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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1888)
J Ike gmottat. NATIONAL! DEMOCRATIC ,TICKKT. ror P(Kiw'. attOVCRCI.KVXLVtfD,N York or VIM PrashWnt- AI.LSM Q. TIH'KM VN. ot Ohio. For MMW Kifwur W. R. UlLYtlJ. at Linn county. w H. KrKINORR. of Multnomah county. R. It. KK If WORTH, ot I ni:lil:i, oount.r. WASHINGTON. corrMKMiuiit.) WAsiiiNoroNjune J5th,888. On Wednesday President Cleveland will go to the University of Virginia to take part In the commencement exercises. Sen ator Voorhees will deliver an oration before the literary societies of that Institution on the same occasion. Mr. Cleveland has been invited to visit the home of Madison on his return from Charlottesville, and elaborate preparations have been made for his reception by the present owner of the old estate. All arrangements have been completed for the meeting In this city to-morrow of the committee appointed by the St. Louis convention to notify Mr. Cleveland of his nomination. The csmmittce,many mem- "MK HKAP LIKK H ALLISON." "Jim Weatfall" Is a verv intelligent Chi-' nam an who has been living in Albany more or less for about fourteen years. "Jim" has had from time to time quite a' number of contracts for construction of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. He has made considers ble money, being worth about $11,000. H has a wife and baby in China and a Chinese store in Albany. He know more about the treaty relations between the United States and China than half the white voters of the country. He is a constant reader of the CAi'm Weekly AVrc'.,publishcd In New York. He has received the first Issue of that paper after the nomination of Harri son. It contains the regulation picture of Harrison and an editorial strongly endors ing that gentleman for President "Jim" lavs : "Hntrison alio same Chinaman and Chinaman alle same Mellcan. Me heap like Halllsan." "Jim" sav the Chinamen all Vant "Halllson" elected. A coincidence occurs In the ages of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential nom nee In that both Thurman and Morton are older than Cleveland and Harrison. Of the four, Cleveland is the youngest. The President was born in New Jersey in a o'clock and go In a body to the White ?Mrch' l87. consequently t.fty. and go in a body to House to officially notify Mr. Cleveland of his nomination to the Presidency. It is expected that Mr. Thurman will be at the While House when the committee gets there, and that he will be notified of his nomination to the Vice-Presidency at the tame time. After the formalities are over the notification committee and the National committee, which meets here at the same time.will be taken in charge by the Colum bia Democratic Club, of this city, which has arranged an excellent program, includ ing a trip by steam cr to Mount Vernon.for the entertainment of the visitors. Congressional news of interest has been rather scarce for the past week, not that Congress is not hard at work, but because of the kind ot work with which it is engag ed regular appropriation bills. It is work however which is indispensable and which requires to be carefully and Intelligently done. In Its platform the republican convention was very modest in enumerating the achievements of the party. They do not claim to have created the earth.but there is little else that they do not claim. To peo ple familiar with the political history of the country, the document furnishes its own w answer. Mr. Cleveland's letter of acceptance. which has been written, and which will probably be made public this week, is said br a gentleman who has been fortunate enough to have read it, to be one of the w- ablest state paper yet prepared by him. The Chicago convention leaves the re publican party in a terrible condition. The jealousies aro much worse than they were In tbSo. Poor John Sherman. Ever fated to get left. Mr. Benj. P. Kairchild, of New York City,father-in-law of Representative Stahl- nackcr, was in this city a day or two ago Speaking of the political outlook in New York, he said l "Mv mark is 100,000 ma jority in the state for Cleveland. People may think that is wild, but I have been actively engaged in the politics of the state for more than half a century, and I believe I can come as near as any man to telling how an election will go. I am witling to risk any amount up to $50,000 on my judg ment. The people of New York are pleas ed with the ticket and with the platform, and they will vote the ticket like sheep fol lowing each other. For Governor we will nominate David B. Hill, the most popular democrat now in the tatr,ai.d we will elect him with a rush.too. With theexception of the large majority, Mr. Fairchild's opin ion is a fair saqsole of those daily expressed here by visiting New Yorkers. A committee from Tammany Hall was n the city a day or two ago for the purpose of securing prom inent speakers for the rati fication jubilee which the society propose to hold on July 4th The following gen tlemen have accepted invitations to attend and inkc speeches : Senator Vest and Representatives Mills, Collines, Ford, of Michigan, Washington. Crain, Honker.Mc Adoo,Wise,Shiveiy, Byuum.McCreary and Speake. Carlisle. Washington democrats will send a very large crowd to Baltimore July 4 attend the national convention of clubs. A large number of Congressmen wi!l also attend. Representative Fitch,of New York, who was elected as a republican, but who has left that party on acc mnt of the tariff, and joined the democratic party ,gave a banquet to Representatives Price, Spinola, Town send and Fordtnd the Tammany commit tee, on Thurd ty evening. Mr. Fitch made a few remarks explaining why he had left the republican and joined the democrattc party. The other gentlemen gave him a hearty welcome to the party. Since the fact was published that Repre sentative Timothy Campbell.of New York- had made a bet of $5000 that Cleveland and Thurman would carry New York.that gen tkman has been overwhelmed with re quests by telegraph and mail to get some more bets of that sort, for his constituent's, all of whom know a good thing when they see ft one vears o'd. Harrison comes next, lie Is fifty-five. Morton was full ot a nine veur.old bov's tricks when Harrison was w born, and is now sixty lour years ago 1'he Old Roman," Allen 0. Thurman, leads them all. He was born In 1813, and Time has cut seventv-four notches on his stick of life. American worklngmen will contrast the record of G rover Cleveland, who suggest ed, negotiated and concluded the treaty to exclude Chinese labor from this country for twenty one years, with the record of Ah Sin Harrison, who on every occasion voted to make Chinese immigrants the equal of Irish, German or any other im migrants of Caucasian race in all respects, including the privileges of American citiz enship. Read Ah Sin Harrison's Chinese record In to-day's Star. New York Star. A NOT II Hit HOLT Tire Providence, Rhode Island, Jaarnal, for many years the great leading republi can journal of that state.bolts the republican ticket and says this 1 "The Journal believes that upon this question (the tariff issue) the democratic nntii-v and natlorm are riuht and the repub lican" policv and platform are wrong. At had hoped that the party in convention would declare for a reasonable revision of the tariff in the line of a reduction in the cost of the necessaries of life, the relief of manufactures, a more open market and a practical revival of our commerce. It has not done so. The democratic party is a quesrkn of narional policy overshadow ing all others. The JoursalU not blind to the shortcomings of the Administration of President f leveland. But it must take things as it finds thcm.chooMtiv what it be licves to be the right side of the main is sue, preferring principle to party, practical wisdom to local popularity, and standing for what it believes to be the best welfare of the whole country . arnica's Amirs el I U beat nalv in tbs wor d" f r ujs, bruise. Sore. Ulcers. Suit Khaum, Fever Hurt, Tetter. Cospped Hand. Chilblain. Cnrnx and ah Skin Kruptloiis. aud t-ni. lively curat Piles, r no pay required. It is guaranteed to give tier tact satisfaction, or monsv refunded. Prut .'.' centa per box For Kali h Fosbay Msmmi. The New York Herald has had translat ed and published the following extract from an editorial article published in the Chinese Weekly New just after the nomination of Harrison : "The C hincsc Weekly News believes in principle always. It dares to advocate it Therefore it is heart and soul for Ben.Har rison. He believes as does the Weekly News, thnt this country is not onlv intended for the white and black sons of Ham.Shem and ianhet.but also for the yellow sons of Adam as well. Otherwise this would not be the America we know of." The Chicago Times says : "Mr. George Esrerhart, a prominent young real estate dealer and capitalist, of Chicago, has been authorized by a gentle man in New York City to place $2,000,000 on the election of Cleveland against anv man whom the present convention will nominate - the bets to le made in sum of $3,000 each and upward.before or after the present convention finishes its business." I a now receiving my si rt" ! MHHpn resYkOMiV. Call early and secure larfca ta V. F. Rkai. Witt POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdsr tun or rsrtss. A mwl of purity, strv-fiKth aiwl whotsstwemm Mors cooobiLmI thsnftisowttnarv ktiHts.aa4saaaeUstkl karoo ltilloa with ths multitude of lrw lest, short wit'.t,aliitori. Ma m Aline .its JJOWut'd. fuooar is llKJ W all st,, SAY! HERE IS A BARGAIN MR YOU eaANB CLEASANCE SALE 4 J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. New stock of pattern bicycles just received. Bargains In second hand wheels all sizes and or ices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue !..- FOR SALE. A !' eiuMUa it m liu n tti. W.u it,, 1 w.u n-i r4lrKt4;h c Mai -n f r iWtL-aUri twll Mit or llr. O'Cuuntr, bos I0 Albany. Or. r tin w HAT HBHHMHMI I hsye just received an invoice, of the celebrated Thdmpsou Glove Front Cdrset, DM f tb ofaVfct ard not reliable mike known, 1 also keep a full assortment The Ball's Coil Spring Health Corse Dr. Warner's Health Corse! , OF Beside, ft full iitw ot FRENCH WOVEN CORSET and c 111 vat) ing itt price from 50 and Irngtba rf abdominal, naraing, w for ohti rn and Mi cents to $3.00 each, and Mianea ebraeta, 1 kee). egt a and evtrythiog if Brownsville Clothing, COMMENCING JULY 2nd. We offer etock of mens' cl. thing on tbe Brownaville counter at wholesale cost Tbe Co. feel that ibfj cave manufactured more goods this season than tbty can wholesal, so give (be public tbe benefit of tbe prices to close them out. Theae goods re made from BKST OREGON WOOL and are first-ciW Terms of Sale ( ash. Tbie tee splendid opportunity to secure al! wool goods at very low pi ice. If tbe manufacturer can't give you BOTTOM PRICES, WHO CAN ? Samuel E. Youig. YOU? r tito tnma. No Dr. Flerc .,! U IMiraryof Havor and the rtfr acjr of iu actrou have render ed th famoaa (V.f mU Siquhl fruit rem djr. Syrup of Kla, intuitively fK.pular. It 'ltnaeji ana i'n,-H u u . u u riverinn Rpetem ami dial's paaaecBsa, eoldaatid fver. For mIo by r"ltay t Maaon. A Wommu'n lbrovrry ,,AHotborw..ndrf.ildUovry has been tuaae and that to by a l iy i 1 this M n ty. IMaeaaa Uiul !t ;ii:t !' upon tic r and for e.'n :: tm with.toA'Wta aeeerast tost, out lnr vital ortfartH wero nndortninad end dostlr seCMHKl iariui inent. Fr three month- t c-ij:hd ineeeesnl ly u.m! coirld not .sin tmutit i.f ua a botua of Lr. King'x New Ui t r for Consumption at d waa an rnurh ittlmved on taking tlrat doaa that ahe slept H ri'i;ht and with nue bottle haa ben mtraeatoOaai ly cure'. liar name ia Mra Lnihsf l.titz " Thus write W O fiarnrtnk A C , of . by. N. C Get a free trial bottle et Ko.hay St Mason's l)m Store It rare I p. You are feel in 1 d3prMol. yxir aupt tit'i la poor, you are bothsred wlt i bed actio, your are ti y.n- r . )H , an I erally out of sorts, and wnt to hraoe U( Brace up, but not wim .iiuiiatii.H spring medicioea, or biitera. whlu'i hvo f r tholr baaia very cheap, bad whisky, rkl whivh stimulate von for an hrur, ami tlfeii leave you In worse rendition than b&foret What yMJ want ia an a'irn(ive mat iii Enr fy ftmt blood, atari bfaithy sctlon of jiver and Kidneys, reatare your vitality, and givo rcrieweil hnalth and atrength. ii-li a medicine you will And ia Electric Hit tor--, and otity 00 onl h Utitle st ro shay & Mason UrugStoie. Ileal Kstate aad Employ rar at Agency. Parties having faruis f r s tlu of abut 1C0 acres or those havirg larger tracts which they woold be willing to divida op into 80 or 160 sere lots are invited to call at our of fice as we have a fev customers for that class of farms. We csn also famish parties in the city or country what either male or female help op ehort notice, and we also have a few situations for both male snd female in the city and country. Call at our office No. 65, First Street, adjoiuiog W C Twecdsle's. Tin Store, F. A. BURKIJAItT 4c Co. 7V yen feel dan. tsnrrutd, low-eptrHed, Ufe Ism, and indescribably mieurstiK both plirsL ralty and nn-ntaily; ein. nv a Sense of fullness or ttatina arur aatma. or or neas." or emDtineas of stomach In tbe t In, tooaue matoL, hitter or bad tasto In mouth, irrvrolar apetio. ditrinras, frtHju-nt ttcadacnr. blurred j-i-s!iit. "rioatin specks" txrfore tbe eya. nTvom prmtratiou or e limifiti..n. IrritatiiUty of temper, hot fluH-s, siternatlna with chilly atmaatlona. sliarti, biting, transient pains Wo and tlxrv. cold feet, drowsiness after meats, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshiua skoi., c.jnatarit, indvsrribahlo fixhug of drt-ad, or of lurpend tOK calamlij? If you have all. or any onnsldprftt.le number or tose srmptoma, you aro sun", that moat cmwnoti tf Am-ri-nn ur Tir;.ll Liver. or IndiKi-stiun. 'i io your awaaa baa baeome. tho number and dlveralrr of srmrj. matter what staco It has rem i-i. eaoldoit n. ii ni Dbseorery subdue It. if tain 11 oecordina to di rec ti, .us for a reasonable length of time. If not complication multiply anI fmiwmp. Lunira, Bktn Uie aa t, lit ;rt lonciua-, latisin. Kidney liac. or other rrave tnalndiea are quite llatdo to in and. Sooner or lau r. induce m fatal termination. Dr. IMcrcc's iold0U .'It dlral DIS eovery acta powerfully upon the Urer. and ttoroiiR-h that great blood - purifying organ, c leu t iiea the ny nicm of ft" blood-taints aad Im purities, trout whatever cnue nrlsina. It Is e4Uttlly emcadous In acting upon tho Kid neys, and other excretory organ, cteaastrig, itn-ngtb. mug. and tietillng their disease. As sn fKtuing, nutoratlvo tonle, ft promottw digestion anr nutrition, tn-rciy nuiiijing up txitli tleh nri-l sueugth. in malarini districts, this wonderful medlcino has gained great c-it-iirity in curing reo rsnn Ague, cuius ana Irever. loimb Ague, ann k inured ti Dr. Pierce's Uolden .Tied leal cevery CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Blotch, or Kruntlon. to tho worst Bcroruia. hnit-rncum, " ti ver-sore. eeoiy or uougn rain. in oaufi t.y i ii t.ioo.i powerful, purifying, and Invigorating rnedl- tine. f.reut IviIiuk l.i. ri rnpi'iiy lieal under Im tietutrn Innucncti. Eaiieciully ho It maul- fested in potency In curing 'IV-tier. Kezcma, Kr siwina. lloils, Curtninclc. 8ort Eyes, Bcrof ulona Sores snd Swellliii!i. Hip. Joint Disease. wune Swellings," Ooitre. or Thick Neck. snd Enlarged (llsnds. bend ten cents tn stamps for a targe Treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Ulseaaes, or too aame amount lor a Treatise on bcrofuious AffccUone, "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Thoroughly clnnfin it bv using Dr. Pierce i.oideu Medical Discovery, and good cigcminn, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital Strtugth uud bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which isgerofuln or the Lungs, is arrested nd curerl by this remedy, if taken tn tbe earlier stages of tbe disease. From Its mar velous sewer over its! terribly fatal disease, when tlrt offering this now world-famed rem edy to the public, lir. Plerco thought seriously of oulllng it tut -t uNsi miuN Curb," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicino which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative. or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and uuinuvo properiie. is uneiiuaieu, not only aa a rr-meitv for Conmi motion. I ml for all Chronic Diseases of too Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Ilreath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Ilron chltin. Asthma, Huvcro Coughs, and kindred affections. It is an eflicicnt remedy. , 'il ISL 1,rus-glt, at SI .0, or Six Bottles for $&J00. 0f Send ten oents in stamps for Dr. Pteroe's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical association, 003 main St., BUFFALO) N. . THE PLACE. Hy ail seeejM eaii on 0 arker Brothers, Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc, Etc, 1 b lr goods ara tbe beat and their prices reaaaiuabie. NOTICE. CHAS. H. DODO & CO. I I I HARD- Front, First and Vine SU., Portland, Or. WMOL.E0ALF fVfALIRt 1 We beve several linaa ot light weight suit and seme odd lots which we hare placed on the CUraiatux Counter at soat. COME. AMI) JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES, JIJ WARE 1 i 1 rlBJOkjHHjMlKSVsHsjaAi "SsH5 J L IRON, 1 1 1 STEEL 1 1 1 L 'E. BLAIN. t Lavo I -llgi t and furnlabel the Congressman Mills nald to an Examiner reporter the other day that the tariff bill would pass the house between the middle of July and the first of August and that the majority will be from 15 to 19. He a!o gave it as his unqualified opinion that the democrats would elect Cleveland easily. Mr. Cleveland is the only leader tn the country in the past quarter of a century who has found hjrnbelf stronger at the end of his term than at the beginning, whom his party has taken up a second time, who went into the convention with a unanim ous ote behind him, and without the, slight est sieck of opposition. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that toe under signed has been duly appointed,, by order of the County Court of Ldnn county, ure. eon. Executor of tbe last will and atate ment of John Morgan, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them duly verified to the undersigned at bia office in Albany. Oregon, within felx months ft om the date hereof. Juno 28th, 1888. J, h 111 Lb, W, B. Bilvku, Enecutor, Attorney for the Executor. abort, all are conquered by this SC'iO KLOl RING MILLS itb new rtM hlnery. making flour by lb Full Kollrr l'roceaa. 'Iba mill la now rutioing and 1 can furnish lb beat of flour aud fod at reesuaabla rate. I In-i-mill uttu uiy rulli In uclt a uianner that nono can go sr. ay diaaotUfled. (Jive rue a call E. COIN, Proprietor M iiH, iwLsJHHa LkJ 3L- HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, anr vcrythinK usually kept in a first-class sh ft Repairing carefully and promptly FARM MACHINERY. Sole Aran l for Oregon, Washington end Northern Idaho tor the i BUCKEYE REAPER AND . MOWER. baa Machines ere too well known to need comment. Thoasmnds of Farmers have see ibem and spaak of them with praise. They are tbe only Harvesting Machine that anil gtv antlr watlsfSeUon to tbe purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCEMX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, Tbe most Bfleetlv and Successful CombtnaUon tor Tbreabiaf and Cleaning 9raln ever Conatrnctad. 1 BUCKEYE . STEEL FRAME . TWINE - BINDERS. i The caaturs that diatlngnlsb this Twlne-Blnder ts the Ugbtness of Draft, combined with lw I-Jttnsordinary Strength and lurablUty. The Binder ts of the Appleby pattern, ths only really siiuo sfol ana yet known. W have two sty tea, tbe Elevator Binder end tbe Platform Hinder-both exoUntbolh reoommended by hundreds of patrons. Knapp, Burrell & Company, Sohuttler Farm Wagon. Deere Plows, Deere Bulky Flows, Cook Co.'s Car- riagea, Pbsston and Top Buggiss- Four. Spring Mountain Wagons, BuekboardA Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Dlac Harrow. Bodgee-Ksimee Seedevfr Helsh Barbed Wire. Have in stock a complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and McGormick, Mowers and Binders, ss Hollingsworth and Tiger ay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. also a full line of ft rat -class SEND JOB CIBCTJLAB Brsnch House, St.. Charles Hotel. F. Thrall, Manager, Albany, Or E. L, POWER, Prop'r, FAULTLESS! ejrNature is faultless sod so Is that noble discovery, containing only Na ture's own rsmedies, Tha" cr. YOUTH, HEALTH, VIGOR by tha use of PFUNDEBJI fJREQON oLOOO KURIFIgR. Quick snd Complete Cere of alt Diseases of checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves puts tresn energy ConstipaUon, Dyspepsia snd Bilious naas,aad resn enemy into tn Kicn utoMi. Taken intlme.rts ISH cannot te heat as a preventative of disease. 1 .ml Lit a cvcryv.Ucre. Ji a IxjIIIc.6 lor !;. 1 the system by making mi iiuimc.riitnt DWICHT'8 JJEEj THE COW B II AND. FOR THE LADIES Bargains in Millinery, FINE TMilMED BONNETS, FLOWERS. RIBBONS LACES, PLUMES, SATINS, VELVETS, ETC., At Very tow Figures. These gofii must go, so come eriy at.d gtt tiiNi. choice, MRS. E, J, 0'CONNER TO alAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME OHEAD USE Dwighps Cow-Brand SodaSaleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. Be suro that there Is a picture of s Cow on your psckace snd yon will hare tho best Soda msde. fan COW BEAND. DWIpHT'S7 AT COST. AT COST Having totcWed the atcck of good's of Sbaiso & Lonsway I Ui sell tbe same al coat uuttt olosril out. Thst ti ina moof-y in ronr pockfts.- No auoh bar gain ever before offered. 1 hav a!o purchased the haukrupt stock of HAY & ASHBY, of Harrtsburg oonalatiinf of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and General Merchandise, Everything will be sold at COST WITHOUT RESERVE. MY 5C . IOC. ISC. AND 25 CENT COUNTERS a uiImI with at ticlfcu worth twice theit price. Several thouiand tf a variety. Bargains in all of them. 0. W. Albanj, Oregon. FURNITURE. you want the best and moat durable furnituretbat is manufactured in tho city go to Thomas Brink He Is eel almost everything in the line o? furniture-that is kept j a first-class hou JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars CARRIAGES, BUCCIES,HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call acd examine the goo 1 and get catalogue of prices, which are greatly reduced for trade of 1888. F. H. R0SC0E, Manager, stand AT COST I Having decided tc(c'oseout oul usmea hrtr.'we will tell our ENTIRE OF- STOCK Clothing, Furnishing Hoods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Yalises, S At Oost ! Those wishing bargains will call early beforo tbe steck w broken, goods mus. be soid within the next 90 days. as these C. B. Roland & Co. -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and a' Jul' Una of Smok- rs' A rtieies, Also dealer In CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, Next door to Burkhan & Keaney'a al Estate Office, Albany, Oregon. SPRINGFIELD SAW M LLj. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and OMlce on RaMroad SU, between 4th and Si TTavinir inmW nnt Axntlled in nualitv. and facilities not surpa prompt and satisfactory f iling or orders, I respectfully solicit the trade. A. Wheelef