fittocrat TIIK FARMKKTINTKKKSTS. The f.ithjr Sipi, a newspaper devoted to the interests of organised labor.and pub lished at the home of Harrison has this lo ay about how farmers arc affected by the tariff : "Suppose he builds a house. He must pay a tariff of jo per cent on the bricks for foundation and chimneys ; $2 per 1,000 feet on every board and stick of timber that goes Into it ; 35 cents per 1,000 on the shingles to cover It ; 1 cents per pound on the nails ; 6S cents per box of fifty feet on common window glass ; jO per cent on his putty ; 45 percent on his locka.scrcens and hinges ; J5 cents per gallon on his lin seed oil .and 3 cents per pound on his white lead ; on lime lOper cent,and on aash cord 35 per cent. If there is any material that enters into the composition of that bouse which has escaped taxation it was certainly an unintentional omission, unless it may be the and used in making the mortar, and doubtless the Senate will remedy this in its proposed substitute for the Mills bill. "Having his house built, the next thing Is to furnish it. This he does by laying down carpet -hemp at 8 cents per square yard, three-ply at 35 percenter Axmlnster at 5O per cent ; his stoves come burdened with a tax of t j cents, and the pots and skillets 3 cents per pound ; his tables,stands chair bedsteads, bureaus, lounges, etc. come in at a uniform tax of 35 per cent, lie gets his dishes. Including china and porce lain ware, at .sOper cent ; his glassware at 4O per cent ; his spoons, knives and forks, clock, shears, scissors, Urittannla ware, broom, shotgun, steel, gun wads, all go in at a uniform tax of 3$ per cent ; his earthen and stone ware cost him 25 per cent ; sauce pans 3 cents per pound, and shot i cents per pound. For his shovel and tong.meal selves, lamp, lampchimheys and shades mouse traps and lanterns, he pays 45 per cent. Ilisblankets,ticking and tablecloths are assessed at 4O per cent ; but he must pay 5O per cent on his razor and queens ware. Baskets, blacking and brushes he can get at a uniform tax of 30 per cent blueing at 2(1 per cent : common soap at 20 pe' cent, and toilet soap at 15 cents per pound ; looking glasses "from 4 cents to 35 cents per square foot. 'If there Ls anything omitted in the furn Pure of a house in the above list it is the fault of the writer and not of the law. Suppose the farmer has built his house and furnished it, and undertakes to supply his farm with the implements, tools and ap pliances necessary to operate it economi cully. He can buy at a uniform tax of 45 per cent all his pade,hovels,square,steel yards, planes, scythes, augers, axes, awls, brace, rules, bells, corn-knives, hammers hatchets, hay-knives,hoes, pitchfork. plow s and drawing knives. His iron wedges and carriage bolts pay a tariff of 2 ' 2 ccn0 per pound, his horseshoes 2 cents per pound.his rope 36 cents, and his wrought and horse shoe nails 4 cents per pound. On his cross cut saws he pays tO cjnts per foot, and his hand and buck suwi and grain bags 4O per cent ; the bits for his brace pay a tariff of 50 percent; his salt 12 cents per iOO pounds ; his hames, trace, dog and halter chains,and saddles and harness 35 per cent And so on, ad infinitum, from the smallest item to the largest machinery tax,taxfax Nothing that a farmer raise,or possibly can raise, escapes. "Having built his house and furnished it and supplied his farm with tools and appli ances, he undertakes to clothe himself and family. At this point we are so lost amid the intricacies of this studied effort to tax at from one-fourth to one-half its value everything indispensable to a house or farm, that we find ourselves unable to rise to its suoiime , neiznts or descend tons never ending depths. Suffice it to say that there t nothing worn f rom the top of the head to the sole of the foot of man, woman or child that has not been forced to contribute to the payment of pensions and the nation al debt, and add its per cent to the enrich ment of the railroad, trust and syndicate magnates of the country. Not only does this devil-fish inclose in its grasp everything that man, woman or child can wear for comfort or convenience.but it also includes in its folds all material out of which the simplest or more costly and complicated article of use or ornament can be made." Harrison ha written hi little letter. We are sorry t be compelled to say that it is very commonplace in every feature. The tariff question has been more ably handled by many obscure country newspapers of his own party than he himself handles it. He makes a feeble attempt to dodge the "free whisky" plank of his party's platform by saving that "we are not likely to be call ed upon, I think, to make a present choice between the surrender of the protective system and the entire repeal of the internal revenue," thus trying to cover up the fact that the party is pledged to an entire repeal of the revenue before they would surrend er any part of the protective system. Dem ocrats may well feel proud of the superior abi ity and statesmanship of Mr. Cleveland over Mr. Harrison. From the returns as far as heard from the republicans appear to have carried Maine by a somewhat lesa majority than they had in September, 1884. The esti mates made by republicans shows that they have gained on their total vote of 1884 1553 votes, while the democrats have gain ed on their total vote of 1884 I9ot votes, a net gain for the democrats in the state of 348. The republicans lost the presidency in 1884 when th.-v had 348 larger majority than they have this year. It the election indicates anything it shows that party grows weaker as it nears the presidential election. V e furnish in to day's weekly a nipple ment containing President Cleveland's let ter of acceptance. "We trust every reader of the Dsmocrat will read it carefully read it twice, then ask your republican neighbor to read it. It is plain, manly, candid.and above all it is the production of a statesman, written in the interest of th people. The man who, after reading it would call it "free trade" is an idiot. Mr. Harrison is talking buttered water melon. He said the other day that the Republican party had created the home in America. Why should he be a flapdoodle like that? Americans had homes, loved them,fiought for them.died for them, before the Republican party was ever heard of. On Saturday night Allen G. Thurman made one of Ida fine speeches at Newark, New J'jrsfcy.wherc over 530opeople,mainly WHKIU. 10 QO. An Important Question. Some will nay to the gran 1 old ooetu at Newport ; some to breesy Ilwaoo ; aotuo lo tho haaith glviug Springs at Sodavllle and Waterloo, and wmo to where the deer graft In tho mounlians; but the general verdlot will b, when jou are after dry good, boots, shoes, olothlng. furnishing good, eto., to goto A. B Moltwaln'x, Al- any, Or. After the .most bountiful har vest In the history of Oregon the quostlon U a very important one. Big eropa with low prloes and good goods will make things nourish. If you would realise thla combination call on Mr. Mollwaln and you will bo taken through his large double store and i shown goods and prices that will Impioss thla fact on your mind, tils siockth dry goods Is com plnte and seloetod to meet tho 'r mauds of this growing community. In dree gooda of all kinds' ha has a atook that mhwks for itself. New deMigns, Mvlos mid lutttarns. His lino of woolen roods Is remark ablv fine, and as fall In now hero, deserves your consideration. Siittarior roods at low prices Is the program. Ills stock of flan nels is a good one and now is too time to bUT, In Wdlee shoes he can surprise vou at their cheapness considering the qnality of the artlolo. You will not lose anything by examining his boot and sbon atook generally. Mr. Mellwaln' clothing and furnishing iro'Mis department Is well stock ed with a good assortment of gcods which be Is selling st very low price. Mr. Mcllwaln'a goods generally have been bought under tba market, and hence eao bo sold at price that defy competition. Farmers, labnrlug moo, mechanics, men, women and children abould Inspect his Isrgn assortment of poods, as It will be business for them to do so. A dollar saved Is a dollar earneJ as much now a ever, and Mr, Mellwaln propses to help you d b soring by giving you tbo prloes and gooda. Large eropa and high prices for wheal in order to mske prosperous times should oe folloa ad by olose buying in tha best market, hence It will be" to your advant age to eall on A. B. Mellwaln won baa the goods and price to give you bargins such as cannot be obtained elsewhere. New shr-ea at Head's. As Cxplaaation. What Is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years age the word malaria was comparatively unknown to-day it Is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word ucd by our forefathers in times past. Ho it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are intended to cover vshat our grandfathers c tiled biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel Is com pelled to pass it off through the svtem. causing nervous troubles, malaria, bilious fever, c'c. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green s August Flower. Its cures arc marvelous. Is CeMMSjS)tM lacanSl f Read th fr Mowing : Mr C II M orris, Nw ark. Ark., says : "Was dii with abscess a s m a si 01 lungs, ou t friends sad physicians pr - ooaaced me InearabU Consumptive. Began taking Dr K -rig's New Discovery for Coo aorntion, am bow 00 my third bottle, and able to orrse tho work on my farm. Its the finest medicine ver made. Jesse Middle wait. Docatar, Ohio, ys : "lied ;t not been for Dr King's Nw Dis covery fr Consumption I would of died ef Lung Troubles. Wu given ifp by doctors. Air uow in best of healt," Try it. Sample bottles free at Foshay & Mason's Drug sto s SrnvEYiNc; Mr. E. T. T. Fisher is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun- it. Adress --Miller s Station, Linn count v A Sonnd Legal Opinion. E Bainbrlde Mundiy, Ks j , County Alty., Clay Co , Tex., says: "Have used Electric flitters with uiot bappy results. My brother also wu very low with Mala risi fever an I j iun lie , but was cured br dose! oe) .f this medicine. Am sa'.lsfiod Electric Bitten eaved his Ufa." Mr D I Wileoxsou. of Horse Cava, Ky,, uld a like testimony, stvlnz : He Doni- tively boitev, ha w ild have died, bad it uot km lie Klectrlc Hitters, I bis revt remedy will ward off, as wad is cure ail MsUrls Diseases, and Tor all Kidney. Mver and Stomach Disorders stands uneo'iaied. Price 50c. and tl. at Poshny A M son's. 41 beer Market. Vtie r-73-.. rt;'9r -3') 1 .s ;ir lb. Usy -9.00. fott.-j4 ts pr ! Itll l. 'lr -on for.. :t i ' ,ipl-i -4 I cant- pr bx Pora6c per l' .resso I. UA)n hiits 12 Vis. shouldere, 7 :. sides 10.;-LrJ-12prlb. tour 4.25 par bbl. btokeua 2.50 per dor.. ill Peed bran, ll.oo par Urn shorta, 10 middlin r,,20. Chor- Wanted. We will pay 45 cents per roll for choice hipping butter. Thompson & Waters. CUBE I Hit falCK HKiU.II HE. Do you want s renwdy for n'liousness, PimlMon the mm , s A tk sure cure (or u k hrulsibe, aak br U.i'm siiU Sou. th VmjuitU, tor Or.' Uve Pills, try a ile, iopli frro nll lx th ernt. Sheriff's Sale In tlu Circuit Court of the Slate 0' Oregon for Linn County. J. M. l oa-tl , Plaintiff. vs. Samuel Attridge, IM-udaot. NOTICIi is hereby given that by virtue of an Execution issued oat of the above named Court in the above entitled action, and to me directed arid delivered on th a 23rd day of August, 1888. I did on the 21 h day of Anijast 1888, levy upsn all the right," title aod interest of the sat 1 Defendant in and to the rea! pr pjrty hirin after described, and I wi 1 n (Saturday the I Jib day or Oeleber, 1K83, at the Court Home door in the city ol Al bany, Linn comity, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m , eeM st public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder said real property described as follows, to-wit . Land claim notification seven thousand one hun dred and twenty-four (7124), the same lying and being in Kaotfci s seventeen (17) and twenty (20). township thirteen (13), No. oue (1), west, in Linn county, Or goo, consisting of one hundred and sixty (100) acres of lai.d more or less. The proceeds arising from the sale of said premises will he applied s First to the payment of the cosle and disburse ments of suit axed at $10.25 aad accruing costs. Second to tho payment to the Plain tiff, J M Powell the sum of $98.00 with in -tercst thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 2'.h oay of June, 1838 Third the overplus if any there be will be paid over to the Defendant. Samuel Attridge. By D S. .Smith, Soeilff. Deputy . NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, (via. Yaquina to Sao Francisco.) Of wheat, oats. Lops and wool. I am pre pared to take Marino on all cereal, bops, wool or any consignments of goods 10 and from San Francisco. For further j arttc -ulare, address Ala Harms, Ilttrklen's Armies Salve The best salve In tho world for (nwi, nruises, Noras, uicors, Malt Khatun, rover Noras, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin hr notions, and post tlvely ouros Piles, or no pay required. It uf guaranteed to give per loot satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price - cents per box. For wale by Foehay dr. Mason, Don't Fail. Don't fall to call and see Dubruille'a fine display horse and his im mense stock of harnesses, and saddles. barV "l Conrad Meyer's grocery store. Fatreuixe homo industry. Try on o of hia own Joseph's A-eeat cigar. First in akc POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powAer nss or virion A marvl of purity strength sml rhta-ns. More omnomUni Uuui UV ordinary k latia. ami osnnut be sold In emr prtiUmt with the multitude of lew Ut, h..H wcht,lum or 1 ha )! powders. Hulooslvis nss. IU-rL II 0.10 Towoss it.. 100 Welles. Fine horses. 0 We beve just brought from Eastern Uregon, a lot ol tine woik cot sea wrtcn wa wilt sell on ifrms to anil tbo times. A monk ihnm NMe promising young drireia Do n O cc. Meson Chief sad Edward Kve n Also --inn ohoio hnv n erne Anvnn wikbino to tint ... .j mm " J - " r ohaae a horse ul do ll to look tl cds over. We Will daaiir in oh, to all intending Kitywaeera. N Tall man, Or. MACHINE OILS. The bast varieties of machine, oils to be hsd are kol by Siewsr. A Sox, ew-ciliy tb kinds mat nave ttn tnoromtiiv tt by the Linn county farmers. I'ru-- auar anteed. HAR VESTING SUPPLIES, Before yon alart your mower, binder or throMbin outfit come to our stora and gat your fttiplh. We keep aim st anything you win nsnl, en1 at ;riees you will be eetiftlied with. Htkwaut A Sol WAGONS, HACK AND ifCCIES We era now agents at this place for the oalebratad wagons, becks and bugga made ov Klsh Bros, cf Ksoiuo. Wis.. s.nd can giv better kooJs and lower prices than over bifni. UnuemlNir thst wa want your tr e and will mako It no ob act for yoo 10 co-no and seo 0.1. HtkwI'T4 Siox. WILL BROS, Inalers in all the latest im proved Pianoe, Orleans, Hawing Machine. Uuos Also a full Una of warrantesl Kaaore, Itutchar and rocket Knives. Tba best kind of sstwlng inscbln oil, naadlos aod extras, for ell machines. Ail repairing neatly and raasonabty done. New Wash House. Lee Ostaaexaay who lived in this town fcr met.y car ami was so well liked by every body hss returned sod will open up a new wash house the first f September, one door south of the Uevcre IIuse. I.-e d. e gool work and wnU ev.-ryboly m get their washing done by him. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given tbat the under signed was by the County Court of Linn county, Uregon. 00 tli HOth deyof July, His, duly appointed Admlniatratoi of the aetata of Simeon W. Ky arson, deoeised. All persons having claim sgttoat the estate cf the said deceased are her by notified to preeent I hem wttbin six m not ha from this dele, propel ly varitled t) the undersigned at Albany, Oregon. This 3 th dsy of July, 18K8, P. P. Mason, Adininlstiator of aid eetate. Rather thai the Ostpeit POTTWIO BUbWESS COLLEGE. L'nrtlsa4, Oreeoa. .,.,.411, , .11 IIIMrtMTIISM, CSIBO I .! i::.i I'" '.j.rni' u taiialsrHy. Builnits, l.H rthanC C mnwin School and Ptntnuitthlp Peport i. HMiiIi-i.ih ;mhi,i : t at any lime. Cata .:iit n. hie-'ins el if;iHMiihli int free. 4. A. W M ... Hr'r. A. V. APMHTltO.NO, Trio. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the nodersivo- ed Kxecutrix of the estate of John Shore, deceased, has filed her final account in tho County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the Court has set the 1st day of October, 1 888, at the hoar of one o'clock, p. rn. for hearing of objections and cettiintt of said esttte. J v 1.1 a A. Mhouk, Kxecutrix. C n 'A r o O n is CO at 00 UJ Cu as as oc a: I HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINGU HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, and ven thing usually kept in a first-class sh p Repairing carefully and promptly E.L. POWER, Prapsi. Administrator's Notice. In tloe County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn : In the matter of the estate of Johu VV. Mo zirth, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed Adminis trator of said eatato by tho County Court of Linn county, Oregon, and that all persons having claims agiiimt said estate are hereby required to present them together with the proper vouchers atid proofs to the undersign ed at the law office of J.J. Whitney, in Al bany, in said Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Albany, Oregou, this 14th day of September, 1888. t RANK VVOOO, (ft Win Mcknight BROS j If and a large ance of it in THE PLACE. By all means eall on Parker Brothers. SmcctfMor lo Fax, r yomr Groceries, Prod ice, Baked Goods, Etc , Etc. Th. ir Koode are tba beat and their pricee r.ianuab!e. F11AN0IS PFE1FFER. PROPRIETOR OF- Albany Soda Worta And Mancfaclursrs of- CHOICE COSFEuflOKEEY, Wa are mow prepared to Mil at wbuii a tie, always freah and pare at Portland prtcis to dealers. We ebxi keep a full line of tint and Tropical Fruits, OIQAR8 AND tobacco: STOCKMEN AND FARMERS XtTTl A 3D, I hereby certify that Dr. L N. Woolle has successfully operated on my ridellng horse, 14A.AC UAYi. For further reference In regard to ridg Ings inquire of Win. Paurson, Dave Pa tersou, Lcbeoon ; Jobn Hard man, a 1 f red Wolvartoo. Albany ; Sam Oalnee, tkrto ; Wm. Foster, PrioevllU. 1 practice voter, inary medicine la Albany aod country surrounding. Office aad residence corner flth and Washington Hta. I. N. WOODLK, Veterinary Surgeon, MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHN 1. GMWFO&D, Propiretor, W: LL furnl.h sacks to farmers end receive wheat at tha usual rates of storage. The highest market price paid for same. Beat Magnolia floor always on hand, for sale or exchange at reasons bin rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In a rtrst-olass Dm inig Ktirl Store. Also a flue atook of pianos organs, ALBANY. ORFfiON Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted ud in first-class style. Tables supplied with the beat in the market. Nice sleeping apartments, Sample zooms for commercial travelers, Tfrea 0.ana to sail fresa the HetetWa Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby given that the undersign fed has been by the County Conrt for Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administra trix of tha estate of George fi. MoKinuey, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate ere hereby notified to present them properly verified to the nndersinged at her residence nesr Lebanon, within six months from this date. This 10th day of September, 18S8. Emily. McKisney, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. Weatherfoed, Attorney for Administratrix7 Td Exchange. The undersigned desires to exchange ;ood brood mare, 12 years old, to bog ratten this fail. Call on or address A. Notice of Removal. I take pleasure in announcing that I have re moved my old Store TO MY vm BUILDING, On the corner of Firsb and BrovHlbia 8treat3, Thanking my oustomera for the liberal p it ro a age they have bestowed on me in tho past I trust that with INCREASE FACILITIES experience I may merit the future. Samuel E. Young. Everybody h w wm doit ; yet if tbe world only have displayed 10 collecting aucb a magnificent dirplay of staple and fancy gro ceries u would not be surprised we plete slock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Ver brought into tl is city, and we are going to aeil at j-ritea below anything ever before offered in tbia place. You may think tbia a rash assertion ; but if 0 will call and examine the quality ef our goda and Get Our Prices you ul he convince! that we have not ovrr-estimated oureelvee. Kemembtr ete buying our goods largely Jirect from first bands, thereby aavmg all ptOfits of the middla man, and our oomroaod of toady each lies enebled us to buy our goods remarkably cheep, getting tbo beneut c( M dtaoonMe and re bates, placing na in a poeitiou when we can dictate to them aod not they to tie, hereby always getting tbe BEST AND FRESHEST d never allowing our goods to gri m M C 1 . 8 L D obis. these are mo aasona wuy wa j v Hif't a healthy tie plete Hoe of h m ( We have Crockery and Glass Ware. These goods we bought direct Eastern fetoHasi, thus nigns iicea.way dowo. I bese Fat mere having produce to sell will at all times teeivo tbe top or the marke for good produce, and your patronage is earneetly aolioited. These facta ere WORTH LISTENING TO ..i .1. r.l i.Ur.Llrm HUU w xji tu T Will vn .'S s.s 1 vwwviu a. o-.s ih.Hn aov three stores of the kind 3 JULIUS JOSEPH, ManuMurer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars. Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and a full line of Smokers' Ar isles, Also dealer r CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, a con tin wonders knaw of ton energy, grit and entt-rpiue aa Dave tbo largest, tin est and roost com gbelt orn and i-ule ' 1 . 1 tm A wMon g jr tug omi your pstroo-ge ai.d bt wa ei - ad(1ad rectntly to our huck a full and coo - ecatiag the Ute to be .ieciir goods hse to be sain W have the "Jumo,, stock, more 1 1 in Albany, and price that beat them ati sgjp smmw i 1 iWk. WALLaGE k THOMPSON Fiinn'. new Block, Albany, Ort-gou GOOD New L. E. MENS, CLOTHING. LARGE STOCK, BARGAINS! Firs:-c!aee goods at bottom prion at my store 10 tbia city. Bought at General Merchandise consisting of drew goods, geota furnishing gooda, ciotbiog, etc., AT COST. kiy 5, 10. 15 a 1 1 25 cnt c unvr i Oaah or gooda will be paid TBSOOWBftAKD TO ISf DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwight's Cow-Brand SodaSaleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Bs sars that there to a picture of a Ow on year package aad yon trill have th bwt Soda made. THX OOW BBAKD. FURNITURE. o t want the beat and most durable furniture that is manufactured in thecity gc to Thomas Brink. Ha keepa almost everything in the line of SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Office on llu'Iroad St., between 4th and 5th Street Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed fir the prompt aud satisfactory filling 01 orders, I respectfully solicit a a hare of tbe trade. A. Wheeler. City Drug Store -A nil! DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES constantly on hand. A new snd complete line of SCHOOL-BOOKS, TABLETS AND STATIONERY, PENCILS, ETC. Physicians and Family Prescriptions Carefully Prepared, CHOICE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS. DR. CUISS & SON NEWS. Goods -AT- BLAIN'S. YOUTHS' AND BOYS LATEST STYLES b what the public wanta. These I have Pai sales I can aell my atcck of . r.ei mtnyartte'ei wjr 1 ?t 1 si II 1 f for all kinds of country produce. . U . SIMPSON, Albany, Orego. MAKE PWtCHT furniture that U kept in a nt.ola9 hou stock of- AUgpATUS I As