Win. Fortmiller, aft eft aft. PUXERL DIRECrOR. PrompD Attention-First-olass Hearse jsT" After buiiuos hours oell at residence corner Fifth an I lUtcer streets! QVcHU.l TO .CAUFJMU WlA- 8oatii3Pa Pacifla OoaipW8 Iine. aBrtM Alliex ' FrioiM, U houra uuwi ifiu i. uxa daii.t. Soaa North 4.1W r. H. I Leave IVrtlauJ Arrive j 10:40 A M S:tor M U Albuiv Lmv 7.06 A M 7:J 4 arrive Iwf.imli'io Leers SUM r a SVSAl, P4WMMU tAAlSS SAILT vSSOpt SundAy). OU a ii I Lsave Portland Arrlv' ):Ur i to r m I Lesxe Albany Leavs I l:V a m t:9 r M 1 Arrive Kereai Law ) B 00 a M SNOBS TSCISS UAIUV, SXtSJT Sl'SPAT. ftll r I L.ov. S: j r m Arrive 141 PB Leave t:S0 t I Arrive AlbA.iy LobAUOll Albany Lebanon I Loaxe 5:0U a M Arnv g:tra PJLLMAS BUffr SLEEPERS, fourist Sleeping Oars mr ! a .aAlies ! et-Ctae fotrii grrv CmiTrla. WfU t le aVtvteUa. f urLiMi au taut ALU. Alb PACIS SAU.T ( !: 8lUMity.) Bertund Cirvcths Arrive i 0:19 p Ltv4 j 1:90 ut Arm S Plies tcais. OAibT (excip. SmiJix . PHI rn IVrtUnJ McXinnvilte Arrive Lsave W OO A M A M Arris At vie ul C'JTVaUU counsel vita trains ol vraa. hi Paciftb iUilruAJ PirfAU i ifo.'At'AM r.xA."4in .paAAAj m..-, etc, ft. KOtSHLEK, . P. atOUEIU, yU YAQUINA ftOUTE. Oratoa Facifio Railroad gu IjVi p u in U i!puy,' Stfatn whip Lmo 12 MILES HHTt.i. 2J AiMi LESS TIME bUAi by pny otbar rout. Pirttol4-t tirn.i (.!..'.- ?il fruht iiuufro n P irtua J od ill pointu ia itirt VilUinat-3 VMrtv to n I from Mu Kr i.mwo, Cftl. WUia urM &im Liu j of Steinjrs. Tnn ' A , ii. Ii. UoA," fb-j "N. s, BJt iey." Tuo'r:irot 8U4erM avre in service iur b tii piant?r n I frailit Lratll : ! (pm)u C irvftilU ul PortUtitl n 1 in.ur ueditto p.iuU, Uiviu Ooiiiftuy,t wbrf. Ckvi : i i'i I Mtin. tii iii.i ft Co'l whpf, N.m. 'AW n 1 From tk.,, three li ne wiK a f llor. : LOjnrAilM. i . Vj.i akI KrtvUjr, 10:0 A. U LeA.e Aibauv, A nklij, W'ji. ! Krxliy, li:0J .Nix.u Arrive rarUAJ, lu-i , fuu. u l suur,Uj , r. M . sotru uot'.vu. Leave F rti Lev aii. Arrive Cu-t U.... WeJ. aa.l I'rUi;, 8:00 A.M. no , fjuri. Vk aUtorOUjr, I: JO p. 11. Toe., inu. aimI MHalftjr, U P.M. BMtt tuftkecloee oonnecllon st Albany emu Irani of tbM Oregon Paclfio llailroau. r;Hj; UJCLK (except 8unJAt) Uerva AlbA ijr. l;oi p. M. . La Yeqaiaa, .6 A,a. Li C .r .i. s 1. UP. ft. uAve ; r.:li,l A.m. Amve i.iii.iA, , s p. m irrne vI'mu, li:io a. ii, O. X O. tri 4 o jcoe j. t Albany and Corralli i'Lb rv, train', ooonect at Yaquinvw iin tbj oa .i Ueveioptnnt Ootnpiiy' iAtit t( fiat n .in pa between Yaqui'ia u 1 Hia Fraa-.'ieo-. MAILING . HAKIM. PAOa MK P40l. PAM T4 lA Witlm:te Veil y, aTillaeUe ii :jiteiu Ii. i i yjr ia mt Ii A. He(Umtbcr ?th Helemer ltftti The Qmipxtv ,,rvoi .he right to ohario Miotic without notice. N. it F-i; . fr u P ir.ltnu and vVtlla n itui V. I toi'iti;in in4kn oloae OOOQ9 ai .1 wtta t.o intlua uf the Yaquiua route i'. v ii. i.' " lVrvalii, aud ir dee tiol . - . i r'rtii'itt, Mboiiid ftrrantre to arrive t ' t n , ttio uvmiiii bi( ra date of aail iu. AMa .rr aid P.eUht atale ii-. iur jropU" r aiUu-i t i; J Kreiht an I lyrtaal Afaea, ioviv, t 0 ii tiuveii. it , o. K. A P. A1 , Or i i eve;iuiu t Co., 3M iliitiuer pm Wt j. OU. g : u i . i i , A. U. P. Mai P. Agent. Oretron Paeifr! K K Co i..rvJIU, O Mil . ilYHAN, next of 8. 55, Y -inn'., AlbAnY.Or Outtiaj ai I Fiithi a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, Ay 3 STAMP INC DONE .OaRQEft. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wxnedaj n mid ThnriHlftta nf each week, and ptirlinv done tooMlwroii plaqueaat id '.ili-r Di4ferbl. Nioe aaaortir"! u-Annt rntterit i on nan I. Andrew & W.LDOUGLASe $3.00 SHOE WARRANTED J 1 SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON - - OREGON KAM May. H. SENDKRS MAY k SENDEES. ;ib' in General fbrcnandise. HAMBURG - - OREGON Will boy drain. Wool and all kinds r 'Yif III, OWsT TA a,pRY J S TTT-' . E vTUA.f FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda WorkSe Vud Maniificturers of 0H0I0E GGNFEuflONgRY, A' r. mow prtptre l to at wh ilt. ale, al ways frvnh and jmra at PorlUnd firic. - to doai-r4 ' e also keep a fu i ine or Hnts and Tropical Fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Do You Want Furnitue ? IF YOU 1)0 OO TO Woodin & Willard. where you will find tho test make aud fluent 11 -i I shed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alio ft lil'e II 116 of PICTURE FRAMES, end a I. r ! dllToroitt stylm of .Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and best stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, c vt i l. u Albany. 1'r'r.H i lavnnliln. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full lino of Chinese goods of 11 klnda on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. oreguk nam casmiMa, lor tbi section. Laborers furnished ou nhoit notice To auy purj iv Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATHERFORD. (NOTARY PUULIO.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OKKUON. 1 17 I LI. rilAiTICK IN ALL THE COl'HTS or TUB IT State SpeeUI attention givem to .-. Mevttoni end .-oSate nutter. TOmi Felloe's Temple. - U W.CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Stuoto corner Second ami Ferry Ktceets ! Open v II"' i--. Ground tloir. Children' pictures ft specialty. LBANY - OREGON, Homeopathic Physician. H8. M, K. McCOY. M. !.. HOMEOPATHIC 1 iiliv.. ia:i, ..itiot- aim! .!.. . "M i r . f Hrt in.1 lik r Str.fU. AUmny. Onv. H. Ctir..enc liaeM a e,e?ialtv. C.niilUti.Mi im-, Ittrehi'trA : 10 a. m. U) 12 in "Hi Jio p. m. O Tho BUi'EBB' GUIDE ia Issued March and Sept., .each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful lalor ' mat ion for all who pur. chose tho luxuriea or tho necessities of lite. Wo can c'.otho you and furnish you with all tho necessary and uanocoaaary npphancea to ride, walk, dance, sleep, cat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sixes, styles and Quantities. Just figure out what la required to do all tboao things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of the BU YEHtt GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, 111. PATENTS iMaassg, and all other business In the U ft, Ms sses ansnutdeU U lir muuerUe (sea. Our sgBBS ia anss the U.S. Patent Office, ve ran uttUia Patents t.ioe tluui those rei t' Wahititoii. heitd saodle ordrastng. We srf" to tent sMiltv tn-e charts .anJ arenske u cosrys unless e obtain pad ut . We refer here. Vi ttie Pujtirastsr. the Supt. u sasf Oruer Ui. aiulto otliciAM of tbeU. &. Patent otB c Fur circular, ad nee, tetms, and alert ncea oactuaJ clients iu juuruen tftate or county, address Ca A. S0X &Oe, O.'foai'e Patent Oiuce. ft'ashinua. 0 . Executors Notice. N0TICK h rcby givvn that the under-aig- id hag ii duly sppuioud by ibu Cvun ty Caswtei I.iun coomy, Ut.gfn, Baseetris .f the Inst ai.i sod loumtt t ( W. H. Me Psrlai.d. ihctai'!. All pei.ons having claims ssirit eaial ettate ur h- reby botiticd and 'qurttl to p:i i,. too with the proptr n iehiia ! u.'. ndnij.inil fa Aiiso),Orv 0m, within mx tr.A fr'.m the date hereof. Il-ttil Auku-t 9'!., 1S88. CsjQfJUl McKaklaMi, Lxccotrix. The treatment of man thousands of cases vi iu.w) ciiruiuo wcaancawa and 'lint rrseirm ailments Decuilar to fcmaii-a. mt th i.. .uaj Hotel and Hunricul Inatltno.. Itnrr..;,. w v has affonliNl a vast ezpeiience in nh.' iy a'fant lng and tiioroughly test Inu remedies for tho vureui i-jraan I peculiar maladies. . IMeree's favorite Prescription m sbjbj ouigrowtii, or result, of this great and vaiuaoio expencnoo. Thousands of tcatlmo- buus, reoeivea iroin patients and from physi cians who have tested It in the more airura "fd and obstinate cases which hod Immed their skill. Drove It to be the mmt w..nrf..i remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It Is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Uueclflo for wiiu fievuiiur uuinents. ..Aa a powerful, invigorating tonic, It imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and Its appendages In particular. For overworked, ,rwom-out." run-down," debilitated teachers, nilllliieia, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-irii In," Iioiipc koepers. nursing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is tho greatest earthly boon, belnjr un iiiuU-d asan appetlzlnir cordial and restorative tonic. As ji sootliliig and strougtheiilng nervine, "I-avorito Prescription" is uiS aualed and is invaluable In allaying and sub duing nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spssraa and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease Of the womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Dr. Plcrcp'a Favorite Prescription la a legitimate medicine, cutefuiiy compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in Its composition and perfectly harmless in Its effects in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever SSliff rln?' 7ea,k 8to,"ac'i, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small doao. will prove very bent 'Acini. (favorite Prescription" Isnposl. tlve enre for the most complicated and ob stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive ilowlng. painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions! prolapsus, or falling of tho womb, weak back! fenmlo weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of tho womb, In naramatlon, pain and tenderness in ovaries. ...v.. iuiA4utu iu au ai . r,eguor and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of chamro from girlhood to womanhoodT " Favorite Pre scriptron"is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is equally efficacious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical period, known as The Change of Life." M favorite Prescription," when takr-n jn connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Ooiden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets .Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Illadder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and crpfulous humors from the sytem. favorite PrnaerlntiniiU ia medicine for women, sold by druggists, nutter 1"'""" suaraniee, rroni the mnnu. inn racturers, that it will give satisfaction in everv case, or money will bo refunded. This guaran- For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of centam Kffi' ton World's Dispensary Medical Association, 668 Malu St, BUFFALO, N. T. Citation, In thf County Court of Lin County, State of In ihe matter of the estate of Mary Jane loatello, deoeaaed. To Mary Ann or MargarettCaldwell.Jtdm Caldwell, House Providence NlMer Hu perlor, Ann Brown, Kaier OoMello ar.d the daughters of '1 hoinsn Coatelto. ii itKtcTirva : In (be uaiiie of (be Ntaio of Miction you are hereby do d to lie nail at; tu'sr in tiioronniy t ourt rir tiie county or l.lun, at the Court House, In ihe city of AMjsny, in paid couutv ana stale, on .nlurdM). Ihp ttth day of Ortubrr. 4. I.,1KNH, at the hour often o'clock In the forenoon oftald day, Ihesaiue being a day of the IMtular tcloiKr term, iwf, tifaaid t'uurt, and Ihon and there show cause If ny exist why an oritur ol sale MiotiLI not i inailu liiccling and licensing Kaiituel Nixon, ex- ecutor of the last wli aiut Itstsinent ef Marv Jane t'ohlollo, decm-i tl, to kcII all (be ilght,tilloaud Inleteatof the said Marv Jane Coaudio at thetlmeof herdeftib.lMitb In law and In equity, of, In and to the real property hereinafter described, an prayed tar In the petition of (be said Ssuiuel Nlx- 'ii, oxeoutor aforesaid, which paid pent ion In now on tile lu the I'ouuty Clurk'a olllo In county, Gregon, which asld real property Is descrtlx-d as follows: The N K ofiho ?i K of See .'.. con laming. SO acres, also ihe M F. l ol 'Sen 20 cotitaiuinu KWacus; also Ihu N P. ? nl Him' ! iwinlalninir Kill acraa : also I lie. N K of l be SK) of the H W H of 8eo 20, con lalulng 40aoio: al otlie Lr ginning at a point 27 80 links wvataud 16.87 Una aouth of ti e quarter nation slako between Nett tlona 24 and '-. In Tp 14. M H b W.ln claim No (lb; I bene., u rtli ri 441 links thence nortdH2s" west VK0 links; thence nauth 7 west 441 links; thence south vj', east 90O links to I lie place ofliegtu nlug ctintnluliiK 4 screx.aiul in all 444 acres anil lying and taring In Township 14, N It 4 We Also beginning at a point 2S chs east of IbeM W comer l Ibomat Nbepard'sdo nation land claim, la-log claim No M, Not No 21K5, In Tp 14. N K 4 W ; thenoe uortb 40cha ; thence cast 7,8d chn ; tbnnceaouth 40 cbs : thence w st 7.9o chains to the place f beginning, containing 2M.4I acies. all lu Sec u,Tp II. a K 4 V,Linn couuty,Ureg(i!i. Also brglnulng at a adni H chama aouth oft'is N K corner of claim No4l, Not No MM, In Tp 14 8 K 4 W ; runnl g thence south M cbs ; thence wt-at SO A4 ohs ; t banco north 4o ohs ; ibenoe wetn I . ntis; thence north IS HS cbs ; tnence esst 44 AMf chaini to ( nc place of beginning, contain mg 2 S a rot, using parte of HjcIIom 4, Tp 14, S It 4 W,ln Linn county, Gregon, Itegluning at a point U.!M) chains north of the southeast i orner of the northetst J ol Sen 4, I p 14, 8 H 4 W thence noilh 2tf Id chs to the uorlbeast corner of Win ChrH tlans donation land claim ; thence west 62.10 eha ; thence aouth 28 69 ohs ; then Jn eaat 6S 2N chalustu the place ol beginning, containing 169.76 acrea. Also begiBbtug at the norths st coruor j( Win Chastiins duiistion isnl clsim ; theeoe eaat 139 rods to the line of Caleb Gray' Und claim ; tbeoee swith 1 rod. ; thtu . .t 130 ruila ; ihenos north 6I rods to tho placs if beginning, containing 6U acrca Also bt i; tuning at a sUkn o. t ..... h lias of tho duuatluti Ijuililaim of lUndeU Yr- brouh 6t 8H chains west of the corner io the angle of asid claiui, it being claim 37 and Nut 2187, in Tp 14, SIM V,, l.inncounty, Oregon; runuing theno uuith 17 21 chs tu a sh ugh ; i hence in a aoath west, ly direc tion upssid slough, following tho meandets of th same to the south line of sid claim ; thence M 81 30' E 18.60 chs t the place of beginiitug, containing 18 seres. lt.-fctiiuing at a poii-t bearing N til0 30' W 6.21) chains from the S K corn r of tie Si., of See 8, iu Tp 14, 8 II 4 W ; thence east 100 roili ; thence south 40 chains ; thenoe west 100; tbrnce Lorth 40 chains to the plsce of beginning, being parts ut Secticns 8 and 9 in Tp 14 S it 4 W, Liou e un'.y.O -g m, ... taiuing 100 acres. Beginning at a point 19 chains north and 33 chaius east of the S W ouraer of t'l.nn No64 iaTpU S R5 w.ia linn oounty.Oiegoo, thence running east H.31 cbs ; thenco S uth 10 cbs ; thenoe east 2 82 cha ; thence 81 east 18.57 chs , thence north 34 ens to the river, thence south 64 west I3.90cb meandering the river ; thence S 73 W 3 cb; theucs south S 7fT W 10 chs ; thence S 70 W 6 ohs ; thence S 89 W 3 3 cbs ; thence 8 20 W i.78 cbs j thence east 3 (PJ rai j thence south 8.93 chs to the place of l-egio-long, oootainiug 75 2-100 acres. Beginning 15 chs north and 70 chs e .r cf tl s 4 corner io west buuodary of Sec ., I p 14 S H 4 W aul ronniag, tbeoee south 28 28 chs ; thence west 28.28 eha ; thence i orth 28 28 chs ; thence east 28.28 chs. to tho plsce of beginntnjr, containing 80 acrea. begiuniog 20.40 chs north of a ipnrter section post in Sec 6, Tp 14, 8 4 W ; thence south 34.43 chs ; thnoe we.t 52 10 chs ; tneuce north 15.28 chs ; thane-.- north 15 28 chs ; thence 7 50 cbs ; thence north 19. 17 chs ; thenoe east 44 GO chs to the place of beginning, containing ItiO acrea. beginning (a) rods north of tite qnailer sUke iu the west line ot Seo 5, Tp 14, 3 ft 4 W ; thence rest 280 rait ; thenCe south ICO rods ; thencs west 280 ratal ; iheice noilh ItiO rods to the place of Im-uiiiuv, aad be ginning st the south west oorner of a 5 acre lot of lain! owned by Caleb Gisy in See. 1, Tp 15, SB f w J thence west 80 rjls ; thence north 40 K." . ; thence seal 80 toils ; thence toutli 40 rods to ihe cJaaa I l rion:i g, con taining 300 scree. The portion ,f said real proprty(set apsrt to Mar iu Cutnmii g as lh devote o the sai'i M .ry 4mm Ooettl e, fftssnitd. leirg dt aribsrl as 200 seres of land off the west end of the frm known si ihe Gtuli faini, silo attxi 1 1 Linn county, Oret-oo. LPM by eider of the Hon. f. It. S. Iliacbhuiii, Jodeof sahl Court. In tertiiiK ny Mheriof, I L Montague. County t'bik 'f county, Oiegoo, aid Clerk of the Cuoty Curt of said aexjafT. have Nswesja o sot my hem! and affixed ttie seal f said Geatt at mv ffire, in Albany, this 4:h by f S- tni!r, A. !.. 1888 K. 1. ftlOMTAUt'g, Cleih. Referee's Sale. In ifte"CtrcHt't Comrt oj the Stale tj ' rr gon,for Liun Comity.- If A and Julia Holman, hi wife, OllieftbeUon and Hainan Shelb'tl her buaband, and RlixibetJi Holman, Piaiu tlffe. VN Temps Hont and Leunder Hunt, bet bus band, Mary Hannah and Then Gaulish, ber huubano, Jeremiah Dolman and Flviua Ifolrnao, hi.- wlf,.. iwaiie Ilolmau, BHsVibeth S'rong sud Win Strong, Iur husband, CaltsiHte Forgey and Eliaa Forgey, bt r bnsbeMl, Martha ill and L Hill, her hu-bjud, Lottie Held and I hos Held, ber husiminl. .letetn'.Mb W lii;ibv and Joepbiri WhMhy, hlawl a. Martha Lan ders and Jimi l,Hi,i.-! . ber biisbaml Jennie Ca dwe, I am! Flovd CaldwetL tsar ni:.lui,i, vHrKi, II ifDt aiii l yuiMii hunt, h r t;i-iiinii. Mollss Handsra ami I. Han- d-irs rr bii-li4ii'l John vv I. iiil.v. Monroe Wbidtiy, U It vvi.iisi.v. lb"H Miulbv. n l Wru Ikii'olt Do.'eoiiantM. N'olK kt s herebv gl.en that i be un dergnel, ihe Keferee duly appoint ed i.v H e nbove eiuille'i Court iu the above on. it -.l ca'iKe. u make i-uie of the prem1- iierwlnal'o'r ilosi-rliied, will pur suant t i ;in order of Court in aid causn duty mat'o ami entered .f record on tho J-2:litliy of March. 1885 t the Court tluuse ir n Aib-dsy in eeld coiluty ou rtalurriar Hie ilb day of epienlier, I8KK, at the hour of one o oiock in the afternoon of sod Uy uell all the light, title, interest atid estate id each of the Plaintiff and Debmdunt, herein in and to the following, tiesi-rlhed premises, to-wn : 1 he soiilbeast qurt-r ami the miuHi half ol the north oust quarter of Section sixteen in Town ship 10, m R I E Also ihe northweet guarter rf Hie nortnei' qiarter of hoetion 10, l ivi nsriip 1 1 , IS K I w A Iho in ginning at (lie i-outiii si e rm r of ht 1 in t-eetion 3 in Toa n-iiip 12 S It 1 w, and running tliei west aeveut -'. v. o rods- ibence north eveni-cix rods; thence east aevHiiiy-two rods j thenco -n i wventy six rods to the plav-e of hagiuntng. ail xi' iiited in the V'ilairiel.le nipr d'.-n in Liun county, Oregon, containing 31 acres. Parma of aalo eoli in html. VV m. Cymfh, lie efeo. DR. Cp WATSON KiASTON Physician and Surgooa. Office opp site tbe Demccru tifBce. Children Cry for FflOUL R and PlPER. TKMPKKANCK OOLVHK. Kdlteit ay Albany W, 0. T. V. At the last regular meeting of the Union, a uiiauiiiious vote of thanks was given to Mr Thou as Brink, wholesale furniture deatsr, In this city, for presenting to the Union, two good, aubstautisl tables. With these tables so kindly doutted by Mr Brink and several others procured by the ladies, there will be a sufficient number to furnish the hall fur any eolations or dinners Tho Union now has its own (li.hrs, cutlery, cooking uteosils ami tables, suit ii pretty well fitted up for gen eral house-keeping. The next thing is the famiehing of the Itesding Room, which be ing an enterprise of greater dimensions that, furnishing the kitchen, had to wail nut1 plana could be devised for maintaining it. We hope however, to have it opened and running in good shape before many weeks elapte. Mis S M I Henry. Nat Evangelistic 8u printeuiUut of the W C T U i a lady of groat talent as a writer, has jmt published a Yolumn ol pocina, entitled "Victorii," Prose notices are very complimentary, and speak uf it as mie of her finest paoductioos. fL. .LI t! L -. . . ii" uiie iiiing wnicn me iiipmr uieu sviuee a snectsl ibesd of is the hiss ol tho leusl itat us which the regulation or license system giT- mrui, i no auioout oi in. lee they care, leiaitvny, lilt.e ataut. Prohibition, with its contingency of hoiu aud bars, ia always and everywhere nuait uowoom to them. It is true they ssy prohibition ia a "failure." but it is also true that they leav do stone unturned to prevent, wherever possible, its naveea sn oppot unity to "fail. ' Their ao I it n iu the ptemisee gives the lis to their "il. The localities, in various States, f rem a loch the nMndram-ahop baa been altogeth er banished, and theieveral commonwealths whieh havo subatiiuieil prohibitory for li cense legislation, have abundsally demon strsted the wisdom of their action. Biblical sdiiionition, and practical experience, there fore, alike point to lr g I prohibition, rather than the imposition ol high-iiosose foes, f. r the tucceaaful solution uf the gisat sthicl linuor problem. Death fr..m Yellow Fever. Naw Yoa k, Sept. ij.-Prof. Richard A. Proctor, the astronomer and lecturer, died to night In the Willard Park private hos pital, of yellow fever. He had been In the hospital since Tuesday night.but as late as nightfall the authorities were reluctant to admit tbe true character of Ihe ailmentThe Erofrsaor's death, however, was preceded y black tomit.whlch set all doubts at rest Pref. Proctor arrived hereon Monday from Florida by rall.and put up at the West minister hotel, ou East Sixteenth street.lfe had ient the summer at bis place, called Oak Lawn, in Marion county, Florida, and we m anown to nave been exposed to the diseas-. He was cnroule for England, where he was to lecture this (all and win ter, and had left bis wife and family In I lorida. Hot In s. f San FftAXciacu, Sept. i j. To-day baa been another somewhat pecular day, much Indeed the same as yesterday. Persons who were abroad yesterday afternoon late were treated to a rare experience In the form of a hot wind thai swept the city from the southwest. The heat for a few'miuutes was so intense that those who felt it instinctive ly looked about for a fire along the water front. Work was suspended, men expect ing an earthquake or some other strange phenomenon. Died I mm Drink. FoRftsT Gftovrc, Sept. i a. A man nam- eu jacxson, aged about 50, unmarried and a resident of Washington county about six teen years, was found dead vesterday morn ing under the saloon owned by Mr. Rcedvillc. It was evident that during the night before the deceased gained entrance to tbe saloon through a side window, and after imbibing a quanitv of Honor denart ed through the back door and went to sleep at ft II II a . . unucr 10c ouiiomg, witcre he was found dead. The corner, Dr. F. Crane, was notified. Karonraging. PiTTsat at;, Sept. 13. -Chairman IJrice of the democratic national committee in an immic. mu. "wruo not consider we lost ground In Maine. We bold our own, uirougn 11 mual be remcmliercd that (be situation in that state i peculiar. With the fishing vuestlon, lumber argument and tariff question against us we silil increased trie Democratic ole. I here Is no doubt wc will carry New York, New Jersey, In di.tna nnd Connecticut. The chances are good for carrying Michigan and Minnesota anu mere is a ngiiting chance for Wiscon sin. We will make a hard struggle to carry that state. We arc much encouraged at the prospect In Illinois, and chances are excel lent ior carrying that state. The best of lecimg exists between Cleveland and Hill and ihe latter will be nominated for gover nor of New York by accla.natlon. Krwed llba hlgkt. San FRA.tiNio,Scpt. iJ.0muu John son, u wealthy Modesto man, who has been on trhl in the United States district court utiring the past two day, has been convict- eu or leiusmg postage stumps. Johnson is worth $125 wo, and he is chareed with having used two old stamps over. The jury, in. 11 wua uui oruy an Hour, recommend ed Mm to the mercy of the court. He will nc sentenced to-morrow, it it estimated mat ne spent fJPOOMl his defense in twq. iiiais, or cnougit to buy 15,000 two-cent statups. The PIo'hU. At orsTA,(Ja., Sept. 13. The damage by the great Hood is estimated nt u million dol lars. No estimate can be made of the dam age to farms and crops from Augusta to 8avsWttfth,whBe the country ulo.the tlver i Mioioergeu. r.ieveu persons nave been drowned. Another bh; Fire. Spokane Falls, W. T. Sent, ia The most serious cotniapitio 1 1.-1 the hlstoi v of the city occurred nt 6 o'clock this evening At that hour ilaine was observed issuing from the Queen choti houet which was aur founded by rows of frame b iiidlngs. After a nerce onttie ot nearly two hours, hi the nil 1 of the most intense licit and clouds of smoke, the firemen became masters of the situation. The lire burned itself out, and with the destruction of all the frame' inys in the block the beat has decreas ed, alid prayers of thankfulness go up from hundreds of timid men and women. The loss is now estimated at f,om $75,000 to $too,ooo, with insurance of $25,000. i'.u rope's Grain Crop a Failure. New York, Sept. 14. Depew says the grain crop all over Europe is a failure, and if speculators here do,not corner the market and put up the prices so high that Euro peans will have to fall back on Australia and India,lhere is going to be lots of money rolling into tbe pocketsof farmers this fall, lie does not think the prosperous business year was ever more brilliant than now. Another Fool of a Hunter. Sr. Helens, Or., Sept. 14. B. F. Neer, of Neer City, was accidentally shot on Thursday evening, w-hilc out hunting,about nine mues oacicot tnai piace by his com panion George Archibald, who mistook him for an ainimal. He will be buried to morrow in the Masonic cemetary near St. Helens. Mr. Neer was a good citizen and thoroughly respected, and his untimely death Is a loss to the community in which he lived. He leaves a wife and children one of whom is a confirmed cripple. Pitcher's Castoria. TUT? AB0PT TOWN. The outlook now Is thai most of the dis tinguished orators of the t'nltetl Stulc wilt be In the Northwest In the next few years. They will only stop In their circuit at places that can give them proper support. If Al bany would be one of them It must cstab- llah the fact It will support such en- tcrtainments. We ennnot value the, pi I v - ilege too highly The platform U one of the great educators of the day and It refines , . , ... I a people to be brought In contact with cm- Inent speakers. We must hereafter show Uo our metal. One of the ablest if not ablest I orators who will be here Is Robert Nourse, who will give an entertainment at (he Opera House In thlsclty on Friday even- lug, Sept. 38th, when his subject will be 4oM and Jonathan. The Man About Town understands that Seattle pcop'c re- ZImm -,ii,i m ,i.L ccntlv sort of went wild over this lectutc, and wc would like to see Albany people! enthuse a little. II I Very few Linn county people know that mi , let ii i i I ir present efbclcnt .tbcrlff spells bis name I our present like this, Smallmon. The M. A. T. notices a Republican wear ing a pearl hat with a pearl band, which looks decidedly Democratic, though the matter is really mixed, and some arc afraid to wear any kind of stove pipe. II 8 The Man Aliout Town observes that since the practice of sending to Portland for music for all of our balls has been In augttrated our local talent has ceased prac (Icing and wc hardly have an orchestra in the City, though C rawford's orchestra at I Mpker is said to be just about as good as I if v. n I 1 Bison .x iircr. When the Man About Town alaciltously picked up a bank-liook with some money In it he thought he had a fortune in his hand : but Instead onlv bad hold of the most ingenlus advertising dodge he has j ever seen. HAItlti-iltt Ito Still the query U, why don't we get n much for our wheat as at Monroe, Haltey or I miction f Tbev Irad us In price con linuallv. Are the freight, so high or is there a wtrust" or combine arrangement ? MUs Kate t In v is down from Eugene on a visit to her friends, W W Briggs and family. Mrs. Minnie Brown is now making her parents and relatives a visit, as we see her on Ihe streela looWln" natural as rvrr u i .1...,,.. ..,1 i... .r" " v ...usiraico y ,.c prcacn. pro ecu vc tariff av.tcm In protecting Hrehcl in the - mannlneliir iih aailfft sa sa. e swap ftasan masam ff 1 uiniiuint is siiii wes- e . sen v mu ton w S a . Aa a f fftsVfft 1 etils t w r aark In I te Irinnera . .4. a, s jerry nay him -voon uin iu wane ee .a V 1 e,. , ..ut ,r .w.. .n K, business for some Portland ogrlcultural implement company. t 1 a as a . a . . m . . a now mucn Old Hit iiottor gel lor setting William Ilassct s arm t Mr. HaUie Henderson who baa lacn vhdting for some time her mother, Mr Humphrey, of this place, contemplates re turning to her home soon. joiiu atera, ot urow navuie, waa on our streets yesterday. To see thirty to fort v teams standing at the warehouses waiting their turn to un load looks like business. fames Miller, of Eastern Oregon, U down ou a business trip to Harrisburg. He looks as well as ever, only a little more lean. MissAllie Hay and Robert White, of BrownsvUle were married last night at the resiocrue 01 trie nriue s parents. Kc v.l m at a a a 1 a s . Ulery officiating. The parties to the con- tract were the bappv recipients of numrr- ous preaents. Until. x ill. W. T. Hoodlums rocked und shot Into tbe M. E. Church on .Saturday night. No cauic known. They are not residents. Before one month the number of houses In Huntsvllle will be doubled. No uch growth waa ever seen in this town. Mrs BJ Hunt, who fell and broke her hip some weeks since. Is recovering. Her daughter, Mrs Ilenkie. has returned to Oregon. n. great Harvest i w neat oiesscu tuts . a . m 1 - . .a i country, and the price Is good, no rain in harvest, and there wheat. i line was ia no bad The weather Is thick, and there arc gen eral slgf.s ol rain. We are ready Oh, dear! The I .on. I'm StoMtUird actual y talks cd going to war with the Cnitcd Mates in case the treaty of 1818 ia not ob served. Easy, brother, easy. The United States is a sUe or two larger than it was in - o . 1 t, y. . 1 .1 .mo c coum swauow cannua at one bite if wc were real hungry mad. a Cirover Cleveland Is a if rest man. Since Ihe nuhlhiitirM. of Ida retaliation message and lefter of acceptance, republicans have lost all interest in the circumference of his collar in their sad and bewildered contem plation of the length of his head. H Kf, FOR NICK HEADACHE. Do yoa want s remedy for ll'lloueness. Pimples on BS MP, Sale a aura euro for lick hesilche, kmk Or Uu'ea and Son, the PrugvlaU, for Or. ('. Live Pill., try a dose, aaiuplcH free ull box 'i' oslit. FOR 1I IaK. Itebttig I'ilei are knosm by milfturo like V eplr lou. 1.1 hIu ni)f a wry disagreeable IteBlna after Utg xvsrtn. Thl form sa well as Hilns WsadBsw snd Iirotruilina Pllea. .yield st ones to IBs r.nulicatiiin ol lr. Hopanku's Pile remedy, which acts dfreetly up"" Ihp (itrts sllaetod, sbs -rblng the teeiops, allaying the hitenae itvhlnti and effacilnK a oereanert rnrs, 50 cents. Addrns Tha In Hoaiuiko v-lnnc Co , ttiu O. Bold by I r, Uulsa snd Bon. For Salk. Good milk cow, five years old, calf four months old. Inquire of John Smnjlmon at Court House. I.'iol: in our corner shoxv window st thn vaaeawegivu with one of thu host hairing powders in tho marUet. No lottery ei heiue; ou hiuiply tske )our choice BmowvciA v Stanaiid. lilt. Ilt 9AM KG In hut iif diaonvsry fcr Conauinption, micch-iIci! in lirtMluainjrs med'clnc which is seknuvrled;ed by sb e Ihj ainiul marvelous. It la exceed ItiRly plcioaii to the IskUi, orfctill,v harmh-s, snd 1om net aluken In all caaea of C'onuuiition, (;oui(h. fold, Whoop iua; Cnuifh, Croup, IBtBllhllll Sllll t'oina u tho Cheat has ifiveu uulvrral HUhrfastlon. Dr r.-;u k.. , OsSsJB and bun.' btrup i .old at Mi SSBts by .hilas snd Hon. AY hen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, "When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, one gave them Castoria. New embroider jn. Stand' ve t ai W P L i-er List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Post, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Aug, 23th, 1888 Persons calling for these letter; must give tbe date on which thev wore advertised : Brom, R D Uuniek, F H 'rockett, J . Delauey, Mr John Kngledinger. Ur Qeo Hartna, Mr Pnter Hunt, Chaa W MoU ynn, Dsmel I'. 1 a el 1. VI re Mry Handner. Mr Jake Weser, MrBse nhard. Brlttingbam, Chs, Mr C Psvidsun. Mrs IX: hn, Mr Giveni, Mr T J Hilton Geo llyman, Mrs Mattie Perl, Miss Kittle Powers, J C Twitcholl, Mr Cyrus B THOMPSON. P M THURSDAY. I N UrifHn, of Hub, is iu the city. A musical band uf dsrkies aru in the oity 1 1 lay doing tht town. 0 K Kratiiae, of SAlein.of Krauise& Kin, was in tho oity lust night K0 Froef, tnau.-tgsr of the Pacific Hatftal Life Ins Co, has been in the city. The buns i of Knnk lUukin, tho phutog- rapher, wss hurnud st Kugene Mondsy night, A serinus time prevails in Kranoe over a rise in tho price of breed, caused by poor u"o" A young ludy m Cht04t;o died yesterday frmT, j ol' . Ww knew it would come this. G,v Hill w.,s nominated by the democratic convention of New York yesteidey by scula matinn. Jtf(J strahan went to Ssleio Yesterday io r.9y for the O itolr term of the su- preme ooort. ... ,. . ',. , . .. , . . Wsba Walls has lieen r-quetei to raise . ,, u,m..,v ay i ni r iy . j' in oo 11 a neeiiwe mn " ' wiwn m tournament n x' year. W F Read, Chts Brush, Miko Cowan and B M lluaton rr turned from the mines to day god reports f th- pr. s,Mts thre, bringing hon.o some more line speui.npna . , fhe strs wherries mentioned esitdsy were brought into our office today hy Mr John Millard, ami are the bona lid 1 at tide. September strawberries are anmHhiog to be proud of. Hurrah for Oregon ; Prof HI. Arnold rtturmd f" u h. extrud ed K,t-ru t'i'ir U.t At.: 1 .. 1 1 pi .. ! lth his trip aava Ihe Timet. Hi ' other Colleges will grvAlly aer Jet hun in making our iiiallttiti'iti an Ajin-M iri ' lege nut merely in name. 1'RIOAY. Heap hie; Indian in tho cit The Gfeoti VtdetU, of S.! ed. 1 be Oresafunn'i sititt is in 0 tog views tor asp-ci.l i-litum of th: p,p r L . . ...... . f; G Hurkliart wi W 1'orUsu I una none to get witneases in tbe case of Hot .Mate Met aire. Mr Js A nt -1, -.1 I'or'.tod. i. county with a ahotuu. s t-ng Auo rican gr "lift 01 cnurae. t M Yestrrlsv Mr. vVilham p.rmi l.,r chased Mrs L M Foster's W .-So g:oa Street propuriv. or pan ot 11, 1 r 51.10 j Mo K W an-l Miaslirsco i'oier arrived in the city to day from S.lom and are the guests o) IUcor icr lleitUm A California man writing abont Oregou represent that the rivers and Creeks in Ore gon dry up in th fiuimer mouth, which A tlloURtroUs falehil The Willatmtt Packing Co. vesterday ahipiieil two car loads of frnit to Portland. This Compsny haadone a tine business this seaion, and is a credit to the city. 237 pupils were enrolled in the Pendleton public schools or Monday, the largest first day on record. In Albany th: number wss shun'. HO DB M 'titeith re urucd veah-rdsy from Sottthtrn Gregon. ho-p- h- save he could 0 t( j, h oa lUrn. bot u , (ff ft h ()U rr . 111 Or f. Kuifrnr feFrrfc m Mm Cha BArtura l - j . p l..! .a ki..kiae- iait(e - 'a n- i'-i I "iiisui e f t "7 pleased with the record of their hre Otck pUhe,ty. Hi. trotting is said to have been j , .. Chfornis track, and this - . .a. Was bta set-ond ie ile Will b tsheu Ut Hslem ti - nor row . ATttttAY The foial Unable prpi-riy in 0 lUgtas coualy is f2,7oO.O(0. J. G. Crawford, the hotogtapher, left to il iy for .M.iu-n nil to be gnoe two weeks Yesterday J B, Willisms purchased the .N h.sue property, ps lu tf-'iOO f ir It. The picture of H. W. Sott m ysteidy'a AVns tathe nii-aelicst lookr.z thing we ever did see Rev. and Mrs. S. G. Irvine left tester " taeir trip to Puget Sound, heretofore I mentioned. . e , a s .. I lie l.ane c unty lair villi bein on Wednesday, ept. 2(1, aud last th reinaird er of tbe week Miss Annie Ifouok returned thii morning from Cottage grove, where she has been teaching music for three months. Mr. Isaao Meeker, kHo baa been living in Benton county, for M.-ne time, will move in a few da, a ou to his own 'near Milleri. Wm, Merlin had sn arm broken by lading thrown from a baggy while ruling near the Santiaut iterday Mr. Fid Iorri, who bsa fwsl returned from Proevo, hai Mm tsTSlks of thia of Ho for a piece of ni-j venison. To-day is the .'eari.h day cf atonement " "7 " onsm ami I .1 r ,l . a win icmain ci sm tinni iu; even ng. Mrs. Elisabeth B'ain reternw! home thia morning from Ssu L"andro, C,s , where she I P" su aoout two montn-i tnu gtusi 01 ner usugnter. .mm. w. ,t sssBia. Quite a discnasi'.n i going on in the Leb an m paper oyer spirit-iaham. When the oomhatauts get through they they will be about where they started. C, n-r b - Burkhirc rtnrr.ei this noun from Portland, when- he siLp.M)Qael 1 he bus man and present manseer of the Slftjnn. to appear before his honor. Justice Humphrey, 00 1 huraday. 1 t . i 1 - r a 1 n -xi m uncer w. am m uviir oj navini: one of tho prin -ipal ieus in tha election of oity marshal the hmmrtng down of the na tela the sidewalk, nnd are bound to vote " mM who mmko' ih "trongesi p'ede R p Vau Winkle hac WBsal up and wint. a wK)len mill m Salem, according tu the J0arnal. Now what hat heoome of our R;p? In't it about time ire mule things rip on tl i 1 ijnetiun h -re? " Mr, Paisley, recent',' from North Carolina, has Kwe into pirtnerhip witn Chrry A Park'-s. Jtinl the firm usmi is im Cherry, Parkea eSi pA-aloy. Mr Cnerry i. at presnt in Tacmn . "Tne Greg n Paatta, in spt:o of tho low staue of the liver, i. raaehhlg Oti for trade. Lett Mon.lay svnesr loads of x lo-at pas.jd herein WiUametti ",l itv K. U eir. which were Inauud at M.;i' iy.' IIV.; 8Uh, 'Jim West" re urnu.1 jresterday from San FranciHi-. whf r be ma 1 :irraugemeuts tor the aery iws tii 3. V f!--lest tills for railroad work, 200 of who-n viil Hf.i v.- ou tho nexii steam -r. Paerte have sort of ao it i th-ir heula that all bii: wst-r.nlo is aoets frmn 5$ mtharn OfBgAtBt hut Mf. Sliantioa kuookfttl thn ufea in tho Iim.oI 1 1 . i -e miming by hriugiug m .i 49 pounder, whieh was ie't at B- vu-!i Stan srd's Tne tax levy iu Diulaa tsuihtf hit been plaoetl t 2.j mi i vthe eoauty anfti As they hve jur- u it'ifl iutn a ll ve fu r' 0 as tract for the bosrdtoil Iho eeuuty's pwr at $4 2.1 a Week It n ;i fpn iir th : e. tei are noiinntw. Itn . and Mr t Springe, eyeeo in T. .1 Wilton. -f VYarm the eov yesterday, nnd Sreflt to It :lHy, j;i in a few tl.'ix h 11 whieh place they win oyer the raoun tains xv-ith a lmii ot tiling f tioir lox-v reservation h ne. Okuwn, a geefc'.ee JABaneseji oHtive of Tokio, Japan, hat entered tho WillHme'to university, hu 1 Salem peoeffl are tickled, for that is ipiito an houo to a .ohonl. The Japs are soiong the lent of students. Lafayette Haghi-i:, eho to briug six huuilre.l people fr.iin Indiana to Salem, han returned ivKn t alone. lie f',ys people are. so excited ovur polities that they have no time to think of emigrating. Onecn, owned by MeKniuht. Bros., of this Bounty, took ti.ird money in the rnce Thurs (lay, Htid tins vxss really bettei than her owners expiC'eil, for he had been only par tial tc trained and was altogether t o fleshy to trot f x, rfe hat tin- making of one of the fod.'-st animfth 00 t'ne c'laat. Clothing A large and complete lin of gents' clothing and furnishing goods at A. B. McIlwahVs, In the clothing depart ment he has a large ine of pants, t egular value, $5, which lie will sell during the coming week for $2.50. Patronize home iiulus'ry. Try one Joseph's 6-eent cigar?. First, of his mnnnfsature. Pitcher's Castoria. f fpr Infants and Children, 'CaslorialasoweUsdaptedtochlldrenOiat I ! timuu-nd It as superior to any prescripUoa I suowntome." IL A Aacvaa, M. V , I HI eo. Oxford St. Urookla, M. T. I wu SbHSs 1. ll-UsjaC , 1 m THB feE 31 s SPBIIG IlEOSi, BUGGIES isk TTDaN A T" A TDlTniCa lu 'he grouse, Zfl ',nV Send for Catalogue and Price List Rsh Bros. Wagon O'k RACINE. WIS. Stewart & Sox, Agents, Albany, Or. AC A DEM Y ii Our Lady of Perpetual Help. CONDUCTED BY THE BENEDICTINE SISTEBS. ALBANY, - OREGON, This institution is irtsuiuuiiy . nti;.-. the plea ant ami accesail le city of ilisaaie- The loctiou ,. remarkaidy bealthi lb. building n. xv and well fumohed with al that contributes to the comfort and instruc tion of tbe pupiia The play grounds are ex tensive aud well adapted to healthful txer eiscs. Tbe constant aim of the teachers is, whilst imparting instruction io all the useful and rn lined branches, to trsin the touthfui heart to virtue and to instill a comxendsble emu Ution, thus educating fur lociety members Mho a ill, we tmr, prove an honor to our country. Pupils of all persuasions ejuaily received, provided they comply with this rega!atons of tbe Academy. 15 . admitted to the age of ten or twelve. This Academy ts incorporate. I and anthor-ie-l by the State to confer academic honors. Normal iesti action of aspirants for teach er's certificates a specialty. TERMS. BeAUMNU W IIOOL l-K!t 1 Et M . Entrance fee, payable hut once $ o.OO Bosrd and tuition, payable in sdvsnce 4(1.00 Music, iasttumeuta, theoretical and vocal with use f piano or organ. . 15 00 (luitar, with use of instrumeut 12.00 Z.tbern, without use of instrument. . , S-bO )i axe u,g ami painting 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3 00 Fancy wotk forms no extra chsrge for bosrdets. Hpecimens of meudin retjaired and inspected weekly. A black dress fur Sundai is the costume ; smoitg other uec t.sttea sra inei t:on the fol lowing : One half dt r.ju towi-le. One half daeu table napkine. Obti napkin riug. SELEtT DAY SCHOOL. PR It TCIIM VsVTaVMJI IN '.: VANCE. Prituai y l)i psnment . . . , 5 00 Junior 6.C0 Prepattor 8.C0 Se!oe or (iroluatiug Department. . . . 10.C0 Grsdii-xtiou fee 10X0 Fr farther irticut.,rs apply at the Acad emv. Palace Meat MarkH. J, V. PIPE, PEOPEIETOB. FiRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will ktep cotiataiitiv on band beat', in ton. por, veal, sauxago, etc. lt best meats and Urgent, variety in tin- eit Cash pid for aii kinds of fat stock. First National Hmk OF ALItk.s t, OtGH.O.V. eroaid.ui , Vioe itasM j.i 1 Oaihter A..t OssBlar. . b. KUNN si, K, YOCgQ I .tifcO. k CltAMOl U1.A1N J.s. r . row tub TilASSACTd A cJKXUlUb hankuii; huMiiewc A : .i.-.,S KKIT to .heck. SI-! Ll T KXCttajrOS an I leloifraphic trsnrfor, sul 011 New York, San Krsnctsco, Onlesy j and i'fi OlMgJ. CUboBimOVsl MADK011 boorahlo tortiu.. OIKBCTOkA. K K votraa, uku gcuamsi:.o' Bsuq. L. Kuas, WxLTK.e r. Tl'aSSbL, b i'OSHAY a MASO;Vt, I.B'-l-i A.MI r.STAtl huggisi.uMi Booksellers, Agent for Jou'i i 1 UktU v .1 eel I a p iS'-A. -i i-J id A L K V X . Aldeu's publications, Ji iH"'a y-ricea witi ! 0M, FLO EI T AUcif 0R) Kosks a Specialty. Cad"? o; piVatl nd attebded H. F. MERRILL, B -A. 1ST 3S1 B3 JK . ALBANY, 8eil 1 v 1 1 - - - OREGON. 0:1 Ne York, Sn yranclsco snd ForiUnU. Buy note. SU , c u ity and c'ty warrants Re ceive dapoiiU aubjaet t.. cheek, biteru.d allowed on time deposits. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited . Fire and uuHne Iniuraaes placed in reliable com smes, f hi i'i tei n i a. m. t 5 p. oi. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before you start your mower, binder 01 'hreshing outfit coini to our Mtore and get your -.uplls Wn keap aim st anything vu will n' ml at prices you wili Ue tisfl-i -t'i blKWAKT A Sol Oasteria enres nolle, fTotsetrpeti, iffl' fT IfTffiTlt lymti!m pruutoses 41 Tin ('axrTAca CoarAjrr, 77 Murray Mtreet, It. Y THE BEST FARM WJIGOI IN THE MARKrr ALBANY SAW AKD PLAN 1 IMG fa. LIS. All kind. rough, dressed nd scat. lumber, lath. pickets kti wjL6tantly en hand- Bills huwcd to ordei tn j ,jL . . -jj.- , . Shortest liOtlce Use Only best Caiapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. KUULNSUN a WEST. r. O. POWXLL. W. K. BILTftt POW fcJLL. & BILYfcL, iTTOKNEYb AT LAW, And Solicitors is tkascery, tLBAM Y. ... uhlbbiN, Collect Sons promptly made on all points. Umam negotiated on reasonable terms JT Office In Footer's Brick.- vHnlthf. T. J. ST1TES. ATTORNEY AT LW -ANO Notary Public. ALBANY, OEQ3. fja Je WHITNEY, ittomey And Gonnselior At La? strfclND Notary Public. ALBAWi OREGON. Will ptitcOB IA ail of tbe Courts o .his State. Ail boaineae intrusted to him will be promptly a '.tended to. Ti l IS STATE Agricultural College. COR V ALUS, OREGON. Term Commence Wednesday, neptei ink. I BBS. tfcer -G- FACOMT, A full corps, of experienced Ptofissors and teucnern. OOURSK OF BTCoT. A r ran red x press! y to meet tbe farming intoi eats of the iState. PltKPABATOKT I'KI'ii.r.MKXT. For students ov.-r 15 Tears of age who desire to entr the College but are not j prepred to etiier Collego ulassea by ex. aniitiation. MILITARY TH AI V Q. To tho extent rtquirei by law, Bru.TiiNO-1. Large, oomtnodions aud well ventilated, LCOATIO.v. Tn a cultivated and Christian cointuun Ity, mid one t-f tin bealthieat tu the State. EXPlSHlMK.VTAI. STATIO.V. I 1 1 1 'i i . annlal n in i mitti.r t'. . nf I terest to fstmer, wi I l rogulariy tued land copies mailed to isaee patron of the . Cfcdiege, ' iU.tnted In lo steal tlstirr.--. Two or nnxra ' f rt' vcholArxbipsfiooi every eevttnty, C-n. auit your (' unty UfHi!nu n';eot V onnfid nfiy ppal io ti faroiera I and Graot,era of Hregon to pair-mis? th jonly Botiuri estaldiaiied by urenui tor tbe (umutotbin if w agiicutural IniereBUp i F-r atn'i.jneor othei hif irinathtn, mf- 1 AR OLD. Ul CorvHiit?.. t.' ESxeoutor'a iNf ou tee. eutor -f the : ' Qai dec. ased, A 1 p4zr tw ot. Sauist said .T.i:t- see im-ox itb present thi 'i within silt months troi date Btoperli verified as by law rSju the uodevfeiaced at hia resilience 18 mii a?t of Aihau, Oregon. September 7tt, 188S John W (;aines. T. J. STTris, Executor Attoruej lor Kxecutor. 0. hi. Faint Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All workguaranteed. VASSALLO & SALTMARSH. (Suocesso1 to Henry Kaaeens.) MACHINE OILS. Tho ber vari-t'9 f machtn oils to b li i 1 aeo krtiit ny -4iwart A Sox, eapeeially 'h-ki ids that hwn rwoxn thor uia;hlv tested 'i o . - unt ' ir nrs. Pri.i vucp anteeel, Children Cry for