Ihe Hemoctat ALAIN VK ASK : AUK YOl IWNMII f" Again we appeal to (air-minded republi can! who have been led to believe that President Cleveland favor free trade to compare the vital text of hi message with the view of many leading rcpublican,and then candidly nay whether the message mean "free trade." The following I tSe vital text of the message : "It la not proposed to entirely relieve the country of this taxation. It must be ex tensively continued as the source of the Government's income ; and in a readjust ment of our tariff the interest of Ameri can labor engaged in manufacture should be carefully conslderd,as well as the pres ervation of our manufacturer." Now, then, read the following from Mi . Cleveland's letter of acceptance : "The coat of government must continue to be met by a tariff duty collected at our custom houses upon imported goods and by an in ternal revenue tax assessed upon spirituous and malt liquors, tobacco and oleomargar ine. We propose, therefore, to stimulate our domestic industrial enterprises by free imr from dutv imported raw materials which by the employment of labor are used in our home manufacture, thus ex tending the markets for their sale and per milling an increased and steady production with allowance of abundant profits. True to the undeviating course of the democratic parry we will not neglect the interests of our laborer and our workinginen. In al our efforts to remedy existing evils we will furnish no excuse for the loss of employ mentor the reduction of the wages of hon est toil. On the contrary, we propose, in anjr adjustment of our revenue laws.to con cede such encouragement and advantage to the employes of domestic labor a will easily compensate for any difference that may exist between the standard of wages which should be paid to our laboring men and the rate allowed in other countries. We propose, too, by extending the markets for our manufacturers, to promote steady cm ploy men t of labor, while, by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life, we increase the purchasing power of the workingman' wages and add to the comforts of his home.' Compare the above views of President Cleveland with the views of leading rcpub licans as shown below : General John A. Logan, April i8lh,ib70 'Now when the gentleman, who seems to be the protector In an especial mariner of the great labor interests of this country speaks of this protection being the nrotec tion of the labor of this country, I ask him LsOftS not everv farmer ana mechanic in this broad land make use of iron in all kinds of labor ? The 4,000,000 men that have been freed recently are laborers, are producers, not manufacturer. Thev are not men of skilled labor ; they evidently are not men who are protected. And then there are the men in the Northwest who produce corn, wheat, oats, pork and beans. etc. ; thev are producers and consumers and arc not protected ; and it is thev who pav thl large amount of tnoncv into the pocket of the manufacturers of this article And when a gentleman stards upon thi Moor and tells me that this high, this ex traordinarily high tariff,i for the protection of the laboring men, I tell him that I do not understand how he can possibly sub stantlatc such a theory." My republican friend, read that again and then say which is the free trader.Clcvc land or Logan. James A. Garlield.April ist.iSjo : I)u ties should be so high that our manufac turers can fairly compete with the foreign product, but not so high as to enable them to drive out the foreign articlc,enjoy a mo nopoly of the trade.and regulate the prices as they please. This is my doctrine of pro tection. If Congress pursues this line of policy steadily we shall, year by year, ap proach more nearly to the baU of free trade.because we shall be more nearlv able to compete with other nations on equal terms. I am for a protection which leads to ultimate free trade.'' Garfield has, always been regarded as the oracle of his party. Which is more nearly a free trader, he or Cleveland ? President Arthur, Annual Mcssage,i882 "A total abolition of excise taxes would almost inevitably prove a serious, if not an insurmountable obstacle to a thorough re vision of the tariff and to any considerable reduction in import duties. Ine present tariff system is, in many retpects, unjust. It makes unequal distribution, both of its burden, and its benefit. I recommend an enlargement of the free li-t so as to include- within it the numerous articles which yield inconsiderable revenue, a simplification of tne complex and inconsistent schedule of duties upon certain manufactures, particu larly those of cotton, iron and steel, and a substantial reduction of the duties upon fiose articles,and upon sugar,molasses,silk, wtxu and woolen goods." Now we ask our republican readers to carefully reac and compare these openly expressed views of the great leaders of their party with the views of President Cleveland as expressed above, 1 nd then candidly and honestly answer the question whether they consider the views of Mr. Cleveland that of a free trader. They can not candidly say they do. President Cleve land has not taken nearly so radical a posi tion on tariff reform as nearly all the re publican leaders in the last decade. We might give extracts from speeches and writing of score of others who .nade the repub ican party great.such as Allison, Fol ger, Grant, McCulloch, Sherman, Hale, IngalU, Lodge, Long.McKinley and scores of others taking stronger ground in favor of tariff reduction, did space permit. No candid man who reads Cleveland's message or the Mills bill would think of saying thev mean free trade. IIKN II AKKINOX. liif it on DtntiM r,if : In his letter of acceptance, Gen. Ben. Harrison treats the Chicago platform very much like he treats the Chinese and labor questions. That is, his present views are at variance with his previous acts nnd declarations. In the case of the Chinese we find him favoring unrestricted imml grationof Hie Mongolian with cltUcnshlp and full competition with American labot mg men. in 77 we find him prosecuting distressed American luhorcis to such an ex tent that laborers of his own town and state have treasured up both his words anil acts and hold them aguinst him to day.and w ill on the sixth of November give full stress to their views, of a man that will belie every public act and vote he has ever given or made, thus sacrificing all principles In the hope of satisfying the injured class of American citizens sufficiently to gain their suffrage. This puling effort to pander to public sentiment appears also in his letter of acceptance In regard to the tariff plank of the platform he says he indorses, via : e are not likely to be called upon to make a present choice between the sur render of the protective system and the tn tire repea' of the internal revenue," when he know full well his party platform pledges them to an entire repeal of the In ternal revenue before surrendering any part of the protective system. Mr. Kdltor, this is the first time in the history of this government that trusts and monopolies have lifted their hydra heads and boldly demanded of labor its suffrage to perpet uate a system of war taxes that have en riched their own coffers at the exnense oi labor, and the loading down the farms of the country of mortgages that can never be paid off. Hut we find in the Kast that the farmers and laborers are beginning to "see trees as men walking," the mists arc breaking away and ere the Ides of Novem ber shall roll around they will be found "clothed and in their right minds." They will condemn at the poll by their ballots the party and monopolies that would still enslave them by an exorbitant tax, four fifths of which goes into the pocket of the c same trust. The trusts, however, (which control the republican party by the way,) think laborers and farmers are fools and I believe they really think they can use them at cat's paws to pull out their (tax) chesnut with, but they won't, and don't you forget it. Labor i-.k nwekleM's Arnica Salve The lwt anlva In the world for .. limine. Korea, Ulnars, Halt Kheum, Kover Monta, Tetter, rtiappttd Hands, Chilblains, Corn and all skin Krupllims, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. II la guaranteed to give perleot aatlsiactlon, or money refunded. I'noe v:n emit box. For sale by Foshay dr. Mason, pr Don't Kaii.. Don't fail to call and sec Duhrullle's fine display horse and his Im mense stock of harnesse and saddle, back d Conrad Meyer's grocery store. We have entered upon no c.usade of free trade. The reform we seek to inaugurte I predicated upon the utmost care for estab Iished industries, a jealous regard for tin interest of American labor and a sincere desire to relieve the country from the In- jus'ice and damager of a condition which threatens evil to all the people of the land President Cleveland's Letter of Accept ance. It seem perfectly clear that when the Government, this instrumentality created and maintained bv the people to do their bidding, turns upon and, through an utter perversion of its powers, extort from their labor and capital tribute largely in excess of public necessities, the cicatu'e has rebelled against the creator and tne masters arc robbed by their servants.- President Cleve land's Letter of Acceptance. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This tuwdsr run mr varies. A msrvd of purity ttritcth ami vhntosoicK-noa. Mr icini tl th U iil Utmt r k inda. kjul osnnut be auhl ln , M). Um petition lu wt'iiil,iduinor osss. !UYiL f. V mult Uuda of Utw Isst, short h..i.htiwU. r KoLOostT IS l foWMft . 1M Walt at.. NOTIOK TO SHIPPERS, (vis Yaquinato San Krauciaeo.) Of wheat, osts. hop nnd wool. I sui pre- 1 taxed to take Mariue lusarsi ce 011 all cersalr, lops, wixil or any entir ii.ii rnlg ( imhU to sod from Sao Kraucuco. Fr further partic ulars, sddtoas AU4 II u.i 1 . Ageut California las. Of Valutas. Or. APPLK BOXK. (ireen and dry apple boxes st M AC HoohstedUr's, VVsUr Street, Albary, Of. NOTICE. All peraooa Unowiun themselves indebted to Drs. M AI hUr 6l Woodward, are hereby notified to call aed settle at ones and save ooat . Data. McAixtirrKK 4 Wuodwai-.i Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON ( HAS. PFKIFFEIl htolMUKTOR. Fittod up In first -class style. Tables supplied with the beat In the market. Sloe sleeping apartments. Sample room for commercial travelers, rrfreee reet la seal frees Ike Ueiel.M INOERS Ml! MOWERS. Farmer", remember that we thi year have the Osborne hUnri Krstne Hinders and Mowers, the strongest, llgbeal run uiiitf, sod beet made mseblne tn the market Veosn gflre you Just teros as anyone, and probably a Utile belter ; at any 'rate irome ami see us be tore yoa buy. Stkwart A So. New sh'sbs at Head'. A wcol grower writes to ask if the price of wool is not affected by the duty, and whether it wou.d not lie greatly to the in terest of our wool growers if the former rate of duty were restored. In Oregon the duty makes Mttie difference either way .The reduction of duty on wool, effected by tlve act that passed the last Congress was quite small, and in all probability if the amount were restored the Oregon wool-growers would never know it from any change in the market. Again, wool is governed in price more largely by its distance from the manufacturer and the cost of trunspor tatiou than by the duty,and hence wool of like quality sells lower in Oregon than in London,because it is further from the man ufacturer." Oregon'mit, Sept. 21 t, 1884. Sound as a dollar is this argument and statement of fact, but no sounder then than now. But the Orcgoniai's subserviency as an organ grinder necessitates it eat'.ng crow, hence it is compelled to go back on the truth and fact so tersely stated above. If a wool-grower should now ask the Ore gonian editor the question asked it four years ago it would answer that ihe price of wool is affected by the duty and that a re duction of the duty would be followed by an equal reduction ln the pi ice, which would be ruin, ruin, ruin to the industry. A Warning. 1 e The modes of death's app losch sie W ous, end el all slice show conclusive' the mo'e person die from dieeaee; o Ihe Thro-tsnd Lung than ny other, 'tis probable tbat everyone.witbout exception, receive vast number of Tubercle Germs into the system tnd where these germ fall upon suitable soil tbey start Into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by slight ticking sensat'on in the tbrou ai.! if allowed to continue their ravages tbey extend to the lung producing Cen sumption sad to the besd, causing Cs tarrh. Now all tbls i dsniceroii and if al lowed to proceed will in time cause death. At the onset you mast avt with promptness ; allowing a oold to go with jut attention is IsiiKerou and may lose you our life. Am noon a you feel thst sou. thing I wrong with your Throat, Lunzs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Itos ciee' (Jer man Syrup. It will give you in mi-im relief. C. L BLACKMAN, SM. ;eMar to E. W. Langilon, DKALBIt IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS. sod everything kept In a tlrei eu Dm Sloro. Also a fin- tUtck of pianos organ. ALBANY. OUK.JO! rug jid Their Uasihnw Boomis. Probthly n- one thing has n-.- ! sucb a revival oftraie '. Foshay St Mason'a Drug Store as their giving awsy to their customer or ao many free trial bottles - f Dr. King' New Discovery for Consump tion. Their trade i simply enormous in this very valuable artfelo from the fact that ilalway cure and never disappoint. Coogbs Colds, Asthma, Broiichitis.C'roup and all throat and lung disease quickly cured. Yon oan test it before buving by getting trial bottlo free, larg ciz j ft. Every bottle warranted. Administrator's Notice. Notice It herebv ulven that the under siifned was by the County Court of Lion count v, Oregon, on t m unit day or July, IS88,duly apioirued Admlnistraloi of the estate of Simeon W. Uyerson. duesexd. All persou having claims sglut the estste f the said deceased are hert by notified to present luem within six months from this date, proper! v verified ti ibe undersigned at Albany, Oregon. IbUSbtb day of July, 18b D. P. Maecy, Adminlstiator of i-aid estate. Keaewa Her aik. Mr ,iioele Chealey, Peterson. Clav Co.. Iowa, tePs tho following remarksble story, tho truth of winch is vouched for b the rosid Qii or the town: "1 i,n 7:1 years old, have been troubled with kid ney eowpisim, ana latnoiiflss ror many ears; could not dress myself without elp. rTow I am free from all pain and soreoetKi, anil am able to do all inv own housework. I owe my thanks to Klectric miter for Having renewed mv vouth.and removed completely ail disease and nain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at Foshay and Ma son urujt oiore. Wanted. We will pay 45 cents per roll for choice shipping butter. I iiompkox Si Waters. The country is reminded to-day of a fact that has seemed To be overlooked, that the name of the nomial Republican candidate is not Blaine, but Harrison. Yet as Mr. Harrison savs, the mere name on the banner is not very important. Sheriff's Sale. N thf Circuit Court of lte State ot Oregon for Lttnn vouniy. J. M. Powell, Plaintiff. vs. Siinuel Attridge, D:feudaut. NOTICE is hereby miven that by virtus of an Execution issued out of the above named Court iu the above entitled action, and to me directed and delivered on tho li.1rd day of Aitvuit, Itfss. I .iui on th-; 24'.h, day of August 188S, levy up,ri ail tne riabt. title and Interest of the sai.l I :t-:'i nt in and to the real property herein after described, ami wi 1 oil Siifiirdsy Ihe fili day of Orfuber, 1KM4, at tne Court Houe door in the city tf Al- baoy, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in , sell st public auction for cash iii hand to the highest bidder said real propei ty desciibed as follows, to-wit . Land claim uotificatim seven thousand one hun dred and twenty-four (7124), the same lying and hi'.ioK iu sectioi.s seventeen (17) and twenty (20). township thirteen (13), No. one 1), west, 111 Lion county, Off goo, consisting of one hundred aod sixty ( ICO) acres of land more or less . The proceeds arising from the sale of said premises will bo applied : First to the payment of tbo costs and disburse ments of suit axed at f 19.25 and accruing costs. Second to the payment to the Plain tiff, J M Powell the sum of $08.00 with iu terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tho 23ib aay of June, 1888 Third the overplus if any therebe will be paid over to the Defendant. Samuel Attridge. John Smallmon, By D. 3. Smith, Sheriff. Deputy. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice u hereby given that the unl ric ed Executrix of the eatste of John Shore, deceaaed, has KUd her final account in the County Court for Lam eoaoty, Oregon, and the Court hsa se the 1st day ot October, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for hearing of objections and settling ot said estate Julia A. Suork. Executrix. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of tlu: SlM of Oregon for the County of Linn : Io the mstter of the eatste of John VV. lie- . 11 tl, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed Adminis trator of said estate by the County Court ol Linn county, Oregon, and thai alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them together with the proper vouchers sbd proofs to the undersign ed at the law office of J. J. Whitney, in Al bany, in said Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 14th day of September, 1888. Frank Wood, J. J. Whitney, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. FINE Horses. We bate just brought from Eastern Oregon, h lot of 6oe woik rotaes wHoh we will sell on terms to suit the times. Among 1 horn atedtn promising young drrveia trom Oneco, Mason Chief end K I ward Everett. Alio ava choice heavy nrsree. Anyone wishing to rafts eh sm n horso will do well to look tl (am over, We will take pleasure in shi w tn ell intruding purchasers. Mcknight bros.. Tailman, Or, THEPLACR M.v all means call on Parker Brothers, Suteeuort to John Fox, r yomr Groceries, Produce, Baked Boode, Etc , gtc. Their goods are the best and the tr prices reasonable. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS I hereby eertlfy tbt Dr. 1. N. Woodle baa successfully operated on my ridKltng boree, ISAAC HAY. For further reference Iu regard to rldg Ings tin j u I re of Win. Peterson, Dave Pe teraon, Lebanon ; John Hardman, Alfred Woiverton. Albany ; Mam Oatnea, sleio ; Win. Foster, Frineviile. I practice veter Insry medicine In Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence corner tfth and Washington Sin. I. N. WOODLB, Veterinary .Surgeon. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Kail 1 beg to call attention to the Following Departments: DRY GOODS 'n ahie department my Bt ok is unusually Urgeetpi ofopl-tH. Drt.se goods in all the leading stybs ; gt4 b4ti for Fall ami Winter r seleoltd from lie Leel Kasfein and Fijign iiuportattonr. Tho Istest novel line in trimmings and button, shawls, bUuketH, some Stra gool values iu white blaukets, table linens, towel?, etc. CARPETS M enlergtd (neiiltici for ahowing carpets has m le I me to make arge puiobasta in tbia drpartment. lean show tine line f iouiaint U low prices, soQlo choice patterns in Bmiy iSrussls and Tapestries. I am iUkking carpets a leading btaneh ot in) busiui-ss. BOOTS AND SHOES1 'ry 1rt line ot Boois mud 8bn.H 1 . he ous Mfid have paid sprctal al Initios to g tting the goods lsi .-ned ttl HU trade and I csn show a fine lino of good. I keep in stock the hfMH mik to 'le cotinfr?, snd have endretoied to get e line of 'ow j iioe goods that I iM gsr aiitee 10 giy e satiafsotion. Anything iu Boot, Shoes or Runner' f.r , wo men snl ehildren can lie found in 1 lit department. It is in fact a do- More GOOD NEWS. New Goods -AT GROCERIES mm Wxusi "l''cii,, sHtUl to ktiepiiig m full tie if S pie Fancy Giocetlee, uncolorid leas, roasted snd ground fotTosW, csni.e.l f on-, (he latea. aprcisltiee in breakfsst f'd, etc., can sll le lonnd in this d. pn mm t. m . . 1 ; . ; 'site, liesb Hssj SBQ gncu vs:ne mr meney is oy mm I WILL BROS, Dealers In all ths istast improved Pianos, Organ. Htwlng Msimines Ciuns Also roll line r werrantot lias'ira, Butcher an I rocket Knives, Toe beat kind of sowing nsaebiue oil, nawdles and estraa, for all iiisehtnee Ail repairing neatly end reeonab!y done. New Wash House. le Chinaman, who lived in this town for many year aad was so svvll liked by every, body has returned and will open ep a nsw wash hooss ths first of MopUmbsr. uos dnor south uf ths Itsvere Ifoeas. Lee doss ood work sod wsots everybody to get their wsshing done by him. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Ortf, for Linn county. In ths matter of the estate of Edward Mar rsy, deceased. To Mary J. 0 I lagan aod Kden Murray, tinettog : IN the name of the StsU of Oregon, yoa are hereby cited sod renoired to be sod ap nea iu the Cunt v Court for the ooonty of Lino and State of Oregon, at toe C urt House 10 the city of Albany, io said county sod St no uo MesMlay the urn 4m f ot sjeveeaswr. , O. isjsa, st the boor of ten o'clock io the forenoon cf eid dsy. toe ame being a day of the regular November term, 1M8M, td said Court, sod theo aod there show cause, if any ei iat why so order of sole, directing aod licenaing Am. 10 M-irrav, Admioiatratris of the estste of Edward Murray, deceased, to sell oil the right title and ioterest of said Edward Mar ray, deceased, at the time ot his death both in law snd equity in and to the real property herein after described as preyed for 10 the petitioo of said Administratrix, win- ! peti tion is now on Hie io the County Court ef Linn ooooty, Oregon, snd which real mp erty is described aa follows, to-wit : The west baif of lot 4 aad the north half of the east half of lot 4 io block 1 1 in the city of Abany, Linn coanty, Oregon. That the lot is what is known as the old Exchange Hotel. Dooe by order of the Hon. IX It. N. Black burn, Judge of said County Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto st my hand aod affixed the aeal of said County Court at my office to the city of Albany in ssid cnuntv snd State this 10th dsy of Sep tember, 1886. I. ft. E. R. MoNTaOCB. Clerk. ould esecislly call tlm sttenth u of pa tiee la)ing to th'ir 1 Nttppliee to my large stock f FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 am belt- prepaud than ever to meet tS sir WnlA, pstimeiits I sm piepered to meet the U all de- Demantls of Linn County L E. BLAIN'S. MENS YOUTHS' AND BOYS nrmiiMp a. -AND THE City of Albany, And ask e thorough ioepretion ef my stock. Samuel E. Young. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby giveo thst the undersign ed has been by the County Court for Lion county, Oregon, duly sppotnted Administra trix of the estate of Oeorge B. MoKiooey, deceased, late of Linn coanty, Oregon. All persons having claims sgoinst ssid estate are hereby notified to present them ptoperly verified to the andcrsinged st her residence near Lebanon, within six mouths from this date. This 10th day of September, 18S8 Emii.v McKinmky, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. Weathkrpord, Attorney for Administratrix To Exchange. The undersigned desires to exchange good brood mare, 12 years old, for hog fatten this fall. Call on or address A. Bridgefarmer, Tangent, Or. City Drug S tore Everybody wonders bow we doit ; yet if the world only knew of ine energy, grit and tptswWPO e rt at V as 1 1 I sa t I aa mm ft mm s 1 a S sa a ' 71 r '77 '"""""ft muv" 9 rosgniBcvr.t rtirday of staple and fancv gio- , , w. r. sounvf.ino largest, unsl and rrnvt com plete stock ot GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ever nroHgnt into ttieeity, and we ere going to sell at prices below eny thin ever before offered in thie piece. You may think ibis a rash assertion ; but if o win can ana examine the quality of our gocde and Get Our Prices in i i i ,!.: i. . you win ue convinced inai w nave no. over-estimated oiirbelvee. 1;. ,. ., t r we areouying our goooe iargiy ,ureci irom rtrrtbendf, iheruby avit, piofita of tho middle men, and our command of teady cai-b has xnaLihjjV. to buy our good remarkably cheap, g-lting the heneiil ,f u! dUcouMe and le- oatee, placing us in a position wuern we can dictate u theui tttid net thev hereby always getting the lo us, -A full stock of- DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES constantly "n hand. A nsa and complete Horn ot SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS ANB STATIONERY, PENCILS, ETC. Physicians and Family Prescriptions Carefully Prepared. choice mum a iiram mm. DR. CUISS & SON JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALEK IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cgara, Plug ami Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum aud Briar Pipes, end a line of Smok re' Ar eies, Also dealer j CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, BEST AND FRESHEST and never allowing our goods to grw n ebeit worn and stale waiting P hit. profits. These ere the reasons why we desire your patronage and whv we en joy euoh ft healthy tra . We have adrted recently to our stock a full and plete line of Crockery and Glass Ware. These goode we bought direct from Eastern factories, thus securing (be latest aesigns at prices wy uowu. mwe gooos nave io oe setn to be annrprlt Farmers having produce to sell will at ell times receive the top oi the marke for good produce, end your patronage is earnestly solicited. These facts re WORTH LISTENING TO and worth your careful consideration. We have the "Jumbo" stock, more goods than any three stores of the kind in Albany, and prioes that beat them all full WALLACE & THOMPS LARGE STOCK, LATEST STYLES BARGAINS! F.r -clsaa good et -ottom prioes is wbat the public want. TL-jec I hre ' u,y r o hte city. Bought et Bankrupt sales I can avll my stock of General Merchandise consisting of drees goods, gents furnishing goods, clothing, etc, AT COST. Slid 5 cut n nit l"S i ' . 01 articles r i ta Cash or goods will be paid for all kinds of country product. e. w. Simpson, Albany, Oregcs. THE COW BRAND. TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be sure tost there is s picture of a Com on your psoases snd you will hare the east god made. TILE COW BRAND. FURNITURE. oi wnt the beet and moat double furniture that is manufactured in iLeciljgoto Thomas Brink. Qa keeps almost everything in the line of furniture thst N kept in a flrtMlsi hou SPRINGFIELD SAW MI SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St., between 4th and 5 h street Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for tho fhT&ade? Ct0ry fiUiDg 01 ord. I restfullyolicitThaw ot A. Wheeler. WANTED. ON Fiinn'is new Block, Albany, Oregon. Benton Fraley, son 0f the undersicnerl. eft the State of Kansas ten years ai;o to come west, since waich time I have not heard from turn. Any one knowing his whereabouts or information concerning him will confer a great furor by communicating such to the undersigned. Hugh FRAura." Lemoore Cal, Rather than ths Cheapest PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portlssd. Oreros. J'ciiect equipineur, iiKMoiiKh instruction, estab lished reputsUioii.growiitK popularity. Business. Shorthand Common School and Penmanship Depart n ents. students admitted st any time. Cats logue and stecnnens of penmanship sent free. J. A. W'SCit Sec'y. A P. AKMSTR0M1, jPrla. 0 e