The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 28, 1888, Image 1

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2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 Al END
Iaaued sv.ry Friday by
Ii the beat
Advertising medium
In tbe Central
Willamette Valley.
Advertising rates made known on ap
I StlOU.
Crockery, Glares Ware and Hardware
Agricultural Implements
4geiit ior I ire and Harino Insurance
BenBrik Job Work, Brassing and
Sawing LumbBr. Repairing,
Etc,, Etc,
Special advantage to purchasers of
r stic flooring,
Faetorj l loot of Lyon street.
New and Second Hand Store
Owing to toe lm;r sved demand of our
baalnnss we bsv wan compelled to move
Into laiyer store Md we can now be
found n-xt door to S E, Young, when
we will be plsed to nee our patrons. If
you t.eod anv kies, firuiture, tinware.
Spa -kery, clo;ks. carper, pictures, frnlt
Urs, trunks, hooks, roller skates, saddle
sawn, planer, etc and thousand dif
ferent an I use a tides you cm n H do
bettor t?iU si I f n Pr"si MO than you
can do with u on a purchase or exchauga
123 Flint Street, Albany. Or.
Linti anty Bank,
Successors to Cowan ft Cusick.)
TRANSACTS a general banking business.
DRAW 3lO B r D VP Hon N Turk. San Fran
toco and Portland, Oregon.
LOAN MONBY on approved security.
RI.EIVE deposits subject to check.
COuGGCriOtfl mirur:al tojaa will receive promo
JOHN A. CMWFQRD, Propiretor.
WILL furni-h sacks to farmers and
receive wheat at the usual rates of
storage. The highest market prie paid
for same.
Beat Magnolia floor always on hand,f..r
aale or exchange at reasonable rates.
H. i. MnrraoftX, Pr. a. B
8. Fa as, Vies Pres. Q.
8 Cook. S c
II. M JJ4 17o
TheOregon Land Company
Organized f r trie BKVpnM of bayioir and cilia- red
estate, adver ising .he Will tueUe Tatar in all of the
leading newse ipers of the United State. Kmpl lag
Eaatern aeat Uj lireJt hooie seeker to ihe i)'aa
ette Valley, and b iiu amenta in all the principal
town of Jlarioo. P lk. Uam, Uvnvtn, Clackamas and
Yamh'll c mnti'rs t aid in tic-niug imnrvrant.
Oific in the Tale B lil.linj ne A-tt west of Stew
art A i'a. .
tfjrliife j Jiii.M Tatarinary
, o-v.i i . f I
m estic mini Oa s;i uttfl I
Kd-ii Ion saJ H -3 iff
(ipr-t i V v
t s ' a l do
I j r ei4t id" . ? , i jnu.i & Rnganr
ill H
Office in the Flinn Block.
very low rat s.
iimbar, SiimgiBS, Lath, Posts,
Pickets, Fence Trimmings,
Bash, Doors and Blinds.
fall f'ir prices a, ytr.l
eiHi o. . A 0 awittMi.
on 6tb St,. . 11
We start in this season with 60,000
pounds of absolutely pure maul! la bind
log twine, which we will aa!i at as low a
puce as the quality of the goods will ad
in it. There is very little of the nure In
tbe market, aud agreat deal of poor twine
is being offered at low prices. We would
be glad to fill your cedars for tbe best
Stewart a Hox.
Albany Soda Works.
And Manufacturers of-
We are sow prepared to Mil at whole
sale, always fresh and pure at Portland
firioes to dealers, We also keep a fuM
in of
Mb and Tropical Fruits,
.Conrad Meyer.
Onrusr Broadalbin and First Sts.,
(aaail fruit.
Dried Fruits,
'nu lia,
u wa r',
In ('. evrythlnc the, la kept la a Ren
rS variety and grocery store. Highc
market price paid for
Physician and Surgeon,
OlBo. -oor. Flr.t .nd K.rrjr StrMta,
Attorney at Law,
Office. Odd Frllow'a Temple,
all business will receive prompt attention
Albany, Or., Agent for
Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles.
New stock cf ibbS pattern bicycles just
received. Bargains in second hand wheels
all sizes and pikes. Call and examine
ock or send for catalogue fiee
Red CrownMills
Highest Price in Cash fo
0. lv. Faint Shap.
House and Carriage Painters.
Decorators and Paper Hangers
Piano Varnishing.
Alt work guaranteed.
(Successor-' to Henry Hosmos.)
The bsMt varieties of ma ;hin oils to be
had ars kept by Stewart A Sox, especially
the kiiiditthat have bosn lborouibly tested
by the Lmn :untv fttr nors. Priees icur
i '(t - l
I my
L I,. . .
.k.r ny
in i t ucy
aoj u i
d- ba
Aig22, 188S
iiiM .VUii. li UsiUii
(P ALIftSt, OKEsJOfl.
PresiUent U FLSN
Vice r-realdent b. K. YOt NO
Caalder UfcO. K. uHAMHI.KI.aIN
Ass'tCadiler JAB. F. I'OWKLL
TRANSACTS A OENEKAL banking business.
ACCOUNTS KKl'f subjet to bck.
BIOHT KXCHANUB ami telezrapbiu transfer, sol
on New York, San I nnciaco, Ctiicago sud
COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable term.
E. Yoiwo,
Oso E Chsmbssi.aii
L. Fmbm,
Wamks E Tijrrkli,,
Druggists and Booksellers,
Agents for John B. Alden's publications,
rhlcb we sail at publisher's prices with
The oelebrateJ engines, separators and
uaw mills manufactured by Russell A Go.
of Masai lion, Ohio, are now sol J by ut.
Tbev are fat taking the lead in tae
Valley and invarlaoly give satisfaction.
Stbwabt A Pox.
Before you start your mower, binder or
threshing outfit coma to our store and get
your duplies. We keep almost anything
yeu will need, and at prices you will be
SAtwaed with.
Stkwart A Sol
Nxw Opfu:rrx. -TIim following are the of
Hoora elected by th. Stat. Agrioultur.J Ho
oi.ty to aervo th. ooming year : M Wilkina,
proaideut ; K L Hihbard and C V flurkhart.
Vice preaid.nta ; inontlier. and matiagora
from oountiea Baker, Oeo Chandler; Bon
ton, Jaiiia Bruco ; Clatsop, Dr A C Kitiu.y;
CUukamaa, VV Mills, W Klliott ; Crook, A
UMtofl ; Coluinln.i. Merrill; DouglM,
Jainea Htoharda ; Jaokaon, Jas Bybo. ; l.ak-.
J F Miliar ; Linn, s A Dawaoo ; l.n-. K B
Hayes, John Simpsou ; Marion, Iwia Msv
' ; Multnomsh, Henry 1'r.ttyuiau ; I'olk,
Thoa Kiohm nd ; Umatilla. W A Sampt. ;
Union, I N Smders; Wathington, Js.
Whvttni', J mini liuhrio ; Waaon, I) 8
Kinuey ; Y .ihiil. (lrot Allen, '.V'm Oal
loway ; Morrow, D.ivo Hrrron.
Otiikk WAYs.They not only get away
with n man's money by big prices at Salem
during Sttc fair week ; but they have
divers other little ways down there for los
ing witnesses the following from
the Statesman : "Night before laat Dr.
Clotigh, of Walla Walla, and J. K. Mlaner.
the well-known horseman, occupied Mayor
Van B. Del.uHhmult's room at the Chemc-
keta hotel, and when they woke ventcrday
morning, they found that some one had
entered the room from the window during
mc niiihi ;unl .uHtr.u led from the Dockets
of the former about $Joo, and from the Lit
ter 5l, I he tik'ht hefure f.i M;it in k
the hoi cmau, and hU wife. It each a
wach in the same way. Thcv also missed
money. Jake Webber also reported a
watch stolen, and several other narties were
likewise robbed."
Wiikrk Was tiik Jokk.-A friend of
ours in Allanv, who has a babv aliout the
same age as little "Suey the Chinec baby
at Jim Westfall's, thought it would be
good joke to purchase a picture of the lab
ter from Crawford' gallery, label it "our
babv" and forward it without comment to
Eastern friends. In due course came a tet
ter acknowledging the receipt of the photo
with the statement that the relatives and
friends were delighted to receive the same,
and all to whom it wa submitted thoujflit
that "whilst the costume was a little too
much on the wild western atyle, the baby
looked verr much like its 'father." The
joke was such a good one on our friend
hat he could not resist to tell It on him
self. CoavAt.ns Mrs. J. T. Wolfe went to
Portland Tuesday to reside. Her son,
George, who la still at the Bay. will follow
her Mouday The infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson Porter died in this city
on lat Friday and was buried in the Crys
tal Iake cemetery Sunday morning .... A.
W. Rose and Samuel M vers are back again
from their mine In the Blue river mining
district between Linn and Lane countie.
They brought along some specimens which
are on exhibition in Rose Bros.' cigar store.
They are rich with metals, and the above
named gentlemen have a bonanza. I. etui
rr and Craxaitt.
Dekr Hi Ni t.vf. "W. H. Pretty naM,
the well known nurseryman, was in town
yesterday and visited the fair. In company
with T. C Baker, D. W. Rumbotigh and
Harry Cooper, he went up into new hunt
ing grounds in some of the Linn county
mountain. They killed twenty-! deer,
carefully drying every pound that they did
not use fresh, even to the tongues. They
could have killed fifty, just as easy, but
they were too good sportsmen to slay one
more than they could utilize." -Salem
Apple Blossoms. Mr. John A. Brown,
a well-known gardener who resides near
the Warm Springs Agency, presented this
office with a twig from an apple tree this
week bearing freh blooms and young ap
ples as large as cherries. The tree from
which the branch was cut has borne one
crop of mature J apples this year, and is
evidently doing all in it power to produce
a second one. People who arc wont to be
lieve In "signs" say that a phenomenon of
this nature Indicates war. We can well
remember of having such a hypothesis
poured into our incredulous ears' when a
child. Prineville Xtws.
I. 0. O. P. Statistics. From tb. report
of the Grsnd Sire of the Sovereign Grand
Lodge of the IOOP, s copy of which has
been furnished us ty Grand Representative
W C Tweedale, we take the following:
Grand .'odges, 54; subordinate lodges, 8331;
jr. I encampmeots, 45; subordinate cacamp-Qjanlc-,
2048; lodge initiations daring the year,
53 331; total membership, 555,722. an in
ereae during the year cf 25,422; enosmp
meat initiations during the year, 10,932; total
encampment member, 101,742; tutal relief,
APlcckv Max. -Lewi. Storch is a new
aettler on Williams creek, hiving Isst week
purchased a homesteid of 160 sere, of Olive
Sargent. Mr. Storch left his home in Klls
wotth, Kansas, something over five week,
ago, ln-irig as his objective point Josephine
county. The entire ditanc9 was msde by
ceaas, mui m b
sl ul i pu y aaw a
w it- ! II , k
I ti
I tin.,
nre- a
U a
in reaei
I of I
lies Wiicu.s." If aw itsi Slug otd tfisg
iisli law sveM lu inc.! bum in -. . . oou.ti
would soou he full .f witchcraft c .-:
"Whosoever shall e.ttice into bonds of matri
mony auy male uljct of her umjesty's liy
mean of rouge, whie patats, Spanish cotton,
teel orattts, crinoline. Mgh-headed ihuei ur
ftttehipi, hil be pronwcu r ,-d for ituhcrait
aud the martMKti declared 11 ill and void."
Political Drift. -The Eugene Regis
ter tells the following whonner : "To
7 "
show the drift of political sentiment in
this county, it is said that an old line dem
ocrat who never failed to vote solid for his
party has agreed to vote for Belvs Lock-
wood in consideration of a handsome nun.
given him by a republican.and the old gen
tleman ien so iioou over his bargain thni
he gave the republican, who is an old sol
diery good sized pig to boot."
The Libel Case. The cate of thebaic
agt. II . P. McGulre, the Sitings man, for
libel, was called before Justice Humphrey
last Thursday. The defendant asked to
waive examination, but several witnesses,
to-wit, Chas. Casey, M. L. Dorris, C. G.
Burkhart, H. Lampman and A. Meyers,
were examined. The defendant was held
under $500 bonds to await the action of the
Grand Jury.
Sues for' Divorce. Mr. Kinross, form
erly of Portland, has sued for a divorce
from his wife, drunkenness being the
grounds for the same. We'll wager an
old bottle Mrs. K. has more cause to ask
for one than her "mashing" husband, who
used to be rated the greatest dead beat in
Died. At the residence of his grand
parents, in East Salem, Wednesday morn
ing, Sept, 19th, 1888, at 4:20 o'clock, Olin,
only child of Rev. Walton and Rose Skip
worth, of Lebanon, aged 13 months and 19
Murk Siptino. -Mr. H. P. McGuIre
and Chas. F. Potter were in the Democrat
oflkc last Thursday about 5 .interview
ing this office when Constable Burkhart
appeared and notified Mr. Potter that he
was under arrest for libel. He was taken
to the court house given an examination
before Justice Humphrey, and held to
await the action of the grand jury under
$450 bonds. Mr. Potter Is and was fore
man of the Sitingt oilier, and having In
formed Mr. Uurkitnrt in Portland that he
knew who the Albany correspondent wa
he wai considered a good man to arrest
under the statute. If there are any more
who bad a band in the matter they will be
duly captured. It Is proposed to break
this slanderous business of wholesale libel
of ourcitixeus up at most any cost. Mr.
NU Gutre still insists that he was only a
stockholder end bad nothing to do with
the management of the paer ; but it looks
very much as if he will find out before that
matter terminates that he was something
more than a witness from a distant hill top.
He will find that It would have been a
cheap way out of the matter to have dl
vulged the name of the correspondent. A
dUrcputshic correspondent to any sheet
ought to be given away.
Lebanon. While Mr. Hindmaii ami
family were over on the coast someone en
tered hi barn and broke up his little step
son's tricycle. .. .A. R Cyrus took charge
of the St. Charles hotel last Saturday even
ing, and will run it under the management
of 11 K ParrUh ... Married, at the resi
dence of Rev. t;. W.Giboncy, in Lebanon,
Sept. iv' I. iSSS, Mr. Paul Anni. to MU
Florence Story, all of Linn county. . . .We
arc plcaucdto note the fact that on nevt
Monday the fall term of school will begin
at Suntlam Academy under the efficient
management of Prof J L Gilbert and an
able corps of altant. MU Hcta Gilbert
will conduct the musical department
Will Abbott, Frank Gill. John Carey and
Joe Bilyeu, some of the best young men of
Scio, passed through I,cbanon Wednesday
on their way home from a three week s
trip to the mountains. They reported kill
ing fourteen deer and catching an abun
dance of fish. Kxfrra.
A BiHi.u vi. Pi lk. It take a good
Bible student to solve the following: If
you multiply the number of Jacob's sons
by the number of times the Israe'ites com.
paed Jericho, and add to the product the
number of measures of barley which Boa
gave Ruth, divide tbl by the number of
Hainan' on. subtract the number of each
kind of clean bcat that went into the ark,
multiply by the number of men that went
to seek Elijah after he was taken to heaven,
subtract from thi Joseph' age at the time
he stood before Pharaoh, add the number
of stones In David's bag when he killed
Goliath. ubtract the number of furlongs
that Bethany was dUtant from Jerusalem,
divide by the number of anchors cast out
when Paul wa shipwrecked, and subtract
the mi ruber of persons saved in the ark, the
remainder will tie about the number of bod
sidewalks in Albany it I actually danger
ous to walk over.
Ir Trir. The following l going the
rounds of the press, and if tiue, certainly
give the newspaper a bb? privilege when
it comes to collecting back subscriptions ;
but we haven't heard of any arrests any
where yet : "The latest postal decision l
to the effect that publisher of newspapers
am, under the law, arrest any man for fraud
who takes the paper and refuses to pay for
It, Under this law it is a dangerous trick
for a man to allow his subscription account
to run from six months to a year and a half
unpaid, and then tell the postmaster to mark
it refused or send the editor a postal earn
to discontinue tht paper."
Military r. lection. Thursday a
special election for a successor to Lieut.
Col. Patterson, who resigned, was held In
Salem, resulting in the election of Major
Rosa to that position and Capt.S. L. Lovel
to the position vacated by Major Rom.
Capt. Irvine, of F Company Is now the
Senior Captain of the and regiment, and
will probably be the next to be promoted in
case of a vacancy. Lieut Cusick, repre
sented "F"Co. in the election.
Will he the Best. When completed
Parker's restaurant, in the Strahan block.
will be by odd the best one In Albany. It
will have all the modern Improvements
and is a very nice arrangement. Private
eating; rooms is a feature. Mr. Parker is
a thorough restaurant man and knows th- nu!!i" want. He will be ready
for business prvbably
some time next
State Fair. -The third day of the
state fair saw about 7000 people on the
grounds. People are realizing that It is
principally a racing affair, though in line
of stock the exhibit is one to be proud of
The receipts will be as large as on former
vears though 'he admission is only about
naif, The three fourths mile dah was
won by H. K. Baker' Duniel B. in ltl6j(.
The "pedal trot was
by Contractor,
1 ccur the 2 -2J
dsn aw .uid
cap run and a
three other entries
specia fivc-cighlhx
a liui.
Makrieij. -On Wednesda, evening
Sept. 19, 1888, at I He residence of the
bride's parents, four miles east of Albany
bv Rev. H. P. Webb, Mr. Anthony Aus
tin and Miss Hster A. Co.ui. Te groom
is an employee in the Propst & Co's tile
factory, and the bride is a daughter of Mr.
Samuel Conn, and both are estimable
young people. The Democrat wishes
them much joy.
From Umatilla County. Mr. Jesse
voore, a prominent stockman of Umatilla
county, came all the way to Albany to
have a tumor on his neck taken out, and
to-day Dr. J. L. Hill successfully per
formed the "operation. That is going a
good ways for a surgeon; but Albany has
some as good ones as there are in the state.
Died. On Friday morning, Sept at,
1888, of consumption, at the home of her
step-father, Mr, Al. Thomas, Miss Alice
Bentley, aged 14 years, 10 months and 13
Pay Car. The Oregon Pacific pay car
was in the city Friday liquidating in full
for wages, up to Sept. 1. It has became
quite regular in its visits.
Mr. S. H, Althoose is home from hi. log
ging camp.
McLaughlin, Practical Tailoring.
Summer and fall suit and pant in any
style a speciality. Cleaniug and repairing
promptly attended to, Main street, Albany,
Patronize home industry. Try on. of
J of eph s 5-cent cigar . First of his own
nianufscturt .
Children Cry for
Tiik Si . Charlks. The people of Al
bany have watched with interest the !tn
provement of the Ht. Charles Hotel, in this
city, R good property that has been Idle for
oyer six year.. Under the hands of Race
Bran., the building has assumed a new ip
pearance, and now is practically a new
structure. Nicely painted, splendidly ar
ranged, well located, It I. an Institution our
cltlxen. should take a pride In. Good ho
tel, .peak for a city, and Albany is now
well fixed In this respect. A Dkmocrat
man has given the St. Charles a thorough
Inspection, and is able to pronounce Hone
of the neatest, beat furnished, most conven
ient hotel. In the State. The office, lighted
by electricity, I. a pretty place. Leading
from It are speaking tub to different part
of the house. From the north a door leads
to the gentlemen', toilet rocm and two
sample room. From the west the door leads
to the had way and thence to the dining
room er up stair. Into the steeping apart
ments. The dining rvom Is a model 01;
Nine or ten table, are arranged along the
sides, pread with nrst-class ware, the ser
vice being a superior quality of silver arc
and the dishe decorated ware of a good
quality, light but solid. This will be light
ed by electricity. The table set wc predict
will be equals the service. On the second
and third stories the sleeping apartment,
forty in number, have been very tastily
furnished, being model, of neatness ; the
parlor Is an elegant one, located just over
the office. The bath room and ladies' toilet
room Is at the north end of the wing, and
are aupplled with warm and cold water.
Electric light, will be kept running all
night in the hsIU, there being fifteen in
candeacent light, in the building. Hose,
ready for instant use are kept on each floor,
and Are escapes will lead iron, the west
end, making the building absolutely safe.
All together, for taste, neatness and mod
ern Improvements It will campare with any
hotel in Oregon. It will be run a a first-
cla hot el, everything in season being sup
plied the guests. Race Bros, are popular
men, who understand the business and de
serve a share of the growing hotel trade of
this city.
G. II. St S. A. - Yesterday noon several
railroad men at the depot were observed
by a Drmocrat man to be in a very heat
disputation over something, evidently a
serious .natter from tbe manner in which
they handled themselves. A close In
spection reveateu the fact that they had
discovered a bos car with the mvtctiou
Initials of G. II. it S. A. on it and were
having a "set-to" as to what they meant.
Engineer Ford offlered to wager his throt
tle valve when at full speed that they
meant Galveston, Houston Si Southern
Arixonia. Conductor Kennedy said they
referred to Galveston, Houston St -an An
tonla. Brakcman Morris was certain it
was Galveston for tbe peanuts, and some
one said the H. stood for Harrlsburg The
matter remained in statu auo. An in
spection of the car stviwed that It came
from "Galveston to Albany, and had cer
tainly a very long trip. It looked rather
lonesome snd forlorn so far away from
home. Doe any of the Dkmocrat'k
readers know for certain the name of the
Bir BaoKXK A friend on going to the
home cf Mrs Ho tenuis, on Railroad street.
Kt Saturday, wss unable to get in, as lira
Hutch ma, who lives sloe, was unable to
come 1 1 the door. Calling assistance a win
dow was ytfd up and an entrance effected.
Mrs Hutebios in Retting up bad fallen ia.oeh
a manner ss to break oue of bar hips. By a
great effort the succeeded in gettiug 00 th.
nel A sttrseon was sent for and the poor
old lady svas proudly attended U. Laving
aluue, with au eofrvbled mind and body,
carelosa, almost neglected, thing, were, la
rather of a pitiable, if not nltny condition,
snd a sad nurture wss presented. Mrs
Hutchins was th. wife of a former snariff of
this county, who died on the county several
months ago at Soect Home. She has some
property ; but it ia in so uncertain aud not
very available condition, and as a oonse-
qoence th. poor old lady has had to live in a
very limited manner. Ins ease is a sad one
A The easiest managed gate in
Albany probably .wings in front of the res!
dence of the local editor of the Democrat.
It la red now, but will not always be that
color. It swings as easily as a bird on a
twig and locks itself. It is iugenius from
top to bottom ; but wont eat oats. It hasn't
anv hip pockets and neighbors are as wel
come as formerly, particularly when they
bring cabbage, and dressed Chinese pbeas
ants. Gate, like the one mentioned can
be bought of Stewart & Sox, and content
plated purchasers are welcome to examine
the workings of this particular gate if they
are subscriber, to the democrat.
Premiums. The following Linn county
people have obtained premiums at the
state fair, so far as wc can learn: W T
Cochrane, Brownsville, mi'c a years and
over, 2d premium ; fa. Robnett, 4 year, old
stallion, 3d pr mium ; Barrow-. Bros., Shed l,
2 vear old stalil u'tn n ih. xewwl
premium ; 1 - 1 ' K ". BO
h-.-i t";
Sitft . !.. I . v
Woivi-rton, ii I' '-'nd, thr. c .'Ij
packed butter, flnrt premium ; packed btuur
made on farm, 10 pounds, second pre
State Fair. Nearly 10,000 people at
tended the s:ate fair yesterday, principally
to see the horse racing. The one mile
dash was won by Lady Duffy in 147,
Broadclnirch .second by half a neck. The
3:35 trot was won by Mc Knight Bros.'
Oneco, of this county, he getting the 3d,
4th and 6th heats, Maud Knox, 2d and
Oleander 3d. This is said to ha"e been the
most exciting race of the week. The vote
on the cold headed cane for the most popu
lar candidate stood 293 for Cleveland to 237
for Harrison.
A Peculiar Sight. Thursday after
noon two men witn neavy overcoats on
were seen eating a large u atermelon in the
rear of an Albany grocery store. As the
weather was only mild, and most Oregon-
tans will not begin the overcoat "racket"
I for several weeks, it struck a Democrat
f it.... , I & 1 1
man wiui uic overturn inusi nave uccn
put on for the occasion, the sight was at
least a peculiar one, considering the warm
weather nature of watermelons
Novelties. Mi Wi liam Fortmiller has
just received the finest lias of center tables
ever nrougut to Albany. A net were manu
facted in Detroit, and ara novel in design,
being the latest styles for such tables. If
yon would see something new under the ton
call and see these center tables.
Itching Piles are known by moisture like p' jeplr
ion uroducMflr s verv dlasoreeable itehinir after
in? warm. This form ss well as Blind, bleeding and
nrotrudinr Piles, yield at once to the application of
Dr. Bossnko'a Pile remedy, waich acts directly ui
o's Pile remedy, waicn acts directly upon
the psrts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the
intense itchinar and effecting s permanent cure. 50
cant. Address The Dr Bossnko Vasicine Co., Plqu f
O. Bold by Pr, Guiss snd Son.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Harrimol-ro, Sept. 32nd, 1888.
Editors Democrat :
I have recently resd an article in the
hratd-IMtMrninator, In which I find the
following statement :
"Wc have labored and expect to continue
to labor, consistently conscientiously, and
faithfully In the interests of the (shoring
and farming community of the country,for
our Interests are Identical with their. But
we are publishing a political newspaper snd
in that capacity it U our imperative duty as
well a. privilege to discuss political issues."
This statsment appears to have been
mode by the Dirininator as a reply to some
criticisms of its course on the tsriff ques
tion made by the Pacific Farmer. It does
not appear in the article from which the
above extract was taken jut what the con
tention between the two papers was, nor Is
that fact of any consequence with reference
to what I want to say in this article. I do
not object to the Dism-minator being a po
Htlcal newspaper, nor do I deny the right
or duty of its editor to discus, political
issues. In fact there has been a very gen
oral complaint among its readers that it has
not discussed the real vital Issues during
this campaign. But what I want to more
particularly say is this 1 For some year,
past the DrmiHator and its friends have
caused the impression to prevail through,
out this county that that paper was the or
gan of organized farming inlerets,and that
it would devote its best energies to the pro
motion of these Interests In such a non
partisan manner as to meet the hearty ap
proval of all farmer without regard to par
ty. Under these circumstances, what has
been it course So fsr ss It lis expressed
an opinion during this campaign In regard j
to thr issues of the tariff, that opinion hss I
been every time adverse to the Interest of
the farmers. Every time it ba apokendts
words have tended to strengthen the mo
nopolies of the country 1 bat do now hold,
and have for year held, the interest of
the farmer snd laboring men in their
grap. I have been a laborer and farmer
sll my life, snd know something of the
burden which protected monopolies snd
"trust" impose upon the laboring and farm
ing ctassea. And while farmers are only
common people, the Dissrminatar need not
presume upon their entire Ignorance of the
various questions involved in the discussion
of the tariff issue. Every intelligent farm
er knows that It 1 a serious detriment to
his interests to collect large su.ns of money
amounting to eight or nine millions dollar
every month more thsn i needed to meet
the expenses of the government, and then
lock this money up in the treasury where
no man can use it This makes money
scarce, an unwarranted contraction of the
money of the people. Every ane farmer
knot, that, as a class, seven out of every
ten farmers are always in debt Now, when
the government contracts it circulating
medium an Injury is done to the debtor
class, for thi contraction, while, limiting
the number of dollars in circulation.increas
e the purchasing power of the dollar, thus
making it more difficult to get possession
of. Now, how doc the Diitrmaator pro
pose to remedy the evil of hoarding the
people's money up. Every man In his right
mind and uninfluenced by his party preju
dice, will say, "reduce the taxation under
which this surplus increases." But the Dis-
yrmiHitior ba two ways which it recom-
mends to reduce the surplus, neither of
which is in the interest of the farmer. One
i to continue to collect tbe high war cus
toms taxes and spend the money in Urge,
and, what it calls, liberal appropriations for
various public improvements. The other
is to buy outstanding bonds not now due,at
a big premium for the bondholder.and con
tinue to collect the high taxes on the labor
ing people and farming classes of the coun
try. Under no circumstances does that
paper propose to reduce the duties on the
necessaries of life in the way of food and
clothing. It say it will labor consistently
and conscientiously in the interests of the
farming and laboring interet,but when it
I proposed to reduce the tax on lumber,an
article essential to the. farmer, it objects. It
objects to outline salt on the free list. It
opposes.just like the party it belongs to,all
reduction Of the protection system . In no
way would It be possible to labor more
"conscientiously" for the interest of the
farmer and laboring man than to secure
the putting of jute sacks, salt and lumber
on the free list, and yet the Disseminator
opposes all this and stands by its platform
that declares it favors the repeal of the en
tire internal revenue system rather than
viir,vndir any part of tbe protective ys
1 peal s' i si 'ir- '-mma reve
.. . u .1J ,
u.t . olcwniuig.ii... nog, and that is
hat on Disseminator wou.d do rather than
surrender any part of the protective system.
Does that paper call this laboring in the
i nterest of the farmer ? Does it think they
are all Idiots to be wheedled and deceived
xs it chooses ? No longer need it attempt
to make people believe that it is the organ
of organized farming interests in this coun
try. I have no hesitation in saying that to
oppose the attempt now being made to se
cure a reduction of the war taxes is to de
clare one's self as an open enemv to the
farmers best interests. It is not enough
for a newspaper tu merely announce that
it is in favor of ihe best interests of the
farmer. Jt acts will show whether that is
true. r armer.
The Minneapolis Daily Ewnimg Star and
Duluth Industrial Age announce their in
tention to bolt the republican state ticket.
The Star say : "This paper will support
f . t ,! 1 1 - .1 A. t .li
1 mr. Wilson nccause ne anu ine piauorin
which he stands upon represent without
equivocation the principles cf tax reduc
tion and tariff reform." The Duluth Age
says : "Contrary to every expressed hope
of the industrial element, the republican
state convention at St. Paul nominated W.
R. Merriam for Governor. Mr. Merriam
represents everything that is vicious in
politics and opposed to the working classes.
His record should wreck the party which
had the audacity to place him in nomina
tion. The Age will support E, M. Wilson."
The Chinese government has 1 ejected
the treaty. Now what has become of the
hole in which the president had been
placed by the senate. Pluck Is good. Luck
is good. Both overcometh all.
(Successor to
lecoMng n good it,
I fS
jjj n j
f a IP-J2 aLRaVli ir kvBPSjj-iJ H I fa vH Ihb.H
Everything- Newwith New Prices
Lower than Ever Offered
in Albany,
propose to have as comi kU a stock
bsnr, with si) St
New Novelties
Latest Styies
and as tbey ate uotnutactutt-o. A si
and as well Lew ones, sie outdrtal
I in Hot Propose Re To Unde.sold.
W 1. BEAD,
57 First Street, Albany, Or
aMawWE vj - - w --!-.-
- 'i
Of harmless vegetable remedies that wftl restore the whole system to healthy action, is
hrti-riy needed to euro any disease "for the disease that affects one organ weakens'a Calery Compound is THIS- PERFECT COMBINATION Read the proofs I
1 1 have miffcml terribly
I trouble
I boueht two butfes of Palne's Celery Compound
I and oh, how it did help me !
I medicine, for I know what
V Ontario Centre, N. Y.
" For five years I sufluted with malaria and nervousness.
1 tried Paine's Celery Osuponnd, and I can truthfully say
that five bottles completely cured me. I cheerfully recom-
I mead it, for I know it to be a good medicine."
Chas. L. Stkarhs, Letter Carrier, Station B, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Costi veness, Piles, Liver Com
plaint, Kidnsy Trouble, Female Complaints, and ail diseases arising from Impure Blood.
91. six for SB. Wztxs, Richard
Sox fe Co., Props., Burlington, Vi.
For the Nervous
SI, six for I
tie bear t
M r3 J 1:1 iMkWi
To Wvmakmmm
JTarsnwa. IU impor
tant that the Soda or
Balers t us you use should
be White and Pure same
M sll similar Bubst noea
used for food. Toimmro
obtaining only the "Ann
& Hammer" brand Sod
or Sale rat 18, b.iy it iu
"pound or bVf pound
cartoons, which bear our
name and trade-in irk, a 1
Inferior goodsarjsou
titnea substituted for t'.:o
Arm k Hammer" bran X
when bought in bulk.
Parties using Biking
Powder should remem
ber that its solo rising
property consists of bi
carbonate of soda. Oa.
teaspoonfulof tbo 'Arm
k Hammer" brand of
Soda or Salerstus mixed
with soar milk equal
Packed in Card Board Boxes
N. H, Allen & Co.)
evrv Hoe. O d mm& M tm.
as ever wrought to Al-
tdri ci.bii-o.tib tLU iisoiio !.! house
invited to call stid mr eci stcck aud
fci.tUfhtr to K. H. A. It I- k o
from nervousness and kidney
1 nave so mucn taun iu your
nuch faith iu
it did for me."
Mas. J. J. Watson.
is. See that each hot
be Celery trademark.
it, six for SS. Wmj. Richamv.
sum & Co., Props.. BurliugtonAS
The Aged.
lakes! r I fill
four tcsspoonfuls of tho
nest mvuig l'owder.sav-
1G;T tft'0 1
COat, I
muc!: he
it dons n
such 1 g i
etc., of w
in;? Ptvs
tiuies its
s being
.r, becauso
n,:sin any
m uvBak-
: i a made,
d 1 -rm era
brand for
ti Batmner'
and keeping
Milk l&ns Sweet
Cautiox. See that
every pound package of
"Arm Ui ll.vmmcr
Brand" eaatula. full
IS ouncs 11 t, and the
Si pound pxii'-'gifiju I
1J otrt.v j net, b 0a cr
Saleratu same no speci
fied on caeli package.
Always keeps Soft