w lite gemottat. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1888. ariTB3 A NUTTING. Millar Ml I'roprlrter. FMKO r. t TTIVtl, Laeal Editor. Rnterod at the Post OAoe at Albany, Or a aeoond-claas mail matter LOCAL RECORD. All Bk Happy. The following from an Astoria Ex. it a good railroad Item, and prove that some big company i backing the O. P. At the ame time that I an un certainty : "We do know that the Wil lamette Valley and Coast Railway Com pany have nine v mile of finished railway track elegantly stocked and In operation. We know further than thit,thatin the face of obstacles of the most trying and destruc tive nature they have continued right on the even tenor of their way, and saved to the farmers of the Willamette Valley thus fir nearly $10,000,000. Their capital stock 1 $3,900,000 only, but is fully paid up. They have a debt aggregating about $8, 000,000, something near what they have saved for their constituents, and as $6,600,- 000 of this is funded debt. Is it at all unrea sonable to suppose that if the Chicago and Northwestern is not, some equally as good financial corporation are backing them ? They have expended $387,000 in roadbed ; $'5550oln rolling stock ; $30,000 build ings, etc., and last year earned $139,923.57. They are now pushing the line on eastward from Albany, and that Is the line Astoria wishes to hang her destiny upon for an eastern connection, whether we go via Al bany, or connect at Mehama, via Salem. Keep it in view and we may all be happy yet Death ok Stephen Flinx. Stephen Klinn died last Monday at about 6 o'clock, of consumption, at the age of 20 years. His short career wo spent almost entirely in study, preparatory to an active business life, now cut off before the threshold was reached. Stephen graduated from our College in Albany in 1886 and immediate ly entered Princeton University, where, for two year, he applied himself with prob ably too much studiousness, being ambi tious to stand high in his classes. With Mr Charlton he came home to spend va cation, expecting to soon return in time to enter for his junior year ; but this was rendered impossible on account of his health. With his mother a trip was made through Southern Oregon and California but without benefit. Stephen was a mem ber of the U. P. Church, of this city, and was known for his purity and manliness of character and christian conduct, living a life unspotted, dying completely prepared for the hereafter. His parents and sisters have the sympathy of the entire commun ity in their great loss. Several Rows. A feud seems to have been existing between the Cole boys, four in number, and several neighbors, around Miller' Station,the particulars in reference to which are conflicting. On Friday two of the boys attacked Mr John Cox and gave him a severe beating while passing along the road towards home. Saturday the four boys pitched into Frank Rainej, who was at work on a building at Miller's.but rather came out second best with him, though they were too much for George Duncan ;and Mr Koop, who tried to prevent the fight, and bruised them up some. Tues day Bud and Clint Cole again attacked Mr Kainey at the polls in Syracuse precinct, when Clint Cole drew a revolver and shot at Rainev, and though close enough to powder his face some did not hit him. Just what the trouble is about is uncertian, va rious personal causes being assigned. Constable Cal. Burkhart went to Millers to arrest the Cole Bros. ; but they were not to be found. The Difference. A gentleman from Southern California, another from Eastern Oregon, and a resident of this place were in yesterday. Said the Eastern Oregon ian, "when I left home, the dust was ankle deep f aaid the Southern Californian : "what a tretnendousNunount of rain you have here ; just see how it comes down." "Yes," said tbe Astorian, "God is good to us hart ; it take rain 10 make a country or grow crops ; in your country, mar irri gates ; here, the Almighty does it for us and better than wc could do it for our selves." And all agreed that that wa so. Astorian. False Pretense. Wm. Peek, who was ent to the penitentiary from Multnomah county in September, 1887, for larceny from the store of Wm. Beck St Sons, and whose term was commuted by Gov. Pennoyer July 3i, 1888, was Tuesday arrested on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. It consisted in his represent ing to the father of F. S. Curran, who is in the penitentiary from Crook county, that he was en-bookkeeper of the penitentiary and for $180 could get his son pardoned, He received me money ana spent it on himself. Cows. An Albany gentleman who has had a large amount of damage done by certain cow getting into his yard, has ob tained permission to shoot and a genuine cow funeral may be looked for. Several others say they will do the same. About the strongest opposition to cows running at large is being made by the owners of the bovines themselves. From the Front. The number of hands quitting on the Oregon Pacific is said to be increasing, even some of the Italians putting in an appearance on our streets. By the way, there seems to be considerable feeling between Americans and these Italians One white man down from the fror.t said they would work in the worst weather imaginable. Big. The Democrat glories In items relating to the fertility of our soil. A sweet potato1 in one of W C Tweedale's windows affords an opportunity for us to "spread" ourselves. It was raised by Mr Ephraim Turner, in this city, and weighs six pounds. It is solid and is not a rutabago turnip. This is destined to be somewhat of a sweet potato country . In Albany. A more peaceable election never passed off in Albany than on Tues day, and yet the vote was the largest by one hundered.that number being cast more than in June, the vote being 942. While outsiders voted it is also a fact that about as many did for Congressman in June. The vote really shows that Albany at least is not retrograding. The Oldest. A Portland paper re cently spoke of a penny of 1798 as being the first one coined in the U S. Mr John Brush, of this city, who has a fine collec tion of old coins, has a penny of the date of 1797, which is probably the date of the old est one. Second Crop. Mrs Koder has left at the Democrat office a cluster of second growth orahapplea, just a soar aa if they hod bobbed V in July or August. When even crabap- trees will produce a second crop ud look for moat anytbmg in Oregon. T be next thing in jrder is a second growth Helix The examination of James Ban non, charged with an attempt to rob the Lebanon bank wa completed before Justice Humphrey about 10 o'clock Saturday night, resulting In thejustlce holding him to await the action of the grand jury under $1000 bonds, which have not yet been furnished. The evidence for the prosecu tion which tended to ahow the defendant connection with the caae waa testimony of three witnesses that they had een Bannon wearing a light vet found under the bank, of two witnesses that he had purchased some plaster of parts, some being found under the building, and others that a drill found wu like omc in the railroad outfit Bannon had charge of. Bannon swore that he was in Lebanon to get Malone St Co' railroad outfit down from the moun tains and ship north, but owing to a lack of fund received and the embarrassment of Malone & Co., he had been unable to do anything. He aaid he never wore a light vest in Lebanon and never bought any plaster of pari, which he had no use for, Cottello, of Malone V Co., arrived In Leb anon Tueadav and Wednesday thev made arranement and thlppsd the outfit In a car for Portland. Kannon declared that he had nothing to do with the attempted robbery and knew nothing about it. Two valUe belonging to him were opened in Court ; but contained nothing auspicious, though an old and much used Bible wa among the thing. Iti probable Bannon will have to remain In jail until March. His Course. The following from the Portland Welcome will ahow the courae the defendants in the Sif lings case are to pur sue : "Mr. McGulre Informs us that he is prepared to prove that the plaintiff Is, or rather was, at the time of making the charge, what his paper called him .1 'mac- que.' He says he has the 'dead medicine' on the plaintiff, who is merely a figure head pushed to the front by some prom inent citizen of Albany who have been journalistically stung In the past, and If it were not that lie is busy in East Portland regarding anew pump for the waterworks there, he would not have had the trial post poned." According to the above Mr Mc Guire admits that the Sitting 1 wa hi pa per, whereas while in Albany he claimed that he only owned stock In it. We have never heard a thing against the prosecut ing witness's character in Albany, and it is doubted if anything can be produced. Stooo Up. Monday night while passing along Washington Street south of the U. P. Church Mr A W Thompson was ap proached by a gentleman, who politely told him to throw up his hands, and then remarked "I guess, you'd better hand over your loose change." Mr Thompson re marked that he guessed he wouldn't.reach ed for his hip pocket, some one came in sight up the street and the man took to his heels. We understand that the Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank was requested to hand over his money near the same place a few days ago ; but refused to comply. A none of these fellow seem to go at their standing up in a very savage manner, it is anticipated that there will be no serious results. A little cold lead just as an example might do some good though, and the number of revolver being soldi an indication that there may be a first-class tramp funeral some day. A Curiosity Shop. The aquarium car which exhibited in the city Tuesday ha gone South. The co'lection of curiosities was a fine one, consisting of three alliga tors, many birds, monkeys, etc. The two dead mermaids are of course manufactured, though the fish part is fastened on in a way to deceive. The boa constrictor is fourteen feet long and the skeleton of the sea horse wa simply terrorizing. The vampires are fine specimens and the calli ope surpasses any of the Albany boy who try to imitate it. In fact was the best ever in Albany. The proprietors had a nice stentorian way of describing things and made their visitors at home. A unique exhibition all together. A Good Joke. Among the ballot found in the box of West Albany precinct waa a noteftigned by Ubbe Peter. Mr Petera bad paid it off, stuck it in hie pocket and marched directij for the poll and voted, putting the note in instead of a ticket for Cleveland a be had intended. In connection with the buai- s Mr Wm Vance bad waged 12.50 that Mr Petera voted for Harrison, and having been declared the loser paid the bet. The find ing of the note places the wager in a pa culiar position. Caps the Climax. In speaking of some second growth crab apples we jokingly re marked that the next thing in order would be some second growth pumpkins. Rev S. G. Irvine has handed us not a second growth, but a third growth squash vine, in blossom, with a small squash on it. This rather put in the back grouud all pre vious records. The Reason. Our contemporary ay R. R. Humphrey, of Waterloo, came out for Harrison with hi entire following 0 Some one informs us that the reason is that Ross has been promised the governor ship of Washington Territory, and that the tax shall be taken off sawmills. May Possibly. Hon. Col Van Cleve ha arrived from Yaquina City, and may possibly remain in Baker and take up his future home with us in the Denver of Oregon. Mr Van Cleve is an old news paper man from way back. We extend to him a hand of welcome. Baker City Blade. Lady's Blush. Mr. Nimrad Price has also left at the Democrat office a branch of apples, a little larger than any of their predecessor and ripe enough to eat. They are called the Lady's Blush apple ; but of course they do not blush quite as much as during the heated season. Runaway. Last Monday the team of F. M. Westfall became frightened at a steam saw ouifit and ran away, throwing Mr. Westfall out into the mud, tearing the wagon in two, leaving the hind parts in the street and not stopping until near Stewart St Sox's. Umbrella Thief. An umbrella be longing to an M. of G.was on Sunday stol en from the vestibule of one of the churches during ervlces. It is not com pletely safe to leave umbrellas without a lock and key in vestibules during the tramp season. Died. On Sunday, Nov. 4, near Al bany, the nineteen year old daughter of Mr. Clay Powell. We are not informed as to the nature of the disease. Died On Oct. 25th, 1888, at her home in Naniama, B. C, Agnes Ellen Dubruille, wife of II A Dubruille, son of Mrs C Du bruille, of this city. Wanted. We will pay 50 cents per roll for choice shipping butter. Thompson Sc Water H . Ewert, practical watchmaker and ; cw lei. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's. Special bargains. MASCTMNITDX. Man's chief wisdom coneiats In bel.;;( enaible of hi foil!. No man wat ever o much deceived by another a by himself. We never deceive for a good purpose; knavery adda malice lo falsehood. The personal pronoun "I" should be the coat of arms of some Individuals. He approaches nearest the gods who knowa how to keep ailent, even though In the right. A thrawd obaerver ha learned that old maid love to klaa and fondle cats because they have whlaker Where diligence open the door of under atandlng and impartiality keepa it opem truth ia sure to find an entrance, "Every woman want the earth!" ex clrlm an old bachelor cynic. Not If you bring It into the house on your boot A New Jersey couple were recently mar. rled after a courtship of J4 years. This looks like a case of divorce before mar riage. It's one out of a hundred who knows that "present" on the outside of a letter u a verb In the Imperative; mood, not an ad verb. 1 When a hat is wet with rain it should be dried with a ailk handkerchief, brushed with a soft bruah, and when it ia nearly dry with a harder bruah. HKVKUAL ACt lDKMTH, M C H Stewart has been confined to his home several davs from injuries received to one of his legs on account of Its coming in contact with a roll of barb wire. Laat Saturday while working at hi log ging camp on the Calipoola, Mr. Samuel A It house caught one of hi hand between a log and a wire, mashing It in a serious manner. He came to thlt city, and thi afternoon Dr. Wallace and Maston ampu tated the finger. You have heard of lame editor. Welt, that's the matter of the local editor of the Democrat to-day. The North Pole end I 1 1 ... of a big roller fell several feet on one of hi feet, causing a regtdai one-mile an hour Jimp. Rather Tough. Last Monday James Carney, a sailor who ha been at work on the O. P. was having a lively time with most of hi tails unfurled and a large load of corn juice on board.when he steered In to one of the worst port In the city, th one run bv Hale Uackensto and took on tome more cargo. Wnile in and around the Backcnsto place he became disorderly, got into a row, had hit coat torn off him, and lost two discharges from the U. S. Navy. One of the frosted windows wat run into and demolished. To a man up a tree it would look at if the disorder In tuch a case was a little general ; but Carney was the fellow arretted. It cost him just $9 betide hit coat and paper. Then in order to get even with him for breaking his window, l.arney refuting to pay tor it, Mr Isackensto had him arrested for the mali cious destruction of nrooertv. If theie wat w w j any malice it would look at if most of it were In the saloon-keeper. Not content with selling liquor that make man disor derly it looks pretty tough for the saloon keeper to follow him up because he be come disorderly and injures hit property a little in a row that was to a certain ex tent general. Carney who had been in duced to go up into the Recorder s office, while the warrant wat being made out for him made an excuse to go Into the hall, and left for part unknown, getting lea justice. A Bio Debate. We have been leqoested to publish tbe following 1 "There wdl be a pablie oral ditcntaion in Silverton, Marion county, Oregon, between Clark Biadn, of Ottawa, Kansas, and B. F. Underwood, of Chicago, III". The debato will begio Wed nesday, Nov. 21at, 1888, and continue eight day. There will be two sessions of two boors each, each day Mr Bradtn will represent the believers of tbe Bible, Mr. Underwood will represent the skeptict . The issues discussed will embrace all tbe leading issue between tbe teachings of tbe Bible and Sk ty-sigh tives teaching of tb Bible. Mr Underwood has had as much experience in debating, and ia regarded by all as one of the ablest living defender of Skepticism. Tbe debate will be -- SL a a. . t .. f . A a vaiaaois coarse 01 teaching in regard 10 tbe most impoi tent theme of human thought. Silverton ia on tbe Orsgonisn Narrow Uaupe Railroad. Persona comma on the Oregon St California Railroad can change oars at Wood- burn, or atop off at Salem, and take the Ss- em and Silverton stage line, re r sons west the Willamette can tax the narrow Gauge to Dundee and change for Silyertoo or the O. St C. to Portland and take Oregon ian R R or tbe Oregon Pacific to Albany and then take tbe O & C to Salem or Wood born. While working near a kitchen stove on Monday, Maggie Brace, of Lebanon, had her clotbe catch on tire, resulting in her being aeverely burned before they were extin guished by the tnembera of the family. The injuries may prove fatal. Rev Braum and family left lost night for Stockton, Cal, whsre he has a good position offered him. The contract for keeping the county poor was let to John J Davis at 2 75 tint year and preference f 2 .50 second year. For hand mads harness go to E. E Power, e Soecial bargains in flooring and ruatto C. J. Dillon Sc Co's. Foot Lyon Street. Surveyi.-sO. Mr. E. T. T. Fisher is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at tea- 0 r w tonabie rates. He hat complete copies of held notes and township plats in the coun- Adress Millers Station, Linn county 3000 Pounds. Wallace & Thompson have just received a fine lot of bacons, hams and lard, the best in the market. Buy them, quick. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trauble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word malaria was comparatively unknown to-day it is as common as any word In the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefather in times past. Bo it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and s 11 are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing its functions rinding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel U com pelled to pass It off through the system, causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower, Its cures are marvelous. TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, - . . 1 i n . 1 rarniranwiiTMMBromiiii mw 1 1 1 dttenoers of toe NiO l.rttn Mrs. William Ralston and son Josle have just received Interesting tetter from Mitt Llxale McNeil. We have been granted the privilege of publishing the following parta: Cape Palm an, Sept. uth, 1888. I am In good health, both feel and look more natural than at anv time since mv arrival. Think I am quite acclimated for can get very tired or take a good wetting without having fever afterward. Have not had a chill since January. The dear Lord is so good to me and smooth out all the dilficultie In my path. It I a tweet service nnd a most enjoyable life. Our eaon are just the opposite of your and this Is the gardening time so we are very busy plant ing. They do plant almot any time of year, but thl i the best time. Last year nearly all the crop of both the civilized and native people were failures to it ha been very hard time with all. But we hope It wilt be better oon. The mail learner from home came to-day and brought me twenty leltere. Have been all the f arcnoott reading them and a delight ful morning It ha been. I have ten boy and girl living with me. They call me teacher too. It la all the name they know for me and they aay you must not want me to come home for ou have plenty of teacher and they have lit one. Two of my boy have been to school before and know English quite well while aeveral of the other arr getting ready for Second Reader and can count and print nicely. We do not walk to school a you do but have a canoe ride of a ml!e every morning and afternoon. I like It very much and am tureyou would though every one ha to alt very sill! Where we cross the river I near the'Ocean and often the wave roll quite high and the canoe rocks until we nearly Up over, but never have quite. About a month ago a friend sent me a monkey for a pet. He 1 a real cunning fellow, but get cros with the boy, thev tease him to much. We call him Dick. This I the African spring time and everyone Ubusy planting and making garden. It ha been cool since May but is getting warmer now and next month will be hot and Christmastime will be like June in Oregon. Uam Coaaty. A good vote wa polled in the county Tuesday, though it wa done In a qule and undemonstrative way. The following ... . ... are the ngure so tar as received up to the time of going to pre : Cleve- Harrl. Fiske land. on. ai4 all 18 .314 190 9 07 151 10 46 S . 70 103 3 -44 7S 4 i7 39 IS IH 4i 3 . 65 38 8 MS '38 7 . 39 aa .. 38 47 6 30 57 3 .19 38 - 33 . . 3 6 ..l8 31 ..63 6l 1634 1573 f .Syracuse. Mhcdd.... Sclo Franklin Butte. Browntvlile... Center Cra w ford vi tie Fox Valley. . Rock Creek. Brush Creek . Llbetty Sweet Home. Mabel. After a long silence I will jo: down a few item for you, there is, however not much to write. The logging Is progressing finely on the Mohawk and there will perhaps, be about 6,000,000 feet of logs in the stream to run down during the winter, pretty good tor a small ttrcam. There are some tlx more settlers In Ma bel precinct since my last and still room for many more. Uncle Tim and G W Kiggt have been engaged with Mr Brllt examining lands tor the S B R R Co., tlnce the letter part of June ; but operations have been tutpend ed for the winter. I do not know whether they continue the business next season or not. There were eight In the party and I understand they examined about 5,000 acres. Samuel and Erastut Stewart whose fath er resides in this vicinity, came In from Kastern Oregon a abort time ago and were married and returned to tliHr homes. Samuel takintr Miss Bessie Keenev and Krattus, Mitt Mary Workman. Likewise Mr John Shore and Mlts Emma Drury, eldest daughter of our P. M., were married on the a 1st of October. Mr Shores com menced teaching our fait school the next after her marriage. She taught ng term giving very general satis GHAT KKUt'tTION. I'ash iioem a Long Way at Julia tiradwokta 1 have made arrangements for buying good direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are tome -of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled tea cups and saucers, 35 eta. K Uecn unhandled coffee cupt and tau cers, 45 cts. 'A dozen handled coffee cups and sau errs, 50 CtS. dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These good are all iron ttone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 day. Julius uradwohl. Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1 .50, former price $3.50 A Democrat man has teen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap thoe tor the former price. AU kind of woolen dress goods are J25 per cant cheaper thsn they were a year ago. Oar stack ia all fretb, consequently we can give yery low prices. W. F. Rkad. Millinery. All the latett styles in mil linery, new good received every day at Ida M. Brush's. If yon wtnt a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph' home made white labor cigar. For sale by most cigar dealers and at J. Joseph' factory. a 1 Good not sold for less than coat, tooda not given away. Bat goed honest goods sold at ra i.ju able profit at W . F . Read's. A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this conn ty. Disease fastened its dutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest test, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed Inc. isnt )y and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ana was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all alght ana with one oottie has been miraculous ly cure4. Her name is Mrs Luther Lutz. " Thus write W C Hamrink fc Co.. of Shel by, N. C Get a free trial bottle at Foshay Mason's urug store. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. THK ELECTION. I -Special bulletin received at W. U. of. flee, Albany. San Francimco, Nov. 7. The count U proceenlng slowly. The democrat claim the city by 8000 to 9000. The republican concede 400. Detroit, Nov. 7. -The republican will elect 10 of the it congressmen. The latest return give the state to Harrison by 15,. 000 to 18,000 majority. The legislature wilt be heavily republican. New York, Nov. 7. The vote of all the countiea In the state, including New York and King countiea, ahow a plurality for Cleveland of 78,956, and for Harrison of 90,470. making Harrison' plurality In the state 11,191. New York, Nov. 7.- -New Jersey I conceded to the democrat. Indication so far are that Indiana ha gone republican by 10,000. Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin seem republican beyond a doubt. Illinois shows jcvooo majority for Harrl ton. Kansas so far gives Cleveland, 131076; Harrison, 36,173. N. Y., Nov. 7 (3:30 p m). Republicans marching through the street with brooms and flags. All concede that Harrison i elected. S. F Nov. 7, (3:30 p. m), Kxtmir ex tra claim Indiana surety democratic and publishes telegram received by W D Eng lish that NYU oafc. Rep. .Mil claim election of Harrison. Cuiqaoo. Nov-' 7. City Relets, Cleve- Und.ftt.lCM; ILrrUon, 58,0dl; Palmer, 01, 230; Fifer, 57,813. New Vomk, Nov, l.Bmning Telegram publishes Harrison's plurality, 10,000; Mil I ., 17,000. Nsvapa, Nov. 7.-43 preetoet oat of 172 t;iv Hsariton 3147. Cleveland 2137, aamofo ttiv votes 1884- Rtpabftuans claim tbs stats. Itxixoi, Nov. 7. Best information ob tainable so fr indicate tilmoia, 25,000 for Harrison, 50 for Fifer. New York. Nov, 7 --CommerrUtl Adver Uerr sy the latest returns iodiote tb alec tioa of tIrrtaon St Mortoo; Hill elected gov- ernor by iO.Uuv plurality. Hen eo far gtve Harrtaoo 17,000, Cievelan 1 8,000. 8m Fun-!m ... Nov. 7.7445 precinct imtaiiie of Sen Fradaoo, giyos lUrrisoa 27, 490. Cleveland 25,544. IsnuaaiMLU, Nov. 7. Indiana 040 pie- ttast five Cleveland W.3QC. U. ,.. 9U, 250. 34 oat of 43 counties in Colorado uive Harrisoo 12,000 majority. Both parties cUim Misseori. Cm it-aim, Nov. 7. 400 precinct, Indi ana give Harrison, 57,607 ; Cleveland, 53,. 176. Nsw YoftK, Nov .7. Nothing later than morning paper of New York, which give that State to Harrison. St. Paul, Nov. 7.SC Paul Pitmeer Press says editorially 1 It Is assured Har rison and Morion will carry Minn, by re duced majority. All candidate on State ticket elected. Lord, Com lock and Sny dcr, rep. candidate for Congress elected. it will require official count to determine. Naw York, Noy . 7. 1029 election dU trlct In New York State outside of New York and King countie giyo Hill, -, 315 ; Miller, i vs. 07 4. In 1884 they gave Hill I734V3 Davenport, 189,552. It ia said the Timset will claim the Stale he gone for Cleveland and that he 1- elected. That he ha carried New Jersey and Con nrcticut. It ato say II III I elected. 1 he llermld sav the Indication are that st the hour of going to pre HarrUon I elected 40 the preidency. New Yokk,Nov. 7, 3 A. M. The IForaV dcm., concedes the election of llarrion In thlaatate by 8100 plurality. The Times concede Harrison in thia late. II a 1 ioat, Nov. 7 (4 a m.) The Cour- ant figures shows that, with two smsli towns to hear from, which cannot change the retult, Cleveland has 460 plurality. San Francisco, Nov. 7 (12:30 a m ) 103 precinct outside of the citieagive Har- rteon, 4149 ; Cleveland, 3844, San Francisco, Nov. 7. In thlt city at 12 o'clock several precincts so fsr ss count od give Harrison, 539 ; Cleveland, 754. Indianapolis, Nov. 7 (4 a m. The re turn tbu far received from the State show a republican gain of 5 to each precinct. If the tame gain ia maintained it will give Harriaon a majority of 12,50a In the State 220 precincts clve Harrison, 20,748 ; Cleve land, 24,493. The tame precincts In 18S4 give Blaine, 27,888 ; Cleveland, 23,955. Provioknck, Nov. 7 (1:15 a m). The completed vote of the city gives Harrison 21,968 ; Cleveland, 17,49 ! Fiske, i,n6 Republican majority 3,196. Boston, Nov. 6. 115 towns give Harrl son, 47,3 ; Cleveland, 33,75 , 408. The same town In 1884 gave Blaine 38426 j Cleveland, 28,778 ; Butler, 6367 Pmilaoklpmia, Nov. 6. Indication are that Pennsylvania will give Harriaon 50, 000 majority. Boston, Nov. 7(12:20.) The city com plete Harrison, 27,312 ; Cleveland, 26,- Atlanta, Nov. 6. Indications are that Cleveland's majority in thlt State will reach 25,000. A solid democratic congress ional ticket it elected. Newark, Nov. 6. The democratic head quarters report Cleveland's plurality in the state of New Jersey 8000. New York, Nov. 6. Thlt city complete gives for mayor Erhard,rep.,67,72i ; Grant Tammany, 107,537; Hewltt,dem. and Ind., 68,314; Coogan, labor 9465. Indianapolis, Nov. 6, At 10:30 the crowd around the democratic headquarters wat going wild oyer the New York World bulletin estimating 17,000 plurality for Cleveland in New York state. Ex Senator McDonald i very sanguine of success. A telegram was jutt received from Senator Gorman and gave great impetus to tbe con fident feeling. It said : "We will have 76,. 000 below the bridge. It is not possible for them to overcome it. Connecticut and New Jersey are safe." Ex-citement after thit was at tever neat ana netting treeiy iuouig ed in, Two hundred and twenty preclnts giye Harrison 29,748, Cleveland 24,403. The same preclnts gave Blaine 27,888 Cleveland Two hundred and twenty-two precentn give Harrison 29,748, Cleveland 24493. The tame in 84 gaye Blaine 37,888, Cleve land 23,955. The Journal claims the state for Harrifon. New York, Nov. 6 What the after noon papert think of the situation In thit city can be teen from the following head" lines: World, Tammany dem. "Trading Cleveland being knifed in some districts Harrison boldly supported by Cavanagh's people Tammany at well as the counties accused National ticket sacrificed for local officet." SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE A ROBSON'S. TELEGRA PHIC NEW .3 Karlaalon Aet. Washington, Nov. 6. In snswer to sn Inquiry from the United State consul at Havre, respecting the rlgh of certain Chi nese taltot shipping from the United Ntat et on American vessels and paid off and dlschsrged abroso, to reahlp and return to the United State,the secretary of the treas ury aay the Chinese having been landed and paid off are no longer in any sense within the iuritnictlon and under the con trol of the United Btatet government and mutt be considered at having departed from the United State. -Kire at IsuVpettdfitre. Indkpkndknck, Nov. 5. --At 8 o'clock thl evening flame were seen Utuing from the llverv table of Harry St Hall, on Main street. Die firemen responded promptly to the call, but the flame gained o rapidly that all effort to uppre the proved futile However, the surrounding buildings were saved, with the exception of a small house adjoining the atsble, occupied by Geo. Heaton. The buggle and hore were aaved, but the feed together with the har ne, was burned. The building wa a large two-tory frame structure, and was owned by Dsve Whlttaker. The lot Is about $3000, Insurance $250. The Are ori ginated in the hay mow, and It thought to nave been of Incendiary origin. H top It, Boston, Nov. 5.The brig Richard F. Green, Capt. Patrick, from St. Marc, Hay 1 1, reports that on October 18th, when off St, Marc.be waa ordered to.heave to by a Hay tian man-of-war, whoae armed officer and men came on board three times, taking awav the ahlp't regitter and all her papers, also threatening to take her to rort-su-Prince ass prise. Afer detaining them some time, the papers were returned and the vessel allowed to proceed. Aa Ksplmdoa, Pittsblro, Nov. 5, Intelligence has just been received of the explosion of a nitroglycerine magazine near Shamokin, twelve miles from here, thl morning. Great damage was done to the surrounding property. IJelllag Cblidba Kingston, Ontario, Nov. 5 Dean Cur no, wbd accompanied the lord bUhop of Ontario to the Pan-Anglican synod of London, in a lecture here Mated that Queen Victoria Is In her doatage, and that there I a strong feeling In London that the should abdicate in favor of the Prince of Walet, who live In comparative poverty, while the it hoarding up wealth- That her ma jetty't continued regln It endangering the monarcny wa me prevalent opinion among dUtingulthed Anglican divinet who attended the aynod. Lmrt Their Clothing. Meridian, Mia, Nov. 5. Saturday night the female temlnary of spring Hill College burned. The girls escaped with their mm, and lost their clothing. Two CM Carson. Nev. Nov. 5 Two Chinamen hsve been admitted to register in thl dty An attempt wa made to day lo strike their name on, nui they were allowed to re- nam, a they were 2 1 years old and were boi n in Carson. One votes for Harrison, the other for Cleveland. Colli!. Oakland, Cal., Nov. 4. The late train at nlght.from Alemed for San Francisco. ran into the previous train, which had dl abied it engine and was lying over being re pared. The conductor of the disabled train, Robert Gaunce, had his spine injured piooaoiy tetany, the engine and four cars were naoiy mashed up. A band wagon wa run Into bv the down Oregon ex pre and three hore were kill ed. The occupant were badlv hakrn un " Judge T barman CoLCMRi-, Om Nov.3. JudgeThurman cloud the campaign at Nelson vllle to day and a review of hi work make an interest- ng showing. It it eleven week lnce he started out, and during that time he ha traveled nearly 54,000 mite. He hat made eighty-nine peeche of alt kinds, sixty five of them being from the rear, platform of tbe train, which the judge called hi "mov able ttnmp." He ha addreed not le than 140,000 people face to face. A Bag Robbery. Nkw York, Nov. 3. The United States express messenger on the New Orleans & Northwestern Railway, which arrived here thi morning, wat robbed at 5 a. m. be tween L.acev and Derby station, fifty mil- e from thit city. The express officialt de cline to state the amount of the robbery, dui 11 is unuerRtooti tne toss is between $40, 000 to $50,000, Kxploeiea la a Ml. Paris, Nov. 3. A terrific explosion oc curred to day in the Campaignac coal pit. f i a. a t a 11 positively Known that eighty men were killed by the explosion. The balan ce will probably be recovered before mid night. The cause of the explosion hat not yet been learned, but it wat probably due to the gat In the mine. Only nineteen bod ies have been recovered so far. Will Head a Mas. Nkw York, Nov. 4. It it intimated Eng land will advance the United States mis sion to secona 11 not nrst class and send a representative who it able to deal with every exigency that may arise. It is whis pered one of the probable results of the re cent unpleatantnest It that Lord Sackyille may be made governor-general of Canada "Eye Openers." Not only Is the ele gant stock of holiday goods at Blackman's attrac'.ing attention on account of the vari ety and beauty of everything : but the prices astonish eyerybody, being nearly forty per cent cheaper than ever told here before. Thit it to in toilet sets, of which he hat a remarkable fine ttock, in albumt, and in his novelties generally. Though it is seven weeat to Ubirttmat tales have al ready begun to be active, parties buying early to get their choice. See them. Clothing A large and complete H n gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he hat a large line of pants, regular value, Sc, which he win sell during; the coming week for $2.50. Superior. Thaf is the name of the stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It it a splendid cook stove. Look to our corner show window at the vases we give with one of the best baking powders in ths market. No lottery scheme ; you aim ply take your choice. R ROW NELL & StANARU. Some Summer Items. It pays to get your groceries at Brownell Sc btanard s. You eet a five cent ticket with ever Si's worth of goods bought at Brownell & Stan ard's. Wheat, 78 onts. Call on M J Moatvith for big bargains. ' e . Those $7.50 aud fit) watches at M French's are the boss, each one warranted. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT ))! & R0US0J1 HOME AND ABROAD. MONDAY. Considerable typhoid fever exists around Balern. Go to P J Lapcrte for your boot nd shoe repAtnug. Older Chantauqna book a of F L Kenton, without xtr ooet. 42,000 pouoda .f hop were aold iti Slem Saturday for 18 cent a pound. Col Drake pok to a very email house at the Court ffouso Saturday evening. Ia ths Ksst a few dsys ago J Nuttal awam 1000 yarda in fourteen minut, the fastest tims oof record. Mr Read's hsad, which wss recently in jured by that gentleman faltiog off a .;rTold- MM SUM painting. If nearly recover!, lo the fc of tb Kogliahman it fell agsioat. Tb Oregon in hh oauticftl reporter knowa about a moeh in regard to marine tiws, aa a cat doeasboutjthfcology, Afttori Pioneer. A yoong man recently etsrted paper In Tillr.mook county. nd uow they ar circu lating all kind of mean report about him, on story bsiog that be was born in Dakota. Tb following ia a copy of,a hill potted 00 ths wall of a country village 1 "A lecture on total abstinence will Im delivered in the open air, and a collection will be made at tbe door to defray. expense' Drewssv, Malheur count;, has beu select ed a tb location for the new land ofiine just etabliebed, to oonewt of Grant, Matbearaod I Jkkts counties. Several othar place natur ally feci yery badly bout it. Satu rday it was claimed by sooi that tb name o' some Iebnon men might b con nected with the bank robbery, but there wa not tb least r mount of evidence in tbe testi mony to implicate anyone. Someone haa jokingly remsrked that it stint rather tough for a man to tpimd a month or two to hard work trying to get into a aaf and theo fail to get tb large amount of money insid. Bat it is s for taoste thing for tb pablie at d Cowan St I UU ton lo particular that tbe would b bur glar did fail. Mr Prank Ballard, of Ibanoa, who bat been attending tb Cooper medical collate at San KrancuHo, arrived io the city thi morning, H will attend tb Portland med ical college daring tbe wioter. Tbe Republictnt had a big rally and pa rade Saturday afternoon in New York. Forty tboaaaod men were in lib. Saturday night in tht city th demert had tb grandest parade iu the huitory of tb coun try. Sevraty-fiye thouaaod men war ia ho mrcbiK twelve abreaet and so gily d rested out in each a variety of uniform an 4 regalia aa to form, a tpectacle up.-rb!y mgrificeot. TUESDAY. Jo VWbber, Jr.. is io th city. E W Langdoo and wife are io tb city. Mies Annie Msaeueld, of Portland, i io tb city. There will bo lot of "I told around to-morrow. you 101 The debt of 12500 ou the Willamette un -varsity has been paid. Tb Salem street car line is an sasared fact. That city need one. A postal elark baa been pot on the tram between Albany and Yaquina Bay. Sloan k Ksst this moraiog received three dec from Kagoe. killed and shipped by W B Scott Tbey sold st a rapid rate. Millard Hay came over from tb bey to day. Tb salmon saoo ia ended. About 3000 case wore canned -n tbe Bay. A tbip left San Francisco thro week ago with a eargo of 2000 barrel of wbiakey and 0000 idols for tb Mozambique coast A nine year old son of Jos Keebler was kicked by a horse near Lebanon laat San dry, in very aeriou but not dangerous manner. A 92 j0 bet wa made this morning no the way auerman farmer voted. To nettle it he went mmm itice Bad w. r- that he voted for Cleveland. To-day baa been one of the qoieteat else tion days in the history of A litany. Tbe law ia reference to only one yoter being allowed within one hundred feet of tbe poll st a lime baa boon enforced. Therein some talk of making tbe cow question an iaae at tb election of Council- men at tbe city election. Oar citizen gen erally ar realising that tbe streets of tbe city should no longer be made a pastor for oows. Our account of th accident to Mr. Will given yetrdy waa not complete, though as told ns jutt before going to press, Th revolver when discharged was in the band of Mr Bernheim, the junk man. who palled th trigger thinking the revolver was empty. WEDXESPAY. Albany Lodge No 4. 1 00 F meet at 7 o clock sharp thia evening. Oregon goes for Harriaon a boot 8,000 near ly th earn aa at th June election. $500 to loan 00 improved farm property. No oommiasioo. Inquire at thia office. Buy your ticket through to the Eaat ot W L J aster and aavs far to Portland. 612 vote were cast in Corvallis. Harrison receiving 321, Cleveland 275, and Fiske 12. An even wager of $20 wa made ia this city at 11 o'clock to-day on th general re- . salt. I Jack Yoong, the good natured nswaltoy on tne U V 1 tbe nappy possessor of a b an new boy. Go to F M French's for your spectaolti. and have your eye tested by one of the hoeet optimeter manufactured Each ve fitted separately. Some tin low chestnuts jut received at Wallace k Thompson'. All the latest novelties in millinery soodt at E ana C Howard's. Jail and see them, No trouble to show goods. Mr O L Black man has taken time by the firelock and already has on his counter; aa fine a stock of holiday goods as have ever been brought to Albany. The number ol nsw things is uncommonly large. Mr D L Irwia, of Scio, desirous of improv ing his already fine stock of Angoria goats, yesterday purchased of W D CIsgget one of tho;pure bred bioka imported from Callfor ais,. -Journal. Tbe election at Dallaa Monday resulted ia the selection of the following to run that city 'a affairs : T B Unwell, marshal ; Nat Holman, recorder ; J W VV illiams, T Hay tor, J T Groves, Councilmen. A new invoice of Premium Savon soap has just ben received tt F. L. Kenton' di reot from the factory in San Francisco. Til is is a special brand put up for Mr. Kenton, and he warrants it to give satisfaction. Mr C F Z user, of East Portland, ia in ihe city canvassing for "Worth snd Wealth,' a new work published by the author of ''A Roy si Life. We have no hesitation iu re commending it as a work worthy of a place in any library. F W Bowen, superintendent of the 0 P road, received a telegram yesterday tbtt his son Waldo, age 25 years, died very sudden ly in San Francisco. Mr Bowen will leave far San Francisco by to-niaht's express, to attaud the funeral. In other columns we give the impoittot bulletins received last night on the election and all received up to 4 o clock p m. We have no comment to make at present until fuller returns ar in. The despatches speak for themselves. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer waie, of which be ctrries a larse and select stoc 1. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery ia the beat iu the market and bis line of dolls and children play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents ; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carries a. large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shade s. A. B. McIlwain Farmers, if you want the best harness nil hand made, go to KL. Power, next to Dem ocrat uraoc KEEP FOOTED Nt w fall goods at Read' Ss those new jersiea at W. F. Road's. New ribbon all ahadesand aty'e st Road's A full line of boys kilt suits st W. F Road's. Pine line of bread kneading pant st O W S.mth'a. Another lot,f Suuard'a. Hall ebot at Brownall St A large stock of lifting fore pomp at O W Smith'. Gooda at cott at M. J. Monteith't, at tb old Young a tore. (lo to A B. Mcllwaio'a and aak to so those 96 suit for men. Now in stock at J J Dn braille a largaand fin ttock of saddle. J I Dubruille ha inat ranaivad nn kun dred gallon of On har nee dl. In calm ses every man is pilot good '.V. F. Read is leader. If yon want to ave from 10 to 25 per otnt by yon r good of W. F. Road. Hix hves for a dollar and a clean towel to svery customer, at Tbos. Jones. Bargain in general merchandise at M J Mooteith'a at the old Yoang store. A complete line of heating and oar! or stove at G W Smith's, no better in th valley. The cheapest place to boy men's coder tar iu th state is at A B. Mcllwaia'a. W. F. Road oaa and will sell drv aooda cheaper than any boo in Albany. Cail and see for yourself. Kvery thing kept in first-class city barn hop can uow bo found st J J Dubruille', in thi city . The line of Pacific and Roval Amanda at Q W Smith' is s large one. These sre among wio ooai cook sieve maae. see toosa. Dr. M. if. Ellis, physician and tarawon All any, Oregon. Calls mad in city or country. 1 ke Youth Companion will be aent fra tbe remainder of this year to ail new tub- acriber for 1889. F. L. Kenton sobsfption gem loraii tb leading newspaper magazines. 8VMM Worth of fried Froit Wanted. And I must have It Having made con tract with merchant in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the price of your fruit No offer made on fruits unloaded and placed in any other house in my line in the city. If you be tevetn tne doctrine of buying in the cheap est and telling in the hlghett market and have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourself and family. To tatUfy yourself, call and get my price. Your respectfully, P. Cohen, Albany, Or. To tbe People of Set and Vicinity. Owing to tbe difficulty of getting suitable rooms arranged io Scio we have decided not to work there for tbe present: but if yon wiR come to our gallery in Albany, where we ar wdl prepared sad have tb finest of lenses ind fixture, we will make it to your ad van tage to have picture taken here, sod will make it satisfactory far your trouble and ox. pne in coming. Wa ar making life size portraits finished in crayon. Price lower than eyer heard of. Bring aay pictures yen wuh copied. We guarantee satisfaction. Plea call and see at. Very Respectfully, Cra wroBD & Littlkr. Ni rsery. J. F. Backcnsto is the ac credited agent of Vancouver Nursery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental tree at Al w Oregon. Baeblen' arnica salve Tbe beat salvo In the world for Cose, Bruise. Bores, Ulcer. Bait Rheum. Fever Soros, Tetter, Chopped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per loot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foabay A Mason, Alnwar atarkei. Wheat -78 0t-25c Bo.uer-25 its per lb. Kgga 25c Hay -9,00. Potatoes 15 et pr buabol. Beef on foot., SVi pple 40 oent per bo. Pora per It jrooaod. Bacon htm l6o. shoulder, 14c sides 14c. Lard 15; per lb. flour 1.25 per bbl. "hlcknns 3.00 per dos. Liltl Food bran, 14.00 per ton aborts, is. middlioerfpo. Chor n. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or. Oct 17th, 1883. Notiee is hereby given that the following named settler hss filed notice of his inten tion to mske final proof in support of bis claim, and that said pi oof will be made be fore ths Judge or ia bis absence before the County Clerk of Linn oouoty,t Albany, Ore gon, on Tuesday, Beeesaoer 181k, IS8S, vis : Marion Leach, Homestead Entry No. 5032 for the S E of See. 28, Tp 13, S R 1 w. He names the following witnes lo prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis : Thomas Ar nold, of Santiam, William Phillips, of Craw tordsville, J N Wright and H E Csdy, of Sweet Uome, all of Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Burn st, Register. FAULTLESS! 49Natur ia fault tea and aofta that noble discovery, containing only Na ture' own remedies, ''The" It is a benefit to tb human race. KEEP tP YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by tbe use of Pfunder9 Oregon Blood Purifier. Quick and Compute Core of all Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It check Rheumatism and Malaria, relieve Constipation, cyapepata aad BUlov spaia aad Bii iouaneaa.aad to the system by maJktag Take it in time, right now, nuts fresh energy into tb rew. jKica mooo. iui as it cannot be beat as a preventative of diseaae. -old and used everywhere. St a bottle. 6 lor IX. Notice to Tax-Payers, oti ce is hereby pivtn, that I, or my Deputy, will moot th tax-payera of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a. m. and re main until 4 o'clock p. no. at their respee tive plaoas of voting in the several pro cincts, at th following times and plaoas for the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1888 : Rook Crook, Monday, Nov. 12th, 1888. Fox Valley, Tuesday, Nov. ISth Scio, Wednesday, Nov. lath. Frankliu Botte, Thursday, Nov. 15th. Santiam, Friday, Nov. 16tb Lebanon, Saturday, Nov. 17th. Waterloo, Monday, jnov. linn. Liberty, Tuesday, Nor. 20th. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Nov. 2lst. Brush Crook, Thursday, Nov. 22nd. Crawfordsvlllo, Friday, Nov, 23rd. Brownsville, Saturday, Nov. 24th. Center, Monday, Nov. 26th. Orleans, Tuasday, Nov. 27th. Syracuse, Wednoaday, Nov. 28th. Harrlaburg, Thursday, Nov. 29th. Halsoy, Friday, Nov. SOth. Shodd, Saturday, Poo. 1st, Bast Albany, Tuesday, Doc. 4th, West Albany, vYoanosuay, ocn. Prompt payment will bo required Pay your taxes ana save costs. JOKH SafAiUUro., Sheriff and Ttx3olleetor, Dated, Oct, J2ud, 1888. .umptua.