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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1888)
Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIKTOR OFa STAR BAKERY, Ooraer Broadalbln and First 8ti.,J PK.Vi.KK IN MB4 rrttlta, ( uBfl Meats, QHaemaware, Vegetable. 4'lgara, ilccs. Ten, Kte.. lrt-d bVnit. Etc., In fact everything tba. in kept in gen ml variety and grocery store, Hlgi market prios paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Wm. Fortmiiler & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attantion-FiNt-class Hearse nor After bit tins li um otll et re tide no e ooraer Fifth an I inker streets. THE YAQUINA UOUTE. Oragon Pacific Railroad. Orjfjo Djvslon 11 nt C-0EDny'a Steam ehlp Line 22S MILES SH9ftTl 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by eny other route. Pirat-oiat tbroujra patssiigtr end freight U no from Portland end all points in the WilUtusUs Valley to and from Nan Prnocisoo, Cel. WillamBU3 Mm Lin j of Steamers. The Win. M. The 8, Beat ley," Tne "Three Slaters" are lu eervioe for both oataeuKer an t freight traffic be tween Corvaliia and Portland and tnedtftte po'.itte, leaving Company 't wbarr, Corvaliia. and Meters. Huliuan A Co'a wbarf. Not. 'AW an 4 Mi Front St., Port land, three timee a woek as follows : Norra bousp. ' UareOocrsli;. Hon , Wad. ud KriOajr. 10:00 A. at. Leave Alteor, Monday, Wl. auU Friday. 12:00 N. u arrive PtorUaiMl. lu.. Tba. ant OalunUr. 6:30 r. at. eutmi bocno. Lm PiirtlaeaV Leave Albany, I .4. Man., Wi Mtl Friday. t:00 A, M. , l ut . Tnura. iiu' MjlanUy. 1: u. at. Us, Tim., The. sad Saturday, 4 SO K at. Amn Co-,.!., Roots make oloee connection at Albeny itu ire ion of tbeOregou Paoltic Kailruau. TmaAJdeUULK (oscept MeaiMeJ Larva Altmay, 1:00 r. l,,ln YaqotM, 0:41 A, Lmv CtrfUi. l;IOr. alMSM Uorvslu. 10 A. Arriva Vaniaina, r. a j rr lbanjr, 11:10 a. a, I O c U. tTAiaa o ma j K at Albio? a 1 1 Uorvallie low ojv train cjutia:tAi lfaqaiUk wuu tU O.Mm U4ioptn tut upk iy . l.iuj tl vtiinii.n lj.iu V n itius u I Su Ifran itsV MAIIaIXU Otl Kv . raoa av rAAtciau. WtUMUdvU VJlr, WillissKH Vai, ArillaaMtte Vailay, WiUasaetU VUj. Jam. tfntl Jmjr 3rd Juijr Mk July .jui. Jan xU. Joiy li.u. Ju v Z4lb, xne uouipeuy ,.irv .be rigbt .to change aanmg jAtea without uoiicw. Pateviigara rrooi pjr.luuand v ya ley pnutt osu uiAk .;Iojh oonuocli a wtto tri.i ufiua Yequiua route m A.-U. r Uarvanu, aud li do tiuotl to 3 aii r f u ;ia,: uouid arrange lu arrive at x a i aiu tdo of sailing. asaeaaer aad f.rukl Mate always ism rrnJrjiu.M4,,i, , atuArt, Fraih: and fiekat Afe-ii, AibA i,, o. k C d UM.oU, Jr., U. K. 4t P. Afi,, Orjoo Oev.op.u.-.i Co., 1H Mooaicrv SSSB rrAllwtfj, CAi. f,-. C. 11 ).! ., H. '.. r. aod P. Afeltt, itfJKott rAcidc K KCo. LWium, Or. UVcdLt4J fJ eAUFil.tlA 3jii;i3fj Pa3iu; jQiaj's Line. v.ti. Mr. i.uu K i n:. I'll'1' r". i ;:;, j b UM UAU7taaiA IlIMlH I. USI 'l AltT. iu a V w'r. a. j.Jj r a 7:4 a m wrta L3v I' , . Alb : . r A..-:; arms , io:i j am L,MV 7;Ui A a basse j o.:v r a i'.f oja:w4.n PAibr aunuAy). s w ; a a Leav UUrs u 4:i r a Arriva Pxrtlaud tUVII Arrive f r a Laeva t 1 1. ;., a m Lo'. j 9 300 A m auesji rxn oR taaim daily, axesrr musdat. Klin aOr a itZtrx 1:30 .' s I Lva I Arrive ijLrtlV) Arrive Al'AJiy Lab i i .ii Alb ut Arnva I t.i a a Leave ... i a a Arrive , Lv :r a :Uo r a ?31LU BUrr'Ef SLEEPERS. Tourist Sipping Cars Var 4cr ut ti.iiatiu i t 5c.-.Hd-4.'la laasea tcert. Kx;ret Tr.ilat. vfeat aide L',viiou. uerwEav ivarLvv. ad :rMV4LLie, a.VjL i.t u.. BAibr (ex t: 8aiiLiy.) 0 a a M r a LdAVU Arriva Pr.iaiiJ 0 rv illia Arrive i4.iV 6:15 r a l:o a . ;nn rsAiaseAtfaV (axejp. SundAV. P'lrtUud M : M t i i . ; i . Arrive tara 0:00 a a 6.46 a a "i'JO r a I Arri"e Al A.lbnv in I CrvllU uoiwiavt vitb trains of (yrog.rti PaciUc rUiiroad r'.r.i'i batarsitaVia raAr-liny rates, maps, etc., uu Cmaiwny'a Ajaut. K. KOEULLK, . P. ROGERS, Maaaf-er Ara'tO..!. and P. Airt. jLii35j "unty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., ( ucctaor to Cowsn et Costck.) ALBANY - - OREGON. rKAMSAtT9utf'ra buikiug' esatease. ( UKAW410UTD4Airriii Maw .York, Ban Vrn utacu ami, Oregon. LOAN HOMEY on approved security. Kivi'ki VK depoeito subject to check. COLLKCriOMa antruatad to u. will revive pronto eutioti. Fust National lkuk OF A MIAMI , ORECOJT. Presiduiit U. Ki.lXN Vioe President , K, YOl'NU aahier GEO. E. CHAM BEKLAIN LiTUANUAUTS A GENERAL banking business. AOX)UNTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, sol on Nw York, Sau Frandsco, Chicafro and Port) Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on farorsMe terms. DiascToaa. . E Yoove. Geo. E CuAitaasLAi L. E Ulaix. l. Pbiaa. Walts k, E Turrsli,, TEACHERS ho wish to ae ere first grade certificates should send for N rmal Question Book which contains ab it 5oopaget of questions and ccmplete answers. Price, $1.50. Ad dress Prof. A. B. ' hilders, Brownsyille.Or Do You Want Furniture ? if you dooo to Woodin k Haii where you will find tho best make end finest flushed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alto fine lino of PICTURE FRAMES, and a huiulerd dirtirreiit slylts or Mouldings. picture frames made to order. Tim largest and b:t bek of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Prices raouable. Andrews & Hackli'man, W1.D0UGLAS: ai SOLE A(iKNTS, LEBANON. - - OREGON Sheriffs Sale. f tke Circuit Court ofthr Stttft of Orvjoa, or Linn county. R, S. Wallace, PlniutilT. v. John Helghale ami Ueorg William, and William Knglanvl, Iffitndanla m.TOT OTICE la hereby given that by virtue i of an Kx.mtion and order of sale r or ea:e Court in taeued eul of tho ab ve uauied tbo above entitled suit I will on ftalarday tke th day ef Agai. tans. ai the Court Mouae door lu the citv of Ai benv. Lima county, Oregon, at the hour ol ena o'clock o. m.. soli at miblte auetlnu r r cash In band to tne iiu;t:o.t tmiaer tne real nropertv de.seribod in raid rxucutlon aud eirder of sale aa follows, to. wit t The a eat half of the south eaauiiiait r and the aaat half of tbo Moulbwo.t quarter of Ne twenty in township nine, n. It two, tat of the Wlllatn4lle meridian in l.inu noun 'V. Or iron. 'Ibo proeoeda sii i c from i he sal of sld promise, to be applied Firai to tho payment of the original ooaia taxed al llltf.86 mud the accruing trosts and an Attorney's fee taxed at 975.75, Second, to the payment to the Plaintiff, R s Wallace, the sum ot f u. with aiviuing interest tberoou at thf rnt. c.r in per cent per annum trom the 'itith day of June. A t) 1SS.M. And tho Htiroiuaor aucn aaie remaining after the amid payments te ap piled in isayuieut or the auin ol iiu due aeid Defeudauta, Oeorge Willlama and William England, with accruing In teieat thereon at tbe ra'e of ten pr cent per annum from the kO b day of Juue. A. D. 1888. Dated July 3rd, lvs. John Smau.mam, par D. 8. Smith, sheriff. Deputy C. L. BL AC KM AN, Successor to E. W. Langdon, DEALER IN taemriajcQ if iniakfiviissiVi C IE vll CALS, SHJSHEi, SOAPS, COMBS, and evryibtng kept lu a ttrat olavt Drug Store. Alto a flue .voek of piano and organa. ALBANY. OKEliON. FO8HAY A MASON, wvjusktss aa aat Ala- Druggists and Booksellers, Agenta for John B. Alden'a publicallona, which we sell at p'jiiiher'e prtcic w;ti aoetageaaaed. ALBANY, OKECIOR. O The BUYEHCGUrDRIi issued March and' Sept., .each year. It is an encv- IcJopodie of naeful infor. mat ion for all who pur chaso tbo luxuries or tho ncoeaaitlea of life. Wo can olotho you and furnish you with all tbo neocssary and -unnecessary appliance to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat. nab, bant, work, go to church, or stay at home, end in various sizes, style aad quantities. Just flura out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, end yon eon make a fair estimate of tne value or tne uu y iats' uuiJJU, wmch will be sent noon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office roni3and 4. Foatew't (iloak. ALBANY - OREGON. Paiace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROP&IETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep couMtautiy on hand beat, mutton, urk, veal, "aunago, the host meata aud Urgeat variety lu tbo tmj. Caah p-ild for all kinds of fat Hlock. PATENTS lWdned, and sll other business lu tha II . a 1'ateu attendedad to tx ni'derate teea. Our office is otrpotit the U. B. 'Patent Oflit, and vecan obuin Patenu 1smb tio than thoao resaet row Waahinjfton. nenrj modla or dram inc. We ai" to ut- t;t "iiiiy iroe or charge ; stud we oiaks n charge mile we obuin patent. we rarer here, to tha tWinaa'tr, tho buyl. ot "oney Order Div. and K. officials of the U. b. paunt . For circular, advice, tern,, an i eftrcnoes oactuai clients in ourow:i atat or coutty, eildrens , A. SNOW & CO., Opposite I'aient Ofttcv, WMliinyton, 1 . Homeopathic Physician, K. M, E. 'cJOV, II. P., HOWKOPATUIC phyaician, office ami ri-Kideno corner of Flrat and Baker Streets, Albany, Ortgen, Chronic riiese a apocialty. Conaultati m Iron, fli;e hours : Ida. m. 10 12 a in and 2 to 6 p. m "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full lino of Chinese g'w.d of . all klnd8 on hand. Al,o full lino of JAPANESE GOODS. '! PAOS OaS-TiAOMl i for this section. Laborers furnished any parpone. on short notice lb Opposite S E Young-'s, Albany, WEATHEEFOSIX, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) . TTORNEY AT LAW, A LB AWT, OBKCiON. Wl Lt PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE Stats. Speclstettention given to collections and robate inaitor. AMTOfficei Fellow's Temple. shoe 0- Ih emoctai & a fiuuBTi n jFFIBliL and JAPER. sno. This ell v U alumina ft hcalthv growth It hn u population of probably 500. It U one of the prettiest located place in the Valley. It U good business center a no ban aome irocul business men. The flooring milluiultr tbo inanageiiuMH ot ir. uoin ... . w . & m . At J U an tnatitutlon that will do much for tho city. Mr. (Join Intends, we understand to buy at leant 1 00,1.x (tuanci 01 wncai mia nciisoii. Nolo lta mo ikpiii tumii nno faoilltU-a for cxtlnuui'dilng fire ahead of many Northwest cities live time at large ( ) s Mav is c hi.-f Knuincer, K Sbelton, M slstnnt Chief. Wm lirenner U foreman of tin- hoMM Oinp.m and m rtnotw m u a ttl .St A. a At I lioos :mu i.iiuwi v uiu mim. a ..v .... I'.lllV two school, with three tcacheta. 1' ol OW I ' inir I a tUt of the bindueNe reprfaented there ; r lourtng nun, r. ioin , general merchandise. Johnson N: Shelton, Bridge- fonl Towiixcnd and S M Panlels ; bard- wart. Cill Smith ; drou. I) MorrU Son : harneni aiiop, wnrey t nncium blaeksmlthing, Enoch Shelton and 8 Shel ton : millitterv, Mrs 1 C Smith, dress. maklnc. MUet Stanley und Mrs. Smith Icwclrv and uun store, Wm Uillev ; furnl tore, Wm Abbott ; snsb ami door itictorv, 1) Movers ; cotiieeilonarv, Jos Carey hotels, J W Morrow and I K I homa nrooiietors ; restaurant, T J Lighthouse ilverv, (illl M Hilveu ; barber shop, Frank Mack ; shoe shop, Mr Turner ; phvaieiana, Dr Hyde, McNntt and Martin. Mr I J Willlama U the I. P. of the city and lion. leff Movers, El Dalv and J L Miller arc "Notaries Public There Is no regular law ver In the cltv. Crop prospect arc good. A smalt amount ofruat on spring wheat is not of a serious nature. Sclo l a very peucenble, quiet city with Kittle happ ipenfng for thcchronijler of new B. 51JACOBS on FOR NEURALGIA. Tbt Gernaa Scholar, Dr. RICHARD OBERLENDER, LEIPZIG, Genaany, Secre tary Ethnological Museum, F. 8. U. 6. A., M. 0. S., Author and Savant, wrote over hie autograph, here shown, aa follow : "I triad St. Jacobs OH aad waa entirely earad ef feu- ralffle peine." RHEUMATISM and LUMBAGO. SOL.I) BY Druggist and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. V06ELER CO., BALTIMORE. IUX The treatment of many thousands of or tnoae cbronio wemkneeeea and distressing ailrocnu pwrullar to f-mah. at the luvallda1 Hotel and Hurgical Iiwtitutc. Buffalo. N. haa afforded a vast exticrli-ncn In nin-lv ailant. In and thoroughly tiwriruf rpm.hca for tho cure of woman's peculiar maia'liec. Or. Fierce' Favorite Prescription is the outrrrowtii. or rcnult. of this irrnt and valuable experience. Thouaortda of Unilmiv niaK received from patli nu and from phy.i chois who have testcil it in the mor- nyrra. vatcd and obatioato cam-s which had HBKi trn-lr skill, prove it to I, the most wonderful remely ever devised for tho relief nod trre of Offering women. It Is not recommended us a "cure-all," But aa a most perfect dpveifle for woman's peculiar ailments, Aa a powerful, in vlgo It imparts streriHtu to tho orating tonic, bo Whole rtmem. and to the worn I and llH iii im h n In particular. For overworked. J worn - out." "run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmaker. si-amstreMw, iii.pni i," Imiael KceH-ra. wnralnir mothers, iui generally. Kenerally, Dr. Pierce's r avori PreaerlpthMi nr urnHimi. arative tonic. itKiIieiilne Ion" la uic- is tho greatest earthly boon, Ih 1 an annetizin uiK tliinr cord al und rei aa a ttervln a aootblug and an lue, "Favorite Preecri 1 and la iuralunhlo hi all qualed nihiyintr nnd sub- . li rt,,l.iiif luinir nervous exc'.utblliiy, liriuii.ility. asaasa proaxrauon, nvstertu. srarms enl other diatreseina. nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional ami organ to disease of the womb. It luduc-ea n -trmuu. sleep and rellcvee mental anaiety nnd tie pondency. Ir. J'lcree'a Favorite Prescript 1 011 la a legitimate medicine, cuiefuiiy compounded by an experienced and eklillul physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It te purely vetretablo in its composition and perfectly harmless hi its effects in any condition of tho system. For MRUOg sickness, or nausea, fnmi whatever cause arising, weak stomach. lndlK-stion. dys pepsia und kindred symptoms, Ita use. In small dow. will prove very beneficial. ..."favorite Prescription " leapoal. five cure for the most oomplieated nnd ob atlnate cases of lcucorrhea, excessive tlowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppr'-ssions, prolaptjua, or failing of tho womb, wcuk bhek, femalo weaknees." anteversion, retroversion, boarintr-dpwn aenaations, chronic eeavasafiZ iritiummation and ulceration of tlie womb, in flammation, pain and tenderness lu ovaries, accompanied with "Internal heat." . Aa a regulator and promoter of func tional action, at that critical Period of change rrom nirlhood to womanhood, " Favorite I're acrlptiou " Is a perfectly safe remedial aerit. and can produce only good icsulta. It ; cuiially oflicacious and valualile in ita effects when taken for those disorders and dcrauiM merits incident to that later and most cr.tleal perlorl, known as " Tho Change of Life." M Favorite Preeerlpttoii.' when taken In counection with the tio of Dr. I 'ier.e s UOMen Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pieree's Purgative Pelkda Littlo Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and M.mlder diwiwcfl 'I heir combined use alee Iweovei Wood taints, nnd nbollshes cano rous und scrofulous humors from tho system. f'nvolto romerlplou M tbe only medicine for women, sold by drugget, u nder " w, rrom tho inunu- auburviv, MUM, II Will KIVC Blit lI UCt lotl Jn CVerV caso.or money will lie refunded. Thin gun run. tea d on tl,fe hoifiu ii- 1 (.1 aaaas and 11,41 boon printed faithfiiilr carried out. for JS ? For lurge. illustrated Troattoeon Diseases of Women am pages, ;.nfer-.;ovorod), aendten cents iu stamps. AddrtMs. World's Dispensary Medical association, 003 Slain SL, BUFFALO, N. Y. 0. 0 OHBHRT. O.B.PVKKR0 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARERS, Haohinists, Millwrights, and Iror Pounderii. K are now completely prepared to handle all klDda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam En nines. Grist und Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron ana castings. PATTERS g 9I4DE ON SHORT WOTIL. Special attention given to reDairing ail kinds of machinery. Children Cry for TKMPKRANCK COLUMN. KUItsUay Albany W, 0. T. U. At the regular meeting of tha W. 0. T. U. on Tuesday, quarterly report wtra the or der of business. Tho President has 0000 pi ed tho chair at every meeting, daring the quatter. She exhorted tho members to greater diligence, and fuller consecration to days. tho work put into our hands. Ami counsel ed that ept'Ciftt attention be given to the b votionsl uteetings. The Rec. Secretary re ported 5 regular meeting 1 held ; 1 public meeting and 3 special. Greatest number preseut at eny regular meeting. 48 j leaet , 10 avers g, '' ; number of members hav ing paid duea daring the quarter, 32 ; am't of dues, 932 1 amount received from other ouroe", 9i. Tout anion t ,$0. The Treat urer reported having paid out 945 ; baUaoe in tha Treasury, 933 45. Tha Evangelistic Suuetintendant bed held S eaotaet's meet " The subjooU dtsouaaed, were heredity, . , u.M ,uuri iniiuiH u, uiiui.u . olwdtenoe. The next meeting will be held no next Tuesday, at Mrs Haiti mores, at which time. "How to eeoure truthfulness in children,' will be oootidtred. These meet inge are becoming very interesting, all ldtea interested aro cordially invited. The $upt. of Sabbath School Work retried temperance laesoue ued in all the tehoolt in tna city Also the preeutatioe of the subjeot of tent im ranee at tha Monday School Coovonllon held here recently and a resolution submitted nd adopted at that time, endorsing the mtasurts tuggested by the W. fJ. I. U. Number of new suUo I m.ius to the Union HittnaL during the iiuai tcr, 1 1 : rent for ball 1 wo receptions ttav b.m held, one in ,a . m m a honor of Mrs Rieus. Mute President, the other for ourown I'und, -nt. both were large ly atten.lnl. All reinirts show tha Union in i-ooil condition. Home departments hsve not !ren as successfully worked as they might hsve beau, but, all things considered, there are no gn unds for complaint. We are doing wel'. The editor of the WvvUnoton inf, Louia hehade. Attorney of tha l ulled mates Brew era Assocutioo, referring to hie persistent opposition to tbe( ominisaiou of loifUtry hill ahu h has so long brcn ittlorn fjungreas, and whi-.h haa aevao time. passeH the Senstr, aia : "We have fought that Mil first, because I wa the ttotk aud prt measure of the Litter t 1 4 at foee of t. arsenal hlwriy, who, ever since ISi.l, hsve, each Congress, tried to eikin-er it through, and thru IxM-auao it is a Lumbal.', a mere snbierfage, its sole object being to mske piobibttioo a aatn,ul .juration. Wa have opposed ita peats ge In cause are know it will increase the erase which haa poeeae4 itrf mora or laa of hoth srtia." It m a loeg rosd which has 00 turn Noth ing is more probaLle tisn that this loot- deferrt-d, perfeetty tmparUsl. and valosLU measure wul yei paea Hoesos of Con grass, and that the electric light of aa ffi. cial it qairy will reveal in due time tha true character f the liquor traffic. VicToniA, B. C, July 11. Advices wer received by steamer to-day from the North of a lawtea condition of affairs at ltaale ton, on the Skeena river. For some time pa t several constables have bee a endeav oring to capture an Indian murderer, and on the 19th id June overhauled hlin. The Indian made a desperate effort to escape, pistol in hand, and got away ; a shot was tired after him, hut he did not heed it, and a Winchester rifle shot struck him, he dying from the wound shortly after. The Indians are greatly excited and have threatened the lives of all white people In the district. The three constables have fortified the Hudson bay post at tlaxleton, and can hold out If the place Is not burned. A Big 1. Prrrant , July it. -The frrahet In the Monongahela river Is almost unpreccdent ed,and great damage has been done to riv. er crafts and property all along the river from Ita head waters to this city. The sud denness of the t i-c took the river men en tire I v unaware-. and they were not prepar ed when the great volume of water burst upon them. Millions of feet of lumber, scores of coal crafts, fences, outitouscs and coal tipples have been flowing down the wift current for the last eighteen hours. The river at this point Is stiU rising with it u ci ana 9 incnes on tne mar at 9 oclock.hut it ia reported u stationer v with 42 feet atCreenboro,a hundred miles above this city. At every point between Greens boro and Pittsburg the lowlands are under water and residents have been compelled to live in the upper stories of their houses and in some cases to seek the hills for safe ty. Many had not time to remove their good,a the water rose at the rate of one foot an hour, and at Greensboro a 32-feet riac was reported In less than twentv-four hours. The damage to property cannot be estimated at the present time, but It will r .m ) 1 away into the hundred thousands. So 1 ir out one hie ha been reported lost. Fjdluiate , WA.siiisfUTONjuly 1 3-Maj. W.A.Jones of the corps of engineers makes the foliow Ing estimate i for work under his charge during the coming year s Improvement of the Columbia and low er Wlilamettee rivers below Portland. Or,, 45000 ; removing snags, etc., from the uvper Wlllurnctte, $22,000 ; work on the upper Columbia and Snake rivers,$ 16,000 Cowlitz river, W. T., $6000 ; l9wer Clear water rlvcr.ldaho, $19,429. Capt. Willard Young makes the follow ing estimates for work in his district : For improvement of the entrance to Coos bay, Or., $250,000 ; entrance to Yaquinabnv.Or., $250,000 ; mouth of the Coqui Ic rlvcr.OrM i 1 i,r.o,of which $75,000 can be profitably expended during the coining year : Im provement ef the Umpqua river,Or.,$200o i 1ACO.MA marvel. 1 ucotna is some what excited over a very remarkably form ed little girl, about who.n ihc Ledccr, of that city speaks as follows : "One of the greatest marvels ever witnessed In this city was to be seen at the office of Dr. McCoy last evening. It is a prodigy which has puzzled all the doctors nnd scientists that have made it a study. This wonder is Lily May Dowden, the ch 1 contortionist, a daughter of David Dowt en. All the joints of her limbs and body, with the exception of the elbow joints, are so constructed that they will work In any way. The Augers are as readily bent backward as forward, and the hands, feet and legs can be turned and bent in any conceivable airection. She can stand and without moving her feet, turn the body and look in any direction. ane is now but 6 years old, and Mr. Dow den has been offered $75 in gold to allow her to go on the stage at the Casino for half an hour, but refused It.." An Oli Coin. A gentleman in this city has a Hebrew coin that was made about 5coyears B. C older than many minstrel jokeR. It looks as if some mum in v had carried it in his pockets while on a spree for several centuries. It is worth about $50, and is a "daisy." Guilty. SmithCox,who was in the city to-day, admits the accusations made against him in reference to building a house on his Santiam farm ; hut does not seem to be very -well posted about its use. Smith deserves good company in its occu pancy. Pile Dkivikg. Mr H. M . Stcne haa a steam pile driver in operation at Corvallis, being used in the construction of rhe 0. R. &N. wharf. Any one wanting the se of the machine can ontatn it by writing to Mr. Stone at Coryallis. P itcher's Castoria. HOMR AND A IlltO AD. Til t'RSDAY. The Hi at psateoger train crossed the new bri igo at Portland yesterday Ohariee Piper passod through tho city fron Salmi yesterilsy toCorvallis. Merrill Kisb. tvnn. of The Dsliee. U in the city, on a visit, and will remain two or three J N tit. Hudson, formerly of Harrisburg, is m a a mm A . a. - a J now located at rturn, tirant county, ur, where he is practicing law, Hnn Wm Cyrus, of 8cio, has been in the citv to-tiav. He reports a ilight rust on spring whest, but nothing serious yet. Kred Davis, who was recently shot on the McCmntell farm, ram I ting in the lou of 1 leg, we are glad to know ia slowly improv ing and will recover. Prof W H laee left yesterdsy noon for Han Krnitotscn bv tho wsy of Ysquina. He will attend tbo National K LicstinnsI Association and will Ims depended ou to see meet all that will transpire I here. FRIDAY. N. Werniment.of Yaouina City, is in tbe city. .! M Nolan is closing out his business at Ysquina City. Dr. .leaauo. recently of Newport, has local ed at Grant's Pass, for tho practice of den tist ry. Tba contract for painting the Ht Chsrles lintel has been let to George aafalo, who began work thi afternoon. Tha warehouse at McMinnville was con sumed by Mre Thursday morning. Loss about HMO. CO Jackson, a popular candidate for nom ination for Sheriff previous to tha recent in the city. August Oth has bean set for the float set tlement of the S D Haley estate. Mr Haley died about Ave yeara ago. Mr 0 0 MeParland. of Klamath agency arrived in tbe county this morning on a visit of a couple weeks with relatives and friends. Hon Jeff Meyers, the great and only Matt Seats, A Karlow, and lots of tbe boys, are in the city to-day. They all ory, "enough rain." Father Van Unn. who has conducted tho Catholic Church, at Corvaliia for thirteen years haa resigned and to-morrow will leave for other fields, perhaps Albiea. Murtin Hickman, of Ibanon. aavs ha is one of tke immortal band that votad for W H Hemsoa in 1840. Wonder what that haa to do with the present times. LL Hard hss been granted the exclusive right to operate aa electric light plant hi Corvaliia. W a advise. that city to stand in with the enterprise. Georg Humphrey, Dsve Kroman, Clay Marshall and Pnil Baltimore, left vcati rday for the mountains. Thry teok along an im mense amount of salt with which to preserve thrir game Lagged . The latest "cattle queen" of the weet la Mi.. Kittv Wilaina, f Idaho, a tall blonde, 23 yeara of age, a Hoe li or ae woman and a dead shot. Though called the cattle ciiieea, as e matter of fact horses are her epecialtv, and she owns no leas I baa eight hundred besides thousands of cattle. Smut. last fall a psrty of emigrants tasasd through Canyon City, aad oa their wagon cover wee inscribed to large letters, "Har ney or Beat. This weak the same outfit seed 10 the otbr direcbon, a- d the wagon eet bore the very susrgeative aord, 'Boat- ed." An attempted elopawent was brought lo m sudden finale about two miles east of town. on Wednesday. Tbe proprietor of the team which the would be uero had bird J f oared him and requested that he ret ere the t jam forthwith. 1 has ended what would hav otherwise ocna very good itaoi. lender. aATVUOAY 1. MM . Mr Hruce MoKnight is l ing riuim ill at hisfsthars home near Tallmso. Tho Pioneer quarts claim on the Calipooia aasays at 939 to the ton on tha suifaee. W C Caswell, this morning, while worainc on the Strahae block, managled one of bis fingers in a very serious manner. Yesterday Mr Kred (iraffsold las residence. at the ooraer of Second and Bake.- streets, to Mr li K Mcllwaio. Consideration 'JlX 0. M h White has gone to Sbedd, ia lion county, to visit his mother, who ia lying str- toasly ill at ber borne oesr that plate.- rt Shorn, Smith k Hsrnrnack, stTeilmae, have Wen shipping tha remainder of last year's crop of wheat preparatory to receiving this aerwou'a harvaat. Chief Kogioeer K-iklesru, of the Oregon PaetAc, is in ibe city this afternoon, sad it is in order for someone to start the rumor that work is to be resumed at oaee. In the National League base hall games Chicago is in the Irsd, followed by Detroit, New York, Boston, Philsdclphis, Pittsborg, Indiana polta and V aahington in tbe order named. Io the American Association games Brook lya is ahead, with St Ixiiir second. Mr J ." Stubblelleld and wifa returned teat night to tbis county from Walla Walls, and went cm to Labaaoa. Mr Stubblefleld hss disposed of his interest in the business school at Walla Walla and will probably teach in this county. Messrs Ceorge Mason and Tnstiu Dwyer, brother and cousin of Mr D P Mason, are in tba city tbe guests af Mr Mason. Mr Dwyer is a prominent St Loots lawyer, while Mr Maaon, we believe, is a merchant. Mr Pete Wilson, a former resident of Al bany, now in a Homing mill at Corvaliia, waa in the eity yesterday, on his way home from Southern Oregon, where ha had been daring the last sickness of bis wife, who died 00 Wednesday and waa burned 00 Friday. GMrsA M Cannon, of 8pekaue Falls, sent checks amounting to $100 to the firemen of that eity who paiticipated in the tournament at Seattle. Accompanying the amount was a cheek fur $25, to be forwarded to the fam ily of Sprat ue, the Bast Port I aud fireman who was badly hurt at Seattle. Peaches have become a drug in the market Mr Thee Farquar was notified by his Port land factor not to ship him any moro peaches till further orders, as tl u market was over stocked and prices had greatly decltnsd. This will he a severe loss to him as ho has several hundred bushels of very nice poaches and there is but little detrand in this city. Koseburg 'laindmUr. Portland has been hsviog a stormy time over its school soperintendenoy. Prof Craw ford was discharged and Prof Sawyer, a Massachusetts man, elected principal of tho high school in his place. A storm followed, last night the matter was settled by Miss C Sabin beinir elected superintendent aod principal at a salary of $.'WO0 a year. She will sncceed. Saturday Nkjiit. Durinu the week our farmers and merchants and everybody had the wits frightened out of them almost by a very wet rain storm that came with out any help from the weather flag. It only lasted one night though, and has been followed by as eood weather as the most SAatacious fanner could have planned him self.... A tramp medicine man, with scaly looking dog cart and tired looking horse, was in the city this morning, nnd was duly interviewed by the M. A. T. who found that he had a medicine that would cure diphtheria, catarrh, rheumatism, etc., etc., one that he thouglu out all himselt. it had cured him of all these diseases, and he knew, and all he asked was a dollar a bot tic, It is to be hoped seme one will buy, so he can h jy a new pair of shoes.... A deaf and dumb man has been in the city during several days with a patent kerosene can and DiacKtng orusn anu Dox-noiaer. He seems to possess the virtue of at least pcrseverence and sells an article that does more than some do, speaks for itself. A Sensible Way. Recently a rich Cali fornia bachelor visited his siater-iB-U re siding a few miles from Albany. The good lady is a widow, and while here the gentle man learned that a mortgage of $2000 hov ered over her nronerty. This he good na. turedly paid off aod presented his sister-in-law with a receipt fur the same. He said he didn't know ef sny better way to spend bis money, aad he was about right, There are too many men in this world who wait till after they uie, and then let tbe lawyers run things. HOCK HILL IT F.Ms The citizens of thia place spent tlair cele bration lu various planes over the state, seme : going to Corvaliia, others went to tbe Bay snd to Waterloo, where there ws a largo crowd of about 350 people. Miss Alma Milir, of Astoria, is visiting friends aud relatives around Hook Hill. Also Mrs Harsh K Mills, of Albany, Kmigrants are getting to be plentiful in these parts, looking for a location. Hay harvest is in full blast with ucrai ot tha farmers around here. There is a grest deal ol hay cut already. Mr Ayers, of this plao, hu parabasal a now binder. Morn in Hock hill to the wife of Tyler Jackson, a young democrit, and child doing well, Mr 1 oren twoyie, we understand, is going to Albany to work, next week, helping taw as m . a a a si j' a wood with the steam saw. The scarlet fever cases around S daville are all well. Tbe Hunday school is under rapid progress at Hock Hill and meets every .Sunday at tea 0 cloca shsrp, Your correspondent had an invitation to one of the most interesting Spiritualists meet ings ever held in this community, lo assent -blsge of shout 40 attended, ihe meeting 00 last Sdndsy at the Hpiritalist hall, just 2 miles northwest of Hodavillo. 'Their main m.dtom did not get here, which was Mis I M Hruce. of Waterloo. There were seycrsl good mediums rn attendance, several 00m- muuicstmus being giveu. The object of this meeting was to make final arrangements for a good uainp ground somewhere so se to erect a large hail. They will meet two weeks from yesterday for another meeting. People do not know how insuy Spiritualists there are io this community until you see them together. There are about one hundred and fifty around Sodeville and Waterloo. A committee ef Ave were duly elected, consisting of Mr Jean Head, MrGleasoa. Mr Hsxea, Mr William Head and Mr Cummings, for the purpose of locating a camp aroned. Dr J A Lam hereon agreed to donate 1500 feet of lumber for the new ball. He fas also appointed temporary chairiuvi. The meeting then adjeurned to meet at Waterloo next Sunday. FROM PBINRV1I.LF. PAPFdtK. wssaa qssaw 0 I'ncle Dart Allen, of Linr. county, broth ..a m . . , . a . a , Aae .a a er 01 jticsar u. r . anu win. Alien, 01 tin tlaee, is visiting here at the present time, 'm U- Bart is as familiarly known in Linn county as Abraham Lincoln ia to the United Statee. A heavy waterspout fell on Upper Trout creek on Saturday of last week, though vcrv little damage w as done. Knox Hus ton inform us that nearly four inchea of water fell within a half hour. Mr. .char, w ho baa charge of the W. V & C. M. in eying party near Camp Polk, was In town yesterday. The surveyors, Mr. Zebar says, are getting along nicely, locating the company's lands. Weunderatand the proprietor of th stage line have reduced the freight chirt gee from The Dalles here to five centaper pound, and the passengers fareto $22 for the round trip. Lige Spark waa over from Squaw creek yesterday. He aays the Waco sheep men are crowding the summer ranges greatly to the detriment of the stock raisers of that section. There are about 5tvx Wasco sheep now in the mountains west of Camp Polk. Yeara ago Prineville had the unpleasant reputation of being one of the roughest places in the State, but recently it has re- denned itielf. Strangers who attended the celebration say they never saw a more order! v or better behaved crowd than were assembled here on that day. The daily mail service between here and The Dalle began last Monday, which is a convenience we have long hoped for. The proprietors of the new line mske excellent time, arriving here about 6 p. tn and it is to he hoped will corttinoe n give us such ef ficient service. Till Glaze, four years ugo, declared that he would roll across the street, wet or dry, if Cleveland was elected. All the metrop olitan journals (nearly all of them) copied the fact. Now, Till says, if Cleveland is rC'Ctccted, he will roll, free of charge, from id White's saloon to the crossing of the Planer ditch at Cary's market. Ten to one that Till will roll. KKAL EaftTaTr. KALES. As recorded in the County Recorder's off ce of Linn county, Oregon : Mary Maxwell, et al to Franklin Propst, 1 5 acres tps 10 and 11 2 w . $ 100 T A Powell, Adm'r Annie Bam ford, dee'd to Rufus Bamford, 3 lots Halsey ; 260 Jos BUyeu to J M V Bilyeu, one third intercut in several lot in Scio 1300 S J Wlthort to Jacob Smith, 44.46 acres, 10 w 3 itoo Martha I Osborne and C P Brown, to Efhc M Taylor and Wm War die, 1 5S.93 acres. 10 w a t Mar,- Beard to! II McMullin, 1 blk.. Tangent , Geo Rob't McNeelto M J McNeary.i lot. Malaey 300 S D Powell to F Propst,i-ii intercut in block co IPs and A, Albany. 150 I N nnd Andrew Crablree to H Bry ant. 20c acres, tp 11 w a...-:.... 2000 U S to lob Crabtree. 310.80 acres. In 11 w 2. patent letter LUt- Puliowiriir is the list of letters remalniiir In the Poet Ofaes, Albany, Unn county, .Oregon. July 12, x Persons oailliis tor thaae lotUirs must ifit-e tlm data ou which lhev were advertised : backer, Mrs Pred Casey, Thomas llifkinanii, Itoyed Fox Loula Heritiir, Miss Ernestine Keuiiy, Chis. OsanM, Mrs wuUssa, bay. R. W. Knuida Prof . A. L, llairls, Hugh Karr, J. . Kurkiavtrick, Hev. J. K. B. THOMPSON, r. M. Hard lu u Urpnblic. PauIs, July 13. As was expected.the in sult offered by Uoulanger to Ploquet in the chamber ef deputies last evening resulted in a duel. The two gentlcmen,attended by their seconde,metin the vicinity of Paris at 10 o'clock this morning. Swords were used and both combatants were wounded. The duel occurred on Count Dillon's es t ate, a short distance from the city. Hon! anger was wounded in the arm und neck. His wounds are not dangerous. Ploquet's hand was scratched by Boulanger's sword. Puithcr than this he ws not touched. Plo quet's colleagues in the ministry were wait ing in his house for news of the duel and were overjoyed to see the prime minister return safe. He was given an ovation. A small crowd of Boulanger's followers were In front of his house when he reached home. Lakoe. Stewart & Sox have just tea oeived the biggest shipment of iron that ever came to Linn county. Between twenty and thirty thousand pounds of round, square, flat and hand iron is now stored away in their warehouse, On account of their large invoices of goods they are doing a good wholesale business sll through this part ef the valley. Business men in neighboring places osn do as well, if not better, for their rents are cheaper with them than at Port land, and the freight ia less. This city is bound to develop into a wholesale center in time. Its location and facilities poin strong ly that way. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. for Infanttt and 'CaatearU Is so well adapted to cbOdren that I t raoomiasHsaButanlermsavDrescrictioa I 1L A. Aacaxa, H. V,, I - " . w HI Be Oaxettt at., arooaiyn, a. T. Tec THi7 ianr mm Sew '1 1 HISH Stewart & Sox, FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OP Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of- CHOICE COHFECTIONERY, Wa are row prepared lo sell at whole sale, always fresh snd pure at Portland prices to dealers. We aleo keep a full line of Hats and Tropical Fruits, OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is eoro-V-j, Wa keep tbe vary finest sicck of etjok.Ax and chewing '.obsveoo, meerschaum snd brier pipes that dellgatt" smokers. UNIYRRSITT OF 0EE6Q1. EUGENE CITY. Next suasion bewrins on Mondsy tho 17tb of Heptemher, 1888. Free scbolsrsbip from every county in the State, Apply to your Count v superintendent Fonr courses : Clsssieal. Scientific. Liisrsrv and a short English Course in wbieb there is no Ledin, Greek, French or Oermsn. Tbe Kngllsh is pre-eminently a Business Course. For cataloguers or o'.ber information, address J. W.JOHNSON, President. MRS. B. HVMAN. next east of 8. K, Young's, Albany, Or Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMH ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesday and Thursdays of each week, aod painting done tooideron ploqoea and other materia). Nine aasortorent of Artist. msterUis on oand. Red CrownMills IS0M, Ii ANN I NO & CO., PROPR'S. now PROcses nop sorsKiOK for nujuaa asm BAgKKi nam. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fc Wheat Administrtor's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of Samuel T. Harris, deceased, will pursuant to an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly mads and entered of record on June 6th, 1888, at tho Court House door in Albany in said county, on Taeaday, the S4tta clay at .Inly, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, sell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, at the time of his death, iu snd to the following described real property, to-wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 12 in Tp. 10 S R 1 west of the Willamette meridian ; thence east 61 i rods ; thence south 208 rods to the aouth bank of Thomas Creek : theuoe west along the south bank of Thomas Crttk, fol lowing the meaoderings thereof blj rods to th hue of said Section 12 ; thence north along said section line. 208 rode to tbe plaoe of beaiumnn. containing 80 acres in Linn county. Oregon, to the highest bidder Terms of sale, caah in hand on day of rale. Dated June 14th, 1888. J. H. Pekuy, Hkwpit & Bryant, Aden nistrs tor. Att'ys for Adm'r. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the nuder- ntsned Administrator of the estate of Geo A Hall, decased, will in pursuance of an order of the County Court ot lann county, Oregon, duly made aud entered of record on tbe 5th day of June, 1888, at the Court Houso door ha A. . . ia Albany in saiu county on Tuesday, July 4th, 1 sax, at the hoar of one o'clock in the afternoon of said da v. sell all tho right title aud iiteiea of the said Geo A Hall at the time af hi death in and to the following described res orooertv. to-wit . The north half cf the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 24 in Tp. 10 S It 1 W of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres. Also a contract with tbe Oregon & California Kail Road Company, numbered 1642 for the sale of tbe northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13 in Tp. 10 S R w of the Willamette meridian in lann county, Oregon, containing 40 acres. Also a con tract with the Oregon & California Kail Road Company, numbered 12.36 for the sale of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 13ioTp. 10 S R 1 w of the Willam ette meridian in Linn eonnty, Oregon con taining 80 acres, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale cash ic hsnd. Dated June 14th, 1888. Jeff Meyer 3,. Administi ato Children, Oeetorla enres CoUe, 5on KSf ceesaea, vwmm, ldZ - nu, w ttM Worms, give sleep, aad preaaelai dt CavrAca Couvaav, 77 Murray street, s Y. TKE BEST- WAGON r Ice List Co. .SON Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind &a rough, dressed 4nd seas. aniber,laths aiiA pickets kepi constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. 0, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, .Office, Odd FeliowXTraipto, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive prompt at' ent Ion ia08THn enow puktv AMD SE1S Are eca-Twrletw4 the brat, beios hardier, rr. productive and yield Wtter crop. riNK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE I OmsIks 'r S teat a Im, au: fraa mi is. nai, rw 11. . Fuomtrt ao Sccosaitii, t. O. POWKLL W. K. B1LTEU POWELL & BILYU, vTTOKNEY S AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, 4 LB.4NY. UKLbUN. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jr Office In Poster's Brick. fos vl4nl9tf. L. H. MONTANYB. h AT LAW -AND Notary Public. Alkaaf, Oregaa Office upatalra, Oiawford Block. T. J. STITBS. ATTOHNKY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- Executor's Notice, Notice is hereoy given that the undersign ed haa been this day appointed by the Conn ty Court of Line eouuty, Oregon, sole execu tor of the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of Levi Fanning, late of Linn eonnty, Oregon, deceased. All persons hav ing churns against tbe estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present me ssme, prop erly verified, to me at my plaoe of business in Albany, Oregon, within six monms rrom the dte of this notice. Dated this 14th day of June, A D., 1888. Saxcu. K. Yorsc, Executor of the last will acd testament and codicil of Iavi Fanning, deceased. Wolverton A Irvine, Att'ys for Executor. ALBANY CULLEQUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1889. Vlra Term Opens September ISth, IS. A lull corps of instructors.- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, QOMLnERClV AND NORMAL CLASHES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet the need or all grades of students, S fecial inducements oj'ercd id ttndcmts from abroad. Tuition ranges from 85.50 to S12.50. Board in private fami'iea at low rates. Rooms lor Aelf-boarding at small exrense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from borne. Fall term opens September 7tb. For circulars and full particulars address tbe President. KEY. ELBERT N. CSMTDIT. Albany, Oregon JOHN BRIMS, -FLOBIST, - ALBANY GREG Roses a Specialty. J Cemetery lots planted and attended to Um House jr giblinI Proprietor. This house is now open encTl furnished with the best new furniture. IStcTjHtUing clean and cemmodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. , U U j JSJia aa OO .. k 1