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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1888)
SUB TO MiOCIAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 Al END OF YEAR. tutted ovwry Friday ty STITH33 3e 2$ TTTTIHTGh. THE DEMOCRAT U the twnt Advertising medium ayi I'i Hip Central Willamette Valley. VOL. XXlil. Advertising raltt mmlo kn wu on up p loailoii. AJLJiAJS Y, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 37, 1888. VO 52 Mflltf OURRAN'S 03 CO CO CO CI o a 03 CI 1 ft j PATENT FRUIT DRYER. Tbe Curran Kruit Dryer has heen in use throughout the Willamette Vsllsy for the past wiz yearn auda ounneded by all to be superior to any dryer ever placed in lire market. We are prepared to fill order for tbl dryer, and will take in payment drlnd fruit t highest market prlc. 1-arties desiring tn engage in the profitable Indus' ry of fruit drviim will do we'l to send for desrrlmve circular and testimonial, whlrh contains all mveaaarr Information pertaliiliiu hand dryer which we offer prv cheap. Address I. B. New and Second Hand Store Owing to . lncriae'l dfuiand of our business wo have twin com pell.Kl to move into a argr store i we can now tie found next door to S. E. Younx, wher we will be pleated to see our patrons. If your.eedany s'ni, furniture tinware, orokery, clo'kH, rrp' pictures, (fruit lars, trunks, book, roller skate, saddle, j saws, plane, etc and a thousand dif ferent and u v a tides you cso n t do bettor this si I ( Un Fraaciix than you can do with u on a purchase or exchange, L GOTTLIEB, 123 Fint Street, Albany. n Da R. N. BLACKBURN. Attorney at Law, Offlce, Odd Fellow'siTemple, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. All business will receive prompt attentk n FD8HAY & MASON, -sTTunoii ass sbtaiv- druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, hiob we sell a pu'jiiscst prioaa wits ?oatageadJd. ALKsRT, okkuow. Sheriffs Sale. In Uw. Circuit Court of tht filatr oj urryon for the County of Linn i K ii Brown aa Receiver of the North West ern Manofctar.D(( ani (Jar Company, plain iff rt, Hut (rand Hernnn and Charles Hchacf or. defendants. NOTICE ia hereby given tt by virtue of an execution aot order of .ale ieued oat of the above named court in the above entitled "lion I will on :.ifii. ise mil usor in. ii i lass. At the Court Home dooi, in the citv of Al bsu . Lion Conoty, (r. .,(1, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., sell at puhiic auction for cah in hand to the highest bidder, al! tbs riijht. title snd iutereit of thr-aaid defendant, Charlea Schaefer. in ami t the following de aoribed real property Ur-tforo attach, d in aaid action on the 8i h day of October, 1885, described ic aaid execution and order of rale as follosra. to wit: The northweet quart.- and the west half of the northeast quarter mi .Section twenty seven, Township i.ine, south rsnge, one weat, Willamette meridian, and the south west quarter of the southesat quarter of .Section twenty-two, Townabtp tone, south range, one went, Willamette meridian, containing in all two hundred and eighty sere., more or lea aituated in Linn county, Oregon. The proceede arising from the aale of said prem iers to be spplied : Firat to the payment cf accruing coats and the costs and disburse ments taxed at $28. Second to the payment to the Plaintiff. E S. Brown as Receiver of the North Western Manufacturing snd Car Co.npauy the sum of $120, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from January ltfib, 1883. sod the fur thsr sum of $50 Attorneys feet. Mated July llth, 1888. John, By D 8. Smith, Sher.ff. Deputy Notice to Contractor's. Notice is hereby given that at the next regular term of the County Commiaaici.err Court for I. inn county, Oregon, to he held at, the Court Hotue in the city of Albany on Wednesday the 8th day of Auyufct, 1888, aealed plans, apecificationn, atrin, diagram? and bids will be received for building a bridge acresa the swale on the Shedd nnd A!ban road alioot one half milo south of KendaUa bridge ; said bridge to lie 150 feet long and 16 feet wide. Also tor the huilaing of a cov ered tuidge across Tnomae ( ret-k .it th ooint where th old bridge known an the D.-Vuiicy bridge stood, safd blg? to lx? 1)0 font lm,g betWaWu piers' and fientu, 14 feet and 16 feet wide in die clar iuside. Ail bids niuat be filed with the Clerk on or before I o'clock, p. m. of the above mentioned day. Trie Couit reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Oone by order of the Court this Gth day of July, A. I). 1888. K. E. MONTAUUE, County Cierk. - . . a Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon Ctty, Oregon. ) June 6th, 1888. NOTICE is nerby givt-n that the. follow ing named settler ha Hied notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that raid proot will be mode be fore she County Clerk of Linn county, Oie gon, st Albany, Oregon, on VrlUay, July ijh, mux. viz : but Jli. Mackey, fre-emptton O, S. w a nn t . i in i c r. ti . i n. no omw lor nie r. :, n r. j ana K A ot JN. or aec. .io in. un u x w. . wi ametto lendian. He names the following witnesses i - r w'i i h Mickev. b C Mckey, I W Mackev. all ' ' j - - - of Brownsville, Oregon W. T. Burney, Register., to fruit drvinu We have a few atcoud MONTKiTH A CO., Albany, Oregon. BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. . 1 u no mc-i vr,g mv i-piitg and U u nir a .t b ii an J abues, 1 have aa nioe'y a fitted up Boot and Sbo oiore, and aa coapletn h stock aa an this aide of Portland and vry few bettei in Portland. I bay 'l my lxxti and shoos direct from tasuafacttirer sud nai authorized to warrant every pair no mat tei bow cbesp. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me 1 1 buying aa 1 buy ia quantities and pay the cash. In Itl im'i misses snd children's shoes, ttjsfi o i b tb i large!, bet m4 great on variety in the citv- My aim will at '-ay ' f. 9 give g)l value fir the opsy as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG- CHEAPEST AND BEST FENCE MADE. The Shelleberger Combination Fonce It is as strong aa plank fencing. It will last three ltma as long. It dot not injure slock, being as visible as plank It prote jti ail your crop from all s ock bred upon a farm. . It is dog proof, protecting sbeep from dog and wolves. It i- endorsed by 290,000 of the best farmers in the West, as fully filling every claim we make for It. It will turn a pig, bull, borse, bog, calf, sbeep dog oi ball grown fbl. It will save every farmer $140 Ooa mile on every mile of fence he builds. It ia tbe strongest, cheapest, most dura ble, and perfect farm fence on earth. It forms tbe most perfect combination of two materials, making tbnm Inseparable snd equally durable, combining as it doe", tbe n stness and elegance of Iron with tbe strength and ourabidiy of steel. (Flsned and painted, it makes a fine feoce for tbe city.) Price, only 50c. to 05c. per rod. FRANK SIKE8, AlMHlt, Bvk of dtMwatt fc Sox's, Albany Oregon Js Pa HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. New stock cf 1888 pattern bicycles just received. Bargains in second hand wheels all sizes and ptices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue fiee JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST, ALBANY OREO ' Eose8 a Specialty. (.'em tery lots planted and attended i The Appetite May bo Increased, tbe Digestive crgnu ttrengthened, and the bowels rsguiat.'d, by taking Ayer s Pills. These Pills i,re purely vegitubh hi tludr They rontaiu neither ralnnnd nor any other dangerous drug, and may bo taken with perfect safety by persons of all ago. I.WB H" eiuffcror from DyspniMia ma tkm.tipation I had no apfJitl. ml wo ronHtuntly nnil.-tml with 1, 1 rtiln ?U I consulUKl our family dootor, who nresi-ribnl fur nis, at vartoua tlm. without affording morn than tomiHirary relief. I finally oowZ tune my digestion and appetite IMPROVED XI ,?!Te!-.w?r rrK"'d. and. by the ume I finished two Ttoxfn of tbse PI IK my tendency to beadachea had diati BSSWSd .and I b,.cam; strong and wll.L Ijsrlaa M. Igaii, Wlliniugton, Del, i JLf troubled, tot over S year, with Jau of Appetite, and tlenoraf Debility. "umiMi. ,.,1 ,kmg Ayer's PUN. and. before finishing half a box of thN cinis my appetite sod strength war re stored. -0. O. Olsrk, Dsnbury, Conn. Ayer's PUls are the beat medicine I.miwn to me for regulating the Uwel. and for all diseases caused by a disordered Htouutc.h and Uver. I suffered for over three jaars with he, indigestion, and lonstipatioi.. 1 had nosptwUte. sud ss weak and nervous most of thu time. BY USING three hpzea of Ayer's PUN, sad at the eame time dieting myself. I was com pletely cured. My digestive organs are health P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's PUN have benefited me wonuX OT months I suffered from indi gestion and Headache, was restless m mw had a bad taste in my mouth every morning. After taking eno N of Ayer's PUN. all these di appeared, my food digested well, and P wa refreshing. Uciiry ii i way, Rockport, Mass. . lFJZt1 SL tho fm by the use U Avert P11N. They not only relieved mo of that painful disorder, but give mc in trv1gor. snd restored my health. -Sotm Laaarua, St. John, N Ii. Ayer's Pills, Pafed ay Dr. J. O. Avar A Co., LoweU, Itsss. f B DfasBtats sad rk-. ta MoiMuo. NOTICE. I Lavs ooogbt sad furnlabed toe SCIOFLOURINi; MILLS iih new maehlnarv.tnakinar i!Ai.r k th Full Roller Prnrsiss Tli ill I la nntt 'unnmg and I osa furnNh -lie beat of fi ur snd feed at reasonable racssx. I in tend to run my mill In sueh a manner i none can go away tltasaUsflei. Olve m a call E. COIN, Ptoprietor Hcl. Mlila. MRS. B. HYMAN, " next east of 8. K, Young's, Albany, Or Catting and Fitting a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, ANO STAMP IMC DOME TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, snd painting done to Older on plaques and other material, Vise ataortcront of Artist msterlsla on .isnd. Photography. J O. Crawford, of tbe firm f Psxten k Crawford, wUl re-opsn the gsllery ia Hsnls barg tbs 10th for two weeks. We will be prepared to tasks all styles of pictures, such ss portraits, views of restdenoss, enNrging pictures in the latest styles, family groups etc, t tc. If yon want lirst-clsas work dons come sod see at. Paxtox k Crawford. Lino Vunty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., Sasssssni'i to Cowan A Costex.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s general baaklng business . DRAW -lIilHr Da.rrso S Si, Prsa etaeoan d Portland, Oregon. LOAM MO.VEY on sppreved security. HZl'tlVK. dpoi U subjec to check. COLCSjriOVi .I'miul ii ut willreraira promo awssw. CR08SEN& ALLEN, PEOPRIBTORS Albany Track and Dray Co., He, 1. Qail hn lll vit sim snd dlsptto City Market, M. HYDB Proprietor. Fresh meats constantly on hand. Near corner of First and Ferrv Streets. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts o UN State. All business intrusted to him alll be promptly attended to. SAM MA. ti. SENDERS MAY fc SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON Will bay Grain, Wool and all kinds rodaee. K Wvll.VBttO. O, H, IRVINB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW siTO'fioe up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON- DR. J.Ls HILL Physician and Surgeon, bffiee cor, Fin t and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. intakes I' m a lit'nc.i.AR. "Mers. Tito, SaUerfleld and N. A. Wsrd livs id rooms of the same house on a ranch about 7 miles down the river. Iast Friday night Mr. Snllrrficld. not fcrliuir well, aot tin ai d went Into the kltch in of Mr. Ward to get omo medicine, and Ward's wife hearing the noise called her husband who got hi gun and opened the kitchen door aakfd. "who is there r" but receiving no reply fired a losu of Uuckshnt atrlklnu; Mr. .Sutler field In the tbluh InrtU tinir a danitrrous wound. Dr. Brown was called, lived up the bones, and dressed tbe wounds and hopes to bs able to save the limb, but Is by no means certain that it can be dono. Eugene It-g mrer. So Bats to Tin. Warm weather, whatever else it docs cannot do away with one's appetite, In fact it increases It, particu larly for fruits, etc., and In fact we eat just about as much of everything except meats. An important thing, though Is to get 'hMWu hr the blond had uUd susasSs Ii !. .!,. . . u i . i 1, . 1 I of this city, have built up a splendid repu tuiton tor carrying only nrt class tfrot-rr les and keeping on hand only the freht fruits and produce generally. Call on them at their store just east of the Revere house, and see how it l yourselves. Claimed. --.The following Is from an ex change and Is but one of several items we have seen on the same subject : "It U claimed by good leual authority that the act creating the office of County Recorder in Linn, Marlon. Washington, Yamhill, Clackamas, Clatsop, t'matllla and I'nlon counties is unconstitutional. This may lead to serious complication as those offices have been tilled by election In the various counties named." Theie i probably noth ing in these claims, j nc statute on the subject is plain. nd we doubt if good legal sumortty say. tnc act is unconstitutional. The Co pax v. The Farmers' and Mer- chants Insurance Company of this city, (a doing a fine utnmer nulncss. It field Is the Northwest, the company being represented In every place of any Importance In Ore gon and Washington Territory. It Is a splendid company to insure with because it la not only safe and reliable, but is a borne institution, snd the premium paid to it U circulated at home. Mixing Fever. Several Albany men ST are getting "worked up" on the mining question. Even the plone-r barber, Jos- nr li a . . ba . . wcooer, nas caugnt it a little, and a day or two sgo left for Quart ville, in company with a California miner. Next week C E. Browned. Mr. Donelty and two or three others will start for the same place. The Bonanza mine, located by Messrs. Wood In. Read and associates, Has now as good prospects a an v claim in the Santlam region. All that U needed now is money to develop all these claim. Mi M 'in (i mi hi ctasse were formed in Recently two Corvalti in Prof. Iicttc vtcm of ytem of memory culture Prof. G. & Fellows, of the High school at Washington, has just exposed the Prsv feasor ss a fraud, not the system but the Professor. The fraud lie in the fact that the "Prof." claims that he originated the system, wherww it transpire that the rules he lays down were in vogue In the days of Arlstottle, and that the same system wss published and taught thirty-five vears ago by others In the I nlted States. Ta i ed to St ici de, A stranger who gave his name ss Frank Willis, of California, at. tempted to com mitt suicide last night st Salem by jumping off the platform Into the miilpond near the water works, but either tbe shallowness or the coldness of the water induced him to change his mind, for he waded out himself amfVras taken charge of by parties who saw the deed, and who turned him over to an officer. Willi said he was a miller by trade, and Is from Cs.lfornla. - Mill Citv. -According to an exchang e the following Is the present situation of af -fairs at Mill City : "Mill City, s town lately laid out at the end of the O. P. t ail road, on the Santlam, is deatcd. Every one has moved, away except the ranchers. The sawmill ha. closed down, as no one Is there to buy lumber. I E Sorbon has box ed up his saloon, as the patrons are all gone. The postmaster has refused to qualify and has gone back to Stayton. The place will remain a town site, and Mng an eligible situation, will some day sprout up again." Campaign Hat. -This, matter of a campaign hat is causing plenty of trouble. In Astoria hc matter was completely mixed up. It finally was decided that the Cleveland hat is a high cream colored hat, while tbe Harrison hat Is light gray, and that the band doesn't make any difference A Warkixu. He came up street with a gleam In his eye, add his red bandana hung limp In his hand. We'll ineet bim again In the sweet by and by, for he flew from this earth to a'fairer land. Twit sudden the shock, yet the grievance was great And 0 vanished from earth like the morning devr. The words that he spoke sealed for ever his fate. We clubbed him to death for saying, "Is It hot enough for you ?" Was Loaded. Miss Rosle Hllteroand.a waiter girl on the N. P. transfer boat at Kslama, took an overdose of laudanum and was brought to the city, where Dr. Wheeler attended her. Her sister thinks It was taken in sport (?) and that she didn't know ltr power. The doctor thinks Miss Rosie will recover ami know more in the future after last night's experience. Tele gram. On Top, Gradually Seattle is getting away with Portland, and It is only a ques tion when the latter place will be a way station on the road to the former. The latest evidence of this fact since the fire men's tournaments ix the hiring of Mr. Levison, of the Oregonian, by the leading Seattle paper. 8c io. A branch of the Narrow Gauge R- R. is to be built to Scio, a distance of a mite and a half, the citizens agreeing to do part of the work. It will be n great con venience to that city and would be a greater one if the Narrow Gauge were also run into Albany, as it ought to be. We Shake We have received No. r of Vol. i of "Our Drug Store." It is issued by Foshay& Mason, of this city, and ia patent inside and outside as well as patent medicines. This is alive firm and we ex tend our tar In order to ascertain if we need any of Smith's bile beans, A Goon Thing. The people of Albany know wnen they have a good thing. In ten days Wm. Fortmiller sold seven parlor sets of furniture. Good goods and cheap prices was the cause. It will pay the pub lic to call and examine his goods. For Disability. Thursday Mr. Lore Young was paid by Mr. Charles Metzger, agent for an Accident Insurance Company, $1.79, two days disability caused by the head of a croquet mallet striking him in the face a couple weeks ago. Moral all I croquet players should be insured. IIIIX KX OS THK TAB IKK. On board a Western train the other dsy 1 held in my bosom for over seventyfive miles the elbow of s Isrge man whose name I do not know. He wa not s rail road hog or I would have resented It. I Ic was built wide and he couldn't help it, so I forgave him. 1 1 e had a large, gentle, kindly eye, and when he desired to spit he went to the car doorxpened It, and decorated the entire out side of the train, forgetting that our speed would help to give scope to his remarks. Naturally ,ss he sat there by my alde.hold ing on tightly to his ticket and evidently afraid that the conductor wou'd forget to come and get It, I began to figure out in my mind what might be his business. He had OOttndcd one thumb so that tbe & 1 his might happen to a shoemaker, a car- pentert blacksmith.o. almost any one else So It didn't help me out much, though it looked tome as though It might have been done by trying to drive a fence nail through a leather hinge with the back of Sn ss, snd nobody but a farmer would try to do that Following up the ciew.I discovered that he had milk on his (foots, snd then I knew I was right. The man wlto milks before daylight In a dark barn when the thermom cter fs 28 below zcro,and who hits his boot by reason" of the uncertain light and the prudishness of the cow. Is s marked man. He cannot conceal the fact that he 1 a farmer unless he removes this badge. So I started out on the theory, snd remarked that this would pass for a pretty hard win ter on slock. The thought was not original with me. for I have hesrd it expressed by others either In this country or Europe. He said It would. "My cattle has gone through a mowful o hay sence October and eleven ton o brand. Hav don't seem to have the eood- to it that It bed last year,and with their new process grls. mills they jerk all the juice out o" brand, so'a you might a well feed cows whhescelslor and upholster your horse with hemlock bark ss to buy brand." "Well, why do you run so much to stock ? Why don't you try diversified farming and rotation of crops ? -Wctl.prob'ly you got that idee in the pa pers. A man that esrn big wages writing Farm Hints' for agricultural papers can make more money with a soft leadpencll and two or three season-cracked idee like that'n I can rarrylngof em out on the farm. We used to have a fellow in the drug store tn our town that wrote such good pieces for the Rural I 'rrmtourr, and made up such a good condition powder out of his own head that two years ago we asked him to write a ncsaav lor the annual meetimr of the Buckwheat Trust,and to use his own judg ment about choice of subject. And what do you s'pose he had selected for a n-av that took the whole forenoon to read ?' "What ubjcct,you mean ?" Yea." -Give It up P u Welt, he'd wrote out that whole blames! Intellectual wad on the subject of 'The In humanity of Dehorning Hydraulic Rams. How's that r "That's pretty fair.' -Well, farmi is like runnln' a paper in regard to some things. Every feller in the world will take and turn in and tell you how to do it,even If he don't know a blame thing about If. There sin't a man in the United States to-day that don't secretly think he could run miry one if his other business busted on him, whether he knows the dif ference between a new milch cow and a horse hay take or not. We had one of these embroidered ntghtehtrt farmers come from town better' n three years ago. Been a toiiet-soap man and done well, and so he cameut and bought a farm that had noth ing to it but a faucy house. and barn, a tot of medder in the front y ard.und s Southern aspect. The farm was no good. You couldn't raise a disturbance on It. Well, what does he do ? Goes and gits a passle of slim-talled yellcr cows from New Jersey and alms to handle cream and diversified farming. Last year the cuss rnwht a load of cream over and tried to sell it at the new crematory while the funeral and holiercost was goin' on. I may be a sort of a chump my self, but I read my paper snd don't get left like that." "What are the prospects for farmers in your state .',r , "Well they are pore. Never was so pore, in fact.sencc I've hen there. Folks wonder why boys leaves the farm. My boys left so ss to get protected, they said, and so they went Into a clothing store, one of 'em, and one went into hardware, and one is talkin' protection in the Legislature this winter. They said that farm In' wasgettin' to be like fishin' and huntln', welt enough for a man that has means and leisure, but they couldn't make a Hvln' at It, they said. An other boy Is in a drug store, and the man that hires him says he is a royal feller. "Kind of a castor royal fe'ler," I cried with a shriek of laughter. He waited until 1 had laughed all I want ed to, am! then he said : "I've always hollered for high tariff in order to byst the public debt, but now that we've got the National debt coopered I wish they'd take a little hack at mine. I've put in fifty years farmin'. I never drank licker in any form. I've worked from ten to eighteen hours a day ; been economical in cloxs and neyer went to a show more'n a dozen times in my life ; raised a family and learned upwards of two hundred calves to drink out of a tin pail -without blowing their vittles up my sleeve. My wife work ed alongside o' me sewin new seats on the boys' pants,skimmin' milkmd even helpin me load hay. For forty years we toiled" along together and hardly got time to look into eachther's faces or dared to stop and get acquainted with each other. Then her health failed. Ketched cold in the spring house, prob'ly skimmln' milk, and washin' pans,and scaldin' pails, and spankin' butter. Anyhow she took In a long breath one day while the doctor and me was watching, her, and she says to me, 'Henry,' says she, I've got a chance to rest,' and she puts one tired, worn-out hand on top of the other tired, wore-out hand, and I knew she'd gone where they dont work all day and do chores all night. Children Cry for "I took time to kiss her then. I'd been too busy for a good white previous to that, and then I called in the boys. After the funeral It wss to much for them to stay around and est the kind of cook in' we had A ..a. S ii . . a . a a 10 put up wun, hno nonouy spoke up around the house as we used to. The boys quit whistlin' around the hat n, and talked kind of low to themselves about soln' to t?wn and gettfn' a job. They re all gone now, and tbe snow Is four feet deep up there on mother's grave in the old berryln'-ground." Mat m.. M A aaa - A jnen not h ot us looked out of the car window quite a long while without saying anything. "I don t blame the boys for going Into something else long's other things pays bet ter ; but I sayand I say what I know that the man who holds the prosperity of this country in his hands, the man that ac tually makes the money for other people to spend, the .nan that eats three good, simple, square meals a day and goes to bed at 9 o'clock so that future generations with good blood and cool brains can go from his farm to the Senate and Congress and the White Mouse -he is the man that gets left at last to run his farm, with nobody to help him but a hired man and a high protective tar iff. The farms in our State is mortgaged for over $70O,oooxxx Ten of our West ern States -I see by the the papers has got about three billion and a half mortgages on their farms, and that don't count the chaitei mortgages tiled with the town clerks on farm machinery, stock, waggins, and even crops, by gosh ! thst ain't two inches high under the snow. Thai's what the prospect Is for farms now. The Govern ment Is rich, but the men that made it, the men that fought perarie fires and perarie wolves and injlns and potato-bugs and bliz zards, and has paid the war debt and pen sions and everything else and hollered for the Union and the Republican party and high tariff and anything else that they was told to, Is left high and dry this cold winter with a mortgage of seven billion and a half on the farms they have earned and saved a thousand times over. Q" Yes; but look at the glory of sending rom the farm the future President, the uture.Senstor, sud the future member of Congress." That looks well on paper ; but what dors it really amount to? soon a a farmer boy gits in a place like that he forgets the soil that produced and holds his head as high ss s hollyhock. He belters for protection to everybody but the farmer, and while he sails round in a highly -tighty room with a fire In it night snd day, his father on the farm has to kindle his own fire in the morn- g with elm slivers, and he has to wear his son's lawn-tennis suit next to him or freexe to death, and he has to milk in and old gray shawl thst has held that member of Congress since he was a baby, by gorry '. and the old lady has to sojourn through the winter n the flannel that Silas wor at the rigKattcr before he went to Congress. "jo 1 say, and f think that congress ag ree w ith mc, Oamn a farmer, am how ' He then went awsy, Bill Nyr. Burolak Caiti sed. -Thursday about 1 o'clock, a member of Mr. Williamson's family, residing opposite Mr. Thomas Monteith's residence on Ferry street, dis covered a man trying to get Into the house. They Immediately gave the alarm to their neighbors, Mr. Shane and Mr. Watt Monteith, who rushed from their houses ss the men passed along Ferry street towards the citv. Watt outran the man and or dered him t stop, near Mr. Young's resi dence. The fellow drew a knife and threatened t8 use it; but a revolver In the hands of Watt, and a pitchfork in the hands of Mr. Shane, who arrived on the scene soon after, made him vield, and he was conducted down street. Once or twice he became belligerent with his knife, but Watt's revo'ver brought him to time, and he was finnallv landed in the calibooae. The man is oi the tramp appearance, about thirtv-hve vears of age and is evidently tough customer. Considerable credit is due Mr. Monteith for capturing the rascal, though nothing very serious can probably be done to him. No one making a complaint the man, who refused to give his name, nas discharged I le has been around Albany over a week on a continual spree. Some one states that at one time he was connected with one of the railroads. Fight With a Buck. We are in re ceipt of a note from the Summit giving an account of a fight with a buck. Last Fri day, T. Lytic, Jf. O. Davis and A. I Lunar met a three-point buck tn the lane oppo site the Wrenu school house. They threw rocks at the animal and Davis ran after it afoot, caught up with it and began stabbing It with his pocket knife. The buck turned to fight, but Davis caught his horns snd called for help. Hamar came up and be tween the two they killed him. Leader. The Drummer's Latest. He walks into the store, and during the conversation casually remarks, "Well, I think it is a put up job." You look curious and say, "what." 1 le has you then, and with a Col orado canyon smile remarks, "wall paper." He reached Albany a few day ago and left thti as a relic. If ft were not for the festive drummer life would be as dry as a street bummer. While on the subject, when a confiding friend remarks that it is warm or hot the ppper thing to say is "rats. A Funny World.- -The following taken from a republican exchange, simply shows what a funny world this is. "Bob Ingersoll, the Infidel, seemed the favorite orator of the republican convention, and Christian men veiled themselves hoarse applauding him Chicken Pie. A very enjoyable chick en pie and ice cream lawn social was held at the M. E. parsonage last Friday. Bet ter chichen pie was never eaten by an editor or Methodist minister on a circuit, and the ice cream was just the opposite to the sociability, one was cold and the othtr warm. The attendance was good and the receipts flattering. Got Licked.- -W. S. Hufford, got licked last June .for prosecuting attorney by J. W Hamilton and he got licked last week by Sam Case for an affair in which a woman plays a very prominent part. Videttt. Kicked. Thursday on the farm of Mr, Miller Morgan, near Shedd Thos. Morgan was kicked by a colt. The animal in try ing to keep the flies off hit Mr. Morgan a hard blow. We understand no bones were broken and that the kick though lerious was not dangerous. A nui at the German colony beyon Scio, was recently severely bitten by a ra. tie snake. She was cured by Dr. Hyde Pitcher's Castorla. W. r READ accessor to U now receiving new goods in it I KSSSt , ll jjj Everything Nev,with New Lower than Eyer Offered in Albany, ooosuttog DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MA I S, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES I propose bsve as eonor '. bsoy, with al 9 New Novel ti and ss they s?e manufactured. All dss well onee, are cordially Do Vol Propose fie To Undersold. W J. READ, 57 First Street, Albany, Or Mrs,, Dart's Triplets President Cleveland's Prise for she three best babies at the Aurora County Fair, in 188?, wss given to these triplets. Mollis. Ida, and Ray. children of Mr, a. k Tin iinmhunrh n y She writes: "Last Ausnst the little on as became verv aiek mi aa f miM c, .... ,,th.,. that would agree with them, I commenced tho uuueiy, ana tney were soot that they are now so well." dlstely, and ey were soon as well as ever, low so well." Lactated Food them well, and Is better than medicine when they are sick. Three sixes : 2oc., 50c., L0t At druggists. Cabinet photo, of these triplets sent free to the mother of any baby born this year. Address WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington, Vt. L Wi CLARKp Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second aud Ferry Strdois near Opera House. Ground door. Children's pictures a sjecially, LBANY, - - OREGON, Ha Fa MERRILLy 33 N TLZ 3D m , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell sxchanire "on New York, San Francisco and -Cortland. Buy notes, State, county snd city warrants. Re ceive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on time deposits . Collections will receive prompt atte ntion. Correspondence solicited. Fre and marine insurance placed in reliable com panies, sarOfflce hours from 8 a.m. to I p.m. P N. H. Allen & Co.) every line. Old goods sold out. 7 oust of sver- line at ever hron?bt to Al ftp and Latest Styles old enm --j r:a invito to call and inspect Rtock and Suoeeaor to N. H. Allen k Co MM tin! use of Lactsted Food. ret It hfMiwd thTn imirvo. and I consider it very largely due to the Food ia tho !wst Km-ul for u-utt ...ti ha,i it Vm Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Sflee sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, aVPree Coach to and from the Batel.m Red CrownMills (SOM, LANNING & CO., PR0PIV8. STEW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR JOB tAWim AND BAKERS TfSE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat