Conrad Meyer. ugsiJSg. . Woodin & Willaid. -PUOPRIhTOR OF STAR BAKERY, fGornar Broadaibin and First Sts DKALKR in ........ I II CttlOCVilt t anned fratla Calaaawstre, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Cssflee. Ktc. In Am everything tha'. H kept In gen tal variety and grocery store. Higher price paid for Cnuei IWeal, Qaeenaware, Vegetable. 4 1-are. Nnleee, Ete.. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, Wm. Fortmillef, wbtm you will And the boat make and finest frjlshod BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANO LOUNGES. Alaoa fine line 61 PICTURE FRAMKS, nd ft hundord dlfTuroiit ylc of MonUSiiigs. JPicture frames mads to order. Tho largest and bsat to -k of MDBMAKERS GOODS, sverkeptln Albany., Prloea MWWbla, Andrews & Hatkienu. W.LDOUGLASD $3.00 SHOE Offioul GiFd P In town, and act air, ha wcomc . called 'The Hw- Another KrtdneUon la Hogar. San FftANCtJtcoJuly a6.Tbe Call fern - la augar refinery to-day reduced tho price of miliar three-eighths of a cent on ell urndca, making cube 8 cent and gran ulat ed 7 M cents. This U due to the fact that a (cw jobber who hud purchased largely when prices were low were underselling the refineries. The American refinery re duced prices one-fourth of a cent yesterday, and Is now one-eighth of a cent higher than the California. Nerved II Im (tight. IlKt KNA.M. T.July J6.Wht will prob ably prove a fatal tragedy occurred at Mel rosc,Montana,yeterday. A few days ago Sheilff Lloyd received a telegrant from Mix P. II. Dunn, of that place, requesting the arrest of her husband for continually bentlug and ubusing her. The Sheriff went down and smoothed the natter ovcr,but as oon as he left the husband turned on the wife and gave her an unmerciful beating TKMP BRANCH COLUMN. i n..'- by Albany W, 0. T, U. Of the (ireely expedition the first to die was a drinker j the si saved wero total ah tainef. For every tniasiouary of the Cross we sr-nd to hestian landa, wa send 70,000 Kallon- of rum. The preaidantof the Retail Liquor Dealara' Aasoeiation of Nw York aaya I "11m Ko utftii CathoHdi char, h has taken trona poaition against ua," California has OO.OiW h population thsu Main, but free wine gave her in 188.1, 1,445 mum ttriaoitiTR and 732 more Innatk than prohibition gave the old pD tree Ktate mm. 0t . Tba Pennsylvania railiosd compaay run no exourawn trairia n unir nwi ".. She got hold of a six shooter and fired two I and all tratne excapt those carrying atock.are shots at her husband, ono knocking hie hat I atoppad at o'clock oo Saturday, and the ratcrday hc came to Melrose ami men sent home lor nauusm FUNEKAL DIRECT0R.- Prornpt lUention-First-class Hearse a-ar After business h him oaJI at residence corner Fifth an I Baker streets. THE YAQULVA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad Orazjo Development Ci-cpsny's Steam nbip Line 225 MILES SMOIiTtji 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any othsr routj. vmtJiUii thr.iaei .n-- 'ii '- and freight lin from Portland and alt points In the Willamette Valley to end from Sian JTsJMB 400 C A I Willamette River Line of Steamers. Th. Wm. M. Hoatr." The 'N. S, Bout ri, Tliro SUter" are in service! for both pasaeuj-er and frelu;bt traOlo be i.oor, I 'onratliw and Portland and meduvte point, leaving Company' whai r, CorvaJlia. and Moaara. Ituiuian A Co' wharf. Noa. 200 and 5402 Front St., Poit land, three time a wk a follows : 0 if. swore out a wn'rant for his arrest, lie a brought up and arraigned on bail to appear next Monday. He returned home and again beat hla wife. Rhe secured a pistol, and the second time warned her husband to desist, which he failed to heed, and she fthot him In the bod v. He fell senseless to U.- L'i'uund. I y ! Mill lu Itiif.bul IviM IB 7W SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - " OREGON and yoarn oiM Lan Corrallia. Moo , Wea. tnl Kriu , Uv Albanv, Moia. WJ. ami tr . 10OJA. M. Arnvc IMrtlaial, 1oe , Tho. at SturUy, fc:30 rVM. SOUTH UOl'NU. Lmv I'orttaiia. Moa., Wai. aad 8 00 A. M. Uta AlbMy. i-toe , Thar. mt tUtanlay. 1:3U u. M Arrivs vj-uua. Tub., lhu. aitt tSU ttrtUy, 4:ft r. n. Boata make cloae connection at Albany im traiuH of tho Oregon Pftclflo Kftilroau. " fTag iydmOVLK (tMpt Sunday.) Uvm AlUAiy. r. M,.Laa Yaqarna, 6:45 a.m. U. C x .ah., l:Wr. a. Uaawt. owrUU-.luJc a. Arnv Aiui.iA, J...' r. a Arna Albany, li:10 a. j, O. A C. tro't ujnuo.t at Albany ud Corvallla 1'bo aoove traiu connect a Yaqumt with tht O.ju U7iopiout Cjuipauy's Uu .suMUii betAen Yaqaiaa an t s.n Irao-.'SMMi H VH.IVt. DllKS . Sherilfs Sale. Im the Cirritit Court ofikr MM' of Orison, Limn coMwy. R. S. Wallace, Plalutllf. John Uelghale ud Qeorg William- Will am Knglaud, imienuanin HaTOTICK la hereby gtr n that by OiUie I rf, or an ttaecuiion sou nw iMMuedaut of the abve named I'ouit in the above entitled auit I will on Halarday the Ilk stay f ttgf . Iw. at the Court Houae door in the eitv of Al Imhit. Iduticotlutv.Ureuon, at tho hour of una Vttiook n. ui.. aell at fublie auction ft r caah In hand to the highest bidder the real propertv dewerlbod in ald ex. tut Ion mmA or.!,r of aale aa follow, to e it : The half f the Houlb eass'iuattr r mid the eaal half ol the aouthwet quarter of Sro. twenty in rnanabip nine, S. K two, eaat or tbe Willamette meridian in Lino oun rv. iiivimn. 'lhu iiriwceda arlau C fram I ho saloof aaid pimis u be applied to ihw imvuiriil of the oricli:al eoslB at tll(lS.i nml (be actuuiuK at And an Attorney fee taxed t 75.75. si..nml tt I bo oavtnent to the I'ialuiitr, K i Wallace, the sum cf US5 with accruing iuterott thereon at the rate of 10 par cent per annuui trout tho 26th day of June. A U 1H88. And the aurrdua of aueh aala remaining after tbe aald pajmente be ap nlUft En oar men t of the toio ul $4ll.7 .iu iuikI Orreodai.tH. (Joorco w Unam end William Knpiand, with acerulng in teieal tlicreon at tbe ra-o of ten par cent Kr aonum from the II b day of June, A. 1888. Dated July Srd. 1S8. Jon a Sxaixxa. par D. 8. Smith, Sharif!. Deputy lluntsville, W. T. Very dry and hot for a week. Haying nit done about here. UaiMai this Monday morning. i:, Km limit. Mother Brooks and Mrs. Hendricks arc going to the 1 alouae In grandma's line carriage. They do their own driving and calttjt out. No elope- mcnts, now, girls ; A song composed here to a very piquant new nmnalnirlv notUllar it I vest mwn. The Seminary cupola Is ral-cd and nalntcd. The painter arc now on the roof !'ul sktee of the building. Prof. Bean, elect ed at a recent meeting of the Board, to take a second place on me laemn , roKrct and can not come, lie n - e . i v i ...... .M iHilitlcnl protiH'cts m rs iuiiii. . . . ft A I f ..... L. . . . ;.,(,,. i. -nt of I'roi. a. v, "?;r""-Vimill the ground. He la still llvlng.but lying In . Public Induction, returns thl . wcrV f-jja jflj notJ,beIev. 2 San FrancUco, h, re he keen attc nd- J nc Cln vc The Sheriff left thU after- 5 tag ba NatiM,al 1 eacher. Aah lallon. )u(m u rottd g s.', vi- u II supervisor about veame of one. Ills Hoar. I hum tuk miii. -French aud his CAlifotnia friend, Mr Cloaa, arrivtd h.oo ' tr.m . mouo""H - I floiMjatt and eonvraxione, wh ch proved a . . i. AsnmtA. Or . lulv 'e t )n tin- cuincr I ooooert aou "'"'""" ,r laasiog Mr K-.m-M amu oey , , 7 , , , ' ' , grand succa. Kx Mayor llowiaou prouru They raHrt a v. , v )aaai RtMMk They hat left Torlland last eiatutdny night for IJ Ktv.s nB, opiniog addrrsa. lishod prin -'i-ilU .u I - uhi a targe unmoor i " --- w - ot trout, b it aa aa ataaiaat to name tha lot, with a way bill calling for one package oi lo.txio. When the uteamer arnvea here Sunday morning, 111). Thing, clerk In the expreaaofnceherc.fmtnd that the ex press box did not contain a $10000 package. I r iin iha tthonldara of oaoh man in the mmmuiiltv. thr rsts a orcat rfsixminbihty He has not only his own rpmaiin m ub care of, hut ha haatbe repoUtion of hie race Tha testimonies of a onmbcr of distinguish m, t.hvaiaiana f Knuland are. that m eaaeo- vt tlo'V l"t tnty inrro pcroou. wH alcohol was usn! and only live per cent wnan was not Used upervUor about 35 yearac of age wife Is a few years younger. ... .,,,,.....,- (,rs,au.iine of Toron A Hla tU. I to. Canada recently oniled io a promenade nnmtw.' Mr Kreiu h olaioi, tnougn, I lil lit U .11 lit tha I Vinutx trout ever captured in riah lake. It waa eiuhteen inoliea inag and nira in e rjunrcreuee, and waa a geu- nine lrrl. S I jA of Portland. ut a o tr loa 1 t f the P. V. flo-ir to It jal j- n that city. Mr the uofoiUina'.a peojjlu of m he telegraphed to the Portland otfier.aiid nolilied C. P. l'ihur, the exprea his agent arrival from 5UACOBS on FOR MAN AND BEA8T. Gen. RUFUS INGALLS. Qutrter-Mtiter General, U. 8. Army, To whose Department the pnrchaee and custody of all Army Horace and Mnlea belong, and whose facsimile tignaturt taken from hie testimonial la here shown, teatifiea from hia personal knowledge aa follows: "8t. Jacobs Oil la tha boat Pain-euro over uaed." gold by DruR-gtata and Dealers Everywhere. Tbe Chat. A. Vogeler Co., BALTIUUEE. MA. arsAasajt. raua a rci;. ItAfB CI A o W.tlo:i ebaaa t! I Valuy. Valley, Vaaay, AuuatOUt. Antfuai UKli. AufUAt AugUAt 4Ut Auauav lth Atttfurt X4U 1 to The C -ujoaay ,,,cvj -'io rht chancy aniu dAiea w.tnul u nida N. a. rAtj t tj a Pr.i.u.i aud Vfiilametu V la pnola can uike oioee - 00a 00 .11 u with.Ue traiua of tbe Yaqulua ro.ii at AiOau ur OocvaIIU. aud it dea Unxl to Saii Itakaoaa ahoutd arrange to arrive at Yaouiu the uveiuug bef re date of a suing. aieaer aal r.rlabt Mate alwaya tar for hatjraAAtlwj a,(W u C J StttArt, Fraigbt ami Hakes A AltiAU, o u C U Uaau1I, Jr , O. V. P. At Orgaa Ud.. .uk-.I 0-... H a'titg-ory Ian t'unu.:., Oal. C C. llui.i ... A.O r.aadP. A '. OrjsMi Pai R H Co. CooaltM, U;. TK ia cricy. pur. Pt tbo . We t with Hoej-, huroh. UU03. il;uro out can olctlT? you and nriii alt the nco;sa.-7 and 1 appharjcoi to r''2o, ryalk. ea, il 1 '. ha- f, wcrfc, (f or ;;ta7 at homo, and la v; Ltrlcs i'jzd onatntitlen. Ju; vrhat fi required to do ail thcao tMsai COMF0RTA3LY, and you can makoatatr eat; mate ot lha voice or tbo BUYERS' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD ft QO. 111-114 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, UL wc.":vvTaT stuttW vaktWO LIVER OCfeVM&i PILLS. nCtTADK OW IMITATIOVM. AZ.WAT ASK roM DM, rUOtCVB PMU'MCTB, OK LITTLE UQAR-OOA TKD TILLS. Ilelna entirely vegetable, they op ioid utturm:i-? to tnc si m. ii, tion. Put. tit In artaaa viala. Iwriifil- kiI-1. Alwiu-a fn-sh end rrllal.le. A atl V a aw 0ci.UJ -.VIA-. ooathBrii Pa:iflj Uompiny's Line. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PR0PR1ETQB. FIRST ST. - ALBANY, OR. Will kep couMtaully on hand beat, mutton, porx, veal, aatieage, etc., tbe beat meata and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kind of fat atock. "PATENTS B. t'alen Ml I. o a mi .11 eaa oaurotuiiA kxp&i 1. uaa t-AiLv. Strath .oo r. a. r a 7:o a a U;avo Ar.ii j P.X-UJMJ AlbAiiy tea r anciaeia Arruru ..A Uav, Sorth taeJ a a 7.1A a a dm t m LXiAJ.rAsaaa3iaT-.Aija pailt ;ex;jt. 4aiidy). rr. . . I 9;4A r M 1MV9 , 11 :J.'. A H 4:00 A if I Leave U:Or a I Leave :0r a ; Arrive I'vUUti.) Aibaiiy biurcne Leave ; V J0 A H local rAsaaxeaa txaiss daily, xxcerr ih xpav. fttO r :hUr a U:lra 1: r a 1 Ltara I Arrive lanes Arrive AI0..1 1. t a Albany LetiAiiun Arrive I 6:10 A a 1. v I s-.-M a a Arrive 1 2:45 r a Leave t a PUlLMAh BiJFrir SLEEPS S. Tourist Sleapiag Oars er Aeeai gCM, asrreK luatataliwt at SeewaMSsa rassea at 1 1 1 1 1 Blayrevi Ti-aias. We. I aide L'ivlala. r.mrn. vi.tii. aAiLTSAia daily ( -ep; 4 ja lay.) 0 a a t.ib r a Leave Arrive I'.rtUil Arrive LJtve 0:15 r a 1:J a 4-W r a I Leave r.rtlA 1 1 Arrive j tkOl a a :.W ra I Arri-a MjHVi-iviMa Lara 6.4A a a AtAibitf nl ;rvAlii cmhijI trlth trains ot oret m PaciAc ItAUruaJ ' .rriil i i rnvlii reyarJinjf JntM, mip", etc., 01 ..Bpmiiy'e Ai;c-nr. R. KOEHLER, . 1-. awoano, I v.lHf VM'tO. K. and P. A tr or 01 CI a laxative, alterative, or purgative these little I'vllcU givo the must icrfcct m HEADACHE- nitlona Headarbe, fjlxzlucea, :onatlpa tlou, Indlfesllon. nilloua Attarka,nndnll dt-4iitftnnenta or tbe rtoin ut ti-.rfla. nrt prompt ly rtliv-l anl tt-riuaiH'iuly 1. 11.. I lit- tlM uci- ..f Dr. Flrr'a Plcaaaut I'urantlve Pel I eta. In i-xphmatton of t ii- r in oiaJ power of ttK-a.-I'clicta over ao ert a variety of dai aare. It may trttthfully be aald thnt thtr aetlon utn :i. 1 etetn U unlvi rat). not n Kland or tlue mciriir tlielr aaoatiw Influence, hold by' ih uiaia oerua a'vUL MmuifiMtur l at the Chetiiw-nl Ulioratory of n BU'a UiaeaxsAur VltuM'.Ai. AamiciATioa, tluffakt. N. Y. hero, lintnctltutcly iiKn Helena, Mentana. A sack containing $10,000 In gold coin hnil been delivered to the cxpreaa company at the oflkre In Hortland Saturday after noon, by the Commercial National be delivered to the bank of I. V. Caae, of this city. Immediately upon the discovery of the loss theevpreaa company pakl 1. v Caae $10,000, and Instituted search. Detectlvea were in th!s city searching for a clue, but without succeas. It la believed that the coin was not in the cxprca ho w'icn the boat left Portland for Aatoria. The pur sers on the O. R. Ac N. boats, on which ex- Jireas Is carried, arc paid $10 a month to 00k after the box. A Prohibition t ouvrathin. St. lAt L,July 35. - The firat budncas be fore the proliibitloi; convention thla morn ing waa the platfotm, which was adopted aubatantlally as read. Tbe democratic and republican parties are held jointly reaponsi ble for liquor crime. It declares that the announced intention of the republican part v to remove from tobacco and intoxicat ing beveragea the internal revenue taxea, without abolishing saloons, and for the purpose of maintaining a high protective tariff upon articles of necessity, wilt result in cheap whisky and tobacco and high priced clothing, and U opposed to the bct intcreats of the people. Hugh Harrison of Hennepin county waa nominated lor gover nor by acclamation. la Paver efMrMiaavillr. Salem, July a7.Thia afternoon Judge Boise decided the motion of plaintiff for a preliminary injunction in the cac of Bird VS. the court of Yamhill county. The ef fect of the decision Is to allaw work on the new court house at McMlnmillc to pro ceed. Judge Boise held that the provlaion of the removal act-limiting the cost of new county buildings to ,o la valid, but that the limitation of the taxing power for buildim nnrooAca to s mill per annum is v . a w void. School Paad Assort lea-seat. The following i the apportionment of the Achool fund among the several counties aa j u -1 made by the State Treasurer A miad. interesting BiM" reading an ynii i,l Ituth. waa conduct. I l.y Mr I Hound, eu last 7 u sad ay afternoon at tha on ... ML etata.l that many persn look, d upon ths book of Both ss a nsrrstiye, simply, but it oontained dsep apiritnsl meaning to thoe who real from that atanopoini . mi -V., wtialrach charsctrr mentioned tyu ifiad.snd drw many beautiful thoughts from tbe leaaion, and made it vary iostructiy 'It., it . . 1 1 ii 1 I IfWBNfVM aw- dinmr on ths 28th of Aukost, tha dsy on wtiiL'h ths circua is adyr.rttawl to be 10 Al- L-nw Aa all of our cituumu will he intareat d m wstchiog the rod bssd wagon aod the lag elephant, tne Isdiea 01 toe cuv aa wen those from ths eouotry, will be glsd t drop into the hall aod et a goon dinner, loateso And Boltlliif it when they are mm m in I . m tired sod wsrm. TIIUasDAV. F. K. Patterson has resigned a Ltent. Col. of tho '2d regiment. Mr A Wheeler, of Springfield, f.soe county, is in tho oity. Hiesmbiist navigation is about atiApendrd for t aumtnor .n ibis part of tha WiiUm ette. "Saattls" and "Portland" are tho naino ol two new altuMKira on t in .ion them raciim route. Mr 4 K Klderkin snd fsmily left tins uoon for Vaqaioa bay, wber they will remato lor a week or ao, The Wutamtt4 Ship Building company at Portland is adding twenty UM to ins length of tho Three Sisters. Spokano fsttf is to have a free delivery avstem. It will Hi Alny turn in ie than live years. Ve ouly lck almut VMHH) a year now. Tka astmou season 011 the Colombia nods July 31, but Mitt of the fisherman ssy it does not with thstn. This will offer an epportaoi ty for a big con teat. This morntnir Walter Psrker. Jsa. Black burn, Will Stitea and Frank Simpson left, for tha mountains after hah and (tame. They will lo gone a week or two, and it will be ueelcae for any ono to go after they return us no gams will he h-ft. While running a binder yeetorday after noon user Tsngent, Hon. Alf. Wevins was unfortunate in having but team frightened by a Mongolian ring necked pheasant, auch aa Hy agstnst barbed wire fsnocs. They ran awav rtultintf in tlm rain of hia binder. , av Mr. J. W. Littler, recently of Florida, who haa been prosp-aing here for several weeks, baa purchased Mr. A. B. 1'axton's interest in tho photograph buainosa here, asd here after the firm will be Crawford Littler. Mr. 1'axton will remain in tha city this sure- umr at least. Aftor October Mr. Chsa. l'feiffer will as MUM control of th rvaUursnt now run by Mr. Ihorcka. and run In wtc on tha Amer ican plan, which, by tha -ay, Will give mors aii..Uct.'n than ondr tbe present tyatem. Mr. 1'feiffcr uaed to set the best tsoio totiuu in tha valley, and the trsvehog pnblie will he glsd to see it in hi hsoda again. ratOAY. Hmtlh, of Portland, hat toed his wife for a divorce. MisaHarAh SjrrdHirg. of this oity, has been in Corvsllta aawral d .vs. EL MoMollou, recently ol Crswfortlsvllle, haa moved to Tsngaut. Too many peoplw aronod who make a cinwhar out of every pin tbey see. Re Father Wbitr, of sialotn, pent last aigbt in Albany, the gnaat of Rev. Father Metsyor. Mr F L K on too h no ojaaHur s a lam ouade manufacturer, as we can testify from nrraoiisl extwriancff at tlio extcnse of Mr Kenton, t'sil on htm for s cool driok. Cougreai hss psase.1 a law making eight for infant and Children. i-aaaearta euree Coae. (Teaarpatim, "Caatorta is so well adapted to c Malms that. I freeomtnaltMsM I anewa a ma." m A. Aacnsa, M. D., 3 111 Bo. Ojctoed Bi., Drooalya, M. T. Taa CWfTAt a Cumrun, 77 Murray Htreet, N. Y v ; mmmmmm HnflsTHBHHHfsla9sSHHsSa1s 1 V-'"-'" SPIIIG III Tho lailios of lha union have about cum tdrtad the oudltoflol s vtry prttty quilt. which Wa plcca ahl timiswi vo am "'-v.-.y k Untk.r Ki.har. When coinph led ths tiuilt lis to be sold snd the procetda go to hoars a lagal dsy for government employes dabt on lbs hsll. H eesry mcmer of tbe I Horns of our Albany people, though seem V W l! T If miM Aa enartfetie aa thU Hear oid mother of Israel. we would eoou U out of debt and havs money Ml the tresaury. v no will make the naxt donation, either in m i tnrnietiiiiL. tho readme ro im or aom- thing that can be toined,toto money te add to tbo buildiag fund? rieiso doo t sl coma atoooe for wa hsven t sppointod s coer ali tor to reosive tbe donations. Heath of an Oregon Pioneer. HaWJ ami all other buatnee In tha C. Oaroe3eUoii4t tha V. . l-au. t office, and vcai obubi IWnts lsa liti than tbsss retuota f'n WAAhllltUB. Send modie or drawing. We vt to tent ability free of chmrga ;aitd wautaka o coargr unlrtw we ti:i (MUiit. We refer hora, to the PoAtmaa'ar, tha Uoncv OrW Olv. and U. olttviais of the U . Office. Fordrcuhu', advice, tein.a, an I efareocea a Actual ctieuu In yimrmro SiaU ut county, addrkaa C, 4. SWOW &., Opposite Patent Office. Waahitiifton. I . gtlt. of H. Patent $500 REWARD Homeopathic Physician, MRS. IL E reCOY, M. D., H'JMEOPATUIC pby-ieloi, office and realdence (eras of Hnt and haker StreeU, Albany, Orejfcu. Chronic (liaeaaaa a spc-pAity. ConaulUtionlroe, oHicehouia : 10 a. m. to 12 a m and i to 6 p. m. "Jim Wcstiall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE C00DS. I PLOfl COmiSTOi, m for this ncction whorl notice o la offer.wl by tho mannfaetnr em of Or. Mgo'i Catarrh stesaedy, for a ease of Chronic Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure. tVfllTO"lS OP CATAHRII.-DuU. heavy hcadacbe. obstrnctUm of tho nasal tiafjuiKf. illacliarjjrea fulling from tho l-od into tho throat, sometimes profuse, watery, snd acrid, tit others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, 1 loony una putrid: tuo eye: ur weuk, watery, and Inflamed ; there la rf i-.Khiir in the curs, deafness, hacking or coughlnir to clear the throut, expectoration of offensive mutter, together with scabs from ulcers; the ' i.i ehmiired and haa u iiaaal twanr; tho br nt!i L; otTcoaive; amell mid tuetn tiro im-pnlr.-d: there U a sensation of dlxalm-ss. w.tb mental cieprcssn on, a backing cough nml tre;: end tl.-l.ilti . tmly a few if tho ahovciii.m'd Byiiiiitonii tire likely to be present in any one caw. Thotisnnils of cases annually, wiun.iit mnnlfesting luilf of tbo above yniptonn. ro nit in cotisomidlon, and end in the rsve. No disenso is so common, more deceptive nnd dani;-rous. or leas iindersuiod by ph- Hld inn. Uy its mild, ooothing. und healing pro(j rtiee. Dr. Bafrc's Catarrh lluinidy ciir-J! the worst :iM Sr CntuVett, eoltf 111 tlio Ie;irf,' ur7.fl, sou catarroai asoaoacue. Hold by druggists everywhere; 60 cents. w Untold Agony from Catarrh. Prof. W. If AUSNStt, tho fsmnua meamert-A. of Ithaca, N. Y., writes : "Some ten yirs nc 1 Buffered untold ngony from c): cnturrh. My family phynictan gavo inc up i.s tncurnble, and said I must die. My cruet -tits such a bnd one, that every day. townrdu rmn-a-t, my voice would tweninc so hl!lri'., 1 mitjd tardy spcalt above a whisper. In tlwnio: ng my cotililng and clearing ot my throat, would almost htranglo inc. uy tho use of Dr. Sayc a Catarrh Jtetncdy, in three months, I was a well man, atiotbc euro hbS been pcrmunuuL" Counties, Haker lien ton Clackamna Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Douglaa Gilliam Grant Jackson fincphinc lauiath lskc l-.HH' Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah Polk Tillamook Umatilla I'nion Wallowa Waco Wnahington Yuinhlll Total No. person. 7165 3ibU 493& 1943 1168 260 2 34 Sf9 4060 1460 12 V 377 M7 700 449 m 7S8 ''755 1760 2375 55 743 445 3335 1 306 work te abjul thin., oor ronlmrtaler o jgSt ta twenty and go without ea'.mg "FacU are atubborn things." and suffer, r form chill ami fevt-r Hod thia complaint very stabtMirnfsct onlil thry commence the use t Ajer Agao turo. job nevar faile. The soHhing sod rcatorative efTacts of AveraCherrv Pectotal are rcAhzet.1 in all csaea of ooht. ontht, throat or lung trou Mr, wbtlaiU p-jA-e-ful healing qusltltes sre hwuiu th m at, serious pulmonary dia?rd- William Stafford, a sloneer of 1852, died at Tacoma. W. T, .yah. tSXS. after a brief illncs of twenty four hour, a para- htic -tutke waa the iunuediatc catic ,l hi. KoVrrtOg t ' I ..... . .... aeatn. William Stafford was bam in Franklin awja a .a a . S . . county, Indiana, Marc 11 1 1 Us, 1314. In aporttng matter Pendleton rather takes the I AOitfOg ifcc autalier eiUes in Ursgon Now it is to have a go-ae-you-ple coolest Sn.t. Oth. h.r s Mir a .f 8-5. Uicm-n ,,. ,i,4:i i 1 1. .-r -t mile tw. iitv fi.or h-ti-a t ree.;vc l.u. m? aeai 7.' aid the third i'r -i?eaetouaia barren tMnhrrta and tho hiatory f tr.dlmg Vary few mu, indeed, are so well posted on tut I matters, and shsis bvaidsa aa able and ?racfo! writer. aATt'aoAY a n.tii.v. r.r W.ili. ut 2 M75 8f,574 Am't Ree d- $ SMaJC vA 6157.50 7 So 1460XW 335 SO Vl' 773-75 5075.00 183500 3812.50 445 5 5575 990.00 886.35 55335 7016.35 98500 8443.75 2 300.00 iM6 75 3187.50 92875 55oi-35 4'75 173350 478500 434375 The anrAl manag-r "f the San Francieo U.. ...I V.. ia Mi. a A I. Wllaon ..1 I . ......... w " j at the time of hi death 74 years, 3 montna CyiltbUftat Ky. ne is reputed to be one andiodnta od When h" wa 1 1 vcar ol t i,e beat ii.i.irrr.. I somen ia Amen.: old hla parents removed to Shelby county and a few years after to Hancock county where he attained hla majority and on Feb. 18th, 1836, waa marrkd to Mt Priacilla J. Ramsay, who survive him. ,Al tnc age of 34 he returned to Shelby county, whence In 1839 he emigrated to Kallne courty.Mo . from thence to Platte county where be re mained two years and then located in Atchison county, here in 1844 he became a member of theM. E. Church. From Alch pon county he crossed the plaina to Ore gon In i853.wlth a family of seven children efx aona and one daughter. He ettlcd In Mohawk Vallev, Lane county, in the fall nt ih vrar. In iScc he united with the Send j ' D TilSH Stewart & Sox,! Agents, Albany, Or. ,JL a FRANCIS PFE1FFER. PROPRIETOR OF- Albany Soda Works And Manufacturara of CHOICE GOHFfiuflOBm, Wa ara mow ortDrad to rail at wbok tale, alwaya freab and pure at Portland priors to dealers. We also keep a foil line of tL Nuts and Tropical Fruits, OUrt CIGAR AND TOBACCO partment la cotw'r. We keep tbe j finest atutk of auok..t atd chewing 00, meerschaum aod bHe- pipes thai etigtto smokers. ejjp -TKC BEST M W A PRV I u n n uutii m rice List. (ION CO., I ALBANV SAW AND PLAN ?4G MILLS. rough, dressed bar, lathi, jfstantly cn All hint . nd seas pickets kcui, aa 4S f lWu. to the a yesterday, a boy. Mic N '.im Oallahaa aud Mew Uurn. t Corvalli. are in the city. Mr J W Compton. one of the eolidest men of the Fork, h en in the city to-day. The Albany I)Ka ett tT i one of tits livsli eat local daily papers in I te staU. Qard. This scsson'a salmon on ths Colom bia amounts to about 330,000 esse, which is rather amal). The Albany liaaocaAT is wskintf up ths of that year. In W "nca ppje of that tltv. and if tbey will only heed Christian Church under the preaching ol g mrt,inc- it will prove beueHei! to their Klder jonn rowcn, actum pa nn . . ;Mre. iLBilT 00LL8&UTE IliSflTUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 18S8, 188. rtrs Term apeas -piemn-r mtrn. laSS, A tall corps of Inatroctor. CUSSICAl, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Conrsea of -tudy arranaed n meet the need of all grades of students. 5Vcm imductmemts oftrrd to students from abroad. Tnltion ranges from S5.60 to f 12.W Board in privet fAmi'iea at ;ow rates Rooms lor self boarding at small ex-ease A careful suparvUioo exercised over aiu deats away from home. Fall term opens Se member 7th. For circulara and partioulars addreas the President, icr.v. elbest a. ranaiT AlbinyOregon hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. Sr. Paul, Msscfl ,. o. rowBU. w. a. biltbu i-OW Jbl.L & BILYKU, JTOKNES AT JLAW, And Solicitoi'g is Chasceryi a 1. BAITY. - - - OKfcUON. Oolleciions promptly made on ail points. m negotiated on reasons Die terms. pkT Ulbce in Foster1 a Brick."Sa Tiejuwx. full $108,317.50 Laborers furnished any ;.irp. . Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. E. WEATHERF0RD, (StlTAItY PUBLIC,) I' l ) KN hi V Arl' I .A W, 4LBIVY. aKKIie.1. M4, PKAOTICB IN ALL, TTI1S COURTS OF THE Stats. ftSji ;UI atOttitioii tven to at iMiiior.aano 1 . ' -II I 1. Revere House; McMinnville, Or. Two emirsca of s'udy of four years each, two of tli rue vt-tirs, nn'd two of two years. Hood ro nns'in College balldlna ou first flfinr, aJ-ar-tii President'a rooma, reserv -i for voii"g women. Konis o second and third il "r for young men, Boarding lepsrtrr.ent In batoment. Oorreapon dettre invito ! For cataloj-ne addreaa Prea T, G. Brewnaea. L, VV. CLARK, Portrait Fiotographer. tu neir Second aud Kurry Hi-o s ue tlround rt iir. :M dren'spicturea a specialty.! ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CflAS. PFBIFFBR, PitulMUETOR. mtnl u' ii flratdaae a'yle. Tables npp'bd v it'i 1 he 11 tho market. . . 1 . ... . . . wi ...... 1 v. . 1 m a U: st't-ipHUX sp-,,rl'i'llia. nmmtw ijr-i for o-tniii"r d.i! trtiVHlHrs. arre- f;Hb t. sal fi-i t!n- )t ffl.TKa 0f R. N, BLACKBURfl, Attoraey at Law, flj"i-, iMd Ff How's 'IV11 ilc, ALBANY, - - OREGON. AH btiHlne-tt will receive p"omrt. at'rniion Constantly Hnwlefng and Spitting. Thomas J. Rusrima, Eaq.. 9009 Pine Street, St. IjtmU, Mn., writes: "J waa n great eufTt rpr from catarrh for tbroo years. At times 1 could hardly breathe, and was constantly bawtcbif and spitting, and for tbe lost eltrlit mrnth4 could not breathe throiiirli tho nostrde. I tboiiKbikiiothiiia could bo dono for inc. Luok Hy, f wm advised to try Dr. Cure's CiUarrb lb-incdy. and f am now u well man. I tttevo It to ho, the only uro remedy for catarrh now inaniifa'rLiiic.-d, and one bos only to give it a fair trial to experience astouuding results and h permanent cure." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. SU ItOBBiirR. Runvan P. O., Columbia Co., Pa., aaya: "My duufihter bad cutarrli when she waa live years old, very bad?. 1 r.w Dr. fcsag'C's Catarrh ltemedy advertised, initl : ro cured a bottle for her, und soon saw thet 11 helpod her; a third bottle effected a perms nent cure. 6be is now citfbtcuu years old auo sound und bearty." Pkclliau AtxinaNT." -Last Monday, a farmer living on the Lyman Savage place, about ten mile below Saleirt, on French prairie, met with an accident that nearly caused his death. He wa out hunting a cow that had just had a calf, and he found her on the edore of a slou-'h. The cow was 0 v very savage and made hotllc demonstra tions against Myrot' horse and dog, and when they came close enough she buried ' . . , A . t t. n -. . 1 .. .. one 01 ner norns into uic huib. uwj. The animal reared and succeeded in un- seatincr Mvron. and a he fell off the horse kicked at th cow and struck him square In the stomach. The cow also started toward hitn, but she got in the way of the horse a heels, and wa driven away. &iaieman. Sawxn Won. Mr. Jas. Laurent yea terday began the construction of the Rail road Street ev?r. Me struck hi first spade just north of Firat Street at the end of Railroad Street nnd haa two men at work now : but wiu add '.veral in time ll-uill use the nine mrmiil rtnred bv Mr. ohn Hoffman, of thin ritv Mr. waiter Cant i at work on the Hake. Street sewer, a deep, short big affair. He has four or five men at work. his wife and daughter. In 1866 he re moved to Linn county, where he remain ed ten years, he th.rn went to l' mat ilia county and remained there within a few week of hia death. He was of the class ut atudy, indomitable pioneers, he wrung from nature a support and a competence by his tabor and energy, he brought into cultiva tion four farms." I le waa known as a quiet nciuhborlv man, hi habit wa to attend strictly to hia own affair. He wa the . - .... . k . , a father ot ten children, tnrec 01 wnom, son and one duughter arc dead, five sons and two daughters with hl wife survive hlrn to mourn the los 01 a ucvoteo nua band and faithful, loving father. His stat- aarl .onn and lovclv dauiihtci respected and honored by all who know them apeak volume In hi prate. lie na not uveu in yaln who bequeaths such a legacy to hi country. Above an rattier -uuuoru waa . . . . . 1 1 - - -- food man just and uprignt 111 nis wajr. le earned and enioved the respect of all l M. t. a. S B wr.o knew him. And in nu oecnmng years poesed rightfully a competence. Deep aympainv is .tcnucrcu iu ini -' for more than fifty years travelled hand and heart with him the journey of life and who lingers, Oh '. so sad and lone upon this side the river. P Editors Democrat : The residence pf Mr. Hearst wa ihe place, Thursday was the day and 5:30 n. m. the hour that a party of eleven young men of Albany met by request to participate in a leap-year picnic, the object and program of which to them at that time was some what indefinite. A few late sleepers whose names we will not give came without their breakfast but were supplied through the kindness of the hostess, Mrs. Hearst. The party was not kept long In suspense, for at six prompt there arrived two con. veyances, viz : tho Revere House coach and a three seated carriage, with eleven Mr. Phil. Cohen slao has ths eenlating fever and yesterday bought two lots of Mr. Alfred Wbeelor, the two adjourning hia home reaidsncs ou 7th street. Mrs Sam Aithouassod liadom daughter of Albany, r at Newport o .Sunday, where tbey hail beun snjetiag the delightful westher for a.miu day Poet. Mr lo Clark to-day snowed ua a couple fln aiMrcifiieua ft! e Hi-'. r snd badcer feat nt hi a by Mr I F Cirolsa, of Bsaver Creek. Tli ixake lina ornsmnnta when off trie basset. Mr C P Katiihtsn, of Tangent, called to dav. after an illness of aeveral inlntlia. He informed us that bee spec's to harvest 7tXK) buahels t raio, 4000 betn whoat .'WOO eata. Both sro ioottiug fiue. Yesterday Benjamin Kmg, .he night driv er, snd Frank Audersoo, ihe night olrrk, were arrested for atsaliug tho $10,000 sent from Portland to Aatorh. by of ths Walla, Fargo ex pi ear. They confused to the crime snd returned tha mouey. llsv. Riminger snd stter. the Utter of whom sin veil yesterday from Philadelphia, lefLto-dav for Sitka. Alaska, on an excursion of several weeka. previous to Kev. Romingrr taking charae of the CooRr-'gational church ,n Kaat Portland. Mrs. Henrietta Brown sr. I Mias Kiiadieth Irvine left to-day for Yaqutua lUy. where they havorented'rtionia and wilt aoj-juru f r ..t-..r-l 1 . Lm Wa eommeud them to th tender merciea of the deniseua of the couutry ml II.m I'Um. and ilnen tea tl?h ibev wens accompanied by Eihot Irviuo and Stanley Stewart. VI I I mmtB.-' 'AJfi a a f "rlArilV Til: n wj fii,-4 Mrs. Sarah Shaver naa aned the O. & C. K. R. for dam ages, caused in about the following way On the 19th of October last, she was n pas Bcnger on one of the O. .S; C. trains for Wilbur. As the train dew near Wilbur she was notified that she had reached her J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. New slock ot 1 600 pattern dhvcic uu received. Bargains in second hand wheels ll tire, snd Dikes. Call and examine stock or .end for catalogue h ce C. L. BLACKMaN, Successor to E. W. Lang don. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, t'tiiaLS, SRJSHiS, SOAP8. COMBS, Aii.l HV.irvthtuir ki. in flrat clas mil Storo. Also a flue .itook 01 pianos ao org ALBANY. OKEHUJ. T. J. STITBS. ATTOKNEY AT I.W -AKI Notary Public. Executor's Notice. Notice ia bereoy given that tbe undersign ed has been this day appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, sole execu tor el the last will ana testament asa the codicil thereto of Levi Fanning, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased . All persons hsv ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notthed to preseut the same, prop erty vert bed, to me at my place of bnstoess in Albany, Oregon, within aix months from the date ot thia notice. Dated thia Uth day of June, A. D . 1SSS. Sami kl E. Yocsg, Executor of the last will and testament snd codicil of Levi Fanning, deceased. Wolvertox A iRVijra, Att'ys for Executor. Ho, to the Mountains. Too undersigned is orapared to make resular trip with spring wk from Leo bsnon to all points on the W. V. A C. M It. betwoeu mso anon ana r iso bake. Al parties desiring to avail themselves of this means of reaching the mountains will call on, or address th undersigned a. Lisban on, Charges reasonable. La K. Brooks, Referee's Sale. FOSHAV & MASOiH, VtXjtl. I ASU KSTAU- liruffsists ami Booksfiirs, A iron ts lor . I which we sail p-'ii i,''-'' o!i- It. Ableu'a nublinuti wta 0. 0 OHSKRY. O.B.PTRKKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, Machinists, Millwrfghts, and Iror founders. r e are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS MADE OR SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all km li ot machinery. Canvassing.--Andrew Hale and Mrs. F, K. Robinson are out canvassing for the Daughters of America," a book telling all about the noted women of America. They abo have the fine Primrose Album. The book is executed in a very neat and tasty stvle by True & Co., of Augusta, Maine. The Primrose Album is also manutaciuieu .-a the same house. These nrticlc3 will sell like hot cakes. Subscribe for one of each and be happy. Be Careful. With the amount of bathing being done in Albany this sum mer it will be almost a miracle if some one is not drowned. It behooes all who in dultre in this invicoratintf pastime to use- more than ordinary cautloff, and parents should see that their boys have company and not go In dangerous places. Why,- On several corners in Albany where there are electric lights the leaves on the maple trees have entirely turned yellow, and on others they are turning; while on some they are as green aa ever, Ta it theelictricitv that docs it, and It evi Hontlv l. and if so. whv is it not so in all cases? New embroidery juat received at W Read a. destination. It stopped at a paint where young ladies, who escorted the gentlemen there waK no pice to alight, and where it . a - 1 1 I .. to seats and away tney upeci oeninu ma! - damrerous to descend from her car. Mrs. Shaver alleccs that she stepped upon the platform and while there the train was put in motion, causing her to fall to the ground, and breaking her leg, hurting her sniriR and otherwise iniurinir her. By rea- a.,nof the fall she has become permanently lamed, crinnled and injured. Her husband services, ......... 1 ... navmpnr rr hi k. rir.. nas uccn uminiKtu iv. BROKE. the lumbor monopoly. We oan rurnisu to builders and contractors, rough. c'uir or rtrUblng shal's bays and Schmecr's four-in-hand. t is unnecessary for the writer to dwell upon the many pleasant features ot tnat pleasurable ride, as those who have had ike experiences can appreciate the occas. ion. it was amusinc nowevcr w u "U'iik- er boy" of the party to hear a young lady also on account of a loss of her servic TVL j! . r .L. h payment of bills, etc., has been damaged LUMBER exclaim at sight of a flock of geese by the road, "Oh girls just look at tnose aepr 111 tle ducks." And antner one being asked what kind of grain wa in an oat held re plying "Oh that is rye." At about ten o'clock the party arrived at Waterloo and hammocks were swung and a general oust ing was. indulged in 'and everybody pro ceeded to have a good time. Some of the ladies proved themselves veiy expert snoot ing a pocket-rifle. At 12 o'clock the party came together to enjoy as nice a lunch as the writer ever had tne gooa ionune 10 partake of prepared by the ladtes' own fair hands. Afterwarda the day passed quickly away, boat-riding being one of the amuse ments of the afternoon. J-ate in meaucr noon the party was joined by Rev. Geo. S. Gibbony and wife, Mr. C. B. Montague and Miss Hackleman, of Lebanon. At seven the party was again supplied with lunch ; but with the many fragments remaining only one "Fish" was to be found. A short stop at the residence of Mr. C. B. Montague, End a pleasant moonlight drive to Albany concluded what to the gentlemen at least was a very pleasant day The writer as sures the ladies that the "gentlemen appre ciate their kindess and feci confident that the amount of $2500 and sues for that sum. Such suits generally end in a verdict for a few hundred debars "if for anything at all. Letter List. Folloarlng is tho list of letters remaining In the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, OSSfSS, July 18, 1S88 Persona calling for tlie letters must glva the date on which they ware advertised ou short nofclo?. This lumber in out froui the tMjit yellow flr, rafted from thjoele- brated M Jivm.i 1 tltu in-r jrt ins ind maun factured C iburv. Any quantity can be . . ... . . 1. lurnisnau at Au.-'iv a iow orioos, j.i needs n-j r-n i.n n'i litian m t quality f EDA11 POSTS, BDXINC LATH, PICKETS andltimbirof all kin ou our yard con atantlv. Dj-i't or.W without jeamst or nsarlug trim us. we win saye you money. HAMMER BEOS., Albany Ltun Co,. Oi Albora John Adams Bnokhart Henry CooleyS. 8. Flnley Mia E, Y. Qnyo Albert St. Helen Henry Pride Mra Mary WardM.T. Avers Miss Mniey Collinge Adam 2 Cameion E. Fletcher Mis Adda Green Ole Llgtfet C. V. 2 Russell Fred T, R. THOMPSON, P. M. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When abe became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria Administrator's Notice cf Final Settlement N tics ia hcrtbv civen that the under inAoil Atmiiiinfcr&tnra de bonis t on of the tate of Martin Costello.dcceased. have filed their final account in the office o ihe County Clerk for Ltun coaoty, Oregon, and the County Court for said county havn fixed Monday Ihe Srd day or September, 1S88, at tho hour of one o'clock, p. m. for hearing objectiona, if any te esid final acoount, and settling said estate. Sam Ma- , Douglas, Adminiatrators de bonis non of stid eatate. J. K. W rather ?ort, , In tie Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for i. inn county. H A Holman and Jnlia Ho! man his wife, ullie hetb n and Hainan 8hetbn her husband, and Et eabeto. Holman, Plain-tifl's. vs. Tempa Hunt and Lesnder mint, her hus band, Mary Hannah and ihns llannan. n r husband, Jeremiah Holman ana Elvina Holman, ids wife Isaao Holman, Elizabeth St rout and Wm. Strong, her husband, GeiUrterfe 1-orgt.y and Klias Porgey, her husband, Martha Hili and L Hill, her hubaiu!. Lottie Held and Tbo Reid. ber husband, Jeremiah Whidby and Josephine VV hidbj , hte wife, Martha Lan ders and Jno lenders, ner nusnana, Jennie Caldwell and F'oyd Caldwell, ber husband, Sarah Hunt and Ly nan Hunt, ber husband, Mollie Sanders aod D San ders, her husband, John Whidbv. Monroe VVhidby, G H Whidby, Thos Wbidby. and Wm beuuett, Defendants. VTOTICEia hereby given that the un .j dersinged, the Referee duly appoints ed by the above entitled Court In th abovn entitled cause to make sate ef tbe premises hereinafter described, will pur suant to an order of said Court in said cause duly made and entered of record on the 12th day of March, 1885, at the Court House door in Albany in said coun ty on Saturday the ioih day uf August, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon oi said day setl all tho right, title interest and estate of each of the Plaintiffs and Defendants herein io and to the fo lowing described premises, to wit: The south eaat quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter ol Section sixteen in . Township 10, S R 1 E. Also the north wcat nuantr ol tho northeast quarter Sonrionten. Townshio li 8 R 1 w. Ah beginning st the southeast corner of one in Section lhrie in Township 12 S 1 w, and ruuning thence west sevonty-i rods : tbenofl north seventy-six rc thenos east se von ty-two rods; theu jo set seventy six roos to the place ot beginnti ail situated in tho Willamette meridian Linn county. Oregon, containing t mmmx . m , -aL at. S T J acres, '.terms 01 saiecasu 10 nana,