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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1888)
- mm Win. Fortmiller k Co,, A B H m FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt 4tt9HtionFir3t-Blas3 Hearse jtaVAtter bualne boar call at reldanoe corner Fifth un I Batcsr streeta. Linn V unty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (IwoMMora to Cowan Custek.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS ft gwwal banking Mmm. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Nw York. Re Free hoftiMl lN.rtl.iul, QRV IX) AN HOWRY oa spproTad security. tUK'EIVKdapvsJtasubJae U check. COLLECTIONS onlruaUJ to us will nwiM pSSSS First National Bank or AI.BANl. OKKI.ON. L. TUNS - UKO. .. CHA.tKRLAlN TRANSACT! A QEHKRALkaaktaf ACCOUNTS RKPT subja to . -i 8IOIIT EXCHANGE an on Nw York, Rn Franc! Mi CUUlsCTIOSS MADE on tawaWa ten R. L. R Tot -m. UN. K ClUaMfttltM L. runs. W.LTftH K TrSSBLL, THE YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. Oregon Development Oooepany'a Sto .m hip Lluo 22S MILES SH0STn 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. Flrat-olae through paieucr and freight Una from Portland and all point in the Willamette Valley to ant from 8an Kranclaoo, Cal. Wiliamatta River Liaa of Steamers. The " Wm. M. Hong," The 'N. 8, Bant ley," The "Thrae SUtera" are in aervioe for both pasaenger and rraitfht trattio beta-eeu Curvallia and Portlaod ind uUer medhue poiuta, leaving Company'! wharf, Corvallia, aud Mewra. Uuiinan A Co'a wharf, Noa. MO and 202 Front St., Fort land, three time a wtak aa followe : Noura SOCRB, LtatraCorrailu. Mu . Wml. ami Friday, 10.-0.) A, M. Laare AJbaor, Muoday. W'J- and Fridajr. U.OJ Noon antra fwrtland, lac , Thu. and Sautntajr, 5.30 V. M. sol ra bot.Hu. Laara Fartkiarl, Moa., Wei. aod FrUay, 8:00 A. M. Laava Albany, iW, Tnora. aiu tUtorxUy. 1:) y. M. arriva Curaina, Toa., Ihu. aud Haturday, :U i'. H. Boat make clow connection at Albany aitn trains of lb Oregon Pacific Kailruaa. TIMCSJUBOl'Ct: (jx.-iA HauUya) r Albvay. 1:01 r. a, La CjrraUta, 1:17 r. a. Amrm Vaquiua, i JSa r. a Uaava Yaqaiua. CM a.m. Loaro tXrllu,lu.5 i,u. Arnva Albany, 11:16 a. a. O XS. trtiaa otau). at Albany aud Cwrvalin The aoove traiut onueutet faquia. witu th Orga Development O upaiiy'a Uiae ( tioian.ut between YTa4uioa aa J - an Prau.-ieoo, M11L1XU U.RTK- . MajuMaa, raja aax vaaacrao. VaiUy, J out &fnd Ju.y rd Ju.y l6Jt Jaiy ii.i,. J ana h. July la a. Ji -un. ValU,. arillauuUa Vaday, WtUaaaaUa VaUay. The Company term rint I ohaage aaiuug latoa wiia jut noilue. N. li. Pavtaeugera fro u ror.laua aud rVitiameue Va.iey potutj can inn uioee conaectt.u wiUi traiu uf the Yaquiua route at A.Uauy uc Curvallia, aud li dea tlujd u d iu Frauoia 3 aumiu arrauge tu arrive at Vaquiua Ufa ovoniu ooi t j uatu of aaliiog. aaaeaer aaJ I'.-Ubi Uate. alwaa tae latere. Kvtriafjrji.u 1 ay u O J't, IVjijtr. a id r,ci ataaa, 0 k O U Uaaarali, Jr., O. k. at P. Agf.,, Orguj Oa-'atyaiJui C .'4 iluutmary St., awi FratKlvj j, Jal. ftl. ii:l.W.. A. O. K . and P. Aaut, (iratrvu Pacia-.- H It Ua Corvaiua, or. OVtrtU.JJ fJ CAUfJ..ilA ;-via- Soatiiara Paoiflj Company's Lina, m nr. .Hiu aavrR. o uauroiuu zxnu 1, uta 'daily. Sou-Ji i.00 r. a. aaar a 7:o a a Mend Arrivo 1 I0:i a a i. a. - J 7:05 a a .. . I i . r a iasava laeaftf PrUaal Alb .ay sau K au.-iau LMAi. raaaaaaaa maiaa iAii.r tscapt aaud.y). a:0U a a I Leave PortUud l&i i e a I Lamra Alb-uiy :0fm I Arrive Lunu Arrive, Cttri Laava 1 li:&5 a a Lave VhOam bOCAi rAsaaaiaa train uailt, excarr a: 10 r a :54fr a U:5Jra im a Lea' Arrive Leai Arrlva Aloaiiy Lakau-Mi Albany letMUuii Arnva 1 6:16 a a Loara'l 6:ou a a Arm,; , 'jr. r a boa 2:00 r M PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars Wr Aeeaaaaaaatiea at ewad-la raaaca aera, attarh4 t i Rxnreaa Tmlaa. Wed alee Itflvlalwu. BET HZ KM rolfLtVU lt C.rakLLIH. It VfLTftAlX DAIbr (; e(. -S Jil lay.) 0am Ljave t'irtUij Arrivo ; 1'5 r M t:i6 r a Antra CrvalL Laiva 1:3) a 4:60 ru :00 r a Ljv Arri" pjnliii 1 M.lti 1 ivtlU) A'riva Lava :0) a M 6.46 a M At Albvir nl OirvaHii i . w.i vith train of Oregon Paciflo iUilroad Fttrtall lntr4U i r;i lh; ri'ii, mif., etc., oa Company' Agent. R. KOEHLKR, . P. UO.JKIi Many tr. Au's i F. ail P. Art Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVanev, Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Law of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced bv thousands of the clearest headed business met: of the coun try as n book which they can not afford to be without We ask an investigation of its tierits. Agents wanted in every county in the State W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States lfj6j California St., an Francisco, Ca A. J. R0SSITER, V i Lia Mr Sacaon. graduate of th Ontario Voterioary Col Iftgp, Toronto, Canada Office and realdoawi .corner olj jond and Baker htreeta. Da You Want Furniture ? IK YOU IH)O0 TO Woodin & Willard. WberO VOll wiU lilt.l the bett make MM ft neat finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. AUo a lino linn ut I'lOTURE FRAMES, mi bunderd ditT-rem of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largoat and bent stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Pri t r taOM MR. Andrews & Hackii'inan, W.LDOUGLAS saoo SHOE SOJiB AKNTK. . - OREGON LEBANON. L. W. CLARK, Pnrtr,! it PhotOiarraDher. a--- Stuuio coriifr S ootid anl K,rry SIWh near Opera House. () round law, Children picture a rpeclalty. LBANY, OREGON. ALBANY COLLEBUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 188T, 1888. rire Tcraa 0peaa peaa'r I3ilt. laai. A tull eorpa of inatructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coureee of tudy axranRwd to meet the need of ail gradea of aludenta, Sferittl inducements ojjt rcd to students from abroad. Tuition rangea from IVO to flV.M. Board in private fami'iea at low rate. Kootn lor aeir boardtuK t small oxrenaa. A oarefnl euiiervUlon azertdaed over atu- deals away from home. Pah term ofx-un September 7tb. For circulars and fu;i particular addreaa the Prealdent, KEY. RRRRRT R. OMil X Albany, Oregon DR. C, WATSON MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. Office r joins 3 ud 4. Poatcr's Block. ALBANY - ORECON. Palace Meat iVIaikW. J. Y. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, 01. nriti i. . . i i. . i tr mutton, poric, veal, aanssge, etc,, the beat meat and largest variety in tne city Caah paid for all kindnof fat ttock. Snifffs- buload. sad all other basiasss in the U. S I "tea attend ad eO to for miMlcrata teaa. Oar oOoa ka oppoeit the V. a. Paitul Off re, "can obtain Pstente lea Urn. lUan llac rci rasa Waahiagrtoa. Weed modfe or dra in. We a skiltty trsa of charga ; and woinake obtain patent. to patent charft-e unle we refer hare, to the Poatmattar, ibe 8uit. of Money Order Div. and to offlclaa af that', a Patent taaoc For circular, advice, Utns, an t cfenncai osetoal clietiU la yoar own Hlata or county, aid rasa Ca a. mo & om Opponte rai.-ni rrocm. naenuiguHi, u Homeopathic Physician, RflP.S. M, C 1'cCOV, M. I)., HOMEOPATHIC wi pbyalciaii, office and realdenc corner of Klrat and haker Streets, Ahauiy, Orsgra. Chronic Oiasaaw a ftpe :ialiy. ConsttlUtion Irec, Office hou. a : 10 a.m. UM'iam and (to 6 p. sa. ItHSS Holism. Proprietor. Tnis house, with the best is now open and furuished new furnitorc. Kvorvthinif clean aud ccmmndions, onertng to t'ts gen eral public an perior sccomnidatins to any in the city. H. F. MERRILL. BANKER, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Sell exchang- on New York, San Pisuciaco and Portland . Bay notee, State, cnanty and c'ty warrants Re ceive deposlla aubject to check, lufernat aJlowcl on time uKsito. Collections will receive procipt attention. Correapondence aolicitod. Fire and marine Insurance placed In rcliablo com panies, afOiflce hours from 8 a. m . to 6 p. ra. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or. ) May J 7th, 1888. J Notice la hereby givtn that the follow ing named aettler liaa filed notice of Lia intention to make final proof in support of nis olaiin, and that taid proof will b made before the Judge or m case of his Hboij:o ( ho ('ounty i'lerk ot Linn coun ty, Oregon, at Albiny, Oregon, on Monday, July 9th, 138, viz : John M. Flangber, Homestead En iry No 4870 for the N of N K i and N X of N W J of sJec. 32, Tp IISKjE, He naineH the following witneH-e to prove hi coniiuuotiM rvHtWjutiut upon and culti vation of, anid land, viz : Jet M South, John () Boyd, Thoma Crockett William Kay, all of lebanou, linn oonnty,Oregou, W. T. BUKWKY, . Pegiater, mm WeatfelL," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kind on hand, Aiso full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0EE63H PiCIIIO CfiMBACIORi for this eection. Laborer furnished on short notice fo any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATEERF0ED, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) .TTORNEY AT LAW, ALKANY, ORECOM. 11 ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE IT State. Special attention (riven to ooUections sod hi ate mil tter. TaWlf fcV.t Eli 1 She gfemartat. Qffioial p APEE. mmm tomcr. JiMkc; Alex llrsndun, K J Mills ( ..imiiUH'itiTi. (J. J. YVMlnv.v, Adjourned m anion, Fee examination Ellxa Harrington, $14 allowed ; also bill II M Slonc,lumbcr,$7.75; R Kolderway, salary an stock Inspector, $(.J5 ; II J Ilealy, lumber, $88 ; D V 8 Reld, salary, $11187. Bond of Z B Mos, Assessor elect, ap proved. Bond, $c.,ooo. Sureties, Jesse Barr, EL . mm. at a a a n S r llarr, d UStnawn, Also noiui oi u Harwell, Treasurer elect. Amount, $50, 000. Sureties A J Conner, Geo E Cham bcrltdn. I A Crawford,!) i Mason, E Turn cr, R A Irvine, C H Stewart, 1 Cohen, El Limnim.'. R Farwcll. lohli Rouei. L C Sltatton. lohn Schmccr. John Uom.J II Burkhart. W M KcU hum, I J Davis, W L Vance. 1 I) Miller, W C Morgan. 8 A Dawson, 1 Kromun, Wm Rumhnugh, E L a Nnox. The folli-ainu lilla aero allowed: W K Curl. aalary. $8.1 34; J J Whitney, 175; A Brandon. 8 !; E J Miller, f 10; Jao Miller, fll.SO; 1) S Smith, 1224.39. Brownvill Udjta, N'3fJ, A V A A M. waa e atmp'tal (rtn taxtiuu on application. Th bond ! K J ' Cmmar, urvjor, waa . ftvaa M a a a ai r.vil. Amount, Su AJO sutmw, rrcn Miu H 1 ttinl I tn. AUo buatl f K E Mi'btakue, i-ounty I rn. Amount, flO.KM). Mm,.tift, ti W Smi'.a, J M ItUtoo. T J blatk, C O ;urklift, r Cohn, K M Ho.uh Id ai.d D P Mmjuu. AUo Uul f John Smallmaa, hhcrtiT. Amnuut, ?IO.vm. SuretiM, J A Bilycu, T M linker-, K I l.Vuy, ItoUjrt Cary, J M KiUtuit, A K McOuiial.l and LCManhftU. LtTKRAKY Tastb A little larger audi encc greeted Col. Copcland last Friday on I the occasion of his second lecture, in thia city. The subject a as -The Mistakes of Bob." It was handled In a manner sur- pufticd piobably by no other lycucnt orator Col.CojH-land ptiahCftact a vein of wit and humor that pleases wllhuut shocking. One never sleeps while he talks. His words flow in a continuous stream, and Ids stage at-tion Is very effective. Ill lectures wer; really thcreatct treat oi the year. Right here the people of Alttany deserve a lecture for displaying so little taste for a really meritorious entertainment, beside which the average theater offers no comparison. A darkey show or a third-class opera that ponder to the lower tastes will draw a crowded house at a dollar, while the lec turer, like Col. Copcland, who makes the ribs rattle also, has to speak to a house, characterized more by quality titan by quantity. It 1 the same taste that makes trn.hv literature preferable to -ulki matter, and is not peculiar to Albany ; but is a national matter now. I he platform oi to day t not the platform of twenty years a-.,. In iSSi Congressman Page of California introduced a bill to restrict Chinese immi gration,in which waa the following section: Scc. 14. That hereafter no state court or court of the United Slates shall admit Chinese to citizenship and oil laws in con flict with this act are hereby repealed." A motion was made to stride this out of the bill and Mr. Harrison voted for the mo tion. He did not want a law that would prohibit our courts from admitting China men to citizenship. If any one want the proof of this vote let him refer to the Con gressional Record, Vol. 1 3,part 4, page 3264. The Record may be seen at any time in the Democrat office. The motion to strike out the above section faitaLand when the hilt came up on its final passage Mr. Harrbon voted against it. See page 3411, same Record as above. Nothing is more clearly established than that Mr. Harrison's whole course with reference to the Chinese question was opposition to ail measures to restrict that class of people from emigrat ing here,and it ia absurd in the extreme to suppose that his record can be covered up, as the Oregonian and other organs are at tempting to do. Let the attention of every laboring man be called to tide lecord. JACOBS OH LUMBAGO LAME BACK. Sold by DruQoisU and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, Mo. o The BUYERS' GUIDE ia issued March and Sept.. . each yoar. It ia an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can jalotho you and furnish you with all The necessary and unnecessary appliance to rido, walk, dance. Bleep, eat, Hah, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all theao things C0MF0RTHI1LY, and yon can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBB' GUIDE, which will be aent upon receipt of 10 cent to pay poatage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 0. O OtIKHHf, O.H.I V UK J-.f ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, ttachmists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders, J E are now completely prepared to handle all kind of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f iron and Braas Casting. PATTHRKS MADE OR SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery, Children Cry for 30 a B & TO as siol ;cJ no .- m o n T.tT 1 ?!5S ill If AltKlHON'H t'lllNRKK KKmiki. The Examiner gives the following full exposition of Harrison's Chines? record. It will cauae him the lost of thousands of votes on this coast. The effort of the Ortgauian to explain it away will be as futile as its ef fort to explain Its own jugglery on the tariff question : The record made by Mr. Harrison aa a member of the United States Senate upon the question of Chinese Immigration be glns,accordlng to the Congressional Kecord, with the introduction by the late Senator I F. Miller, during the first aeaaton of the Forty-seventh Congress, of his original bill restricting for twenty years the Immigra lion of Chlnoae laborers to the United States. The b!ll,after being referred to the committee on Foreign Relations, by whom a number of amendments were suirueatcd, came back in due time to the Scnutc.wherc the amendments In question were conatd ered seriatim. On that offered by Senator Hoarnronos ing to adm jt "skilled" Chinese laborcrs,the to stood 17m favor and J7 agalnst.Seiia tor Harrison voting aye. (See Congres tdonal Hecord.Vol. i.part i.patre 1716.1 On Senator Hoar's amendment, providing for the admission of Chinese "artlne," the vote stood 19 ayes and 34 noes, Harrison voting aye. (ibid., page 1717.) On Senator Ingalt's motion to change ihe proposed period of restriction irom twenty to ten years.the voto stood : Ayes, jo ; noes, at. nenator iiarrtaou waa ab sent.but Senator Maxev.with whom he was nalred,announced present, he would have voted "ave, (Ibid., page 1 ) When the bill was dually passed, which it did by a vote of ij uvea to ir, noes, Mar rison was again absent, and Senator Maxey, again tils "pair announced that If pressed he would have voted against the bill.( Ibid paifc it ) President Arthur vetoed the bill, and in the effort made In the Senate to pas it over the veto, which failed tor want of two-thirds majority, Senator Harrison's vote waa one ot the H noes cast against 2j ayes, (ibid., page JO17.) On the Jsth ot April, 18SJ, House bill cSoado restrain Chinese immigration, was favorably reported from the committee on foreign Relations by Senator Mi'ler, the gist of the bill In question, as may be re mcmbercd, being about as follows : Providing that.from and after the cxplr ation of ninety days after Its paagr, the coming of the Chinese laborer to the United States should be prohibited for period of ten years ; that the master of any ccl anOWtRRly landing any Chinese la borer in violation of the provisions of the bill should be gulltv of mUdcineanor, pun iahahlc by fine or Imprisonment or both that departing Chinese laborer should be registered bv the Collector of Customs and furnuhed with return certificates ; that any person slteitn; or substituting names on such ccrtlncates.or forging the amc,ahould be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and sub jecleu to a fine not exceeding 1000 or Im prlsonment for not longer than five vears that neither state nor Federal courts should admit Chinese to citUenshlp, etc When the bill was before the committee on Foreign Relation a great number of amendments had been attached to It. The majority of these, being of comparatively little importance, were agreed to without Stc its-ion, when the bill came again before the Senate, sitting as a committee of the whole, hot others of more moment were strenuously objected toby the California Senators, M illcr and Farlev. The first of these was a proposition to strike out Section 14 of the bill, which forbade any state or Federal Court admitting Chinese to cituten ship.and repeated all laws in conflict there with. UI hope, said Mr. Farley, "that the amendment will not be adopted. At the time it was put in the first bill 1 know some distinguished Senators took the ground that there was no necessity tor the provi -ion, because the statute already provided for it. But notwithstanding thai statute. the courts have gone on naturalizing Chi nesc. The amendment waa rejected in accord ance with Mr. Farley' wish by a vote o 5- ayes to id noes. But among the t went v six who did this much toward defeating on of the purposes of the bill waa Senator Harrison. The next amendment, which proposed to strike out Section 1 ; of the bill, in whld it was specified that the words 'Chinese laborers" should be construed to mean both skilled and unskilled laborers and Chi nesc employed in mining, was also object ed to by the friends of the blll.who claimed that, without this amendment, all Chinese laborers could readily gain admission by simply claiming to be skilled artisans Nevertheless, the opponents of the bill mustered sufficient strength toadopt the amendment by a majority oi one vote jy ayes to 20 noes and among those who as sisted was Senator Harrison. The Senate then agreed to. ill theatnend menls in gross, except that striking out the antl naturaliation clause, already rejected and the other defining the term "Chinese laborers," which Senator Morgan of Ala bama reserved, and again moved t rcjoRt, supporting the motion in an eloquent speech. Before a vote was taken.however, the Senate adjourned. (See Congrcsslona Record, vol. 13, part 4, pages 3264 103270 inclusive.) On the following day, April 26, 1882, the nenatc resumed the consideration ot the bill sec Congressional Rccftrdth session vol. 13, part 4, page 3308,) the pending que stion being on concurring in the amend m nt made as in committee of the whole striking out the fifteenth section of the bill defining the meaning of"Chlncsc laborers. No action was taken, however,though there was an earnest and lengthy discussion, in which Senator rarlev found himself com relied to defend the bill against the savage assaults of the Republican Senator Ed munds, Dawes and Ingall. Senator Edmunds immediately offered an amendment to the clause providing that "Chinese laborers" should mean per sons usually engaged in manual labor.This also failed of passage by a vote of 25 noes to 17 ayes, Senator Harrison' vote being, of course, among the latter. Mr. Edmunds then moved another amendment, intended to defeat the purpose of the anti-naturalization clausc,which also failed of adoption. Senator Harrison was one of the sixteen who voted in favor of it, against twenty-five negative. The bill was then passed by a vote of 33 to it, Harrison's vote being among the lat ter. I le also went out of his way to explain, during the progress of the vote, that if Sen ator Sewcll,who wa absent.had been pres eut,hc would have voted in the negative. In its issue of last Wednesday the Herald said that Mr. Mill iu hU speech before Congress in defense of his bill closed with these word : 'Then every industry will apring for ward at a bound,and wealth, prosperity and power will bless the land thai is dedicated to free men,free labor and free traded It made this statement to prove that the Democrat is in favor of free trade. Now, we have examined the speech of Mr. Mills and we find that he used no such language. What could have been the motive of the Herald editor when he attributed such lan guage to Mr. Mills when he must have known that there was no truth In the state ment ? Did the Herald editor ever read Mr. Mills speech, and did he have it before him when he attributed this language to him ? This kind of misrepresentation is a species of moral forgery just as culpable in politics as signing another's name without authority would be in law. But it is the only way that that paper has of proving that the Democrat is in favor of free trade. But what must honest, truthful men think of a paper that will resort to such methods? Leg Broken. A few day ago, Sam, the 14 year old son of Mr Alex Downing, resid ing in thia county, near Stayton, had one of his Ifga broken by a horse slipping and falling on turn. Pitcher's Caetorla TKMPKKANfK ('OtJTMN. Kiiilad by Albany W, 0.T, V. The regular meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, was held on rueaday afternoon. After the usual rou- ine of business was disposed of the Fresi- lent announced that Pundit a Rartiabal.lhc dgh caste Hindu widow, who has been ecturlng In the East, would be in Oregon about the 24th of July. This woman Is raising funds for opening n Training School for high caste Hindu widows, by collections after lecture nnJ by forming what I known as the Ramabal Circle. We will give later ut the manner In which these are organized. A motion pacd to ascer tain upon what term we could have her in Albany. The people of our city would doubtless be pleased to hear one who has bv her simple and earnest atory of the wrongs of the wome.t In her country, en listed thousands In the work of reform. Four weeks from this meeting, Mra. Round wilt give a Bible reading from the hook of Esther, to which all persons, whether mem bers of the Union or not, are cordially in vited. A Hlblc reading will also be held at the residence of Mr Andrew McCoy on Second St., on next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A circular letter from Mrs. L. 11. Addi- ton, Sap U of the department ot temper ance aud Labor was read by the Secretary. She earnestly request the Union to read up the labor question, and suggests a num ber ot book as helpful. The question dls cussed Is a very Important one and should Im? given thorough study, as our cause will prosper only In proportion fo our educa tion. Mra. L. M. N. Stevens, of Maine, on be ing asked it the possession the reveuue tax receipt wa a great help In convicting a liquor-seller answered as follow ; "One might reasonably think that good proof could be secured to help in enforcement of state law, but such Is not the case. Un any other than the liqeor question this might he managed perhaps. A law was passed a year ago, In Maine, making the holding of a tax receipt prima e e uiem e 01 ocmg a liquor seller ; but I have not known of one case (n a vear where It has amounted to anything ; and It never will In my opin Ion. Our national' rum shops are among our worst one. And we are powerless to heln oursehes. State law is thus over ridden, and made hariW to enforce, Instead of being helped In any way." The Rash ta Oregnu. Saw FAMttco, June 7.---"We are ex pecting eight new engines here every day.'t said J. A. Fillmore, of the Southern Pacific. "These wilt be distributed to points where they are most needed. We are doing a big buslnes now up to Oregon, and there is not a train that goes up there which does not take three or four sleepers, with every berth taken." A Roy Marderrr. SaATTf., W. T.June Jj.Thi evening at $ o'clock two boys of H. M. Shaw, man ager of the Northwesten Express Company, aged 7 and 9 years, were carry ing wood In to the house and playing, when the young er brother climbed upon a chair and reach ed for a revoluer that was hanging on the Wall, cocked it, and pointing it at his broth er, fired, rhe charge entered the cldct boy' head, killing him Instantly. The parents are distracted at the sad affair. The tittle fellow does not realtxtMhe awful deed he has committed. Reaalt of San iHrgo pteaiatloas. Asni.AMi, Or., June 28. John Drum mohd.aged about 73 years, who came here first about a year ago from Kansas.and ho been at San Diego speculating in real es tate for more thatfix month, returned to Ashl.m.1 last week, and committed suicide at 11 o'clock a. m. yesterday, by shouting himself iu the heatf with a revolver. He was stopping at the house of W. H. Van Buren, and attempted, or threatened to kill Mrs, Van Buren before he shot himself. Mrs. VanBuren ran to a neighbor's house and Drummond followed. her only as far as the gate of her yard.when he placed the muzzle of his pistol In his mouth and fired. The Tariff BUI. Washington, June 28.- Congressman Taylor, a Republican of Ohio, says that he has been informed by a prominent Repub lican Semtor that the tariff bill w ill be con sidered bv the Senate this session, and that it would be considered as soon as It went over from the House. Congressman Row ell, of Illinois, another Republican, makes the predk-tion that but three Democrat, Randall and Sowhen, of Pennsylvania, and Foran, of Ohio, would vote against the bill in the House. One Republican, Fitch, of New York, will certainly v.)fc In It favor. A (irrat Strike. PiTTsauna, June 29. The Iron worker strike I now on, and by to-morrow noon the mill will be idle. At a conference of the wage committees of the Amalgamated Association and the iron manufacturers this aftemoon.thc workers' representative stated that the lodge had voted upon the question of reduction, and had decided al most unanimously to reject it. Ihe man ufacturer then stated, In language just as positive, that they would not pay the prea- ent wages. A scale will be presented to them for final consideration to-morrow. Should all the mill close it would affect ioo.coo men. From Lebanon Pater. Thursday about 11 o'clock Sylvester Bnrrell went into C. B. Montague' store tu purchase a suit of clothe A tramp, giving the name of rrank tley noldr, came in -about the aome time and atoodaioand watchinu the moven.unta ; Mr Burrell laid his vest, with a watch in the pocket, on the counter whileMe went to the back end f the a lore to try on the pants, while so engaged the tramp moved around where the vest wa lying and 'shortly after went out. Mr. Burrell immediately missed the watch aud soon started out to find the fellow. While a warrant waa boiap made out Reynold went to J. 0. Roland's har ness ahnp and pocketed a pair of nice buggy lino aud a celluloid bandied whist broom, aod then atarted down the railroad track. All the thing but the watch were found .... We are iuforuied by Mr. Brooks, of Sweet Home, that their school haa just closed a very prosperous term under the elfioient management of Prof, A. J. Shanka. This excellent school closed on the 22nd iuat., with forty-eight students in actual attend ance, and the people have shown their ap preciation of Prof. Shanka faithful work by re-electing him for another full term, though underbidden by a competitor. . . . .Mra. Annie Blackburn, of Crawfordtville, met with quite a painful accident laat Thursday night,oaused by the explosion of a lamp. She was burned badly on the left arm and hand in attempting to extinguish the tire. It waa a narrow es cape from a serioua accident, aa there were four other members of the family in same room. They came very near loosing their house and its contents, as mjat everything in the room waa aet on fire by the burning oil Clark Braden while here received the following letter from Silvertoa j "Dear Sir ,v-X learn that your life will be in danger if you go toMollala or to that grove You had better write to K?o. Tbomaa at F. 0. McCauley." Mollala. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE. Do you want a remedy for B'llousnoas, Pimples on the face, and a aura cure tor sick headache, ask M. A. MUlar, the Druggist, for Dr.'a Liver Pills, only aid for a dose, samples froc. full box 26 cent. THURSDAY. Mrs J A Upham left on last vetting' train for California and ths Kast Mr L Sander arrived home tins inorning from San Fraiioiaoo, where h lis ben witn a baud of hnre, - The steamer Bentley ia again running 0 the Willamette and it expected iu Albany thia evening on it lint trip sine tf'tiug wrecked. The Stat Teachers' Awociation convenes tn Hshnu on I Inirsday of next week. Presi dent Coodit, of our college, is down fur a pspcr on the utternoot. ot the lint day. The meeting promt to he a uoeesfal one. While dfthverieg panera this noon At Uav waa unfortunate in having hi generally sure footed horse fall near this office. A) wa oa the underside and waa oouaiderahly lamed. but mounted again aud cootiuoed hi deliv eriag. Mr Henry Keesee, of Bonanza, Lake coun ty, was in the city yesterday on hi way home from Corvallia, where he bad been to attend the funeral of his brother. Mr Kcjsev. who started oat aa a lawyer, ia now m the stock bum lies. FRIDAY. Monmouth want $20,000 to itriyn v the clioo there. Psudleton is tryiug to raise a 1 o ia for paper mill and woolen mill. Tim Democrat predict the best crop thia year ia the history of the ooanty . The It I) Wilson property, at the wjt end of Second street ha been purchased by Mr Archie rrusnaw. County Treasurer Fsrwell ha moved to the city and ia residing in Mr Di o'tar 1 res idence on First street Mis Vesta Mason ia spending the com mencement season in EogeneCity, where she is the gustt of Mr J F Robinson. Cnrran k Monteith will n an u fact it re their popular fruit dryer this year, an J it will pay farmers to invest in them. i Mr William Hall, who graduated in June from the Corvallia collega, ha been employed to teach school at Brownsville the eoMuing year. The grand jury during its investigations thia week ran serosa tirst-olaes abortion case. At present though the testimony i said to be incomplete, A new bridge ia being ami It aero the I'rahtrea nnar Cyras Sc Dekina saw mill, so says a gentleman jiif. from that tar of tSe county. Ill tramp who threatened to kill eovtral people in the Thinl ward several month ago 11 nia uinner was not given turn was let out of the Jail yesterday. He wa the bppit msn in tna city tor aw till. The Eugene Register, just received, In speaking of the death of Grant Osborne MVS:. "Die theory of suicide la nnt It llcved by his friends but rather that he was the victim of foul play." If our Eugene it tend- have any definateclue to foul olav they will confer a favor by conferring with . , . . . . . - UK i .inn county ottii lain. aATVftnAY'ft DAILY. Prof Horner, of ibieebarg, is to the city, a . fjajj mm 1 rffa K" i. The Young block will he corrnleted ready ior oaajntaawf aa anout two weeks K N Smith, rocentiy from th East, haen appoints 1 O V agent at thia eity. has 1 fie tmi-a collected St the cuttom heun at Portland from the let to the 20th a this month amounted to over flbo.faJO. The meo pnttmg down the sidewalk ia front of the Plinn block understand their boainrs , aod th ir name ia not Carson County School Sapatiatendent-Eiect Coil has returned from Hutiedge, to Eastern Ore- g n, wnere nc no ut u visiting but parent Mr Itohert Hillock died last Taeadsy rn of th neuralgia of the heart, at Craw fur. Lv die. She had been ick hut two day She was brn in lalU, aud flra a coc- latent member of ibe M E church for man years. UK. VI. EXT Ala HA LRU. A recorded In the County Clerk's office of Linn county, Oregon : A R Cyrus toZidana A Hani v. is of acre $ 8xo Da Id Hilvcu to K A Bum, iai.74 acres, tp 1 1 J w 2800 W R Graham to Margaret Graham, twenty acre adjoining Albany 5 Elixahcth M Nickeraon to Peter Bither, ioa- tp 13, 3 W 37 S" Ua to Joseph 1 bompson, 3 jo acres 1 " patent G W Croisantby D S Smith. Sheriff to Wm Cosper.'taoacrestnai E teoi.ti K Kochterto R B Vunk, 2 lota, blk too M - s A, Albany 335 KYK, KAK AM) !Kr OUMITI RK. Ir. T. J. Eaton. Formerly of the Sarxiral In firmer)- of ludiaaapolia, will visit Albaay, Friday to Wednesday noon, Jaly IStk to lttta. Rooms at Revere iloaee. At Corvallia. TRamlay, Friday and Satnrday, at Hotel, Jaly 10th to 21st. Ir. Eaton baa for the past twenty-five years made avapaclalty of the aye, oar and deforuiili, and baa straightened mora than one thousand croa eye. All In flamed and sore aye can be cured unl as disorganization baa taken place. Artificial eye inserted and the moat efficient brace for the cum of crooked llmbi, club feet, aplnal diseases, ate., furnished. CBOaS-KYK CCEED. Tbo following reference 10 Dr. Eaton ia taken from tho Merced 'Argus" of the 12' h Inst : "tin Saturday last we witness, I An op eration upon a crura aye by Dr, Kuoq at hi room iu the El Capitan Hotel. The subject wa a twelve-year old daughter of Mr Hnnaaker, a resident of thia town, who haa beeu from bar birth afll'otad with croua-eyes. It was done without pain to tho little girl, who during the op eration on the eye, smilingly answered several questione asked her by the Doctor and outeelvea. Minnie tiunsaker, the subject in thia case, after tbe operation, appeared a bright, pretty littlo giai and mmled gratefully while thanking the Doctor for treating her ao tenderly aud subjecting her to so little pat u." Tho following account of a remarkable surgical operation performed by Dr. Katou Is taken from the El Paso "Times" of the 10th ultimo : "In company with Captain S. 1). Slocum we called to see Mis Jennie Slocum, the youngest daughter of the Captain, who ha been in hi Paso under the treatment of Dr. Eaton. We remember to have seen this young lady a few months ago at the ranch, with her foot twisted until it was at right angles with the other loot. Today the left foot 1 as straight and natural as the right. We congratulate the young lady and rejoin with her father in this successful performance of Dr. Eaton, vv were akeptioal until we witnessed the re suit. Vv n are now satisfied of the prom isea of tbe Doctor. In these instances they were verified." A remarkabio eae was brought to our notice yesterday, being that of a 15-year old daughter or Mr, K, f. Ullpm, a sub stantial farmer, formerly of Columbia, Missouri, now living near Coiliaburg. in till county, who had been totally blind from scrofula in tbe eye for fifteen months. She waa treated by Dr. Eaton, who is now in this city, artor one personal exam in a tion, by mail with the gratifying result of restoring sight completely, rne uoctor and his young patient are both receiving congratulations. Gainesville "Hesperi an." letter List. Follow lug-1 the list of letter remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn coanty, Oregon, June 29, 1888 Persona calling for these letter must give the date on which they were advertised : Alber, Freed, Barck, Miss, Minnie. Barnes, Mra. Cynthia A. Golden, Jasper D. (3) Hart, Misa LUlie, Ketoham, Mr, J. O Mtwea, Mrs. Allle, No' son, J. M, Smith. Mias May. Tharp, W. J. Wilson. Wm. R. THOMPSON, P M. vjjovwo raoqi eaS eqs 'oajpuqo pwq eqs noqAV 'ajjcneeo tfunjo eus 'ssjji eumoeq oqs uaqV ujjovreo joj pojao oqs 'puiO a treaa eqs noqAV inao?8Q aau, ea3 qm. 'jjora saav qa ueqAN. IfwaiiidM fpr infant "Caetorla la so well adaoOvl toaRfttM that 1 f taoornmend ltttp1ortoaayprsag1ptaoa I aaowntom," n a aThh. m. t I mm ah . . Itt Oxford 81,, Brooklyn, If, T, THi smut m We9A.' Sew IP Stewart & Sox, FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works Aod Manufacturer of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, Wa are now prepared to aall at whole aaie, always fresh and pore at Portland price to dealer, Wa aleo keep a full line of Huts and Tropical Fruits, OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la corne r -. We keep the very fines, stock of fHuoki.iRnd ebewiog .obnooo, meerschaum and brier pipe thai a deligot to amckera. Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Cnnier Broadalbin and First St&V DEALER IN t 'am nl rrsutss, Glavaawattre, Drteel Pratt, Tobarro, f i ufle. Ete (sunfii .taenia, QueenawAire, Vegetables, Clgasra, Males-, Taa, Ete In feot avM-ything tba". is kept la a gen ral variety and grocery store. Higbeat market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. City Market, M.HYDE Proprietor. Fresh meats constantly on hand. Near corner of First and frVrrv Streets. JDS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop Is now 'located, until be gets into tbj aw Foshsy A Maaon building, just north iiNn. -i Kivtne House, where old and i vlte t to call on him Administrator's Sale. Notice is hertby uiven that the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of Samuel T. Harris, deceased, will pursuant to an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record ou luu Gtb. 18H8, at the Court Houae door in Albany ia aid county, on Taesday, Re tettta day ut Jaly, ISStt, at tbe hoar of oue o'clock in the afternoon of aaid day, sell all the right title and interest of the aaid Samuel T. Harm, at tho time of hia death, in and to the foilowing described real property, to wit : uegtnuing ot the northwest corner of Section 12 in Tp. 10 S It 1 west of tbe Willamette meridian : thence eat61l rod ; thence south 20S rod to the south h..nk of Thomas Creek ; thence west along the eonth bank of Thomas Critic, fol lowing the meandering thereof 61$ xda to the liou of said Section V2 ; thence north along aaid section Hue, 208 rods to the place of beginning, containing SO acres in Linn county, Oregon, to the highest bidder. Term of sale, cash in hand on day of asle. Dated Jun 14th, 1S?8. J. H. Pekri ', HKWirr & Bryant, Administrator. Att'ya for Adm'r. Administrator's Sale. Notiee i hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of Ceo A Hall, decaaed, will in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Linn couuty, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on tbe 5th day of June, 1888, at the Court Houao door in Albany tn aaid county on Taesday, Jaly i 4IR, lass, at the hoar of one o'clock in the afte rn on of said day, sell all the right title and intercs at . a a, a- a WW it .1 ii . i 1 ot the saia ueo a nan at me nnw or ni death in and to the foilowing described rea property, to-wit . The north half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 24 in Tp. 0 S R 1 W of the Willamette meridian in Liun countv. Oregon, containing 1(50 acres. Also a contract with the Oregon A California Kai Road Company, numbered 1642 for the sale of the northeast quarter of the southeast Quarter of Section 13 in Tn. 10 S R 1 w of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres. Also a con tract with the Oregon & California Rail Road Company, numbered 1256 for the aale of the east half of tbe southwest quarter of Section 13inTp. 10 S R 1 w of the Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Oregon con taining 80 acres, to the highest bidder. Term of sale cash in hand. Dated June 14th, 1S88. Jkff Meyer j, Administri tor. fpv, mmWmWBB&GrM " m I WmmmmmELSsOr ... and Children. f!uiM. r..i! x,-.... fcS Stomach, btarrhrea, Eroctatim. ffla Worm, give sleep, and prwaotea di- CtMft. 1 r Vi I Without injurious medication. Taa Csktav Coaraar, 77 Murray Street, K. Y 0 mm a feS 2SST Y'ce List ON UD. XjL .izAX Agents, Albany, Or. A LBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinda ui rough, dressed und seas. i amber, laths go . pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. , ROBINSON A WEST. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd FeHow'ajTemple, ALBANY, - - - ORECQM. All business will receive prompt attention J. J. WHITNEY, attorney Anil Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of tbe Court o .n Is State. All business IntrnataM) tn i,im iill be promptly attended to. NORTHERN GROWN PUNT? AND SEEDS Are ackaowledced the bt, being: hsrdler, mora productive and yield better crop. TOWS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Osawlalac oaly Urn hmt nrfttm, imtlwa bm a mSt- - Xs. MAY As C30 ss. ail. BT. Hut. M'kM. . 0. FOWLX. W. R. RILTRU lOWKIaL, & BIIiYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ia Chancery, 4 LBANY . ... ORtGON. Collections promptly made on all point, troans negotiated on reasonable terms. aar Office in Foster's Brick.fRfR Tl4nl9tf. L. H. MONT ANTE. A T AND Notary Public. Albany. Ore-eon OfBco?wpatalra, Caawford Block. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. A-SXM, O t 1 3 3 M HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boys ! I Conducted by secular priest and lay teachers. First term opf ns first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opons first Monday in February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Becker, Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in flrst-olass Style. Table supplied with the beat in the market. Nice sleeping apartments, Sam p'tt rooms tor commercial travelers, - MTrree Coach to and from tbe Hotel, Executor's Notice, Notice ia hereoy.given that the undersign, ed haa been this day appointed by the Com ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, sole execs, tor of the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of Levi Fanning, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased. All persona hav ing claims against the estate of aaid deceased are hereby notified to parent the same, prop erly verified, to me at my place of businesa in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. y Dated this 14th day of June, A. D., 1888. Samuel E. Young. Executor of the laat will and teawrnent and codicil of Levi Fanning, deceased. VVoLVERTON & Irvine, Att'ys for Executor. CR0SSEN & ALLEN. Albanj Track and Dray .Co),- Jn. L Qnli handled with care and dispatch M WAGON