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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1888)
FRIDAY AUOttT 17, 1888. arirsi & i nir nn.t nuthno. KK s. R.lltur. LOCAL RECORD. Ckkk Cm my. Collin Elktnn has taken a position with Ziehcr's surveying party .... A few loads of Wcbfoot fruit were disponed of at fair price during the week .... Monroe and Arthur Hodge returned from Willamette Valley lost Sunday They aavcvervhodv in busv harvesting in w 4 m af Linn county At the present rate all the ettlcrs will soon have proved up on their land. This week paper contain jo tinal proof notice. .. .Charlie Rutherford had a misunderstanding with a broncho he wa trying to curry lat Wednesday, and In the melee Charlie got knocked down and walk ed on, though he wa not erioindy injur ed ... . Our old friend and former mot gen ial fellow townsman, J. F. Vcnner, spent several day in town thi week. Mr. Wi ner inform us he will soon go into busi ness in Portland manufacturing patent medicine. We wish him success .... The Warm Spring Indians are fast becoming clvilixed and are acquiring the habit of their white brother. The,- arc improving their ranch on the agency and as gardeners they are becoming quite expert. Thl week one of them wan in town with a wagon loaa of squashes and melons, the first to come in this eaon. Jfrrietv Sm u. Tr acts.- Ail the land around Albany on both tide of the river should eventually be cut up into small tracts for fruit orchard and garden. The lollow ing is from a Polk county paper and is show ing the development around Sa em, that e entually mii-t chara.'terlic all Willam ette towns, for thix Vallev k destined to be one of the greatest fruit countries in world: The Polk count v country jut acros the river is called West Salem, and 1 becoming thickly settled by persons buy ing live and ten acre lot. While their business may be in Salem, they cannot only live cheaper, but can also, on their little home pla.e raise almost enough to support an ordinary family New comers from the East are fast getting Orcgonians in the notion of having small, well culti vated farm instead of hundred of acres only half tilled. Di ElkMr. Felix OToole, died Sun day morning at 4:10 o'clock at his rooms in the Russ House, after a lingering illness of about nine months at the age of 74. The funeral services occurred this forenoon at 10 o'clock at the Masonic Hall, and were conducted under the auspices of the Ma sonic order, of wiich the deceased was a member. The attendance was large. Mr OToole came from Michigan to Albany in 1878, invested bis money here and lived becoming his advancing years on hi rent als and interest, hi property growing in value, under his careful management. Hi face was familiar on the streets of Albany for many year. "Doc" as he was famil iarly known wasof a very social nature and had a good word for those he met. He will be missed from our mid-... A Wh ale. While at the Bay last Satur day a company of Albany people went to Alteaon the "Mischief," a very fine trip, saving sea-sickness. They were steaming serenely along when a large whale came up less than a hundred feet from the boat. An Englishman on board drew his revol ver and shot the fellow under a tin. lie bel lowed, jumped out of the water, dove and swam away. The Captain forbade any fur- it 1 . : The scene wu said to have been quite exciting. Several other whale I were seen on the trip. j itu-v.. rw, Mondnv . rrm.n l.v .' the name of Peterson tworc out a warrant for the arrest of one Julius (iraf charging him with the larceny of a pair of pant, vest and thirt from the Waverly boarding house in this city about two months ago. Constable Burkhart traced (iraf to the farm of John Wiles in Benton county where he 'arrested him and brought him together with the clothes back to the city. Graf had a preliminary examination before Justice lliirnntin.i- ihinmnrnin rami fiver In ii i 11 I ! 11 in - I'.irwl I fixed at $Tooin default of which he was sent i to jail. Graf claim to nave bought the clothe of another German who he think. I box gone to Portland. From the Molntaiss.--Messrs. J. If. and F. A. Burkhart returned from the mountains Monday. They reported fine fishing but no hunting. The only deer killed was shot by Phil. Baltimore, and it was a buck it is suspected wa in the ark. They met the Burrell crowd near Water- loo, all but the driver walking, and he was principally talking in forcible language to hi horses. Mr. W. U Kead and family hive also arrived home from the moun tains. A Lawn- Sociable. Will ba given by the Vineyard Laborer on Friday even ing. August 17th, at the residence of Dr. J . L. Hid. Lunch will be screed free, with ; icecream and lemonade extra. Proceeds for the benefit of the Baptist Church cordial invitation is extended to all. More Peaches. Mr, C H. Stewart, of I this city, also ha a peach tree which bears some as fine peaches as any brought from Southern Oregon or California. We speak from experience. It is a fact that when planted in the right place and soil, peaches ds remarkably a-c11 here. A Query. Is it necessary for a woman whose husband i in the penitentiary, to get a divorce before she call be legally married to snothci man ? Ask a reader. An. A divorce is necessary. Steel Rails. Twenty cr load of steel rail weio brought over Irom Yaqnina City Tuesday and taken on to the front on the O. P. extenoou. Tremeroocs. The oataof Mr John Weiss, of Miller', avrr.ijed 1 19 1-5 buhel per acre. Hit fall wheat averaged 28 bushela per acre. Bi 1 Yielp. l5ao Look threshbd 30 acres of white winter whoat that made 37 bashels per acre. He thiuks it will weigh 40 bushela per acre. Good Yields. A. L. Bridgefarmer threshed 25 acres that averaged 32 bushels per acre, clean wheat. Perry Watson threshed 18 acres that averaged 42 bushels per acre. Two Kansas Men. A couple Kansas men here, who have farms about six miles west of Kansas City, haye received a letter containing an offer of $200 an acre for their farms. They intend selling and moving to Linn county. Nursery, J. F. BicTcensto is the accred ited eut of Vancouver Nursery. Apply to him f jr fruit or ornamental trees at Albany, Orrgoo. Another Damacjb Suit. Monday W. 8. Wallace. Plaintiff, hrought suit in the Circuit Court against P M Sherer, Defendant, to recover $5000 damages for libel, toe allega tion being that Defendant charged Plaintiff with stealing sheep. Heavy Sale. Charley Johnson, of S Ho, hot ( id Mrs Anna White, of Seattle, $9000 worth of real aetata near S010 More Coming. Since returning to hi home at 8tockton, Cal., Mr. O. H. Close ha become quite celebrated on account of hi trip to FUh lake in the Cascade. At a result of the account published in the Stockton paper, heretofore mentioned in the Democrat, people there have become Interested and want to sec the country. A a result three rich farmers and their wive will leave there on the aist of this month for Albany. From here they will take two teams and go on a three week trip in the Cascades. They wilt bring their tents, etc., but will need teams for the purpose. This It one of the finest tript In the world for those who like hunting and flhing and grand cenery, gorget made by the "tear of ages," rough, rugged, bcalthy surroundings. We are glad it 1 attracting attention, and our cltixcns thould asUt in bringing our summer resorts In this connty to the front, a they deerve more notice than they are receiving. Dr. OToolk'n Will. The will of the late Felix OToole wa probated ut 5 o'clock last Tuet lay. It wa made on the iothf January, 1888, and provide as follows : 1st, for the payment of all just debts, etc tad, for $jcoo for a monument ; 3rd, It gives to Fred Ulumberg $10,000, and the Dr. Wallace property ; 4th, tofieoP War ner, the Russ House property and his gold watch ; 5th, to Mack Young, of Astoria, .oo ; to (Jeo Fuller, of Portland. $ : 7th, to the Catholic school, $500 for educa tion of orphan children ; 8th, to Felix OToole, of Liverpool, $5 ; oth, he ap pointed Fred Ulumberg and Geo P War ner executors ; tot h. the remainder of the ronertv was left to Fred Klumborir uiul (ie. r Warner, share and share alike, 'the aluc of the property was placed ut $4.t,- (. in. 1 the executor hae tiled a bond In he sum of $86,000. TitT Bet. After the back down men tioned by the Democrat in the bet be tween a Portland drummer and an Albany clerk, which occurred as stated by this paper, a pool of a thousand dollars wat m-ule up in thiscitv to cover the matter up, and e'crd.i v th . announces. $1000 ws ii ;viu-d with 1 'urran & Mnntriih, and Mr believer in 'free trade) )' who wants to wager tht amount against free whlskev, tobacco and the Chinese need only to come forward with the money to Ami the cold hard cah awaiting them!" The Dem ocrat ha notified the Portland drummcri 'hat the back down ha been fixed up and there Is money here for a bet. Com rete Sewer Pipe A Democrat man meandering around thl morning for a bit of news, entered the establishment of John Hoffman & Co., at the intersection of First and Railroad street and there wit nessed the process of manufacturing con crete sewer pipe, tiling, etc. These gentle men are engaged in making concrete sew er pipe for the sewer now being construct ed on Railroad street. The pipe is 30 inches In diameter in the clear, two feet long and two l.iches thick. Each section weighs 450 pounds. We hope to see these gen tlemen build up a profitable bulne Woolen Mills. -The present status of woolen millcs for this city may be put at follows: Mr. Kay will come for $15,000 and a perpetual water power. Mr. Craw ford, who owns the water power will sell It for about $150,000, and will not grant any perpetual right to the water power. The facts are before you and you can figure it out as you please So long as Mr. Kay In cludes the water power part of it there it evidently no chance of our getting the mills. Arrangements thould be made to overcome thi. Result op a Ql arrkl. In a quarrel in Polk county Tuesday William Davis struck Lay ton Twindleover tiehead with an oak club, knocking him inacntibia, and it is doubted if he can live. Twindle fled. They were members of a threshing crew, and had been quarreling o er the condition of their dinner. . a-- markably prolific about Ashland this year J W "ockertmlth broughtone Hockersmith brought one to the Tidings office the other day that measured inches around." Tidings. Rat'ier of a small tree we thould nay. Albany editors rejoice when they arc remembered even with the fruit. Some of these nectarine have reached Albany, and are very fine. Tukir Grade At a meeting of the Board of Directors the following grade were given the teacher of our public schools. ; which will open 00 September IO.h : C. A. Walker. Priocipsl ; Mix Kate Price, 1st as aistant ; Mit Lillie U -iberUon, 2nd nt M'" M J, orn. 2rl J1" Jry. JJ ""lfantj ""Jf U he,"r. g ,Mr" K Th". 'h akiKiam ; tuw .uisrgeria iriDK, oapernum- erary. Shot Fred Snyder, son of Mrs. C. D. Snyder, of Salem, aged 15 was shot near Mehama Sunday. He wat preparing to go hunting, and while leaning on the muz zle of a double-barreled shotgun one barrel was in some manner discharged, a charge of fine bird shot entering under the left arm, aooui six tncnes irom tne shoulder, and coining out at the top of the shoulder. The arm was terribly mangled, but it is not known how serious the injuries may be. A Bet. J. C. Bmd, i f AsbJaod, recently pi wad $1000 in tii'- En-at NaMoual bank, to I..- b.-t an liarnsou. Tuesday the amount was covered by C. C. Sea, of the Qilruan honse. Bv tha tha s-iv Mr. Soott is the ren- tletnau who has charge of the money ths drummer was to bet with the Albany clerk, and i: he has the assurance there will be no more back duwti in Albany will cover the amount in the hituds of Cunan 5l Monteith. Ocr Own Peaches. While our friends Phillips and Peacock got in ahead on wat ermelon and grapes, it wa left for Mr Chester Skcels to take the Democrat of fice by storm on the peach question. He ha disposited on our table six as fine Craw ford peache as ever graced the table of a Crocker or Stanford, or bloomed on the trees of Southern Oregon. They were raised in his orchard across the river and are specimen of fruit to be pi oud of. One at least was )XX inches in circumference. Boomk. We read accounts of a tre mendous boom at Whatcom, W. T , but a gentleman recently from there says only one house i being erected in the city, most of the boom being on paper. Right here Albany doesn't want any paper booms, nor boom at all. It want a steady but rapid growth, such as the city can stand without collapsing. They Celedrai-e. Monday evening the people of Newport jubilated generally over the appropriation in the River and Harbor bill for work at Yaquina. One hundred guns were fired and red lights blazed forth over the Bay from different hights, presenting attractive and hilarious scenes. The people there are highly elat ed at the prospects of good times In the future. SevAie Cut, Monday Mr. Sam Gourley was removing a shoe from a horse in his blacksmith shop on Second Street when in pulling a nail, by a sudden jerk the point of the nail struck his wrist and cut quite a ish in his arm, entering the radial artery from which the blood flowed profusely. Dr Wallace was applied to and stopped the flow by a proper bandage. Fakirs. There is an impression that Sells circus will be accompanied by a gang of cut throats, as most circuses are, but the Walla Walla Statesman siyt : "The crowdt of fakirs and swindlers which usually ac company circuses are absent from Sells Bros.' show, which is greatly to the credit I oi tne pronriciurs. it a i i a.. ii a the proprietor," v Council Proceeding. Present All officer and members. The following bill were ordered paid C O Burkhart, $4 . 50 ; Train iS: Whitney, $3 50 i T L Dugger, $3.00 ; N J Henton, $i7.o ; I Haye, $55.75 ; city agt Cray on, $4.35 ; J O Bushnell, $2.64 ; city agt Thompson, $4.35 ; W B Barr, $34.00 Thomas Brink, $5.00. Committee reported on ordinance 187, relating to sidewalks, which wa adopted, read three time and patted. Committee recommended that part of Ferry Street, 4th to 8th, not graded as or dered, be graded at expente of property owner. Adopted. Committee on fire and water reported ar rival of new steamer, and a public test of the same was ordered made on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Contract for electric light with N. If. Allen was read and adopted. Following ldewalk Improvinent were rccom mended : K Lyon, 8 of oth, repaired ; crosswalk and flume, weat line of Lyon, re paired ; sidewalk north line lot 3 block ao repaired. The Recorder reported the payment of $387.50 freight on tteamer, hoe cart and heater, and moved and carried that the city assume the entire chargc,thc hone cart and heater being for the two engine companlet. A petition for Improvement on No. 1 engine house for new steamer was referred to committee on fire and water. Mr Cradwoht moved that Baker Street ivewcr be accepted. Carried. Mr. Oradwohl moved that bids ba adver tised for latteral tewer into the Baker Street sewer, 8 inch pipe Carried. Moved that property owner connect with sewer mentioned wlihin to weeks. Carried. Street Commissioner wa Instructed to ti all dangerous idewalk. Matter of fixing Baker Strict Hume was reh-rrcd to commitu-. Bid for building foot bridge acroditc.i n .Iroada I bin Street was read a follow 1 F Hud Icy, $30. Curried Also following bid : Sewer, block 10, 8 H. $1.00, terra cotta and $1.05, cement, across Washing ton Street ; 55c. and 50c bv Walter East ; $1.30 In block io,and 70c. acrot Washing ton St. by K B Davidson ; In block to, $ix5 by Choa Creel. Contract for sewer across Washington St. let to Walter East. Contract for sewer in block 10 let to Chas Creel. Moved that Ed Davidson be allowed $15 for time lost while off streets after small pox cate. BUI a lowed : N If Allen. $118 ; W A McClaln, $50 ; John Jones, $75 ; ti M Westfall, 46.34. Bills referred : A W Prushaw, 13 days confinement, after small pox case, $39 ; K Huffman, 33 meals for Wm Davidson, dur ing confinement of hit father, $8 ; W W Parker, $5 ; W F Read. $s I I Haye. $75 3 I W B Barr. $53 ; P W Spink, fill 08 1 Crossen & Allen, $9.75 ; Woodin & Willard, $1.50 ; J 11 Burkhart, $17.60. mXU.HTKD Hf'HOOl TK.M'flKUM. Thl morning a jolly crowd of school teacher pasted through Albany on their way East from San Francisco. After par taking of a bountiful repat at the Depot Hotel, they were presented with a fine supply of peache. plum, prune, apples, etc., by our Board of Trade, which they reveled in between this city and 8alem. Superintendent McElroy, who came up last evening returned to Salem with them, coming back to Albany on the noon train. Hctayt they were one of the most delight ed company of teacher he hat met. They were profuse in their regards for Albany people, and to show their appreciation passed the following resolution . : Whereas, The good people of the thriv ing and handsome city of Albany, through their Boaidof Trade, have extended their best courtesies to us in the shape of an abundant tupply of fruit, now therefore be It ever naolztd. That we extend to the Board of Trade of the city of Albany, and to Su perintendent M Kiro v, our heartfelt thankt and may the people of that flourishing city soon see their brightest expectations realiz ed. Alexander Weiss, Chairman. The excursion party wat under the charge of Mr. Welts, of New York, and was composed of the following persons : New York MUses S E I it us. Mary Barnes, A E Ba.nes, Llilie Bowman, L Birdsall, M L Rotwne, M Schloss, A K Duff. Annie M O'Lcary, Estella Hyers, Julia Hodges, Sarah Krecmcr, Messrs Win V . J .!- 1 .t t' Koome, Aicxanucr eis uno " lumcv, Mrs M A Keyes, Mrs 8 J Savin, Mr C T Whiting, Dr J B Greene. Massachusetts -A F Nye, Mitt E E Scran ton. Illinois. Annie Gleim. Wisconsin. Kate Nelson. Connecticut. Misses F J Wright, M E Hastings. Kentucky. Ruth Priest. Indiana Miss E B Hopkins. Ohio. Alice Jones. A Splendid Show Splendidly Advertised. The Sell Brother who, with their plen did amusement organization, have been be fore the public ftwover sixteen year, were never known to do anything by halve. Whether In concentrating and exhibiting the newest and most noted attractions that capital, energy and good judgment can procure, or in prominently, conspicuously and unprecedently announcing them to the public, they have no equal in America or in fact, the world. Fame has been blatant in the praises of amusement organizations other than theirs, which, In fact, does not deserve a moiety of the popularity and patronage that should be, and is, extended to the Sells Brothers' always stupendous and always artistic exhibition. Yet fame has never denied her laurels to the Sells Brothers' show, but the trophies she has be stowed have ever been true and not for meritritious merit. They not only have an exceptionally entertaining and instructive exhibition, but none know better the meth ods of bringing it prominently and notice ably before the people. Every bill board and dead wall within the city, and in the surrounding suburbs for a radius of twenty miles, Is a blaze with most artistic and ef fective pictorial potters. Illustrated couri ers and progams have been disseminated by the thousands, and the advertisement col umns of the various city papers are replete with appropriately worded advertisements. As elsewhere announced the show will be In Albany, Monday, August 27th. 500 IlEWAKD By P. Cohen. Will any Republican solve the following problem, for me ? Why Is It that the Repub lican wool buyers who think that Harrison will be elected and that the Mills bill will not pass, and consequently no tariff taken off wool, have been and are now offering less for wool than I am, who believes that Cleveland will be elected and that the reve nues of the government will be reduced to a point to meet the just demands of the government only ? In order to satisfy your self who pays the least price look around and come to me last to ascertain my figure. An extra price paid for a few full blooded democratic fleeces for James G, Blaine to spin yarns on this fall when he comes to Oregon, at P. Cohen. 7 0ks cures rheumatism, nearalgi toothache. Foshay k Mason, Agents. and F M Freneb, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or. ilrowntviUt. Aogatt 18, 1888 Mr. Cregory, of Cohurg, vitited friend ntre last week. The M. E. ohuroh hold their quarterly meeting hero Saturday and Sunday Rtv. 8. P, Davi. editor of th Pactfc HaptUt, preached two oxetlleot tertnont here lost Sunday. Kev. Phillip Starr, of near ffaltay, tent Saturday and Sunday hare in atteudoooe at Q Quarterly mooting of the M. K. ohuroh. C. P. Itirhop. of the firm of Bishop & Kay, of MoMiunville, returned home Saturday after a week visit with friends and relatival hurt. John Cbarlta, of yoar city, came her last Kriduy to tea J. N. Combs, who live near this town . These gentlemen ware fneailt in low. Th family of J. A. Bithop, audT. 8. I Mis bury and family are oampin? at Waterloo tin weak. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mover utparteU lor a three weeks yitit to the Sound. Thty were foload io Portland by Mr. and Mrs. Balaton, of Lebanon. They will go as far North oa Viotorio, Dr. B. A. Cathov. formerly uriooinal of the North Browaayille nUiooi, it here, The toctot expects to locate somewhere la the valley; James Callaway returned from California laat Saturday. lie hat btmo in California since last Novetnbat and it loud ia hit praises 01 ino goliieu stat. List week many of our oitixao wora tome what sUrtlfd at the aoiiouuuetnent iu the Orryonian that the wooleo nulla at thia plaoo weru Kuiw to bo itiovvd to Albany. We have been daily looking for the alatl that it l Uko the miil away. Thar ia oonaido ab.'e of the ludiorous m that article and id that "knowledge'' of the Demin'Rat. Verily una boa to baaway I root hunts to learn the im imrtsut or a V i do uot 10 1 ml to utieation uy pr pottttou Mr. Kay may have msae to oar euiotiii'. Mr. Kay u 10 every re pool an honorable man Mid will on exactly at hoaays. nut t ie very Iset lht .Mr. Kay is Mo to carry out uen a ptopotilioo. as l aucrctliud Io kita by the tlEMOt'RAT, Is tho very bat iiinmwiiiUttoo f our manufacturm- fscili- 1 it-1 I' lit-to V ttii f m o Mr. Kv arri.,l here without our, o to sptab. K y dol .1. 1. mmlU to U eatne t.ut ( tlm a,.. s m . a U 'lllll u ll II. U ti.iW ah... t 1 ti,, ' a mm of twio tii taoamty ot thiaintll ou the vr aiiMil lonu ot nficeu thoussnd dollar. tins mill cettaiuly has nwt bbn pa)iug a lo tag game. This oompaoy, to the oertaio kuowledga of your correspondent, wimld not exchange thrir praswot water power for any like powr it i iu Albany' power to give. As we stated at the atari, wa are not denying anything imputed to Mr. Kay, for that wa don't know, but do know tb ti. W. MO,, otortaiut 00 tuoh a thought at woo published ia your paper recently. Our republican orator ami papers are still working bard to make the labortag maa ba lmy that hit eEiatence depend, upon a high protective tax. It ia only ueeeaeary to 0011. vinos a person to the contrary, to rood care fully the rdttonala of tb Urttomia. Tha editor ot that paper boa written too many bl editorials proving that tba contrary i. truo to bo oa expert ia making each a fUey aeem correct. For instaoca note) bis recent editorial ou ootton abd wool. H states that we oot only bav ehmaUo advantage lor raising ottoo, bat the ehaautst of latxr; but hr b jump to to wonderful conclusion that 00 account of England's cheap labor abe make cotton into th floer fabric and ships tbm ber in spite of the tariff and fro cot ton There sic new a larg nombar of mill in the toatheru alata employ ing cheaper tab or thou Kugland bat. Now if tb foot that cheap labor ia what enables England to make the noer cotton' fabrio cheaper than wr caW why ta it that the bated South baon't iusT criipiti'-iy llootlwl out markets with cheap good? It i perfectly oloar that labor ia not tb all important factor to this result. Again on tb wool butinote be say our wool eome into competition with tb wool raited io Hue su, whr tbo labor it s mi -slave, bene naads protection on tb labor need in tb rais ing of wool in tins country or will h reduocd to a tovl with tb semi slave labor of Butaia. Now onr wheat ia sold ia tha tarn market with Roast wheat, u transported aroei,d Cap Horn in order to reach that marital. Still th labor neottttry to prodeoe that wheat it not red need to toch a level, much Its would tb labor engaged ia wool roiaibg, sine the wool would ail bav to com here to be in competition. Blind indeed matt b tb laborer that cannot see that a protectiv Uiiff cannot affect tb wagta of a veal major ity of their number, except to lower them. SodavHle. There arc a great many people at Soda now, both boarding and camping. Mr. Morris, of Scio.who has been camp ing here, has juat returned home. Mr. Ntfnrod Payne, hit father, Prof. Lee and several others from Albany made So davHle their camping place last night, and left us early thi morning on their way to the mountains. Eq. I lea lev. George Klum and Mid Westfall and their famllle returned from the mountains last week, all considerably improved in health, judging from thelr looks. Mrs. Olncy Fry, Sr., of Albany, is In the city staying with her grand daughter, Mrs. All l Alien rvium. Miss Minnie Miller and tlster, of Lake vlew.are also in town. Born To the wife of Mr. W. McGee,on the 1 ath int., a daughter. Mr. Hight ha made a wonderful im (irovement in the lookt of his property here n the patt few weekt , having built an ad dition to hi house and finishing It all up in good shape. Considerable property has been changing hands here lately. Grandpa Pceblerand lady are in town. We are orry to say that Grandpa Gains is very poorly . For the benefit of a few who teem to be in doubt about the matter, we will state that Mr. Dennis Klum runs a dally hack to Lebanon, always being there to meet the train. Tangent. G. W. Luper ha moved into hit fine resi dence. Mr. Mills and family have left Albany and moved into the house in Tangent just vacated by u. W. L,uper. Mr. Mi Mullen has commenced building a fine residence in tangent. The warehouse at this place hat been takinar in wheat for about a week. The wheat Is proving to be of a superior quality this season and the yield large. Mrs. J.J.Bcard.Miss Allle Parkinson and Miss irixcy Morgan, Mr. McL-ormlc ana A W Moses returned last week from an ex tended trip to the Buy. J. M. Beard is quite sick at his home, be ing conhned to his bed. Mrs. Atkins and family.of Corvallis, are visiting with K. L., Hryan's family tne past week. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wheeler, of Leban on,were vislttng the first of the week with with isen otmpson ana tamiiy. Prof. Sibbits will lead the Tangent Broat Band another year. He says they will not want any leading after that. She said Jim was good looking, but she did not know how good he was. Oakvflle. The threshers are again at work In thit vicinity. The wheat is the best and largest J'ield ever known in this part of the cy. Val- Mr. R. A. Bamford threshed ao acres, which averaged 40 bushels per acre, also 6 acres with an averaee of 2034'. David Sherer, 14 acres, average 33 bushels. As harvest progresses you will hear from us. Mr. Ia. F. Smith, of Halsey made Oak ville. a flyinir visit the fore "part of the week. TheMangolian pheasants are doing great damage to crops, especially wheat, it they are allowed their freedom for two years more the farmers will have to abandon and let the birds have the farms. The farmers are all pleased with the of wheat and oats this season. America Pre, A poem delivered by Vrof. J. B. Horner, of RoMburg, before the Stat Pros Attocia. tion, at Salem America's pre la Ilk ber toot, Unique, ubiquitous and brave ; Her nit and grit ar but a w bit Coir pored witb what bar printers lay. The only pre a thit wide world That dare call wrong by its right name, Now modes of government advance, And clip tha wings of ill gained fame. The legislature pastes bills Which oft the governor approves j But public view that make them law Wer aharpKited by newspaper groove. Tb caar dictates to alt bit press, And governs with his sword in band ; But our great thinkers air their fie trt, Ami humblest sovereigns oft command . His goods are those of war and fir. 1 hau these hit nation knows none higher ; W bav n lords, and but one Uod Who It of peace and jay tb air. Amid the cheer of countless boot, May wtlt be aty'ed, by bond and free, Our nation 'a proas with eceptoreil hand, "I he goddess of our liberty." America, this glorious land, Where truest freedom had it With. Though one aaaailad ha long been hailed, Th bom o tb freest pre oa earth. Trouble I Parle. Par ia, Aug. ia. -While (ten. Boulanger wa driving In an open carriage at Saint lean d.Angly to day, Prof, Prrln, of the I.ycee, fired five hot at him from a revol ver. M . Kit! Lilian, a f 1 In id , the imiprutV ruhed forward and managed to turn the weapon, j he result was that Kattanan himself recelyed a builct In the back of the hear.', but the wound i not seriou. Two prant were also wounded. The General was not touched. Prof. Pcriln I u friend of Mayor Lair, the candidate supported by the OOpoitunisI In onnusltiou to IkHilautfer The aftuir occurcd at the bight of a pitched name between the rival political paril . when the gendarmes churned. Count Dil lon ret rived blows on the head from a tick. The BouhingUu wer roughly handled. It 1 not certain that Prrriu Intended to aim at Boulanger. A Pie-altar Krasoa. SroKANK Fall. W. Aug. Wll- Ham Ode II. partner of the young man Nel son, who fatally shot himself two weeks ago. committed suicide thl morning bv hanging himself with a pocket handker chief from a branch of a tree at Hangman's creek, l he hotly wascut down and brought to this city. Odeil. who wa a railroad la borer, became despondent after the death of hi pal and left a note to say that he had croteedthe dark river to join the spirit of his departed comrade. Deceased hail from Minnesota, where he leave a wife and sev eral children. A Tragedy. Prxdlktox, Or., Aug. 13 The newt comes that Mill Andrew, well known here, wat tubbed fatally In Itland City Saturday night by a young man named Shaw. Andrews It proprietor of a livery stable In Island City, ana young Shaw wa in hi employ. The two had a disagree ment of some kind, which resulted In the dicharge of Shaw. In settling up An drews kept back a dollar of Shaw 'a wage, which naturally occasioned uncomplimen tary remark on the part of the boy. An drew then became enraged and slapped the young fellow In the face, who retaliated by drawing a knife and plunging It In An drews back. The weapon tank deep, and struck an inch below the heart. Andrews wus taken to LaGrandc for treatment, but at last accounts wat bleeding profusely In ternally 04 not expected to live. Shaw is still at targe. Yellow fever, 0 jACKMOXViLLK, Fla.,Aug. I J. The f ocr panic continues. People ate leaving the city by every known means of exodus, but cities and towns both near and distant are continually establishing quarantine against us. The police force has been Increased, and mounted police now patrol the street night and day. No cote of yellow fe 'er ho yet occurred among the negro popula tion. Business is completely paralyzed, and the negroe,out of workjrather in knot In the street, and it Is feared will toon be gin to plunder and pillage the hundredt of unoccupied house. A X&0.000 Halt. Loxiiox, Aug. 1 3 The amount of dam age which Parnell ask h for In hit suit against the 7tar It $rvoaa He bases hit action on letter which the Tmwj published in 1887, and on letter and statement in troduced by the defense on the trial of O'Donnelrt case ogaintt the Timm. A Promlaeat Republic Holt. New York, Aug. 14. Congressman A. P. Fitch of this city hai resigned hit mem bership in the republican organisation of hi district. He say he I In favor of rea sonable revision of the present tariff In the direction of decreasing the coast of neces saries of life, and tupplyiny the American workmen with cheaper raw materials for manufacture. He it alto absolutely oppos ed to any reduction of taxation on whisky. Will Preach. Bishop C. B. Galloway of the M. . Church South will preach at gi Paula Church in thlt city on next Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Conferkncb Appointment! The fol lowing are the appointment made by the E. Church South Conference : Oregon District, J W Craig, P E. Corvallit, D At kint ; Albany, D H Cameron ; Dallas, Tat Kelsav ; Tangent, D C McFarland ; Leb- anon, 'Isaac Martin ; Roseburg, TP Hay- net ; Jackson vine, G W Quimbv. Survey two. Mr. E. T.T. Flther It pre pared to da turveylng of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He hat complete copies of field notes and township plats In the coun- Adress Miller's Station, Linn county Wonted. We wiM pay 40 cents per roll for choice shipping butter. 1HOMPSON & waters. For Sale Cheap. Two large fanning mill for cleaning wheat made by Best Second hand. Will eil cheap. Inquire ef Sec. of Albany Farmer s Co. Don't Fail. Don't fail to call and see Dubrullle't fine ditplay horte and his Im mense ttock of harnetset and saddles back ,l Conrad Meyer't grocery store. We can teli voa a tiokot to any point ia he East ovor tha famous Canadian Pacific railway from live to ton dollars oheapor than any other road. Call and aeeut. BURKHART X MILLER, AgCS. , Albany, Oregon, If you want the best harness in the raarke go to J J Dubiuule s. Albany Market. Wneat--84c. Oats 30c Butter 20 a per lb. Kegs 18c Hay -9,00. Potatoes -30 ots oar bushel. Beef on foot, &H Apple 41 cent per ha. Pom 6c per 11 i reused. Baoonx hams. I2c. shoulders, 7c, aides lOo tard 12 j per lb. wiour i.80 per bbl. biokena 2.50 per dox. till Feed bran, 14.00 per ton; shorts, Id. mldd!ing,20. Chor 0. Thompson Overman keep the best har nesses. J. P. Wallace, Physioian and Surgeon, AI any, Or. IIOMK AND ABROAD. MONIiAT. Sells circus took in $12,000 at Spokui r!i. A 150,(XJ0 lire ooourrd at Fresnr, Cel., . . t - ' yemerusy morning. Mr Pet Bilyeo, otc of Hcio't capitalists, boa been in tb oity to-day. Mint Lulu Clark, of Spokane Fallt. W. T t is io the city, tb guett of Prof. Coadit. Th street sprinkler had a toeoial iob of tattling tb dual in th first ward ytetdy. rorry Hyd. of Harrisbaro. and .1 M Nob on, of Corvallit, woro in th city to day at tending trie laneral of Ur U Toole. Mr J J Oraham. of Syracuse oiccioot. haa been iu tha oity to day. entirely recovered from th varioloid, witb which bewa in. Messrs. Martin Payn. Nimrod Pain and John Althout left tody for the mountains. .rt 1 . . 1, ut 1 . , . ... 1 01a ivrm wm on continueo on tneir return, I. . , . . , . . . In waa rcporteu uer to .lay inot a thresh er run oyer a farmer near Eugene Saturday, killing him uiHtautly; but oould gat no pai ticulsrs. Io baa ball matter th New Yntk Club leads in tb National league, th Ht. Lout Club in the American league, ami the Hayer ly's in th California league, Ai Long returned last avening from his Dakota trip. 11 got a far a Halem, where be witnessed tb foot race yesterday. Fletch er went to Portland. A correspondent of the Oit;yinnit c 1.1 water, taken internally and etrsell) in Urg qaantiea, is a ante corn for diphtber ia. He claim to have stved sewn chtidtcr. by tin treatmeur. Dr. Shaklnford, on Saturday, at Silem, wa hell to await the ctton ol ti,.. , rn.ri jury ou the charge of b.rt ti I . A be oould uot rai ihi"$IOO bail i.- w-t.t to Y.t rlay while wt.ran g in fee brotbrrV stoic, KroK Simpiii f.!, latfjig iso ' hi arms. !i .1 I, fil l was Called sad fixed tb injured arm. Eprt Mi- etj lei: h- iHfwrri re be tween a djjM-d gpjw .! astro ed cutf pheasant, from t,m ii I garotte latto 1 being inorr like the a nhiea t. Patti it hwi - twteafc Am . ll 1! a? night iu si.nwevil - '. uM la yivwo in gold Pt- ip ffajfttM c war., mvatJ MtUf-. At B - r hx ber baojewti the tasv wm 92 coo Ih. I.. W. (,uu ao-l fami ly rttarutd from Kiiuoa taa. Satuida) evt i.tog, and the f motor will now he f.niod iu hi drag store. Ue ol hi son t is a ei:r maker and will tart a factoi y bare. Mis Oilio Kir patrick, who is studying inadtctn with Dr. Bowlsnd, at Salem, tpen 1 naooatb ia Albany. mum Ktrtpatrtck will go Kat this fail and enter a medical college. which has not r-t b on. Kne will be absent two year. In a foot race between Dick Pattoe and K If, tba Waldo if die aprinter, the latter won with remarkable eeae. rat ton nsd th making of a fast tprintr; bat haa not taken oar of himself in tb right manner, and aa a result moot any one can oeat him. Some ono has started a ysrn that thirty unprotected yoog women of Walla Wail bav gone over to the beach and oamptd tbi and are wU armed, and that it fr car ta to death for man to go or com within 200 yrd of their tent. It may be to. Moat anything is likely to hppo the day. Antorinn Mr, . If. Townaeud, assistant secretary of the Capital Insurance Uompauy, u m the city. In a few days be will move with bis family to rrlaad to tsmde. Th company 1 a new one, bnt itart out under v. t fav orM ctrourottaooe. nd ta fortunate m eurieg the rv ice of tocb an experienced and eonipetrnl insurance man aa Mr. Town- tend. TUESDAY. Wnt McKtuoon. of Sw et Home, is in the city. 18 J cent wa paid ia Dallas, Polk county, for wool, laat week. We uodertUnd Mr J. H. Townaeed't fine garden property adjoining Albany, it for rant To-day Mr. L E. Blato baa been opening a Urge shipment of good leeeived from Sao Frsocitoo by way of the Oregon Pacific. President Johnaon, of the State University wa in the city yesterday 00 hi way home from BodaviUe, where bo had bocn rusticat ing A tmall railroad ia to he built from Astoria intoTillamooE county. It take a aix header tor one ol the paper there to announce the fact. Mr Lon Power returned homo thit morn ing from H alary . where hit tail cr baa been lying aeriooaly ill witb inflammatory rhenma. mm. A tree that waa cut do n near WDatco. W. T. . ielded 35.000 feet of lumber, which. at 17,50 per thousand, make the tree worth $202. The Whatcom Rerirlb taya that timber land in the county will average ten tuch tree to the acre. Yesterday MrO L Black. man anld to Mrs. Or. Wood lea fine SSfO upright piano, and during the peat week or two aix or seven or gana, whicb indicate that nor people appre ciate goad moaical instrument. Mr. J. A. (trot, of the Depot hotel, in tend to tell out and move on bi fine proper ty iuat south of the city, providing be can secure the right kind of purchaser . A the hotel ia a paying business it would seem that there ought to be plenty of purchaser. WEUNESDAY. New shoe at Bead'. Six thavea or a dollar at L. Viereck'a New rtbbou all ahadai and tv e tt Read a P. M. French keep railroad time. There are ten rel estate firms ic Sslem. H Ewert practical watchmaker and jew slot. There Is talk of an aeaay office io ti lt city. Beth Thomas watches at F. M. French's warranted. Prof. Lee alto went to tha mountains with the Payoe crowd. Very fine t-laetioa of ladies' an I gem watches at R Ewtrt't. Jewelry, clocks, spectacles and Roger Bros ailver plated war at ri rwait t. A dean towel for every customer at L Viereck'a barber ahop. Six shave for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at I bos. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B'ambere left this noon for a short sojonrn at xaquina Bty. Crawford & Littler left a few days sco for Mt. Hood, which they will ascend and photo "Ph- . ...... Mist Little and Musclar t Biain lett ys tor Jay noon on a trip t Tufj Dalles by rai and steamer. For a set of eood hravy tided knivia.t'-uks or spoons go to F. M. FrtnoH, "The C rmer jeweiry ouoro. niahon Galloway will ded oiti the Ee;h ohurcb, located at Spicer, the 4'h Sunday in this month, at 11 A. M. Yoa will save money by taking yoar tick machine to the repairer, B F Parsons i . a V Ml C. A Ik . J fat Sixth suit Jeneron cus., niusuy, rcjjvn Dr. M. H. Ellis, physioian and surgeon All anv. OreiroD. Calls made ic city or a-""rfl " S3 - country. Race Bros, intend to open the St. Charles hotel by tho 27th if possible, llapid work is beioE done to get it ready before the circus reaches Albany. Horace Hawley, of McCoy, Polk county, was talking with a lady yesterday, when a gun slipped from his hand, fell to the side walk, waa discharged, th contents entering his abdomen, He lived about three hours, when he died. wagons, hack; and buggies We are now agents at this pluoe for the celebrated wajrons, hacks and buggies made bvFish Bros , cf Racine, Wis., and can give better good and lower prices than ever before. Remember that we want your trade and will roako it an ob loot for you to eome and see ns. WANTED. To rent by two experienced farmers aoo or 400 acraa for wneat wtr a teaina aim ivm imyioiucuw furnished. Please state terms. Address O. H. Qabastf, 87 S Front Si . , Portland, Oregon. SELLS BROTHERS GREAT CIRCUS FESTIVAL, Roman Hippodrome THREE-RING CIRCUS, Elevated Stage and Five-Continent Menagerie! ayiy" . 1 " - 1 jsm ' ' ' .4StBHtE9 a 4e tBFaaH0rasaktL-A HtwtettC!dv jata waaalsltWlaaSa HafltBaste s jBSy 'rVLZl 5 -r- .5Z-yBaiatsp 1 BttRatattsattiBSteslHBteakHtH Mi"' I THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE CALAXY I Unhlemiahel record of neyenrtosa re on. It nam a ayn-mym of rtnw WILL EXHIBIT AT Albany, Monday. Aug. 27th, IN ALL ITS TOWERING AND MIGHTY GRANDEUR! The Grandest Array ot CHAMPION ARTISTS ADKUAItiK CORDON A, Greatest Bareback VML4 RIVERS, lbing Bareback Rider. WM. NIIOWLE'I, Champion Male Bareback Rider of the World. DOM JKKKN'IMu BELL, Greateet of all Bareback Ridees. Wm. HKLLB, Greatest Living Bounding Jockey. The above are unqaestionaoly the Five Greatest Living Riders. None dare deny U WM. O'BELL RS.lo and Drives 23 Homes GILPOKT BRGTIIERH, Exponents of Claaaic Statuary Poaing. R I A r O BliOTlIEKS. Pheniinenal Acrcbats PKTIT AND McVEY, Attontablng Aetiat HUr. REX AND RENO, Wonderful l imber Men and High-Kicking Dancers. ASHLiCY AND HK8, Sa:in Kiwr and roteeqnt. THRHCNLINS, KnucNtriuni nd Inimiuble Vsulters. CA RON BROTH EICS, The Funniest Clowns MELROSE FAMILY, Blojole Experts. And an endieei array of Equestrian, Gymnasts, Acrobats and General Performer ROMAN STANDING RACES! 4-HORSE CHARIOT RACES ! PONDEROUS ELEPHANT RACES I AWKWARD CAMEL RACES ! LADIES' HURDLE RACES JOCK Y FLAT RACES ! MOKKEY RACES! PONEY RACES I CLOWN RACES I CAPT. BOGARDUS I The Champion M ing. Trap and Fancy Shot of the World, and his famons Family of Dead "Shots. THE FINEST MENAGERIE IN THE WORLD I A oromioent and nndopilcated feature of which is the pair of GIANT HIPPOPOTAMI Male and Female, for which we declined a proffer of Forty Thousand Dollars leas than thirty days ago. B!C, BRILLIANT AND BEWILDERING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. $250,000 Lavishly Expended In RattUnUv Pcrftctiny thw Towering, rhcmmiciM1 iL.U.ftl S iL. ra a T .... I UUH. 60 Minutes of Circus with 30 MINUTES OF GLADITORIAL CONTESTS ! 30 Iinute8 of Hippodrome Races, 30 Minutes for the Musaum, 30 Minutes for th8 Menagerie, 3 aiours of Dazzling. An Intensely Thrilling THE ONLY COMPLETE, PERFECT AND MaMtBMswajMaMaiijMg t3f?s9 -t. ' r?- -x Tftajtj1' 'Tjw jtafgvljpSMaiitfiyjBB HSsEAaj taSttttttwtaa IPg ' - S"SvllfiwitttaLKy' a.;f'.' '. ?!BSHtBB!&vB OF THE Eaces, Revels and Bladatorial OomMs of Ancient Eom I3ST NEABLT 2,000 YEABS. English and Kentucky Thoroughbreds in Soul-stirring Struggles for Supremacy I . Enormous Race Track-Four Times Around, One Mile ! GO HEROIC OLYMPIAN GAMES isttTvoo VR9m tiMoTly iiMTiwc wiifTn ImTif.T.Y 1 JOiSiliUXiUUi i. UJJXU I uaww'. Appe10 ou the Pablio Thoroughfares at 10 o'clock every Morning. U4tL rOfl'tML PttlCfiS OF ABMISbHN, rerfertaaaee at Catlomary Heart, -n. i.. s k in.i,i;1iiu in Vfcn Tinkftt to Anvbody. Jrursiti vol j huu uuiimvij CHEAP R0UND TUIP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS ! jSTSEE STATION AGENTS FOR PARTICULARS.- Also exhibit at Oorvallis, .ug. 25th ; Salem, Any th; Eugene City, Aug 29th Boeeburg. August 80th ; MettordJAuguot 3 let, m Equeatrktone on Eirth. on the Hippodrome Track. on Earth. AUOU ir tuc 1 ivovisi avrui . 300 Meteoric Performers with Ideational Jocfcev and 00 ThoroUKhhredi ! with 1,000 Mrr:l..u. Aniotate aud Inaiiiaialo Curu ! rlth 5'JO Specimens. Creates Gathering Sim Voah Day ! Fascinating Entertainment ! Boxnun Standing Race t LAVISHLY SUMPTUOUS PROMOTION AD CALEDONIAN SPORTS RRSPfiRRnRMf STREET PARiDE RRSPf.RMDSNT STREET PARADE ! -