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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1888)
FRIDAY JULY 6, 1888. STITB3 & Klllir. an. I NUTTING. Proprietors. rttKUP. M rrtx., Lmi K.iiur. KnUrtlftt 11. Pt t:at Albany, Or . as seooiid-olass mail matter. LOCAL RECORD. Iiik School Traciikkm' The Demo crat has received from State Superinten dont McElroy instructions in reference to the National School Teachers' Association. As several from Linn county will attend we give rate and particular : The O. ft C. ha established the following rates to San Francisco. From Portland, $33.35 ; from Albany, $33.15. These round-trip tickets the $J fee for membership in the Association. All person holding such are entitled, free of any other charge, to have mailed to them the bound volume of the proceedings of the meeting of ; also will be entitled to all of the tree ex cursion in California, etc. ; but care must be taken while in San Francisco, to obtain a certificate of membership from the Sec retary. The Oregon Pacific Railroad com pany will sell round-trip excursion tickets from Albany or Corvallis to San Francisco and return for $14, und will Include meaU and berths on the steamers. These tickets will be placed on sale on or about July 7th, nu win mane mem goou 10 return on or before September 30th. The steamer will sail from YaqOina City on or about July 13th. The Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Co. names a rate of $.15 from Port land and return, by steamer. Thl rate will include meals and berthson the steam ers, and the $j membership fee. These excursion tickets wiii be placed on sale from July 7th to July 15th, inclusive and will be good lor return passage until Sept. 30th. Advert isitj.The benefits of adver tising were plainly noticeable yesterday, ays an Astoria paper, when at one grocery store which pays the printer liberally each month, a full corps of clerks were Busy all day, while at another the proprietor sat mournfully in the door reading a paper, while his clerk paced the floor when the rain was falling and playad ball when the sun shone. Still some people begrudge the paper a few dollars per month for blowing their business. Strick It. II. C. Clement 'eft on the Tnesday train for his home at Tacoma, Mrs Clement remaining with her parents at Shcdd. uClem" has had good fortune staring him in the face lately. One of his first enterprises at Tacoma was the pur chat4ng of a forty acre tract, on some one else s money, for $30 an acre, which he eventually sold for $1000 an acre. We understand he has property left, after hav ing sold nearly $200,000 worth, that if kept a few years will probabtv make a millionaire of him. No one deserves it more than Mr. Clement and Albany peo ple will rejoice in his success. Pioneers. The meeting ot pioneers at Crawfordsville !ast week was an interest ing one, though not a very large crowd was present. Caleb Gray, of Halsey delivered he opening address. Music was furnished by the Crawfordsville and Halsey Bands An address was delivered by Harvey Bond of Halsey, and several short speeches by others. The next annual meeting will be held at Brownsville on June. 1889, begin ning on the third Wednesdav. The fol lowing officers were elected : Caleb Grav, of Halsey, President ; Dr G W'Grav, of Albany, Vice President ; Jos Templeton,of Brownsville, Secretary ; VV R Kirk, of Brownsville, Treasurer ; Mr Mover, aud Mr Colbert, of Brownsville and R Glass, of A t 1 ...mi t m viaf luiusYiiic, xrusiccs. No Use Here The American Meteorol ogical Jnornal On, of Ann Arbor, Mich, pro pose to offer prizes, incuotiu to $300 for toe best essays on tornadoes, and sent a sort of propectus requesting as to pnb!iib it for tbu bum-lit of bumtoity. We are always ac commodating Ixit there is no ase of doing auythiug in this matUr. W don't koow anything about toruadofts here, and ate oot ambitious in that liae. Those who fled from Iowa and Nebraska to oar peaefal climate are so anxious to forget the subject that tbey wuuiu no oe wiwiug coonng me suoject up ior even the first prize. How it was Left The will of Mr John Morgan, recorded with the County Clerk a few days ago, provides as follows Mrs Morgan, now Mrs VanAIstinc, gets the residence property just east of the Russ House and the rental of the Morgan Block occupied by Hale Backensto until Nov. 29, 1889, provided she pay to each Maud and Madge Morgan, $500 apiece and presents each of them with a piano. He eives one dollar to his daughter, Emily A Wood and the block mentioned to his son Walter J Morgan. The will was inade on March 10th, 1888. a Ht'w. To boom a city Is to, talk about It Writs- ttbbutjt,- Beautify; the-st reels. Be friendly to everybody. Elect good men to of ficcs.Kecpyour sidewalks in good repair. Sri all you caa and buy alt you can at home If you are rich invest in something ; em ploy somebody. Be courteous to stranger that come among you, so theywill go away with good Impression. Always cheer on the men who go in for Improvement our portion of the cost will he nothing but that which is right. Don't kick at any proposed improvement because It Is not at vour own door, or fear that your taxes will be raised 50 cent. If you wish to hurt it, oppose improvements. Mistrust its nubll men. Run it down to stranger. Go away from your own neighborhood to trade. Re fuse to advertise In home paper or subscribe for it ; borrow your neighbors. )o not invest a cent; lay vour money out some where else He particular to discredit the motive of public spirited men. Lengthen vour race when a stranger speak of locat ing among von. If "a man want to buy nroaertv. ask h in two nriees fur It. Refuse to sec the merit in anv scheme that docs not directly benefit you. Sfeoorora Accident. About 2 o'clock last Tuesday, on the McConnell place near this city, Charlie Dougherty and Fred Davis, a young man, who lives across the rlycr, who was working for him, were load ing a gun with some shells, when a very serious accident happened. The former after the gun was loaded went to place it on a box, and at the same time young 1 ,i is passed in fiotit of the gvm. The hammer accidental! v struck the edge of the box and the gun, a musket, was dis charged, the full loud of shot entering one of the calves of Davis, causing a danger ous wound. Dougherty jumped on a horse and rode to this cltv, returning with Dr. Maston. who dressed the wound. Dr. Maston, who ha just returned, states that Davis's leg will have to be amputated n the morning. It Was a Temperance Lesson. The Eugene Jtmrmal thus talk In reference to Grant Osborne, who died from an over dose of morphine in this city recently, in a manner that must make our voting men top and think: "We have known Grant Osborne since he was a little boy. When a little hoy he used to spend much of his time at our house, and was one of the moat ndustrious, trustworthy and bilging little bovs we ever knew. Grant's misfortune and death were caused by getting into bad company and acquiring a taste for strong drink before he arrived at maturity. But for these bad associates he would have been 1 blessing to society and an honor to his family He was naturally an excellent boy, smart, honest and industrious." A v v ect t n The following from the Salem I ' about a Marion county mill Is very poetical and touching. Those of our readers who peruse it without an a- f ul feeling of goneness will pleae report to headquarters : "And so the old mill at Willsburg has shut down after more than a quarter ot a century of service. It was the oldest saw mill anywhere In Oregon There is something very pathetic about the milt. At first it wa set up in the midst of a virgin forest and now it stand surround ed by the stumpsthe remnants of those maicstic giants that towered heavenward nodding their evergreen plume to the floating clouds. But the mighty giants are gone forever ; gone is the old mill with it busy hum ; gone is the manly axeman and his tot; cart and sturdy oxen : but the triad- some stream that whirled to the wheel of the defunct saw mill still remains to turn the spindles of factories. Its fountains arc perpetual and many generations will listen to it ceaseless murmuting. Back from the Mive. Mcsirs. W. F. Read, A. B. Woodin, Robert Brown and Mr. Khoadcs, are home from the mines, their faces illuminated by a look that speaks vo.umes. They brought home with them a large quantity of ore, whico they will ship to be assayed. The specimens are re mmmmmmmm 11 mmmmmmmmmmmmgm The 4TI1. There was nearly a hlgcra of Albany on the occasion of the annual screech of the eagle. The train from this city tpok people to Portland . Yaqulna Bay and CorvallU, and already a large number were In Seattle. The biggest crowd went to Corvallis drawn by the O N. G. program. That city was packed full of people, from alt quarters of the Val Icy and Benton county, among the number present being a Democrat man with 1 dull pencil. Probably six . seven thou sand people were there. At about ten o'clock a parudo was given headed by a liberty car, full of little girls representing the states, which was followed by the six military compaule present, the Eugene and Corvallis band, etc? At the Court House the procession stopped. A tnrm read an article beginning "we the people of the United States" and Judge McFadden de llvcredthe oration. The corner stone of the new Court House, which promise to lie the best in the State was laid, Judge Kclsay delivering astartllngly brilliant addres on 1 1 ie occasion of the ceremony. At a o'oclock the drill and sham battle by companies from Corvallis, Salem, Eugene, Madeay, Whiteakerand Albany began. The ground was peculiarly adapted to the purpose, be ing the open place near Mary's bridge. The sham battle wa well planned and was carried out in a manner to excite the Im mense concourse of people that lined the commons and crowded forwarded to wit ness the spectacle. Near the bank of the river on the rise of ground were breast works and a cannon. It was held by three companies. In the middle of the tiekl is a gulch. The attacking force was on the north, wnlle along the gulch on the south was a line of picket. The rattle of the musketry, the attacking and retreating made a live exhibition. Finally a squad of men surprised the enemy In the rear, a combined attack was made from the front by the way of a plank across the arm of the gulch, aud the enemy was their amid much enthusiasm. We were particularly proud 9l the Albany company during the entire celebration, and all of trie militia con ducted themselves in a creditable manner. A hose race on the main street followed, Albany and Hidcm making picked up team n order to have a contest. The time ali around was slow. It even took the Cor vallis team in tights ; seconds to run le than a hundred yard,unreel 1 50 feet of hose and get water. AHunv m.i.'4 second, and Salem aajf. In the evening a dance was had at the city hail. A 1 1 o clock the train left for home, several being obliged to -ciiiaiii ior Mil in 01 sianuiug room. nunc who went to I'ortlaud report an immense time, and the Bay people at leat plenty sea brecxe. The weather was uncommon ly fine for the 4th of July. A gentleman who attended the celebra tion at Sciosay a big time was had, an Im mense sight of life being displayed. Aiirm ! The Salem Stmrsimam gives an extended account of the firemen's excur sion to Albany, and closes with It usual donkey's btey at our city : "The people of Albany treated their visitors very hospita bly, and everybody returned with the best of feelings toward them. Their city con tains some fine business houe, but their streets Indicate a terrible unwillingness to wnik road taxes. They are abominable and so are the idewalk. The street are narrow, and even then three-fourth of their width i grown to dg weed two feet hiijh I here arc but two that show anv signs of travel, and those are In very poor Condition. The excursionists were all glsd that they lived in a city of Salem's beauty, and were glad to get back to it." Right here allow us to remark that we are glad that you live there too. Aboi-t the Mines. The following from the Oregomiam, In connection with what the Democrat said Monday about the Santiarn mine. I to the point, and be hoove our citixen to watch for develop ment : Mr. McLeran, Jr.. accompanied by a competent expert, has just returned from (he Santiarn district, after giving the mine of the Galena Mining and Muling r 1 1 , . w 1 r TELEGRAPPHIC NEWS Kltlnnplng Men. New York, June 30. Advice from Havana nay that the epidemic of kidnap ping has broken out agaln.and the military has been called once more in force. Sev eral wealthy planters hrve been kidnapped, and arc being held for ransom. Seven bandit assaulted Felix Berengauer, a rich planter residing near N!rnn,and demanded lltty gold ounce,thrcatcnlug murder ittnv money was not paid. (liaise to tituntp Maine. Washington, June 30. Representative Boutcllc, of Maine, returned from Chicago to-day and says that Blaine will stump Maine this fall for the party. New York, June 30. Sieve Brodle ar rived at ) o'clock this morning, making I would have put to blush lbs crimson rose, and MIIOK iieki,. June 20, 1888. To day flods Ut at th foot of Peterson's Butts wandering through the fine shady groves that surround the peaceful and quiet little village of Shoe Ileol. In one of oar rambles wo osught a glyatpsn of two of Al bany's fairest daughters. I say fairest, for it would be hard to find even in that oity, noted as it is for its gorgeously beautiful women, two fsirer, brighter or more radiant ly beautiful young ladies than the ones ws ssw Hitting with fawn like graos through the giovss of fir and oak tramping uudor their l si ry tittle fset the daisy and the daffodil. There with posed beads crowned with wreathes of nut-brown hair in which the uolden sunshine played and danced, outline ing foreheads smooth as satin and white as I ynau marble. One had the soft gray eye of tbo wild gsastte, ths other's were s bluish purple reminding ons of the dsw kissed pau sios. Tbsii cheeks wsts tinted liks ths in side of some dslioaU sea-shell. Their lips the trip from Albany In six days and one hour, being nine hours and thlrity minute better than the record of Captain Paul Boynton. About jtso people assembled on the Battery to greet the swimmer on his arrival. I'uhlir Debt Htatemrnt. Wasmivotom, July a. Following U recapitulation of the debt statement : Interest bearing debt $1,06,770,317 Debt on which Interest censed at maturity J64,36j Debt bearing no Interest 688,350,11 2 Total debt.prlnclplc and inter est $i.77.7M.7'Ji Lena available cash Items. . . $1,368,805,1 J 1 Net cash in treasury 103,330,464 Debt less cash In treasury July 1 I.6c,c84,6c8 Debt less cash In treasury June t 1, 180,014, t o Decrease during the month. 14430.501 Since June 30. 1 887 n iSu ,i8o Cash In treasury available for reduction of debt 34MMt69 1 Reserve fund 100,000100 I na mailable BM . . a a total cash in treasury n shown by general account 639,854187 Heavy Odd on ClevHaad. WAaiiisoTo.N.July 3. The statement is made, on the authority of Mr. Dalton, post master of the house of representatives, that more than $100,000 I now available at the federal capitol to he wagered upon the elcc tion of Cleveland and Thur man. Congress man Tim Campbell of New York Uauthor as beautifully ouived as if they were th hand woi k of some great sculptor. They did oot take very kindly to us, it might have been my daokiog vest or my "Boas of the Road' overall., sod then it might have been my gray hair or my still grayer whiskers, it might have been my beautiful turn up nose they did not like, bat it is tbo best noss 1 ever hail and if it does turu-uu it don't mean any harm by it, wo oan't all be bsudsotne, oaie of n hate to run for office, eat oold po tatoes and drink out of ths oresk. M Charlie V Smith closed bis school st thi Deuny school bouse on Friday laat. It was liberties first school but he went through giving per feet satisfaction and wincing gold en reward of praii irom all the patrons of the school. Alex Davenport, wliil out hunlina urouse on Tuesday, shot a rattlesnake in a eauyon 00 the north ride of Peterson's liutte. The rattler was four feet long and had dight rat tits. a Mr Raymond Kurkbart lied upward of a hundred bushels of cherries thiseeasoo. Mr S It Clay pool and daughter have re turned from oast of the mountains. Slise Adelin Hurkhart ta visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs IIM Burkhrt. MiseAdelic widstartfor California on the 6Ui of July to 26,163,776 1 visit friends and relatives in the Golden state. Her many frtend here wish her a pieaaant journey and a safe return. W kcow s young Isdy in C'brystle Vat ley that can make a very good pie from the dew off of cur rants, Mmicr Di st. Weather. Summary of Meteorology for June, 1888, from observations taken at Alhauy.Unn Co. lacd by apolitical club In New York cltv to 0r". Juhtt riggs,voi. observer for the a S f esa a as a . . a I Ml t A t t dM A net on t. icveianti election, at oxJl I sigosi service, w rs. Army. of iou, to '. A number of democratic congressmen in tiie house have also signi fied their desire to make Individual wager of from $5000 to .!(, each, at ubtan tially for foregoing odds. Hold Your Breath. Washington-, July 3. Last week Sen ator and Mrs. Dolph gave a dinner of four teen covers in honor of delegate Barin of Oregon. Other miet present were Senator Mitchell, K-prccntat Hermann. 1.1 Mrs. (). it. I reenc. Mr .and Mr. Nixon, Mr. and Mr. Cillf rey and George! o. iicazieton. the occasion proved tin en joyable one.a the hospitalities of the Sen ator and hi attractive wife ever do4knator Dolph think of taking hU family to Ken tucky for the summer monihs.leavrng here In a week or o. Mrs. Dolph cxpect,how ever, to go to Oregon In the esrlv fall rnonth,and the family will not be tlalty to I ret am here next sea mn for the short ses sion. CasapaigR Not- Washington, July 3, The campaign committee of the nations! democratic com mittee will this week ei-?ct speaker for the campaign. The battle ground In New York, California, Oregon, New Jersey and Indiana will be thoroughly covered by able and entertaining orators. Among them In the Eastern states, will be the '.Old Ro man" hfmself. and it i stated that he will g o to the Pacific coast. Highest Urometer on the 30th, 30 06. lxi west barometer on the 14th, '20. '20. Mean barometer for the month. 20.00. Highest daily average of tsvr. 30.02. I X) west dally average of bar. 20 3J. Highest temperature on the 22od. K3. 1 ,0 west temperature on ths 14th, 51, Mean for the mouth 00 98 Higkest dally range of titer, 00 the 224,33, Lowest daily raogeof titer. 00 the 3rd, 4. Mean tempe.rstQr at 7 a, an. daily &S.73. Meaafteniperatute at 2 p. m. daily 68 0. Mao tern pei atu re at 9 p. m. daily 58 P. Prevailing directions of winds, S. Maximum velocity force, 4. Total rainfall or melted snow, 5 31 incbe. I pth of anow at tud 01 mouth. 0. Number of days on which .01 inch it more I nia, are vUitiag with Mr Conrad Meyer HOME A Nil AIIKOAO. -syt MOW PAY. Mr T J Munkers, of Hoio, is in the oity. 17 sots is being paid for wool in this eity. "Jim WestfaU" says if Harrison i elected he will get the Albany post-oftiae. Kvery thing bought sod sold at M Frank lin k Cos second hand stor, Albany, Or. Miss Gertie Mansfield, of J'oitlaml. is visit ing with the Misses Webber in this city. Rest binding twins in the market at Knapp, !turreli& Co. Buggies, buggtcr, bagums of all styles and I prioss at Knapp, Botrcll & Co. Mrs W B flic left Albaoy on Saturday for Ashland, which she will make her future horns. i'rof J U I, -teller, a former Virginia school mate of Hon (Jen K Chamberlain, is in the oity. Mr and Mrs W K Turrell and daughter loft this morning for Tacoma, on a visit to Mr OeoKTu. rell. Judge W W Thayer is now chief justtow ot the supreme court of Oretfon, while Judge Lord takes hi pi see at the foot. Kov TJ Wilson and wife left Albany this morning lor the Warm Hpring' agency, where ev NY ilson will preach to ths heathen Indian. The flrnyif Hoffman Si Monteith has boss dissolved, Mr lloffmsn tK'-s the reatsaraot, which he will run, and Mr Monteith the saloon. A cement walk is to be built t round the new block of S K Young Tnu men who hays been putting down the Flion walk will do the work . Hon U I Coshaw, of Brownsville, is io ths oity. tie reports the mill tsking a vaea tien for a few days, and quite a number leaving for tho Catipooia mine. No injurious fleets can follow the use tY Ayer's Ague Core. It contains an unfailiot antidote and spsciite for miasmatic poisons, together with remedial agents which purify and rc-ihvigotate the system. Thi. morning W K Uillet, Ki-'Jhisf Kn gineer H ffiono. and Mr and Mrs Frit. Huff mann, hu for M attle to attend the tenma ment. Mr Watt MonUith left on Ktordsv for the same plsce. Mr Judkios, the u-uts! farmer, of the Ya quina bay country, was in Aibsny Katnrday on his way to Southern Oregon. It grieyi-s the DKVM-lttr to amm year sfter jeer pass without Mr J being transformed into a mar tied man. iukxpay. New shs at Head's. Meaou fruit jars st Kenton's. S11 shsves or a dollar at L. Viereck's Ke ribbon ail shades and styles at Head 'a Mr. Jae. Newman) of Waterloo, is in the ctty. Hon JpUtt Burnett, of Corvslli, is in ths city. Col Copeiand lectures in Astoria to-mot- row night, Fine stock of'lly nets just received at J J Oubi utile's. If I. Kndd, of Peoria, returned home from Portland to-day. A clean towel for every customer at 1. Viet wok 's l.arbcr shop. Miss K let tea StiU-s went 1 1 Harriaburg this nooa 00 a visit toseo old friend. Mr Thos Kay, the Brownsville Woolen Mill mn, wa tn the city this forenoon. MrUearhsrtaud two daughters, of Calilor CTJRRAN'S 09 CO CO I CP a a CD I HI Q Q a I 2! sv 9 e CD c CD CD PATENT FRUIT DRYER. Tbo Curran Fruit Dryer baa been in use throughout the Willamette Valley for. tbo pat six years and Is oenc led by all to be superior to any dryer ever placed Itwjfco market. Ws am prepared to flit orders for tbii dryer, and will take io payment Trnvxt fruit st highest market pr.'e. Partita deairing to engage in the profitable industry of fruit drying will do well 10 sond for doscripeve circular and testimonials, which contains all newary information pertatn'.ng to rult drying. We have a few second band dryers which wa offer ry cheap i Address U, B. MONTElTH A CO., Albany, Oregon. rain fell, 15. Number of days of cloudiness average 8 scale nl U, V Of 90 observations 12 were clesr.37 cloudy, It tsir. 1 foggy. Pi rB40 5 hty, 1'i overcast. r rust on the mormogs of 0. Temperature, 0 50 00 sveisge of 10 year. iiaiulaliT.i.oj 00 average of 10 years. Head sad lie WW. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Haiid-sowd harness neat to Dkmocu.w of- hoe. H Kwert, practical watchmaker and iew i - w Thompson a; Overman keeps ths best bar- ne gic. Cab boss a looe wsya at Brownell & 1 . markablv fine. Anexpertfrom San Fran cisco was in the re?ion at the same tftaaa.1 QW Mi, 9 which Mr. McLeran i presi- - - - 'it a. a S a s a mmm and nrnnosnm the the Iw mln. 3C.m' " examination. I M expert, 1 it is unilf rhlrtul Ik nlnn ihri nl lir- v i r- . A Runaway. -Coming Into the city lencc of the silver mine he found on the atanard . t.Ml Vi.tlr mil i f U.Awn. 1 1 Jtr M .1 ... . ...... I ' mmfmmm Hem uic country last jucday, Mr. ij. o I SUnard s. Halght picked up a runaway team near the I 'oo will set sood treatment at Brownell Southern Oregon, where be has been rnsticat- .. . I . . I : .1 Ait l 1 ...1... i.i.- . ccmcicrv. All atom? mis nlde he run .-uiura 1. ik ccri munmi, uovu ne iw kb FA Burkhsrt ii Co. have quite a buinUr .f men wanting emnleymcnt. Fanp-is wsnt. ing neip noii in csji ou inem sud be suppnea Mr Wm Schooling and wife, of Ellens- burgh, W T. passed throagh Albany this noon for llsrruburg, on a visit to bis par ents Ths firm of Stewart A: s .,x airtatly this suntmrr has sold aboat ten thresbtnir outfits. Kussell at Co's threshers aud eogn.i . and O.borne binders have been lsavina their place in large numbers, ow thst ths campsian has opvue.1 every one should tke some of the loailme papers .Subscriptions for ali the leading tieajparxr and magazsuei received by F. U. Kentoo Judcn Strahan and son. Clsod. arrived in the city this neoo, sod will spend'the 4th in ('orvaiiis. The supreme eoart adiournsd nutd the '24th, prsctically for the summer, Mr Stewart, whs closed out Mr eo Stroiig s business io this city several months ago, returned to Albany this morning from ing region on the Pacific Coast. Ashe has . . . . .... . a rlnnj. Ihi. I mr I A Ipiim rr:TT v T hnmitirnlv lo . f . . .. . .... .... .1 . . . a . rr ' e-y . . . . . avy .-antiam. V mil report win be puoiished ac ross u neeis and broken piece of a ne knows wnat nc u talking anout. lie bis week, which dumln he. rem! a. iho h- wacon. and iinallv diln.wi-n U,l unnn I ao to J J Duhiailia :.l u ...... t. ... I !... - !;,.!.. ..,...,. 1 . ... . . . ' : . I . T . . i r f 1" -..iu mk .iiurai.nvu umi v. nun lert wl he tnthnu I nl On-.Hm n n I Wit It a 11.1 1 in II Whon mil ,,.,. li.v tt i i. . . ;..ia t tion had hsssa nuid a region with such a 1 " " "7 ul ZZT K71 VEIVL. . r"" ?ii " "L,Kr.. ... mi -Ti r,.,,i. w- r. , rvu .T?mrmmm woa icr w ,wt ? -,ir ront n miiMBi d.i,ns at mm , v ........... , ..... .... ................ ' - - T H- r I- ir k 1 I- nlhi I n nn ncr mu ttpfi- iflimo II, r pmti u. Iifii I A v . they fiecame frightened and ranawav, the -"iuhiiii. i i ii ..- i. vfo laas l. I , u" ui.iiunn iiiviii iiriiiic receiving anv than a lew UruUf.. I t at 1 If ym, want the brat harnes. in the mark. EZS2Z2Z323LT ' Uliis9 I a vsmjbsssW as vssw v shivj suit in believe with htm that within a few vears the great mining excitement of the Pacific Coast will center in Linn county along the Tuesday two sons of John Minnsee, living on injury, more Cascade range, and there rill be men here tbs north side of the Son tb Santiarn river, who will kick themselves because they did c . . Si.aarv S, Ar. ,.,.ihir opposiU Sweet Home, were oot bunting her- . , c not do something. CoNFiRMKP. The 6alc of the St. Charlen ries hsying s 44 calibre gun with them. Tbs younger loyt U years old, was some distance t T. ! - i a a M t a a Si Salkm. The amount of life there Is in Salem was well lllustrated.Moir day. It was the regular day for fire- Hnnah Corman, once a alave, motuer of the well known Hi Uormsn, died in Stlcm, from heart disease, at the age of S2. Mrs Six shaves for a dollar and a uU an towel to Hen Johnson, of this city, attended the fun- very custooitr, at l nos. Joiic. eral yesterday, and to-day wa accompanied 7 0-ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia 0d homo by eeveral of the relatives of the d is- . . . I - u. S. a, fc. . mm m a - rfW U A B 1 mm toothache, roshay & Maaon, Agents. II tors honed, set and put in order at Jones' Shaving and H-ir Dressing Parlor. F M French, agent Siuger Manufacturing ; eased, who conveyed the body to CorvallU. where it was buried this afternoon EVERYBODY WONDERS bow wn do it ; yt-t if tho world only knew of the energy, grit and enterpttee we badbp?ayd in collecting suob aisgDificiDt dirntay of itapSe and fancv gro- ct tea it would not be surprised. We hav-tho largest, finest and roost com plete stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS . ver btOMjiht into Hi city, and we are going to sell at prices below anything ever befors offered io ibis place. Yoo mey think this arssb assertion ; bat if 0u will call and examine tbe quality of our goods and Get Our Prices on will bf convinced that we have not over-estimated ourselves. Remember we are buying our goods largely ditect from firtt band?, thereby saving all piofits of tbe middle men, und our command of ready cash bas enabled ua to buy onr goods remsiksbly cheap, getting the benefit cf sll discounts snd re bates, placing ua in a poaitun where we can dictate to them and net they to ot, hereby slways getting the BEST AND FRESHEST snd never stlowing oar goods to grcs- o:n si d stale waiting for big profits. These are the masons why we d sire vour petroasge and why we en -joy such a healthy trade. We have a"VJ reorntiy to our stock a full and oro plete line ot Crockery and Glass Ware, Theae (ooda we bought direct from Easrern frctori, thus securing the latest designs at pi ices wuy down. These good have to be se n to he appreciated C. J. DILLON, property by Mr. Craford,administrator of I from nis brother and in attempting to pull I dten'a election, but there wa actually no I Co.,oppostte Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or the Houck k. Meyer Mr. Race for the heavy gut. upon a log oa which hs ii I a. a .a.a... st a . nl $3,(ioo, was last Monday dulv confirmed by tbe County Court, Judge dlackburn in the chair. Awo the sale of the other prop erty belonging to the same estate. Mr. Race will immediately begin the complete overhauling of the hotel building. ami when painted and nicely furnished will make a good hotel property. He intends to make a tirst-class hotel, run busses to the train, etcand will have it running at as earljt a a probably the most model farm house ner, and stepping up to him, knocked him date as possible. s in Linn county is that of Mr. L. C Strat- down and wiped the dust with him. This ham tf A Chinesk Gormandizer. A China man of ordinary size performed the amaz ing feat of eating three two-pound cans and three one-pound cans of oysters, and a Eound and a half of crackers, at T R. I lib ara's grocery store In Siiverton Tuesday night. The feat was witnessed by a num ber who vouch for the facts. John did not appear to feel any great discomfort after the feat. Statesman. Snowixo Their Colors, Telegraphic operator W. A. Humphrey sports a regular Cleveland and Thurman bandana with the candidates names on them, while Csrrt vt inn naunts me stars and stripes as a handkerchief. We would never have thought that Curt would have subjected the flag our country to such base purposes, but Curt is a willful chap and declares that he id ends to blow his own horn. A Bear. One day last week Mr. A. O Baxter got on to the trail of a black bear above Sslvcrton, and soon his dogs treed the yarmint, in which effort one of the nds got his tail in chancery, and the ame nearly amputated by the truculent bruin. A well directed shot from Baxter's rifle finally dispatched the ugly brute in good snape. Journal. Dr. J. B. Pilkincton. Dr. J.'bTTuT- ington, surgeon, occulist and medical spec ialist, will be at the Reverf house, Albany all day Tuesday, luly io. 1888. and wii give free special examination to all cases of eye, ear, lung, chronic, nervous or rcctaf diseases that will come early on that day. Several hundred references given. ForThe 4TH. When preparing lunch for the fourth remember that F. L. Kenton keeps very fine lunch goods such as canned roast chicken, roast turkey, roast beef, roast mutton, corned beef, boneless pigs feet, and dev. ham. Also a fine assortment of choice coo'-ies, cream crackers, cheese, etc. standing, ths gon waa discharged, the ball entering bis head near tho ear and coming out at the crown of the head. At last ac counts the boy waa alive, but Dr Courtney. who was called to see him, said he could not live. A Model Farmer's Home. A gentle man who has been out through the county one present to open the noil, no interest was taken, and the whole matter wnt by default. The present officers will hold over. A Nose Wi per. The Idea of using the American flag as a nose wiper is ridiculous beyoud expression. In Chicago a few day ago a Wisconsin Republican saw a man wipe his nose with the star spangled ban surgeon city or is the basest purpose for whirh the Ameri can flag has even been used. W. Mi l, t H 1,1 S. FashionnliU Tailor. Nobby suits and pants, Cut and mad to Slits Them.- "Jim WestfaU" caused lon' ol UJsWU, , lie has a very some commotion last Monday by showing ne residence, a handsome iron and wire a Chinese paper which he had just received fcnce around hi yard, good barns and as irom New York. Among other things it fve,n lawn a there is in Albany, This --s m - Mii.Mi.rtn ;.i .i he keeps smooth with a new lawn mower contained an illustration with the picture and green through the whole summer by of Harrison among the figures. Jim point- water from a tank kept filled by a wind ed with pride at him, and said "me heapee mill. Mr. Stratton sets the farmers of the I order, from the latest line of samples, direct ike him." Ihere is no reason why he county a good example. It pays to have from 'Frisco, a speciality. should not ; lie stood in witii the Celestials one s home surroundings as pleasant as it Cleaning and repairing oromptlv done. on every measure introduced in Congress, Is possible to make them. Main Street, Albany, Oregon and they are not slow to find it out. out I ,.. mmm a i;r - ; .i , 11 the Chinamen cannot vote. Orciiard.-A California gentleman FA,iiii.-.Bsfor. buying yoor msato aor- SI SB SWSl S W nAAnlA h AHA An I ar I ' ,x nil lailMlS iMSffl. 1 n y n ji lwpiL ' Will y Ft 1 1 U VV VV Mill IHAg" I II . If ' Li D 4 ti S J 1 r I inir harvf'ftfc nail on M&ichf Km Albmiv. and -m ym . a a e . - : i a . . .1 s at 1 M 1. 1 . w " 1AI.K L;ilEAP. lalK is cheap, is lir mureni uuvunwgcs nicy nave ior maaiiig -et their prices. - I . a ...... . , - . a m .1 Well, you just get a lawyer to do a little the Willamette valley one of the finest talking for you, and then mark the figures fruit countries in the world they would J J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A on his bill. You will soon learn that talk not be so slow in setting out orchards of bany, Or. all kinds. 1 he vicinity of Albany should be dotted with orchards, whereas there are Dr. M. U. Filis, phyeutuu anil AH any, Oregon, flails mads ic 00a u try. Tbe largest assortment of buggies, wagons and hacks this side of f'urtlaud at Knapp, liurrcll & to. Ths Oregon Blood PuriftVr ia nature's own remedy, and snould be used tn tiie exclusion f all otber medicines in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. No tnsdioine is mors conscientiously pre psred, more powerful, or mors highly con centrated, than Ayer's Sarsapariila. Its stanard of excellence is the result ot careful tudy. This preparation is acknowledged by tbe medical profession to be the best blood junlier. is quite the reverse of being cheap . 1 I .1 t I " ...... oiutc,.Nuuuv.; w.c,iWu,nwiK . comparatively few. Those who go to ........... n a r. r . .1 n . , ...... . . . . I Ir . . ... H'niiu KJl v '.nu Ul wn., v.m,u txo Lam I Qg nOWitl a fCW f;eneraily is, because their expenses are ight. If vou will call at their neat store you will hnd that, it is an excellent place to get hrst-class goods at bottom prices. A Variety. On a tree In the yard of an Albany gentleman may be seen a fine assortment of plums, prunes and apricots, all in their glory. The sight is quite a pleasing one. Apricots can be raised here years will reap a boun tiful harvest, by at least receiving a fancy price for their property. 1500 UK W AUD DR. ilO N4N-KO In his now discovery f-r Consumption, suoc-oded In producing s medictna which Is acknowledged by sli to l: simpl marvelous. It U excoodiogly plcaraut to Mm taste, (Miriectly hsrmltiSH, and doss not mckuu In Ml cases of ('ousuini)Uon. Couurhs. Colds, Whooi Inir Couu-h. Croun. UreiichlliH. and Talus in the Cheat, It. has slven untverral satlifaetioD. Dr ltosanko'a Cough and Luuy Syrup Is sold at SO cents by M. A Miller, By P. Cohea. A full lias of Ir. Prices Cream Baking and delicious IHvoring extracts at Vif . . o m Wilt any Republican solve the following . w ALtaca oc 1 iioMr air. a. nearly as well as plums, and it is strange so problem for me ? Why is it that the Repub- CIJBB f.(m sii'ik HEADACHE. few, practically, none, arc raised m the I lican wool buyers who think that Harrison Willamette Valley. y, be elected and that the Mills bill will A Labor Saver. Mr. John Morrison I not pass, and consequently no tariff taken of this city, is the happy inventor of a lawn ? b nave oeen ana are now onenng . A , 1 crn v wi uiau a uui, thu ituv.vtn unit mower attachment, that is proving one of CIeveland wilI be elected and that the reve- the greatest labor savers of the age. It is a nues of the government will be reduced to gunny ack split open and attached to the' a point to meet the just demands of the mower in such away that it catches all of government only ? In order to satisfy your- the grass as fast as cut, thereby saving the self who pays the least price look around use of the rake. and come to me last to ascertain my figure. An extra orice oaid for a few full blooded Stamping Envelopes. Nearly all -f democratic fleeces for James G. Blaine to the readers of the Democrat in stamping spin yarns on this fall when he comes to XJreuon, at Do ysu want a remedy for HMiousness, Pimples on the faot. and a sure cure for sick headache, ask M . A. Miller, the Druggist, for Dr. 's Liver Pills, only aid for a doso, samples free, full box 26 cent. Messrs Koahav Mason, druiraists. are sellinur Wisdom's Robertinn wholesale aud retail, and civinc beautiful picture cards witn every bottle. Positively the most perfect and arml ess article of the kind m the market. ) Pt'iiLic Speeking. Hon. J. H. Slater will address the tariff reform club at Brownsville next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Don't Fail. -Don'f fail to call and see Dubruille'8 fine display horse and his im mense stock of harnesses and saddles, back o Conrad Meyer's grocery store. an envelope lick the stamp, and thereby eet their tongue stuck up, and put the stamp in a condition to come off very easily. The proper way is to lick the cor ner of the envelope, antT place the stamp on the "licked place. P. Cohen. A Warning, The modes of death's approach are van ous, sod statistics show conclusively tha more persons die from diseases o the Throat and Lunars than anv other. It is probable that everyone, without exception receives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs F I. Kenton is buildiqg up a lively basi r s S . II l ? S nesr. tie Keeps gooc gooar. sens exclusively for cash and consequently is able to sell at into the system and where these germs very low prices, fftu upon suitable soil they start into 1 ife at. first nl nwlv and is shown I, 1 ,1, . 4. nt iu- -vr i 1 . w.j,-, . - Patent tiraated. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex- presely for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors ol American and r orcign patents. Opp. U S- Patent Office Washing ton, D. C : B C Dorsev. Tulare, Cal, disk cultivator and seeder; M O Clodding, Monrovia, Cal, danger signal for bridges; J D Ise, Dallas, and J H Action, Portland, sbawl strap aud tire escape: F 0 Nash, S F. gams counter: D tttark, s r , teed water neater; n owam, 0 r, photographic camera ; h li Thompson, Aew rk, Cal, steam generator. Oregon Bleed Purlllrr new. IMr.K I) iu vino. Mr li. M. Stcne has steam pile driver in operation at Corvallis, being used in the construction of the O. U. k N . wharf. Any one wanting ths use of ths machine can obtain it by writing to Mr. Stone at Coryallts. mi 1 iiss Call and examine our re-wound binding twino, something new. Knapp, Buukell & Co. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE, MACKINE OILS. 11is bast varieties of machine oils to he lisd are kept by Stewart A Sox, especially the kinds that have been thoroughly tested by the Linn county farmers. Prices guar an teed. WAGONS, HACKS AND BUGGIES We are now agents at this place for the celebrated wagons, backs ana buggies made bv Fish Bros., cf Racine, Wis., and can give better goods and lower pile than ever before, Kemernber that we want your trade and will make it an ob ject for you to come and see us. a StkwsktASox. BINDERS AND MOWERS. Farmers, remember that we this year have the Osborne Steel Frame uinders and Mowers, the strongest, Hahest run nlng, and best made machine in the market. We can give you just as pood terms as anyone, and probably a little better : at any rate come and see us be fore you buy. Stewart A Sox. HoME.-Mr. J. L. Cowan, arrived home from the East last Saturday evening. Mr. nememosr wias jou tn aso . gU M tioking sensation in the throat - ... r uhtou nonu ceo ivuuuu a 1 en a. , Cowan is one of the many men in the U. . and if allowed to continue their ravages S. who thinks Cleveland and Thurman is J E Feriton is contesting the oce of they extend the lunn pudng Utm. .1 11 ... u. ... 1 a t r t.., iv,ft 0i0; sumntion and to tbo head, causing Ja- uic winning iai. ric cport vcrj nuuuu,; (T v,uu ,. torrh. Now all this ifl danffOrOUS and if allowed to proceed will in time cause weather throuirh the East, and retoices to contents end the way thoy begin. It a man 1 . r ' . ' . - . . r - ... be again under the eaves of the Cascades. runs for office and gets lett ne ougnt to sun tmt wnateyer ins policies. a The case of Geo death, At the onset you must act with promptness ; allowing a oold to go wlth- nnt attaint inn ie danorflrOUS ftnd IUaV loSfl vou vour life. As soon as you feel that A i.iii. T vri rVi n racm r4 (- . 1 f . . i i i ...i.'-i'. 1 Ilk. knot V. vj J . , T . 'V. 1 L. , . . . . , i i ne two men wno oogan making an against unn county, oectaeo oy juage Btract of tho reoords of Linn county, after 80metb ing is wrong with your Throat, Boise in favor of the plaintiff will be ap- Duttina in six weeks of hard work suddenly T.nnra nr Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Bos- pealed to the Supreme Court, an answer in Kve P tla iob od t days ago f o ohee'a Qernian Syrup, It will ,give you . . . Z. . :. . . I i.i vr iL 1 1 jitn Aiiy.r t if rnap havtnor hppn hln nn Nfitiirnav I vuo xiuivut iiuuiou Th finest R.iaft coffee in the market at Wallacb k Thompson's. CS UK FOR PILES. Itchuig Piles ars known by moisture like prespira tion, prodaolng a yory dtsaRreesble Itching after get ting warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding an protruding Piles, yield at once to the application o Dr. Boaanko'a Pile remedy, which acts directly upon ths parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense Itching and effecting a permanent cure. 60 cents. Address The Dr BosankoJUeoUolne Co , Piqua 0. Bold by U, A, Miller, . .is Albany Market. W host 63c, Oftts33o Butter 20 els per lb. Ekrs 26o Hay -15,00. Potatoes 0 ots per bushel. Beef- on foot, Apples 1 OOoents per bu, PorK 6o per 11 tressed. Bacons hams, 12Hc shoulders, 7c. sides 10c. Lard l2o per lb. R,lour-4.80 per bbl. bickens 2.50 per doz, XUl Feed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, lb. middlings, 20, Chori.20. BINDING TWINE. We start In this season with 00,000 pounds of absolutely pure mamlla bind inir twine, which we will sell at as low a rtrina aa tha mialitv of thfi Grnods will ad mit There is verv little of the pure In tbe market, aud a great deal ef poor twine is being oflered at low prices, we wouiu be glad to fill your orders for tbe best. Stewart A Sox. Fimers bavins produce to ll will st all times tecaive tbe top oc tbe nikrket for good produce, and vour patronage is earnestly solicited. These facts firs WORTH LISTENING TO and worth your careful consideration. Wo have the "Jumbo stoclr, more goods than soy three ptors of the kind in Albany, and prices that beat them all WALLACE k THOMPSON Flints' new Block, Albany, Oregon, Blooded Stock. Just from lows, one car load of thorough bred Short-horned Durham cattle, cows snd calves, andame 3 -year .old bull, at tha fat m of f. C, Currie. For sale at reaaoualld terms, Isaac Eldkb, Shfidd, Liun county, Or. THRESHERS AND ENGINES. The celebrated engines, separators and saw mills manufactured by Russell k Co. of Massillon, Ohio, are now soli by us. Tbey are fast taking the lead in the Valley and invariably givo satisfaction. Stewart & Fox, HARVESTING SUPPLIES, Before you start your mower, binder or threshing outfit come to our store and get your au plies, we Beep almost anytntng yeu will need, and at prices yon will be satisfied with. Stewart fc Sox. HARVEST HANDS. Farmers, we can supply you with all the harvest !' hauds you want. Leave word at our office waen you want help of any kind. Office Jwo. doors from A. B. Mcllwain's, in Postal telegraph building. Burkuakt and Miller, ONimSITT OF OREQOR. EUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday the 17th of September, 1888.. Free scholarship from every county in the State, App'y to your County Superintendent. Four courses : Classical, Scientific, LUerary and a short English Course in which there Is no Lain, Greek , French or German, Tbe English is pre -eminently a Business Courte. For catalogues or other information, address J, W. JOHNSON, President, Sheriffs Sale. m the Circuit Court of the State of Orejon, for Linn county. R, S. Wallace, Plaintiff. vs, John Ueighsle aud Georgd Williams and William England, Pefendauts OTICE is hereby given that by virtue is in FOR SALE, at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Latli, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimniings, Sash, Doors and Blin ds. Call for prices at yard on 6th St,. . east of O. A C. switch. W. W, CHOWDER. 1 of an Execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court the above entitled suit I will on Saturday the Kb day of Aukdsi, 1888, at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at th hour of one o'clock p, m., sell at public auction for cash iu hand to the highest bidder the real property described iu said execution aud order of sale as follows, to-wit : The west half of the south eaatquarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of Sec, twenty in Township nine, S. R two, east of the Willamette meridian iu Linn coun ty, Oregon. The proceeds arising from' the sale of said premises to be applied : First to the payment of the original costs taxed at $116.85 aud the accruing costs and an Attorney's fee taxed at $75.75, Second, to the payment to the Plaintiff, R S Wallace, the sum of $1435 with accruing interest the) eon at the rats of 10 per cent per annum from the 26th day of June, A. 1),, 1888. And the surplus of auch sale remaining after the said payments be ap plied in payment of the sum of $414.37 due said Defendants, George Williams and William England, with accruing in teiest thereon at the rate of ten per cent ner annum from the 26ih day of June, A. D. 188S. Dated July 3rd, 1883, John Smallman, per D. B. Smith, Sheriff: