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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1888)
HOME AND AHU0AD. Wxt ittttocrai Wm. Fort milk I ii i k s r j , ' J V If ail ia home from hi bicycle (rip to Do You Want Furniture ? IF you no ao TO Min & WiM. when you will And the beat maka and tint ti-ilshed " MMM. Coo Hay. -FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-Firat-olass Hearse JBVAfter basinets hour call at residence corner Fifth an 1 Btker streets. YAQUINA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad rfon Development Company's Steam ship Kino. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other routs. Pirat-clas tbroug.i nis-uoig-rr uu freight line from Portland and all point I la the Willamette Valley to and from San Kreoeiaoo, Cal. BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alioi Ana Una of PICTURE FRAMES. aod a hundard dlflarant stylta of Mouldings. 'DlMnM fWrrtM rnftdo to Order. IVDVIi V waw The largest and bet ntoek of UNDERTAKERS BBODS, aver kepi In Albany. Priest reasonable. albahFTollesutb institute ALBANY, OREGON, SELLS BROTHERS' GREAT CIRCUS FESTIVAL, Roman Hippodrome THBKK-R1NG CIRCUS, Elevated Stage and Five-Continent Menagerie! omnTiT obd mMkVVW fx lulAU Bs uu mr- niui gpr w bbbw TSKflMAltCI nibirMN. KJU1 r Albany W, 0. T, II. Ililnk lllil. irirt 181 1888, 1880. Ooes Beuiewtber ntb. A lull corp or tart motor.- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 0 .k.U. antiil Is taMlt 1 1 - a . i i i vii ruoi r i hut pi i -" Willamette River Lino or steamers. nWilfau grade -indent. THvYm. M. Hoa . The "N. K. Rout i. Tin "Three Sister" are In service for bolto LMiuur and freUht traltto be- iun i.rv.liiii kikI Portland slid M.11 mM.iv ioaviuu v umnany'i whaif. IS.rVAlIlM llhl MttHSll. I I It HUSH A 0U' wharf, No. tfUO aud Krout Si., foil tau , tbreo tuna a wunk an follow : trD Ail"i , a irrm rcl, Nuaru boUBU. .i U . d .1 .11 .... , 4 1.0 A. 11 UBf ! a. A'yVrr iuHmetucMt offttrnt H tutfrut '0M m-tiHHI. Tuition rnKi ff'U 6 ,u '' float d in private fAi-l'k al re. Knomx hr II 1 BSKtlu. Ml Ml allfJ mm A imiiiI wHfivH ,..niM ner aU- deal" kwnv nmtti lion... ra uwttr i gBtBBlBr 2 b Kr o u w- -o pMrti.-iiUr n .i - I BU I'. - . gHM. I I I I I T . t ! ! aiimsii , . , full .-. n i ti Lv AU"v, luo , t'uur.. (uk1 SlunJ. I.J' It, Arnv tx'tlu, l'u , l- btoi0o , 4: I. Boau uiaHa uloea ouunaotiou at Albany witn tralrta of tbeOragon faolno Miirual. viii tkJtfitOUUt. (axcaptawaaira.) Utr. Albany. I (M r. , Uv OurfAUu, l: to r. a . Arriv. VmiuIia, 6:30 p. a Yaqoina, 8 44 a.m. Lm Oorvlli,lo.3i .. Arnr Albany, 11: 10 A. M, O U traiaa oonaaA at Albany and OorvaJlia lha aoova traina oonnaotat Yaauint wiib the Oragou wnwawwH Oouipauy'e Uinoof taaiuhips Yaquina and 4ao Franctaoa. MA 1 1.1 MCI UaTKal beiwaan Jim WsHall," CHINESE MERCHANT. v..ii iih. e.t Oainaaa Brood of all kind on hand, Alao full Hoe of JAPANESE GOODS. ORSfiOM P1GIF10 CONTRACTOR, tor tble aoctlou. Laborara furnlahed on ihort noUra fo ny purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Aooordiagto th utatUtic f tho li Uor mM I . i I - 1 ... Ihu men tnonuaiTra mew w uuuiuuipi United BUtaa daring the fltcal year ending June 30th, 1884, the cMonnmit agKregate of 70,016,001 gallone of dittitled Honor aad 18,- 905,010 barrel of fermented liquor. Allpw. lag that 5,000,000 gallon of the apirituou liquor ware od tor medical and mechanical purpose (there war but 4,209,078 gallon the used the year before) and we nave left 64.010,001 gallon of apirituou liquor ud fnr tlrinkinir tiuri)orB. and. of couae, the entire amount of fermented liquor, fteduo ing thl to loonkerper' etimte, one- half a gill of diatdled and one-third of a I""1 fermented liquor per drink, and placing the ooat to the drluker at 10 cent per glaa for tUm former aud 5 cent tr ul for the lU Ur. aud we b- M7IJiMI o "pen r ....Htuntii nd MMJH9.7BB 53 for iolt "r 7 7. .' .u. .....i i mt liouora tn it yer, ii.hhuiv . - . . . . i i . n li.JMI.Ml W e the wneva ur.oK out mgle year. THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE GALAXY ! Uihlcnlhe.l record of eeveoteeo aa on. Ite nam a yo mym of graatnene. WILL t.XH.BIT AT ia. ru rcico. nam mnu WUUiMti. VIUj, A!- ABg.lln The Compaoy rrea U right .to ohange aalliug dalea without notice. 5, B laaugra from Poraanu and WUIauietla Va.ley potuu can iaa; doe oooDtH ii li with itxv train of lha Yaquiua route at Atbuv or Corvailia, ud n do i Bed to San Fruciaoo ahould arranija to arrive at Yaqutoa the avuing baion dale of aalliug. rrr Mia r.eteht Kate lwy IM Ur . InivrtiMUoii iply lu C 4 atuart, rrib nd Ttohat AfMits Albany. ufloCH HavU. Jr., o. r. a. a. r. d p. Afwt, Orron Kaolc B BCo. UorralU. Or. -xVIA-. Soatlieni Pacifia Oompaoy's Line. tms nr mm ti 4 Kir:. J K. WEATHERFORD, (MOTABT PUBUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAWf. OBE-0. 117 ILL PBACTICE tX -b THE COUBTB OPTHB If Btau. atiiBaiaaaawiiiin pw rat aaatfr. Albany, Monday, Ang. aithf IN ALL ITS TOWERING AND MIGHTY GRANDEUR Tlio (trundeHt Airi-ay of Tb Ntloi W, C. T. V. h become the ! t n ownumn of nmni'M m il world. itti ..v. r f ii ilot.riiiioi ! oia nii I. r-tu It. La i now. A-W, ud llol the U h eoiu"U punitaliiog houcu in i'hicaio a I. tch rM an ai.i-ul divi land tl i lr wot l H atwoa ioioi Million of page -tli eiatui iei..-d trow it ur . hv i'iM,-roi , II.Moiia ti. wli om:s i. ii. urnx i.-. , of a TotiMrmc I.mpl la ib eiy I Chicago. Tbi wbue-nblmu dove faa two wiBKi. broodnic with mother lovw ovor . . . ... . , a.1 . humiullv mi over th M.nn oi uio nauorw. Kaloon. ulcailmk- "For od and Hum antl NAir Laad l" will otely be heard in the court of heaves. W J Irwin ha. he, n appoiwt atawnrd at! the inaann aajium at Salem. Dr Biuk-ere. who ac recently in thiactty, waa arreated iu Portland yeaterday for I iug drunk and Uiaorderly. Mr fiuia Htinon, of HaIchi, and Mia hit m M Hey, of c ."India ma county, were mar ried yeatcrday. Hn Childer. who taught th Browiiaville achool laat year ha lti engaged to teach (lervai chool n.-t year. Yesterday Drtiniaa purcbaaeifi W lloch- atedler'a houae aud let in the Thud ward, paying 1 1500 lor the aame. Judge Mtrahan, J J Duhruille, A Klein and C W Watt ret'irned from the Umcqua thi morning They found it pretty rougn hunt log", but managed to kill aix or seven der. The Orr'jonian ia boaattng of a peach raked in Portland that meau red 11, iachaa. Laat year Mr i 1 1 otewart exhibited onn that meaaureii 1 1 $ inch ; out trim year none on hi tree have exceeded 10 inchee. M Hodge aud hi son Arthur returned last Haturday from a trip to Webfoot, Ar thur ya the crop in th vicinity of lban- on wr never better than tin y are tnu year. t'rineviile liruu Vhle we aro noticing our I.m n cuuiilv iclila here ia our from I'olk coiiniy. Hurriaon IW niik, about live mile from nlvm, receetl)- thrahtd out twieere of h'a, i uht a-re of which wer aprtug aowing, h t yielded forty I nahel of puimp, heavy gt am Li the or I io, nine aore of nt that yielded over alkty-Uvn htuhnia u f tv Mr niunh la aiMiken of aa one of the lel fafiaeN in I k county. M b vera) rlativa i Aioaiiy Helen. Moot., t hving ot o 'no at the exoenan to o"iinlv o.oiofii" i l ' 'r a 92500 atatu of WBloUtgUH,, ui,it at S .ii rfniii-i" ". I h" olli.iflp d -ih for Infant and Children, rworntneialitaaanperkMrtoanjr aaowBtenie." IL A. Aacxsm, M. V., Ill So, Ozford 8L, Brooklyn, N. T. (U- I Ts CnrTAva Coaraar, 77 Murray rHwwt, If. Y. lor J MM T' M Rartkuaake la Mala. WiNTHKor. Aug. ti. One of the mt ae- vere earthquake ever felt In thl vicinity of imnAmtim Oregon, u io the city iL U tit ,t oor l-i i .lnifUf lo ... ' u'U-.-r, i ha-t Om n Hut pa, la ba:liie,l-t M..( bBNp h 111 P r-i, taith ItoOeof h- ; . j; 111 'd. In '.Iher raoUl to,. . - atd tt f"l qai' well K miAAT. Abram Mauatitid, the all kBawn dium- died at Balvm yeaterday. Judgu Chenowith, of Ikntoo county waa ertoualy injured by a runaway ou the ICtn inatant. Mr K Y Ho left to-day for Yaquiua !'... to be gone until i'ieMJay, whu be will re turn with lna family. Mr J H Turner, one of th leading lawyer ao- occurcd at 8:to laat evening, continuing thirty second. The earth shook violently, swavlnif buildings and rattling dihc and furrtltuie. A second shock waa flct about midnight, somewhat lighter and of about the same duration. THE ST M WjSGIJI H THE MARK A r. Ags. Oragon City Market, M. HYDBP.-jpr. Fresh meats con-Untly on htnd. corner of First and Krrv Streets. Near Homeopathic Physician, BH. M, E. BcCOY, M. !.. HOMEOPATHIC ..hvml. ian. office arxl rtridcfto corner sj Unrt ami baker atreet. Albany. tre n. bnH,-: awa la'ty. t onaaasasi aame, ... i.-.i -KJIi.m.mlllflSr.m bajki'.'-ii All'ysil u r.iwi',i har uro.tiA axeaaas t. us- rsiLT. BsMl t.uo r. a. . BBira I 7:40 Lcsvo Uaa.c AT.IVa PurUaiaJ Aibauy ru P.aoCT SvrXh Arrive I 10:40 A a Laave 7.0b a a be I tt io r a O M-iALrAsaaxjn te u aaiLT ,ct.vji Sunday). :U0 s t:40r a Lemre Arn.a Aitvaay l.i. . -!.: 3:46 r a il .Sj A v uO a B bocAt rAa4a jsa toim saisv, aJU-arr l-pat Aloauy Wr a .ST a 1JJ ira ra Loara Arno Leavs Arrive Albany Laosuun Arn I a a Lc i.-w A a Anv , X.45r B Ueave 2:uo r a PULLMAN 8UFff SLEPcS. Tourist Siaeping Oars Be JsMUBl 4'CUe MBBBBB era. atteBJ a Kxrea Trata. irer.ti Weal aide ftVlvUlw. Ii at rL VX it ISt CiTBVAELm. The BUYERS' QUIDS la lasoed March and Bept., It rear. It I an enov- clopedia of useful infor- mation lor all wno pur. ehaae the lnxnriea or too nooossltio of life. Wo elotho you and furuien you wttn 11 the neeeeesry and unneeeaaary UPifanr'i to ride. walk, danoe. sleep, eat, flah, hunt work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various alee, tvla and Quantities. Just figure out what 1 required to do all these thing COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair ostimata of the value of the BUYERS' OUIBE, which will be eent upon receipt of 10 cent to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 rft"hign Avenue, Chicago, 111. PATENTS nteiuetl, end all oUwr tiusinesa iu tit V. 1'aAan ffice AtteiiilcUad to l-.r mtalerato tees. OuroAee BeMeM tb I . B. Patent Office, aod veean obula Patent leas bine tbsn thoe remote earn Wjatuniriofi . bend modie or .IistnK. Wi a1' Ui pstent ability tree of ebary ;aud wemeAe o charge unlea CHAMPION ARTISTS E"V"E33a ADELAIDE CURDO A. Oraaleat Bareback Kqrlonnaon Ktrth. VIiLA KlVKlll. Lwshlpg laretiexjk Bldtr. WM NUOwtaStj f'hsmpbm Male llareba'k Hldar or the World, IH)N JLRKNIMo HKLUraautofall Bareback Rid. Wm. 8K.LIJ, Oreatoat Living Bounding Joekey. . The above are unqoeetlonaoly the Rve Q reelect Living Rider. None dare deny W WM. o'DKLL Rldoaand Drive 23 Horaaa onihe lllpoodrome Traek OILFOhT BKOTHKlt. Kxpuiot of Claeelo Mtatuary Poe.lng. KtANO UKorilKMS. Phenoml ArrbUt ultit ,mi tii.vf V .L.oilhlntr Aei Sal Star. I e ill n - .-. - . " . rm. I. l-l. 1 n. na lllKU-n.n-a.i iK anvwi. rotenquee. anite r. Earth. xiki.koiK FAMILY. Ill.itole Bapert. And an endle emy of Ej t riau, UymnMi. Aobat. and Ueoeral Performer ROMAN STANDING RACES! 4-HORSE CHARIOT RACES I PONDEROUS ELEPHANT RACES ! AWKWARD CAMEL RACES I LADIES' HURDLE RAOES JOCKY FLAT RACES I MOKKEY RACES! PONEY RACES ! CLOWN RACES I HEX AND RE. Wonderful l.toii' Men AMtlLKY AM HKN, Saaiitig Eilnvr and t-iit.' mitk'i.iv4 Vinih!iiHn Mini InlmtUbhj v f'A BAM I'.ttoritKlLS. The Koiinteet t'lowue on are obtain patent. We refer hern, mAu. tsai A.r (ex pt auoOay.) I3t r Arrive Pjrtu-i.1 C inrult Arrte la i ,e:l5ra I I S) u sxraats H taw AK (exon''- tend?- v tlie PoaooMier. toe sapi. oi Haaev Unlar In v. a.nd u officiaia of tba L . b. rVUcnt Office. tfur circular. alvu. teni a, an.l eOrreoc-e o actual clieoU In ) our own tftat or county, ddrees e A 81 OW &0., oiaiu paont omce. waantuirton. u . t J) r m Leave r ( Arrl e foetla'id Mctllniville A'nve L."sve 1:00 A M ft.46 A M At A'anf ul Corvalli connect with trains of Oref -m PscuV BaUroad For (all inf.riai ri r-4in Jiatee, rotpe, etc, ea cocnuany'a Aent. B. KOBHLEK, . P. BOO EBB, Manager WIG t . ail P. Ar 0. 0 OMBBBT. O.B.PVBBB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, Macoifligts, Millwrights, and Iroi Pounders. BB7 E are now completely prepared to handle all kind of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine, Ortat and law Mill Machinery, and all kindaoriron end Braes Castlnga. PATTBBBB BtBK M BUOBT BOTICB. Special attention given to repairing it kinds of machinery. Andrews & tfnekioaii, W.LDOUGLAS'I Bxecutor'b Notice. NOTICE i b r jhy given thut th under aived bsa been duly ftbioiuted I V the CSBM ' - . - - W3 . I Uoart 1 LAwa oeoaiy, ur.if, aaw sesa of the last aid and teetamettcf W. H. Mc Ferlaud. decssed. Ad persons bsving claims ausiust said eetate are htteb uot.liert anU ituuired to present tbesaine witn tne prnr . 1 .-t-. Bit voucher to thfe in aioboj , vaa.- .... 1 - . I... Kon, Wltlilli six uioutna imm :uiw mcii.m Dated August uin, laoo. Camilla M- K.w.i..vm, Lxtcutnx. CAPT. BOGABDUS! T. . cbno.pi.- .. ggggy www' "" THE FINEST MENAGERIE IN THE WORLD I A oromlnent and undupiicated feature of which U the pair of GIANT HIPPOPOTAMI Mala and Female, for which we declined a proffer of Forty Thousand Dollar leas than thirty daya ago. BIC, BRILLIANT AND BEWILDERING IN EVERY DEPARTBENT, $250,000 LavlahJy Ksneidml In BadUnOy Perfectiiif thb Toervrlnf, Phenomena' ''atlon for tba Present Tour t (0 Miliars of Circus wiih 300 Meteoric Performers 30 MINUTES OF GLADIT0RIAL CONTESTS ! 30 Minutes of Hippodroma Races, with Pro.WoneJ Jockeys and ! e) Thor.ubbred with 1,000 Marvelous Animate snd Inanimate Curios ! 30 Minutes for the Museum, M LUI.1-1--- I I I S...HJ " ' j "aS Ill 30 Minutes for the Menagerie, :, tours of Dazzling, Fascinating Entertainmem elth MK Hpeelmetta. UrsstesUstherinK Hlnce Nosh's bay ! Mil SOLE AGENTS, LEB0N. - OREGON FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturer of- CHOICE OONFEUTIOHERY, We are mow prep trnd to rll at wbol. aaK alway fivnh aod pure at Portland prtc" to dealer. We alao keep a full line of tfuts and Tropical Fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Sheriff's Sale. fAe Circuit CourCy the State of Oregon for Linn County. The American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited, Pirfnlifr. . W B Gilaon, Pefendaut. NOTICFH hereby given that by vlrtne of an execution and order of ala is sued out of the abote named Court In the above entitled suit, 1 will on eafwrday tbe lot aa ol Krpteitiber, IHK. at the Coort Ilouee door in the city of Al b my, Inn county, Oregon, at the hour of ona o'clock, p rn.,al I at publio auction lor cash In hand to the high' m bidder tbe teal property luribd in eald ezioutian and order of aale aa follow, to wit : '1 be undivided oris fourth of tbe following land, to-wil : A portion of tbe Donation Land Claim of Alien Parker, P'otlflcaliori 2.112. ;la'm 87. Township 12. eoutb of Itange 2 of the Willamette meridian, K)ininencing al th northwest comer 61 aapj nlalm, runuiug tlienoe 'at 4 45100 ebsinn , them e ! b Zl 31100 nbalna ; thence west I 74.100 chairs ; lbnre south 47 Off 100 ohnin : thence wi.t 3K H 100 chain: th-Lce north .rii 27 'iMl eh.f.nn to thH cf b; ulnrdnu, ruutnirjiug 2KI acre. AUo coiMiiHiicing at th prt h wet-t corner of said lurid olaltn i-i men liotied. (Not 2.SI2) running Iheoco wet 70 rod : di rod- : thence ea-i 70 ; thence m rth 8 rotiH to the placo of be ginning containing 8i sere, iltoomn mencini? at the nnuiuei corner or . m, Pennlngum'e dooaiimi land oiauii, No. 67; tf.encn est 11 rods; tience afntth 54 24 100 rods; thence wei-t 118 ioi.-; tbonce north 54 24 100 rod to the ple of beainuins;, contalnitig 40 acre ; together with all and singular ibo lenememe. bereditamente, apiiurtenci thereto be longing or in any w1b apf erwinlng, fl situated Iu Linn county, Oregon. Too proceed arising f r m tbe salo of eald rosl property to be applied : First to tbo cost and disbursements of sad soli taxed at 1876 98-100, snd accruing co-t. Second to tbe payment, to the Plaintiff, Tbe" Ameri can Mortgage Company of Scotland, limit ed, tbe sum of $1702.05,. with scorulng interest, thereon aMtin rate of 40 per cent per annum from the 2dh day of Jun.-., iKhH Third, the nverpintlf any tberel) to tie paid to he Defendant. W. li. Gilson or hi lgal represeniatite. DAted July BOth? 18S8 i XB SM A I.I.MAN, By I), H. Smith, . isberitt. Depuiv. Ba '-' ' MBBW-IkYi S " ' 7 . - "i ' At-Aji8BBBBBBBx9BBT Maajj An Inteoselj Thrillii? Ronu.n Ctaadiiig Eaca t llorae Thlevea Seat-TLB. Aug. i$-Twoyouthful horse thieve were captured here to day. 1 hrec of them had stolen three valuable horse and Uken to the the woods where the boys end horsea were found this morning by Wm. Hunch, owner of the horse. One of the bovs ran. but the others were turned over to the police and were later severely lectured by the judge and allowed to go, as neither wa over io year of age. The noy s names are lo iendoe. Charlie Dictxcl and Kddie George. Ueataad for Ihdliag Stork. Sat Fbamciboo, Aug. t$.- "If we hada hundred more locomotive and s thousand new freight car we could only upply a portion of the demands for additional rol ling stock now coming in to ." rcmaiked a Southern Pacific official thl afternoon. "The extent of these orders Is unparalle'ed. We thought we were in a bad enough way In this respect last winter, but it U much worse now. We are using 4500 foreign freight car that I car that belong to other roads most of them from east of the Missouri river. As tbe east bound freight business U now heavier than the west bound.many of our car are taken Eat,and are often beyond our .each when they are moat wanted. Hi Pkeaisxrapb London. Aug. 15.- At reception given by Colonel Gourman to Thomas A. Kdlaon. KdUon made a speech, and refcred to vbdt he made cluhtecn years ago to Km eland. He spoke amuainglv of the clim ate and other things English, aid recited "Bingen on the Rhine, whistled a number of airs. "1 he Funeral March" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb," told funnv stories, and made an Intcrcting entertainment. At the same time he was in New York, jo mile away, and only hi voice wa present, through his wonderful instrument. Oppose J to It. If. Constantinople, Aug. 15. The gov eminent ha ordered the removal from the railway stations In Turkish territory all bunting put up by the railway officials to commenorate the opening of the through line from this city to Paris, and given in structiona to allow the train now on tiie way from Paris to Constantinople, opening the road, to proceed In silence. Turkey oppose the opening of the road. Terrible Disaster. Nkw Yobk, Aug 16. The steamer WtetamLof the Hamburg-American steam ship line, has just brought news of a co II slon off Sable Island between the Geiser and the Thtngvalla, of the Thingvalla line which occurred at 4 o clock on the morn Ins cf August 14. I he Gciser hank in hvc minutes after the collision and 105 persons were drowned. The I hingvalla was so disabled that she had to put into Halifax after transferring all her passengers lothe Wle and. The Geiscr had eighty-six pas senger aboard, seyenty-two of whom were dt owned or killed in me collision, ana four teen of whom were taken, first on the Thingvalla and then on the Wleland. The Gelaera crew numbered fifty. Thirty-three were saved and seventeen were drowned. Capt. Moller of the Geiscr wa among thoae saved. Passenger of the Thingvalla transferred to the Wetland number 455. The Geher left this pert August 1 1, bound for Stettin. The Thingvalla was on her way to this city,and was advertised to leave here on August 35. A Great Mine Sale. Hklena, Mont., Aug. 16. It is under stood here in mining circles that a sale has been consummated of the Silver Bow com pany's group of mines at Butte. It is also given out that the purchasers are no other than the Calumet & Hecla company of Michigan. The consideration is said to be $1, .150,000. The group purchased includes the Lrray Rock, Josephine, Sister t iag,L.a Platta and Belle of Butte. These proper ties are all well developed, and are located in the great silver copper belt. Killed by a Log. Srattlr, Aug. 16, Jacob Younger, a logger 3a years old, recently from Michi gan, was instantly killed yesterday after noon at Elwin & Jackson's logging cam p,a few miles distant from Muckiteo. He was watching a falling tree, when it struck an other and swerved over on to him with terrible force. He was buried here to-day compai.ii l by bis two daughter. Mr Bart Allen, of Yaooina Bay ia is th city. Mr Allen m in favor of protection of tbe homes f the American people. People owtnntf r frtgerator are about the only one who do not have to driok their hotter these warm days. Tbe faculty ' Willamette onivaraity are negotiating for 20 sere at Mili City on tbe Or, fur a summer rort for teocber and cbolar. Tbe Salem Staitsmnn aay Ed Cross aad Ray Farmer recently climbed to tb utmost top of Mr Jefferson, and that they wet the brat on wbw nave over done tbt. Capt Leaning, of the Ued Crown mills, io form us that baa baen stored there that wets'h much as U5 pounds per buabcl. and that the uualtty of tb wheat brought to i generally good. Mr M Hyde received tb first Yaquina Bay ! ui 11 of the season yesterday boos. It waa bur fellow, and diaanpaaiwd before tbe Ibmocbat man reached the slab. Tbe king of hah, let us hay au abundance of them. Mr Joeenh Si i.irii sod family left Cu val li 00 Weoeeeday for KofLdo, Now York. where they possibly reside in the future. Jo has been a resident of that city for er aad ha many friends He waa oooe a resi des! of L'un county. Mr Juhn Burnet', uf CorvaHt. otLr to a ker as follows : Firt $100 that Clave laud and Trmrman carry New York. Sec ond - $ 100 thst Cleveland and Tnurmao are tod. Tfttrd 30 to 1 100 that Cleveland Thurrnen carry ladiaua ; money iu Baa ton toar.ty Bank. Mr MiHaid Hayes left to-day for Yaquina I Bay. Ho owns aa latere in a tilrrwa can-1 nry t . , No. 3. and tells u they propose , to push matte ra uow. If the run t gnod they will put up at leaat 3U00 ces of salmon. M Hard is an ioU M-revering young man aod ta tx.-und to make it couuL Mr E H i'nebard and family I Bra been atMrndiog a few dvya with Dr. Thompson. They go to Newpott fur little "outiog ' foe their cbrdreu. .ur 1 Mohsrda church in Al baay is elored during August. II is geaerout people give inm au tnttte month for reat wbich eyer minister ought to have, Qautte. A Salem naner a.iy: "A report baa been emulated tht !Hw Pm Hand pat tie have jumped tb claim of the Albany Mining Com- pi y cd hv set to work to develop it. II the report is true, it oontirma the general I e lief that there i considerable faith io th minaa of that locality.'' We understand there ia nothing in th report Wednesday evening au Albany father en tared aa Albany saloon with a live year old hoy, our informant aays perhaps not over four. The man called for whiskey for him self and a glaa cf beer for the hoy. Both were handed out. The man drank the whis key aod the little boy the beer. It is bad enough for our saloon-keepers to sell liquoi to youtb of eighteen or nineteen ; but when a bar-keeper will baud out au intoxioatir g drink to a boy of only live it show a pretty bad statu of affairs. ague and Price List erv- - -- TUF-sr r ON UOL Stewart & Sox, Agents, Albany, Or. i is . i 06V 5?5l3 LITTLE VA-fc M9 UftH PILLS. ALBANY SAW AND PUN ING MILLS. All kinCz . i rough, dressed : ; ibar,lath.r. pickets kept wstantly cn hand Bills sawed to order on miiy 'siak!. Always fresh and reliable. At Shortest noti5 Use Only bSt a laxative, alterattlve, or purgative, TJ-1 . peo VyMJitpoum tuaoei XHW juu terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON i WEST. nerriRR OP TVITATIOXS. A Z. WAT It ASK FOB DM. riEHCkY PELLETS, OB and SOBS LITTLE BUOAM-CVATED PILLS. He lug entirely vegetable, taey op erate without oBrfurbance to the aystem. dtct. BrjBBBBMBjM. . UP$7 mCl thee little Tolieia gtve IBS attatf action 1 SICK HEADACHE. ftillaua Bcsdsche. Pfaxttstsss, t:onetlpa- llotl, ndlBOOttOB, Bllloaa Attaeawodsil acb and bower, are promot" ly rvlieved and pi-rrnanemly Fierce Plesnt Pnrg attve Pellet. In explanation of tbe reoaedsxl power of these P-iik over ao great a variety of disease, it M, trutaf ulhr be aaid that their action uoon tlie tyetem far universal, not gland or tissue iBtBMnx their sanative Influence. Sold by Scent a vlaL Manufactured at the LatKwatorr off woaiAV pmarBABV A - re Ceased ..'tit "'M Xrse twTaAi m fumtrm aso $ftisxTM, 9aS500 r AbBbV offered by tbe roanuutrtur- r WSMv rrsof Dr. Baa; Catarrh aT J ChTooic Nasal Catarrh which y'v ? they eaunoi cun-. XT' mm m. ' . t, berag bs.l."f il Oi Hercroyv CATALtX.: A stMia Bee ea at fU roa IT. ' An CX3-, St. Paul, Msuj. FOR PILES. ltcbib),' files are known by moisture like y srpira litu productnr very dissi;reealle Itching efter get inir sjarax. This form as ell aa blind, bleed'.eir ami nroirnoliitf Pliea. yiild at ones to the cnnllcation of Ur. boasnko's IHIe remedy, which set directly ujon the orc. arrr. ttil. aim .riunif the lutnors, susyinir tae InlcniK) luhnni and iffef!iiL' a i.ermsnert cure. 60 c elite. Adrift. Tbe Ur Ikmank Med.clne Co O. bold by M. A, Miller. Another K. K. San Fbanusco, Aug. 1 6.--lames M. Donahue's mission to the East, which is ac knowledged to be for raising capital for the construction of a railroad through North em California, Is atti acting much attention here. It is known that the Donahue peo ple are very anxious for the extension of their line from 0 kiah northward to Eureka, in Humboldt county , and It Is also bee cm Inir well known that an Oregon extension Is boned for. A preliminary survey for the Oregon line has been made and if east ern capitalists can be interested in the scheme one roud will be built as far east as Boise City, Idaho. Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regular nubl'c quarterly examination of teacher for Linn count v. will take placo at tbe Court House in Albany, commencing at noon Wed naaday, Auguat'iOtb, 1S88. Ml teachers de airinir examination will please be present at thu beginning. L. M. Cubl, County School Superintendent. TUP tlNiY ftfiMPLFTf. PitfOTAND LAVISHLY SUMPTUOUS PROiUDTION by hi fellow loggers. ......... - - it,,-,,,.! n... La Grandk, Or., Aug. 16. OF THE llaces, Revels anl Gialatorial Oombats of Ancient HomB I3ST ISTEI.X.'X" 23000 "STZEj-oVIRS- GO EaglUb ami Rsntocky Thoroughbreds In oul-atirrlng Struggles for Snpremaey J m - (I S ... eSAB .mm A MKHbd-l A BJB II A I Pmnruious rtsce iracx-rour imiwAtuuuu,vno mmi HEBOID OLYMPIAN GnMES AHD CALEDONIAN SPORTS I pgE&LEss, poktio, mM m?huuM mm mm i Apparint; on the Public TimrmighfArea at 10 o'clock every Morning. t .st tL i'oFl I'UK'M of tltuissi ti, perrnrntauee at Cnslosnary Hears Positively aod Empithtically no Free Ticket to Anybody. CHBAP ROUND-TRIP EXCURSIONS ON ILL RAILROADS ! BsTSEE STATION AOESTS FOR PARTICULARS-SB Alao exhibit at Corvallia, Aug. 25th ; falem. Aug 28vh ; Eugene City, Aug. 29tb ; Hoseburg. August '80th ; Mee'.ford.iAugoat 8 1st, The town of Summerville, sixteen miles northeast of here,burned this morning. The fire origi nated in the bank building at about 2 (Sclock a. m. The total loss Is about $20,000, and Insurance about $4000. Very Fast, New York, Aug. 16, Mrs. G. B. Mark lc, wife of the millionaire coal operator of Pennsylvania, has made thefastesbtrip ever known, from Portland, Oregon, to meet her sick husband here. She engaged a special train of the Northern Pacific railway and left Portland at noon on Wednesday a week ago, ran to Chicago snd boarded the limit ed express over the Pennsylvania railroad for Philadelphia. There a director's car of the Lehigh valley railroad was waiting and hurried her over the Legigh valley and North Pennsylvania road to Jeddo, where she arrived at 6 .15 on Saturday evening. The entire distance of over 3000 miles was made in eighty-four hours, or three days and a half. . Pitcher's Castor ia UK. BO SAN-KO In his new discovery for Consumption, succeeded In producing-a medicine which la acknowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It Is exceedingly pleasant to tbo tame, pj-rtectiy harmless, aim aoea not storcen in all cases nf rnnaumptton, C'otssjss. i;oms, wnoop ng Cough, Croup, Urenchlils, and lHtlns In the Chest, has given universal ssUsfaction. Dr Boasnko's ougb and l.un.; Syrup is sold at 50 cent h M. A Iter. nvniTons heavy beadarue. OF CATABHH.-Du!L obstruction of tbe nasal falunsr from the beau he throat, sometime profuse, watery. and fril nt other, thick, tenacious, mucous. purulent, bloody ana putnu; too eye are wi-ak. wntcry. and inflamed ; there is ringing in ti i .r. dcAfneaa back lna or eouahinir to clear tbo throat, expectoration of .offensive matter, together wltu aean rrom urcers; t ne voice is cbanared and ha a nasal twang ; the Breata ta urjenstve: emeu ana qret are im pair." I : there is a sensation of dtsxtne, with mm! it il.-nreaaion. a backlnir couxh and cen- eral debility. Only a few of tbe above-named symptom are liseiy 10 ne prraens in any one case. 1 nnuaanna or ewe auuuaiij, wnuwui manlfeatinfr half of too aoove sympcoms. re- anir in nmnumotlon. and end In Uw arnve. No disease to so common. mre deceptive and dangerous, or ree understood he phyatetans. liy its nitsa,sooining. auu m tuiua irvi. tim Or. Haao's Catarrh Remedy onn-s the worst cn of Catarrh, eald In the head," C'oryca, and catarrasi neaaocne. tola uy arugguw swjuav, w wui. Untold Agony from Catarrh." Prof, w HATTSKxn. tbo famous mesmerist. of lthaea, X. F- write : -Borne ten years ago I suffered untold agony rrom enronic nrum asasawii Mv fami v uhvslcian ffiivc nn up n Incurable, and said I must die. My on was inch a bad one, that every day. toworoa un- ..f m vol!-,, would ixH onie so nonrse i couiu baraty speak above a whtoper. In the morning mv mimhiiK and clcannir of my throat wou!;: nlmost strangle mo. By the use of Dr. Sagi -'s Catarrh Kemedy, In three months, I was a well man, aud tae cure aaa now pertncuu constantly Hawking and Spitting." Toon a J. Itnanmo. Esq.. i90t Pine Street, SI. .Louis, Afo., write: "I was 11 great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times 1 could FOWK LI- W. B. KILTBU POWELL & BILYEL, TOttNES AT LAW. And Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. - OKLbOS. Collections promptly made on all points. Gosas negotiated ou reasonable terms. r Office In Foster s Brick .fXs vHnlOtf. hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking snd spitting, and for the last eight months could not breatbo through the nostrils, 1 thought nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, I wa advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy. and I am now a well man. I believe It to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure. Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. r.T nonntNB. Rumtfin P. O- Columbia Co., Pa., savs : " Mr daughter bad catarrh when he waa Ave rear old, very badly. 1 saw Dr. Sntre's Catarrh Remedy advertised, ami pro cured a bottle for her, snd soon saw tunc it helped her ; a third bottle effected a Pfirnuv ZSS ' She 1 now eiffhtecu years old one sound and hearty." T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT I.W -AND Notary Public. .3 if, 3 1 I. Red CrownMills !S0M, LANNING & CO., PR0PR S. ixw reocssH FLotm sufxriok sob r ami' tics AJIT) BAKERS U8B, BEST STORAGE VACILlTiES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat I. WHITNEY. ittomcj And gonnsBllor At Lav Notary Publics ALBAffi, OREGON, Will p.; -? -.a rII of the Courts o .bl State, AU baainess Intrusted to him trill be promptly attended to. UNIVERSITY OP GILEBOfl. EUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Mondsy the 17tr of September, 1888. free scuoiarami from every county in the state, Apply u your County superintendent Pour courses : Classical, Scientific Lltorarv and a short English Course in which there is no Lain, Greek, French 01 German, The Engliab ia pre-eminentl a Business Course, For catalogues or other information, address J. W. JOHNSON, President, Letter List. Following Is the list of letters remaining in the Post Offlea, Albany, Linn Jeounty, Oregon, Aug. th, 1888 Persons calling for thess letter must give th. date on which thev wen? advertised : Ames Mrs M. E, Aoiberg A, Knott Chos E . Dinnle K. A. Uiddell 0. n. Ackermsn U . Clark R. 8. Moore Stewart Reynolds C. B. Yanson 8. P. K. THOMPSON, P. M When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gate them Castorla Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrators de bonis non of ho estate of Martin Costelio.deceasedj. have filed their final account in the office of 'the County Clerk for Liun coanty, Oregon, and tho County Court for said county have fixed Monday the 3rd day of September, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for heannj; objections, if any to said final account, and settling said estate. Sam May, a Lbvi Douglas. Ad mi nisi raters de bonis non of said estate, J. K. W K ATH E K KORU, Att'y for Administrator's. Palace Meat Market. J, y. pipe, proprietor. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR Will keep constantly on band beal, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc,, tbe best meats and largest variety in tae city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. Referee's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State ef gon,for Linn County. H A Holm&n and Julia Holmsu il$e atio Ollie shotb m and ttim tn Hh-vl nr husband, mil Et aabata Hodman JA ir tiffs. vs. Teuipa Hunt and Leander Hnnt, b 8 band, Mary Hannah and Th fiar.rfl . her husband, Jeremiah Holm a u i'." -KI vina Holman, ni wife Isaac Uoln uk, Elizabeth Strong and Wm. Strong, her husband, Caluiterle Forgey and Elias Forgey, ber husband, Martha Hili and L Hill, her husband, Lottio Retd and Tho Reid her husband, Jeremiah vVhbtbyaod Josephine V bidby, bir wife. Men ha Lan der and Jno banners, iter nushsna, Jennie Caldwell and F'oyd tJaldwell, her husband, Sarah Hunt and Lyman Hunt, her husband, Mol li Sanders aud & San ders, her husband, John W hidby.Monroe W hid by, (3 H Whulby, Thos Wbldby, and Wm Bennett Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that fche un dersinged, tbe Referee duly appoints ed by the above entitled Uourt in th above entitled cause to make sale of tbe nmmises hereinafter described, will pur. suant to au order of said Court in, said cause duly made and entered of record on the 12th dsy of March, 1885, at the Court House door in Albany in said ooun ty on Saturday the f 5th day of August. 1888, at the hour of one 0'olock; in the afternoon of said day sell all the right, title interest and estate or eaen oi tne t-iaintina ano. Defendants herein in and to the fo lowiug described premises, to-wit: The south east quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter ol Section sixteen in Township 10, 8 R 1 E, Alao the north west quarter of the northeast quarter o Section ten. Township HSR 1 w. Alao beginning at the southeast corner of lot one in Section thre in Township 12 S R 1 w, and running thence west seveaty-tw rods thenos north seventy-six r s thence east seventy-two rods; then jo sen. seventy six roos to the place ot beginnin all situated in the W illamette meridian I Linn county, Oregon, containing 31 acres. Terms of sale cash in hasd, Wm. Crams, Referee, Children Cry for.