The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 12, 1888, Image 4

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    Win. Fortmillei,
Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse
0ffUr buslu mi hour call at residence
corner fifth mi 1 Baker streets.
Soatharu Pacific Company's Line.
TUB Mr. sastsTA KOM K
- -
uaU.t-.i Al.iaiyaii sat. KrnoUj, 84 hour
oALinmsu uniM 4. una aut
Sou -ft
t.00 P. M.
S:U6r M
I.. ...
r i iim t
Alb my
10:O am
7:06 a
r M
LI 'tLrtUMMlA mitt daily vaoapl sumlAy).
&00 A a I Laae
HAOr a Uava
itur i Arrive
. ,;U.,.l
Arriv j 9:46 r M
Laava 1 U:& a m
unvi I loom
Do You Want Ftirnitue ?
Woodin & WW.
where you will find tho bout make and
nnwt IwM
Alto h fine line ol
and a hutiderd dltVorout ay l h of
(Picturo frames made to order.
The Im pl and beat stock of
ver kept in Albany. Prlie- reasonable
"Jim Wt'stfttli,"
Kull line of Chliione good cf m klndn on
hand, Also mil line or
for thin section.
on hort notice fu
Jacobs OF!
fcv- TKAoeCif".- ' w
All l!lulat t Ir.nt. Ch
uvu.. l iOi Ul i...vJ
Atr Ji. ltd.
a var wu.. . .1 W l l. AM
Wl.k A
r l ridden.
J i.UA W
i ...!. a raw
A tiALk
Xls-o-lv TA. Ja- . .
. ... Wk ... ;..! ttat
i wi. !
(The etti0Ctat.
.anan TTiTtnv am.
U Uifv M
r- wui aa
0, w
Prompt. Fori nii.-i HI f ).
i.a spring wun iaw ... ar
larva atoatlu, ,MI4 f AV JaaeU All Ii Y
kJ uj i elm u f pAl. J At MiiJUiSI !X.
4.i i ... rnvar. III . Kav tS. It I.
1 aEera tn s i " a i. V .4. i murta
ac wfci.h u.u.i lata n 'hA r .ri r it.
Oil. au l.... . i an 1 ' T,Arn oi UAiA.
(. i rmnowt. Inwr. Kt. h . My a. U.
AUt lb ?pnC 9f 'I WAIItA f . vn.'il HBI
r.a MtNt la ktp. vvt v. ... w. by u
tit I llol Oil k -M H .
(t. II. N. nUckhMni. Jwliro ; II. W. V. mt bimI .
V W. l'ullilW, (!iiiinAlmr.)
Tax levy fwr iSHH made u follow :
Hchool tax S llli, Mlllllft i-S mlll, 4
veralty i-io mill, State taK(ctlmntc) 4 mlllM
ami county purport 5 7-iomllU. Total f.S
SupervUorG f llurkltart ordered to re
pair bridge on canal north of Lebanon.
Ordered that Supervisor of Road DUtrlct
. . a
Mr. 11 nuri' iiiir 11111 hi'l In I t'Oair DriUUCM.
1-and, 353. 405. value . 4.SM35i nnt,tRc Hrldne Co. ordered to tlnhten un
own or city property 850,471 r7- T . , . . '
inni'ovementa JS.BJt "l,uRB" l' " tt
Mdac. andlmplementa Vi7- Krank II. and Mary B. Porter granted
Money notca, accounta U.V7S A.hnhirHhh. In State I'nlvcraltv.
Hou.ehold furMlture,carrliige.,etc xxj.136 Smallmon filed additional bond
HCWMN and mule, 7597, value.. Jm.,73 '" ... .
Cattle, 17,361, value 304,150 of $30,000 which wm approved.
Sheep and goHta, 39,100, value... 59,039 I). Hart ordered to purchaAC necnaaary
Swine, .;., value 8,541 ciothiinr for Tho Roam-, nauuer.
Chftrtca and Ina Rice granted acholar
uhlps In State Agricultural College
Another case of aml-px at MoMitinvlll
1a reported.
hiirilari, m ar re rt-1 from
- - a a
Seattle. A had aiuii.
Mra AlUrtlna Krieaaal, of Harriahuig. ha
madoa gereral Mi(niiietit. l.iablilitlea.fPII ;
aaaeta, fl&OO.
Kleetino notioea are poatd on telrffraph
polea throjjjh the ooooty, H will occur on
November (ith aud preaidcntUl let-to. a are
to be elected .
Oo of aeveral peachee on exhibition at
Stewart & Sox'a atoro in thia city, raiaed in
tho yard of Mr Htewart meaauree II', inches
in ofroumfereiice.
Owen Haitlctt, who li((ored in the Courta
of I .inn oounty a yer ko e account of
holoiuH himawlf to another man'a Iwat, Wa
arreated in Hah m yotterday for atealing a
haw I
Thay had a fire in I'riiievillo recently, and
'.hi ia what a HMf there 4ja about their
water faoilitlae : "Not a drop of water wat
(,l,Uinabl) within reaefa of the lira on Mn-
Ul . lB. J
e ou:j ru
(jroaa value of all property $7,653,930
Indebtedncaa f 1,043,037
K xc m ptlona 564 ,938
lotal valve of taxable property. .1.445,904
V. ...IIm ,.11
ttv. m ...... , t immt . . . . ..
' I II. . . .... J.'.l. .I, ML U I . . . M . .
A comparison with the a.aea.ment of ZSZl . (l w v-M ir nlcr of . OMW Fa- bav.-al Vmmmu
""" 1 " " - - . I time, '"r moving loair mwy iu , n.
Lebanon brldRc and put In boom log. Their aooiM will no doubt be a cured by
Ordered that D. Hart be allowed $8.75 day night, even if the firemen oou Id have got
per week for keeping three paupcra.Roanc, Here in time to aaye tne mn.o.og. .- more.
for Infant and Chtldrcne
'Oaeleateleavwenadaf I 4aHa eerea 0000'
r rcotnmwad it ae aupertor to any prcriptios I mtSSm. aedlproaLoaee dV
jOW& to me." 1L JL AecKsa, M. V., I feataeor
iii 80. Oxtord 8t, lirooklB, N. Y. WMawaal lifrartooa aedteattaav
Tax CaaTAca Compaitt, 77 Murray Street, H, Y.
uooai. rAaaasaa taum bailv. axcarr avxuAY .
ire I
KHr M I Am.
U:M r a 1 Leava
I Mi I'M j Anno
o.o a a
6:iM a a
um I x - r a
vi ... -
laborers fumiahed
any i'ai
Opposite S E Young s, Albany,
AT or.uoouTa Atn j)tAtxa
Ilir. a. VOCIL&tt CO., Bal lmjre.Ua.
Referee's Sale.
tale ol tnrgon, I
laat year will be of Intereat, and will ahow
where changea have been made:
Acrea of land, 473,665 31-60.
alue e4,75ft.6o'
lown lot, value bHXjubl
Improvemcnla, value iM'lbl
Mdae. and implement Hr,66u
Money note, accounta 001,957
1 loutcitold Iurnlture,earriBgea,etc 334,030
llorac and mules, 7093, value. . . 319,933
I. no eountv 1 k.
NOTH'K la hereby given thai by virtue Cattle, 19064, value aot,83o
rourist Sleeping Cars
r .leeaa m aaaltat al aeeead'laaa raea
era, aiCieh.- t t Cxpreaa Tralaia.
tf.t aiae tvivtalaai.
BKritKKt faatrLlKS AXD COttt AlAIS.
vill i. PRArrrujK IN ALL TUK t")L'ltTS K III
Y suio. ticiAl alUntiun gHven to owllaotloaa And
.-..(.... lUAtlcr.
aWOItlcoi retloar'a Tenipta.
a An. raAia daily (as :vt Suh.U. )
t a I
Arrtva 1 ... 1. 1 r a
Laava 1:90 a
xtraata n. aix ou.t (axe ,-. aaaday.
t-M r a I Le a
too r a I Arrt-a
M AtttitiviUe
Arrtva I i:00 a m
Lwrt I 6.4ft a a
Palace Meat Market.
will keen conatantly on band bwal,
mutton. lork, veal, eauaago, etc.. tne
tnejtaau l lirgeat variety in meoiiy.
Caab paid for all klnda.of fat atock.
of a deoree of parliUou and order of aale
entervii In the t trouti 1 ouri i ine aiete
of Oregon for Multnomah county on the
I ,lh lav nt Jon.. IK07,aml an ametuiaiory
dmree thereto onterml In ald Oourt on
th -'Oili i!n of Sroti'iuber. 1M07. In the
LAW, I partition aull of Amanda Kl Inn, et al va, J.
It. nmu 11, 01 ai, wnereoy n waai uiupwi
that tne ollowtng real eadste, to-wlt : lie-
Blnnlug at a point eleven ebalwa and nix
nka nottb and aeven chalna and eighty
llnka wcat Of the aoulhwtwl - um..i .ifw
lion nineteen InTownabtp twelve aa.uth of
range 4, weat, Willamette meridian, and
ruuning tbene eaat fifty lghl rhaliia aud
f.lxlyiuur llnka; tneue. noun ten rtiaina;
Sheep, 43,333, value
Swine, 0393, value. .
Kxempttona .
. 480,816
No. polla .,.1750.
s.iue Int. rratinc Farpf
AtA'Ati. ut I Corr UU cw.aaei vila tralna ol
vraa. at Pacific Kailruad
r.arfaU tutors Uivxi rirdiitf rtoa, oim. -.
oa UMauaaajr'a Again.
a. KoguLaa. . p. aooBua,
g,; 1 V.'. i l
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
jo Developmsot Coocpany'a m. am
abip Liue
than by any other route.
rirxalaa turoairh oavaougur and
fiwisht l.uefrom Portland and all point
in tbe vVtlUm-HA Valley to and from an, Oal.
Willamstta Um m or Steamers.
Tha " W.u. ML Uoar." Tb -N. 8, Bent-
mmJ Tna "Three attaien" are in aer vice
for botn paaaenger an 1 fretgut traili ; be
tween Coreallia aud 1'ortiand and in'.er
aadlatn ooioU. leavloic Company wbaif.
Coreallia, aud Mor. tlmman ACo'i
harf. S . 2tM anJ iai Krout Si., Poit-
land, tbreo times a w- -a. a followa :
iaauod March and Sept.,
each Tear. It la an ency
elopedla of useful iutor
' mat Ion for all who pur.
choae the luxurna or tho
neceaaltiea of life. We
can olotho you and furnlah you with
all the neoeaaary and unneeeeaary
appliances to rido. walk, dance, aleep,
oat, fiah, hunt, work, go to church,
or atay at home, and in various ataea.
atyloa and quantitiea. Juat figure out
what la required to do all these things
COMFORTABLY, and you can makeafair
estimate or tne value or tne uux caa
QUIDS, which will be aent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, UL
A akippiog rop haa been patented which
thence eaat eight ebaluaaud fifty llnka ; Mta in motion a amail muaioal bog in on e of
theme aotit h ten chain luenet. "oiuii the haudlra.
k iai a. 1 A. aaaA-aaaa a I
two clegr. ea ami tii'riy inmuita wi . . , Va thai tl.a
twenty two chaiua and sixty llnka ; thence A Kr,nch r'4t- M d 1 , "
south eighteen degrees and thirty trlnute nose la loaing iu function araoog otvthaed poo-
eaat, twenty chalna and ninety six llnka; Du When the aenae f amell vaniahea the
thence weat algty -lx chalna and eighty- D0M in b,vt to go too
I 1 .. 1. - . a 1 ...... ... .at I. M aaara 1 1 avaa-S I
OV0U JIIIM.MI t I.Wlr Hi wvpaw al , I .... I
a.ul thirtv twentv ehaina and IW J L l-mtoar placed the toUl numUr
. W I ak. . w . .. a I a . a a. a a . , k f
nlue llnka ; tuenco nortn ten iiegretia ami ot inaect apectc in tke world at vi
thirty mlnuu. weal, eleven chains and thutU foooa n tht JsUk1 Sutes 7000 or HOOD
S!aaJ.x,ffi; -P ra.t paarts, aod at legal S0 attaek
'iitl.k 1,, iIim I'la.v, nt eoiilaui- '
Ing two hundred and seventy, three acres,! There is a I at ge Chinese mining camp at
situated iu l.lun county, Oregon, and be- Vrren. Idaho. Th.-y have been at work for
Ordered that II C Moron lie authorized I othar foundry men a Albany 1 too kki a
to purchase lumber and repair Sweet Home m JJj oTfhmy, an'eT
bridge. I oeltent plant will remain.
Flic following clalma were allowed ; l A,i,any m coaghon the oow qasstion;
I) W Rainwater, rock for bridge. .$ 5' hut it haa neyer yet nut down to allowing
i it n.rn.rii r i i, rri'ori DOCK. .'. i i.i.a artiuno. I anoieuni .,.
v - i "". ... . . .. i
rtb. Hoffman, w ine feea from the following irom m v. '"I"'
I I Montague " I living in the upper coafi town compiain ..
. i.l i u... lion v..ra. i..unn.,rlifj who roam at meir wi,i
- OUM.IV . v. .. . - - I - - - ,
L a, I .... ....l.r. imiiiM-r 13 70 I i limine it ti-tiei'M avnil ov. r L'ar'Jeoa nnouiu a
(J H Montague, lumber , 9-f" report oi a gun o riearo
V M Weatfa I. itruvel atreet iw awai, inn a iwonawi aam.
" ZZL. a . AJ .
Marv K Davi. keeping pauper.... o-
I W Spink, lumlier w
P W Spink, lumber -7
Krank K Allen, hauling 7-5"
A II Martin, repairing acrapcr. .... 3xa
1 J Graham, account Marball iooato
j W Willbanka, gravel 5"
liurkart at Kovce, piimiog ....... . ,.
H Koldaway, aalary atock inapector 7.35
M K Ilorrl. keeping pauper o.w
SPBIRG MHO it will nie.tii tiittthe Uou ownera
have not t..ken warutn.T from thia notice."
i centa a boabel at .laekron.
will moRv, io
I 11 Tiuwater, keeping pauper
(J K Crawford, old for poor
John Hoffman, repairing jail
Kec In cae of arai. Aeepcr.inaane
., ,. . - .. m KUlott, Inaane . .
a a State va E Caae
mm m u C Harmon
K E Montague
M Farwell
Andrewa k Hcckleman
N H Allen
R I. Hamilton
W R ttllyeu, Att'y fcea
I. M Curl, aalary, etc
Wheat ia
The Presbytery of Oregon
Salem 00 Oct 9th.
B Oarther has been confirmed a agent at
the Kiielr. raervaion.
Tbe Agricnltural OHg haa applied to j
the State fur aeventy-five rtnea.
A Cleveland sod Thorman aUff at Molt,
.Shasta Co., Cat. ia fifty feet high.
Aliervaiaman will blant 1000 bartlett
pear trees aed 1000 prunes thia fall.
Mr. M. Hternhurg ha pnrehaaed J I..
373 00 (jnwunB iotereat in the Albany ferry.
ing a part of uiuetcen, twenty, , . , fif m aeventy-ttve Jn Smallmon, Slieriff fcea. . . .
kaaaxtatva nn and thirtv in aatu townabin. I "T,r" e "nt ,rmn H,v . . V"VM ' 'ia. 11 .i... .i.,n.
e .r. -imn wii rt .. ,ln wou -csrsj r
buiuci, anu all other biulneai In tba U. 8. Fatea
flt -v atlciKledatl b, for m.i.-nate fa.
Our olUce ia o,.,owt tba t . 8. Pataat Office, and
vaeaa obuln I'-.uuu lra time lb
e- on W...hlntoo.
hand ui'Mlia or drAvrin. Wa a- to patant
biliijrrroof liaargc ;aii wamaka e charge unlaw
a obuin natiit.
Wa refer here, to tba PuataaaaWr, tbe Bast, at
..iu-y Unler Ulv. ainlt.. oOciai of the f. 8 Patant
JOIkx. for cirtiuar, advtca. Urn a, and
oavtiul client in jour own btata or oounty.
in onunactlou a lib the other real propel ty
U,ltnliur to to,. tal of Jtihn Nuiith. no-
ceaaed, tveaold at nubile auction aceord
mg to law to the hlatbet bid.ier,
Sow, therefore, by virtue of want decree
and aiuaadmeiit thereto. I, the under-
oigued who was duly appointed by aaid
Court, as referee toaeil id real property
rill on
aatenlay Ike ITtaa atoy mt Xaveaakar, laaa,
at the Court Houae door of Unn oounty, the city of Albany , at 10 o'clock
a. in. of aaid day, sell the above fully de-
tcrlhed real emtato at public auction 10 tne
higbpat biJder.
Notice for Publication.
I. iiot Office at Oregoa City, Or.
Sept. '2 1 at, 1888. i
X .lice ia hereby given that tba follow ing
$5000, wmU. is a foitaos for them
A now aea I r wire ta deseribsd. It ia atat
ad tbst la vark ua military districts of North
and South Orrtuany, as wall as io Holhmd,
trisla have been mads of wire solas covered
with a u balance reaau.bltng India rubber.
Kohay & Maaon .
Mra C flouck, board pauper
John Smallmon. watering trees...
(i P Coahaw, building bridge
Usvid Hart, keeping county poor.
Win St John, building bridge
taeo Wheeler, lumber.
I 4 7
i'j 38
Mr D ef Salem, haa traded hia grocery
atore there for a farm near lbanon.
Scott Ward was ia the citv to-day and
aold IIM buhel M wh-at at Wlemta
t.. - iwtha .NfcUUAsa d Mr Jo (Jrten
berg will be marruU at Crvaliu 00 Thursday
Oc'.. "h.
Send for Catalogue and Price List.
Fish Bros Wagon Ox
Stewart & Sox.Agents, Albany, Or.
tH. 1 1.1 . 1 : j ui- .a.... t n montaaruc. lummi .. .
imw .1... Ill HIU ID ..., ..v.. ,,uu I . ... , i . , JLj. mg
lho made of leather, and t.. coat only about g f 2 25ft Trinhri' ctc ' !jg
hall the Saw of leather. l R X Blackburn. aaTary 75
At a recent lire at Ysssar, Mich., a t bor
ough leed fernst poioter, owned by John
I .. had her kennel, in which were eight
puppies, under one of the burning buildings.
With mother tnatinct the poor tiling raa
back and forth from under the horning build
ing, mutely appealing fur help, bat uone
could be given, and rather than desert ber
brood ahe died with them.
It ia reported that a "devil fiah" or
Tke World'a Ueeord Beaten.
NsfA, Oct. 3.--In the free-fo-.all pacing
race to-day, the worlds record of one mile
for three-year -old waa bcatencd by Gold
1 ut time, 3.15. "
Wheat ia N Y.
Oct r- -The full force of
Jraa Weblaer. Jr.. ia m the city on hi way
to Portland from lime burg where be ha1
been to sdjuat email lore.
The irrcsiatable John Sha,of Sweet Home,
043.40 hsa ben 10 vhs city, as frisky sa a cougar ;
i? 7 I ,,ul a" ,,,f' " i'1'"
33.37 Air a L M Koeter ta Irtiiidiug a nice feet-
60.75 I deaee in Portland, adjoining tha. of her aoa
in-law, WU K lemplebm.
P H Bowman and 'am Jy are home frets a
trip to Southern Oregon. Ve acknowledge
a call from Mr. H. laatevemag.
J K Htewsttaou will open a meat market
iu thia city 10 about two weeka, when he wil!
move fronijus iaru. her.-.
Robert Noerae'a lecture waa eonaiderel a
tr. At evi-ii m W iraiicuico. as it waa
here by those fortuoste enough to hear it.
H E Shtpird and Miaa Emma (iormao,
l. a.i..kut the II r. Sti-I
rrlZ:'9 ,tslaTw twe of StUem'a popular clored .paople. and
1CW 1 " 'P" "w 7. well-known here, were married yesterday
C A. SNOW &.CO.,
Oavoene 1 aicni urac, v. awnagiaa, v .
camel aettler has tiled notice of hia iuteutmn vampire, weighing folly two tone waa recent- rt. The market closed lat night with . R m g y mmkiag poUueal a peaches
to make proof in support ot his vlaiui, and y osngbt ia a nabiag aeioe on the Mexican December at $1, 11, and opened at $1,14- j0 Marmo county. Eugene k now a bow to
ti at aawl proof will be madf before tbe Coun- oowt near Tampion. When dead aud etwaad Waata a Ma-eaa. Btnka horns wheu'it oomea to talking politic.
Excursion Bast !
Cheapest rate ever made from the
Pacific Coast to the East.
$80 $80 $80
Tor round trip from all points In Oregon
and venmgton lerniory to
Tickets fo sale
September 3, 4 and 5.
Good to return to October Slat.
i..r'rlllt Ai m . Wad. aiul KndaV. lOOJA. Al.
Lasve Aibaov, ataudAjr, Wed. aad frtiafa IK NoouJ
Arnva fortlaud, rua , rou, an-1 SAiuruay, aju a-, m.
sofru bot'No. "
c. sKNDgaa
Uaara ForUuad, Hon., Wad. aaJ Vri-Uy, &00 Ai,
Leave AJbaujr, file., Tbora. AO.' SAturday, l:i p. ai.
Arrive Cyvadia, Tua., lb u. aud Saturday, 4: Si P.M.
Boats make close connection at Alban
witu trains of the Oregou Peuldu Kailroavd
!pMBipjgfal (excit aundaya.)
Uarra AIbuy, 1:00 f. S,,LA'e Yaqoina, 0 Al Ar.
Laara Cr'.uioj, 1 W r, u.ueve Corvalua.lCjafi AJ.
Arnva v'a.iuioa, M r. M Vrro Albany, 11:10 a. v,
J x C trai --a eunnejc at Albany and
iV.rv.alh-, t he aoove trains connect at
V w jni . wiia tba Oreg ju Development
0 . up any . tdm of Steainabipa between
1 tl a: oa Ail 1 in Pranciaoo.
atlhlSIH O tTE.4 .
Dealers in General M&r-cnandise.
Will bay drain, Wool aud all kinds
Baa f .. I . . a. la, lWla. aa laAafaM fKaafta tKaW ( ' ATkt I Si ff A
i-i.rk.ff I inn tv. Oraaon. at Albanv. ttt 00 beach, it presented every appear-
I MMMMV Va gau eum m -m mm vi tiuiiuirv, i mmm
Orefon.on I liftaam fa leaae aaad aavaBlaaa faat da fmn.
1 nru, aeaeaataer uaaa. aaa. i --va -
Vtx- Jamee H. Crsbtrea, II..tuets.l Entry the edges of tha pectaaral tins, aad its rsooth
No. 4871. for the Ni of S W. N V of rt E was live feet serosa. Our Aatoria content-
st.d S K of N W of Sec. 25. Tp- 10 S R 2 W. porsry will now havs to tell a larger tory
He cswea tla folh.e ing wdoraaea to prove
hta continooos reaideooe upon, sod cult'va
ikr if, aaid land, via: Otto Serdtng, A
Semmera, John B Smith and John Holt, all
of 8 i P. () , Lion county, Or.gon.
W. T. Bt'Bxav,
than it a aea serpent tale.
WaeelerfWI area.
D llojt A C , Wkoleitla ail
WAHitiM.roN.Oct. 3. Senate Dolph has Hoea II A Irvine and S A Dawauu left thia
received and preacnted to the director of ooou for Kugeoe from where HMf win go u
the Mmltbaaanian inatltute. .... application, to attend a meeting of the 1 . of II.
from the board of regenta of the Oregon H Armatrong. f ia asserted ta the
State AttTicuitural CoJlcge for a collection oldeat Odd Kcll w in the United tatea
Ja? . aa la m . WB a a J .a. i..a. a.
ol at tide of Intereat tor tbe college
m u -
Join tho G. A. B. ap.eiat train carrying
Oregon and Waabingtou territory
iJepartmeut to tbe
Ckiaeae to be Kxeladed .
Bam l- BANt isao, Oct, 3. Thia morning
11 : i i . . ,
. 1 1 a.i r.i ii
WuU.uJ.ta VaJi.j-, ktu KUy, O.-t. 8 Tiaeaday, Oct . 2,
W.iUoaj-.. Vilo. .ii in... i i. sunday, O.I.U.
Vilii.u.-. o Volley Friday, Oct. W.
I tin 0tiip.iy , .rvd" bne tight to
itosiiats ai in I atna -w.ihoiil notice.
. it e..-.ira rr .oi P.jr.Urirf and
l . u Ala V a lev ,!. t -in uiAk. close
wit.t .no taaiiaa of tbe Ysquina
r . ike. al a, , i, i' trVi.ili, aud it des
t lit l, vaal Kr ati'na . abouid arrange to
r .v. u V it ittn -'vmhui t'ate
oi aaittOa; '
i.tif iee al a r.'ai sc . alwaya iu
Aa weal.
" r . ' ,.- n i . ly ', I -4 .urt. Friht aad
fri v..a. il'.ti-.o u : d .4, Jr., 0. T.
t. A.'i., Oeajsa Uve a aw .i t Maiitif.iinery
Ia4 ra-lafaSa, Cal. t H .i.f? .
A. l. P. omI I. Aavit
.:; t ! . J. vtlia. Or
aHotiC3 for Publication.
The treatment of many thousands of cases
of those chronic weaknesses and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, at tbe Invalldr
Hotel and Burgical Institute, Buffalo, N.
has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt
ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the
euro of wjman'a peculiar maladies.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1'rcacrlptlon
ia the outgrowth, or result, of this gn-ut and
valuable experience. Thousands of teatlmo
nisis, received from patit-nts and from phyai.
nariml aotl!er ha flied lift lee of hia In
tentioi. to make final proof In etipport of
bla claim, and that aaid proof win ie
made before the Coontr Judge or In Hi
absence then tba County Clerk, of Unn
couuijtvOrreon, at Albany, Oregon, on
rrlduy. Xaveasber ib. I ax a.
vlx : John K. Stawsrt, IIometd i ntry,
No. 6530 for ibe M H of S H of Se 18, 1 p
lo S rt 1 K lie nsmea the following slt-
neas to prove bl oootluuous realoenre
upon, si feul!ivainn of. ea'd lato. via:
... ... . . . . . . ,, ....
nam-. Ifarrla, rprtitre :iau, r. xxaui aim
Tho. :rge, all of eo. Mnn county, Or.
w r. i-i - v v,
?i mSMi?
shoe m-
5 v
who nave tested it in the mora aaarrs-
vated and obatlnato caeca which bad baffled
their skill, prove It trvbe the most wonderful
remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of
I Buffering women. It is not recommended as a
vuii mu. urn u uomu ivv. CJJVV.UV IV.
woman's peculiar ailments.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic,
It imparts strength to the whole system,
and to the womb and its appendages in
particular. For overworked, " worn -out,"
u run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,
dressmakers, aeamstrcsaos, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nurainjr mothers, and feeble women
generally, Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription
Is the greab-st earthly boon, being unegualed
ss an anoetizintr cordial and reHtorative tonic.
as at aootiaiiiK ana atrciiginettliig
J'avorito Preecriiition " is une-
nnd sub-
uuaied and is lnvaluablo in allayinar
duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex
i. i-'a aMIlLl,
B -A. IST Z ! 3D K ,
Moll aiiio," i Si V rX. Hai Francisco and
Paril MA .
B i i .. SS a a, eat aV a, I c'tv warranu Re
cat.o 1 1, .i. 'it)jjii t iisji l-aaaraai ail..rod on
inn i 'l a. aaaa.
JoMao'Mia "ill r-jol , r i(il attunUofi.
I h-r ji ,ii Irtiici . t'.oita I .
F,a .-id iiiniw i i.ur.m :; -f a I In reliant.; com
ei ).
1 1
in u n . i ft p. m.
Rsd CrowriMills
i w. li ANNiNvi & m.. FKOFR'S.
r w r -1
ANi. hakkkm traa.
;;i.srsT0K'Ai."' FACILITIES.
Hira Pticf in Casb fc
u Deal
mi rf. iViiv ,
110X1 aiaa of fi R. Yo'liia-'a. Allj.auj , Of
Cattiag wi FiwUitg a S;ooialt.
Wodneadaya and Thursdays of oacb
week. ad pirt;nd done to otder on
plaque aud other tnVerial,
NUe aaeortdeont of Artiste materials on
hauation. oroetratlon. bvateris. snssms and
otner aiscressing, nervous symptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and organic
disease of the womb. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de
spondency. Dr. lMerce'e Favorite Prescription
la a legitimate medicine, carefully
compounded by an experienced and skillful
physician, and adapted to woman's delicate
organization. It is purely vegetable in its
composition and perfectly harmless in Its
effects in any condition of tbe system. For
morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever
cause arisinr, weak stomach, indigestion, dys
pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small
doses, will prove very beneficial.
Favorite Prescription" iiapotl.
tlve core for tbe most complicated and ob
stmaie cases or leucormea, cxeesslvo flowing,
painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions,
prolapsus, or falling of tbe womb, weak back,
female weakness," anteversion, retroversion,
bearinir-down sensations, chronic congestion.
inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in-
nammauon, pain ana tenderness la ovaries,
accompanied with "internal heat."
Ae a regulator and promoter of func
tional action, at that critical period of change
from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre
scription is a perfectly safe remedial agent.
and can produce only good results. It is
equally efficacious and valuable in its effects
when taken for those disorders and derange
ments incident to that later and most critical
period, known as "Tho Change of Life."
Favorite Prescript ion," when taken
in connection witn tno use or ur. I'turce s
Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative
doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets .Little
Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder
diseases. Their combined use also removes
mooa taints, ami abolishes cancerous and
serotinous humors from the system.
Favorite Prescription' is the onlv
medicine for women, sold by druggists, under
m Boaiuve uiiaraniee, rrom tne manu
xaciurers, mac it win invo suttsructlon in every
ease, or money will bo refunded. This guaran
tee mis oeen printea on ttie bottle-wrapper,
and faithfully carried out for many years.
Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or alx
bottles for $5.00.
For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
Women (K50 pages, paper-covered), send ten
uouta in sua tups. Auaress,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
603 Main St BUFFALO, N. If.
Physician and Burgeon,
Officecor, First and Ferry Streets,
Draggiata. ol llome, Ua says: We have John I). Spreckela Si Bros, applied to Col
lector Hager to learn If the Chlneae now
on the Duke of Weatmlnater, at Vancou
ver, anu Id he landed if the ktcaincr tame
here. The collector aaid that until he had
further inatructiona from Waahington he
would not permit any chlneac to land from
any where.
The Cltlaeas Nominate Hewitt.
Nw YoaK, Oct. 4. A citlxena meeting,
composed of leading business men, to-night
nominated Abram o. Hewitt, for mayor.
N Y'a t'bseaploaa.
Nkw York. Oct. a. ThcUianl settled
boeu HiiJi' l)r Km'a New lhacovory. Klac-
tric Bi'ters and Itucklen's Annua Mslvs for
twe year. Have never bandied remedies
that oi aa well, ur give such universal sat
infantum. There have been some wenderful
vures effecfed Ly these medicines in thia
Iiu.l Oftlee at Oiegon t by. Or. I city. Several caaea of pronouncd conaentf
2tat. 1SHM. I tion hava h ti entirely cured hv uaa. uf a
Notice la hereby giveu that the following fcv bettl, a of Or King's New Discovery.
taken in connection with Electric Hitter.
We guarantee tbem alwaya. Sold by Foahay
k Maaon.
Patrouiad huu.a iudoatry. Try on u
Jo eph's &-ceot cigar. Firat of his own
tbe league championship qucatlon; oy
Oregon graiHja delivers to any part of the defeating 1 hkaaro to-dav. Score, New
a a a a a . mm m . A a a I SB
eity by M . Hyde, at 7ft cents per hohel.
150 cord of wood for aale at a .bargain.
oqiiro of w H lloacoe.
York i, Chicago o; batterle. Crane
lirown and Tcner and Farrcll.
rJinal Settlement.
In the 0 ttty Court .f Linn or.nuty, Ore
gon In tho matter of tho estate of .Samp
aon T. Powell, den sued,
N0TICK ia :ierlv given ibat tbo un
deraigned Admlnia' raior of said estate baa
tile I bla in. dl H. eotint nietein wim tne
Clerk of aaid Court and I hat tbe Court baa
appoint d
Monday the 5i' aly af IMKM,
at ten o'clock In thnf iienoon for thn hear-
liiu of objeanioiiM to awid a.'C'.utit and for
the aettleiu hi thereof.
Albany, Uetobar la-, 1K8H.
I'KTKU. Pnwi,l4
J t). Fowkll. Admlniadrator.
SheriiTs Sale.
. the Circuit Court of lit SUU ot OrnjtmJtT
lAnn County.
If, Foa.ll, Piaiatdr
J. A. Winter ia at Brownsville, and has
mproved facilities for making photographa
of the finest Otye him s csli.
shipping butter.
Columbus, September 12th, 188B.
Ail kindo rough, dressed
a nd seas . . iumber .laths-
pickets kept constantly cn
hand- BUls sawed to order cn
shortest notice Use only best
Calapooia timber- Price and
terms made satisfactory.
I. C. POWaUUL. W. K. 31 LYKT7
And Solicitors is Chsicery,
tLBANY. - - -
Collections promptly made on all points.
Oana negotiated on reasonable terms,
eajrofnee in Foster' a Brick. -TJBt
became an O F iu ih.ll and was born in ISOi.
The delayed schooner, ladsu with O P rails
appeared off tha bar, at the Bay laat night.
Continued calraa bad tuade her inp a sio
Ti.- V.' II. W ,,. .. and VV(nrn I 'miifi aaf.1 This rate la open for everybody. xot
a !' ai." aaaa avarawa mm "-a - a. . am - a.
,. ..... i ... ai... l-..... .t I neuf tuaarv to le a O. a. it, in oruer to get
isaa ain iaaa-a-i ... ...-, : I . . .1.1.. i.i . ,1,.
aai a. f.. i.-., I ..I .....I.K... .nl uoia waaf hsaov. '"a '
fc. mrnim vm . .. j a a 1..!.- in t.,t.riat
we regrst to loae Mam. Il-a,t.ln asara For f urther iofrmauon
Mr John Ilogers an old reaileut of Albany ' ca on ur ftlj,j
ha liecn po.Uig aevri diun Newport,
and thiuli aen ualy of IojaIiu at thi place.
...f lk.. V. .L. ....... c.i.-r iu,. arn.lit..
........ -..,' I . . ,,-., ' .ww.
Notary Public
Iri. iui ii.iii til-- ij
:r, our
illahe, who talks
but U, and Vbo liAi.alen th diction
ary as a boy would make a top giraie, is iu
the city.
Thompkon Water.
Samael Aitiidge, 1 1 . ...., 1 , t
N0TICK ia hen by Kiven that by virtual of
an hxecntmn iaiid out m iliealHive named
Court in the uhov radrtlsa nction, and to me
dir-cte.d and dbbv. nil on the. 23jU day of
A...., :. 1838. I .lid 011 Ihu 24 h .Uy of
Au-'iut 188M. larvv no. 1. kII ttie riah', title
and mttreat of the aiid Dnftmdat.t 10 assi to
th real oroiar!v lierein alitr dicrilKd, ai.o
wil on
Hatur.luy the '30lb day af Oelt.ber, iHHH,
at the (you rt Hesse door in the city t f Al
banv, L'uti county, Oregon, at ih hour of
one o'clock, p m , a'i at pohhc auction lor
uah io hand to tno liiuhent hidoor aid teal
propei tv deeciih-d as follows, to-w it . Laud
claim noltnca 1 'U .even 1 noiminu onn nun
rled and twenty-f-mr (7124). thai aame lying
anil licmg m Sectioi a aevatiteeu (17) aud
t.v, nty (20). townahip thirteen (13), No. one
(1), west, in Linn county, Oragnn, consisting
of one liUD'lred and aixty (1G0) aeraS of land
more or lean. Ti-e proceeds hi ning from the
aate of said nr.-iniaes will ho applied : First
to tbe fisyment of the cuata and dmnnrau
menta of auit axttl at $19 25 and accruing
uostM. Saeeed to the pay merit to the Plain
tiff, J M Powell the mm of SG8.C0 with in
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per sent per
aununi lion, the 25th my ot une, 1888
Third theoverplun if any will he paid
over to the Defendant, Samael At'ri.le.
John Smallmon,
By D S .Smith, Sheriff.
Attorney at Law.
Offlc, odd Fellow's Temple,
buslnosswiil receivef prompt attention
A lirest Arreat.
Sax Francisco, Oct. 4. Tha: Poi give
the following list cf a bualnc in which-
tboc wm were arreated In the raid on
Piatt's gambling hall yesterday were en
.raircd: Selling clgars37, collecting bills 51
oeddlinu fruit' 7. getting racing rcturna 96,
1 m i . . a . l . .
We wi'.l pay so cent iH?r roll for choice ncwapaper reporta 13, looaing mr orotner
11 tuik in ior inrir .u i. vwa..iii ,w.
their clerka 71, Salvation army privates
try to convert pool acllera 5, plumbing in
spectors 3 ; total 3P3.
Not Coming.
St. Pacl, Oct. 5. It will be n grca
and the
. ...... . . . ...aa . a. A il......
people ol wasningion icrruury iuiiicui
Vlltnid will not be able to extend his visit
the Pacific coaat. Thia waa the Intention
of Mr. Villard, but he now states that he
will go no further than St. Paul, and tlmtn
conference of ofticiaU of the Northern
Pacific snd lines tributary to It will be held
here to-morruw,
The Mormons.
halt Lake.OcL 5. The Mormon's scm i
annual conference opened here to-day
A postle Lorenxo Snow prsided. Mis re
marks were to tbe effect that it is pleasant
to aufler persecution while aloing the work
of the Lord.
Mhot Korh Of her.
Vienna. Oct. 5. Two students who
were In financial trouble, by agreement
shot each other dead in the atreet In a
suburb of this city to-day.
Nrw York, Oct. 5. The delegates to
the Tammany county convention met to
night and nominated a straight Tammany
county ticket. Resolutions were unanim-
. V . a a a t a. at a I
ously adopted pledging tne support 01 me
Boots and Shoes. -Call at A. B. Mc
llwabra and see the ladies' kid and pebble
goat shoe . for $1 . o, former price $3.vo
A Democrat man haa seen the shoe and disappointment to Oregonian
can pronounce it a reinarKauiy cneap snoe
for tbe former price.
Hieyrle far Hale.
A No 1. secoud-haud 48 inch Ball Bear-
a i C'i'lutT.tia in pood r pair tor aale at a bar
Kaii . Kuquiro ol
Brownell 8l Htanarp.
When Baby waa Rick, we gave her Csstorla,
When ahe waa s Child, ahe cried for Castoria,
When site Itecame Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Wlien she had Children, site gave them Caatorta
Novelties, Mr William iortmiller has
just received the fina,i line of center tables
tver hrousht to ABmn. Thee wer. manu
meted in Detroit, and are novel in design,
being tho latest styles for such table. It
jou would see aomeil .- h uml. r the sun
call and see these center tables.
est. Oen. Pass, Agl. N. P. R. K.,
No, 2 Waabingtou M., Portland, Or.
In hi in diaoovery fcr Conaumptlon, auoce
oriKtuciiiga mel'cina whicii la saamoansasep
to lie aimply marvelous. It la exoeadlnglyp
to the taata, perfectly harmleaa, and loea faV
In all nine of Consumption. Couirli. ColdiT
ng Cough, Croup, Breieihlils, and Palna hi t'sy
aa given universal aallsfMUon. Dr B .
r.iiinh and bung Srup la aold at Ml cant
(int and 8m.
1888, 1880.
Ptrat Term Opens September 11th, 18.
A full corps "f instructors,
oraraniation for the national and state dem
cratlc tickets, and denouncing the reaction
ary principles of the republlcrn national and
state plattortns. Also monopolies, un
tocracies nd know-nothings. The admin
istrations of President Cleveland and of
Gov. Hill were endored,and the operations
of trusts denounced as criminal.
Sheriff Grant was nominated for Mayor
by acclamation.
a "
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be afflicted?
If you will remember a tew years ago tne
P.I . SCirNTIFiC. LITERARY, word malaria was comparatively unknown
- i ' to day It is
t 'nurses of tudy arranged to meet thr
nooil of all grades of -tudents.
Special mducemcuts offered to students
from ''road.
Tuition ranees 1 Oui $5.60 to f 13,50
Board in private lain I 'lea t tow rates
Room tor self-boa; at small expense
A '1 ia m i nOPVI. .n A7ArMiiAii flVAP Mat 11 -
dents away from home. Fall term opens causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious
September 7tb. For circulars and fnil fever, ec. You who are sunering can
particulars address tbe President. well appreciate a cure. We recommend
KCV. EliBEKT it. COND1T. Green's August Flower. Its cures are
Albanv. Oregon marvelous
dav it is as common as any word in
the English language, yet this word covers
only the meaning of another word used by
our forefathers in times past. So it is with
nervous diseases, as they and malaria are
Intended to cover what our grandfathers
called biliousness, and U are caused by
troubles that arise from a diseasedacondi
tion of the liver, which in performing its
functions finding it cannot dispose ot the
bile through the ordinary channel s com
pelled to pass it off through the system,
ui iu.v.
Kugene City ia to hava s Catholic sa 1 ul
Tbo new AabLud depot hat hecu 1 p med
Tbere are titcen vga in the Marion ooua-
ty last.
The circuit court docket pi ounces to be
rather a auiait one.
The total aalinon pack of Alaska thia aea
sou la 70UO caaea.
Mum IjoIs Collin is now giving tscitations
iu Southern On-got.
Captain Juhiisnu has resigned hi position
iu Co. K. ol Cortailta.
A big (rait growera meotiuaj hat just been
held in Southern Oregon.
Oraies sell for 2 to 3 centa per pound
in the Kaat. '1 he market haa beeu flooded,
K E Miurr haa juat rtcoyered f200 from
th". citv ot Ashland on account of a street
The rxisin crop of California is uow csti
mated at from 000,000 to 1.000,000 boxes for
l hia year.
Some fax mora thiuk wheat will bo hihwr
lhau 80 ueuta aud are holuiug tu aulicipatmu
of aomcihiug oi the klud.
Tha Arucntiou lteDUblic t-xoorted 3704
toiu .f ueuuuU in 1387- waa l iur tiiuoa
aa many ua WSJTS eaoorudiu 1V80.
Mr Brownei 1, oi Welia Sutton has reided
hia tai in at that tdace, uud will move am to
the Head Unn m.u tno Ca.ipoot a bri-Jga.
B0 eensa a bashel didu't it louj.-, juat
long enough to HH a shortaaje. lo do) you
wil' be ioituuaie tt ,uu i;ct 78 cauU
The importation ol bsAlsnas IHto thia couu
try tioiu Jan. 1, o Srpt. I, 18S8, reached
282 buuehef, agnnac 4,41S,880 buuehes sjuio
time 1887.
Mr J B Suiwartson, tho Democrat is iu
Armcd, will opiii his meiao market iu tbe
Blumbcry buildim., just irtyoud tho Kovere.
It is reported that v lew BrowuaSiile hoi.
raiaors have rattaaartl 20 conta for hopa, Tliey
will probably uiea.- them and a;et aa higti aa
10 cents.
Rev S E Davis leave bjr Pennsylvania
in a few days to bring out a colony, whuh
will locate aoiuuWlmte iu the ooimcy, pro
bably beyond Sweet Hume.
Mrs LFitna and son, who have beeu at
Ashiaud for awhile, have gouo to Unj Oatos,
Cal., where we hope to hear ol au improve
ment in Stephen's health.
Mr J C Dillon will open a retail furniture
store iu the Pearca Block in a few days,
haying rented the room Will & Stark :u
tsnded to have occupied.
The regular monthly drill of Albany En
gine Co. No. 1 was Kiveu last evening, uu
tha. uew steamer was placeti m tne awpaa
ready ior butiues iu ease of a tire.
Boston is reokonod the best market of any
city in the country tor Florida oraugea. Last
season over 250,000 boxes were shipped there
and the number increases each season.
J I Dubruille'a riue display horse uow pro
trudes his shapely head Horn the Pearce
Block. Tho display of harnesses luck of him
ia probably not surpassed in the Valley.
The cotton crop of 18S8 is tho largest ever
grown in America, exceediug ti.atof 1882-3,
hitherto the largest 00 record, by 9G.000
bales. The total crop this season is 7,046,
833 bake.
It has lately been said generally that gum
chewing is good for the stomache ; but now
a New York physician saya excessive gam
ohewini ruins the eye-sight, cmks tbe face
wriakied, and brings on chronic dyspepsia.
VI -Li -1 . A AO STAIfc-
Druggists and .iookseHerb,
Agents for Join H. Alden's publicaUons,
arnion we sail at p'jbitiber'a prieas wiU
lUorn87 And Gonnsellor At Lav
Motaiv Public.
WMI praei!o U all of tho Courta o
. . Al K .lino.. Inlrn.lJiH tn him
.li i 1 nulla. Oil mainw mmmu
will be promptly amended to.
Albauy oclu Works.
And Manc'acturera of
We aru now prepared to sell at wtiola.
sale, alwaya fresh and pure at Portland
iriosa to dealer. We a. so keep a full
Ine of
Nuts aud Tropical Fruits,
0, K. Faint Sliujr.
House and Carriage Painters.
Decorators and Paper Hangers
Piano Varnishing.
All w rk "guaranteed.
jqorvt arar i to Henry Sueanu;.)
NObice for PuMication.
Land Office, at Ore-00 Ct, Or., )
Septsmbar, 22ud, 1SSS. S
Notice is heibby given that the following,
named teuler ha tiled notice of his inten ion
to make tisial proof in support of his ciuim,
and that aul p.- of will be made before the
Count) Judge or m hi ahsencti the C nmy
t l. i k ot Lino countyi Or.gon, at AP'-my,
OregoWi on
talneaday, Hoveanber I tlh, IffSSj,
yix : Calvin V. Cooper, Horn -r, Eutry
No. 4G70, lor the N $ of th.- N E i of lot 1
snd 2 of Sec. 28, Tp. 13, S R 1 E. He
name the following witnesses to proye hia
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, ssid land, vix : Geo. H. Miller, Geo. W.
Fiokens. Thomas Weddie snd Paul Magno
lia, all of Sweet Hon.e,Liuu county, Or,
Register .
0. 0 OHKHRV.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tbe undersign
ed bas this day been duly appointed by tbe
County Court of Linn county, Oregon, Exe
cutor of the laat will and tettameut of Willis
Gainee, deceased. All persons having claims
aainataaid estate are hereby notified to
Draawut them within six months from this
dste properly verified ss by Isw required to
tbe undersigned st his residence 18 miles east
of Albany, Oregon.
September 7th, 18SS.
Jons W. Gairis,
T. J. SnTEH, Executor.
Attorney for Executor.
Ih the Coithty Court of the State of Oreee. or
Z.i'sn county.
In the matter of the estate of Edward Mur
ray, deceased.
To Mary J. O'Hagan and Eilen Murray,
Greeting :
IN the uame of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby cited and required to be and sp
peae in the County Court for the county of
Lino and State of Oregon, st the Court
Houae m the city of Albany, iu said couuty
and State on
Menalay (kcStbdaa of November, A. U. 1888.
at thehon- of ten o'clock in the f leuoon i.f
aaid .Ihv, law tame being a day of thr reuulai-
Noy. mher tatrui, 1888, of said C ourt, and ai.d there show cause, if ai: exist why
an otder of alc. duecting and lie.-ming
Am i'- Murray, Administratrix of the estate
of Edward Murray, deoeased, to sell ail the
right tit lo and inc. rest . , f said hiwmt Mur
ray, deceased, at the time of his oeftth both
iu law and equity in ami to the real property
herein after described am prayed for in tne
11 -.tion of asld Adimnu". r;.tn, whu b petia
ion i now on file in te C unty Court of
un county, Orego!,, r-d which real 1 rop-
erty is tlescrine.l as Toliows. ui-wii : me.
West hsit of lot 4 and the north half ol the
eat half of lot 4 iu block 11 iu tho city of
Abauy, Linn eouhfy, Oregon. That the lot
is w hat is known as the old Exchange Hotel.
Done hv order of the Hon. D. R. N. Black
burn, Judge of said County Court.
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set
mv hand and silked the seal of said County
Court at my office in the city of Albany in
said eountv and State this 10th day of Sep
tember, 1888.
Machinists, MiHwriglits, and Iroi
a tate are now completely prepared to
handle, all kin ds of heavv work. We wil
manufacture Steam Knglnes, unst ana
Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds r.f iron
and Brass Castings.
Special attention given to repairit g ai
kinds of machinery.
Administrator's Notice,
the County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn :
In the matter of the estate of John W. Bo-
xirth, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed Adminis
trator of said estate by the County Court of
Unn county, Oregon, and that all persona
having claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them together with tha
proper vouchers and proofs to the undersign
rl t tha law office of J. J. Whitney, in Al
bany, in said Linn county, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 14th day of
September, 1888.
Frank Wood,
J. J. WrurrNKY, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.