Wm. Mirik fit -FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt; Attotion-Ftrst-olass Hearse jarAfiar budnoi IiuimoaII at residence oornor Klflh u l llakwr streets. OVRU) fJ CAIIFJMA. -sVIA tatoa Paoiflj Go.npany's Line. TJBK Mf. SMISTt KOI' TK. VI ilV All V vitsi.j , S3 hour oAuroMi Biraas i..i.ni tuu iouMi 4.00 r. M. beav S:Oj r a LmvJ 7:40 A M ACIT. North 10:) AS 7:06 M 0:30 rs I'arUsuJ Alb my sail r'iatici- Arrivs 1. !A0 tj-i.rM.ijaiiTAii daily vxoat Sunday). fctW A M I LSSVO 11: tv) t j Ussva i:aOr Arrive rVrtlanJ Alb Aity Kurti Arrtr. UMWI I Uavo 3:46 r H 11:36 A M tf.OUA M LOCAL fASSSNOK YSAI.ia DAILY, UCBTT SI NDAT. tun I Ls air M Arms Albany l-ot.an-.il Albany Lsbanou Arms bears Arrtsa i.vMVO 6:46 A M 5;UO a MM r x UoaifO Aru . 4 r M UM . m - uo r a PULLMAt. BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars mt tr.: u laalnsa at oaad-4'laa Faaaea err. attarSeU Id i;prri Tralaa. West alse MtUIm. OSTWKK lUKU.l A sKs HU. All. TBAt l AILT (sX HIjU SUII.U) .) OA H .. e a Leav Portland OufVaass Uwvt 1. 30 straits tlais dau,y (sep:5uulA-. .:60r morn Lae Am i I'ortUnJ VI Uiti.iMiie Arms LaVU w oo a 6.46 A At M'ny sl CorrtUU vra ii Pactfic iu . I r. 1 oounsvl wila Uaiu of f.irtall i.ir ri u. n rais-liur .mi v. ..Wi. At-viil. R. KOSilLEK, I . . . V.l . r.ji, tu.tM, ate . P. KOUBKS. ) , in sr 'IB YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Mroad, goo laviop:uoi Company's Num- SDip I .UU' 225 MILES SHOHcl- 20 HOURS LESS TIME Hi ah by my other routs. First class tlirouirj passenger aud freight l.n fro u Portland aad all points la the WillAiniH&e Valley to mi l from ftau Francisco, Cal. Wiilam8tt3 Riyar Lin3 of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Uja." The "N. 8, Bent y," To "Th rae Sister-" are la service for botb passenr Mai ireigbt tratllo be tween Corvsllts and Portland and inter mediate points, leaving Company'! wbaif, Corvallts, an l M-n.r-i. tiuiuian w wharf. Nos. 200 an l 2U2 Froat I'oi t I, three tun a wmk ai fullowa : NoK I'll UUC.VD. LMVaCoriAllu. Man . W.l ud KnOav, 10.OJA.kt Laavc Albaar, MmxUy. and Friday. 1 : S - :i arrive rVrtlaiul. lue . Thu. an-l Satunlar. 6:30 f. M iiuL'ltf BUt'N'U. Leave FrtUoJ, Mdav, Wed. aad Friday, 8:00 Leave AJuaiiy, 1'ue., Taar. and Haturday, 1:30 Arrive CwvaUia, Ta. , TUu. aud liatuiday, 4:30 lijiu make cIom conneclioo at Alban eritn trams of the Oregon Paolb: KailroaO riJIKSMiCJU'LE (except Sunday.) Lervtf Alu:iy. 1:00 r. a, Leave Yauuina, 0:46 Lmvi OorvA.La, i:lr. M. ueave CurvalU,10:36 A,M Arrive Vaqoiita, :M t. M I Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. M I O t U. mirH coccex at Albany and e'orvallia. In- aoove Iraini coouect at ifaquitM with the Oregon Development Company' Liue of Mteambipa between rTaqoiua and tn FrancLioo. Sim(. I.lTd . eiAAl.n. ZA4 4A riKf:i). PSiS YAItUA vr.lUue.tA Vi j, M-indtv, -t. S. TiMeday, Oct. t, W.liAjleV VaIIb, b-.ur uy.U;.. IK Sunday, Ua.14. A'iiUui .u Valley Friday, Oct. 30. i i f 'mi.'' 'i y , rvH he right to ! iiud taiuu dt'.en without notice. . It t' i ' - i,' -r - frO'U ' r Uiim aod - il jutuj v'a ay potisH KaK make nloae c une u u witu tKfl iratos of the Yaquina m ite l Aibtuy or c ,rvi;lw, and If de4 Uk I t 1'i I'Van ris; houid arrange to rriv , -ii t n ii'iA lue eveaiti Ooi re ate of naoiag. Ae-rr aad F.rlabt Kate alwaa lie Uwttl. iri iOr aUioo apply le O J Hloart, Freight and ftest Areat, Aloanv, or to C li riaaerell, Jr., U. F. t P. A,-t.. or:,". ii Development Co., 3M Moatouiery .W.I FrAoaeco, Cal. . C. Hon I., A. O. F. and P. Airent. '--.; "i 1' 1 1 R R Co. Cervallia. Or MSS. B. BYMAN, next eatt of S. R. Young's, Albany, Or Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMK1 ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING Wenesriays and Thursdays of each wfk, hii1 pxiPtmie doi.e to oider on tlspit a and other material, Vle savrttr''r of vrtisoi materials on iiau l DR. C, WATSON MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. iAm opp?it the Imrcrat Office. Andnnvs & Hackicinan. W.LD0UGLAS1 Tom $i SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON II. J. Mintmokn, l'r.'g. H. S Cook, 8 c. 8. Fakrar, Vi -.. Fret. V. li. Uoonu Treae The Oregon Land Company Ormilzl f'- tho puri m nfbuylnir and Mllin(r r- I eauo, adver Uing rhe Willunette Valley In all of the leading ne.' Aiwia at tiie United 8tate. KuiployinK Baw.rn agents 10 uiren home atcKerM lo Hie w Hiani ette Valley, und h me axunt. In all the principal town, of Mm inn, P.i'k, I inn, Uenton, Clackatnaa and Yamhill omul. to old In I'icaiinir imniiirranta. Office in the 'late BolMlaif, one door weetof Stew art A Box'.. HODSON A DICKINSON, Manar. A. J. liOSSITER, V. S. O.alni!;! o! Ontario fjtjfiaw; College, Iipjiir,l t trus dit3iss of all do meatta tn'mtls on SMtotlAa principle. ItniMo i 40 I o!fi ;a two door on Optra Houii. Al )t i $3.00 SgiX SHOE S W f7na, " aWTf" lamaaV Do Ycu Want Furnilue ? 1 f YOU DO OO TO Woodin & Willard. wbre you will llnd tho boil make ami 1 1 ni si fl-llaltpd BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNCES. Abo a Huo line ol PICTURE FRAMES, and a huiulrrd (.lilfrroiit tyltH of Picture frames made to order. The largest anil left stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Price re aaouable "Jim Wcstrall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kluda on hnnd, Also foil lino of JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PA3IFI3 COMTilGrj R, for thli Hpctlon. Laborers fuinUbl on aburt uolkoe fo any purpmso. Opposite S E Young s, Albany, J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTAllY Ft'ULIC.) iTTOHNEY AT JLA W, AtBlW. ORH.OV. WILL WUCnCK IN ALL THE COURTS OFTHB Mute. Sfclal atlentlon ulvon tu .o'lecUmia and robate waiter. iafOflJcol Fel Temple. Palace Meat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. wm kp constantly on band leal, mutton, rrK, veal, aauaaire, etc.. the beat meats ami 1 iripst variety in the city. Cash t&Jd for all klndaof fat stock . The BUY SUB CJ V IDE is tssuoU March and Sept., , eaob rear. It is an oucy . (clopudia ot useful la for mat ion for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all tho ncooasary and unnecontry appliance to rido. walk, dance, slesp, eat, flxh. hunt, work, bo to church, or stay at home, and in various sisoa, styles and quantities. Just figure out what la required to do all these things CORF0RTAILY. d you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUY EUU' OUIOE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Hi. " PATENTS Ued, aad all pther business In the U. 8. lw ffice auetidcded to I'.r muderate teea. OuroOi'-e la oppoait the U.S. FaUnt Office, aud ve can obutn Patents teas tint than ttiua. reatuia roni WA.Iiiiirton. bend ru jdiii or drain. W. a.' - to ,ieul Ability free of charge iaiwiwamak. o chary, unlet e obtain patent. H'. reler here, to the P-tmaeo.r, lb. SuiH. of easy Order In v. and to offictala of the t . H. Fatsat offlT. Fur cin alar, advice, tei n-a, aad .drti. o actual cut't'U in y.uriwn htate or cou ity. add C. A. HNOW &C O.a OiMhmiu: Patent tifficw. Waehinuui, l . SAM MA, 3. BXMM MAY k JSICNDERS. Dealers in General HbrcnaAOise. HARRISBURC - - OREGON Will hoy brain, Wool and all kinds nil?) DR. J.L. KfLL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. Xt PILLS. BEWARE OP IM1TATIOXH. ALWAYS ASK JPOR DR. PIERCCS PELLETS, OB LITTLE SUGAR-COATED PILLS. sseiuK entirely vegetaoie, they op erate without disturlmricu to the system, diet, or oceurwtion. Put up In glass vlsl. hcnnctl cully iil;d. Alwavs fn sh and n imriU Aa a laxative, alterative or purgative, theso little Pellets give the most perfect uiniAtuuu, SICK HEADACHE- Billons Headache. Dlzzilioss, on all po tion, I iid igeat lun, Dillons Attacks, and all derangements of the stom ach snl howeln. are prom id ly relieved and permanently cnrel by the uso of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of these f-eucis over ao trr'.-at a variety or diseases. It may truthfully be wild thnt tbelr action unon the fystcm Is univerml. not a gland or tissuo escaping tlielr sanativo influence. Hold by i!i UKKisU, cents a vial. Manufactured at tho i in iiii' iil j.i.r'iriitory or vvoni.O H UlSPKMaAUT AhOCIATIOZf, uuiiaio, a. sr. S500 Is offered by the manufactur ers of Dr. Mage's Catarrh Heanedy, for a case of Chroafco Nusal Catarrh which they cannot euro. SYJTiPTOWS OF CATAMRII. Dull, heavy hnnlHclie. obstruction of tho nasal pitfwifrcs, tliucharges falling from tho liead Into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and ncrid, nt others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulcii, Moody and putrid; tho eyes are weuk, watery, and Inllsmed; there is ringing in tho ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear tho throat, cxnectorution of rinYimivn msttcr, together with st.-alni from ulcers; tho voteo Ih atasaged and has a nasal twang; tho areata U offensive j smell and tasto nro lm-I'.u:-'i; i!i' ,i: H a sensution of dizzinecH. with ti" r.tal depression, it hacking cough and rcn eral ilelilllty. Only a few of tho above-niu'iud symptoms ure likely to bo present in any one cjsc. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end m the gmve. No dlscuso is so common, mora deceptive nnd dangerous, or loss understood by physicians. Hy its mild, soothing, and heiiling properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh itcmedy cures tho worst cases of Catorrli. "cold In the head," toryzn, mid Catarrhal Headache. Bold by druggist everywhere; GO cent, Untold Agony from Catarrh." rrof. W. IlACSNEit, the famous mesmerist, of ltlmca, N. Y., writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic mml catarrh. My family physician gavo me up as Incurable, and said I must die. My case was such a bod one, thot every day, towards stin et, my voice would become eo hoareo 1 could barely spcuk above n whisper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itamedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas J. Itusnmo, Esq., toot pint Street, St. Louia, Mo., writes: "1 was a great sufferer from catarrh lor three years. At times 1 could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through tho nostrils. I thought nothing could bo done for mo. Luck ily, Twos advised to try Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now u well man. I bclievo it to be the only eure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to givo it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. Eli Robbxrs, Itunyan P. O., Columbia Co., ru,., .ays ; jy uuuguier naa cuturrn When she was live years old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pic- i cured a bottlo for her, and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. She is now fcigutwa years old and . sound and hearty." oolk Citation. In the County Vowrt of Ltnn Cowafy, Htatt of Orrffon t In the mailer of the estate of Mary Jane Coatollo, deceased. To Mary Ann or atargreltCldwell.J Caldwell, House Piovideucs Hitler 8u perlor, Ann Brown,. Kalr Costs 1 1 d the daughters of Thomas Coslsllo. Uhkhtimi: In Ihs name of thsHlatsof Oregon you are hersby cited to b asd sp. Cmr In the County Court, for the oounty of Inn, m tho Court House. In ibs idly of Albany, in said oountv and htste, on oslurdM. Ihefilh day f uelln r. U .IHHS, at the hour of (en o'clock in the forenoon of aid day, the same being a day of the tegular October term, 1888, of ssld Court, and then and there show causolf soy exist why so order or sale should not l o made direotimi and licensing Kamuol Nixon.ex- ot'otor of the issl wlM and Uststnent of Msrv Jane Coslello, dscessrd, to sell all the i igbt.tille and interest of the tald Mary Jaue Coslello at the tltueof her draf li.boili in law and In equity, of, In and In tbs real property nsrsmafter (leacrineu, aa prsystl lor in the petition of the until Namuel Nix en, SZSOUtor aforesaid, which paid petition In now on lite In tho County Clerk's olllee in l.lnu county, Oregon, which said real property Is described as follows; T lie NBH of the N K H of Sen 2I, con taiulng 80 sores, also the M K H of Meo U0 contsiulng louacna; also the KK of so 21, conlalulug ItiO acres; also Ihs N K i of the S K H of tho M W H of Sc 20, oon tsluing lOacios; al othe bfumiiiiig at a iMiint 27 30 links went and I5.K7 links aoiitli of ti e quarter se tion slake between .Set tloiia 24 snd In Tp I1NHH W.ln olsim No lid; I hence urth 7Hssst 444 Halts: thence x.ortd82S went U00 links; thence smith 7S west 444 links; thence south f82kuesst fHM) links lothe place of bwutn ntng containing: 4 ncreMml in all 444aorss snu lying sod u-ing in lownnli.p 14, B It 4 W. Also begiuulug at s point 25 obs east of theS VY eoi iter ol I In mini Nnspard'i tin nation laud claim, leiog claim No &, Not No 2Im;i, in Tp 14, N K 4 W ; tbeuce north 40 cIih ; thence east 7.88 cbs ; I hence south 40 cits ; thence w ent 7.. 'SO chains to tho plsco of beginning, containing 2U.44 arm. all In Sec ". I p 14. s U 4 W.Llun oouut,Orsgoii. Also beginning si s point 0 ehainn sttutb of ths N K corner of oislrn No 41, Not Nc 2188. inTp 14 8 R 4 VV ; tuiioi g thence south M cbs; tbsnce wtst 38.64 elm; thenoo north 40 ehs ; tbenos wst8.15 cbs; t hence north 13 88 cbs ; '.bene east 44 68 chains to tne place of bcRinulbg, contain hk h ai re, befog parts of Hoot ion 4,Tp 14, S K 4 VY,ln Linn ooutity, Oregon. iiegluulng at s point U.20 chains oortb of the Moulheaat corner of tbs northeast 4 of 4, Tp 14, 8 M 4 VV ; tbsncs north 2tf 10 cbs tu tbs northsast oornsr of Win Chris dans douatb-n land claim ; thence went 52.78 cbs; tbenos south 28 60 cbs ; lheu3 esst 63 28 ebslnsto tbs place of beginiiiiig, containing 16S.78 acres. Also bagiosiuK st lbs northsast corosr of '.in Cheats ios donation land claim ; tbesce sst ISO ioda to tashn of CsJ.bUrsy V lsod vls'.m ; thence south til rods ; theses west ISO u ; lb. nc north til I rods to lbs plaw f brginuing, coutstiiiiis 5v acres. Alao brgmsirig at a .take ou the south lios of th di'iiatiou lai.d claim of Ifsudall Ysr hfaaajl 5G 80 chains snt of Ihs corner io the angle f Mid claim, it being claim 37 asd Nut 2l87.li. Tp 14, S K 4 W.m Ltooeouoty, Dregoo ; ruonii'g thence nnith 17-21 ohs to a louan . thsoss to a sooth westerly direc tum up said slough, folluwititt the mesnoets of lb. asm to the south bos of said clsim ; tasaos N 81 SO" K 18.50 ohs to the placs of brutouinn, containiug 18 sores. I'- . i. i. 'i K at a potut bcanog N tI 30' W 5.29 chains from the S E corner of Ua N K J ol See 8, in Tp 14, 8 It 4 W ; tbsoos ast 100 rod ; thgncc aoatn 40 chains ; thence weat 100 tods) thrnos north 40 shains to the placs of liegiuning. being parts of Srcticns 8 and 9 in Tp 14 S U4 W, Lionc-un , 1 - .n,. ou Uiniug 100 seres. Beitinmng st a point 10 chains north sod 33 chains sst of the S VV oornsr of Claim '. t.i inTpM 8 K 5 w.in linn county .Oregon, thence raniung east 8.31 cbs ; thenc. south 10 cbs ; thence east 2 82 cits ; thence north 81 esal I8.a, cbs ; tbenos north 34 ens to the river , tbsncs south 54 weat 13.00 cbs meandering tbs river ; tbsoos S 73 W 3 cb; thenc south 8 7b VV 10 chs ; thcnc 8 70 VV Gcbs ; thence 8 89 VV 3 3; cha ; ihst.cn 8 20 W 4 78 cbs ; tbsncs east 5.00 cbs thence sooth 8.93 chs to the plan, of begin mng, cobtainiug 75 2-100 acres. i'. . iinoi:' 15 cbs north snd 70 chs east of the I comer in west boundary of 8ec 5, Tp 14 U 4 W m1 running, ibt-bce uih 28 28 chs; tbsncs west 28 28 chs ; tbsnce north -js chs ; thence east Vi chs. to th pisce of ncginniutr. contaiiimg Ml acres. neginoing 20.40 chs noilh of a quarter section post in &ec 0. Tp 14, 8 K 4 VV tbence boutlt 34.45 cbs; thence wot 52 10 eh.; tbence north 15.28 chs ; theaca north 15 28 chs ; thence 7 50 cbs ; thence north 19. 17 cbs ; tbence ssst 44 (iO gfef to the place of l-egtniiti.c;, containing lbO acres. Beginning Mt rods north of the quarter take in the west line of 8ec 5, 1 p 14, B K 4 w : tbeucu esat 2HO r.d ; HMK4M south ICO rds ; theuce west 280 nsls ; thence north 1C0 rods to the lacc of begmnioy, and be ginning at tne toutn.vrec corner ol s 0 acre lot of land earned by Caleb (jtay in .See. I, Tp 15, 8 K 5 w ; tbeoce west 80 rjds ; thence north 40 rods ; thence esst 80 rods ; thrnce south 40 rode to tbu Jace of lieginnii g, con taiciiLg 300 seres. The portion of said real property -set apart t Martin Camming, as the devisee of tbs ssid Mary .Isne Costello, decessed, Leii.g d sen tied st 200 scies of Isud off the west sod of the f.nn known as the Crubb fam, situ ated in Linn county, Oregon. Done by order of the lion. D. K. N. Blackburn, Judge of ssid Court. In testimony whereof, I. E. E. Montague. Conuty Cleik of Lmo county, Oregon; and Clerk of tins County Coort of ssid county, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal f said Coort at my office, in Albany, this4ih day of September. A. It.. 1888 E. E Mn'.iAi.ii, Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. : fA Circuit Court of the State of Ore-yon ft r Linn County. J. M. Powtll, I'lsiotiff. vs. Ssmuel Attridge, Defendant NOTICE is hereby kiven that by virtue of an Execution issued out of the shove named Coort iu the above entitled action, and to me directed and delivered on thn 23rd day of AuKu..t, 1888. I did on tho 24 h dsv of August 1888, levy upon sil the right, title snd interest of the said Defendant in and to the real property herein alt' r deacribed, and I will on Saturday IbeVOihrtay October, 1888, at the Court House door iu the city t f Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'ciuok, p. m , e!l at public auction for cash in hnnd to the highest bidder said real propet tv desciibed ss follows, to-wit . laod claim notification seven thousand ono hun dred and twenty-four (7124), the ssrns lying and being in sectioi a seventeen (17) and twenty (20), township thirteen (13), No. one (I), west, in Linn county, Oregon, consisting of one hundred and sixty (I (JO) sens of land more or lees. The proceeds arising from the sale of said premises will he applied ; First to the payment of the costs snd disburse ments of suit axed at $19.25 and accruing coms. oecond to the payment to the Plain- 1 ill. J M Pi.wtdl the sum of $08.00 with in t6rest thereon at the rate of 10 per eeut per antn.in fron. the 23fb aiy of June, 1888 Third the overplus if an v therebe will be paid over to the Defendant, Suniuvl Atr ridge. John Smali.mon, By D S Smith, Bi eriff. Deputy. BINDING TWINE. We start In this ssaaon with 00,000 pound of absolutely pure ruaniiU bind nir twirm, whloli wo will mi I at as low a pi ic.o as thn quality of the goods will ad rnit There I very littlo of the nuro in the market, anil a great deal of poor twine iB being offered at low price. We would oe g!ad to fill your ordm lor the best MTBv tp.r . nox. JOHN BRICKS, FLOEIST, hWil ORE) Roses a Specialty Ceuietery lot planted sad attended t Children Cry for moiAL IJand PAPEa. THK MAN ABOUT TOWN There sre people In this world who II they were to hear Gladstone himself, the man of remarkable Ideas, talk, they would go home and sny they didn't know as they bad heard very much. It was all old and they knew It all. As far as we are con- cerned we have never beard a lecture yet that did not make us feel as If considerable roujjb bad been polli-lied off, and that we Jidti t know a tenth as much us the lectur er. The Man About Town Is Informed that numerous bars of sands,sccumulsted along the Hantlam ditch, materially affects the power that goes to the whceU along tbe river front, so that some days, though the illicit seems tun, the w heel will not move Just like the members of a family, the citizens of a city like to do their own growl Ing. Hence outside slings at our sidewalks and cows and such like are always recelv ed with a cold .boulder. Dr.Nursc though, put It to well we.wl.l forgive him If be were to get bold of the $7,000,000 Alaskan surplus he would give Albany III I.I a m a. a aa million wiui wmcn IO Itt llw Mdrwalk so that people would not stumble up against ourcowa. it tickle- us always to haw atrangcr puff up" our city ; then why shouldn't wc atand a little of the opposite dose if good uaturedly given, just so there U no intention of "bossing" u, which we won't aland from anyone. Tragedy at Hberidan. McMinmvillk, Or., Sept. a6. -James F. Itcwlry, one of tho wealthiest -itlxrne of thin county, and a pioneer of 1 - shot in the streets of Shcridrn lastcvening,about g o'clock, by W. McCune, young man on the Sheridan quarantine force, and died early this morning. Bcwley lives In Mc Minnvlllc,and McCune noiiHed him to leave Whcrldan, ss they sfrsid of smsllpox. W hile parleying about leaving or being arrested, McCune drew a pUtol and fired into llewlcy'aface. The ball entered the t ight cheek and lodged In the brain. Bew Icy fell back ward out of his buggy. McCune then turned snd firsd several shots at Koawcll Bewlry, a son of James Ilcwlcy. Koawcll ran into s liverly stable near by and procured his pUtol, and ran out tiring ut McCune. wno ran down tbe atreet. Young Bewlry pursued him some distance Meeting McCune's fsther, who had under tsken toslop him by throwing stones at blm, toung Bcwley turned on the rider McCune, but having exhausted his pistol picked up s stone and struck McCune on the forehesd,knibingt.im down, snd he re tnalncd insensible for some time. The wildest excitement prevailed st Sheridan all night. Between the quarantine and the tragedy there was no sleep. Shenff HarrU went up during tbe night snd sr-sr-ted McConc, and be was taken before Justice linden of Willamlna precinct for examination to dav. 4 Hoy Cosvirtetl. jAi-Ksoi.vii.tit, Or , Sept. 26. - The trUl of the boy John McAllister for the murder of hlr father last July commenced on Moo ds v, the 17th, snd ended last Saturday, re sulting In s vcrdlc'. of murder In the second degree. During the trial he seemed to take but little interest in what wsa going on,and sppesrec incspsble to comprehend the importsnt besrlng It had to him. To Be Arretted. 8KATTLK, Sept. 38.-1:30 P: M-Thls city, or s portion of it, has been In s state Of suppressed excitement during the whole of this evening. A rumor came here thst John C. Haines. II prominent sltorney of this city, was to be arrested on a warrant from Near York. Assistant U. S. Attorney Monday, Marshal Hamilton and f.S. Com missioner Emery held s secret session of court at rnidnlghUmd Emery Issued s war rant of Haines s arrest, on proof being pre sented of an indictment found by the court of the northern district of New York charg ing Hainc and three citizen of Ogden sburg, S. Y., with conspiracy for stealing opium of Gardner fame from the custom house at Ogdcnsburg. The warrant U re turnable before Judge Allyn st Tscoms, and Marshal Hamilton il how searching for Haines. This whole nutter Is particularly unfor tunate for Hslnes, who was recently chosen chairman of territorial republican central committee. He is one of the most promin ent men In the territory, snd Is a son of EHhu Haines, a noted fllinols politician, letter or Acceptance. Naw York, Sept 37 Gen. Harrison has sent a cash contribution to the repub lican national committee. It is understood, $750 The check was sent made payable to the order of Col. W. VV. Dudley ,and after po lng through a New York city bank hj; been presented for payment to Bste man Ai Co., this city. A Wheat Coster. Chic Aio,Sept 37 The Daily AVw will say of the remarkable advance In Septem ber wheat to day : "It Is the outcome of a corner lo that option by B. II. Hutchinson, who has been buying all the September wheat offered lately. As only three dave remained for the shorts to settle their trad es in, they went Into the pit this morning and began to bid against each other, with the result that the price mounted rapidly. When it reached $1.35, Hutchinson sent the shorts word that he dad wheat to tell. They nocked to his office, where he dispos ed of 335 ouo bushels at $1.35, In a very short time. He then, after telllm? those of the shorts still wanting wheat that it 1 a . ... wouiu go to $2 within a week, went away to his club, leaving instructions with his brok ers to sell shorts all the wheat they wanted at $1. 25, or buy all they would sell at $1.25, or buy all they would sell at $i.2V. There is a suspicion that Hutchinson alao has most of the December wheat, and in consequence, that option went up to $1 The price reached $1.30 for September before sidewalk trading ceased, and one deal is reported at $1 .31 Sydnkv, N. S. VV.. Scot. 38 The race for the sculling cha llliiiotikhln 1...I 11 ' 1 ... M o f sp mwwwujr n vt. 11 Peter Kemp unk Edward Hanlnn was .nw. ed on the Paramatta river to-day, and won by Kemp. After half a mile had been row ed Kemp took the lead.which he maintain. eu to tbe end, finishing eaisly ten lenghts before Hanlan, in 21 minutes and ae seconds. The Wheat Boom. Chicago, Sept. 28. -The boom In wheat continued this morning. September opened at $1.25,, the closing price last night, and remained so for a time, everybody seeming afraid to make a moye. Then It began to go up.and at 1 1 o'clock was quoted at $rc and six minutes 'ater touched $1.50. Qcto was quoieu 99c: November, ooc ; De cern bes, 99 c : May,$ioi. The Question of Adjournment. WABiisNGTON.Sept. 28. There has been no movement looking toward adjournment since the proposition of Congressman Oates of Alabama was so strenuously op posed at the democaatic caucus held last week. It is probable that both houses will remain in session until about the 25th of Octobec, and then takes a reces, by un animous vote.untll November 12. Members of the house are leaving town, and evident ly expect that no more business will be done at this session. 150 cords of wood for sale st s bargain. Inquire of F H Roscoe. Pitcher's Castor ia. HOME AND ABROAD. THURSDAY. Mr A Ssudtrs arrived In the city from Pruievdla yesterday. The Lu county fair began yssterdsy at Eugene City. W C Tweadale returned this morning from Csliforuis, The most useless thing in the wot Id has bo 'ii disnoversil to be a campaign button on bos ooat. It is proponed to tskn some of the Oregon horses to Denver and Slt Lake City sfter the Walia Walla rsc.ee. The Mercury meu have slso been arrested. The people of Oregon sre getting weary of two much wholesale libel. J II Burkhsrt and wile leave to niKht for Washington. Msy their rejourn thero bv prosperous and happy one. The company of U H soldiers, that has been camping st the Hav, ate on their way OBI The ,tism passrd them tins morning at Kit City. Mr Arthur Hrastiehl and Miss Imx'w lltley and Mr (ieorre l'ierueaud Miss Nellie Hiley, were married in Salem yesterday. I he brides are sisters of Mrs 1 hos Hopkins, of this city. At Yaquina Bsy this year about all that will be dona will be the repairing of what hsa been undone since woik ceased. The north jetty will not he hrgnn until nest Spring. J A Archibald, recently from Ohio, has lo oalsd in this oitv ss permsnnut agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Mr Archibald is a relative of the two families Jiving near this etty by that name. Kph Cntnerou.tbsCorvellis foot racer, went to Euaene City lo day to take in lbs fsir. Burr .si.. .in, of this city also went to the same place, snd wtl! bathe guest of his unale the s in-nil of Lane county. Little Uyd Duuosn, aged 5 years, had his foot scalded oue day this wssk by the ovsr turning of s vessel idled with hot tomatoes. Tha burn is not deep, however, and the lit tie fellow's blisters will soon hash Pr vllle New: Mr J EBelshaw sold 100 quart of bis ya ritties of wheat eshthited at thn State fair to tbe Agricultural College farm for $100 and sold ths exhibit to gn lb Mechanics' fsir for $75. Premiums received for this same wheat f'iOO making $375 received for bis effort. Engeue Hryirtrr Saoh oases as tbe following narrsted io a Pnneville papur happen in Albany frequent ly l "Tbs person who mailed a letter recent ly io tbs Pnoevills Postoffios to A VV Stan ard, Brns-nsviilr, with two eanoeled on cent poetaae stamps pset-d on the envelope bad best r-call it and he pardon before tbe postmaster ml it to headqtiartera." raiDAY. L Senders has bsm in Eugene City buieg bortsa. A young man nsmed Mulligsn bas the vartotoid at Hslem. The tsx in J.-oinn.' count ha.i Uon placed at 20 mills. I .inn county promises to have aa many last horses as sny county io Oregcu. A live 'hettrical acaaoo is promise! in Al bany this winter. Van Tassel I has secured bis bailout, and will inak another deconsiou. Tbe barn of Mrs Love, ucsr Harrisbirg, was burned a few days sgo. Ed McAllister went to Eugene Wednesday to enter tbs University. J li Sross. tbe Waterloo hotel man, w.s in tbe city tbu afternoon. Joa Webber baa moved into his new bar bat shop in the Posbsy St Mason block. S P Brg r, Brownsville's popular furui turo dssler has been in tbe city to-day. Tbs New York's will win the League base ball penuaut Chicago probably second. Two big Eastern bas ball clubs will phy ia Portland provided $1000 is raised them. C L Morris, of Wasco eouoty, is in thecity Mr Morns bad chare o( the oounty poor bsrs at on ttm. Buffalo Bill is doing Washirgtuu CfctJ. Bill thirst af tr notonet y Its a tramp print er after a drink. Oregon bas mors trotting horses of the 2 30 class than any Ststs in th union accord, iag to bsr population. Mr Frank Stk. tia patent fence man is ia the city, sod informs us he intends to go to school tbi winter st J.fferson. Tbe difference between mellow old drink er snd a useful little mechino seems jvst this: One is s typs-writsr; tbe other s ripe tighter. Ths NVaabiogtoo oointy fair is in session. The farmers are invited to take their pro ducts snd sell them, on license being charg ed. A man want to jump from ths Portland hridg" Into th nvr. Let him jump Tbe sooner such fools sre out of the way the bet ter. J. M. Nolan haa discontinued his branch atorc .1 auuioa City, and Pets Callahan. who had charge of it is now a resident of Cor- vallta. Another fir visited MoMisnvilie yesterday morning. Hy or six buriosss houses being buieed. that city is having its share of ca lam 1 ties. Wendell Phillips one gave th advios: "Never call a man a bar." VV never do. It ia much mora polite aod just as true to cal! biiEi a gas met. r. Dr 1LA Day is' hop bona near Harrtsbnrg was entirely consumed by tire yesterday morning. The value of the bops was oearly $4000, pattisliy insured. The Dkmocrat received a copy of the .Jacksonville. (Pis.) Timr Last night. No signs of yellow fever wer seen it in excepf in the accounts in its columns. Dr. Row isud, of Salem has moved the fence from around bia elegant residence. We would like to see some Albany Dr. follow anit. 200 00 w a would be on his lawn before night Shot gnn quarantine against yellow fever hsa been established in many places in the South ; but w can go them one better. VV base it against small-pox right in tho little hamlet of Sheridan . The evenings are getting longer, and what are Albany people going to do during the rainy soason in the sociable 1 ioe. Shall we keep iu our horns, or shall we shske hands once in a while and become acquainted. A Portland mason employed a msn as tend er to carry brick aud mortar, who frequent ly asked for money in advance. At the end of bet week the mason said: "John, you have drawn fifty cents too much." "Don't men turn it, sor. Its s shmall tkrifle, and you're welcome to it. Milk, in the manufacture of ioe cream, ia first boiled and afterwards partially congeal ed. In the boiling a lacteal acid of bacteria is set free, that uniting with a hyposulphide of butyric oxide, against solidifies as a bis ulphide f stumakake in the congealm. This when taken into tha system produces oerttonital cramps, frequently ending fatally, (Show this to your girl. ) SATURDAY. Mrs E Quia of Scio, has been iu the city to-dsy. Mr JasiCarothers left yesterday ou a visit to Illinois, Oregon City schools have closed on account of diphtheria. Hon Harvey She ton, of Soio, haa been in the city to-day. Ths Oregon state penitentiary Ins been quarantined against visitors. Tbe Boston Quartette Club is to give a concert in Albany thia fall. A population of 20,000 is claimed for Tit coma. Seyer.l thousand too much. The assessment in Marion oounty thia year is $5,889,273, about $600,000 less than lost yesr. Two U. S. Army mules fell off a bank into the Yaquina river yesterday and were drown ed. Mr A Hull, of Brownsville, is talktag of moving hia cheese factory from that place to near Crawfordaviile. An auction sale of horses was held at the Schmeer stables this forenoon. The prices ranged up to $88. Hon Jeff Meyers has been in the city to day. He is now oonnected with the big saw mill on the 0 P near Manama. Jas Powell's bicycle furniture taken from his bicycle a few days ago, mentioned in the Democaat, were returned to him . Children Cry for A writer in a Eugene paper devotes s col- umn to telling whst nature ia. Better try and llnd out how to make sugar.out el pota toes. E L Power went to Halsey, to-dsy, where his father, a well known farmer, is lytngdso- gernusly ill, having giow n wort in the lst few dsys . Ths Willamwtt Vslley arrived from Ssn Krauciaoo yesterday aud last evening a speoisi train cam to the city with some f the passengers. Mr C it Burkhsrt has purchased the E N White farm uear this city, nf his brother, J H Burkhsrt, and will place thn same ou tbe market in small tracts. Hon i;.il.. it. MoClean will spesk in Al bany on Out 20, iislseyOct 10, Brownayillr Out 18. Hun C W Pulton will be in Albany Oct 13, HarrisburgOct 12. The signal service at this city is tsking a rest until th weather becomes more settled, When th rainy season begin, the rain fltg will bo iu Older, and if it Were up now the sight of it might purity the atmospheio some. I lie house of J I JcuiilUtfr, of living, WSS visited by trsmps a few nights ago, outing tbs adsenes of the family, aud sever! shot wer bred at a young man who was staying there, bat no serious damage was do-ie. Eu- gen 'i Journal. A lady from N'. brisk a, who has paased th summer on this coast snd spent s good iortiou of it in California, recently visited an Oregon fruit farm and prooouuowi the show of fruit as "ting far ahead, 111 ey ry lespect, of whst ah had seen elsewhere. Salem Journal . IIAItitlsiuttc Vacant houses all nearly occupied. Mrs. Dr. Cain, of Monroe, Is here visit ing to-day. John .Smallmon, Sheriff, was ou our streets t Id', morning. Wheat continues to come iu the ware houses and but little selling at present prices . F. McCartney, Mayor of llarrlshurg who iiastieen sick lor stone time b Improv ing. A. L. oottimcm, win 1 oon to be marri ed sill occupy theStitcs property this win ter. Uobctt White and young bride have moved to their new quarters for the win ter. Mrs. Damon Smith has returned to her home and friends after an absence of six weeks recucratlng in Southern Oregon. J. P. Schooling has sold his interest In ths llvcrv business to-day, to his partner, Ittu Met lam, who will continue the bi as usual. lir. 11. A. Davis bop bouse and 15000 pounds of Items burned vesterdoy. And in surance of $22Xxton contents but partially repays the loss. Mr Hayward, of tbe Copla hotel will leave, for Portland on Monav next to re side this winter and there will be splendid opening for some ho'el man to rent It. Just after crossing the fcrrv at this place the team of .Mr. Havjd V ilaou became un managable and becked dow n the little raise from theferrv and striking the boat with such force that the rope gave wav and both team snd load of wheat were precipitated in the river. One horse being drowned and but pan of the wheat saved. No blame U attached to tin-ferryman for the accident. We hear it rumored on our streets that through the action of our Ci!y Council in not mecfiug according to the conditions ol our charter, whether 00 account cf sick ness or intentional neglect, there will be a move for the purpose of a forfeiture of the Chancrin order to obtain a more perfect one. Hie public may never know the facta ; but wc have a right to conjecture and your w riter Is of the opinion that they were not satisfied with the workings of the present one, as they were not effectual in th" enforcement of 'law an order, and were w tiling and intended to forfeit the charter, thereby reverting back to the jurisdiction of tbe county officials, anu in time present to the Legislature for a new charter, with all the privileges and regulations of a po lice court. Itrvnltlna lajtsdlsn Terriloy. St. LoObbV Sept. aS Information com from Dougherty, Texas, that Gos. Guy marched into Tishomingo, and Chicks 01 w capital, yesterday, with an armed force. and took his seat. Guy was counted out by the Bird party, and Bird took htf seat as gover nor. Guv quietly gathered some of his party, and look the capital nnd Bird's party ov surprise. As soon as the Bird men sre aware ef the citangc In the govcsnorsslp hot limes are expected. It is rumored that the government iroops will be held in re serve for an emergency. The Vort tmt. HluitbAMi Ln.iiT.Mass., Sept. 28. The hurricane of the 36th caused the worst sea ever seen off Cape Cod by sailors of forty years' experience. The "largest fleet for years passed this point between sunrise of the 27th and sunset to-dav. IN It KM KM ttltANTK OF Little Claudic Mack, son of Frank aud Ella Mack, died Sept. 22nd, iSSS, aged 7 months, iCdays, A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home. Which never can be filled. Cod in his wisdom has recalled The boon bis low has given. And though the body moulders here, The soul h safe In heaven. F. and E. Mack. i' l.a.i.;lilui. Practical Tailoring. Summer and fail suits and pant in any style a apccialiiy. Cleaning and repairing pmmptly attended to, Main atrcst, Albauy, Oregon. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor la, When she was a Child, abo cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Cast on. 1, When slut hod Children, she gave them Caatorla Surveying. Mr. E. T. T. Fisher is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county Or. 'ij MADE Uvj . MAf FRESH TESTIMONIALS. B"or One Year. Howton. Tai. jobs, ism. 8 ottered on. yesr trlta N.urslgia aud had to si ei.j; was sorsd by Bl. Jbtiob 0!l Ho mum tuoa. martin. For TtTontbs. Jivton. rhlo. Juns r, ins. gained with NciirikigiA of til, fas. Sag ii ihrss moctki; oas UU.u vi Jacob. Oil i-..:. . . ,:i rvluro. S. F. b..i -' "1 Sllmile-. rrVSaaSSB. IU., Mry I, J I I. Am... uiras.ynn sjfo, llr. Egbert '. y" trss :...'ii with .- . -11,11 . in :,-a sns sws; j aaSsti I un-..- 1!" .a tried Si. Jscobe Oil; rtijaSvJ iu iu stiskss. Jas. T. Qoodaoi-, Druguijt. Pl'o.'.ipt. Ca: : Mars suffered I um St. Jscobs C ,i drives away a. i- - Ici-s. StSj Chin, Msy S9, ltfS. N: raigis tor many years; ; it . r . in aad anally I wlAbl use co other med-Lvi-UiA lTSlFEa. Sure. towsssa, lit . Jn o, Js. Tio TTifS of EJK- H r ANDEXSOH bad p.lt la the bead from oitiidiioo'l, nlucS ylo.d to SS. JscoliUU. G W. iiii) a brai - AS DauOGTETi AND DEAIJSS3. Pitcher's Castoria. fpr Infants and Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I Csstorla cares Colic. Coestroar lon. t raoonunerwl It aa superior to any prescription I saowntome - It A-Aacmrs, M. D.. I wi no. oafordBt, Brooklyn, v, Y. THE ctvr SPRUE TON;, AND sltrCCDssAa l.i 7 dj& Ta- fff-A. SaSwW- - Vsv AW IsfJaBaMaMaaBmlWt ',' J Haaafew aftlff ' Send for Catalogue and Price List fiH Bros. Wagon Co., 1 RAOINEa WIS. Stewart & Sox,' Agents, Albany, Or. ACADKMY or Our Lady of Perpetual Help, CONDUCTED BY THE BENEDICTINE SISTERS. ALBANY, - - - OREGON, Thia Institution is beautiful!y aitoatsd in ths pleaaant and accessil.le city of Albany. Ths location is retnsrkably healthy, tbs building new and well furnished with al. that contribute to the comfort and instruc tion of tbe pupils. Tbe p!sy tr unds are ex tensive aod well adapted to healthful cxer- Th constant aim of tbe t adhere is, whilst imparting instruction in ail tbe usc'nl snd retined branches, to train the toulhful besrt to virtue snd to instill s comxer.danle emu lation, thus educating for society members wti'iaill, wc trust, proye ao honor to our country. Pupils of all ti r-u munis eua!ly nceived. provided they comply with tin. refutations of tbe Academy. Bya admitted to the age of ten or twelve. Tbi Academy is incorporated aud author ised by tbe Stat lo confer academic bonore. Normal insti action of aspirants for teach er's certificates a specialty. TERMS. ti A l:l IN., -UOOL PER 1KBM ." t Entrance fte, payable Lot once $ .'.s0 Ivnsrd and tuition, peysbh iu sdvaece H.'.OO Music, instrumental, theoretical ai d Vocal with use of pisno or orgsn . . 15 00 Go 1 tar, with use of inalruraent 12 00 Zithers, without use of instrument. .. 8.00 Drawing and painting 8 00 Bed and IWifding 3.00 Fancy woik forms no extra charge for boarders. Specimens of mending required and inapctd weekly. A black dress for Sunday is the costume ; among other necessarica we met.tiou the loi lowing : Uno half d san towels. Ooe half dezen table napKinr. Dec upkiu ring. SELEvT DAY SCHOOL. rll TKKM PAYABLE IN . 1 v a M I . Primal y Depaiitneiit $ 5.00 Junior 6.00 Preparatory 8.00 Senior or Graduating Department 10.00 Graduating fee 10.00 Fer furthsr particulars spply at the Acad emy. O. O OHKHBY. C.B.I V KK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARK F.S, lachimsts, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. ' K are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron snd Brass Castings. PATTKHSb M4DK ON MIOKT OTl K. Special attention given to repairing al kintts or machinery. MCALISTER & WOODWARD. Homeopathic Physicians & Surgeon" Obstetrics, 'lreatin?nt of Chronto Dis eases of woman and children s specialty. All calls promptly attended day and Dight. Office in the Flinn Block. FOR SALE. at very low rates Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Boors and Blinds. Call for prices at yard on 6th St,. . as east ov O. A C switob. W. W, CR0WDER. nMuMIll MILLS, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Propiretor, T1TILL furniiih sacks to farmers and ff receive wheat at the usual rates of) storage. The highest market priee paiu 1 for same. Best Magnolia flour always on hand,for sale or exchange at reasonable rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. APPLE BOXES. Green and dry anple boxes at Zeyaa A Hochatedler's. Plaiiiag Mill., Albapy, Or. ftw Stomach, Diarrhoea, RnictaUon. tiV' PC"1 Without injurious Mefflsttlm Tag Cnrf sea Coarasv, 77 Murray Street, 2. Y THE BEST FARM WJGOH -IM THK MARK.fr ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. Ailkind v. rough, dressed ndsea8v . lumber ?latha w. pickets kept cacstantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. U 0. POWELL. W. R. K1L1KC POWELL & B1LYEU, vTTORNEYS AT JLAW, And Solicitors is thancerv, AlsBAMY. ... OKM.03I. Collect Ions promptly mads on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. par office In Foster's Brick.-fe vMnltnf. tTj. stites. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Pub lie -ALBANY, OEQON.. Ja Js WHITNEY, Attorney Ant! Oonnseilor At Lav IVotary Public. mm, OREGON, Will pracilos la all of the Courts o dais State. Ail btialneaa intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given thst the undersign ed has this day been duly appointed by tbe Couoty Court of Linn county, Oregon, Exe cutor of the last will aod testament of Willis Gaines, deeeaaed. All persona having claims sgaiost said estate are hereby notified to preseut them within six months from this dste properly verified sa by law required to the undersigned st his residence 18 miles esst of Albany, Oregon. September 7 th, 188S. Jons W. t; aim-:-, T. J. Stites, Executor. Attorney lor Executor. Citation. Inthe l . ui.ii. Court of the Stote'of Ore$o.i, for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of Edward Mur ray, deceased. To Mary J. O'Hagan and Ellen Murray, Greeting : IN the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are herehy cited aud required to be and ap pear in the Cuunty Coort for the oounty of Linn and State of Oregon, at tbe Court Uouae in the city of Albauy, in said county aud State on Monday Ihe&tbday or Keveatber. A. . I&ts, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon . f said day, the ram being a day of the regular November term, 1888, cf said Court, and then and there show cause, if any exist why au order of .sale, directing aod lieenrirg Anuio Murray, Administratrix of the estate of Edward Murray, deceased, to sell all the right title aud interest of said Edward Mur ray, deeeaaed. at the time of his death both iu law and equity in aud to the real property herein after described as prayed for in the petition of said Administratrix, which peti tion is now on file in the County Court of Lina comity, Oregon, and which real rop erty is desortbed as follows, to-wit : The west half of lot 4 ssd the north half of the east half of lot 4 in block 11 in the city of Abany, Linn connty, Oregon, That the lot is what is known as the old Exchange Hotel. Done by order of the Hon. f. R. N. Black bum, Judge of said County Court. . Iu testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand aod affixed the seal of said County Court at my office in the city of Albany in said county and State thia 10th day of Sep tember, 1888. l. s. E. E.- Montague, Clerk. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Iu the matter of the estate of John VV. Bo zarth, deceased. NOTICE ia hereby given that the under -ugned has been duly appointed Adminis trator of said estate by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and that all perso na laving claims against said estate are hereby required to present them together with the proper vouchers and proofs to the undersign od at the law office of J. J. Whitney, in Al bany, in said Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 14th day of iieptember, 1888. t. Feank. Wooi, J. J. Whttnet, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. at.