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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1888)
FRIDAY JUNK 2D, 1888. srrrea & tU tiers ami NUTTINQ. Proprietor. tKKDT. Ml rni. Lc Kaltsr. 1 "' " - i ii . E iter I At t'n PiH 0:11h at A.lboy, Or an aownd-rUvi mail matter. LOCAL RECORD. An Ork.inm I'ktirk. Mr. H. Kllndt ha just gotten out some picture which lor originality at least rank very high. Mr. rlindtdid the engraving himself on a block of wood, and the picture from it may truth fully said to he from wood engraving. The work surpasses anything ever performed In the Democrat pflke. The scene is some thing like t'.b : On the right in the fore ground are some men trying to thresh wheat with n plow, several lying around in an easy, la sort of a way with shocks of wheat for pillows and whiskey straight for beverage. This crowd is labeled the "Re publican party." On the left some men are threshing wheat with a harrow, which Is labeled the "Democratic party." They al so have their bottle. At the tqp of" the picture is a fine thresher labeled "The Pro hibition Party." Bill is telling his com panions that they had better quit their style of threshing and join the party that threshes with a threshing machine. These pictures Mr. I " limit offers to send to any address for a one cent stamp. They need to be seen to he appreciated. Afraid. They havo been having lively times at Silverton during the past week. Clark lirsden, tin- Christian abator, having heard that S P Putntm, the free thought champion, would be there during the week, went out the r for the express puroote t challenging him to debate. Rraden sent two or three massages t Putnam, inviting a controversy, but that gentleman for tome reason decliaed. Friday night Putnam de livered a liberal lecture at Free Thought hall. Braden ws present, and when he was through he invited tho crowd, Putnam in cluded, over to the Methodist church to hear his refutation of Putnam's argument. Put mm didn't go, bat a good part of the audi -noe did, and they do say that Bradon's answer was complete. taUmatt. Picnic Friday. Next Friday the Sab bath schools of the Congregational, Pres. byterian and It. P. Churches will hold a picnic on the Santiam, on the line of the Oregon Pacific road, a train having been chartered for the purpose. The train will leave in the morning (he hour for which will be announced hereafter, and return in the evening. The fare will be 50 cents tor all fourteen years of age or over ; a 5 cents for those between ten and fourteen and free for all under ten years, belonging to these schools. Tickets can be obtained of Mi D O Woodworth, at 11 lack man's drug store. Whew. An Oregon man was in Cin cinnati recently, when a green grocer ask ed him where he was from. "We are from Oregon," was confidently responded, when to the astonishment of the visitors to "Pork opolis," with a look as blank as a sheet of plain white paper, the aforesaid "gg ask ed : "Well, where's Oregon ?" Now it Is evident that fellow was a "green grocer" In more senses of the word than one. On being informed as to the exact segment in the earth's circumference which constitut ed our grand and glorious state, the afore said green grocer remarked that he had been in California. Maj. Wm. Manning,of Canyonville, is the Oregon man and sends these facts to a Salem friend. Verily there is a big work for board of trade.or else the East U full of greenhorns. Tbe Yaqcina Jetty. -The high tides of the past week days have been pUyiog sad havoc on South Bsach. Tbe opening made through the appioach of the jetty has widened and several acres of land has been washed into the sea. Tbe grove whero the 4th of July was celebrated last year is partly gune and the hotel and other private proper ty is seriously threatened. Nothing oau be done to stop the ravage of the water until tbenovt appropriation for rivers anWiarbora is made available. Newt. The 4th Albany people this year will celebrate the 4th all over Oregon. Qaite a number though will go to Corvaliis, attracted by the display of military companies that wilt be given there. Six companies of the 21 raiment will participate in the exercises, amoog the number being "F" Company, of this city There is talk of a sham battle, but we understand it will probably not take place. Rebuilt Tne walk in front of tbe Flinn block is being rebuilt by Mr. lohn Hodman, who baa engaged two experienced workmen for the purpose. A first-class walk will Ins put down, and also around the 0 K halt dur ing the year. The condition of the old walks shows that Mr Carson kt.o a very little about the business. Col. Coiei,and. The Orcgonian speaks as follows of this lecturer : "Col. Copc land's second lecture at the Taylor-street M. E. Church was listened to with rapt at tention by a large audience. It is the com mon verdict 01 all who have heard the Colonel that he ranks with Gonglc, Wal lace Bruce and Wending. For nearly two hours the audience hung upon his Hps with almost breathless attention." Want a Hohe Race. Corvaliis offers prizes for hose races on the 4th of July. As the Albauy team will be in Seattle on that day, the H ft L or tender boys might possibly organize a team that would make it warm for oar ncighbois, though we ad nit that city has some superior rurreers. Wju. M o v e TO Sale m . -Tuesday M r John Long, of this ounty, father of Albany's fast est runner, bought the Reed property of A Bush, situated on High street, in Salem, and will move to that city to reside. Look First. Two family separations are reported to the Democrat, none of the parties having been maricd very long. By the way young pe-dple should always know what they arur 'doing when taking such an importanLtep as getting married. A School Picnic Last Friday Mr Mark Peery closed? Ids school in district 100, with a picoic. An Albany gentleman har petted along' during the festivities, and reports A Rki kption. Mondayntght being the first opportunity offered a reception was W w given the Albany Ijosc team at i's hall Im mediately after the arrival of the overland train. Chief Engineer Webber followed by the Juvenile hand and hose team and cart, gaily decorated with new brooms, were at the train on its arrival when Mana ger Watts and the firemen not arriving the previous evening were received and escort ed to the hall. Chief Webber congratu lated them on their victories and promised them a grand reception on a like victori ous return from Seattle. Hon. J K Wcathcrford on behalf of the city wel comed the boys in a glowing speech, and Manager Wattson being called forexplaincd the races run and the present state of things. Everything is under protest, and hence none of the prises have been even "awarded" yet, the exempt firemen's board being the power beyond the judges even. The matter will be considered by the hoard on next Thursday evening. Portland has acted In a very small wav, peculiar to that cltv. It wants everything or nothing and doesn't know how to treat visitors even with clvllitv. The firemen arc grateful though for kind treatment from the United Carriage Haggage Co., and a few hull v id mils. Man With Money. A shrewd, fine looking man was in the city Tuesday, in the interest of himself and capitalists, of Minne ¬ apolis. He v anted to know all about Al bany, Linn county and Ore go a generally, the pnoo of everything, woolen mills, manu facturing interests, etc. .Somewhere in Ore gnu, pmbaMy ruriUnu, ho intends sUrtttiu a arge produce house, and at three or four other places branch house, for general met- oh a ml iso, and where there will bo a market for everything raised . He left oa the even ing train for Brownsville to examine into tbe workings of the mills there. IM our Board of Trade or real eaUte men know that he was here feeling around? If we are not mistaken he is iust the class of men we nee 1 to court in Albany, the kad we need to buttonhole, and say. "here, we want you in Albany." We want men here representing money, and any olass that will help give us a large and reliable maraet for everything that can be raised, will confer a favor by dropping down in the Willamette Valley. Ws want a wool- It! . a. aa a . . S Sk en mill at Albany, and it win pay us to shako bauds with the men who have the money to build woolon mdls. This man, though seemed to be setting nis information from unbiased sources and hence did not make himself very conspicuous, and, by the way, there are large numbers gain through the state in the same way. Good Templars. An East Portland paper in speaking of the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars just held says : "The report of the Grand Secre tary shows that six lodges surrendered their charters during the past lodge year Nineteen more forfeited their charters and seventeen more ceased to work under their franchise, yet have retained their organiza tion. Forty-two in all have really dropped out of a list of eighty which was on the books a vearago. During the satncperiod but one new lodge was organized, leaving now, In the whole State of Oregon, but thirty-nine lodges of Good Templars out of over four hundred which have been grant ed charters since the order first planted Itself here." Mr. Ct sick at Chicago. Mr Cusick, of this city, was Chairman of the Oregon delegation at the Chicago Convention, and gets the fol'owing notices in a San Fran cisco paper : "Four of the Oregon dele gates thought a great deal of (jrcsham and would vote for him although feeling that I ngersol.'s speech had ruined his chances. 4Wc will go for Blaine? however, at the first sign of a break,' said Chairman Cus ick. Nothing of an exciting nature occurr ed while the tw i ballots in the morning were being taken. Creed Hay mond'a an nouncement of si stcen votes for jUainc,' aroused mild applause, and Mr Cusick, oi Oregon, with his little voice, occasioned some amusement for the galleries and much embarrassment for its owner." I A Qcarrel. Last evening at an hour when most civil people were preparing to cast themselves into the arms of "nature's sweet restorer, s'ecp," some young lads stood far towards the eastern SUICIDED. Last Tuesday about 9:30 o'clock Grant Osborne, of Corvaliis, staggered Into Hale Backensto's saloon, and, acting In a very strange manner was taken up stalra Into a bed room and Dr, Maston sent for. The doctor immediately pronounced It a case of an over dose of morphine. An effort was made to save the young man's life, but without avail and he died about eleven o'clock. Whether the morphine was taken Internally or hypcrderralcally was not cer tain. He was not a morphine fiend, and was not in the habit of taking It. The history of the case is something like this as nearly as can he learned. For some time Osborne worked for J. VY. Hansen, of Corvaliis, where he also has some cousins living. His people reside at Eugene City. He has a brother living at Brownsville, Dr. Osborne, and was a young man of good address. He married a few years ago, hut about two years ago on account of some -trouble parted from his wife. For several months, we are informed by a CorvnllU gentleman, hi was keeping company with a voung lady of that cltv ; but being In the habit of drinking heavily she refused to have anything todo with him unless he re formed. This he finally consented to do; but would come to Albany and go to Eu gene and get on a spree, and we under stand that a few days ago he was banished from her side, and yesterday came to this city. He Is said to have drank hard, and, it ls reported, gambled, losing some money. It is probable that he became dejected this morning and concluded to shuffle off this mortal coil by the morphine road, though no note wan icft to show this to be a fact, and some think he did not intend to com mit suicide. How Was it Done. The coroner's jury In the inquest held over the body of Grant Osbarne decided that he came to his death by an overdose of morphine. An effort was made to find some clue to the cause, but without success. We are told of the following incident' Young Os borne awhile before he was taken viol enl ly ill, was in the room of a young man a the Murry house, when the subject of tak Ing morphine was mentioned. The latter said he sometimes took a "shot" himself and taking out a bottle and instrument shot some into his arm. Being called away he left the bottle and instrument on the stand. Coming back Osborne was gone and he thought no more about it until hearing of his sickness, when he examined the arti cles carefully and says they did not look as if they were used, "it Is possible he might be mistaken. At the same time there are many circumstances to make It look as if Osborne took morphine for the purpose of getting rid of himself. The matter now is somewhat of a mystery. Skipped. The two men who run the sale of oil paintings in the W. C T. U. Hall last week, failed to put in an appearance Monday morning, leaving several Albany men their creditors for divers sums. Just where they went is not known, They very kindly, though, left several pictures, and they were duly attached this morning and will be sold. The men were no doubt fab ricator from way back. The quality of their pictures though need not necessarily be involved In the transaction, as some sf them were no doubt fair works of art, and worth at least what was paid for them. The Montana Robokrv. Among those on the Montana train recently "held up" by eight robbers was Mr. Turrelh father of W. E. Turrell, of this city. Mr. Turrcll writes that it was the most exciting scene in his experience. One of the men placed a revolver at his head and demand ed his money or his life. He succeeded in finding $475 which he gave the robber. The rest of his effects he had managed to hide before the robbers entered the cars. One of the men was shot In the ankle, but some silver he had hid in his boots saved him. CHICAOO CONVENTION, Chicago, June 35. JVtwt gives Wm.W Phelps as authority for saying that every candidate but Sherman stands ready to call on Blaine to make the race, but so long as Sherman has a chance Blaine's friends will do nothing to hinder. 1 1 .08 a. m. Convention called lo order Boutelle, of Maine, takes platform to with' draw Blaine's name, tie says without at' tempting to construe language he will read dispatch from Blaine. He read dispatch from Edinburg,earnest!y requesting friends to refrain from votng for him. signed, I G Blaine. It auk BallotiAg begins. Alabama votes 1 for Blaine, Col., 16. Georgia, 1 for Fred Grant. Maine 1 for Foraker and 4 for Mc Klnley. New York, Harrison, 73. Ohio solid ' for Sherman, but .on challenge Lacky voted for Harrison. Tennessee, HI11 tne. 9. Hisses. Result of 6th ballot. Alger, 137 ; Alii on, 73 i Gresham, 01 ; Harrison, 331 ; Sherman, 344 ; Foraker, l ; Blaine, 10 , Fred Grant, 1 ; McKlnley, 13. 7th ballot being taken Cal., 15 for Har rison and 1 for Alger. Creed Haymond I. 7th ballot. Alger, no ; Allison, 76 ; Blaine, 15 ; Foraker, 1 , Gresham, 91 ; Harrison, 378 ; Lincoln, i ; McKlnley, 16 ; Sherman, 331 ; Haymond, 1, Allison's name withdrawn. Col., Harrison, 6 . Conn gives Harrison, 13. Iowa gives Harrison, 33 ; Alger, 1 ; Gresham, 1. With Kansas Harrison has gained 49. Sherman lost 18 so far. Mass., Harrison, 35 ; New Jersey, 18 for Harrison. Penn. gives Harrison 59. Harrison now has 411 votes, i7 p. m. Harrison is nominated. 8th ballot Harrison, 544 ; Alger, 100 ; Sherman, 118 ; Blaine, 5 ; McKlnly, 4 ; Gresham, 59. Great confusion in the hall, delegates on their feet cheering, bands playing. Foraker, of Ohio, moves to make nomination unanimous. Horr, of Mich., seconds the motion. Cries for Depew who takes the platform. 3x14 p. m. -He well, of New Jertey pre sents Phelps name and moves recess until 5 p. m. Declared out of order. Recess to 6 p. m. Cum Kelt Proceedings. Tuesday, June ao. Present all the members and officers but Mayor. J Gradwoh! in the chair. Bills allowed : L Miller, $13 ; G W Westfall, $3&s i N ) Hen ton, $33 I I Hayes, $45. Petition of John Glblin and Chas Pfeiffer that license for hotel buses be remitted was granted and ordinance ordered drafted to conform to the same. Committee on Streets and Public prop erty recommended new sidewalk adjoining lots 3 and 4, block 56 ; also repairing of sidewalk in front of school lot on 7th St. graveling of 5th between Vine and Maple The committee on Ways and Means re ported making the following estimate for the current expenses for the following year i Your committee on Ways and Means beg leave to submit the following report relating to the financial condition of the dty : Amount cash on hand $ Am't taxes remaining unpaid Am't road tax... Am't road tax unpaid License estimate to be paid balance year 330000 Estimate of fine io CIRCUIT COURT. Tits following decisions have baen rend ered up to time of going to press. 8. HA Hohman agt Tempa Hunt. Par tition . Continued. 03. I J Long at al Rlla J Rtmssy. Par tition. Decree of partition granted. 186. T J Black agt Naooy Sippl. Oou flrmattoB. Hals confirmed, 103 Martha Barnes vs M Kerrigan, et al. Cnniirmatioo. Sals confirmed. 228. O H Liggett act 8arahHioes and The Mines. Continuation. Sale confirmed. 235. Am Msgs Co agt K D Oilson Con firmation. Hals confirmed . 237 I R Dawson agt J M Turner et al. Action to recover money. Dismissed on mo tion of plaintiff. 257. Jos A Ford agt Jrry Hay et ai. Confirmation. Sals ooutirmsd. 205. Delia Fields agt W H Fields, In voroe. Continued. 200. U V Barton agt Nelson Ihmattt. fo recover money. Continued. 300. O K Barton agt Nelson Bennett, To recover money, ('mtiuued. 305. J M Powell agt Samuel Attridge. To recover money. Default and judgment. 308. I) M Osborne & Co agt T L II u grove. To recover money 1 attachment. Set- tied. 300. Jerry Hay eat M C Burnous. Mo. lion. Motion allowed. 75. Martha Houston agt Josie Timmor- mau. iaitition. I leurre of partition araut- ed 210. J P MuhooHuif ant T H Tit Injunction. Continued. 230. Am MtaeCoaut W BOilson. Vara closure. Decree arsoted 255. J P Hobuolioa sat V R MafXiai.l. Ksjuity to settle partnership. Continued. 2h3: Mrs M J Ooeener airt Veutfhn At Woddle, To recover toooey. Continued. 264. T B Wait ant Charles Hohaefer at al. Equity to sat aside dead. Continued. 2uX T Ea-eoton lloja sat Titos M m Uitb. Eject men.t. A II Deal to euoraine court. 7L II H Wallace aat John H.iehsle at ah Foreclosure. Decree are n ted. 273, las Shirley art Clinton C Jole. Foreclosure. Decree granted but no execu tion to issue until Nov. 1888. 203. T J Montgomery sgt ftelsou Ren- nett. To recover MMt, Continued 204. Wm Baker sgt Nelson Bennett. To recover money. Continued. 314. State vs Michael Msrlio. Dismisied on motion of Dist. Attorney. 315. Stat vs. H-mry SoklitMi. Larcenv la a dwelling baass. Indictment tdead guilty and aeuteoond u peaitentiary for one 310. State vs James Morgan. Isdictmeat. Larceny in a store. Sentenced to psuitenuiay one year. Maria Schaefer yt D S Smith. Dismissed. Chas Schaefer agt D 8 Smith. Dismissed. JobaRdgaragt D 8 Smith. Ra Dismissed. Stats vs J P guesaer. Not guilty ROMS AND ABROAD. Trover. 23. Trover. 185. plevio. 3i' 313. State Continued. of Oregon vs Frsak Macs. The Tuaraaasenl. 6000 300.00 Wet test. Pottland, 37 aiia. y 4 East Portland, 1113; Albany, Total $ 77585 Estimate of expenditure frcm date : r ire department allowance $ 570.00 Electric tights 713 75 Nightwatch and engineer 87500 City officers 107 &00 Street work 500,00 Rent and supplies 75 00 Am t for 9th St. bridge 105 00 Am t for extension Calipooia sewer HMtxxt Arr.'t for Baker St. sewer. 93600 Am't for outstanding warrants, . . . t33.oo Aaorr Com: m at an Yesterday J P flail received a new 52 inch Columbia light road sUr bicycle just from 'Soston. - The Coium Ua is the only wheel that baa hollow rear terminus of J (org,, seamless steel tubular fel ws. Kirk very tine time being had. Mark to be a careful, reliable teacher. Fourth or July. Crawford will give an other one of those popular parties at the Lowson dancing academy on the evening o July 4, 1888. Musicians from Portland wil be added to his justly celebrated orchestra .1 . . mi t an elegant supper win oe served ana no pains will be spared to make this tbo most social event of the season. f Si . . s.. . amwisa wuiie an excitement was raised at gcio Monday about ten o'clock occasioned by the kidnapping by a Mr Lake who lives in Polk county, of his daughter. It seems Lake and hiK wife parted some years ago and the 14 year old daughter has been living with Mrs Lake at icio. we could not learn anv further oar . - tt a it'li.'i rm. A New Mill. The new mill of Cyrus work is being begun on the logs ready for sawiug. A gentleman says it is a good struct are andsituatod to do, considerable work. t""V -1 m... . .1. B . IS a as a ijtN i tail. Lon i ran to can ana see 1 ) uh rui He's fine display horse and his im mense stock of , harnesses and saddles back o Conrad Meyers grocery store. Second street in a very disputatious and quarrelsome attitude concerning a trouble growing out of the fact that one had "cut another out" in his attentions to sweef six teen. After some time spent in angry wrangling they came to an understanding to leave the whole matter to the g'.rls to be decided to-day. It is to be honed an ami cable settlement may be made of the trouble- Boys, do'nt talk so loud next time. Expectation. W. E. Price.Sr., of this place, starts this evening for- Stayton Marion county, on a business trip and will be gone some time. He will also extend his trip to Sodaville, Linn county, where he has tome land wbich he intends to bave surveyed, platted and put on the market there. The building of the railroad from Lebanon to Sodaville will make this prop erty valuable and we hope to see Mr Price realize handsomely from it. Ashland Iter-ord. The County Loses. In the case of Geo. W. Belt, district attorney, against Linn county for $135, for services per formed in twenty-seven cases by his deputy Mr. Mont any e, Judge Boise overruled the demurrer to the complaint last Tuesday. He said the statute p'.ainlv provided that a distiict attorney had a right to employ a deputy, and that his bill against the county for services should be honored. This is a case that has engendered considerable feel ing, at least among the parties interested. A Wagon Shop. Mr. Martin, brother of Mrs. A. B. Woodin, has bought out Mr. George Richards' wagon shop, which he will run. He has rented Mr. Geisen dorfer's house and will make Albany his home. We are glad to see such men cast their lots among us. Mr. Richards, a good citizen also, will soon leave for Crook county. A Trio. Last Monday Miss Laura Gol tra left Albany for San Francisco, going with Miss Frankie Jones, of Salem. Miss Julia Chamberlain, also of Salem will join these young ladies In July and the three expect to spend the summer together study ing music, attending the National teachers Association and taking in the city. Close Call. Last Monday two prom inent citizens were just putting up $300011 the nomination of Rlaine for President $300 in gold and a check for the same amount were in their hands when a gen tleman rushed to the door and cried "liar- is proving rjsor, js nominated." The check was auick- - - - s ly torn and the liialne man heaved a sigh of relief and yet one of regret. A minute more and he would have been poorer by 930O. Thistles. Now Is the time to begin digging up thistles before they get much headway. Our citizens who know how rigidly the law is enforced in thismatter(?) should take warning and down the nuisance pstrick saddle, adjust ble spade handles, ad- jastible hollow handle bsr, double grip bsll pedals and self locking ball steering bead which cannot loosen while iu ass. These im provements together with others make it one of the riiicst and highest giadu bicycles man ufactured la tbe world, and Johoay caa well fael satiatied iu hiving one of the bast. Ha also reports selling another one of bis Voluu teer Columbia. AS APPLICABLE. A Corvaliis paper says the arguments used in the Democeat recently in favor of a bridge here are as applicable to that city as to Albany. Cor recL Here's a scheme suggested by the fact. Suppose Benton county on account of its northeast end contribute! liberally for a bridge at Albany and Linn county on account 01 its southwest corner liberally for one at Corvaliis, and each for itself, and the tiling will be done. We are in favor of one at each place. An Invitation. The citizens of Al bany and elsewhere are respectfully Invlt ed to attend the grand celebration of Amcr ican Independence at Corvallls.Or., on the coming 4th of July. A distinguished feat ure will be a sham battle.participated in by Company's A.. B.. C E.. F. and L of Ore- gon Militia, and numerous other events of iiiteretand instruction. Special rates over ail Kailioads. X Morgan's Confession. Jas. Morgan, the man who stole the money from Hoff- 1 . era t t mm s . . man ot neuter s store In this city a year W. MCLAUGHLIN. Fashionable Tailor. $5 1 78-7 5 Total balance $3573.10 Hated June 1 3th. JtLIt s (jKADWOIIL. B. F. Taslbk, V. Parker, Committee. I Hayes, City Marshal reported showing the following to be the condition of the city taxes : Amount charged $6137.47 Amount collected 4793-45 Amount delinquent $1344.03 Councilman Writsman introduced an or dinancc providing for the amendment of the ordinance relating to the cstabllsment of the grades of the city. Read three times and passed. Mr. Writsman moved that owners of Santiam ditch be notified to fix waterfall on Lafayette street under WV&CKR so that It wilt not endanger life. Licenses were granted Chas Kicfer John G Pfau and Peter Schlosser to sell ale and beer and J B Williams and M Baumgart to sell liquors of all kinds. Moveu tnat matter et tixtng Hume on west side of Lyon between First and Wa ter street be referred to committee with power to act. liids were opened for building bridge across Santiam ditch at Thurston and First streets : John Clelan. $08.50 : I F lladley, $03.00 ; W E Kcllev, $100. Contract was let to Mr lladley. Bids for building sewer on Railroad street were read as follows : Jas Laurent- cement pipe, 600 feet, 30 inch diameter, $5 per toot, 55 for catch basins. Walter East $6.50 per foot, $60.00 for catch basins. Jas lir 434 seconds; 17 V ; Walla 5; Lebanon, 40; Vancouver, 35 but not allowed as the noxxle was not put on. , 100 yard foot race A run was made but not allowed on accouht of a false start. uother iui Saturday mortih a resulted In Cameron winning, B. I lirsch second. Chamnionthln race. Albany, f.ll 1-5; Walla Walla, 1 37 3 5; Ixrbanon, drowned out; Vancouver, 1:193-5; hat Poitland. i:l6 3-C. Spaed race, 700 yards. Portland, ; 3 1-3; I-ebanon, jo 4-15; Walla Walla, 39 4-5; Albany, 384-5. Race given fo Albany. Portland' time was MS-5, but there U some mistake about It. 2 co ysrd foot race. I ic between Cam- cmn and Campbell. Saturday evening the last race of the tournament the dry test was run with the following result : Portland, 35 seconds ; Albany, 34 110 seconds ; East Portland. 33 4 seconds. As only two threads acre used in putting the noxxle on by the East Portland team the time was not allowed. and the race was given to the Albany team. 1 lie Albany team reached Albany sab bath night. They do not seem to be very highly pleased with the treatment ret civ cd from Portland. There seemed to be a general desire to keep everything away from them possible. In the wet test the starter, a "blasted Portland policeman, be fore they were readv said "are vou rcadv" and fired without wailing for an answer, and two or three seconds were lost, while the Walla Walla team started before the firing, and about admitted that they had the fellow fixed. The record made by our team was a re markably good one, and they will go to Seattle, where genuine money prizes the management are not asjiamcd to advertise will be offered, and the prospects of their getting the lions share arc good. .. ,6 8,.v, , 1 catch basins. Awarded las Lauirtnt. Aye Hoffman, Parker, Writsman, Tablcr. No Read and Gradwohl. Nobby suits and pants, cut and mad to order, from the latest line of samples, direct from 'r nsco, a speciality, Cleaning and repairing promptly done. Main Street, Albany, Oregon We have in the line of ladies fine shoes goods which embody excellence in shapeliness comfort and durability and we sell them at rock bottom prices with 5 per cent off for cash. Browkell k Starard. The place to get honest goods at lowe marke t price is at Browaell & Stanard '. ed the court a confession. He claimed ! that when he went to the store In the morning the back door was open and also the safe door. He thought a robbery had ricen committed, but looking in the safe round some money. Un the impulse of the moment he took it and fled, believing lie would be suspected anyway. The con- tession was evidently made to obtain the shortest sentence possible, and is rather thin. Marjeurd, At Pendleton, Wednesday, June 20, 1888, Mr. C. P. Burkhart, of Linn county, to Mrs. M. J. Turner, of Pendleton. The Democrat extends congratulations and wishes for lone life and unalloyed happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart. A Fact. No insurance company in Ore gon is safer to do business with than the Albany Farmers' and Merchants' Insur ance Company, It is gaining the confi dence of the people all over the Northwest. Nearly every place in Oregon and W. T. of importance has its agent for this reliable company. Will 00 Tp Cal, Dr E L Irvine, assis tant physician at the asylum, has been granted a leave of absence, and will visit the California asylums at Napa and Stock ton. He will also visit San Francisco while absent. Landreth. The Polk county murder er is to te hanged on Friday, July 6th. He is now in the Marion county iail, where a death watch has been placed on him. Small. Sheriff Mento, of Marion county, has turned over to tbe court the delinquent tax roll, showing a delinquency of only f IUU3.Z4, tbe smallest, a aalem paper says, for twenty-five years. Farmers. Before baying your meats dur ing harvest call on Haight Bros Albany, and get their prices. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al ba&y, Ur. Bill of Mr Warner for $3 for Surveyor's tees was allowed. Matter of dclinquen t taxes was deferred on motion until next meeting. Mr Hoffman moved that committee on Streets and Public Property and Mayor haye full authority to eater into contract for building of sewer. The following bills were ordered paid : John Clelan, cross walks, $39.00 ; I Hayes, collecting taxes, 955.00 ; G M Westfall, grawl, etc., $11.90 ; WB Barr, surveyor, $30- Bills referred : M F Hayes, $30.33 ! Fortmiller & Co., $31.00 ; Thos Brink, $18.00 ; D R N Blackburn, $2 ; I Hayes, $27.00. Contract for renting of Recorders of fice for two years at $100 was ordered made. Cor.. Smith. Col. Smith, the popular military man from Salem, came to Albany Tuesday in order to be present at "F Cos weekly drill. Capt. Irvine with a sq uad from the Co. in full uniform, met the Col. at the depot and escorted him to the barracks, where a successful drill was had. Col. Smith speaks highly of the Al bany Co. who are ready to return compli ments. Died. Andrew T. Keesee, died at Cor vallis last Thursday at the age of 22 years. He was one of the first persons the writer met on coming-to Oregon, and we can tes tify to his manly bearing and- uenerous disposition. " si" 1 ': Our complete stock of boots and shoes at cost without ceaerve. Brownbll & Standard. On the Southern Uunndary. Mrs. Liaxle Osborne returned home from a two months sojourn In Eugene City last Tuesday. Miss Mary Vandran is home on a visit to Her parents. She has been residing In Albany for a year past and this is her first visit home In that time. The hall at the hop house two weeks ago waa said to be a disgraceful affair. Tventy or twenty-five persons went from this vicinity on the excursion to Sil- verton last Saturday, as many to the Grange picnic at Halsey and a few to the horse race at bugene. Hon. John Long has leased the stock ranch of Ex-Senator Coleman for five years for the sum of $6000. He bought a por tion of the stock and will try "gentleman farming." A dead cow has been obstructing our highway fi r more than a week Is it not the Supervisors duty to remove such an offense f Mr. and Mrs. Delph recently from the South have taken up a summer residence In this locality. Farmers are all busy preparing for hay and grain harvest. Crops are reasonably good, no uneasiness isteit about rust. Messrs rosnay cl Mason, druggists, are selling Wisdom's Robertine Wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and armless article of the kind in, the market. We guarantee to save yea money on groc eries, Bii0WNELij& Standard. 15000 worth of b jts tn l ost at Brown ell sh e 1 t ;ttt & Sahard. The Oregon Blood Purifier is nature's own remedy, and should be used to the exclusion of all other medicines in all diseases of the stomach, Uyer and kidneys. Pile Driving. Mr H. M. Stone has a steam pile driver in operation at Corvaliis, being used in the construction of tho O. R. & N . wharf. Any one wanting the use of the machine can obtain it by writing to Mr. Stone at Corvaliis. Wanted Farmers to know that they caa buy of a boots and shoes ohaaper than anywhere else is town and get a rebate of 5 per cent for cash, Brownell & Stanard. Patronise home industry. Joseph's 5-oent cigars. First make. Try one of of his own Fine mixed and plain pioklas at Wallace & Thompson's. Hereafter we will allow oft cash purchases of goods at our store 5 par cent off from regular price. Brownell & Stanard, Yoa will save money by taking your sick sewing-machine to the repairer, B F Persons at Sixth and Jefferon Sts., Albany, Oregon ie m ew Oregon Blood Purifier saw. f. M. French keeps railroad tirnr. Maori-sowed harness next to DuMooitAr of Hoe. H Kwort, praoiicsl watobmaker and jew slei. Thompson k Overman keeps the best har ness es. Cash goes a long ways at Browne!! & Stanard1. (let your boot and shoes at Bi-owoell & Suoard's. Von will got good treatment at Brownell &S mii ard's. If you want the best hsrnnss in tho marke go to J J Dnbtnllle's, Fine line of lijht weight Spring auits in fashionable designs at Maui's. Bix shaves for a dollar and a oUaii towel to ovsry oustomor, at Thos. Jones. 7 0ks cures rheumatism, neurslgia and toothache. Poshay k Mason, Agents. llasors honed, tat ami pat in order at Jones' Hhsvtug and Hair Dressing I'arlor. t M French, agent Hunter Manufacturing Co , opposite Odd Fellows Temple, A Ibany.Or. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and surgeon AH any. Oregon. Calls mado u; city or country. F A Burkhart Si Co. have quite a numbtr of men wanting employ merit Farmers want, iag help should calf on thm and be supplied- MONDAY. Circuit court. Hon, Jet? Meyers, of Soio, is iu the city. Mm r Jsckton, a former Alb any barber, is in the city. District Attorney Belt came np from Port land I ii night. Fins stock of fly nets jast received at J J Du bio die's. The Albany hosa tesm was the best in Portland last week by a large msjonty. Wm Cochran, of Sao Jose, ooe of the pio neer settlers rJ Una county, is in the city 00 bis way to Brownsville. Mr T A SHaos is home from a trip to Walla Walls, where, ws understand, he made on or two fortunate real estate specul Uions. Mrs 0 8 Pollock, of the college faculty, left Saturday evening for Jacksonville, s few miles from which plsoe aha will spend the summer with a brother. Mr Jesse j verge, of Seattle, is erecting a neat residence for hi sistar-in-iaw on Seventh street. It will be 6020, and the old issi denoe will ba uod for an addition ia the rear. Last Saturday a c mvict at the mtentiary ( waa abot by a guard named Whitlry and killed. Tbe convict refused to go to work, sad hanoe the shooting. We do not belnva it was justifiable, The prttoa given aft the 1'ortlaod tourna ment were as follows : Speed raee, 300; wet teat. $100 aad a solid silver tra moot (value f 100) given by Major DeLssbmut; cham pion's race, f 100 and a solid silver trumpet given by tho Exempt Fireman's association of Portland; hundred yard foot race, $50; 00 yard foot race, f75; dry test, $50 mag. Talking about fast time, at Denver, Col, Aug 27, 1&84, the J BOrman hose team, (pro feaatooal runners) ran 550 feat to hydrant, laid 200 feat of h jse, broke coupling, put 00 pipe aad got water in 3t saooads. Will I Price, eon of W K Price, Sr. of this place, is spending a week or two with relatives here. About tbe first of July he starts for Texas to represent Eastern booses in tbe wholesale boot aod shoe trade. - Ash Una Tiding. Mr Pries was recently a rest dent of Seia TV CSP AT. Flour is $K per barrell ia lbs Harory Val lay. Contractor G W Hunt ia ia the eity getting the remaiadet of bis railroad outfit. Mr Charles Moateitb is Lome from an ex tended trip through Washington Territory. An excursion will be given from S J -in to this city asxt Sabbath under the sut.ixs f Tiger Kngins Company. Mr Conrsd Meyer returned thia moraiug from s trip to California, aod r p r t a picas aat time, lit health is bcttei . Mr Manny Cohen, who has beta residing ia Oakland, Cal., for sevtral ) ears u borne for tbe first time in threw year. He ia now traveling for a wholesale boose. The painting aod paper-Raoging firm o Whittter St Thompson have been dirolved. Mr Thompson hsving accepted a pusilioa io sTurmture factory. Head Mr KdOoio a adyertiaemao. He is a tirsl-class mOlar, and now baa facilities fur offtriug to the pallic tba vary bast fl ur mac u facto red. A private latter from Ysqaiaa bay brings us the sad intelligence that the wife of N Warnimoat', who formerly reside I in this city, bsa become ioasno. Avoid tbe use of calomel for bilious com plaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, entirely vega table, hsve been tested fort v years, and ais acknowledged to be the best remedy for tor- 1 pidity of the livar, coativeasts aod indig 1 tion. There is nodaagsr to human l.fe mars to be druaded thau that which aitaea from viti ated blood. Dyspepsia, rheamatism, head ache, and general debility, all result from it, and are cured by the us of Ayer's Sarsapa ritla. Take it this month. Six bottle, .. Mrs J II Upbam, of this city, will leave on tbe south bound train te-morrow evening 00 a visit to relatives in California whence she will proceed to Iowa, whar she goes to visit relatives. She will be absent about three month. Mr McMunley, the Carrier Pigeon man, of hhedd, was ia tbe city yesterday. He in formed a Democrat man that a couple of his pigeons made the trip from Hubbard to Shedd, a distance of fifty-three miles in fifty five minutes. WEDNESDAY. New shea st Road's. Six shaves or a dollar at L. VtsreoU s New ribboa all shade aad style 1 at Read s Mr S K Young aod wife are in Portland on business. NsV clean towel for every customer at L Viereck'a barber shop. Mr L E Blain returned from Portland lat night. B Cameron and Ben Hirach will run a foot race iu Portland on July 15 for $250 a side. Everything bought and sold at M Frank Un &J0's second hand stora, Albany, Or. Geo H Bingham has been appointed, by Distnet Attorney Hewitt as deputy Marion county. Mr Phelps. Jr. recently of JUedford, is m the city, and says Webfoot is good enough for htm. Someone has discovered that Thurman'a rod bandanna will gee awav witti tne man from Indiana. The school tax of District 5 has been de clared delinauent and will ba placed in the sheriffs hands for collection. The Statesman savs a Salem man has a kiokins mare he calls "She' because ahe makes her rider haggard. Next. Reports from Eastern Oregon and Wash ington territory show the crops to be in good condition with a large increase 01 acreage. The hav croo throuah Litnn county is large, and what is wanted cow is clear weath er for the reaping of a big hay harvest Rev Horatio Stebbins, the well known Unitarian Micister of Sau Francisco, passed through Albauy Monday evening oti bis way home from Portland, Mr J J Dorris, who is now doing Eastern Oregon in the interest of the Albauy Insur- anoe uompany, is aam 10 oe aomg m iiisiuug business, and ia preying himself a live agent. Prof II S Strange, recently of tho Cor val lis schools, at one time principal of the Brownsville schools, has been elected princi pal of the La Qrande schools at a good salaiy. Mr Austin Lincoln, a former resident of Albany, is in the city, after an absence of six years, during which time he has been in the East, Texas, Mexico and nearly everywhere else. Mr Jas J Charlton arrived home from Princeton college this noon, and Mr Stephen Fiinn will be in Albany an the evening train. Mr Charlton shows tbe marks of college life, but is the same genuine fellow that left Al bany two years ago. Ralph Fisher, of Sodaville, has baea in the city, laying in a stock of goods for his store. It is a fact that merchants doing a small busi ness can do as well in Albany as in Portland. Heliieg Prodaee. Mr. Editor i : 1 am In favor of the Grangers. They makes us all practlclc men, and shows us how we can make so much money They say we must not sell our projuce, whtn wc gets nothing at all. They say We must keep our butter and egg and chicken when nobody want them. Sol takes tlieftf ad vice and what I can't sell 1 keeps, and I packs my eggs In straw and salt and oats all the while when nobody want t ome' My hens scratch my garden and oats and rute up my wheat, all for ten cents a dozen. I keep my egg till they arc just twenty cent a dozen. When I unpack them for twenty cents exactly. While 1 fix my eggs, something says, Upas, some of these eggs sre no gude. They look like no leetle chicken will come out of them. Some of my egg smell like nobody will steel them, thru" I says, I will try this one, so I brake a leetle hole in the end and smell a tcctlc, just a leetle. Oh my I never was so much smell. This smells like as in one leetle egg, If nobody will smell more of my egg, I says surely all of my eggs smell in this one, I says to my wffe, the hen which laid this eggs i dead. Then she made a little one smell, so much as two hours she Hniellsthat same egg all the time which it doe not quit. She says, Upas, the hen what laid that egg, the skunk killed the next time he comes ta our barn. Then ao much of my eggs, they all smell like one egg. I thinks the Grangers, they do not meil all the eggs what my dead hens laid. I sell all these egg for what my hen rute up my wheat, and wallow in my garden, the grass will not grow, so I loose my ten cents. My wife say, Upas, these Grang ers saves all the money when the mer chants get all our projuce for nothing, so f'ou takes all the eggs what our live hens Id and mix them with the eggs which our dead hens laid, I do so, and all our eggs are live hens eggs. Then we takes them to the merchant In Albany and he says, hello! Upas, you bring me so many more eggs a nobody, I pays you twenty cents, I pay you fifteen cents when you brings me not so many. Is all your hens live f I says, I ha ve all my hens is live, who told you so ? All my eggs brings mc just eight dollars and we buys sugar and coffee and ca icoes and shirt, and mr wifevbuy Charley one of those things which MrA Jones leetle bov playson when he whistles. So we laugh all the way home just, so as all the Grang ers, when we gets nothing for our projuce. My wife says, these Grangers are all good peoples, so Upas, you sees that honesty is the best policy when we gets twenty cents for cur eggs. Now we packs all our t-ggs when we sells them to the merchant for ten cents. Upas Snifter. Aa Aliowaaee at 5 par asat will be allowed all eaaS boy ia of Browaell k Stsnard's Bit, EAR AND DEFORM ITt EH. Cash will save yoa 5 pjr eeat at Brownell A: S aw ard's. The finest Uaart coffee ia tbe market at Wallace k Tiioephon. CURB FOB ftlCK HEADACHE D. jroa want a reawdy tar B Hotutnas, Pbnpita on the lace, and a sura curs for sick aaoanss. ask at. A. Miller. th lnilst, for Ur. UsMii'a Lir Fills, ii ) aid fur a duas, sample fro, full box cn's Dr. T. i, Eaton, Former! of tbe Hargical In firmary of InriiauapoliN, will visit Albany Friday to Wednesday noon, July IKtb ta IHtb. Rooms at Revere Heaa. AtOnrvallis, Thursday, Friday aad Hatarday, at Hotel, Inly lth to 21st. Br. Eaton has for tba past twenty-fl re year made a apeHsity or ths aye, oar and deformities, and his straightened more than one thousand cross eyaa. All In flamed and sore eyea can be cured unlearn disorganization baa taken place. Artificial eyes Inserted and tba most efficient braces for the cure of crooked Dosha, club feet, spinal disease, etc., famished. CMOftfl.KTKS CDJtEP. The following reference to Dr. Eaton la taken from the Mercfed 4 Argue" of the !2'hinet: On Saturday last we witnessed an op eration upon a cross eve by Dr, Eaton at his room in tbe Kl (JapRao Hotel. The subject waa a twelve-year old daughter of Mr iliinaaker, a resident of this tows, who baa been from- her birth afflicted with cross-eye, it waa done witnesst pain lo ths Rule girl, who daring ttie op eration on tbe eye, smilingly answered several questions aaked her by tbe Doctor and ourselves. Minnie Hunaeker, tbe subject in this case, after tbe operation, appeared a bright, pretty little girl and smilnd gratefully while thanking tbe Doctor for treating her ae tenderly and subjecting har to so little paiu." Tn following account of a remarkable surgical operation performed by Dr. Eaton ia taken from the K Paso "Times" of tba 1 0th ultimo : 'In company with Captain S. D. Slocum we caKd 10 sea Miss Jennie Slocatn, tbe youngostdugbtero ths Captain, who lias been la Kl Paso under the treatment of Dr. Eaton. We remember to bave seen ibis young lady a few months ago at tbe ranch, with her foot twisted until it waa at right angle with the other foot. To-day the left foot I aa straight and natural aa the right. We congratulate tbe young lady and rejoice with her father in thia successful performance of Dr. Eaton, yVe were skeptical until we witnessed tbe re sult, vy m are now satisfied of tbe prom ises of the Doctor. Jn these instances they were verified." A remarkable case waa brought to our notice yesterday, being that of a 15 -year old daughter of Mr, Ej P. Gilpin, a sub stantial farmer, formerly of Colombia, Missouri, now living near Colllsburg. In this county, who bad been totally blind from sxannua In tbe eyo for fifteen months. Hho was treated by Dr. Eaton, who hi new in tbis city, after one personal examine lion, by mall with tbe gratifying result of restoring sight completely. Tbe Doctor aad bis young patient are both receiving congrttiilationt. Gainesville "Hesperi an " eft a st A I- ew.-Of those beaded wraous and they shall be sold at cost at Mon- eith & jcitc 11 bach's Ieave orders at Brownell Royal Ann cherries U Stanard' for Tttest arrival from Chicago choice dried beaf, No. 1 wbitt Ash, macke-al, etc , at Brownell k HUnard's. All kinds of fruit jars at -Brownell k Staa-ard'a. New embroidery just received at W F Read's I am now receiving my spring and summer C ress goods. Call early aad secure barga as W. F.Uao. m Everybody w onders how we do it ; yet if tbe world only knew of the energy, grit and enterpt tan we have disp'ayed in collecting such magnificent dirplay of staple and fancy gro ceries it would not be surpUd. We have tho largest, finest and most com plete stock of s GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ajver brought into tfcie city, and we are going to sell at prices below anything ever before offered in this place. You may tbmlc tbta sraan assertion ; out 11 ,on will oall and examine tbe quality four goods and Get Our Prices vou will be convinced that wo hsve not over-estimated ourselves. .rakn.ine oar goods largely ditect from firtt bands, thereby J o - " ...Afits nt ih middle men. j Mn...iraBlv chean. setting tbe benefit cf all discounts and re DUT OUT KVH "JO !V.n. I . CT .. . Remember gely street from nrtit bands, thereby sawing alt .....l nur rvimmtir.d nf tasdv cash has enabled na to - - cheat 1: ... . . .1 1 . 1 . ..lar-ino na in a Position wnert) we cau uicime 10 lurm uu uui iu?y 10 us, ""ri l . . hereby always getting tne BEST AND FRESHEST and never allowing our goods to gro 'wit worn and stale waiting for u'g profits. These are tbo reasons why we dsiro your patronage anu wny wn en -. l .-.... W ..!,.. m'd.vl rtcf iittv to our stock a full and con joy sncn a neauuy n ,,v- - J Iplete lis ol Crockery and Glass Ware. . a T7 I" a? n 1 U un Mna.ta.nM U. IAS TheSO Snoods we bought direct irom JBi4Boru uiiiuiur, m niirioj me invest designs at juices way down. These gocaa nave to oe sen w ne afiprewesj F-im-ra havinc produce to sell will at all times receive the top or the market for good produce, and your patronage is earnestly solicited. These facts are WORTH LISTENING TO and worth your careful consideration. We bave the "Jumbo" stock, more goods than any three stores of the kind in Albanyand prices that beat them all WALLACE & THOMPSON Flina's new Block, Albany, Oregon,