The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 28, 1888, Image 2

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    Utte Democrat
N VTI ', 3Ol'ltiTI .TICKRr.l
V P.j.Ui-Ja VOLiVliMU(lINcir York
r. Vim Prut 1 ml -VLUfijt 9, f mUUV, oT.Ohln
W Pr.l Units) MiHih
W. K
nl l.lnn f.unty.
XK. ( MuHnomiti
K. R. SftlPWit trit, l UmUtlU, rounty.
The Herald- Oiwmimator uvi :
"The burden of democratic argument it
to the effect that taxation should be remov
ed, yet when the republican platform says
that if it becomes necessary the only direct
tax that is levied by the government should
be removed, they raise th horror stricken
cry of free whisky and free tobacco. Thcv
recognize no Idea of tax excepting the fal
lacious one that tariff Is tax, and yet they
accuse republicans of wanting to remove
the tax from whisky and tobacco when not
the slightest intimation has ever been made
by republicans toward removing the tariff
from those articles."
The Herald editor I badly befogged
That the republican party wants to repeal
the direct tax in order to reduce the sur
plus is just what the democrats charge.
Now, what is the direct tax now levied by
the government ? It is the internal revenue
rax, that is the tax upon whisky, tobacco
and oleomargarine, ibis tax the Herald
aays wi.l b removed if neceaaary. The
democrats say this is the tax republicans
will remove before they would remove any
fart of the protective tariff duties. This it
what the republican p'atform proposes to
do. Then how In the name of all that is
reasonable can the Herald say that not the
slightest intimation has ever be;n made by
republicans towards removing the tax
fr.un these articles, meaning whisky and
tobacco. No, Mr. Herald, when you say
that your platform provides that if it be
comes necessary the only direct tax that is
levied by the government should be re
moved, you give your whole case away.for
the direct tax is the internal revenue tax
upon whisky, tobacco and oleomargarine.
The customs duties tax, as every ten year
old school boy knows Is an indirect tax.
Your p'atform pledges you to repeal all
the tax on whisky, tobacco and oleomar
garine before you would surrender aeyfart
of the protective system. It is useless for
any one to deny the free whisky plank in
the republican platform. It U there, and
the men who made that plutform meant
that it should be there. If they did not
repretent the honest and virtuous republi
can masses then let them and their works
be repudiated. They put in the free whis
ky plank because they believed in it, and it
will be found that they will say as much
before the campaign l ever. Whatever
else Major McKinlcy and his crowd may
be, they arc not hypocrite. Their plank
Is as follows :
"If there shall remain a larger revenue
than is requisite for the wants of the Gov
ernment, we favor the entire repeal of in
ternal taxes rather than the surrender of
any part of our protective system."
That is the free whisky plank. If taxes
must be reduced they shall comeoff whisky
and tobacco, and not off lumber, clothing,
salt,iron and stecl.and the other necessaries.
Free whisky means whisky at cents a
drink, or two for a nickel. Is the country
readv for it ?
Mr. S. 8. Train.editor of the Herald -Dis-
srmtmtor, the self-constituted grange organ,
has worked himself uo into a feverish state
of mind and mental ferment, (that becauc
he supports the free whisky platform,) be
cause we gently called him to account for
saying that Cleveland carried Oregon in
1884. He says it sraa a mistake that the
atatement was "inadvertantly" made. Very
we! I. We accept the apology. But this is
not enough. You made two other state
ments both of which were equally untrue.
You said Vermont at the late election gave
the largest majority ever given. This is
no more true than the statement about
Oregon going for Cleveland. Did you
make this statcment' inadvertantly ?" You
either knew nothing about the history of
elections in Vermont or you intended to
deceive vour readers. You can take either
horn of the dilemma which you choose
Again you said that Maine in her late tlec-
tion had made the biggest record since
1866. This i no more nearly true than the
statement about Oregon. Did you make
this statement "inadvertantly ?" You
either knew nothing about the history of
elections in Maine or you were intending
to deceive. As to our editorials on the
"free whisky" and "oleomargarine" feat
ures of your platform,the public has notic
ced In a marked way that you fail in every
instance to answer them. The reason is
we quote your own platform which is of
itself conclusive against you. You cannot
deny your own platform. You have not
the courage to repudiate it, nor the hardi
hood to defend it. Hence you can onl do
as you are doing remain mum and cry free
The Htrald instils that if Cleveland
wants to reduce the surplus in the treasury
he should do so by paying off United States
bonds with it. The Herald I reminded
here that none of the outstanding bonds are
due until 1S0.1. There is n law whl:h au
thorizes the Secretary of the treasury to go
into the market and buy bonds, but he is
compelled to pay such a premium as the
grasping conscienceless bondholders co fit
to ask. The Herald editor Is also remind
ed that since the 17th of April last, $04,
4993 has been paid out of the surplus hi
buying bonds nnd that this amount bought
'v $53,i6o,8oo In bonds at par value, so
that $1 1,333,363 of thr $64 ,499,163 was ac
tually paid out In premiums. While Secre
tary Fairchlld is very emphatic in the opin
ion that if l very unjust to the tax payers
of the country to call upon them to redeem
their debt by paying such enonnou pre
miums, yet it is the only avenue left open
by republican obstructionists for reducing
the surplus. The Herald would do well to
put the question to Its readers thin way :
Which is preferable, to reduce the surplus
in the treasury by buying bonds not now
due at a arge premium and continue tc
burden the people with heavy taxation, not
only to pay back these bondholders dolUr
for dollar, but in addition thereto large
bonuses besides in the shape of premiums
or to reduce the surplus by reducing the
war taxes on the necessaries of life, such a
lumber, iron, salt chemicals, tin.jutc sacks,
and many other of those thing essential to
the comfort and well-being of the people.
No intelligent person but knows that this
latter plan would result in the greater
good to the greatest number, Farmers,
business men and professional men feel that
it is burden enough to be taxed to pa y hur.d
holders in gold, dollar for dollar, for bond
which were purchased at 50 cenu on the
dol'.ar, let alone taxing them to pay large
premiums on these bones. To buy bond
at a heavy premium to get rid of the stir
plus when that surplus could be gotten rid
of by releasing the tax payers from the war
taxes on the necessaries of life is simply
suicidal. No intelligent business man would
do so In buMiics and why should the gov
ernment ?
iturkiea'a arnica eaive
The beit salve In the world for CbtS,
Hnilae, Soma, Uloera, Halt Khsum, Kever
Norm, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain,
Corns snd all Hkftl Krilptloiia, and posi
tively curee Pile, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perleet aattaraetion,
or money refunded. Price 21 eonta per
box. For aale by Koehey A Mason,
Absolutely Pure.
A marvel of purity.
Mora -onottkMi
strrnsth 't whH
tiisii tlx. i n Unary kin!., ..) ranitut bo M r,Yoni
nUUn lth tt tmtttttuda of Ur Us I, short
wct1tl,luaor txstttisU) pawtfers, Holdomlv IS
Ft V
the lumber monopoly. We nan furnish
to builders and contractor, rouirh. elosr
or liplahing
011 abort notioe. Thla lumber la out from
tho tot yellow fir, rafted from th cele
brated MoKlnxle timber reglona and menu
faoturod it Cohurg. Any quantity can be
furnished at Albany at low prices, It
needa no recommendation a to quality
and httuberof all kind on our yard oou
atanlly. Don't order without seeing o
trim ua. Wo will
ng or
aaye you
Albauy i.iiii, Co,, (
Fine Horses.
Wb have ju-r. bro.:ul.t. from Kaitet
Oregor., a lor. of fine era k rotae wi ie
e will sell ou terms to suit the times
Among tlx m Mies (!).. piomtsingyi una
driveis Irom Onrc, Ms it C Mitt f and
Edward Kreretr. Also a n chnio
heavy 11 sire. Anyone widnng to put
ohase a wiil do well to look tl Oai
over. Wo wtii take i.leeftote to all! W-
o all intending purchaser.
next oaat of H. K, Young's, Albany, Of
Gutting and Fitting a Specialty,
Wednesdays and Thuradaya of eaeb
week, ana paloting doue tooideron
plaquea and other material,
Nlee awortireoi ofVrtlats matertata on
Portivit Photographer.
Studio orner Neootid and Kerry Htreeta
near Opera Howe. J round flow.
Children's pioturee a specialty,
c 5
Oreaa and dry apple boiea at
tIoehtsUer's I'Uuiug Mill
Albaey, Or.
I'm jolly
and fat, though
I needn't nay that ; fb a
glanoe at my bice and a look
iu ray eyen, and you plainly can
M e thern'e no fliea nMn me. I'm
a little bit nbor. both 01 breath
and of hair, but from shonldera lo
koeea you oan aea I'm all there. 1
mile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff;
I refuae to be aad and 1 never get mad.
But you'd never aurmtae where my happi
neaa liea, no I'll up and confaee what y M
never oould gueaa. A good thiny to eat U
always a treat, winch wilt make you an awee'
a oar sugar eured meat,makea you fel ao c tttent
with the mcney ajent that you're bound feel ld ,
and you cubln't get tuad though a man just h hni s
a rati or a pin waa to pull at your nw or tread on
your toea. If you're U or your'.. eae, if yn.u V
pleasant or maan,juat give W. k T. rako
to sell you right low, you will feel
nob thrill of coo teatmeot until you'll
to eJ'y mote of tha.
immenae and youM
a-ri8e by buytf
visiofia a n d
New Goods
wisb you were fat
For the fer ling's
alow your good
grocer ie,pro
of WAT
tNtpmber the 2oth( 1884, the Oregonian
otd :
"The debt (public) may now be easily
managed. The war tariff must now be
cut down'
September 20th, 1088, it (aid :
'The American system,(protective tariff.)
has bean a wonderful success, and as long
as it works such results why demand a
change .'"
September 27th, 1804, it said :
"The Portland Advertiser, on the contrary,
savs that the working men do understand
that their wages are low and their employ
ment uncertain ; and when traveling ora
tors tell them that the. tariff gives them
ateady work and good par, they know bet
ter "
Slow that same piper with craven servii
ity Jmws to the lftheta of the party f free
whisky, e.beap tobaci o, -and high priced
clothing and food that thrift and political
Influence may follow syrh fawning.
Wimtr-.TO UO.
Km Iaiortant (iarMlua.
Some will ay to the gran J old ocean at
Newport ; some to bressy Ilwauo ; some
lo the health giving Springs at Sodaville
and Waterloo, and aome to where the deer
gras In tho monntiaus; but tbe tc-u-ral
verdict will be, when you are aner dry
gooda, boots, aboea, clothing, furnishing
goods, etc., to goto A. B. Mcriwaln'a, Al
any. Or. After tbe most bountiful har
vest in the history of Oregon the question
is a very important one. Big erope with
low prieaa and good goods will make
things flouriab. If you would realia? tbia
combination call on Mr. Meltwaiu aud
you will be tiken through hi large
doublo store and l abown gooda and
priea that will Impress this fact on your
mind, tils stock of dry gooda is oom
plete and eelecled to meet tbe cincde of
this groemg community. In drew goods
of all kind ho haa a atoek that apeaaa fur
itMeir. New deaigns, wtylesi and patterna.
Hia line of woolen gocMla it remarsablv
flue, and aa fall la new here, doservea your
eonalderation. Huperior gooiia at low
prices la tbe program. Ills stock of flan
nets is a goo.i one and now la toe time to
toy. In : ad let' shoe be can surprise you
at their cheapne considering the qnality
of the article. You will not ioae anything
by examininK his boot and aboe etock
yn-ralJv. Mr. Mcllwalu'a elotliinir aul
lurii'sninggooaaaenaririieut is weu atoek
ed with a good asNortmeut of gioda which
be la telling at very low prices.
Mr. Mel I wain's f?ood generally have
been bought under .be market, and hence
eau Lo eold at price. t hut defy competition,
farmer, labuitig men, mecnanie. men,
wontn and children nbould Inspect hie
lrgn aasortmetit of foods, at it wiii hn
business for them r d ao A dollar aaved
la a dollar earned as much now as ever,
and Mr, Mullwain propMiM to boipyou d
he saying by giving you tbe prices and
Lsrge crops and high pricoa for wheat
in order to mitie prosperous timeaahould
oe folioaed by close buying lu the beat
market, hence it wiil be to your advant
age to call on A. B. Mcllwaln who haa the
goodi and prices to give you bargina anch
as e-uiuot be obtained elsewhere.
Tallman, Or.
New sh'u3 st Read's.
New Wash House.
I- Cninaroan, a ho livtd in this town for
ina.,y yer and wm so well liked by every.
Ixdv has rttartitd and will open up a new
wash house the first of Septern' cr. o:e door
south of the Itvere House. Lea dots sood
work and wants e very bod y to get their
washing d cc by hi 111.
All pSfSOM knowiuc thernse vei in
to Drt. McAllister & Woodward, are hereby
notified to call and settle at once and save
Dfe.H. McAllmtkii L WrjonwAitii.
Ry all m aus call on
Parker Brothers.
Smuewrs ta ohn Fax, 'er yemr
Produce, Baked Good:, Etc., Etc,
Their goodv are the best and tlu tr prices
I hereby certify ibit Dr. I. P. Woodle
haa auccesafully opera-o t on mv ridling
boras, ISAAC I1AY3.
For further rsferenee lu regard to rldg
inga inquire of Wm- i'eteraon, lure I'm
ternon, 1 ebanon : Jobn llardman, slfrel
W'olverton. Albany ; Sam Uaines, jseto ;
Win. Foster, FrioevllU. f practice veter
iosry me lieine to Albsny and eiuntry
surrounding. oMIce and reidenoe corner
etb aud VVihinKton Hta.
1. N. WOOWM,
Veterinary Surgeon,
Assorted Burhaiik sxd t'cerle-s potstM
deliyeied at- 2.') c-nts -. bushtl. Klu 40
busheia fnah navy soap beans at 4 cents per
pound Drop me card in rnatolice.
Notice for Publication.
I .-. i t OfUce at Oregoa City, Or, l
Sent. "1st. Isss. t
Nutiee is hereby given that the followteg-
named settler haa nbd notice of his lateutmn
to make proof tu support ef hia elaim. and
that said prtxit will be made before the Coon
ty Judge or ia hia absence than tbe County
ira ot Men county, (rregoo, at Albeay,
trrcoo, on
Taesdar Xeveaaber IfsJi. laaa.
Via; Jsni-a II. Trahtree, Incnetad Kotrv
No. 471. for the N U of 8 W. N W of 8 K
and S K of N W wf 8ea 23, Tp. 10 8 it 2 W
ite naatea b- folbortog witoeaaea to prove
hia contiuonns residence upon, and cultiva
tion si aaiil land, vis : Otto Herfliog, A
Summers, John H Smith and Joba Holt, all
of Scto 1. ()., Una county, Oregon.
W. T. Bt'KY,
lotica for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or. )
Sept. 2lat, IKW.
Notice ia hereby given that tbe following
named settler baa fiied nUe of bla in
tenllon to make final proof In aupport of
bla claim, and that aaid proof will tie
made before tbe Coant? fudge or In bla
a been re i.hen tbe County Clerk, of Idnn
county, Albany, Oregon, on
Vrtatajr. Xeveaaber Sib. lass.
via : John It. Stewart- Homeetead fcntry ,
No. &i30 for the S J of 8 H of Sec. 18, Tp
lo 8 It 1 E He namea rbe following wit-
o'ssea to prove i eoniinoona raatosnce
upon, ai.d cultivation of. aa'd land, via:
h-..t. II.,. I. Mi.roc taU. V. Ul and
Tho. Large, all of Scio. Linn county, Or.
W. T. Hi HeKY,
Deab ra In all tho latent improved Pianos,
Orger.', Sowing Maebloes, (June. Also
a full line of warranted Kazira, Hutcber
and rocket Knives. The tiest kind of
acwlng iMa hiue oil, needles and extras,
for all inachuiea Ail repairing neatly
am reatooaDiy ion.
aV s '
S S . r
m . , - me m A
( thei the Ocapit
1 hi Ureon,
'ufew&qmp ,1 1 .. .1 l:isirnr.:on. .iai-
llhcil reput linet.pT' u i- ' sal irlty, Buifnett,
HhorlheutC. Cimmon Xi hool anil Penmuntklp Depnrt
mentt. HtllilcntH ittn,lt ted ill any time. Catar
lo-'tie and sueemieba f iiemmtnahlp sent fre.
J. A. WHO Her'j. A K AKMkTBONO. Prla.
import ana oe
hardware, Iron, teel,
Solo Agents for Oregon and Washingfon for
JIalmky, Sept. 25th, 1&88
Editor Democrat :
A republican friend of mini savs the
prohibition vote in .daioe at the election
the othttr dav was less than it was in the
September election of J8S4. Give us the
official figures.
(The official vote for the prohibitionists
In September, 1884, was 1157, and in the
election flic other day ir was 2971 ,ora gain
of 17S1 Vns Democrat.)
Jif snylhing wtrc needed lo show the
ine-cetiay apostasy and niter tack of loy
alty to right principle xts discovered
throtigli the reason and coneeteme of the
editor of tns f)rejrouia, that need vill be
iound fully supjied in the supplement
.wtoich wc furnbh wilh the Democrat to'
slay a a ii,,'o 1 t itbouh the Ore-
goMit 1 U today the servile organ of the
protection ?urty. it utterly unab e to ans
wer its ovn argtimfafx o fully set forth in
I h sup y' " FVit Ty 'emocrat read
it and ass. uii ici ubo. an o. i.o do so
'S'V mWw
flj Jjf Ty iar f
Administratrix Notice.
Notice ia hereby giveo that the undersign-
ad haa leen by the County Court for Line
county, fJretfon. duly appoint I Adtniniatra-
trix si the esUte of Ueorge B. McKioney.
deceased, late of Uon county, Orruoo. All
persona having claims aoainat eaul estate are.
hereby notitiwl to present them ptoperly
verthrd to the nndersioeetl at her reatdince
nrr 1 bstioii, within six mouths from this
This 10th day of September, l&8
Kmily McKixaET,
Administratrix of said estate.
J. K. Wrath ebvoko.
Attorney for AdminUtratrix
Wallace b Thompson's Fat .Han,
Flinn Block, Albany, Or.
To Exchange.
The undersigned destrea to exohae
good brood mare, 12 yeara old, for hog 1
fatten t hia fall. Call on or addreae A
lSndgefarmer, Tangent. Or.
1 he amount of delinquent taxrs that ia
placed in my banda for immediate collection,
ia a' out 28,000. They ro a from the year
18 i up to 1888. By order of the County
Court I am compelled to collect the delm
nuent taxes, with milaue and coats. Pleaae
make immediate payment and aave mileage.
And if partiea don't come forthwith and set
tle their taxes I wt!l leyy upon the gooda
aud chattels of anch deliuqeut taxea.
Yours Truly,
John Kiiallmon,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Severe House;
Fitted up In flrsMdses style. Tablee
supplied with the beat in the market.
Nice alesplng apartments. Sample ronma
for commercial travelers,
aVTFree Coach te aad from tbe Hut al.TRa
Blngle. Double, or Trlpplo Furrow. They ore so simple and come ao near absolute perfec
tion, that those who have used t hem or seen them work can not say enough in
their praise. We furnish them with or without seat attachment.;
Meat attachments are extra.
Buckeye Jfoe Freaa Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior
Grain Drllia, Superior Seeders.
The latest Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The moat complete and
successful tool for this purpose In use. '
We also have a full line of Buggies, Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Wagons,
Platform and other Spring Vehicles,
lawrence & eiiapln's Bprlng-Tooth. Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills,
Pacific Fanning Mills,
i. 'Thrall, A fjrent, JLlb any. Or,
Fraley. sun of the undersigned,
Benton fraley.
left the State of Kansas ten yeara ago to
come west, since which time I have not
heard from him. Any one knewiog his
whereabouts or information concerning him
will confer a great fivor by communicating
such tdthe undersigned.
Hi on FralBY,
Linvore Cal.
Farmers, remember that we this year
hive the Oaborne Steel Frame BltiM-s
and Mowers, the wrongest, ligbeat run
ning, and beat made machine in the
market. e can give you Juat aa good
terora as anyone', and probably a little
better ; at any rate come and see ua be
fore ypu buy.
Stkwart fc Sox.
In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the
Following Departments:
DRY GOODS I" l14 'I'artmeot my stock is un MiHy hr aud oaipi-t-Drtae
goods lu all the lesding stvls ; gor4 shd I'.r Fli ud vVuit:r ' ear
Mlrcred from tbe lest Ksaiem and K-.' ' Import. i ur. The latest novel
ties in trim m toga and button, shawl, bUukea, some et rag iod value in
white blankets, table linen, towel, etc.
CARPETS My enlargiJ fan'tli f,t sHowiog carpels Ims ensl lrd m to
make sStfjl purohaa in tbia d-urtitint. lean slut a lis- line - I Iugratne
t low price, sotn cbdice paiteroilii U iy ll'U-r.U od Tpentrie. Ism
oiaking carpeta a )oaling branch ot ut lMUaaesjB.
ROOTS AND SHOES ' Ctt'rv ,b- lrt cr B and Sh-. i., the city -
nd base paid 8ecial ettentioM to g (ting the i buit I i; .hta trad-'
and I ceo show a One lion of 40 l. I kerp in MoiU the best ukea in tb
ct'Uotrv, and have endeavored t" gt lli-o l 'ow j ,ic- 10 11 that I cau gaar
ante 10 giro aatisf act ion. Avthtg in B Sb. . i R.hbw for men, wti
men an 1 children can be (our.d in tht. sVfsrtSMsn, J j, in fsct a stoe rtore
of itself.
GROCERIES m ! crial tt"it.i tt to ki t ill i: i.f Stip e
Fancy Giocorise, uncolored tea, roaited and gro in 1 otflTeee. caWBSw fuiis, the
area. Secialties in breakfast f'.d-, ftc, can ll u t ).. 1 i , his d . ,r u m t.
Pore, fresh goods end good ve'tte for wm . is in. aits.
I vould especially call tbe aiteutitu of pa tiri in
supplies to mv large stck f
ibr ir Vail
City Drug Store
-A full
acssUsiiUy on baoo. A new ud con(4aU Ho ot
Physicians and Family Prescriptions Carefully Prepared,
choice mmm m imported cigars.
w .ir 1 lie best and u m t'uisble lt:niitutetbat Is ntMifsrturc d In tbecitjr o lo
Thomas Brink.
B keep almost everything in tbn line of furniture that ia kept in a Gri clan hoa
1 am bette prepared ikan ever to meet thir w-itts.
paitmenta I am prepared to meet the
lu all d-
Growing Demands of Linn County,
City of Albany,
And ask a (borough inspection of my stock.
Albany l'svrsl aud Offiee ou Raflroad St., between' Ub and StaMtreet
Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed fr the
prompt aud satisfactory filling of orders, I respectfully solicit a ahare of
the trade.
A. Wheeler.
Samuel E. Young.
Successor to IS. y, Langdan.
and everytbmte kept in a first olasa Drug
Store. A Iso a flue tvpok of pianos and
Ftrs'-clsss gotida st Nottom prioea in tbe prinlla wani. Tl'i 1 hvi
at, my store in ihis ci r- Bought at Bankrupt an lea I see biv erock oi
General Merchandise
coDbistiog of diet goods, gepta furnjhiog goods, clolbiug, etc.,
Manufacturer of Choice Cigars
C.gara, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Br .'r Pipes, and a
line of Smokers' Art ales, Also dealer
notioe to mmm,
(via Yaquiua to Sun Fi'auciaco.)
Of wheat, oats, hops and wool. I am pre
nared to take Marino Insurarce on all certain
hops, wool or suy conslrmieots p'tsmtds to :
nd from sj"n F;n' i-';. F r fu-'h r i-nrtie- '
It's '8 ttddn
fjasb or gpofjs wH brt paid for all kioda of country products.
Sheriffs Sale.
a the Circuit Court of the State o Oregon for
Xaaa vounty.
M. Powell, Plain tii
Samuel Attridge, Defendant.
NOTICE is hereby uiven that by virtus of
au Execution issued out of the above namod
Court in the above entitled action, and to me
directed and delivered on thn 23rd day of
August, 1888. I did on the 24 h dav of
August 1888, levy up n all the riuht. title
and inttrust of the Deftmd.-iot in ami to
the real property herein after describe!, sno;
I will on
tssturdny the traMU day or October, lgas.
at the Court House door iu tlx- city f At
bauy. Lino county, Oreiiou, at the hour of
one o'clock, p. m,, sell at public auction for
cash iu hand to tbe highest bidder aaid real
property described aa follows, to-wit 1 Land
claim notification seven thousand one hun
dred and twenty-four (7124), the same lyiii
and being in sectious seventeen (17) an
twenty (20), township thirteen (13), No. one
(1), west, in linn county, Orrgon, consisting
Mice of Final Settlement
Notice ia hereby given that the undersign
ed Executrix of the estate of John Shore
deceased, has filed her final account in the
County Court for Linn souuty, Oregon, and
the Court has set the 1st day of October 1888
at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for hearing
g, objections and settling ot said estate
Julia A. Shokb.
The bent Vuriet'es of maeJiiue oil to he
hsd are kepi by M.-wart Sox. espe.
the kinds that have been tb.r. ughlv tested
by the l.tnti .-ounty turners, t'ri, uar-
Agent California Ins,
Ala Harris,
Co., Y equina, Or,
of qijc hundred and sixty (160) scrs of 1st
more or lew 1 e p: : ). a . n ' .
Sale Ql said pr (' H ll hs 1 ij'it
to the p. raeut of !& etHtti n4 disbars;.,
ments of suit axed at $19.25 aad accruing
costa. Second to the payment to the Plait -ttff,
J M Powell (he sum of $(58.00 with in -teres
t thereon at the rate of 10 per sent p r
annum fron. the 25th day of June, 1S88.
Third the overplusif any therebe will be paid
ever tb the Defendant. Sarnu! Attridge.
John Smailmon
By D. S. Smith, Soeritl.
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., 1
September, 22nd, 1888 . j
Notice is hereby given that the f ollowibg
named settler has filed notice of bis intention
to make final proof in support of 5 claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Judge or in his absence the Countf
h-rU of Linn Cnm , Q- on, at. n.-.vjj
Oregon, on
Wednesday, November 14th, lgsi,
viz : Calvin C. Cooper, Homestead Entry
No. 4679, for the N i of the N E i of lota J
and 2 of Sec. 28, Tp. 13, S R 1 E. He
names the following witnesses to proye his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
ef, said land, viz s Geo. H. Miller, tleo. W. ens. Thomas Veddle and Paul gio
'is, HfSe Horr.e, Tjiwn eoirni-v 0'
W.T. Buky,?