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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1888)
Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse JssT After business hours call at mMnn Fifth and Bakr streets. THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Cotrpany'e Stem ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First Glass through paHtiiirr and freight line from Portland and alt point In the Willamette VaMoy to and from San Francisco, Cel. Willamette River lane of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hong," The N. 8, Bent ley," The "Three Staters" are In eervloe for both paaaenger and freight traffic be tween Oervallls and Portland and Inter mediate point, Wvlng Company 'a wharf, Corvallta, aud Meaara. Hulman it Co'a wharf, Noa. 200 and 302 Front St., Port land, three time a week a follow : NOKTH BO I.' NO. UavsCorrallla, Mun , Wed. ami Friday, loot A. M Ltr Albany, UoiiU , Wed. ml KriU. 12.00 Noun Arrive HorUand, Tue., Thu. and Saturday, 6:80 P. It . MOUTH BOUNU. Ler fortUoJ, Hon., Wad. tad Friday. M0A.M, Leave Albany, Tim., Thur. aiu' Saturday, 1 10 p. M. Arrive Co-valli. Tuo.. Thu. ami Saturday, i H P.M. Beat make close conn eel ion at Albany with trains of the Oregon Pacific Ball road. TIMKS MKiU'LK Sundav. ) Leer Albany. 1:00 r. a, . la Yaquiaa, 0.30 a.. Uara Corellu, 1:17 r. M . Leave Corvallta, 10:3 a.m. Arriva Yaqulna, 6:60 T. a I Arrive Albany, 1115 a. a, O. & C. iraiaa conne at Albauy and Corvallis. The aoove trains connect at Yaqnlne with the Oregon Development Company's Lino of Steamship between Yaquina and San Francisco. MAILIXtt DATES . srsAMaaj, raos sax raasciacu. mOM Y Al IMA WUlasseUe Vallay , May tlx May Slst Jung lltb Jon Sud Mar 2Cth JuneOtb J ana Klh J .no -'itli. valley. Valley, i Vallry, The Company .,rvee .be right .to oaange sailing date witnoui notice. N. B. Paseeugera from Portland and ffuiainette Valley point can make close oonoectl.m with mo trains of the Yaquiua rente at Albany or Corvallta, and it dee lined to San Francisco should arrange to arrive at Yaquiua the evening before date of sailing. Paaaesuer eal . eight states alweys the lav, Fur lnArmaUuu apply to C J Btusrt, Frets l and Tteie AfMS Albany, u. to t' it MasweU, Jr., O. F. A P. Aft,, Orwgva UsvalopuMbl Co., H MesAevssery St., gas rrectn, Cel. C C Hon A. U. F. ami P Agent, Orcguu Paate K R Co. OorraJua, Or. OVtRLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-n Oregon St C ililoruia K. K, AMD CONNECTIONS. Mutt aterra. Albe-y an Ssu I'ivmmc;, hours oaufosxiA uraass i. ts bailt. m tea Moita 4.00 p. M. I Laara Portland Arriva I 10:43 a m :06 r I Leava Albany Leave I 7 06 a M 7:40 a 1 Arriva Sea K sacUwo hear 1 1 30 r UOCAA P ASSSSSSS fftAISS sailt .except gOJMlay). a to a a I'lsare ParUaa4 Arrive fcsir It 40 r a j Lssva Aibaey Lssvs t tt Ji a Arrivs lor Usvs j tflOAS local rAsssjraaa tsaisi pailt, bxcipt si spat. , KM r I Laara Albany Arrive I 6:& am Ulr k ( Arrive Lebanon Leave I :M a m 12:50 rs I Leave Albany Arrive i H;4J r l:Si a Arrive Lebaaon Leave l:OU r s PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. BXCL'sUia ftLEEPEKft far 'laa ranttatrr. en all ikraagh trains FKEE 9V I'HtlbK, Wast IMt Mvlalaa. PWBFEt At cewVALLI. M VlL TBAIX SAILT (X pl Sunday.) 9 A M 2:15 r a Kjriiiud arrive i :U r H LAwtea ggyjjjjg Lssvs j 1 JO r a xrssss teaiss pailt (mxu jp Sooday . ) '"I ra! Portlaoa UcMianville Arrive I :00 a m Lave 6.45 a a Arri-e AtAJbuiy u l OarralHs with trsias of PacsO Kaitroaa Far fall Information rerarJio rates, maps, etc., esM oo Company 'a Apent. B. KOSULER, E. P. ROGERS, i Arent. Summorfi, a the. Circuit Court of the Stab 0 Ot: jon for Lism Comity. R.S. Vrallace, Plaint: IT. vs. John lieighsle, Win Kugland and George Williams. Defendant. To John Heighele, Win England and ueorgo Williams, Defendants. IN the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint died against you in the above entitled euit, ou or uefore iketMh day f Joae, la, that being the first day of the next regular term of aald Court following the public tion of this Summons, mmU if you tail to so answer, said Plaintiff will apply to said Court for a decree against the said Defendant, John t ighelH for the sum of two thoaaand dollars with interest theie on at the ratetf ten per cent per annum since the 25th 4ay of September, 1880. as money due Plaint iff ion a promissory note be made by said John lieighsle, to Plain tiff, and also a decree against said L'efeu dents for the forclosure of a mortgage mad bv said Defendant, Jobn Heights oseJM Plaintiff to secure lh psymmt ! aid Mum and interest ami for (he sale at the moitgagvd premiatM or iMiid mortgAg ed, described iowit : 'I he west of HE i4 and eat M nfs W j of-ection 20 in Township 0 south of tauge 2 east of the Willamette merldbn, In Linn county, Oregon, itod againafNald Lafeu:iaut. John Heighale for $200 .tiorueya fees and coet and disborhementa an 1 also thst the pro eed of anch sale be applied in payment of stld principal and interest, Attoruey'it CsNana dlsuurMineuts. This SummoiiH is served by pnhlicAlion thereof six sue Mfflve ' e ikt in the i a'i k Hkjhts Ikmocp Iiv order of Hon. it. P Boise, Judge of ald Conrt. made si ChamiMTM an, i faring date tb 9th day or May, 1KS8 jiaw tt Ohj-qo. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. 1. 1 Ml Oliice at Rot lu r. Or. April 16th, 1838. Nuiic i hvreliy iwu that the fIIoviiii sasasd a-1 il r liAa nitil notice of hir intsiitiou to insSte linsl proof mi Kuppott of hi clsim, and that said nro.d will l'n n ade before the llet:i.ter or Ksceiver of tl.e I'. S. Land Of tio at Iioeoburg, Or., on TbMraUay, JnatTII, ISS, vis : Renbeu A LsaoS, Preemption D 8 No 5181 for tKa Kf d N K j Sec 4,Tp 14 H R 1 Aoat, W. M. 1 1 i ji i i - !i 1 he fillovriiit wit lessee to prove hi contieuoua residence upon nud cultivation of siid Und, viz ; Herbert C.idv, of Hweet Home. Linn cotintv, Or, P l.-sr Krnitt, George jfosielft, J W Mo IhuM. all f.f Or v fonlsville.Linn cnuuty,0r. ( 'll AS. W. JoHMSTOW, Kegister. API lis on (lie in Phflaselnlita (at Uie Newapaper Aavcr tlkliiK Anvney of ilcmn. I, our suuioruea atftuu. THUS P Conrad Meyer, i PKOPRIKTOK OFa- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbln and First Sts., l annftl rrmta, Ulaeawnro, Dried Fruit. Tobapfo, Nugur, t'ollor, Etc.. Caanni Hcul. Qtteeia wares Vegetables, Cigitra, Nlre, Tn, Kle.. In fact everything that Ja kpt i a k ral variety and grocery store. HigheH market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Andrews & Hackiciinii, WLDOUGLAS'I $3,004 ounr- viiy WARHANTEI SaMasfFJ ffiror taNTsU S f-S " SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - OREGON Summons. Ikt Circuit Court of tkr State of (irtron . a ,r a. -A a1.. Martha Houston, Plaintiff. vs. Josie K. Timmermsn, Defendant. To Josie E. Timmermau, the above aamed Dt-feudunl. IN the name of the State of Oregon: You 1 are hereby required to appear and au werth complaiut of the above named Plaintiff in the above entitled Court now en file with the Clerk ef said tVurt, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if aervd In Llun county, Oregon, but If served in any other county In this State then wlthiu twenty days from the date of the service upon von , or If served on yon out of the State or bjrpoblication, then by the first day of the June term of the Circuit Court follow i ng such service, towlt : the tain day ! Jaae, IS, and you are hereby notified that if you tail to appear and anewer said complaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will take judgment agsinat you for the sum of 454.33 aud Interest thereon from May 5tb, 18S8, at 8 per cent per annum and for the further sum of $302 33 with Internal thereou at the rate of 8 per oent per an num from the 2nd day of May, !- ., and for the oett aud diabursemeute to be taxed and for an order of the Court to sell th property attached In th above entitled action to aatiafy any judgment obtained, to-wit . Lot 71 In the city of Scto, Llnn county, Oregon, excepting the following : Beginning at the S E corner of aald let 71, theuce W 60 feet ; thence N 10 fret ; thence E 50 feet ; thence M 10 feet to the place ot beginning. Also the I H of lot 70 in clo, Linn C3, Or Also comment inn at the S E comer of Lot 70 in the city of -Sclo. Llnu county, Oregon, and ruunlng, thence W 25 feet ; thence M 82 feet to the north bank of 'I homaa Creek ; thence easterly along the north bank of said Creek to a point opposite and on a lino with the east boundary line or aald a t 70; thence M 31 feet to the place of beginning, at a point 14 88 chains E of the N E corner of . 22, Tp. 10 S K 2 w ; thence E 5:12 chains thence S 20 chains ; thence S Ktf 48' E 40 64 chains ; thence s 32 80 chain ; thence W 45 60 chain ; tbeuce N 52.80 chain to the place or beginning, cootatulng 160 acres, u, Linn county, Oregon. Thla ia published by order or the lion. R. P. Uoiae. mado at Chamber the lotn day of May, 1888. J. K. WKATititnroRD, Attorney ler Plaintiff. Administrator's Sale OF 8T. CHARLES HOTEL AND OLD GRANGE STORE. NOTICE is hereby given that the noder tigncd Adnuniatrsttir of the co-peituerhip estate of Houck & Meyer, Henry Meyer, tie. uii deceaaeti, in pnreasnce of an order and decree of the County Coort of Linn county, Oregon, made and entered of record on the 2od day of April, 1888, will sell at public auction t. cue highest outlier. ,.t the Court Hooae door in Linn county, Oregon, on the ad day el June, is. at the hour of one o clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described real prop erty beloning to said estate, to-wit : Lot No. 5, 6, 7 ami 8, in blocs. No. 2, in thecity of Albany, in Lien ceunty, Ofegon ; also 25 feet off the weat side of lot No. 1, in block No. 10, in the city of Albany, in Ltnn conn ty, Oregon : also the east one half of lot No. 3, in block 1 1, in the eity of Albany, in Linn cconty, Oregon, as described ou the plats ana surveys or said city ; also lot No. 7, containing 6.6 acres, known as fairground lot, surveyed off ami plotted by tho Linn ouniy AK"LMiturai Atbociuoo, the same Deinga part of the N W quarter of the do nation land claim of Iasac Hutching, in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale ca&h in hand. on A. Crawpokd, Administrator. Summons. In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn : Mary A Droadweil, Plaintiff. vs. Jacob C Broad well, Defendant. To Jacob C, Broadwell t':e above named Defendant. IN the natn of the Slate of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint of the aboro named Plaintiff in the above entitled Court now oa file with the Clerk of said Court with in ten day from the date of the service of thia Summons upon yeuif served in Linn county, Oregon, but if served In any other comity In the State or Oregon, then within twenty day ol the service, of this Sum mons upon von. or if erved out He of the State or by publication then by tho first uay or the next regular term of Court fol lowing, o wit : the J.MIi tin v r Jnnr ItUta and you are hereby notified if you fail to answer said complaint as hereby required in nainun wiu appiy to the Court for ihe relief demanded in lids comolaint. to-wit : A decree dissolving tho hands nf mauimony now existiaar and for the care custody and control of minor cblldron named in the com pi a! nt and for the costs nd disbursements and such other relief s may bo equitable. This Summons It nubiNInd bvilmnr. P. Uolse. Jud tfe of ki i id Court made May 3rd, 18SS. J. K. Wkatiikkk iko, Attorney for Plaintiff. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kind on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0RE6QN PACIFIC CORTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice fo any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. ITT ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OV THE T T State. Special attention given to collections and I'ubate matter. -0in cein Odd Fellow's Tempi. 1, 2 sacobs oix FOR NEURALGIA. Tht venerable BILLA FLINT. Lift Senator of the Dominion Parliament. Canada, suffered for a long time with neuralgic foe cache, caused by a defec tive tooth, and write over hh? auto graph herewith as follows; "I found St. Jaooba Oil to ot tlko a chorm c frS 1 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCI ATICA, SPRAINS. fktibu DmgffUtt and Dealers Evtrfwker. THE CHARLES A. V06ELER CO., UALTIMORE. MD. It.. V.... l'....e Li ifn nit 1U IVtl II UUI III liiuuv ! IF YOU DO tlil TO W.'H. W1LLARD, where you will finest ii-dahed II nd the tieat make end BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. 0 Also a fine line ut PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd dlffereut styles of MoultBings. (Picture frames made to order. The largest and best stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept In Albany. Prloos reasonable. ALBANY cMaLEQIATE" INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888- rirs Terns Opeas ftesvte aster ,:ns, last. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet lb need of all grade ofegudenta. Sf.,i,t! inducement ofertd to Hmdrnt from abroad. Tuition rengea from $6.60 to $IV,&0. Hoard In private faini'ies at low rates. Kooms ler soil-boarding at small expense. A carefnl uperviaiou exercised over stn dents away from home. Kali term open Heptember 7tb. Kor clrculare and full particular addreae the President. ate:, t. till. ST S. 0IT A I bun v, tlreaon. Notice. We have appointeti Mr. K. A. DcVaney, of Waterloo as our Agent in Llnn county for Lawe of Bmaiuei prepared by Pro). Parson's of Harvard University eprrly or farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Itcnch. Is pronounced by thoueande of the clearest headed business ineu ot the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be r.ithomt. We ask an 'inveatiiration of its merits. Agents wanted In every county in the Mate W. P. GeAKT. Publisher. (Agent for Western and Pacific states.) 3106)1' California St., Han Kranciaco, Cal OTbe liUVSlifOUTDBto issue l March and Sept., each your. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for oil rbo pur. chose tho luxuries or tho necessities ot Lfe. Wo ean clothe you and furnish you vritb all the necessary and unneccsairy appliance to ride, walk, dance, t leap, eat, flab, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sisea. etylee and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all these thing 1 COMFORTABLY, and you can malco a tear estimate of the value of tho BUYElib' QTJIDB, which will be aent upon receipt of 10 cent to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. H. F. MERRILL, B J 1ST JC E3 JEt , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell cxciianuff 011 Nee York. Uan KraneUcu sim! Portland. Buy notes, hla'e, county and c'ty warrants. eetvs (iefKNrits auklect to eiieck. InU-rest allowed vu Ulna deposlta. Collections will receive prompt ten lion. Correspondenes solicited . Fire sad aula insurance placed In reliable pan lea, XdT Office hours horn a a. m. to S p. in. First National Bank :OF A I. It AN 1 , OBEUOM. PresWsnt L rblsTsI Vice Preaideut ........ ....... ............... - E, YOI NO Cashier ....OfcO. K. Cli AMBER LAUI TRANSACTS A OKNERAL banking bsasosss. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. HfOHT RXCHANCE snd telcursphlc transfer, on New York, San Kmiciaco, Chicago and Portl COLLECTIO!r8MAbEon fsvorsbls terms. DiKxcToaa. m E Yocae, Uao, E CHaSSssbUt L. E lis. a in, L. Ftias, Waltkk E Ti'sssu., Lr"j unty Bank, COWAN, aiLSTON & CO., (vucoeaaor to Cowan A Cuslck.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s general banking business. mtAW SKINT IMt AKT8 on New York Su, Fraa ctseosnd Portland, Oregon . LOAN NMSTsa approvsd security. RECEIVE deposits subjec to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt ention. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby uiven thtt the under signed Executrix tA the last will and testa ment of rerry L lanes, deceased, has filed in the effico of the Cleik of tho County Court for I. inn cuunty, Oregon, her final account ami the Cuurt has fixed Toeatlay, the 5th day or June, lass. at the hour of on o'clock, p. in. for tho hear ing of objections to said account if any and for the final settlement of si 1 ota'e. This April 27th, 1888. Maktha M. llfM, Exicutrix nf the estste of 1'erry Lines, deceased. J K WEtTHKKFOKD. Attorney for Executrix. Notice for PublicationT Land Office at Oregon t'itv. Or., April 'AU'h, IKSS. ( NOTICE is bereliy yiveu th:H the f .Uow ing named settler has filed notice of his in- ter.tion to mU,e final urouf i t.unfW,rt of his claim, and tht said proof will be in .'o hefore theCounty Clerk nf Linn eouun , Or., at Alr ny. Or., on Monilnay, Jnne l'ib., I 1T t . r-v t sxes viz: Joiin vv v ox, lire enipucn u D No. 5171 f'r U 1 1, Sec. 34, Tp USUI W. He names the following w itnesses to prove ids continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz. John 0 Boyd, R Tucker, B rowel', A J Fltzwater, all of Lebanon Or. W. T. Buknky, Register. Children Cry for Ihe gfetwaat. OlfOURTY H ffioial Ijna Paper. TKMPKKANl'K COI.1MN. Ktllted Albany W, 0. T, V. A writer Irotn Iowa says : For thrre mouths interest has been centered in the leg islatare aud its sotien oa the temperaaoe bills. Some needed amendments strength ening the Clark law, and guarding against sale of liquors imported ia original packages, were made, and a new and stringent phar macy law was enacted. This law rsyises tho permit system. Permits sre to be granted by the District Court. The applicant must file a petition eigaed by one-third the resi dent freehold voters of his tow.i, township er ward, give bend of 91,000 and take an oath to faithfully discharge the trust teposad to him for tbs sale of intoxicating liquors. Pe Winners must testify to the good character and responsibility of the applicant. The per nut obtained, the boldsr most Hie with the countv auditor a detailed statement of the amount and kioda of liquors stamped with the seal of his oliice. which certilieate at taohsd to the waybill of such goods shall be authority for their shipment, sad authorise him to receive them. The auditor shall else iaaue to permit holders, regularly numbered aeries of blanks bound in book form to be tilled and signed by eaeb purchaser of liquors these to be returned each mectb, and sworn to by the seller as containing tho true amount of Itnuors by him sold for that month. The permit holder must personally know every applicant for purchase of tumors at a peeper s.SA aa a . a aa persoe witnm tne uw to stton ne can sen, or he mast hays such purchaser identified by one reliable person to him known. The Court can revoke permits or complaint of three reliable persons that the trust hss baan violated by the holder ef a permit. A ti rat oonviotton of violation of the Uw works forfeiture of the permit ; a second ooavie tion forfeits registration certificate as a phar macist ; permits are to be given registered phsrmaetsta, but if no pharmacist applies for permit, soother citisen, sodsr like regula turns, may be given a permit, but the sum bar of such permits cannot eaeeed one fer each township in a oounty . A false oath ss to sales is perjury, A (sis signature to ap plication by purchaser of liqaeti is misde meanor. The sale ef intoxicating liquors for medicinal puree, of slcohol fur specified enemies! and mechanical pepesse, and wia for eacrsmeate! pa roes es, is allowed. The section of the ed Uw ta regard to manufacture, and importation in oilgioal package is repeated. All the process for itrosecs lions of viols to is of the Uw made and provided in the Clark Uw apply to violations ef the provisions of the pharmacy Uw, and subject permit holders to sll the rigors of in jaectioas. The "ealinary" except too to (he ptohibitten ol the old Uw U eliminated. The light, ia both Hooae and Senate, on the bill, was to inject into it prevision a! lowing the manufacture of aicoho! for -i port, and one to allow the granting of per nv.ts to wholesale liqaof deaUrs. Both amend mente were voted down, there hemg i sty one voters in th House sad thirty- ore in the Seet, against the manufacture clans. There was no disposition to open the "big distillery" ny legiaUtive authority, when it had been dosed by oo ordinate branch of government. The new Uw goes into effect at ones, time being allowed to counties where Inatnct Courts will not be Weld before October, for renewal ol permits. Legislation lor the con trol ol tbe sale of liquors for legitimate pur poses U a new thing, so comparatively un tried, ss to be in large master original, ex -periaseotal sod oeoseaartly imperfect. This Uw, with it very s triage t provisions, must go through the presses of execution, and court construction, and bear many teats and strains, and will doubtless be v totaled ami evaded, hot it is one more chapter in advance temperance legislation, honestly intended to limit sod guard the sale ef liquors to mini mum uses and amounts. Iowa standa alone in absolutely prohibiting the manufacture and wholesaling of liquors. A petition from leading business men and pastors ol Chicago was recently present xl to the Ci y Council, asking to bAvs th saloons closed on Sabbath. It was received with hoots and derision. The State Temperance Convention ef (ieorgU decided to make a general prohibi tion campaign this fsll snd candidates to be nominated ie every county pledged to vote for ceostitutioosl amendment isatead of local option. Tacoma. The Democrat has just re ceived a marked copy of the Tacoma Lodger shewing the Improvements in that dty for the first five months of this year. Though we are not in the business ef booming Tacoma, and have our hands full at lomc, we admit that we admire the rec ord. According to the figures already this year 236 frame residences and 65 other buildings have been erected at a cost of $720,252, almost a much building a was done in ring the whole of 1887. Tacoma has seven saw mills with a cajiacity of 560, 000 feet per day, more than that of Seattle and Portland combined. Fruit. A Southern Oregon paper speaks as follows of the fruit outlook : "The present outlook for an immense fruit crop In Southern Oregon, Is very en cou raging. It could not be better. It seems nsture had thrown almost its entire vitality Into the fruit trees, ladening them with the developing fruit." From all over Western Oregon does the same cheering reports come. Fruit, fruit, fruit Our farmers should save all of it, and rustle early for a market. It is time that we cast off thU old name of not attending to things. Save your fruit, save everything. Make the pennies count. Wholesale Furniture Factory. Thursday ufternoon Mr. C. J. Dillon, who recently sold hi furniture business at Ya quina City, purchased the furniture fac tory of W . Fortmiller & Co., the facilities of which he will enlarge. Mr. Dillon in formed a Democrat man that he pro poses .o make the wholesale -manufacture of furniture a specialty, and will branch out as the business justifies, lie is n thor ough workman as well as a good citizen. Fortmiller & Co., will confine their busi ness to tbe retail trade, of which thev have a large one already. Also. Mr. Gaston, father of Mr. W. H. Gaston and Mrs. George Turrell, Is also in the city with hi daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gaston, and to-day took a trip into the country, lie has been residing in Tacoma with hi son in-law, and has all the enthu siasm over that place possessed by even a real estate man,74 years of age.he Is as hale and hearty as a much younger man. Not the Worst. Eh Perkins, the famous liar, talks at Corvallis to-morrow evening. If he can surpass seme of the pub lic speakers of the day in this field he wilt have to exert himself. This seems to be an era of liars, the list including nearly all classes but newspapers. They never do anything worse than to prevaricate. Dr, (iundersou, whomue mentioned tev- erri days ago for as being urrested for ad ministering morphine, wi s tried aud dis charged. As it was a test ease it was watcher' with great interest. The D etor has obtaimd more notoriety than he would have obtained in Albany in a life time. p.tcher's Castorla. New P, i. WAsiiiNOToN.May 33. A postofncewas cstsblUhed to dav at Mill City. Marlon T' w county, Or., and Joseph A Shaw was ap pointed postmaster. A postoffice was also eatablUhed 10 day at Kneb, Lewis county, Wadiinuton territory, and Mrs. Klla Shulls appointed postmistress. "Marvelous Hpirlt Manlfestatlona." Salt L.KK,May 23. -Special telegrams to Mormon papers here give a report of marvelous spirit manifestation alleged to have occurred du.lnf the endowment and dedication of a new temple at Mann. Among other things, it was said that Drlg ham oung and John Taylor appeared t the congregation. Hand. Pittsburg. Muy at. llclva Loekwood has the coolness t aay that she Is a csndl date fer president, for the purpose of polit cal situation. She thought the notnlna Hon of lllalne would have no effect upon her candidal-v. She defeated him before, snd will sgafn. as she Is confident she will be nominated. A aether Cyeleae. BoNiiAM,Tex.,May 3 A cyclone pass cd over the tittle town ef Brookatown near here last evening. A number of house were demolished aud a half dozen persons Injured. A great deal ol damage was done In the vicinity. Natioaal Presbytery, Cedar Rapine. Ia.. May 23 The thir tieth general assembly of the United Pres byterlan Church of North America con vened this evening. Nearly 200 delegates from all portions of the United States, Can ada and some foreign countries are present. Rev. M. M.Gibson, of San Francisco, preached the opening sermon. Ten syn ods, sixty-one Presbyteries belong to the assembly. Dr. W. T. Malony, of Chicago, was unanimously elected moderator. V Decision Syracuse, N. Y. May 23 Judge Wal lace, In the United States circuit court yes enUy, decided the fsmoua case of Rev. Dr. E. Walpole, who arrived from England recently, as rector ol Trinity church, New York, on a contract by which he was paid $600 aaly, The provisions nf the con tract labor act were declared to be in voted. The judge decided against the preacher, holding that only actors could come from a foreign land on a contract for labor. The Mill 'a Bill. Washington, May 24. The co-r mittce in charge ef the republican branch of the tariff met to-day and figured as to the pro bable result of the vole on thr Mill bill. Under liberal estimate from their stand paint there are now 163 votes in favor ef and 162 against the bill In Its present shape. This result is reached by the following line of reasoning : There are 168 democi sts, 1 cj republicans and 4 lndependents.Thercof the latter will probably vote for the Mills bill and one against H. Thus the full strength of the two parties in the House U 171 democrats and 154 republicans. A. .ci ding to the reasoning of the repub licans, the democrat, will lose nine votes and gain one and perhaps three republican vote, which gives the Mill hill a total of 163. The republicans expect to gain nine vote nd lose one, which gives a total of 162. Chairman Mills says the republican managers will encounter considerable diffi culty Tn naming the nine democrats count ed upon to vote agsinat the bill, as personal aaaurances have been given him which warrant him in saying that not even si democrat are disposed to vote againat the bill, and if certain amendments are made that number may be reduced. Only a Cbittaaaaa.' Cmii-aoo, May 24. Chane Carey, who deliberately killed May Ni Ding a china man, at the stock yard packing house April 3, pleaded guilty, and ha been sen tenced to fifty year by the judge. The victim went to buy scraps, when Carev walked up to him, laughed, pulled a revel ver and shot him dead. To the horrified apectasort he ld: "I've only killed a chinamen. Kaease Cyclone. Wellington, May 24. A cyclone struck the town of Arixona, a few miles west of t hi- city yesterday, cutting Its way through the thickest settled portion of the place Among the building destroy cd re t'.e McthodUt Church, Pslsce hotel and a number of stores and dwellings. Several people were aeverely Injured by flying tlm- Hi Opinion. M 1 n k a pol i s, May 24. J W Webb,tate organiser of the prohibitionUt In Oregon, as.. e. . a - k m aatti in sn interview that tiregon t ure for the democrats, ss the prohibition vote will throw it that way. Slgaed. Wa.hhigton. My 24, - - The president has signed the Harney land district bill, nd Secretary Vilas informed Mr. Her man to-dav that he should favor such a place in the district fer the office as would be conveniently central, and yet located o as to subserve the interest of the greatest number. A New Bishop. New Yore, May 24.--.The tenth, elev enth, twelfth and thirteenth ballot in the Methodist conference failed to elect the fourth bishop. On the fourteenth ballot Dr. Newman was e'ected. A Big Kxplesiou. Paris, May 24. A terrible explosion took place to-day in Mcrlot's cartridge and fire-works factory, between Pautin and Prest Gervols, by which seven building were destroyed. Eleven dead bodies have been taken from the ruins and twenty-one peronK,aIl more or less injured, have been rescued. The search for victim U proceed ing. In Crook Co. The following from the Ochoco Review makes things look pretty gloomy In Crook county, in strong con trast to our bright prospects west of the Cascades: "At present the outlook in Croak county is anything but flattering. Owing to the long continued drouth not more than half a crop of hay and grain can be expected, and the grass on the range is drying up and fall and winter range will be short. Te add tothis unpleasant feat ure the price of wool is very low, with little pre8pect of Improvement until fall, and the horse and cattle market Is exceed ingly dull. All these disadvantages are causing extremely dull times In all branches of business, and it is the general expression that times are harder and money scarcer in Crook county to-day than they have been for years. Should this pressure of times continue many will not be able to bridge over the present stress and will be forced to sacrifice their property. Yet we have confidence that there is a future for the county, and though the outlook is now rather gloomy, the resources are by no means exhausted, and those who have capital to Invest in farms and stock ranges, wi!l here find a safe place to invest. An Bittern Oregon editor is kicking be cause his compositor set up the phrase "rr f ablies sre ungrateful" and mads it reid "republicans are ungrateful." When he al ludes to the "dimple cheeks of a maiden" and the compositor seta it up as the "pimpl ed cheeks,'' it will be mors in ordei for him to make a fuss. AM TO CONSISTENCY. Alma ny, Msy 24 th, 1888. liditoi s Daily f democrat : KcuubliraiiM are uttetiintliiu fo make can- Ital out of what they call a discrepancy in Ihe democratic platform of 1886 and 1888. The tlerald of this city a few days aao at tempted something of that kind in a feeble way, but its editor succeeded in nothing if not in committing himself t an irrevoca ble opposition to a reduction er revision of the tariff and consequent lightening of the burden ol the people. The democratic party has ever contended that the tariff was ami is unjustly apportioned. That it is laid in 1he interest of the rich and few and against the Interest of the poor and tunny In the democrrtic plstforin of 1886, Isutt Is found with tlte republican psrty for reducing the tarlfl on raw material and tn creasing It on the manufactured article. The objection to the republican policy was not thai tne amy on wool had been reduced, but because there had been a reduction on wool and an Increase of duty on woolen goods, it any man will take the trouble to hunt up the debate had in Congress dur ing the pending of the tariff bill of i88t li e will find that the democrat urged this very objection te the bill then. "Hiey said if yeu will make some reduction on wool en we win vote tor your mil to reduce the duty on wool .but the republicans were stub born and made the reductton on wool while actually increasing it on woolens. In 1888 the democratic platform ay, "thai we most unqualifiedly endorse the policy of tariff revision (How t by making a re duction greater in total on manufactured woolens than 011 wool) and a reduction of the urptu revenue to the need of f he gov eminent economically administered, a act forth In the president' lat annual menage to Congrra. Now, the editoroi the t- aid U nothing if he I not opposed to any re ductlon of the tariff or.ln f a t,of any change whatever, hence t break thr force i ih- sentiment for reduction he allege incouaiat ency In the democratic platforms when none exist. But what I thought of that rcpub (lean conitency that reduced the duty on wool In 188.1 and now demand a real era tion ofthedutv of 1807 Let Hie Herald an wer. Revenue Reform. UK Ah KMTA'ir.SAbtX As recorded In the County Clerk' office ol Llnn county, Oregon : Hannah Devlneto Hugh Nickeron,k to sere, t2w t $ Cnoxto J E Knox.etal. 50 acre i0 w 3 . F M Rlnehsrtto E D Underwood, I Ho acres, 1JW4 M HeUter to J II Burkhart, In 40 acres, ti w 3 F M Rinehart to Flora C Rinehart, Ho seres, iiwi 2JOO 1600 Sand A F Hamilton to J T Hook, 1 '.. acres John and C L Brush to Geo T Mills. it, feet Irani First street, Alnany David Swan to PTarJ M Miller, a lots, Lebanon Martin Werts td Sarah L Luper, 5 lot in Tangent 2100 400 10 R R Humphrey by DS Smith, Sh'ff to Hugh N'ickeron, 240 acres, 3 w 1 652.50 H M Savage by D S Smith, Khcriff to Board School Commissioner, 105 acres, 12 w 4 E N White to J II Burkhart, 2O2S3 acre to w 1500 10.1SO G W Maatontoll Bryant, 1.08 acre "Waverly fruit farm Oregon tJ II Robb, 313.57 acre, 43 osa -fK-Sn 1 1 11 an UKM04-UATH AKOlSF.lL I or 1 Tlte county candidate met at Syracue J last week, a good audience, and presented their claim for the people's suffrage. Whit ney, Mver. Morelock, Curl and other dem ocratic candidate are meeting the republi can candidate on all question, in good tyle. The lnide plan nd schemes of the republican managers have aroused the democratic leaders to enter the contest with old time xeal and energy. In fact. number ef democratic leader who were taking a rest this year have been made mad and hot at the corrupt plana of some of the enemy's leaders and have gallantly buckled on the harness and have thrown them selves into the hottest of the light. and their work will tell on the 4th of June. Let democrats In all parts of the county take courage for a big victory is ahead if al will do their duty. ITNKAIK. It ia reported thatMr. WlllUms, republi can candidate for County School Superin tendent, writes the reports of the various meetings of the candidates for the Iferatd, in which attempt are made to belittle the cUIni and qualification of Mr. Curl. This 1 unfair, to say the least.for Mr. Williams has equal time on the stump with Mr.Curl. Mr. Curl is an Oregon raised boy and has educated himself throngh his own unaided efforts and tne voteis of the county admire such pluck in a young man and will elect him by a big majority. For Horses. On Friday Mr Dave Keenan.of Sodaville, was brought te this city, on complaint of Mr. Richardson, of Rock Hill, on the charge of horse steal ing. As nearly as we could learn the case is about like this : Last fall Mr Keenan left some horse with Mr Richardson to keep. When he went after them awhile ago Mr Richardson refused to give them up until paid for keeping them, which Mr. Keenan did not do. A few day afterwards while Mr. Richardson was away from home Mr. Keenan went to hi fsrm and took the horses, hence the arrest. SunoRNLY Exploded.- -A young man by the name of Lawrence, living in the vicinity of Little Elk, in this county, met with quite a severe accident recently. He had gone out for a hunt armed with a Spencer repeating rifle, and after roaming around for a while came across a band of deer and proceeded to shoot at them, but for some cause the first cartridge simply snapped, nnd he took it out of the bairel and started to examine it when It suddenly exploded tearing off a portion of the little finger, and otherwise mutilating the hand with which he was holding it. It was a very painful wound. (iaeette. Two years ago Bart Allen run for the Legislature on the Prohibition ticket in this county, and caused plenty of amusment during the canvass. This year he Is making it lively In Benton county in the same capacity. The following is from the New port AVtm : "Bart'AUen the prohibition candidate for the legislature was the next speaker, and he succeeded in keeping the audience in a roar of laughter for twenty minutes. He made some telling points in regard to monopolies and wound up with an invitation for all to vote the prohibition ticket." It is reported from Detroit that a lad named Frank Bailey, sixteen years old, has such a mania for thrusting pins and need les into the right side of his face and! neck that it has become necessary to send him to Tal .9 1 ... jlM aS -.."a. ine lunatic asylum. At tne time 01 nis ue parture he had from thirty to forty pins burled to the head in his cheek, besides an unknown number of needles that were out of sight. W. A. Wells is shippiag about 30,000 bu hels of wheat from Corvallis to 8sn Fran cisco, e When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Children Cry for for Infant and 'Csetorla is so well adaotad toehOdren that 1 f recommend it ae superior to asy pr ascription I xnowa to me." K. A. Aacaaa. kt D.. I 111 So, Oxford gfc, Brookljn, K. Y. WU&oat injurious zaediion. The CmrTAca CovrAmr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. THE tfeT ik mm, me AND 2 ' v U&s Send for Catalogue and Price List pise Bros. Wagon Co, ft AOTNF. WIS. Stewart & Sox, ! Agents, Albany, 0i FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works, Aod Manufacturers of- GHQIOS GONPECTIOHBRY, We are row prepared to rill at whole sale, alwaye fresh and pure at Portland price a to dealer. W also keop full line of Mats and Tropical Fruits. ealQU BaS CIGAR AND TOBACCO department to com"' Vr. We keep the vary finest stcek of sucking and chewing tobacco, meerschaum snd brier pipos that a a delight to smoker. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE, 1 Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests aod lsy First term open first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens flrta Monday In February. For prospect m ftddree Rev. F. A. Booker. Vancouver, W. T. Box I0t. PATENTS Aether lie, sis ill to the U. 8 lad u. tor w 1 aerate teas. Ooreceis4Meit the U.S. PaieatOtBes, ossata Patents less uses than these ret rwm Washington, alead asedfe erdrswtos-. We ae- to eatent ability free of charge ; sue we make o obarg aaless "eeetain Basset. We refer here, to the Pnstmsster, the ftop. of Hooey Order Dir. sad to if nil la eftheU. A Patent OSaee, Par circular, advice, terms, and o actual clients to your own Stat or county, C A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Oflee, Waehlnrfw. D . 0. 0 CHRRRT. C.B.PVRKRS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKF.S, Machinists, MLilrnghts, and Iroi Founders. T K are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. W will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Miil Machinery, and all kinds nf Iron ana Brass uascing. FATTEKNS N SDK ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention gives to repairing all kinds or macmnery. Russ House. JT. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Tnis house' is now open snd famished with the beat new furniture. Everything clean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodatioi to any in the city. Eevere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Table supplied with the beet in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooma for commercial travelers, A Free Coach te and from the Hotel, "Kt Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed Administratrix of tbe estate of John P. Hawk, deoased, haa filed her final account in tbe County Court for Linn oounty, Oregon, and the Court has set the 4th oay of June, 1888, at the hour of oe o'elock, p. tn. fr hearing ofob jeotions and settling said estste Nakot J, Hawk, Administratrix. Notice of Final Settlement, Notiee is hereby given that the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of Annie Bamford, deceased, has hied his final account with tbe Clerk of the County Court for Linn oounty, Oregon, and the Court has fixed Wed nesday, the Gth day of June. 188, at the hour of I o'clock p. nr.. as the time for hear ing ob jectio to and for finally settling said This 2nd dsy of May, 1S88. T. A. Powsll, K WeathkrJord, Adrauiistia Att'y fer AnWr. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT J.AW -AND Notary Puhlic- ALBANY, OKEGON. Pitcher's Castotla. Children. Oseterte cures Colic. fgw gtosBach, tiUrrbose, Bract Worn P tion. di- THE BEST- FARM WjSGIJI IN THE MARK! ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILL8. AUkinda of rough, dressed and seas . lumber,lath , a pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. K.WOLV ERTOlf , O. H. IF. VI KB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pfOHee up stairs in Foster's. Block. ALBANY, OREGON D9 R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fetlow'sfremple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive pi ctnpt attention J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, ' Will practice In all of the Court of .his State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. a - V . ..:.- v :.-. . St, T. MAV -aeTj aa fhrSSL Ss CO St. Pans.. Citation. the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In tho matter of the estate of Samuel T. Harris, deceased To the following named heir et law of said deceased, to -wit 1 R V. u...i. r u a Harris, Hacbel Williams, Henry Molar, j Jud Moler, Albert Moier, Kechei Jtfoler uu oarr nieann, and to all others au. known if any such there be. IN tbe name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to be and appear in tho County Court of the oounty of Linn in the State of Olegon, at tho Court House in the citv of Albany, in said county and State on Tuesday tbe 5lk day et Jane, A. D , 188$, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of aald day the same being tbe second day ofthd reguar term thereof, to wit "the June term, 1SS8, and then and there show cause if any exist why an order ef sale should not be made directing and Jicens ing tbe Administrator of said estate to sell all tne right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, at the time of his death, both in law and in tquity in and to tho real property hereinafter de scribed ss prayed for in petition of J, H. Peery, Administrator of the estate of said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, which peti tion is now on file in the office of the Ceunty Clerk of Linn county, State of Oregon, which said real property is de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of Section twelve in Township 10 south of range 1 west ef tbe Willamette meridian ; thence east 6lH rods ; thence south 208 lode to the south bauk ofThomasCreek ; thence west along the south bank 'of Thomas Creek ; thouce west along the south bank of said Creek following the meandering thereof 61 lA rods to the line of aid Section 12 j ihenee north along said Section line 208 rods to the place of beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, in Linn county, Oregon. Done by older cf the Hon. J, J. Whitney Jndge of said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my baud nnd affixed the seal of said County Cimt this 14th day of April, 1888 J, P. GaLBRAITH, Clerk, r. O. POWELL. w. R. bit.vm POWB1X & BIIiYEU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . A5 Solicitors in Chancery, JhBAMY. - - - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all point. fona v nAf!nsn 3 ... 1 L.gT roesonaDie terms. sw vjmce in r oster's Briok." vHn!9tf. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND-- Notary Public. Albany, Oregon Office upstairs, Crawford Block. a A PQmJIIIMjsPHf faT