OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA'. Southern Pacific Company's Line, tjik nr. NNMri Korn: tabts.ii Alttnyatt Stt. Kivu'Ua s 5 hur IHUMM HMMil 11. US NU North Portland Albany San KiMiiclrHt Arrtr I .o ti ll 10:40 ah 7:06 A H :S0 ri uo'al rasaasaaa fmiwt I'Mi v ixcpt Sunday). 00 A a I Lmv Portia ml Arrlv J;Wm I i: tor a I Laava Albany :Ura Arrtra tom Utve 0 JIM' A M MCAk PANA TSMXB DAILT, SXCBTT itMUV I l.i Arrlv j Leave I Arrlv Albany Lahanott Albany Llaii.:i Arriu Loav Arrlv Utavs, b:Aft A S e:NJr h 11:50 r a 1:36 I'M MM a u . P M 2:0U P M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars r Acrsis norm. sasaslt. at srs.sM'U Par altfh-tl i.i fctprtc Train. Wt aide LIUI.. ruRrinu ami iohui, Alt. TH 1 1 N MIL ( f,.t SUM.I . IIMITI Arrlv IVtPtlMMt Curv Uli Arrive Uiv :li P t.tf PM 1:30 M BXPAB1A TRAINS DAILY (aXtMU'. SuiuUs . PHI r I Portland McMlmtviil Arrtva Lav 0:0(1 A M 5.Ai A M Arrt Ail'u nt Corvalll coi.uo.-t wiln train of urff -mi facile Railroad F.rful ititoratUoa r,r-iitf bat, mm, ew. on Company' Ajrant. R. XOKHLKR, . P. ROGERS, Nana AM'tO K an i i. a t YAQUINA R0UT& Oregon Pacific Railroad goa Development Company a ahip Line. Stoam 225 MILES SHORTEii 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by toy other route. Fintf cUn ttirouirh pasn Mgrr and freight line from Portland and all points in the Willamette Valley to and from san Francisco, Cel. Willamette River Lina of Steamers. The "Win. M UoRg." The "N. S, Dent la." The "Three Slater" are in service for both passenger end freight tralll- be tween CorvallU and Portland and in'.er medlate points, leaving Company' wharf, Corvallia and Messrs. liuiman dr. Co'ft wharf. Nos. 'MO and 2oJ Front St., Pott- three times a woek an lollowa : NORTH lAol Nl. LaaraOuTTSllia. Roa . Wmi. mad Fn4ay. lo OJA. M. Uar Alha.iv. RooJ.y. W0. ami Prkiy. it. OO Nuun irnf r.r' I U . I UU. nl tIUnUV . .r M. socth tun so. Lmr I irtUiiU. M ki.. WoO. an J KrWyt 8:00 A. M. Ltr Albany, Tu , Tttur. aoJ AmCto"rili, Tua., Ibu. and Stlunlaj, I l. M. :3J r. Jt. Riuu .haWn i'I.ihh . .imoo.ioii at Albanv ltn iraiua of lUo Oregon Pacific lUilroaJ. TlUiCaC.llOt UK (exti'i Suu-Uy.) Larva. AlUAiiy. 1 o) p. a, . Uaar Yaqaina, Oil , Lmi. CorAlli. lltftSL a. ItaWSl C-raJli.li '. . m ArH Yaqaiw, IM P. M I Arm Athauy, U;10 a. h, 1 O II'. train c riii 'l at Albany and CorvaJlia I'he aoova trains connect at yTaquint with tit Ocegu Dveiopmut Coiiioanv' Liuo ' MAiiMlit Imj.voii Yaquiua an J Stn lrimu. Stll.ni. WtlKH . HOOt.. pah i rioiim. (AtiLia VilU-aiU V'AlUy, Willimetle Vail;, A'tlUmrtl Valley, Ait; lataVk Atf.-nA ISji. Aiit-astxMu. A i:i.i 4th Auroal Utli AhtfUtl K4lh Toe C'Uipaay . -rv .be right change asiiiua dls without notice. to N. U i'4u.ir. from for.lAud and V ill UHO.MJ V ley points cah mako ulose connecli n witia the trains of the Yaquius route Mt AiIm'I or Corvallls, and n do. lined to San Fraucia ahouid arranvp to arrive at Yviuiut ttie evening bet iro date of aaiiing. jrer and l.rUhl Rate !. iar Ueni. P'or intur n.U..; z;nAy i. C i HlUArl, fretasM ani Ticket Atf'ii. Albaio.urto : li Hc1l. Jr. 1). V A P. At Orejron Uev:u(inaut X JM Ronta-oinert Sao pra'ictocj, Cai. V C- It oi.l t.. A. ti. V. and P. Am.t, OrKuo PaciSv K U Co. Corvaiue, Or THE STATE Agricultural College. CORVALLiS, ORKU0N. Tei CeRaeaeaeea Vrdrdy, ftcplember itth. lass. FACUL1Y. A full cprfts of e.x j.orioiK-.. I Profevsorit and u-h; her-. OuORNK OF S1UOY. Arrmnred xprnaly to m el the farujin; Inteiests of tho tate. PRKPAHATOKI DSftKTMKNT for students ov. r 15 vears of age who de.ire to entr the idrge but ure not prepared to enter LV beat ;laHse by ainitiHiion. MILITAKT THAI 10. To the tent requireii by law. BTUI.0ISO4. lrge, ootnmodiou and well ventilated, i.' ii In a cultivated and Obristinn cotnuiun f'.y, and one f the Healthiest in the State. EXPtSKIRK.il A L STATION. Circular, containing matier full of In-U'tft-l m fannsrs, will bn regularly inaued and coition insiled to otdi ratrou of the College. MaVSMM Kedur-ed to lOweeg Dgtttws, Two or more fren cboierbtt from every county, Con suit your O afttjr Nuperiuiendent We eonfldentfy appeal 10 tho farmern Rfj) OfRRfRtfR of .retfori to patronize the n!y eohool establisbej by Oregon for the promotion of tier agricultural interests Kor rsts'rne or i;ther iiiforuiation, ad- ' H B. LARrfOLD. PRESIDENT. orvHiltM, Orgwn. O. OH MKKt. O.h.rv HUk ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHRRHY & PARKKS, Machinists, Mill wights, and Iroi Founders. are now oompletel v prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture 8team Engines, Grist and Haw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of rron nd Brass Castings. PATTt RMS M IDE 0 SHORT NOTICE. Hpeclal attention given to repairing al kinds of machinery. Andrews & Hackieinn, W1.D0UGLAS' $3.00 SHOE WAP RANTED South 4.00 p. M. I Un :06 P a I Uv T:sp A II I AWtrs slam J SOLE LEBANON, AGENTS, - OREGON Do Vim Want Furnitue ? ir YOU DO GO TO Woodin & WilVard. where you will ft ml tho lxt make tad iciest finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also ft lino lino of PICTURE FRAMES, end a hundnrd different ttylt, of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. Tho largest mid hot stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany, rrl.tis lenwimMe. ALBANY COLLEGIATE IMiU'i ALBANY, OREGON, 1888. 188Q. Nrt Trrm Ourn. Npiiiemhrr till.. IHNH. A lull corps of Instructors,- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet lr need of all grades of students. Sfnriai inducement offered to student rem dftrtxtd. Tuition raugtMi from $5..ri0 to fU'.V). Board In private (knU'kM at low rmlva. Kooms lur aeir-ttoardlng at 8inaUexrfiiN A careful supervialon exorcined over am datfi away from home. KhIi turin oioim September 7lh, For circular and full particular ariuro-". the I'rtwuinut. f RKV. KIR CRT !V. lOMHI AltMny, Oregon "Jim Westrall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chineae goods of all kinds on hand. Also full lino of JAPANESE C000S. OREGON PACIFIC COMTRiCTOl. for thl section. Laborer furnished on short notice fu py purKe. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. S. WEATHEKF0RD, (XOTAKY PL'UUC.) iTTOKNEY AT LAW, A l tl tM V, ORt .0. ITT ILL PIlAITirK IN ALL Til lOi;KlS Or TlIK Y HtaU. Splal MRRVaea fli Ui tMRRRRtMRR robats (sattar. CT OflScai Kll.'4 Tamp!. Vtiy Market, a a ii y Frch meats coiKituntlv on hand. corner of Firt and Frrrv btrcct. Homeopathic Physician, R8. M, r. RcCOY. M. P.. IIOVROI'ATIIIC I uhtBicuui, .SV an.1 rrKlno r. mur .! Ktrl mi Maker SArwU, Aluany, Or-.si. Uhr.nte areta)ty. Conaoltai l.n Irrc, Ufllc bura I inittn and 2 t b p. in. Tbo UUYlOin'GtriDEl- i'.uoJ Me. i 'i end Bopt., taafi -. Tt Ij au enc' cU:cJta ol v'".ful Intor. roAlicn f:o- all who pur i ;L i luxuries cr the can oio:'. : .... . : Utb ron trtth aU the roc J :iv! v . ntry aypHeaos i to t'4 . '.:, 0. ." . . rtewp, cat. flsi.. !a3t, tfOki co :'-.-..:ti., or t&7 h'. ;iom, ncd i . .: . .. isoa, rj."3t PiO qiutaPitii. Jiot t:.....out what ia rennired to pjl t'naM tLtaaT" tJUlDr'. i7htc . wil? Le &. upon receipt of 10 ce.il t : p-y p'.atago, MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO. ilicbigan At or.uo, Cnicago. III. PATENTS bullied, sjag til other buaii:eaa lu the U. S. Paten 'Oca aliefidttivd to lur wiiderate toe. OuroAce I oppiaat the V.h. Patent OtBca, Rag Vecao obtain PaliiU lve l.u e Iliad llioae rtont l nm V.i .!' . Send ii. -t.. ordraalia;. W at1- to atent ability fre of citarga ;ivl wiuake o chary unless obtain (latent. We refer here, u toe PimeirUir, ttw ISupt. of Mini..y Onier l)iv. and to oltlctal efthsf. S. talent OOiuc. K.r-ir lUr, ltice, e, sn1 ternc esi.-tual :iic-i.l Iti yoorown lilate or county, cluioa .4. SOW & CO., Patent Orttce. ' ' U . Executor's Notice. NO i ICE i befelrjf gntn thst the umki fiw'.o 1 haa basR tluly ap;'ooltd ty the Coun ty Ctcrt of Lion county, Or.gon, Kaecotr.x of thalaat ui i and teMRRM i t of W. H. Mi Karland. dewahtil. Ail peiaona having claitna Sgitltint hid estate ir h re by notili;l and required to present tl :airit: v.ith th-j proper vouch r to the uridcrKint d in Albair. , (ir -gon, withiu aix monlli from ihe ditto hereof. Dated Auuat 9th, imH. Camilla M Vaulano, Kxscutrix. . Sbpnff's Sale. In th ( "u ruit Coitrfy'ftUr Stat of tjrfijon for Linn County. Tim American Mortgage Company cf Scotland, Limited, Plaintiff. TS. W r, Gilson, defendant N TOTICE I hereby given that by virtue ii- Nued out of the above named Court lu above entitled suit, I will en Maturdtty Use It day l Hepfemlier, I HUH, at the Court IIoue door In the city of Al bny, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p - RV, sell at public auction lor caMb in baud to the higbt nt bidder the leal projisrty tleatribed in . .ml execution and order of sale an folio wa, to wit : The undivided ottfl four b of the following lands, to-wil : A portion of the Donation Laud Claim of Allen l aiker, Notification 2312. Claim 37, Township 12. south of Kango 2 wet of the Willamette meridian, commencing at the northwest corner ol said claim, running thence east to loo chains, tbeuce south M 3LI00 chains ; thence weat I 74-100 chain i ; t hence aouth 17 9H100 chains ; thence 38 8 100 chains; thence north 27 l"0 flaagua to the place : bfiiiuniiio,, fouutiiiing 200 acre. Alo wmmiuieing at the north weft corner of aid lainl claim laat men lionet I. (Not. 2312) running thence west 70 rods ; Kou.h 0 rods ; thence east 70 ro.lH thence ut rth t)8 roda to the place of bo glutting uoutaiuing 3o acres, tliiocom meuuing at the aoutheafct corner of S. M, Pennington' donation land claim, No, hi; thence east 118 rods; t'aence aouth 51 24-100 rod; thcuce west 118 rods thence noiih 54 24-100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 40 acres ; together with all and smmilar tue tenements, hereditaments, appurtoncos thereto be longing or in any wise appertaining, all ftiniated in Linn county. Oregon. Tne proceed arising 1V in tho sale of said real property to be applied : First to tho coats and disbursements of ad suit taxed at (375 98-100, and accruing costs. Second to the pi ment to the PlainthX The Ameri can Mortgage Company ol collanu, limit ed, Ihe niuui of 91702,05, with accruing interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum fiotu the zoth day of June, l8Hs Third, t ha overplus it' any tberebe to be paid to ihe Defendant, W. li. Uilson or hia loyal representative. Dated July 30th, 188 John Smallman, By D, f. Smith, Sheriff Depuiv. Win. Fortmillef, n NKKAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attentlou-Flnt-olaM Hearse AIW limine hnir eall nt nuManeo oorntir KUth and llak.r streets. FRANCIS PFEIFFBR. PUOPIUKTOROK- Albany ioda Works And Manufcluierj)f- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. J W art. mow nrenurtid to Fell at wloik le, alwaya i - h and pure at Portland tiri.a to tlaU'ra. We aiMi kihm a inn line of Nut and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO; L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Kitdlo I'ornt'r Mt.M.nd il Kopry S".jefla noar tpera llouae. t J round MRV. ChlldrnV plHurfN a xfierialty, LBANY. OREGON Revere House: ALBANY, . - - OREGON. ( HAS. I'FKlFFKIi, PUOlMUFTOlt. Fitunl iip In llrat-claaa style. TNM supplied with the beat in th market. nice HleeplnK spartineuts. Matupie rootnn for coin uifrrial trave'.ern. f t tvr t oach la and from tbr Hjirl. tM H. F. MERRILL, 33 -A. 1ST 2! E K , ALBAMY, OREGON. V rt, Hot rrwisu and Ki 'i ia X PorUaia). 11,1, u .W: S'. . rtv ! r I, MIIVlU lt- eetV il1l SReM tO clMC. IUl. ri,.l an on time trielt. CuUeell.ina wl'l erv irtMit atUftUun. -rvn.l .,..-.. ;.: I ' ' an mm. vr 8 t r tr rffl 1 a in V I' ii MKS. B. BYMAN, -t td S. V!. Young'. Albany. Of next Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, AND . ST A Mr INC 00N6T0 ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, aafMdRjft and Tiiuradsyw of earl w-k. ami pAlr.tinu done to oider on plMjuoaiid other uiateiUI. 11 r. -' ol vrtUt Dittertftla on na 1 1 SAM Mi. a. aKMirtta MAY k 8KNDEHS. Dealers in General Mbrcaanaiee HARRIS8URG - - OREGON Will Inn toil. and ail L uri C. L. BLAsJKMANe SmifMor to li. W. Langd. DKALEK IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSH 23, 8QAPS. COMBS, and evsr . Kiioar kei. tu a UfM ills Dtu z Store. AiH.artite .'ek of pianos orgftUR, ALBANY. OlirWtt FOR SALE. ' at very low rat . Lumtor, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Pence TrLonnings. sh,Door8 and Blinds. Call for pries a, east o O. A C Nwlt vr I b. on IK b St. W. W, CROHfDER. FOSHAY & MASON, RtRiRhl j asrsu- Druggists and Bookseller Agents for John it. Alden's publlcatitma, bleh we sell at p':blibxr's ; rios with eostageadded. ALBANY, OKKCaOMt. Referee'3 Sale. In the Ctrruit Court 0 the State 0 ' re. gon, for Linn County. H A liolmau and Julia Dolman, bis wife, Ollie Shelton ami Hamau Htieltt n her bmdmnd, and Klf.abeth Holman, Faln tifTs, vs. Tsmpa Hunt and Leander Hunt, her bus band, Mary Hanuah and Tbos Hannah, bar husband, Jeremiah Iloiimtn and lv vina Holman, his wife, 1 sate- Holmsn, Klizabeth Strong and Win Sr ng, her hunband, ('allstine Forgey ami KHas Forgey, her bunbend, Martha 1 III and L Hill, ber husband, Lottie Held and I Ids lb-id. her huabsnd, Jeremiah Whiitby and Josephine VVhl lby, hlswi'e, Martha Len der and Jno Landens, her lursband, Jennie Ca'dwell and Floyd Caldweil, her husband, Sarah Hunt and Lyman hunt, herhuibanii, Mollie Sander and D.San ders, her husband. John Whld&y, Monroe Wbidby, O H VVhi.D.y. Tbos Wludby. and Win lien-jitt DeeodautM. OTICK is hereby ui en that 1 be un- dersiueii, the Keleree duly appoint ed by tho above entitled Court in the above entitled eatne to make saie or the preoi's hereinafter described, will pur suant to an order of sai-i Don ft iu paid cause duly made and entered .f record on the 12th d.y of March. 1885 at tho Court Houso d.or iu -Vlbiuy In M county on iatnrday m - th day or September, IKSH, At the hour of one o e! c'. in Die afternoon of said day sell si I toe ight, title, interest and estate of eat;!) of the Plaintiffs and Dtfendants heroin in and to tho following described premises, to-wit : The oulbeaet quarter aod the aouth half of the north. naHl quarter of Section sixteen in Town ship 10, M R I E Als'i the northwest quarter of the northeast rj jar tor of Section 10, Tow nub ip ll,S It 1 w Also beginning at the aoutheat crntr of hit I iu lection 3 in Township 12 S It I w, and running thence west seventy -tt. o rods t.bence north aeveuty-eix rtids ; themn eaut aeveiiiy-two rods ; thence b u''i f-eventy. six rods to ihe plaoa of beginning all situated in the Willamette meridian iu Li m county, Oregon, containing 31 acres. Tr ma oi'ssle cash, in hand. Wjj. Ctroh. Re.eree.. Children Cry for n nuunn n VPinTU. artrl If itinD wuw Arc ft. TKM I'KltANf K OLCMN KiMst! ay Albany W, C. T, V. Major (it ogrs A. Hilton laUy olossd a e - rii of ineting at Pique, Ohio, where l'.K. ucw iiirmbara were added to the W.O. T. U. Mi. John Jooen, relieving oflletr, Stepney, Knglaiid, atatea that of 7,000 applicant for relief of whons oaaee he haH taken notea, not one par cent had Imu total ahataiuer. A most commendable philanthropy has born inaugurated by Mre. Dr. Smith, of NowarW, New Jeraey, who haa contributed $12,100 for the purpoae of oonatrocting play-hmtae for the uan of obildrea in that city, who have uo place but the etrrote to play in. The United Kingdom Hand of Hope Union has decided to meinorsliae Cftriatien ohurohea agaiuat the uae of fermented wine at the l-ord'a Uble, llirir plea ia that it ta dan gerous to member of the Hand of Hope who join ohurohea. Hie committee of l.inooln, Nebraska, W C. T. I .. having charge of the department of narcotica, have eectired through the city council an ordinance, peeaad nnanimoualy prohibiting the aale of tobacco to children under lifteen year of age. Col. Sidney I). Maxwell, Superintendent of the Cincinnati Chamber of Comoiero. hi annual report, recently made, aaya the conaumption of beer for the year ending Aug 'ii . ARft t . afs a a f s i . a .i, ion, in v-incinnati, oviutou and Newport aggregated 726.112 barrel of 'J00, 44,100 MftlMRi In commenting uoou this report the Aimot Draff, a aaloon organ apraka as follow : ''At flee cents per gtasa the total amount therefoer laud over the counter waa the enormou sum of fl4,o22,- ti I V,l,l I.. Iki. ik.... f. .i .... " in.- vu.li ipaa ivi . 1 1 ' i u and ditille4l liquors and the total becotnea aptalling.' Kven the advocates ef the sa loon are "appallrd" st the taptd increaae of the liquor traffic. 1 r. ill 1 fui Kaipwref-k Sav F n 1 sc.,, Aug. 33.- -An unknown steamer was sunk by the steamer Oceanic, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, at tu o'clock thk morning, off Fort Point, just inide the entrance to the harbor. It k al moat certain that the atcamer sunk k the Clt v of Chester, w hlch called lor Kurcka, California, thk morning with a large num. ber of paasengers on board. The o. .-.u u has her boats out saving paeacnger. The steamer San Rafael and lug have gone to their assistance. Several Uvea are reported lott. Following i the liat of steerage pa acuger on the City of Oteatcrtll of whom ate reported to have gone down with th scsscl : r.uuene r atr.Lieorwe Atkinson, r Sanguist, P Kreuse, J T Thompson, fotiu T r - an OtllpSU I Warr lleckman, W K Brown, K Warnekc. I K Rllrv. F V t ool. U ft Moabv.H M t'lt.lr H Smith and wifr.Ui Noe.J K Jordan.!! Somo, T H Knowlton, II M Billings. M M llaaweil. I H (isrner, J Johnson. the following additional passenger on the City ol Chrter are mksingind are sup twscd to be lost 1 G W Anderson, Mr M. rch, Mr C II llantv of Eureka. Mr Forter, Judge Clltu Barbour. Robert Fulton,a vt ai-.er and Adam Rekbman. wa ter tender on the vessel.werv al o loaf. The stores. Boston, Aug, 22. It i difficult to esti mate the damage caused by the dlaattrou rainfall of lat night. Hundred ol cellar were Hooded. Two large plantain Roxbury alone suffer an aggregate lose of nearly f 50000. The Boston Belting Company suffered a loss ol $j$,o, and Tower oil cloth works $jo,jou. The New York A New Lngland railroad kat a atamktill. Wotts4rt Mil w u kih, Aug. 2. The lioller ol th. W biting Paper Mill at Neenah, Wk. exploded at an early hour thk morning, killing eighteen persona and injuring eigh teen other. At midnight laat night the large paper mill owned by Geo. Whiting on the laiand between Neenah end Menaaha wa burned. While the burning structure waa ui round ed by a crowd the battery ol boilers explod ed. " The roof and walk were thrown out ward, sending shower ol brick and timbers among the spectators. Lighteen persona were killed and seven lataliy Injured, and a number lesa seriously hurt, several of whom will die. The mill wa a three atory structure, and cost $too,xx. It waa oper ated day and night. A Year Death Iteeord. San Fraxcisco, Aug. 33. The forth coming annual report of the health officer, Dr. I! tiger, give the number ol deaths in the city during the year ending June 30, 1S88, at nby, ol whom 3byo were males and 3146 females. The more fatal diseases were : Pulmonary consumption, ;pneu monia, 577 ; smalfpox, 67 ; peritonitis, 180; Hro,'htV disease ol the kidneys, 133 ; heart dbease, y.. and lung diseases in addition to consumption and pneumonia, 126. Suit agt. Jeaae lieonrr . Sk at ti.k, W. T., Aug. 24. Suit was be gun in the uktrict court here to-day by the United States against Jeaae W. George, ex - United States marshal ol thk dktrlct,to re cover $5000 alleged to be due from him. Mr. George k a brother of M. C. George, ex member ol congress from Oregon. The cx-marahal said to your correspondent to night that during the pear 18&4 and 1885, while serving as marshal, he spent lor the goyernment over $5000 w hich was never made good to him. So he just kept public f unda to that amount, and now holds him self in reodineas to liquidate any just bal ance. I'ii t master Appointed Washington. Aug. 34. - The following postmaster was appointed to-day : At Huntington, Baker county, Or., Edward K Ross in place of Julius T Tyler, removed. San Francisco, Aug. 24. "The Exam iner has sent a special correapondent to Ore gon to survey the political situation thcie His first letter is printed to-day, and it ex plains ihe mystery of the recent election. Astonishment at the republican majority of 7000 was not diminished when it was found that the democrats had not lost ground, and that the large majority was due entirely to increase in republican votes. I lus there been such immense immigra tion within the last two years to account tor tnts unprecedented growth? it seems not. The election turns out to have been thoroughly rotten. The railroads rnn car loads of repeaters along its line, and voted them at successive precincts. Border coun ties were colonized from Washington ter ritory. There was treachery within the democratic organization, or rather disor ganization, and nanv of the democratic workers, were in the pay of the enemy The liquor dealers were solid for the repub lican ticket. When to all this was added the unfortunate boast that turned the votes of many Catholics against the democracy, the wonder was that the party made any fight at all." Yellow Fever. Jac ksonville, Fla., Aug. 24. It is offic ially announced that in the pa6t twenty four hours there have been: Newcases,i6; deaths, 2; recoveries, 2; under treatment, 43; number of cases to date, 70; deaths to date, 10. A Hankering.-jT ii. Stine, formerly of theWext Side, was in town a couple of days this week. He is now out of printing har ness, but has a hankering to be back again. - Dallas Jtemiter. Pitcher's Castorla. lUItltlMHI uu Farmer are now quite busily engaged in threshing their crop. Oat In this vicinity will average this year 45 bushel per acre. Wheat will average 3s horn thfl best au thority wc can guther. Mny & Sender have let out more I linn o,ooo sack. Upineycr & Ibliigs have also let out about io,ux sacks which speaks lor he people of llarilsburg and vicinity in trong luiiguai'c, tlml we have ngKd grain iroxluclng country and alao bcapcaka a right future for the town of llarrlshurg. While there are not many places changing and, vet there arc u great nianv emigrants Iropping in and taking a view of the coun rv and c mm ess Iheinsclvea as well pleased with it and our adsantagca over our neigh bor town, In consequence of having river as well n the railroad transportation priv- leges. Our new Postmaster, I. I). Dennett, seems to fill the chair ol the late K. K. Davis, (realgncdl now of your clly, who waa Poat- musier of this til.u c. ns wellaslbc oltn c very aatlafactorlly. The hotel under the able management of Mr. Iluvward. la'c of the Laat seem to a al W a ' a " . Ie giving univeraal satisfaction. Damon Smith, the ciliclcnt druggist, has increased In business malerislv since his W " a competitor sold out, R. K. Aahby, the commlsalon merchant Uhtivlnir oat and we oredlct he will uet hla ahare of the trade. Saloon running without license, fall the same.) Whv can't we uet a i iuch for wheat as at Monroe f Here 6a cents while at Mou roc bb cents. How is this ? Dr. l'ertltr. late of Cottate Grove k here teaching Chrktian science. Sibln, Wright .V Co., are paying twenty five cents per box for llartlett pears. Mrs. K. K. Ashby will atsrt n millinery buaineaa In a few day. Dr. W. H. Davk, late of Cottage Grove seem to be dolntr hk share of professtonn business and we predict for him, if only contented, a large business. Isiiuc Mansfield and wife, of Adam Umatilla county, Or., arc here visiting of tcr an absence of sixteen year,and,udging from report, that he bus succeeded tman clally speaking in accumulating a OOOtjM trtit v for his old age time of life. M. Fuller, of thk place k now under the treatment of Dr I'rrUi!. of t.ottaifr frlOVC we hear. THK MAN ABOI T TOWM. Home people think that all there k wortl living for In a city k the rush and milling and manipulating ol the long augur. "Ah Albany k a good place, but It kn't 'long enough," some one aays. But right here wc wish to remark that It is getting there, and any way there is lots In this lile beside getting a few filth v twenties. To hear pen pie talk one would think that all that is nec rs.arv bt to CO to Seattle, or lai.oma tit Spokane Falia, drop In your hook and you will catch a whole whale of twenties. , a matter of fact going to mh.Ii place i simply a mining apcculatlon. Hundred of people who locate there are out at the knee. Where one make and get put up on a pole where people can ee him hun dred loe. The trouble i the public only see the man on the pole. Ml thk talk make a discontented people and there are plenty ol atone rolling about withouUany moss on them. Albany h good enough for us. Wc would like a woolen mill and paper mill, and It wilt pay our cltken big inter- est to put their hand down deep to gel them. The DiMuK.ir will Mihcrilr heavyIn advertising, which k better than cash. Just a little Hem ! convenience that will occur when the Oregon Pacific run through to Boke City will be the fact that a letter mailed nt PrlnevJUe will reach Al bany the same day. The road will unite Linn and Ctuok counties into a v ery friend ly relationship. It will he an immense thing lor t'rook a wells lor Linn county and will double Its papulation in a few ears. It will make its good twenty - per cent cheaper and add several cents to the price f wool. Instead ol shpplng to The Dalle they can ship to Albany or directly Eaat. In fact jut this roai wilt change the whole aspect of affair. Albany ahouid ok as proud a a paper with a libel suit, it ha a damage case on hand. The M. A. T. advises all parties to be reasonable and settle the matter pcac ablv. AN IMIUIfTVNT MATlMt. Albany, Aug. 24U Editor Democrat : The Immediate extension ol the O. P. Railroad eastward from thk citv, has given a new Impetus and new life to every mate rial interest ulout the city and It vicinity. How much we may preHt bv it, must de pend entirely on ourselves. It gives us an opportunity will we turn it to profit. I he near future must answer that question. We cannot expect to see thk citv prosper as she ought, without the active and cordial co-operation of all, nnd thk must extend to every enterprise and business which in au v manner tend to Its development. 1 Here seems tone a division in tne city council, at this time on a most important enterprise about which there ought to be but one opin ion. I am Informed that responsible parlie-. stand ready to establish gas works here to supply ail who desire it with gas, just, as soon us they can obtain the consent ot the City Council to lay down the mains along the street. Their application for such priv ileges has been pending for a long time ; but for aome indcacribabie reason, it has not been granted. Why ? Can a city expect to prosper which shuts her gates rgainst a public improvement ol such vast impor tance ? We have a most excellent ay stem of electric lights, hut that cannot supply the place ol gas. Fach is useful in its place, but in this progressive age noplace that as pire to an vthtng beyond a "deserted vil lage" can-do without cither. For one, I say let the Gas Companv come. Give us light ! Proorkss. REAL ESTAl fcSALF.S. Aa recorded In the County Recorder's office of Linn county, Oregon : F F Wyatt to Russell Wyott, Trus tee, 427 acres, 15 w 3 $ 1.00 FA Miller to F M Miller. 161.1:4 acres, 10 E 1 Richard S Rice to William Sill, 8 acres, 9 E 3 John and C L Brush to C J Dillon and T H Cone, Best property . . . J K Weathcrford to Lula B Prushaw 6000 300 3500 lot 2, block 24, Albany 1000 Frank E Allen to Susan N Allen, w half block 44, Albany Ashby Pearce to E B Kendal!, lots 6 and 4, bl 21 IPs 2nd A J W Gilliland to P J Foster, 2 acres, Sweet Home ". Levina Wltzel to J W Hedder, 100 acres, 12 w 2 S S Hayes to School Dist 41, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, bl 4, H's A to Halsev H Bryant to Cbas Goehinger, 1 575 -55 200 acres, 11 w 3 Gus Kregerto H Bryant, 160 acres. 300 11 w 1 600 "7 List. letter Following Is the list of letter remaining in the Pjat Office, Albany, blnn Jcounty, Oregon, Aug. 28th, .1888 Persons calling for these letter must give tha date on which they were advertised : Appleirate Orlando 2 Billing Frank II. Dow Clate Wobkins Dobkins John A, Green James Oeet Miss Ollie Hovey R. W. Jones Evans Mosburg J C. Williams W,P, Dodson E. P. Gren 0.0. Hatskatt Alvin J. Hilfioker John 2 Martin L. P. Nail Mr Mollle B. Wulf Henry. . THOMPSON, P. M Children Cry for r nnKstiAY. t Black, of Hslaey. is In the city. 0. K. Chase, groceryajan of Corvallk, u in the city. Mra Virgil Paiker and children are ruati oating at the Day. Kev Win Roberta, a pioiifcr of 1817, died st Dayton yeaterday, sm1 7D -:tr. K K Sox snd family returned from Ys uius Bay tn-rlsy, well Kyptisnied. Mr. Allen, the drayman, eatne home from the Bay tu-day. Hta family remained. i'o Yeang, I'erry ('tmu and wife and one or two other left yesterday for the monn talna. Bev K It I'rtchafd aod fainilv returned torn YamuiiA Ikv yeaterday. Their little kiy became farlvy.'!il while there,, and they are considerably frightened at hia condition. idr Walter I'etcraon, of Lebanon, waa in tint city yeitiifday. Walter ctrrietl a bfRiift on one of hia arms ami wouldn't sty whethci it Waa s runaway or a flht. We snajwet that $250 Imrao of hia had anmelhin to ! with it. S Funk and wife. T J Drsia snd wife, A O Campbell ami William Funk, arrived m the city this morning from rarmington, Han lea qutn Valley, OrL, and will leave tti-morrow morning lur riah l.ske. noorowiied were tne aleepera that the party Was ftbUgOai to tak.: the common cars. The travel 1 very large. I KlIlAY. It k now August and thia i th which the Albany streetcars wrr mouth in to lie run- work en niog. Fifty men left thk afternoon to tba contract 1.' Seaile ti. DftRh. I the Ore- gon I'scilio. There era ail ty-seven breweries u QfifMW. The manafseture of beer iu tne state Una yesr will be nearly 100,000 barrel. Thay have had it bad on Chrkti m Seiroee or motnpbyKirsl healing at Sakiu. !r Mary A Thompson and Mra DuFrau are b llt du iuK the city. Perhaps Albany w ill l at tacked . Charlie Webber, aon ol Joa Webber, ai.tl Frank llsckleinsn, arrived in Albany )e tenlay fmm Crook county on s visit of aoout a month. H W Kairweather. st one tiuo . . Matad with the O. r. !. R. has ben h-t near Sprague, W. T., bat how sctfusiv 1 nut known. The re eipta at the Albany I. ti. kat year were $4,020 04, intad of f4.Vd, ss recently atatstcd by tha I n m .. 1: ... 1 and asveral other pi per a. A registered package containing about $20,000 sent from Portland to New York ia imaatng. It was probably taken in the New York office , Three fair compleaioned army gitle arrived in Albany lat night with a big bendla ef War Cry, and an early attack on the enemy may lie aspseted. Yesterday s Chinaman atartsd from San RL I.i .ft : !.. II ti r rauctsco vo 1 iiiraKo in t unman t .iw.n i ear. and tne whola city i aatu!ahcd at hia extravagance, thia betug th first case 00 record. Beware of potato ritumtnera. One waa in tke Valley recently fur Barclay A' Itohiuron, of San Franeiaoo. Several shipped their po tatoes. The firm faded, and one man inatead i f getting monry got a bill foi $.!. 40 on the other aide. SATtBDAT. IIC C'ctneot, of Tacoms, k iu the city. Whcst ia coming iuto Albany with a rush now Mra Mimou, of llarrkbur, k vkitmg her nephsw. the M. r Pace, proprietor ui t e St Cnarie ftiRcl. Talking about trotting. AxteH, 2 year old, ha just trotted a tui'e in ph.-r.om-nul . cd for a 2 year old. Arraoio-i!:. nt t.- lriii made f.r a kcturc at the opria houso ia Alltaoy. on S pt 14, b (loo W (Japies, an eminent iettarer. The faintly of Mr Kimer Mootague moved ! to Albany eaUrday, and now they arc keep- , iug houso in the Barrett laidcuC. Tsd Pipe , cit kditorof the S.lrn. SUUt w in, h returned home accompanied by bte aiater. MraK V langdon, of Napa, CaL Mrs Chss l Riueout and laulkhur, ot Sn L in it 1 ' 1, arnvctl m A bany thia m ru ing mi a vi. t with rilauve aid friend Tb annusl eoRl'srsnoa of the M K t hutch will Ih held in L!rcue Citv befcinninK ' " riiursdsy. Aug :td. VV X Niode wul pie lde. M..u F C Ha. sar.l, . t Leljanos precinct, has hecumthecty It' tuioriua us that Uaati ulnetu P M Sharer 'a tjim i.u.i 4.i buahela p t a. re, which 1 a irr t.a any yet reporUrU. q C rus West'akr, of Uabservtd iiv.d in the county yesterday, th Oregon Fa.-ihc, rm u now c Cl, ar I Way of hia Ijim RaRf 1 anient. Two Suullieru Pacilto engmea caute toer bout t ut vat .i uu the O I to-day aud p il up u id. 1'tia) h id laJtea the circus to that city and were MM Iftrat (I iC ei.gin.a that have ever crossed oyer the ruad. A man 11. Nevada haa taken the total sl siiueiu pledge for life, tie baa gone before au awiul notary put in: ami taken an oath not to uke a sttougdriuk until Harrison . I elected president. Mr Adrian Comely aaya he Iorrs two nun I l hta father'a house Thursday eeumg at- i Umptii.'n to burglarixs tt, ooe bsing on the 1 outside and the other on the inside. He ;tad s scuttle wnh the latter, who Un a 10 shots , St htm, and then they Ikd. All the Chinese cooks in Pendleton are ou ! a atrtke. Those who are getttug $18 a . k ' waul $22, or they wid uot work . The Mon golian, when ho has sn opportunity, does uot slop at the earth . He wsnt the w hole autar ayatein, with a f"w rods of the uiilky way ttu own iu. H. O. In Cuba, wheu the government w.uta to! discipiiuu an editor it suspends hia paper f r fOftf days. This is great fun for the vduor. i He get s reat, Oca fishing, has a good time j generally, and uia subaunbers can't recovers cent tor MM papers they duiu't uet. We ' wouldn't mind Utile ot auch tieaiuieut out -selves Uuriug the auiinuer inoutbt. Our ctiutetnporarics all through the Valley are interested in tha (j P aud watch almest as closely a Albany paper for new Hems iu reference to it. Saya the MateanuiH: "A reporter of the tntentnan was shuwu a letter yesterday from Win M Uv.ag, vice-presideut ami manager of the Oregon Pacific railroad, iu winch hu tuted that thu of railroad would be completed thts year thirty-tive uulea beyond IfeRARM. This wuuld take tho road up past Breitoubuab ami give easy ac cess to Bumu of the tiuest umber belts ou the coast. As tOSii ss the forests are elesred from them there arc several fine openings for rauchea up through that couutry also, and the building of thu railroad will toou send settlers iu there. The East Oreijonian calls attention to the sale of 48,000 bushels of wheat in one lot in that city at 60 cents per bushel and con gratulates the farmers on receiving so good a price, but reminds them that were it not for the iiey on the sacks used to handle the grain they would have received $576 more for it. "This is one of the benefits of high protection which Mr. Blaine thinks should be taught to the present generation, and a burden which the Herald thinks farmers ought to bear, regarding it as a blessing to be thus taxed. Some Simmsr Items. Fresh fruit, such as peaches, plums and watermelons, at Brownell & Stanard's. It pays to get your groceries at Brownell & Stanard's. You get a five cent ticket with ever $t's worth of goods bought at Brownell & Stan ard's. B jovreo raoq oa8 oqs 'uojprrqo pnq oqs neii 'bjjovto.-) 01 3 unto aqs 'sbjm oursosq aqs uaqV Bjjovnio joj rwuo oqs 'puqo swti oqs uaqv 4ao)j3 aeq oabS 0J4 'jpis sbav. iqug uaq ,v A Bank. Prof. D. T. Stanlev, who was In the city Thursday is about to open a bank in Monmouth, and was in the citv getting pointers ness. in reference to the busi- pitcher's Castorla. for Infants and Children, "Castorla la so well adapted to children that I f recommend It as superior to any prescription xiKorn to me." If, A. Ascms, M. I,, UI So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, M. Y. 1 - '! -- teMRWaSWa saw) fC' 3 Stewart & Sox, t snoot of hroni'! suroents peculiar to retnaJes. at ttw invaUda Hotel and Runrioml Institute. U offal j. N. V' baa afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt ing and thoroughly testing jrentedies for the WHr, PlrceR ttor Srcac 1-1 pt 1 o n It the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of teat! received from patients and from pbysi who have teatuil it in the more aanrra- sRai ami ARtRSSRi 0RR srtatcll hat SAad their skill, prove tt to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief ami core of suffering women, it ts not rt-roimueuded as a " cure-alb" but as a most perfect Sp-ciUc for woman's peculiar an'mt-nt. As R powerful. Invigorating tonlr. It imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and its appemlaffes in particular. For overworked, "worn -out," run-down. deblliUted teacher, milliners. 'ii-jnr!. bouac- koeiH-rs, nursing mothers, an.l feebe generally. Dr. Pierce's Favortte Prescrtpuou is the greatest earthly boon, being uiK-qualed at an appetizing cordial and rertoratice tonic. As r sootfaluR and stretiRttaenlitc nervine, "Favorite Prescription'' is urie qualed and is iavaluabl- iu allaying snd sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex baustion. prostratioa, hysteria, spesma snd other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional ami organic disease of the womb. It RMRMRI n fresh::, 4 sleep and lattevsa mental anxiety and do- aitii:Jenev. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ta R legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organizations It Is purely vegetable in its composition and pcrfcctl harmleta In Its effects in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in email aosea, will prove very beneneiaL " Favorite Prescription Is r post, tire euro for the most complicated and ob stinate eases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnaturnl suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back. ' female weakness, antevcrsion, retroversion, liearing-down sensation, chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in tlammaUon, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with " internal heat." As R regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood, " Favorite Pro scription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good reeuPs. it ts equally efficMcioua and valuable in Ira effects when taken for those disorders snd derange ments incident to that later and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." Favorite Prescription." when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and email laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets Little Liver Pills), cure Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for womeu, sold by druggists, under a poalttvo guarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give satistuetion In every case, or money will bo refunded. Thiii guaran tee haa been printed on the boi tie-wrapper, antl faithfully carried out for miuy years. Large bottles doo doses) Rl.OO, or six bottles for $5.00. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of women (lflO pages, paper-covered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main SL, BUFFALO, N. Y UNIVERSITY OF 0REG09. CUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarship from every county in the State, Apply to your County superintendent Four courses : C lassical, Soientilie. Literary and a short English OottMM in which there ia no last in, Greel:, French 01 German, The English ia pro-emine utl a Busiuess Course, For catalogues or other information, address J. W. JOHNSON, President, Administrator's Notice o! Final Settlement Notice is hertby given thst the under signed Administrators de bonis nnn of the estate of Martin Costello.deccaeed, have riled their final account in the office o the County Clerk for Linn county, Oreaon, and the County Court for said county have fixed Monday the 3rd day r September. 18SS. at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for hearing objections, if any to said final account, and settling said estate. Sam- May, Lkvi Douglas. many thousands of cases Administrators do bouis non of said estate. J. K. Weathebforu, Att'y for Administrator s. Palace Meat Market. J, Y, PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBAMY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beat, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto the best meats and largest variety in the tlty. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stuck. Castorla enrea fJolte. kmrtv. Rour RtomAelj. PRRVMRa, HVbRMSMl Kills Worm, gives sleep, ana promotes di- WitiruiWious nuxUestfoa. Tits Ckwtacr CowfUMT, 77 Murray Ktreet, K Y. . 0 I '4 Tltfe 3E8T i m wjni . .; : :r.;.Wt t loo List. an ON U K Agents. Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AKD PUN f?sG resits. All kmc .nd seaiv rough, dressed ubcr.lath -wiv .itstantly on : pickets kept hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEST. Are aclrw:",i1 lbs h, more prodacurcaud yki4 ' nXK U-7.niTItAT CataUttas Ikt Utl - X.. l. aA yvsr ae 00., Fummct aas Suocwtn, Sr. . , pev, RtA. . li. tUJ-xAl i TO UN & b A 1 LAW, Antl isoiifiioie ia haBt-er) 4f.HA.Na. - - - i. inpti uuuie onali jx.ii.ts Loana neaotiaicii on niuoJtable let lut eH Ofliot IU I'os.er rt.ck.'i& vMnlVti T. STITBS. I X ' KY r la VW -AND Notary PuHic it J- WHITNEY, 4ttGriit:, And Oomisellor At Lav aaATjf0 Notary Public. ALBAOT, OREGON, Will prc. 'is U all of the Coojrta o .nls State. All business intrusted to him ! will be promptly amended to. Oregon State Fair ! THK 28th Annual Slatt Fair will bs held on the fair grounds near Salem commeuciug on t he 17TI1 OF SEPTEMBER. And cintihuinq one week, Cah pre miums to the amount f $ 1 e3,000 Will be nwardec? ftir V grit'uHural mechanical andst-vskex-tti, svorks of art and fancy wortc aa4 trials of sptjed. he Dretniunis offered have bot?n in ased in many cases, and new classes ve been added. No entry fes charged dlvlf ions J, K, L, and Q. A magnificent Aeld of horses entered, and there will w splendid contests of ran ninn; and trotting oach day. Tho different traospurtation ovmpnies will make libars.1 reduction in fares and reights. Special attention ii called to the pretn urns offered for county exhibits of gratua grasses and fruits. Entries will bo received In the Secre tary's ottico iii Naieiu, begiuning six days before the fair, an I on the tair grounds fi tun Fiiday before the fair. Persons de siring to exhibit in divisions J, K, O, P and Q are requested to make their entries on Friday and Saturday before the fr if possible. Ah entries close ou Monday, September I7tb,at 7:30 p. m, PRICES OF ADMISSION: Coupon ticket for meu (six days) $2.50 Coupeu ticket for women (six days)...fl,00 Day tiuket for men 50c, Day ticket for womeu 25o. Tickets to grand staud at the race track for males over 12 yeara 25c, Ladies to the graud stand free. Those desiring to purchase booths will apply to the Secretary, iarsemi to the Secretary at Salem for a premium list. J, T. GREGG, Secretary, Red CrownMills mm, LAMING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PKOCK8S FLOUH SUPERIOR tOB KAMP IKS AKD BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Hijrhest Price in Cash fo Wheat