mwm Wm. Fortmillw, FUNEUAL 1HRKCTOK.- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse Bjr After business hours oil at residence corner Fifth and Baker etreetaj 0VERUN3 TO Southern Pacific Company's Line, Tfflg XT. atTi muri: leas Mwmh AibV a , ialo , B5 hours Do You Want Furnitae ? IP YOU DO GO TO Woodin & WW. where you will And the best make and finest finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. AUo fine line ut PICTURE FRAMES, end ft hunderd different atylts of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and beat atock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept In Albany. Prloea reasonable GRAND- Excursion Bast 1 VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rat ever made from the Pacific UOfBM lo uie m, $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points In Oregon end Washington Territory to COLUMBUS. OHIO, ST. I'M L &HD CHICAGO. Tickets for aale September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return to October Mat. ciuocrat. HAHUIHBt!Ki. Qmniu (J OUNTY and 1TY TKMPKRANCK ('Ohl'MN. K.llte.1 ty AlUny w. U T. U. Oliver llydo and A. Norwood have re turned from an extended trip to the Ibg Hnd country, end are wonderfully nlatrd Pover their prospect end the future for the town of Waterville. They brouht some APER. smpieB of omn. wheat, turnips and b!1 kind of garden vegetables end cereals. To hear K.. fll nf (la tdvantaues snd as Iht'V warm up ami become alnuuanl on auniwi "i""" euthuaeil with the Idea of going along IW them, aa they are to return very mob to their claims to improve them. V at when w meditate over the advantage of old Wsbfoot the en husissm diea away and we twcnme content. Th. iL.lln.tii.ii of in. u rsusia tho farmers Tlirrn um i wiiln .1 1 Mi l i,.-. luUnii tt I... r.i.l. ,l, ur.ui into tl-a wsrc I.OWU'S Mill man who is born a aavage and cue whn be- oaoaea the streets to Ucunw thronged with cornea a aavaga through hie own effort.. '1 he M latter i. .Iway. contemptible, while the form- - " 'n er may, and frequently dea, earn for him-1 ftlj PH.r( Ali tilling t" send a doctor out aelf tho respect and admiration of eoolety . to the threshing outfit aa William Hawaii. 01 m m.. i vl .111.1..... ...I ii.t in i uilin III Win III A tram iroin uuonrg waa ftpproacmu ,T - 7 ,1 " h . would uo doubt it 1 1 1 . rri i a an iHiani w m. m m. iiiiiiil " - - - - Which waa the Havaa-e ? TituaeiMV. Hev J W Harris and family are camping oat at Hodaville. The Catholio school opened yeaterday. See their prospectus pablistisd elsewhere Jay Main and family are hack from Ya quioa Way The number of vimtore there ib thinning out . .1 itaft twentv-oiaht teachers aro also iM-intr examined in Halflm thie week, that being the number lacing thu music here. Mr VA Davidson i confined to hia ro ma mi Kerrv etreet from the effects of a couple riba broken a few moroinga ago by falling down ataira. A 300 horse iHwer engine waa ahipped yea nnluv from Cl.nrrv A Carlo- foundry to Mill City on tho Uregcn rae-no. A now mill beinu built ther i will have a capacity of over 40,000 feet a day. . . a ... . ft. tlt Malcm japer aaya, "iayion iynui, tlin niau who waa itruok bv l'aia. in folk county, ii. thought by Ida phyaician to moat piat danger to permanent injury to mind or body. Nut the Chinaman atrock i.y South at Milvcrtoii la iviii quivo a mn. Join the G. A. K. np. i.l..! to before a uhvaician could get ..i-i laSka oArrvlntr ad. copper colored young Iodl.o.who seemed thmrt, ,ut on investittation found that it waa OmSm and Wa-hlngton lerrimry to have all he oonld do to attend to hie buai- doue to oauee a aeoaaUon and no doubt waa Departntent to tho D0U which ha did without moieatation notil prodaced by an oyer doe of "bu3 joioe. Miaa art Aubrry will leave ni. i ri..j for Infants and Children. "Caeteria la ao well adapted tochUdi that I Caattwla enrra Colle. Ollrtllitl. " . T & .II BU u. u.Lirin . i !. . - i. a rwnr monwai. . : IL A. Aacnaa, at. D., I motion. I WiOwoa iajurtooa aaowa to ma." Ul Bo. (Mora St, llrooalyn, u. Y The Cajrratu Coaraar, 77 Murray Htreet, V. T. "Jim WestialI,,, 0 lllNESE MERCHANT. 22H0 NMIONAt EHCAPMIMT, C.A.R. " " " a.a.ii v amoking oar a id aaw him. oauroasu axraaaa la.IV BaJMT. f'tli" . North 4 00 r au I Leave PorUanU Arrive I 10:40 a a b 06 r h Usave AUu.v Leave 716 a a 7:40 a a Arrive Baa rtaawam LeaTe :ao r a ua-auraaaasQiaTaviaa daily keaeeji an.i.i. 8 00 ill Leave jrVxtatad Antwil ft:4lra liter a I Leave Albeiijr Leave I lid a m t:4Ura 1 Arrive Kueeae Leave) 90aa bOcaL raaaaaeaa taaisa aaiut, aicarr actntav. B r a Leave Albany Arrive I 6:U a a lit r a I Arrtv Ubuon Leave 6:00 a M liOralLeeve Albany Arrive i 45 r a 1 r Arrive UaaaMM Leave i:0u r a PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. (Tourist Sleeping Oars er Aeeeaaaaenaltw l eraia-CU rea grera. attar ta Kxareaa Tralaa. Full line of Chlnoee gooda of all kluda on hand, AUo rull lne or JAPANESE GOODS. 0&E60N PiOIFIO G0HTR10T0&, lor thia ftectlon. Laborera furnlahed on abort uotlco fo any purpose. Opposite S E Young s, Albany. J. K. WEATHEEFORD, (NOTART PUBLIC,) .TTOHNEY AT LAW, AUBANV. OBtKVO. 117 ILL PRAITICB IN ALL TUB C017MT8 Or TUB f HIM. aivuu ."".'" whloh meetaln r- Columbus, September 12th, 1888. rM. ...... I- ..I,,.,, for Avervbodv. Not ueaeary to m a U. A. K, in order Ui gat Ea cheap ticket. Parties doelrlug to do aocan havouieni in aaaaewaj aloeplng oara Kr luriner iniun call oil or addreaa A, I. CBARLTOWJ AaMt. Hen. ra, Agt. N. P. R. No, a aabingtnii M., Portland, Or. amoking 'Au Indian, I gueae," aaid the young man, aa he lighted a cigarette. And theo approach ing tho eon of the plain, he attracted gen eral attention by ahoutiog with atrange gea turea "Ugh. heap 'big lujun ! Omaha ! Hioui ! Pawoea ! Sea lireat Father' Have drink tirewater '' warm lojen'e blood for the home of her parent in Watervillo. Clad to aee Mra Uora Davis on the atrcota again. Mc Towneend. of the Paclllo Ina Co, ia taking in the town. May U Handera have aold a iot of V km wheat, tho llrat aale of thia eaaona crop ...a it' Mra. It. L. Aahbv ha bought tho miiun- erv goodeof M- B. K. Davta w " - . B a. , J. K. MctJartoey, of thia p. act. naa gono w ibU mattrr. Frflloef'e Temple. BRWIU Weal l4e tVlviahH.. ponntso tu oa tixi. uAUTaAia daily (es BBJI ana Jay . ) 0 a a I Lcavo 2.4:- f a Arrive Vortlaud Coo Ulla Arritv I 0;l& r a Leave 1.90 a axrast Tu. PAttT (ec p'.3uttdv- City Market, M. HYDBP.-II- ' Frvh incal- con .tanlly on hand, corner of Firat and Fr.rrv Strceta. TllKHTATE Agricultural College, CORVALUS, OREGON. Trrea l.eiairarr. Wedaeaday. ar.teiMnrr 1Mb. I If KACVL1Y. A full oorpaof eXperUncod Piofeaaora and teaehera. ooinutM of art coy. The copperacolored aavage gased at the I tJLbm oh a pleaaure trip nted with buai young man a momeut with an ill-concealed expraeaion of contempt on hi faro, and then bo aald, with good pronunciation : "You moat have been reading dime novels, aa a. . ft ' m aiai air. I am gmntr tack to my people in ion taaa, after spending three years ta the Kt t school, 1 advise you to do tna same thing. No, I do not drink whiakey. Where 1 live gentleman do not carry whitsey flasks tu their pockets." The yooog lire-water drinker did not wit to tin i It hut smoke. There waa too much mirth and music in the ail jut then. The Littt- ChriMian. A widowed mother in Michigan is aaiog l.vm.liunah (nr Ilia ruin n( linr tlir. t liilil. Arranged expreealy to meet ttio f irming I l,urlw. t .u.,, ud eighteen cars. a;00 rai ra I Arri .rtlii.l MoMlnnvtlle Arrive lave 9DO x a 6.46 a a At fjanv nJ Corvallis oM.nect alia traina Orat raaftt indtrvad r.a"lttll luforU.a refarJin .rUi. w-v, sic oo Cosapany'a Agvut. .1 Homeopathic Physician .ii i. Ar -- a ....,(,. 1 l I ! . KS. M. K. McCOV. U. i.. BOBBwyw . nkx anJ rteWcnt corner w rim. .. 11.1...IUM.1. Alhanv. Orvc ii. tlir.i)- i.U w . J ' - - ... asr taltv. t.nanlUtHnlrce. omoe nuura . iv U) U a m ami 4 u j p. m. YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad gon Development Ca:pAny'e Slaiu ship L4ne 225 MILES SHSRTES- 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First da -wi tbrtug,i paiuCHr and freight Hue from Portland and all poiuta In the WilUmette Valley to aod froua au Fraoeisoo, Cal. Willamette River Lim of Steamers. The Wm. M. UoAg," I he "N. s. IWut l. Tne "Tbree siators" are In atr vicar for botn paaaenger aud frelgbt trattto be tween Cor vail la aud Porlieud aud tnedtate pajeisjft, lr ing UUB1 IBBsBTl l ksvt Oorraiha, aud Mr. tiuiman A Co'a wharf, No. 2U0 and MZ Froul SL, l-oil-land, three ttmcat woeft sm follows : NoRfH B' Sl. KriUay. Ive Corral Moti . WeU. auO KnOay. 1U WA. J Arrive Portland, lu , Thu, aul tuntajr, M I M aotmi WMJMU. Uar roctland, MBSkj VVod. aed Kridy, 8:00 A. M. Leave Aiban), rue . Thar, am KJlurUajr. 1:30 u. M. ArrivsCu'vaiha, Tue., lbu.and Datunlaj, 4: A V.U. Boata make cloae connection at Albany aritb tratna of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. TiMK IlK.'L'l.h (ea-jept tlu'la.) i... Alhu lma r. m. beave Yauuiua, :t& a,m Leave Curvailia, l:W r, e. iLeave Lwrvallis.lO Ji a,a. Ame Yaqaliia, j ' ' r. a I Arnve Aitauiy. UM a. , O it C traiea connejt at Albany aud CorvftllM The aoove traina onuect at Y equal with the Oregon Deveiopuiont Ootopeoy 'a Uue of teaiushipa betweeu Yaquina and riau b ran i - n vii.i vc liTM . The BUYEHB'QUIDBte iaauod March asd bept.. .each year. It ia an eney- olopedla or useful inior. 'mat ion for all who par. chaee tho luxuries or tho ncccsnttios ol ;ile. Wo enn elothe you and furnish you with all tho noeaaary nnu unnecoaaarj appliance to ride, walk, dance, aioep. eat. f.ah. hunt, work, go to churcb. or etay at home, and In vanous eixee. styles and quantities. Jitsl figure out what ia required to do all thoao thing! COHfORTafLI. and you can catiraftte ol the valua of tho flUYEHH OU1DE. which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cento to pay postsgc. MONTGOMERY WARO & CO. 111-111 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. PATENTS trained. :i.l all other buaineaa In the V. ft. rata nV aiUixloletl to U t muderau leea. Our ofti-. u 4M.tMieil the t . n . l aU lit veoan obuin I'aUnU Icaa un.e Uu )w.l ..ww . .Irmain-. We a- to ' alMt Ore of (.-liafX . '"' 'naao o cbarye unleaa r 'iuin win. . W, refer here, tu the P.atroaler. lite ttapt. of I ,,. . 1,-1, r li aral U M IsJB ol IBM I . I I'aunt Mea Kur dnular, advice, tersss, aad actual clwi.U ifi jour own etale or county , C. .4. SNOW &0 ),,( He Patent oeBce. Waattoartoa. P . Executor's Notice. NO? It K n karekw k,,-u that the under .ijed haa Up duly sppoiuud l-y (he Cuo ty Court trl Lion count)-, On goo, Kttcutra 2 .lu. laat mill and teelamt-Lt t.f W. li. Mc- Karland. dtceaaed. All persona having claims - H . .r ... an, hiteb'.' I.nt 'I ai.ll 'H MM 4 rt quired to present thesaiin; with th pr.-ptr vouchers to the ondersiniird in Albaaj.Ort j.i., within six mouths from the date here.). Dated August Uth, 1888. CaMI1.UA Utf BttJtW, Execu'.ux. ttitereata of the State. lHPAHATOHY OKPaftTMKMT. tw.iiulantauv.r 15 yeara of bh who desire to enter the Odlega Uul re not i.niMrvMl to enter t'ol lege cla '.v e- minfttlon. MILtTAHY TA1 IM. To the eatenl raqulrad by law. BClLMMMt. Large, couuu odious and well ventlUted. uocAiioa. In a cultivated and f rbrbrien eoniuitin Ity, and one faf ihe heelthiet in 1MB State. l-.M-UKI 1 ! M M Tllo. ' AnntftinillB .'"' I ' ' 1,1 . . . r..n..r. wi i 1 1,1 r-vn arl v iud nd oopio iuiltl to mm pmfom ! me Ojllaga. Bxi'xaaM. Who can estimate the "damaKee I B BMiaj a .ea The Kan Kraociaou Oraod Jury in its last i oport stated that thero are 1.2U0 or l,.'i00 criminal, in that eity and ooonty who fir tually ruiitml elcetiona. The Northern Pacific KUroad piohibite the sale of liquor on all of ita property. The New KtMuaer. Nkw Voaa, Aug. a). -The Oregon Im provement Company v. ill take the steam- hip Caracas of the Red 'I," line around to 8an r ran. i:o a aoon a. repair arc com plctcd on her, having recently purchaaed tin . The . araci one ol ihe beat .team hip. of her claa. The wa built on the Delcwarc reccntlv and ia of I MJtt Una bur den. Y'llow I'rvrr. JacKmn ii. I., Kla , Aug. Jo. There I .JTawmoi- .ireuon to palronia U.e no longer a .hadt.w of doubt that we have .a, . a a . . .1 si aa I I... I a a a a a ssa a i nlv .cbool eataidioj ny ih-ii u.r im .i motion or fnr agrieiniurai hu-bsn Kr .-ala'ogOHor othor Information, d-drra. B. L. ARNOLD. PHESiDtHT. ortstlliw, Orvgoo. neaa. The new butober shop seeina t Ihi kettiug portion of the trade. Pkehs. Eby and f tmily will oou remove te Wiuntliuru. Wc s-r, the silver plating epoon man on our etroeta again. It. A. Uampy ia a gHl horse dt4r, as well a an efficient and accominooeiiMg nana- ar. How are three threshing machines in on yetr fir one farmer f I u any oe farmer equal that in thia county. Mra. John Hyde aud family, ol John I'ay, ia down oo a visit L her friends and relatives looking mre hke a girl than a married wo man. Mr. NV. W. Ilna-gs ia still very pourly yet ; but we now bays hope H her spdy raeovery . Mra. lainon Smith i rusticating out at Medfurd. Prof J. W. Ji-aett, asaiated by Mr-. Men deoball. will teach our school again this fslt and wiuter. !tr3wavll!. Reduced to loweat llgurea. Two or mora fre cbolarabli-airom nvary county. " hull vour I'aonty Superintendent vt- ..i.iu I. nilv aoiK-al lo ina larno r. JOHN A. CRAW OKI). FOR SALE. at vry low rat. Lumb9P, Shingle!, Lakh, Postg, Pickets, Fence Trimming3, Sasb.Doors and Blinds. ikh St,. in our hand a regular epidemic. Thirty four new rase were reported lo the board of health for ihe twentv -four hour, ending .a i, o'iIimL tliit morning. The colored people aaaert that lO,ooo co'ored people Hill oon le dependent on the relict com miftee.and that $toooo per varek wilt be required to furniah them with the bare neceaaarie of life. Albert Jc.aup, of -Salem, sjHjnt la.t week l.itiug relative Here. Mcsar. Hradlcveml UsvU have depart ed for Southern 'Oregon, where they In tend locating permanently . Mea.r. K. I. Itanclurd and Wm. Robe .i,...r!.-. f. ihp f tin.- Kicer mine la.t a I a a ae a - Thursday. Mr and lr. I. M. Mover retmncJ from very pleasant trip to Victoria lat Satur day. The weather ccm unhealthy. More sicknes I reported in thi reighlKirh.j.d than for .omrtime. Mra. J. W. Moore i very skk lth tvphoui fuvcr. All other caa are light, but numeroo. ljiat Saturday evening, Mr. J. M. Mnycr lo.t Mrtnrwlirtr Ik-1-. -r:i or-..- ami -. nun .Ir.l . of wood lV lire. IV aOilie Ull known inannet fire got fftlOAY. Mayor Cowan is home from Kastern Ore gnu. J A lUsard. of f'hanoo, ia in tne city to- lay. The market price of ft ur hi i.. reaaed 25 cents a barret in thia city . Forty cents box will be psi 1 tu Marion county for hop picking Ibis BfBjoau Tin- total valu of titc!.:.: pro;.-riy i" .u k.n countv is MAYl'lSm. a-i incresse of nearly a million dollar in a '', Ten to thirty team at a tun n bo ac-n at the warehouse and mills (raffing to un load the golden harvest of tho rt.M. MrsAIe Hscalemao left VMerUy let nrnmmn Mink . whrm aha ui'l Mf. a couole mouths thegouatof horaon, T P Hcklrmn Mr Cxihaan. he wlmat r-an. h"i.e from ft whaat buying trip through the Valley. He fnfnnna us thst h h already l it abut aii last hii.lixla M.t nrtcrs riiuttij from 70 r w ceuts up. A lerce amount of am. ike protruding frjtn a chimney on Kerry Street in ucn manner as to make it look as if the roof .. .. on the, came near cuaiui: alarm nl nr.. f t. iiiro- i,w, tint in in- rovealud tlo- i . -.1 l low smoku and a nanllsas run us BOftet. Charli Smith, of .H.lverton. hs boeu ued by tbe Chinaman whom ho assaulted rwently for tlO.OOO damajrea. The folesUal wiJl MtmMi ut something ; hot it would take i u .(.In teaiiitHit iti;i u oo worm wm amount. li. (ilen. reiltng near JefTeraon. was in the city to-day with a wagon load of ppsehea raised on hia place. He readily iiV ixei of them to our Krocerymeo. Tbey ate of a apleudid quality, saperior even to South ern i)rc-(oo -cache lor ruvor. Calico gets lU name from Calcutta, where it era first manufactured, cambric cornea from Cambria: tulle from a city in France, and nur.ltii from the Pail territory. It was Hrt called I'apsluir. liattfttfrom ax in I'aicMtim- fAi WSLmmWmmWi W322A THE FT SPRING WW. ROAD OAit.TS mrQBEvwm wif mm &mm OARTS votaav. AND THE BEST FARM WJSGOS IN THE Send for Catalogue and Price List Thish Bros. Wagon a -1TX' r ' TirTa X . iliv Jt-u Stewart & Sox, Agents, Albany, Or. Call f r prloea a'. yrd o.' o.AC awiicn. on W. W, CR0WDHR. SAM MV. u. t.Nraaa tioo.-. t. . racioo. raos TPUta 7th w.ilojniLH ll. , Hcutcn.vcr la.. " .- -- . . . . .. . . ...... Valle, S;jlciuuer nwa njiiu.or to ir.uau aiio inak cloae IU Couipauy rv .be right . f.I. .J.. . . ....... .., I. .A -iiauae aaiitua i u"i wnoom. u n. X. a Paa-woigwrM frofii I .ViilaoiMOei V'a ;ov ooinU oau couue:ii -u witU.iiM train of the Yaquina route at .o-o. or Curvallbt, and it des tiud L Hn Fraii-jia : i sbouid arraitije to trrive aX Yaguiot the evening bsititSJ date of smiling. Maesiftcr and l.elsbl Kate, nlway tfte aVaereat Vor inf.jrm.Uoo apply to J atuart, Freight and r.caat Avnt. Albany, or to C II Haarll. Jr., O.K. ft P. Aift.. Omicoii Uvaiopmci.HJ '& HouX-tiuicry ftan Kraiuaaco, Cal. f C. - i A. li. V. and V Aaen t. Oro:i rciflc I BCo. CurvallM, Or. C K.PVKh KH 0. O OHBBRT. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHKKKY & PARKKS, ttacliifiists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. tUK are now completely prepared to bandlfi all kinds of heavy work. We wil manufacture 8 team En trine., Oriat and Sew Mill Machinery, and all kindest (ron nd Brass Castings. PATTEBRS H4K ON ftHKT MvTICE. Blpeclal attention given to repairing al klnda of machinery. BROKE. toe lumber We can rurnian to builders ftnd contract .-. ro.igb. c'ftr or ttrishing LUMBER, ou abort notice. Ibis !u inner is cut from the t ent ye. low fir, rafted from tnd ie i.raoMl NL-.Kinxin Limber reci ma aud menu fac-tured tt CoburjC. Any quantity can be furui-died at Albany at low pricee, it need n j recomoa ri Ittion .tan quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS- and lumber of all kind on our yard con stantly. Doo't order without aeemg or hearing irom u. we win eaye money. HAMMER BROS.., lban Linn Co,, OO MAY k SENDERS. Oealsrs in General Mrcnauiio8 HAHRISBURC - - - OREGON Will bnv Grain, Wool and all kinds nim. AndnWH & H ick i man, W.UXIUGLAS" $3.00 V. f 3$B jm&MX TAHfBBBHBBMjf SHOE WAH RANTED SOLE ACiENTS, LEBANON. OREGON ituss House. J, (aVlIJI.IiX, Proprietor. Tnia htwi-ia i now open ami furuished with tbe be-t una furniture. Kvtrytbing ftlssMI and o hi in iios, off-inug to tha eu irl public Buis'rior ajcornwo.lati uu to auy in tiia etty. JOHN BfalCCSa FLOKI3T3 AIHHY HoriKs a Bp ORE) CHEAPEST AND BEST FENCE MADE. The SliBlleberger Combination Fence It is as strong as plank fencing, It will lat three times as lone. It doea not Injure stock, being aa visible as plank. It protetts ail your crop from all siock bred upon a farm. It is dog proof, protecting beep from (frior And wolves. ft la endorsed bv iJMl.fKKi of the test far i ers in tho West, a fully filling every claim we. make for it. It will turn 'g, bull, horae, bog, calf, HheendLiroi lial thrown f'ovl. It will save evt-iy farmer f 140 ta miJe on every mile of fenco no build. It ie Ine troiiit-fct, cheapest, mott dura hie. and nerfect fafUl foi.?e OfJ earth. It form ihe moat perfect combination of two materials, mak lug tbem Inseparable and 01111:1'.! v ( urati e. combining a u driee. the ii,.hii):k sU'l e!eitance of iron with thaatreiiath and ourabid y of steel. (Planed aud nsimed, it inakfcH i fine fei.oe for tbe '-11 y . 1 riff, nnlr 511.-. lo G5c. per rod. FRANK SIKES, Agent, Bvk of Stewart .V. 1 ', Albany Oregon Referee's Sale. rr- . Ctrtrnt Court of tk? Slum t, gan,Jor Li urn County. A Holmau and Julia tlolinan, hi wife. nil... Mo.: ton and Uhiuhii Sheltcn lo-r inmhaiid .in. Kllftsbetb lloiman, t'.ain- tiff, vs. Tempa stunt nl I eander Hunt, her hua l.utwi U.rv llaunab end Tho Hannah, Jfrimiiah Holman and Kivina Holmau, bin wife. Isaac Holman. Elizabeth S'rong and Win Strong, her husband, Calletlne Korgey and Ellas Korgey, h-r husband, Martha nlll and I. Hill, her huband, Uttle Reid and I h Held, her hund, Jeremiah W hidby and Josephine Wffldby, hie wile. Martha lou der and J no Landers, her husband, Jennie Ca dwe:l and Kloyd Caldwell, her huHt.anil, Sarah Hunt aud l ymaii hunt, hi-r hudmnii. Moih" Sander ami I. San ders her husband Jnhn Whldby, Monroe W bid by, l H Whldby. '1 hos Whldby. and Wm iKj.'ondants. OTICK Is hereby i. en thatibe un- den-lirneit, the Helena cfuly appoint. ttd 1 y the aoove enimeu ..oun. w. shove entitled cause to make aie of the nre-n'-ea hereinafter descrifed, will pur aiiftuitoftri order of said fVurt in ld cause duly made and entered of record on the 12th day of March. 1886. st the Court Hous.5 door In Albany iu said couaty on Saturday lle Wlh day r HcpieealKfr, I8HH, t the hour of one o clock in the afiernoon of said day aellall ihe light, title, interet and esUte ol each of the Plaintiffs and Defendanta herein iu and to tbe following described premises, to-wll : The southeast ciuarter and the south half of tho north east quarter of Sectiou alxteeti in own hipl0, S R IE Also ihe northwest quarter cf the norllieast quarter of Se-tiou 10, Township il,S K 1 w AIho rjeginn ng ... . 1... h. c.r m r '.1 i"i 1 in section a In Townhlpl2S U 1 w and running thence weal sevent3-lv.o rode- thence north eeventy-slx rods 5 thence et seventy two rods ; thence south seventy, six rods to the place of beginning, all situated in the Willamette meridian In Llun county, Oregon, containing 31 rfes. Terms ofsale cash in html. Wm. (Jyk-um, He uree. 1 in,: Tkla Way. St Hr.MKNTo, Aug. 30. The street and drive, of thia t it v are now full of the wort- looking tramp that have ever been ccn lir-rc. fcvery train irom lite south t onic ing with every braacbeam bending under ihe wetgttt of dcauneat. iUilruad Arridrat, Hkattlr, Aug. 31. -New has just been received here olthc firt cataatroplic on the Seattle, Lake .V Ea.tcrn raitwnv. Theac cident occured at Snoquahnie Kalla laat Wcdncadav. but no new was heard till to- ttel ti account of the distance from tele gianh. Several blafa had been fixed on a aide hill, when the foieman began invest! cutim; one that failed to explode. While tloing so the blast exploded and ten men were hurled down a precipice by a mas of falling rock. Three were killed outright and all the other more or less Injured. The foreman who had probed the blat, was blown up on the aide-hill and was only very .tight ly injured. A hasty in- qucat ti held and the men hurled on the ground. More details are not a 'stlable at prcaent. t'toad Uarot. I r nvkr, Aug. 31 Newt I'ueblc special : New U just received in thi city of the drowningof five cowboy,jut west of Pike' Peak. A large parly were attending a cattle round-up 'on Tuesday night. Seven of them pitched their camp on Reaver creek, a small Btream that usually has no water in it. Being very tlred.all slept ound,pay ing no attention to a slight roar that came up during the night. II. however, proved to be the edge of a large black cloud that hurst a abort dlatance above them. The rt uP was a breast of water six feet deep, weeping down upon them and carrying everything In Its path. The seven sleeping cowbov were carried down. Bv a terri ble struggle two of them Kucceeded In get ing hold of the branches of trec, and clung, half dead, until the Hood subsided, which was almost as quick a it came on .hem. The bodies of the other five men were found cattered along the bed of the stream, one to five miles below their camp. The name only Plashcr Royal have been ascertained. A Bail Kick., Or., Aug. 31. - Ben Critchlow, a carrier of the Oregoniu and 67hV.,tf,,was thrown from a horse and kicked a terrible blow in the forebear while carrying papers at 4 o'clock thi morning. A deep gash wa inflicted. It was at first feared that 'he wound would prove very dangerous. hit now it la announced that . he will be orount again in a few days. A Terrible Water Spent. Litti.k Rock, Aug. 31. The (iazetttfs K I) Palmer, of .Haim, is to get double j nn..' nsst November for osi.itin Mr Kd Cross's bare. That i be ia ta get double on,., if I'Im Un. i. tlt-i-'r.l ar.-l !" It lor oothiug tf llsrruon 1. elected Mr Charlr Ca.l, who wul appear in Al l.anv in a f.-w wrtkt l.a a Bible c!a in Hoaton ..f loisi .!,. mW and another iu au other .tt . : M.-acl.Ui-tt t. U It. If H fl MlO. . s , . i ' Ha teail nu .Ml: producttott fatM la smoeg tin. attie.t tiioik-r. ol th ristmo. Mr Banfofsi, f Cratit' 1'aas, waa here Kitday a. '(h a :si load of mrlooa. He ra porta th t a. last tear b. hail five gitlons ia tanh Li I. tin esr there are only two. The price of is also leas than at year. I! cribe b.?li cahuiitn to th Mill' bill sod the 4jfitU..o of the Cobdeft club." Or. 4 1, 1 My CownfrT. Nothwitliatandibg farmers are apt to keep thistle near the v,od and the above i the their whet for a poaihility of a higher marki-t, which is all nghr. if they don t viait HAT AILS YOU? ALBANY SAW "KD PlAB mc HILLS. tartrtl in the rcaut. Harvesting of grain U now drawing to a hh most of our farmer, and now our hop grower are buy preiaring for the care of the hop. With the ran pnur wheal and the prospect of a living price for hop thi. valley ought to ce improved time this fall. Our farmer are all smil ing. Oregon agalnt the world. Albert Matcron had a writ broken near here Saturday by being thrown down by a horse he was 'leading. AU kmc! . . rough, die&sed and seas. ,;u'jar,latht pickets kopi . stantly on hand BIHb sawed to order on shortest no tie Use only best Doyrjnaull.lan,ru,ld.lo Pj v aiVVJiU AMA W wr 111 ' terms made satisfactory. U0BINS0N WEST. SSSrS: Calapooia timber cany ana njenmuy; riTi! k.wu ... fuliaeaB or bloating- after eatina;. or of "jrono nese," or eraptintw of stomach In tho morti Uig, tonjrue c-oau-d. bitter or bad taate in m.mth. irrv-imlar appctltf.. dittlnees, MM iM-aoacbea. biurrt-d i-yi-slght, float! n Slt-cks" before tbe eve, nervona proatration or ex haustion, lrritatiilityof temper, hot flushes, aitematina; with chilly senaatiooa. aharp. MUn. transient patne bem and there, cold feet, drowBlnese after meals, wftkefuhvse, or .h.nirt .-l and unrefreahin aU-cp. constant, fndeacribable feeling of dread, or of kupead- uur calamity? If vou have all. or any y.yr. Kr and Kurcr) . Dr.J. W. Culbcrtaon, ol Indianapolia, will remain only the balance of the week at the Cosmopolitan hotel, this city. The doctor ha made many remarkable cure in this city and vicinity during hi former that entitle him to confidence of the aihit-ted and gratitude of hi. patient. Among the cure made bv Dr. Culbcrtaon . .r "- ome vcarn ago, arc .iik. svn. vn-oauer, ho w relieved from most ctcruciat- ngly painful trouble, by an operation by Dr. Culberton, that restored her cn'Jrely. Mr.J.8, iiftrri, of thi city, had a defec eye restored to ucf ulnes and comfort by an operation by Or. Culbcrtaon. Mr. John W. Wade, civil engineer, of this cltv, had a double strabismus, that caused "great deformity, removed from hi eyes by u delicate ocrallon by Ur. Culbcrt- son. Col. J. . lludnutt, civil engineer of the C. P.. had a deafness that had been pro nounccd Incurable bv aurtts cured in few visits by Dr. Culbcrtson and hearing per fectly restored. Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. S. t. Dun ham, of the fiahatln valley, were both blind but have had their sight restored by Dr. Culbcrtson and now sec well. Mr. lohn Aldrccht had a divergent sauint. creatine tiuite a deformity and los of sluht of one eye, cured in half a minute by an operation and sight resioreu. The above with hundred of other cure of blindness deafness, catarrh, cross-eyes, t luh-loot. chronic trouble,ctc, are achieve tnents that entitle Or. Culberlon to the confidence and respect of all intelligent, well meanlnc people." Helena Indrpemt - ".a All ' n rut. The doctor will nc in .'ioany tues- djv and Wednesday, Sept. 11 and 12. too mm, is a fset that when it gvtm up to 75 orola m tftrat many sell small quaotittcs for immtdiste want and prer.ina dbts, and it puts money into etrculatioc. Already tin is Mt in Altaay. a.mBUaY. Mr. H. V- Moore has 1.1 his intert-at in the Bteaui saw mil to J K Davis. Yeaterday three waon loads f Indisus ttonortbe l.unir. Skin 1 a mm m flit. - - . . . . I. 114 pa-ed throogl. the cy.boon.1 tor uane mi, .-T--S i-ouutv. wr.'tr thi-v will 1 l. k 101.,, ,nrtl - f-1-1 trrmlnatlon. Mr! I. M A-Uir ha laen placed in char e JgJiJ of the O P, fin-.- st this ciiy. while Mr. ,hr.,i; that rrvt blocKl-rturifvina- onran. trau.ft-rnd to Cor- eisBUBBBBI tho sysu-m of all Ulood-talnU and un- nuriti. from whaU've-r cauao arisinar. I I '' equally et&cacious In aoUnjr upon tbe Kid- The jjii at fi. A. It. ct nraton partv rt , neya. and other excretory onrnns. cteanflaDf. of thorn armotoma. you are hot mn .mtnfin of American lttiioua Dyspepsia, or Torpm Liver, aasocuuea with Dyspepaia. or Indigestion. Tbe more ooiu plica ttd your diaoaao baa beeoan, the irreater tbe number and diversity of nymph-ma. No matter what stare It has reached. Dr. Pierce Uoltfeu Mediesu JBiecoycry will eutxlue It. if Uken accordlna to direc tion for a reasonable leninn or tune. 11 no ClUB BIIbiIbHj; tiT "w tlmt tBK t .rV a,t;WaJBl fft B ieJiV X.. 3U. XtJ-w-5T Aa CO., j FcoaatT aa Scssaaaa, Sr. P-ux, V -jC l cured, comjpueatlooa multiply and toniump- n.-uri wa mm , is New arid Second Hand Store Owing to loe increased demands or our buainesa we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we ean now be found next door to M. E. Youn, wheri we will be pleased to eeo our patron. It you need any stove, furniture, tinware, crockery, cloaks, oarps'js, picture, fruit jars, trunks, books, roller skates, vaddlei saws, plane, etc and a thou tod dif ferent an 1 un tlole3 yj 1 ui u t do bettsr thi si 1 1 .f i 1 c"r 1 lit Biti t'i id y 1 can do wilh ut on a purohtse or exchang-J L. GOTTLIEB Hrst National Hank OF ALBAN1 . OBKhOX. President U rUgM TRANBAOTS A GENERAL banking biwincs. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to shuck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic hanger, sol 011 New York, 811 Krsmaaoo. Mskssfu a Hoi OCOLhECTI0N8 MADE on favorable Unu-.. 0wmtM E. Yotiso, uao ECiiBt.ii- L E BbAUY, b. Kmsb, Waurs E l : hkk.i..., FOSHAY Sl MASON, VtatSkkiS AKD RSTAtl Druggists and Booksellers, Aa-ente for John B. Aldeu'e publications, iucl we sell at publisher's prfba wita oatageatUd thHANV, BBfAKBjiO". . Hot Springs, Ark., special says: To-dai an epoch in the history ol Hot Springs. The city la uuttcd. Ruin and wreck meet the vis Ion everywhere, and nothing like it has ever been known to compare with the re sult of lat night'K storm, which occured In the night too late to he telegraphed. It was a water apout, and the valley was swept with a mighty tidal wave. The loss to prop erty I fearful, whilejhe sacrifice of human life 1, under tne circumstances, appalling Swift and terrible was the visitation. With out warning, people were awakened from hlumlicr to tint! themselves threatened with destruction by mad waves. Strange to re late, few people were conscious of the ter rible disaster till they awoke to look upon desolate scenes this morning, and drag the drowned from the drifts. FOB PILES. IlchiUK Pile are known by moiature lis ). japir,. t.ui producing yery uiaaifreeahle iiuning at use warm. Thia form aa well aa Blind, lileed'.rg and iirotriuhnif Pile., yield at once to the application l)r. Baaaako'fl Pik) rSBftfsfr, which acts directly upon thr p.rt affected, absorbing the tumor, allaying tbe intc-tiMC su-ninic sna eneciing permaneri, cure. cantH. Address The l)r Hoaanko pMiehM Co U. bold by Or, Guiss and Son. Pitpi .ifrLaughlln, Practical Tailoring. Summer and hi I suits and pants in any style a speciality. Gleaning and repairing promptly attended to, Mam street, Albany Oregon. DR. BO M4N-KO in hia iikw diacoverv for Conaumntion. succeded in producing s med!clne which is acknowledged by sh to be simply marvelous. It is exceedingly plea an to the taate, perfectly harmless, and not sicken in all cases of Consumption, Cougha. Caldi, Whoop ing cough, Croup, Brenchitis. and Pains in the Chest has given uni venal satiafaction. Dr Bosankos Cough and Lung Syrup Is sold st 50 cents by Dr (j ulna and Son, tm PSBMam or .tn.-r srivo s liable to set Id and, looucr t'haa. Miller hs l-o vallts. from Calif. .mi, villi pa a tlo. u-h Albany neit Taetday . There will be iiiertrea care, divided into two section. MeMshsn' citcu I crtiniua thi wsv. It . . . 1 a . . 1 a i i s one ruijil circti. y -nuine 01 1 is.nionw sffair, wilh first-els" tumblers. 80 aay many who have aeen it Dr. Woodward was! leleuraphed to-day to a. aa. a mlM t flt SB - i go to ivntlit ton lo aticno .Mr. i.r.-gory, wno U lying dangerously ill there. He will leave in tbe morning and gone until ibursttay. There are nlentv al ways to spobd money now-a-day. A wan around with a dollar battery offered owe mode of getting rid of filthy loere. Mr. L Viereek's brbr hop i. - Icing remtKlf led is ou .-f th beat arranged and prettiest places io the valley. He will have hath rooms, and is now ranting three chsirs, whieh shows that he is doing alive huin. Mra. K. R. Skiuworth and child mill Va- this evenioa for the Wtllamefte Valhy on an extended visit, Mr Skipworth will follow soon, rnd engsge iu the campaign in Western and South' rn Dre.-n.- I'endleton I:. O. A gentleman writing from Miaueaota, to the local editor of the Desiocrat aaya that there Peuuhliear.s wear pearl hats with whit bauds, Democrats the saute with black banc's and prohibitionist jesrl hats with blue banns, snd that this ia thu program all through the East. Thinga are cvtdeutiy njixrd up in the matter juito generally. loiter List. BLrt-nfftiicmnr. and healins: an Bhoctums:. rwmrauvo tome, 11 pmmoui digestion and nutrlUon, thereby buildins; up hoth n,-h nnd Birt-ruih. In malarial districts. tins wonderful BWMBB has muncu rroat c i. brlty in curing t ever ana Aaue. cni iaana 1. v. r. Airue, and kindred diseasen. Dr. Ilercea Volden Idedlcal Dis covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. rlt-rheum. - Fever -Toree 1. C. POW ELI W. . BILfKC FOW ELL & BIL.YEU, vTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solifitoi-s in ihantreryi 4LBAK V . - - - OBkCOH. Collections promptly made onall pointe. Cioans negotiated on reasonable terms. ( ;r- in Foster's Brick."B vl4nl&tf. . K.-niv or Hoiorh Skin. In abort, all dn caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and Invlirorattna; medi cine. Great Kitting L'icvrs rnpt.lly heal under Its benign Influence. Especially baa it raanl-f.-stetl it potency tn curing Tetter, Etaemo, Kryalneloa, lloll. tTarbunelea. Soro Kyea. Scrof ulous Sores and Swelltnfr. Hii-Joint U spase, -White Bwelllngs." Goitre, or Thick Neck, nrl Knlanrml Hlnnd. S-nd ten CCtltS In itntnps for a large Treatise, with colored pittue, on Skin litsea, or tbe same ataoimt for a TroaUae on Scrofulous Affections. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thnroughlyclennen It by using Dr. Pierce i.ohi.-u Discovery, and arood digest inn, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital streugih and bodily health will bo estab.iahed. COISSUMPXIOINT, which is Scrofula or tbe Imiisrs. 1s arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken In tho earlier stages of the disease. From Its mar ..!.. im Miwaf orcr this terribly fatal disease. when first offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought ser ously of calling it bis "CoNscnmoN Cona," but abandoned that name aa too restrictive for medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is 11 n equaled, not only it n remedy for Consumption, but for BUl Chronic Disesusea of too T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- S. WHITNEY, iltomcj And Counsellor At La? fsVND SotarF Public. ALBAfSIf, OREGON, Will prc.:N9 11 all of the Courts o ditsState. Ail bjineas Intrusted to him will be promptly a-.tended to. Follua-ing la tb llt of lttr remaining la Uie Pjt Office. Allamy, Linn county, Oregon, Aug. 2ath, W98 Person calling for theo lctur. must give tba date on wbieli tbcv awre atlvurUae I : Dunn, Jain fS."lmn. Ml tJraro 60 Sham Tiiinos. Mr. William Fortmiller has a fine KtocWof pillow sliam holders, at almoat half the customary price. Also a stock of two part mattresses, a new thing, and no sham either, the best arrangement of the season. He has brought on some fine upholstering godds for chairs, lounges, etc. Old things made about ns good as new by their use. Call on Mr Fortmiller for the best furniture generally. . 1 ' jt Watkrloo.- -For solid enjoyment go to Waterloo, which Is now on top. Fine lo cality, fishing, boating and bathing, and splendid accommodations at J. (J. Gross's His prices arc reasonable. Horses fed at lowest possible rates. Mr. Gross will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon '.rain on Mondays and Saturdays: Campers can obtain sup plies at Mr. Gross's store. . . y - bVBbA- ,'" A Sea Serpent. We have been looking for some time for a sea serpent story from some of our summer resorts. One has reached us from near Fort Stevens, and the Pioneer tells it. Will Warren, of As toria first saw the monster. It was 500 feet long and as big as a light house. Bob Fos ter was notified and arrived in time to get a squint at it. The paper says : "As he dis appeared the starboard point of his tail struck the end of the jetty knocking out about fifty spiles and nearly disabling the pile-driver. Warren is a truthful man and would not He without he is paid for it, so it must be that the Columbia has been favored with a visit from a real sea ser pent." Of course the matter ia simply a joke. Will be Ready. E. B. Davidson will be ready for boring and digging wells af ter the first of September. He is other wise busily engaged now. Am old, J I. Kiuenii.n Mra Joint GtBWM, Dave Jonea, J I ' Prince, Spragiifi, W 11 8tory, K T)lor, Mm Harriett, Koeher. Mia Lucy Miller. Ojcar l'mvoosl, Homer I. Street. Spencer H yd (1) TrachHuJ, Miss Mary R. THOMPSON, P. M 'wjjoiseo o. Jump ous 'sinux ourv.i oqs ue(.v oijose,) joj pajuo otrs 'PH'IO BBjsi oijs uaijav 'iriaoiMO aaq OAe3 'nars toju. iCqea BBjBfjt, ( ill I. I OK Nic-K HK4DAI IIK. flHMM want a renic-dv for H'liouatie. Pimples on tho fao, and sure curs for sick he-uUche, ask Dr. Qu'm snd bm, the Druggists, for'a Liver Pius, try ",,s. BftBBflgfll free, 'un oox jz ctw, Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, fvhort- Jbr or month, rbronio NilshI Catarrh. Bron chit Is, A stb tun, Severe Coughs, and kl idred affeetions, it is an efficient remedy. Sold bv Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for ls.00. tsr Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pi iree 8 book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main St., BUFFALO N. Y. UNIVBRSITr OF OREGON. EUGENE CITY. Next ression begins on Monday the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarship from every county in the Mute, Apply to your County superintendent Four courses : Classical. Scientific, Literary and a short English Clouree In which there is no Lvtin, Greel:, Wench o German, Tbe Kngliah Is pre-eminently Business Cmue. For catalogues or other information, address J. W. JOHNSON, resident. UoARiuNti. Mrs. Houck is now located just west of Cherry rarkes tounary, where she is prepareu to taxe wcckiv 01 day boarders. Some Summer Items. Fresh fruit, such as peaches, plums and watermelons, at Brownell Sc Stanard's. It pays to get your groceries at Brownell Sc StanarrTs, You get a five cent ticket with ever $1 s worth of goods bought at Brownell & Stan ard's. It is safe to say that of all vice presiden tial candidates of recent years, Mr. Morton is making the mot,t unfavorable impression on the workingmen of the country. His record is already a heavy handicap. About the highest average view taken of Mr. Cleveland's Retaliation Message by the Republican organs is : "It is a bid for yotes." Of course Mr, Harrison and Mr. Blaine are not bidding for votes this year. They are Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement Notioe is hereby given that the under signed Administrators de bonis non of the estate of Martin Costello, deceased, have filed their final account in the office of the County TWlt f.r T.inn nountv. Oregon, and the County Court for said county have fixed Monday the 3rd day ef September, HMfc at the hour of one o'clock, y. m. for henriu objections, if any to said final account, and settling said estate. Sam May, Lavi Doi'ulas. Administrators de bouis non of said estate J. K. W eathe k fo r 1 , Att'y for Administrator's. Palace Meat Market. J, T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR Will keep constantly ou hand beat, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto tho best meats ana largest variety m m ony Oregon State Fail ! TliK2Sth Annual Slat Fa'r will be held on the fair grounds near 8aletn commencing on 1 no ITTH OF SEPTEMBER. And ontlnuins one week, .Cash pre miums to tbe amount of $ 1 c3,000 Will be awarded for Agricultural, mechanical and stock ex hibits, works of art and fancy work and trials of xjHd. The oremiums offered have been in creased in snany case, and new classes have been added. No entry fee charged iu divisions J, K, U and Q, A magnificent field of horses entered, and there will bo splendid contests of run nlnu aud trotting each day. Tbo different transportation companies will make liberal reduction In fares aud reights. Speoial attention Is called to tho prem urns offered for county exhibits U grains vrassos and fruits. . i,t 1 . . . .......... I...N.J in Ka Unra f.lliricM "HI iPVTiini ..c oou. tary's office iu tMdem, begiufllng six days beforo the tair, au 1 on mo otir grouuus from Friday before thu fair. Persona de su ing to exhibit In dikidionsJ, K, O, P and Q aro requested to mako their entries on Friday nun saiHruay ueioro mo iir u uossible. Alt emries close ou Monday, September 17th, at 7:30 p. m. PRICES OF ADMISSION ! Coupon ticket lor men (six days) $2,50 Coupon ticket tor women (six days)...f 1,00 Day ticket for men 5o, Day ticket for women So. Tickets to tke grand stand at th race track for males over 12 years 25c, Ladies to the grand staud free. Those desiring to purchase booths will apply to the Secretary. premium list, J, T. GREG a, Secretary, floto of Final Settlement. Nutrea U hereby given that theund.j.r sij2ned, administrator of the estate of Sam uel T. Harris, deceased, has filed is final account with the clerk of the county co rt for Linu county, Oregon, and the coun y court has fixed the 81 b Day ef September, I1WS, At the hour of one o'clock r. M. , of said day to hear objections to the final account 11 any, and to settle said estate. J. H. Pesry, Administrator, New embroidery just received at MALTV. V 1.. 1....;,r with nnirintkm Haah WSlfl fnt Sll Slfi - m . 11 jo. Mf. m 1 SaAaflJSbJHJEftJBABSaaJBaftaMHaMBaaBaa ............ - ' - -i------ aaaaMMMaaamaaMBaMmBiwBaMMi