aU grades of students. Special inducements offered io students 'from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5,50 to $13.50. Board in private families at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding st small ezeense. A careful Htipervisiou exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September ?tb. For circulars and fall particulars add rev tbe President. rev, r-iasKT x. caxarr. Albany, Oregon o. o CHKKKT. C.K.PVREB8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKF.S, Sachuiiats. Millwrights, and Iror Pounders. w K are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Haw Mill Machinery, and all kinds ef Iron nd Brass Castings. PATTKKXS W I ME ON MiaaT KTfK. Special attention gives to repairing kinds of machinery. I CURE FITS! When I say Crnta I do not mean merely to stop them for a lime, and then havo them re turn again. I KAN A HAiUCAL CLKK. 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long- study. I warrant my remedy to Curb the worst cases. Because others have failed is noroasoofor not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise aad a Free Bottlf of my Infallible Remedy. Give Expreaa snd Post Office, it costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address . ROOT, Nl.C, 1 83 Pi ABU St, NewYock Linn flinty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO, '! Successors to Cowan & Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a fenaral banking business. DRAW SlQUl DRAFTS on New York, San Fran igcoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOfEY on approved aocuritj. RECEIVE deposiU subjso. to check. -CObLECriOSij antrusted to us will raceivejproruw satis. D, R. N,, BLACKBURN. Attorney at Law Office, OddJFellow's Temple, - - - OREGON. ntwnii i