SUB TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Isued every Friday by emocrat THE DEMOCRAT U the beat Advertising raerilam Io the Central Willamette Valley. STITHS 6c NUTTINCJ. VOL.. AX111. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 32, 1888. 'Ailvf rtlnlng rniN rnsde known on ap VO 47 Host Ion. State Rifl fits ii SEATGO," Pull Brother in Blood to Delco Winner of the "In land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the Dalles Pair Sept, 20th, 1887. "Breeders of Intelligence Watch and Diaw from every Turf Even Lessons to guide them in the future." Seatco will be kept at the farm o( O.K. Crawford. 1-owson. on Nsrtow Osog- R. R and will be allowed to ssrvs a United number of msras at f'JO, to insure in foal, but no responsibility for accidents. He is a rich, dark bay. without white, will be three yeara old June 10th. 1888. Was sired by Ooeco, three year old record 2-41, aou of Altamont, wagon reoord 2 26f iu eighth heat. Firat dam Laura I), by Kdward Evretta. Second dam lXcy Msrsh, a line road mare of tried eudu ranee. Ooeoo'e dam ia Bell Prioe, by Doble, two year old record 2-401, the faat eat in the world lor 4 yeara. He afterward obtained a record of 2-28 wheu entirely blind. Doble by Kricaon (fire of the Grand Dam of Phalaa the fastest living stallion, 2 IS ) four year old reoord 2 30 J. which atood as the fa test fur 14 yeara. Oneco was the Juveuile King of the North Pacific. aacceaaiTvly lowering and holding the 2 and 3 ear old record, proving in the golden crucible of actual performance that he is wall worthy of hia grand lineage. Price mont hia full brother now hold a the 2 year old reoord, 2 49. W. J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Class Ware and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent lor Fire am? Hew and Second Hand Store Owing to t no increased demands or our business we have Leen compelled to move Into a larger ato re and we can now be fonnd next door to 8. E, Young, where we will be pleated to nee cur patrons. If you i.oe I juiv stores, furniture, tinware, rrookery, clocks, carpeta, pictures, fruit Jnrs, trunks, books, roller skate, eaddles, eawa, plane, etc and a thousand dif ferent and ae article you can n.Tt do bettor this nidi f4en Praoci too than you can do with ua on a purchase or exchange, L GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street, Albany. Or. JOHN BRIGCS, riiOBisT, ALBANY, 1 OREC Roses & Specialty. Cemetery lota planted and attended tr DR. J.L.HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ofllee or. Firat and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROPMETOL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep conHtantly on band bear, minion, pork, veal, sausage, etc., the bent meati and largest variety in tko city Cash paid for all kindaof fat stock, 8AM MA f. 6. Sr.NDBRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcnandise, HARRISBURC - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds nl n re. K WOl.VKirOM, O, H, IHVISK W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW strODce op stairs in'Foster'a Block. ALBANY, OREGON. him 'Vunty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (Successor to Oowsn & Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRAN8ACT3 s general banking buainsss. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Mew York, San Fran ctaco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOrfEV on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjec to chock. t 1 ELECTIONS entrusted to us will receive promo 'entlon. ' Kdward Everett, sire of the djiu of Scatco, is by a oa of Pathfinder out of a daughter of Vermont, and ia fall brother to Kitty Liun, 2 41, the dam of W. B. K. the ooll that challenged all two year old's laU April for 9500a side, and met with no response. Kdward Kveretl is tha sire of Doliy 8 , the dam of Delco, Usidta many apeedy sad game road horses. All competent horsemen whoahave aeen him ami his get since tbay are arriving at maturity, confidently predict that he will soon become one of the great brood mare sires of the North Paoiiic. Ia disposi tion, beauty and pure trotting action, Seatco ia simply perfection, and ia eminently eu dowed on both sides of the line with the blood that trots, and by all the laws of he redity should be able to stamp upon his pro duce bis owu inheritance. To gentlemen desiring road borate and to young men wishing to embark in the fascinat ing business of bn-edtug and developing the American trotter, I call special attention to this young Stalliou and wi'.l take pleaaore ii showing him on any day. W. CRAWFORD Insurance BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPEES. 1 ni ! receivingjmy spring end M nSJMBf vjk of " ) i uud SDIeS, I hare as nicely a fitted up Boot and 8hoe .tore, and u cjmpletn a stock as any this aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU lay boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to w.irrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm iu Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 buy in j t tu'-uieaaud psy the cash, lo Udie', sjisanej and cbildien's shoes, fctM, ifa M i .'..; lin', 'ivf- ' I great est variety in the citv- aim will ali'y ri c give 44 vl'it;"fr the aiiiiy as prssi'uly imu lie doriH. SAMUEL E. YOUNG First National Bank OF ALB AN 1 , OREUON. President L. FUNN Vice President S, E, YOl'NG Csehier OEO. K. CHAMBERLAIN TUANSACT8 A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subjecfc to chock. 8IOHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, 10U ou New York, Ban Francisco, Chicago and Portl Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favoral.lo terms. DISKOTOHS. u. E. Vol mi, Ko, K Chasbsslu I L. E Blam, L. vusn, ) Walts E Turssli,, C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS. iiid everything kept in a first-clans Drug Store. Also a flue stock of pianos) 3 ud organs. ALBANY. ORKflON. CROSSEN & ALLEN. PEOPEIETOES ! Albany Track and Dray Co,, Nc, 1. Goods handled with care anddjspatoh Sore Eyes Tho eyes arc always In sympathy with the body, and afford an cxooller t lndox of Its condition. Whon the eyes become weak, and the I ids inflamed and sore, It ta an evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer'a Saraaparlila la the bt known remedy. Scrofula, which produced a painful In flammation In my oyos, cnuaod 11 Die luticti suffering for a number of ye are. ity tin- advU-Kof a physician I commenced tokiiiu Ayer's Surnapartlln. After using thiu medicine u short time I was completely Cured My eyes are now In a splendid condi tion, and 1 am as well ami strong as evw -Mrs. William Q age, Concord, M. H. Por a number of years I was troubY . with a humor in my ye, and was unabh obtain any relief until I romitutu w' islng Ayer'a Saraaparillu. This me l- ln tuv effected a eomplete ours, and I believe u to be the hrst of blood pari tiers. U. X. Upton, Nashua, N. II. From childhood, and until with a few months, 1 have been airlifted with Weak and Horn Eyes. L have used for these complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's Sarsapurilln, uud consider it a Scat blood purifier. Mrs. C. Phillips, lover Vt. I suffered for a year with In flam me 'ion In my left eye. Three ulcers formed on tho boll, depriving me of aight, and causing great pain After trying man v other remedies, to no purpose, I was final ly induced to ooe Ayer'a ateiaaparlUa. By Taking three bottles of this medicine I have been entirely cured. My sight has been re stored, and there is no sign of inflamma tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye. Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Kid go, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old. was afflict ed with Scrofulous Bore Byes. During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. I'hvslciaas of the highest tandlrc exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. On the recommen dation of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer 8anaparllla, which my daughter commenced taking lief ore she had used the third bottle her sight was restored. Her cure is complete. W. E. Suther land, fivangelUt, Shelby Cltr, Ky. ft Ayer's Sarsapariila, Prsparsd by Or. J. C. Aytr k Co., Lowctt, Mass. Mold h?sUlregU. Pries!; alt t--tUss, ti 1 have at John He h laser's stsh'e one Imported Cllde sulllon not e a eel led for shv and shape of bone, style of body or action by anj full blooded draft bars In or about Albanv; and one full blooded Norman boras. These horses wilt be here for sale or service for two er three weeks. Tbe service for either horse, S4 a Leap. I sIm have three thoroughbred Durham calves ax Nloarod Payne's farm, asVt of town, and several pair of r soar Jed Berk abite, Poland China and Cnewterwbite Figs, which are at Arlington, Or., widen will guarantee to be eatiftfactory If there Is anybody hero wanting stock of tnt kind, Fbls stock was recently brought from Obio end is first class In every (nrtlcular. And also one 3 I neb Mitchell wagon. 8. P. KfMBtlJC At boo j. Or. MRS. B. HYMAN, neat eai of 8. E, Young's, Albany, Or Gutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, WedneaoTi and Thursdays of each week, ana painting done to oider on plaques and other material, Nice assortment of Artists materials on isnd. A. J. ROSSITER, Veterinary Surgeon. Uradualeof the Ontario Voterinary Col lege, Toronto, Canada.' Office and residenoefoornsr oi oond and Baker Streets. ALBANY, OREGON. FOR SALE, at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Pence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call f r prices at yard on 6th 8t,. east or O. A C switch. W. W, CHOWDER. TEACHERS Who wish to scire first grade certificates shoud send for Normal Question Hook , which contains ab it 500 pages of question, with complete answers. Price, $1.50. Ad dress Prof. A. B. ''hilders, Brownsville, Or Notice for Publication, Land Office atOregoo Cily, Oregon. June tith, 1888. NOTICE is nercby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final nroof in support of his claim, sod that said proot will be made be fore the County Clerk of Linn county, Oie gon, at Albany, Oregon, on Friday, July 1SSS. viz : Uii t E. Mackey, Pre-emption D. 8. No 5493 for tbe K & of H E and E of N El of Sec.SSTp. 13 8 R 2 w., Willamette meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said Isnd, viz : J H Wsrren, O E Mackey, S C Mackey, J W Msckey, all of Brownsville, Oregon. W. T. Burnky, Register. 'tstasjsssaa-' " 'aaOsjss mm THOMPSON Plain and Ornamental Fainting and Paper Hanging, CEILING DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY Work done on short notice either io city r 1 . ' t 5 1 1 i Children Cry for COMMRNCKMKNT. CLASS 1888. VM$ Dm fffitlihuto Sii, Standing room was at a demand at the Commencement exerctses proper of the Albany Collegiate Institute, several being turned awav. It was a pleased audience that listened to the program. The exercises were opened with praver by Rev. 1'rlchard, followed by a finely eculed piano solo by Prof Lee. Junior essays were read by Misses Flora Mason and In. 1 Kobcrtson. Their subjects unlike those wc arc accustomed to branched out and ulworhed a couple from Shakespeare. The former told about Gobbo, one of the least of characters, the mere servant nd clown of Hhylock ; the latter of the greatest of dramatic characters, Hamlet. Moth were well treated and displayed an excellent tnate for, and good conception of the great est of modern authors. Rev. I'richard was heard with the usual popular favor In a solo, entitled Anchor ed." Lewis E I .r- then delivered the junior oration. Subject "False Ideas of Pro. grcsa." It was an outspoken effort, wcl I delivered. He said In order to have pro gress a cause must keep ahead of the evl it oppose. Among fsUe progressive acts he mentioned our Sunday train ; the hasty and Incomplete preparation of teach ers for their work ; the mistaken idea that the country school docs not need good teachers ; and the banishment of the Hlblc from the schools. Mint Esther Msrahall recited "Jephtha's Daughter," displaying a fine voice, and ease and deliberation ; but, perhaps, hack ing expression. Her delivery Is alwsys pleasing. A vocal solo by Albany's most popular soprano. Mr Chamberlain, the "Nightin gale's Trill" wss received with applause. Then the graduating orations : Jomx A Lax a mj lies GsisRsnosKxa. "Our National Future" was the topic, one which the orator handled in a logical man ner, allowing great research. Mankind has always been advancing, though at time the world has stood t 111 and dark age have appeared. All ret rogation has been fol lowed bv s higher civilization. In advanc ing eivtiiratlon the value of human life has been growing greater, finally the pro gress of the world has been centering in our own tountrv, which Uud linn against a multitude of internal evils, which threaten life and property. A great evil Is that of foreign emigration, the effects of which the orstor howcd by plain statistics. While the cost of government per capita in Europe lux been increasing In the v. S. it has decreased. Another evil is the negro problem. 7.000VO00 In the V. S control -ing 75 of the 401 electoral vote. Over five million people tn the U. S. cannot read or write and the liquor traffic costs St per capita to $2 for education. Our resource are unbounded and are capable of support ing one billion by agricultural pursuits stone. Our Anglo Saxon blood l our greatest resource. The root of civil gov ernment u nerve power. We sre the longest flved of nations ; and eventually wtu over-come an nations less powerful and Americanise mankind. Collins William Elkinm "Man the Architecture of Hi Own Fortune," ha the commencement day ring and was well treated by Mr Elk Ins. Nations succeed and fail, so with men. Of several boy sterling equal but a small number will meet with success. Why ? Now we speak less of chance, for we see how we can do a we will. The Individual who trusts to luck is apt to fail. The world work by fixed natural and moral laws, precluding all possibilities of chance. Cromwell, Lin coln, Alexander and Caesar showed whst man can do with determination. Careful management steers the barque. The dif ference in a number of boys, a great writer has said, Is principally the difference In the'r energy, courage I the essentlsl ele ment to success. A genius ts simply a worker, and it is in our power to fit circum stance to our use. Both orations were listened to with close attention. The young men were shower ed with flowers, and presented with gold headed canes. . A vocal duet by Mrs Cochran and Mr Adair, with a duet accompaniment by Prof Lee and Miss Belle Senders, was applaud cd most heartily by the large audience. President Condit conferred the degrees of B. S. on the graduates, announced a va cation until the middle of September, and the "curtain" dropped. Li MM Cot' NT Y. Linn county is one of the oldest, and In the very center of (he valley, and its present rspld progress will make it as Important in agricultural pro ductions as any county in the Empire state before long. A canal fourteen miles in length, from the Santiam river to the Willamette, furnishes a never falling water power at Albany, and the prospects arc that mills, in addition to those now there, for manufacturing wool, wheat, flax, etc., will be established to work up the product of the region, thus adding to its prosper ity and importance. I he railroads on either side of the Willamette river render communication with any part of the valley easy, the Oregon racitic gives an Woe pendent outlet to the ocean at Yaquina Bav, and there Is active competition in the carrying trade. There is one thina to be learned while visiting the valley, whteh will be of special interest to those who have thoughts of coming to this state to live. It Is not necessary to iro Into the wilderness to secure land if one has a little money. The owner of a farm in the Mississippi Valley who can sell it for a rea sonable price, can buy equally good land in uinn county tor from Ss to S to per aero, depending upon location, amount under cultivation and the value of improvements, leaving him a good balance for working capital or as a provision against possible adversity. In his new home he will find himself surrounded by all the comforts and conveniences he has been accustomed to, will find churches for his family, schools for his children, railroads to take his crops to market, and good papers to keep him posted on the affairs of his country and the daily eyents of life. W est Shore. Would None of It. A day or two after the election, the republican happi ness over the result had penetrated the captain of the Three Sisters. On his trip down the river he ordered that the jack staff be ornamented with a broom and a sheepskin. The democratic crew did not feel in the best of humor over these gro tesque emblems of victory. The steamer stopped at a landing a short distance up the river to take on wood. To his dismay the captain saw 'that all hands sat down and would not touch a stick. The men said that broom and sheepskin had to come down from the jackstaff . The captain sud denly changed his mind and the mutton colors were lowered. The crew went to work, Oregon City Courier. At the commencement exercises in Sa'em Prof J B Horner, of Roseburg, read aoorigit nal poem on "The World's Pillars." which was highly spoken of. Pitcher's Castorla. Dkskrtkd.- Friday morning a Varm Spring squaw, with a six months old bnbe In her arms, gathered a crowd around her In front of the O. F. Hall, and with great tears In her eyes poured out her tale of woe, that could not be understood very well until a white man came along who kum taxed the jargon. She proved to be Hill Nell's squaw, and said he had taken their horses, and wagon and run off with another woman, after beating and abusing hot , and her heart was bleeding on account of the cruel treatment, and she cared noth ing for muck a muck and tmd about as mmhi died as to Hve. lis sorrowful story lacerat ed t lie hciHt of even Mllm Westfalr and we all felt sorry for the poor Ignorant squaw, who had been meeting with the same unholv treatment offered even the chrMlan white woman sometime. Wax Tkach. LastThuraday President Conditf tlw(ollrglate institute announced that tVe services of Miss Mary Irvine had been engaged for neat year. Miss Irvine Is a graduate of the College, one of Al bany's most accomplished voung ladle and will add to the value of the corps of teat-hers, which is one Albany people have reason to be proud of. This will leave at leaat two vacancies In our public schools, MUs Klrkpatrlck having retired, bring now In the efftceof Dr. Rowland, of Halrm, where ahe I learning the in) aterica of the medical profession. PaosATxo. The will of L. Fanning wa admitted to probate Thursday. Mr. S. E. Young I the executor and gave bonds for $X),Qoo, double the value of the property left. The will was made in tHiH and ha a codicil made In 18S6 It leaves all the rnonev and tK-ronal oroocrtv of tbe de- ccaacd, amounting to about $1000, to his wife, and the ur of the home property. valued at about Stooa, during hrr natural life. The remainder of hi property, con itlng of real estate, l left equally to hi children, Ella Fanning, Charity J Luper and Hannah M Gl.bratb, and the children of i'crcllla Morris ;cach receiving a fourth Womsm's R ion t. The, Dkmixrat doesn't generally publish anonlmous com munication, but when It doc it takes great liber-tie. Here is one: "Why Is it tbe Fair Sex dont Exorcise the Rights they have allready Why lrjut took the Field is allready white to Harvest, Why Sir should they Advocate women right when tney wont corclc the rijht thev have already why Sir the Ustchelor arc waiting ny tne corc lor them at Ieat 1 am and I take It for granted the Ha lane are aU the same Fix will you Pleas Remind them of their mutch neglected Dutv & Oblige Signed It Dixit. Ha was ix Aluaxy. -Mr. Warner writ ing to Portland from tbe East says : "Traveling from New York to Clhcago in a vestibule train I met s good many solid men who discussed Oregon with no small degree oi Interest Among them wa Percy rote, a son in-law of MoeTavlor, whoe wealth figure up about $Xk,ooOw0oo. He pokcof Ysqulna Bay, having been out nere, ami utc urrounding country a being the mist lovely spot on the earth for a home. Cavsao Excitssixkt.-' Lat week Mr. Ralston Cox wrote a line saying that Cor valtte flour was 95 cents a sack at his store The printer made it 75. About noon Mr. Cox came to this office In a hurry to get some posters struck correcting the mistake. uc atu that he had icen bclcgcd all the forenoon. Mr Samuel, another flour merchant saw the Item and went on the street selling Hour st 75 cents. There was tor awhile a flurry in the hour market. aWsswr. KiCKiNo. The Salem Stateuma kicks thusly about the mail service on the O. & C. So far as we are concerned we have been treated pretty well 1 "For superlative inefficiency the present O. Sc C. mall sys tem take the bakery. A letter mailed in Albany last Tuesday was received here last night, after the south bound mail had been distributed, and the same party got by the same mail a letter from California tha't he should have received the morning be fore.' Hxavv Damages. The jury In the ac Uon for damages against Clell Harden, of Salem, after being out eighteen hours, came in Thursday, bringing a verdict in favor of the Plaintiff, John Patterson, for damages In the sum of $3633 and costs. This was the cose wherein the defendant was charged with seducing the Plaint iff V daughter, Stella. Clell Hayden is a son of Ben Hayden. Bustle. The most bustling scene en acted in Albany is that displayed at the de pot when the right train passes through. For a few moments all the stir peculiar to an Eastern depot in a large city takes place. One people from all over the world seemingly bent on getting some where at short notice. Last night there were ten cars. La st FoaS. K. Mr. Win. M. Hoag, of the Oregon Pacific, left on Friday's oyer land train for San Francisco. Perhaps some of the knowing ones can tell what Mr. Hoag and the O. P. will do this summer. We admit that Mr. Hoag doesn't make us a confident. Grand Lodok. -The Grand Lodge of Mapone convened In Portland Thursday -The following delegates attended from Linn county : Albany, Rufus Thomp son, 1 )r Afaston, Geo E Chamberlain, T L Wallace ; Harrlsburg, Enoch Hoult, Sam uel May, M Cunningham ; Brownsville, I H R Morelock, J A Bishop ; Sclo, E O Hyde ; Lebanon, Jos Wassom, Jos Moist ; Shedd, H B Sprenger, E Dow, A Lewis. Enough rou Them. The 0 P now pro sjose to meet the uobusiDcsslikn order of the Seurheru Pucitioiu refusing to advance pay m freight by simply forwarding bills tu our tsasineas men from Albany, delivering goods to the Southern at that point free of any charge. This will effectually head off the Southern P&oiiTc to its attempt to gobble the wools business snd we hops our people will wot forget the efforts of the 0 P to plsy tsir ity them. Eugene Remitter, Pionker's Day. Friday was pion eers day in Portland and was quite gener ally Observed. In the procession was Mar ia Payne, 1843, from this county, and John Conner, recently of Albany, now. of . , . , . ... 1 O ronianu. x long poem wriuen oy oum Simpson was read, Nick Pliy. Several Albany boys, of oul- tis matures, are in the habit of directing their 1 sling shot towards the globes of tbe electric lights, and as a result a Urge number have been broken, should one ot trie culprits ne sighted they wid find that the Hotman boys, and not turtles, are after them. The N. 0. The Narrow Gauge R R will t mot "shot down" as was rumored, Judge Deady having granted tbe receiver permis aioa to borrow 125,000 tr put the road in running condition , THUKSliAY S DAILY. Hon 0 1' Cosbaw, of Brownsville, is in tbe city, L Bilyeu wss dsfested for county clerk in l.ain county Int votet. The stosmer ''Bentl" will Ii lowly to run on the Willamette io a few days, Jsorga Henderson bos just arrival fro a Eastern Oregon with s bsnd of horsa, which kt is willing to dispose of. Bslem has tried to repeal its ordiaanoe pro viding for s City Attorrey. Albany also is mixed up on the City Attorneyship. Judgs Wbitnsy is nor located in the Kis -ter Block, where be will occupy room with lion W It Bilysu. Mr, Arthur HHau.-, who has a obemUtricd bead, has entered th-i drag ston of Mr Milt Miller as clerk. Two or three suspioioa looking follows with red vests srriyed in the city this neon, ssd sn early attaek on the enomy may h looked for. The ootnmtt'aw sppointed by the Brsrd of Trsds is preparing matter for a descriptive pa nphlt-t to eireolsta through tbe Etst sod among the teachers who will convene at Hso Frsncisco. Miss Msrv Iryine left yester lay in cow 1. 1 1 v with Mr sod Mrs G W Krstmsn for Fort Stevens, where sbs will spend the nm -mur Rout, and Joe Foster also accompeuied them horns. , a , 1. si. mia mrruwa leaves ou the evening tt sin for her home in Oak lean, CeL Her visit her bs been one of great p'eTsur to her friends, sod it is to bs hoped will be re posted oftener than in the post. Chos. Montcith snd Mr. Stcrnburg left to day for Seattle, Victoria and Spokane Fall, to be gone several wewks on busl ncs. rSIUAY'S OAILY. The youngest child of J M Nolsn, dtd st Corvallis the first of ths week. Mrs I Ark Bilyeu, of Eagsae City ia iu tbe city, the guest of btr stber.Hon R A Irvine. Drummers now by ths dosee, floe looking fellows from tbe East. Knew all about it, you know. Tbe lodiu war veterana met in Portland yiMUr4y. Col K !. f Corvallis, pre sided. C E Chase and Donald Bli, both recently of this city, will open s grocery store st Cor vsllis next week. A (Jrsage picnic will be held at PowaiPa Gross near lfslsey on Saturday, Jane 23rd, snd s hue time is anticipated. The Ifrtuitijht is the nam of the only paper io Tillamook county, which has jot started. Atsy it ever shine. Mr Lsoa Bean, at one time a resident of this city, we ore informed, is lying d soger mi sly ill at bis boose ia Redwood Cay, Col A big banner bearing tbe names of Cleve land and Tburmau is streiebed serosa the street from the Occidental hotel to Lymaos, at Corvatlia, Mrs Pollock, ef the College, will spend her vacation io Jacksonville, where s brother reside. After going 00 s short trip to Ya qatua Bay, ah wit! leav for there next week. -0 T B Kent, a well known Southern Oregon af.or or v. was take to Salem yesterday and placed in the insane asylum. Too much whiskey did it, Mr C J Dillon has come over from the Pay to remain, and will take pes session of his furniture factory recently poiehosed of Forte miller Ac Co., next week. On Moodsy, Jone Nth, white' xtractiiig a large splinter from a horse on R Clead Is s farm near Lebaaco, L R Cheadls hsd on ankle bono broken and a leg fractured and R Messier was severely injured. Prof. Vawter I ft for Uolssy lst wk to spend a part at least of his vacation. Hs has n.ade an excellent record in this city as a teacher bat will probably be cngagd ia a bank in Center vilio, Oregon, io the future. Eugne HfjiMer. Fred Crump. .oonyictat the pemtcntiary. attempted to commit suicide yesterday with a small bread knife. Tbe following no e was found in bis cell: "Life is a shams to. ths devil. The biod of Christ washes sll sins swsy." Jnogc Holgate baa hied a demurrer for the munty ooart and the county in the injune lion suit of Judge Burnett relative to tbe jail. The other defendant, the building company, has not yet been served with sum - mous. it is not known whether the company will tight the injunction or dot, - fr. SATUOBAY 8 DAILY. A new Tcresss May hat bseo built to ran on the Bay. Sheriff-Elect 8 snail man has been ia the city today, I! i v Kirk patrick, of Soio, father of the editor of the i-ebanon Erprtu, is in the city Mr Frank Wood haa the contract for put ting in the stone wall on the new Foe hay A Mason and Tweedale block and not a Port land firm. Mr A W Charlton, sheriff of Lake county, has been in tbe county. After his term ex piree in July, we understand, he will leave Lake county. About twenty men are at work on tbe Strahao and Pierce block, and notwithstand ing the rainy weather, it is going up, almost like the sua in the morning. Several Masons arrived in the city this noon on thsir way horns from the grand lodge at Portland, among others being Uon J BR Morelock sod B A Cbilders, of Browns ville. Mr Ed Scbmeer, son of Johnny Schmeer, arrived in the city yesterday from Crook County. He reports prospecU there greatly brightened, though for awhile stock, nau dry picking aud began to look pretty gaunt. It was raining when no K it tne other slue A nuuounoed in tbe Democrat ycatetday, Einperinr Frederick William, of Uetmany, ia dead, sfur a reign of only a few week. His death occurred at 11 o clock in the forenoon. and was the cause of great sorrow thiougn out Euiope. Mr D 0 Clark, of Spoki.e Palls, ariived in the city this noon, having bn in itud ance at the meeting of the grand lodge f Masons in Portland, and will remain over Sabbath. Mr Clark says Spokaue is the fastest city in the North wect. The totsl membership of lb Koitirftti of Pythias iu Washington territory is 1700, an increase of 621. The banner" lodge is Col umbia No 8. of Walla Walla. The grand 'lodge reports $13,000 in cash and invest ments. I herb was paid oat tor relit 1 $4uuu The air in and about Chicago in In coming impregnated with Blaineism. His friends do not believe he told tbs truth when he said he would not aoaept the nomination, and will push him with the wild hurrah charact eristic of that peculiar species of politics. Whether he will be nominated remains to be Been. Mr. William Wassom, recently from the East, who has been residing near Lebanon, yesterday purchased tha Wilson farm near Harrisburg, one of the largest in the county. It consists of 1156 arret and the price was $13,865. It is stock land mostly and will be uied by Mr Wassom for stock raising, an in dustry wo are glad to see pushed in the Val ley. Piut DmviNd. Mr H. M. Stcne has'a steam pile driver in operation at Corvallis, being used iu the construction of the 0. R. It N . wharf. Any one wanting the ueo of the machine can obtain it by writing to Mr. Stone at Uoryalhs. Don't Fail. Don't fail to call ana see Dubruille's fine display horse and his im- .. 1 ui j mense siock oi narnesses anu sauuies. I Back Conrad Meyer's grocery store. W. F. (Successor to Ia oow reeeivtng new goods in hlM lirml fFril I tn Li?Li tffsfHsssH iiyj S ap' ji ' SB 1 1 t-r- I I 1 Everything New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, ooosistidg DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIS I propose t have ax eonr knjr, with all Ilia tu New Novelties and Latest Styles nod as tbe, are manufactured. Ail old customers and friends of tbe house and as well uew one, are cordially invited to call and inspect stock and iice. Do Not Propose Re To Undersold. - W 1. HEAD, 57 First, 'Street, Albany, Or BSSSJ 'awasaat--' . ' STSFt . aspXBsBSa y . V5jjjTra!apaswsnsB 1 antes A WaV clery A fas mi gmpouna For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. 9b Woufkmper and Farmer a. It la Impor tant that the Soda or Balaratua you uo should be Whi to and Pure same m aU BlmllarsubHt seas used for food. To insure obtaining only the ' 'Arm & Hsinmer" brand &od.i or Saiorat a, k iy it in "pound or ha'f pound ' cartoona. which bear our name and trade-m irk. a I Inferior goodiaro som -times aubatltutedfor t'10 Arm & Hammer ' bran 1 whon bought in bulk. Parties using Diking Powder should remem ber that its sola rising property consists of bi carbonate of soda. One teaapoonfulof the "Arm & Hammer" brand of OCR TRADE MASK Soda or Saleratua mixed with sour milk equals ox EVER Packed in Card Board READ, N. H. Allen & Co.) evevj line. Old goods sold out. a3 of ck v . - j lioejos fever brought lo Suces83r to N. II. Alton k Co MEtVE TONIC. Celery and Does, the prominent tn gradients, are the best and safest . js'enro Tonic It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, curing Karroos Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep lessness, &c AN ALTER AWE. It drives out tbs poisonous butnors o . the blood purifying and enriching it, and so overcoming those diseases resulting from Impure or impover ished blood. w LAXATIVE. 1 Actlngmildlybut surely on thebowels it cures habitual constipation, and promotea a regular habit. Itstrcngth- ,' ens tbs stomach, and aids digestion. DIURETIC. In Its composition the best and most active aiurettesoi tne as arena Memos, are combined scientifically with other effective remedies for diseases of tho kidneys. It can be relied on to givo quick relief and speedy cure. Hundradsof tastiBBaiaIa savabosn looshnad peracon who aa oaaS Uua tweedy wttn rkable benefit. Ben4 tot oirsuinre, elTio tall partioolais, rrlce 11.00.' Sola by Dragglst: WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's BTJBLIMQTOIt. VT. four teaspoon tula of tho boat Baking Powder.ssv ing twenty times its cost, resides being much heal tin er , because it does not con tain any injurious substances, such as alum, terra alba etc., of which many Bak ing Powders are made. Dairymen and Farmers should useonly tbe-Arm d Hammer " brand for cleaning and keeping Milk lauB Cwoet and Clean. Caunos. See that every pound package of 'Arm an 1 Hammer Brand" containa full 10 ounces net. and tho a pound package a Jkil la ouuc $ net, Soda or Saleratua aame as speci fied on each package. 5 PACKAGE. Boxes. Always keeps Soft FtJ a