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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1888)
I1UM LAK Nt'lKXCK. The latest bulletin of the American (Jeo graphical Society quote M Ganeval a showing that the world U not vet over crowded. Allowing live acres to each in habitant he find that Europe ha room for an additional population of 115,000,000, Af rica for 1 ,3yooo,ooo, Aaia for 1,404,000, 000, Occanlca for 515,000,000, and Amer ica for 4,009,000,000. The frozen regions of Asia and Europe are deducted from the available apace, but Arctic America la aomewhat haatlly assumed to V lit for cut" tivation, A remarkable instan o of the increase of temperature in the ear;.i towards the cen tre has been presented at Pcsth, where the deepest artesian well in the world is that now being bored for the purpose of supply in the public baths and other establish ments with hot wuter. A depth of 8140 feet has already been reached, and it fur nishes 176,000 gallons daily at a tempera ture of 1 580 V. The municipality have re cenlly voted a large subvention in order that one boring may be continued to greater depth, net only to obtain a larger volume of water, but at a temperature of 179" F. ine latest anu strangest caseot the uses of applied science recently occurred near Perlgeux, France, where five persons were imprisoned by the caring in of a quarry wall, and there were no means at hand to rescue them. To rind out where they were, a shaft twelve inches in. diameter was bored, down which was slid a tube, near the end of which was a small camera sur rounded by a battery of electric lights With this apparatus a number of negatives were taken, and the effect of the disaster shown, even to the faces of the two corpses It was thus known that the men were dead, and that effort to succor them would he useless. Dr. Ernst Wctsenbachcr, professor of geology at Heidelberg University, Ger many, tells an alarming tale of impending disaster to the town of Findlay, Ohio. He has been making a scientific investigation of the natural gas wells which underlie the town, and finds that at a depth of about laoo feet there is an enormous cavern filled with highly inflammable gas under tremendous pressure. Below this are sev eral strata of rocks, perhaps a mile in thick ness, and beneath the rocks is a fire raging at a temperature of nearly 35000 F. From the tremendous crackling, which the learned professor distinctly heard by the help of a delecate sound instrument, he judges that disintegration is going on with great rapidity, and regards an early catas trophe a not only possible but probable. I'NKNOWN MKNtfATIONK Sound Is the sensation produced on u when the vibration of the air strike 011 the drum of our ear. When the y are few the sound Is deep; ns thev Increase In number t becomes shriller and sharper ; but when they reached 40,000 in a second they cease to be audible. Light Is the effect produc ci! on us when waves of Ulsht strike on the oc. When four hundred millions of millions of vibrations of ether strike the retina in a second, they produce red, and as the number increases the color passes into orange, then vellow, green, blue and violet. But between forty thousand vibra- ions in a second and four hundred millions of millions we have no organ of sense cap able of receivinir tie impression. Yet be tween these limits any number of iensa tlons may exist. We have Ave senses, and sometimes fancy that no others are possible tiut It Is ouvlous that we cannot measure the infinite by our own narrow limitations Morcovet, looking at the question from the other ldc,we rind in other animals com plex organs of sense, richly supplied with nerves, but the functions of which we are as yet pewerless to explain. There may be fifty other senses as different from ours as sound is from sight; and even within the boundaries of our own senses there may be endless sounds which wc cannot hear.and colors as different as red from green, of which we have no conception. These and a thousand other questions remain for solu tion. The familiar word which surrounds us may be a totally different p'ace to other animals. To them it may be full of music which we cannot hear, ol color which we cannot see, of sensations which wc cannot conceive. TO TKI.L TH EKKiTolTTKA I N.4, Inquiry is frequently made as to how the speed of a train may be estimated. The traveller especially is curious ubut the speed his train is making und the Railway Review suggests three methods by which the speed may le guessed with remarkable accuracy, as follows: Watch for the pas age of the train hv the large white mile posts h it h blace figures upon them, nnd divide 3,600 by the time in seconds between poets. The result is the speed in miles per hour. Listen attentively until the ear dis tinguiahes the click, of the wheel as it passes 3 rail joint, ,'he number of clicks upon one side of the car in twenty seconds is the speed in miles p-r hour, where the rails are thirty feet in length, and this is the case '.generally. Count the number of tele graph poles passed in two minutes, if there are four or five wires to a pole, and in two minutes ami t went v .ccoiult it there are only one or two lines per pole. The num ber of poles passed is the number of mites er hour at which the train is travelling. It Is proposed to commence a canal upon the western shore cf Italy, just above Civ il Vecchia, at Castro, and to cut through to Fano on the eastern or Adriatic shore A glance at the map of Italy will show that in this line two lakes are met, those of Bolseno and Trasimeno, and it is pro posed to drain these two lakes, thus secur ing the area for cultivation. The length of the canal will be about 169 miles, the width of it 110 yards, and its depth is to be about 13 yards, so that ships of any tonnage, and even men of war, will be able to pas through it. The cost of the canal is reck oned at 500,000,000 francs, that is, i'jo, 000,000. It is estimated that the work could be completed in five years from its commencement. The Italian journals are highly interested in the project and are taking up the matter warmly, and when the fact of the long sea passage round the south coast of Italy and up the stormy Adriatic to Treste and Venice is remem bered, certainly the canal would be of im mense service to the whole of Southern Europe. The year 1888 has been one of the most remarkable in the records of the signal ser vice office in regard to the loss of heat and the excess of rainfall. In comparison with the mean temperature of former years there has been a deficiency in the temper ature up to October 6th of 609 degrees. A there are less than three months in which to make up this deficiency, it is expected there will be a long und late fall ; other wise this will prove to be a remarkabl freak in celimatology. The record of Al bany shows a deficency of 780 degrees, and Portland, Maine, a deficiency of 1204 de greet. The rainfall hat also been excessive in comparison with the mean of the past eighteen years. In New York there has been an excess of 6.91 inches of water since New Year's day, and in Portland, Maine, the increase in the amount of rain up last Saturday was 9.80 inches. Other parts in the eastern portion of the continent have had a similar excess in rainfall. Worth km. h in.'. Mr. W. If. Morgan, tnorcaunt, Lak City, Fla. was taken with a severe cold' attended with a distressing cough and running into naumptkn to its first stages. He tried many so-called popular mugh remedies and atesdliy grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had diflloulty In breathing snd was unable to aleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and found immediate reliefjsnd after using abont a half dozen bottles found himself well rj. has had no return of the disease. No other remHly ran show so grsud a record of cures as Dr. King' New Diaoovsry for Coiiaumptioo. Guaranteed to do jus: what In claimed for IL Trial bottle free at Foehay dfc Mason's Drug Store. t asuoiptiou sorely t'onrd. To thk Koitor.. Please Inform your readers lust I have a poeluve remedy for the above nsmed disease. Ity lis timely use tboussnds or hopeless rase bsve been permanently cured. I ahaJI be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who bave consumption If thny will sfitifj ino tneir xprt-M hikJ oi office sddress. Kesfiectfu'ly. T. A. Suxx-M, M, C 181 Pear: St., N. Y. The cost of manufacturing chemicals averages $9,71 for amount upon which the Mills bill allows a tariff of $27. The cost of manufacturing a given amount of stone ware is $41, upon which a tariff of $47 retained bv thi "free trade" measure . The 0 labor cost on a ton of pig iron is $1.35, and the Mills bill protects it to the extent of $6.72. The workmen get $3.75 for making a ton of steel rails, and the Mills bill allows a protection of $1 1 per ton. And so it is through the whole catalogue of products There Is retained by the Mills bill a tariff exceeding the entire labor cost, and yet it is denounced as a "free trade measure," and workinirmen threatened with a reduction Of wages If it is passed. Election returns so fa. indicate that Harrison is elected. Cleveland carries the south, Connecticut and New Jersey. It ap pears that Harrison has carried the remain ing states including New York with Iudi ana close. A Warn lag. Th e modes of death's approach are sir ous, and Ntstisilc snow conclusive: ths more persona die from disease? o the Throat snd LtwgM tbsn ny other, it is probable thM everyone, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle (terms into the aystom nd whero these germs fall upon suitable soil they eUrt .sit , life and develop, at first alowly and is shown by alight ticking sensation in the throat aud if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to tbe lungs producing '. sumption snd to tbe head, causing Ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous snd If allowed to proceed will In lime cause death. At the oiifet you must act with promptness ; allowing a oold V go with out auenUon is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something m wrong with your Throat, Luna or HotriIa, obtain a bottle of Bos cbec'a German Syrup, it will give you m modiste relief. l- bill players, ath lets, aud '.II who take my vigorous exercise ehould know trial Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonio is a thorough good hraosr. It produces new vitality, strengthens the aausclea and en ables them to perform twice tbe usus amount ot work without becoming fstigu ed. Sold by Foshay A Masou. ROYAl EMI THE PLACE. POWDER Absolutely Pure. REMOVED. Ml. J. J. Duhrullla la now located In hta new atom In the Pes res Block, where the diaplsy horse protrudes hi head from the door. Ha la now oetter prepared man ever to meet the Increasing demands of the trade in Hoe double and alngle bar -sues : saddles, U Did and new oua- lomera are invited to call and Inspect hi large stock of goods, By all means call on Parker Brothers, Sncctntor to Arts, tpr your Groceries, FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments : Pnonimo Rornd flnnrb Bfn !tn DRY GOODS1" ihi department my stock is unusually Urge end complete. PrOttUOe, Bam 1100(18, JStC, IStC. n" SK"? .u. ,M(1jn . fitod shades for Fall and Winter treat Dries goods in all the leading styles ; good shades for Fall and Winter wear selected from the bast Eastern and Foreign imitations, ine laiees Their goods- are the best snd thrtr prices ties in trimmings aud buttons, shawls, blankets, some era Bovu ..u white blankets, table linens, towels, etc. CLOTHING For Pall and Winter -AT- Thslr gom nasonable. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Wnodln et Wlllard having sold t furniture business in this city deslr have all indent to them to call and immediately, as it is necessary to o account by the 1st of Deo em ompt attention to this notice will gr oblige them. I.. 111 r Fii re 'isu a in : i i;wii:sh FOR SALE BY FOSHAY A MAPON Estray Notice, Notice is hereby given that on or about ths of June, IMW, oos sorrel mare ni tbe age of seycu years or thereabout, and markrd with a white forehead and whits hied legs ith light mare aud tail, strayed upon my eodosed land 3 miles northwest of Miller's Station in Lion county. State of Oregon, and now ismaina there upon. Said animal being hrosehy snd ooold only be kept out of gratn- hid by yokinr. Dated this 17th day of October, I808. Ill HMlT MlI-IMt. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that tbe undersign ed Iists hern appointed Admiaiatrsturs with tbe will annexed of tbe estate of Martin Wert, late of lino county, Oregon. All per sons hsving claims sgainst asid estate are hereby noti'ied to present them to the under ine.1 at I augent, Uregor, duly verified. withm six months fiom the date . t this notice. Dated this 2tlt h day of October, I HAS Mahv Wear, L. F. Smith, Administrators with tbe wdi annexed I the estate of Martin Werta. deceased. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby given that tbe undersign- td has been by the County Court for Lino county, Oregon, duly appointed Administra trix of the estate of deorge ft. McKtnney, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persons hsving claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified to the ondersinged st her residence near Ibanon, within six month from this date. This 10th day of September, 18&8 Kmily McKikhby, Administratrix of said estate. J. K, Wr.ATiiKarottt, Attorney for Administratrix STRAYED. From my premises 111 Albany a six year old red snd white spotted "malley" milk eow. Auv one returning her U me or giving information as to her whereabouts wU. be snitablv rewarded. K. K. Davis. TI10S. JONES' Barber Shop Is now In I ha 8TRAH AN BLOCK, where ha is prepared to do first-class ton aortal wore". His alar bath rooms are nicely arrang ed and are ready for use, Call on him for the best work. D f'fl feel dragging Henaations in the and ioina, are you troubled with wakefulness, faintnoaa at the pit of the stomach ? Are you net voua or irritable 1 It ho we would advise you to try Oregon Kidney Ta, (purely vegetable ) It never fails t effect a permanent core of Ufdnev and urinary complain'.. Sold by Foshay and Mason. WAGONS, HACKS AND UGCIES We ate now agents at ibis place for the oelebraleri wagons, lia:ke aud buggies made oy Fish Bros., cf Kaclne, Win., nd can give better gooda and lower prices tnao ever oeioi). nememoer tut we want your trade and will make it an ob ect for you to come and tee us. fcTBWAKT A SOX. CARPETS My anlergvd facilities fji showing cirpets hn a)M M make srge pmobasaato this department. 1 can euow u at low prions, soma ohotos patterns in B dy Brnseeli snd Tapestries. I am making carpets a leading branch of ni) business. BOOTS AND SHOES "7 of BooU od 8bM io lbe cUJ nd bave psld special at teuton to getting me put. or ura. v .. and I eat ahoa a fine line of good. I keep in stoC. the best mskea in the country, snd have endeavoied to get a lioe ol ow pit goods mat 1 can gosr- in tries aatiafaotioo. Anything in Boms, Hhoes or Rubbers for men, wo- m., , . 1 1 - 0 1. .1 ... i .kii.u. MH !u. r,,,,! in thta denartment. it is in tact, a snow wic HII'II.HI UMU'.I.'. -vmm ....... . , ot '.tself. nanPCDlcel sm itieins a i.ecial ttenticn to keeping a full Htt of Stap UnUVUlM s -s-r-- - , - 1 r,,:.. .1. L 1, . ..nn.nmri I was rOSStSU Sf(l L'lOUBU C.M-re, K.ion'i ..., wi siiiiw a a s uum a son. a uwvivi "-s - - i.tes: ipectaltiw in breakfast foe .t. etc., can ell b found in tbis department. Pure, fresh gooda sad good va'.ut for mcf.i.y ta ny aim. ! a oald especially call tbe atbanticn of pa tiea la) ing in their Fall supplies to my targe stock cf DR. Ce WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Ofnr opposite the Democrat UfBoe. Fine Horses . We bave just hroght 110m Ksstem Oregon, a 'ot of fit e wotk toise i ict e wili sell on teims In auit lbe times Among 1 In-ill area.irt promising y uug d rivets Irom Uoico, Maaon Chief snd KJwerd Kverett. Also ams choics heavy aires Anyone wishing to put- chaae a horse will do well to look if em over. We will take pleasure in sh. to all intending purchaser. Mcknight bros., Tallman, Or. JOHN BRICG8, FLORIST, ALBANY OREO Rose Spkcialtt. Cemetery lota pleats land ausads 1 ta FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! 1 mtn lietle ire.o J iban ever t meet their waul. In all de pal intents 1 am prepared to meet hr (rowing Demands ol' Linn County, -AND THE City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my tfck; Samuel E. Young. L E BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots Sh,e OVEROOATS,-Pine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla. 1st radian, Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALE. GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS. Big Slock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mite. ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS ANT) SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Lot bat out iw . i.r. .took of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS HOW TO CO EAST. Uo Kaat vis Mount Shsata Roots. Nice climate snd scenery at ell times of ths year Sea lionet Shasta, Saerameote, Ogdea, Sslt L ske, Denver. Ktsest second clsas care msde fjre run daily. Bay yoer tickets of me sod tsve yoar fare to Portland. I am the only person ia Albany that usa as II yon a ticket from Albany direct to sny point 10 the I ... I N. . ... - I -II 4 .. Call on ms for reus. W. Ltjaarsa, Agent 8. P. ROOMS TO RENT. Parniahed and nofurniahed room to rent, Inquire st corner of 7th sod Baker atreste. H. Baaw an. C.J. DILLON & CO., Nothing U more diat(reeable t s young lady r gentleman than to hitVK the soe cov ered sithpimpla, black hernia ami blothohea. Dats'd'a SpMJitin. the new akin remedy, will remove i diatiau ration from the foe and hando snd proiue s olunr and beautiful complexion. Try it 'iiid convincel- Sold by eoahay & Maa Sen, Cal., April 2mi. For aeerAl week my wifeaufferd aeere ly with kidney affection of a very aravat ed chiracter, which teemed to defy all the oaual remedial. I finally tried tbe Oregon Kidnev Te. Thn effect was sn imtneditto improytwmn', aud aha has now entirely re covered Be hslth. H. G. Price. Sileamau at Cutting Go. Y. M. Freneb keepe railroad time. A lit-asinc Koisj Of health ami atrei gib renewed aud of e. -inland comfort follow the uae of Syrup if Figa, aa it seta in bariD ny with niture to effec is&uy ctss iab the tem wtuu coMiva or J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBi.vv, oaeuen. WILL PRACTICK IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE State, apacuvl attention given to collectlona aad robate matter. 0. L. BLACKMAN, Succensor to B. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ami everything kept in a first -clans Iirng Store. Also a riue .ttock of pianoa end organ. ALBANY. 0KF.N0N SrOCKME'l AM H 1 A JJ I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodle has successful I j- operatod on my riderling horse, ISAAC HAYS. For further reference In regard to ridg ings inquire of Win. PeUiaon, Dwe Pe terson, Lebanon : John Hard man, Alfred Wolverton. Albany ; Ham Gaines, 80I0 ; Wm. Foster, Prinevllls. I practice veter inary tnedioino in Albany and country surrounding. Clfice and reidonce corner etu and Washington sts. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or., ) (Jctober 13th, 1888. Notice la hereby jrlven that tbe follow ing nsmed settler bas filed notice of hla intention to make final nroof In eunnort of hia clelm, snd that asid proof will be made before tbe Judge, or in hla abnence before tbo County Clerk of l.inn cotiiuv. at Albany, Oregon, on Head?, Dee. I7(n, lass, viz. : Leonard Edgar, Homestead Entry No. 4693 for the 8 of 8 E i and Lots 1 and 2, of Kec. i, 1 p. 10, 8 it 1 K. He names the followlnK witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon, and culti vation of, said land, viz : A. J. Khelton, John Bryant. C. W. Klcbsrdaon and John lii.yeu, ell of Jordan, Linn county, Or, W, T. Be hs ay, , Register, Notice of Settlement. In tht Connty Conrtof Ltoncounty, Oregon, in the matter of the ettate nf Wilhsm Kobnett, deceased. Notice ia hereby given t all whom it may conern, tbat the undersigned Administrator of said estate has tiled in said Court his tinal account in said matter and that said Court has made an order directing notice thereof to be giy en as required by law in such casea,and hsa appointed Meaday tbe 3rd day ef Decent l r, ISKA, at the hour of one 1 o dock p. m. of said day for the hearing of objections to said final ac count and thn settlement thereof. DaUd this 1st day of Noyeml er, 1888. D. F. Kobnett, Administrator. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, administra tor of the estate of James Shields, deceased, all persons having claims sgainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned at his office in Albany, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of October, 1888 H. Bkyant. Administrator of the estate of James Shields, deceased. DKA.LKK.HliX LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job fork, Dressing and Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchase rsjof rustic flooring;, F ctory l foot of Lyon fitreet. ) cJ 0, K. Faint Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing;. All workguarseteed. YASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor-toHenry 8eesens.) H0TI0E TO SHIPPERS, (vis Yaquinsto San Francisco.) Of wheat, oats, hops and wool. I am prs- Earea to take Marine on all cereals, ops, wool or any consignments of floods to and from San Francisco. For farther partic ulars, aucirees Ala Harjub, Agent Californts Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or. Jos. Webber Announces to his patrons and friends that he 18 now located in hta new shop in the Fo shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices as any other shop. As be has three ath-roorns running at all hours there will be waiting for baths. WILL BROS, Dealers in all tbe latest improved Pianoa Organ, Sewing Machines, Guns. Also a full line of warranted Razors, Butcher and t-ooket Knives. The best kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigue-1 is prepared to do all kind s of work in bis line in Urst-clans or, dor and with promptness. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple streets. MACHINE OILS. The beat varieties of machine oils to be had are kept by Hie wart at Sox, especially tbe kinds that have been thoroughly tested by tbe Linn connty farmers. JPrloesfgaar-anteed, BINOERS AND MOWERS. Farmers, remember that we this year have the Osborne Steel Frame Binders and Mowers, the v l ongest, Ugliest run ning, and best made machine in tbe market, We can give yon just as good terms as anyone, and probably a little better ; at any rate norm and aee ua be fore yon buy. Stewart Sox. FOR 3ALI null tracts rms on easy eras r jolly and fat, though , I needn't aay tbat ; for a glance at my site and a look in my t v, and you plainly can see there's 00 flies upon &e. Via s little bit sbor. both ot bresth and of l.air, but from shoulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. ( smile sod I laugh, I juke and I duff; I refuse to be aad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise whero my happi nets lies, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat la always a treat, whioh will make you as sweet aa our sugar cured meat, makes you feel so content with tbe mcney spent that you're bound to feel glad and yon couldn't get mad though a man just aa thin as fa rail or a pin was to pull at your noae or tread on your toes. If you're fat oryonr'e lean, if yom'n pleats nt or mean, just give W. fc T. how to tell you right 0w, you will feel such a thrill of con tenttneut until emn to enjoy more of tbat immense tnd you'll sense hy buying visions and of W T wish you were fat For the feeling's alow your good groceries, pro crockery M 6HAS. H. DODD & GO., new, tntti w hardware, Iron, JJteel, AND FARM MACHINERY. BOOT, ITBST AND VINE STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Sole Agent, for Oregon and Washington for IRS MCJJNJEJLL' M1 I'lM r DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. nsjte, Double, or Tripple Furrow. They sro so simple and come so near Absolute perfec tion, that those who have uaed them or seen them work can not ssy enough in We furntah them with or without seat attachment. seat nttachu cnts are extra. their piatse. Neat niu DEEBE POWEB LIFT STTXTT 3?XiO"WS- BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DWILL. ekrye Hoe Press Grain Drill, Ruckeye Set dera. Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior (j rain Drills, Superior Seeders. s CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Us latest Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The most complete and successful tool for this purpose in use. ."o alao have a full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other Spring Vehicles. Wallace k Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. BARGAINS! Firtt-olatt goods at bottom pi ices it waat the public wonts. These I have at my store io this city. Bought tt Bankrupt sales I can tell my stock of General Merchandise consisting of dress good, xents, furnishing goods, clothing, etc AT COST. 0 cent counters all contain many art:oVs worth examining 0b or i, ccds will be paid for all kinds of country produce. U W SIMPSON, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Scientific '.r.vrenoe A Cbapins Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Pacific Fanning Mills, 1 1 A k fill BARB "WIRE, ETC., ETC. IU-SEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS. Feed Mills, E. Thrall, Agent, AlbanyOr. City Drug Store -A full stork ol- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils. varnisnes, School Books, Perfumery, Toilet Soap, JBrushos, Stationery, Tablets, etc. etc. Choice Cigars. Present tius sod family receipts carefully prepared. Whlia in town call in and see us. DR. CUISS & SON HOLSTEI C4TTLE. Geo, D. Barton has just arrived from Iowa with a lot of finely bred Holstein cattle which he offers at leas than half, the price the same elass ot eat tie have ever been sold for in Oregon. These cattle are now on the farm of James Elkins one half mile south of Albany, where be will take pleasure in showing them to visitors, Mr. Barton will receive orders for pure bred aud high grade heifers and cows to be delivered this fall or early in the spring at the lowest possible prices, Address GEO. D, BARTON, P O. box 153, Albany Or. Rather than the Cheapest PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pcrtlrad, Oregon. h instruction. tat- r . , . :r unnularitv. Butintts. SnortMani Common School and Piunathlp Depart mti. Students iwumiieu . suy umo. s" i.imia and acftniinftiis of uenmaiiihjp seutTree. i! - W'SCfl , Sac'V A P.'ASI3T10H, i't!ilcC er;uil)lli-. ii!ed reputation, L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second aud Ferry Streets near Opera Hons. Ground floor. Childraa'a pictures a speciaitv. !