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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1888)
Ihc democrat, NATIONAL O.MOCRATIC TICKET, rr PrndMt-UROVCRCLBVCLASD.frfMAW York r.w VI m toMMl-MAIS Q. THWRMaN, of Ohio. r.rlr4WiiiUt EleoVw W H BtLYU,otUnnowitjr. W. II. BritfQRR, l Multnomah county K. R. KltWOrH, of UmUll, county. HOXK QITRRTIONR ANRWKKEU. Swrkt Homr, Or., Aug EtHt0r Dtmmrat : a . a . . . . m s a 1 i nonce the Albany nerau, anu o renuoiican paper speaa oi inc ucmocrawt policy a a ircc trade pollcv,nnd the repub- lican poMetT as a policy of protection to American labor, jow 1 want loan you question r two. 1. Ua the Mill. 0111 repeal all Urin uune ' u u uoc. now arc - WCHRIaWnUNRionr) ion iiiv niiimii), " ... . . . . . . . 1 ... I expense of the ttovernn intern r j. nnaumir doe the republican policy propose to put nn ine imBonaiion 01 lorviitn iihm there already a tax on . 1 i 1 HIT MS O" l.twvr 1 W Mr Harr Uon n favor of ad- mlttinir Chinamen without paving thl tax ? You will pardon me for asking these slm- threat of the public at large.if I know it. Very respectfully, Labor kr It la evident that "Laborer" haa read freely of the protective literature' sent broadcast all over the country and paid for out of the princely profit of the protected . - monopolies of the country. But he Is can- I did, for he aays he wants light. There Is hoe for him. lie would know whether I the Mllh bill repeal all dutlea. No. The Mills bill does not repeal all duties. It re- duces duties on some article and puts about 40 article on the free list, leaving about 4000 article still on the dutiable list. I'n- der the present law the average dutle upon all Imported dutiable articles for the year 1887 ws 47 Pr cent- Under the miii bill the average duty on thc same article . . . I.I' ..-ill I woum oe 43.49 perccm. i.v. umonitrou, bundle of iniquities and ab pleaae take notice that -47 percent means mjm caed thc UrifI lftW M the Or- $47 on the $too worth of good imported, and "4i per cent" mean 2 on every ioo worth of goods imported. These are the average duties under the present law and the Mius mil. un wmc higher and on some lower. As an exam- . a III X tkA 4.tllAa SIM I pie : Under the present a merchant or other person should import ioo pounu of blanket, worth 90 cents per pound, the duty wouid be "35 cents per pound and 40 per cent ad valorem," or $71 duty on $90 r,rth of blankets. Under the Mill bill the duty would beo per cent ad valorem or $36 duty on $90 worth of blanket. We ak "laborer" If he doe not think that $36 is tax enough to put on $yo worth of blankets ? But we shall deal candidly with "Laborer.' The Mills bill puts lumber, salt, wool, jute, grain bags and a number of other articles on the free list, but then we have had a standing free list for too years and it has been increased quite often,evcn by republicans who put, or assisted to put, quinine, hides and many other articles on the free list And yet no one denounced them as being free traders. Under the Mills bill ample revenues will be (Collected to meet all the necessary expenses of the government and then have a surplus left, to that "Laborer" need not be alarmed by such false cries as are raised about that matter. a. This question shows to what extent the protectionist of this country have be fogged the minds of laboring people In making them believe that labor has been protected by the legislation of Congress. The republican party docs not now, nor never did It propose to protect the laborer of this country against imported foreign la bor by a 4 duty" or tax upon such Imported foreign laborers. The manufacturers of this country are highly protected against the importation of such industrial products as they produce, but the laboring man has no such protection. The labor of the la boring man is his capital invested. There Is no law against imported labor except such as is contracted for in foreign coun tries,and that law Is practically a dead let ter In consequence of the difficulty of en forcing it. 3. "Laborei" takes it for granted that there is a tax or "duty" on pauper laborers who come to this country from the pauper regions of Europe, but an we said before there is no such tax. While Mr. Harrison was in the Senate two bills were Introduced to restrict Chinese from coming to this country. At all stages during the consid eration of these bills he uniformly voted against all amendments intended to strengthen and perfect them, and finally oted against them. We hope "Laborer" will pursue his course of investigation, as it will be of great benefit to him. A LITTLE Frfll RiMi- From Albany to HarrUburg in Linn county is twenty-five mile by rail. It re quires 2200 tons of steel rail to lay a rail road track that far. The duty on steel rail under the present law i $17 Pr ton or a total duty on the rails necessary to lay twenty-five miles of track of $374- The Mills bill reduces this from $37400 to $24, 200. The duty on thc rails necessary to lay one mile of track Is flf. The rail road do not pay this in fact, but the farm ers, merchants and other people who pa tronize the road la freight or travel. When we consider the duty on all thc other iron and steel appliances used by ra'.lroads, this tax will amount to $2000 per mile. No wonder there is a constantly growing de mand for reduction of the tariff. nii von vote oit jackhon r Republican papers east are devoting much time in finding out the namesof per sons who voted for grandpa Harrison, and who now intend to vote for the grand son. The Democrat would like to publish all the names of those of its readers who voted W m.neral Tackfcon. Send in vour names - on a postal card and we will publish them in a few-weeks when all are sent in. The Herald publishes a long article about Cleveland's going to withdraw as a candi 'into from the iiichidi ncv. It calls the story a "champion canard." Now a "ca nard," jis defined by Webster, Is "an ex travnarnnt. ridicuiou fabrication," and e ' 'champion" means 'lgreatest,"and"fabrka tion" means "He." Therefore the Herald' calls thc story the greatest, the mod extravagant, the most ridiculous Me. Well the sUtement that Cleveland Is about to withdraw is jus' about that kind of a fabri cation. Minsouri boasts of a larger school fund than any state in the Union except Texas has 8,ock male teJchers, whose average salaries are $63.30 per month, and 6,000 fe mal teachers whose avertiKe monthly wflKCK are 3"-3 Wheat 1 advancing in price ov reason m . . - 1 f... I,n , Thp nntlnnk or wheal U unfavorable throughout western Europe. "TARirr VS. TAX ' iW o Sunday treated its reader to a real artklo on the tariff question. Wo arc glad to hoc this The people have o right to know what the yiew of newspn pcr are on suchenll absorbing question and the rcaons that sustain these view. It quote liberally from the. New York Pre. to how that manufactured good are a cheap and, In many cae,chcaper In Kng- land than In the United State, U doe thl for the purpose of meeting the demand made by the democratic party for cheaper .-Inthlnur nmt nthr nPCCHharIc of life. It - fo h n g ,aml B -- ... a n cost 7.50 anu me ame ncrc. wool $10 ult of American manufacture cotU iusl thaaame In England. It uys especially icrscv - - nm, - . . . . iL.h !.... And ock, are cucaper inrrc uwu ui thftt the prlce of blanket berc and In Eng- in nil lire in it 1 iv u 1 1 t 1 - - J... I, II aamu inc correctness o wu-v i'..w, thev are true foreign woolen good could nn, mnfirt..i into t,U country at all. land a suit of clothe that cot him $7.50, then pay the duty of $4-5 nd thc rlKht besidea," and then sell It In competition with a similar suit of American make that coat $7.50. It cannot be done. ISevcrtnc- less 1.1st year there were Imported ovei fort.two mHHon dollars worth oi woolen which, besidea the freight, an MrCtfRt dutv 0 morc than twenty-nine ,Mwn 4omn had to be paid. Thec good . . .hoU or ,n art( VCre sold In comDCttUon hh the home product thing thj(t CtfUld notj nor wouia not, be done If thcy CQ4t M mucn n England as they do ncrJ, fiut or the D thc argument out o whch lruth come.we will ad- L u hat he jr, price are true. Then . , Min, e( a juiy at all on such ds The whole .uperstructure of that S . . cU t Kbased upon the idea that ffW,..ri. ,naatf .mici. cheaper than own"afld the Uriff u u,d cxpresly for q( cq m an JncreaM. i " ... a k the price of the foreign article when placed market, in order that 0111 home lfactur m(ly compete with thc for - l (orei rtlc,c co,t w a much In the foreign country as cur home article does, then of course no protection is needed at alL 80 that which ever horn of the dilemma the Herald chcosrf to take, it will find itelf In an Inextricable snarl. Its own statement of facts proves that there i no ncccssitv for any duty upon thc articles named. Aa Explaaation What la this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? if vrv.i will remember a few vcars aco the word malaria wa comparative! v urfkrmwn to-dav It is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers on v thc mcaninii of another word ocu our" forefather In time past. 80 it is with nervous diseases, as they and malaria are intended to cover what our grandfather called biliousness, and j1I are caused hv troubles that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing it functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through thc ordinary channel coin rtfll4 In rR It off throuirh lie svtcm causing nervou troubles, malaria, bilious n - ft . S fever. ec. You who are suffering can well aooreclate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower. Its cure are marvelous. Wortk KaowiB. Mr. W. H. Morgan, roeicbi.nt, Lak City, Fla. waa taken with a never cold attended with a dltreaing coogb and running Into consumption In It Aral stage. Hp tried many so called popular rough rem Ad 14 and ataadliy arew worse. Waa reduced In flesh, bad dllnculty In breathing and wna unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King' Haw DUcovery fur Con. sumption and found immsdlate relif,and after using about half dozen bottles found biineir well anu haa bad no return of tbe disease. No other tamedy ran show so grand a record of cure as Ir. King'' New Discovery for Consumption. (Juaronlead to do Jus', what is claimed for It Trial bottle free at Toshay A Mason' Drug 8tor. tteatw"lsf . Mrs. Phoetie t:heley. Peterson, Clay Co.. lows, tePs tbe following remarksble story, the troth of which la vouched for by tbe resident of the town : 4,I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lamenea for many J ears ; could not dresa myself without elp. I am free from ail pain and norene, and am able to do alt my own housework. I owe my thanks to Bmim Bluer for having renewed my yonth.and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at Foshay and Ma son Drag Mtore. e- Rverytbiog I ought and sold at M Krauk n k Co's secend laud stor, Albaoy, Or. Bscfclea's Aralra Salve The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulrars. Ka!t Khenm. Fever Horea, Tetter. Cbapped Hands, Chilblalna, Corns snd sll 8kfn Kruptions, and rosl tively cures Piles, or no pay required. II lsguaranteed to give ferlect sttlsfactlon, or money refonde!. Price 2r cent per box. For sale b Pnabay A Mason. C. J. OIL 0 01 pn uu., dealkus is- LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Dr8ssiog and Sawing Limber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc, MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. rirpecial advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring-, Factory at loot of Lyon Mtreet. MF;N WANTED" Tor Railroad Work. A'.mo tRmtera aud Lewfcra SEARLE & DEANE, H. J. MlNTIKiHN, Pns. . Farkas, Vicii Vm. B. 8 Cook. 8(c 0. B. Mojrbs Twa The Oregon Land Company Orvmize'l or the ttiwm ti bujinir and fellinff re-! HUtn, dvrtislnj "he Will imetic Vl!y in all of the leading ncwfifwncta of the United Htutex. Rinployln' EasU rn agent U direct liome sct-kerg to the Willam ette Vallev. and h me auenta iu all tbe prinuinul lwa of Marion, Folk, Unli. Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid In locating lnimlir rants, office in the Tate UuihlinK one door west tf Stow sir A cx'm ' H0P3ON DICKINSON, Manafers HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Uafnra you iart your mower, binder or ihrwutitfia mitf.t iVtrrtA to our htora an.l uet olir KUpje. wo keep aimoai anything I 1 . . . 1 , tii a ' wiil neo. nir at nriwn you wtu no LON "na wn-D- SrawAKT & Sox. J ROYAl 4KlHc POWDER Absolutely Pure. tMspowasrasftarvaHas. A marts! of purity. trH1h '! wholnwuiHM.wr.. 11 fMMk!l Uutn the nary ktmla.nn4itnot tM.klin com IMllU.nt lth tM uvillituUs e law tost, mhoti wtyht, slum or ;hfiphsss uewtses. RotDoi.vis CAMS, Ratal Uakino fo . 1M WsUt, THE PLACE. My all himuo Mtl on k Brothers, SmreMMtr to SoAm For, U r yomr Groceries, Produco, Baked Ooodc, Etc., Etc. goodc ars the' beet and their prices re-unuah!e. Boarding County Poor. Stttiee is hereby givsothatst the neat regu lar terra ef theCoauty Ctnmuionrs Court for Linn county. t)roo. to i si the OsRfl House in the eitv of Albany en Wd o.Uvtlr filhds) of September. I ASS, sesl md bid wdl be received for boarding, lodging and srashiog for the coanty poor for the en suing year. AH bid asset be filed with the Clerk onnr before oo o'olook p. IS. ef the l,o re mc turned dsy. The Court reserves the right to re)-ct any sod all bids Done bv order of the Court this O h day of August, 1888. K. K. MosrAoua, Coanty Clerk. MOLIft MILLS, JOHH A. CRAWFORD, Piupiretor, W.LL fumUh sseka to farmers and revive wheat at ihe usual rata of storage. The hlgheet market price p'd for naine. Ileal Magnolia Hour always on hsnd,for sale or exchange at raonsbte rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. First National Bank Of A Ml IS, OKKI-O. 4eee U UWR a, K, Vol Sl, OM. K. CHAUOKttLAlN V.-IV,v.U.t TRANSACT A GENERAL ACCOUNT K.EfT ubjort 10 lOIir EXCUANOE sod itlegrsphk uWr. sol ee New York, aa trvtcco. Okksav 4 lur o5tXECTIONa MADE an orstU tense. Terse, 00 E CsamsssasisI L. fuss, Waltsm K Tt.sastu MC MISTER & W330WAR9. Honisopuhio Physicians ft Storgeoa oltiftrieo. Tretmnt of Chronic Its mm of wouiait und children a specially. AH fills tiromptly sttemlel da? and Office in thoFlinn Block. FOR SALE. very low rat Lumber, Shiugles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prieea a. yard on btb Ht,. , eaxt ".' O. A C awlteti. W. W, CHOWDER. City Marshal's Mies, Notice is hereby given to the owner or keeper nf sny dog or dogs in tbe corporate limits of the city of Albany, that thr tax upon such dogs for the year 1888, is now das and payable to the City Marshal ; and that all dons found running st largs within tbe city limit, upon which said tax has not been paid, will be tkn up and disposed of as provided by an Ordinance, "Relating to tax mg dogs and regulating thoir runuifg st large.'' Section one of suid ordinance, pro- ridel : 1 hat it iis:i imi toe unty ri the iity Marshal on and af t-.r tse find day of August of each year to collect from the owner or Keeper of each dog the sum 01 i..0 ar.d tor eacU "Sini or UUCD so owoen or neps, vno sum of 3 00. Dated st Alhsny. Oregon, du 3Uth day ot UiiiiBt, 1S98. A: tlAYH, City Marshal A. J. ROSSITER, V. S. Graduate ojf Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat dUiasss of all do moetic an'mals on scientific principles. Residence and office two doors oMt of Optra House. Albaoy. BINDING TWINE, We start in tbi seaport with 60,000 fvbunds of absolutely pure m ni;u bind ng twino, which we will suli r, m low a pi ice as tbe quality of the g.vda will ad roll There 1 very little of the pure In tbo market, and a great deal of poor twine is being offorad at low prices. We wouid be glad to fill your orders lor the best THRESHERS AN 3 ENGINES. The celebrated eutine:, my.t AU-,r and saw mills manufactured -by Ku-sHl A Co of Maaslllou. Ohio, aro now olJ bj us. Thev are fast taking the end in the Valley and tuvariably gU7o satisfaction. ts-rawAHT & Vox. BINDERS AND MOWERS. Farmers, remember that wo tbH year hive the O borne Wteol Frame Hinders and Mower, the strongest, liirhest run nlucr. nnd beat made maoh'me m the market. WecnnKive you just as' good terms as anyono, and probably a little better : at any rate come and teo us be fore you buy. Stewart A .So. I take pleasure in announcing that I have re moved my old Store TO MY STEWB UILDING, . On the corner of First and Broadaibin Streets. Thanking my customers for the liberal patron age they have bestowed on me in tho past I trust that with and a large anoe of it in Conrad Meyer. -PROPIUtfTOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadaibin and First 8U., DEAl-KK IM- OmiN rraiu. Drledl Fruit, VrgetlOes. tlgmns. Ef,. Bte.. In fact ererythlng the, to kept In a gen ml Tariety and grocery atom. Hlghe market prioe paid for Ml KINDS OF PRODUCE. New and Second Hand Store Owing to toe loorssuwd demands of our bnelnwe we have been compel led to move lotoalargee store nnd w co now be found next door to H. K, Young, when sre will be pleased to aaa oar patrons. If yon i.osd any atoees, furniture, tlowara, erooksry, olooks, oarpala, pletares, fralt I ars, trunks, books, roller ekataa, saddles, saws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent an 1 uw a Uclws yon esn nit do bettor this st l mt 4n Kraool 100 tban you mn do with u 00 a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB, 10 First Street, Albany. Or. Lino f unty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., leiUSHiri to Oowsa A Custek.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. THANSW7T8 afsaersl tsuiktna OIlVWHIUHTDRKf r-lou Torh, Bsa fri stssostid PorUsod, Orefoa. LOAJ MOffETwn soprevod ssourtty. RCt BIVE dspoeits subc . to ehssfc. OO .C :noHi entrust! to.xu wlU rsostvs pros SI, jtl. Hotica of final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, udministrator of the estate of Sam uel T. Harris, deceased, has filed is Heal account with the clerk of the county court for Linn county, Oregoo, aod the county court has filed tbe ata Da ef ieptataaer, laaa. At the hour of one o'd ck t a., of said day to hsar objections to the final account si any, and to settle said estate. J. H. Prsrt, Administrator, 3? H HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINCLL HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, rrthing usually kept in a first-class RepairinB carefully and promptly nn? vcr sh- p d . L. POWER, Proprr. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given tbat tbe under signed was by the County Court of Mpn i-nnntv. (iroiron. on tLie sum aay oi jmy, 1888, duly appointed Admlnistrntoi of the estate of Simeon V, Ryerson, deoeaaed. All persons having claims against the estate of tbe said deceased are hereby notified to present them within six mntha from thla dam. orooetl V verified to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon, This 80th day of July, 1888, P. P. Mabow, Administrator of said estate. Notice of Final Settlement. In Ihe County Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. In the matter of the estate of George A. Hall, deceased Notice is hereby given that tire under kicrned. administrator of the above named es HaB aHfll 8 co SSWirll ma 9 x IhhsUsP 3 tate, has hied ma tmal account tnerein wun the clerk of said court, auf that said court has appointed Meiurday, tke 8th Day ef September, 1889 At one o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of the county judge in the court house in Al bany, Oregon, for bearing objeciions to said account and for the settlement of the same. Jeff Mvkrb, Administrator. Notice of Removal. INCREASED FACILITIES experience I may merit the future. Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS! Firat-olaai good at 'ottom prioea ta at my store in thie city Bmghi at General Merchandise c insisting ut dra goud grnta.furuiahiog goods, ciothing, etc., AT OOST. My 5, 10, 1ft aod '25 ont cmnfrs also Cash or fcoods will he .aid fur . JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DKA FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.aars. Vlua ann Smoking Tobaoooa, Meerschaum and Brte Ppe. nd a " ' line of Smok rs' Ar lelee. Also dealer " CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, Neat door to llurkhar v A Kee uey A -any, Crrgou. GRAVD Excursion East ! VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rale ever made from the Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points In Oregon and wasnmgion lerrnorj w COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAI L AND CHICAGO. Tickets for aale September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return to October 81st. Join the G, A, R. aptolal train carrying Oregon and Washington Territory Department to the 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, C.A.R. which meets In Columbus, September 12th, 1888. This rate la open for everybody. Not necessary to be a (i, A, U, in order to get tbia cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist Bleeping cars. For further information call on or address A, D. CHARLTON1; Asst. Oen. Pass, Agt. N. P. R. R., No, 2 Washington HtM Portland, Or. 0, K. Paint Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers. Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & SALTMARSH. (Successors to Henry Sussena.) MACHINE OILS. The best varieties of machine oils to be had are kept by Stewart & Sox, especially tbe kinds that have been thoroughly tested by the Linn county farmers. Prices guaranteed, a continu what the pnidio waato. Those I hare I)aokritt ealea I can a d mr atoek of eooteU maoy artio'ae worth oasniai 14 alt kinds of country produce. W. SIMPSON, AH t., Oregus. LKIt IN full THE STjIlTE Agricultural College, C0RVALL1S, OREGON. Tens Ceasauenees Wednesday, aepfcaabcr ink, IMS. O KACTJLTY, A full corps of experienced Profev ore and teachers. COURSE OF STUDY. Arranged expressly to meet the farming Interests of the State. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, For students owr 15 years of sge who dot I re to enter the College but are not prepared to outer College classea by ex ami nation. MILITARY THAIINU. To the extent required by law, BOTLDINCm. Largo, commodious and well ventilated, LOCATION. In a cultivated and Christian commun ity, and one of the healthiest in the State. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circular, containing matter full of in terest to farmers, will be regularly iaued and copies mailed to each patron of the College, EXPENSES Reduced to lowest figures, Two or more free scholarships rrom every county, ucn suit your County Superintendent We confidently appeal to the farmers and Grangers of Oregon to patronise the only sohool established by Oregon for the , promotion of her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, ad' dress. B. L, ARNOLD, PRESIDENT. Corvstllia, Oregon, Assessor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization will atteRd at the effioe of thfc County Clerk in Linn county, Oregon, on Monday the 27th day of August, A. I)., 1888, vud publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors either in valuation, desciiptiou or qualities of lands, lots or other property. P. M. Smith, County Assessor. WAGONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES. We are now agents at this place for tbe celebrated wagons, haoks and buggies made by Fish Bros., ef Racine, Wis., and oari give better goods and lower prioea thtn ever before. Remember that wa want your trade and will make it an ob i ect for you to come and see us. Stxwakt&Sox. GOOD NEWS. New Goods -AT- L E. BLAIN'S. MENS, YOUTHS' AND BOYS CLOTHING LARGE STOCK, Knapp, Burrell & Company, Have In stock a complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of .vry 1 1 script ion including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and MoCormick, Mowers and Binders, Hollingsworth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, t Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. - also a full line of first -ciasa CARRIAGES. BUGCIE8,HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specify. "Call and examine the goods and get catalogue of priooa, which are greatly reduced for trade of 1888. k3 THE COW BRAND. TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda Saleratus ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Bs sun that there is a picture of s Cmo on your pookas sad you will hare the best Soda made.- THE COW BRAND. FURNITURE. ; o u want the best and most durable furnltuielhat is manufactured in theolty goto Thomas Brink. He keeps almost everything iu tbe libs of SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. v Vnrtl and AfHftA nn ICw 1 oail Ht... hptwecn 4tt and 5th Street- Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for tbe prompt aod satisfactory filling or orders, I respectfully solicit ft shave of the trade. A. Wheeler. 4 LATEST STYLES. F. H. R0SC0E, Manager, MAKE (pyqHT's furniture that in kept in a ft rat -class hous .IaltusnJ