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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1888)
s- I SUB TO ): MOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. leurd v. ry l'riday by BTITU33 dclN TJTTHSrO- Advt rHM'.ng rate ramie known . on ap lleauon. State VOL. XXlli. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1888. NO 50 SEATCO For Toilet Use. A KJr V 'jot koopc thu hair soft M1 pliant, imparts to ii, tlui lustre and freshness f youth, camews It to grow lu :nri'inily, Ma.tiru:c i lutdruff, euro all t?alp diseases, und Is tho most i '-nn-ly of nil hair preparation. AytTD'C Hair Vior nan givon n ft It Is J perfect satisfaction, wiu nearly bald for nix yearn, during which thin' i uMtl many hair nrein'Hstion, hut V : bOUt K1HTUM, llltlOUtl, tfliat little liii f Ik i I tt mi wvrtiii I i 19 t I si f lllltll en ii ana a aw h i v it, a- n .' m . ft a . r.- .-1 .. n.!. ; -mri tn Delco Winner of the "In JTJUU oiuvuoi . l w Hair Vigor, l iimnI two i - m a4- lroe' fnv t,Wfi VOaF 01&S cVu tuG I . m n Yir, nnd my headlsunw lanu Bmpire otaKes ior vwu jow v i!t .,lvotwlwinw, .Kt-mvlhl,f il!ur. . omh "RrfiedGrs of . .. , p.. ch uiuaWy.Maw. Danes r air oopo, wuu, w., Intelligence Watch and Draw from every Turf Even Lessons to guide them in the (Future." t)tco will be kept at thafarni af O.F. Crawford, near Lowtwo, on Narrow Osog R H and will be allowed to serve a limited number of mereeatt20toinure mfosl.lmt no responsibility for accident. He u a rioh. dark bay, without white, will be three yeare old June 10th. 1888. Was tired by Oueco, three year old record 2 41, on of Altamnnt, wagon record 2 26f in eighth heat. Firet dam Uara D. by Edward Everett. SLvjm 1 -Urn Marh,a hoe road mare of tried endurance. OnecV dam t Bell 1 no, by Doble, two year old record 2-40J. the faat eat in the world for 4 year He fterwarda obtained a record of 2 23 when ontireiy blind D tble by Enoaoo (ir of the Grand Darn of PhaUa the fasteet living atallion, 2 134)four yt old record I 3uJ. which stood aa the faatoat for 14 year. Oaeoo waa the Jivnile King of the North Pacific. ucceively lowering and holding the 2 and 3 ear old record.", proving in the golden crociblo of actual performance that he is well worthy of hia grand lineage. 1 r,c" mont hia foil brother now hold the 2 year old reoortl, 2 49. Edward Krcrett, aire of the dam ol Seatoo, ia by a aoo of Pathfinder out of a daughter n,i fall brother to Kitty 111 X. I ill''1! " - - - ail k..Um f .V. B. K. tho colt that challenged all MM yr old la-t April j-.mi..4 iwt mot with no rcaponae. li'l jjv , . ,. , Edward Everett i the ro of Dolly , the i. .. ii. i ,, imaiiba inanv tedy and 1 1111 v . w . - Kame road horaea. All competent liornemen who have aecn him and hi get ince they are arriving at maturity, conlldently predict that ... .. .11 .,,.. t,m. one id ihn irreat brood Knrib Pacitic. In disposi tion, beauty and pare trotting action. Seatco . . A 1 .1 i mt .InliiMl.t I li Kn lowed on both sidea of the line with the biood that trota. and by all the law of he redity ahould bo able to atamp uHn his pro doce hia own inheritance. To irentiemen deairing read borate and to . ... fc ft. i a. I . .. a young men wi.nhinjt to ernoarK in miMcm ing buaineM of breeding and developingthe - irft,.r I call aiRcial attention t this young SUllioo and wi.l Uke pleasure it showing him ou any day. W. W. CRAWFORD. J. GRADWOHL, 0 Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent for Fire nod Marine insurance New and Second Hand Store -;Owin?Jto toe Increase) J ilomands of .'our business wo have LeonootnpelloJ to move Into a larger to?e a'ld we can now be f ..i id ri 1 - to S. E, Young, wher, we will be pleated to eea cur patron. If yon Lead any tore. furniture, tinware, crockery, clo Mfa4, picture, ;frult jara, tranks, bOQlM, roller akatoi, eaddle. aswi, planes, etc and a ihouwnd dif ferent talan artidet yoa cn n t do h.vt,r thl4 i 1 f "n Praifll ioa thin you can do with n on a parchase or exchange, L GOTTLIEB, in First Street, Albany. Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office-cor. Flratand Ferry St raete, AlEAINY- - OREGON. HAIR t;,at n" tmcom weak, gray, ni'l.liJ imi fatli.i. may linvo now lifo nr. I -olor rrfoni to it by the uao ot A r's Hair Vigor. My hair waa thin, t.i .. I, and dry. nnd fell out in largo uumttitW. Ayor'M Hair Vigor stopped tne fulling, and rostuttMl my hair to Ita original color. A a dressing for tho i taf i this preparation hoe no equal. y N. lioii.iiitmd, Stillwater, Minn. 1 in AD yotttli. and beauty, in the e lUil appearance of tho hair, may It pti-Hcrvcd fur an tiidcrtnilo iMrliMl bv tl9 U :m of Aytr' Hair Vigor. A dis eaac of the acalp caused my hair to bc ctunj harsh nnd dry, nnd to fall out Irtvly. Nothing I seemed to do me any cood until 1 commenced using Ajvf'n" Hair Vigor. Threo bottle ol thl prcparutiou rostoml my hair to a heidtliv condition, ami It Is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and 1' Is &1m free from dandruff. Mr. K. It. Fooa, Milwaukee, Wl. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Btfld by I 'rum- iiU sod I'.-rf umom. Parrr Barrrv, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily plana Aycr'o Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headache, Constipation, and all all meitu originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great aafferer from Headache, and Aver' Cathartic Pill are the only medicine that ha ever givon mo relief. One done of those Pill will tpiickly more my bowel, and free my head from M.- William L. Page Uichmoad. Va. ff Ayer's Pills, Pise J by Dr. J C Aver Co., LowaU, Mas Hofcl by IWm la aUdtesa. ( IIKAPEST AND BEST FENCE MADE. The SMleberger Combination Fence It la a strong as plank fencing, It will laa throe time as long. It doe not injure stock, bains a visible a plank. It protects ail your crop, rroui all oca bred upon a farm. It U dow proof, protecting tbeep from dogs and wolvea. It I endorsed by 330.000 of the beat far i era in the West. a, fully titling every i . ciaim we inat mr n. It will turn a pig. bull. hor, bog, calf, sheep dg or hall grown foal. It win save every farmer aiau una tnue on every mile of fence he build. It is toe fctrungt, cheapest, most dura ble, and per feet farm fence on earth. It farm, ika mrukl ttmrftut ivtnhlntion m W W --r"-m f- w w w WW mtmm r 'Hi I tm mm of two aiatriaia,inaking them iuMparaU and equally durable, combining aa it doe, the nestnee and e'.eganne of iron A Str'anok Procbkuino. Friday J as Mr. E. T. T. Fisher, who lives at Miller', wa coming to thl cltv he aaw two women slttlnu bv the side of the mil I m . road track near the residence of t. M. Cooper. One of them appeared to be a young lady, while the other wa one of mature year, The young lady wa dressed In black and heavily veiled with a dark veil. She was holding a bundle which seemed to be resting on a pillow. Such cir cumstances always arouse the curiosity of the newspaper reporter. So the reporter of the Dkmockat began to put thl nnd that link together so as to form a chuln that would reach Into the secret of the mys tcrluu circumstance. H wa a small clue but Industry, perseverance and (act will tell. Later on Mr. Cooper came to town and from him we learned that the two women whom Mr. Fisher had seen were his wife and an unknown young tady dressed In black. The young lady had been brought to Mr. Cooper's about 1 o'clock at night In a bugy by a voutig man who asked Mr. Cooper to let the young bdy suy till morning. This being granted the young man went away. lhc bunulc proved to be a young babe, which the young woina p said was about two weeks old. bc fed It from a bottle. This young woman was vert- much dUt'.nbct! tilctitallv. N it morning she asked Mr. Cooper to accom- pany ner to mn:ers, ine nesi siauon, where, she said, she wanted to take the neat train for Salem. Mr. Cooper started uitli liir itn fiMit In Miller'., hut llirv were ...... . Brw M W ww" . " ' i . j ..Mm overtaken bv u watrmi wlioac driver said he would Uke the ladv to Miller. We finally worked up several c'uc to uu solve the mystery, one of which was that the party had called at Dr. Maston' at night about oncor t woo ciock. t neooctor, u lini flr.t raMed uiiuii waa not dfamMed tn be Interviewed, but when being informed . . . . BL aa a .. that t lie reporter nau already secured most of the facts to unravel the mytery he frankly stated that the young man and nrnan had called at iii. nlluT about Iwu o'clock and asked if there were any Cath- i . . fr j . . . I . ones in low n. inc owwr answcrcuiu inc affirmative and told them ho to find the Sister' school, but they said thevhad been there and could arouse no one. The doctor observing that the lady had a bundle asked what it was and was told that it was a babv, and at this point the doctor rccog . . . . ft a ii I. t l.a . i.naih ant Mtieahilltv Af al. (Planed and painted, tt make a line fence for the city , Prlee, only 50e. to Sc. per rod. FRANK SIKES, BOOTS, SHOES AND SAM MAY. 6. SENDRRS MAY to SENDERS. Dealers in General Ibnandise. HARRISBURC - - - ORECOM Will bay Grain, Wool and all kinds rodoce. r w ir i. O, H, IRVINB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, A ITOKNEY8 AT LAW tTOn) up stair in'Foater'e Block. ALBANY, OREGON Notice for Publication, Ind Office at.Oregori City, Oregon. ) June Oth, 1888. ' nvj i xij ia ii" ." . . . itw named eettler his ed notice of hi in tention to make tilal proof in aupport of hi claim, aud tht raid tiroot will he maao oe f.,ri! the County Clerk of Linn connty, Ore gon, at AJSany, Uregon, on Friday, Jaiy W'i laa. -n- . TT M....I, I'rc cirititioii D. S. Viz : niri --j - - - ,rii . mm m. kam f. h. V. L .f S K I and E K of N. E i of Sec. 35 Tp. 13 S U 2 w., Willamette meridian. He names ine a " to prove his continuous residence upon, and ...u;.; l .! land, viz : T H WurreD. O K Mackey. S C Mackey, J VV Msckey, all of Brownsville, Ursgon. W. T. Bi rr by, Register. JOS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop I now located, until he get Into tha C-t.. Jtr Macnn hllildiniT. lust north oi. kmiMi. wiicro old and 1)1 1.. I J. t n iaujiuo T new outomer are invited to call on him, Revere House; ALRANY, - - - OREGON. PHiU PFRIKFEK. PROPRIETOR. Fitted np In firt-cla etyle. Table JtMut nruh tho in the market. BIUU " " JdU-e gloeplog apartment. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. ajrgree Coach to and fresn tbe Hotel, m SLIPPERS. 1 am now roetving my j ring and t t n unr st:k of boot aul shoet, I have aa nicely a fitted ap Boot and Shoe ,icre, and a complete a stock aa any this aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boots and shoes direct from manufacturer and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me 1 1 buying as 1 buy in asMaWfefae and py the cush. In ladie mUses and children' shoes, I keepm tbi hyt great est variety in tho eitv My Mm will Ja-at- tgv g d vAiue r -r the oiimk'V hh poonihly can l dmm. SAMUEL E. YOUNG AMnt. Back ofStewatt A h.x v, Albany . Oregon EUGENE CITY. Kfl iMtUn iMurtriK .n Vnndav th 17th of 8eptemter, 1H88. Free acbolarahlp irwmwvery vuunvjr 111 uw nwv, nVY"J vnur Coinitv Muti4rlntMndnt. ' ' , t 1 1 U.I..IK. rour oourM . yiwmwmi , ckwuiiuv, Literary and a short English Course in which there la no Latin, Greek, French or German. The Kngllsh is pre-eminently a Bnins Course. For catalogue or . 1 ' mm i mm...... U'.uor iiituriitmiuii, inuiws J. W. JOHNSIOr, President, l1 MOM Prinkvillk pM-aas -Mr.Siirah Smith died In Crook county tst week. She wa born in Brownvillc, Linn coun ty, July 15th, 1858, and wa therefore, at the time of her death, nged 39 year, 1 1 months and 13 day. She was married Nov. 7th, 1877. She and her husband mov ed to this county In October, 1880. . , .The next Oregon legislature will be like Prlne vllle In one repect ; It won't have any preacher In It .... S G Wood , ol Willow Creek, started about 400 head of cattle for Owyhee, Tuesday. Mr Wood has been In the cattle huslne here for the past 45 years, nnd Is now compelled to seek other range for his stock. . . .The band boys re celved a new tuba from below by Tues day stage. It Is a une Instrument, and with Chaille KIkins furnishing the wind power, It will make the welcoming on the ath Hay will not be worth more than $8 per ton thl season, though that price Is much better for the country than If It were $ jo and hay was scarce .... Abe Hackle man was In from his ranch on Thursday. 1 le say the gran and grsln prospect in the southern part of the county were never better than at present. Auau L t ri At. CoU.Kos.-Th Slate Agricultural College at Corvalll has been formally turned over to the State of Oregon and Is now in a solid financial condition, with a magnilkent College building, and the following excellent corps of instructors, just elected : B L Arnold, President ; E Grimm director of the experiment station and also professor of agriculture ; Ucrch told, modern language, latin and drawing ; W W llrintuw, preparatory and clal departments, farming account and bee culture ; J I) Ixrtchcr, late of Virginia Military Institute, prof esaor of mathemat ica, clvfl engineering and surveying ; W N Hull, of Cedar Kalis, Iowa, commercial and farming law, elocution, mechanical drawing, history and geography. Geo. Cootc was appointed foreman of horticul ture. A Ma mocrat man met Proi. Letch er at Carvallls, acultlvatedgentlcman.who spoke very encouragingly of the prospects of the College there in Its new field. Death or W. !!. McKarlamd.- A des patch to Mr. J. M. Irving announced the death of Mr. W. II. McFarland at Tacoma this morning. Mr. McFarland recently went to that city with Mr. Harvey, hoping to benefit his health ; but grew worse until death came to his relief. I Ic ha been fail ing for several years. Mr. McFarland came to Linn county in 185a, and resided in Al bany ncr.rly all of the time stnce.a tew years being passed In Corvallis. He wa in the stove and tinware husine,in which he ac cumulated a fortune oi fifteen or twenty thousand dollars. He wa a man of many good qualities, quiet and unassuming in disposition, and was generally liked by hi fellow citizens. Ampctatko. Wednesday morning Dr Maston and Wallace amputated the leg of Fred Davis, who was accidentlv shot on Tuesday The right leg was taken off just below the knee. It seams that the musket was an old one, snd had been loaded for a ' ii r drrt and DavU were trying to snap a cap on it, but it refused to 1 ,(t I, wn. nUril An the norrh. and J WW. I - went off from fire that had been lingering In tne dampened powder. Davis's leg was shattered in s fearful manner. Dim has ed. -Ed. Abbey, son of Pete Abbev, who went with his father to San Diego, Cal, a short time ago, to clear asrav anv susnicion of arson resting on - ' ... - him. has been heard from. It will be re mcmbcred that his restaurant at San Diego burned down, and that he was suspicioned . --. .. . . . ol burning tt lor tne insurance money. a trial he proved himself entirely innocent and was discharged Irom cusiony. mn Bp; Wot-Ubbe Peteis brought bis wool to torn sod sold it for 17 5-8 cent psr pound. He sheared 476 pounds from 36 J teman arrived In Alaany from his Crook bead of sbaep, making 13 '2-9 pound per h.d IThhii ian with wool aa low a it is I bs make mors money by far tbaa cut of any 1 M . . aa a. t r ..thi-r iiivvf.ti'x.-lll In ' "U tl maRSL ll- 11 B "HK WAM RKHIT." The OregoHittn under the above caption say : I'Mfldnrtt tin. lht deiradiillon of thl' low er sort of politics been more signally lllu- . . i 1 " ... mt m . I .. tt m .. J mt. iraicu man i?y me iranxic cuuroi in mc democrajlc pre to create prejudice against Gen. Harrison by his course on the Chinese . . . . . 3 m t question. In this matter the action ot urn. lTnrrUnti sva ahnohilrl v iuat and rltfht.We had a treaty with China,and Harrison held . . . ..... a a ,11 . that It was wrong to enact a law 111 conuici with It nr law that winiild vlololc it. und TV III! It w BB 9 mm .. wm mwmwmmm ' mw mr-rm- that the right way wa to keep the proposed statutes ot restriction witntn inc irciiy.ano seek modification of lhc treaty Itself. Any other proceeding would be Inconsistent with national faith and public honor. Where I the man, having any regard for hi repu tation, or any reputation to care for, who will say that thl was no absolutely right?" The democratic prcs has shown up Har rison's record on the Chinese question by referring to the book aud pages where his votes against lhc restriction of C hinese itn migration ia found. Doc such a course illustrate a lower order of politics t Docs pointing out a man's record which he vol untarily made, for the purpose of showing that he does not deserve the votes of the people, constitute a low order of politics t It M a fact that no man who has any regard for lhc truth will dispute, that Harrison' whole course with reference to the C hinese question was one of persistent opposition to every move mad to restrict Chinese im migration. This fact does not depend up on what the adherents of Cleveland have to say. bulls abundantly and conclusively proven by the Congressional Rccord,whlch may he found In every county seat in the land. The OrrgoMMH nays Harrison'a ac tion In the matter was absolutely right. Let us sec what that action wss. If the reader will refer to page 3J64.V0I. impart 4, Con gressional Record of the First session of the 47th Congrcss.hc will find that Mr. liar rtson voted lo strike out Section 14 of the Chinese Restriction bill.whlch reads a fel low : "Sec. 14. That hereafter no state courts or court of the Cnlted State hall admit Chinese lo citizenship, and all law In conflict with thl act arc hereby repeal ed." Here was a plain, simple Issue, and Harrison took the side of the Chinaman THE DEMOCRAT Is the beet Advertising roedium In Ibe Centra) Willamette Valley. W. F. READ (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving mw goods in every line. O 1 goods m ant. lis 1 bBc nfr! ""afci H"' iRiil ' ' 1 1 M I I yrjBBj Tot rASiSaaSSEE3 I la jflj tsHal fli Everything- New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, consixttcg cf nued me young lauy asonc wnr nao caiiea iiiisbiibj w - at hia office some weeks ago. She frankly a.Mj the Orrgoaia My be did absolutely told the doctor that the baby was the llleg- , But the Orrrontam't position will itimnfi- rhild t,l ht-r . Utrr tld that hc w anted lo leave It with him to turn over to .urprisc many p 7 - a- the Sister this morning. The doctor re-1 jorlty of the people of this stale it is and fused to do this but teld her she cauld re- I has been regarded as a pro-Chinese organ, main at his olace until mornine and then I - i ,k. .t.,rinv ike r . .,T I IK miini liu -IIKI him ......... - give It to the Sisters herself. She was un- I .T .. TT. miii. wtt and th willing to remain until morning, and then I"" ot both I he Miller Wl and the inqutreu tne way ana uisiancc to miner a, i rage oui iwinwn - - where she said site weuld mo and take the I Mhan amrndimr or atrikintr out in favor neat train to Salem where she would give - Chinese, and finally voted agalnt the child to the Catholic, The doctor ad . . , ltm ... --nd would v ied her to take the child home and let her W vr l77m 7 ... . . sister raise it, but this she utterly refused to hsvc voted against the Miller bill had he do. Bhc tld the doctor Ibe child was born been present a announced by Maxcy with DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIS I propo tr have as comi anv. with all -is a - x s'.uc tt It I 1 II ! I 1 I '' .1 ... . i..l.. fhn Avt.r tvitllUrlv I . V . I ...... Hlftm . ' ' J declines 'to give the name of the young a a a a a a a a. S . . , . lady, who, he says, i mgmy respctiaine and deserves the sympathy of every kind heart on account of the great misfortune that ha befallen the family. Condemned ( ally. It U not whom he wa paired. In short Mr. Harri son's record during all the proceeding had on bolh these bills 1 one of uniform oppo sition to Chinese rcstrlctlonnd all of w hich the Qreeouia sav i absolutely right. If a man was utterly opposed to alt restrictive often that a Corvalll paper Und. up for Chinese Icghdallon.tohlm Harriaon'.course . . " . . .1 ...ti i. . .. 1 1 I...I tm . man u ho la Of Linn vunty Banks COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (Cnoosssura to Cowan Cunlck.) ALBANY - OREGON. TRANSACTS s niuwMiciiT nmrnim n. rVork aa rra ctaooaud Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVK deposits rabjec to ebssfc. COLLECTIONS etttrusUd to as will rsostvs promo en lion. First National Bank OF ALBAM1, OREtiOBf. President Vice President Csahier , , U. FLIKN 8. K. YOl NO ,.0K0. E. CIlAMBRLAm TRANSACTS A OKNERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT sabjeet to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE snd telefrrapbtc transfer, soW on New York, Ban Frsnciaco, Chicago and Portl ircgon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable tern. DISKCTOM. J. E. Yoexa, Gso. E Ciumbislais L. B Bi.aiw, L. Fbrvs, WAiiTiss E Tussatii, C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DKALER IN rtPtinfi MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. CUIVI. ....I .uo.vlhina Irtnr. In A first rl 1143 Drtl Store. Also a flue .itook of pianos an orKns' ALBANY. HKKHUN. Red CrownMills ISOJl, LANNINO & CO., PROPR'S. SKW PH0CES9 FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR KAMI '-IBS ANO BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat FOSHAY & MASON, TtOLIiaiS AMD RSTAIL- Druggists and Booksellers, A irnnf.B fnr.Tohn It. Alfinn'H Dubllnations. wbiob we sell at piabliaher's prices with postageadaAd. ALBANY, OREGON. FOR SALE, at very low rate. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts. Pickets, Pence Trimmings, Sash, Boors and Blinds. l Jail for nrioa a, vard on. 6th St.. a oast of O. fc C switcb. W. W, CROWDER. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of tba Courts o ,Uis State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. A. P. WOODWARD, M. D. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Obstetrics, Treatment of Chronic Dis eases of woman and children a specialty. Office up stairs over Gradwohl's front rooms. a tariff reform democrat aad not soared at all about the aileaed tffsot of tbe neseac of tb Mills bill . Your Inscrasce. Th oompany in which to plans yoor iusuranc is tbe Albany Farm ers' & Merchant' Ioaorano Co. Why? Bec3 it U a boms oompaoy. It is reliable ami prompt. Hi a prosperoa oompany, do safe, cooservatir basin. In case of a loaa their laauranne will be attoaued to in a killing I,!.. ,.. . n m.. r tflt hnild henna ia- mr . m-rj - - dustry by placing your insurance in thl com pauy Sepakatku. The Congregational a so ciation mcctins Is bcinu held In Seattle and not in Portlsnd as stated by the Demo t-axT lat fcnim. The asHoclation has been divided and hereafter the members of Oregon and Washington Territory churches will meet separately. Killed His Father. Last Tuesday, at Jackaonvilla. John P McAllister, ascd Hi hot aod killed bis father while asleep in bed lie clsinted that hi fathsr made him work too hard and whumud him. aurt said he want ed to live with his mother, the father and mother haviag been separated for soma time Voted for Harrison. The Oregouian is hunting for men who voted for Win ilenrv Harrison in 1840. In its Hat are the names of Tohn Smith, of Albany. W P Smith Ja Pearl and Willoughby Churchill. ol llalsey,trom Jinn county. A Caution. The way mowers, binders, wagons and agricultural implements, gen went out of Stewart & Sox' Thurs day was a caution. It was the biggest j day's business in their history and perhaps ever In Albany. We would give tne figures ; but our tenders might say they were stretched, and we will allow them to use their imaginations. New Dray. Mr. J. A. McFcron ha just started a dray on his own account, having purchased a first-class truck. Mr, Mr. McFeron is equal to two men himself, is an accommodating, reliable gentleman and deserye a good business. Sig nal Service. Hereafter the Hags on the signal service pole at French's cor ner will hp rhanared nromntlv at 1 1 o'clock a. m., and will indicate the weather from 2 o'clock, high noon. A RafidRide. Wednesday afternoon Per ov Younn, J P Hail and the Smith brother rode frm Corvallis to Albany, a distance 0 tmilaa Uu fha nvilnmtr in 5,3 minntAB. nnnA riflincr nnnaiderincr th onnditinn of th . p. C9 " road. Mr Carl Luderman would have been in on time but tor a collision with a passing wagon. would be all right.but to a man who favor ed legislation restrictive of Chinese immi gration his course would be all wrong and thl account for the fact that pro-Chinese papers like the Orgonia declare his action In the matter all right. This i the long and the short of It. The pretense that Harrison ooooscd these bills because they were violative of treaty obligation i all sham, for the best lawyers In the United States Senate voted for thebill,and further more Harrison's friend say that he voted for the Morrow bill In tSS6 when the same' u i. iii farce. m - mr 1 ii....- - ... - - County ranch on Thursday, accompanied by his son Frank. Coming down the Seven I The Orrgonktm ay that while the Page Mile hilt a grouse flew up and frightened I bUi for restriction of Chinese immigration . - - - - - M .. t BS a i ii. r Kitr I a a 1 1. akAiri(l Albany in anything, but in the matter of the Portland tournament the case waa too p'aln. Th Timm$ say: "The Portland firemen acted very disreputably In offer ing prise at their tournament and aftet they had been fairly won ar.d the judge had given their decision, to unurp the authority of dictributing the prize among whom t'hev aaw fit. According to the indices and' justice the Albany team won the majority of the contcU, but these honorable (?) old volunteer nave seen m to award the boy but one prize. Across the Cascade. -Mr. Abe Hack- New Novelties and Latest Styles and f,as they are manufactured. AH old cus:omers aud friend of tbe bouse and as veil new ones, ure coidially tivitei to c-ill and inspect stock and -nice. I Do Jot Propose k To Undersold. W J. HEAD. Sncrssor lo N. H. All-n k Co 57 First Street, Albany, Or hi team, one of which wa a young horse. They shied and sprang forwarJ, going over a log, and down a steep embankment. The wagon and hones lodged against a tree while Mr. iiacaieman was unu about sixty feet down the embankment to the bottom. Fortunately he received no injuries, and Frank came out untnjurea. The whiffle tree vas broken and that was about the extent of the damage. The ac cident was not the result of the condition of the road, which Mr. llacklcman says Is good. Crops In Crook county are looking fine and stock is in excellent conouiun. A Double Surprise Party. La Fridsv fifteen or twenty young people met at the residence of S. ).. Young and went in a body to the residence of Judge Powell, for the purpose of surprising Mr. Jas Powell, the popular book keeper of the - m. mm S Sa. First National Honk. "Jimmy" man i know anything about It at all ; how could he ; he was over at the Bay, enjoying tne fierce July sea breeze, etc., aad did notar- - . J ... . - a 1. rive home until iwonuav. ou n double urprle. But the young people paed a highly enjoyable evening, being entertained by the Judge and hi family, who are equal to a crowu incmncn . i,, l'i i,!.! v Mr. lohn A. , ,,. . txmmmm - J A SmallFire. About 3 o'olockThursday morning a firs was discovered by Nightwstoh man McClain in tbe woodshed of the Bank Exchange saloon. A pump being convenient the flames Were extinguished. A little n.or headway and a big fire might have been tbe result. Elizabeth Quinn, of Hateey, has begun s . a as.j -v s i 1 1 Jl Crawford oldto Mr. George Simpson the large Layton farm, lying just wet o (ieorire Cllne's farm beyond the L-alipooia It eonists of 35 acre, the price for which was $10,500, at the rate or $30 an acre. Wl ahnll ruicrt to see this farm cut up into small fruit orchard some time. Wheat. Frank Crabtree of the Forks of the Santiam Informs us that rust has made it appearance on the blades of his wheat. This will not injure It unless It at tacks the stalks. Parties from Albany prairie say no rust ha appeared. Hay har vest is in tuil blast ana a large trup win harvested. Reapers will be started in many wheat fields next week. Raised. Under the new adjustment of the salaries of postmasters made by the Postmaster General.the salary of the post master at Albany ha been raised from iiV. "The salaries are based on the gros receipts of the office for the year, iraritho rmci receipts at this office been $70 more the salary would have been $1700. Drumming Contest. The long talked of drumming contest between Maj. Hender shot, the drummer boy of the Rappa Vtomswir nrwl Cant Elston. took place at If alaan Mnn Wednesday and was won bv the former, who received a credit of eight points outot ten. Married.- t H. W. Settlemire's nea Taneent. Tuly 3, by Rev. S. G. Irvine D D., Mr. Martin M Forester and Miss ueor- fiana Settlemire, both of Tangent. The )emocrat extends its best wishes for long life and prosperity. Two Foxes. Mr Burris, of Jefferson, was in the city to day with two little foxes, which he had captured, tie onereu hibui iot i waatvfar the senate Harrison showed that the amendment forbidding the natur alization of Chinese was wholly unneces trv since the proposed measure was al ready a law and incorporated in the "revised statutes. We have taken the trouble to go through the congressional record as touch ing the Page bill and find there is not a word of truth in the statement. Thl state ment we believe was fi.-st made cast and telegraphed to thl coast, and, we uppoe h tirnami.i accented it as true without mmnW mmrw f ' 1 consultinir the record. It i certainly due to the reader of that paper that it bould correct this material misrepresentation 01 Harrison's record. Harrison said nothing at all about the bill, nor did he discuss It or any of the several amendments offered to it but contented himself with voting against every restrictive feature of the bill without giving any reason therefore. There is no question of free trade in this campaign and no party favors it. Demo crat believe that the tariff should be re duced from an average duty of 46 per cent, to about ao ner cent., and that certain artic le needed by our manufacturers should be placed upon the list of articles imported free of duty. This is not free trade, nnd the man who states il, states what is false, and he Is an intelligent man he knows he is doing so. TaMsaMBaWaaWstaSaSMMBBSSSsaaaaBw. Levi P. SU8- ' 'las On the ctb day of April, 1SS0, .., tkan n ennifressman. voted td iiiui ,uu, r peud the rules and pass a bill to repeal the duty on salt, printing type, paper and the - - FT J hmienla usedin maktnsr paper, to uuv he is a candidate upon a platform that cans .1. .....hi., i, Y,-, trade, and wants to KUV.II U lUMiiwii .- - " raise, not repeal, the duty. t 4 n BmrmA toj Ohlld'a Ufa. - When ray child to born, the doctor ordered one of the otter Foods. She ate that un til she nearly died. I had three doctor, trho said the trouble -was Indigestion, snd ordered the food changed to Laetsssil Food. It saved my child'a life, and I owe you many thanks for it I regard yonr Food aa invaluable, and superior to all otter artificial food for babies. JOBS. A. . unnaui, ew aasflaaaaasiavasBSflsaBBascw. oaiMassaBBas3a3aBaaBiM""' U Indiana Place. Boston. Mass, FOR INFANTS and MAUDS THE PHYSICIAN'S FAVORITE. Possesses many Important Adrantagea oror ill other ireiircd roods. RMRIFS cur FOR IT. mm INVALIDS RELISH IT. Parfoeti f Nourishes a Baby with or without the addition of milk. Thro S ite. 25o. 50c. $1.00. A valuabk pamphlet on " The NutriUon Ol ill l mux m uu w 1 - . It Ha No Baal. Wa are using in our nur sery (containing forty infanta) your Lactated Food, and find it far superior to all other food which has been used during- the rt ten year that I hat been visiting physician. The Sisters of Charity, who have charge of the institution, say it has no equal. w. E. De Covbct, VL D.. St Joaeph's Foundling Asylum, Cincinnati. Ohio. i.iu.iii'vu, ..., " - -. , o 110 mm , suit aeainst rat umnn,ner nusoana,ior ai-1 at S5 a pair a phmkr Albanian. Cass II. Hum phrey, of Portland, president of the Mul- tonomah Typographical union, appointed by Gov. Pennoyer expert of the State printing ottice, m X k resigned. Me came up xu, f'mi" enter upon me Q' 'S- " -- -1 ai OAU V which will occupy htm ior a I ftwnn 1 , WW V- m.mmmm aa ti" m Tit I r-ll I 1 II 1 1 WM a '--- ST numpiucy " r ; , gn sxohange and Is in every waj 4u- " ' . , 1 poruanu. . W .Tm.wm.rm. ST. T f H I I . 1 t U.aM nf Rfi i a .hiih Msa nnii :itt"ii iiiMnjiiivv. - m dui n Muini.v wwit t: wv wain uv lion 10 w .j. " 1 i h tVnoraohical ,3.. t Z clteok. latsrest alloWed on has Deen urcsiucm. v. -j r-0 --. , v... . ..: t.,r ihrrr vears and was at tne last time depomta election a candidate for the legWature on the democratic ticket. Though defeated he ran 150 votes ahead of his ticket.-IW.e. Hkub'sOur Hanp. The Benton Leader in ite account of the 4th of July proceedings . ...a ..... ...... "KsnaciaiiV we oow tu at toas cisy y- -Albany. In behalf of Corvulha we lift our hat to the Albany boy-and girls and the Al bany men, women and children, and from Snomeut cease to remember auht but the pleasant relations of Wednesday. Let n have peace. " The proposition is a good one, and we hope to see reaper. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, VT. ML F. MERRILL. B A3STKBB, - - - OREGON. on New York, 3an Francisco and Collection will receive prompt attention., panifts. ajTOfflce hours' from 8 a. m . to 5 p. m. vorce. Children Cry for City Market, M. HYDE Proprielor, eonstantlv on hand l iven aas-syw i corner of First and Ferrv Streets. Pitcher's Castorla. Rnss llonse. Proprietor. Thia house ia now open and furnial.ed with the beat new furniture, hyerything !a-.n All .1 (w-minndioas. offeriue to the gen- ytvou mM w- - W W eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. Near L. W. CLARK. Portrait Photographer. Studio corner Second aud Ferry Streets near Opera House. Ground fionr. Children's pictures a specially, LBANY, - - OREGOS. -a. .... a Pitchers cawona Children Cry for r v