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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1888)
ir. Wm tmotni f M I.I. APINU. 'FKBK TRAHR." A few days since we had occasion to say that the Herald-Disseminator would not at tempt to explain what It mean by "free trade," becsuse In no doing "It would either prove the whole republican party "free traders," or that It.lUelf, misrepresents the position of democrat." This Is literally true,as every one know who understands the posit Ion of the two parties. But the Herald does not know what "free traihj" In nolltknl economy means, but chirps "free - ..... 11. I II X! Oil lng that cry In the ears ot tneir rc.wrs m fr0l1 thar negative b" ildremtng uh. at ti.n foilowlutr nrloeet Card sloe M The Herald still continues to ape Its co organ the Ortgonian In paw lng and scraping the csrth.and bawling "free trade" when It knows as little about what "free trade" meant at a parrot docs of the habits of the monkey. The billingsgate in which It in dulge with reference to the editor of the I trade" parrot-like because It hears the Ore- Dkmocrat Is too puerile and Imbecile to I Kttj and other monopolistic organs ring call for a moment's notice, but It serves a an excuse for that onpor to dodire the ouch I reason and out of season. But the most tion which was fairly put to it. We have I amusing thing is to see the Oregonian come labored lonn to find out what that paper I put ronUlnslv to the rescue of the Herald knows about the tariff question, but have I and attempt to help it out of the awkward received from time to time only what It dilemma Into which It has placid Itself In does not know. But its lack of knowledge! attempting to discuss the relation of the on that subject tt not Its worse fault, for I parties. The Ortgonian, in attempting to ihli ma v not be the result of dcslirn. but I define what the Herald means by "free when it attempts to falsify the record to I trade," gets Into the same mess of conf u deceive Us readers, then this is something worse than Ignorance. It saya that Mr. I we predicted would be the fate of the Her- Mills, In his speech before Congress in de-1 , should It attempt to define "free trade fense of his bill, closed with these words : I We are not aware why the Oregonnm "Then every industry will spring forward I should rush in to answer a question not at a bound.and wealth, prosperity and pow-1 -11,. to tt unlcss it be that the Herald requested it to do so In view of its own Ina hllity todo It. The Ortgonian declares that the democrats are free traders because they would place certain articles prvdncetl in Or We logically Infer that If lumber were not produced In Oregon, but in some other state, (Florida for intancc,)then according to the Oresronian it would not make free Murk Ira's A rale Salvo Tbe beat aalva In tho world for Cms. limine, Mnrea, Uloors. Halt Khoum, Fever ea, Tetter, Cnnppnd Handa, Chilblains. Corm and all Hkin Eruptions, and posl- lively euro Piles, or no pay required. It .(guaranteed to give pnriect satlsraoiioa, or money refunded. Fries 'in cent box. For sale by Foabay dt M anon, per The riiotwaraistier, Albany, Or havo all the narratives taken by 1. I'Minu and any one can have dupu . A . I- rmr tlr.n. inlilniiL slxi. IJl nor doMUi, lion w . : . lours. Pi mr drawn. I keep the n n' line of Oregon vwa In tut weet, l ata loguo farnnhed on appihaetlon copying and onlarglr g old picture apeclauy. J. (J. CnwKonn. Its IMtraryor Haver and the elucaojr of its aotlou have render m1 the famous California liquid fruit rem- in v sr - - - a . . . . e a .1.1 . . VI Tt Y 4 l a m- ihi r - r. slon ana tncxmcanic inconsistency which . , " - ., .,..,,, ,,,, tho eloaged OOC dla revorlMh myntem. and noldaaml fever. For Mason, headache by Foabay dt ir will bless the land that is dedicated to free men, free labor n& free trade" Now we have examined Mr. Mill's speech as found on pages 3393335 inclu sive, of Congressional Record and find he made use of no such language hi speech with these words i "Although the bill we propose is not all we ceuld have asked, although It is a very moderate bill, yet it will send comfort and haeolnes into the homes and bosoms of the Door laboring people of this country. and I ask vou now in behalf of them to Consider their claims and help to reduce the burdens that have so long been laid upon their shoulder." We are not surprised that the Herat thus willfully and designedly misrepresents Mr. Mills. There is no other way of at tacking the speech. trader of the democrats if thev should favor nuttinc that article on the free list. This kind of argument is on a par in logic and reason with that paper's sinuous course on the tariff question. If putting lumber on the free list makes free traders of the democrats, then we have abundant proof that ihe Orogonian editor Is a "free trader, as will be seen from the following quota tion from its columns "The lumber duty is the most inexcusa ble follv and iniquity of the whole mon M. II. De Young i editor of the San I strous bundle of iniquities and absurdities PMnplv, nr7. th rrat IfaHlno re- icaiica inc (ami iuw. Am Kxplanntion. What is this "nervous trouble" with . a a which so many seem now to be amictcur If you will remember a few years ago the vva.l malaria was comparatively unknown, jn.jif It U ii rninmon as mi v word in IV mm i mm " - the English language, vet this word cover only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers In times past. 8o it I with nervous diseases, as they and malaria arc Intended to cover what our grandfather called biliousness, and 11 are caused by trouble that arise from a diseased condi tion of the liver, which in performing Its function finding It cannot dispose of the hilt- throuirh the ordinary channel com pelled to pats it off through the system, causing nervous trouble, malaria, bilious f-vir fe. You who ate suffering can well appreciate a cure. we recommenu AuL'ust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. UK SAID IT TRULY. publican paper of the coast. Mr. De Young wee a delegate was a delegate to the late republican convention at Chicago. During the session of the convention a conference of the friend of Sherman, Alger.Harrison, Blaine and Allison was held for the pur pose of deciding upon some plan to break the deadlock by agreeing upon some can didate satisfactory to all. De Young was there as the friend of Blaine. During the discussion of the fitness of candidates,spcak Ing of Harrison, De Young sold, "if he wo nominated it would be utterly impossible to elect him. He could not impossibly carry the Pacific coast, nor would he be able to carry any of the larger states where the labor element predominated. because he voted against the Chinese bill and treaty In every phase of itand he had committed the still greater mistake of voting to natur alize Chinamen and give them the right of suffrage." Such is the record of the repub lican candidate whom laboring men are in vited to vote for. .Will they do it ? De Young say they will not. There is no free trade or the other num erous component parts of the goblin in this campaign. The people know afid the or eans know that the tariff reductions rec ommended by President Cleveland, as rep resented by the Mills bill, the tariff reform sentiment of the country, and endorsed by the democratic convention at St. Louis, still leaves the rate of taxation at about 40 per cent, or seven per cent, more than Clay, the father of the so called protection idea, fixed it in 1842 and six per cent, high er than the rate established by Morrill and Kelley in 1861. This being so all further free trade talk r fighting free trade bug bears that have no existence except in the desires of anxious politicians should stop The question is a plain one, shall the reve nue be reduced making the reduction as far as possible upon the necessities of life and in such a way as to care for the interests of the people? To this question the Demo cratic party answer unepuivocally, yes Do our Republican friends answer, ho? Manchester Union. It would be utterly impossible to so com bine words as to more forcibly represent contempt and hatred of our tariff system than is found in the above extract from the Oregonian,And yet Its editor, basking in the belief that the people all have short mem orie,ha the hardihood to bawl"free trade" against democrat for attempting to par tiallv abate omeof the "monstrous bundle of inlauitics and absurdities" which it so a heartily sictest. It is not necessary to say that the Oregonian is nothing if not inconsistent Kg IIAKKIMON NOMINATKU. Monday at one o'clock the republicans nominated Harrison of Indiana for Presi dent. The news had a very chilling effect upon a very large majority of the republi can of this city. Ever since the election in thl state they have been quite confident of defeating President Cleveland. That fee'lng of ardent hope h-s sunk away Into a feeling of doubt. Harrison's record against all Chinese legislation.his vote to make the pigtails citizens by naturalizing them, the fact that he is a kid-gloved aristocrat w hom neither the Irish nor workingmen will sup port are all great elements of weakness and presage his defeat in November lb Moses Jenkins, colored, of Coffey ville, Miss.,the oldest person in tne state, or per haps In the United States, died at the alms house in Tallahatche county last week. Uncle Moe at the time of his death was one hundred and fifteen year of age and was a plowboy on a plantation at the close of the Revolution. He had lived in the county for more than sixty yearsind when a slave was faithful always. When by the fortune of war he was freed from the shackels of bondage he proved a good and trustworthy citizen and an honor to his race. In each election, since he was given the privilege to elective-franchise, without persuasion, force or fear.he voted the dem ocratic ticket. From an eastern exchange we see a hint that in case Mr. Harrison should be nom inated at Chicago something startling touching his private character would be made public. We believe the private char acter of Mr. Harrison is above reproach, and we hope to see any one who makes such charges w ithout full justification con signed to public contempt. Let us have a decent campaign. Capt. Sherwood, the efficient Assistant Postmaster, at Washington under a Repub lican Postmaster, ha been reappointed by the new Democratic Postmister. The ap pointment is in the line of civil-service re form, and has been made in face of the fact that there was a small army of Democratic applicants. 1 B'- 1 U -1? The National Democratic committee met yesterday at Washington City and unaminouslv Chairman. elected W. H. Barnum for The issue in the coming campaign will be whether the people shall have free whis ky and highly taxed clothing and food, or J taxed whisky and cheap clothingfand food. The republicans fight for the former and the democrats for the latter, so that if a vot er thinks the interests of the people call for free whisky and dear clothing and food, he will vote the republican ticket, but if he thinks the interests of the great teeming mass of honest toilers of the country will be best subserved by having cheap cloth ing and food Instead of free whisky, he will vote the democratic ticket. This is the Is sue as made by the republicans themselves and voters must meet it. Levi. P. Morton of New York was nom inated for vice president for one reason on ly he has a barrel, llawlcy and many other names could have been president that were stronger in New York, and much stronger in other close states, than Morton, but these men were wanting in the one thing needful a barrel. This Mr. Mor ton has, and he will use it freely a he ha often donc.before. la New York New York, June 26. The first feeling in this city over Harrison's nomination was one of surprise. Republicans,however,are now generally satisfied with the ticket and are united in its support. Democrats claim that Harrison will prore a weak candidate, particularly in the East, where he is com paratively unknown. The members of the Cleveland club on the stock exchange back ed several bets at odds of four to one that the democrats would again triumph ; also bets that Harrison would not carry his own state. POWDER Absolutely Pure Tot pw4r oasar rtrmitui aaJ a la tlMafiworllaarr kti AaMTlf parity Mora ssoiasslal kitr'-i.saa'i ' ' '' q stUUaae of law soft, an on tifaaU poiUn Fos.coM.rt i j . aa 5-. can. ftuVAi Basis Povsoa Co.. UM FOR THE LADIES Bargains in Milliiwry. FINE TRIMMED H1T3, BiMSM, FLOWERS. RIBBONS UCES, PLUMES, SATINS, VELVETS, ETC. At Very Low Figures. Thine g m l m Ml g. so wne eiriy and get llrnt choie, MR8.E.J.OC01IER nETectrit Bitten, flii remedy is baeomtog so well-known and so popular as tonned ae special mention. All who have used Klectrio Bitters nitu the aam, song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric bitter will care all dis eases of the Livei and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bails, Halt It he am and other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and preveut as well as care all Malarial fevers. For cure of head ache, constipation and indigestion try Elec tric Bitters entire satisfaction (guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts, aud f 1.00 per bottlo at Koshsy t Mason's Drug store I Wo have WoatlrrfMl Cure. D U yt 5 C Wn iUt4 DraKRiet, ot Rome, Go., says been sellintf Dr King's New Discovery, Elec tric BiMers and Backlen's Annua Salvo for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal sst isf action. There have been some wonderful cures effected Ly these medicine in this eity. Several cases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a fewhotthsof Dr King's New Discovery, taken is conuection v ith Electric Bitter. Wo guarantee tbem always. Sold by Poshay k Mason. The cry of free trade against the Demo cratic party Is as false as would be the cry of free love againrt the Republican party, and its cry limited to those who were born idiots aud who have bee" steadily decreas ing in mental power ever since. A friend of ours volunteered to name the man whom the Hearld employed to write its article entitled "About the Tariff" that appeared In to-day's Issue. We thlhk our friend U right but it is of no consequence who wrote it, except to iliow that its auth or Is driven It dlsperate si raits when compel led to falsify a public speech in order to make a point. "Do you want free whisky ad dear clothing and fiod, or taxed whisky and cheap clothing and food," is the Issue stat- Real Estate and Employment Agenry. Parties having farms for sale of abuut 160 acres or those hayirg larger tracts which they would be willing to divide up into 80 or 160 sere lots are invited to call at our of fice as we have fey customers for that class of farms. We can also furnit.ii parties in the city or country with tith-r male or female help on short notice, and we also have a few situations for both male and female in the city and country. Call at our office No 65, First Street, adjoining W C Twecdale's. Tin Store. F. A. Burkiiaut g?Co. Executor's Notice. Notice 1 hereby given that tne under signed haa boon duly appointed, y ertlf r of the County Court of Lion eouny, Ore gon, Executor of tb la will and abate ment of John Morgan, deceaaer1. All person having Halms against said edte are hetehy n titled to present them duly verified to the undersigned at bj nffiw in Albany. Oregonasvit) In six months fiom tbe dale hereof; June28tb. 1888 J, L. Hill, W. R. Bilytj, Executor, Attorney for tne Executor. THE PLACE. By all in. h.i call on 'arker Brothers, $uetori to John Fox, J-r ytnr Groceries, Froinca. Basel Goods, Etc., Etc. The ir g-iode are the heat and tbelr prices reasonable. WHAT L. E. BLAIN HAS. An immense number of suits of clothing, dress and business, for men and boys, Prices low when quality is considered, 1 havo just received en invnioe of thn oelabraK-d 0 Thomfsos Glove Fitting Corset, (M f thn oldest ar Ci ooat reliable make known. I elan keep njull asaorttweuU te ' . The Ball's Coil Spring Health Corset A vary large stock of shoes and boots, a splen did one to select from, as it contains all grad es at prices to suit Dr. Warner's Corset, goods in 50 cents lb-sides full Hon of FRENCH WOVEN CORSET Dozens of styles of the vory latest neckwear, and prices remarkably low. buys a necktie of splendid quality and 25 cents a good one, and ooreU veiying iu price from 50 and ltnthe of abdominal, oureing, waia'.s for oHiMren and Mteoe. centa to $3.00 each, and Mioseff coraet, 1 keep ext aeiana and erarjrthiog if Samuel E. Yoking. A variety of styles of hats hardly equalled this side of Portland, and a stock of furnishing goods extensive in its nature. NOTICE. 1 Lave bought and fnrnlshad the SCIO FLOURING MILLS with now machinery, waking flour hj Xhm Full Roller nm. Ihe aaaitt la now runnina and I ran furnish tho bi of fl.iur aud fl at rranabU rate. I In lend to run n v mill In such a nisnnrr thai mum ran R'i ijiai4nn4 . liivr in a call K. (JOIN, Ptoprittot Hcli Mbl. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. Front, First and Vine St., Portland, Or. WHOLE SAL f OtALCftO IN III. IRON, i i i STEEL i i r .I i i- HARD- i i WARE, I i I A stock of goods all together that speaks f o itself on inspection. Foslers Mock, Albany, or. FARM MACHINERY. KnaPP-Bumll & Comply, J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent2for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles, New stock cf 1 888 pattern bkrelea pjt received. Bargain in second hand wheels all aloe and ptices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue tue, 22 9HL Ji LLK z o HAND SEWED DOUBLE AMD SINGLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, an very thing usually kept In a first-class wit p. Repairing carefully and promptly E. L, POWER, Prop'r, Bote Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the h BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. s usee Moehtnoe are too wall known to need comment. Thooaaada of Formers hovs nae ihm aad speak of tnom with prate. They aeo the only HarvaeUng Maehlnae thai wilt give enure sansraasinsi w ww MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRE8HER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The rnoet EOfeotlve and Bueeeaaml combination for Thrashing and Cleaning 9ml n aver Constructed. m BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE-BINDERS. The teatoma that distinguish this Twtne-Btnder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined wtth Its alrooffatnary StieagUfand DurahUiiy. The Binder Is of tho Applet pattern, the only really saeeansftil one yet known. We have two styles, tho Elevator Binder and the Hauonu liludor-both eaceUent-both recommended by hundreds of potrono. wit jKL' BohutUer Form Wagons. Deere Flows, Deere Bulky Flows, Cook A Cos Car riage. Fhsrtons and Top Buggies, Four. Spring Mountain Wagons. BuekkoardA. Superior Drills aad Beeden, Cor bin Dike Harrow. Hodgao-Hainoa Headerfr Hoiah Barbed Wire. i FAULTLESS! tare's own remedies, "The garftajtur is foultleas aad so Is that nobis dftcovery, containing only YOUTH, HEALTH, VIQORby th use of PFUNDER'g OREGON OLOOO rURIr ICR Quick and Complete Cur of all Diseases of checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieve Constipation, Dyspepsia ana Blllousoeas.aae Kts fresh energy Into the system by making iw, Klch lllofML Take It in time, right now, a it cannot be beat as a preventative of disease. tnreventstive s ,!d and used everywhere. i a bottle. 6 for K EVERYTHING in he Boot and Shoe Line AT COST until closed out at BROWN ELL & STANARD'S. FURNITURE. If you want the be, t and most durablofurnituratbat is mtnufaoturad in the eity go lo Thomas Brink. He keeps almost everything in tbo line of far.ilture that Is kept in a first-clafca hous SEND WB CIECTJLAM. Hramh House, St. Charles kotel. E. Thrall, Manager, Albany, Or. AT COST. AT COST. Having purchased tbe stock of gooHs of Shano fc Looaway I will sell the same awunttloto.edout. That u a money in yfur Docket.. No such bar gains ever before offered. I have also purchased tho bankrupt atock ot HAY & ASH BY. of Haiiisbuig oasWttg i Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and GeneraJ Merchandise. Everything will be sold at COST WITHOUT RESERVE. 5C, IOC. I5C. AND 25 CENT COUNTERS thoutscd of a Have In stock a complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description Including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and McOormick, Mowers and Binders, Hollingsworth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. also a full line of first -class CARRIAGES, BUGCIE S.HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call and examine the goods and get catalogue of prices, which are greatly reduced for trad of 1888. a i oadd with articles worth twico their price. Sever si variety, Bargains in all of them. 0. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon. SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yd and Offlee o. a.!lr.d St., S.t. Mt aih the trade. A Wheeler. "S I, HARVEST HANDS. Farmers, ws can supply you with all the hsrvsst hands you want. Leave word at our office when you wanthsipofanv kind. Office two doors from A. B. Mcllwatn's, in Postal telegraph building. Ut'KKIIAST AND MlILER, FOR SALE. Will run down A well established millhv rv stole stock so It will not require much capital to purchase asms. For particulars csll on or sddress, Mrs E J O'Uormsr, box io, Aioany, ur, F. H. ROSCOE, Manager, JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.gars, Plug son Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and a full line of Stnok. m Artieies, Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. - Next door to Burkban A Keenev'sReal Estate Office, Albany, Oregon. AT COST ! .... . v, - v "? - Having deoided to close out oubnsiueis here.'wejwili sell onr ENTIRE STOCK -0F- ing, Farnishing Boodj, Hats, Gaps, Trunks, Valises, Etc, At Cost ! Those wishing bargains will call early before the stock is broken, goods ms be sold within the next 00 days. as these C. B. Roland & Co.