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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1888)
Utter List. Mllln Is the list of letters ramalnlnf In the P,l I Albany. Linn county, Onr. I oelllnf for these Ir-ttors mint five the data on which tfcv war a.t erttswl Arnall, AT Br) ant, Ja M Urate, IJaoqr , .ism. rrady, Jesses Klnjt, Miss Krnsstlnr Itn hailan. II S Ja., K S Rankle, H Warner, A J K. THOMPSON, P to. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR 0F" STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8U.,' DKALKR IN 4'smaeel rrnilM, Caane MesUa, Dries! Fruit, Vegetable, Clear. Nplee, Colter. Tea, Ete !.. In fsot everything; ths. I kept li a gen mi variety and grocery store. Highest market prtoe paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attantion-Firat-class Hearse jsTAfer busiuot h ur call at ro.idenoe fifth an 1 Btker THE YAQU1NA MUTE. Orajon Pacific Railroad. Orjg u Djivelopoasnt Company's su,m ahip Line 225 MILES 8HDfar8. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. Firet-ela through passenger and freight line from Portland and all points in the WilUmaUe Valley to and from San Franeiaoo, Cel. Willamett9 Rivar Lina of Steamers. The -Wm. M. Hoag," The -lN. 8, Beat Is j," Too "Three Sisters" are in service for both passenger and freight train I be tween Corval lis and Portland end tnedtate points, leaving Company V wharf, Corvalba. aud Messrs. fiuimsn A Go's wharf. Nos. 200 end 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follows : NOKTtt BOUND. Leave CorralUs, Man , Wad. sad Friday, 10.1X1 A. to. Uara -VI bam, Mund.y. Wl. aud KrkUj. 12:00 N.u Arnra HurUaod, fee , Tia,anl8tunLy, 5 JO P. to. SOUTH BOCNO. Usee Portland, Ma., Wad. aad Prtdsy, 8:00 A. to. Uir. Albany, fue., l'uur.. aad Saturday, l:flJ p. M. Arrive Cwrailia, To-., Tho. aitd Saturday, 4:20 P. to. Boats make close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. TIME S JH8UULE (ai-ept Sundays.) Laatra Albany, l:0i r. a, Lear Yaqaina, fl JO a.m. In CrUu, 1:17 r, s. lLaare CurrallU,l0. a.m. Anva Yaquina, tM r. m I Arrive Albany, 11:16 a. O Jk C. traias oaue :i at Albany and Cur vail is The above trains connect at Vaquin i with thi Oregju Development C i.upsuy's Liua of sUjmnliips between Yaqmua an 1 H n if ran :ie j. tfAILlXG HATCH . riAi. rati a a At raassssco. rao r aui ia WilhssMta Vanity, WOlaaseUe Valley, WillautotteVeiley. WiUanMUe Valley. .) ii 22nd July sri Juiy lsUi July sSKo. June aoth. July 13th. Ju,y xsth. 1 he Company . rve .he right to change saitiug dates without notice. N. U. Pa.ssoujjr.s from P-ir.lana and Villameue Va ley p iu- can make close ouue.u a witbiue tmtaa wf the Yaquina roaia at At oaii or Cirvallis, and it des tiu j4 to nn Frauuiso should arrange to arrive at Yaquiu t tne ovoaing before date of sailing. PaMeater aad V.rlht Katea alwaya ise Lwra. VH i,if t a uo i aply iu C J StUArt, Prsight and IV. jl Araut, AibA.1, u. to O If Uaaarell, Jr., U. P. A P. As. Orejf.KJ Hseasp Jieul Cw 3 -4 ifiyutuoiery St., Saw rTaocuo, tUI. C- ., A. U. P. aud P. Agent, Oreicou I'jl "i j U U Co. Coreallla, Or. UVctlLAvJ rj C4LIFJ.!A foti'MTii Paoiflj Company's Line. TMK sir. AN til 1 Kili ri eVa kas'iasi Jtoes 'jrasl s. Psssksa, ss houra - s . iauroaiA sraaaa i. tixa ajlt. Sou h North t'W r. S. . Loava I'.ninl Arrive I 10:4(1 A :tfjr s I Usave Alb. uy hMV I 7.0.1 a M :tl a s I Arrivj iaa P a note; tViava I 0:30 r s kMAt rasssases raaea sailt ,cept euuday). s 00 a s i Laura Peetsmd Arrtral 8:46 r a Itttm Leave Albany . Leave i 11:36 a a t-.wrm j Arrive Knyene Leare 9 AO a m local raxaK Tatixa kailv, sxcsrr mi moat . tl) r 1 I I . i ; a . r S Am e l:&)rt I Lear 3 1:30 i' M I Arrive Alb t if L ib i i Mi Albany I. ;.,- i Arrive I 6:16 A a L ive I ."-. ) a s Arrive , 2:46 r S I. ; I v ' M r S PULLMA t iiJFfcf 3LP8S. T.urlt Mlrejflu Care f.n- 4cCiMliuiMiitluii I Scetnd't'laa Psaaea&erft, altaekeil I 6:xpraa Trjlna. Vfffl aide Ivlvlalwa. agrriKKK pttrLti tt tnravtLLia. a Vil tai ovibv (j jh Uy.) 0am 8:26 r u Loare Arrive f rtUn J Arrive Liare :I5 r a 1:30 a trztu T4 1: i ouly (; ,-'. fa taf .y. 4:50 r m !00 pa Lssm Arri a Mtoinnviiie A rive lyave tf:Ol a u Ms A M AtAlbi'iy till CrrallU tfMeSSSt with traina of Oregon Paciac Uaiiroad K r full iiif-jraiUi , i re.'ir.Ji;i2 rstst, unfn, etc., on Company 'a Ayeiit. R. KOBHLEMt, . P. KOUR41S. toanagsr. A,'lO. P. and P. Avt. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county fur Larva of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Sup'rems Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be. without We ask an investigation of its .nerits. Agents wanted in every county in the State W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3io6 t California St., $an Francisco, Ca CROSS- s & ALLEN. PEOPEIETOES Albany Track and Dray Co., U, 1. ! hrt lie j;wlthOAre ittdjiispatch JPa A A 1 A Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DOQO TO Woodin & Willard. where you will find tho best make and finest finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alto a tine lino ui PICTURE FRAMES, and a bunderd dlffrrent stylta of Monldings. Pioture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prices rsaeonable. Andrews & Hackieman, W.LDOUGLASl S3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON the lumber monopoly. Wo ran furnish to builders aud oon'.rAOtors. rojgb. clear or flrishing LUMBER, ou abort notice. This lu in tier is out front the lei yellow fir, rafted from tb cele brated MvKlnxls timber regioussod nianu faoturetl tt (,'oburg. Any quantity can be furnUhed at Albany at low prices. It needs no rsommtndatlon as to quality CEDAR POSTS. BOXING LATH, PICKETS and lumber of all kin Is on our yard oon stantly. Dju'i order without seeing or hearing frnn us. We will aaye you money. HAMMER BROS.. Ail a iv Linn Co,, ti ALBANY COLLEBUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, W 1887, 1888. rirs Term apeas arpirrubrr l3ib, iaej. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of -tudy arranged to meet the need of all grades of student. Special imdmrememls offered to slmdentt from abroad. Tuition range from $5.50 to f1?,50. Board in private faini'iee at :cw rates. Room a. lor self-boarding at small ex en. A careful superviaion exercised over stu dents away from borne. Fall term opens September 7tb. For circulars and full particulars address the President. BEY. ft.LBr.KT M. t"BIT. Albany, Oregon DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 aud 4. Foster's Bloek. Albany orecon. City Market, M. HVDfi Prtp.-ieto . Fresh meab constantly on hand. Near corner of First and I-Vrrv StreeU. Homeopathic Physician, MRS. M, E i ciMY, to. D., UOtoEOPATHlC hraician, oftV-e and rraidenco turner A First an.l rJakr StrccU, Alliany, Ortv'-n. .,hrt,iil: a specialty. 0nau!Ution tree, office bwura : 10 a. m. W l i a in ami 2 t p. Rhss House. J GH13L.I1V, Proprietor. Tnis house is now ooen and furnished with the beat new furniture. Everything clean sod octnmodious, offering to t ic gen eral public superior sccommodatirrs to anv in the city. H. r. MERRILL, 33 A 3ST TSU 3B, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Bell exchange on Saw York, Franciaoj and Purtland . Bay doUm. 8ta'e. cjuatv ami tv warrants Rm- ceivo depimiu ailbjecl U clusck. luUsi-eat allowed an time denoaite. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correepnndenca aolicitetl. Fire and marine itmiraucu jla. I in reliable com panies. XiTOflM h mra from A a. in. to 6 p.m. Notice for Publication, Land Office nt On gon Cilv, Or. ) Msy 17tb, 18fe. J Notice is hereby giv-n that the follow ing uaiiicd settler has filed notice of bis iou-nt m to mako final proof in support of rils claim, and that said proof will be made btfro tbe Judge or lit case of bis abouce County Clerk of Liun coun ty, Oregon, at Aib.iny, Oregon, on Monday, July llt, IMSK, viz : John M. Flaughcr, Houif-stead En iry ."'o 4870 for the S V, of N El and N ii of N vv of Sec. 32, To II m R j E. He itaiubs the following witues to prove his crmtfuuoiis resldencr upon aud culti vation o", aahl ImmI, viz : .les M Nou:h, Johtt'O Iwiyd, ihotiiM ro;kcit William Ray, all of Lebanon, Lin it cuuitytOregon, W. r. iiUHNKV. HegiMter. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kiods on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE G000S. 0EEB3H VLUm GOSTEAGfOE, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice To any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKECOM. fTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THS COURTS OF THE VY State. Special attention given to collections and robate matter. farofflcel Fell w's Temple. hswsf 3 Him IVOS EEI BROKE. Site democrat. mOIiLl, and MAPEft. Will ( low on th 4th. We, the luidereigosd, horeby sgtss io dote our respectivo plaros of business on the national holulsv, the 4th of July, ("1 day. I 8 1 Young. 0 H Soenovr. (1 W Smith Woodin ft Willard. Farmers' .V Merchants' Insurance Co, Thompson ft Overmsn. Cot n Bros. W Fortmiller A Co. F I Kenton. Cowsn,tHalston .V O. J Orsdwohl. Will St Stark. Koahay Maou, except for prss work O I. Haekaae, exespt for prss work . Milt Miller, sxoept f or pres work. H Kwart (1 W Sinipfou. P Cohen. Monteith .V Seitcobacli. W C Tweetlals. Lsou Power. Ilrownell . Stauilurd. Ptrst National Hank. Krsuss Ac Klein. Wallace ft Thomson. Parker Bro. 0 H aela4 ft Co John O Schioesr Fred Mueller. Kuapp, H ii n il 0i except for inachiu sry and extraa. Stewart ft Sex, except for maohinery sod extras. Dsyoe lbdsin, except fur utaolitnery and extras. (kin red Me mo, J J Dubru, l, I. K hum. F M KrencL. II K Merrill. h GotlisK A U Mcltwsio. What Cm.. Hawlkv 8vh. In writing up a trip through the Willamette Valley Col. Ilawley, who in 18S1 favored the Dkm- tK'RAT with an ciifht or ten column article on the sea coast country, says in the last West Short: 'Albany Is a delightful and progressive city, situated at the junction of the Oregon St, California and the Oregon Pacific railroads, with the beautiful WM Lunette river laving its western corporate line. The adjacent country abounds in charming drives through a farming section rich in orchard, meadows, stock farms and graxing fields. Comfortable camping places in the foothi',1, and several summer re sorts located at health giving mineral springs, arc in easy reach of the city by stage or private conveyance. Leaving Al bany either by steamer, rail, stage or priv ate conveyance, the pleasant town of Cor vatlis is reached after a drive of an hour or two. Here Irt me call attention to a climatic peculiarity of this section. Albany, sheltered by an outlying spur of hill Is measureblv protected from the sea breexc, which villi the regularity of clock work, sweeps in the afternoon thr ugh the pass In the Coast range through which the Ore gon Pacific railroad finds Its way to Ya quina bay.n KF.AL BTa T MALES. As recorded In the Couoty Clerk's office of Linn county, Oregon : Wm M Davis to Elizabeth Young, 12 acres, 9 w a $ 50 B A Witzel to Laoma Witzel, 208.99 acres, 12 w 4 9405 Mary E Malson to Sarah Davidson, 140 acres, 13 w 2 1 R Koehlcr to John B Brann, lot 8, block 78, M's 2nd A 200 T L Hargrove to Ed Stover, 1 14 acre ii 1 2000 OB. BO MAft-KO In his niw discover) I, r I'.msumnUnn. aucr-euad Io prxduHng; a medietas which Is scknwUhrd by ah to ho simply marvelous. It la etooedtneb; eaaul to the taste, perfectly harmless, and does not iHoi Is ail raaee of 'oueumotion, t ouch. Colds, Vboof In Cona-h, Croup. HrrnchitU, and Pains Sj the 1 beat It has gtten unlvertat seueiactton. Or IbaamkoM though and Lung- Mi run Is eohl at So cents hy M. A. Miller. 1 1 S) sxa a ia What Hk Lkkt. The estate of John Morgan, who recently died in California, leaving property in Albanr, is valued at $4,000. Dr. J. L. Hill has been appointed Executor and has given bonds in the sum of $8jooo. JACOBS 0l FOR WATERMEN. All at EN whose pursuits place them on the water, ouch so Seafarers, Lake tod River CrafltatB, Yachtmen, Boatmen, &e.f should be guided by what CAPT. PAUL BOYTON, the World Renowned 8 win ner, whose autograph is here shownayas follows ; Si ft si A "I don't see how X could V j got along without St. Jacobs Oil." CURES RHEUMATISM, CRAMPS, ACHES, PAINS AND BRUISES. Bold by DruffffltU and Dtalern Erxrywhart. Charles A. Voseler Co.. Hal to.. M1 OThe BUYEB8' GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or tho neeessities of life. Wo can olotho you and furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is roquired to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can maJte a fair estimate of the value of the BTJYEHB" GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, 111. O. O OH tjKKV. O.R.I'VRUKb ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, Machinists, Millwrights, and! ber Founders. E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds nf Iron ana rass castings. PATTERNS MtDK ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of inachiuery. Children Cry for f I KM AM K. COLUMN. Edited by Albsny W, 0. T, U. The Women's Christian Temperance Union uf West Washington Territoiy, held their annual convention at la Coaler the lUtb, 20th and 21th of this month. Mayor Hewitt, of N. Y. in his message to tho Board of Aldermen says l "A visit to the great charitable institutions maintained a .a S a Si a r a I S a as ny tho oi ty of insw York, con taming oyer 14,000 persons, will convince the most skep tical observer, that the chief ceose of crime, sickness, and poverty, which fill thess insti tutions with their tenants, is to bs fonnd in excessive indulgence io intoxicating drinks.' The first obstacles that we meet io our up wsrd march are those that are wrapped up in us. They oome from what we call, io soieo tine language heredity. How are we going to get rid of them . 1 here is but ooe wsy we must grow out of them. When we ap pes I toe man to overcome the evils inherent in him, wo oaa appeal only to the manhood ho possesses, whether it be much or little. And here is the field for oar morel suasion in the temperance rt form ; tho field for tho Co. pel minister ; ths conscientious teacher : the faithful father and mother. ( Mefore man can reach his highest estste, before ho can fsel that he 4a oat of the slough f drunkenness and standing Hudy on the highway of happiness, he mast m soms wsy overcome the evil that is in him. if this be so, we, as christian temperance workers mast labor with patience and perseverance to root tsit ths evil, remembering that untiring' ef fort for tho individual, is as much needed as labor for the mosses. The specious pin uf the liquor man is that they create a demand for lobar, sad give work to (JOU. 000 rMfsoes This is ths plea of lottnry-mun, gainbirr, opium tnerohaats, publishers of obscene btersturn, and was the pis of too old sisys-masters. It none breach of trade against many honorable and useful industries. Were the E!hX),0U),000 annually spent for liquor spplied to the comforts of life, it would sifurd employment for 300,000 addt tioual persons, whose yearly wsgss would bo fyo.00O.UUU, sod there would be 9.100,000, 000 additional capital demanded, $503,000, 000, of new materials required, whuh at wholesale wonld yield to the annual income of our country, f7W.000.000. Let our wise men tell ths country that oar national liquor bill is, year by sear, three times so much as oar people spend for breed, mors than half the amount for clothing, sod more thas tire tunes that for boots and shoes. Over against our 142.000 schools of learning ws sre compelled to place 196,000 drinking places. W are forced to offset til 1,000,000 fOf sou cation srttl I0Q0.O0O.OOO b.r run, an.l crime ; scd 02.000 clsrgymea sre opposed by 600,000 persons in the liquor trade, who are licensed by our government. W quo id afford to support at the rate of 11,000 a year, each uf the 000,000, and we would then have surplus of $300,000,000. Add to this nnaneial waste that of lite, ot intellect, of love, of home sod of heaven, all higher notivss, aad toe inspiration to action is immsursble M. A. Te Satlroay Ntoiir. -Yestcr- dav the principal salutation war. "scl wltot'a the news." "Which .' One fel ow almost ate the M. A. T. because he saw inai word, and ejaculated with set teeth, "the Chicago Convention of course.' But there were plenty more Interested In the firemen's tournament, and who seemed to think about as mudi depended on it . t is now ascertained to be a fact that more rain has fa'lcn already in June In Albany than In any June for at least ten years Since 1878 the highest June precipitation was in 1884, when 3.33 inches of water fell. " a .ii. a a a 1 1111 inrxun iuiiv live mcnes nave come down. The average for ten years was 1 28 ncbesinjune The ecut lemon who rui. trie auction of oil painting thinks Albanv people lack an appreciation of good oil paintings, studio works. Paintings which he rbitned should bring at least one hun dred dollars sold for five to ten dollars ... We sec too many men now davs who have genius and ability 5 but drown everything n strong dunk, think of a man srt vinif up all that amounts to anvthing in life just to satisfy his appetite. A particular case has come to our notice recent. v However ntcrested men may get in politics it is pleasing feature to observe that when comes to business politics are laid aside and republicans and democrats buy their goods side licslde. Will VACATKOur present county of ficlals arc potting things in order for their successors. Every office In the county this year changes hands. County Clerk Gal braith, who has filled the office with marked ability, we understand will take a trip to the Sound with a view of locatinir there Mr. Montague and Mr. Davis will occupy the present Clerk's office together. Neither expect to have deputes after they get the run of the office. Sheriff Smith.than whom there is none more competent in Oregon may be relied on to remain in Albany and there will be no trouble about keeping track of him. Sheriff Smallman will not have to hunt houses in the desperate man ner that is proving the experience of oev eral officials, as he will only have to mount the jail stairs. Treasurer Curl has a home lere, and will probably remain in Albany where he will prove the steady, reliable citizen that has characterized his admlnis tratlon of the Treasurers office. Mr RcUi the Superintendent is already pretty com fortabty settled, and his successor, Mr Jktri will move to Albany and devote al It . a . S o at s s nis tune lotne ousiness ox me otnec. juoge Whitnev is already located in the Foster 1J lock, and Judge Illackburn will retain his present office in the O. F. Hall. Surveyor Fisher is sufficiently "well fixed" so that the change of the compass to Mr O'Conuer will not affect him. John Sheu will re main In Sweet Home, and like MrThomp son, will gaze from a distance at the AI bany Justices as they tackle most of the business before he can get here A Fink Lei h r. The Democrat take great pleasure In presenting to Us readers letter from the hands of the talented wife of Consul General Bonham, of Cal cutta, Hindostan. Mn. Hun ham has many friends in Albany, Salem, and through the Valley generally who will be delighted to be able to hear from her In this way, 1 he letter was over a month m its long yovage, but is as fresh as a May morning. Business Chanoc. Our enterprising merchant, T C Peeblcr in company with Harry Simms, have bought out the well- known and popular St. Charles I lote , and will conduct the business under the name and style of T. C. Peebler & Co. We be speak for them a liberal snare ot pairon age, Express. Defalcation. The amount of defal cation from Dayton & Hall, of Portland, is now figured out te be $3689.69. The crime of taking this money Is charged to Wm. Emery, of Corvall8, a son of Prof. Emery, agent at Klamath. Emery denies it. What the proof is in the matter we are not informed. Married. At the Evangelical church, Corvallis,Or.,June 21, 1888, by Rev. J. L Hershner, Mr. Augustus Becker, of Al banv, Or, and Miss Sarah E. Wood, of King's Valley. The young couple will re side m Albany, the present home the of the groom, where our nearly wisnes welfare follow them. Leader. for their j xkiku iuk AsaAu Li j , uu vvuuncsaay m K r -r- f TTT 1 , Mr. Thomas, of Harrisburg was tried on charge of assaulting a boy , sen of C C Baber, of that place with a cane. He was acquit ted. J Pitcher's Caetoria. nnaWssjpnnonnMni National ltepubllcan Convention. CHicAOO,June at. Com. on platform gVees except as to anti-saloon plank which wilt be discussed this morning. Platform declares the fight Is between protection and ree trade. Welcomes the Issue made by resident, favors abolishing tobacco tax except on cgars, clgaretts aud cheroots. Sympathises with home rulers in Ireland, Criticises the civil service of the adminis tration. 10:41 a. m.-McKlnlcy, of Ohio takes platform to read report of committee on ilatform. Platforms sends greeting to Braxll for freeing slaves, favors protectlye tariff, favors reducing postage to one cent, condemns administration for surrendering Ashlne? privileges and for spirit hostile to pension legislation. 11:31 a. m, Leonard Swett.of III., takes iilatform te nominate Grcshaiu W it, a. in.- Davis, of Miss., seconds nomination of Grcsham. ti:o a. m. Lynch, of Miss,, seconds nomination of Gresham. 12:14 a. m. MeCall, of Mass., seconds nomination of Uresham. 1 : -Rector, of Tcxas.seconds Gresh am. oreeiiuto second cunciuucu. r.x- m a s . a 6 e a SMS Gov. Porter takes platform for Harrison 12 135. .Mention of Harrisons name erected with prolonged cheering. Indiana men on feet waving fans. I'orter tntci upted with cries of "Gresham." Mingled hisses. 1 2 :57. - At close of Porter's speech I ndl ana delegation rose and cheered. 1 05.- Convention adjourned to 3 o clock. 3:07 p. m. Convention t ailed to order. t:a6, Teall of Texas seconds nomination of Harrison. 3 "33- Applause from Texas and Indiana, and wavlni banner from Indiana urects Rector. Galllnger of N. H. seconds liar risott. 33 Roll coll proceed. Iowa called. Cheering. 3:CO Mention Allison's name greeted With cheers from ualleric, and floor. lows delegs'e standing. 4 P. M. Pcpburn sllll speaking, not much enthusiasm. Hrpuburn says Alison would not be found returning rebel flags. Continued cheers and cries for Forakcr. 4:il p. m. Iowa, Missouri and Ma- .1 chusetts cheer. Allison at conclusion of Hepburn' speech. Bos worth Rhode Is land takes platform to second Allison. 4:21 p, m. Prolonged cheering led bv Iowa and joined bv Maryland and the tor. ritories. 4:22 p.m. Roll coll proceeding Michi- E an reached, cheering. Fralcr, of Mich igan, takes platform to nominate Alger. 4:to Prolonged and renewed chcrrinu. Mention of Alger's name and cries of he's all right. 4:33. I iasirr s speech iMecUd with great enthusiam on floor and galleries. Mention Logan's name created cn.-at ap plause. Fraxier quoted Mr. Ixgan In con clusion. Great and continued applause. Nave, of Massachusetts, seconds Alger. 5 p. m. Crowd at Interval nakes up cry of "He's all rlehL" Great lauahter. :il P.M. Ka-ffersof Arixona second Allger. eua. Eggers says he desired to say on ly a word. Great and continued applause. $:7 P. M. Roll call proceeds, New York reached. 5:18 P.M. Hiacock take platform to nominate Uepew. Chicaoo, June tisTribmm says scheme on foot among Blaine's friends to nominate him after giving Harrison a chance as a feint to defeat Sherman. Savs New York may turn Gresham if Dephew is not taken up by other states. 1 1:06 a. m. Convention called to order Hiacock take the chair. Roll call ordered 2nd ballot. Alger, 116 , Gresham, 108 ; Lincoln. 3 ; Phelps, 18 ; Allison, 75 ; Ingall ; 16 ; Blain, 32 1 Sherman, 249 ; Depcw, 99 . Rusk, 20 ; Harrison, 95 ; McKinly, 3. 3rd ballot. New Jersey gives Allison 4 ; Depew, 1 ; Harrison. 4 ; Phelps, 4 ; Sherman, 1 : Mc Klnley, 3. Kansas casts 2 votes forjudge S F Miller. Tout vote on 3rd baltot Alger, 122 ; Harrison, 94 ; Depew, 90 ; Phelps, 50 ; Lincoln, 2 ; Sherman, 244 ; Gresham, 123 ; Rusk,i6 ; Blaine, 3$ ; Mc Kinley,8 ; Miller, 2. Adjourned to 7 o'clock p. m. Chicago, June 23. -Tribute says anti Harrison forces have combined to prevent his nomination this morning, and after a ballot or two will adjourn to unite on some other candidate. 10x18 a. m. Convention called to order. It Is said the convention will adjourn after one or perhaps two ballots. Werner Mil ler, of N. Y. presiding. Roll call proceed ing with fourth ballot. 10:38 a. m.McKinley withdraws. Utl-not- gives Harrison, 3 ; Gresham. 44. New York gives Alger, 3 ; Allison. 1 ; Harri on, 59 ; Sherman, t ; Blaine, 8. Wiscon sin gives Harrison, 20. Applause and cheers. 4th Ballot. -Alger 135, Harrison 217, Allison 88, Blaine 42, Sherman 236, Gres ham 98, McKinley 11, Lincoln 1, Douglas 1, Foraker I. 11:25 m. Fifth ballot being taken. Callifornla votes for Blaine. Cheers and hisses. Indiana gives Harrison 29, Gres ham 1. 1140 a. m. New Hampshire gives Har rison 8. New Jersey gives McKinney 6. Fifth Baliot.Blaini 46, Alger 142, Alli son 213, Gresham 87, Sherman 214, McKin ney 14. Adjourned to 4 p. m. 3:20 p. m. Generally expected effort will be made to stampede convention to Blaine this afternoon. Some talk of combination on Allison. Blaine new expect New York delegation on 6th and 7th ballot. Governor Foraker says Ohio will not vote solid for Sherman this afternoon. Asked about stampede to Blaine he said if they break to him it will likely go to him. He is a very strong man. 4:07 p.m. Hlscock just said motion will be made to adjourn to Monday. Convention called to order. Warner Miller says the understanding is to ad jouan to Monday to II a. m. Motion tot adjourn make. Kansas calls for roll call. Iowa seconds it. On adjournment Ind. votes 30 no, and Iowa 26 aye. New York 72 no. Full vote on adjournment, 493 aye, 340 no. yvujourneu to n a. m. monuay. Hakrisucko. Harrisburg is situated in the extreme southwestern part of the county, 30 miles south of Albany on the Willamette river, and also on the line of the Oregon 61 California railroad. It Ik in the heart of a rich agricultural region which reaches out in un open stretch of beautiful and extremely fertile prairie on each side of the river to tle distance of 13 to 20 mile. The river at this point is navi gable only in the winter season. The lo cality is quite heathful, which is true of nearly every other locality in the state of Oregon. The population numbers about 600. There are flourishing public schools, and the business interests are milling, man ufacturing and merchantile. Resources of Oregon. Married. Qn Wednesday evening, June 20th, i88, at Monmouth, Mr. Ed. C. Pentland, formerly of Scto, and Miss Ger trude Hayes, of Monmouth, Prof Stanley officiating. At the residence of Mr C P Knighton, Tangent, Or., June 20th, 1888, Mr. Sam II. Bryan and Miss Lelia J Knighton, both of Linn county, Rev G F Rounds, officiat ing. Gets a Pension. Mr. Nehemiah T Moorf, the painter, of this city, has been granted a pension as an original invalid. Children Cry for. MOhDKN WKDDINO. 1838 -1888. Married lone atst. by Rev. Na thaniel Ingles, in Carroll county, Indiana, Mr. William Mc Br hie to Miss Ann Crews. After the lapse of half a century the gold en wedding was celebrated yesterday at their home in Albany. The stalwart form of the young bridegroom of twenty-three is hut slightly bowed and the bonnle young bride of twenty-two is now a well preserv ed and venerable grand-mother. True In deed, time has done his work with them as he has with all the world. The lines of age arc in their faces and their whHcncd locks give token of advancing years ; yet as they sUtod up before the happy com pany of children, grand-chiidrcn and friends their ajiedrts were young as ever They told with delight of the fashions and scenes of fifty years ago. What would our young people of to-day think of having to publish the bans "three several Sabbaths In the church" and then have a marriage ccrcmorf an hour long t Their Golden wedding was a little less tedious and less formal. They have had ten children ;but four of whom arc living, vix : Mrs. Isaac Elder, of Eddvvllle, Iowa ; Mrs, John Crawford, of this county ; Mrs. John Mil lard, of Albany, ana Mr. John Mc Bride, of Peoria. All were present and with nine teen grand-children and a few friends made a company of over fifty. The venerable couple took their places on the floor and after a few remarks of a historical charac ter by their pastor, Dr. Irvine, all joined in fervent prsyer for Heaven's richest bless ing upon their declining years. 1 hen came the golden presents from children and grand-children. A fine gold watch and gotd-headed cane for Mr. Mc Bride and a beautiful pair of gold framed spectacles, gold thimble and wedding ring for Mrs. Mc Bride. After hearty congratulations and many kisses from the little folks all sat down to a bountiful dinner prepared by loving hands. Then after some hours spent in a social way the company dispersed, with many good wishes for the venerable couple. Mr. McBridc emigrated to county in 1865 and ha. resided in Albany for the j est three years. A Bkidokry all Means. -If the Al bany Board of Trade would like to sub merge itself with glory and do more for Albany than several hundred thousand cir culars can do, let it put on foot a scheme for building a bridge across the Willamette at this city. It is bound to come some time and the sooner the ball Is set rolling the sooner the bridge will be built. Fer ries are antiquated affairs and eye-sores to an advancing community, even Fox Val ley was too far ahead to put up with the institutions and the precinct got a bridge. One can be built here if our citizens only say the word, and, as the Board of Trade is the spokesman, let the members act, and the sooner the better. For vears Albany, which pays nearly a fourth of the taxes of the county, has been helping to bridge every little streem in the county, and very properly. Now istt it about this city s turn to get a benefit. For a bridge here the county should contribute a very liberal amount and probably would ; Albany would come to utc ironl wl'.n a good sixed sum. It citUens and business men mould sub scribe very liberally, because it would be a bonanza to them, and the farmers of Ben ton county would turn their pockets inside out. Now see how easy the matter is, and shall we any longer remain idle when such a structure is so much needed here. Every city on the Willamette will in time have its wagon bridge. Docs Albany propose to be the last? Not much' TIIL'RSOAV. Mr L Senders is io Sso F-aoetseo Ths Grsad Lodge of Good Templars io in km in t'ortlsnd. Mr Steve Phillipi came over the mountains front Camp Polk a few stays ago. Bind sua handkerchiefs are all the rage now. Wo uottos that Ulaia has a laree stock oe hand. Last evening wail the tight rope walkioK tti tskne pi ecu a, entered the rooms uf A Cotnlry over the saloon, but was dtseov r I before getting hold of soy valuables aad allowed to depart. Mr J (1 Crawford is horns from MonmoHth, where be took pbotograpl's of the twenty seven graduate, and each of them. He re ceived orders for about ooe thousand eoaies. VR1DAY. According to the almanac this is the Ions- eat day in the year. Mrs Fortmiller, mother, and John, brother ef Wm Fortmiller, tbe popular furniture man, are in tbe city, and will remain several weeks. The Mason's Batlding Association, of this city hsvs tilled articles of incorporation with Osorge K.Sunpsoo, Dr W Maalon and C K Wolvsrtoo as iaoorpo retort. The heir of John W Lyoer, of Browns ville, a few days ago were paid the sam of 8-JO00, by the AO U W of whioh Mr. Tyeer was a member. The mouey waa paid through tbe Albany lodge. Jos Samuels aad wife, of California, are in the city the guests of Messrs Aaron snd Sainoal Cohen, brothers of Mrs Samuels. This it their first meeting for about twelve years, and of 000 ree is an occasion of crest re joicing with them. Saturday's daily. Ex Sheriff J K Charlton is io the city. Tbe Crabtree postofiice has beeu discon tinued. U R Humphrey, of Waterloo precinct win the city. State Printer Baker forenoon. was io thb city this A member of tho Spokane Fall hose team that will go to Seattle on the 4th of July is Harry Parker, a former resident of this city. He is one cf the hydrsnt men. Rev Dr Thompson snd wife, of Corvsllis-, arrived m Atiisnv last niuht on tneir wav home from the East, where the Doctor was a delegste to the National Presbytery. The authorities at Ixieg Island, N. Y .aro determined to abato the tramp nuisance. They have purchased a number of chains equipped with shackle and 40 pound iron balls. All tramps sre to wear them while working on th public streets. Albany has a chain and ball ; but they sro getting rusty though tramps sre plenty. vpoieso mam aa oqs 'uajpirqo psn etrs ueuj Hljoso 01 Sunp eus ssjk eureooq oqs usqAV TJOtwo toj psja oqs 'pjrqO v bum oqs uoq & tqaoisso joq oauU oat 'sors Xqsg uoqv The republican party in 1884 put the fol lowing plank in their platform : "The democratic party has failed com pletely to relieve the -people of the burden of unnecessary taxation by a wise reduc tion of the surplus. The republican party pledges itself to correct the Inequalities o"f the tariff and to reduce the surplus." The democrats put the following plank in their platform : "That change Is necessary is proved by an existing surplus of more than $100,000, otxywhich has yearly been collected from a suffering peopfe. Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. The democratic party is pledged to revise the tariff in a spirit of fairness to all interests." Read them both carefullyand decide for yourselves as to which party is living up to its pledges. Wool men are now beginning to inquire why the price of wool does not go up .since Oregon has gone republican. Pitcher's Castoria. for Infants and Children. 1 1 it ss strpsrior to sar DresertsMacst I saswatome." 11. a. Aacaaa, M.D, Wo.Otm.,Bnitj,X. T. fmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm mmmmmmm inn mm wni. 'tm '' aSSjffia3ff9ui aw'TaEflLiVsvSaeeBW- . , 'MjnySNHksasSOJfjnOv J-!Bsaw' yj.apji i''sesjh9ejL tT'A mfiim, mm LH iiim'Smi Caa! sjCsMmm""- - -THE BEST Send for Catalogue aid Price List. flSH B 1 Stewart & Sox, FRANCIS PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of- 0H0I0E CONFECTIONERY. We are now prepsred to 011 at whoj sale, always rrh prices to dealer, and pure at Portland Wo also keep a run line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits. oijr CIGAR AND TOBACCO. department I rxmn'r. We keep tbe very fines, stook ef euoki jg and chewing .obacoo, meerschaum and brier pipes that a delight to smokers. FOR SALE, at very low rate Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices . yard on Gvh St,. of O. ot C ewlteo. W. W, CHOWDER. L. W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. St nolo corner Second and Ferry St, -eels near Opera House. Ground Uoir. Children's picture a specialty. ALBANY. OREGOH. PATENTS teams., aiu all other business In the V I Psssa Bln atUMuleUeil lu for moderat tree. Our office is SSSMStl the U. 8. Patent Office, and e can obtain Patents lees Ume than those remote rum Waaainiftoa. Bead modie ordraainf. We sd' to patent sbiiiiy fa of charge ;and wemas e charge mil see weakest, .asset. Wo refer here, to the Poatataster, the Sap, el Mosaqr Order 1)1 v. antfla officials ef the U. ft Patent office. Fur circular, advice, terms, snd elereuces o actual clients In your own Blase or county, sddrees C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D Administrator's Sale. Nutiee is hereby given that the undersign ed Administrator of tbe estate of Samuel T. H an is. deceased, wi!I pursuant to an of the County Court of Liun county, Oregoc, duly made and entered of record on June 6th, 1888, at ths Court House door io Albany in said county, on Tuesday, ike 4th day ot Jaty, 188, at ths hour of one o'clock io the afternoon of said day, tell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, at the time of his death, in and to tho following described real property, to-wit : Beginuing at the northwest ooruer of Section 12 in Tp. 10 S R 1 west uf tbe Willamette meridian ; tbenee cast 61 rods ; thence south 20S rods to the oouth tutnk of Thomas Creek ; thence west slnog the couth bank of Thomas Crttk, fol lowing th meanderings thereof iMK rods to the line of said Section 12 ; thenco north along said section line, 208 rods to the place of bvftiDoing, containing 80 acres in Linn county, Oregon, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale, cash in hand ou day of sale. Dated June 14th, 1888. J. H. Pkerv, Hewitt A Bryant, Adtmuistrstor. Att'ys for Adm'r. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the estate of Geo A Hall, de cased, will in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on the 5th day of June, 1888, at the Court House door in Albany m said county on Tuesday, July 94tta, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of aid day, sell all the right title aud intere s of the said Geo A Hall at the time of hi death in and to the following described rea property, to-wit . The north half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of Section 24 in Tp. 10 S R 1 W of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres. Also a contract with the Oregnn A California Rail Road Company, numbered 1642 for the salo of tbe northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 13 in Tp. 10 S R 1 w of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 40 acres. Also a con tract with the Oregon & California-Rail Road Company, numbered 1256 for the sale of the east half of the southwest quarter of J Section 13 inTp. 10 S R 1 w of the Willam ette meridian in Linn county, Uregon. con taining 80 acres, to the highest bidder. Terms of sale cash in hand. Dated June 14th, 1888. Jeff Meyers, Administrator. oastarf earns Cetie. Oon ftosa? tHoessoh, iMarrboso, aVwstsMon, I M"w2m m I wlttaurks faeOkatfen. Tho CxnTAca Cosrramr, 77 Murray Htt-eet, N. Y. f HE MARKf t i, - Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind va rough, dressed nd seas. lumber, laths tui pickets kept constantly en hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office. Odd Fellow'sTemple, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. All business will receive prompt attention J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public ALBANY, ORECON, Will practice in all of tbe Courts o his .State. All busineee intrusted to him ell) be promptly attended to. NORTHERN GROWN PUKIV AND SEEDS Are stkaaywltdred the hnL brlrijj hardier, more productive aud yield U tter crop. FIXE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE CwnAlaiajosl, ts. Saat WrCwi, msllllra. tr, aaaaV oauoa. WKITS 1MB IT. X.. X. -T AST As OO., 8t. Paul, Mtsu. .. O. POWELL. W. R. KILT JSC POWELL & B1XYEU, sTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in lhanfcry 1 1. BANY. ... OREGON. Collections promptly made on all points. L?ans negotiated on reasonable terms, sar Office in Foster's Hriok.-tte TUtUfcf. L. H. MONT ANTE. aA . AND Notary Public. Albany, Ores ay O Bee upstairs, Ctawford Block. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. HOLY AHCELS COLLEGE. i Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by' secular priests and lay teischere. First term opens first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday In February. For prospectus address Rov. F. A." Becker. Vancouver, W. T. ' Box IPS. '.Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in tbe market. Nioe sleeping apartments. Sample room, for commercial travelers, OTFree C'oartt to aad f rom the Ho !. Executor's Notice, Notice is hereoy given that the undersign ed tas been this day appointed by the Coun ty Court of Linn county, Oregon, sole execu tor of the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of Levi Fanning, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, prop erly verified, to me at my place of business in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. a Dated this 14th day of June. A. D., 1888. Samuel E. Young, Executor of the last will and testament 'and codicil of Ievi Fanning, deceased. Wolverton A Irvine, Att'ys for Executor. A. P. WOODWARD, M. D: Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon O Dste tries, Treatment of Chronic Dis eases of woman und children a specially. O.Ilce up stairs over GradwoM'a front rooms, : Wagon a