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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1888)
THK Q1TR4TIOM t'ONOWKUY 8TATK!. a The No York CAricurn 1'uion thus frankly stales the relative position of the two parties on the tariff r ki. , nftM. Tat on tobacco. Abolish. Modify. Tax on alcohol Reduce or abolish. Retain. Tax on raw materials. Retain. Abolish. Tax on necessities. Retain. Reduce. Tax on luxuries. Retain. Retain. Chief object of tax. Protection. Revenue. Expenditures. Liberal. Economical, If voters were to hear hundreds of cam paign speeches a id wade through thous ands of pages of campaign literature, they would, know no more about the exact atti tude of both parties on the tariff and reve nue question than is presented In the lore going brief lines. People who want the exact truth In few wordshave It there. The Mills bill proposes to reduca the tax on pig iron only seventy -two cents per ton. The Iron masters of Pennsylvania petition ed Congress declaring that that meant the price of their iron would fall scvtmty -two cents per ton, which would ruin them, and if the tax were reduced they would pull their fires and quit business. Thev Mdd this within two months and the politicians took it up and repeated It in a thousands forms to affect the party relations of voters who have no time or lack inclination to think for themselves. Now witness the commentary of their own conduct upon the claim made by these iron masters. Within two months they solemnly declared that they would be ruined if the duty on iron were reduced 71 cents per ton, assuming that it would cause a like reduction In price. And now they have voluntarily reduced the price of pig iron $2 per ton and are running full blast day and night ! What Is one to think of such trifling by these men with the revenue legislation of this coun try ? If 7 J cents off a ton would ruin them, how can they stand a reduction; of $2 ? And yetlhey do stand it, and ha c more business hnn ever. THKN AND NOW. Observe these two declarations on one subject by the rcpibltcnn, party : Platform of is ( "The republican party pledges Itself to correct the inequalities of the tariff and to reduce the surplus, not by the vicious and indiscriminate process of horizontal rcduc tlon, hut by such methods n will relieve the tax payer without injuring the laborer or the great productive interests of the country?' Platform of 88S. "The protection issue must lo maintain ed. The republican party will effect all needed reduction of the national revenue by repealing the taxes upon tobacco.whlch are an annoyance and burden to agrlcut ture.and the tax upon the spirits used in the arts. We favor the entire repeal of the Internal taxes rather than tho surrend er of any part of our protective system." Four years ago there were "Inequalities of the tariff" and the tax payer needed to be "relieved." This year the republican partv calls for free whisk v and a cheap chew before the sacred tariff is to be touch ed. We fail to recall the proposal by the re- Lpubticans In Congress during the past four years ot any measure to correct tr.cqua.i tics or to relieve taxpayers. Iiulood, the only proposition to that end which has been before the country iSSj the - , W ,. Mills bill - is oelne fousiht tooth and nail by the republicans. Were the republicans trying to "destroy industry" four years ago,or are they trying to cheat the worklngman now ? The Oregon 2?Wispeakingof Harrison's Chinese record, says that "he supported the Chinese restriction bill when the terms of the treaty were so modified as to admit of the passage of such a measure consistent with national honor and honesty, and that he never worked and voted for a bill for giving the Chinese the ballot." Harrison did not support the Chinese restriction bill when the treaty was modified nor at any other time. We challenge the Blade to refer to the page and date where If arMaon ever voted for any restriction bill. We as sert without any fear ot successful contra diction whatever, that every vote of Harri son's on that subject recorded in the on gressional Record is against the restriction bill In all its stages. Again we call upon the Blade to name the date and page of the Record where Harrison is recorded as vot ing for any Chinese restriction bill. He voted against the bill that finally became a law. Let the Blade show its authority or never falsify the fact again. We have been repeatedly told that when Harrison ran for Governor in Indiana in 1876 he ran from 2000 to 4000 ahead of his ticket. This is told to impress the public mind that he is popular in his own state. Records, like facts,are stubborn things,and the records show the following vote in In diana in 1876. Hayes for president recciv ed jo8,oi 1 votes. Harrison for governor received 208,080 votes. Tiiden for presi dent received 213,526 and "Blue Jeans' Williams for governor received 213,164. This shows that Harrison received 77 votes more than Hayes and this is the way he ran ahead of his ticket. The figures are tak en from the Tribune Almanac and the An nual Statistician. One by one the republi can campaign booms burst and spread out Into thin nothingness. "TIlM'KwKNOR AND TYLRR TOO." There is an old line whig in this city Mr. Eli Cartcr.who voted for Grandpa liar rison in 1840 who informs the Pkmih km that he will give Mr. Cleveland his ardent support. He says while William Henry was a good man,all grandsons of presidents would not necessarily make good presidents. A Warning The modes or death's approach are v t ouv, and statistic show conclusive! tba mo'e perm to die from 1 leasees o the hroat and Lung than any other, Ills probable that every one, without exception, receives vast numbers of Tubercle CJerm nto the ayatem and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start Into life and develop, at first slowly and Is ahown by slight ticking son sat: on In the throat and If allowed to continue their ravKc they extend to the lung producing Con sumption and to ths head, causing Ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous ana 11 allowed to ptoriod will in time cause ItMlh. .M the onsoL V'H! mu't a-t with prom pi nans. ; allowing n cold t'i go with ut attention in dangerous and may loso yon your life. As oon aa you feel that something Is wrong with your 'throat, Luiius or Nostrils, obtain a bottle or Ho ehee'n German rtyrup. It will give you M Mod tats relief. In 1884 the Prohibition vote in Michigan was about 18,000. In 18S6 it increased to 22,000, and well-informed parties say that this year it will reach 40xxx Keep your eyes on Michigan, esteemed free whisky republicans. George William Curtis though a repub lican , evidently understands the Issues be fore the country when he says: "Cleve land proposes freer clothing ; his oppon ents freer whisky." TARIFF KF.FOKM. The Mills bill passed the Houe Saturday by a vote of 162 to 149. Those voting in favor of the bill were 156 democrats, three labor members, (Anderson of Iowa, Hop kins of Virginia and Smith of Wisconsin.) and three republican-. (Fitch of New York, Nelson of Minnesota and Brower of North Carolina.) Those voting against the bill were 145 republicans and four democrats (Bliss, Merriman and Greenman of New York, and Sowden of Pennsylvania.) The Mountaineer says : "The attitude of Gen. Harrison on the Chinese question has been endorsed by all hottest and honorable men in the country." This is a shameless misstatement of the truth and no intelli gent tmthfnl person would make the state ment. Harrison uniformly and unvaringlv yoted against all Chinese restrictive meas ures introduced into the United States Sen ate while he was a member of that body and there are millions of honest, honorable people who do not endorse his course. He who does is a friend of Chinese cheap labor and Chinese citizenship. ' You any as wall stand upon tba beach And bid the main H ood bata hia usual heih t ; You may m wet' umi qwmtivn with the wolf Why he hsth made the ewe bleat tor the lamb ; You may aa well forbid the mountain pfcas To rag their blah tope and to males no noiee," as to expect a city like Albany to place itself in line of permanent progress and growth unaided by the united efforts of her citizen s. When will the people learn to ap preciate the full import of this truth. Brow nsvillk. Or.. July 23rd, 18S8. Eds. Democrat t Thf above appears to be the watchword with democrats, and republicans are alive to oppose any measure democrats may sug gest. We have had two excellent speeches here, one by Hon. I. K. Wcatherford and one by Hon. Jas. II. Slater, which have made us all alive on the subject We hear of free traflc and protection on every corn er and of bread and butter. Some appear to think If any of the duty is removed we will not have any more bread and the cream will fail to 'rise on the milk, and the poor laborer will have to beg, that wool will have to he given away, that soon the Knglish will give gsodavaway here, and heaven only knows hat will not befall us, yet when they talk cf free trade they must not have read the political history of our countrv.for it docs appear that on the ,Vtb day of next April tt will be one hun dred years since Washington took the oath of ofhec as President of the I. S., ad he soon after delivered his inaugural address, and on the organization of the House Mr. Mautson moved a resolution to lay duties on certain wares and merchandise, since which time there has been more or less dutv and said duty has been increased and decreased as the reed of the Covcrntncnt has from time to time required,and in 1S13 the revenues of the country v. ere increased and in 1016 we have our first protective t.-mff anu it was per cent on most arti clcs of i m jxi.-t.y et we are called free traders to-dav for warning a reduction from an average rate of 47 per cent to an average rate of 42 per cetit. Now In 1828 and '29 we find our dutv on woolens increased to 40 and 45 per cent and in 183 ? again reduc ed, and that because it was so high that the people were in an open revolt against the tariff of 1828, and so we could follow our tariff from time to time until 1883 when Chester A. Arthur sent to Congress his free trade message, and we had the tariff com mission of that year and until 1888, when Cleveland is denounced an a free trade man And why ? Simply because the republicans are out and some one is in who has got the nerve to stand for the right, and they are afraid the people will send him back and the saucy democrats will get ail of the offices and they will be out of a job for an other four years, and perhaps for all time. Now let every precinct in the county, yes. in the state, wrganizc a campaign club and go to work, and let us all put our shoulders to the wheel as one man and come up in November smiling,and turn defeat in J ane to victory In November. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This fviwlr mi or varies. ftrviiicih tU" AsMtrvetof purity Sj jsaS, (MQfeQRa iNa Own Dm ordinary kind, and aaumrt baaohl in ton petition with saw wriirh.,ahuar case- hovAt. Uasixo N. Y I haye just received an invoice,' of the celebrst d Thompson Gim Fitting Corset, one of the oldest art! taost reliable make known. I also keep a fall ass li t- The Ball's Coll Spring Healh Cornel Dr. Warner's Health Corset, Besides full line of ! Iw ir-if BBMBJ u jiawdmi. Sow oat is Pesfatt re. 100 Will. FOR SALE. I bare a aacond kaixl M. I '..rmh-k twin hinder nd a second hand Hurkey nmr b.h f-r ISM at a tar wile aoulhiaul ( Albany. r. U, B asasay. C.J. DILLON, I ' 1 1 ''Si : FURNITURE, MCALISTER & WJ39WARD, Homeopathic Physicians & Surgeons Qbatrtrlca, 1ratmnt of Cbrootc Ds sues of (soman und children a apeolatty. AM -tils promptly attended -day and nl'jht. Office in the Fl inn Biock. Rofereos Sale. St.tito Ore- Ihr Circuit Cuurt of gon, for f.iuu County. tk FRENCH WOVEN CORSET and eoret varying in price from 50 dents to $3.00 each. 1 keep eat sitt and Itngtbs cf abdominal, nursing, and Misses corsets, and everything it waists for obiPren and Misses, Samuel E. Young. THE PLACE. By all insona oadl on arker Brothers. SnereMort to Coku For, r your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. goods aye the beat and their prkee Tbtir reasons H. B. Riggcn of Portland, Manager of a large number of Insurance Companies is out In a long article in the Sunday's Qreg onian 'm which he savs: "Hitherto I have uniformly voted for three publican nomi nees for president. But on this occasion if I shall live till the 8th of November I propose to vote for Grover Cleveland." One by one the honest, intc!lirent voters are falling in wJth the right. Klrctrie Bitters. This remedy is becoming so welUkuowo aad so popular ss to need 00 special mention All who have used Klectric Bittrs sing the am. nunjc ot praise. A purer medietas uoso I east a jarter ami the not exist and it is guaranty I to do all that northeast quarter ol is claiiiicd. Klectric Bitten will cure all dis eases of the Ltvei 'and Kidneys, will remove fimples, Hoila, .Salt Uheum ami other aflec tioua caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria frpm the ystem aod prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers, for cure of head ache, coustipatiou and indigestion try Klec trie Hitters entireasatisraction uuaraoteed, or money refunded. Price 50 ets. sod $1.00 per bottle at Foshav t- Mason's Drug store Wonderful I'nrrs. DHoyl&C., Vh Am' . .! -ii;. Dru twists, ot Rome, Ga., says : We have been selling Dr King's New Discovery. Klec tric Biter and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years, tlavo never handled remedies that sell as well, or aive sucb universal sat isfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected Ly these medicines in this. city. Several cases of pronounced consump tion nave neen entirely cured ty uae of a few bottl a of Dr King's New Discovery, taken 111 connection with Hleutm; Hitters. We guarsntee them always. Sold by Foshsy a .Mason. II A lloluiitn and iuila liolman bla wife, Olli Mhtii hi and II tm in Hhetbon ber busland, aud Kt xabeUi Hoiman, Plain tirr. vs. Temps Hunt and Lnder Hunt, ber bus band, Mary Hannah and Tho Hannah, br husband, Jeremiah Hoi man aud Klvina Hoimsn. nla wife- Isaac Holinsn Klf.t!;oth Strong and Wm, Strong, her husband, f'aitsterie Korgy and Kllaa Porgey, her hubtnl, Martha Hill and t. Hill, ber huabam!, Loltlo Pel I and Tbo Rld ber husband. Jeremiah Whidby and Josephine v unlby, ble wife, Martha Lan ders and J rife !,u i-r. bsr nuMband. Jeunlo Caldwell and Floyd Caldwell, ber n nana n a, rah Hunt and Lyman Hunt, her husband. Moil In Handera and D Han- dor, her husband, John W hldhy. Monroe H Whidby. Thos Wbldbv. snd Wm ftenneit Defeudsnts. NOTfCR la hereby si van that the un dsrsinged, tbe Ki feree duly appointe ed by tbe above entitled Court in lh altove entitled cause to make ssfe r tbe nreiniaes hereinafter des'ril3d, will pur suant to an order of aatd Court in aald eause duly made and entered of record on the I'Ah day of March, 1885. at tbe Court Hnuao door in Albtny in asld ooun ty on Saturday Ike l .ttt day sf AnsL shh. at tbe hour of ime o'clock In the afternoon of said day ne'l alt tbe rgbt, title inteuat sud estate or esch of tbe rtatniirts aim Defendants herein lu and to (be following described i.remisea, towit: Tbe outh aoutn nair ot tns Kection aiaujen In Township 10. 8 It I E, also the nrthf w at quarter of the nortneam. quarter o Swtiou ten. Township 11 S K 1 w. AImo iK-gluiilng at too southeast corner of 101 one in Section thnse In Township 12 8 R 1 w, aud running t bonce weal a verity -two rods ; thence north seventy -nix rods ; tbenca east seventy-two rods: lheu e aouth seventy aiz roaa to tho plsee ot beginning, all sittiated in the Wlliametto meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 814 acres. Terms or seieeese tti hsrjd, Wm Ctkus, Keferee, FOR THE LADIES m Bargains in Millinery, PINE TRIMMED HAW, BOHKB, FLOWERS. RI8B0riS LfCES PLUMES, SATINS, VELVETS, ETC., At Very Low Figures. These goods must go, so come earty and get first choice , MRS. E. 4, 0'CONNER AT COST. AT COST Hsvtng purchased the stock of foods ol Shaac & Lonswsj I will sell ti e sane at rout until cloaed out. That n '. .n mont-y tn onr pockets. o soeh bar gains ever before offered. I have also purchased the bankrupt stock of HAY & ASH BY. of Het risbory, eelMflf of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and General Merchandise. K? erylhing will he soH at COST WITHOUT RESERVE. MY 5C , IOC. ISC. AND 25 CCNT COUNTERS SI .sad.d with at tides worth twico their (trice, Btwii f srieiy. Bergaina in all of them. i i t ;. w. AIUn, Oief.s. HARVEST HANDS. Fanner, wo can suiiiily you with all tho harvest r.atxla you want. Leave word at our otlk' wlion you aht hoip of aoy kird. OIHse two loora from a. It. atcllwaiira, In t'oataJ tliiraih buildiuir. Ul lUillAHT AKDMIM.KU. And now comes the California Democrat the leading republican German paper of Ban Francisco and declares its determina tion to rupport Cleveland. The repblican Germans all over the country Teem to be restless and dissatisfied with the awkward attitude into which they have been placed. and thousands of them are coming over to Clcve'and. Keep your eye on them. Now, that the Mills bill has passed the price of wool is advancing. It seems that business has entered the campaign against free whisky and taxed necessaries of life. You ought to see the cartoons In the cur rent number of Harper' a. They are equal to a full column of editorial. Mr. Depew ays that the republicans have "a rattling platform." W ell, the free whisky plank has "rattled" them a good deaUthat's a fact. Everything bought and soli At M Frank n ft Oo's second hand stor Al -m, y, Or. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby uiveu that tne und-r- kigned has been duly appointed, y order ot mo t;ounty t'ourt or Linn county, Ure gon, executor of rli Uvt will and state ment or John Morgan, deceaa0,. All percontt having claims against said edate are hereby nctified to present them duly verlfiftd to the undersigned at bin office in Albany, Oregon, within six months from tie date horeof. June 28th, 1388. J, L Him,, W. R. Uilyru, Etecutor, Attorney for j hp Executor. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that tho anuusl it e ting of tbe ttock holders of the Ciitaltold and S.iv . r Miniog Company of the any of Sidein, U'CjjoD, Mill he held the oli. uf the tii.'liM m iii Oriswgld'a I look, (u said city, on rr. n.- d l huraaay, the'.Kh luy of August. 18 IK, nt 3 o'tlwtk p. in , tor the election ot diitotoru utxl lor uuch other husi neas ;i. may co ns before the awestiiig. WaU m, Or . July T.hrt, S. Y. CiiAi'WK K, Sw-iclary. Administrator's Notice of Pinal Settleme K t ceda hen by jjiven that the under signed Adi!iiuistra4,oi8 de bonis non of tbe estatn of Mai tin C'ostello.di ceased, have tiled their trial account in the i.fficeo' the County Clerk r Lii.u cojtnty, Ojecon, and the County Court for aid county have fixed Monday the 3rd tlay or September, 1SS8, at tire hour of one o'clock, . m, for hea-ir objections, if any to said final accoua , ai sett ling said estate. Pam Mav, Dor i.i. as, A 'miu'st.atTa do I onis non of a; id estate, J. K. Weathehkokij, Att'y f.r AdmibistratorV. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Z Notice ii hereby alven that the co partnership heretofore oxisinn, between A :n. poituill.e.r aud T 1 1 Cone, under tho titmio of Wm. Fortualiler and Co,, has been div-olved, Mr. Cone retirujr. The busifjeiuM wi 1 be conducted ty Wm. Fort mil!er who will meet all obligations, and to whom all debta should be paid. "ay UF.-luae iouebtod to the firm will please Kettle at once as the money is no-dddd in the huslnssf, and must, bo had WAGONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES. Wo are now agents at this place for the celebrated wrkouh, hacks and buggies made tv Fish Bros , cf liacine, Wis., and oati give butt'-i- goodrf and lower prices tbau over before. Remember that we want your tra'Je and wid make it an ob ject for you to come and see ns. vi k w m in x. sox. MACHINE OILS. The best varieties of machine oils to be had are kept by Stewart A Box, especial I v the kinds that have be&ti thoroughly tested by tbe Linn county fatmers. Prices guar anteed, y Sheriff's Sale. In (As Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for i.inn Count;. M A. Porter, Plaintiff, vs. A. , Bassett, Defendant. NOTICE is hereby gUen that by virtus of an Execution aod order of sale issued out of tbe above named Court In tbe above entitled suit, I will on Saturday the llth day of Aagstsl, ISSS, at tbe Conrt Bona door in tbe city of Albany, Unn county, Orecon. at toe boor of one o'clock n. to, sell at public suction for cash in band to tne Big bast bidder tba real property dJscrtbed iu asld Execution and order of sale aa follows, to-wit ; Tbe H W quarter of the M W quarter of Section tniny, town snip tnirteen, aoutn range three, west, containing forty acres, mora or less In tbe County of Linn. State of Oregon. Tbe proceeds arising from tbe sale of ssid premises, to be applied : First to the payment of tbe costs aud dishorn ments of suit taxed at $32 85 and tbe ae crying oosfca. Second to tbe payment to the Plaintiff, M. A. Porter tbe sum of titttMU, with accruing tntereat thereon at the rate of uu per cent per annum from we ism aay or asaron, loss, and tbe fur tber sum of f 10, Attorneys fees. Dated this 8th day of July, 1888. JOH .1 SM ALbM AN , By D. 8. Smith, Sheriff, Deputy. 4V mL g CO HAND SEWEO DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, ant' .verythinfl: usually kent'in a first-class h p Repairmg carefully and promptly E.L, POWER, Prop1), Blooded Stock. Just from lows, one car losd of thorough" bred Short-horned Durham cattle, cows and calves, aad one D -year old bull, at the farm of D. C, Carrie. Pi sale at reasonable terms. Isaac Elder, Shedd, Linn county, Or. Binding Twine, I have this day made "arrangements with Stewart A Sox, of Albany, for the furnishing to tbe Grangers binding twine -tend in your orders and avail yourselves of the contract. This twine is pure ma- mil la. Albany, July 9th, 1888. Mart, Financial vgent. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery. Glass Ware and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. , Agricultural Implements Agent lor Fire and Harine Insurance SAY! HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR YOU CRASS CLEARANCE SALE OF Brownsville Clothing, COMMENCING JULY 2nd. We offer stock of mens' clo 'iing on tbe Brownsville coonter at wholesale Tbe Co. feel that they rave msnofactnred more goods tb is season than tbey esn wholesale, to give tbe public tbe benefit of the prices to cloe them ont. These goods sre made from BK8T OREGON WOOL and ate 6rstlssa. Terms of Hale Cash. This is a splendid opportunity insecure at wool goods at ver lots prices. If tbe manufacturer can't gire you BOTTOM PRICES, WHO CAN ? We have several lines ot light weight snits and some odd lota which we have m Lii an; (; m soft COME AMD JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES, L. E. Blain. Knapp, Burrell & Company, Have In stock a complete assortment of JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufactaer of Choice Cigars wH AND .OEA LKR IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.Kara, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos. Meerschaum snd Bria Pipes, snd a Ja line of Sraok :rs' A r J ales, Also dealer a - CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, Next door to Burkban A K eene 'sAlbany, Oregon. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and McOormick, Mowers and Binders, Hollingsworth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, steam ana Morse rower, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. alao a full line of first-class CARRIAGES. BUCCIES.HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. F. 111. R0SC0E, Manager, sooTV THE COW BBANO. TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE D Wight's Cow-Brand SodaSaleratus. ABSOLUTELY PUffE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Bs sura that there ia a piotora of a Cb on your liacJca-o cud you wUl bar the beat Soda mau. THE COW BBANB. ROWICHT'S FURNITURE. s you want tbe b)Ht an I in it dur ab le ftnnitmeitst h nceiufeciuicd in ibeciij goto Thomas Brink. He keeps almost everything in tbe line of rurniture that is kept in a ntola3 ho a rnerW SPRINGFIELD SAW M SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. JjJj. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St., between 4th and 5th Street Having lumber not excelled in qual icy, and facilities not surpassed for the prompt and satisfactory filling of orders, I respactfuliy solicit a share of tbrlrade. AT COST! Having decided to dotejout oulnaioess here, wo wili 8e!lonr ENTIRE STOCK -0F- A. Wheeler. thing, Purnlsliing Sead&sHats, Caps, Trunks, At Cost ! Those wishing bargains wiil fU eirly byforo tba steck isjbroke goods ms he soid within tbe next. yO djs. C . B.Roland .& Co.