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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1888)
SUB TO 01: MOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 Al END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday ly STIT2DS & NXJTTINQ. Advertising rats mado known on ap p i atlou. THE OOW BBAXD. T0 DELICIOUS BISCUITS D wight's Cow-Brand Soda Saleratu$. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be an re that there la a picture of a On on your kmo sn.l you wUl have SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Oilier on Ka.'lrond Ml., between' Ith ud 3tbgtrees Having lumber not exowlled in quality, and fsolHties not surpassed f ir tha prompt aud satisfactory filling or orders, I respsctfully sollolt a aharo of the trade. A. FURNITURE. you want he best and moat durable furnltuhat Is'manufacinred in tbeclty o to Thomas Brink. B keeps almost ever thing in the line of furniture that Is kept in a fin-clas store JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer at Cigars AMD DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST, Plug atin Smoking Tobacco, Meerachauio and BK?Plpst nd a', full tine of Smolcara' Artsies, Also dealer a CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Comud Myer. STAR BAKERY, CnpttBP Broiialbin and Pint 8ts., DR vLBR IN Canard fruit. Cnoc Meats, Ulsssware. Qaeeaiware, Orld Fruit s. Vegetables, Tobacco. Clgara, tiaear, Splcea, Coflee. Tea, Etr,, Etc.. fa fa ;t etrrrthii fa . is kept I a gn rat variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. H.J. MirrHost. Prse S. Fas as, Vi: getu B. 8 Cook, s e. O U. Mwass fres The Oregon Land, Company mmtnd kt thspurp m ofbuylog and selling rail aaca'x, alver ieing .ha Willi-neue Valley In all of the leading news w. a at the United States. Kmploy ing astern stents to direct noma aaokera to tbe Mf illera ette Vallay, and h mt agente In all tha principal towns ( Marion, I' k. Linn, Benvw, ;U:suuui and Yamhill conntlee to aid In locating Immigrant. O.fl'ia In tha Tata UuiMinr one 1 r went of fc8u- i art A Soss. H0D4OS DICKIWrfOX, Managers. MRS. B. HYMAS, nam east of 8. JC, Young's, Albany, O Catting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND 'STAMr, ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING Wednefiays and Thursdays of - o-th week, aul pifitm dono to oider on plauesand other material, (flat fMNOrta'! olftteU msturisU on as 1 1 ' FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OF Ubany soda Works And Manc'a'Tturersof GHOICE COHFEuTIQNEM, n now prspsrsl to sell at :wholt, sale, always frdsh and pure at Portland prfe to deiera. We nl'so keep a full line of ;Suta and Tropical Fruits, rClGARS AND TOBACCO: H. F. MERI.1LL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - " OREGON. Sell SSStiaefJ ou Na Ifork, Sn Franciaco and Portland . Bar notei, 8t'a. c anty and c'.ty warranU Ra celve dapoaits attbjaot to check. Interoat allowed on time depoaita. Collactlona will receive proaipt attention. Correepondenc. aolicited. Fira and marine insurance pbvoel. In reliable com flea, 4af Oce m. to 5 p. ni . FOSHAY & MASON. -Trinri abb aaiAii - Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. AUlen'a publications, which ws sell at publisher's prioas WJth postagsadiAd. ALBAMV, OKEOOH. FOR SALE. 20 small tra :ta and three farma .on easy tcriaa' VUli. AX1Y MAKE or WHOLESOME BREAD USE T11K OOW BRAKTA. SAW MILL. Wheeler. BROKE toe lumber mon ipoly. W Jean furnish to builders and contractor, rough, dear or tj visaing ou short notloe. This lumber is out from the het yellow fir, rafted from thj cele brated McKinxie timber regions and mana faotured tt Coburg. Any quantity can be furnished at Albany at low prices. It needs no re : mnn iation s to quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS. and lumber of all kinJs on oar yard con stantly. Don't order witbont seeing or owing frm us. We will saye on money. HAMMER BROS.. lbsu Linn Co Di MCALISTER & WOODWARD. Homeopathic Physicians ft Surgeon' Obstetrioa, Treatment of Chronic Dis eases of woman and children a speeieUy AH calls promptly attended day and night. Office in theFlinn Block. First National Bank OP ALBAK1 OBEtiON. Prealdetit Vice Hreaident Aaa't Ca.bier.. U FLJNN m. E, TOCJiO MVJO. V. Oil MRKKLAlN J AH. V. i'OWEl.L THAN. ACTS A OENERAL banking boalnoaa. ACCOUNTS KEPT eubjeut to aback. BIOBT BXCHAXGK and teluifraphic tranafer, aol on Maw York, San Vrattciaco, Ckicafo and Pot Orasse. ;oLl)ECTIONS MADE on favorable terme. uiaacrouL , K. Toc-aa, Uao, E CuaMBMaii) , E Hlain, L. Puss, vv i.i fit K ToaasLi,, Red CrownMills 1SOM. LANNINO & W., PROPB'8. saw pRocKMs ruua hupkkiok ron rAXfMM AND BARJCKS IT SB. BEST ST0RA0W tVCILITIES. Hiirhest Price in Cash fo Wheat A. J. R08SITER, V. S. 8raiuat3 of Ontario Itiw'mn Oollege, Is prepared to trsst diss tsss of all do mestle animals on scientific principles. Residence and office two doors east of Opera House. Albany. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Rafnre von start Tour mower, binder or threshing outfit come to our store and get vn i" Bill r Mm W IratAn almost, anvt.hina' yeu will need, and at prices you will be smsnea witn. Htbwakt A Bel THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The celebrated engines, sepisrators and m 11 e niannfu rt 1 1 rci hv KllHSall A. Co. of MassiUou, Ohio, are now soli by us. m . if 1 1 1 J 1M , , , LUMBER i hey are iap taxing iu ieau m me Valley andA variably give satisfaction. Htewabt Sl Kox. Ciikckkrbo.. About three years ago a man going by the name of Prof. King, frrah from the tnaanc aavluin, came to Al buny and hclJ revival tneetinga In the M K. church South, and then left without liquidating several bills, going to Portland where he waa arreatrd for grand larceny and acnt to the penitentiary (or three yeart. After serving two year and sight montha he was dlachariml, and that waa only a abort time ago About twcntv.five davs . . . . J ago he to Albany and hired a hor? ol Ana Matahall (or a day. The day lengthened Into wecka and unallv iWr Marahall got a warrant out tor the arreat of .1 W. Orwller, the name he gave. Con. atable Burkhart found him over by Klng'a valley riding without any bridle and with a stick (or a guide (or the animal, lie waa selling u corn or catarrh cure, or aome thing of the kind, lie claimed that he did not steal the home btt Intended to return It. Km.; waa brmiifht to Shis cltv and uiveu a hearing before itfcf" U umjthn v Justice Humphrey heard the testimony In the cae and took It Into consideration (or the reason that King serins more in need o( going to the insane asylum than to the penitentiary. There It little doubt that his head would float if it were loose from hi bodv. It w decided to end him to the asylum. A Rake Case. -We have been ing as closely an poible to get an inetance o( an out and out republican or democrat betting that the other man's candidate would be elected. The following from a Pendleton paper U the first case that has come to bur notice, ami It Is not a very heavy one either : "In a certain resort in town, Sam Freeman, the conductor who has already wagered considerable, offered to bet $io more on Harrison. Pete Med- ernach, who was there, promptly accepted the proportion, and now the Grange part of the story comes In. Dan Smith, an out- and-out liarrlso.i man, relieved Mcder- nach o( part o( his bet, wagering $ on Cleveland. Mr Smith evidently backed his judgment rather than his political opln Ions. TUB ' TimiBl" BiTBI Mr J A. War ner, o( Albany, waa out thia week and aur- veyed Kirkpatrick's addition to the town o( Lebanon. The plat can be seen at A- R. Cyrus' office (ien. Lew Wallace, the author of Ben Hur, soon .o vlalt the Pa cific coast, and will lecture at Albany if a l guaranteed rum. rlrt we d heard ol it Mhcritt J. Smallmon arrested Joel Mierfy yesterday. We understand the matter was satisfactorily settled. Barber Smith. A young man who re- turned last week (rom a trip to San Fran, ciaco says that he saw Barber Smith while in that city, lie said he started the story that he had committed suicide at Corvaliis so that the officers at Portland would not pursue, arrest and return him to Portland to teatify against his wife, who was arrested on a charge af adultery preferred by him. - dlafesmtrm, A New County. We are Informed that the citizens ol Mitchell, Burnt Ranch, Fossil and other portions of the Bridge creek and John Day settlements intend to ask the legislature to set them apart into a newly organized count v. The new coun tv is to be composed of a portion of Grant, (i!tiam and Crook. Natural liaundaries, uch as mountain ranges, streams, etc., will probably mark its Une.and not straight ine surveys. jVtwt. Aquarium Car. Col J H Wood, who claims the distinction of having built the first lath and plastered house at Leadvillr, is passing over the O. & C. with an aquar. um car, to see which he chrrges an ad- mission of 2 (and 15 cents. He was in Ore gon City yesterday and is looked for at Al- bany most anv time. aThe car Is said to be full of curiosities. Marriem. As announced before hand by the Democrat the wedding ef Marshal Kinnevand Miss Narcissa K White took place at Hazelton, Kan., on Tuesday, Oct. 30th. Thcv will come to Oregon In time to be here for Christmas, and will make Astoria their home. Some Sausage. This office is under ob ligations to Mr J R Stewart son for some fine sausage manufactured at his butcher shop. It shows that Mr S. knows what he is about when it comes to chopping up do hog meat. Pears Too. Mr. George Knox has laid on the Democrat's counter a bunch of second growth pears, eleven In number, that show what our rear trees can do. We have already illustrated what can be done with apples and berries. Verily this is a great country and its name Is Linn county, Oregon. State vs. Bloikjett In the case of the State vs. N. A. Blodgett for criminal libel the Court Friday morningfimposed a fine of $100 and costs, rather of an ex pen sive price to pay for sending a little letter of excuse to a school teacher. Mr. Cox's Address. Hon. L. B. Cox delivered an address at the Court Mouse Thursday to just about the same ized au dience that greeted (J W Fulton, and was termed immense by some one. Mr Cox is a good speaker and handles the tariff ques tion in a masterly manner. A Level Heam. Hon H A Dawson. State Senator from Linn county ,is in town to-day. Mr Dawson is a republican, but says he thinks the republican vote will be much less in his county than in June. Pendleton E. O. Mr Dawson returned to Albany yesterday alter a pleasant trip u; the country. Home. Mrs. A. Ilackletmin has just re turned from a visit to Michigan where she went about two months since to visit her son, T. P. Hackleman. She says demo crats were hopeful of carrying Michigan. Arrests During Oct. During Octo ber the following was the record of ar rests in the Recorder's Court, in this city : Drunk and disorderly, 11 ; vagrancy, 17 ; profane language, 1 ; keeping laundry on First Street, I, Total 30. Fines paid, 3 ; complaint dismissed, 3 ; discharged .ticket of leave, 7 ; convicted 17. Circuit Court. The case of the State against N L Blodgett for libel, was taken up this morning, the trial of which has been the only business before the Court. The case was submitted to the jury about 3:30, and a verdict of "guilty" was ren dered. Punishment, $100 fine and costs Curious Sight. A Democrat man in passing Mr M Sternburg's residence a day or two ago saw one of Mr S's children picking red raspberries for dinner, a curi ous sort of a sight for this season. The boy had hisdish nearly full too. Prof Geddes and Mrs DrDodd are teach ing a prosperous school at Sbio. AJLiiAJS Y, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER wit.!, hk Bit km. The O. Hi V. will hsve a Milt on its hands as explained by the Val ley l oi ,, of Ashland as follows ; "The conductor running (rom Portland to Koec burg, put A. Y. Slmlu.of Ashland, off hi train at one o( the stations south of Port land, claiming that his ticket (round trip for Mechanics fair) had expired the day before. Mr Shulu explained to the con- u"ctor that he was mistaken, but the con uuctor thought he knew It all. Mr Mhulu took the nexttraia t'j Portland and laid the Bffatr before the head officer, who offered to compromise the matter, but could not get up to t red's liuures.hcncc he will brine n action tor damages against them." .J a s w . . w lit'R y Thkm.- - Hie following is going the founds of our exchanges, a sign that it la all right : "Bury the croakers out In the woods in a beautiful hole In the ground. where the woodpecker ,ccks and the bum- ble bee bums and the straddle bugs strad dle around. They are no good to this city ol push, too unpructicul stingy and dead, but they want the whole earth and all o( Its crust and the stars that ahine overhead. 11. L. . . . I at - . k I t . l - i . in ii imi-iiv mem nt me oiirnoie nee roosl and bury them deep in the ground. They are no use to us here, iret them out of the way and make room for men that are sound. " From thk Other Himk. This la way they are watching for, and antlcipating.the Oregon Pacific railroad (rom the region around Prlncville i ' It (avorable weather continues a (ew weeks longer, the road will doubtleas be completed thia fall to a point In the mountains sixty miles thia side of Albany. There is no longer a doubt ihat the whitlro(the locomatlve will wake the settlers on the Squaw creek aide next sum mer from their slumbcra The work will t.ot be done early enough.however, (or the company to carry awsy our woo! crop of next apring. i ne uaiie will te our atorc house and aupply depot (or at least one more seaaou. But after that. a a .7-v ear old remarked in our hearing the other day -wc ii get our nig red apples cheap then (rom Webfoot.' " Several Wilmxo Several Albany gentlemen, some o( them confirmed old bachelors, say they are willing ta enter In to such a wager as was made on the Col- umbia several days ago, that Is, marry some girl on the 4th of March, iSSk, l( Cleveland Is elected or on theth of March 1S90 if Harrison Is elected or twv vr$m. All they want is the young lady to make the wager with. Lebanon has several young men in the same fix also, among whom la the editor ol the h'xfrrti, who la tremblingly waiting (or a propoaition. Webf. .An Astoria paper objects to the eulogy an Yaquina Bay (rom the N. Y. Sum ef a recet.t day, and says the writer ia a lunatic It particularly weeps at the part which aays Yaquina is the finest harbor north ol Han Franclaco. Ol course thia view is principally inspired because As. toriaison the Columbia river, and be cause, there i some ground (or complaint. Don't Bite, -It about the time of the year (or looking glass fakes with adver tising schemes to be around, and we notice thftt one o( the (ellows has gotten asiar as Salem already. Look at the antiquated Duainesa that disfigures the tioatofhce a an example and then refuse to bite. The A. At A. R. R. In another column will be found an advertisment of the As- toria & South Coast rallraod for bids to clear the right of way. Thia look as if the company meant business, and intended to commence work at once. The board ol directors are thoroughly in earnest and til soon convince the doubtfu' Peter s that the Astoria South Coast railroad i an assured fact. I'ioturr. A Boy Thief. Marshal Rosa returned from Junction City yesterday with Vcrron On bom, the i6y-arold bay charged with stealing $70 from the North Salem milk man, G F Sherwood. When arrested the boy was engaged In running a skating rink at Junction, In which he had bought an in terest with part ol the stolen money. He had io in goid on his person, the balance of the money having been invested In the rink, a watch, revolver and a suit of clothes. Statesman. Something New. A gentleman has been exhibiting near Deyec Si Robson's a sery Ingenius harrow. The action of dragging it makes the whole harrow re volve, paeventing the dirt (rom becoming lodged on the teeth, and pulverizing the earth in a remarkably efficient manner. This is the newest thing under the sun the Democrat has seen lately. Coming In. Quite a number of men aee coming in from '.he front on the O. P. and offering their time checks for sale, and, as well, others are leaving to begin work. As there will be work for a month or more yet there should be more going than coming. There is the usual amount of kicking pecu liar to all railroad building. The First. A Miss Chambers walked over a row of twelve inch planks on the new bridge at Oregon City, being the first lady to perform the aerial (eat. It is to be hoped no other lady will be so foolish as to duplicate the act, else Oregon Cft may have a first-class funeral. There is nothing particularly commendable In performing dangerous acts for fun and glory. Thanksgiving. The Democrat is like a brother newspaper in another part of the State ; it doesn't know whether it will be turkey or crow on Thanksgiving day, but after reading President Cleveland's nicely gotten up proclamation we are willing for it to be turkey with some cranberry sauce and snipe for appetizers. Bktting. About the silliest campaign argument is a bet. It proves nothing ex cept a fool's willingness to part with his money. Ex. This is about as true as any thing that ever graced the columns of a newspaper. Of all kinds of gambling bet ting on elections is not the most righteous, and the fact is nearly everybody bets some thing. Get mad and can't help it, you know. Insane at 80. George Benden.another old man of eighty years, who has been for some time confined in the Marion county infirmary, was this afternoon adjudged in sane by a commission before Judge Shaw and committed to the asylum. He is a British subject. His hallucination causes i him to wander about aimlessly. Journal. I A Traveixbr. A real live umbrella mender has been in the city to-day plying his trade, which he has found quite brisk. He has been all over the world, and says the best country he was ever in is Chili. Vhos Pritchard is his name. TKMPKttANt'K COLUMN. Edited by Albany W, C. T, V. National W. t). T, fj. Convention. a ewaaaaas At the opening ol the Convention at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York Qraon Friday the 19th ol October every seal reserved (or visitors, even to the top gallery, was taken long before the hour of opening the Convention, and many were obliged to go away. The tMrity Urn Signal give a verbatim report ol every session, Sabbath sermons, evening addresses, etc. The five Issues ore crowded with good thi.igs,(ood for thought. The old officers wete re-elected. When Miss WjlLrd was brought to the platform afltf her re-election, among other good things she said : I thank you lor the honor put npon me, this Is a year o( cul mination, In this year on which we enter - 1859 ; so soon to be here you (meaning the organization) get to be filteen, I grow to be your ten years' President, and grow to be filty years old , mother gets to be eighty, five. So those are sweet and sacred dates in my thought -family dates. God grant they may be dates to each of us and all of us that shall maak off mile-stones, white and beautiful on the highway by which we march in solid phalaux arm in arm to the celestial city whoea builder and maker Is (rod" Mrs. Buell has served as Cor. Sec. of tltc National Union, nine years. Mrs. Wood- bridge as Rec. Sec. ten years. She again selected Mra L M Stevens as her atant. Shortly before the election ol officers, Mr Barry, fraternal delegate (rom the Knights ol Labor wa presented to the Convention, and In a ten mln. ute speech tendered the W C T U a (raternal greeting and hearty sympathy and co operation In everything undertaken for the henar and Integrity o? a nations people. In closing her thoughtful remar k she said : "We ask vour earnest suppert In abolishing fromtthe saloon window and the cigar store and (rom other places where t is a degretlatlon for us to see It, the pic ture of the nude, or partially nuie forms of woman as It has been so degraded by men who seem to forget that they owe their existence to woman , and that they are de grading her by the base use of the' form of one of her ses." We say. amen, to everv word of this and hone that every christian woman In this broad land will speak so emphatically upon this subject, as to make these venders of cigarettes and tobacco take down their indecent picture, if the v do not discontinue the sale of the noxious weed. So manv Interesting and instructive pa. pers are given by the Convention that we scarcely know I rom which to cull, but will try from week to week to give as much as our limited space permits. Attempt at Barb Korhrry. I articular were received last veaing of an atUtapt to rob th lbia bask. Trenches had been dag and t tbe vault, where there was a plaoa large sbougb for a man to work. Tbe bottom of the safe was removed and a trap door pat to its place. Two holes eight inches sqoarw had baas cut through the safe; but lbs burglar proof box waa too much for tbe drill Fortaestely tbs drill marks were dis eovsred aad tbe whole plan laid bare, As there wees $17,000 io the safe it may bs seen bow fortujate this was. Th todiostioos wars that only profsauoaabi ooold have doss the job. The maoosr to which tbs steal Ur ban k MoNaal borglar proof vault stood tbe fast showed its great efficiency. Ten or twslve attempts in different places ware made to drill tote tbs box, bat without any effect, aad then the plan seems to have been begun to have drilled io by the biogas and blow tbs doors off; bat avsn this would have failed no account of tbsir peculiar construction. On account of various striking circumstances one J Ban coo, a man who has been working on the railroad, waMuspected of having a hand in tbs work, sntrsxiis moroiog a warrant was isaued for bis arrest Constable ( 'al Bark hart found him in bed this morning ssrly, at tbo Depot hotel with Mr Castello, another ratlrood man, aad arrested him and placed bim in tbe ooooty jail. Ooe or two well known Lebanon men are suspected of know ing something about tbs matter, and tt u possible there will be soma ioterattiag de velopments. The ease, set for a bear ing before Justice Humphrey as soon as pos sible after the arrival of the Lebanon train with witnesses, was proceeding at the time of going to press. A boat fifteen Lebanon peo ple were present, and it seemed probable that there would be strong enough evidence to hold Hanoon, among other things his pur chasing driila and powder of Stewart A Sox Saturday evening. The preparatory work iu reaching tbe safe most have taken five or six weeks, a smooth, greasy path being made under the building. Married.- -On Nov. 3, 1888, at the St Charles, by Geo. II. Humphrey, Esq., A. L. Kirk and Mary K. Cushman, both of Brownsville. A Sound lgal Opinion. K Blnbrldgs Mundiy, Kq., County Atty,, Cloy Co., Tex.. y: "Have used KleetriQ Bitters wlib most happy results My broth n- also wa very low with Mala rlai fever and jauodioa, but was mired by timely uss ..f this msdloitiH, Am Hs'.iafind Flpotrlo !liurs saved hie life." Mr I) I Wilooxson, of Hor Cave, Ky., add a like testimony, saying : Ho posi tively believes I14 would have died, had it not been tor Electric lliitir. This great remedy will ward off, at well a cure ell Malaria Diseases, and for nil Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands iinnqualed. Price 50c. and $1, at FomI 1 ay A Mason's, To the People of Bete and Vicinity. Owing to the difficulty of getting suitable rooms srranged in Soie ws hsve decided not to work there for the present; but if you will come to our gallery in Albsny, where we are well prepared and hsve the finest of lenses md fixtures, we will make it to your advan tage to have pictursa taken here, and will make it satisfactory for your trouble aud ex pense in coming. We are making life size portraits finished in crayon, Prices lower thsn oyer heard of. Bring any pictures you wish copied. We guarantee satisfaction. Please call and see us. Very Respectfully, Crawford Si Littlke. If your back aches or If you are suffer ing from inflammation of the kindeys, seminal weakness, brick dust deposit in tbe urine, or in fact any kidney or liver complaint, do not waste money on worth less liniments or plasters, but strike the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, Oregon Kidney Tea. It is pleasant te take, is puro I7 vegetable ard has sever failed to give entire satisfaction. Sold by Foshay fe Mason. 7 Oiks cures rheumatism, neuralgia sua toothache. Foshay A Mason, Agents. Children Crvfor: , 1888. ClilUOM r.UTN. ' The railroad bridges In this country if placed continuously would reach (rum New York to Liverpool. Of the Joogold beaters In New York, no one Is a woman ; while of the 900 gold-cut ters, no one is a man, Kvcavations made in Tzintzun zan, in Y acuta, Mexico, in search ol treaaure nre said to have revealed a magnificent palace which Is an Brclwological wonder. Tin- moat northern electric light in worjd is at Hernosand, Sweden, 011 Gull ol Both nltt, above the fud degree el latitude. Light Is needed there at a: y . m. A new double pointed nail is the inven tion o( an Ingenious woman. The points turn In opposite directions. They are es pecially useful (or invisible nailing in woodwork. It is simply two nails joined firmly, the sides at the heads being placed together. Vienna bread has made many (orures,and one of $8,000,000 came to Count Zang.who died recently in Vienna. In 1843 he estab lished the first shop for Vienna bread in Paris, and from that gained his wealth. A retired plumber says that clogged wat er pipes can be cleared by pouring enough liquid soda lye Into the pipe at night and not allowing any water to run till the next morning. During the night the lye will convert alt the offal into soft aoap, and the first current ol water In the morning will wash it all away. A correspondent writes tou that Mrs. T. S. Bfuulton of Hampton Falls, N. Ii., was attracted by the actions of two robins in her front yrd. They would fly and al mot strike her, and then go to an arbor vita-tree in the hedge, than back to her again. When the tree was examined a neat was found with young bridt and a large speckled adder eating the young birds. The adder was killed, but he had eaten all but one ef the young birds. An improvement In the operation of an neallog wire is announced. It consists in coiling the wire upon a hollow metallic core or drum, Imbedding the wire and core in sand or it equivalent, surrounding a cen tral open space, subjecting the whole to heat with the wire thus imbedded,and then allowing the whole to cool before removing the wire (rom the imbedding material. While cooling the vessel Is dipped intermit tently into cooling liquid. To cut a five point star with a single straight clip of the shears might seem a rather difficult feat to accomplish. Once known, the process is very simple. Take a sheet of paper of any aixcand fold it once across. Then make a fold at right angles to thia, merely for the purpose of deter mining the center of the paper. Throw the sheet hack upon the single fold and Ut the center point he the. point of a triangle when alt the folding I completed. It muat be understood that to have R five pointed star taerc muat be one single and tw double foils, the folds being made out ward from the center point. This single fold should be made to a point about four, fifths of the diatance to the middle line made when the center of the paper was de termined. The firs double fold Is made by folding the further side of the sheet as it Is left after the single fold, back upon the outer edge o( the latter. The second dou ble fold is then made by folding what is now double upon what is triple. To obtain the star, now make a cut with scissors on a straight tine diagonally acios (rom a point some little distance removed from the apex, to the extreme outer lower point of the fold. The cut may be made from either regular side o( the triangle Fhe eye must be guide as to the acuteness or obtuseness ol the angles of the star. A very little practice will soon enable one to cut one ol these stars with entire ac curacy. Comparison of aster so made with a geometric star will show it to be far mere symmetrical and graceful than the stiff mathematical product. Preston II. Leslle.Governorof Montana, in his annual report to the Secretary of the Interior, estimates the population of the Territory at 140,000, an Increase of 10,000 over the estimate made last year. All in dustries of the Territory have been highly active and prosperous during the year. Agriculture made rapid strides forward. It can be stated lu truth that the average yield per acre of wheat, oats, potatoes and cultivated grass in Montana for 1887 was not equalcd by that of any other Territory 01 State. The commercia. operations of the Territ ory during the year aggregated $49,000, 000. The assessed value of taxable prop erty in the Territory is $ty,6oo,ooo. Cpon the subject of education the report says that In each of the cities and large town are the very best and highest class graded schools. Every child of school c ge in the Territory Is in the school nine months of the year. The mints are more productive than ever before. Eugene Semple, governor of Washing ton Territory, in his annual report, esti mates the population of the territory at 167,082, an increase of about 24,000 during the year. The taxable property of the ter ritory is $84,621,182, a gain of over $65,- 000,000 in the past ten years. The finan - cial condition is said Vo be in a healthy and prosperous condition. The coal mining Industry is in a prosperous condition, the mines having produced 1,133,801 tons against 525,705 during 1887. Gold and sil ver mining is also prosperous. The sal mon pack was 360,820 cases, a slight In crease over last year, but neither the can neries nor the fishermen made anything on the year's work. The governor urges the admission of the territory into the Union ; recommends the allotment of lands in severalty to all In dians; a liberal appropriation for the en forcement of the Chinese exclusion act; the establishment of a port of entry at Gray's harbor, and liberal appropriations for suryeys of the public lands. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE. Do you want s remedy for B'Housness, Pimples on the face, and a sure cure for sick headache, aak Dr. Uu'se and Son, tha Druffglsta, for Dr. Oei.m a Live PUIS, try s dose, samples free full box 25 cent, Pitcher's Castoria. W . F. FIRST 8T The Leading Cash Dry now reoftHog my fall stock and gains than ever was Our Btcck is tr irpU-te sr.d 1 I rct'e add td! the n-w novf-ities sr fast as thej jjhjMfTjSffipy T JL' isaiTi iTjjf '-jSM&eBBaa ? !mTmm 5Cgzky a 2r3fri it! t T rn" " ifL-i .TsCSTgr :a VEwu ' ' aftaf I 1 7fKsWfixe J-J ' F Lf&J- I Lsi asflr ssHsttame laflasflBV ' 4aFjaaaaaWgr 'SIk' ' WsBlslafciaaa aTTi 1 raaWeJSaJS: Would call !ei at'e..tion to tbe following lines lress OoodK,Plashes,Velvets,llosiery Jersies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All I . ;-. is a thorough icajecttos of stock. PRODUCEiTflKENi ilN EXCHANGE FOR C00DS. Mali orders prrmptlv at ten 'e S to. aLLvvYiia ii.'V ' ' VvsiiHHC THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all otbc rs in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directiens for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing (io cis. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Yt. Pur Gilding or Browing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver. Bronze, Copper. Only to Cets. - -aSnotJd rjoro no pop -TO-'ds ti owes snieiaiHSi jo spofl '133 " n 7 sssihr;teS ptmod X otu pn ' soouno 91 Iltu strvjiu ltpuwff 4UTUlVJt I as UtV. jo u:!-i; v' -1 I" 1 nod .Ct-'.w iq, Odg soiiavo usap Sns tooiiD sun Wi upl.. pas SumM' joj pusia ..asauunn ' uwv-oni iuu osn pmun, ' cjouut:, pna nawttgarr opsin e.ia v;.t."p.'tj,t fhu 'XH A'UUIU M .'A SO 019 ;itJJ01 'uiui"." SSQUUtil aaoutriBCinB fvuifni iue ujeitto.i iouaK''r oansoaq ' jopnpjou. iiouui Supq Bappeq 't;o. H sent XinoM'j Bui -AWMapAOj Jhrprsasaa eq. jo BrujuooavSD) ji hhvk WHAT OREGON OFFERS. To the Parmer, sod every aoe ef Ml ; Over sixty million acres of the richest kind at soil. To theStoekrnss: ve!ley,rane;tf,forny kind of herrfa In a most delightful olimtt, not described by word, To ibo brave Prospector, and tbe Miner bold : A mineral chain of mounUine.ful! of stiver ore end gold To tbe Artiste, Authors and gelentlf 0 men j Puzzling subject for their eanvaae, brain and pes. T tha Mimrterneo, who from care are free : r-very e-ame that r.wlma. nuts or climbs s tre M the Doctor and the bewyr; cases they may ne doubtful, though, for tbe air is very pure. " rtic Capitalist, who wise Inveaments aeek " l 'il ua, arid let surrounding apeak. MRMTt, no nlace 'noslh the glorious sun offered rueh inducement, elnee the world began READ ALBANY, OREGON Goods House ofAibany, I can give my eaVmj dTered in A I ban v fo kern it n. 1, are in (he market. ' r)a W .F. READ, n CELERY P6 5 COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS " Paine'a Celery Com Neiiralgta pound cured my Berr- " ous sick headaches. mmmmmmmmmtmmmm J A. BkENTNTO, . San Jacinto. CaL Nervous . . "After using six bot- PrOStratlOn ties of Paine's Celery mmmm Compound, I am cured ot rheumatism." Rheumatism ggg, comish. n. h. "It has Bbne me more KldfieV go-.! for kidney disease than any other medi- DiSeaSeS cine.' C.o. Abott, , Sioux City, Iowa. Paine's Celery Com AW pound has been of great All liver benefit for torpid liver, Mil indigestion, and biiioua- DisnrderS ness." Elizabeth C. UlSOraere UPAn.. Quechee, Vfc . spmbs nrpn: mos tot. pexini etuJ9rS 10 P8 jo pueaq jaiuinH nixvi. "Ht jotnjuoodsws euo P i 0 ojeuoqjeo tq jo eaiauoa iijadoad Soiaia ts mi iilt J81 taetnu pmoqs aapjaoj iraixa Supjn sannd jjnq nj nSnoq ueqA puvjq (ljommH 9 vaty am joj pewnsqusseinw -CHIOS OaifcpOoS J0U9JTI1 ts 'Xism-apisj pas smsoi anoaeaqqaiqav'snoojjns punod Jiq so pwaod n i ivq 'S' J8ies jo epoRpuiuq, JaiurnH V uuy. . m &uo Burapnqa oiusujoi poojaojpeem seouqBqus avrpcuia u eares wtnd pus o nm l praoqs asu noX an-wareg ao spog eq im -jodmj ini-tf titivai aao Pitcher's Oatorlas boms near iown. II, BiKT. rHdrenCrvfor