The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 06, 1888, Image 1

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$2 IN (ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END
Isiued every Friday by
fi fhe hpfd
Advertising roedlam
Io Ihe Central
- Willamette Valley.
VOL.. XXlli.
Advertls'.ng raloa
made known on ap
SO 4!)
Pull Brother in Blood to
land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the
Dalles Pair Sept, 20th, 1887. ' 'Breeders of
Intelligence Watch and D-aw from
every Turf Even Lessons to guide
them in the future."
Seatco will be kept at tho farm of U.K.
Crawford, near Lowson. on Nanow i. n ;.
R. R and will be allowed to serve a limited
number of msresst $20 to insure infosl,butuo
rsapoosibility for accidents. H is a rich,
dark bay, without white, will be three years
old June 10th. 1888. Was aired by Oueeo,
three year old record 2-41, son of Altamoot,
wagon record 2 2of iu eighth heat.
First dsm Laura D. by Edward Everett.
Sjioad dam Uloy Marsh, 'a tine road mare of
tried endurano. ' Oaeco's dam is Bell Fric
by Duble, two year old rocrd 2-401. the fast
est in ths world for 4 years. He afterward
obtained a rooord of 2-28 when entirely blind.
Doble by Ericaon (fire of the Urand Dam of
Phalas the fastest living stallion, 2 13 four
year old record 2 301, which stood as the
fastest for 14 years.
Oneeo was the Juvnile King of the North
Pacific, successively lowering and holding
the 2 and 3 ear old records, proving in the
golden crucible of actual pedprmance that he
is well worthy of his grand lineage. . Price
mout his fall brother now holds the 2 year
old record, 2 49J.
Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardware
Agent lor Fire and
New and Second Hand Store
Oaring to loe iocr3J demands of our
business we have beonoom polled to move
into a larger store) a i l wo can now be
lMa4aSttr la S. E. Young, whsr
we will b pleaud to see onr patron. If
yoa cj 1 iy staiat, furniture, .tinware,
cr 'Xatf, oloik . oirp picture, .fruit
Jar, trim let, b -, roller sic ate, saddle,
itw i, plane etc and a thousand dif-
.'eraat ail in a tie'. fM Cn u t do
b , :-r tbi all tt 4 m Fr i uA i-i tu in yon
can do with ani purchase or oxchengj,
123 First Street. Afbtnr. Or.
Homeopathic Physician anl Burgeon
Obstetrics, Treatment of Chronic Dis
ease of woman und children a specialty.
Ofllce up
stairs over Oradwohl'a front
Roses a Specialty.
CemeteryIota planted and attended to
Physician and Surgeon,
Office oor. Finland Ferry Streets,
Dealers in General Merchandise.
Will bay fail, Wool and all kinds
j0 i ir.vSMtr.m, ' o. H, ibvink
fkV Office up stairs In' Foster's Block.
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at,0reoD City, Oregon.
June 6th, 1888.
NOTICE is nereby given that the follow
ioir named settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support nf his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Linn county, Ore
goo, at Albany, Oregoo, on
Friday, July 'nth, ism.
: Birt E. Meckey, PM-empSion D.
10. 04'J, lor ine iu 5 ro n j ana Fj of
of Sec. 35 Tp. 13 S R 2 w., Willamette
iridiau. lie names the following witnesses
orovc his continuous residence upon, and
i!tivation of. said land, viz : J H Warren.
O E Mackey. S C Mackey, J VV Mackey, all
of Brownsville, ursgon.
W. T. Burnby,
Delco Winner of the 'In
Edward Everett, aire of the dam of Sate.
is by a ion of Pathfinder out of a daughter
f Vermont, and is fall brother to Kitty
Linn. 2 41. the dam of W. B. K. tho colt
that challenged all two year old's last April
for M08 a side, and met with no response.
Edward Everett is the aire of Doiiy 8 , the
dam of I Moo. btaidts many speedy and
gams mad horses. All competent horscmou
who have seen him and his get since they are
arriving at maturity, confidently predict that
he will sKn become ooe ( the great bfood
mare sires of the North I'acilie. In disposi
tion, beauty and pure trotting action, Seatco
is simply perfection, and is eminently en
dowed on both aides of the line with the
blood that trots, and by all the laws of he
redity should be able to ataatp upon hia pro
duce his own inheritance.
To gentlemen desiring road horses and to
young men wishing to embark in the fascinat
ing business of hreediug and developing the
American trotter, I call special attention to
this young Stallion and will take pleasure it
showing him on any day.
I am no receiving my epriog and
l .l O-r a. i:k of bOOti and shoes, 1
have aa nicely a fitted np Boot and Shoe
0ior, and ait complete a atock aa lay
thin aide of Portland and very fW better
in Portland. I buy a'l my boot and
shoes: direct from manufacturers and am
authorized to warrant every pair no mat
ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon
have any ad vintage of me i.i buying an
I biff i 1 qiaticisM an l pay the cash.
In ladieV, iniss and children'a uh.iee,
I kneji n i'M t, Uh-, lint o I great
et varitrtv to the cltv- Vly aim will
fvA wh gM vne i-ir
flip a.';f'V M pOHSt'mv cnu w. doti.
The She-Merger Combination Fence
It is as atroog as plank fencing,
It will last throe timfts as long.
It does not injure stock, being as visible
as plank.
It protects all your crops from all stock
bred upon a farm.
It is dog proof, protecting sheep from
dogs and wolvos.
U Is endorsed by 210,000 of the best
far r era In the West, as rally filling every
claim we make for it.
It will turn a pig, bull, horse, hog, calf,
sheep deg or hall grown fowl.
It will save every farmer 8140 00 a mile
on every mile of fenca he builds.
It is the strongest, cheapest, most dura
bin, and perfect farm fence on earth.
It forms the most perfect combination
of two materials, making them inseparable
and equally durable, combining as it
doe, the neatness and elegance of iron
with the strength and durability of steel.
(Planed and painted, it makes a fine fence
for the city.)
Prlee, only 50c. to 65c. per red.
I Back of Stewart & Sox's, Albany. Oregon,
The First Sign
Of falling htwltfi, whethor In the form of
Mht BweatK ami Mervousneas, or In a
seuae of General Wi urlneaa and Lota of
AppntHo, should MiKgost the uso of
Ayer's Banaiarlllo, This preparation
is most effuutlvo for giving touo and
strength to the enfeebled system, pro
moting the digostlou and assimilation of
food, restoring the nervous foroos to
tLelr normal condition, and for purify
ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood.
Failing Health.
Ten years ago my health began to fail.
I wiw troubled with a distressing Cough
Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nrvoua
nesa. I tried various remedies pro
soritMid by different physicians, but
lieraiuo so wrak that I could not go ui
stairs without stopping to rest. My
friends m'omuuuidod mo to try Ay era
s-rn.arllla, whh h 1 did, ami I'ain now
n hcnlthv aud strong as ever. Wrs.
1 : I.. WUfiamo, Alexandria, Minn.
I have used Ayer's Sarsaparllla. In my
family, for Scrofula, and kuowTif It la
taku fuitl. fully, that It will thoroughly
eradicate this terrible disease. I havo
also pn KcriUHl It as a tonic, as well as an
alterative, and must say that I honestly
bid love It to be tho best blod modiclno
i r.oinptund .(.W. V. Fowler, M. L.,
1. D. 8., Crtcnville.Tenn.
Dyspepsia Cured.
It would be Im
d be Impoaalble for me to de
at I suffered from Indlfestinn
ami 1 ... np 10 !!. lim I hegmi
A r. V'u ' t: '-niiifiMllii. 1 was under
the t .1 ..Pi fiit.. i i.h v. (I inns, and tried
a great many kinds of medicines, but
never thtidiui more than temporary re
lief. After taking Ayer's Baraaparllla
for a short time, my heada-he dlmj-
I . eared, and my stoma h performod its
duties more perfect j. , To-day my
health Is completely nftored. Mary
Hvley, Springwld, khusl -
I have been greatly he nv filed by the
nroiui t use of Ayer Boriiapariita. It
ioiim .nd Invigorate Un system, regu
lates tho m tioo of tho digestive anil
itMimfUtivn organs, and vitalizes the
blood. It Is. without doubt, tho moat
reliable I'IivkI purifier yet discovered.
II. D. Johnson, S8S Atlantic avenue,
Brooklyn, K. T. ff
Ayor's Sarsaparilla,
"prrvi by fr. J. V. A j er ft Co., Lowsll, Ussa
THce St t tlx bot:J. ,
I. whst wv ha-n Slid hiKlc f .f
Wbv sboolil w
iismoii object in
not ss Ussy as wc have tbs shv
isw sad ets rtr)tdjr
We Expect Your Trade.
W carry a.fuil Dim 4
BACCO. Atwl chsllungo snyone tq UfuiU thst CoNN
tbs chcMsrt plsce In town.
the lumber monpoly.We can furnish
to builders and contractors, rough, clear
or flrlsblng
on abort notioe. This lumber is cut from
the best yellow fir, rafted from toe cele
brated MeKinaie timber regions and man a
factored tt Coburg. Any quantity can be
1 urn is ttea at Albany at low prices, it
needs no recommendation as to quality
and lumber of all kinds on our yard con
stantly. Don't order witbont seeing or
hearing trorn us. We will saye you
Albany Linn Co,, Oi
next east of S. K, Young's, Albany, Or
Gutting and Fitting a Specialty,
Wednesdays and Thursdays of each
week, and painting done to order on
plaques and other material,
Nloe'aiHortmnt ofVrllats mtterjal on
Succes$or to E. W. Langdon,
aud everything kept in a first-class Dm
Store. Also a due .itock of pianos u
Red CrownMills
Highest Price in Cash fo
Druggists and Booksellers,
Agents for John B. Alden'a publications,
wbioh we sell at publisher's prices with
Kkum Pm inkvillb Papkrm, Till (Jlaxa
came over from Matoloas the flrn of the
week. Ue says that grass Is better on the
range there than It hn been for years, and
the hay crop will be Immense. ... Iat
Sunday during a thunderstorm at the
Warm Spring agency two Indian women
were struck by lightning, one being killed
instantly and the other seriously injured
inc Killing of a squaw by such a means
was a new thing to Ihe Indians and caused
considerable commotion among them.
They cannot well understand how an In
visible clement thus produce death, and
they are considerably exercised over the
affair. .. .Persons who have been on the
range recently say the grase Is growing
fine on the open hills, but in the timber it
is not doing so well, and summer range
for sheep will not be any too plentiful .
Quite a number Of immigrants are passing
through the country at nrescnt. Most of
w r
them are from California, going to Wash'
mgton territory. .Nome of them whom
we have talked with were victims of the
1. o Angeles boom, and pronounce it the
worst humbug that was ever HMten up.
They say thev have had their satisfaction
of Investing in climate, and are now in
senrch of land. ... A party of surveyors In
me employ 01 inc w. v . K u. JU. Co. began
the work at Cache creek this week of k
catlng and appraising the company's land.
We understand it I the intention of the
company to appraise all Its lands In East
ern Oregon thl season, preparatory to
a a . a m a IS a
plating them on the market Hon. L.
illycu and John Coolcy, of Eugene, ar
rived here last Sunduy and will remain
several weeks. Mr. tiilveu avs he waded
way up to the head ol "Salt Creek" on his
u a s, over from Webfoot. It will be remem
bered he was the unsuccessful candidate
for County Clerk cd Lane county. He
couldn't uulte get there, though he ran
'way ahead of his ticket.
Mao. The folowinar from a Portland
paper is really affecting, and exhibits the
awful fact that the contractor, G. W. Hunt,
is mad In earnest. Poor fellow, all of his
onions spoiled: W. Hunt returned
yesterday from Albany, wkere he made
arrangement for shipping to Wnllula the
stores and powder, tools, etc., which hare
-been brought in from the scene of hi con
tract on the Oregon Pacific. He says some
of his powder fat spoiled, and of course, all
the potatoes, onions and such like stuff Is
worthless. When he looked over the sup
piles brought in and thought of all the
money it had coat and the money and time
wasted In hauling It out Into the mountains
and back again, he was just a little wrathv.
He expresses hi opinion free In regard to
people who will lead a man Into such a
scrape by representing themselves to have
money which they have not.M
Tmk Cmivamkx HsxrKt). Tuesday
night the Republicans of Corvallls cele
brated the nomination of Harrison and
Morton In the customaay style. The
speaking was done near a Chinese house
Just as Col. Kelaay had begun one of his
most eloquent and affecting flight a long
string of bunches of fire crackers were
started to cracking by the Chinamen, and
such a din as was kept up during the re
mainder of the celebration Is not often
heard. A Corvallls man says the Celes
tials got eight dollars for the job. The joke
was taken with a moderate amount of good
M Ki.uov a KcsTUts. - Haperioteodsot
McEtroy is on- of th most enthusiastic ol
Oregonia He baa been making an effort
. . . - 1 . 4 . . . . . . . . .
u ss many 01 io icaeners attanatag inc
national institute as possible to return boms
by way of Oregon, and is mat ting with coo
siderablo success . Us tent 1 ersooal letters
to folly two hundred prominent members of
tbs committees of the Nations! Association
10 the Kt, and icplies are now comma in
rapidly from these Kent lemon, and in nearly
every case they ssy "eood, we will return
through Urchin, and will suggest to our en
tire delegation to do toe same. lie thioks
at least two or three thonssod will return by
tne uregon route.
A Small Kirk Some excitement was
occasioned at the depot lastThursday by
good sized blaze proceeding from the pock
et and coat generally of a well-known
dravman. The firemen nrencnt came tit
the gentleman's rescue, and after a hard
fight of several seconds succeeded In ex
tinguUhing the fire after a slight scorch
ing. GranoJi ry. The grand juryThursdav
afternoon brought in not a true bill against
Frank and George Cook for selling spirit-
aa ' -
uous liquor without a license. Also not
a true bill against Arthur Burton charged
with rape. Also not a true hill against
David Keenan charged with larceny. Also
not a true bill against Nick and Clara K un
charged with larceny in a dwelling. Thc
latter parties forfeited a $50 bail
An Attack The YsquinafW makes a
column and a quarter attack without quarter
on Jo ran Lane, agent at the Siletz agency.
It asserts that he has beo away from the
agency without leave of absence for over two
weeks, and diver other act he should not
hare dooc. We do not know anything
about the matter; bat we do know that Mr
Wails worth who was succeeded by Mr Laoo
is a closo neighbor of the Wand has neyer
felt happy since he retired from the sgenoy
Put Up. A Lebanon gentleman says
the hose team of that city Is ready to run
the Albany team for $av ad he has $100
himself to put up on ft. If he is really in
earnest he can be accommodated so quickly
that it will make his head spin. 1 hat place
has a good team ; but it will probably not
run cither the Albany or Portland team
hub and hub.
Married. On June I7th,in Harrlsburg,
Charles II Tandy and Clara M Goodlin
Rev P M Starr officiating. Though late
the Dkmocrat extends the happy couple
its best wishes.
In Seattle, recently, Mr F B Van Alstine
and Mrs Sarah J Morgan. The bride was
the widow of Mr John Morgan, of this
city, who died in California only a few
weeks ago, on whose estate an executor
has just qualified.
His Voir. Millers vote in the late elec
tion was 1974. Marlon county cast the
largest prohibition vote, 387. In Curry,
Klamath and Wallowa none was cast at
all. In Lake just 1, and hew lonesome the
fellow must have been. Multnomah was
second, and Linn 2 behind.
Failures at Eugene. Three small
failures are reported at that city as follows:
Baker's hotel, Mrs. Fitch's millinery store,
Red Front restaurant and Prichett & Fork
ner's hardware.
JJjep On Monday, June 25, 1888, the
wife of W T Cochran, of Brownsville A
largo concourse of people attended the funer
al on Tuesday.
Official Vote. The ofhcial vote counted.
n Salem yesterday gives Hermann 7407 ma
or ity nd Lord, 6672 majority,
Pitcher's Castoria.
The following decisions have h?en rend
ered up to time of going to press.
4. Io re-sssiMnineot of Thomas Monteith
oon. Uouticuvd.
234. In the matter of the assiutiinent of
W K Price, su iaao'.veat deptor. Assignment
K43. (lee S Fletcher agt J 8 Cochran and
oeett lieebe. 4" recover money, Cootin
356. Jos A Ford agt Shane A !onsway.
to recover money. Uootmaeo.
259. Aigamnt Shane & I on way. Con
299. Assignment Jornsoa ft She! ton
917. Assignm-nt lisy Ac Ashb . Con
ties d. -.-j
m. TKIIerron agttJJI I LI. teed. For
closure chatel mortgage. Ib-frrred and con
. Orson M li me agt Jonas Davis. To
foreclose mechanic lien . Continued.
-1WJ- John W diary agt Kanoy J Mippi
and Martha A Porter, Foreclosure. Con
tinued. 2U7. Martha Houston agt Josie Tiasmcr
man. To recover money and attachmuut.
20H. MattteM Taylor agt W,n LTsj
lor. Divorce. Divorce irrauted.
301. J H HurUhsrt etsl act Abigail li.l -
eretol. t'artition. Continued.
3(13. J II Lamar agt Wm Basse tt t a).
Foreclosure. CentHmed.
310 Capital I us Co sgt Thompson,
nivinei x k,o. 10 recoyet mom v; attach
mnt. Continued.
J as Mcliargueagt J If Wigle. Dam-
In 1 vino Towa, Scio 1, situated in
the northeastern part of the country in the
midst of a fine aurkultural and frraxlmr
section. It has good public schools, and
milling ami mercantile enterprise. Craw.
fordsvllle, six mile east of Llrownsvllle.on
Calapoola creek, 1 also a prightly town.
It has good public scliools, and is carrying
on a milling and mercantile buUnc
Sweet Home, about 30 miles southeast of
Albany, on the South Santlam river, la a
thriving little town. It is surrounded by an
excellent farming country. There arc good
public schools, milling and merchandising.
Shcdd, Tangent and Halsey are thriving
tovnson the line of the Oregon Sc Califor
nia rsilroad. They are well supplied with
good schools. The people in these towns
are largely engaged In storing grain for
shipment by rail. Merchandising I car
ried on succesaf ully in each. The su'round
ing country I rich In agriculture. Peoria
Is a small village on the bank of the Wll.
lamettc about 15 miles southeast of Al
bany. A rich farmingcountry surrounds
this place, and many of the people there-
anouts are engaged In raising fine sheep.
A - . 1 , ST
resources of Oregon.
At Lkbaxok.- There was a lecture In
Union Hall, Wednesday night by R. P.
Putman, subject "Free Thought." The
entire speech was a violent attack on the
fundamental principles of our American
government, denouncing the State and
Nation for its recognition of God for hav
ing eltapian's In the army and legislative
department, for thanksgiving proclama
tions ; for it christian Sabbath and for not
taxing church property, lie refused to
divide time with Rev. Clark Braden of
Kansas, whereupon the latter gentleman
and the audience repaired to the Presbyte
rian Church where the replv.was given.
Mr. Putman's speech was ful'iof bitter In-
vectlve against the State and Nntion for
its christian civilization and he denounced
the W. C. T. a political hack andde
graded machine . Mr. Uradcn is a dear
and candid rcasoncr, and replied in a for
cible, dignified manner for the defense of
our constitution and American christian
civilization. T.
A TiiRsaiuNti Oi mi. Mr. C. H.
Stewart, of Stewart oc Sox, has returned
from a trip to the foothills, where he ef
fected a sale of one of the popu'ar Russell
Si Co's threshers, iS-inch, and a twelve
horse power, to Garland Bros., and Arnold.
These men have for many years been run
ning a 24-inch Pitt thresher, doing quite a
business in their locality ; but needing
something larger and more rapid they
have discarded the little Pitt. A l)RM.
cr AT man about four years ago run across
these gentlemen while threshing on lion
Wm. Cvrus's farm, and ascertained that
thev we're reliable, prompt men, and farm
era around them, wilt do well to remember
that thev are now in a better s tssttlon than
ever to do their threshing.
O in Sh.nai. Srrvicr. It seems that
the signal service system of weather signals
has been discontinued at many places. The
dispatches to-day state that Representative
Hermann called upon the signal service
division of the war department and urged
the continuance at Albany, Oregon, of the
weather siernals which have been maintain
ed here fer some time. Gen. Greeley,
chief s'umal officer, cave Mr. Hermann nn
nssurance that weather signals shall be
maintained at Albany. Mr. Herman and
Mr. Greeley have our thanks. The ser
vice though not absolutely correct Is a
great convenience and generally tells the
Wahh atthk Bay. An old acquaintance
from Albany, Mr Wash Anderson, arrived
here by Wednesday's train. Ha mads us a
frisndly call Thursday morning. Always
slad to see old friends, and it is needless to
ssv to those who know us best, our latch-
string always hands out Pot. Several of
yoar friends will be there on the 4th and it
will take several sturuoou sod potatoes to
......I.. lL
, , T . M
Visuwrr uuuri. aim cvmr ujwu...
!at Thursday after 11 remaricaoiy snon ses
sion. Besides the cases mentioned yester
day a dl vorcewas granted Mrs. Broad well
from her husband, and the final uccount In
the assignment of S.J. Keef haver was re
ceived and the assignee discharged. The
grand jury adjourned without making any
report, the members stating that they had
nothing to report. Only one case was
tried bv the court, the Queener case. Not
a civil case being given to the jury.
A Pkcular iNciDENt. When Rev. Mr.
Thompson was In Philidelphia recently,
he preached a sermon and related the death
of Mr. Knight who committed sfneide here
some months ago, calling no names. After
the sermon, a lady spoke to him saying
that she had recently beara of the death of
her brother in Oregon. She proved to be
the sister of Knight. Leader.
Wanted. To know the whereabouts of
Jas H. Owens, when &st heard from was
v at Uorrvvlll(. Slskivou countv. California.
Any information will be thankfully
celyedby William H. Phinney, 160
Avenue, Pawtucket, R. I.
NEW P. M's. Dr. J. H. P. Hope has
been appointed Postmaster at Lebanon to
succeed County Clerk elect Montague, and
C. D. Vandyke at Millers, to succeed H. B
Miller, now a resident of Albany.
Children Cry for
hNlpK PoMTt.AXit. I he ;u lion of tuc
Portland Volunteer Firemen's Association
Thursday evening was one of the most ar
bitrary sod unjust pieces of business ever
recorded In fire matters, and will everlast.
ptgly stow away Portland as a city for fire
tournaments. The Association, regardless
of the decisions of the judges, a. I honorable
men, took the championship race from
East Portland and gave It to Vancouver,
gave the speed race fairly won by Albany
to Portland, on the word of one of the
time keepers, a contemptible fellow from
all accounts, who made the time :'t sec
onds fast for the benefit of Portland, and
gave the 250 yard race to Campbell, a
Portland man, though Cameron was de
clared by the judges to have tied him. Any
way what authority had the Awx-lath ii to
go behind the decisions of the judges, and
only on the word of Portland men and In
their favor. The whole thing was run in a
"Cheap John," one-cent stvle, In strong
contrast to the way Seattle bus prepared
for the Northwest tournament. In refer-
ence to the speed race one of the Portland
team said "you can beat us running but you
can't In taking time." The Albany boys
feel u if they had been treated in a yery
contemptible manner.
An IcRNT. A Brownsville corres
pondent of a Pendleton paper gives the fol
lowing Incident: "It is rather a peculiar
circumstance that two brothers, separated
by hundreds of miles, should be candidates
for the same office at the same election In
their respective home; yet such was the
case with Mr. Thomas Kirk and his brother
Mr. Riley Kirk, who were candidates for
representatives on the republican ticket in
Cmatil'a and Linn counties. The popular
ity of both men was fully demonstrated by
their ruuning ahead of their tickets. Yet
while Mr. Thus. Kirk was elected, his
brother was defeated by a small majority."
The same writer savs of Brownsville: "It
Is a pretty little village of seven or eight
hundred Inhabitants, nestled among the
low lying hilts on the Calipooia river, near
Its confluence with the Willamette, 104
miles south of Portland, on the N. G. R R.
(The N. G. may stand for no good or nar
row gauge, either would be correct) 1 he-
town ha many features worthy of notice.
There are woolen milts, sash and door fac
tory and a tannery, besides several smaller
hp. The pay roll amounts to over
$2000 per month, all kept in circulation
here, what a help such a sum would be
to Pendleton."
80S vBsiRa. - There wasa nice com
pany of young people last Friday at the
pleasant home of Tho. Montei'.h, t lie re
were also some nice older people, but the
younger gencratio.i ruled matters. It was
a Y. P. S. &c. social. Several lively
games were played, the mlndsof those pres
ent received some polishing touches, and a
very palatable lunch was served. After
this came the sourenir part of the affair.
Two bright looking Misses presented each
of the guests with some pretty ribbons.
those received by the ladles were attached
to bran new pieces of wood, such as keep
the good housewife's sheets and pillow
cases from fallmg off the line, while
those received by the gentlemen were at
tached to piece of clay such as grace the
up ol rat ociabbcrs, or the more rnbv
ones of the little boy and girl, as they send
soap hubbies noting through the air.
IMatn ornaments, thev made very nice
souvenirs, and struck the Damn 1 ST man.
who was present, in a remarkahlv tender
A Dkkr Story. -One day last week
1 .avion Henkle, who lives about twelve
miles souhwest of Philomath, aw a deer
standing in hi dooryard, and, of course,
under such circumstances, concluded that
he would take down hi little gun and put
a bullet through It. Mr. Henkle brought
the deer down and going to its side noticed
another dead deer close bv. 1 oon exam
ination It was found that he had kiled both
at one shot, the ball entering the neck of
the first and passing through going into the
next htamling at his side. ThU was a
double killing. Oatrtte.
Board or Tradk. A meeting of the
Board of Trade was held in the recorder's
office lastfrhnrsday.In the adsenccof Presi
dent Young, N. H.Allen was elected chair
man. Mr. Wolverton. of the committee
on pamphlets, reported, when a motion was
made and carried that -5000 pamphlets be
printed at once, and that 2000 be sent to
Superintendent Mcblroy at San rranclsco
for distribution. The contract for print
ing these pamphlets will be let and the
worked pushed.
Of Mutual Hr.vrkit. Geo. E. Hard v.
of Lebanon, has made the'f olio wing propo
sition to the people of Lebanon : "I agree
to construct a telegraph line from here to
Albany and operate the same at the usual
rale, established by all other telegraph
lines, to furnish everything and keep it in
repair, on condition of a bonus of three
hundred dollars; thatis if the citizens will
donate that much I will furnish the bal
ance and obligate myself to operate the
line." If the people of that city do not ac
cept this proposition at double quick speed
they hardly know how their bread is but
tered, una of the crying needs ot that vi
cinity Is a telegraph line to Albany from
that city.
Aoot'T Right. Dr. Henderson, of
Southern California, in conversation with
a Salem reporter said : "With your rrild
climate, your safe seasons and sureness of
crops, the fertility of the soil, the splendid
water power, the abundance of accessible
. fuel your location on river and railroad,
arc to attract capital, enterprise
- and population. And not to this capital
city and Marion county only, but to ail
this magnificent valley !
Married. On June 29th, 18SS, at the
Court Housedn Albany by George Humph
rey, Esq., Mr Michael Loftus, of Washing
ton Territory and Mary A. Boggs, of Har-
v sss.sp
risburg. The Democrat wishes Mr. and
Mrs. Loftuj a happy voyage down fife's
stream together. Mav their ioys be lofty
ones and their troubles small.
On.The Verge. Thos. Kay, a resident
of Ashland In "ye olden time," but now in
terested in the Brownsville, (Linn county)
woolen mills, arrived in town Wednesday.
It Is reported that he is on the verge of sell
ing his Brownsville interests and looking
this way. Ashland Tidmgsl
A Cider BarrelTIic Sa?em States-
man publishes over its editorial columns a
picture of a log cabin with, a cider barrel
n front of it and a jack rabbit or cayote
sneaking off. That was quite a racket in
the days of "Tippecanoe too," but cider
barrels wont make yotes this year.
Mildew. Mr. Kelley has shown us
some mildew, that is now found in quanti
fies on nlants. throush a microscope, and
the picture presented is one of the prettiest
taken from any of the works of nature.
Pltcher'8 Castoria.
W. F.
(Successor to
I n tcdvi g ner ?d in
1KVC.IRS0Ns& C0..CC4&2
I Ss. -V
Llm i r1 BsssWmBBBBH ri I .
Everything- New, with New Priees
Lower than Ever Offered
in Albany,
I propose fr have an eofar
any, with ail ';t8
New Novelties
Latest Styles
and as tfaej are maoictured. AH old eaetomers and friends of the boose
and as
well new one, are eordtatly
I Do Not Propose Flo To Undersold.
W 1. BEAD,
57 First Street, Albany, Or:
Are rolline in. You can't escape them ; but you can escape the sleep
less nights, loss of appetite, and
m . J . t
ing the nervous lorce ny muscuiar
Bier's torrid days. The
Compound, that great
strengthen the nervous
against the attacks of
preparation is a medi
scientific combination of
benefit to body and brain
and has brought new life
weakened nerves were the
especially valuable at this
so liable to sunstroke, a
fatal. Paine's Celery
health, almost entirely re
disease. If you feel the effects of summer's heat, you can t anoru 10
delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by the
use of this great medicino. Sold 6y Druffgitl. $1.00. Six for $5.00.
Sond for eight-page paper, with many tesumonlals.
To ffousektvperfi and
JVirmws. It Is impor
tant that tho Soda or
Haleratusyou useehouM
bo White and Puro saroo
aa nil
used for food. To insure
obtaining only tho'Wrm
& Hammer" brand Soda
or Ualerat s. bay it in
"pound or ha'f pound"
cartoons, which bear our
name and trade-mark, ru
Interior goodara som -times
substituted for tuo
"Arm k Hammer" brand
when bought in bulk.
Psrtiea using B.ikln3
Powder should remem
ber that its sole rising
property consists of bi
carbonate of s oda. Ono
teaspoon ful of tho "Arm
& Hammer" brand of
Soda or Baleratua mixed
with sour milk equals
Packed in Card Board
N. H. Allen & Co.)
every line. Oid gmds sold out.
liiy sji ?? if brnr'it t
invited to call and inspect atock and
Sucessarfto N. H. Allen Sc Co
languid feeling that result from drain-;
MAiltal AVAwtlAW in etim.
mental exertion in sum- -
use of Paine's Celery
nerve tonic, will at once
system, and fortify it
summer debility. This
cine not a drink. It is a
the best tonics, giving lasting
It cures all nervous diseases,
and health to thousands whose
cause of their many ills. It is
season, when feeble persons are
disease which is nearly always
Compound, by restoring perfect
moves the liability to this dread
fourtef-spoonfula of tho
best Baking I'owder.sar
ing twenty time ita
coat. b -sides being
muchhoalthier , becauso
itdoeanot contain say
Injurious substances,
suchasahim, terra alba
etc, of lik-lt many Bak
ing Tow dors tro made.
la:ryiH;a aud Farmers
fhouJd uje only tho "Arm
As Hammer " brand for
rlt-auing and keeping
Milk lass Swcot and
Caution. See that
every pound package of
Arm ft) ! Hammer
Br.vud" contains full
10 ounces net. and tho
ar pound packages a I
O (Him net, Boiia or
Saloratus samo as speci
fied on each package.
Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
f, -
Children Cry for