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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1888)
s 4 Iht Ijcinocrat NATIONAL BEMOftATIC TIOKKf, Pjt Pri..ljnt-iltVROl.RVlCLSi,.4 Njw York for HM PfiJ.l.tU U.l.KN i .i. KM W, ot Ohio. f jr PrM.IniW KtaoSws-- w it HM.VKi'. of Unit county. W. II. Rr TINUKR, of Multnomah county R. It, MRItWOarU, uf Umatilla, oottnly, WASMKK. WAS I IKK. pany An Albany Chinaman, ugly and brown, Stood polishing shirts In his den down town With dangling pigtail and painstaking smirk, And here Is the song he sang at his work Halisonee Mo! ton, Olcmalgaiee. Chinee mane good man, Whisky flee. Eatee much rat soup, Nicee puppee, Velly cheapee livee, We Chinee. Halisonee Molton, Hip, Hipee 1 Chinee manee goal man, Ictoly I Whenee battle donee, We Chinee. Alice bloodee shirtee Quick washee. Suppose Cleveland had made use of the following in his message Many duties now collected ami which . m . t .. . .... I now collected and which im e but an insiff nincani return lor me lusi 1 of collection miirht be remitted to the di rect advantage of consumers at home. I would mention those articles which enter into manufactures of all sores. All duty paid upon such articles goes directly to the t of the article when manufactured hr and Ik naul bv the conumr. These duties not onlv cotne from the consumers at home.but act as a protection to foreign manufacturers of the same completed arti cles In our own and distant markets." Would not every republican In the land have charged hlm wllh being a freetradei ? Most certainly, for the language is stronger than any thing to be found in his message, but the above quotation is from President Grant's seventh annual message and not a republican In the land was so foolish as to call him a free trader. The Herald still refuses to commit itself on the subject of putting sacks and twine on the free list. Here the farmer is direct ly interested. The 40 percent duty on aacks and twine deprives him of ai least one cent on every bushel of grain shipped. The Herald is so bound down to its party platform, it is so radically partisan, that It does not dare to favor this removal of duty from sacks and twine although it would be of Immeasurable benefit to the farmers.and of little detriment to any one. The farm ersare now awaiting to hear from th Her idd Disseminator on this subject, but it is as one "brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth." Courage, neighbor. This hypocritical pretense of heimr the friend of the farmer will not n avail much longer. Th count v elections in Tennessee last Tuesday settled two questions. In every county party lines were closely drawn, and the contest was hot, because it was known that on the result of these elections would hinire the result of the legislative, state - mw and national elections this year. The Re publicans made a desperate effort to capt uri th. oflSce of sheriff, as in Tennessee the sheriff appoints all election officers and ha. rnntml of the election machinery. But In vrv count v there were substantial Democratic gains. In many counties nmnrritlr sht-riff wra elected for the first tfme in 35 rear. In Davidson county which went Republican in 1886, the Dem ocratii had nearlv aooo majority. Shelby county, which once was close, went over whelmingly Democratic. The Capital Journal, a well edited, re spectable republican journal,in speaking on the tartf question says : "When Mr. Foster, the president of the American Tariff Association, wrote In a confidential circulsr recently about "frying the fat out of these wealthy manufacturers, ' whom he describes as "".he only persons who benefit by the tariff, ' he knew precise ly what he was talking about." So, he did. The matrftTlhurers, and not laborers, are the ones who receive the ben efits of high tariff. Were it not so they wou!d not spend their money so lavishly to prevent any reduction of the tariff. The Salem Statesman, though quite rad ical, has an editor who not only has the In telligence to understand the platform of his party, but the courage and condor to defend it. He says: "If the choice should have to be made of taking the tax off whisky or relinquishing a part of the protective du ties, then, we say, retain the duties for pro Srcdon." The Statesman deserves credit for this frankness honesty and consistency. That paper would do just what the repub lican platform pledges its party to do "the entire repeal of internal revenue rather than surrender any part of our protective system." In 1876 twenty -four days intervened be twe:n the nomination of Hay ch and the appearance of his ItUer of acceptance. Tllden tc ok thirty-seven days to write his letter. In 1880 Garfield's letter appeared thirty-five days after his nomination, and Hancock's thirty-seven days after the dem ocrats nominated hiir. Blaine's letter ap peared forty-three days after his nomina tion in 1884 and Cleveland's forty days after. It has now been seventy days since Prcwi dent Cleveland's nomination and fifty-one days since Harrison .was nominated. Mr. Harrison' Chicago speech of lat February is not quoted by republican or gans at this time, and I probably not one of those "apples in gold in picture of sil ver" to which the Lowell Courier (rep.) re fers. It was in this speech that he says : "I cannot find myself in full sympathy with this demand for cheaper coats, which seem to me necessarily to involve a cheap er man and woman under the coats-" A tatement that the Chicago Herald says "in IU frank brutalitv has been seldom equaled.' Four years ago,speaking of the presiden tial outlook.the Oregonian said : "Appear ances must undergo a great change if it, (the republican party ,)do not secure a more decisive victory than that of four years ago. Not a very good prophet then, and may not be now. Iruuer fcuUiiuiiiHlivil. N- ic is li:i' ui"' that tin regular urn rte lv 'r.iinii if usoi ars lor Mum ou.ry, whl taitm pto t ths Court IIuum in Alba iv. omiuorMil itfstnoon Wad- w.dv. Asaaat&hfa. 1888. ah tnhia de- Mirn. xannna ion :1 loee bo prrsei t ths oeginnug. L. M. Curl, Canity ?eboo! SupariatsodcLt liltAIN BAf.S. The grain bag 1 raffle on the TacllU coast last year amounted to 33,000.000 bags, and the indications now are that mora will be required for the wheat crop this season, the prospect for a largo witeni yield never was better. The entire bag capacity of the California Jute Mill com Is about 1 ,.'50,000 per year, unci not more than tin number can he proiiuccunv the double shift prison force at San Uuen tln. The ureat hulk of these iroods.or o tf 30,000,000 bags, comes to the coast from Calcutta. Portland Journal of Commerce. So, according to this statement which may be relied on, 33,500,000 of the sacks necessary to handle ihe farmers grain on the Pacific Coast this year comes from Cal cutta. The duty on these sacks is 40 per cent of their cost at place of purchase, that is.for every $100 worth of sacks Imported the importer has to pav $40 duty. This Is added to the price of the sacks when sold to the farmer. Then how much duty do the farmers of the Pacific Coast have to pay on the 33,500,000 sacks ? That depends upon their cost abroad. If thev cost 5 cent a piece the entire cost would be $1,635,000 and 40 per cent of this amount would be the duty or tax which the fanners would have to pay .which would be $650,000. l.ct fanners rctlcct what a burden this cnor mous tai is, and fhen say whether they would have a reduction of taiation or not V The Oregonian says a new postmaster hue been appointed for Oregon City. leaving O'Dcll, ol Salem.thc only republican post- I. nn..A !r Ut utntiv It tnitrht have "1 ,, , ..1.11 .(,.), i i.m ilil ii'im 111 anv uucu v paying or presidential post efflce has been removed la Ihis state since Cleveland be came president. He allowed every ooe to serve his term out. No republican presl tlnt would have such a broad ami liberal policv. The river and Itarbor bill became a law without the signature of President Clcvc- and. The President savs that it contained terns which he could not approve, et the bill a a whole was of such vast Importance to the country at lame that he would not be justified in vetoing It. Aa Ksplaaation. What Is this "nervous trouble" with whU-h no manv seem now to be atmctcd.' If vou will remember a few years ago the word malaria was comparatively unknown to-day it la aa common as anv word in the English language, vet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers In times past. 80 It Is with nervous diseases, a thev and malaria are Intended to cover what our grandfathers railed biliounc. and 1 1 arc caused by trouble-, that arise from a diseased condt tlon of the liver, which In performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel s com rtM..t m iuu it off through the system causing nervous troubles malaria, bilious fever. ec. tou who a.e sintering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Gteens Autrust Hotter, Its cures ore marvelous 11 Worth kaowlnx. - Mr. W. H. Morgan uiercbi.nt, Lak City, Fla. waa taken with a severe cold attended with a distressing coogh and running into consumption io Ita first Lagos. He tried many so called popular ,-,u.-h remmlirtcand ht-HlllV ro Worse Waa reduced lu fleah, had difficulty lu breathing and was unable to sleep, Ktosl y tried Dr. King's New Discovery ror i;cb i motion and found immwiiate relief.and after using about a half dozen bottle found himself wet! sou has bad do return of the -disease. No other lemedy ran show no grand a record of cures Ir King's New Discovery for Consumption Guaranteed to do Just what : claimed for It Trial bottle free at Foebay A Meaeu's Drug Ktor". Ueaw Her toaite. Mrs PhoAtM Chesluv. rMer4o:t, Clay Co., Iowa, twl'a th follwwin? remark able atory, the truth of which la Touched for b7 the ridnt of th town: "I in "3 yiara old, have ben Iron mVd with kid ney complaint and lameness for many yeara ; could not drew myself without help, row I am froe from a' I pln and soreness, and am able to do all mv owu housework. I owe my thanks to fClectrie Bitters for having renowad my youth.and removed completely all diKeaud pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at Foshay and Ma. son Drug Hior. A. J. ROSSITER, V. 3. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepare! to treat disaasts of all do mestlc an:mals ou actuntifi-! principle Residence and ofttce two Optra House. Albany, doors east of THE PLACE. By all mean cm! I nn 'arker Brothers, Strcttssor to John Fox, -r your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Tbeir goode are tbe'beat and thr ir pricea reaaonab!e. 0. K. Faint Shop. House and Carriage Painters. Decorators and Paper Hangers. Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALL9 & SALTMARSH. MACHINE OILS. The best varieties of inachtu oils to le bad are kopt by Ntewart A Ho, especially the kinds that have bmn thoroughly tcMe 1 by the Liuu county farmers. Prison guar an teed. THRESHERS AND ENGINES. Tbo celebrate 1 OultoM, MSDwrstors and .aw Wilis m-.uufaouirHi by ItiiHKtjll A Co of Mfssiium, Uafo, ars now soli by us. il v ere fa-t ttiklng tbe ed in the V i icy and ittVarteote givo asiisfaethiB. Hi kwaht t 'ox. BiNiEKS AND MOWERS. Farmer, remember tint we thii year bava th'i Otlrirne .stH Friri Hinders an! vtowerx. tho tronei, ligoeeiron aitbf and bent nH-1e irtsohino in tbe mn kef.. 00.11 give u J:ht a k-J tero. i ewvi5o end t'bsby a Utt'e l.e ler ; ' itn re OOlOe 'id UH be it i t).ty SrtiWiiiT A Sox, BINDING TWINE. We wart in tain seasin with 00,000 pounds of abi!utely pur.i nunilla bind in twine, wiiioh w will af- as low a fitce a tho quality of thu aiods will ad mil There is very little of Hie pure in ihe uiaikf.t, and a great deal of poo? twine is being offered at low prices. VVe would Le glad to Mil your orders for the best Stewart & Sox. m POWDER Absolutely Pure. mm K aXmn kSwu.stUssnaoi usou , Mtllion wlU tftS HtUlUUMM Ot WW ivmi., wnwr. Mapskatanei sXlMSSM mi, a puwpfca tf.. lts Wall-i Oregon State fail ! Annual Siata Fair will be held on the fair grounds near MinooiutiwtiH ....... 17T11 Of SEPTEMBER, And 6 ml inning one week, t aaii pre mluma to the amount of p. $ 1 5,000 Will 1 awarded for - Aurl -ultuial. meobanlcal and stock ex bits, works of art and fancy work and t trials of speed. The nremluma offered have been in creased in ftany caaea, ana new ciaasea have been added, no entry tee cuarvteu in division J, K. U and q. A msirnlflcent tie i ot norso euiereu, and mere win u puihii wu,ww. . nimr and trotting each day. T ha different transportation companies will make I (feral reduction In feree and SSll attention Is celled U the pre mi urns offered for county exhibit of grains, raaeee and fruit. Kmries will bo reee ved In ihe Seem tarv'a office In lm, begientng ix daya Iter, re the ffctr. su I "n ins istr Krouuiit from Friday before the fair. de .trtnif to exhibit lndilUn J. K, O. P and Q are requested to make thiir enlriee on Krl Uv and Matutusy iwm uw toHib'e. AM entries close ou Mt nday, s. pt. air I7th,at 7:3d p. ui. PRICES OF ADMISSION Coupon tlcke. for men (sU dsya) MM Coupon IMVM r wotmiii mj...i."w Day ticket for men Jjji Dey ticket for woBueo ; ' Tickets to tha grand stand at the race track for males over 12 eara i Indies to the grael stand free. Those desiring to purchase booths will apply to the Secretary. -Send bi the Secretary at Salem for a premlnmlM J, t. UKKOO, Secretary. EVERYBODY sr t il to it : t if ibf worid only knew of toe energy, grtt aod eoterpitae r it.- dtpMyt d io colUctittg such a tuagoifieetit dtrplay of staple and fancy gio iitm it a. Hid not I suii ii '1 We have tho largest, finest and tnnet com- fl. ' ': of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS . v. luowght into ti is city, and we are gdog to tell at pricea below any t li ng Met efufs (ffried in this place. You may think tbia a rath assertion ; but it j c vriil c .ll Mud extmtne the quality af our gocda end Get Our Prices ill 1.1 c l't we have not -1 l fliraAf on M'fySMlfi,: (in mia,' 'J p Oii s .1 .i" ot "iin uj f , d our c nuns id of icsdy oai-b baa enabled us to i!!v ' nr go1 d ri' knldy aheap, gttifig thr benefit cf all discounts and .re kt, j.i:icut' toi in a isiiii;n abere we can diotste to tht-m and not they to as, iiM-! j HtWwyi! gt llitig the j BEST AND FRESHEST ni.d never !!oing our good to gr, 0 pioti . There re the tcisona why we a lot jmi'i m healthy nude. Wel plete I. D oi Crockery and Glass Ware fbeae -h ttiui nn we b uglil direct fiou IC intern factories, thus h' iiioee sh) d'jwn. Thefee yooda have to lie seen F 'uierH baii il 'induce 'o fceil will at all times teoeivathe top at the ma fee fur good prodnce, and fmit ptrobsg is earneBtly solicited. T- ese faoti sre WORTH LISTENING TO x .... 1 i. I ., ei tioii. Wh have ibeMuttbo" Htctk, more K.,,,r, ,.j 1 1 ktod in Albany, nd piioes il wt beat tbem nil W ALLaGE k THOMPSON Ftrn new Block, Albay, Oregon Mllll I take pleasure in announcing that I have re moved my old Store TO MY STEW BUILDING, On the corner of First and Broadalbin Streets. Thanking my customers for the liberal patron age they have bestowed on me in tho past I trust that with INCREASED FACILITIES and a large anoe of it in Notice of Final Settlement. U At Co Couti of tkt 8tnU of Oreem or j Linn county. In th. matter of the eaUU of Georfa A. it. it j i NotiosU hereby CWee thai tke nedsr. ignsd. miaistrator of the sbovs earned I as. .... . iu w..a..l uMut therein with . - . . LJ wwrti the clerk of sard eearx, T-' tmm straar. e - At one o'clock in tke af ten at the county jadgs is the at tke ofltoe so A I 1 V . A.. i) , frrvw, awe i - p ' Aa ik Mttlssaent of see i St S V" - Jerr Mvaaa, Kv r tbirg Uoiht aad sokl at M Kraok n k Co s aeeesd band etor, Albaey, Or. WONDERS ove -estimated ourselves. Remember fiL 1.. i . I . sliJL. s m-mi umv uauue, iflCrOOV BftVlOfir ftil ,a lf aorn aod -tIe wnitirj for b;g a id ahv we er - mi d site your pstronuge .'J. I ...I. ... , .... .L. i l. 1 " v iu vui h 1 1. k h run nti c 11 - curing the., to be appiecixted Mi Notice of Removal. experience I may merit the future. Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS! Firsi-claaa goods at Vrttom prtcet ta at my store in thia ctt liugbt at Ba General Merchandise eonaisliog of dteae goodr', gcola furuiabiuij g'lO'la, clotbiug, etc , AT COST. ily 5, 10, I ft aod 2ft cent counters also contaio roanj artio'ei srrth eatu intog Cash or goods will be iU for 6. JULIUS JOSEPH, w Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.gsra, Plug annSntok iug Tobaccos. erachaum and Briar Pipes, and a line of Smokers' Aril,, Also dealer CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, Nsxt d r to Barkhrv k Ko j my MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHH A. 0S1WF0RD, Proplretor. WILL furnlh hacks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rates of storage. Tbe highest market price paid for same. Best Magnolia flour always on hsnd,for sale or exebsnge at reasonable rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. H. J. MiMTHosN. Prss. B. B. Coos, Sic C. B. Moursi Trosi 8. Kashas, Vice Pre. rheOregon Land Company Orinlsl for the purpose of buylujr snd Mlllne reil ssutu, sdvrrtislnK the Will iwetto Vsltey in all of the leultng iiewppen of the UnttU 8tAte. Employ tag BssSSTB Sfsais to Ulrvct home ssekert to the Willam ette Valley, snd h me AyenU In all the prlucial towna of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill coiintloe to aid in locating inimitrranU. Office In ths Tate Uuildinjr one door wett of Btvw- art A Sox's, HUDSON A DICKINSON, Mlia','rr. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before you start your mower, binder or threshing outfit oouie to our otore and aet your hu plies. We keep almost anything yau will need, and at prices you will be satisfied with, Htkwaht & box. Assessor's Notice. Notice is hereby civen that the Board of Equalisation will attead at the effice of the County Clerk in Linn county, Oregon, on Monday the 5f7th dty ot August, a. u.,isa, and publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors either In valuation, desoi iption or qnalities of lands, lots or other Propwty- P. M. Smitu, County Assessor. Ce Je DILLON WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE, a continu- wha. tl.e pablic want. These 1 Lata ki o,,t sil-i I can adl my atock of ail kind of country produce. W. Albau), 0reg..3. full Albany, Oregon. e f 2 o a 8 i CO CO CO HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINGLL HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, ane' .ven thing usually kept in a first-class sh- p Repairing carefully and promptly E. L. PI) WEE, Frapf, Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed was by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, on U 80th day of July, 1888, dulv appointed Administrator ef the estate of Simeon W, Ryeraon, deeeased. All person" having claims agsdnat the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to present tbem withiu six months from this date, properly verified to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon, XUls 3"tti day of July, 1888, P. P. Mason, Administrator of ."-aid estate. Boarding County Poor. Notice is hereby given that at the next re gu ar term of the County Commissioners Court for Linn county, Oregon, to be held at tbe Court House iu the city of Albany on Wd- esday the 5th day of September, 1888, sesl d bids will be received for boarding, lodging snd washing for the county poor for the en duing year. All bids must be hied with the Clerk ou or before one o'clock p. m. ef the above mentioned day. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done by order of the Court this 9th day of August, 1888. E. E. Montague, County Clerk. Notica of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the under- iicucd, administrator of the estate of Sam ueiT. Harris, deceased, has filed his final account with the clerk of the county couit for Linn county, Oregon, and the county ocurt has fixed tbe Sih Day of September, 1888, At the hour of one o'cl ck p. M., of said day to hear objections to the final account it say, and to settle said estate. J. H. PtXRY, Administrator. GOOD NEWS. New Goods AT- L MENS, YOUTHS' AND BOYS LO LARGE STOCK, LATEST STYLES. Enapp, Surrell & Company, Have In stock s complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ' of every description including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and .McCormick, Mowers and Binders, Hollings wortli and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, 1 Lawn Mowers, Etc. also s full line of first -class mm CARRIAGES, RUCC1ES.HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call aad examine tbe aoodi and eat osUloarue of orioci. 'vhih -. . Fa Uf. R0SC0E, Manager, TBS COW BEARD. TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE DwiGhTs Cow-Brand SodaSaleratus, ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be sura tost there ta s picture of s Cam ou your packago and you vQl have toe best Soda made. THE COW BRAKE. FURNITURE. o u want tbe best anl mont durab 1 o furniletht it msisufacUucd in thecity go to Thomas Brink. He keeps almost everything in tbe line of ii wn in mi BsssssissssiniwTniTMnni SPRINGFIELD SPRI NGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Ofllee on Rail tread HUt between 4th and 5th Strce t Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for the ! prompt aod satisfactory filling or orders, I respectfully solicit a share of the trade. 4 L BLAIN'S. THING. MAKE SALERATUsxJ furniture that ii kept iu a n!j&.class hous tu snwnsswiinrismrsi BssBsssssBsiwssssasssBssBMMM SAW JjIj. M A. Wheeler. I