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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1888)
Mc Ijfmoctat. PRIDA V JUNK 1. SPIPB3 & Kutr na.i NUTTING. fVuprlrlor. lt;i IITUU. KdHar. 1 . I """"" A Kaiux A I)tcMoCifT man was one of about slx-five who attended the so-called sparring match at the Opera House Friday evening. A more huge joke than the VMM concern was never perpetrated Oh the people of Alban v. A we predicted in a recent issue it was a tame affair, and more too. A more rue i v ctowd never a It ... . tM. i-enuuctcn an exniouion in niunnv. rim was a wrestling match, catch-as-caleb -can between Hush and Hellinger.eoth of whom have been living at a house with red curtains. Hun ;utcr a tedious wan a farsical nine round exhibition hctweel Butler, the Portland barber and Bellinger, pf San Francisco, fof .150 nothings aside. It was a childish display to please the audi ence, the combatants doing all ef their featht r weight striking after time had been called. Instead of pleating it disgusted all present, as it was a mere farce. During the performance a Mis Wilson, whs re sides at the Bush house, paraded through the hall on the arm of a Minneapolis light weight, giving it a Tivoll theatrics, cast, making manv present ashamed of them selves. The Democrat hopes It will never be obliged te chronicle such a performance in Alban v again and regrets that it has been made as conspicuous as it has Commencement. --Commencement ex ercises this year promise te be of a very edifying nature, and of a character to do honor te the present accomplished faculty. We are under obligations to one of the faculty for the fallowing program of the commencement season : Sunday, June 10, baccalaureate sermon by Rev. II. A. New ell, of Salem. Monday, June 11, alumni exercises at college and reunion at L. K. Blains. Tuesday, 3 r. m., undergraduates exercises on camnus. in which a tree will be planted; 8 r. m., address In college chapel by Rev. Langdon, of Portland Wednesday evening, graduating exercises and conferring of diplomas. The gradu ates, Collins Elkins and John Geisen dorfer, are sons of two well known pioneers of Linn county, and young men of promise. Principally Interest. Yesterday C. C. Beekman, of Jacksonville presented five warrants on the State Treasurer, that were just fourteen years old, having been drawn on the 5 per cent tide, swamp and overflowed land fund, on May xx, 1874 The face of these warrants was $7,000, and it took $i6,79J.2j to pay the principal and interest. The Slate Treasurer has issued a call for Sio.soo more of these warrant (principal) with interest which will increase the amount to about $30,000. There are vet abomt Sjc.ono worth of these warrants, vrhieh were drawn under the authority of the acts of the legislature of 1874, in pay . ment for road improvements. Gov. Grover. Gov. Grovcr, lately re turned from Europe, was in attendance at the speaking of Col. Irish last Saturday and made some remarks at the close of the meeting, lie said he was in Paris at the time of the issue of President Cleveland's message to Congress recommending a re duction of taxation on the ground that we were collecting more money from the peo ple than was needed. The messzge pro disced a profound sensation among think ing men everywhere in hurope. ihey ex claimed, here is a government that does not want so much monev ! was there ever such a thing in all the history, among all nations before ! This is the "greatest gov ernment and the greatest people. An Indian Item. Saturday some half breeds came to town, bought some whis key and in the evening took it to camp just beyond the Calipooia, whe-ea big jamboree was had among the half breeds. On com plaint of Mr. Frank Hughes, who lives in the neighborhood Frank and George Cook, sons of a white man and squaw, were ar rested, and Monday were tried before Justice Humphrey under a State law, for -giving liquor to Indians. Nellie Johnson, a half breed, swore that Frank Cook gave her a drink and that she would drink when ever treated. She said she did'nt like him because he would not marry her, and wanted to confine her testimony to the whiskey part. Will Be;iv. -Vir. Garrett, of the Wil lamette Packing Co. informs us that the Company has about ioooo cans manufac tured, and in a few days will begin canning goods for the season. Cherries and other fruits and vegetables as fast as in condition will be received and put up. A there will be quite a demand for help there will be no excuse for idleness among the young peo ple, nor ot allowing fruit to waste among our farmers. Held. Mr. J. D. Keenan, of Sodavillc, whom we mentioned as being arrested for stealing his own horses under peculiar cir. cumstances, was held te await the action of the grand jury under $100 bands, which he promptly furnished. The case has miti gating circumstances, and is one of those that are generally satisfactorily arranged before reaching a jury. A Fine Musk Albim. Postmaster Thompson has just shown us an elegant album of Oregon mosses and flowers col lected and put together by Mrs. Thompson for her son Hancock. Hancock who is an enthusiastic boy, and a great admirer of Mrs. Cleveland, has sent it the President's wife as an Oregon souvenir, and we pre dict h will be valued by her more than many gifts that cost hundreds of dol ars. At Corvallis. Fo. lowing is the pro gram of the commencement exercises at the Corvallis agricultural college this year: June 3. Anniversary sermon by Rev. E. R. Murgatroyd, of Independence at 11 o'clock A. M. tune c,. Annual meet - ing of the board of trustee at 10 A. m. ; at 7:30 p. m., address before Adclepbian literary society by Pres. J. C. Keezle, of Philomath. June 6. Graduating exer cises at 9:30 p. m. ; baccalaureate address by Pres. Thomas Van Scoy, of Salem; alumni reunion at 7:30 p. m. Only a WvMCM ojr Wheat, And fall wheat at that, some that wasn't frozen out ; but it looked fine as shown us by Mr. F.A. Burkhart, the real estate man. Spring wheat also is said to be in its glory ,and the hundreds of farmers in the city to-day tes tify to the magnificent looking crops ail through the county. Nature seems to have been putting in her best efforts to give Wil lamette Valley people a haryest they may be proud of. Benefit Ball. On Thursday evening June 7th, a ball will be given at W W Crawford, for the benefit of Wm Peebles, who was recently burned out Tickets, $1.00. It is a worthy object, and there should be a large crowd present. Born. To the wife of Squire Risley.op posite this city, in Benton county, May 28th, a girl. Mother 48 and father about 6oyears of age. A gentleman from Eugene aya Lark Bil yeu is sure to be elected county clerk. Married On Tuesday afternoon, May 29, at tho residence of and by Rev. H, P. Webb, Mr. John Edwards sud Miss Li. U. banco, of Crawfordsville. e excursion party re tlem Saturday night turned heme from S. ! in irood iMit. geitlnu here about 10:30 t une and fine treat trie en. An ele- aant ulnn n and good fooling prevailed, follow-log to sn 1 "The Salem fircn Churchill at the! Regiment hand v visitors up town. w.-.m hat the isit to that city : n, w ith Chief Engineer head, and the Second re on hand to escort the A procession was form ed, the band In the lead, and the tine of march through the principal streets was taken up. At Tigers' engine house an Im promptu rostrum was made out of Aler Hook and Ladder's truck, and Mayor Mur phy climbed up en top and made a very neat and cordial addrs ol welcome to the Albany bovs. The firemen and visitor then dispersed and visited the various points of interest about the city, at noon congre gating at W. C. T. I" Hall, whore a most bountiful dinner was served by the ladies. The Albany firemen are about 'to purchase a now engine, and they inspected thorough y the equipment of the Salem depart ment. Capitals' La France engine was taken out of Its house, steam gotten up, and water thrown. The Alban vites spent five very pleasant hours In the capital city, and at 4 p. m. started for home. They express ed themselves as much pleased with the courteous treatment. The visitors were accompanied by the Albany junior band, which playa very creditably." Fooled. -Ytcrday afternoon a Demo crat man iu company with a friend was walking along First attest whan he wspied a flue looking horsa standing iu front of J. J Dubrmlfoe, aa if ready to b harntascd. several man surrounding it with admiring gaaes. "Fine looking hone," aaid the D. M., "shall wo go down and tee it.' Aa they went towards the auiinal be expatiated to his frioud, who ii just from the Hut, about the splendid animals we have in .inn county. Aa the animal didn't even whisk hie tail and considerable dobrie waa lying around, the Democrat man soon saw that he had been fooled and had been excited oyer a "model," bnt it is a beauty of a model, just received by Mr. Ihibruille from the East for display in his shop. It is !ife eixe and life like, msdo ot piper and crav iu color. We under stand it is the nuly one in the state. The poASftsetnn of it speaks for the enterprise, of Mr. Duhruille who ia alwavsin thrfroot. It will pay our citizvus to call and aoo this piece of atatove. a What For. Sunday evening as Mrs Shane and son, Arthur, were leaving the Opera House, where they had been attend ing memorial services, a strange man step ped up to them and offered young Shane fifty cents, if he would go with him about a block und help him manage a horse. The boy consented and they started down Sec ond street together. After going quite a distance the Shane boy to d the man they had gone over a block and akcd where the horse was. The man had hold of hi arm, and suspecting something wa wrong young Shane made a desperate effort and succeeded in jerking loose, when he ran as fast as he could, frightened nearly to death, the man after him. Fortunately : nightwaUhtnan was near by and interier ed. lien tiur man l:i turn rati an. I wa- seen no more. Th? boy wa taken home Just what the object of the stranger was can only be surmised. Whether it was to kidnap 'the boy or rob him, or what is not known. Back prom the Mines. Last Saturday evening Messrs. J. J. Davi, H. Kenton and S. H. Althouse returned from the Santiam mines, where they have staked out three claims and established the loca tion for a quartz mine. Their mine will be only about seven miles from the Oregon Pacific, with a road running to it. The present outlook ia that it contains some fine ere; but it has not yet been thorough ly prospected. Some of the mines farther from the railroad are being worked with moderate results. What U needed i capi tal. With it there is no reason why big results should not be obtained, for there ia no doubt that the precious metal is there in large quantities. A YoiNi; Man. Sunday afternoon a young man was found lying in the woods above Lebanon in a speechless condition. He was brought down to Lebanon and ! restoratives applied, when he recovered so that he could speak. When brought to ' Lebanon he was recognized by citizen there as a Mr. Warrinerof Salem. He It 1 supposed to be the son of Dr. Warriner of that place. Being without money the citi- J zen of Lebanon made ap a purse to buy ; him a ticket and sent him to Salem. J PuKsnvTRRt an BociAt. Unjon. The , ccond annul meeting of this Union will ...... , be held at Aurora en June 6th. Attractivg programs lor tne tfiurcn anu aunuay School have been prepared. Rev. B. R. Pritchard, of this city wilt conduct the music, and Rev. Gibony, of Lebanon, will offer the opening prayer at the Sunday School sesKions. These meetings are said to be very enjoyable affairs. The trip Itself offers an opportunity to take an excursion cheap, and no doubt some of our Albany people will do so. The ronud trip rates will be : Albany, $2.10 ; Lebanon, $2 60 ; Halsey, $2.80 ; Eugene, $3.85. On the Marry. Pallette Lane, a Sil etz Indian, ran away with an Indian maid en namgd Anna Jones, Monday night. They were pursued and caught at Eugene City, Wendesday, and at once returned to the Siletz. Lane was married to Mrs. Eliza I ialoGleece about three weeks since, hut tired of his new wife and slid out with Miss Anna. Lane has been married two or three times, and as our informant said, is nearly 1 on the marry Post. Died. Mrs. G. W. Hanborn, wife of the painter, died at her home In the Third Ward, Saturday evening, of quick con sumption, and was buried Sunday after noon, funeral services being conducted by Rev. Fntchard. A Pension -Last Saturday evening, Mr. John Morrison, a worthy member of the G. A. R., of this city, and a faithtul aoldier, received from Washington pension j paper; granting him a pension on account ! of rheumatism of six dollars a month, bc- ginning in April, 1887. The .srW if tin Landreth. The Polk county murderer for the occasion. The discussion was open was given a trial Tuesday, a short, point- ed by a speech from Corporal Tanner in ed defenseless one, and found guilty. He the first part of the day. Then D. R. N. was to be sentenced at one o'clock to day. Hanging is almost too good for men like him. Looks Like. The last Harper's con tains a page picture , of Gov. Alger, of Michigan, who is a candidate for the Presi dency, anu who passed through Albany with the Logan party. Governor Alger s picture looks some like Jehnny Irvtne, of this city, only more so. Fact. At Cost. C. B. Roland & Co.. of this city, are Helling their entire stock at cost. Those wanting bargains should call early. W. MCLAUGHLIN. rashimtable Tailor. Nobby suits and pants, cut and mad to order, from the latest line of samples, direct from 'Frisco, a speciality, Cleaning and repairing promptly done. Main Street, Albany, Oregon Wanted Farmers to know that Ihey can buy of us boots and shoes cheaper than anywhere else ia town and get a rebate of 5 per cent for cash, Bkownell & Stanard. Skattlr. Monday afternoon Mr Hoffman received a dispatch from Director Kellogg thai the tournament and State Firemen's Aasoctatlon would he held a Seattle Instead of Portland, a the latter place had failed to raise the necessary fund, and the date has been changed to July and to 6th. Portland has been sub scription ridden and even another straw lay heayy on her back, while Seattle,yotmg and bouyant jumps to the front and offers te raise the neceaaarv amount, about $1000. The chauge meets the approval of the fire men here, as It will offer a much more en joyable excursion for thcra, and then they are anxious to visit a city that will knock the chip off Portland's shoulder. Srvrn Fa mi MR. An Intelligent Mln nesotian Is in the city as advance agent for six or seven families, who wish to leave their long, severe winter for our. short, mild ones; but he doesn't believe In leaping In the dark, and wants to know what can he doue when ! gets here. Some are farmerii and some mechanics. If c is de lighted with the Willamette Valley and If he sees a prospect of plenty of work abend will adviae his friends to goto to Oregon, probably to Linn county. Sober, indus trious, thrifty people, they arc the kind we want here, and we hope to see our Minne sota friends navigate this way, believing they possess the energy that makes bus! nese., ktv.--A gentleman who has beeu traveling through the eounty informs aa that Mr, Richard Cheadle, maiding a mile beyond Lebauou. ie putting up the finest cow born ia Lion ooauty. It ia a large structure and contains stanchions fir eighty oowe. Mr. Cheadle no tnilke fifty 00 wa a day, the milk from which he manufactures into cheese, the product of which amounts to five or aix hundred pounds a week. Thle he readily sells through the Valley, experiencing no trouble in finding a market for it Mr. Sprneer, and pcrhapa other, sells his cheese iu this city. On account of the large de mand be intend te increase hia hustneaa, hence hia new and mammoth bare. Granuk Picnic. A picnic given by Tangent Grange, assisted by ether grang er and friends, wtil be heid at Blevins bridge, June 7th, 18SS. The exercises will consist in vocal music, band music and speaking. Ample preparations have been made tor an Interesting and profitable time for all. It rangers arc urged to brine thrii badges nnug naskets full. Everybody come. Meet on the grounds promntlv at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of the commit tee. Fn.i rko Ot T. - An Ohio man wriles to an Albany man about our country. He has the matter well figured out. He wishes to sell his farm, consisting ol 185 acres, f tagy$Sa to $ 100, the prevailing price there, a he believe that is too much money to have invested in farm properly, and buv one here for $20 to $40. Ifhedoeasowc advise him noc te get a larger one than he now has. The trouble here U not In the price but In the else of some of our farms. Our farmers are carrying more land than they can handle. Not IliRNKti. -Among those In bind ncss at Pa loue City during the tire was Mr. Ed Settlcmlre, son of Mr. A. Settle mire, of this city. Very fortunately for him he was net burned out, and with one other store, waa all that was left of the business houses. As a result he has been doing a rushing business. His brother George I In business at the booming city of Rosalia and Is doing a fine business. Osk W.vv -Mr. Wallace, who ha been President of the Board of Trade of Greeley, Colorado, while in the city told an Albany man about how they ottraccd attention for a small outlay. For r-i p .!-. run a small :idvrtlsrm;-Mf asLinn I lu riln, urrOo ' for descriptive pamphlets, in twenty -five or thirty representative agricultural papers, and from it received four thousand letters of inquiry, resulting in considerable Itnml gration. Why not try It. Makr-icd. -At the home of Mr. J. V Ellison, Shcdda, Linn country, Oregon. May 37, 1888, by Rev. If Gouid. Dr. W. M. Thompson and Miss May B. Graves. CoiUBH-nrtnirnt Kxerelaen. 1 .ran. I cotertaiumeat by tbepopltU cd' the acadamy of on r Isdy Perpetual Help, Jane at 80 r. at , Opera Hous, Albany Or. raooaust. Overtare-Qai ViesUalop, Muse. B and A Sender Salutatory, delivered by Mis A Stem- berg. IoatrumeoUl duet Th Mockiog Bird, Miase Pand L Brenner, The Lily ana the Rose V"CI due, Miate, 3 Dobroille and T Dodge. Kigoal march instrumental duet, Misses S Sternberg and M Hkelly. Introduction to the drams. InstruuK-ntsI dost Concert Po.ks, Mis. s x , ,ae an,, M Murrav l'e..luUA t Hvlvia'a Jubilee II ( rncob,. Mias B and A Mender. Sylvia's Jubilee, toachiog melmliama iu thre a ta. Zithern Hoio Ioterlude, Mis T Dodgi and Chorus of Angel Lea Dames Oe Seville From Schubert, Misses B and A Senders. The finding of Mo tableau. The Musioian -by the primary vocal claw. Mrs Willie Will most laughable come dy io one act. La Midget instrumental duet Graduating honors, diploma and gold medal coii f erred on J.uru M Csmpbtll, of Al bany. Presentation of gold medal prizes for excel lency iu the following branches: Medal for Composition and Rhetoric pre sented by 11, S. Ktranao, Judge of tbe Su preme Conrt. Medal for Polite Couduct prtsmted by J, A. Oroaa. E-j Modal 1 r Chriatian Doctrine presented by Mr-. Msdy. Medal for Book-keeping presented by Dr. 0'Twle. V 9 Valedictory delivered by Miss Lura M Campbell. "When Friendship Ouce is Rooted Fat" farewell aoog. Closing addi ess by Hia Grace Moat Rev Wm H Gross. Reet-rved seats can be procured at Black- man s Urug store. Trice of) cents. 25 cents. AT 11 ALSKY. A large assembly greeted the candidates at Halsey Friday. Music was furnished bv the Halsev and Crawfordsville Bands IJIALniUl IS HlflMb CB IVIILIIT B ptWC 1 1 , Goodman represented the Prohibition party. He was followed by Judge Whitney who shows by hi position that he is the Judge Linn county want, his administra tion being characterized by economy and good judgment. W W Richardson was next on the list. He wanted to know If they people of Linfi county did not want him io represent them in the next Legtsla ture to elect a Republican U. S. Senator Mr. Taylor, the prohibitionist was next, and he asked the same question in refcr ecne to the prohibition party. Mr Jeff Meyers followed and asked how it would do to elect a Democrat who would vote for a Democratic U. S. Senator. Col. Irian here apperred, when all eyes turned on him. He handled the tariff question in a masterly manner, and completely annihl lated Corporal Tanner's remarks made during the forenoon. The meeting waa prebablv the most successful yet held. XX. FARMERS needing anything in the boot and shoe line are requested to call in at the Albany Shoe Store. We will sell you goods at Bed Rock prices and do your repairing at reasonable figures and ail goods bought of us are re paired free gratis. Krausse & Klein, Flinn Block. HOME AND ABROAD. 1 1.... " - K L Power' hand made harneas. New shoe at Read's. F. If. French keep railroad time. New ribbon all shades and style at Read's Mali.!. 6Wd hnrnrirs next to DSMW'KAT of fice. H Kaert, practical watchmaker and Jew lei. Thompson k Overman keep the best har nesses. Cash goes a loug ways at Hruwuell 6i Stauard v Get your boots and shoe at Urownell Sc Stanard's. You will got good treatment at Brownell JtStanard'. If you want the beat harness in the mar k go to J J Dabtnilt'. Fine line of light weight Sjjrl itf suit in fashionable desiun at Blsiu's, Six shave for a dollar and a ok an towel to every customer, at Thus. Jones. 7 O As euros rhoamatiatn, neuralgia and toothache. Foahay & Maeon, Agent. Rsxore honed, set and put in order at Jones' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. K very thing bought and sold at M Frank liu 4 Co s seeend band store, Albany, Or. F M Prouob, agent Singer Manufactoring Co., opposite Odd Peilow Temple, Albauy.Or. Dr. M. 11. Kill, physician and surgeon Ail any, Oregon, ('alls made in city or country, Mr T A Shane is now prepared to take a limited number of pupil ia music on the piano or organ. Term reasonable. F A Bur a hart & Co. have quite a nnmbsr el men wanting employment Farmere went, ing help should call on thm and be supplied There are ix aaw mill within live ridle ei Orawfordvdle. A big basket pienio i t, ba ho! I at Co bnrg on June "Jo J. The first load of wool was eold at Browns vill for IS cent per pound. F M Kedfteid also baa a fruit and garden tract he ia eel ting otT in email patches. Mr. C. K. Kiohler makes regular tripa from Hodaviile to thia city with Sodewster, a beverage that Umee up the system. A B Woedia and W II Wiltard have formed a partnership in the furniture boat- , or rather re-formed one. Tim Corvallia militarv coinosiiv ia auitat ng aahatu battle 00 the 4'.h. Some of th Albany oempaay are daairoue of participat ing In it should krrangemeots ho made for it? B A Chil!rr. Principal of the North Brownsville school, has received from Coun ty School Sept. Raid, appointment a mem ber of the xeotive committee far the State, and also Nttienal Teachers' Association. Saturday was oas of the heat daya in the hiitorj f Albany, 0. C of Portland wants to driM Company on the Cast for $1000. lUin " nth any .Mr A tt 1" .'.too ie now home and msv k m a . m 1 nii.i with .Mr 1 raarunl, at tue aM ataou. l.ssl Saturday the atuner "Hasselo ' aht the rapids at Cascade locks with aeve'al on board. The fat ea Hittiet ty several a . a. iiouami people. On would think from the Way some of the I'ortlamd papers talk thst when they get iboir near hotel everything ebw will have to atop aside. Ae a matter of fact the ol I ho tela will do the bueinea sad the new cue the adyvrttaiog. Mr. Henderson, of Spring Valley, Mum.. u to ine city. wiU a vtrw of locating iu Oregon. As he is an aaterprietog young mai wita some style to Sim we hope be will cm elude to tsosin among us. Oo being interviewed io Portland Be Perkins said Blame would be nominated and elected. You all know Klt'e charactorutic feature iu hi make up, and houce comment ia unnecessary. The Oregon Blond Purifier la Nature ota remedy, and ahoold be used to the eXcloaioe of ell other medicines in all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Bschaehe. etitcbee in the aide, iafUtioa and foreiMMS of the howela, are aymptooa of a disordered state of the digestive ami acsim ttntive organs, whten eon he corrected by the ol Ayer s Cathartic IMls. A sou ad body and a eonteoted mind are necessary ie perfect happiness. If yen wiak to pose these, cleeese your blood with Ayrs Samaparilla. It i perfectly safe to take, end i a thoroughly reliably, highly concentrated, and powerful blood puriiler. en . V L Keotmi is now selling groceries, etc , at very low pi ice. He has a very com plete sseortmeot to select from ami hia goods sroall 6rtclaa. Vuko Pmksks cation. About three hundred invited g iesU rushed into the gallcrle of the Opera House lost evening, on theoccasitm of the flag presentation to K. Co. of this citv. After an exhibition ! .1.111 u.. il. r . . . w' "J w,c Pny .nsa .Mary irvtne stepped to the front, accompar.l si by Mrs i Power with a flag, and in behalf of the ladies of Albany, In a very deliberate and eloquent manner presented F. Company with an elegant flag, one of the finest In the State, And then with a poetical ef fusion handed the emblem to Capt. lryine, who had ridden swiftly from Crawfords ville, thirty-five mile away, in the hot sun of the afternoon te receive It. Capt. Irvine in well worded sentences received the flag on behalf of the Comnanv. Then the lar ! number of guests took their seats in the , hall below and partook of a sumptuou re past of straw berries and cake. It wa one of the mot successful affairs in the history of Albany. On Election DAY,The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a dinner on June 4th (election day) at W. C. T. U. Hall. Dinner commencing at ti a. m., followed by lunch and social in evening. Tickets at door 35 cents, including dinner. Ice cream or strawberi ie extra. For Sale. One New Studebaker vrag en 3 inches spindle. Also new set har ness. Inquire at the Russ House. J. H. IIOWAUI). An Aui.iies.h. Miae M A Buzzell, a mi eioLary of China, will deliver an address on the subject of foreign mission at the Baptist church of Halsey, Friday, June 1, at 8 P. U 4th at Lebanon. At a citizens' meetioj a day or two ago the people of. Lebauou de- cided to celebrate tho coming 4th of July in a becoming manner. Excursion trains will be run from Albany and it is proposed to make the feathers fly from the eagle. c $15000 worth of boot 1 1 1 Wo n a3tua ott at Brownrll Hi Stanaki). The place to get honest goods at lowe market price is at Urownell & Stanard 8. Our complete stock of boots and shoes at cost without reserve. Brownkll &. Standard. We have in the lmo of ladies fine shoes goods which embody excellence in shapeliness comfort and durability and we sell them at rock bottom prices with 5 per cent off for cash. Browkell A Stanard . We guarantee to save you money on gro eries. Brownish, & Standard. An Allowance of 5 per cent wiU be allowed all cash buyers at Browaoll & Stanard's Cash will save you 5 per cent at BrowneU & Stan ard's. Yoj will save money by taking your sick sewing-machine to the repairer, B F Persons at Sixth acd Jefferon Sts., Albany, Oregon. Good satisfaction or ne pay. AT ROCK GREEK, Rt suU of a Feutl. Some time agi wo mentioned tin- fact of A serious !it)uble existing nt&Otk Crerk.ln Bis coimty; hTwhlch theTWtfai Brothers had h-;cn warned to leave the community by a vigilant' "committee of ij," on ac count of an old feud that bus existed among a few of the Inhabitant there for some' time. Such ha been the feeling thai Charles and William Thoma hnvc never lefttheir home without a gun in their hand. From a gentleman who just ar rived from there we learn the particulars of a tragedy In connection with the affair that occurred there Wednesday forenoon. About 10 o'clock Cherle Thoniaa left the Fluke place, on Mad Creek, (the Flyk arson the county, )fer the Post office, whirl, Is situated at the west end of the new Den Smith bridge. He had gone about half the dlatance.prebably half ot a mlle.whcn three masked men rose up from the bushes on u ledge above Thomas and fired. Thomas returned compliments with one shot. He claimed that three shots were fired at him: hut parties st the bridge store say entv two. One of them took effect in Thomas' left shoulder, going clear through his body and coming out In a downward course, breaking the collar bene. Thoinaa yelled and ran for Vluke'a, while the nflghbera around the bridge and vicinity ruehed for the scene of the flrlng.everylxHly bistantiy understanding what was up. No clue or trace te the assassins could be found. One f the Fluke's, with when the Thomas's were stopping, ran swiftly to a neighbors, who wa suspected of being a vigilant, but found him peaceably weeding cabbages. Physician at Stayton were despatched for, but had not arrived when our informant left. The wound is thought to be verv dangerous if not fatal. Heretofore the Thomas brother have always gone to the Post office togetlicr ; but for some reaon Charlce went alone on thle occasion. In tense excitement prevailed. A maiarilv of the citizens do not approve of the con flict of the Thomases heretofore .nor of the affair generally ; but this will naturally give them sympathy, in the neighborhood ts the 1'oet office, run by Mr. Robertson, a store at the eaet end of the brldee in Marion countv. and down on the Q. P. a saloon run by J. K. Sorbln,snd nearby several farmers nomee. m aaye pat the The, maw luvc been in many quarrels, and from some of them the tragedy lias reaultcii. The above b a rough dralt of the scene of the shooting, the star being about the point of the tragedy. The main stream I the Santiam, and the bridge can plainly be seen crossing it. with the store at the north and the PostofHce at the south. Mad Creek I at the right, with Fluke's bouse cast of It, white Rock Creek lain the west. TheO. P. run north of the bridge. bTmey. JittjotM Jrmarrttf : In weekly Dkmocr at of May -'.ui an item needs correction. It I true that Halsey ha a oeotn ; wc t ave a new sclmo house ; we have a new store ; w? have , new butcher-shop ; we have a half barrel of wbiskev ; but that whiskev had no! reached the aforesaid butcher-shop when last beard from. It rests quietly In the depot and i quite an object of Interest to the average Halsey Ite. May acth was Patriot lav at Halsev. Picnic under auspices of the Band. Fine day, big crowd, good music, Corpora! Tan ner, tMH! dinner county candidates. Col . Irish ; and through tt all that uhukcvJ siooa in ine depot a unties! example of In ocuoua desuetude. This incident iaeniv another evidence that the liqour traffic must be destroyed, and regulated. Prohi bition Is better enforced in Halsev than the aw lorueing the aaleof liquor to minors is In Albany. We all know that the use of strong drink takes the manhood out of the manliest of men, and it U equally true that a liquor seller becomes by association V) ith the stun a law-breaker. There is no law regulating tiie liquor traffic that ia not de- tied ami broken. I he only wav todestrov the "evils" of the liquor traffic is te destroy the business. If association with the stuff so degrades men, what effect has it en the manhood of these who have their taxes paid by it ? What effect does it have on the manliness of any city te have its streets sprinkled, and Its lamps lighted at the price of the degradation of the weak and vicious. Lynnk. Ha'cy, May aSth. Northwrst Note. Washington, May 28. Pensions have been granted as follows : Oregon Mexi can survivor, John Parkhill, Portland. Washington territory Mexican invalid, moa Berger, Seattle. Kmcrsen Howell was to-day appointed postmaster at Winlock.Cirant county, Or., in place ot refer t eterson, declined. An Kastcrn tftorin. PiTTftufRO, May 29. Tne storm which wept over Eastern Ohio, West Virginia and Wertern Pennsylvania yesterday after noon was of a very destructive character, and the aggregate loss to buildings, crops, and railroad and telegraph lines will foe up many thousand of dollars Several lives were also sacrificed, and a number of persons injured. About Point Pleasant Huntington, West Virginia at Canton, Ohio, Beavor regions the storm was par ticularly severe; the hail falling in masses, while the wind was very violent. Not an Oregon (Jhlnanien. Nkw York, May 27. Even the antt Chinese agitators are saying to-day that possibly an occasional representative of the Chinese race may be found to be honest. Yesterday James B. Lane, an aqueduct con- tractor,went into the laundry of Mrs. Lee Chow and left $5000 In a satchel when go ing out. He returned later with two big policemen to get it. Mrs. Lee Chow had It ready and waiting. She had only taken a little peep at the bills and then put the tempter behind her. Lane was overjoyed. Always Pours. Colfax, W. T., Mayas. Wm L Pow ers' sawmill at Palouse City caught fire at noon to-day,and was totally destroyed, in cluding a lumber yard containing many thousand feet. The fire is supposed to have oriirinated from a spark. The loss is estimated at $15,000. There was very lit tie insurance.if any. , Completely Democratic. Petersburg, Va., May 35. The demo crats yesterday elected their entire ticket headed by Charles F. Cdller for mayor,by 530 majority ,and eight of the twelve coun- cilmen. Thus the entire municipal gov ernment passes into the hands of democrats for the first time in eight years, A large number of negroes voted the democratic ticket. I R RKMOftlAli PKKVV KM. At 10 Wednesday tho precession for the Caeer ration of memo rial day r ervicee formed In front tt the 0 . A. R. hall snd marched t the cemetery iu the folluvyiug ordett Flig hearer. II Martial marie. "K" company. Firing an, unit (I. A. It. Members ' . A. It and old soldier. Members W. R. C. Mrs. Brink' class and school children. Citizens on foot snd in carriages. ' 'ilia procettslmi to the cemetery waa a large one, oharactsriraMi by thejprcaruce of a pro fusion of llowurs, no a la tin ir glory. A holt waa made around the grave of Mr tiu Meffron, the last to bs buried, when tm ' poskig ooretnonte wero bad, oondueted by! Commander Music vat furnished ' by a choir gotten up by the W. II. C. aud by solas cf hit girls under charge of Mis Brink, whoa sweet singing attracted general attention. Tho addrc, a twenty minute vflorf, was delivered by Hon. I . H, Moo tany e, and was listened to with earnest at tention Upon the close of the exercise the grave of Mr. Hcflrou, Cpu Arch MonUitb, W. if. Crow, J. M Iliriow and Robert Carter, in the eity oemeterv, ami Cieoeral Mart V, Brown aod Capt. Mathsws in the masonic cemetery, were formally decorated, Che gift of flowera for the purpose being very large. The prooasaiea then returned to the oity arid cllperer1. The observance of the day was conducted ia a very succe sful man ner, the presence of "ft' company adding materially to th effect of tho procetabn a:.d exercises. TKAi'HKIW IN'Hl ITf'TB. Program of the teachers institute to be held at Hodaviile, June 9. MORKQKI HRHMIOS. Musio; oor new school laws, L. M. Car), of Scto; methods of teaching mantel arith metic, A B Childers, Brownsville; oral exer cises, T Truelove, Tollman: temperance work in the school room, Mia Lydia Chari too, Lebanon. AjrrRftxoox okmkiox. Muric; should teachers spend their tires and money attending eounty and local insti tutes, J M William. Ilalsey; school govern -ment, W A McfJhee, Hodaviile; music, Fri day afternoon exercises, Mbo Julis B Thayer, lebauou; examination, T F Mitchell, Spieer . Teachers will please bring th "Soog Wave" v.ith them. C. H. iff nr. Com. on progrsm . BiwwnesiUe. Saturday evening the 20th Inst., Hon. J K. Weathcrford spoke for one and a half hours u the citzn of this place on the subject of the tariff. Mr.Wcathcrford made us an unueually good speech every word being right to the poin and his figures were past disputing. Temporary officers for a permanent Tariff Reform Club were elect ed and a committee? on pennanrnt orirnn- inflation appointed to report Saturday evening, June and, when permanent organ ization will be effected. The countv randidatds were here Mou day the -Mh and spoke to a large and pa tient auiiumce for over three hours. Hon J.J. Whimcy was the first speaker and he shewed tiu- people here how much better the affair of Linn countv bad been manajr ed than those of other counties. Mr Black burn followed but he could not begin to touch Mr vt huncy points. Mr Whitney made several ote for himself and the comparison caused Blackburn a corre ponding lo. Another thing that wilt not help Mr. Blackburn any here ia the fact that Capt N. B. Humphrey is making 1 special effort in his behalf especially to de feat Mr. hitnev, which confirms in the mind of the people here that Judge Whit nev is certainly an honest man: All the candidates acquitted themselves very well. Mr Jeff Meyer was present with a large and very handsome bouquet at the close of his ftpeech bv Miss Idilla Stanard. The en tire ticket will get a good vote here. There will nt be anything like the scratching done there wa two years ago. Taageat. One day last week Mr. Omai Vernon's team ran away throwing him out of the waif on and breaking his lea below the knee. Ir. Hill reduced the fracture and the patients doing well. P. Ryne little daughter is quite sick. Dr. Hartley ha left Tangent for parts unknown. The R.R. hands working at track lav ing here have all quit work. Tramps are numerous in this vicinity and steal every thing they can use or sell. Girls how would you like to take the arm of a young man who would stand on the t. hurch steps and smoke his cigarette na 11 imm "- - . Ileal total aad Kmidoywcnt Agrnry. Parties Ihi..Uuii f.-r sl of ahoul 1G0 acres or th-i-e havirg larger tracts which they would to willine to divida op into 80 or 1G0 acra luaro invited to call at our of Ilea aaw have a fa customers for tbat claaa of farms. Wa can also furnish parties in thf city or country with rithcr male or female help oe ehort notice, and wo also have a few Fitultot.a for both male and female id th eity and country. Call at our othce No 05, Kirat Street, adjoining W C Twecdalc's, i in store, F. A. Bt -ukiiakt Co. Mesfr I'oshav et .Mason, druegutr. sre citing Wisdom's Robcrtine wholesale ind retail, aud giving beautiful picture card with very bo'.t'e. Positively the moit perfect and harm'ess a'ticlu of the kind in tho mtiket. Albany Market. Whe't-C5e. Oat 3.'ic Rotter 20 cts per lb. Eggs 15c Hay -15.00. Potatoes 5J eta p-.r bnnb.a!. lfcv.1" - on fcot.8! Apple -I 00 cent per bu. Poik 0a per V .reaaed. Bacons bams U' V'. ahoutdare, 7c aides 10c Lard -lu.; per lb. vjour 4. per bbl. ,M(iken-2.50 per don. till Peed bran, 1 4.00 per ton short, 10. middling, 2 r. Cbor 0. Administrator's Sale OP ST. CHARLES HOTEL AND OLD GRANGE STORE. NOTICE is hereby given that the under- sitfned Administrator of the co-partnership i . aa v a, a 1 a V eeUte ot Itoucis iv Meyer, ttenry Meyer, oe ing deceased, in pursuance of an order and Oregon, made and enter d of record on tho 2nd dav of April. 1888. will sell at public I auetum to the highest Puttier, at tne iourc 1 House door in Linn eounty, Oregon, c the Sad day of Jane, 1S88, at tho hour of one o'clock iu the afternoon of said day, the following described real prop erty belonging to said estate, to-wit : Lots No. o. b, 7 and , in block jno. iu mo city of Albany, in Lion county, Oregon ; also 25 feet off the west side of lot No. 1, in block No. 10, iu the city of Albany, in Linn coun tv. Oreoon : also tho east one-half of lot No, 3. in block 11. in the eity of Albany, in Linu county, Oregon, as described on the plats and surveys of said city : also lot no, 7, containing 6. G7 acres, known as fairground lot. surveyed off aad plotted by the Linn County Agricultural Association, the same being a part of the N W quarter of the do - nation land claim of Isaac Hutchins, in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale cash io hand. ,tohn A. Crawford, Administrator, EVEjRYliODY how we doit ; yet if the aorl.i o!y kbw have displayed in coll.ctifig ch, xsgnttcent airplo-y ef ataph? end fa, oeriee tt would oot be surprised. Wo pleto stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISION ever brought into this city, and wo sue going to sell at price below anything ver before offered in this plsee. Yon may think this ntaeh asMrtioo ; but if ; on will call and examine the quality of our gocd nod i I W""'lt " ally f.-tr 4t ni$ j jil3: Get Our Prices you will be convinced that wt have oot over-estimated ourselves. Remember we are buying oor goods fsrfcely tfitfcet from first hands, thereby saving ell piofits of the middle men, and our command of fesdy ch bee enabled os to buy oor goods remarkebly ubeep, getting tho benefit cf nil discounts snd re- bales, placing us in position where we hereby 1wg)g getting the BEST AND end never allowing our gcod lo grow profits. These are the teauwmM why we joy such a healthy iraric We Ijbv v Hd rf t idly to our atock a full and cc re plete Hoe ol w Crockery and Then good we tmcgbt dirret from . t 4. us . rMgn at piicMi way oown. meae gocos nave to r bi n to t.- appelated Fat mere having produce to sell will at for good produce, and your alroosge ia WORTH LISTENING TO and worth jour cartful consideration. We have the "Jumbo" stock, more goods than any three cioretof the kind in Albany, and prices tbat beat them all CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine St., BortUmd, Or. WHOLE8ALF rE ALE38 M ! 1 HARD- WARE, 1 1 1 FARM 'MACHINERY. Bole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the BUCKEYE - REAPER AND MOWER. .Tie Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers b&vt uac them and speak of them with praise. They aro the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, Tho moct Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning 3 rain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE - BINDERS, k S 1 ftlj a The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft. combined with It Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appiaby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tho Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. E. J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agnt for Columbia' Bicycles and Tricycles. New stock cf 1888 pattern bicycles iu&t 1 received. Bargains in second h md wheels all sizes and prices. Call and examine stock or send for catalogue free, WONDERS uH , urv. l i'h ,l ,lr prise we fancy gto havo tho iargHit, Coeet and must com- 1 can dictate to ito-m and not thev (o us, FRESHEST e'leif Orn acd stain wetting for hie d'ire ycur patronsgo ai d why we en - Glass Ware, astern wiat thus securing (be lateat all times tecave the ten ot the ma ket earnestly solicited. 1ee fact re Wallace & Thompson Fiinn'u new Block, Albany, Oregoo. J 1 L IRON, J L STEEL I I ! Schuttler Farm Wagoqa, Deere Plows, Deere Bulky Plows, Cook A Oo.'s Car riages, Phaetons and Top Buggies, Pour Spring Mountain Wagons, Baokeoarda, Superior Drill and Seeders, Corbin Dig Harrows, fiodgos-Saiass Headsrf Huish Barbed Wire. I SEND FOB CISCULA2S. THRALL, Manager, WHITTIER & THOMPSON, Plain anil Ornamental Painting and Paper Hanging, CEILING DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY Work done on abort notice either iu city r country. Charges reasonable. A. J, R0SSITER, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of th6 Ontario Veterinary Col lege, Toronto, Canada. Office anil residence corner of and Baker Streets. ALBANY, 08EG0N. coud 9 AND 9