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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1888)
Ik gmactat. flUO kf... ...JULY 27, I 888. arirss & HorriNG. I ( . I i'i ii.irli'lKK. hiki . Hi r ri w. R tiller. tCiler I At ti m i is ,vnJ -olata (I o '. VTn y, nr mall manor. LOCAL RECORD. 1 otatwks, - -1 he Marlon i nmity paper are having a fierce quarrel over the ques tion of tho condition of the potato crop Here I the last from the Atfettl : "The Capital Journal displays its ignorance on the matter pertaining to the farm wljcn it says that the potato rot ax spoken of in the Appeal is all "bosh." We have examined this crop to our own entire satisfaction and tind tho report correct. The Burkanka ocdllng variety seems to be worse affected than anVrtther kind ; the tubers when cut open display a black speck in the center with yellowish streaks running through the potato, denoting that they are affected with some disease." Iukntifiku. - The statement is now made that the remains found at North Powder, i(fBakcr county, have been posi tively identified as those of Willis Skiff. A dentist and another person who had occas ion to examine Mr. Skiff's teeth a short time before his disappearance, made the identification. It is probable that certain persons will be arrested, as the absence of the body is all that prevented the convic tion of the persons tried for the crime OrR Resorth. A large number o campers arc already scattered around Soda ville and some at Waterloo. The number attending these places on Sunday particular vta very large. The soda water, a splen did beverage when taken directly from the springs and good even when bottled, added to the cool mountain breexeo, makes both of these places very desirable for summer resorts, and many prefer them to the sea side. Should the railroad be continued to Sodaville it would become one of the most frequented resorts in the state. Tiik Eclipse.- -The eclipse of the moon came off last Sunday as advertised, which proves that it pays to advertise, for a large number took extra pains to sec the free ex hibition. Doors were opened at 644, but the show proper did not begin until about an hour later. At to o'clock the earth was fairly between the sun and moon and the lig'.ts were all out, making it as fine an opportunity for sparking as passing through a tunnel. An eclipse of the moon i an interesting sight because not very common, ft is not quite as awful as art cc ipse of the sun ; but it does pretty well for a heated summer evening. Friendless. A gentleman from Sclo Informs us that young. Eads, who was drowned near that place Sunday, was prob ably not in bathing. He was found with his clothes on, and it was thought he fell Into the creek. His body was buried yes terday afternoon. The boy had only been around Scio a short time, d was a perfect stranger.having no relatives or even frieuds there. As the drowning was only witness ed by two little children too young to ex- !ain matters the manner of Its happening s somewhat of a mystery. Farewell Sermon. Rev. Rominger on last Sabbath evening preached hi fare well sermon In this city. After a vacation of several week he will begin his duties as pastor of the Congregational Church at East Portland. Rev. Rominger is one of the most logical preacHee in the State and will do honor to any pulpit he may fill. No arrangements have as yet been'made for his successor. A Bk; Price. Mr. Frank Conover, of the Gazette, of Corvallis, was in the city on his way home from Southern Oregon. He informed us that on Saturday at Ashland a ten acre peach orchard was sold to a gen ticman who had just gone from this coun ty, for $ 10,000, a regular Los Angeles price. Prices there generally are verv in flated. Rlptcre Ci red. No charges for ex amination or consultation, and a cure guar anteed in every case undertaken or money refunded. Of the many cases treated by Dr. Porterfield during the past year in Red Bluff and Redding, not one but will recom mend this treatment highly. Don't neg lect his opportunity. The sooner a rup ture is treated the easier it is cured. Dr. Porterfield will be at Russ House.rooms 26 and 27, Albany, July 26th to 31st. Wheat Remaining About 18,000 bush els of wheat remain in the Albany Farm ers' warehouse unsold, and in the face of the fact that most of the slorers will have to pay double storage, the time being up a few days ago. That seems sort of a poor'policy to us. Those who have a regu lar time for selling, except, uncommon cir cumstances surround them, are the ones who make in the long run. Business Change. Saturday evening Mr. Milt Miller sold his drug business in this city to Dr. L. W. Guise, lecently of Kansas. Mr. Guise left Sunday for his former home after his family, leaving his son here in charge of the business. Dr. Guise also purchased the house and lot of Mr. H. Flindt adjoining that gentleman's family residence. Exercise. Albany young ladies and small boys go in bathing in the Ditch. For exercise it is simply immense. The swift current makes it a bumpity-bump business that brings into play aU the muscles of the system, particularly those controlling the tongue. The person who sccessfully makes the transit from Monteith's pasture to Broadalbin si.reet ought to be able to wash clothes or fight Sullivan. Would Like Him. Prof. Coomcr, who has so ably led the H. A. C. band, of Salem, for several years, contemplates leaving that city, l'rof. Coomer is by odds the be?t cornetist as well as leader in Oregon, and we suggest if Salem docs not keep him that an effort-be made to brine him to Albany, where there is material for a first-class band. Ice Cream. Festival. A supper and f 0 ' A a tV . a . ice cream tcttivai accompanied with a musical concert, by the Tangent Brass Band, will be given at Tangent on Satur day night, t, luly 28t friends of 8th, under the auspices of the lady the band. Admission, including concerh,supper and ice cream 25, rents The Small Bov. The Albany boy now glories in a curious little contrivance, the idea for which he secured from an Eastern paper. It it made of a plain pine stick, which is notched, nnd a round piece of card board pinned on the end. By rubbing the notched stick the card board is made to buzz at a very rapid rate. AR. R. Rcmor -There Is a rurnor in circulation, just how well founded wc do not know, that the overland trains will ar rive at Albany two hours later, and the Eugene train will run to Roseburg arriv ing here earlier in the morning and later in the afternoon. Don't Fail. Don't fail to cali and see DubruiJJe's fine display horse and his im mensc ttock of harnesses and saddles, hack o Conn.d Meyer's grocery store. The Scto Branch. The meeting called to be held at Sclo Friday evening by the citizens of Sclo o consider the proposition of the Oregonlan R. K. Co. to build branch road was postponed until the pro no.ed route shall hive been surveyed. A meeting to be called tt any time by chair man of the enterprise. Mr E J O'Conner, the County Surveyor, left on Monday for Sclo to make a preliminary survey of the route. The proportion of the Co.npany It that the citlxens of Sclo shall survev the .rriuti' the road und lav the ties. The Company offers to lay and furnish the rails and then to abandon tho West scio station, and make Scio the telegraph station and noKtotticc. ulvlng that citv all the trains that run on the road, a privilege that will be a great one for sclo. A Chinaman Mad. Tuesday after noon Hong Mad, for short, a Lebanon Chinaman, was in the city after a warrant forthe arrest of Chorley Miller, but failed to gtt it, because he was not entitled to one Sabbath afternoon the Celestial was going alone the street when young Donaea snriukled some water on him. The China man got mad ami going oacic uonaca jok ing v told him Miller did It. The Celestial s a l t w. started for him then, and in the course of the affair was hit with a stick, but his arm was not broken, and he was very little In jured. Bt; Exhtkmknt. -Oneday last week a farmer and his wife went Into Jefferson to lo some trading. Shortly after their ar- rival they attracted the attention of the whole town by a very earnest and excited dispute in which loud talking was freely indulged In. A large crowd collected to ascertain the cause of the animated dispute whin it .i lr.11 in il that the cause was us to whether A. B. Huddlcson sells hardware, stove, tinware, oils, paints, etc , cheaper than In Salem. They settled the matter by going into II uddleson's where they found a fine supply ot tne aoovc line of goods cheaper than Salem's prices. A HoKRiHi.t: v'uime, A gentleman just from Roseburg Informs us that last Saturday a well known farmer in good circumstances, resitting fifteen or twenty miles from Roscburg.named Tipton.was ar rested and taken to that city on complaint of his wife. The charge was the horrible one of having committed rape on their ten year old daughter. He protected his Inno cence, but waived examination and was held under $3000 bonds to await the action lion of the grand jury. Examining physi cians declared that the crime charged had been committed bv some one. The case 'caused considerable feeling in the neigh borhood where committed. The Proper Way Saturday night about two o'clock the next morning Mr.T L. Wallace discovered a man prowling around his house. With revolver in hand, Mr. Wallace opened the door and asked the visitor what he wanted, instead of ans wering he started on a run. He waa order ed to halt, but failing to do so Mr. Wallace fired more to frighten him than to hit him with the former result, for the fellow ran and bounded over the fence like a deer, disappearing around a house. Cold lead is the proper thing for these midnight maraud er who refuse to account for their conduct, and it is to be honed some of them will get hit. " A Falsehood. A writer in the -trattti Pacific States says California is the only state on the coast that can raise prunes. Thi is a bare-faced falsehood. No country in the world is better adapted to prune culture than the Willamette valley. Our prunes compare with thoe raised any where. All through the valley prune or- citards arc growirg Into prominence. Prunes arc our pet., we dote on our facili ties for raising them, and then to have a prominent journal like the one mentioned belittle us in this respect, if o.ily In a nega tive way, irritates us considerably and more too. Some day this will be the big gest prune country' in the world, or we guess incorrectly. Two Woven. -Elisabeth R. Wheaton and Mary J. Moorman,the prison Evangel ist, preached and ang Wednesday to a large gathering of people on the corner of Broadalbin and First Street. Their mis sion is to viit prisons and preach to the criminal elements of the country. They havc,we understand, visited nearly all the penitentiaries in the United States, and are said to do much gcod. In strong contrast to the rerention nrflllv irlven the S 9 ??,EtZ?m - u - r ' - - '" I """V "...r. Tna- u . i-., a " ' ,i, Afrw (!. V I . i I fllVt. UiVK Ul 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. I " ' . T ' mrT 7 ' r. I . .1 r. . . . ..11 11... IJnltA.. ..M . t I . Mu . i Tm kM - 1 I ft. e a I i-awcrson in a Damcnng way, agrcca 10 i give an order, to be paid after Cleveland too quick. Patierson is telling hi. frlfcds that he got the blacking for nothing, but in win i's- u mlii vnjt iiiv;u sjia tiiv sjwi vi Vnvrmh-r that ( lit, iii in. .hi i in ut tt. ,v ..,,.11 M1L.,U,I x.ff in Kftst f.ik e-sff I him (nr n lnniin. ku OB' I r ihk liii M t n.,t u-m the tremn these harvest days on lr any circomsUncea. Seyeral have been around begging, and, in- stead of being fed, should be kicked into the I L & i as a -.1 I but the ahle bodied man is not entitled to Whv the present geuerstion. the tramps. How to bk Occupied. When complet ed the new Strahan and Pearce Block will . , , , .:,u . J At I taurant, with one mom to be rented. AI- ' V.. c.omP'tea the wnoie nuuu- it)g will probably be rented. TusCnow the ucmanu igrcatei than tne supply. M e t ar - ar An Adv. -Mr. Olney, Fry, Sr., who ad vertised tm lost cow in the Democrat has found it through the adv. This has been the result in near'y every instance lately. People will read the Democrat, even the ads. Talking about ads. being read, ninety nine out of 100 subscribers to the Demo crat will tell vou ahntit everv fid in the pa per, and if a man doesn't advertise the fact is noticed very quickly Another Cou.iic;E.i-The Southern M. E. church, it is reported, now that the ag- ricultural college has passed into the hands of the state, will auild a fine college some- nuc xregon. langeni, 11 is inougm, will be tho Gi.ft. inttnn whirh .,kA-n I f eM ft. f ft 1 . ft.1 ! . . 3 - 11 . - ... a wouio aiso be a benefit to Albany. A lnTwmfiVh orth,,rtJ, ihousan.doUaruUt pushed. f. . , , . .ooo 1 uesaay. JUty ara.iooo, at the residence of and by Rev S G Irvine, I. D Mr W D Smith, of Halsey, and Miss (Jora Baldwin, of Oakvilie. The i)kmo- crat wishes this estimable young couple long me ana many joys Overturned. Last Monday while coming from Scio, and near Jefferson, the team of Mr. Press Munkers became a little excited nnA irrr nrned the wasron, throwing Mr. and Mrs. Munkers out, in- jurmg me utter quite seriously; dui ior- tunaieiy no bones were broken. ft, . . . , . oao iMAKKi Kt). i(j x Sunday, July 22, 1000, at the residence of Daniel Houck, near Tanerent. bv Rav it sf Walter. Mr. Omar Vernon and Miss Eva Archiba.d. The IJkmocrat wishes the prosperous life. happy couple a The Oregon Blood Purifier is nature's own remedy, and should be used to the exclusion of all other medicines iu all diseases of the stomach liyer and kidneys. ry , j lu v l ,u'." ft Z t,mc ttattoned at Micdd, and was nigniy re- very truly, tu. it. Ilerner." hautls and the harvest Held is a good enough k .11 wk t,.u- Km lie w a I .. ... Tk. ft a a.- - I. . . .... place for any body. All great men have been ' n n, rnKiri-ui- .WUk. nooular In the HAMCK FOR Uncv inere sometime. Why not the autocrats 01 be occupied by J j Dubruille, harness and ... fl. htflin?tl . con. me saddlcrv : Curr.-in . Mnnicith. rial estate: I .... . . .. sand dollars. Will & Stark, jewelry ; M W Parker, ret- . . , ' J He went ' targe f Crook County. Collins Elkins arrived here from Albany on Friday of last week, and has spent the week in town visiting hit brother Charlie. Collins graduated at Ah bany College at the close of the last school year, and Is now retting after a number of years of hard study. He expects to spend the summer on this side of the mountains . . . .This week C.B. Baker showed us spec! mens of rock taken from two quartz ledges recently discovered on Crooked river,ahout 20 miles from Prlnevillc Mr. Bake has had assays made on rock from both ledges one of which gives a return of $Jt. 50 slUcr and $4 gold, and the other $.U r," silver with a trace of gold. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Duncan started on Tuesday for Albany. They were accommpanled by Miss Ollle Graves, the very efficient deputy post m is tress who has attended the delivery win dow of the postoffke here the past year Miss Graves goes to her home at Newport, and we regret to say, does not contemplate returning to PrinevUle. . . .There seems to be little or nothing doing on the line of the 1 Oregon racthc this shtc ol Albany except locating the line by the engineers. 1 he proposed construction of the road that was talked about so much by the A4banv pacrs a lew weeks ago is not going ahead as we woulddikc to see It . . . . David Prim- and Dan Powell started Monday with H head of horses, intending lo drive them to Hunt ington and ship from there to Kansas City, Mo, which place is Mr. Trine s old home, though he has not visited it since he cross, ed the plains during the 5o't....We learn that Knox Huston nas bought a band of sheep, hence he no longer desires to sell his ranch on Trout creek. He . proposes' to remain in Crook county tllLAbraham shall call him to his bosom. lievitw. Thieves on the Santiam. This Is rather old, but It Is a Linn county Item and hat gotten here after a trip to Salem : "A fine horse was stolen Sunday night, July 15, fr m Alexander Montgomery, about three and a half miles from Stavton, across the Santiam in Linn county. Mr. Mont, gomcry was off in the mountains at the time, the family being at home, and the thief evidently thought It a good time to work. The animal was a splendid three- year-eld filly, and being a little liable to jump fences, was not allowed to run on the range, but was kept In the pasture and placed in the stable at night. On the night in question, the usual precautions were taken and the stable door tied. In the morning the mare and her halter was gone and nothing lias been heard of her or the thief since. About the same time another thieving operation was worked at Sam King's, about a mile and a half from Montgomery s. king smoke house was broken into and all his hams, to the num ber of about ten, were stolen. The bacon was not toubled." Another W. T. Fire. Monday Ros yn, W. T was visited by a large fire, worse than those of Paloute City and Ellcnsburg, and, without a fire department, was com pletely burned to the ground, eighty-four buildings were burned and nroDcrtv di- troyed to the value of over $200,000. Noth ing is left In the city but the Coal Com pany's office, the depot and a fc houses in the outskirts. Comparatively small amount of Insurance was carried. The Al bany Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance company had $1750 placed in the city and oses the whole amount It wa divided into two policies of $1000 and $750 and was placed on general merchandise. Ros- vn is about twentv -eight mile from hllens- hurgluand is a mining town of about 1 soo population. Like most of such cities it nad nothing to protect it against firr and went down. Perhaps a Rich Strike. A short time since, the stockholders of the Capital mining company, of this city, sent pro. spectors up to their mine in the Santiam district above Mehama, to do a little work, and it seems they have struck il rich. In doing some blasting a short distance from the old tunnel, they opened up a vein of quarts which l reported to be very rich, and which it is supposed is the main lead. vsnc 01 tucsc men maricu ipr aienama 10 .ith P-w..U I r. WH.h. k:;:;:z:" l . r,;, : c ;l x:a Mehama, and instead of writing to the comoanv reirai urns' the strike, in- soiu everybody about Mehama of It, and the com party's officers only heard of it through various rumors floating alxiut, and alter a lni-tt- numlu-r rtf rvrinlf had ttlafit-d into the I MTUMnlmiJt': the aWftncL, , fresioeni V ngni Siarrca lor inc minesthU. ue aoout tne rienness anp cxicm 01 inc ; strike w be known in a tew davs Journal . T, k Ev Aovh e.-It it a montF yet be v sstv vhvu whiv - w mM ' set j t m ww w here we would like to advise some of our wis, like Mr. Hale, when it does get rjerKjt here to have lhe1r " rea' . n . ov) ' c nance in wneeis m swsssweeje Uf LUIUI D HV.Cn Ul Mll eVtllll. TV IK T vrae w w awaken on the morning of the Jith start out with the resolution that you will not t ...... .., t. I. ....... ........ trxr If vou have anv sense, vou will know mav you cn 1 do Death op Rrv. Wolpe. Rev. J. T Wolfe, the well known M. E. minister, of r il- jt. i i .... Jt rv rtne, of several weeks. Rev. Wolfe was at one pulpit and noted for hit pure Christian conduct. Didn't Work. W.L. Barber, at Ellens burg, tied hit hand up in a tling, walked D " . th. came and white n the arms of j,now jn jsail for obtaining money under iatse pretenses. . . . - Foot Racikg. Ben Hlrsch has chal- nir,', Enh tlnmcrnn for another too vard n 1 : 1 foot race for $500, A Corvallis gentle man says Cameron can beat Hlrsch eight feet, and would in the recent race but for stepping in some holes In the ground. W. K. .ihansrle also wants to run him fifty yards for $250. Benton Coujtty Sheep. For Benton county sheep the following from the Tinug U a remarkably good record : 'M. .S. Nli.iirrafta an A Wm. Hartley nrobahlv own tne finest flock of thecp in the county, some of them being exceptionally tine am- malt. Four of them theared tlxty pounds of wool and the entire band of 900 head will . d . average nine pounos. no PottTRH vin-.r.n. Dr. Porterfield. th famous rupture specialitt, comes to thit city with the highest endorsement of the nrest where he has practiced and we would . .. friends who mav be in need j Df service of that character to apply to the Dr. atonce. His past success is guarantee of his future usefulness. of hit future usefulness. The Yaquina Excursion. -The tion to KoouinaDay neX6 UDaay win com only the small turn of $2, the cheapest yet given. The train will leave Albany at 6:30 A. M, and YaquinaCity at 6:30 p. M. , giving excursionists about eight hours at the bay. Tiokett for tale at G L Blacitnisn a. aFisoer While atsittinu to lower one 1 , n c, ni,-i. v' . . . . hotel Wednesday, Boo Moore had one or hit hands caught in the staging, resulting in the little finger ot his right hand being near- iy teverea irom tne nauu, ana iur anoore is now a gentleman ot leisure Notice. The barber shop of L. Viereck has been moved into the room just east of the one he now occupies, preparatory to the latter being fixed up m first-class style L. VIERECK. Council Proceeding. Tuesday evening.July 24th, 1808. Present all officers and aldermen. Committee reported that they contldered the R. It. Co. under obligations to only build sidewalk six feet each way from rail road track on 4th HI. The following bills were ordered paid N J II en ton, $ j6.a costs city agt Ennls, $7 l5 5 Crossen k Allen, $a.a ; D R N Blackburn, $.VS ; I (iradwohl, $14 ; W IJ Barr, $55 ; I Hayes, $48.75. In matter of petition of Race Bros, for connection with tewer. Granted. Committee was urnnted further time in reference to Baptist Church closet. Recorder reported contract made with Jas Laurent for building of Railroad street sewer. The same was ratified and bond accepted. Ordinance 186 referring to hack licenses was read third time and passed. John Glblln was granted license to sell liquors and bond approved. Application of C G Burkhart agent for Fred Graff for reduction of tax from $7. ao to $1.20 was granted. Mr. Writtman moved that Mayor and Recorder be Instructed to make a contract with N H Allen to take electric arc lights for the term of five years from July 1,1888, at present price, addlttonaNights to cost not to exceed the present price. Carried. The following bids for building 8 Inch sewer terra cotta pipe across Ellsworth Street, to be built in days Water East, 95 cts per foot ; Jas Laurent, $1 per foot. 1 . . 1.. i- ur.i. a?.- Contract was let to Walter East Bids for foot bridge, across ditch on Uroadalbin St : E F Truax, $3 ; I F lludlcv. $tt. Rejected, and moved that committee on Streets and Public Property advertise for bids with full power to act. smaller irons to be used. Carried. Moved that bids for sewer In alley from Ferry to Washington street be advertised for. Moved that property owners be notified to build sidewalk on east side of Baker St.. Second to Third streets In ao days. Also on Jackson street. Bill of I F Hadlev for $ot for building bridge was allowed. Half doen cwer pipe cap ordered made. Matter of grade on Fern street f erred. Recorder directed to advertise for bids for sewer across Washington treet lor St. Citaries sewer. Bills allowed : F M Westteli. $27.i ; T L Dugger, crosswalk, $3 ; Cal Burk hart, hauling. $. ; Train k Whitney, pi luting. $350 i J O Bushnell, $a .54. Referred : I Haves. $.7C , W B Barr, $34; Hoffman & Pfclffer, $1.50 ; Tho Brink, $5. Iti?WEvllte. Miss lisa was tho gustt of Miss Sparry .'- Mr Psek, of lows, waa in oar eity Li - k. lis spoks as bssng wry fsvorsbly impressed with our country. Euh lUrnbart return d frum th lower CJumbi last week. H report things beta dull there. Mr A Buitt- sud wife returned from the Ksstprn states th 16th. Thsy report havtog bad a good tune bat asy tby think morm of Orftgou thsu 1 nr. Hon J B Sparry, formsily of this place, but now living iu lleppnsr, u bmo last week. il returned home Moudiy. W R Kirk and dsaithter paid LwmviII, Polk county, a visit lbs latter part of last Moadsy, the 10th, we were tninttt our regular oisil here The er, in deoeodntg the steep bank et FuHqaarts Undin.-.hrukt luoeo iroat the cable and went down into the river Our mad came on the test day not the worst for its bntb. O P Cosbow returned bom Thursday from the Sound and report every thing nod body as being active over there. He thinks how ever, it is no sneh country as our beautiful and fertile vslley, and is not sot ton t a trade bis f irm for city property in either Seattle or Tscoms. Kormersnre jnst ftow hnsv both haying yi.ii year win be abundant, and if prices wilt be good we will see good times here this fall If farmers would look to their own interest sufficiently to refuse longer to pay oat their hard earn ings as tribute to our so csl.'ed "protrcteu industries they would icaltuw several cents . . m ... . . . ! ' T' Iur W"r ,T. !0y" njl of tBm. OPCt.M(mM 0f ,ft cheaper. iJt them look to their ballots nett Novum A BoMi H IIcrtrr. Nearly every city in the. Northwest. Kugsoe, Colfax, etc., etc., have received the following letter, which makes their residents feel for a few momenta Mif lh.y had ,truck ,0-., . bet Mr Horner is evidently one of tho men tie who wan a whole eity as bono, for Dlt uotery . "Kston Rapids Woolen Mills, Raton Kspids, Mich., July 9 1 888. Pear sir Dues Colfax want n iodus try second to none in the North wast ? I have already purchased machinery for the equipment of a large woolen mill, acd on ac count of your favorable location and splendid wool-growing district, should like to locate in your eity, sod will do so if I can get a I littlu eft Aki ft eft f Amu am A fuju .1 ft. I iifcfctw euwuiareuieut I rum YUUr GlblKOUS. ! G(HnD.r.v f(M. the above nnriwMe f Vhhm l at ion, Talking J "xut speculating Mr. Athby Hearce hat 5 cres ot land across the river which he says he will dispose of for Ijo an acre. This would offer a rare opportunity for enterprising man to make a few thou- Some of the land it worth a for gardening pu rposet,orcharda u il... I 11... -..i I WW.., ... . iv I.IIU III Lin - u h i i. k . 1.. u sx. u aonB and kc hi 111 un. I w Certain ok Texas. We often forget that there was ever such a man at W. VV Saunders, but, about the time he is buried in oblivion some newspaper man happens to tee him in the penitentiary and hit next issue it ture to have some kind of a send off for the murderer. The following is from a Salem paper, and is evidently in tended to be humorous : "Cant. W. W. Saunder ;, who is now hospital steward, wat slightly under the weather, but he talked freely about the political situation. Heas- sured the writer hat Texas would be ture to go democratic In November ; and he minxs, aiso, mai tnaiana anu wcw x orR will, but he is more certain of the rtsult In Texas, for he has lived there." Woodburn. Woodburn has three gen- I eral merchandise stores, two hoot and thoe shops, one hardware store, one furniture, undertaking and harness establishment.two blacksmith shops, two butcher shops, one barber hotel.twoboardinir huutes. I one saloon, two physicians, one real estate ofhee, one cannery and the best nursery in Uregon. 1 Sao imnertant adv of T. K Rrnnks in anotaer colun.n I am now receiving my spring aud summei I cress goods. Call early and secure barga nt W. . Head ur- i". physician end surgeon I litany, Uregon. Dalit made in city 'country. Wanted. We will pay 40 cents per roll for choice shipping butter. Thompson & Waters. Patronize home Industry. Try one ol Joseph's 5-cent cigar. First 01 his own matte. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Rnstler. San Francisco, Jiily 34 The Oregon teachers' headquarters cloted to day. State Supt. McElrqy and family left for Oregon this evening. His immediate and active astlttantsr Superintendents Whitney, Hut chlnson and Reld, and Professors Jarvlt, Horner, Armstrong, Bell, Davl and Wlm berly r also Mestrt. Batty, Killingtwoith, Goldttcel and Jackson, all of Oregon, will toon be at their hornet, Supt. McElroy hat now seen the following deIegatlon,and they will all visit Oregon and Northwest st various times durlnu the next six week: Pennsylvania, Alabama, Tennessee, Wls cousln.Khodti Island, New York. Michigan. Massachusetts, Colorado, St. Louis and the New England narty. Also the Ohio, Illi nois, Indiana, Kansas and Iowa delegations In part. The Penntylvanla,MattacTtutetts and Rhode Island delegations are expected to leave San Francisco for Portland about August 1. These delegations will go north in a solid body, and will then probably num ber about two hundred, y Hound for Oregon , New York. July 14 A couple who were bound for Otegon were detained here yesterday on the arrival of the steamer from England. One wat Alice Starkcy, a remarkably pretty girl of 18, who eloped from Birmingham, England, with Rudolph sv onsen, a big, broad-shouldered man. When asked her name at the landlntr the girl replied in a tremulous voice. Upon the nfficlsls dicidlng to hold the pair the girl broke Into tears and finally confessed the w is not married, as she had declared. she said the was the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer and loved Wunsch. although he has a wife, and three children, but the a 1 te, she alleges, loved him no longer. Wunsch was arrested, but when It was shown that the girl was of age he was dis charged. Wunsch expected to get a di vorce here and marr r the girl. Fire at Astoria, Astoria, July 33. Fire at 8:15 this evening burned three buildings In upper As. , loria, about one mile and a half above the city. The fire originated In Fisher's saloon. which was completely destroyed ; lo faooo, insurance $1500. Next to it was the mcsshouseof the Fisherman's cannery, which was also destroyed ;los Sisco. insur ance $500. The other building formed the headquarters of upper Astoria republicans inc firemen worked hard, a strung wind was blowing from the south, and they staid by until 10 o'clock. Frets Washington. Wash too ton, July 3J. The following (tensions were to-day granted : Oregon Mexican S. Crisley. Albany. Idaho Mexi can survivors, Wat .on Holston, Silver City. The senate passed the river and harbor bit I W-Vi agreeing to the recommendation of the conlerrees of the house. The hill now goes to the president for his signature There U no fear expressed that Cleveland will veto it. Base Mall Tonraaweat. Baker Citv. The most exciting game of the tournament was played yesterday between Pendleton end Baker. At th close & the eighth Inning the score stood 10 to 11. Ifakcr went to the bat and scor- f ed one, making a tie. Two men were put out on baseband Pendleton got one man to third. A safe hit to center field broueht the runner home.makinir 13 to it In favor of Pendleton. The tournament was well managed throughout. Much praise is due r. Hyde, manager, for its financial and oclal success. Pendleton got first money, Baker second, and third money Is yet to be played for between Boise, La Grande and North Powder. The California Cast sedge. Sav Francisco, July 33. The demo cratic state central committee have decided 10 open the campaign simultaneously throughout California on Saturday, August 35. At that date speeches wil! be made at 1 1 rrv prominent town and in all the school district - of the state. Congressman R. O. wlfts of Texas, and Senator Grady of New York.have been invited to take part In the California I II is thought that both m I hem will ylstt the state carlv in October. HEAL EBTaTe.MAI.KS. As recorded In the County Recorder's office of Linn county, Oregon : H F Mcllwain to D W lwrence,!ot 4, block v h A Albany $2x I Morris to fc Uoins, 501100 feet, .cto 50 Charlotte Cohen to W II Raymond, let 2, block at, Albany 1000 J L Cowan to Mary Saltmarsh, un divided one half of lot 1. block 7, Albany 5000 K a thompson to John H Waters, t lot In Brownsville 350 vt ft J. r- .1 .tt ca nua miwiick vo j l vuwan, un divided one-half of lot 1, block 7, Albany 5000 1 to John and Amiida tllll, 320 acres, tp 14, 3 w patent Mining elat in, .Santiam Mining Dis trict, F W McLeran Mining claim, called Piacer Mining CUim.Santiam Mining District, F W McLerau, J H Early, Wm Maging Real Estate aad Employment Agenry. Parties bsving farms for sale of about 160 sores or those havirg larger tracts which tbey would he wilting to divide op into 80 or 160 acre lots are invited to call at our of fice as ws hsve a few customers for that cites of farms. Ws can also furnish parties io the city or country with either male or female help 00 ehort notice, sod we alto have a few situations for both mala sod female in tbs city snd country. Call st oar office No. 65, First Street, adjoining W C Tweeds!'. Tin Store. F. A. BriiKUAitT at Co. SB. BO I4N KU la hit new discovery for Consumption, tswsntd la brmlaetnes mod tains which is seknuwlsdeed by sli to tw simply marvelous. It is sioeedtafiy pleasant to tne tests, perfectly harmless, and does not stexsn in all rases 01 t'onaumpUon, Courts. Cnltla, Whoop inffCoUffh. Croup. Brenchttis, snd I'uina m the Chest. it has irlven universal ssUsfseUon. Dr Boeanko's sua i.unf nrup is sotu st 00 cents oya, a New embroidery just received at W F Reads McLaughlin, Practical Tailoring. Summer and fall suits snd psnts in soy style a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to, Main ttreet, Albany, Uregon. CURB FOR StCK HE4DACIIK. Do you want s remedy for B'liouanets. Pimples on tho fner, snd s sure cure for sick headache, ask M A.MIIItr.the Druintlst. for Dr. G t Liver Pills nly aid for a done, samples free, full box 25 cents The largest assortment of buggist, wagons aud hacks this tide of Portland at Knapp, liurrell Si Lo. Notice to Farmers. All parties wanting any dishes for har vest can secure great bargains from us, as we are closing out this line of goods. Thompson & Waters. Call and examine our re-wound binding twine, something nsw. Knapp, Burrkix x uo. Tt "piles. .Itcmiiit Pile3 are known by moisture like pretplra- doii producing a very disajrrseable itching: after get mg warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding and Brotrudinjf Piles, yield at once to the application 01 V, Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon thf mrts affected, aba rbinsr the tumors, atlayine the or Intense itchinar and eSsctinsr a permanent euro. 60 cents. Address The Dr Bosanko Medicine uo , 1 iqua 0. Sold by M, A, If liter, Messrs Foshay & Mason, druggists, are selling Wisdoms Ruber tine wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kind in tne market. Or son Bio d lerifcr u v F. M. French keeps railroad time. MONDAY. Hsod'Sowd harness next to Democrat of- If J, H Ktrt, prsa'iesl watchmaker aad jew eiei. I'hoti.pcon k Overman keeps the best bar If you want the tt Un. it in the n atka go to J J Dohi oiJle's. 7 0Mki curst rhett'iiatiitn, neuralgia and tootlisehs. Fosbsy k Meson, Agents. F M Krnuoh, ejteii' Mineer Manufacturing Oo.,opposite Odd Fellows Temple, AM auy,Or, Btt binding twiuo iu the market at Ivnspp, Sat loll k Co. You will save money by tsking onr siek sewing insvhiiiu to the repairer, B F Prsou st sixth ami Jellerou vs.. Albany. Ureuoo FA Biirkhtrt & Co. bsve finite u ftuinhtr of men wanting empicymetit Farmers want lag help should esil on them and be tuppihd Have you ttud Kenton's Ssvon soap? It it tiret class and ali it costs is $1 per box. Bis ins bat consented to be received. Hell Bros, circus will be in Albsny Ala. 2.4th. Dr Must on aud fsmily returned this noon from Yaquiua bay. Ward, the temperance lecturer, is doing Esstero Oregon alone, Hughes being some where site. tiuldsoson, tUs Hn Franoitoo murderer, is to be hanged Sept. 14. Watermelons, mutkmelons, tomatoes, grspea, t to., arrived in Albany tins noon from Hsn Francisco, by way of Ysuuiea bay It is gensrslty thought that work will be begun am the O. F. estsusion wtthio two weeks if stall this summer. The Drs. Jones, of Portland, hsve beau tued for 20,(Sj0 damages resulting from msl practice in a esse of obstetrics. No wonder the horses kick. Just put a little fish o.l on tbsir legs sad it will put a stop to attacks from malicious flies, Mr I M Adair, has been appointed O. I' ageut at Corvallis and will move to that eity. Albsny will lose a good citizen sod - a fine tenor singer. A fight between Mr. Stauard, of Browne!! k gtsnard, and a flock of mee.tbis afternoon, resulted in the breaking of s large pans of Jfl- Mrs William Henderson and child, of Oak land, Cal., arrived in the eity on a visit Jaf several weeks, aad are now the guests of fir Frank Wood. 1 One of the most remarkable discoveries of the present century bss just been brought to light at Pendleton. It was no lest than a pises of soap on a tract p. A vary snjoyabls picnic party, with a cou ple lonchee, and a moonlight walk home, waa 1 1 ven across the' river Saturday. On of the yonog men won Id have written it up in glow ing sty le but lacked the time. Not a particle of calomel, nor any other deleterioat substance, enters into the com position of Aysr't Pills. On the contrary, this medicine is carefully compounded fiota the curat I ye properties uf purely vegetable aaUUaces. Try it. Mr L K Blain and mother will leave to morrow evening for Sao Francisco. Mr Blsin gees to boy goods end will be about two week, while Mis BUin will proceed to Hsn Leaodro, where she will be the guest of her daogber, Mrs W S Peters, for several week. If you wish to restore the blorm to 7 our wasted cheek, and so improve your health that pi am potts sod strength will succeed emaciation end debility, purify your Meed ith Aysr't fesrsapartlta. I bis remedy will teneht you more surely sed speedily any other. It isss.d by parties who hsve visited that ecton thst they have not seen a single crop worth harvesting on the road between Echo and Lexington, and that dire discouragement j tare farmers in the face, some are selling I sims nd improvements for what they can m . m 1 get, sod others are leaving every thing The situst'on is indeed a gloomy one. R O. Mr K.J. Mendenhali was in litlUboro the other dsy end while ecsmtning the conn ty rvcorda, ehanced upon an item wherein Lieut. U. M tirnt wa the defendant in 1 sttschm-nt suit for 1.200. instituled by Adem A Co The Attorneys fi dfaintiff -te tioihri..ii at Banks. The dale of the suit wss Iba3. MVrowr. Mr H M reonington is in town. He goes from here to hut Butter creek ranch fmru winch place he will probably drive a bunch of horses to bis home in Albany, Oregon. overland. The distance is about three bun dred miles, aad Mr Pennington says he can make the trip tn about seven days. rsnd.e- ton ; a Sff TVRSPAY. If on. Jeff Meyers, of Soto, Is in tho eity. A telephone line is now ran from Indepet deuce to Monmouth. frf k t0 UiflfZ consumed by tire last night. Lorn $75,000. H Charles Johnsoo of Scie. w. under- stand contemplates locating in Best tie. He is now looking over the need. Hi Gorman, ooe of the best known ne crose in the valley, died at Sol em yesterday. For years Hi did tits work of two men, turn. tng the State man prtss. MrsB. W. Cundiff, of this city, hss re- : 1 . t. ..a r u ,,.k. r Mr. PheheRAisafteriMiilift-l on or .bmit July 1st iu Crook county. Mr. II C Clement, who is in the city, in lorms us m nia ntsie Bin wno no no sue scarlet fever is now slowly improving, tho uRh st ooe tune her lite bong by a thread Jos Webber the barber, is back from the hsntiam mines with oras fine specimens, which hs haa tent off for assay. He thihks there is a big future for the mines Ron. J. H. Peery.of iu the oihgr J i ranger, who disappeared from Brownsville seout four years ago haa just base discovered in Seattle t,i pi,-,s. n.n f fk. Sb.,m Ctsvslaad at Ysquioa bay, and will begin . s ft a t t e .1 running tns boat next oonasy oy giving a fru niniiraiflii un the Yaouinav. Mr. C. E. Brownell, Mr. Donelly and another gentlemen, left this morning for the Santtsm mines, where they nave claims. 1 Thev ex oec t to be sone two or three weeks. I Ceorce and Frank Hibbsrd, two boys aged w s 17 and 14 were drowned at Portland sua- day. After going to church and Sabbath senooi tn iea tne osu same stu then went in bathing in a safe place and were drowned, tftey were both memoers 01 tne Colvry Presbvterian Church. WEDNESDAY New shoes st Read's. No. 1 fresh butter at Kenton's. Six shsvet or a dollar at L. Viereck '4 New ribbon all shade 1 and style 1 at Read's J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, AI bany, Or. P. E. Patterson has resigned ss Lisut. Col. of the 2d regiment. Very floe selection of ladies' and gents' wstohut st H hwart s. Jewelry, clockt, tpectaolot and Roger Bros silver plated ware at ri Kwart 1. A uleon towel for overv cuttomer at L Viereck't barber shop. Six shaves for a dollar and a olean towel to every cuttomer, at Thos. Jones. Marshal Hays left this morning for S settle for the benefit of hit health. Mm A TiKeeeee, Mrs Kitchens and Miss Hitcb.ena, of Corvsllis, are in the eity. A McMinnville nauer hat ditcovered the fact that fifty-six kegt of beer were drank in that city in one week . Mr Merrill Fith it canvassing for job work for Burkhart k Royce; Thit it becoming one of the most enterpritiug firms in the valley, Mra W A Miller and children, of Pendle ton, ars in the eouoty visiting relatives snd friends. Mm Miller is a sister ot M A Mil ler, of this citv. Mr A D Barker and two daughters are in Pendleton on a visit with relatives, Dr Bar ker now being located in that city. They deserve a good time. Mr Frank Smith, of Santiam precinct, Is in the citv to day As he didn't know any news it is not our fault if any great eyent in that precinct has passed unnoticed. Geo, Humphrey, Davs Froman and crowd arrived home from the mountains this morn ing, bringing with them a record of 1200 tront caught, xney uia uos ouu w uei Allen's 60 horse power engine was yun last night and alto in the afternoon, and thst was the reason some of the iwsnletccnt lights biased up during the reign of S A. tl yt u are raptured eal on D Bsi rel - for tresfnen, at the Hues iloon, rooms 20 and 27, All any, July 2b'.h to .lis; lion Allen Parker hut bis ewv eiy at the bay in condition foe canning 000 s ie- a ds ana xpeots to employ tiK'y men u de dm lag the sunning s-n.i. A cure is gus'antee l in v ry e o' rap tnre ws undertake, Clt and c fi o" w t- Or, I'orterlie! f at the Ris ll n . r. o, 20 sod 27. Albany, -lufy 2(t:h to 3lifc. Yette tdsy Uotemor P.r.n.'o nr cooom t d lbs nentencit t K. T. Hsrt ett, from Ma't uomah cooutv, and J. N. Celp, t otn jack eon county, sod they wrre lo I s discharged to-day James Young, of Iowa, uncle of Dr. J. V. Smith, ol this city, and who has b-en visit ing tn the state for two mont hs, left y ester day for Linn county, and will thence retain to bis eastern home. StaUman . Yesterday near Col far. Bnnos Bley shot and killed Peter aad Carroll Mrrit, two former school mates in Germany. The trou ble arose over the keeping of a horse by Bley belonging to the Moritz brothers. 9 K Young is now in bis ow store, which when filled with goods, presents aa metropo litan an appearance ae any store in Portland, hot it is only in keeping with his large trade. A venison brought to this city this noon uent like hot pancakes on a cold morning. A twelve pound ham at 12 cnts a pound when cat into five pieces sold for 130 It takes a good figorer to figure thst out, but it is said often to Ire a freak of busi Bess. asrselttcR's Am Ira salve The boat solve In the world for Cnui, Bruise. 80 res. Ulnars. Bait Rheum. Fever ores, Tetter, C napped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Front tone, and tively euros Piles, or no pay required. It tagusnsmeea 10 give per lees RRtsRf action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per dor. ror oaie 07 Kosbay a Mason, Its Belieacy of Flavor and the sffloooy of Us action have render ed the famous California liquid fruit rem dy, Syrup of Figs, Immensely tpalar. ti oieeoaee una tones up tne clogged and feverish system, and die Del a headache. colds and fevers. For sele by F'tshsr A Mason, Notice it hereby given to every man and boy in Linn county who wants a straw hat, or summer coat and vest. We are closing out these goods, away down below cost. Don't miss this great opportu city. Thompson k VVatkrs. vVber-6ic. 'rats Ho Butter -20 Us per lb. 0.00. Potatoes SO cts per bushel. Beef -on foot. Apple -1 00 cents per bu. Hsvooos hsnae lHHo. ror 00 per 11 i shoo idem, 7c. 10- Lard 12a per lb. Hour -4JJ6 nor bbl. 'blekeoa 2j0 par dot. till Feed bran, 14.00 per ton soon, iu. middlings, 20. Ohof - 4 KMm T ' ' 1'Jss.aar-fse EVERYBODY bow we do it yet if the world only knew of the energy, grit and enterpuse we hevedUplayed in collecting such magnitjccnt display of staple . .7 3 . ur-.t i.Lj. fi " ll d not We tho l.rgeet, finest , i'lete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Uver broneht into ttiscity, and we ere ever before offered in ibis piece. Too hou will call and examine tbe-quality ef Get Our Priees sou will be convinced that we have not 3 1 l j:.ft we are baying our gooas largely mow, tnereoy saving ail nrofita of the middle men, and our command of, ready cash has enabled us to hue nnr eoods remarsabiy cuean, utsiuK I . . a! La : . .lt !nn whatt-A we hates, oleoma un iu hereby always getting toe fKeETT ANll p Eushjsf 1 ek 1 al mw at and never allowing our good lo gro a These are the reasons why we f health liade. We have ar rv - plete lint Ot Crockery land Glass Ware. These goods we bought direct from Easfern factories, t ins spctuing (be latest designs at pricea way down, xneee V-i-mera having produce to sell will f prod nee, aud your patronage is j p WORTH LISTENING TO tod worth your careful considers! .on. We have the "Jumbo" stock, raoie goods than any three stores of the kind io Albanv,nd prices that beat them til McMlnnville, Or, Two courses of aud v of font years each, two of three years, and two of two years, flood rooms to College building on first1 floor, adioinltisr President's roome. rusarv- ed for young women. Room on second and third floor for young men, Boardinf tlnpartrnent In basement. Correspon dence Invited. For catalogue address Pre. T, O. BrowBiaa. NOTICE OF City Marshal. Notice is hereby given to all property owners, and ajjjjtup'ants of property in the city of Albany, to remove the thistles from their premises, and from the alleys and sttect adjoining thereto, within ten days from date of this notice ; and if not remj ed within the specified time, it will then done by the City Marshal. Dated at Albany, Or., this 17th day of July, 1888. Isaac Hays, C4ty Marshal. MAGNOLIA MILLS, JOHI A. CRAWFORD, Propiretor, WILL furnish sucks to farmers and receive wheat at the usual rate of storage. The highest market price paid ror 1 Bast Magnolia flour always on sale or exchange at reasonable rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. BINDERS UNO MOWERS. Farmers, remember that we this year have the Osborne Bteei Frame Binders and Mowers, the strongest, llg beet run ning, and beet made machine In the market, vy e can give you jest as good terms ss anyone, and probably a Tittle batter ; at any rate come aad see us be fore you bay. Stewart & Sox. THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The celebrated engine, separators and saw mills manufactured by Bunnell A Co. of Masai Hon, Ohio, are now soli by us. Tbey are fast taking the lead iu the Valley and invariably give satisfaction. STRWAjrr A Fox. HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before yon sUrt vonr mower, binder or threshing outfit come to oar store aad get your supiMW. we keep almost anything yen will need, and at prices you will be eaeas Stewart A Sox. WONDERS and fancy gto- and raist corn- going to sell at prices below any tcing may think tbia a rash asset t ion ; but if our gocds and over-estimated ourselves. Remember f,. m Cft 1. .1 1 aft vuo oeoeui ci an discounts and re- can dintet tn ikem nA k " - In 0 kGUETCT mm Wmm0 1 I InBwf I e , a & neu worn ana stele waiting for big desire your pstron&ge and whv we en- - wi recently to our stock a full and cotr- ta gooas nave w oe seen to oe appteeiated et ell times leemve the top 0 the market earnestly solicited. These facts ere WALLACE k THOMPSON Flinn's new Block, Albany, Oregon