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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1888)
Conrad Meyer. -PKOPKIKTOR OK- STAR BAKERY, Omw Broadalbin and First Sts., - DEALER IN- tetsmeU rrntts. Dried Fruit. Tobaeeo, Cunf' Mt, ilnecnwwMrc. Vegetable, CTgr HKmr, Hl, Klr Etc.. In fact tbV. H kept In a gen ml vsrtety and grocery store. Hight market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. FUNERAL DIRECTOR - Prompt ltt3ntian-Fir8t-3las3 Hearse gf After busin h ur csll at residence earner Fifth n l Rtksr J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Golunbia Bicycle and Tricycles. New stock cf iJJSS pattern bkycle jut received. Bargain in second hand whiels all size and pike. Call ami examine stuck or send for catalogue fi .re, Riiss House. J. GrI 13 LI IV, Proprietor. Tnu hou h now o,u aail famished with th be-: now faruiturf. Kvir thing etaui u I ot mm tias, ouVrtt g to tin ku rd pub.ic saprricr accomm'x'at ! to may i 1 tha ' it v. '18 YAQUINA UOUTE. Jrjjoa Pud; Riilroad iiIoj n ntt U -cjiiv nbip Cue. 4 SttHfll Hi MVAi A)&Tt I a mm less rm lh 11 bi .'iv oth IT r rlt. K.rt-i. str4JI ntmir .- and fMlil'. till 1 fr. u P rt! a I t id Alt MiUU iu tli Vtl l fit it V 1 1 10 tit I ftfl Kra 11 . ). 04. VilUnaUj atari? Lia) 0; otaimrg. ,J , it, at la." Too fur...- iv.tjrV 1:1 a-Tvnre i n b i i :i"r tul frm ;.r. rt II 1 bo- twwn 1' 'i viiiit j 1 I P.inU I 1 1 in.wr- tuoiiitfM , it-, 1 . 1 1 ; .'Miituy ' lit 1 Corvl an I 4 ti.i.tota w Co' ui le ' i u I - 'J Front Jt-.. foil three ti.nm a Wbk :'..n v : Null i' i tKL'-. - Altaav, Mim1, Wo-i. aixl t'ritUy. M.'j) tut u imn rVrUautl, ltt , Tou. 3J.ur.Uv, bJ&i 1. At ioOrHnSoUNoI Uv I .rtU.ul, JI.i., n-.-l .l r.iiv., S A.M. Ut AllMiiy, fW., I'.iur.. ! .vi ii.w, p. jl. Arnv Cu'tilu, I'jc , . mi. ji..l faiii.-j, , 4. , V. U. BoaU make uluto o hi miction at Alnau ua traiua of mi Oregon r:in.; iuiin.j. ClUi SJtiiJVX, d i lit) .) W Alk.t, laJ r. a, Ui't fn uut, 0:4 j a.m. ....!.,, i . i i r, a . I to txrviUii, i . - a:, a.m. amvo 'tin., J:3i r. a Arrt ti'iAu, Oit$ a. v, I J. m'U44 0)uJ.)1 U 111 ill .,J CtrvaJlia I'ue ao iv iraiui ouue .t at ('4iiut ruu in4 OregM Deeiopm!!' O tiOA.iy' UM f n t ii 'ji t, t ) x-.rii Ytquiua an 1 ."u Fran tyc . ' f i i U i riwa a4 iia u jvU) V til jy, ViliAtaju VaU, Ail M J.i. Au;j). IV ii. Allflta .JKli. AllitHM 4th A114 UL 14th Auuat X4tb ilia C iiipAU , ,,r .tii runt to Allium 1Um W.tUwUl flM.Me. Jl. ' .'.. i . , , ii .' ,r Itiid nod nfltla unn v7 i . a i til -riTfr uluee 0 ii ie.:n ii wita m-j triut .i in-.- Vaquioa rou-o ..L .Vi .i.i, Jt CWvaili, iuJ li Ue MuJi lo gval ITfeMeigi i aUouid arrange to rriv at YtKiuiaa i iu evening 0i re titile 01 14111114. 4.eir aaal f.eUht Kate, alwa11 .tea r..r 1 if -r, 11 .1. j 4;.irl, Freight and ' f.oA j. a it, AI04.1,, n iiOli ilerll, Jr., O. IT. A H. At,, Ui-tfg-iKi O.o (,..!,. 1 I,,, j. 4 Jioiituuifrjr!!,,!. C 4;. II li.ll., . a . u. f. ei Ml P. Aamt, Ufrtf ju I'iciic K KOu. Uorvaliia, Or. SjiikU iiii; Joiiiiifly'a Lias. f n . ejieit .( ;. o ' ' t .! . .tlNill, 0 hurt '' 1. ! 1-AII.Y. i.i u . "j n m. .Ok r m 7i4iAa Nwrtb 10:41 a a 7:06 4 a : r a rjfiti 1 A, '1 ... . Arnvti I- Mil' Al IK 1.. i.nMniT,ni,r VAII.Y XMpt rfurulay). a a I Utvtj l4vra 1 u x:m 1 Arrival Hut-Hand A I ball tutfiia Am,. 1 a:44 r a LHVtt , itM a a LuV 1 II DO a a UJOAb MHU'MII T tl. DAILY, KXCKIT o(Mu V . Hri - Laira 8. .. ! M I l'i ..; lattWra . Luv lM a I Arrive Albany I . 'n I til Albany i. rn o I a m 10 a M Arrtvo i 2:46 r a 2:0o m Luvi LLA 3Jr7f SLEP83. Oar 3 w lstm 1 . t .,, t nt e taiK'lata PAae ajeea, aataawe ti UraMTraa, Wl M tt'ivialuii. arifgiM' t"r.if itu cf t,uta, a VlL rati UAIuV (ex tspt H mi It y ) Win. Foitmiller, 0 A M I Lotve Portland Arrivu 0:16 r a t it t a I Arrive Oirvillla Leave 1:80 m at' 1 144 rVIS4ttVlwT (oxujp. ita-ldiy. 5J r a 1 L t ive Finland Arriva tf:00 a a Ira! Arrr e M igniuvtlla Lave 6.45 a a .VtAlavtf n I ij irvalli 1 oouiiect witn trainn of Or iu I'acifli, ttaii rood K .rfali inf jrtmti.jn rea-diri rataa, amps, etc., on company 'a Afuut. R. KOEMLBK, . P. ROGERS, 4titr A't J..K. ail P. A Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO 110 TO Woodin & Willard. where you will tlm! the best mtko and finest finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANO LOUNGES, AUo a line Hue ot PICTURE FRAMES, end a hundord dltt'itront ntyltn of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest end beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept iu Albany. Prloes reasonable. First National Bank Or A Mil SI. ORKUON. - i u ruN .... . K. YOl'MU OKO. K. OIIAMOKHLAIN Vic HrsKliil CAUlr TRANSACTS A GENERAL hankim; busing ACCOUNTS KEPT .ubjoct to ctwv.. BIOItT RXCHANUK wit Ulo-rrihl triitr, mA mi Nw York, Hu FYancUou, Chiuagu ami ISr OoULECTIOIS MADE uii hunhl term. MpMMg i. K Toe. Oao K CitmiMutn L I Hi. v. v L. fuss, Wilts K Trsaau.. MCAUSTER & WOODWARD. Homeopathic Physicians & Surgeon1 Obatctrkf. 1 rr iiint af Chtonif lia eaeea ol woman nud children a k)H'lalt. All call prompt I v attended tlav and nhiht. Office in theFlinn Block. "JimWestfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full Mnn of Chinese good of all klnda on hand. A m full line of JAPANESE COODS. 0RE63H Pi ! OOHTRiCTJi, lor tbla section. Laborers furniabed on nhrt notice fo any purpose. Oppoiit S E Young's, Albany. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PTJBUC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE Kptxial AtttsitUon ifivrn to Pelloe'a Tataple. City Market. M . HYDi Prop Freh meats constantly on hand, ccrner of First and Ferry Streets. Ncai Homeopathic Physician, R8. M, E. IfcOOY. If. V., HOMEOPATHIC i-bveieian. ofllo and rtulei. o.nirr . Hr And laSer Strata, Albany. OSaSSS, Chruk dlaeaa.e P" laity. Conaulttau lew. OtBea httti a : 10 a. tr. salt ant aud S t & p. m. O Tbo BUYERS' GUIDB Is issuod March snd Bept., each year. It ia an ency- clopodir. of useful infor. 'matlon for ail who par. ehase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can olothc yon and furnish you with all tho nocssaary snd unnecessary appliance-, to ride, walk, don co, rdeep, oat. fish, hunt, work, so to church, or stay at homo, and in various sixes, styles and quantities. Juat flours out what ia required to do all these thing- COMFORTABLY, snd you osa make s fair estimate of tha value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to psy postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, UL PATENTS bUitiau, and ail uthr luiua la tha V a l ateu "tue attviMlctlaU. to l- r m.idorata leak. ir oOlca la oppaiM tbe I. . .S Patent Offitt., i1 '"ii "Stain I'aici.u ka tuna than tboae run tt r'Mii Waahinrtmi. n tt modfe or IrafJS'u Wa ar" Ui patent itillty frea uf irHarjfC . aiJ waiuaAa o obAryr unluas .tbudii patent. Wc rater here, U Hit PusiBSSSter, the ef 4SSSJ Order Oiv. olheisls of that', h Patent "Saw Vor ciixubw, ailvwa, ttnm, and efarence . ttaal eiienU in yuur awn Stats or county, sJdrses c a. hox a, ico., OVpeait Patent Office. Waaliiufton, D . Executor's Notice. NOTICE is b re by given that t'ie under sigjed has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Lion county, Ur gnu, Executr z of ths lost a ill nod tetamett of W. K. Mc Farlaod. deceased. All persons bsvtog olaims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present thessrne with tbe proper vouchers to tb undersigned in Albsn), Ore gon, within six months from tbe dite hereof. Hated August Oth, 1888. Camilla McFakland, Executrix. Sheriff's Sale. a fAe Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon for Ltnn Vounty. Toe American) Mortgage Company of ncouanu, i.imiicu, r-i'.intlir. W B Qiieon, refondant NOTICE is hereby given tLst by virtue of su execution and order of sale is sued out of tbe sbove named Court In the above eutltled suit, I will on Saturday the 11 day of September, IRKS, at the Court Houe door in the citv of Al- b my, liinu county, r iron, at ihe hour of one o'clock, p. in., sell at public, auction lor cssb in bsnd to the high- at bidder tbe isal property tlescrib"d in aid execati mi and order of mmIo aa follow, to wit : 'I be undivided 00s fourh of the fi lowing landa, to wit : A portion of two Oonaiiou Land Claim of Allen Parker, 'oilticitiion 2112. Cls.m 37, lownship 12 aouth of rtsnge 2 west of the Willamelta meridian, commencing st th uorthweat corner ot ssid claim, running thenco bast 40 45-luO chains, thence aouth 3 1 31-100 chains; thence west I 74-100 chain 4 ; thence aouth 17 90 100 chains ; thence wwat 38 8 100 chains ; thtice north 1 27 i 0 ch.iina to tbe placo cf beginning, oontainiug 200 acres. Aho uommtmcinu; at the uorth woht corner of said laud claim Isst men tioned, (Not. 23i2j running thence west 70 roJs ; Mm h 61 rod ; luetics ea 70 ro la ; thoiice m.rth 08 rods to the place (A bn giunlng containing 3)ncro4. tlaocom- menofiu at the houihetrt corner of S. M, FtmnlUgUMs's donation land claim, No. hi; thence eaet 118 rods t':senco routb 64 24-100 PUtfSf t bunco we t 118 rode; thence noith 54 24-100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 40 acre ; together with all and singular the tenements, hereditament, sppurteocea thereto be :onging or in any wise appertaining, all idtUMiciJ in Linn county, Oregon. Tno proceeds arlaing IV in the Mile of asid real prooei tvo be applied : Firbt to tho costa snd dibtir0nriMUH of said suii taxed at f376 98-100, and accruing cost. Second to the payment. U tho PUiutitf, The Ameri can Mortgage Company of Scotland, limit ed, (be sum of $1702.05, with accruing intnresi . ihereon at tlin rate of 10 per cent p.T annum fom tbe 2oth day of .Jim-, 1888 'third, the overplna if any thereby to l pti'i to b I)etVtidant, W. B. Uilson or hi iegi representative. Dtted July 30th, 1KS8 J us Smallman, By D. Smith, bberifl. , Oepuiv. tlhc gewocvat OJNUU NTY fiPk mm QiTanfi p APBlt. JACOBS 01 FOR RHEUMATISM. $20,000 LOST. COL. D.J. WILLIAMSON, Ex-U. S. Consul at Callao, Peru, w Ikikk fuo-almlle aignntnre from hla teatiinonial in here ahown. atatea: "I was a help less cripple for years from rheuma tism, spent $20,000 In vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, and it cured me." KM by DntpgUU sad Deal ert rrytaAtTf. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., HAUUiaiiK. .vii. DO fell feel dull, langnlil. lowmlrtted. life. leas, and indoavrltmhly nilacrable, both phjal eaily and inenully; rxprltncj a aooao of fuUnesi or blmxtina after t-aUiiur. or of "gone- nssa," or emplinM wf atotim.-h In tin, luorn-ina-. toosuo (taxUnt. bitter or bad taste In mouth. irrtTrular ap-tn'. dlltua. frtHutmt lM-attttti.-a, blurml eyraiaht, " tlnatlnir aiHk." twfore the eyea, n. rvona priatraiu,n or e iwueUon. irritability of tempt-r. hot lluahett, aJternatlns with chUlr aamaatioes. sharp, MUrui. tranatent patna nere and there, ould lt, drowalneaa after meats, wskefuineaa, or uiaturixMi an 1 unrerrcaoins SHSfA I IndsscribaiJle feeling of Oresd, or of tag eaJamit) f if you as ve alL or any considers ble number of these aymptoina, you am Buffering- from that most common of American maladiss-- HUtoua lrH ta, or Tonid Liver, saeo plated with Dyapepsls. or lndlgeetton. The wore Heated your dtareaxi has become, the sr the number and diteraily of aymp. no matter what etaujre It has rewrhed. rees Clolden n du l KHecoverv wiil aubdue It, If takm neo inline to direc tion for a wssnnablq lenyth of time. If not corrd. tmpiicatiofw multiply and ( "on 11 mo tion of tin- Luna-. Hktn l: a. it. nrt Olaeeae. Hhrumatiam. Kidney lkesse, or other grave maiatiiee am quite imti- to t in ana, sooner or later, induce n fniai termltmtlon. Dr. I'lcn r' Cioltfen Hdlr nl DIs rovery ana puwerlully upon tbe Liver, and throuab that great LIimxI-purifying organ, cifanat' tb yttn of all blotKl-uinta and Im-punui-a. from whatever oauae a rising. It la equally efficacious In acting upon the Kid neys, and other excretory organs, eissnaiog. streuatiM-ning. and ha-olmg tiwir diseases. As an appetuinir, rcatoratlvo tonic. It promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both beeti and strength. In malarial dletrtrta. that woii'fcrrful tuftn-ino haa gained great rt lebrit v in curing Fever and Ague. Chills and Fever, fiurab Ague, and kluUrml dlssssss. Dr. Pierce's Cioldcu Ptetltcal Dts CURES ALL HUMORS, from s common IJIoteh. or Kmptkm. to the worst 8cr. fu la. Halt-rheum. Fsver-aorea.'' fiosly or bough Bkln. in short, ail dlsssjis ny ttul wikki aro conrim nMl ly this ill. purifying, and Imigornimg meli- ttrvat Ruling t'ler-rs rspbllv heal undi-r Its benign Influence. Kapceially baa It manl- i.-at-i us iw.w-ncv in runng nil L .i ;.,. m, ncroi- Kryatpoioa, lfcjii4.CnrbiiitcUn.Roro tnous Eorrs and hwi-Jilnpi. 1 1 u-Joint U'kn.. w..ii... i:.... fl.l..t. W and Enlarged (1 lands. Send ten cents In stamps for s large Treatise, with colored ploUavon 8kln liiw-nses, or the mmn amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thnrr.ughl v elcnrue it by using Dr. afereea tiolden .Medical Discovery snd good digest loo. a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital Strength snd bodily health will bo cstablUhed. CONSUMPTION, which taftcrofuiai ot the I.unga, la arrwrted and cured by this remedy, if Ukcti In Uaa earlier stage or tho diaease. From Ita velou power over ths terriblv fatal when flrsl offering this now world filmed rem edy to the public. Dr. l'i-rce tbougbt seriously of coiling it hta "Comscmftiosi Cess." but abandomtl thai name ss too restrictive for a medicine which, from Ita wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antl-biiioua. pectoral, and nutritive projerue, ia unetjuaiea, not only SS s remedy for Consumption, but for all Chronic Dtsesttsea of tbs Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lnnga, Spitting of Blood. Bbort-ni-ss of breath. nironlo Nasal Catarrh. Wron cbiti. Asthma. Severe Coughs, snd kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. - ''' l I'ruaaista, at i.OO, or Six Bottles for tfmJuO. . Bw Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Plcr0Si book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 main St., BUFFALO, If. Y. 0. o onxititr. O.B.PPEBIS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. w E aro now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufiicture Hteam Engines, Grist snd aw Mill Machinery, and all kinds rr iron ana rsse castings. PATTERN MADE OX SHORT NOTICE. Hpeclal attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Andrews & Hackleman, W.LDOIJGLASl SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - OREGON ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1889. Plrt Term opena September I lib, IftHS. - A luli corps of inetrnctom. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet the ii""il of all grade of Hin hmts. Special induce mnnts offered to stttdenta from abroad. Tuition ranges from SVoOto i?,so. Board in private fimiUejr at, ow rates. Kooum l"r Ho!f bosrding'bt Minali ux' c-nf-e. A careful ainiervision exerciaed over stu- doutH iivvav from home. Kali term opena September 7th. Vor circular and full particular addren the President REV. KLUEttT IK. C'OKtYIT. Albany, Oregon " . " WHAT AILS "YOU? wmmmmmmmmm saoo sm SHOE m" Children Cry for TKMPKIIANCK COLUMN. Edltad hy Albany W, ti. T, U. Ililih lioetieo is Miuuaaota, wbiob, with it f 1000 fur, was haralded far and wide sa fete. hadowiuki groat thing for ths help of the oauae of tamperanoa iu that ttsts, wottid ap pear to be, except a having prcduod in cleaned publio revonue, s signal failure, The St. Paul (Kobe haa lately been mak g a com plete oanvaaa of the atate by oouutiaa. It tliui tho number of aaloone before the IhmIi ioetiso law weut iuto rfTeo. was 1243 tha uumber when the lioenee lirat went into ef feot, s-.'S, and the number on July 1, 1HS8, one year after tho law west into eiTeot, 1 170, juat 73 lea than on July 1, 1887. The OloU lid: "Allowinu lor the droppini out of a- Imma, the average will be for 18HN over 150 a month, or mors than was ever before laeued in the atate. The trath ia, the uumber of aaloous it on the rapid inoreaae. There are more aalonse is the state to-day than there were July 1, 1887, sod aisoe there are mors ealoou there are mora liquor drank, leas mor ality, no liquor trsfflo restriction, snd high licpi-ae, except in inorsaaed revenaea, U now snd will ever be s failure ss a moral or re triotive agency . " High ie undoubt eiliy a kh "revenue ' measure, but It is revenue taken from the borne, largely from the homea of the poor, to replenish tbe pub. lie treasury, and to eurioh the privileged and ami protected keepers of saloons. Alioliigsn now haa prohibition oae mile lone, at least. Through tbs cffOrte of Mrs K. H. Motfat, aaaiaUut auperintendMit of de partmnnt of soldiers and aailors.a law haa been aei-urrd prohituliiiK the sale liquor within oae mile of the Moldivrs' Home st Oraud ilapid. 1 his lsw ia of much importance to the wbcla question of slate pr.iltmition, for it arlilea t.i ciueatton ol property riahts ia volved, of att ihiIioo power, etc., snd is 1. early if not entirely the lettlement ef the constitutionality of state prohibition. e A good and briaht old lady in I Vnns I vams, very cnaritable minded, waa asked by one 01 our epeakers how hsr paator (s 000 avrvative rreabyteriaul at od on the tsmner alien question With s world of mesonta in hsr voice and an inimitable twinkle in hrr eye. ue answer d, "Well, he a not exciud about It V ttKAb RBTaTs MAbKS. As recortlctl In the County Krtordri'a oilkc of Linn county, Oregon : Win Einerick to John Dicrengtr, 4 acres atiitdniug Albany $ 700 liavid Junkln to Kalph Junklu, un til Ideil otic iourth nl lj.i Hfre liti Si -.; into .lintnrrman lo Mstllds Am- nirruisn, 1 lot, block uc It's A, Albsnv I7 i. w Willi- to II .Neu-ebauer. uo acrea, 13 w 1 ug11Ma llenrlchcn lo II liryant.ijo acre, 11 w i H50 5o II Hryant to Heiirv Strenktnler.4a.bJ acres, 10 w a laaac Van Winkle lo Kiizabelh Van Winkle, ino acre 14 w 3. ... . 1400 Hackleman to H f Hulburt, 1 lot bl. 15 H's and A. Albany 1154-1 Ahby Pearceto MJ Brldgford, lots ; .uul b. bl. t i, Albany 1000 Kit li Moore by I) Truman. Adm'r. 10 Geo V tlrandenberg, 3 lots, llarriaburg W Gllmour by D S Smith, Sheriff, to Nancy E Dsvenport.aoo scree ia w 1 75 1833 F 11 Carter by Adm'r to Eleanor rsrter. 5417 acres, 13 w 4 3000 rranklin Tropst to Adds E Ilium, It seres, ti S R aw II Csrter, et si to W E Hsvage.ioo acres, 11 w i Do 400 I. M llcuclto I VV SUrr. 3 lot, bl. 5a, Albsny 540 lasw T W lirysnt to John Bryant, joi ob acres, 10 hi. Mining claim Calipooia mines, A Jack Adam and W W Steven son, J R Kirkpstrick, A Jsck Adam and W W Stevenson. . . in, - Bill. Washikoton, Aug. 8. Mr. Stewart niotcd that regular business (bills on the csJen'' ''be laid ssWIe. sml the Chinese or o liibtti.iii 1 .11 taken up: air reed b 10. nut a L Senator Bcrrv. Coke and lone of The bill thtm paed without divUi o. A Rig Salt. Skat-ilk, W. T. Aug. 7. A suit war ff led to-day sgslm. Jam & CodruggisU, by Msx Kreiglc and wife. The complsln alleges that cn lane 35 plaintiffs' infsnt child became sick,3nd the druggist msdc s mUlakc in biling a pr-,4 ripttou, and the chl d wa given sallcv lie acid instead ol harmless powder. 1'he child was imme diately seized with convulsions, and laid in an unconscious condition (ill July 3, when it tlicd. The parents now ask for $10,000 damages from the druggists. Kaeiag Record lowered 1'ink, Cal , Aug. 9. The record for half mile beats, b . Sri in three, was lowered yesterday by Ti la Ferguson,who made two heats in 48 and 48 seconds respectively. Fegrime was beaten by only a neck in the first heat. A New Past master for Oregon City. Wakiiinoton, Aug. 10 Nomination : Pout msater, H. L. Kelly, Oregon City, Or.: B. (iaither of Oregon agent for the Indian of the Siletz agency, Oregon. The PoateJIee Ordered Closed, Wahhi.noton, Aug. 10. -The postmsst er general hsa ordered all the postomccs closeed from 10 to 2 on Saturday, the day of Sheridan's funeral. The Chinese Bill. Washington, Aug. 10. The reference of tbe Chinese immigration bill yesterday to the house committee on foreign affairs will not materially delay the matter, says Congressman Morrow of California. The cnnte bin waa substantially the same aa the one favorably reported by the commit tee, and now on the house calendar. There ia no question, therefore, in regard to the committee'a action, nor did he think there was any question as to the action of the house. The bill will be paaaed probably in the early part of next week. Yellow Fever. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 10. Trains Irom the south are arriving loaded with persons the vicinity of fever stricken localities This city is full of refugees from Jackson ville and other points, but no evidences of fevtr have been found among them. Citizens of Jacksonville who arrived bo- night say there must be at least twenty cases iu the hospital there. Hanged. St. I .oris, Aug. 10. Maxwell was hang ed at 8:56. The crime for which Hugh M. Brooka.aliaa Maxwell.paid the extreme penalty of the law this morning was the murder of Charles Arthur Preiler at the Southern Iloftl in this city, April 6,1885. Peculiar Suicide. Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 10.- Last even ing Ronald G. Birchard, aged 23,0 clerk in McDowell & Go's drug store, committed suicide by swallowing two ounces of mu riatic acid during the absence of the pro prietors. It was fully half an hour before the proprietor returned,during which time Birchard waited on several customers, while the acid was slowly eating his vitals. Every effort was vainly made to save his life. He died in great agony. Deceased belonged to Beaverton, Ont., and had worked in Winnipeg.Orillia and Renfew. Bl;; Mill. T a co ma, Aug. 10. A contract was sign ed to-Jay between LadJ & Tllton, the Port land Flouring Mills Company, and the Northern Pacific Railroad (Jnmpany, under which the former will immediately begin the erection here of mammoth flouring mills, having a capacity of 1000 barrels per day. The company will represent here a capital of $150,000, and will employ fifty men. Pitcher's Caetoria. TRKIMAN ABOtrT TOWN. Retting on elections Indicates the better's feelings more than the size of the candl dates' chances. Men get worked up nnd bet and then kick themselves for doing it. Often If they wait a day to put up the stakes the dreams of n night cool them off end they repent. Ho far as the M, A. T. Is concerned he docsti t went to earn money that way. One of the greatest gambling rupcnslties of the present age is netimg. A man was in the city Friday with a one horse wheel of fortune. Ten cents a turn was the price, with a chance In some one cent cigars, cheap handkerchiefs, n clock and an album that was evidently In (he ark. A cak? of soap was thrown In. It was the cheapest looking affair we ever did see ; hut we ll be sine to have soim-thlng belter when the circus gels here. Exaggeration seems to he the rule, not only with newspapers but Individuals. Few cople tell a fact but what they adtf several pickets to tbe fence. It was so with the Brownsville woolen mill matter, has beet tbe case with Oregon Pacific matters, and will probably always be the case. Hsownsx it.i.R. Born, to the wife of Mr. A. (Jentrr, of Ibis city, on the 7th lnt., a inn . . Mr. A. Ma-teraon and family, of Prinevllle, sre here visiting relative for few weeks.... Mr. Lewis and tisugmer, from Corvstlis, sre here visiting her dsughter, Mrs. K. Willson Messrs. SUndlah snd French have Just returned from Clcsr lake. They report fish rather scarce H. C. Wllholt, of Crook county, la here visiting Ids psrents s few dsys. . . . Mr. Owen, from Ihe East, I giving us omc good lectures on the subject of tern- Ma SaBk 11 a -X i .. perancc .... Mcan. urttaic au i .i ui 1 InKj apPAmnsnlpil hv Mr (iroiLM A. 1V IV4S1I IWJ .".. .-.-a- 'r w-m . O " f son, of this pfsce, start this morning for the mine on JJlue river lor a icnuuv wo . -Mr. d l. Bishop, of McMlnnvillc, has lieen spending a few day with his many rela tive and friend here Day before yes- ter Mr. Frank Jack's house csught lire on the roof, caused by s spsrk from the chim ncy, but ws dUcovcred M time to oc e.i ly eallnguUbcd Cor. Ortgonian of lh Inst. DisAiroiNTsRKT. This I a world of dUappontmcnt ; but It is not often that we have to record such s one s the following taken from the Astoria liotr : I ou He, you scoundrel f These words rsng out upon the stillness of the second wsrtt sit, snd people from half s block around rushed to the anot exnectlnt! lo find two men clutched In s desth grip, for uch sn insult could only incsn blood. When they sr. rived upon the cene tliey found s Ng lx footer with s little boy in hi grasp whom he had sent for a pitcher of ltecr. The boy had lost the money through s hole In tbe sidewslk, snd the men thought he had stolen It- The crowd dispersed ; very much disappointed to find that nobody wa being killed. Tug Oreuon Pacific A Gatrtle rt pcarter.ln an Interview with Wm. M. Iloag Vice PreakJcnt of the O. P.. on Wednes day, learned In ubtance the following 1 The conrrsrtfor completing the unfinished work begun by Contractor Bennett wa let on Ssturdsy to A. Brink. The contract let I (or the completion of twenty odd miles of track eaat from the present term inus of the road, which will bring it fifty, four miles esst of Albsny. Mr. Brink hsa begun buying supplies snd msterial for the work to be done. He ha. already contract ed for 500 Chinamen who will go to the front Ssturdsy, also s. I white labor offered will he given employment snd sn Monday next he expects to begin sctive work. (iatrite, Qt iKT Timkh. Matters sre rather quie1 sround the Court House now. The foot racer who trained daily on the public square in front of the Court House have lone, tbe boy who aped Ibem no longer appear.and Superintendent Curl ha learn ed to ride hi blevcle, so that little happen these summer day to edifv our county official during a relaxation from bitlnes. First Street, though, i having It share of little lde hsw,and right here we will ssv they would be given very little notoriety bv the press of Alhany, if some one did'nt al ways rush for the'pollce court for a war rant every time some one snaps their finger. The Portland ItWd say 1 "The Albsnv Democrat has entered up on its twenty-fourth veer. The Dkmocr at gives eery'evidence of deserved prosperi ty. It hsa been s power for good, not only In Linn county, but throughout the state. The World wishes It increasing prosperity through many coming years." The Valley Record says 1 -The Phils delphia Pre which has howled it ribs loose agsinst reducing taxes to get rid of the surplus, now aays: "If Congress docs nothing to relieve the aurplua there will be s finsnclal pinch when fall trade opens." Mr. Cleveland saw that last leccmbcr." The democratic state ticket of Alabama was elected the other day by 100,000 major ity. Democrats carried 55 of the 66 coun ties. If the Republicans should succeed in msking whisky free they would not only tippe canoe, but they would sink the old shell. FOR PILES. Itching t'llei sr known by moialur like picsplra Ion. producing a very diaavreaable itching after gt tng worm, 'tola form aa wall aa Blind, blcedirg and tiretrudtns I'ilea, yield at ones to ths application of Dr. liuaaiiko'a Pile remedy, which acta direcUy upon the part affected, absorbing tha tumor, allaying ths Intetiae Itchintc snd cffactlng s pemauert cure. 60 cul. Addrtwa The Dr UoManku Medicine Co , Piqu t O. Bold by M. A. Miller, CURB FOR HICK HEADACHE. Do you want a remedy for B'liousnsss, Pimple on tho face, a-d a aura our for aick hssdaehe, oak M A. Millar, tbs Druggist, for Or. s Liver Pills nly aid for a dose samples free, full box 25 csuis "Why don't you rnn s newspaper like thst?'' s groceryman said to a reporter the other day, throwing out s Chicago daily. "For the same reason you don't run a groc ery store like ttat," the reporter replied, turning to an advertisement of a Chicago houst, showing a twelve story building. The groceryman looked attentively at the picture a moment and said: "1 never looked at it in that way before." Ex. a 1 McLaughlin, Practical Tailoring. Summer and fail suits and pant in any style a apeciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to, Main atreet, Albany, Oregon. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining In the Post Office, Albany, Linn (county, Oregon, Aug. 9th, 18&8 Persons calling for these letters must give ths date on which they were advertised : Blxby J. R. Cox John M. Hill Wm C. Ju'inson A. L. Keller C, R Pooler Laurence Swaffotd . VV. Wird T. Hlalak John P. Haloomb H. Hlmmelahock Jacob ii Kerr J. P. Moore D. C. Puttkammer Otto Thorn Frank R. THOMPSON, . M When Baby waa sick, we gave ha Costoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Costoria, When ah had Children, she gave them Costoria The Democrat krow of only ons or two croquet grounds in Albany. Children Cry for. THUS. DAY. Hslern has throe letter carriers now. Mr, John Curl, of Sale, ia is the city Mr L Dnntfke, of llariltbu'g, has been in the city to-. lay. Rev. Mayo, has located in Ibis oity, is as assistant to Rev. Fisher. Mis Adair, of Salem, is the eitt, the guuat ol Mrs. C. V, Cherry. Miss Minnie V . . Wind), ef Salem, is in the oity visiting friends. Mrs A W Mathews and Miss Burkbart re turned this morning frnm their California trip. The Republicans of Indiana uemtoaterl liovey for Uovnrnnnr. l ottir would not run. Mr Jas Charltoo, Mrs R M IMMitmri sod Mi labia RoberUou 1 ft yesterday lor Ys qmna Bay. Mr Jutisl. r "X lun moved in'o his new residence, near the school boute, a niun place well locAt'd, Mr Crawford has found bis bant si bnsl d- vtrtised in the Im.uo.ihi yesti rdsy. The mural is plain. Assistant Postmaster General Htersnson psd up the road last evening aoo mpanied by Inspector Jdtocr. Albany's new stesmsr errived in the oily lost evening after s trip of over thres wwke. It will be formslly hoosed when No, Pa en fins house is arranged for the purpose. 1m event promises to be s lively one. Henry Clsrk left on lsat evening train for Aslilsnd, where h will hav th uiriritn- dence of tho brick work on the new hotel titer', which is to be the Isrgset in Southern Oregon. Mr. Frank Wood is interesting capitalist in tbe ooDetrnotioo of s large stons bob I 00 bis corner, plans for which ha is perfect ing. That won Li be a lirst-clsasoornrr for a bote!, and it I only a question of time when Ai bany wilt demand s Ag structure of the kind. A few evenings siuoe in s few moments i.teut. O. A. Archibald, tbe pope lor t4err tary of the Albany Partners' Uemj s y, found a flock of pheasants and grouse In tit raslei a hmita of thecitv. Having grt i.-a .. t for our laws he drove them ont of lh city, snd then in a few moments killed twelve. M . Arehibsld is on if tl s surest shot. io ths Valley. TRIM. lit case of Wm. rvrteel against nhenfT .wm ili.nau lo recover poeSioii ol some lnint s btole. Wss tried Iwfore a jury to-dey, a verdict being rendered in fsvor of tbe defendant. Hr. BtvKtfr. of Ikllvue, Idaho, aos of Mrs. Bigger, oi Sciu, s brother of Mrs. J. A. tWsrd, f Lebsuoti. s. d a democrat and 1 white man. is in tbe city, lie est a Cles Uod will "gettbrs.H IK I DAY. Jim West fall ha been to Portland after Chloameu t worL on the Oieon Pacific. I'lrtmi'lrr J. II. LVunctt and Hon. J. P. Scboohag, of Hariifborg, have been in tbe city to-day. Mr. C. H St art Itft. brJy for Ysqoiss Bay to Icrf. after his family ; also Lr. Oley Woid worth. Two trg saw mills sre to be t.aiit on tbe Ssntiam to furnish materia! for the extension of the Oregon Pacific. Wln at i fid .met to Corvai'is. Somehow or otbt r thst oity keep 2 cents ahead of us on wheal,, nd it in't tha difference in freight. Prof. Willi .1-1 V i., r-c-nt!y ludepen. tlenoe, ha l-ei. appointed principal cf lb Corvstlis seho-. I. I'r f . KigUr haying been re leased. a the SSSS d the ttty sgsinst Frank Himpn tho d mutter to the complaint wss ssstainetl. Be Mr Mensor doos'nt get much vengeance m ihta matter. W. A. lux. J. S. Mo,gn snd Mr. Cslsn left ti-dsy f sr Iodpnduiee to work en the nw brirk hotel ISM Imilt there. It is so evidence of permanency when such buildings st made of brick. Y atrday fir Henl sold bis property c rnr i the I u 1. and Broadalbin Street to Dr. s arr, of Bmwnsviile for $lo40. jnst f0 more than Dr. Heosel paid for It two year ago. When the Oregon Pacific is completed to Boi City thr will spring ep probably the mos popular mouubon r. aort iu the North wait . .!, em here in tb Csacadsv, probably near I 1 I. -.!. Antu .g tb' (m left for the Bay to-day were Jad'- B ackburn snd wife, B W Can difT. B and daughter, Thoa Jouea and wile. Mia Tm M'iittith.i.d Mi- Esther Marshall of ibis ,i, ami St .b.t.ii Xi- tun an. I stife, of SfcssJd. Mr. Alex S.uilh . fiuiahe J threbinj last ween 4IM) and 500 SfSS of ul.ent, ootte of wt;eh turn d on les than thoty bothela to Ig asre. aVO seres no .) hnsbeis to tbe acre. From sit side hear that the yield ia heavy. f.radtr. Al Ing and Wii Fletcher, two fhet foot I young men v. he lesd tbe Albany team in their famous record breaking run at Seattle llt to-day for Dakota. Aa they have been in active training they probably mess host ties. Tbe stockholder meetine of tho Capitol Gold and Silver Mining C . adverttassi ie the Democrat, took p'j in Salem y eater dsy. JohnO Wiigbr, J J Murphy, Edward Hbaek, S FCbsdwick. W W Martin. W J Herreu snd Miles Bell, were elected direo- t!8. A men-bant in Patona l ay aay that be pureboat d over $4(1,000 in p!aor gold last year, brought in by fsrmerswbo only sorktd st tbe buineaa occasionally, some of the nugget weighing two ounce. Excitement still continues over the recent finds in tbe mouutains east of there. SATl'SOAY M DAILY. m New embroidery just received at VV F Read's Tall 11 -a u ha six daily traini. J W Hpriggs and family have moved from Salem t Seattle. Mine Maggie Whitney, sister of iha Wr old' junior, of Eugene, is in the oity, la. N. Liggett sud wife, of Crook county, sr in tho city, "Billy" Urunk and family were in the city to-day 00 tiieir way to tbe Bay. To-uiidit tho ladies of the M. K. Church, of Lebanon, give a lawn party at tbe r.-l-dene of Mr. C. C. Hacklomau. Mr. Wm. L. Wetherred. the cenisl repro aenUtive of Wbittier, Kill lor & Co., of Port land, baB been in the city to-day. Taylor Hill, brother to Dr. J. L Hill, is in the city. Mr. Hi.'! is now in tho ntock business across the mountaios. 0 B Reynolds, the infidel lecturer, was in the city to day. on his way to Yaquina Bay. Ho lectured lat night at Hsrrisburg. A very enjoyable reception wss tendered Miss Little, of Stcrameoto, 01 , at the resi dence of W ( Tvvecdsle, last evening, by aomoof the young people of Albany. Miss Woodin, sister of A. B. Weodin, is in the city, on her way to her home in Tacoma, from the National Teachers Association in San Francisco. Among-thoe who left for the Bay to-day were L). P. M - on and daughters, Vesta aud Flora. J L Cowan, Geo E Chamberlsin snd son, Charley, ana C J Stuatt and family. Tra C. Phelp;, business manager of the Med ford Advertiser, who haa been attending the Preaa Association at Salem, came up last evening and went on to Newport to-day. Mr. F. M. Freuch and family leave to night for an outing at Sodaville, Mr. French will return, though, and let his family do most of the rusticating. They have a tent and will camp out. Mr J W Cusiok arrived home to-day from the Chicago convention. He likewise did the East generally and report? a fine time, but sweltering weather, and id glad to be back to Oregon. Yesterday eveniig. Mr. L. C. Strattor., of Miller's Station, was attending to some bees, with a netting over his head, when he be came heated and fainted away. He was taken into his house, and Dr. J. P. Wallace, of this city, was sent for and attended him. It was of the nature of sunstroke, from the effects of which he has now abcut recovered. The following is from the Indian Citizen, edited and published by tbe Indian boys and pirla atChemawa: "Miss Anna Godley, of Halsey, Oregon, has taken Miss Willis' place as music teacher. We have known Miss Godley only a shore time, but she baa taught music for three years and cornea to us highly recommended bv the lending men of Oregon. Pitcher's Caetoria. for Infants and Children "CaaSsialseoweBaalsffo I r ommand It a sttpsoior to aay prcript4oa I aswrntoin" IL a. Asrwsa, M. h I III Be Oztord ft,. iirookJya, N. Y. 1 . THE AMD- SPRIHS R.O JSuD oJEirrs Send Stewart & Sox, BROKE. the lumber tnon poly. We n.n fnroisb to bnlldra snl cori'.raotvir. r igh,t'sr or flpishing LUMBER, on abort notice. This lumtfr la out Ika latl ta toar ftr rm ttt. froirt Ih . 0Qjf brated McKinsio timber r 4 i 1:14 ud manu looiuroa ti 'oonurg. auv mii'.iiy can oe furnished at Albany sn low prices, It nds no reo i.-n nm ittio 1 as So qusilty CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS snd lumber of alt kin J on oar yard con atanlly. Uon't order without spaing or bearing lrom n. Ws will ssye yon money. HAMMER BROS., Albsny Ldun Oo Ci tNNViLLE Allege McMinnville, Or. Two courses of wudy of four years each, two of three years, and two of two years. Good 7-o ns to College building on find floor, adjoining Pre 1 dent's rooms, reserv ed for young women. Kouius on neeond snd third floor for young men. Boarding department In basement. Correspon dence Invited. For catalogue sddreaa Pres. T, 3. Browsssa. MRS. fi. HYMAN, next east of S. E, Young'a, Albsny, Or Catting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, ANO STAMK INC DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, and painting done to Older on plaques and other material, Nloortrrent of krlist motor! a' on nan.!- FOR SALE at vsry low ratca Lumbsr, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices at yard on 6tb St,. 1 eaat tx'O.AC awiton. W. W, CR0HVDER. UNIY8RSIT1 OF OREGON. UGENE CITY. Next foasion begins ou Monday tbe 17th of September, 1888. Free soliolarship from every county iu tbe State, Apply to your County Sufirlntendent - Four courses : LI aaal cal. SeieutlQo. Lilararv and a abort Eugllsb Course in which there is no Lidtn, Greek, French or German. The English Is pre-eminently a TtnalnAHM Course. For catalogues or other information, address J. W. JOHNSON, Presideut, Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement Notice ia hereby given that the under signed Administrators de bonis non of the estate of Martin Coatello,deeeaaed. have filed their final account in the office o the County Clerk for Linn county, Oregon, and the County Court for aaid county have fixed Monday the 3rd day r September, ISS8, at the hour of one o'clock, p. TO. for hearing objections, if any to said finsl account, and settling said estate. Sam May, Levi DoOtiLAa. Administrators de bonis non of said estate, J. K. Weathbrkord, Att'y for Administrator's. Palace Meat Market J, Y, PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beat, mutton, nork. veal, sausage, eto tbe best meats and largest variety In tbe oity. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. MBJEJMBMBr' l aaBaaaSaaaaaaaBaa I I nNBBPt j : Hij Mm : ; m r Oasteris enrss Cohe, CesMlpstton, SZS 13as V di- Wukou tajarioua nsdicstson. 1'ss Cbstavs CosrAJxr, 77 Murray fltrsst, y. y THK BEST FARM WAGON m THE MARKf f ' ?:ue and Price List gon Oi. Agents, -Mbany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind j. vi rough, dressed nd eeas iiimber ,laths iaiiii pickets kept constantly on I hand Bills sawed to order on wwa aw- vav wutj sa Caiapooia timber- rrice and terms made satisfactory. KUBIXSON A WEST. i xr.t llMJJSSnULTl&a rtaal 1 ait iSnaj- risw IsajBfA vyAv4S C A IsiyK L waMna a, aart a 00., r-.rmmn ad Swims m. St. Paot, Ma;. O. rOSKLL W. K. MLIV.t: POWELL Si BIliYJEU, tTTOHNEVS AT LAW, And Solifitois in I hancery klalaAFsV. - - OKM.OX. Collections promptly made on all points, fjoans negotiated on roasonsible terms aSE (Jtbc in Fonter'a Brit k.faVS. vHnlKf. T. J. STITI3S. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic- Red CrownMills SUM, LAN NINO & to., PROPR'S. sew procsss rLoca scrsRioK ros rsatri-TBS AMi BAEEES tTSE. BEST STORAGF 4CJL1TIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat J. WHITNEY, Attorne, M Ponnsellor At Lai saAND Notary Publics ALBAKv9, OREGON, WUl prccilss si all of the Court o .uisSbue. .Ml I WM ness intrusted to him wUl be promptly aft ended to. Referee's Sale. Iu tk Circuit Court of tie State c gonx for Linn Cautity. II A Holman snd Julia Holman li$ a .. ', I kill., 1...., . IS Jt,Al V.II.T. olCliU;IU ffSllU UllHlll 11IQI.U btiahand, and Ebsabeth Holm tu 1, mi tiffs. . vs. Pern oh Hunt and Lesuder hunt, L- SL band, Msry Hannah snd TIiom Hang, ter hutha'nd, Jeremiah Holman IX 1'.: Holman. bis wife Imsoc Holn f , liiaabeth Strong aud Wm. Strong, her husband. Caiislerie Fnrgt,y and Elias Forgey, her husband, Martha Hill and L Hill, her husband, Lottie Rtdd and Tho i Held, her husband, Jeremiah W hid by aud Josephine w bidby, hi-: wife, Martha Lan ders and Jno Umders, her husband, Jeuuie Caldwell and F'oyd Caldwell, her 1 tisband, Sarah Hunt aud Lyman Hunt, her husband. Mollis Sanders and 1 San ders, her husband, John W bidby, Monroe Whidby, G H Whtdby, Thos VVbidby, and Wm Kcnuett Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersinged, the Referee duly appointe ed by the above entitled Court In lh a hove entitled cause to make sale ef tbe premises hereinafter described, will pur suant to an order of said Court in said etuse duly made and entered of record on the V2lh dsy of March, 1885, st the Court House door in Albany in ssid conn ty on Saturday theSSih day of August, 1SS8, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon ol said day sell all the right, title, interest and estate of each of the Plaintiffs and Defendants heroin iu and to tho fo lowiug described premises, to-wit: The south east quarter aud the south half of tbe northeast quarter oi Section sixteen In Towuship 10, S R IE, Also the north west quarter of the northeast quarter o Section ten. Township 11 S R 1 w. Also beginning at the southeast corner of lot 0 ie in Section thre iu Township 12 S R 1 w, and running thence west seventy-tw,, rods ; tbence north seventy -six r s thence east seventy-two rods; tbeuje seu suventy six roas to the place ot beginnin si l situated in the illamette meridian i Linn county, Oregon, containing 81 acres. Terms of sale cash in band, Wm. Cyrus, Referee, 5w t ss