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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1888)
ft Win. Fortmfe FUNERAL PlRECfOR. Pronipt Attention-First-class Hearse sTAfter business hours call at resh'onoe corner Fifth an 1 llaksr streets. IVNLMl rj WUFJWUi. Southern Pacific Company's Line. fi hk nr. HUT! Kfttin. u.j i. t ; 4any ftftl Erviolao, Si hour MMMMl xrM tk.isa taut Sou Ml 4.00 r. ft. I Uit K If I I Lasvs T:40 a I Arri North I 10:40 a a i I 7 06 A M laJ Pft I'.-rlUnl AltxMijr Un K.aiK' taais oailt ,ep Sunday). AtVAJ a m Un li:OPH Urn Mllff , Arrba Portland Albany Arri 8:46 r a Lesv I 11;5 a ft Leave mu kSSlAL rUtlSMK TSAIS AILT, AACSPT ailAT. Leave Arnv o Albany I.. 1.4 I mi Arm.. I 6:46 a ft Leave I 6:uo A M Arnv I t:4& r m Im I uu r a U60 r M I L Albany I 3B . Arm a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, f ourist Sleeping Cars r !. M .ml. J l src.n.M la I . era. nliiirbr t ta . Trslfta. Wrtl sHe fcvtvUls. iriritKi -ak allia. 4 V . I-.:.. ( pt Huoday.) Oak I U e a Am land Arrtv I : P ft Ulia U I Ml ft Cjt' iuiiu tvaisa sailt (aso Sundty . t-Mr Usv lOOrn Am Portland McMm.ivlll Affln IMW A ft Uvt 6.46 A ft At A'jaay i Cor vaili. vita trlue ot v,rv m PacU. Railroad for full luforanUja WfArJlu.' rUi. iij '. oa coatAuiy Affenl. K KOtHLER, P. tmtm 4ti.(i i' .., It YAQULNA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, fou Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHOR T 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class tbruugb pssseurfwr oil freight line from Portlsnd and sll point In the IVilUraetie Valley to anI froui sn Francisco, Cat. Willamette River Lins of Stealers. The "Win. M. Hong," The "N. s. Bent ey," Tne "Three Sister" are tu mrvice for botb passenger and freight tratno be tween Corvellia and Portland snd mediate points, leaving Compauy'i whsrf. Corvsllis, aud Messrs. liuiuisu A Co' wharf, Nos. 200 an J Ml From St., roit land, three times a week a follow : KORTit BOUND. Leave Corvailu, M.4i . WW. aimI Friday, 10.OJA. M. Leave Albaur, Monday. V ed. Aiwi rrtduv. 1 1 wu Arrl.t Portland, lu., Tho. Avl ftAtunUjr, i P. M " ftoUTH UOL.Nl. Lmti FortUutd, Ma Wi. uu r n 1... s . A. M, Utrt AibAQ, foe . Tuur. MbJ lijtuniAj. liAft M M Arrive CoAiluj. Tuu. , ihu. ;! , .- 1. ft Boats malts cioe uouauviiou mi .vKmn wan trains tjf MM Oregon l'siti - tUitroaJ TlMlftJiUCiiULE aalAA) bar ra Albany. 1 " r. M, u.. V.v( i.-h, 0:15 A.H. Uan C riU, l.iOr. ft. uav CrvlU.,lu.X. a. Arrive Yaqaina, 6cM r. ft I tlftaSf, Usftl ft, O. A (J. traios oonno si iibasjf ud Corvsllls Ttie above triuH tst YsquiUA Willi the Orerf u llov.-i .piuont Uompany' Usue f iUja h h.. i. en Yaquina and Sm l- rn ue . Hill.l.VU D II i: i . eiBAMBa,4. rial aa9 rAAsotaci. WilUiueUa Vall.j, Nov. lrtsam WillAioeU Vailc, Nov. Vlitt out UUaU Valley, Nov. 2Uh 10 a m Nov. Cvb. No. '. ii Hw. 3oib. The Company rye .hu HaftM t change sailing J.u?m witiioUt null N. 11. tAeu)r fr ii f irl.Hi4fd Willamette Vs ley not its ufl naft - 'iose eonny;ti.'u with tbu ir .i . !;;- V quina route st A 1 04ii v or i!.v him. mim! i- des tined t "4ll Kl Al'-M ' . all I I A lA.ttSj tO arrive st Ysquius taj .'V.-.nn us) r.- iate of sail id (j. asues .rr tail I'. right Kafr. a;vry Iftr lawr.l Forlnf r n.ii n app'y lo C J Stuart, Kru tu ii'i Ticket Aent, Aluaa, av to 0 li Haacn, Jr , o'. F. A P. Ayt,, o.-rgon Or elopmet.t Cn., a .4 es)4jaaftMft ftSe KrA'i'.T; , Cil. t Mbit, A.O. K. Aii.JP. A .'. Ora;'ll)PA :t 1 : H K . . .... .. 0 New Wash Hou r. Lee C ii am"", in . v ye r- s boiy 1 a r. t .r... n waah 1 ou t - f'.i south f the ;; work and w wsahiog dons I ho i 1 in o II li -. nri m 1 1 oy of i utsts H ' L . r y .. to II (01 ii. 1 y I a nr- 01 f .l..i I. a v..l t-i liieit ew Wi sh lloQ f II. Jo Ci n man 1 t'.'-ih' iii waab ho 1 e of ( 1f i fchmi'i K'txMe and hs movel m . Fir! eei, 3 .:oora vreat of Mr. Mn 'a ! i ere he ia ptefmied to do all ki o' itu .ii. work iu fir-' ch M tyls. WANTED. Penton Fraley. a hi f tin- ftttaWtftigayjrt, left the Stats of Km- a ten . ;ivo to come ve.t, aiu';e ' h time 1 htant-f heard frrm liiin. Aiy n.n kik- if.kf in whereshoats or ii.foiii f.inii cncmti it ti, will confer a great f-vor I.;. hi ii allies' ift uch to the aoderinei. IIl'.ii !.aij:y. 1 . in i'al NOTICE. All p '- 1 km win.' 1 en - V. 1 b to Drs. Ifi'AI & Wool! il, hi- b relj notified to sil an acttlf of S ai.d eave co it. Dm, M ALinr.t.t c Vo oiVku OR. J. La KILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Streets ALBANY- - OREGON. Andrews & Ha.ckie;nan, WiiOUGLASl $3.00 cunr WARRANTED 5T TAN' av a mrrx jkui 1 wz - A sr SOLE iV-GJtfiNTH, Do You Want Furnitue ? IF YOU DO 00 TO Win & Willard. where you will find the boat make end flneftl tt'iinhed BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AMD LOUNGES. Alao a fine Jlne ol PICTURE FRAMES. and n hnndord dilVoront ilvlm of 1loul8in$;s. Pioture frames made to order. The sud best litock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Frli-e reasonable. "Jim Wi sHalir CIIINKSE M lillt'll ANT. Full line of Chlnoae good of all kind on hand, Alao full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this aectlou. laborers fumlidied on short notice !o any purpoMe. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPS, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Wilt keep txiiiftlsntly on band best, mutton, pork, veal, aaussge, etc., the bent meats and Urgent variety in the city CshIi paid for all klnds.of fat ntock. OThe DUYEHH-GUIDE la issued March and ttept., each year. It Is an sney. olopedls of uaeful tutor, mstion for all who pur chsae the luxuriea or the neceaaitiea of life. We esn olothe 70a and furnish you with si I the necoaasry and unnocsassry apphanco.H to ride, walk, dsneo, aleep, est, flah, hunt, work, go to church, or atsy st home, and In various siaea, at y lea and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all thoae thing COMFORTABLY, and you can make a lair eatimate of the value of he BUYEHH' OUIDE. which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poatago, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111.114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 111. PATENTS btUuad, and all ..thar buaineea in the U. B. Pataa v alt. iiur.lml U fST Sftftleratc leca. Our office la oppuall the I ve can uuu PalvnU MBS S. Palvrtt OfBce. ami "in Wd.hititrton. DBodla or or uraiiur. Wo u.' to patent Mlitv free ot Skatfji ; and wcsiaxa o charge uuleaa obuio paUul. We refer here, to the Pet4kat'r. (!e SuiA. ol easy Oruer lv. anal to otTlcUia of the L'. ft Patent 'ffl.x-. Porcircttlar, aiivva, Urma, and etervneea oactual clieiita In jour otrr State or cuuuly , aJUreaa s . HNOW fStCO., Otxlie Patent fotfi. WaahiUj(Un. O . SAM MAY. ft. SKNUKlta MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandibe. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON Will boy lirain. Wool aud all kMs roilurf. The trestment of mior thotiaamla of Of those chronic weaknesses and dlatrrsalng allmenU peoultsr to femslea. at the Invalid? nwa insoiuic, liuuaio, n. 1 baa afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt In k and thoroughly teating- remedies for the cure of V'jtxian'a peculiar maladies. JDr. Pierce's Favorite frear rlptlon It the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nlaia, received from patient and from physician- who have tested It iu the more affgr. vsted and obstinate cases which had lmttf.-d their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It ia not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailment. As a powerful, Invigorating tonic. It impart atrenirth to the whole eyeO-m. and to the womb and Its aptx-ndages in particular. For overworked, 'worn-out," resamskera. seamstresaes, "alioi.-srlrla," bouse- . uuimuM uiuiucn.. nil I n'iil." women V I It- Plum'. l'......llr. O.. ' - .... .jj n m a..... j 1 -. 1 1 1 f t . ij , the irr.-iiteftf. eio-thlir 1.1m. nr..,,,,,,i,.,i mm mil 'tv;i.iiiH CVIUIItl Ull.J JitlOrBl 1 VtJ lOniC. As a soothing and atrengtbeiilaff; nervine, "Favorite Prescription" 1 uie oualed and la Invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and orirHiiic disease of the womb. Jt Induces refreaftlns sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Or. Pferee's Favorite Prescription Is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It la purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred nymptoms, its use, in small do- win prove very beneficial. Favorite Prescription la a posi tive cure for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of leucorrbea, exelve flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." . Aft a regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre scription " Is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in it effect when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical perio.1, known as " The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription," when taken In connection with the use or Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, and small laiaf lve doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets .Little Liver Fills), cures Liver. Kidney and Illadder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Favorite Prescription' is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper-covered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 063 Mailt St-, BUFFALO, N. . mm me. .nnAll.ln- 1 I . i . . i Mice tor Publication. L.ih' Cilice at Oregon C t. ,0 , Sept. 21st, 188S'. j Noti ;t ia liert bv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intent i n to make proof in aupport of hia c'a m, &ud that said proof will be made before the Coun ty Judge. or in hi alnence then the County Cltrkof Liuu county. Oregon, at AIoh, Oregon, on TMM!syf November Uth, IKftH yiz: James H. Ci;ittree, Homestead Kntrv No. 4871, fortbe'N of 8 W. N VV of S E and 8 E of N W . f (fee, 25, Tp. 10 S It 2 W. He names tbs fnjloviug witnesses to prove his contiuuoiiri resilience upon, and cultiva tion of, tail land, viz: otto fcJjifi ug, A hummers, John B Smiih ac d Joh i Holt, all ol Soio JP. O.. Linn county, Oreg in. -W. T. Bukney, 'JACOBS Ol T.'iAD f ! Rem nar a EDYr ttpimllalM iintl st rcalinti A V I MNIM'KKN YUAItS. TMG CASK. Utlrar. at sua Ceaaty. fa Mttr ef Taa WorM." Haw Yark. n T Daar aUr: The ih ot m . aha (irmeiiu are aata . .Olklu .aamfla nt .mC.i lug nl aiarv.l. ea. tart, aha tea ltv4 la aa4 mr Mllruy far SO ram, aa la 4t. la U44 aSa was thtawa fraia a ee.uiaUg aarlaaa noerr Va aar ma. riwB. tkat ua till 1M1 ik.u. taaa .ripple, aaable ta THE CURE. Darlaf the.. I...U nl ia U.n yer ( .uS.tlnt. b toentt no .-, ll.r rro th aaataraa. rea! tk.ba4lrtl In 1144 Am ttamhur rut the aS varttMaieai af Si Jateba 041. aa4 aha i tv betUaa Taa Oil arat a ll4. an4 bA,r. tba aaa 4 betU a. iha..Mi by ftr. O.n.n.111. h. x able to walk eln a 4 kaa baa aaatf)'1 taraS. at THOMPSON. rtaal.r CurealtheiMimlUi... Msftlftlsjva.aVlaiim 1.UiiImbw, ItuiUu.t.... il. ..I .. I. . Twuthseh... Nwell luga, Krwatl.ltea, Npritlua, llrulr, t id. Hum, :il hcultl. Mat ty IrMfl..'. tad Viirr 'rcryvVt, Ti l CHAHLE& A. VOGELCn CO.. Bain .-u c U Referee's Sale. State ol Oregon, 1 Linn coutitv. ) an. NUTICR It heraby given that by virtu or a (!. i. of partition aud order of ssie entered In the Circuit Court of the Blats of Oregon for Multnomah county on the I tii day of June lr)M7,and an amendatory decree thereto entered In mid Oourt on the 20th day of September, 1887, In the partition auit of Amanda K linn, et al va. J. II. Hmltb, et al, whereby It was ordetsd that tne .ollnwing real tat, to wit : lls- glnnlng at a Mlnt elsyen chslna and six links north and seven chains and eighty links weat of the southwest corner of Sec tion nlnetesu In Township twslvs south of range 4, west, Willamette mwrldlsn, and ruuulng i ! e eat fifty-lglit chalna aud alxtyofour links; thence north ten cbalua; thence ea.t eight chalussnd Ofty links j thence Mouth ten chains thence south two degrees and thirty minutes west twenty two chaiua and alaly links ; tbenee Kouth eigbi. n ih yreea an.' thirty ruinules eaat, twenty chalus and ninety six links ; iheiics v..M sixty -alx chains and eighty seven links ; thence north Ave degree snd thirty minuirs,easl twenty chains and nine Unas ; thence north ten degrees ami thirty minutes, west, eleven chslns and ! links and thence noith twenly ix degress wet twelve chains snd thirty links iu the place nf bes Inning, contain ing two hundrsd and rnvsoly-tbree seres, nituated iu lyaxt county, Oregon, ami be ing s part of wbrituu nineteen, twenty, twenty-nine and thirty in sshi township, In connection with the other real property belonging to the estate of John Smith, de ceased, be sold at nubile auction accord -tng to law to the highest bidder, Now, therefore, by virtue of mid decree and amendment thereto, 1, the under signed who was duly appointed by mid Court, as referee to sell sid resl property willon ftstarelsy iftr itih atsy of asvrsatmr. at the Court lloum door of Lion county, Oregon ,in the city of Albany, at 10 o'clock a. m. of asid dsy, mil the shove fully de- .'rte.l resl eatsto at public audion to the highrst bidder. C, II. RAPrmr, Kefcreff, NotiC3 for Publication. Iand Office at Oregon City, Or. I SlH. ..1st, 1SH Notice la hereby given that the fullosing named ttU-r baa filed ng!e of bis in lentloi. to make final proof In support of hia claim, and that mid proof will be msde before the County Zudgs or in bis st.Honce .hen the County Clerk, of Linn county, A Ibsuy, Oregon, on . Sstraaiecr Sift, tssa, viz: Jihn K.Sn-wsrt, Homestead Fntry, No. 8690 for l be W ii of S ol St-c. 18, 1 p 10 S K 1 K lit. nsmes the following wlt- n-seH to prvo Id l oiitinuoit rraioence upon, si d f. as-'d lsnf. via : FranP. harri. Spruce Ball, II Hall and Tin -. I.trge, all of s h. Linn county, Or. W T. ltl'H?IRY, Keg later. ipinal Settlement. In the County Court t Linn eouuty, Ore. gon in the mitier of the estateof Ssmp son T. Powell, dei sed, NOTICE Is hereby given ibst the uu dersigned Admlniairsior of asid estate baa filed Tils finsl s.-eont therein with the Clerk of said Court snd I hat the Court has appointed Moadsy Ibe Sift dsy of ftsvember. lass, at ten o'clock in tbsf.Meuoou for the hear Ing of objections to ssl.t account and for the m tt lement I hereof. Albany, Ociobtr I si, IMiH Pr.Tglt I'oWatAaj J. C. Powai.i., Adintniftrator. Attorney. Notice for Publication. Land Oltitie at Oreson City, Or., September, 22od, 1888. Notice is hereby i;iven that the followi... named tcttler has filed notice of hia intention to maks final proof iu auppoit . hia claim, and that mid proof will b- made before tie County Judge Of in hia ahecnue ike County ChsikofLtuh county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on V cdMeadsy, ftsvessber I lib, ism. v z : t alvin C Cooper, Homestead Entry No 4070, for the NJ of the N E of lota 1 and 2 of Sec. 28, Tp. 13, S R 1 K He amatii the tollowiog witnesses to proye bis fmtH SBSJS resideuce uxtt, and cultivation J, ssi' I Isnd, viz : Geo. II. Miller. Ilea, W. P. eke s. Thomas Weiblle nod Pant Msgtn -Iu, alt of Sweet Home, Iion county. Or. W. T. BtRSKV. hVltieter . ORAND Excursion East ! VIA- NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from the Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon and Wah ngton Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL ANiMJIfi('(rO. Ticket a foi sale September 3, 4 and 5. Good to r turn toOcloter Slat. Join the O A, it ho oial train carryin Oregon and vVHubitigton Territory Department to thw 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPiVHfir, G.A.R which meats in- Coiumbus, September 12thr 188B. Thi rate in open for everybody, Not nect snry to be a O, A, K, in order to get tiii.i cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so nan have use nf free berths in tourist sleeping or For turther information call on or add rem A, D..CHARLION, Afst, fieri l asa, Agt. N. P. K. It., No, 2 aahington St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE.; 20 stnail ira ta and ,thrce farms en easy teruis botno near town. II. Bp 1ST, 5 i nr i m m m mm ma m APPLE BOXES. Green and dry apple boxa at Zcm, & Ihc democrat. OlfOHNTY fl moiLnd MiPla. TKMPKHANOK niLUMN. i .lit, . I by AllMiiy W, 0. T. V. WHAT WON KM AUK MUM. MIhs Mary (irshiel, a mllonary in In dia, ha been building a church. She had lo acrve aa architect, master builder, and general boa mechanic, i n -.t ahe bought four yoke of buffaloes lo do the teaming ; then a few big treea -they are vary scarce in that part of the country. She employed a hundred natives, or nearly that number, whom he taught to quarry the atone, which had lo be hauled several tulles ; and to make brick, flrat tramping the clay, lash lonliig It Into the bricks and then burning tiictn, uaing the spare portion of the treea for fuel. The trunks of the treea were, by band, sawed into boavd for the Hoor,roofi, etc. A store foundation three feet think wsa isiu i iii ii-. -i ueiow ground and as . I.I ., . a . I I a a much above, this solid base wall being deemed necessary to keep out the white anta, which are a great pest of the country Evidently a good job wa made of the wall, and an Kitgllh engineer Inepecting It said i No man could have done betlcr." The CfMftai ChrhtiiiH Advocate aaka Why ia II that whcneicr the liquor deal era in any part of the country hold a meet Ing in the Interest of their bualness, a Imoat the tlrat subject that come up for con id urn ia prohibition ' In one breath OwvJ aurc u that the tatter is utterly impracti cable, and In the next they begin a tirade againt prohibition 'fanatic,' and dwell up on the necesalty of circulating literature b the wholesale to counteract tlieit milu ctH'e. The truth of the matter la, and no oue who atudir the altuatlott closclv and imKirtialtv can fall to ee It, tht prohibi tion i their great nightmare. More than ihul. It isViihthematerHble reality. They have been trving to convince Ihcmaelve all along that thev have nothing lo fear from II, but it i beginning to pinch them, and verv hard nt that." The pro;oed tariff reform make men', tobacco free, but lakew women' and child ren' dre goods not exceeding in value fifteen cent a yard, six cents per yard, and forty per cent ad valorem. We w'omler if fliia'i the "heart-aide of tariff reform," In whoae sacred name we are urged to rally to the Republican standard i Not Too large. San FftANcisao, Oct. ja. -TIuj Caracas new steamer of the Oregon Improvement Company, 1 on her way here from New York, and i now twenty-two days out. Her name ha been chjtng'ed ta Yauina City The new steamer ia said to be i$i Santa Rosa, plying between here and San l)iego. If such be the case, it la thought site will be too targe for Yaqulna bay. v Foolisha. WAMiixoToN.Oct, 34. Acting Secretary of the Treasury Thompson tatcd to day that no matter how many pretexts were raised to aliow Chinee laborer to get Into Ihia country hi department would endeav. or to carry 'out the exclusion act to its strict eat requirement. A llaakrspt t'ity. Ct.KVEi.AXg, 34. -There are about $450- 000 belonging to the city deaposited in a half a dozen bank, but the bondainen of Ax worthy ,he defaulting treasurer, have at- tached it, and the rcault i the city i bank rupt. A Big M rtgas Han FitAKciftcu, Oct 34, The Southern Pacific Compsny filed in the recordea's of fice to-day a deed of trust to the entra' Trust Company of New York, conveying to the latter, for the purpose of securing payment of a mortg. ge of $3800,000, all the property of the railroad campany, and alao all the property cf branch road which have been amaligamalcd with If. HUM boa I Heat Hi Kerord! San Picas. ist o.Oct. ja. Stamboul trot ted a mile at the flay in track to dsy in 3:14 , beating hi own record of i:i54md catabliahing the coast ktalikm record. hhiptWerrk. NkwYokk, Oct. 2$ Captain Covert of the bark SUa Fih arrived from Turk's in! in.! ycterday. Hi veaacl waa wrecked off Grand Turt September ad, and a crew of eleven men and three passengs were drowned, f )n!y Covert and a aailor named Quinton Paul were aaved. N. VV rhamplos. St. Lot-is, Oct. 35. New York won the aixth aud deciding game of the world's ahampionahip scriea to-dav. Thev out played the Drowns a all poinla. Score: St, Lot i 3, New York 11. tl.igMi.uuO (Uvea Away. Nkvv Haven, Conn., Oct. 35. Daniel Hand, a wealthy and aged resident of ( .nil ford, has given the American Missionary Association of New York City $ 1 ,000,000 to he held in truat, and the interest to be devoted to the education of colored people in lire old slave states. A Colfax Tragedy. Coi.afax,W. T. Oct. 35.-.Davld Yeaten a ba. keeper employed hi liennard' saloon in this city, killed bis wife and himself this morning. There were no witnesses to the tragedy. Yeater was a young man of steady habits and was well liked. His parents re side near Independence, Oregon Her name was Carrie Francis Hunter. Her parents reside in Columbia county, W. T, His reason were that there was nothing on earth but hell" for him, Mer.tiM Btislgaa, New York.OcL 36. -Herald's Washing ton speciul; Phelps has been instructed by the president, through Bayard, to intimate to Salisbury, without delay, that under all circumstances the president is af the opin ion that the good understanding of both countries would be promoted by a change in the bead of tine British legation at Wash ington. National W, T, U. Nkvv York, Oct, 36. The W, C, T. U superintendents concluded their labors to day and decided to meet in San Francisco on September 38. 1889, when a grand har vest home festival will be held, in honor of Miss Wlllard'a fiftieth birthday. The work is to be extended, into the territories. A R, It. War, Winnipeg, Oct. 26. -At a public meet ing at Portage la Fralrie laxt night, resolu tions denouncing the Canadian Pacific were passed, The whole .country is aroused. Farmers for miles around Galpose are at Morris to force a crossing. Four hundred Northen Pacific men are said to be in that vicinity awaiting the decision on the injunc case before forcing a crossing. Fur Itulcpedence. London, Oct 36. The Standard's cor respondent at Sharghan soys; "Reports from Corea indicate that a declaration of in dependence by that cuntry may shortly be expected. .The Russian and American representatives support the king, and tfic movements of American and Russian men of war lepd credulitv to the rumor. Bicycle foi -ule A No. 1, second-hand 48 itch Ball Bear ing Columbia in good repair tor saie at a bar- - vs WKtUlIT COURT 320. JJ Whitney agt 1) R N Ulaekburr. Contest. Disn tkNsd. . ;UJi. Htats vs I. A HhulU. Indictment. KtaSsafliPM a house iu whioh iutoxioAlmg liquora are kept fur retail snd ratsilitig the same on Sunday. 35. J A Kurd vs Jerry Hay. Sheriff nr- di' red to malie dead. 280 Stale vs Howell. Selling lluuor with - out lioetn.0. Not a true bill, 807. Htats va Jsmss Wilaoo. James Kine, John Cotton. Ltrocny in a stors, not a true bill. .188. Stats vs Oto Mesly. Selling liquor without a iioeaet. A true hill. 380 State ys (In Mesly. Sidliig Honor without licenec, A trus hill. 370. Stat., vs Chaa Harmon rmeuiog a prisoner from an officer; a true bill. 371, Stats vs Orson It', Oamhhng. A true bill, 376. State vs UK tVarmoth; gambling; a true bill. 377. State vs Jaapcr Giillif-Kd; gambl ing; a true biil. 378. State h I, ne Hop: Iuki-mv, not a true bill. 179. State vs N A Hlodgrtt ; libel ; a true bill. 480. State vs OK Poller and II P Mc Ginn; libel; a true bill. 8. H A Holman agt Totnpa Hunr, st st. Psrtitioo. Hale confirmed. 258. Assignment Hbans U lnawsy. r'un.'.a ordered diatiibutcd atuoiiu creditor. 360. Stats vsNiok and Clara Kioa Laf mny ia a dwelling. Indictrneot. 210. J P Schooling agt T S Thompson Injunction. Referred- 234. Assignment W K Price Funds ord ared dUtriftuted. 284 T B Wait agt Cbm SehMfsr, et al. Equity to eat aside deed. Referred. 263. OPRRvrG W Hunt. Damsae. Judsmeut far defendant for $70,213 57. Bill ol sxusptions to be prspsrsi. , 280. T K Harren sat l H HUt.-ad Fore closure chattel nitge. Rrferrsd. 206. John W Omry sgt Nancy J Hippy and Martha A t'ortsr. roreeloaurs. IteforroiL 313. Oregon sgt Prsnk Mack. Burglsry Verdict for dsfeudant. ' 314. Amy Usoisls sgt J W ilsniel. Hi voroe. Orsntsd. 318. Elizabeth lotion sgt Par i nan. Oivorcs. 1 ran tad. 327. W S a t 1' M Shsrsr I Ism agss. Settled. 336. KiixtWth Hdyeu at Pster Btlyes. Divoroe. Oraotsal. XT7. M Alexander agt J J Dorri Tu re cover money. Judgment for plaintiff. 341 J V bsckeoalo sgt I F Coon. A cosnUog snd sstUsment. lo be mttlsd. 380. Aatigomint Albsrtina Krieml. C-on-tiaued. 3A8. OT Porter sgt Matilda Porter. Di vorce. Rsfened to 1, II Mootsoy. (Iran tad Jm W Cross. Isrcsny from s dwelling was sentenced to I year ia penitentiary. TI1K MAN AUOITTUWN The M. A. T learn lhat the jury lh ibe Oregon Pacific case first voted on O. P. or Hunt, the latter getting 11 to 1 for the former, ibjen the matter of damage wa figured on, the verdict given being about what the Attorneys for Hunt would have rattmated the amount to he rendered. Aa Mr. ffunt ha a suit againt the Company tn tne Court over the same matter the case is in a peculiar position. This tramp question and how to gel 1 id of the pests is a plain one. The problem ia solved by a Eugene paper a follows s 'Eugene City ha thoroughly olred that quelkn by employing a vigilant Marshal and nightwabrh. We ire not bothered by tramps" Otr dutv i. plain and the De cember election come on apace. In Eugene Vliy very lew arreats arc made cither. The M. A. T. ha just read ol the worst dust storm for yesr at Walla Walla, one that was imply blinding We would like to tee the dust raised here. An old carpet would have to be taker, up to get an y That's the difference twlxt the L'ppcr Col umbia and the l'ppcr Willamette. I I Yesterday a railroad ollk'ial went to the depot at 1 3 to catch the north bound train which leave at 1 1 40. Some one had told him that wa the proper lime, lie blamed everybody but himself. It would seem to the Man About Town as if railroad men particularly ought to be posted about the running of trains,evcn though they are not train despatcher tt.cinclvr Crawl Jnry's Report. Talk Honor able Cirenit C onrt: We, the grand jury for the county of Linn and stair of Oregon, for the regular October .-nil of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Linn county, respect fully submit the following report of our examination of the public prisons and of fices pertaining to the courts of justice in said county to wit: First, we visited the county clerk's, coun ty recorder's, sheriffs and treasurer's offices in mid county and find the same welt kept and the books and records properly kept and in good condition. We have also vis ited the county jail and find the same well kept and the prisoners properly cared for. We would respectfully recommend that the floor in the hall near the stove in said jail be repaired. We further recommend that a new set of township maps in book form for the clerk's office be purchased, as the old maps are out of date, badly worn and unfit for use. IFe further recommend that a new carpet be purchased for the clerk's office and vault, and that a new table, suit able for the use of treasurer's office of said county, be purchased and placed in the treasurer's office. Respectfully submitted this 35th day of October, 1888. J. II. Camphkll, Frances Beli.inoek, F. C. Hansard, E. N.McCaw, F. M. Smith, John Donaca, Henry Bi.akki.ey. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets frotr 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrie. - large line of oil clpths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. Mt Ilwain Horse for Salic. A good, gentle year old horse for sale. Enquire of Brownell & Stanard. FOR PILES. Itching Pile sre known by moisture liks v' jepir ion producing a ysry dtaatfreeahle Itching after ing warm. This form as well as Blind, bleeding and protruding Piles, yield at once to th application of Dr. Bosanko's Pllo remedy, w.iich acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching and effecting a pepnanert cure. 50 cants. Address The Dr Bosanko VKcirie Co , Piqu O. bold by Or, (. 'lias and Son. "When Baby wm sick, We gave her Castoria, 'When ahe was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, "When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. i IIOMK. ANI A HR0 A( HUgftDAT, J I. lugtam is home from Orant etiiiuty. Senator ihdph is homo and will make a few speeches. Burkhart ft Miller have dissolved partner ship. Mr Miliar retiring The Willsmstts is now high enough for boata to navigato. Hcnd them along. A new time table for freight trains is to be inaugurated on the Houthern I'soilic. Those 17 80 sud 810 wstches at M Prsneh's arathebois, each one warranted. The ''Champion" m on its way tow.rda Alhsny, being th flrat boat to make the trip. The Herald was looking in s mirror when it stated that ws had ever eulogixd Mr Ad Harmon. In Portland last night at the Holton House pools on the presidental election st $100 on Cleveland to 873 on Harrison. The Salt Lakes, poor boys, went to piece in Portland; and now some or them ars .ask ing jobs of any kind, as they are completely ( h ieagoe.1 . The weather signal yesterday said clear weather, with rising temperature, whereas it has been directly the opposite. That signal ha been decidedly unreliable recently. ntfSAv. leaves are fsl.iog fset. Considersble fall grsin has bsen sown. Tnare are now two steam saw outfits run ning In Albany. Kmma Abbott ii ia be Iu Portland, where she i s great favorite. Thrm trsmps ars now working out a three days imprisonment on the atresia. Ksd ths tax oollectira dates fur c tiling st the different precinct. With the number oi eases of ilbieaa smuud Albany the number of fatal esses h been remarks! -y email. 4000 speeches are mads every night these hot political daya in Indiana. I'hat b-ata Oregon shout 3000. Hon J K Weathsrford will spek at finw port to-morrow night. The irVsM announces the fact in a thrts column display. T A Shane i now engaged in the real es -tate huaine in Portland. Mrs Khsne 1 sit to day for thst city, which they will make their future home. A Wintield, Kan., warned man wrote a love bttcr to a young girl, and she turned it over to a loos! paper, in wl icb it was printed crltim. One .r two ao;h 1 ppert unities nave liwn offered in Albany, hut were n-.t ac cepted . C C Cherry will leave to morrow mermen for Taooma, where the foundations for Cherry A Parkes foundry and machine shops hsvs already Itesn laid. There will be two build - ngs 40x80 and 40x00. I he machinery and Ctterns will ix moved probably in Decern -r. H rt'KU.t v A new soda spring is to bo opened at So da v tile. So presetting at the Baptist Church to morrow. Indies' gdJ snd silver watches st F M I r'0ch a very cheap. Batter ia 85 cent a roll and eggs 35 cent sdcaeUSt Al. land. Hon R A l'viae will leave to morrow morning for Ifelit, K 0, where his aeo, Dr J H Irvine, resides. E F Sox and family returned from a sev eral days trip to Pott Isnd last night. The river snag poller has reached Salem sn its way up the river to Hartiabsrg. The Preahvlerv of the Cumber iand Pr t s byterisn Church is in session at Lebanon. A population of 2000 to 2500 is clslmed lor Ashland. Isn't thst stretching its little. Formatted sleeping rooms snd board st Mrs Dabrudlea, near Central school baud ing. A orrepondetit of th Iehanon paper aaya Wm Newhonae, of thia city is talking of locating at SodaviiD. The msrsha' jnst paesed the Dr.noeitvr of fice towing a druuk toward the Calibooar, quit a common scene, ILeasiug often come where lesat expected. L-banon not being on tba main line of the railroad t not troubled with tramps. Lucky Isuanam. OotoFM French's f r your epectacltJ, and hve your eyes tested by one of the finest optimeters manufactured Each eye IP ted epsrately. W W Crawford has made arrangements to .pen a dancing acbool in F Cs armory in this city the first part of Novemhsr. Mr Crasford is an adept at the business. Fred Davie, the ymug man who had a lag ahot off several mouth ago near this city, is just recovering at Icbanon from typhoid fever. Misfortune rarely corns single in thia world. Bails have been lai-l on the Oregon Pacific to point une and a half mites below Me hamaand nvet a mile of rails ia being laid a day. It is thought Don Smith'saill le reach ed in about tweoty da. A new invoice of Premium Savon soap has just been received t F. L Kenton's di rect from the factory tn Ssn Franciico. This is s special brand pat up for Mr. Kenton, and he warrants it to give satisfaction. There were jnst twenty six nf the 401 aeuatora and representatives present in the two house when coogrras finally adjourned after the longest session known in the his tor of the republic . The session lasted 322 days. Mr Fred Brnekman, who recently pir. chaaed the Hochstedter pmpei ty, informs us that he intends to purchsse aome lots and put up several residences to rent. A correct thing to do Mr. Bruckmati i a carpenter by trade, though he ha been fatming it in Illinois for several year. KKF.P POSTED L Vierecks baths. New fall goods at Bead's. See tboso new jersies at W. V. Bead's Six shaves for a dollar at L Viercck's Ntw rihV xll j'nliu'il e . st Head's A full line af boy kilt suits at W. F Read's. Kino 11m of bread aneadin pans at (J W S.nith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUnard's. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. MonteithV, at the old Young store. , Go to A. B Mcllwaiu'a and ask to see those $8 suits for men. Now in stock at J J Dubruiilc's a largeand ofsaddlcN. A clean towel for every customer at L Viere-'k's barber shop. J J Dubruille has just received one hun dred galloos of tine harness oil. In a calm sea every man ia pilot. In goods '.V. F. Read is leader. If you want to-save from 10 to 23 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read . Six shaves for a dollar and a ckan towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Baraains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at tho old Young store. A complete Hue of heating and parlor stoves at U W Smith's, no better in tbe valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear iu Ae state is at A. B. Mel I wain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and see for you reel f. "Every thing kept in tirst-class city harness shops can now be found at J J Dubruille's, in this city. The line of Paci tic and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These araamong the best cook atoves made. Soe them. Jf yntPwant a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars. For sale by most cigar dealers and at J. Joseph's factory. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls mads $ in city or fpr Infant and Chlldrens "Csstortaiaso well adapted to ebOdnwi that I Castarla enrsa OoWe, Ooaatrpstfeft, t wmialmsartpem4uyim bjstoa I snows to ma." IL A. Aaoftas. K. D. Ui Bo. Oxford 8t,, broukiya, it. Y I Executor's Sale of R eal Estate, J OTICK Is hereby given that tbe un- dersigoed, the duly sopoloted and acting Executor of the last will and testa ment of Msry Jano Costsllo, deceased, by virtue of sn order of tbe County 'ouil for Linn county, State of Oregon, 1.1 probate duly made on the 6tb day ol October, 19M, and entered of record, will on tho 171b day mt Asvenaber, IU .. at the boor of one o'eioek in the afternoon of mia day at tbe Court House door In the oily of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, mil at public auction to tlie highest bidder all th right title and Interest of Mary Jane Costeiio, deceased, at tba lima of her death, in and to tba following described rosl estste belonging to mid estate, to wit: The N K X of the N K of Sec 20. con mining bO acres, alao tba H E Vi of see 20 containing 100 acres; alaotheSE of See 21, containing 100 seres; also tba N K of the s E of the S W of Sec 20, con taining 40 acres; also tbe beginning at a point 27-30 links west and 16.U7 links south of 1 1.0 quarter motion stake between Sec tion 24 and 25, in Tp 14.S R& w,ln claim No 60; thence north, 7 H" east 441 links; thence nortdM2S" west 000 links; thonce south 7 ;y west 444 links ; thence south M20east 000 links to tbe place of begin nlng.conuining 4 aeros-aml in ail 414 seres and lying and ucing In Township 14, S K 4 W. Alao beginning at a point 25 cba eant of tbe S W corner ol 1 bonis Sbepmrd'a do nation land claim, being claim Noil, Not No 21H5, in Tp 14, S R 4 W ; tbonoe nortfc 40 cba ; thence east 7,34 chs ; thence south 40 chs ; thence west 7.30 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 20,44 acres. ll in See 0, rp 14, i R 4 Y,Llnn county, Oregon. Also iM-ginning at a point 0 chain south of the N E corner of cislm No 41, Not No 2IH3. in Tp 14 S R 4 W ; runni g thence south 64 chs ; thence west 30.54 cba thence north 4o chs ; inenos west 8.15 cba: tbenee north 13 bS cba ; ,uenoe east 44 59 chains to toe place of beginning, oonttdn mg 108 acre, being parts of Section 4,Tp 14, H H 4 W,ln Linn county, Oregon, save and except 200 acres off the wear, end of mid tract willed to Martin Cutnmtnga, . Beginning at a point chains north of tbe southeast eorner or tbe northeast g of Not 4, Tp 14, S R 4 W ; thence north 2ji.iy chs to the northeast corner of Wm. Cnris tisns donsiir-n land claim ; thence west 52.76 chs ; tbenee south 26 6f chs ; then so ea; ;V'l 2ft chain lo the p ace of beginning, containing 152.76 acres. Also beginning st the northeast corner of Wm. ChmUiua duitstioo Isnd claim ; vhsace mat 130 rods to the line of Caleb Grsy'r land claim ; thence sooth 61 i rods ; theace west 130 rods ; tbenos north 6I rods to the place of beginning, con taut, tug 50 acre. Also beginning at s stake oa tbe south line of tho donation land daun of Rends!! Ysr brough 56 60 chsim west of tbs corner in tbs anuls of mid chum, it being claim 37 and Not21s7,inTp 14, S R 4 W.m Lionooonty, Oregon; running thence north 17.21 chs to a Slough , tbenee in a south westerly direc tion up mid slough, following the meander of tbe same to the south iiu ot mid claim ; thence N 81 30' E 18 50 chs to the place ot beutnniug, containing 18 acre. Beginning at a point bearing N 61 0 30' W 5.20 chains I rum the S E corner of the N E of Sec 8, in Tp 14, S R 4 W ; thence east lluO roda ; thence outn 40 ohains ; thence west 100 rods; thenoe north 40 chains lotneplaee of beginning, being parte of SectKua 8 snd 0 in Tp 14 S R4 NNfc, linn county, Oregon, con taining 100 seres. Beginning st s potut 10 chains north aid 3d ctiaina east of the S V corner of Claim No64 inTpli S 115 ijnti county, Oiegou, running eaat 8.31 chs ; thence south 10 cba ; Hume out 2 82 eh. ; thence nort 1 81" mat 16.57 cba ; thence north .'H chs to the river , thence south 54 west 13 00 cba me.n.Urtug the river ; thence S 7:j V ."! ch-; thence o'uih S 76' W 10 chs ; thence S 70 W 1; chs ; thence S 80 W 3 M ch : thence 8 20 W 4 78 ch ; tber-cc eat 5.00 chs ; theuce south 8 03 chs to the place of Leguv uiug, eoutaintug 75 2-100 acre. Beginning 13 chs north and 70 oiis east f the I eorner in west boundary of Sec .. Tp 1 4 S H 4 W .ud running, thence tenth 28 2$ chs ; thence west 2S 28 chs ; thence north 88 28 cba ; thence east 28.2S chs, to the place of liegiuuing, containing 80 acres. Beginning 20.40 chs north of a quarter section post in Sec 6, Tp 14, S Ji 4 W ; thence south 34.45 chs; th-uee west 52 10 ch ; thence north 15.28 chs ; thence north 15 28 chs ; thence 7 50 eh ; thence north 10. 17 chs ; thence eat 44 60 chs to the placo of beginning, containing 160 acres. Beginning 60 rods north of tho quarter atako in the weat Hue of See 5, Tp 14, S R 4 w ; theuce east 280 rod ; tbenee south 160 rods ; theuce west 280 rods ; thence north 160 rods to the place of beginning, and be ginning at the southweat corner of a 5 acre lot of land owned by Caleb Oty in See. 1, Tp 15. S R 5 w ; thence west 80 rjds ; tbenee north 40 rods ; thence east 80 rods ; thence south 40 rods to the Jace of beginning, con taining 300 crea. Together w ith tho tenements and bered itaments theieuuto belonging. Tbe same to be Hold in tracts 10 suit, or as a whole. Terms of mle One-half of the purchase price to be paid down and one-half ou nine mouthe time wuh interest thereon at the rate of ten per rent per annum, the deferred payment to be secured by mort gage on 1 he premises sold. This O h day of Oct, 1888. Sam 11 s, NlXON, Executor of tbe last will and breta. nientof Mary Jane Costeiio, deceased, Lnm 'Vunty Bauk, GX)WAN. lvALSToN & ( U., 'Fuccesaors tn Cowsn A Cusick.) ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS general bankiiiK business. DRAWStQHl DRVfTSon Now York, Sat. Fran iscoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deosita auhjeo'. to cheek. COLLKCriONi satrustol to us will receive promo sntion. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. sunt io eorner Seoond aud Ferry Streets near Opera Hour. Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty, Revere House ; ALBANY, - ' - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with tbe best in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, gaTFree Cuaeft to as I from the U cel. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, BE iH'"IIM' S3 a Iee'-iUon. WUhout iajurious Tbs CsrrrAca Costrasv, 77 Murray Htreet, N Y. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seas, ... . itimber,latht pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. . O. row V. I.I. W. M. JlllTftC POWELL & BIXYEU, tTTOKNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, a I.RAXY. ... OBfeCaOX. Collection promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. aV Office in Foster's Brick.- vHnlOlf. T. J. STITES. ATTOHNEY AT IjAW -AMD-Notary Puhlic. ALBANY, OEGON. J J. WHITNEY, attorney And Oounsellor At Lai a ND Notary Public. ALBAttt', OREGON, Will pracoa VJ all of tbe Conns o .hlsState. All bAainem intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Citation. In the Coatsf Court" of tkt State of Oreo.x, far Linn coimty. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Edward Mur ray , deceased. To Mary J. O'ilagan and Ellen Murray, OrtetiBg : IN the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required to be and ap pear in the County Court for the county of Linn and State of Oregon, at tbe Court Honee in the city of Albany, in mid county and State on Monday the 2th day of So ember. A, B. lass. st tbe hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of mid dsy, tbe fame being a day of the regular November term, 1888, cf mid Court, snd then sod there show csnsp, if any eiist why an order of sale, directing and licensing Anuie Murray, Administratrix of tbe estate of Edward Murray, deceased, to mil all the right title snd interest of said Edward Mur ray, decaaaed. st the time of bis death both iu law snd equity in snd to the resl property herein a tier described as prayed for in the petition of said Administratrix, which peti. tion it now on tile in the County Court ef Linn coonty, Oregon, and which real f rop erty ia described as follow, to-wit : The weat half f !: 4 and tbe north half of tbe east half oflot 4 in block 1 1 in the city ol Alian v. Linn coonty, Oregon. That tbe let is what is known as tbe old Exchange Hotel Done by order of the Hon. I). R. N . Blank born. Judge of mid Connty Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto mt my hand and atuxed the ami of said County Curt at my effice in tbe city of Albany in aid count v and State thia 10th day of Sep tember, 1S8S. us. E. E. MosTAOca, Clerk. First National Bank OK AI.RAX1, OREIaON. President......... Vice Prssiaent Miner ....... Aat Cashier.. L. ;-Lts ft, K, YOl SO a; l.o. K. . II MBI Rl.AlN JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL tauiinng business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject n sheck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic trantler, sol ou New York, San Francisco, Chicago and IVi Orecon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable term. St a serosa. R Vocsa, Oso E Cits sa r- K IIUAI., L. I'LISN, WaMAH E I"'. KKKl.l.. ATI Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNIXti & CO., PR0PRfS. NgW PROCKHM WUmm SCFKRIOR FOR VAMft-tfta AN o BAKERS U38.' BEST STORAGE CJLITIES. Eitrhest Price in Cash fc Wheat C J. DILLON I CO., DE A L K 1 tSJI N sa LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Stc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rastic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyou Street. A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. 6raluat3 of Ontario Tatapiairy College, . la prupirvl to treat dimssesf of all do mestlo anunals on scisntifia principles. Residence and olfice two doors east ol Optra House. Albany. , ,. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before yftu start your mower, binder or threshing outfit come to our store and get your suplies. We keep almost anything yau wilt need, and at prices you will be sain, require 01 LEBANON r - OREGOi