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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1888)
Itu democrat Mr, Fred Hoi man wki advertised to speak In this city nest Saturday, but the atate central coir.mutee hat changed It to Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Let al ake note of the change. Chief JuHtice Yellot, Maryland' oldest Judge and a leading Democrat, has writ ten a long letter declaring for Harrison and high protection, Andrew Carnegie, Maine's friend and Harrison's great backer, Imports his house hold servants from Scotland,. That pau per labor is good enougth for him. The tariff taxes flannel shirts 95 per cent. Republicans tell us this Is in the in te rest of worklngmen. Since they have taxed all the woolen mills out of business except those which use more cotton than wool, the blessing to labor In the 95 per cent, tax is decidedly obscure. One of the humors of the campaign is the Oreg0ian criticising. Thurman for not tel ling the truth, as that paper falsely alleges This is diabolism incarnate. Only last August that paper said that Thurman made a speech in which he said free, (Chinese,) Immigration to this country would be a J. advantageous as furnishing cheap lator to this country. This was a bold, heartless, willful lie, and that paper is now wrathy because it was caught in the lie, and hat the indescribable meanness to attempt o shift its own shame to the head of its vie- 1m. The senate tariff bill smashed the repub (lean national platform. It justified the democratic demand for a reduction of the surplus and a revision of the tariff. It buried the "free trade" bugaboo. H ivlng thus repudiated the declared policy of their party the republican senators repudiate their own bantlfhg by adjourning without even asking a vote on it. It is a complete fiasco. In his speech thanking the convention which renominated him for congress, Hon Samuel J. Randall took occasion to coin mend in the highest terms the administra tion of President Cleveland, and to warm y advocate his re election. He also an nounced himself as strongly in favor of re forming the tariff, so as to do away with the surplus. With cool assumption a Protection organ classes masons, roofers, carpenters, pavers-street-railway employees etc, as "absolute ly protected occupations" because houses( pavements, etc, cannot be imported, True but the foreien labor which builds and make these things can be and is imported Muscle and skill are on the Protectionists free list. The non-protected occupations are taxed 47 per cent, upon imported neces sities and kubjected to unrestricted competi tion with foreigh labor in their own field One of th most remarkable political parades ever held in this country was that held bv the business men of New York last Saturday. Eight miles of processioi of all classes of business men, irom me millionaire down to the truck driver , all marching through mud and a driving rain attested the approbation of the great mass of people for the clean, honest administration of Grover Cleveland. The president was there on an ele vated stage, with Mayor Hewitt on one aide and on the other the venerable mother of Cbarle Stewart Parnell, the great Irish patriot on the other. Over 30,000 men were reviewed in line. Altogether, it was a scene that vev few ever see. AN IMJOKTANT fli TV. The voters of the country were never called upon to perform a more important duty than 'hat of voting for president next Tuesday. Cleveland's administration ha been pure, economical and honest. Thi alone entitles him to reelection. Besides this he favors a reduction of the unneces sary burdens now resting on the people. Thi is the issue: The democrats favor re ducing the tax on the necccssaries of life, the republicans would make whhky and tobacco cheap. Take your choice. WHAT WILL 1:1; THK REKL'LT? jtfext Tuesday over ujooo,ihx voters will join in deciding by the Kuffraye ballot who shall direct the affairs of the govern ment for the next four years. Oaring tothe great num'er of unkiown and uncertain elements tl a, enter into the contest, it ii very difficult to forecast the result. Re publicans concede these Mates lo the dim ocrats: AJsbstma, Aikama, Delaware Florida, Georgia, Ketstwfcya Louleliinsi, Maryland, Mlassatp . MlaWjlirl, New Jer sey, North Carolina, .outli Carolimi. IVn -nessee, Texa avl Virginia, making 156 electoral voles. A vcrv Urge majorhy f democrats claim in adJlion to these -iatett the following: ConnA-lcut, Indiana, West Virginia and New York, making ii'j elec toral votes, eighteen more than enough lo elect. Most dcnnn ratn hold tluse stales to be doubtful: California. Illinois, low. Michigan, WUconin, Minnesota, Nevada and New Hampshire. The democrats con cede the followi.iu states to the rcpubll cans: Colorado, Kanxas, Maine, Massa chusetls, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, Penn sylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont, mak ing 101 in all. Republicans claim in ad dition to the above the following as sure to go republican: California, Connecticut Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minne sota, Nevada, New Hamshire, New York and Wisconsin, making in addition to the stales conceded to them 33S electoral votes or 37 more than enough to elect. Many republicans claim the following states as doubtful: Delaware, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. From all which one important fact stands out prominent above all others and that is from the concensus of the opinions of leaders on both sides there appear to be more doubtful states than for years past. We regard the following states as reasonably safe for Cleveland: Ala bama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Geor gia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary land, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jerseyi New York, North Carolina, South Caro lina, Tennessee, TexAV, Virginia and West Virginia, making a total electoral vote of i!3or 12 more than enough to elect. There la more or less ground for hope that the democrats may carry some of the -following states: ( alifornia, Connecticut, Illi nois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada New Hampshire and Wisconsin. We do not remember to have ever seen the time when it was o difflcu t to arrive at a satis- VOTK. Thlsqucstion comes up at each recur ring presidential election. Tho impression prevails in the minds of many people that somehow a different law regulates the vot. Ing at a presidential election from that which governs at a state election, but such not the case. A man who would be a quail tied voter at a slate election to be held on November the 6th would be a qualified voter at a presidential election on that dav and not elltcrwisc. The qualification of voters In a presidential election are fixed by the sex eral states. The general government ha not hint: at all to do with it. In order that any one may vote next Tuesday he must have resided in this state six months, must be twenty one yeurs of age, If he be for elgn born he must have been In the state six months and must have declared his in. tcntiou to become a citicn at least cue year prior to the election, and must be at years of age. There is one fact that should not be los sight of in the coming election.and especial ly by the laboring man, and that U that all trusts and monopolies are controlled by the Republicans. By the cry of high pro tection they seek to delude the laborer into the belief that it will be to his benefit, when In reality, it is only to perpetuute the trusts and combinations by which the people are being robbed. If your haok aches or If you arw satlsr iog from inflammation of the kiudeya,' seminal weakness, brick dual depsslt in the urine, or In fact any kidney or liver complaint, do not waste monoy on worth- losa liniments or plasters, but strike the at of the disease at once by using th greatest of all known renmll, ortnron Kidney Tea. It Is pleasant to lake, la puro ly vegetable and has never failed to glee entire satisfaction. Sold by Koshay A Mason. Sunburn, tan roughness of the akin en i CI tuple are promptly rlievi esui cureu y applving Dotard's Specific, It Is a never I'si'lug rcma'lv for Ssalt Kheum. Tetter and a'l akin disease. Sold by Fo shav A Mason. Salem. Or., April 10th. I have just been cured of quite a severe attack of i'atarrah f the Bladder and Stricture of the Trellis maluly by the use ef a couple cf boxes of the Oregon Kitlney Tea.ano cu ttoreiive recommend Ibe tea as s vAiushie remedy r r ill of the Knlnev and Urh.arv Organs. Lko Wilms SoM by Koshay A Mavm. A Woman' IHarovrry "Anotber wonderful discovery has been made and that to by a lady in this Co in ty. Disease fastened lt clutchos upon her and for seven year: she withstood Its severest test, but her vital organs were anderm!nd and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessant ly a.'. I oould not sleep. Nhe bought of ua a boine of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ard was so mnch relieved on taking f) rst dose that she slept all nlgbl snd with one bottle has leeii miraculous ly cure ', Her name is Mrs Luther l.utx " t hus write W C Hamrick A Co , of Nal- by, t. 0 Get a free trial botile st Foshay m m viir irug :ore. CoSMtmption Surrly Carrd. To 9MM Kditob. Please inform vour Lrrsders that I have a positive remedy for me soove nsmed uiMtase. iiy its timely use thousand of hopeless cases bsre been permanently currd. I sha'l be glad to eend two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have cotKiimptioo if th-y will ir.e their x press snd post nflle add reir. I'.. -: 1 lu ' 1 v T. A ?m:um, M. Oh 1M Prar' St., N. Y. As K&planatio.i. What :, this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word malaria was comparatively unknown to day it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this wOrd covers only the meaning of another word ued by our forefathers in times past. 80 it is with nervous diseases as they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called bilioiiftiicsft, and s 1 1 are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing its functions finding it cannot djpoc of the bile through the ordinary channel U com pelled to pass it off through the system, causing nervous troubles, malaria, oilious fever, cc. You who a c uff ring can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Gicen's August Flower. Its cure arc marvelous. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Katjce to Tax-Pavers, o;if-n i- .-ihv civ. ji. flat I. or mv Drfny, will mret the lnx-i uycrs t Linn emi nl , Orrvon, st 9 o'clock a. m. and re main until 4 oVIoek p. m at (heir reapeo dvepleewof voting in the several-pre-mntw r. the following tl'net and planes 'or fho purpoe of collecting the taxes for 1888 : Rock Creek, Monday, Nov. 12th, 1888. Fox Valley, Tuesday. Nov. I8tb Solo, Wednesday. Nov. 14tb. Franklin Butte, Thursdav, Nov. 15th. Hsntiam, Friday, Nov. 16th. Lebanon, Saturday, Nov. I7th. Waterloo. Monday. Nov. I9tb, Idbtrty. Tuesday, Nov. 20th. 4 Sweet Home, Wednpsdsy. Nor. 21st. Prush Creek. Thursdsy. Nov.22nd. Crawfnrdsvllle, Friday, Nov. 23rd. ItrownsviMe. Hatiirdny, Mov. 24th. Cmt r, Monday, Nov. 2Wh 'rVsns. Tuesday, Nv. 27tb. Hyrscusp, Wednesdsy, Nov. 28th. lUTlshurg. Thursday. Nov. 29th. Hsisey. Frbia', Nov 3)tb. I Ret 11 day. Toc. 1st. Bat AJIssny Tuesday, D-c. 4ih. West Albany, Wednesday, 6th. Prompt, pay nent will he required. Pay yonr taxes and save costs. J oh SMAtMO., RbprirTsnd Tx Collector. r'd, Oct. 22nd, 188. MlQHNEOilS. The bvst vtriMt'm of maohlne oils to be bd r kont lv Wiawsirt A Sox, especially the kind that havo hsn thoroughly tested by thu l.'nn santy far mora. Prices guar antor! . Pine line of Guns and good stock of Am muni mi G. L BLACKMAN, $ PMMF to E, W. Lng& n, DBALKKQIN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, and everything kept in tlrst-olass Drug titore. Alaeafiue itook of pianos and organ. ALBANY. OKKfiON REMOVED. Mk, J. J. Dubrullle I now located lu his new store In the Pearc Block, where the display horse protrudes bis head from the door. 1 10 is now better prepared than ever to meet the Increasing demands of the trade In fine double and alngle har n eases ; esddles, etc. Old and new oua tomera are Invited to cll and loapeot his large atouk of good a, NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Woodln A Wlllnrd having u.U ike furniture business In this 1 1 3- i'flie have all Indent to them too all and Mil Immediately, a It la necessary to do isocount by the lat of Dec imli ompt attention to thla notice w III grin oblige them. WAGONS, HACKS AND JCCIES We are now agents at thla place for the celebrated wagons, hacks and buggle made by Flab Bros , cf Racine, Wis., end can give better goods end lower prices than over befota. Remember that we want your trade ami will make It an ob ect for .you to and see us. Stkwakt A Sox. I 0. k. I'aini Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All war jruarantesd. VASSALLO THOMPSON. (Sueoessorijto Henry Huessus.) J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC,) .TTOKNEY AT LAW, Anas v. . 111. ritAtrrici in all the courts op tub Mat gfwU! stUolton fHsn Ui -olietUoin uul mattar. NOTICE TO SHIPP8ES. (vie Y equina to San Kranciaei.) Of whes, oats, hops and wool. I am pre Kred to take Merino losararce en all cereals, pa, wool or any consignments of goods to and from Sen Francisco. For farther partic ulars, address Ala Hakria, Agent California loa. Co., Yauioa, Or, I hereby certify that Dr. I. K. Woodln has au- ?esfully operstod on mv rtdgllng horse, IS4AC HAY. For further roferenne lu regard to rhlg logs Inquire of Wtn Peterson, Dare Pe terson, Lebanon : John Hsrdmsn, s If red Wolverton. AHauv ; Ham (lalnes. Nolo ; Wm Foster, Prioevills. I practlea veter Insry mellolne in Albsny and country surrsfiinding. o nice and residence corner (Kb and Wesbliigum Sts. I. ft. WOO PL K, Veterinary Surgeon. Estray Notice. Notice is hereby given that ou orsbout tdis 25th of Jane, 1888. ooe sorrel mtrn the age of seven years or thereabout, and marki d with white forehead and whit bind legs sith light mare and tail, struyed upoo my enclosed lend 3 miles northwest of Miller's Station ia Linn fountj , rUste of Oregnn, si d now lemsins there au"n. Sid soimsl b. 11 g hieachy snd could only be krpt cut of grstL-fit-'d br okinf. Dsted this 17th lay of Octotwr, 1888. Hi hevr Millkb. Administrator's Notice. N ia hereby (ivea that the undersign ed hv- beeu appointel AditiintstrsUMS with the will annexd of the estate of Martm Werts. Istoof Linn cmnty, Oregon. All pet sou having cisiuts agsint sid e-tsU are hereby iioti'isd to preaeutlhetn to th Undet iMcd at Tsngent, Orvgor, iluly verified, Witfsta six tnocths f.o n thedsteof thisnotic. Detail this '20: h day i f October, 1888 Maitv Wkuts. r L F. Smrn, Adininstrstrs with the will snntXid isi the estste of MnUu WerU, deceased. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby giteu tht the undersign u has Im on hy the County Court fur Linn couuty, On gon, duly siKints: Administra trix of the -tt nf Ueore P. JdcKinney. decesae.1, Jsto of Linn county, Oregon. All penmna hsvip clsima agsinst ssid eslste are icr.l v notilird to peeut them pioperly ventitnl lo the uudrsiugid st hi r' residence near Lfihsnon, within MM nyuiths from this dste. This 10-h day d SptrmUr. 188 Kmi.v vicKinjiicv. A 'rmni-irtnx of said estate. J. K VV'K.tTiiEnroRO. A Mttnej f r Adiniiiistrstitx N jtico for Publication, LMp 1 0 f t... t irr-gon Cty Or., I u.-i.-h. r 18) h. W8. I N u it-o i h'n-tty given th' the 1 illow 1114 mm d Mtn l;r a 1 filed iiOthM of his Intention to mskn final proof in support of his) nlehu, and thst paid proof will be mude hoforo tho Jii Ikh or In his nh-nire beforo the County O'erk of Linn county, at Albsny, Oregon, on !). (iM, Dee. 1 Tie, isss, viz,: IjHnard Klnar, Hxinestiiad Kntry No. 4593 for the s i of SK and Lota 1 and 2. of Heo 4, 1 p. 10, H ki 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uxu, and culti vation of, asid lanJ. v;z: A J. Shelton, John Bryant, C. W. Richardson and John Hi, yen, all of Jordan, Linn couuty, Or, W, T. JiUliMY, lieu later . Notice of Settlement. Ia tht County Court of Linn county, Oregon, in the nutter of the oitate of William Robnett, deceased. Notice is hereby given t all whorri it may conern, that the undersigned Administrator of ssid estate has hied in said Court his final account in said matter and that said Court has made an order directing notice thereof to be given as required by law in such oases, sad has appointed Monday the 3rd day ef December, IMS, at the hour of or e 1 o'clock p. m. of said day for the bearing of c bjcctior.s to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Dated ttii 1st day of Noyeml er, 1888. D. F. Robnktt, Administrator. Administrator's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the Gou ty Court of Lino couuty, Oregon, administra tor of the estate of James Shields, d ceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the qadevsigned at his office in Albanv, Oregon, within s" x months from the date of this notice. Dated this 27th dsy of October, 1888 H. Bkyast. Administrator of the estate of James Shields, deceased. TIN WARE AND HARD- THE PLACE. :v all means call on Parker Brothers, StiCftisnorit to Jok Fox, tor your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goods are the best and tht Ir price reasonable. STRAYED. From my premises in Albany a aix year old 1- -I and white spottsd "mullsy" milk cow. Ai one roturniug her t . me or giving information aa to hrr whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. K.K. Davis TII0S. JONES1 Barber Shop Is now in the 8TRAHAN BLOCK, where he Is prepared to lo Aretolaas ton. eorlal work. His star bath rooms are nicely arrang ed snd are rosily for use, fall on him for the best wcrk. OReCa WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Ofttoa opposite the Democrat Ofttca. Tine horses. We have just hiought from Eastern 'ri gor , a lot of linn woik hmses wfcict) wa will sell 00 terns to suit the times Among ihnin sies.mi prouiUing ouug drireia from Onecc, Mn-ui Chief sad K I ward Kveirtt Also Hs cboioe benvy a ares. Anyone winhing lo pur obnae a horse will do well to took tl eat over. We will take pleasure its sh w to all intrnding purchaser. Mcknight bros.. Tallman, Or. JOHN 8RICC8, mm Oreo Roses a Sfsx'Ialty. Usmetsry lota plants 1 1 1 a .sn I I to I CURE FITS I When I say Otraa I do not mean merely to Stop iu?m twr a Unio, snd then have ttnon re turn aaain. 1 Mass A UAUICAL CVUH. I hare made the disease of FITS, EPH or FAXXING SICKNESS, A Hfe-lomr study. I wan a ast my remedy to Cca the worst cases. Bccsnse others bsvo fmled It no reason for not now reeetving acuro end at eM tor s treHc snd s FrtBB BOTT t. a id mv lsri.i.ittL Ksnanr. Give Kxires and I'o-t Ofttoa. It costs you noimag lor a 'rial, snd it will cure yon. Address w.O, ROOT, M.O.v 1 13 Ptait It., New Yon BINDERS AND MOWERS. Fsrmers, remember thst we thl year I: iv tho Osborne Hteei Krsint Hinders and Mowers, the strongest, llghest run ning, and best made machine in the market We nan give you just as gmyj terms as, and probably a Illtte better ; at any rati aim and see us be fore you buy. ntkwart A Sox. FOR SALE BY FOf?ITAY A MASON SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER Oil and H1TPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. 80 disguised thee it esvtt be taken, digested, and esatmtlatrd by the taunt sensitive stomach, whoa the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by the com bination of the oil with the Hypo phos phites is mnch mere efficacious. Remarkable si ft Mesh prodceer Persons gain rapidly while taking II SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CON8UMPT' jK, SCROFULA. GENERAL DE3ILITY, WASTING DISEASES, T MAOIATION, COLDS and 31 iQHlO COUGHS. The great ren, hi for Consumption, and Wasting in Chtidre. .. Sold by all Druggists. PAINTS, OILS AND FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Kail I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: HDV n ft flUC I ft .ktlB l,.ii-Jirl.rir rnu 1 UVIrW grass vim v aa w j swa as Mis'ausi am ry w w mw iw Ditsa goods to all tba leading stylus ; good shades for Fall ajad Winter rear Iselroted Irom tba best Eastern nnd Foiiign importations. The latest novel lira in titmoiings and buttons, shawls, blanketa, some extra g;d vatuea in wbfta blankets, table linens, towels, He. CARPETS -My enlarged faoilitia for showing careta baa etiabhd me make targe purobaaeiin ibia department. I can show a fine line of Ingrain st low (trices, some oboioe patterns in B.xiy H.usst.Usnd Taiestries. Ism mskitig cariets a lesding hraiifh id mj busiiirss. BOOTS AfsO SHOES 1 0,1 rv Is rest line cf Boots and Shoes in the city snd have paid seiat altenttoa to gi ltig the goodi beat suited to .bis trad and ( can show fine line of goods. I keep iu slot, tbe beet makes in tba country, sud have endeavored to get a lioe ol 'ow pi ice goods that I can gear auiee to giye aatiafaotion. Aoytbing in Boots, Hhoea or BubWs for nasn, wo men an 1 children nan be found in this dfiaitun;iii. It ia in fsct a uhtm ator of Uself, GROCERIES ' mm givtatf i'cl attention to koctping a lull in ttj Su Fsucy Urwoeries, uooolored teas, roasted and ground cotJWs, caonisl fruits, to latee. Secialties in breakfast foe's, etc, cm ll lie found in this dpruujni. Pure, fresh goods an i good vstue for mot.s. is my sitn. I s ould especislly call tbe atteottcn of pa -ties lading in their Kail auppliea to my large stock of FALL AND WINTER COODS ! 1 am belle- prepetrd (ban ever lo meet their wants. In all d paHroente I am ptepsrrd to meet l be (ironing Demands -AND City of And ask a thorough A V f v I'm j.iby slid !.', lhou,(h 1 otscdu't sy thst ; lorn 1 ' " at my size and a look i my '', and you'i'lsiitly cm si-h tbss-e's i.ii Hi.- upon me. I'm s little hit hhor lutb ol breath sod of l.air, but from boulders to koiM-a you cm -t I'm all there. X 8rnil and 1 IftttgO, I y k,- and 1 it!"; I i.l:.-.- iu be sad and 1 nver get msd. But ouM nevnr atirmtse wliHro my happi ness lira, so I'll p mid confess Whst you never could guess. A pood thing to et la always a treat, whiah will make ou as sweet aa our cured n- tf r, . k you frtel si content with the mi.ney spent that ou're hound o feel glsd , sod you oculdu't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a nin was to pull at your tota or tread on your toes, lf'yin.'re fit or youiV if vmu'e pleaaanaor me.u, just give W. &T. a .-h iw t 1 1 ou right low, tun will tVl anob atbrill of con tentment until yim'il wi-h you ihii- fat to eJ v unu..f ', Fur th f'-rlinjj'a i nm- n and vou' l slow your gossl tonv.- bv bufttte (j Ceiii,pto visimiM sort crcckeiy nl W & T Wallaee & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. City Drug Store -A full Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints. Oils, varmsnes, School Books, Choice Ctgsre. Presorij Ikus agd "Wblie in town call in and sees. WILL BROS, Dealers in all tbe latest improved Pianos Organs, Sewing Machines, Guns. Also a full Hue of warranted Razors, Butcher and rocket Knives. The best kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all machines. Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL iltt- uf.wiU 1st nniiHiiallu fiartaa taltrl : im 1 il ast of Linn County, HIE Albany, inflection "I my stuck. Samuel E. Young. )w( J MM stock of- Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Brushes, Stationery, Tablets, etc. etc. family leokipts carefully '.repared. . DR. GUISS & SON m m CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line In first class or, dar and with promptness. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple streets, I. N, Smith, SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW CLOTHING For Fall L. E. BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots Shoes, OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment 0 Pea Ja krts--Chin hilla. Astrachan, Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN. OVER SHIRTS. Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AN0 ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens. ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Lal but not least a large stock 6HAS. H. hardware, AND FARM FRONT, FIBST AND VINE Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington lor 'V0UKBJIL llHTTHll 1 DEERE'S NEW ,h. Doubla, or Trlpple Furrow. Tliey ar so simple and come so near absolute pcrfec Hon, that those who have used them oraeon them work can not say enough In their praisv. We furnish them with or without seat attachment.; Scat attachments are extra. 033333333 POWEE LI3PT STJTuTZ PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DKILL. . - -yo Hoe Press Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior Grain Drills, Superior Seeders. CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. latest Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. Tho most complete and successful Uol for this purpose in use. also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Wagons Platform nnd other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. nee A Chapln's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Ml.'.s Pacific Fanning Mills, IIAI81I BAB11 Willie ETC.. ETC. : FOR SPKCLAX CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS. , IS Thrall, Agent, Albany, Or. BARGAINS! J Ft rat-class goods at bottom pi ices at my store in this city- Bought at General Merchandise consisting. of dress goods, gents AT 10 cent counters all Caeh'or j,ocds will ho j aid . BOLSTEI CATTLE. Geo. D. Barton has Just arrived from Iowa with a lot of finely bred Hoistein cattle which he offers at less tliam half the price the same class ol cattle have ever been said far in Oregon. These cattle are now on the farm of James Elkins one half mile south of Albany, where he will take pleasure in showing them to visitors, Mr. Barton will receive orders for pure bred and high grade heifers and cows to be delivered this fall or early in tbe spring at the lowest possible prices. Address and Winter -AT- UHaWflMSi of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS D0DD & CO., w::,hts;hs OF Iron, 3teei MACHINERY. STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. z DEAL PLOWS. is wtat the public wants. These I have Bankrupt sales I can Bellamy stock ef furnishing goods, clothing, etc. COST. contain many articles worth examining. for all kinds of country produce. G. W SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon.