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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1888)
WHAT OKEtfON OFFERS. SUB TO DEMOCRAT. $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 Al END OF YEAR. Issued . . i Friday by STITBS Sc NXJTTI3STQ- r t..s timdo known on np pll ttion. IB' TBI COW BRAND. TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. B sura that tUan U a pictum of a tlit U-at SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. si 'K1NGF1 KM). OREGON. Albany rl nl Olllre on lt'lrod fst.. bplwww lib usl aUhJH.rPOS Having lumber uot excelled In pitlliv. and MMlMM not snrp.aaml f.rth prompt ml itlfctory filling or orders, I respsetfully solicit a shuts or the trade. A. Wheeler. FURNITURE. . yon l the beat .n.i moat durable furnitu.eib.t Is manufactured In tbeelty go to Thomas Brink. H keep, almost evertbing In tbe line of furniture that Is kept in a prut-clani store JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer ox Cigars - AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST f..ntPlu..nnSuok1uK Totaoco.. M.,rh.uui .nd BiCBf Plpw. ! n.ofSinok ' Art.l. Ami l lllT1 CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Conrad Meyer. PROPKlKT".; OK- STAR BAKERY, Onmer Broadalbin and First 8ts DEALER IN I tanned rruiN, (!aqiJ Meat, Ulavsuware, Dried Prnit. Tobnrco. Mnear. Colter. Eie Qaenwrr, Vegetable) Clear, ttpleea, Ton. Etc.. In fsnt everything t&Mft I" kept ,n Kn rel variety awl grocery "tore. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. V. J. Mitiior, I'm. S Ksksas. Vi:j Pre i. 11. 8 Cooa. Sec J a M aaa Tics The Oregon Laud, Company Or.anixed fr th iarpae otbuyloar and selling rel MUt. adver.lainir Willunette Valley ia all M the leading n ipera of the United States. Emplo nitf KHtrn x(nU to direct home seeker W the W il'sm elU) Valley, and agenta in all the prfn.-irsd towns of Marion. Polk, Linn. Benton, Clackamas and Ynnhtll count iss to aid in locating immigrant. Offlue in the Tile Building- one door west of (Stew art A Box . pgQ DICKINSON, Managers. MIIS. 1$. HMAN, next at of 8. K, Young's, Albany, O Cntting and Pitting a Specialty, STAMPINC OUTFITS, AND STAMP 1NG DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING Wednesdays and Tburadaya of ea h week, and painting done to oider on plaques and other material, Nice aaoriir"'c of ArtlaU materials on usnd. . WiANCIS PFEIFFEK. PROPRIETOR OP Albany cBSoda Works And Manufacturer of CHOICE CQNFEuTIONEEY, 1 f m a . m a caw ra aa r raa .LanafKoali unil mifrt ftt 1'ortlaTlO price to dealer. We also keep a full line of JSuts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO; H. F. MERRILL, IB .A- 3ST TSZ E R , ALBANY - - - OREGON. 1 anil exchanx oa Ne York, Sn t'ranciaco and Portland. . . . ..,! warfniitjl Kit Ruv notei, otve, cjuij ' - mSmWAmtSlLt aubjact to cnec-k. Intereft allowed on time deposit. Collectionf will receive prompt attention, (wreepondence aolicited. rireand mtrtne iniuranc placei; in reliable com rial, 44 C e i m. to 6p.m. FOSHAY & MA80N, woLvM.a aaD anaiii- Druggists and Booksellers, aatafor Johi B. Alden'a publications, icb wa sell at p-ablier'a pries witi ?r,tagadJd. OKKwO'i ' 1 I I Stab VOJu. A.X1V. MAKE or WHOLESOME BREAD USE 0a ou your irkaco and you Ul bars SihU iua.l'. THE OOW BBASD. FOR SALE. at very low rate. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Pence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices a. yard on 6th S'., i o O. A U. swiicu. W. W, CROWBER. MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWPOBD, Propiretor. WILL furni-b sacks to former and receive wheat at the usual rate of storage The bigheat market price paid for Mine. Beet Magnolia flour always on hand, far aale or exou to 4 at ravtonaoto rates. JOHN A. CRWVrOUD. BROKE th3 lumber monopoly. W can furnish to builder an i oonlractor. rough, c'tar or 11 tl thing LUMBER, Anthnrt nntliw. from the beat yellow fir, rafted fromjh i cele- fa ;tured tt Coburg. Any quautity can be rumistiea at Aioawy w hw, nKla QO IwflJflfaOIWiaaWOT t iiavaaBj fEOAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS andlnmbsrof all kin la on ouryar l cou Htantly. DOQt orae without aeemg or bearing irun m. e win yw money. HAMMER BROS., Alban Linn 9' MCAUSfER Sl W030WARO. Homeopathio Physicians & Uvgtw ohatatrit;. I r i.ii :j"it of Chronic Dis eases of wo: u an und children a specialty!- All cilia promptly attenilel day afld nigbt. Office in the Flinn Block. New and Second Hand Store Owing to Lie increased demands of our business we have been compelled to move into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S. E, Young, wher we will be pleased to see our patrons. If youneodany stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clonks, oarpe:s, pictures, fruit jars, tienks, bioks, roller sktea, saddle saws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and u a tides you can nrt do better fai l si 1 f -Jan Fran ;i too than you can dr. .villi us oa a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 0 123 First Street, Albany, Or. THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The celebrated eaglnes, separators and Haw mills manuiactureo Dy nmuii ec uo of Bdaaslllon, Ohio, are now soii by u I bflv are fast taking the lead in tae Valley and invariably give satisfaction. OTKWAKT IK A DtiMKsTic Plav. An ntullcnce o( about two hundred lifty greeted "Dad dy Nolnn" nt the opera bouae. The play in peculiarly a doiuchtic one, full of live, tolickiiu' accncK, in which the oarta arc tilled with great naturalneas. Mr. Sully an Daddy Nolan hu a very cay way about him. beinu an lilahtnan without the brogue, a great relief tothe audience, which. aoinettmea geta tired of the exaggcrullou t the Iriah character. The benelU one geta from attending theatrical performancea la princlMill v in being able to laugh the urn In i.i out of one' vtctu. anil thU play of fera a biji field in thU reapect. At the aame time it contain acenea that nffect the ym- pathiea and a'art a tear. "Daddy Nolan" U worth attending. I'i 1 1 mar Acciiknt.A former Al bany gentleman a few day a nyo experienc ed the fntloing nccblent at Pendleton, a narratei by the S. o : Laat night It D Wit- aon, W S livers .v Co head miller, wan the victim of an unpleasant accident, which, lowcver, might have tenninatail worae than it did. He was caatlug a box with babbitt'a metal, and did not notice that there waa a drop or ao ol water In the mould. ThU he afterward painfully ui coveu it when the metal flew out hi all di rection, a toi tiou of the molten iua trik- ng him in the face, burning him around the head and eye.' r:M uKllKKK.-The Oregon uilln conductor and brakemen gencially nre a gentleman I r, courteotia claaa of men who treat people well, and In thia respect they should not be confounded with the "extra" referred to In a correapondence in a con temporary, in which perhap a correct ac count la given of an exp-iien. e in going to the front, though we are not potcd on that mint. We undetatind the conductor In tended to be hit i Dan'l Cooley. Vm At rivK. -The Grand Jury laat week waa the moat active of any forajjreat many year. It considered eighteen c.t'scs and brought in true bills In fourteen of them, Of tbcac aix referred to the sale of liquor, three to its next door neighbor, gambling ; and the othcra to larcenr. libel, etc. Moat of these caaea will probably be put over un- II the next term of Court Leu Hkokkn. Laat Thuradat Mr. N I. Allen, proprietor of Albany Electric .ight System, waa going down tbe incline towards the MaiMioiia mill, when he lipped and fell very heavily to the ground. hi left leg striking in auCh a way as to break both bones about two incite above the ankle In a acrlou manner. !r Mae. ton and Wallace were called and rt the bone. Mr. Allen Is now at home with the proapect of a confinement there for sU r even week,, a fact hi many friend through the city generally will regret very much. K. R. 8t ao. Last Wedneaday Mr J II a me of 1 1 at sc v brought a auit in the U S Circuit Court aga!nt K Kochlcr, receiver of the O A' C R K Co for the value of a cow. In hi complaint he alleges that on the Mth of March the O fi C track near lalaey waa unprotected by a fence for a diatance of 150 yards, and that by reason thereof a valuable cow of short born ?rck was killed by a paaaing locomotive. The complaint rt forth that the cow would soon have become a mother to a valuable calf, and aaeesaes the damages ml $300. Visionary.- h Salem paper says the following item will appear In Oct. 1890 Insert Albany after the word "left and it ia possible the item will be true: Y ester day a solid train load of wheat, consisting of 13 cars, left on the Aatoria & South Coaat line for Astoria, where it will be transferred to the Aurine for shipment to Japan. To day several car loads of ap pic go to join it,' being also for Japan and China. Wheat I worth 85 centa Marmirij. - At the residence of R C Kinley, Crawfordaville, Oct. 17th, by (5 W Pugh, Esq., Mr. Eraatu Stewart and Miss Mary Workman. At the reaidence of Jaa Kceney, Oct, 18, by G W Pugh, Esq., Mr Samuel Stewart and Miss Bessie Keeney The groom are Crook county young men and have taken their wives there to reside Rii'K Bi.alkhkkrikv Mr Martin Payne has just brought into the open sanctum of the Democrat office a branch of fine, large, ripe, luscious Law ton blackberries. They were raised in his garden and arc a fine example of what glorious things this coun- A j.. : . II 1 11 y ou. tilings juai naiurany nave 10 grow here. Kksiunkii.- Mr 0 W Freeman, engineer at Fort Stevens hss resigned his position there and accepted one at San Francisco un der the Southern Pacific 11 11 Co. The 'ien rrsays : "Mr Freeman goes away with the best wishes of his employees, wh. have the highest reapect and admiration for him, During the time h has been there he has won the confidence of his men by his kind ness and many favors shown. He is a gentle man in every sense of th.: word, and has in vie an honest and efficient officer," Jack Says. Jack Alphine,of Little Elk, v as in the city . He Informs the Dkm- ocart that he has stumbled around the, city considerably and saya our aidewalks are worae than the Little Elk wagon roau and our officials ought to be ashamed for allowing anything of the kind. That is plain talk ; hut Jack says he will stand by it, and there arc plenty of others will too. Off. The commissioner of agriculture has reported that in Oregon there Is much complaint of the yiefu from early freezing rain in Juno, hot weather in July, and rust and blight. As we have just had the finest' crop In the valley in our history the C. of A. has evidently slandered us. 'Lebanon. The two hotels af Lebanon have been consolidated About 50,000 bushels of grain have been stored this sea- Probably haif of the wheat has been sold. About 60,000 pounds of hops are stored here, all of which have been sold for i2 cents per pound. Record Broken. David Crack, said to be 107 years old, was married Wednes day at Marlboro, Prince George county. Md., to 8usanna Oakes, a widow of 75, Crack says he is a veteran of the war of 1 81 5. It is thought this breaks the record. Being Repaired. The city caliboose is being repaired, (he intention being to put it in a condition to prevent the easy de parture of tramps and other prisoners. Subsiding. The boom on Puget sound is gradually subsiding, says an exchange. A few days ago it was announced that the big sidewheeler Alaskan would come, over to the Columbia where there was business for her, and now the Seattle Times an nounces more retrenchment in the operat ALBANY, OttiiUON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER TllKO. P. The O.riro.t Pacific Rail- road Co. haa filed the following report ith the Secretary of Htatc of its condition and business for the last fiscal year, ending July : Amount capital stock subscribed $j, fully paid in, Liabilities, fund debt, $6ajo,ooo i Hooting debt, $,400,IHX), Amount cash paid company on account of original stock, $100,000, balance of stock having been paid for by other property aold and tranafcrred to the company. Value of roadbed, a asscsacd, $87,000 ; rolling stock, $143,500 ; stations, buildings, etc. fooo ; ether property, $20,500. length main track 83.J miles ; sidings, 5.9 miles, Number miles run by passenger trains dur ing ycar,5H.y.d . mixed and freight, 41,448 miles. Tons local freight carrleJ 118,165. Number of toba carried one mile 4,604,047. Amount received per ton per mile for al freight $o3J. Total passenger carried fo year, 44,733. Amount received from the same $1ooq.cj. Total freight earnings, $91,550.8). Earnings from all sources, $3v';357- Espensc running passenger trains, $11,745.33 ; freight, $48,381.74 ; all other expense, $47,654.91, Amount taxes paid (under protest.! $13,560.10. Amount expended for maintenance of way, $28,- s;i 'M ; station, buildings, etc , $4,597.43 ; ill liir ptiiiMi.i. Inr main tana -. nt ... "- w . . n m . , '.73 3o ; an oilier expense, OyWI.fy. Ciikkkv Tiiikvrh. Friday after the overland train had come in two tramps helped themselves to a commercial gentle man' sample case and walked off Into the iarknesa undisturbed. The case contained about forty paund of ladiea' and children's ahoes, which were all odds and hence use- ess except to the owner. No clue to them was obtained, no effort made to regain the property. A mail pouch found missing from the car was found about eleven o'clock by Mr. Meyer beside the track In the Third ward, it bad fallen out of the door. and was not stolen as at firat reported. A night watchman would come In handy around the depot nights. Enterprise. Most enterprising men advertise In the newspapers tor their wants, but a young man who wanta a position throws a card promiscuously over the city dated Nov. 24 for Oct. 34. He is a versa, tile genius and we hope will get a position liereia tbe card: "Mas with academic a nl business college education will accept the beat offer within one month to work in store or office of any kind, warehouse, fac tory, mill or on the farm, any place in Weaternor Southern Oregon. Evidence of good character, temperate and Indus trious habits given. Correspondence offers and trials invited. Addrcaa, 'Enterprise,' Albany, Oregon. Amu r jRRt Ai.KM. A Lebanon young man wrote to Jerusalem about the country, and got this answer, among other things : 'In reply to your letter inquiring as to Jeru aatem, 1 have toaxy, I would advise no or.e to come here with the idea of making m r. -ey or even a living. It la a rare exception when thU t done. I'nder a different gov. eminent thinga might be better ; but with everything taxed -crop, tree, whether tfiey bear or not, cattle, etc., etc,, what can be expected . . w Protect v vmoH oca Friend. An Allmny paper recently produced an Itlus tratlon purporting to be an ocean steamer entering Yaquina harbor, but which. In reality more nearly resembles a steamboat passing the locks at Oregon City. In the explanation which accompanied thU work 'd art, it ia stated In cold type that no tug la viaible in the picture as the steamers come and go at Yaquina without the expense of any towage. Asa matter of fact no steam ship ever entered or departed from, Ya quina without being accompanied by a tug, and for the credit of the company we hope none will be allowed to attempt It New port iVrttu. A Point kor tiikC. P. A man who has evidently killed Chinese pheasants says you never find any wheat in their craws ; but plenty ol black seeds. He doesn't be lieve they eat wheat nor that they are any more of nuisances than other birds, and knows they are not when it comes to eating them. Here's a field for discuaalon. Too La v. Half the men arrested in Albany nowadays arc too buy to give their real names, and so report it John lonca or some other name that takes no ef fort I he reason most of these fellows won't woik ia because they arc too tired Game Markkt. Burr Sloan and Wal ter Eest have opened a game and fish mark et two doors north uf the Dkmicrat office. and both leinir cra;k hunter, propose to keen the market auonlied. Aa thev will make a specialty of game they will deserve a liberal patronage. A Rocky Crowd. Five bears,threcmen, two boys and four barefooted girls, have been in the citv Friday ,coming here from ( 'or vail is, where they were ordered to move on. It Is a dilapidated looking crowd; but draws full houses, with no money in them 168 Days. A Walla Walla saldier re cently deserted. When he deserted, he weighed 400 pound, and when found was reduced nearly half his weight. He had KubsUted for 168 days on watercress and chokechcrrics within sight of the post, and as can well he imagined, the strange break on his part is creating a sensation in Walla Wnlla. Another Competitor. "The Salem and Albany papers are quarreling about which of those villages ahall be the junc tion of the proposed Astoria railroad with the Oregon Pacific. Whats the matter with Corvallis being the junction.1 It on the right side of the river for that." Leader. And, why not? Corvallis is wel located for It, and is on the Oregon Pacific like Albany, Big. Mr. Alexander, of the "Forks," has left on exhibition, at Curran & Monteith's a rutabago weighing 51 pounds. W. K Temple left at the same place an 86 pound squash, i hese speak for the fertility of ou soil. Married. At the residence of the bride's parents in llalsey, on Wednesday Oct. 24th, by J B Fisher, Mr J W Bresslcr angfMiss Maggie M Uodley both of Hal sey. To the People of Sclo and Vicinity. Owing to tho difficulty of getting suitable rooms arranged in Scio we have deeided not to work there for the present; but if you wil come t our gallery in Albany, where we are well prepared and have the finest of lenses and fixtures, we will inako it to your advan tage to have pictures taken here, and will make it satisfactory for yonr trouble and ex pense in coming. We are making life size portraits finished in crayon. Prices lower than eyer heard of. Bring any pictures you wish copied. Wa guarantee satisfaction. Please call and see us. Very Respectfally, Crawford & Littler. ('ouiirll I'rot-erilhiK. Wednesday evening, Oct. 34th. I'rcsent All officers but Mayor and Councllmen but Read. Councilman (irad- wohl In the chair. Nulsanc? complained ol by A Cunning ham was ordered abated. The committee on Ordinances reported in favor of granting exclusive gas light franchise to the San Francisco Co, and ex clusive electric light franchise to V H. Allen. A new sidewalk was ordered built on the East aide of Lyon Street between Hcc- bml and Third. The committee on the lr McAllister case reported that J K Weathcrford and D R N Blackburn had been retained to ap- pear for the cltr. ""Further time was granted in reference to petition of G W Smith for telephone prlvb leues The committee on streets and public property were instructed to act with Mar ahal In reference to lateral sewer connec tion with main sewer. The Railroad Street sewer waa accepted a far as built. Matter of culvert at Seventh and Jeffer son Streets was referred to committee with power to act. I he Street Commissioner was ordered to have aidewalks repaired immediately. me tiecorucr rcporicu inc insurance of No. ii engine house lor the ensuing year. Application of Chinaman lo for furrier m - 1 j -r w time for moving from First street was not granted. The petitUm of N A Btodtett akini privilege of running flume from Ferry .street mime to his mill waa referred. The Marshal waa directed to notify the S P R R Co to move rubbiah bom Rail road atreet within ten days. C A Creel was given contract for llieial ewcr across I.vop Street to Jlaker at 7C cut per foot. I N Hoffman. B F Tabler a d Viruil Pat ker with the Mavor. n r am. int-,l committee to examine charter and report on needed amendments. The Marshal waa Instructed to abate nui sance at Hapti.t Church and under G A R stairs. The following bills were oidered paid : Walter East. ?o ; citv aat Brook. $5 H i EE Allen. $6.25 ; N ) Henton. $35.60 jelly agt Robinson, $6 4 ;! Hayes, V7 IS 1 ) II Warner, $32.80 ; citv agt Dovle.Sl.Sc : W it Burr sfu .V Royce, $7.20; Jan Laurent. $1616 57 ; II r Merrill, $11 ; fi M Weatfall, $31.28. TH K A, AM A. U It- Several daya ago Mr. jay Blaln, Secretary of the Albany Board of Trade wrote Mr. E. C llolden, Secretary of Chamber of Commerce f Astoria in reference to the proposed railroad from that city, and haa just received the following letter which pretty thoroughly explaina the present sit uat too of the matter : Astoria, Or., Oct. 19th, 1888. J. W. Blai.i, Esq., Sec'y Board of Trade. LIE ar Sir in reply to your s of loth Insc, I ties to Inform you that the Astoria k South Coast R R Co., Is not a "paper Company. 1 or six weeks Mr II B Thlel scn, with 10 men under him, has been running 4 preliminary survey line, and is pow within four mllea ol Seaide to which point the Company expect to be running in time for next year s summer travel. That completed, the line will be extended to Tillamook Bay and it la confidently ex pected that In that time, or sooner, ar rangements will have been made to extend the line and secure such connection as will open up another trana-continental line to the Pacific, having Its terminus at Astoria where In poiot of fact it ought to be, it be ing the only port in Oregon where deep sea vessels can !oad to their full capacity . Should you desire further information I have no doubt vou could obtain it bv ad dressing the Board of Directors of said Coptpany. 1 ours truly. K. C. 1IOLDEN, Sec. of Com. On tltr Southern ftoaodarjr. Ir N I ia v lor.of Hal!.. Walla, la viaiting his parents here this week. John Barger ia suffering a relapse af his recent fever. Mrs Gregory is very sick and is not ex pected to recover. Several of her children tram different points in this State and sraahtngton territory are present at her bedside. Mr 0 P K amble Is moving to Gear heart's place on Sluslaw. On account of not being able to get a car on the N O, Mr Henry s did not get started to Washington county last week as was extiected. They will probably get away the last of this week. Mr If ilcox has moved to Harrlsburg to work at his trade, blacksmithlng, and Mr lames Curtis has moved into the house vacated by Mr w licox. Mr and Mrs John Grimer entertained their friends with a social on the evening of the 13th About fifty guests were pres ent and were-well entertained too. The Misses Tllton have gone to Eug-ne to spend the winter. Miss Clara is attend ng school at the University. School began in tb Barger school houte last Monday, Mis Smith is teacher. Mr Jones has weather-hoarded and painted his new residence and improved its appearance greatly. Mia Lola Allingham has been quite sick for several days. Mi and Mrs Ifimf Mr and Mrs Georgt Ward and Mr and Mrs J O Bramwell, dt Halsey, were visiting In the neighborhood last .Sunday. Another lot of Germans hare come on from Minnesota and are stopping with Mr Spurlin'son the Dinwiddle place. Nursery. J. F. Backensto is the ac credited agent of Vancouyer Nursery. Ap olv to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Albany, Oregon. 7 O-ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Foshay & Mason, Agents. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 26 per cent oheaper than they were a year ago. Oar stock is all fresh, consequently we can give very low prices. W. F. Read. Bargains! Bargains! ! Bargains!!!, t Remember we are closing out our stock of boots and shoes and nave yet some very desirable styles. Come and see for your selves and vou will not regret it. Brownku. & Stanard. Farmers When you are ready t buy your winter stock of boots and shoer, do not il to call at Krausse & Klein', as we keep only good honest goods and sell them at reasonable nricss. All goods warranted l represented. Repairing neatly done. Al 8, 1888. The records ah ow that Ceo. Harro na while In the United States Senate, voted fourteen tlmesigalnst any measure that looked to the exclusion cf Chineae from this country, and waa thereby one efficient means of continuing their Immigration un til they havelmproverishcd the cigarmak. makers, starved the washerwomen, and forced the laundrymcn to pauper wages. And now Cleveland basset the w'wle Paci fic coast wild by signing, and thus naking effective, the firat exclusion bill to accom plish the object. Each, In this matter, consistently with his life record. Work Ingmen, look ou this picture and tnen on that. "Whisky and tobacco," says Mr. William t reen.a Republican candidate for the State Senate la Texas, n his addiess to the vot ers, 'are just as necessary as flour and ba con, for where parties use tobacco they crave It, and must have It. Whiskey Is nec Jed in all families for medical purposes and a little good whiaky don't hurt any lab.' wing If It waa not for this could buy a gallon of good whiaky for 50 centa." Mr. Green further explains that this is the policy of the Republican party as opposed to that of the Democrats, rio want (dress goods covered by the Mi l bill J to come in free of duty so they ran clothe thetr;fam!lics in good style at small expense," Mr. (ireen may not be a dis- creet politician, but he unquestionably un derstands the Republican platform. Mr. Silas Patterson, head of the Bridge port, Conn. Patent leather Company has also joined the reform rank. He says lie appreciates tariff reduction. Since the dut Irs was taken off hides tbe whole leather buincs has been a 1 mutated. It waa the salvation of the trade. He thinks the Mills bill will have a fmillar effect on other In duatries. . How did the hide business effect lobor? Well, of the fifty-five or sixty men who for merly voted the Republican will find about four now follow fi, O, P, pre cepts. The Senate tariff bill iaa reluctant and long delayed admission of necessity of tariff reduction and readjustment. It Is an en dorsement in white chalk and large letters of the President and House of Representa tives in their action in behalf of reform. It s'towa the Senate under the whip of Dem ocratic progress. It Is a good many years since the war tariff was made, and through all these years, up to March 4,1885, the Re publican party has had the power of re formation and hasn't dared or cared to ex. erci- it. All tt has done with rcaard to the tariff ha been to protect the capitalist and leave the worker without protection of an v kind. That has brought a system whi h ha given large wealth to the few and large poverty to the many. Tbtrrels no tariff on tbe laboring man' sweat. There Is no tariff on the-lmporta. tion of men wlio come into open competi. tion with the Ameridan workingman. The capitalist goes into the open markets of the world and employs the labor at the lowest price for the American wage earner stands In that open market with the million of men who arc seeking a livelihood, and there I no tariff that protects him. High-tariff statesman: "Of course you are delighted with the senate substitute for the Mills bill?" Working men - Wcll,dun no." "You don't know? Was there ever such ingratitude! Here we've laid awake nights getting up a bill to lessetTSyour bur dens and you don't seem pleased a bit. Did you put anything on the free list?' w Yes, sir; acorns, sir. You can get them by the the ton and not pay a cent of duty. en't it glorious? Carry the good news to your childred, my good man go to them at once. Tell them thev can eat all the acorns thev want." The Oliver chilled plow works of South Bend. Ind , sell their plows in Canada for four dollars lea than is charged Indiana and Michigan farmers for the same imple ment. So charged Representative Hatch of Missouri in cony-re-, and, when it was denied, he proved It bv decumentary evi dence. Does this concern need protection? The Cleveland ticket carried a majority of the students of Harvard University in vote that was taken there, after debate, on Friday night. And yet for all that. It is fact that Grovcr Cleveland himself is no a college-bred man. If the American hen is to be forced to lay eggs in competition with the pauper laid eggs of Europe, the day is not fur dis. tant when the mellifluous eacklc will no more send the farmers children romping and racing far the fresh laid egg, and the cheerful chanticleer with his rousing crow will no more call the son of toil to his daily task. . The United States census of 1880 shows that the profit on manufacturing in the United States is 37 per cent, and on farming 3 per cent. Is it any wonder that the Stat es devoted to manufacturing have the ag ricultural States plastered all over with mortgages ? s MAiiKiHD.-At Brownsville, Oct. 24th, 1888, by Rev J C Baker, at the residence of the bride's father, George C Stanard and Miss Ida A Coshow. The Democrat con gratulates -this popular young couple. Brace lip. You are feeling depressed, your u nonr. vou are bothered with appe head ache, your are fldgetty.nervous, and gen e rally out of sorts, and want to brace up Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate vou for an hour, and than leave TT11 in worse condition than be ,TbaJ iTri nrh.t. vmi want ia an alterative that Durifv your blood, start healthy action of -Liver ana jvuineys, resu yuui and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find In Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at Fo sbay A Mason Drug Store J. P. Wallace, Physician And Surgeon, Al bany, Or. J A Archibald, agent Singer Manufactar -ing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Al- VO 14 W . F. FIRST 8T The Leading Cash Dry m 1 CI1TWCT MS mf fall suck and gains tLan tVtt asa Our ainck ia ccicpiete ar.d 1 irrrre add all tba new novelties at faataa the Would call ttcial sttri.ttoo to tbe following lines Ore8sGooJs,Plashes,Velvets,Hosiery Jersies, CUuits' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All Iatk f a iltiti.&b int-iecticn of stock. PRODUCE TAKEN! IN EXCHANGE FOR COODS. Mail t rdt-ia 1 if trptiyfsttfndeJ 10. am stUsGiHH -seMaawsB3SiaasasssWPsssnssBiBBi If You Are Sick With Headache, Neoxalgia, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Blood Humors, Kidney Disease, Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague, Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros tration, use Paine' a Celery Compound and bo cured. In each of these the cause Is meuud or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting in one of these diseases. Remove tho cai se with that great Nerve Tonic, and the result will disappear. Paine's Celery Compou nd Jas. L. Bowrn, Springfield. Mass.. writos: "Paine's Celery Compound cannot be excelled as a Nerve Tonic. In my ease a single bottle wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely disappeared, and with it the resulting affection of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole tone of the system was wonderfully invigonited. I tell my friends, if sick as 1 have been, Paine s P..l.,s. sTVMSMahtM astnfl Will Cure You! Sold by druggists. $1 ; six for So. Prepared only by Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated. ALBANY OOLLE&JATE IHSTITITE ALBANY, OREGON. 1888, 1889. Firat Terns Opens September 11th, If ss A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL snrn ULAddCQ. Courses of etudy arranged to meet tbf need of alt grades 01 students. Special fadufa4tstfered to students from aSrlMmi Tuition ranges from $5,50 to fia.SD. Board in private families at low rates. Room ior self-boarding at small ex reuse, A careful supervision exercised over ntu dents sway from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and 'ull particulars address the President. IKEV. ELBERT M. ON BIT . Albany, Oregon To thfl Fanner, snrl every mm at Ull ; Over sfxtjr million aeree of the richest kind of soil. To tho Stock man: valley, ranges for any kiwi of hard In a most delightful climate, not dosrrlhed by words. To tho brave Prospector, and the Minor boM : A mineral chain of BWttnfattns.full of shyer ora and foid To the Artiste, Authors and Kf iantlSc men ; Puzzling subjects for their canvass, brain and pets. To the Hpurtemsn, who from oars srs free : Kvery game that swims, rune, or climbs s trae. tho Doctor and the Lawyer: cases they my te Tis 'Ion off though, for the air la vert purs. To the Capitalists, who wise Inveements seek" islt us, and let eurroundlnga speak. In short, no place 'nee th the glorious sun Offered roch inducements, sines tho world teaxua READ ALBANY, OREGON Goods House ofAlbany, liinr C M. HENDERSON CC8 m I" I can give nay cua tuinera beer cfleicd in Ail in v fo keep it op to the standard are in tbe rcarket. rhal J SXTfD BOOTS X SHOES 1 - SrnirnrdmQ W J. BEAD, Warranted to color more goods than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. A Dress Dyed ) A Coat Colored V Q Garments Renewed J cents. A Child can use them ! Um v.niled for all Fanoy and Art Work. At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON St CO., Props., Burlington, Vt. 0. O OHBRRY. O.K.PVRKKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, Machinists Millwrights, and Iror Founders. ysTE are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. Wa will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kindn -i Iron and Brass Castings, PATTERNS St AIMS PN SHORT SfOTM'E. Special attention given to repairing ai kinds of machinery.