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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1888)
Win. Fortmillei, FUNEKAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse f A(Ur business hours oall At residence oorner Fifth ami lUkor streets. 0VH..M) TJ iWrJHU Southern Pacific Company's Line. tmk nr. inn Roi rK. SaaSassn iltMMM AIUjrtl ttu t'. i i.iv , j.. hour oauroaNii Bxrasas i uh duly Sou North .t r. M. Ur Portland Arrive I 10:40 A a 8:06 r m Umv Albany Uw. 1 7:U6 a m 7:0 A M Aral. Sau K.aaioi-. lasave 6:90 r MMl NiMH raAisa uaiu vvv-.t Sunday). :UU A M j Leave l:o r a Leave i.wm I Arrive AibyJ Kuareuo Arrive S:4f. m Leave I lKSo A M Laav. tttlu MM TAAIMB DAU.T. I KIT imii. 4:10 p m Leavd AlbAiiy :M r M I Arrive LobAia.m MM r m I Leave Ail. aii v 1J( a" h I Arm Lelaanoa Arm I Mi A M LuAV. I .. . M A M Arroe a i 4r u i i uu r m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars er trr j. n lealies et AeraMtl-t'las Pasaea aera, attached is Ktprm Trl. Wcu slse UvUita. crnttv MKrtnu am ran allia. mAil rail daily ( 8un0a .) 0AM Portland C.arv UIm Arrival 10 t . r s I Arnv Usaae I J M BtraStS TVAl.tJ DAILY (SKCW. SUDvUv . :W r M :ii'r MM Ant a Portland M Mi ill) Title Arrive v:0U a M LeaTS I u.4.'. a M At A'aeajr tai OorvAlli. connect vita treius ol ur y fActOc Itailriavl Pas-lull tailor at Ul mi rur Ji'irf ntoa, miaxm, .vc, oa i -ii "i i) ' Aj(ui. K KOtfllUCR. . P. H" Kltv ja,f. !" '. il r U YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, goo Development Company's Stesiii Mbip Ltuo 225 MILES SHOitTfit. 20 HOURS LESS TIME ih itii by my other route. First cla-w turougu pav4Meiigr aod freight l. tie from Portian I and ail points la the WtlUuieiie Valley to and from an Krancieoo, Cel. I illamettj fti?ar Linj of Steamers. The 'Win. M H ;. The N. S, Beat y," Tae "Toree Sisters" are ia service for bota passenger u l freight traitio be tween Oorvelits sud Portland aud inter mediate poiuts, leaving Compauy'i wbs-rf, Corvsllis, end Jidur. Uuiuiau A Co'e wherf, Not. MO ma J Ml from Si., hoi t lend, three times a wook e-t follow. : Noaru hound. LeaaCorYMl'i. Hon , Wwl. aiiU FriUn, 10:OJA, M. Umvc AJbauiv, Muay, WoJ. au,1 r'ridjy. li OJ Nocn Arrivo tVorvUuul, Iim., fbu, aq I iiurdy, iwi. U. 9UVTM uotNo. Lemre FortUnJ, Moo., Wei. tad FridAY, S.00 A. II. LtMY AlltAny, fun., Taar. au. HilarOAjr, 1:A p. Ai. Arrival Uo'VAiUA, Taw., I ha. aJ ttelunlay, 4.W 1'. M. Uut make close couneciioa at Alban A ttu trams of tbeOregoa Padlllc Railroad TIM SJllADULK (9.Mjl8uniAy.) UN AlbMiy. 1:0 r. m, . Una. Yaqaina, :46A,a. bur ajorrailii, 1:10 r. m . Il javb Corvallu,lo:X a.m. Arnv j Vmjoi.ia, .j.i P. M I Vrriv. tinaay, 11:10 A. w, O .ft J. trtiM ooaea at Albany and 'r .t'.i i the aooVa irain oonneutat 1411111 . .: 11 lilt ir.tejfMi OveiopuiAiit JoiupAiiy'. i.i.i if baeeMKOipli baiwuen i MafOian an I )4ii trail io. XVI 1.1 VI. UUM . riu rxv ;i;i. WiiUinj'-te VAlly, MosoAy, O--.. M T.Mljy, K- . WillioiH-a VaII, Si'.acu.O;. SI. liU;, IXLlt. VillAuitfU VAlly 1 . i l, Oct. tx . I hw t.' aiip'iiv ..rvi Jm rcht to iin" eaiiitfii 1 ta without noti H. B faVMMwtff.rM fr- n K r 1 .u arrl -V Hi 1 11 h V i tl It ".411 IM l -H.H ; ' ill il- II II v , 'i Hi 1r1ii.1t of Ilia Yaquuie tO ll Ml &lftW or l'rVilli. ID I It ttn a I t Sili Kr-n;iH 1 . tli'm I ftraattfa to irriv at Viiuini tlia MHenM kiH ro a'ate of eallfa aaaeaAcr .mi t.-iiti Mivray ta- UHmi K-ir inloriMitio.i pplv ! U J Ht-u-tri, Frasij;lit n i ticket Acnt, Afftaey, or u 011 itdii, it , o. F. t V. Alft,, Ortfu.,11 OovcioIiuhSkI '., -t"4 M-iiit.'-nm-r . Mati KrAiact .co. CmI. ' I Hllt.1 I.. A. . V . n.l F. Atut 0rii fml- trt : iryH. O- tJHAM) Excursion East ! V I NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Chenpest rato W90f 111 friii ilie Pacific OuaMl tn thr Kt-t, $80 $80 $80 lfor rotiud trip from all point fa Oregon and Wanh njrtoii T rritory ti COLUN8U8, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHIC V;). Ticke'M fin jalf' September 3, 4 and 5. Good to r I urn to'taloter Hint, Join the O A. K hi rinl train oarryhlg Oregon ami vv'axliiiiKtoii li-rntory irprfrieni u tin 22ND NATIONAL 4XP,VUKT, G.A.R - which .iioeUIn Columbus, September 12th, I88tf. Thia rate 1m opu fir nvfrybrwly. Not neotaaary to tie a (J. . ft. an' ntAm to pet tbN cheap ticket i' fi-- -i- -iri' to do an omii have umh of frn bntii i rf tourlat elepiii4 r Kor In t'ur inf iruiaiion call on nr aatdrn A. D L'H A Rfi I ON. AMt. r;n Pa-M Aat. N. P. R. K , No, Vtaiih'.nirtnit .. Portland, Or. Audn ws llaekiinaii, W.LD0UGLAS1 $300 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, X . aKIBMK IT! X - w I Do You Want Furnituo ? IP YOU DO (10 Tt Woodin k Willard. where vnu will Oud the bent make and tun st fpiUhed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alio a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd diffhrent stylta of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. The largeat and treat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ver kept hi Albauy. Prlcot reauable. Jini West fall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chluoe gooda of all kinds on hand, a I mi full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0RE6UH FlOIFiO CO.mi'jrjR, lor this eectiou. fTabon im furnished ou Nhnrl notice fo any purpoae. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, . J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) .TTORNEY AT JLAW, AllttM. esxccoM. WILL PRAITICR IN ALL THK CX1URT8 OF TUB SiAtc SNciAl Mtteallon von to jollaM.'tloin sad ottAto mAttair. MT Officii Fltow'i T-ni-lf. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. WtH keen constantly on band beat', mutton, pork, veal, aauaage, etc,, the best meats ami larjfest variety in the asty. Cash stld for all klnda;of fat stock. OThe BUYIB8' GUIDE ia issued March and Sept., each year. It ia an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can olothe yon and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, ost. fish, hunt, work, go to church, or ntay at home, and in arioua aises, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those thins; COMFORTABLY, snd you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYJ5KU' OUIDE, which will be sent npon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. III. PATENTS bUiinMl, And All other bosineaMt In ths U. B. Pawn dec AtteikletWl to I'.r moderate tec. Oar offlca is o,.Mt the I . S. Patent OtSos. sad out obtain Patents less tuns than those rstuotc rom WssbingUm. bend modi or draains-. We sl to patent bility (res ol eliAif s ; sinl we nuUe o cbArge uulesa obtain patent. W refer here, to the Posunaster, the HaH. at Money Order Dir. and to orBctals of the V . t Patent otfliv. Fordrtolar, sal vice, terras, and slsrettcas osctosJ clients in our own Stats or county, stldreM C. .4. SNOW &., Or'povite Patent Office, Washington. U . SAM MAY. C. USIiCRI IAY k SENDERS. Dealeit in General Mbf cnandise. HARRISBURG - - - ORECOM Will buy (irain, Wool and all kinds rodace. Do yoTJ fw! flnlL languid, low-spirited, Ufv leaa, and Indescribably miserable, both physi cally and mentally; experience a sense of fullness or blaiatinir aftor catlns;. or of "Kono nesa," or emptiness of atomach In the morn lnr. tonirue coated, bitter or bad teste in mouth, irrearular appetite, dizziness, fn-rjuent headaches, blurred eyesig-ht, B tlfratlna; specks" before the eyes, nervous proatratlon or ez hsustirm. Irritaliility of temper, hot flushes, alternating- with chilly sensations, sharp, biting-, transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and un refreshing- sleep, constant, indescribable feeling- of dread, or of lmpendV ins; calamity ? If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, yon are suffering; from that most common of American maladies Bilious Drepa-paia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has become, the greater the number and diversity of symp tj2m. No matter whnt atiign it tins rear heal. Dr. Pierce's aUoldem 2edical Discovery will atibduo it. If taken according to direc tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured, complications multiply and Consump tion of the Lungs. Hkln Diseasea. Heart Disease. Ubeutnatifim. Kl!n-v fiifia ,.r maladies are quite liable to set In and, sooneaJ or later. Induce u fatal termination. sr. rnricn s.oiacii jYiealcnl Dis eo very acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ cleanses the system of all biood-taints and im purities, from whatever cause ariains;. It la equally cllicaclous in acting- upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing-. Strengthening-, and healing their diseases. Aa an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both tlesii and atrength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicino has gained gnat celebrity in curing; Fever and Ague. Chills and ever. Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Cioldcu Medical Dis covery CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Halt-rheum, " Fever-sores." Scaly or Hough Skin, In short, all diseases caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invigorating; medi cine. Great Katlng Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially has It mani fested its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema. KrjHipelas, Bolls. Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof KwU 5q- "I'd Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "White Swellings," (Joitro, or Thick Neck! and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents In stamps for a largo Treatise, with colored platas, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for a Treatise ou Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce's (Jolden Medical DiVcovcry, and good digestion, a fair akin, buoyant apirltg, vital strength and bodily health will be established CONSUMMATION. which is Hero In la or the Langs, 8 arrested and cured by tbla remedy, if taken in the earlla r stages of the disease. From Its mar veious power over this terribly fatal disease edv to the mil. lie Ur Pio iiiov uuriniK hum maw worio-iamcd rem- of calling it his " Consumption CLRa,, but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicino which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proi itis. in unejualed, not onlv as a retncilv for ConsumpUou, but for all Chronic Diseases of too Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Sjfcarafe cbitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. foski0.i,rU8''rlt' at lAi0 or BU taf" Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, C03gtn t BUFFALO, N. Y. DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfflTO-oor. First and Perry Streets, KIHAT ' AILS HafasaaaMSBSBsaBFSi YOU? JACOBS Oil FOR RHEUMATISM. G0 W.WALTS. Esq, Snn fan Cisco. Cnlifwr ria.Go oral Agent Union Pacilc Railway: 7 mil fri heart fi in- (Inrsvinr I to St. Jacob Oil, i rt euro for rheu- matism, etc." -cunroa- RHEUMATI8M, WLur; ALCI A. SCIATICA, DLU3E8 AND SPRAINS. SlU by i jorf. aiii'l fieuUr t'fcryUi.'urt. THE f MARIES A. VOGELER CO., UALTIMohK. Mil Referee's Sale. State ol Oregon, ) Linn county. at. No nt'K In bemby given that by viitue of a aJea rea of partition and order of sale entered tit the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Multnomah county on the 1Mb day of June lHM7,aud an amendatory decree thereto entered In said Oonrt on the 20th Imv of September, 1887, In the pari it lam suit of Amanda I-1 inn, et a! vs. J. H. Ssnlth, et aJ, wheieby it was orderel that tne .ollowing real esttate, to wit : Be ginning at a point sleyen obalaa and aix links north and seven chains and eighty links west of the south weal corner of Sana tion nineteen in Township twelve south of ranem 4, wast, Willamette meridian, and running thence east fifty-Mlgbt chains and sixty.fuur links; tbjnce noith ten cbalua; thenco eaat eight urjalnaand fifty links; theute miuth ten chains thence south two dagrM aud thlity minutes west, twenty-two chaloa and sixty links ; themes south eighteen degrees and thirty minutes ea-Ht, twenty ahalns and ninety six llnaa ; thence weal sixty -six chains and eighty seven links ; thence north five degrees and thirty minules,eat twenty chains and nine i inks ; thence north ten degreea aud thlity minutes, west, eleesyn chslns snd seventy ilnka and thence north twenty nix degrees wot twelve chains and thirty links to the place of besliinlug. contain ing two hundred and seventy -three acrea, Kit listed in I.lnn county, Oregon, and be ing a part of Mecttous nineteen, twenty, twenty-nine and thirty in saiu township. In connection with the other real property belonging to lbs estate of John Smith, de ceased, tie sold at public auction accoid fig to law to the highest bidder. Now, therefore, by virtue of said decree and amendment thereto, I, the under signed who was duly appointed hy said Court, aa referee to sell said real property alii on Salarslsy ike nth aaay f NavesalMsr, at the Court House door of Linn county, the city of Albany, at 10 o'clock a. in. of aald day, sell the above fully de scribed real ewtato at publio auction to the highest bidder. C, II. JtAKPKTY, Keferee, Notice for Publication. I.n! Office at Oregon City ,Or. ' Sept. 21st, 1888. Notion ia hereby givro that ths lolltaaiog named settler lias tiled uotica of his intention to make priad ia support ol kis claim, and that said proof will be wiaale before the Couu ty Judge or ia his sbaence then the County Clark of l.iun county, Oregon, at Albauy. Orrgain, on . IrtrMlni. Xuarmlarr llltr, 1SSM. vix: James 11. Crabtree. il m.-i. i Kntrv No. 4871, fr the Ntf of 8 W, N W of S K anal B K of N W .,f Hec. 25. 'I n. 10 S H 2 W He osmea thi folLormg witnesses to provs hia ootittuuoua resulcboe upon, and culfva tion of, said land, vix : Otto Heifliug, A. Summers, John It Smith snd John H it, all of Scio ft, , Linn county, Oregon. W. T. bt'K.iai, Hegutsr. Sotica for Publication. Lan J Offic-4 at 'rogon Cliy, Or, 1 -ept. 2lat, 1888. Notice ia hereby given that the M lowing named settler baa Hied nolise of bia in tentloi, to make final proof In Muppnrt of bis claim, and that said proof will be made bfare the l o.iniy iudga nr In bis absenae then Ibe Omnly Clerk, of I. inn county, Ureron, st A limn) , tiregon. on I'rldaj. Navesskwr Mb, ISHN, vix: John K, Siawsrt, llomeatead Fnlry, No. ftl3ti f..r the N J or S M ol 8c. 18, 1 p III S K K He names the following ll ti - to tsnrve )ii notitlianoua resiueiice Ufvar, mi d ul tvailain of, : d laiii, vix : fymnt hsrie. Spruce !isll, II Hsll and Thar. IMtge, mM of a o. Linn county, t)r. ? T. KUMKKY, Hegtater. ifinal Settlement. In the County Court f I.lnn county, Ore gon in the matter of the esial e or Samp- Mm T. Powell, deceaed, N' iTICE ia her: by given that the un dersigned AdmiiiiNiraMrr of said estate has lifeal his husl ui.t therein with the Clerk .f said Court and I hat Ibe Court has a'pKiint d Slomlsy lite lit day at u vrnabrr, IKSH, at ten o'clock in th foiertoon for the hear ing of objeoi ions to gajd aa tuut snd for the re ttleiueni i hereof. e. Albany, Ocioui r Isi, lhn I'l TKIt POW K f J. C. Powi-ll, AdmtnlHtraior. Attorney. Notice for Publication. Lanal Office at Ore.'on Cit) , Or., ( Septeit.ber, 22 .d, 1888. Notice is heieby i;iven that the following nsmed icttler has filed notice of his intention to make KiiaI proof in a-iippaart ad his claim, snd that ssid pred will be Iliad.; kagfisyg the Cottuty Judge or in hw slmeuce t be Couuty ("leik of Lion county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregaau, oil Wednesday, va n. her I lib, ihsk. Viz : Cslviu J. Cooper, 1 1 jim- .,.i Kutry No. 4679, loi the N A of 'he N E J of la.ts 1 sud 2 ol Sec. 28, Tfn IS, S R I K.. He name, the faallaawtog aities.ea to proye his i . 1 1 1 1-ii i .n - resoieiiee ntw, and cnltivation '-f, .aid land, vix : Gai. II. Mil er, Ceo. vV. Pickers. Thorn,,, Weill's anai 4iil Magma lis, all of Ha 4-e Home, Iz-aai coira'v, O -, W? V HtKVKY, K gifter. m H, YtfN. next Miv of s. K. Yo'invt'a, AIohii.y.Oi Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, ST A iPINC OUTFITS, A-l ) STAMi INC DONE TO ORDEtt. . LESSONS IN PAINTING Wei'neHaiH.vsi and Tbnrxd-tva of each week, and piotmg aln..e to onier on plaqueaand 'ather material, Vi ttrira1 n ofVrt.i-ar, nit ini e on ai n I. KJSHAY & MASON, - vnijuj s ami. Karr nil DruggiMtsanil', Agents for John H. Aluon's, hion we sell a publisher's . pilose witit ostageadJatd. ALBANY, OKKaUo.. APPLE BOXES. She Hetttocrai .SflSV BaSnTIUmV SBSaV 1 n miuh n FFiniAii anrl If idpd TKMJ'KltANl'K I OUIMN. KdltsU Wy Albany W, C. T, U. wMsyor Archibald, of Jacksonville, Klurids, psakiog rsoenlly of ths ravages of yellow in that city said: . "It atrikts persona of alooholiu habits fat ally. Tke fver is of a very mild form . The mortality ia only !,. t Hftsen par cent, and Ukiag out the deatha of men addioted to the uas of aloohol beveragta the mortality would not cxotMul livo percent. Two-tbirda of the fatal it v ia duo to tha fact that pcraona hay been atcattoried to the uae nf atrong driok befcra they are attacked by the fever.and in every auch caae the pttient invariably diaa, and without reaction. It is a fruiucut re mark on the Jacksonville atreeta that ysllow fever ia the beat temperance lecture the city ever had.' "Ubor and Liquor" is the title of a aug gestivs article in the Catholic World, io which the writer pertiasutly says. -'Lst Isbor boycott ths taloon aa the first step towsrda better home and better living " "The Now York .Vss is having ita period ioal atrugglta to prove that the Mains prohib .... .. Z . 2a- a . i . nwajr .aiw ia m aauurv oy uuaiusniug au SO Mass of the buiiuess methMls of tin- i am sellers of lUtig-or. Tne Sun' ratrorts are wire I to Western papers to ad lu Impsdiag the osuae of prohibition ia that part of ths country. ."Sow, we bars one little cooun drum to ask: If prohibition is auch a failure. why ar the ruiii-.ellers ami thtur sympstbis ers fighting it with ao much vonom and per- suteuc) f A branch of the World's W C f U. with twenty - two members, baa keen organised io lria. MiBsaiim, under I-acsl aipttwil, has secured prohibition ia thirty oat of forty-six eoao ties. The supreme court of Nebraska hss decid ed that a woman mav sue for snd recover money her huebsod has squandered for liuuor. If auoh a law prevailed in Oregon, bow many thousand dollars would be passed over to womeo, wko to day are battling against povty Ik ought about in this wsy. Withio s period of two ) ears and a half the prtsaau population of Iowa baa dcresaed from 725 to 237, m decrease of 188 lows hss been ruined by prohibition! The "Y'i" are m dine I that another pro grsm by Miss Mather, simitar to "ys baieo eta," will appear 10 the Novatnber oamber of the Oaii-naaf ry Ltaf. It would doolalass Hit s winter evening acceptably ' m 40 People K.lh. I. PorraviLLX, Pa, (ict. io. Informstion reached thia dty to night of a terrible acci dent which occured on he Ihigh Valley Mud Kun.lhe first station above Penn Haven. A grand parade of Catholic societies took place at 1 1 axe I Ion to-day, snd a large excursion was run from Wilkes, bsrrc for the occasion, composed of lodges, bands, and sightseers from Wilkeabare, Nantlcoke ana others points along the line. The excursion train was run in two sect km. and upon their return trip to-night the rear section ran into the forward section at Mud Run, about y o'clock, with dlaaatrous re sults, Several cars of the forward section were telescoped, and forty persons were killed outright and about an eoual number injured, many of them probably fatally. Parkie I p. WAHiiiNfiToM, Oct. 10.- -The passage of the general deficiency bill to-day ended the practical work which will be done tnle ses sion. Senators and represcntatlvea are packing ihitr trunks and getting resdv to go away under the firm conviction that ad journment cannot fail to come next week or the week after. The senate will probab ly be without quorum next weekj like the house has long been. Neither those likes to take the initiative in the direction of sd journment.but both are drifting into a posi tion where no business can be done. Train Aeeldeat. SfRAotx, W, T. (Jet. 1 1. The bodies o A. S. CraJk and and Wm. McEvoy, victims of the collision on the Northern near Hope Idaho, yesterday, were brought here last night and an inquest was held on Craik this evening, and one will be held on McEvoy to morrow. Bush, Cralk's fireman, who was also injured, died at Missonla '.o-day, Craik's locomotive blew up and he was blown about 120 feet and badlv mangled. one leg being missing. Craik was on the work train and hadoders to work west be tween Hope and Algoma lrregular,and the la eight with which he collided was an ex tra with orders to run from Sprague to Heron irregular,ncithcr train having notice of the other. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict charging John A. Forehand, the db atcher on duty at the lim, with crirr.'. ntJ carelessness in fsilure to give the trsirsw notice of each other and blaming him fesr the death of the men. Will Draw. Nkw York, Oct. 11. At Nibio'a nest week in the play, "A stowaway" two rta.1 burglars, recently discharged from the state prison at-blng Sing, wilt crack two real safes n view of the audience. After 1 while stage realism will demand actual a a a a m a a . muruer tnstcaa 01 mimic homicide, and a new use will be found for criminals. Ki'litilsed. Dkadwood, Dak., 12. A pay car on the Black Hills & Fort Pierre railroad was neid up itm forenoon by three uiaakcd men for the purpose of securing the money on boird for pay of the men. Dick Blackaton chief engineer of road, was on the train, ac companied by W. r. U icmcr, clerk of the Homestakc Company and Christ Blackston The party opened fire onAhe robbers and shot one in the breast, who was secured. He is now in Deadwotxl jail, One robber escaped and the other is supposed to be dead in the brush. His mask vrss found covered with blood, Two of their horses were captured and two guns. Take sheriff and posae are scouring the vicinity for the escaped robber. , Another . T. Fire. Uniontown, W. T. (Jet. 1 r, A fire here to-day destroyed iour bid Idlngn. Loss ubmt $1890. The fire caught from a hot Hue in a new bakery. The parties a'readay have lumber on the ground to rebuild. The city council it, taking action to piovide butler fa cilities to fight tire. The nrmes of. the suf ferers trom the fire are: Stephen Bauer; Joseph Lever. Joseph Bushman and' Weber Bros-. Kiuperor and Pope, wcitifj Romk, Oct. 12. Emperor William wit visit the Vatican at 1 o'clock this afternoon, lie will be received by the pope in Throne hall. His reception will be .'naked by moan impressive ceremonies.. The visit of the emperor to the rope does not meet HHk favor in nationalist circles. Hill in Indiana. Mitciiei., Ind, Oct. 12. Gov, Hilll of New York inaugurated his canvass of- In diana at this place to-day. He was toet at the depot by Gov. ( .iy and others, aal es corted to an adjacent grove, where a kvrge audience bad assembled. Look io our conn - show window afc tke vases we give with oae of the beat baking' powders in the market. No lottery scheme s you simply take your choice. Brownell & Stakard. Ah Anwr to Mr. Ining. Cohvai, Oct, totli, 1888. Eititors Depnot ttit : 1 am sorry that I am u'lderlhc necessity of asking for valuable space In your paper to answer a n'atcment tnadebv Mr. Alvln Long, of vour city, and published In yes- tetdays paper In regard to the "Cameron Koff" race. Mr. Long seems to be deter mined to class mc as a "chuck" runner, or at I'last Impress the public that 1 was an uc. ceasory to the affair. Now, In the first place he states he knows Mr. Koff s time to be io seconds, this surprised me very much. Why did lie not tell me the valuable infor mation, when I asked hem on the day of the race in the Kuss lfouse.aM a friend, as 1 had always considered him, if he knew Mr. Koff as being a fast man, his reply was, a'wcll, he Is tolerably good." Now he tells us this person is a io second mn. Who was trying to deceive In this matter ; let vour readers judge. As for my getting 15 feet start of Mr. Koff or Mr. Koff being ahead of mc at co vard. ( )h. what a "bra';e ' for anyone to make when they want to lose 11 race, at Ica.t it would seem so to me ;but to parties that are practically In chuck races such matters might appear just rtgnt. It appears to me It would have been wise in Mr. Iong to have sent his statement to some far away Eastern newspaper, for I fear a great many who witnessed the race, will read this communication and how are they to believe their own eyes. Mr. long's statement Is a puxule to mc. I did not know the aforesaid gentleman held a time watch at the track, he was not one of the parties Imeantln my prevfouscoinmunlca lion ; but I am glad he got my time , but Mr. Koff Is certainly a fast man, according Ui all reckoning. He makes him beat mc 40 feet in 100 vardsandthen gives me toll seconds time. Now tske off the 40 feet (one second and one third) from toj and you have this gentleman running In a small fraction over Q seconds, when he runs hl race. Try again. E. Q. Camkkon. littPowTKIi Vbsat, 7(1 eeots. L -ererW . bat hs. New fall goods at Bead's. Pure drugs at Ouiss k Son's, See tkese sew jsniss at W. P. Reeds. Six shaves for s dollar st L. Viercek'a New rtbboa all sbadss sa l stylet at Head's Onisa .V Son. druggists, keep the brat drugs. A foil Una of boya kilt suits st W, f Read's. Another lotcf Hull cheese st Hrownell SUnsrd's. Oooda at cost at M. J. MonUilh's, at he old Young store. Oo to A. H Mcllwaine ami sak to see those li suits lor men. A clean towel for every customer at L Vie reek's barber shop. Is a calm ssa every man is pilot. In his goods f. K. Read is leader . If yoo wsnt to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. K. IUnmL Six shaves for s dollar sod a ok an towei to every customer, at Tbos. Jones. Rarasina in general merchandise at M J Mootetth's st ths old Yoang store. Ths ch-apeet place to bnv men's under, wear io taa atate is at A. B. M II wain'. W. F. Bead can and will sell drv gooda cheaper than any bouse io Albany. CeJl snd see for yourself . A good place to get drugs, school books, a i at lunar . and tine imported sod dwnctte cigars is tiaissAt Son's, in the Pfeiffcr block. 25.IMJO Worth of firied Krslt WsaUd. And I must have It. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the price of your fruit. No offer made on fruits unloaded and placed In any olfier house in my line in the city. If you be .ieve in the doctrine of buying In the cheap est and scTlirrg in the big best market and have no conscientious scruples aiioiit party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourself and family. To satisfy yourself, call and get my prices. Yours respectfully, P. Coll KM, Albarv, Or. sf e Wauled. We wi:i pay 50 cents per roll for choice hipping butter. TiinMi'tox ,v Waters. To the People of Srlo asd Vicinity. Owing to ths difficulty of getting suitable rooms arranged in Scio we have decided not to work there for the present; but if you wilt come to our gallery in Albany, where we are well prepared and have the finest of lenses iod fixtures, we will msUw it to your advan tage tn have pictures taken here, and will mske it satisfactory for your tronbte and ex pense in coming. Wo are making life sixe ptwtralts fioiahed in crayon. Pricea lower than oyer heard of. Bring any pictures you wish copied. We guarantee satisfaction. Please call ?od see as. Very Bespectf ally, CiiAwroHP & Littler. I'lVrmv. 1 hiim-i indastr)'. Joseph' 5-imii . ctgsr. F.r.-. manufacture. Try one a of his own I RK FOR NICK HEAOAIIIK. Uayou want a remaaly for it'lioutnrsa, Pimples on Uiu faor, arid a sure cure for sick haawtsoke, ask Pr. Ou'b and Hon, the UruffglsW, for Dr.Uer.ral's Live I'IIIb, try s ajose, taunples free full box 2o cent. 150 cords of wood for sals at a bargain. I nquire of F H Itosene. Carpets, Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a hcaw three plv car pet for 75 cents, and two plv carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrier u large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades A. B. McIlwain When Baby eras sick, we gave her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When ahe became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, FOR PILES. Itebrag Pile 1 are known by moisture like vT'.epir aroduemg a yery disagreeable itching after me warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleedieg and proUndirsr Piles, yield at once to the aamlication of Dr. Bosaoke's Pile remedy, w.dch acta directly upon the parts affected, abs-.rblng the tumors, allaying the intenoo itcMm? and effecting a iierananert rare. 60 cents. Address The Dr Boaanko Jtfttcin Co. , Plqu O. total by Dr, Ouiss snd Son. Bieyele fur Hale. A No. I, second-hand 48 inch Ball Bear kssj Columbia in good repair for srde st a bar-IfSSat- Enquire of Brownbll & Stan a an. OR. RO SAN KO tS Ins new discovery for Consumption, suooar fMe4aoing a medicine which is acknowledged ee simply marvelous. It la exceedingly p stsks taste, perfectly harmless, and doss not iTisSl cases of Consumption, Coughs. Colds, agOough, Croup, Breuchitls, and Pains in th as given universal satisfaotion. Dr B Coagb and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 cen untss ana on. THURSDAY. Prof. Osrrison is tesching panmanship 10 Kttgeus. Ths net earnings of tho Wsslfrn Uuion the last year wrie 85,070,572. A Eugene boarding house keeper aalyertists for boarders at 1 5.50 a week. At Colfax yesterday Pricsiiumt won ths I year eld race. Fastest tims 2:37. Mr I C Diokey, chapel guard st the peni tentiary at Kslsm, baa been in the city. The anag boat has started out from I'oit -laud, which is pronounced a sure sign of rainf The Brownsville Woolen Mill Company has received so order for clothing from a Kansas City. I r Wstts has spoken thri e times to New York City. Wonder what the New Yorkers think of our Oregon speakers. Iter Thus Small, of the Wslalo Hills will preach in the Congregations! church in this stty, on Sabbath morning, Out 21st, Hill Nye sud Hob Hurdutte will lecturs in ths Northwest this winter. ! Albany pee pis deair c to iissr these celebrities, and how many. A ahootitig match st Eugene recently st 100 Peoria black buds, resulted as follows : Meeka, 00 ; Paioe, 87 ; Watt-, 84 ; Feet, 85 ; Kohertsnn, 58. About llfteeu tickets a day are sold to the Mechsutca (sir ot Portland this week. Next week it is expected the number will le doubled. A Ksnsas man, who has obtained soma notoriety as a weather predictor says next summer will bo tho mod fearful one ever known for delugsa and drouths. At ths ocnolave of Knights Templsrs io Portland this week among the offiocrs elected were ( P Masoii as Orsnd Ciplsin Oenersl and (i W M t-ton as Orsnd Sword Hesrsr. The Salem grange, feeling sggrieved at the aotion of the railroad in doubting freight rates whs'j the river is closed, will ask the legists ture to onset s law making rstea uniform throughout the yesr. Cbss. Becker, ths wcll-knowu cattle king of Malheur oouuty. lis. dispose ; I of hisosttie andhoiso interests for the sum of $75,000. Thia ia tho largest stock desl that hss oc ourrrd in Eastern Oregon for some time by one individual. rut hay. Oregon City claims a population of 2100. J E Hunt, of Kvanaton, 11.. a nephew of Andy Hunt, is in ths city. J O Boland haa sold bis harness shop at Lebanon and will move to Prioeville. There are about aeventy pupils In the State Agricultural College at Corvsllis. C W Kulton, Republican presidential elec tor speaks at the Court House to-mot row everting. Miau Willard, of tne W C T U,(reqaests s a universal prayer on Oct 14, for the usuae of temper sue. P F Brsdy. a Colorado railroad contractor ia in tbe city, and baa accepted a sob contract on ths Oregon Pscttie. At Colfax yesterday the 2:40 cisss trot was won by Fantasia, Ooeoo second. Ooeoo won tbe seooud beat. Jo Chinaman wsa arrested this afternoon for runniog s Isuodry 00 First atreet. He will be tried io a few days. J C Ihiion is grttiog bis stock of furniture in the 1'esree b.-k ready for buaiuei. Mr. Canterbury will bo bead salesmen. Miss MoLin, lste of Portland, ia now prs nareal do dress-making ia connection with Ida M Brush's milliorry itore io Htrahau's new brick. The assessment in Benton county is about $5XMXM short, tjaJ0,050 io Marion, and somethiiag in nearly sll ol the coorrties. Now really what la tho matter. So many orders ha the Albany wood saw ing company ahead that it is obliged to work nights, last night the buzz of the saw being heard at the Court House uutil a lata boor. To-dav Thaw Jones is moving into the Strahan BKadt. where he will have nice hav ing parlors. The place vacated by him will b occupied by Mr Thos Hopkins with a plumbing outlit. ATV ROAY. No preaching st Coogrcgatiooal church to morrow. 0al Hrictl Beef chipped ami order at F. , c- . - - 1- iventaau S. James Bilveu su.l J C Pomerv. of Sco.are in t ' . trte city to uy. There are 47 Presbyterian ministers in On-Kon ami 45 ceureh. Or Khaial.foid was trie.1 m Salsm day (tar larceny aud sctuittd. jester- The editors of the I'aartlaud Stncury were yesterday ludicted for bin I at alem. Tbe best quality of cider ioegsr can be obtsiued st F L Kenton's at '.'." ptr gslloo. Rev W B Lett, of Oiympia. W. T. will preach in the l'rfsbteruu church to morrow. At s school lestival st Rosebuig 843 votes were cast for President Cleveland was abead 70 totes. Hon C W Fulton was to speak at Harris burg laat night ; but tho people there seemed to prefer to dance aud the speaking was de ferred. Mr t.eo Humphrey is now Deputy U, S. Marshal for Linn county. Mr Humphrey will fill this position with ability, sod let the wicked look out. MtasCsss Howard, ber mother and Mrs. Rutherford have gone to Portland tn stteuai tbe Mechanics' Fair and lay in s supply of new millinery. M B Cate, of Cl. forma yesterday Itought three Liun county farms, 405 acres, paying 17,500 for the same. They were the two Hooter snd Jamea Nanny farms. When a Cincinnati husband was asked in court if he dragged his wife out of bed by the hair ke ssid he couldn't really remember, as that was a very busy morning with htm . If you watit a clean und tine smoko ask for J. Joseph's home insde white labor cigars. For sale by most eiar dealera and at J. Joseph's factory. Minneapolis ia about to construct an office building 28 stories high, the structure to be of iron. It will be 350 feet high, SO feet squsra, anal there will bo 72S rooms sud 12 elevators. This morning a car load of Shetland ponies and Percherons passed through. Albany for Portland. They were owned by S C Meyers, of Ashland. The pouies attracted consider able attention. The Wallula Ji.laml Empire hss susicnded. C R Wilkinson, a compositor, once a resi dent of Albany we beleya, attached it for his wages ami it collapsed. Thin another loug fair, want Vanishes. Hero is a uhanoe for the Albany "kids." A base hall club at Pendleton wauts to play atiy club in Oicon compassed of members under fourteen years of ago, for aa much money as they can rake up New Wash House. line Chiuamaii, who lived in this town for many year, aud waa ao well liked by every body has returned and will open up a now wash house the first of September, one door south of the Revere House. Leo does good work aud wauta everyboaly to get their washing done by him. New Wash House. H. Jo Chinaman has bought the wash honse of Gee Ijee near Schmear a stable and hss moved it to First Street, 3 doors west of Mrs. Murray's hotel where he is prepared to do all kirds of laundry work in first class tyle. " 'wanted. Benton Fraley. son of the (undersigned, left the State of Kansas ten years ago to come west, since which time I have not heard from him. Any one-knowing his whereabouts or information concerniug him will confer a great f tvor by communicating such to the undersigned. Hugh Fraley, Lemoore Cal. FOR SALE. fit) small tracts and three farms on for Infants and Children. 'Castorlai.sowr.lladarjtedtochndiwntha recomtnead u as superior to any preemption I uamu to ms.' If. A. Aacvsa, M. I)., I 111 So. Oxford SL, Urovxlyn, If. Y. SPBIHG IK AND THS -cST AtW ROAD O-i'irlTaS: i jfSaMssaaw. T . s. Tf Send for Catalogue and Price List. Tosh Bw Wagon Ox Stewart & Sox, Executor's Sale of Real Estate, fAjOllCK Is hereby given that the un Jl e'eraigned, the duly annotated and aa-iirtg .CxecuLor of tho lant will and tetUa inent of Mary Jans Coatello, deces,ed, by virtue of an order of the County Couit for Lluu county, State of Oregon, in probs e duly made on tne bib day ol October, 1H88, and entored of record, will on the nits day sf Meveawawr, isaa. at the hour of one o'clock In tbe afternoon of aaia day st the Court House daMirin its city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public aucsiam 10 nigneat otduer all tbe right title and interest of Mary Jane CoMtetio, deotmaed, at tbe time f ber death, in and to tbe following described real ealate Imlouging to said eatate, to wit Tbe N EH of the N E of Sec 29. con .sluing 80 acres, also ibe S E of Sec 20 containing 100 aenss ; also tbe S E J. of Sec 21, containing IUU acres; also the N K ' . of tbeS E M of the 8 W . of Sen 20, con taining 40 aetes ; al.o the beginning at a pAlnl 27'aWlinka west and 15.87 links south of ti.s quarter so: lion stake between Sec tions 24 and 25, In Tp 14.S R5 w,ln claim No CO ; thence north ?Jf east 441 links ; thence i.ortd82S weal 000 links; taenco south 7 west 444 links ; thence south bJ. nam 000 links to the place of iegin 1 t.liig.contaluiiig 4 aa reMnd in ail 444 acres lend lying aud ueiug In Townsb.p 14, 8 It tiiug.oamlMiniiig 4 acrestnd in ail 444 acres lata 11 "a ..Afr..VeK,0nlDK.l Plnt f! lines w corner 01 inoman nnepara a.i : Umliou in cu,f insiug claim Soil, Not 1 No 2IK6. in To 14. 8 H 4 W: thence norti- 40 cliia ; theme east 7, lid DM ; tbeiiee south 40 cba ; t hen -e west 7.30 chains to tbe plaeu of begiuuing, containing 20.44 acres, ail in Sen 0, t'p 1 i. s K 4 NV ,Llnn county, uregon . Also neginniugata point 0 chains mouiu of lbs N K corner of cislm No 41, Not No 2it8. in Tp 14 S K 4 VV ; runni g then -e south 64 chs ; thence west 88 64 chs tbeuco north 40 chs ; thence wsa 8.15 chs; thence north 13 88 chs ; tuenoe easi 44 6s chains to toe plsoe of baginui og, conlsio ng 2 J ai res, being parts of Section 4,Tp. 14, S K 4 W,tu Linn county, Oregon, aae and except 200 acres off the was'- end of said trsot willed to Martin Cutnmings, Beginning at a point 0.20 chains north of tbe southeaMt noruer of the northeast ol See 4, Tp 14, 8 H 4 W ; thence not lb 2U.I0 cbs to the nortbetasl oorner of Wm. Cbris tiaus dousticn Isud claim ; tbeuce west 52.70 chs ; tbeuce sooth 28 6u cbs ; tbeuce esai 53 28 chains to tbe place of beginning, conlaiuing 153.76 acres. Also beginning at the northeast corner of Wm. Cheats ins donation land claim ; theooe east 130 rods to the line of Caleb Gray'r laud claim ; thence south 61 J rods ; thence west 130 rods ; tbeuce north 6lj rods to the place of beginning, oootamiug 50 acres. Also beginniogat a state ou the south liue of the donation laud claim of Randall Yar- brougb 56.80 chains west of the corner in the sugle of ssid claim, it being claim 37 aud Not 2187,inTp 14, S R 4 W., Linn county, Oregon; running thence nottb 17.21 chs to a slough ; thence iu a south westerly direc tion up ssid aloUKh, following the mcanueis ot the same to tho south line ot said claim ; t I ...... -.. NHIO W la' l4 tO ak. ... k- -I a . a ,v aa www VU lull piaaje Ul heuioniiiir. coratsi-aiaiar IS '.it. sr- " aa - Bsuiamug at a point bearini; N 61 30' W 5.20 chains from the S K corner of the N E of Seo 8, io Tp 14, S R 4 W ; tbeuce east 190 reals ; thence sooth 40 chains ; thence west 100 ioda; thence north 40 chains to the place of begiunmg, being parts of Secticus 8 and 0 io Tp 14 S R,4 W, L'.nnoouuty, Oregon, a;on taining 100 acres. Beginning at a point 10 chaius north aud 33 chains eaat of ibe S W oorner of Claim No64 inTpl4 S R5 lann county, Oregon, thence running east 8.31 uhs ; theuue south 10 ens ; thence east 2.82 ohs ; thence uorth 81 east 18.57 cha ; thence uorth 34 chs to the river ; thence south 54" west 13. 00 chs meandering the river ; thence S 73 W 3 chs; thence south S 76a W 10 chs ; thence S 70 W 6 chs ; thence S 89 W 3 35 chs ; theooe S 20 W 4.78 ohs ; thence east 5.09 chs ; thence south 8.93 ohe to the place of begin ning, coutaiuiug 75 2-100 sen s. Beginning 15 cha north and 70 chs east of the i oorner iu west buundsry of See 5, Tp 14 S It 4 W and running, thence aaamth 28 28 cha; thence west 28 28 chs 5 thence north 28 28 chs ; thence east 28.28 chs, to tho place of begiuuiog, eontaiuiug 80 acres. Beginning 20.40 ohs uorth of a ajimter section post in Seo 6, Tp 14, S U 4 W ; thence south 31.45 ohs; thtuioe west 52 10 chs ; tuence uorth 15.28 chs ; theooe north 15 28 cha ; thence 7 50 chs ; theuco north 19.17 chs ; thence east 44.60 chs to ths place of begiuuing, containing 160 acres. Beginning 00 rods north of the quarter stake in the west liue of Seo 5, Tp 14, S R 4 w : thence east 280 rods 5 thence south 160 raids ; thence west 280 rods ; thence north 160 rods to the place of beginning, and be ginning at the southwest corner of a 5 acre lot of land owned by Caleb Gray in Sea 1, Tp 15, S R 5 w ; theuce west 80 rods ; thence north 40 rods ; thence east 80 rods ; thence south 40 rods to the place of beginning, con taining 300 acres. Together with the tenements and hared JtamentB tbeieuntcebelonging. Tbe same to be sold in tracts to suit, or as a whole. Terms or sale One-half of tbe purchase price to be paid down and one-half ou nine mouth time with interest thereon at the rate of ten per rent per annum, tbe deferred payment to be secured by mort gage on the premises sold. This 61 h day of Oct, 1888. Samuel. Nixon, Executor of tbe last will and testa. ment of Mary Jane Costello, deceased, easv terms qntlMt ITl S IfAaPRis on 81c In PhUadelnhiaJ : ' ! -a. gl Hal Ba" uatn I rj Oastevla eores Celta. CkmstlpaUon, !gg 'JfTSmm. rrTf rest kin ' Tns CssTAva ( rosreAwr, 77 Murray filrsst, 9. Y. TMK BIST FARM WjMOI IN THE ARKrT TE WIS. Agents. Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed andseastiA - lYjjnber,tathaw pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. r. o. rowku. w. n. biltktj I'OW bLL & BILYEL, .TTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors is Chancery, ILBANY. ... OKft-CsON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, sgr Office in Foster's Brick.' vMnlOtf. T. J. 8TTPBS. ATTORNEY AT JLAW -AND Noifury Public. ALBANY, OEGON. fJs J. WHITNEY, UtGrne;. And Oonnsellor At Lav sSaiKD Notary Public. AUMftt7, OREGON, Will process 13 all of the Conrts c .his State. All bslsinees intrusted to him will be promptly aitended to. Executor's Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the undersign ed has this dsy been duly appointed by tbe Couoty Court of Linn county, Oregon, Rae cutor of the Isst will sod testament of Willie Gaioei, deceased. Ail persons bavins claims against said estate are hereby notified to present their, within six months from this date properly verified as by law required to the undersigned at bia residence 18 miles east of Albany, Oregon. September 7th, 1888. JoilN W.Gaines, T. J. Stitks, Executor. Attorney tor Executor. Citation. in the Coht.ii, Court of the Stale of Ore ft a, for Linn count). lu the matter of the estate of Edward Mur- ray, deceased. i nr 11 3 J. O'Hacan snd Ellen Murray, Greeting : IN the came of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required to be and ap pear iu the County Court for the county of Linn and State of Oregon, at the Court House in the city of Albany, iu said county ami State on Monday the Mb day or favenaber. A. . 18 s at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the tame being a day of the regular November term, 1S88, ef said Court, and then and theie show cause, if any exist why an order of sale, directiug and ltcenaiog Aiinif Murray, Administratrix of the estate of Edward Murray, deceased, to sell all the right title ami interest of said Edward Mur ray, deceased, at the time ot his death both iu law and equity in and to the real property herein after described an prayed for tu the petitiaan of said Administratrix, which peti. lion is now oo tile iii the County Court ef Linn cnuuty, Oregon, anal which real 1 np irty is described as follows, to-wit : The west half of lot 4 aud the mrth half of he a-t half of lad 4 in block 11 iu the city of Absey, Liun county, Oregon. That the lot is what is known as the Saial Exchange Hotel. Doue by order of the Rem, l R. N- Bi'ack I'urn, Juaige af said Couaity Court. n testimony -hereof I have h-r .11 n "o set in hand and ffixd the se ;i of said C,,uuty t'aiurt at my office iu the city it Albany in saial countv and State this 10th day of Sep tember, 1888. l. s. E. E. Montague, Clerk. Administrator's Notice. tn the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Ia the matter of the estate of John W. Bo z.rth, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the under sigued has been duly appointed Adminis trator of said estate by the CouBty Court of L.nn county, Oregon, and that all persons hnving claims against said estate are hereby required to present them together with the pioper vouchers and proofs to the undersign ec at the law ofiict. of J- J- Whitney, in Al to ny, in said Linn county, Oregon, within si c mooths from the date hereof. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 14th day of September, 1888. Frank Wiwd. LEBANON OREGON ALBANY- - OREGON. Green ai d dry apple baixee at Z-.;vss SI : . Honnateulei'd rlauiu Mill., Ai'wv.