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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1888)
ft. II eiiaSSSaSJaa I I Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR Or- STAR BAKERY, Onmer Broadalbin and First Sta.r DKALR IN t a owed rraita, DrM rratu, Tobaceo, ipar, otlee. Rte iueawre. Vegetable, Igara, M !. Tm, Etc.. In foot everything that tn kept In a gen mi variety and grocery alora. Highest market price paid lor "a ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Win. F ortmillei , e mw eUHBSSvMMflHttPHPetf1 Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO no TO Wooriin k Wiliatd. Ill ill Itnat mtlko Rlld nuf i jvu ft neat fliiahed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine Hue ul PICTURE FRAMES. and a hunderd different style of Moulding. Picture frames made to order. The largest end beat atuefc of UNDERTAKERS B00U8, ever kept In Albany. Prloei raaaonable. Andrews & Hacklpman, WLDOUGLASi $3.00 cittocrat Qffioiil p TKMPRKANCK COLUMN. Kttlltd lv Mlmnv W, ft T, U. The convention of the aooietite of Cbria tiau KuAeavar hald in Chicago recently, had I uir thousand delegate. Thl society w organised Kb, L 1881. U Jim now mni berthm of iJAOiXK). Thia number represeula thirty four iUUi aud eighteen hundred so oisties. At this sessi. n Pansy read i liu hit fill story one of if r own. of coursr - and Mi Willnrd delivered an address It It stated that every refnrene to temperance waa arreted a nth aniilauau. This ia noour aging. Winn the young, who oomposetheee societies, take up the causa ol temperance in earnest, there ail! ho a grand forward march. The Beay Tonaiie. thl I lu their recent oongreea, the brewers, In ?7eWil XHflF Si9 W ii,...,.u...i u I'ouiii'siiiKinv i . The i ini.w "" Waterloo correspondent of the Lebanon Esfw talks na follow I "It was report edhcre Sunday Hint it wa generally Ih- llcved In Albany that there .were no con venience to be found at Waterloo. I he a ...... nu nil lll'll till reader oi in.' .v. . . I .w- . .t..i. ......... ...L .., i, I a mistake, and for thehcneM of the rend- ..'aiT" j vi.l.l Ing public wc wl I nay that It I well to un- egitin.ate revenue and true temperance at the acribe tin" ! paper uitii num. muv. "Krv,"wvl column a well a. It odvertWng column. - mit. otlhlifl ThUlhc ' ' honorable enougli to do. . wl liml U(,hM deolae to nVM. Wutcrlooo ha the following nccommotin- tiKte the alleged "cold tea liquor taint In Hon hotel, a feed atttb.e, and a firt- the houae rraUurant. PkohiUtinn aureiy i. tn, eagkl to prohihit in the oepitul. . lass i-ountrv toro, where one will tmd Jl,. rocericN imvllon and all kind of can-1 pt, tji,ju ,rcw,r Mri. preparing to conteet " L1.. la a. a I 1 l 1 L iumI u.i'id- and inf.u t nearly cveryining in Uie u.rime ino new taw raiting too and tourtata " .now, i The Reading railroad urdtra eniployee to a! i tun from istoxieating drinka, whether oo duty or not, beoauao railroad ling "eeeda level headed men." Will not the eaine rule apply to any other business aa well. SOLE LEBANON. AGENTS, - OREGON Sheriffs Sale. ofOrtgon, for FUNERAL D1RE(T0R. Prompt itt3iiion-?ir3t-3la8S Hearse JJT After b min m h tare call at reildenoe corner Fifth an 1 Biker n treat. THE YAQUIMA UOUTE. Oraion Pacific Railroad Oriiin Ojvelop nmt Cjneptoy'e Steam shin Line. aiee? aiiirft Olid arc HvTOTICK la hereby givin that by vlrtuo '225 MILES SnjiflCfB. of an Execution and oaler of aa e t t eeAun ires TIIIC Uauedeuioi 'iheabve iiamed turt in ZU niMUI9 W eea- In the Cirtuit Court of tht Stat Linn county. R, S. Wallace, Plaintiff. aaaa e -a Johu Uelgbale and Oeorg Williams end William Knglend, iHJieniiantH needed bv campera lnlbe,lrt place Albany people know ex- net I v what uccominooiiuon mere Water no. The mh kat ha kept them poAted for a great many icar. It alway na In a genernl wav allowed correepon dent to jlvc the buaiiifa of their reaper live placeV, and I glad to have them do ao; i... i n .!. .u.t allow them to run free ad In their Items and neither will me r.xfrrt man when he lu Had the experience we liave. No live paper allow It. It la nil right to av Mr .mith -1 mining a atore nt Waterlooii. but it i not to aay that "Mr. Smith, the popular grt ccr. Iia a nr ciaae Htoek ol canned good, produce, etc. Call on him when In the burg. etc. That 1 ponging something for nothing tor other and i what the correapondent of the Aa 6tes$ ha been trying to do with the Dunn- ear a. a . . 1 1 . mu. tn at lor vean., ii wcwrc nui taken In the Identity of the gentleman. (?atuineittiufl uioa the undelle rjfvvt uikiii liquor oonaumptioo, in Philadelphia? by the reduction to the number of wlmma under the now rcslii.tive license law, Honfimt' in and Liutior CirruUtf asks; "The detnr.d Iwiuk there. vlll tho anuaeu removal et tnree fourtha of the btr-moms make an equivalent rcductioo in the oonaomttea? Clearly the rhe evil that can he wrought by a care- . ..!....! .1.'.. le gossiping tongue is mun..... t here is no truer charity of dealing of per son evlth person than to guard well one' tongue when speaklug of the characters and affair of other. What i more repul sive to our feeling than to have unkind observation made on our Uvea by those who through curiosity Intrude themselves iron the nrlvacv of our home. A most re- a aw pep f - - f apectable family of my acquaintance wa thrown Into the deepest embarrassment by the busy tongue of a golp. There had been family trouble, of a seriou private nature which concerned the family aionc and any outside Interference waa neither ndd nor wanted. 1 he tact became known to this aocial scavnger who mercl 'eeeiyeprcadthe news here and there until it reached the car of a newpaper reporter who eager for news of a sensational nature colored the atory to ault hi fancy and uave It for publication. I magluc the horror of this family to ace their sorrow under the flaring heading In the weekly paper, as painful as the facta were they had been crucllv exaggerated as It passed from mouth to mouth. inc uourras ana mar tyrdom suffered from that family from thl unjust scandal wa the uircci rcuu ws too free uae of an unguarded tongue. I be tongue of auch persons are Indeed griev ousoffenders. By them good reputation are ruined and the peace and happiness o! home are sacrificed. 1 am told of person who have a most Insatiable desire for pry ing into othcrpeoplc lives, then unkindly relating their observations from house to house, confidentially, of course, at each i.larr Thev make it convrniem iw nw errandaat the neighbors ail dav that thev might learn . . a a If. . a t i - proportion ta an eimuruiiy. ine uemanu nlltUlviru .ui hour of the et.l there, practically ,uus.terd in character V'" Xht learn more of the and velum.-, ami it will .imply begm t an y j ' -,amllv if we lcarn 0f just ttf to the change oonditlon. o the h 7 " hers, how much auppiy. mm I"'" i i...i..ui- , than by any other route. Pirt-ola through paiugr and r.ight Una from Portland and all polota In the WilUinatte Valley to and from San Praoolaoo, Cat. the above ouiilled ault I will on aatartUr Ike tlfc day of AagMi, aa. aa ik. fliaial Hnuaa door ill the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of uk n m.. smII at t ublle auction inn v.v.. r, -. I .... fcr cash In hand to tne uiguH omur u. WUlanatts Wwr Lina of lltmm. r,t:"t""TZ The "Win. M. Uoag," The "4N. 8, Beat JJJj half of the aouth ea-tquarter and the lay," Tne "Three SUtere" are in aerviee najfofiM0 aouthweat quarter of Sec. JTJACOBS OH, FOR SPRAINS- BRUISES. Pv Mr. DAVID SCOTT, J Champion, Aoi trail an T Cricket Team, Melbourne, sex Australia, whose autograph more chariublc and christian like to keep It silent than to spread It abroad simpiy m ..r.iiifv ri !. inliiL' propensity. If wc can- . , r ... ... - . i ... u.... . i ... i itn.i u . unmi tit Atners. i urn iei " wiiieipiaiB wny ww aaiaae nnwuaj . 7. . n rt ,uui . i.. .....f.., tmLA fi...i" t nrhibiL(.rv from speaking of them at all. o goon .j r i r...iu.. n( ..ihir. renuta ever tnic mm' ' v tlonsor faults. a will eonoentrate itaelf at the high lioepse cafs. The rich bsr keeper will be made enormously richer and the po-ir one poorer.' This crea ; legislation for batn oasaaozer and freight tratllo be tween Corvelila and Portland and oaeduue poiuu, leaving Company! wbari, Corvalba. aud Metsra. Uutman & Co a wharf. Noa 100 and Atf Front St., Poit uand, three tlmta a wk aa followa : NOBTH BOt'gD. leCorraltka. Hon . WaU. end Friday, lo iw A, M. ArHra rwtbved, lua.. The, sad Matarday. MOP t. SOLTU BUUJiO. Lat PrUaad. Uaa., Wed. sad may. 8 00 A. y. I.Coiu,Tu., Thu-aad aUUudaj, t P.M. Boaia make oloaa oonneetion at Albany with train of tha Oregon Paetflo Railroad. ilMCiiJtl-oULE (oapt Hundaya.) Uri. Aibaar. 1.-00 r. a, , tmn Yamuna, ;44 a,e. Lmwl CoulU. t:l.Bi! Uave Urvlua,!0J4 a.a. Amw Vaipiiua, i r. a jArnve Albany, 11:10 a. a, in Townahln nlue. S. R to, eaat of the Willamette meridian In Unn eoun y, Oregon. The proceeda arlatng from ,h mSl nt Mid uremlao to be applied: Find to the payment or the original coal a taxed at lltS.tfc aud the acerum wt. and an Attorney'a tVe Uxed at Wa.T n...i..I i.tli. na UPMit ti th Plaintill. R S Wallace, the sum of f I4S5 with aeeiuing intf ret thereon t the rate of 10 per ceoi aa annum Irom the 2Hh day of June, A K. ie. And the urp!ue of auch sale remaining afier the said payments be ap niiMl In mrment oftht sum ol S4l.3i .iA ....! IfnndanU. Qeorae Williams and William KnpUnd, with accruing tn teieat thereon at the rata of ten per cent Kt annum from the 20tb day or June, A. 1888. Dated July 3rd. Ib8. eoue ' ' i.t. . 8. SMtTtf, Sheriff. Leput. t. CK ia here ahown and who hat experienced aa many hard knocks in the rough game of cricket aa any man In the field, writee over kia signature aa follows: "St. laeoba Oil cured me of a terrible bruise." The nhrase Shsipel temperance" has wide application from the point of view of a white . . . . i .i riuoon woman. u imiwiw ww hhulhu. of a man e individual heart; of a man home, baaed on the anion of two heart, aeppnaad to beat ae one; of society, made ap of all the homes; and of the at ate. made Bp of aU the eocietiea. In each and allof these, it include the regoaacy of Christ aad la none more thau the guveramewt which ' w - upon II ta tbouider.'' JVaaeet U. WUUml. 1 5 crc Cohen, per D. cuauca WOUNDS, CUTS, SCALDS, AMJJ BURNS, Sold ty IHmgffUUnnd Dealer , The Charles A. Vooeler Company, UALTIMOUE, MO. O JtC- traita oiaaex at Albany and v,rve.lly. fbe aoove trains oannecl at Ifaquint w Company Vaquiua an 1 Siti I' ran laO . stll,!M, ltTE ;iiu. WUUasaUe Valley, WUIaesetti Valle, M Ulsssstt i Valley, WUIaasetti Valley. The aoore tralna oonneci ai -wan Ofegjn Ueiopmeol q ) ? MOUntUlilS. a Uqi .( Heaui4bipe between " , Z , tn .w. reuular tripe with apilag back from l-u banon to al 1 poiote on the W, V. A C, M R between lbanonand Ffab Lake. Al partlea desiring to avail themclva .f this means of reaching the mouutalna will call on, or addreeath underalgne.1 at t.ban on, Cbargea r-aoaable. La K. I'Ruaua, raoa ait nut va4 ua Jans : Jj.y 4.4 July lib July Hh. June .. July U a. Juy tih. HAT A Waterapoat. St. At '.i stisb, July 8.-A waterspout came In from the ocean and passed over the city, upsittlng boats on the river, wreck ing several building near the sea-wall and tearing up atreets. A small steamer moor ed at the aea-wall waa raised thirty feet in the air and tocd upon land. .Several row- boat suffered the same fate. Fortunately no live were lost. Several dray loads of hah were secured on the trcr la after the waicr;ui iwu I " "' ajp Cklnaaea. . - .... . WvMUNi.ros, July is. The united Utcconul at Victoria, B. C-. reports to the elate depattment that there ha been a renewed influx, of Chinese into if rittan Col umbia, arrivals from May to July 8 num bering isci person. Moat of the immi grants are provided with return certificates UK Ah RhTaTi.HAI.Kh A recorded In the County Recorder' office of Linn county, Oregon FredGrtf to II Mcllwaln, lot 4. block 3, E A, Albany f J M Ralston to Ida Meyers, 1 lot, Lebanon Owen Bear to Kllnor Carter I W Shepard to Charlettc S UA J. MOCB 3S, viuanj Oregon to David Biewer, 105 acres tp 13. 4 W Garrett V Stand th and Verlinda StandUh. t acre. tp 14, Jw O & C R R Co to W W Martin. 40 acre tp 9, 3 w . F E Robinson by I) S Smllh.Sherlff ta J M Moyer, Iota 3 and 4. block 34, Albany .. llonaii Mlni'ne claim of A B Wood In, A A Rhoadea. Rob't Brown, II II Ami, BM Huston, W E Read, locators. m U S to R N and M (; Yorbo rough, 6J4 aoe. tp 14, 4 w patent U S to Martin Coatello, 7 J acres. . patent IT S m fa I. Berrv. 80 acre, tp 0.1 fc Alfred Woceler to Sard Ridge Grange, 1 acre, 9 1 3 3 w t M. A. Ta. HATt KUAY MUllT. The M. A. T. has been Informed that the by the United Statee custom office, and" aic Willamette Packing Company ha not re w . - sa. . a a m . a I w AILS on their way to San Francisco. Many of thcae cenitfcalca, he save, are fraudulent, and the holders have made aeveralattemp to cro the line near V ancouver. to The Cimpauy ..ryen .be ngbt change saiuug -Jttea wubout uoiica. H.B. faaaeagera fraaa pjr.Uuu aud vVUUaau Va le pd iji ctn makn .doae cjuueoii.-u wita iOd train ul'tbe Yauiua rouse at Aioiii sf Ujrv:iu, aud ll de uuil u. itu c uuid arrauge U arrive at. X . j Mats uie evt)iug Oel re Uate of ending. aaaeater h ( IT.eUht Kate, atway tne Lwweei. f jr .i(.r.u u... 1 a.vl u. C J ttteari, Freljchl aiJ f.c-i.. Aje-ii, Aina-ty, t l- C ll rtieell, Je, O. r. ax P. Aa OrjiMi Uevei.i ui .1 ,., 3 ; g-wiiHiiry at., aail rrua; ., Cat. C. tk II - . K. ami P. agsea. ... Rsafla H K C. Oorvslue, Or. 0criLAaJ fJ JaliF JaMlA -vV'IA-. tulim Pacifij Joaipiny's Line, raiK nr. enitsf t aiati're. laanaaeeaa Ai!vit a- aVtaaUa. a aour uiaraan uracas 1. i raar. oaa 4 w r. a. I Leave a: ij r a I Leave i n a m I Antve Tf Alotny iau K auciac. noSth Arrive . 10:4 1 a a L-save a a Leave j m'JM w M ,K;l.eeiTaM DWW ,except Sunday) I Leave a:U0 A M ii:lir I Leave f.torm I Arrive Purtlaiid Albany ICuirene Arrive I :6 r M fawva 1 11:36 a a leave IKKiiii lf.M. taaiss BAH.Y, eicxt acuDAV. i Jmr u, J Arrive 13:5) re I i. . I-JA ' m I Arrive AU y 1. 1 1 i.i Albany LUa.i 1 lis;. I. . I .,.11 A M Arrive 1 2:Sra lyaav 2:0J r M PdLLMiT B'JFtif SUPRS. Toarisu 3Uapiag Oars V tf lee eat m ..ii h, i mI eeni.l-Cltt.a rassea sera, aitaehelti KxreaaTraiaa. We.l 14e lySvlelea. BKTreE rosrLtxo ami o The BUYERf til I)E ia Issue 1 Mu oh and Sept.. each roar. It Is an ency clopedia ot Uioful lulor. mat ton for all who pur. chaao tbe lu'.ur ea cr tho necoazP-ies ol lite. Wo ean olothr 70U and furn)sh you rrtth all the necsaary and unnecesaary appliance to ride, walk, dacco, clear, eai flah, buat, work, bo ta ehuiotv. or eta7 at hme, and li vopiaae ctoa. sAylea and qnantitles. Jfi:t tl4n.r0 out what is reQuirod to do all iti.-je thlagi COff F0RT1BLT. and you ocn raakoafiau estimate of the vuluo or thJ BUYEIia OU1DE. which will be ccut upon receipt of 10 cente to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenne. Chicago. UL YOU? Do yrm fi-d null, languid. lUBJ mtiJttf pargjn , xift, . 3 j gar. laa,and lodeik-ribehly ralaerable.Wh i-hyet- N, . j , . 1, SSie and tiiMitnllv: .'Jiperlcnce a eenaa of worm. .Mauo a. ii.nuucw. celved a single order from Albany mcr clianta tor their canned goods, their ahip menta being entirely to oilier place. Thl la supporting home institution w ith a ven- . I. -a Ktr.l oa Uerord gSnee ttoml one ... H4 B, .I." 1 Bt rr ai.o. July t8. The bay mare Belle by the fact that the company - Hamlin trotted a trial tialf mile heat yea- terdav aflcrnoon, at the Buffalo driving Thi beau the DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office room 3 and 4. t'oater'a bloek. ALBANY - - OftfUJN. fuliniee or bloating efu-r caUntj. or of "ae neae," or rnipiiiui of stomach In the tnoni- ! i..i,ui... . .mi. .1 tut t.-c 01 lasit taste In mouth. im-iruUr app-tii-. dlnlntta, rrrii-iit u. n.u.W t,lorrclcy-igbt."tlrtlng acka" -before the eyee. nervous proatratln or et- bauetlon. irrltntanty or icinjw-r. imn. , KraaMg with ehtllv senaaUooa. ehari. t.itlog. tranektit peine hem ami tliere. eoM fMt irowio.-a afu-r mi-al. wahefulneea. or t .Haturl- t hii.I unrefrrahlUK aiit-p. limaant. iiKiiacrtbable feeUng of dread, or ot unpaau- Inar oalamity t It you bave all. or any considerable number of tli-.i eyiui'loiue, you lire euurnnv iruin that most common or Atn-nan maaswiisi liuioua uyepepata, or Torpid Uver, aeaonatan with Dysiiepsia. or indigestion. Jue nme your dkaae has heeme. the greater the number and diversity of eymp MMk No matu-r whnt alaa-o It haa Dr. IMerceSt Uuldrn Vl.-dleail IJlacovery .uMiui If ir taken eeeordlmr to tlr-- tions for a raonablo U ngih of time. If not curt-d, -iinplifutiona moliil and Consump tion f th- l.unire. Hkln lir-Rii. Ihert Dha-na.-. Itht-uinatistn. Kldm-v Dww. or oim-r grave n-.alietKw aro quite llalde to m-t in and, sooner or later. Indue. n fatal termination. - iM. , . . ' Uoldnii yiedtcnl Die rovery acta powerfully upon tho Liver, and through l hut grout blood-purifying organ, f-u-ntiwit tin-hi no-Mi of all hloo'l-taint and itn- puritM. from whatever cause arising, it is .M1..111V nmittcioua in aetlng uooe tho kid- Frank K Hod Portland, waa their own here where they ma.c iuec goods a specialty ; but wc do not see that that should make any difference. In fact It would seem a If other merchants voold keep the good in order to keep the euetom of those who wish to consume tbee good Thc Man About Town haa observed that the h-d and mortar men on the bricks going up in this city took completely tired out at night, such wc rejoice to any i the rush being made. For their benefit the following cute little trick tried In an Oregon city Is given : The tired boo carrier pur chased five cent worth of hickory nuts and putting a few among the mortar in the K.wt he . , untied it on fltc board. The brick HimtMrnn Ralaalorat. I , ' mnr. Wmeki.ivo, July 19-A terrific rain- layer. tng n. a- siorm prevailed here this evcnlng.noodlng e walaylng jt to the ce.rPgnddtribting debris from the XT.VX hillside on many thoroughfarcs.rendering Jon oi tUl vera! limea, took up much tiicm impaaaah'e. While a number ot peo-1 . )mt whcn the hodman came up TiiURROAY. Mr. (Iraham (Haas. Jr.. reoiotly of Dallar, has purohaeed the MoMionville Roport'r. Dr. t. W. Mston and family left thl noon for Y equina bay, to lie gone about a week. Thar.1 am forte liiliVulfll. tlf a llUll onUf f make, in Unn oouoty. thirty -live .f the 1 beiiigiit Albmy. "Well, Tommy, ia yur mother tof' 'Yea'm; but I wish ahe waa oat, tnough." Why?" "'C'aoae ahe'a going to Imh nif." Salem intends to do itarlf proud in the matter of the antet taioment wf the (iregou editors at the meeting of the 8ate Presa Aasooiatlon on Aognst 10 Mist Ixird has rented Mr. H. F. M tleiu'e house, rect-iitlv tmrohasml of Mr, tiraff, earner of Second and Baker Sticett, and 11- r If.-' ta urn h-uig moved into tho same this afternoon. Mrs. flenton. of Kllenehurgh, .V. T, mother, and Mr. W. M, Wellr, sunt, ot City Recorder Henton, are in tha city and have been for several days. They will spend several wecka here the guests of Mr. flenton. An AlLanv uentlemaa who recently re tired from h unifies ha succeeded In winding up all hi alfiira suoeesslully, Wltn tne excep tion of his Waterbury watch. He is at work on that now, taking only twenty miuntes for meals. H. M. Stone haa a force of men si work repair! ng the various wharfs along the rivet front. He ha a contract from each of the irt-nttriotora to make some substantial im- ornvfetni'lita In front of tlu-ir proowrty. The r. - " .1 . prospect ot ili:reae r,iepiFvvoi iw"h the Willamette mut he flattering -Corval- is Timtn. Tho imnretsion Is out that the eaae of " mr . mall pox mentioned in these column was 1,1', .n .t iiiiii-ra DLtvion. biici i" mn i ...... 111 ,1 ur BMr m uimam aiiuwu I)og lainHng on the Willaoiette Hver, Tl mile from Alh.ny, H teiles from Mdler's and 4 mile from J r tTereea, It ia ant 011 tbe line of any railroad, Jefferson being tho nean st point. Kvery precaution ia netng nun ny the eiv nuiitoriiieft 10 nreeens ive whik brought to tn- city. The Dkmik bat will aim " a . a at A . t iL- t a. aa to keen its reader imiortnea aa o mo iu. of tbe diaease. The people have a right to know all the facta in the matter and we will give them aa nearly aa we can get them. raiDAY. Miaa Dotlie Hmtth. anatiya of Albany, died in Portland steiday. Mr. W, A. Well has a wareboaae at Browaaville with a capacity of 175,000 bash els. The Cabforaie teachers have accepted an invitation fiom Sunt Mcftiroy 10 visir. Ore gon in July, 1889. Come right along . In the base hall tooraament at Baker City ysat erday, Baker City beat Bokw City 7 to 2, and 1'endleton heat North Powder 1 1 to 4. F rankle Blancbard, a five year old boy was drowned at Independence yesterday Ha waa playing on tome log when he fet into tbe river. Mf (ieorge Mason. Mr D P Maaon'a broth- e who r- e. utlv arrivel in Albany from the BaaS has accepted a position aa clerk in tbe store of Mouletth Seiteabscb. Clean Lajwis. of Polk eounty. claims to be he the chtmnion amateur bicyclist of Oregon We have a few in Albany we bHievs would make him tir-rd in a mile race, and only boy a at that. An inionction tuit haa Ueo lrgon in l am- hilloonuty to reatraia the sheriff from ool leetiog a tas for the porpoae of finishing the the eon ft kaaaa. It is eery hard for Lsfay ettaj to give the county seat ap. Frank Cbeteiwa. one of the Chicago an arvbtate, kas ma..e a eanfeeaiae, covering thirty pacts, gtviMgtn detail ail the particu Ure ot the' teoeut attempt on tbe lives of prominent Chicago men, Mr. Sam (mn- of i hie city, haa atarted a econd hand atore 1.. Eugene City, and will aleo do a general auution aud eommieaiou buatoeea in oooneetion wish it, and we nodct stand will make that city hi home. 1 When an unmarried yvung man huja : uronertv nenide ijegin to tusptct something, it. . - . j . -, Vittrrd Mr. WsyoKWi.tat inaoraoee man, purchased the houae and let of Mr. Arpa Cohen, corner of Can pool a and Third Street, and we anarect he was just tpecnlatiej.'. thneh the olaaa ia verv eoavruui,t to bis brother -in -laws home. for Infanta and Children. 1 1 1 inartsagaliniihnitiiitiftisl 1 fisssfttwfat enrea Oats. r romtuend itaa tpertor to any protwlpuon I JTmulcV. tatewn to ma." a A Aacaaa. M D I KtZZ' W' Hi so, Oalord Bt., iiroosurn, K. Y. Wiraeat ifrhaflwea iiirinatinTt T Cerratfa Coupaht, 77 Murray Street, H. Y fjBpjSjI-JM -T t: SPBIH t ass JfXJO 150 50 980 1500 3oo MS a f - t H LSS9 t 11 a ARM WI1IjI . . " f.is1a wH Stewart & Sox,Agentsf Albany, Or. W vi. 1 W i i,,July iS. kin. an insurance man of robbed of $40 at the Simon house Tuesday night. There waa another attempt at burglary carlv this morning, but the bail' lar waa pushed out of a second-story win dow by the man whose room he tried to rob. The burglar are suppoeed to be aome of the numerous tramps Infesting thl section. FRANCIS PFEIFFER -PBOPRIET0R0F-3 Albany Soda Works And Manofkrturere of- CHOICE COHFEGTKIHSRY, Vffm are sow OtWOaiad to "d! at wh . aate, alwaya freah and pure at Portland nriOVM 10 deaiera, we mm mmmy m tip. line of . . lutii and Tropical rims, OUK CIGAR AND TOBACCO at est a - - a il departmant ta eon7 r-; wo aoep or vqTj nnear. mtjam, m aiu-a ic. rneerachaum and hria pip thai deligt to acaokera. ALBANY SAW AND PL aj INC MILLS. All kiniz i. . rough, dreai sd seas. . itiiubdrflath m pickets kepi wjf stantly hand Bills sawed to ordei shortest notice Use only Caiapooia timber- Price terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON 4 WEhi Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keep conatantly on hand beat, mutton, pork, veal, nauaage, etc.. tbe beal meats and largest variety in the city Ceah paid for all kind, of faJtock. pie were Manding on the bridge of the Bal timore .v Ohio railroad, .panning the Wheeling river, tit gave way and predpl tated twenty to thirty person Into the river. Bight were rescued, but It 1 feared that e a a arta I il' ten to twentv pertsnea. w vaiowcu In the lower end of the city, four an appetUitiK. rtetoraiive lome. 11 f rom o 1 dwelling were swept awav anUcievtci per-1 etveallnn ami nuir llu. loi-n-ny imiiiuiiik uu . . - . maiur neys. ami other exerctory organa. elennalng. I e o I atrengthi ning. and taallng their iliseaaea. As I Run, e tiot mi diatricta. irrtUK-d gret a Ail t a 1 s oaiLT (ex apt Sands y.) 0am t.ti r a Ai-rie ' " i 1 I Arrive 1 ate r a Leave 1:30 M f.xr ie ritari DAIt,T (etc jp'. SUTidiy. i:'M t a I Leave tixi r a I Arri-e Portland , MiMintivllle A' nve ly-ave V.00 a m 6.4fi A M At Alb tne to I OorvallU cji.-naA vlth trains ol Oref -n Pacific Kail road W K.r'iiii iuloreiAi ei rsiarJia Jratae, unp., etc.. on leooipany's Agent. a. KOKHLKK. . P. kOOEK8, Maiatfer V et to. K. ! I P. Ar "for sale. 1 1 very low raUm Lunbar, Shingle-. Lath, Posts, Pickets, Pence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. fall for price a', yard on fc6th St,. , a aat of (). A C switch. W. W, CHOWDER. PATENTS btaJne.1, eaa all other buaifiees hi the U. a Paten ft)c Li...w!!a:l tn for fuoderale tec. Our office Uopfajit .he L'.H. Patent Office, and eectn obuin Patents less time thsn thoeo remote roni WuahingUMl. hend modle ordrsalna. We si- to istciit ability free of charge -.and wemake e charjfe unhea we obtain patent. We rfr hre. tat the P'Mtn:at:r. the buiil. of Money Order Div. and to olficiali eftheU. S. Patent Office For circular, advtce, toiase, an"! efereueat o actual clieute la your own State or county, addrsst Co .4. smn oXCOaa Opoetae Patent Office. Wathhirten, D . both lli-aii and strength. In ll.ia Mrrmih-rfol li n-illt'ino 1 lehrltv in curtnir Fever nnd Ague. Chills Fever. Diimli Aue. nnd kimiri-u oiwn-. Or. Plerce'a taolden Hied lent Die coverjr CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Palt-rtwrum. " Ferer-aoree," ri-Hly or llouirh Skin, hi short, all diseases caua.'d by tmd hlood aro conquered by thia powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medi cine. Omit Fitting Ulcer mpldly heal under lu Umian influence. Baprciutly haa it mani fested IU potency In coring Tetter. Fzcnis, t-vt-uinoina ik1iia.C11rbuncI1-s.Soro Kves. Scrof ulous Sore and Swelling, llln-jolnt lilseaee, "While Swelling,"' Cloitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten. cents in eiiimpa for a large Treatise, with colored piates, nn Skin Dlw.-ases. or the same amount for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affcctiona. 'FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly elf-nose It by using Dr. fierce eon drowned. LJiIVgR8ITY OF 0RE805. EUGENE CITY. Sext aeasion begins 00 Monday tbe 17th of Npfeiuber, 18SS. Free scholarship f om eveiy eoj' ly in the .State, Apply to jour t'oui.t v u,' rintendnnt Four 0 'Urtee. : Llaaaical. Soiontific. Idtarsrv 14 rwn fSnglish Course in which there ie M Lstln, Greek, ene,h or German. The Kogiu' is pro-emliif 1 t!y a Bualneaa C mra For catalogues or other informa iou. addreaa J. W. JOHNSON, President. Homeopathic Physician, US. U, K. VcTOY, M. v., BoaawaxHea ShlliatSII. office and residence corner of First and baker tHreeU, Albany, f Iregvti, Chronic ilineaaet atneeSaltv. r:ontultotlon tree, t ffloe hours : 10 a in. U 12 s in tnd 2 to 6 p. m. Mini Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. P"ull line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Ainu full line of JAPANESE GOODS. i:: t P113 ooMiBioa (.olden Medical Dfacovery, and good digestion, a fnlr skin, buoyant spirits. vJtal strength and bodily health will bo established. CONSUMPTION, which isNcrofHla of the Luiiga, Is arrested and gnred by tits remedy, if taken in tho earlier stages of tho disease. From its mar- jtjoun power ovci this tcmniy luiai aigcunc, ahen fli-st offering this now world-tdmcd rem ely to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously Of Calling It his "CONSUMITIOK Cuius," hut abandoned that name aa too restrictive for a medicine which, from ita wonderful com bination of tonic, or strenathenlng, alterative, or blood-eleunsing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutrttivo properties. Is uncqualed, not only hx n n-ineny tor consumption, out xor uu Chronic nlaeaaea of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lunas, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Ilreath, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. It is an efficient remedy. Bold bv Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for $5.00. 3r" Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Addreaa, World's Dispensary Medical Association. C03 Main St., BUFFALO N. T. The Blryele Haine. The following letter explains Itself : BoatoK, Maaa, July 12th, 18SS. I. P. Hail. Albany. Oregon. . . . . . JJdir .Mr : we careiuii v note your invur . . . ' .L. U rt ot the 3rd ana assure you mat mr r Merrill, of Portland, lias no right wnatcver to give any party in your town a discount on our bicycle, nor t anyone mere en titled to receive Coluutoia at anviiiing better than list nrice. except yourself. Wc shall take steps to correct the abuse that haa evidently been made of our agency ar raniftmentt at Portland, and snail aim to protect you a long as you represent us to as good satisfaction as you have thus tar. We trut that we may "have a gootl business from you this year. Yours Trulyv Pope fsj'ro Co. a -a. a. I l..a ALBANY GOLLEBUTE IHSflfUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1889. f rtra Term ataeas Ke plena h- r tstb, laaa. A full eorpe of Instructor. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AMD NORMAL CLASSES. 1 reiimas of "tudv arranged to meet lh- ... need of all credaa of dud. n! . A KM of men who voted against W 11 Har- Zmit dents riaon ta la order. P- U. .I..r baa lon eheaen iTtnainal t,f ! from aifKtd. ..-....1.1..T .,v,.o. nf ('..rvalli j Tuitioo raocsa from $5 60 to fl?,50 . ' Board In private fAinl'iea at c.w rate Casftes Monteim leita oay or two ego on . - . - it ala. amal I w enaat. a buMness mm to afpsaaae sassa ! Acaiafni an per vision exercised over atn- First National Bank OF ALBIW i OBEGOS. l. n a. e. y UtO. K. OUAMetRJ km rra0c ..t TRANSA'TTi A CEKERAL lnkinS1 ACCOUNTS KEPT sabject to check. HHiHT g.trH AN'Qg and IttllTSlihlc traatth i, Sew York Sai, fVanciaco. OWcatro sad fV OrttTea. COLLBCTIOXS MADE on favorable terass. tavtcToaa. HATfCOAV liAll.V. E BL4IS, Geo K C 11 is sraii t L. Puss, WaUTta E TrasaxL, laborers furnished any purpose. f for this section. on short notice fo 0. 0 OHBBBT. C.B.PVBKES Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. E. WEATHERF0RD, (N0TABY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, aBECON. I171LL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE YY State. Special attention given to collections and robate matter. 4 tJTOfflcel Fellow'e Temple. JOS. WEB BE fa'S BirbiT Shot) aj a now hieatel. until he gets into tiu uew Pofthay A Masou building, jus', n rlh of No. 2's Kngrt.a house, "vhere old and Him House. .1. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Tnia house is now 00.11 an 1 furnished with the best new furniture. Eyo'ything clean and ccmmodlous, iaffr rg to t e gen eral public superior aceonmc cations to any ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, iacMsts, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. a a r E are now completely prepared to TV handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Encrines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. P ITTKKM8 MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing al Rinds of machinery., ik. ...I hsxi verv little of the former one had been used. The hodman put In a few more whenever he waa falling wmna. ..i m tnld hi bo that If he would " - . ... 1 i t add a nuaiicr a day to 111 wage, uc ..vuiu - . . m 1 keep any two brlca layer going. In. Of U.11. . Please write soon and send a paper. Alma, Harlan, Co Neb. Dear SirK we are going to move to Oregon in the near future or thia tall 1 take the liberty to address you requesting you to favor me with a sample copy of your - T . aa 14 .-.IaWt hah atuill oaoer hv return man, 11 hiuic, jv confer a favor on me. Should want to n a bruise or rooms and a barn mix coin- lng winter, a short distance from your cuv, . .nil, with a small ideceof land to it, J WS t OMte, vw - . . L 4 Maaaa lie uiltli 11 nnkture or two noracb uuu t aw Liuiu hv return mail. Also rent per month. Respectfully, AIIUlAt.1. JflMIIWl -r.r. Box ii2, Alma, Neb. The above is one of many letters that .......... ihA nwufWRAT office. N c are WWIIIV fc" " ' unable to answer the gentleman's ques- Mi-ante afafk xVt tr ive his name, and our real twi KB" " ; - estate men, farmers and citizens generally are at liberty to storm him with proposi tbtna He is evidently a German, and, by n w mww " as the way, some of our luoat- Usrltiy tar-ier are of this class, in fact as a rule they rattier take the lead in knowing how to make both end meet. You may roadfthat both The latter, though, only consists of the ice cream, for the euter tainmeut part of it was diiaotly the contrary. It was held last Friday at the residence ( Hon S M Penninetou. and was atveu by the Young People's Christian Eodeavor So tty, of the Baptist church, members rf tome of the other Kodeavor societies being lnviteo guests. Those who attended pronounce it an uncommonly enjoyable altar. (lames, sociability and a very palatable lunca .was the program. Stone Quarry CfMPANY.The articles of incorporation of a stone quarry company In this county have been prepared for tiling says the Leader. The incorporators are O. A. Waggoner, Dr. Rich and U. 1. ueorgc Tbe nhiect of the incorporation is to de- FaRMEKk. Before buying your meats duP J vej0pthe quarry on Mr. Waggoner's place. FaiotxJngtt the list of letter reetahihtjr hrthe Fast Offloe, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, July IB, 1888 Perwaiu calling for iheae letters must give tb uate on which they were advertised : Bixby, B Campbell, Johsrt Oearti, WK llsrris,PA Heim, Mia Josle Howe, Chat J 4otM, Jtinet F Jiuticr, Baatrtt June, J T y Meitert, Una Kmnia Ncco, William : 0 W t Mhannon, J W I'rouafoOt, Jans 3 C. THOMPSON, P. N Hay. The size of llnj hay crop very naturally affects the size of the price. Con siderable has been sold for $4 in the- field, and it can be nurchased and delivered in V . La. a. ... aa I . the city for $6 or $7, which would mage u about $10 baled. Surveying. -Mr. E. T.T. Fisher i pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rate. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. AdressMiller's Station, Linn county, Or. An ice Party. ways, nice and ice. One hundred and eleven horses hare been entered far the state fair, fill Ung trotters and 41 rnonera. Frank Maiohet, cf Santiam, has gone to St Lima, where he will enter a medical col lege. Mum Mattte flamilt . a former resident of Aluany. is in th cily tbe gueat ol t Crandali. Mr It F Mel twain has so!d hia lot and house, corner Second and Bake 1 street, to 0 W Lawrence. Cem-neration, $2500 Walter Petero-j. of Lebanon, rae sold hi li verv to Burkhart A Bilycd. a&d we preanme tvHI return to his for .net ocenpa ttonof mending tick aatchta. - The Oregon Wonder ia now on exhibition at Salem. Thia ia a fioe animal, but it a oold sound a great deal bigger away from it native countrj. Oreeon t'itv i'. tc hunted by 40 incaude ffUotrie lixhU. The aic liuht is tie only one tit for street porpoter. better go it whole hog or near. The elevator in the Youog block repaired yetterday while heavily loaded wih goods and went down with a crath. Fortunately no one aa io a noaition to be injured ana iittls damage waa done. Mr J.i-on Wheeler arrived in Albany yet terdav from eat of tte mountain-, having been at Camp folk, Warm Npnutt aud otner place. He will settle down la Albany now aud make this hia home. lVoule interested in advertising Albtny and Linucnuaiy, should call oa Jay Blain, seoretary of the Board of Trade, get aome pamphlets and tend them where they will do the most good. The MLses Charlton left Lebanon Thors dav mnrniua for their fnture home in Ellens- burg, W T. These are very estimable young and their departure from l. banon U n gretted by a laige number of frienda. "We wish them aacoesa 111 tneir new nome. pre. An Alhahy gVatteman surprised to hear some one running hia lawn mower wrs great ly roheyed to atonrtain that it waa ouly hi son winding his Waterbnry watch. Like most Albany boysyou don't catch him de meaning himeelf by moping lawu n'owers. Mr J H Towntend, of Albany Or, repre senting the Pacific lunnrance Co, was in the city th first cf the w eek establishing lcal agents for that company here. This ottic was made a friendly call. Mr Towusend is a wide-awake business man and thinks there aro wonders in storo nr tiia iu.B.u.umr ville Vrtss. When people oome frot California to Albany to ro into busine u i a nFAtt. eood sioo for Albany. M, W. Parker, J . . . v 1 - . 11. e ol liiL?ta. uai. na ueen in muany mob na nrranirenu uts IO ouen a ursfc-uiaee " B " . , , reatanrant here, havicg aireaay renieu rnnm in .In dee Strahan s new block wnen completed. We predict a good business for him. dents awav from home. Fall term opens siifre!r 7ib. Kor circulara and full I part leu lar addreaa tne rrea ueow BV. ELBERT B. aNBIT. Albany, Oregon -" CJ0-9 at. v i, l C. L. BLACKMAN, Smcctasor e R. W. Imgdem. HE IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, aud everything kept in a flfVil eta Store. Also a flue .itoek of organs. ALBANY. OREUOX. Din piation a a . o. meiLL w. k. ri. POlrVKlala & BllaVKU. .TTORNEYS AT LAV Aad Solieitors ib l oaBfcrv, iLRAMV. - 0fcta".j Collections promptly inane on an poi Lamnm nturotiated on reaaonaoie tTnei aar Office in Foster s tmca.-v v!4nl9tf. TEACHERS V ho wish to secure first erode certificates should send for N'Grmal Q ietion Hook which contains .ab 1 it soopages of questions and complete answer, rrict . au dress Prof. A. B. Philders, Brorvnsyllle.Or L. H. MONT A3 1 AT LA -AND Notary Public. Alhany, 0r' .. J S T"1 - ,.l. Office upstaira, v aawioru oiuca. inK harvest call on Haight Broa Albany, snd get their prices. At the Bay. A gentleman from the bay states that rusticaters are going there at a ranid rate, particularly campers, of whom slxtv-one had iust s'et their stake. - t. . . -,, . ... 'Ihings begin to ue enuvenea coiihtueruoi, arid .1 flourishing summer ts anircipaieu. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, The caoital stock is $100,000. The stone is of a serviceable wind, and tne -quarry is expected to net the investors good pronts None of the snares are on uie inaract. . Fuller Confirmed. Washington, July 20. The Senate closed its doors at 12:30 p. m. to-day, and proceeded In secret to the formal consider ation of Melville W. Fuller's nomination as chief justice of the United States su At 1 ociock. tne upper preme. lobbies Administrtor's Sale. Notae is hereby si ven that the undersign ed Administrator ot the estate of Samuel T. llariia. deceased, will pursuant to an order of the County Court of Linn county, OregoD, duly made and entered of record ou June b'.u, 1888. at the Uourt House door in Aloauy lu aaid county, on TaeadAy, the t4tfc day et .led y, 188. at the hour cf one o'clock io the afternoon of aid day, sell all the right titlu and iuterest of the said Samuel T. Harris, at the time of hi death, in and to the folloa iag described rel property, to-wit : Beginning at tbe northwest corner of Section 1'.' in Tp. 10 8 R 1 west of the Willamette meridian ; thence east fili rod ; thence tenth '208 rod to the touth hank of Thomas C-eek ; thence west along the south bank of Thomas Crttk, fol lowing the meandering thereof 61$ rods to the line ot said Section 12 ; theuce norxn along said section line, 208 rods to the place of neaianinff. containing 80 acre in Unn county, Oregon, to the highest bidder Terms of sale, cash in hand on day of sale. Hnted June 14tb, I8S8. J. H. Perry, Hewitt & Bryant, Admmiatrator. Att'ya for Adm'r. T. J. STITBS. ATTOUNEY AT la -AND Notary Public. Executor's Notice, viie ia hereov sriven that tbe ani l ed has been thia day appointed by the! iv Court of Linn county, Oregon, sole . , . . . III ...! ...ula ,.,urf n J 1 or t tne last win u v... . eatfiiail thereto of Levi fanning, aw deceased. AH persoc JVta v ' ? - . . . iasehimi against the estate ot sunt ae are hereby notmeo w ijit:cui. mw.vM erly verified . tome at my place o in Albany, Oregon, wunm six ' the date of.this notice. ! Dated this 14th day Of June, A v.. V.v.ventor of the last will act! tetr and codicil of Iaivi Fanning, de WOLVERTON lRVIXa, Att'ys for Executor. pied Game. Monticello, N. Y., July 20. Jack Al len was hanged to-day for the murder of Ulsura Ulrlch at Jefferson last October. Allen had iron nerve and sang and prayed in a clear voice, lie asked tor wmsay, which was refused. He put the noose around his own neck and said : "Let her go, Gallagher." The Sheriff then pulled the lever and Allen's body swung in the air. Allen was an Englishman,3o years of asre.and came to this country two years ago. ir's CastoHa and upper committee rooms were cleared and the occupants urivcn uuwu mhii i, ov that the doors and windows of the Senate chambers might be opened without risk of the betrayal of the proceedings. Fuller was confirmed. The vote was forty-one to twenty. Children Cry for, An Author Heat!. Nbwbvro, July 20. E. P. Roe died ear ly this morning. Mr. Roe was tbe well known author of many popular novels, amoner them beinc "Barriers Burned Away a Tale of the Chicago Fire.1' and "The Earth Trembled, a Story of the Charleston Earthquake." Pitcher's Castoria. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given tha; the undea sigued Administrator of the estate, of Geo A Hall, decaaed, will iu pursuant of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon. duly made and entered ot record on the 5th day of June, 1888, at the Court House door in Albany in said couuty on Tuesday, .Italy Uth, teas, a at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell all the right title and int'erea of the said lieo A Hall at the time of Ui death in and to the following described rea property, to-wit . Tbe north half of the . a. a . a 1 I i' f . 1 northeabi quarter and the eoutn nan ot m northeast quarter of Seotion 24 iu Tp. 10 S K 1 W of the WYtWttto meridian in lino county. Oregon, containing 10) acre. Alto a contract with the Oregon A California Kail Road Company, numbered 1612 for the sale nf the northeast ouHrter of i.he southeast , quarter of Section l.'i in Ta, 10 S R 1 w of the Willamette meridian iu Linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres . Also a con tract with the Oregon & Cilifornia Rail Road Company, numbered 126 for the sale of the east half of the south wist quarter of Seotion 13 tuTp. 10 S it 1 w ox tho W illam ette meridian in Linu county, Oregon, con taining 80 acres, to tho hijbest bidder. Terras of sale cash in hand. Dated June 14th, 1888. Jefi Meyer, Administrate BROKE. can 1 roach the lumber nun .pn y. ; we to builders ami eon.raoiors, or flptshlng LUMBER, nt, short notice. .'Ibis lumber lav the heat yellow Or, rafted from tj trated McKlniH timber rwioua tactured ij Coburg. Any quanti furnished at Albany t 'oW P needs uo reojuamenuatton aa w CEDAR POSTS, BO! LATH, PICET&j and m tuber of all kinds stantly- Do" t order ' hearing trim us. w ironeyi m onrya ithout sej 1 will aai HAMMER BR Alh-aiW Liltin v BINDING TWINE. .i.r in tnia season pounds of absolutely pure tnanij r.....lnn whifth we Wit 86)1 at - , W nnntitV Of the UDOdS TitftrA i vrv Utile C- . 1-.. and acrreat deal of P IUH uia''i o - . i ut.. tfrT(i at low nrlcea. v be glad to fill your orders for 'the 1 j I e ' - I