Lu.iss.mi .V"S.-.-af Conrad Meyer ,-PROPRlKTOR 0V" STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8t8 DEALER IN Causae Frnita. GlMSWArc, farted FralU, Tobitceo, i'MBBfl Jtf esiita, Vegetables). Cigar, Spices, Test, Mm , Kir,, In feet everything that Is kept In a gen ral variety and grocery More. Highest market prioe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Win. Fortmillei, -FUNERIL DIRECTOR. Praaipii Ittantion-First-alasa Hearae W After bulns hur call at residence o rnr Kifth an 1 Riker street. iE YAQUINA KOUTE. Orajos PacIAs Kailroad go Ojvjtopn nt Crcp any 'a Sle.iu ahip Line 225 MILES SH0STit. 20 HOURS LESS TIME (haa by any other route. flrat-olae throug'i pa -earn tr aud freight line from Portland and alt polula in the Willamette Valley to an I from Praaeleoo, Cel. Wiilametta Rivar Lin 3 of Steamers. The "Win. M. Uoag." Tha -'N. M, Beat ley," Tne "Three Staters" are to aarvlue lor both paaeengsr and freh(hl iraiUo be tween Corvellle and Portland ud inedlate oo.uU, leaving Company ' whatf, Corvallis, an 1 .VIera. fctuiinAO A Co'e wharf, No. : an I 'AM r'rout Si., foit land, three Mine a wtk an fallow. : Nouru nutNu. L4WaCorrailb, Mou ,Wu. ana f'ndajr, u.oa, M. Uava AJkaay, Id. Wo. ami Prklay. U.oj .w,u Arnve PurUauil, let , Tba, atrl SaIudU... .. 3- P. M. SOUTH UUOu. Laava I" .rUaitd, Mou., Wai. aad PrkiAy, a.M A. M. L4Mva Aiaany, i'oa, Tour. aaV ljlaraj, i:a y. ii. ArrlvaCvaAlk.Tua.. Ihu. ih! SBSSeSSa. P.M. Uoata wake cloav muuuCUuu ai .klomuy 4uu uams of Uas Orgou fa lb.! rtailroaAi. gtMgjJail ULE tSSSMl kjr'a AlbAti, !.. r. , Um' Vi.mi4, S:4vA,a. lata C-aiI.. i.lir.i uja or. Ii4, 10:3.. a.m. .rr..i Va.U1ia, j JU f. vr..' viDAnji, ll.lU A. V, ) . C 14-U44 ujauox. ac AiOAiiy and C .rvali.. I'tie aoovw tfAlun cjjiio l AC iT.4Aiuw4a IUj ' ' -; '-i i ..) .,. .i !i c ' .1,' ...... i ' i-Mi:,.i lx. WOfTl V'4V i. ia Ait I -stu praujtacj. a tlLlXti DATES . .Villi. r-. i ai laA en. u . U vfiii uuu Van , V... i .1 ... Vain I , A 4 rfio. A I, I ! ' li Alklbl V.l,. 4u:m ik A li ul UUj AUifust x4tb I i 0 intKu .rire .tie right. .to 1 i to lilaa WilUOU. uj.I.u obauv i'A.s.ii.-4 .ro u f.4.iiu and Vi.i t ii .. .- ley p t u .i i.J l.v. - lore con tjcu u iiu ..i ul in i aquua rou.j-t A.tfMi ui v.i. . . -, .... i it U Un jj i -u vVauoi i uouivi aaMOgki to arr.-. - m. t tatii.. iim o.ii rj Uate faaktjg. forln'.r n.;i.. v,j ' " -f fc. Kraiht and Hcat A;j M, Aiavi , i -J U 4mU, Jr., O. If. A P. Aft,, U.-jrfvj aj.w uj .i M 1 jljBttfmary . Saa rr i i- , Ctl, V., A. U. K . and r. AffMl, ra.i i'cittc K H Co. CorraJlM, Or. Sjjtoa FaUilJ Jojipany'8 Line. Tits r. an it i steura. o I4iml'u lljt'jf ill Sl( .isiMyg n.i-1 uUroXtli WIM 1. U44 14ILT. . w r. a. Laai h Arriva . lv:4U a a L4tr I 7.i a a I :3o r a I Lmvi ai a u I Ar.w aaii AJOmi r aiMU, l tcAU rAaauoa i SSAI aAibr , ,h 4'jmUy). j.vj a a Laa i:Wr4 Laava ...or a i Arnva I'..rtiau4 A:cv I 3:45 r M Aib4it Uav 11.3.-. a M L.ta UWll UKAt. rAAaaota raAi.ta umv, avasAr. r a I L Alb 1 LOi.i i.i A.omi AfflVrf i:4J a a ,;a a a a ... . f a I v 1 1. UJtir i iMtAv I -J"i c a I Arnva u v. I tun -Ja.L4i JJrVif SUcPi. Tjarui Jiidia wars . i i . . Ail M ,i ,l .11 . i -cia lA44ee xv .i i ;. i.. i .. i. II a it. ran i uoi' i t,t Uf.) 'Ill 1 L ; i.i 4 I Az-r.d '.i.i 0 ."ii. Arrive I V. I . r a Lutvii I 1:3- a K4IH l li 1 1 aili, (tjj. iJ ili.-. i:ir a I I- 4 P inln 1 gOftn miia A -rive 'J.O I A M 6.46 A M Arrra : V ai. ill O-irvailU uj.'iaot with trAlna of Ue " '- :ift - H-iilr - l r .r ( 1 1 i if i -4i i-.; , i rart'Hij r.ive, m.,., ave., .i i k) .:n,A:iy'4 A-alit. K KOEHLKK. . P. KOUEKS, Mm;-.. A-.' U. F. all I P. Ay Red CrownMills ISOJ1, LANMNii & )., PROPR'S. MEW PliOCIbW fUUK HUPKRIOR fUR FAMT'-IBS A SO RAKKHH DSS, Hiirhest Price in Cash ill Wheat FOR SALE. 1 1 v ery low rates. Lumtor, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. 'all ff pfiw4 ii. yirl . jRh St,. t is east ot i J. t CI awttehj W. Wff CROWDER. Pali'ice VI eat Market. J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will kmp iHitiataiitly on hand beaf, mutton, pork, veal, ausKe, etc.. the best meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat atock. '"11 BemkLjZew Do You Want Fttrniture ? if Yotr doqo'to Woodin & Willaid. where you will Ami the heat make and finest nSlabed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alto a fl no line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different stylis of Mouldings. 'Picture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albauy. Prl rJasouab.e First National Bank OF AMI 11. OREGON. Preal.lont .. J vi i. H. K. 1H fit! lfiT oSR k. CUAMRKRbAlN TRANSACTS A GRNKltALbankms biteln ACCOUNTS KKIT ttbieot to a hock. nnuT VYi'iliNOR unl l.ltrrai.hli! trnlr. eul on Nw York, Sen TMcmr., u'r' WCOLUBCTIONS MADE on favorable tenus. b... .......... i ...- MMNeA B YM-aa, Oao BCaAMaNi.i E Buaw. . L. rua, Waltbm E Tvnaauu, 4. L Linn unty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., fruooaar to Cowan A Cuakk.) 0 ALBANY - - - OREGON. TitANgACTSaranarml banklnu' UuMaeaj. DRAWSUltr litvrr.-la Raw York 8a, ' otacoan t rtld, Orar" LOAN MO KEY on apfwvyad aaswRy RKrEIVE.IoiiubJao'. to ehaoR. COLLBCrrtm V.rotol w a will rajatva praaaa H. F. MERRILL, AIBANY. - UKtUUN. CI! Atn.u on No York. r rAiic.wjo i.n Po.-Uaml. Buv nota. SIVa. 1U- oalva aoU rabjaot to . latoraat allowad on Ubm dex4iUl. Collection will raoaWa pnxnpt atlrntion. - 1 - - - rtraawl awlaa in oi ran 00 1aoo 1 hi coot- Iwasn hum 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. The BUY EHtJ' GUIDE la iaauod March and Bept., i each Tear. It la an eney clopodia ot uaoful infor. 'matioa lor all wno pur ohaao the luxuries or tne neeeeatties of life. Wa oan cloth o you and furmab you with all tho neeiaaitry ani unnoccaaary uppliancea to ride, walk, danco, aleep, oat, flab, hunt, work, go to church, or ta7 at home, and in various tisca. atylea and quantltiea. Just figure out what la required to do all tbeae thlnga COKrORTAILI. and you can make a (air intimate of tho velua of th BUYEBb OUIDE, which will be eeut upon receipt of 10 ante to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan A vonue, Chicago, 111. PATENTS oUlnaJ, an4 ail othrr ba.4iiM. In lit L' vx Atu;ultaad to lor nMlerat to. e I'M., irw L'. . PatM.i uawi, 4 -'can ohui-, PatciiU lew Uinc than ll.u. NBMS f'Ut WAakinton. aeaJ okkIio orOrawliu. W ar- w tcnt ability frue of eastge .nJ mka o ebwjjr usi-m wa obtain patcut. Wa refer bare, to tba IV.. niaaer, lh u.v. ot Msaay Order Dir. mud u ..rriA-a ef UmC. K. PAtvnt Office. K..r . irtulr, aovu ten., an I atatxiHwa o actual clleota In ytntruwn SUta ot county. adkJraa .4. siov &vo.9 OIMMUta Pal en I ttiSoa. ! MRS. li. dYHVN, next eaV. of S. il. YtiOmtf AtbMty,f Catting ani Fistiug a Miilitj. STAMP! C OUmTS, AMJ STAVl ING DONE TO URGEA. LESSONS IN PAINTING', Wednesdays and Thnrdys of esjel week, and piotui; d betudes i plaques and o:hwr m M; m: Nla atior: r oand. n i. UNlVERSITk' OF OliSGON. EUGENE CITY. Next leteion begina on Monday the 17th of September, lstbj. free ". n;Mlp from every county m the Kute. A p ly to your Cout.ty Hup -rlntendent Pour courses : llaaeical, MeteM fie. Literary and a short Eng'Uli ( u--c in which Usteej is no Itin, Greeh, freawih or Herman. Tbs English ta pru-eminei.tly a limine a Oourko. For rata bt nee or other infoi mat Ion, sddres J. W. JOH xr-dN, t'.e.lii'-i t. rEACHi-as . ho a lh to c rc Ural j. radc certificate should send for N rmal Quektion Book which contain at it oropage of question and coiplete an -wcr. I'rke. $1.50 Ad drea Prof. A. B. hlldefS, Brwnylll(uO ShpHff's Sale. In tlie Circuit Court oj tfu StuU 0 Ornjon for Linn Cunnlij The AmerleAii Mortgage Coniimny of Hootland, Limited, PI'.intlrT. W B Qllaon, l efendant NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of ao execution and order of aale is sued out of the above named Court in tho above entitled suit, 1 will on Malarday the lt day ot September, 1SHH, at tbe Court 11 0110 door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, iregon, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. in., 1 1 at public auction lor caab In hand to the high- at bidder the teal property deacritied in aid execution and order of sale as follow, to - wit : The undivided on fourth of tho following lands, to-wit : A portion of tLn Donation Land Claim of Allen Parker, Notification 2312. Claim 37, Townahlp 12, aoulb of Kange 2 west of tbe Willamette meridian, commencing at tbe north weat corner ol said claim, running tlienco eat 40 45-100 chains , thence ao'iih 3i 31-100 chains; thence west 1 74100 chain - ; thence aoulb 17 0 100 chain t thence weat 38 8 100 chains'; th'-i ? north 5 27 I' O obatna to tbe plsco cf bjginniug, containing 200 acres. Abo commencing at tbe tiorth woat corner of said land claim lstt men tioned, Not. 2312) running ttienro wet 70 rods ; rod ; tiieuce eait 70 m is ; thence 111. rth -08 rod to the place 'f be ginning, containing 3' seres, tlsoc-m- meneing at tbe auuibeatt eorDorofH. M, Ptmnington'a donation land claim, No. 67 ; thence east 118 rods; t'mnco mouth 51 24-100 rods; tbeuct wnt 118 rode; thence noith 54 24-100 rod to the place of beginning, containing 40 acret ; together with ail and singular tho leuemetua, bereditsinenta, appurtencex thejreto be longing or in any wise apt eriaihirig, sil situated in Linn county, Oregon. Tne proceed arietng from (he ale of erfid rt ai property to be applied : Finst lo tho coHta and disbursements of aa'd' ui taxed at 1376 98-100, and accruing co-its. Second to the pat mcnt to tho Plaintiff, Tho Ameri can Mortgage Company uf Si-otiand, limit, ed, tbe euiu of' S1702.05, with aooroihg interest 1 hereon at the reief lOpirct ut per annum from the 2nth diy .f Jury, I8fc8 liiirti, the ovorplti-If any ilu-rebt lo he pild to 'he le!l inltni, W . ii. Uilhon or Uin legal repreeeutntivts. Data! July 3'Jih, 1888 J.iu.n Smalm an, By D, f. Smith, ftherlfj. Deputy, fhc $cmortat FFICUL ! and APER. JACOBS OH FOR HORSEMEN. Sold by Dnuoiti and uw The Cbartaa A. Yoga tar Co.. Uatt o., MA C. L. BLACKMAN, Smectsaor to E. W. Lmmgtfo. DBkLBK IS DRUGS, MEDICINES, q 'H E I I O LS, BR JSMfiwi 8OAP8. COMBS. and everything- kept In a rlret olaa limn Store. Alaoaftus ib?k of pianos sad organa. ALBANY. IlKKWPn. JOHN BRICC8, FLORIST, ALBANY OREC Kiisks a Specialty. Cctmetory Iota pltnted and attended la The treatment of many r.r nose eaawajM Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.. dad a waat mnmmnnm m ntoatv actont. lag and thoroughly tenting- remedk for the cure of WMnan'a peculiar maladlea. Dr. rieree'e Favorite rreaerlptlon ia toe omgrowia, or reauic. ot row great vaiuaoie exi Tnouaanw r reoatvrd from patient and from pawaV who have , taaSedlTta the more jam- tb lr akill. prove It to be the most womfc-rf til rvraedy ever devlaotl for the rcll.-f n d cure of auffpiing woasass. It la not rvcotnm-nfet as a "cur. -all." hot as a moat perfect tfpectfle for woman a peculiar aiiriK-nia. Ae powerful, latvlgorsttlng tonle, it imparts atieogth to (be whole system. and to the womb and lu aajm uUagea to Mvtlmta In. i ... I. m A ' ..... trun-Oown.M debillMUVed teacb-rs. milllin rs. aiiop-tTlrU," bouao- keepers, nursing mtrthera. nnl Uvttki w PS? ly. Ur. Pierces fravortte Pn-ae avorite Prescript it n Hii). la-lna- tiii.-'iualtHl earuuy noon, u-ina unequ r cordial and rcwtoratin- ionic. ntftlnc aud flrriiBibrnltia nervine, MFavortte Prescrlotioo " Is tm- nuajeu ana mvaiuanin m ausymg and til aS amag nervous esciutbiuty, irritaWlity, ex haustion, proetratioa, hysteria. irn and other distressing, nervous symptoms eosa mooJy attendant upon fuucUonal and organ ic disease of the womb. It induce refrestung steep and relieves mental anxiety and de eKnil-nf"y. Ar. Pfereee Favorite Prescription ta m legitimate aaedlelne, earefully skillful ada to woman 'a Oltoalat It Is purely vercUble in its Eld lxrfectiv harailnH lu Ita In anv condition of the avaien. Var roornina sJckniwa or nansea. from whafawer cause arising, weak stomach. Indigestion, dya. pr-psla and kindred syniptoma, IU use. In small Skes, will prove v-ry beneflrlal. Favorite Prescription is a peal, five cure for tho moat complicated snd ob stinate cases of Icucorrhca, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, female weaknesa," antevermon. retrov.-raion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of tbe womb, in flammation, pain and tcnd.'rri-ss In ovaries, accompanied with " Internal beat." ' An a regulator and promoter of fun, tion.ii mMmLsr that erltleal period oi chiinra from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Hre scription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is equally cfBcaclous and vulunblo In ita effects when taken for those disorders and derange, menta incident to that later and most critical SSjrioa, known sa " The Chancre of Life." Favorite Prescription.' when takee In connection with tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doaes of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pelk t Little Liver Pllta) cures Liver. Kidney and tl'.adder dtoeases. Tliclr combined use also removoa blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humor from the system. "JPAVOPlte I'rcacrlpuon" is tho only medicine for women, sold by dmgirista, under a positive go.-truutee, from tbe menu fscturers, that It will give sullfllactlon In every or money will tm rerundtHl. Tbia guaran- IO lj---ri erinLr-d on llm hf41la.mnna. ana laitnruiiy carried out for many veatw. t . 1 . 1. a . . 1 ' 1'ZZa m I S tor larjr lllustrateil Treotlseon Dlseaacsof World's Dispensary Medical association, 603 Main SL, BUFFALO, If. F. 0. O 0HCBRT, O.K.PVRBK8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, ttaohiaists, Millwrights, and Iror Fonnders. w K are now oomplete'y prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana urass Castings. PATTKBJtg MADE OM AHOBT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Andrews & Hackteman, W.LDOUGLAS; $3.00 SHOE WARRANTED SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - OREGON 3 .JO : ? x i t! im is I & Iv g g H S " I A 5 Ja n aUmenta Peculiar to female Hotel and Sunrical Iamm ci awar ism -jc mmm jmm "S " VTBSPaHi -w SSBBBBW up 4 4rv a I V I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS sn-ki Notorlty. Sam PsANcisto, Aug. a.-Alexander (iohlrnaon.thr notetl umrderer comlemneil to hang September 14, declared to-day he will est no more foodtuttil the dav he die. ie ioiu tne jsusr : -you need not bring any more fooil here, becsuae I won't tourh t. Dr. Tanner fitted fort v dn vs. I've eot orty dsy to live and I don t see why I ahould not do the name. Why khould 1 cat anvhow t What uood U It aoinit to ilo me ? It will not lenuthen mv life an hour. 1 nave tnnue up mv inltul and that In all there n about it." A Rig Storm . MiNNKAPoi.ia, Aug., a. Specials from SL Cloud und Sauk Rspida,. Minn., nUtc that a moil terrific thunder ktorm occurred lat night, and torrent of rain fell from M. until 4 this morning. The water In the MlsaUalppI river roae feat, and In the LI. M I A. I I . . . . m si. wiouh uni eiuni ieet. Many houe were atruek by lightning, but fortunately there was no loaa o! life and notlrck. Whole nelda of wheat are under water and wah rd out. Two neraona were atruek bv llirht nlng at Sauk Raplda. put recovered. Many Itonaca are flooded, arid can only tie reached dy lioats The damage will be many tfcOSM nnu of tlollsrs. I hree paftaeuger train on inc Maimona maa m the yard ut St. Cloud una on io proceed. H-O-T. St. Louia, Aug. i. At o'clock thU afternoon an electric torm ct In, and re port at police headquarter to-night thow that conalderable damage wa done In the aouthwetern aecllou otthe city. The flag Htaff on the Southern liotel was struck by lightning, csuaing great alarm smong the gucat and attachea of the hotel. At Lafay. ettc park, Joalln Gardner, park policeman, waa atruek and Inatanlly killed hy lightn ing. To-day was the botteat of the eson. While the othcial hgurc arc given at oS ucgrcea, atreet reading have ranged above too. There have been twenty-five pros tration by heat, Ave of them fatal. Wali.a Walla, Aug. i. Beginning Au- guat 1 7, the .c m I -centennial celebration of the organisation of the flrat Presbyterian church of Oregon territory will be netd In thl city, continuing three day. The flrt Preabyterlsn church of Oregon territory waa organ laed at Wallatpu, Augut i V iH.tA, with Rev. II. If - Spauldlng paator and Ir. Marcua Whitman prealdlng elder. Kate of a Btaekaudler. San Fkancihco, Aug. 3.-8 Eisfelder, manager of a weekly paper called the En '""". entered the private office of ex Senator J .unen G. Fair In the Nevada bank building thl afternoon, and told the Sena tor he had prepared an article reflecting greatly upon the Senator's private chat set er.and which he sld he proposed to publlah in hi paper unlea given $5000 for it up preion. The Senator did tot atop to con ider the propmltion, but struck the black mailer s powerful Mow and knocked him down in a corner. Eiaf elder made an at tempt to draw a revolver but the Senator returned the attack and the man made a hat v exlt.paaaing through a room In which there were a r umber ol clerk, who alo forcibly alted him to tite atreet. ThirO-m People Kurnnl Nr.w York, Aug. 3.Thlrteen people I were burned to ueath In a lx-tory brick I building, In the rear of 197 Bowery, thl I afternoon, and tlx more burned ao badly 1 thjl Ihov u lit .11.. .......... ...I to art'juk hopttala. The houac waa m ramahackte-a0air, hidden In the middle of a biock.andAtheonly entrance waa a narrow alley from the Bowery. (wsriag to Uregoe. Sav isco. Aug. 3Joe IIcAlHIIc, champion heavyweight pugilist of the coaat.and severai other well known ftirht era, leave the city shortly to make a tour of tbe Mate snd Oregon. They will give sn exhibition here Saturday, August nth, and McAuliffe makes sn offer of $100 to any man ho will aUnd up before him for lour rounds. Were Ktorsta. Chicago, Aug. 3 --A storm which paaa- eJ over lle city thl evening was the sever est of thestsaon. Numerous trees on the boulevard were blown down, but no seri ous damage was done In 'the city proper. In the outhwetera suburbs the hsvoc was greater. A bam at the lock yard wa struck by lightning snd set on fire, and 30 bones were burned ; lo $150100. A rumor was afloat that a pleasure yacht had been lost in the lake off Hyde park, but the report could not nc verified The Laallc atreet tunnel under hicago hi led with water to the tiepth of alx feet. Travel wa Impeded un tli the water wa pumped out. Ii Lake view a boy was struck by lightning and In stantly killed. Two home were also atruek by lightning and demolished. Tsfg Lost Kopmu. Recently the Dkmo l-rat mentioned the finding of J. E. Grang er, who mysteriously disappeared from Brownsville several years ago, is in Seattle, where he is attending to hi business of house moving. The Brownsville corrcs pondent of tht Lebanon paper gives the following history of tbe case : "In the spring of 1804 J. E. Granger, a contractor, house mover and carpenter, was for the titneeftidtng with and on the farm of D. P. Dcpcw, located in the hilla near Oak Creek. Mr. Grenger wa about to purchase the farm of D. P. Dcpcw, having it ia atat ed paid a certain amount uf money down and giving a mortgage for the ha'ance, af ter which he departed for Albany, where he remained a number of day, eventually returning to the Dcpcw farm, and com plaining of ill health he remained for aome daya, principally In the room he occupied, being cared for by the family. On the day of his disappearance he arose at a late hour and declining breakfast started from the house, stating that he intended paying a visit to some near neighbors. Neighbor and friends organized searching parties and the hiiia and ravines were thoroughly searched, it being surmised by some that being In poor health the missing man had wandered away ami perished In the wood others had no hesitancy in giving their he- iiei mat inurucr nao neen committed ami the body hidden away in some ravine or patch of dense brush surrounding the farm. All search and inquiry was futile and no trace of the missing man could be obtained, and the case was given up us one of those mysterious events which time oniy can solve." Reaciiet) Heaven.- At the summit of theS'skiyous is a long tunnel through which the regular train daily passes. This shaft through the mountain top happens to cross the line between Oregon and Califor nia, so that a person in traveling from that State to this, enters the tunnel in California and leaves it in Oregon. Last week when the weather waa so hot in our sister State that the thermometer, at midnight, stood at too In Sacramento and was ten degrees higher at mid-day and every one was suf fering from the oppressive heat, our train suddenly dashed from that tropical region into the tunnel we have describcd,and when it came out into the cool shade on the Ore gon iue of the mountain, an enthusiastic excursionist burst forth "out of California through the dark portal into Heaven." The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Ail we ask of excursionists is to yisit Ore gon and California both when they come west. Review. Two Ribs Broken. On Monday last Mr. Vinson waa driving some cattle along the road his hotae stumbled and fell, throwing birn 011 a small stump, striking him in the eft side aud fracturing two ribs. Dr. Lam berson was called and attended to his injur ies. The old gentleman is some 83 years of age and a good citizen, and we deplore this accident to him. Bxprcin. . TKMPRUANCK COLUMN. EuMtwl sy Albany W. 0. T, U. IS IT RKIKT? I it right t build churches to aava mru, and at thaaatna timo liaennK ahnp tli '. ih- troy thsm? Is it right to tiokiisa a man to awlt that which will make a man drunk, and than pun ah the man for beiog drunk? Is it right to iieeuae a man tu make pau per, and than tax sober men to take ears of them? la it right to llcenao n aloon to teach vice, and then tax people for school1 to tesoh vir- tura? Ia it right to derive s itvtaue tut f trallio which no decent ntsn dafundt? Is It right to teach your boy not to drink ami then vote to license a piece whnrti ha may ha taught to driok? Ia it right to taaeh your boy In he nonfat, and then vote to license a place where ho may be taught to gamble? Is it right to teach a boy to restrain his passioas, and then vote to lieente a place wh ere his went paaaioua will be inflametl? Is it right to tske cats of your own hoy, and vote to licenae a place which will ruio your neighbor's boy? Ia it right to preach joatiue sud charity, aad thee, vote to licenae a thing which rohg the wMowe and orphana or their bresoT (Joveruor Martir, ot Kanaka, recently pat doned s priooer in that atete upon the onn dition that he will f never abatajn from the ass of intoxicating liquors. ( loveroor l'en noyer vould be vt t d a tit aobjeet fir the in aaoe aaylum if he ah tuld dare to do auuh an set in Oregon. The Union iynol makea the following comment: "There are aaven preaideutiaT ticksts in the field.'' "There was an old woman who lived ia a shoe, ahe had ao many children ahe didn't know what to do." 'es, verily! At the risk of being charged nU tliird- part .late, we VSO tare to give two defined position. The republican platform aaya: "I he lirt concern of ail good government w the virtue and aehrtety of the people snd the purity of tba home. The republican par ty cordially sympathises with all wise snd well dirccten efforts for the promotion of lemperabce and morality. ins fallowing was unssimoualy adopted by the ..National i-uiuor lisalsraJtsaoeiatton : Resolved: That wa are in fyor ef both puhho snd private morality and good order and popular education. Kesslyod: That we taoit earnestly fsvot temperance and most atrongly oondemn in tern peranoe. We recognise aad admit the evils that result from the abuse of all kinds of 1 1 1 uora. and condemn in tba trongat terms evary plsee, hy whatever name known, that encourages or permits bis abuse. VV huh is the stronger? Hotaa BuR.san at Sc id. From Mr. Daly, who arrived In the city last Friday we learn the particular of the burning of the residence of Dr. J. L. Martin, of Scio About eyotocfc Wednesday evening Mr Dsly vsa going home when be dlov crcdafircln Dr Martin's abed. Tbe resi dence wa located on the east side of Thomas creek, and Mr. Daly wa on the opposite side. He gave the alarm, which was promply responded to hy the fire men. The lose, when laid, proved to be fifty feet too short. Then it was attached directly to the Mill hydrant and a man warn the creek with it, but the boc came apart in the middle of the stream. A stream was finally obtained in time to save the doctor' bam ; but the house was en tirely consumed with a small part of the doctor's furniture, together with some be longing bo Prof. Ionsway, which had been stored there. Had the hoc been long enough the house could have been saved. Theloa wa about $1100. The house, which wa one of the best in the city, was worth $900 or $lOart, and the furniture lot, about )ioo. There was no insurance car ried. Cheap Transportation. A case re cently occurred in thi city that would have been very promptly investigated by the Portland Sunday papers, and colored until you cou drt't see the beck ground. A man, wifeand three children came to this city, tented a house and the man aent to work at good wage. One day the husband ClRlrneJ to be jealou ; he said another man was Interfering with hi family affairs. His wife became mUsing, but was prompt ly hunted up by the husband and taken home. Then one dav the husband failed to appear. He hsd tied leaving his wife and children without a cent, where no one knew. Several philanthropic people tcok up a subscription, raised a nice sum of money and sent the woman, children and effects to Portland, where it is now suspect ed, the husband waa awaiting her and they are probably living together in that city. Some think it was juat a ruse to obtain cheaptransportntion rates. The Scio Branch. The citizens of Scio held their adjourned railroad meeting the Jirst of laat week and made a formal contract with the Oregonian Railroad Co. for the building of a branch tb that city. The attendance was large. The esUtmatcd cost of the road wa given as $1700. Dur ing the meeting $1200 wa raised and the balance ha lnce been subscribed to within a few dollar. Ed Goins put his name down for $300 5 Hon WH Ham Cvrus, $100 ; Peter Smith, $100 ; Peter Bilyeu. $100 ; D Meyers, $100, and others In smailcramount. Bid. were im mediately advertised for for doing the grad ing, furnishing and laving the ties and building the bridge, either separately or all together. Blooded Stock. Dr. G. W. Gray, of thia city, is also becoming interested in blooded cows. A few days ago he pur chased of Mr. L Elder, who recently arrived here from Ohio with a car load of Short Horn, a cow, calf and a two year old heif er. Each of these is registered and has a pedigree of a very high order. Mr. Elder has considerable stock left of this breed, which he wishes to dispose of. Trial No. 2. The second trial of Charles Miller for the assault of a Lebanon Celestial, eame off Friday, aud lasted from 9 a. in until 9 p. m. The jury after being out about half an hour brought iu a verdict of guilty, and tbia morning the defendant was lined $25 and costs, whioh were quite heavy. The expense of the trials waa greatly increaaed by bringing them to Aioany, necessitated by the Lebanon Juatice refuaing to take the ease. Considerable feeling haa grown out of tbe matter. Prospects. Over ten years ago, an' old resident tells us, it was confidently pre dieted by nearly everybody here that Albany would have a population of at least fifteen thouiand. The ten year are past and we have about three thousand. Now we are pro dieting big things for the next few years While aome are skeptics: about tne city ever being anything very enormous, alt generally declare ic has the best prospects of any place in the yalley. sy New embroidery just received at W F Read's FOR PILES. Itehiug Piles are known by moisture like Tueapira iou producing a very disagreeable Itching after get -itig warm. This form as wall aa Blind, Bleedifg an I protruding Piles, yield st once to the application of Dr. Boaanko's I'll remedy, which sets directly upo 1 tbe prU affected, absorbing tbe tumor, allaying thi intense itching and effecting a permanent cure. 6) cants. . Address The Dr Bosanko Medicine Co , Piqn . O. Sold by M, A, Miller, Children Cry fori fiCMK ANU AflltOAI.'. Tlf URSfMY. Mr. Thna, Mnteith ia horn from atrip to ' V attiina Hay. Mrs. (lu. Hteiger, of I' .rtLm 1, n yia.ting frtnnd iu thta city. Stlem i lighted by electricity, th work there haying hcju start I up again. Marahsl IIavo returned lat evsnine from a trip to the Sound, fie wa much pleased particularly with Seattle. Win, Faber, the brewer, left s few dsys Ma forlermny. Mr. Faber made a good clean up iu btiin4s hers. Prof M V K ork, of Michigan, will can vass Oregon in the interest of the National Prohibition ticket. Mr Henry Clark, of thl rhy will do the brick work on the new hotel st A- Maud, tke largest in Southern Oregon. Jo I'urdum and faintly arrived in the city this noon. Mr t'ardom lakes chsrge of the tr ; oinee wniie jrir Jester ru it testes. C K Chase, of Corvallis, has been io tbe city to-day. Mr Chase is getting op a oar load of fruit to ship to Spokane Falls. Mr. Harry Woodio, of this city, has ao oc p td a position in the furniture establish ment of Kugene lioey, of Portland, and will begin his dutiesjthis week. Mrs K J O'Conner, who has disputed of her miliinery business to Miss Ida Urmh will continue in prwsossion of the same not I the middle el tin month. During July there were 103 arr.- t in Portland, 91 ( f whioh were for druuka, and moat of tbr iu for uaase arising out of the drink habit, and so it goer, everywhere. Malarial poisons contain the germs of dan gernos diseases. If thtse poisons accumulate in the yst.-m. Typhoid, Bilious, letermittei t 44. ta 4 I JL m ll A 41 A or vnui lever is sum to miiow. Avers Aime Care is a warranted specific for rosUris. Chronic catarrh usually iodic tes a scrof ul cus oondition of the system, and should be treat-d like chronic n!. era and esuptioos. through the blood. Thii disease hss been cured, in huudrrd ef esse, by the ure of Ayt-r s Saraapanlls. Price $1. Sis bottle. $5 FRIDAY. Oee. Howard is ia favor of doing away Willi roil Kiainetn. You B. t paced a mile yesterday, at Cleve land, iu .':Ooi', the t a test on record. Mr. Chas Mdler haa charge of tbe Albany O. P. during Mr. Smith abseoos in the East. A geniluman from the Albany prairie says Air Ira Vox a wheat averaged 3. bushels per acre. Mr. Bunnester and daughter, Mildred -ami Miasea Annie and Kittie Aithonse, are st the Hiy. I no county Judgeship cootett io Leas county wa decided in favor of Judge Scott, the present tncumunt. Mr. Pter Smith, of Joh. ia io ibe city t day. He ssys lbs branch road to that city la a fact anyway. Oats can be bought f it 25 cents per I uahe st this city, and 62 esnte will Le paid for wneatlo .lny (,t the Parrm-re Warrhoure. Sam Cooper, of Sodavitle. waa in the city .a. a a a t a at ,M at ' yesterday helping to spend the aurplea, Tb Mogotian pheasant has three HM years from November before it can be legally slaughtered, and then we'll bet 00 tbe pheasant Mr. J. M. i'lsogher, of tbe Forkr, is io trie city to day, proving up oa bis laud claim He inform u t hat he will teach the Kern Ridge school the coming wiater. The Win. M toag ami N. S Beutiy are mngat the U. 1 . wbsrla ia (JorvaUie, and will be paiotavj bvfore starting oat again I he water u too 1 now lor navigattou. Waiter Parker, J as Black be rs, Prank Simp son bay l win Mutee arrived borne to-day from the mountain. Harry Day. who was one of the arty .preceded them several daya ago. A most ol them are under tsreoty-oue wa won't pretend to give the uutnbrr of h.h they caught and deer ahoL - r 1. !.. ,' . DAILY. Cashier Chamtrlin. of the Firat Nations Hank, waa lu Salem, yesterday. there are a Nrga ettt.ber of camper at cVoUvilie. lr. L. E B am arrived hmn tins morn lag trout San Pranctaeo. Es County Clerk Andrews waa m the city yeaUrday attending the Miller trial. Mr. J. B. McFArlaud, of the Kw.t Home country, has been in the city to day. The 15th Oregon report are now ready for delivery by the Clerk of tba goprenia Ourt. "Buly"Brunk and familt, of the Warm Springs Agencj , are vih'Ang at his fathers in Kola Tho. hi; , of Brewnavillr, ia ia the eity W won ou t mtnd n-ti-g Mr. Kry her ,tG5 days in the esr. A veryettliiug piece uf neas wbicb tbe f)gMo rat ia abl to give to its readers to sight is thtt this morning's e land tiaia was oa time. Dr. Powell, form rally of Ihanon, ia now located at Spokane Pali, where, we nndei ftatd. he haalsaadc set en! rieh strikes in real state. J P. Stub 'el'sid,. f Wt 1 a Wa la,i in the city. Mr. Sitib blcfield Will ret orn home next Monday, und will fetch son oil tbe com ing a tutor. Blain haajut received some Cleveland and Harrison hau. They are the same except tbe former has a light baud at d tba latter a blaak band. Tbe f ur greatest NunnhU uf Albany have thsir thing already packed for a trip to Southern Oregon, to-wit : Judite Serabao,J. J. DnbruilteTA. Ktio and C. W. Watta. Theie are three American women who are not cbhged to kip over to the Poatoflice for a tamps every iimethey writs a letter. Mrs. Plk, Mr. Oartield ami Mra. Grant are the fortunate threa, the government having given them the franking privilege, A couple Nebraska geutlemou, former neighbors of Mr. ('asU. baye l-en in th oity juat lookiug around, They were very mnch pleased aith Albany and the proa pecta here; bat are pretty will tird down with Nebraska o)c!oue property aud may not get away. Mr. Long, an old leaideot uf Lans county, who recently bought of Mr. A. Bush the Cul Itoed dwelling bouse, 011 High Street, near Chemt-keta, is having ie greatly improved. Mr. Howard is raising ir, and will build a basement under it. This, v.ith paint and other adorn menta, ill greatly improve the appearance and make the building a very de airahle family residence,-- Salem Journtit A Stolicv IIorsk. Mr. Kennedy, the agent for threshing machines, went up to his home In Linn county, Saturday, south of Stayton, and informs the Statesman that the horse stolen from A'ex Montgomery on the 15th of July returned home about tftc 26th, showing evidence of very hard usage. The theory generally accepted in that neighborhood is that young McVav, who stabbed his brother in Benton county, went that way In tils night and "borrowed " the animal to hasten his exit. Ibis belief obtains strength from the fact that Mc Va worked in the neighborhood last winter and was well acquainted there. It is supposed that when turned loose the youne mare made her way back without assistance over the same road. Statseman. Letter List. Following i the list ot letters remaining In the Poet Offioe, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Aug. 2nd, 188?, Person oalllug for these letters must give the date on which they were advertised : Baker, Mr Fred Berry hill, Geo Cuddy, Mra vv D farrell, Oeorir Tinnle Edward Pag. F II Warner, Mrs Nsncy Bridiree, Miss Am tnda Bridgefsraier, Mr M A Click, Mrs Sarah Flemming, Mis Hattle Miller, Hi; Smith, Mrs Sally Lewis, C K tt, THOMPSON, . M When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria Pitcher's Castoria. for Infants and Children. i.isrisswiiiiMHiwils,wilsiiiwiMS a t remimd it a superior to nay preaci-ipUon I kaowa to ma." 2L A. Aaxssa, M. D. , I maOstMaBrookljra,K. T. TKr spume 11 JBLXJLJ W. fSi?r Send to: JSH TPfc rVla " Stewart & Sox, BROKE. the lumber in on p.-,iy. We nan furnish to biitdera an J ca.raovr. rugh.t'ar or flrlabing LUMBER, on abort notice. This lumber is out from the het yet low fir. rafted from thj cele brated McKtoatetiinbsr ri na and tnanu tactured tt Uoburg. Any q-iautlty can be furnished at Alby at low prices It needs n rt nini lU-a est qiihy CEDAR POSTS, B9XINC LATH, PICXETS andinnbsrofall kin Hon our yard con stantly. Don't or Jer without seeing or bearing trim 01. We will aaye you money. HAMMER' I BROS., lban .Linn Co Cfi CHEAPEST AND BEST FENCE MADE. Be Shelleberger Combination Fence It la aa strong as plank fencing. It will last throe times aa long. It does not injure atock, being as visible aa plank. It proie-ta ail your crops from ali stock bred upon a farm. It la dog proof, protecting abeep from dogs and wolvee. It ! endorse j ,y 200.000 of tbe beat farmers in lberWet,a fully fllliog every claim we make for it. It wilt turn a pig, bull, horae, bog, calf, sheep d g or ball grown fovl. It will save evry farmer $110 no a mile on every mile offence he builds It is tbe strong-!, rhespest, moat dura ble, and perfect farm fence on earth. It forma tbe moat perfect combination of two riisteriaiw.makiug them inseparable and equally durable, combining as it doee, . be neatness and e egaiu-o of iron with tba b snd onrabid'y of steel, f Planed snd painted, it makes a fine for tbe oity.) Price, only SOe. to G5e. per rati. FRANK SIXES, Ageut, Bark ofStowart A Sox's, Albany Oregon CaI. DILMIaV WH ) 'aRtAfBrU VCtj'AOrURBR OK FURNITURE, MAGNOLIA MILLS, .JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Propiretor. 11; 11L furtiNh sacks to farmers at:d v V receive wheat at tbe usual rates of storsge. Tho for same. highest market prioe paid Best Magnolia Hour always on hand, for sate or exooange at reasonable rates. at JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Administrator's Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrators de bonis aon of tl e estate of Martin Costello, deceased, have filed their Anal account in the office of the County Clerk for Liun county, Oregon, and the County Court for said county have fixed Monday the Ilrd day or September, 18SH, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. for hearin 5 objections, if any tc said tinal account, and settling aaid estate. Sam May, Lkvi Douolas, Administrators, de bonis non of said estate. J. K. Weather vord, Att y for Administrator's. FOSHAY & MASON. -ytnauii and KSTAib- Druggists and Booksellers Agents for John B. Alden's publications, whioh we sell at publisher's prioss with aostageaddad. ALBANY, OttK30N. .aafMaf sHP Am9u - vaswrncum univwm"i .KJHff5: Ti.Z SST Without iajttrtoua raeoaUoo. di- Tea Cnrraca Comfaxv, 77 Murray Htreet, 9. Y. I Bs 'HZ BEST- THS aHARKf f ' ice List it Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS AU kinds ol rough, dressed and seas. lumber ,Latbx pickets kept cjostantly en Band Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Are sclnxwlwrl-red the heat, betej hardier, more productive atu yield better crop. WXXm ILT.rSTKATED CATALOGUE tiiAiUe oclj U bsct eVo, saailaS Iras aw afvO- raiiss. warn ran it. X. X. a-&.-?r ate 00., a FieatsT Aito Uusawh, t. Pa, mi U O. POWKLI- W. X. BILTXC lOW ELL. & BILYEU, j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iiuu 'V ... a .v . a . ai ' miu. i o A LB AMY. - - ORkWUIk. Collect fooH promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated 00 reasonable terms. yaTT Office in Foster's Brick. -a vlinlMf. T. J. STITES. ATTOHNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. U3V,., OEGON. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany oda Works And M an u fact u rers.of GHOIOB OOSFIUTIOHEHY, We are now prepared to eel at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers. We also keep a full line of Nuts and Tropical Praits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts o .'lis state. AU business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. Referee's Sale. I the Ct remit Court of tie State of Ore gon, for I. inn County. 11 A Holman snd Julia Hoi man his wife. Ollie shetb u and Hainan Shetbon ber husband, and Elisabeth Hohnan, Plain tiffs. vs. Tern pa Hunt and Leaudor Hunt, her hus band, Mary Hannah and Thoa Hannah, her husband, Jeremiah Holman and Klvlna Holman, his wife Isaac Holmau, Kliaabeth Strong and Wm. Strong, her husband, Calisterio Forgey and Eliaa Forgey, her husband, Martha Hill and L Hill, her huhbsnv!, Lottie P.eid and Thoi Rerd. her husband, Jeremiah Whidby and Josephine Vvhidby, hlr wife, Martha Lan ders and Jno Landers, her husband, Jennie Caldwell and Floyd Caldwell, ber husband, Sarah Hunt and Lyman Huut, her husband, Mollle Sanders and D San ders, her husband, John Whidbv.Monroe Whidby, G H Whidbv. Thos Whidbv. and Wm ltennett. Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given thst the un derslnged, the Referee duly appointe ed by tbe above entitled Court in th above entitled cause to make sale ef tbe premises hereinafter described, will pur suant to an order of said Court in said cause duly made snd entered of record on the 12th dsy of March, 185, at tbe Court House door in Albany in said ooun ty on Saturday the WSh day or Aagust, isss, at tbe hour of one o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day sell all the right, title, interest and estate or each of the Plaintiffs and Defendants herein in and to the fo lowiug described premises, to-wit: The south east quarter and tbe south half of tbe northeast quarter ol Section sixteen lu Townshto 10. S R 1 E. Also the north west quarter of the northeast quarter of ! Section ten, Townsbip HSR 1 w. Also beginning at tbe southeast corner of lot one in Section three iu Townsbip 12 S R I w, aud running thence west seventy -two rods ; thenoe north seventy-six r s ; tbenoa east seventy-two rods; thenje south seventy six rods to the place ot beginning, all situated in the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 814 acres. Terms of sale cash in band, Wm. Cybus, Referee, vfQ ey jffatrRnaWI