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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1888)
lite gc&wtat ?uiiKvv..., rr fc Ui ir, n . AUGO.jr 24, 1888. & juiting. ! Klltor. A Vacation Trip. At 10:45 o'clock Monday one of thelKMocRATmen returned Irom his summer vacation, which began at 5 o'clock Saturday evening. At that time, In company with Mr. V. M. French, he went to the popular summer resort of Sodavllle, where his batter three-quarters were already awaiting him. It was be tween 7 and 8 o'clock when that veritable mountain resort wan reached. The cooj breezes leaping down between the many outtcs made a characteristically cheerful greeting of welcome to u A day and two nights were sufficient to make us acquaint cd with the situation of affairs. Mr. H. i. Klum runs the only hotel at Sodavllle which Is entirely inadequate to the dc . mands of the public; but Mr. Klum keeps a nlcs house for such a resort, sets good pala table tables and everything Is neat and clean. He is a genial, safe man to stop with, and has two or three jewels of cooks ami waiting girls around, one of whom is the lively daughter of Mr. A. B. Morris. The time at Sadavlltc, one of the oldest re sorts in Oregon, by the way, is principally pent In trips to and from the soda springs and sitting around in the shade and talking. It takes half the time to get acquainted there that it does at Newport or llwaco. Saturday nigltt an impromptu dance was given, music by a left handsd fiddler. It was principally a one set affair. Sabbath was spent quietly and peaceably, very few visitors appearing during the day. ' Rev. Moll, oft ho Evangelical church, preached in the afternoon. They tell us that as quiet as things appear many a nice little episode occurs to make life agreeable; such as buy ing up a lot of chickens before hand and m iklnj pretended raids on the neighbors' coops at night, to get them, engaged in at the expense of even innocent young lady boarders. m'ng the curiosities around SiJiville U Mr. Eichler's drove of rabbits which we wjre specially favoreJ in bein-j allowed to see, as it was reported to us that they were not open to everybody who caLed. He has about fifty, white,' black, maltose and gray, sprightly vet tame fel lows, to s-e whose antics is a small sized circus. Four or five tenters are on the hill and probably about twenty boarders. Among those stopping there for a dav or two, a week or a month, were Mrs. Cecil, of Umatilla county; Miss Henderson, a tivelv young ladr from Portland; Lawyer Beach 'and wife, of Portland; William Cole and sister, of Turner; I. K. Weatherford an J wife, of Albany; Muse Burnett and Jacobs, two of Corvallis' fair daughters; Hon William Cvrus, of Scio, who was the guest of Mr. Wil u Gaines; Mr. Guthrie, a handsome railroad man from Portland; Mrs. f. M. French and children, Mrs. Ross and children and Mrs. Nutting and daught er, of Albany. Dr. Odell, formerly of Chicago, is located there and is doing a lu crative practice. Mavor Fisher is running a grocery store, and Recorder I leal v sees that justice hangs properly in the balance. People are going and coming continually from Sodavilie, and it wilt pay any one to go there for a few days, paticularly those wanting rest. Lkbaxox. Miss McConnell is teaching a writing class in the public school build ing. She will also teach a class at Soda vllle Mr J G Eaton, living in the north ern part of Lebanon, raised this year, on 3 acres of stumpy ground, 144 bushels per acre.... As young Mr Guire and mother were coming from Fox Valley to Jordan in a cart, at the grade the cart tipped over and cart, horse and passengers rolled down the hill about twenty varda. Mrs Guire and son were badly bruised up but not seri ously hurt. Cor On Tuesday last as Mr W. A. Gleason was gathering apples on his farm on Hamilton creek, ten miles from town, he slipped and fell a distance of twelve feet, sustaining a dislocation of the shoulder blade and collar bone, besides receiving internal injuries to such an extent that he remained in an unconscious con dition until the arrival of Dr Lambcr aon, some three hours after the accident. The doctor succeeded in resuscitating him and attending to his injuries, and at last accounts he was resting easy. Mr Glea son is 66 years of age and a good citizen, Exfrets. Albany College, The Albany Col lege will open on the nth of September under very favorable circumstances. The number of new scholars promises to be larger than for several vears, and the facul ty will be better prepared to meet the de mands of an increased attendance. The College building has undergone repairs and has been generally improved until it will be a place a student may be proud to spend a year in. The re-arrangement and decoration of the second story rooms has added wonderfully to their appearance The chapel is now a pleasant room, with entrances from the two society rooms, and will be a much better place than before for holding entertainments. Our citizens should continue to support the College to the best of their means. Mechanics' Fair. -The Democrat is in receipc of the usual complimentary tick et of admission to the Portland Mechan ics Fair which opens in that city on'the 4th and closes the 27th of October. It has always been an opportunity of both pleas ure and profit to visit this fair, and the at tendance no doubt will be much larger this season than usual. Wheat. People who trade with Conn Bros do as well as those who sell their wheat above market price. They get the best goods at the lowest prices. With small expenses they are able to sell their goods at the lowest prices. For groceries and crockery ware call on them in the Pfeiffer Block, just west of the Revere House. The Wiiickkkork. Wheal is quoted at 85 cents In San Francisco. Frelght.sacks, insurance, etc., are 23 cents. This would make the legitimate price here 62 cents. 64 is being paid. At Corvallis f Is offered. Why so much?Becaue they want to induce farmer to store thcre.and becaua- there is a local strife. Last year, we are told, they paid at times two cents less than in Albany. It pays In the long run to follow the mar ket that has a reliable bottom to It. If you do store in L orvallis, which I all right auv way if you live nearer that place,we advise von to soil a! once at thai hjure, t orviilds is no doubt generally as good a market as Albany, hut it it a great Injustice for deal ers to offer a forced price and then drop to tl. . ... ...I .. I ' - .1. . " mi. 0 n -i jiriCC. 1 HIS I'l.u uv UUCI mr f. inner more harm than good in the long run. Ihe Dkmik rat wants to see the fanner get the highest possible price ; but is not in favor of any traps in the business. Skvrrai. Arrkmt. - On complaint of Mr '. A. Cross, of the Depot Hotel, Arthur KtiOfellsr was arrested this morning for usiog profane lauguage, taken before; lUoorder Hruton and lined $5 and oosta. Yourg Kuoellorhad becu working aa a waiter at tli..- hotel aud had several quarrels with t ho other waiters, Mr (Jrosseud people generally. lie is a froth looking, tiery little German, with a temper like that of a five dollar raxor nd tliea to pieces like a burs ted borub. In a dispute with 000 waiter he tragically reached for his hip-pocket, when the waiter became frightened and rnshei for the Marshal ; bat the Recorder properly refused to issuse a warrant. Young Kaoeller theu hsd a quar rel with Mr tiro, in the eouree of which he was hit on the head. Thinking the circuin- stances did not justify ao arrest both Itaoord er Henton and Justioa Hunphrey refused to issue a warrant, Justice Brink though wrote out the docamoot aud Mr Grots waa duly arrested for assault and battery . Mt. Hook -Messrs Crawford and Littler the photographers arrived home last Tuesday from an eventful trip Dp Mt. Hood, the pride of the Northwest. Both were elated with their' experiences, Mr Littler, who oame from aunoyJFlorida particularly ao. They as sec 1 1. I the mountain 1 1 , 5 00 feet, and took uinety nine viesrs whUe gone, some of which ill be very Hue. Anoog other trophies of the.r trip they brought htok the jwbone of eotae stranga beast, fuuod at the snow line. and sime sulphur from too crater. They could have youe to the lop, but were ready to return home and so nave it no. Mr. if -nry Conner, of Portland arrived in Al bany on the same tram 00 a visit. He is a I- just back from a tip to Mt. Hood, which wi'li nveotnor yumiif iiivn of Portland he aw oeiidd t thi very apex It waa some sol- tituir which ho uluo'd from the cater that Mr Crawford tup! v I to a Dr.u h m man The atmosphere ou the mountain is Hue. and the trip u oue it will pay any one to make. Orioijcal. Johnn Irvine is nothing if not different from other people. Hereto fore every house in the city has been paint ed with darker trimmings than the body. Johnny has reversed the custom and his handsome mansion on Washington Street now shows up with a darker body than trimmings It is a fine looking structure.aa rcmodelcd.and as soon as the lawn U made to match wi.l be an elegant home residence. Albany Peaches. The Democrat has about concluded that Albany is a peach country, so many fine peach trees are -being brought to our notice. Capt. E. J Launing has just handed us an eight inciter that is a beauty. It was from a tree raised from a seed planted three years ago. Our citizens are advised to plant peach trees generally on the south side of some build- ing, anu iney win oc sure 10 reap a narveat in the future. Ax Oi o Story, Thi story is circulated that a few years ago a man traded a mote for twenty acre of land uear Tacoma, and that he has just been offered $10,000 for it; bat wants 920.000. This some story is told about nearly every .-ity tnat amounts to anything. As soon as we have time we are going to work Bp ooe about Albany. A Will. Some time ago Mr. D'Houdt died in California leaving property valued at $80,000 to $100,000. He left all of his property to his second wife according to the will in her possession : but it seems that he had before made another will leav ing nearly all of the property to Mrs. Van Windle, who resides in the Third Ward in this city. It is now proposed to contest the last will. Waterloo.-For solid enjoyment go to Waterloo, which is now on top. Fine lo cality, fishing, boating and bathing, and splendid accommodation at J. G. Gross's His prices arc reasonable. Horses fed a lowest possible rates. Mr. Gross will mee the 3 o'clock Lebanon '.rain on Mondays and Saturdays: Campers can obtain sup plies at Mr. Or oss 's store. CAME fJVER. w. A. Cox came over rom Independence Monday o super: n tend the plastering on the Foshay Si Mason block". He has been at work on the new brick Opera House at that city. It it to be 56x90 feet, the second story to be used for theatrical purposes. The "first story will contain a drug store and a saloon. Crook CouTYPerry Reed, of Willow Creek, who was In towp Tuesday evening, says the farmers over there are in the midst of their harvest, the grain nearly all being ripe and Is being cut with self-binders. He thinks the vleld will be irrcatcr than for - r several years Service was bcuuti last W v Monday on the Mltchell-Prlnevllle mail route. The malls leave Mitchell on Mon day and Friday, arrive here on the same days, and return to Mitchell on Tuesday and Saturday. The mail U carried by way rof Summit prairie .... Miss Lcona IJurmea ter, who has been attending school at At batiy the past year, has returned home, and ill spend the summer In Prinevtlle. . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Duncan arrived home from the Willamette Valley last Tues day .... A good many minor bets are being made In town on the presidential elec tion. One has been made thattalva Lock wood wouldn't get one hundred votes on the Pacific coast . . . .8. (. Dorrls and fam ily passed through town on Thursday. Mr. D. Informed us that he intends to make Crook county his home In the future. . . , The vegetable crops of Crook county will probably be better this year than ever be fore, and in consequence the green grocer, or man who chances to have a few bushels o! potatoes to sell, will not be In a position to control the lives and destinies of the peo ple In this town. Prineville papers. Tiik Si 1 v krton Traurdy. In refer ence to the Sllverton affair mentioned In the Democrat the YidtttA Salem says : On Friday afternoon Charles Smith, a son-fn-law of James Magers, who lives on his ranch near Sllverton, became Involved in a dispute with one of his Chinese handa, n the course of which he broke a fork handle over the Chinaman's head. It seems that the Chinaman and a white boy were loading some sheave and the toad slipped a little. The Chinaman was endeavoring to hold the grain on when Smith came along. The boy blamed the Chinaman for the load alipping. Ihe latter denied it, ami the lie passed between the two. Then Smith took a hand in the controversy, and the Chinaman called him a liar, whereupon Smith struck him with the fork on the back of the head, tearing the scalp, and aa near as can be learned, fracturing the skull. The Chinaman was carried. Insensible into a new house just being built and made com fort fable and a doctor sent for. Are- po.tofthe occurrence reached Sllverton, and Smith was arrested on Saturday." We Ui .t sii. A gentleman whose opin Ion is to be valued writes as follows, giving us a "send off" that is greatly appreciated In these days when there are so many peo ple who think they know more about run ning a newspaper than the editors them selves 1 "When so Urge and fat a paper comes to me as the last issue of the Week ly Democrat, I think it my duty to clap you a little. It is a rich number, and Its columns fairly hum with the thrift a. id lm- Erovement of Albany and Linn county 1 now what a good paper It ; and I am cog nixant of the editorial labor it must have taken to make it just briatle, as it doc, with news, opinion, and progress. In the ex plosive, expressive language of the great Northwest, I sav, "Arrive at that ditant point, Ella !" I trust this will offend no fastidious reader." AUOUHT AIT0RTI0NMRXT. County Superintendent Curl has just completed the August apportionment of school funds. The per capita rate Is 80 cents on the county fund and 1 . as on the state fund, total $ax5. Following is the total apportionment: no. hist. NO. BCIIOt.AR. APf'M'NT. Feel Safe. People cannot feel safe these dry, summer months without their property is insured. No matter how care ful one is buildings will burn. The bes company to insure in is the Albany Farm ers' and Merchants' Insurance Company of una ciiy. oaic. wunu anu rename you can depend on good treatment. P. O. The postofhee receipts from the thir i-class oiliccs of Oregon for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888, were ae follows: As toria, 733:1; Albany, $1351; Baker Citv, $3864; Corvallis, $3862; Esst Portland. $3759 : Eugene City, $4644; Pendietou, $4,559; The Dafies, $6207. I Wide Awake. At Albany the board of trade and citizens treated the trayeling school teachers handsomely and were thanked in appropriate resolutions. Albany people are wide awake and up with the times. S)em Journal. Bio Oats. Elijah Wills near Miller's threshed 5 acres of oats that yielded 5 So bushels. Much of the oats will weigh 40 to 45 pounds to the struck bushel. Horse Stoles. Lust Monday the barn of Mr Simmons, the miller, at Boston Mills, was entered by a thief aad a horse taken. No olue to the thief has yet been discovered. Bum; laky. Sunday night a burglar broke into the house of bachelo.- Mooney, living near ohedd.anu carried away a suit of clothes, blankets, etc. Born, To the wife of M. Young, in Albany, on Auif. 18th twin erirls. To the Furniture Factory Mr C 3 Dillon is now completely moved into the farmer Bet factory. He has purchased several new m a R. a a pit-ces ot rncruiiry. aiiu tow nss pronamy the bea furniture factory in Oregon outside of Portland As ho win do exeioMively a wholesale trade dealers should take warning and call on him, as it will be to their advant age. A Nkceskity. Mr. A. J. Jaringau, recent ly of S di'in, and at one time of this county. he located at Bl'feigett Station, 110 the line of tho Oregon Pacific in Benton county. He ays : "Plae send me the Democrat as I caniiot do without it. It has n-come a necesfary appendage to ii,any households in the Willamette Vailey. A Lawn Social. Brightly shone tun Chinese lanterns on Dr. J. L. Hill's lawn Friday evening, audebrightcr weretbe facet of tho largo gathering of people as they partook of the sbioide lunch, and ke cream and lem onade, and talked and playl games. It was a Uwn social and waa given by th Vineyard Laborers of the Snptist church. Such occa sinus leave a mellow aoot in one's heart, and should be often repeated. Foot Race. In the foot race at Port land Sunday between Cameron, of Cor vallis and Shangle, of East Portland, Cam eron won without an effort, and even run the race over to give his opponent a chance. Probably $500 was taken out of Portland on the result. Cameron is undoubtedly the fastest sprinter in Oregon. Bkts. A well known druggist of Leb anon made a bet, with a drummer, trie other day, of $30, that Cleveland would carry three of the northern or old free states, and $10 that he would carry Cali fornia. Tape Worm. Lant Saturday Dr, M. H. Ellis, of this city, very successfully per formed the operation of removing a tape worm from Mr. Edward BIocun,a workman in Clark's brick yard. It was over thirty feet long. 4 Born. On August 20th, 1883, to the wife of Manny Cohen, in Oakland, Oal., a daughter. Weight 10 pounds. (Manny is the tallest mau in Uakiaud, uow.) F. L, Kenton still has a few boxus of the f renuuen nivoa soap which he is selling at $1.00 per box. This soao was purchased in lanf quantity direct from the factory and this is why it can be sold ao cheap. Arrived. A few days ago there arriv ed three or four famillea in this citv all the way from Rhode Island, coming here to .nake permanent homes. They are rela tives of Mr. Olney Fry and are highly pleased with the country. One of the gen tlemen, though always a Republican, says he will vote for Cleveland because his ad miniatration has been honest, clean and business like and his tariff views In accord with the best interests of the masses of the people. I Ic savs the Providence Journal, the great b.-adlnir Republican paper of Rhode Ialand is very earnest in its support of Cleveland. He saya scores of Republi cans cast are leaving tne party on account of the whiskey plank in the Republican pi at I or m. From Lebanon. John Unger, u Ger man, on a visit here from Lebanon, Idnn county, got a little too much beer on the evening of the 15th instant, and essayed to uke Ah Chuey's house by storm on that occasion. I le kicked in the door of Chuey's premises, on Salmon near Third street, and struck the complaining witness In the breast with a heavy rock. Unger was fined $25 tor breaking In the uoor, and was held In the sum of $100 to answer to the grand jury for an aaaautt with a dangerous weap on. The defendant seemed gt eat I v mort ified over his conduct, and intimated that he would join the prohibition part v. TeUgram. Bought a Bakery. Mr. Louis Meyer, the baker, has returned from Arlington, and, we understand, will probably locate in Scio. While gone he is reported to have bought a bakery at that city for $1500, and after a varied experience lost all he invest ed, heside meeting with varied experiences, which it is not the purpose of the Demo crat to a man ought to be allowed to have experiences without the papers in terfering with them. Mr. Meyers prede cessor Wnow in the citv. Board or Tradk. The regular monthly Mating of tne Board of Trade waa held last Tuesday st the GAR hall. President Youi g jn the chair. A communication from a Cali fornia fi rm in reference to a paper mill at Al bany, heretofore referred to in the I)KMO- chat, was discussed. Pi 11 Allen, W F ar a aV a . m m. tieao and u a ioiitith were appointed a committee to investigate the matter asm a certain what waa wanted by tho cotnoanv. Two or three bills were allowed and the Board adjourned. The attendance waa small moke r caches ihe UEMOCRAT is very glad to continue its peach items daily. Last Tuesday Mr A W Gordon placed an onr table fifteen or twenty fine fallows raised on his place in the First ward, peaches that will show np with any brought from any quarter of the globe, and the taste usimply delicious. We believe the time will come when this will be talked of as a peach country. Died. Mr. J. C. Adams died Tuesday noon at his home next east of the Demo crat office, of consumption, after a linger ing illness, at the age of about 32 years. Mr. Adams came from Michigan here about a year ago and went into the delivery business ; but his health was too poor and he gave it up. He was a member of Cor inthian Lodge A. F. & A. M. Want to Come. Mr. Jay Blain, Secre tary of the Board of Trade has shown us a letter from a Paper Mill Company in California in which they state they design to move their mill and asking what induce ments the people of Albany offer. The output of paper of their mill is 7 tons per day. It would be a good thing to have in Albany. Dismissed. The case of thetate against T. A. Gross,of the Depot Hotel, for assault and battery, as stated in Saturday's Democrat, was called before Justice Brink on Monday. The prosecuting witness, Arthur Knoeller, falling to appear, It was dismissed. Young Knoeller had left the city. Sham Things. Mr. William Fortmiller has a fine stock of pillow sham holders, at almost half the customary price. Also a stock of two part mattresses, a new thing, and no sham either, the best arrangement of the season. He has brought on some fine upholstering goods lor chairs, lounges, etc Old things made about as good as new by their use. Call on Mr Fortmiller for the best furniture generally. I a 3 4 5 6 I 9 10 11 t j 13 14 15 10 '7 ib 9 Jo at aa 3 'J, 9 3o 3i 33 33 34 35 30 37 3 39 40 4 4 43 44 47 4 49 So St $ 53 54 55 5 $z 5 59 60 61 6j 63 64 65 67 68 69 7 7 7 73 74 V) 80 81 Si 83 84 85 86 s 89 90 9 9 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 3 5' 4 70 837 46 "4 3V 4 7 66 76 33 Si 309 104 6j 59 7 26 73 38 i 88 3 56 10 36 36 56 36 5 44 a a7 38 39 aoi 7 9 y s ao 47 54 45 9 '47 4 2 33 9 o 38 33 7 37 33 9 33 3o a3 45 33 16 4 131 43 39 33 33 39 77 43 35 43 at 34 38 43 3 33 33 35 60 53 3 37 35 3 3o S6 3 I 8 55 106 60 8405 161 95 7'S 85 9& 35 94 30 m 70 79 95 49 '47 60 35 30 U 6 5 106 60 438 45 313 3o 137 10 130 95 '47 60 53 So 49 65 57 40 110 70 THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. The Man About Toys waa about to tog gait chat Lion county have a county fair ; but taen we are getting unrfc of weaty of it. Sap pete, instead, Albany gets up a Meehaeios fair 00 a small scale, for fasten 00 using the Optra House this fall. One could easily be arranged that would at least exhibit oar beet products. By leaving out oraxy qoilta and merchants exhibits we could make a display that would help materially to advertise this oity and county, exhibiting only the pro duct of our soil and factories, and leaving out many of the customsry exhibits and the fountain until wa shall have a sufficiently largo building. Spite seems to play aa important part in onr every day lives. It crops oat on every hand, governs our aoi bus frequently, and as well imbi iters many lives. The spirit of ray sage is about as rife to-Jay as it was is the days of tho Loatherstooking tales. The golden rule is forgotten, and people boat for extra ohaeks to slap The fact is one has to put up with lot io this world. There are two sides to all questions, and people should make op their minds to make tho bast of things. ootnatioMM, though, a tremendous mountain arises that is very difficult to ollmb. 75 60 114 80 79 95 S 3 00 73 80 114 80 73 80 ,rH 55 90 ao 5i 70 168 10 54 35 139 15 ft 95 414 IO 37 35 JH 9S 61 5' 41 00 Arrested. Wednesday evening D Crowse and II Meyer, 00 as tablet, brought J as W Cross to ibis city from Bbedd, and lodged him in the county jail, where, in default of 300 bail, be will r.main He wis arrested for burglarising the bouse of James Moooey, already mentioned, xamiaed before Justn e KUuKin, and bdd to await the aotion of tbe grrod iory. He is bound to arose tbe thresh hold of the penitentiary, and (bete are sev eral others hanging around who ought to bo conducted the same way. $ 93 35 59 45 3oi 35 49 3S 77 90 37 35 131 ao 5 $ '5 35 60 67 S 59 45 83 00 55 75 47 67 6t 47 93 65 36 65 131 30 348 05 86 10 79 95 65 60 65 60 59 45 '57 85 85 5 5i 35 86 10 43 05 9 70 Wheat Market. San Francisco, Aug. 31 There is some agitation in grain circles to-day ,0 wing to a sudden and marked advance in the price of wheat. The market has been strength- - A 1 . . m 50 1 encu, anu prices grauuaiiy aovancing lor n I several days, and this morning spot wheat in tne mar art reactteu i .50 per cental. 1 he quotation for spot wheat a week ago was ' Vt -4 J.'i Speculation waa brisk this morning. Buyer '88, wheat opened at 114, and rose at once to $1.65, with lib eral sales from this figure. The advance was gradual till $i .66 was reached, when there was a slight reaction and the market closed at 1 .66. This option sold at $ 1 .57 ft ci-S7Ha week ago. At the afternoon session of the call board buyer '88 advanc ed to i AH.jmd closed strong at that figure. 7 86 40 10 63 55 65 60 4T S 5 35 133 00 106 60 63 55 55 35 S 35 mall For. LaFavrtte, Or- Aug. 17. Therels considerable excitement over a reported case of smallpox In McMinnvllle. It ap pear that Charles Bynum, who lives In McMinnvllle. was taken sick on Monday last, and the doctors were called in, and after consultation pronounced It a case of smallpox. As to how or where Bynum was exposed is not known. Precaution haa been taken by the city authorities to prevent the spreading of the disease. No one is allowed about the premise except the family and a nurse, who are not allowed to leave the house. As the manner of By num exposure to the disease la unknown. it Is feared that other were exposed in the same manner .but no new case have devel oped aa yet. Braver Thaa Castoaaary. St. Louie, Aug. 18. A special from Cheyenne, Wyo., says: An attempt was made at 3 o'clock this momlg, by masked men, to rob the Union Pacific east bound overland passenger train at Iana station, near Rawlins. Three masked men covered the engin eer with revolvers, and compelled him to throw up his hand. Brakeman Frank Till man grappsed with one of the robbers and the express messenger came to the rescue and the masked marauders were put to flight, after thirty or forty shot had been exchanged. Frieman Naah.brakeman Till man were seriously wounded. The former wa shot in the hip and arm, and the tat ter In the side. One of the robber was $ir,504 60 .. 1 vi' 1 A. H. BOUARDPK. Chassploa Wins; Nhot of the World. The name of Captain Boarardua Is household word In the sporting circle of e ery land. He I the undisputed greatest ivlng marksman; in May, 1875, he carried away the champion medal of the world and all the honors In a memorable contest ince, through a auccession of twenty-five smoke crowned encounters, he has held undisputed and victorious possession of the everywhere coveted trophy. He Is the only man that ever killed 100 birds in as many shots, and who broke 1000 glass balls in 1000 shot in all in one hour and six minute. His remarkable record is with out precedent or parallel, and the most ex pert handler of the shotgun have tried in vain to equal the least of his well known achievements. Ills oldest son Is master of the rifle and the acknowledged superior of the most unerring shots know to the sport ing world, and ttie youngest, a boy of only twelve years, while rapidly maneuv ering on roller skates, breaks glass ball (with his rifle) held in hi father's unpro tected hands, and supplements this amazinu performance by ringing a target bell, at twenty paces, sixteen times in twenty sec onds. The most marvelous display of shotgun and rifle practice ever seen at one time any where. His other sons are equal ly proficient, This noted family of crack shots can be seen In connection with the numberless other attractive features of Sells Brothers' Great Hippodrome and Menagerie, in this city, Aug. 37. 63 55 1 dropped, but wa carried off by his pal. 61 co I The .her iff of Carbon county, with a posse, 1 a. I in pursuit. A Wreck. Port TowNkKNO, W.T., Aug. 3a The American bark Cassandra Adams waa wrecked on a submerged reef, close to De struction island, about thirty miles south of Cape Flattery, on last Thursday night, at 8 o'clock. By skillful management every person aboard was rescued, and the boat went around to the lee of Destruction Mind, where the party camped for the night. The dense fog tota'ly obscured the horizon. The crew returned to the Adam early on Friday morning, and the vesael was found on her beam ends, going to pieces. The seas were so rough that it was Impossible to save any excepting the wreckage com ing ashore. The Foster Case. The case of Neal against Foster, which has been decided in favor of the plaintiff, so far aa the Foster block Is concerned, the transfer of that building being declared fraudulent, we are told will be appealed. Neal is a Caltfor nian, to whom the transfer of two judg ments wa made by Portland houses for the purpose of getting the case in the U. U. courts. Under the decision Mr. W. H. Goltra will get nothing on his judgments as they had been settled in the circuit court. So after all, should the appeal be sustained, the farmers, of the county, who were the most needy' losers, will not get a cent. HOME AND ABROAD. SATURDAY'S DAILY. Mr. FA, Goins. one of Solo's 'riid oitixias has been in the city to-day. Tbe Oregon Land Co. is now in its new of floe la tie Tat b k. Mr. T. A. Shsns intends locstu.a in Port land la ths real estate business A great many immigrants to Or-;;"o this- are from Kansas. Mrs. W. T. Hearst and Mrs. Muibews and son rt turned to-day from a trip to tbe Hay. Mrs. Cisrlos Ltffsllatt, of Crook eonoty. is in the oity snd county visiting frind, Mrs. T. Wilmot Kokert, the an - t o sing er who was ia Albany last year baa d her husband for a divoro-. They r v- i W15 a week apiece, and he kept all thr The Oregon Pacific gives rgal xcirfthu rates. Why should not the 8outrert. Fcfic do likewise? It would make mooy by tak ing a liberal course it. this matter. A gantlemsn who hs visited all of Mm summer resorts in the Northwest say thai Yaquina Bay is by far the 1m si no far as its natural advantages are conorrned. Tha Northwstrn Insurance Company lost 91000 in the Kummarville lira That company has lost in nearly every fire that has occur ad to tbe Northwest during the past year. L. K. Blain recently received one of the most novel lot of oanos over brought to Al bany, If you would carry a cane worth r o tioing call and got ooe of bis Japanese canes, or a tea oane, or a carved biokory can. Lofftu Bros., of Warner Valley, Southern Orrgon, have sold their beef cattle SOO bead to Han Fraaeisoo buyer. Tha price ueid was 25 for tbr-ysr-old i.d op ward, and 23 for two-year old d dry cow. Lest svenintf Messrs. Browuell and Hmi!- i received an assay from Foote, of Bait Lake City, on rock fiom their White Elephant claim, and it showed between f30 and $50 of silver and lead to ths tor. The rock was sn average pise, aod the assay is considered a good on. If OR DAY. Last Friday Doe Logan, while ooopliuu ear 00 the N. G., had a couple Sogers mantled A large hotel would pay at Sodayill. par ticularly if the railroad war extended to that oity. Or. Odll. ot SxUvilt is in tbe oity. also W. C. Peterson, of Lebsooo, aod Hon. Jeff Meyers, of Bete. We are informed by Dr. Hill that there is considerable sickness of various kinds throughout tbe count) Mr J B Purdy, formerly of sear Hairia burg, i now lying dangerously ill oa the Umatilla river. No hopes of recovery. Ooe of tbe hand some t resilaioe ia Lisa county is that of Mr C B Moot ago, of Leb anon, aooordiog the impression made on tbe blind of a Democrat man while pea ing through that city Brower 4 Thompson's new steam saw mill soar Brownsville, waa to tart op thi morn ing. It haa a capacity of thirty tboasaed ft of lumber, aod a large lot of floe logs 00 bsad. Bev Anderson Brown, rseeotly of CWio oati, baa eeospted tt paatorat t f tbe On grgttooal Church at Balssa. By Harrta sod hi family, bare been eaoepiog at Soda villa, aad ws do not know what tby to trod doing aow that liav Harm baa ru red from that church. TfEXDAV. Hoe F A Watt, of Hhedd, ean. dun to tbe city to-day . Mrs Hoaawl is lying dangerously ill at her homo in this city. Ka Monmouth thinks it is going to have a boom. Canada thistle are taking Lion county by storm and it is time the charge was returned James Bamford. sn old pioneer and highly 1 expected citizen, died at Oak villa Ut Sou day. Mr Buikhart, father of Mr Cal Burkhrt, of thi city, is reported quit ilt at hi home near Lebanon. Tbe contract for fix in a No. 1' engine hoes wa let to Mr Chae Crvwder, who bee already begun work. Mr Chae Fortmiller aad wife, pi K st Portland, are io tbe city the guests of Mr. William Fortmiller. Tab Democrat has been informed tkst t be Oregon Pacific contemplates having their em ploy ess wear uniforms. A gentleman, who has jest arrived in the city from Alabama, say that from half to two third of tbe astro s wear Cleveland badge. H says Cleveland will get ao im mense vote there. Mr Wills, who oat averaged 1 19 bushels to the acre, to-day brought in a wagon load of watermelons, which shows that ho u on of the olass of farmers who believes in a diver rifled f aiming. Mr John Brush has sold the Best factory property to C J Dillon A Co. Consideration 13,500. W understand negotiations are al so pending for the sale of the Wire Works property. Telegraph poles are being hauled from the foothills into Lebanon for Hardy's tele-rraph line ; but they do act seem to be the regulai ia. Should the regular arise be aasd it would be a great advantage some tins io oaes the other lines should wank to boy tbe plant "At one time last week withtu the bounds of the prairie, there ware seven threshing maohinee going it at one," eay the Howell Prairie correspondent of the Silvortoo Ap feaL "This is rolling the wheat oat in a urry and account for the fact that tbe price ha been reduced to 3i e. aod even 3 o. a bushel.'' WEDKKHDAY. J. P. Wallace, Physician aod Sargcu ., Al aoy, Or. Thompson A Overman keep the best har- RrcwaWrflle. J. F. Venner returned last week. from Prineville Ja!cm, are ent Mr. Thatcher and family, of visiting witn Mr. Croft, Mr. Erwln and ffe, of Silve rton, Sunday here with Mr. Blanchard. Miss Rovla Dodson, of Prineville, is Visiting her many friends in this vicinity. Mr. T.Taylor who had his thigh broken last April spent several day in our town last week. He Is barely able to jet around by the aid of crutches. Messrs. I. H. Waters and W. C. Coolev returned last Tuesday from an extended trip In the mountains. They report having had a good time. Prof. Crawford, ex-Supt. Public Schools of Portland, Is In our village. He comes to make his annual vlt to hi aged par ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. Iff. Crawford and especially to be in attendance at the cele bration of the golden weeding of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, which affair took place Tuesday the 31st. Rob't Moore, youngest child of J. M. Moore and Minnie Htanard, youngest child of Hon. A. W. Stanard, are both sick with fever. Both however are now improving. Sunday, Libbie Howe, youngest child of J. M. Howe, fell from some steps leading over a fence and received quite a severe wound. She struck her upper Hp on a tone causing her iaw-teeth to cut entirely tnrough her cheek, makinagah of about 5 inches on the outside of it. R. N. Curl and family returned Sunday from a sojourn of a month In the t'uscades. Thev first went to tbe popular Belknap Spring. After tiring of that place they followed the McKenzic aero the moun tains and came back via the Sartiam route 1 topping at the resorts along this route. Lat Thursday Messrs. A.Jack Adams, Ssm'l P. Bar ger and Wm. Primley left for the mine, while Saturday, Messrs. G. O. Dyson, Bradley and Davis returned there from. The two first mentioned srentlemcn are old miners recently from Idaho and they give It as there opinion that there will be a prosperous mining camp In the Blue tviver oistrict. Prof. G. W. Stavton. Sunt, of schnolk of Crook county arrived from Prineville laat Thursday and went on to Portland next day. Although time are dull out there the Prof, expect to have a good scl.ocd at Prineville again this winter, he bcine Prin- a at . . - - cipai 01 tne school there. One day last week as vour corresnon- dent was getting his daily mail, an aged man came in and inquired for the Drmo CEAT. Not havine one with me I referred him to the next door, where I had just left one. He said he would soon call there for it a he wanted to see what ft had to sav about Cleveland. He said he was sixty-one years old and had always voted the Repub iican iicaet ; out was going to vote for Cleveland thi fall If heiived until the dav of election. There are many more Repub- ucans m mis vat ley thinking just as this, man dees and will vote for Cleveland thi fall. Our farmers are becoming tired pay ing heavy tribute to our manufacturing monopolies and our laboring man is no longer scared by the cry of free trade for he see there i already free trade in the only thing he ha to sell Labor. On the Southern lioundsry. Miss Amy Smith returned from Jf. lion laat week. Old Mr. Vo.-idram is n covering i recent illnes. We understand tl self and family will move to Alba fall, in losing them we losr mm most industrious neighbor. "Bud" Simmonds has br en very 1 tyy hoid fever, but U slowly Improv Miss Bonnie Thompson i ; visiting in this neighborhood. Our made over school house is Ing quite an ornament to our district there Is now nothing to interfere having a term of school thi fall. Messrs. Vatighan and Phillip! will their thresher this morning ,otlier ma have been running for more than a There Is ccmplaining that some . 4 grain I over ripe, the yield atcly good. Mr. Mel Taylor lost a Uorw; last wd was driven to llarrlsburg and became: and went into the river is id was drow before they could get to it with a boat Mrs. S. G. Thompson, of Monroe visiting friends here the first of the Mr. Fred Deffcnbacher has ium claim inside of the Willouehy fence on of frit bec mt mountains, his hold try doubtf Tangent. Rev. 1. C. McFarland of the M. Church South, being sent on this circuit the Conference, preached his first serm ncre last Sunday at 1 1 o clock to a large ai attentive audience, using for hi text tl a8 verse of the ist chaper of the book Coloskians. He handled the subject We hope he will do much good in they jo come. Bishop Galloway will dedicate the church at Spicer next Sunday. Old Commodore Vandcrbiit being ak one dav what he considered to he the crct of success in business, replied, there no secret about it. A 11 you have to do is I attend to your business and go ahead. Most all of the grain in this vicinity been cut and will he soon threshed so harvest will be short this sea on. One man hauled 31 sacks of what called wheat, and lie got a check for bushels of wheat. We understand that R. I. Moses and H. Moses are going into the mercanti! business in Alcoa Valley soon. We arc glad to learn that . M. Beard convalescing. xcmcn My wife, Jenette F Kelly, having left bed cd board without any just cause, II y warn ail person not to trut her on sccoaat for I will not be repcmib!e for asj acot 01 tier contraction. Mt'-tuEL Kelly. Aog 22, 1888. Strayed, Don't Fail. Don't fail to call and see Dubruille's fine display horse and his im mense stock of harnesses and saddles, back l Conrad Meyer's grocery store. We eaa sell yen a ticket to any point ia ne Seat oyer the fa toons Canadian Pacific railway from five ta ton dollars cheaper than any other road. Call snd see as. Br rr hart & Miller, Ante., Albany. Oregon, A young cow. lizht roan, neetlv with lijjht red ear and altro, sharp horns, earmark .r brand upon her. Five dolla reward rff-red for her reoverr. Lnl E. Parker or W. H. St. Jol n, Albany,' Or. Kitbw tha tkst PomaNDI COLLEGE. Portland, Orreca. n uisirueti'ju. .-sis juulanty. BviimmfM 1 1 mmmmmp iMtnn- H any time. 'atl r ;rirtp i"Mit fr-e. .lESSTEOXti, Pria. irt r'.nantl, ismmnn if Marie, tUuU''iiLs nOi l--4tte aI ivc"!"-!v J. A. Wr3tCi, Set .". A. I I Willi 1 P a aaaaW SJV.T- WeLPWftOJ wra i 1 1 a a aviie a 1 1 cwv(a - EVERYBODY WONDERS bow we do it ; yet if tbe world only knew of tii energy, grit aod ctiterpiwo svsj; bar) diphay-d in collecting such a magnificent dirpiay cf ataple and fancy gto Criirai it wuii Id not be surprised- We have tho Urges', finest and most com plete stock of CROGERIES AND PROVISIONS it aeases, If yon want tbe beat harness in the market go to J J DnbtuiUo's. FOUND. On the road from Albany to 7 OJr. enre. rhenmti.m. nenrahri and Scio, near Sanderson's bridge, a small cloth i toothache. Foshay 4 Mason, Agents. covered pass book. Also a package of let F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing tors. The book bss tbe nam of "Frank I Co., opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or I ond. Tne letter are addressed to Frank I jv M j Ellis, physiaian and Pood. UWBSr OSJl at tktS OfSto. Alhanv ("Won. Cell mad in m A floe stock of fresh candy of the choicest , on Aug. 1 8th a son. J varieties, just received by F L Kenton. t'45,000 Worth of Brled Fruit Wanted. And I must have it. Having made con tracts with merchants in Eastern Oregon. Washington, Idaho, and Montana, thereby saving commission and adding the same to the price of your fruit. No offer made on fruits unloaded and placed in any other house in my line in the city. If you be leve in the doctrine of buving in the cheap est and selling In the highest market asjd have no conscientious scruples about party or religion, you must come to see me or be untrue to yourself and family. Vo satisfy yourseit, call and get my prices. Yours respectfully, P. Cohen, Albany, Or. Latt Tuesday night ths war corres pondent of the Democrat might have been seen hovering around Monteith's pasture in order to obtain a view of a akirmishiog drill by "F" Company of this oity. At about 8:30 the Company rallied by fours and began its maneuvers towards the Mount Shasta branch of the Souther 1 Pacific railroad. Rallying by fours and by Company seemed to be good healthy exercise, and was alternately kept ap as the Company oloeed in on the imaginary enemy, and even the boys ia bathing in the raging waters of tbe Santiam Ditch at times had reason to the think they might possibly be soldiers in tbe Potomac stealing a bath. The drill was well conducted, and we would judge was of a character to do a body of soldiers consider ole good. "F" is a Com pany that will al way c be an honor to our oity. Surveying. Mr. E. T. T.'Fisher is pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adrese Miller s btation, Linn county Boarding. Mrs. Houck is now located fust west of Cherry & Parkes foundry, where she is prepared to take weekly er day boarders. I am now receiving my spring and sumrnei Cress goods. Call early and secure barga ts W. F. HEAD. surgeon city or country. Yoj will save moaer bv taking your sick sewing-machine to the repairer, B F Persons at Sixth and Jv Heron Sta., Albany, uregon Died. In Scio, on Aug 16, 1886, Mary E, daughter of M C OilJ, aired 2 months and 6. days. aieLaaghlln, Practical Tailoring;. Summer and fall suits and pants in any style a speciality. Cleaniug aod repairing promptly attended to, Main street, Albany, Oregon. .. Fine mixed and plain piekles at Wallace & Thompson's, Patronize home industry. Joseph's 5-oent cigars. First make. Try one o of his own 8V New embroidery Read's, just received at W F New shoes at Read's. Six shaves or a dollar at L. Viereok' New ribboa all shades and sty !e at Read 's F. M. French keeps railroad time, H Ewert, practical watchmaker and jew slat. The Fortmiller families went to Waterloo today. Seth Thomss watches at F. M. French' warranted. Very floe selection of ladies' and goat's watches at H Ewart's. W 0 Tweedale and Tom Hopkins hay dissolved partnership. Jewelry, clocks, spectacles aad Roger Bros silver plated ware at rl ft wart 5. A dean towel' for every customer at L Viereck's barber shop. Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. A onod second-hand, euzht hole stove, lor I sale, cheap. Apply at tms outce Special bargains in flooring and rustic at C. J. Dillon & Go's. Foot Lyon street. Mr Bellinarer. of Jefferson, has gme into the real estate business in Salem . Hushes, the temoerance lecturer, has lo cated in Salem in the real estate business. Sixty-live cents is paid for wheat in Salem The price used to increase toward Portland Mow it seems to aecreaae. Dr LAJPort, of San Diego, who baa been in Salem, says the bottom hai not dropped out of San Diego, but that it is growing steadily. Mr R R Thomas, of Rock Creek, bad both bones of his Ig broken by a fractious horse, as he drove home from church last Sunday. Dr McClure, of Silvorton,. ia attending on him. Mr Jay Blain aad family left to-day for Yaquina Bay. They took along with them sixteen peaches, eaoh of which measured at least 9i inches in circumference, all raised on For a set of seed heavy plated knivea.forks ! a tree n Mr B aio's yard. Another product . "v aa. -aT I'M . . .... a i ever bt ought into t ria city, and we are going to tell at prices below ui ever before offered in thia plaoe. You may think tbi a rash assertion jo will call and examine tbe quality ef cur gocds and Get Our Prices ,i : 1 ,i. ... hivn not nvrr kI im rod nnrui!vra Ram VOU Will oonviuceu w LMtmvct we arebuiugour goods largely unw uui ui, uhuup, icercuy aavit-g all ptofite of the middle men, atd our command of icady each hus enabled us to buy our gooda remarkably cheap, gettiog the benefit cf all diacourta and re bate, placing ua in a position where wo can dictate to tbem and net they to ue, hereby always getting the BEST AND FRESHEST . . . .,J J a m and never allowing our good to gruR a aumuia birio waning lor big urofita. Thea? are tbe reanona why we deaue your patronage and why we enr- joy such a healthy trade. We have adfiad recently to our akcck a full and ocn?: plete Una ot Crockery and Glass Ware. Theae goods we bucght ditcct from Eastern faetortee, thus s ennr. desigoa at price way down. IB genua na to osj seen to vm : tk latest 'I i'Kciated Farmers havir.n produce to aell will at all times teoftive the top 0 tho market for good produce, and your ptror.age is earnestly solicited. These facta are atbaay.Markef. Wheat 8Pe, Oats 25c Butter 80 M per lb. Hfega 18c Hay -9,00. PotatoeJ5 ota per bushel. Beef -on foot, 8r Apples 40 oents per bu, PorR 0o per It jreaaed. Bacons hams, L2lAo. shoulders, 7o. aides. 10c. Lard 12o per lb. wioar 4.80 per bbl. "thickens 2.50 per do, till Feed bran, 14.00 par ton shorts, 16. midditnar,,20. Chor - 90. Wanted. We will pay 45 cents per roll for choice shipping butter. Thompson & Waters. or spoons go to F. M.,Frenah, Jewelry Store. "The Corner 1 0f ij;r B Iain's yard were four Bartlatt pears I that weighed a pounds. WORTH LISTENING TO andjworth your careful consideration. "We have the "Jumbo" atoc goods than any three atoreti of the kind in Albany, and price that Lent uum e ieru i ll WALLACE k THOMPSON Flinn'o new Block,