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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1888)
Ik gcuiocrat. lKMORATiOTATK T1CKKT. t ON JKKSSM AN -John M. lcrln, if Multnomah. SUPRtMl JUDUR John Bin net t, .( lU-nUin. PRCSIDENTUL ELECTORS, - W. II. Kffingar, or Multnomah W. R, IMlyou. ol Unit. ., K. klpwwrth, ol Liaattlla. HrRTCT ATrORXKY 3v W. Bolt, ol MarUn. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY rn k Kl RKPRCSRXTAT1VRS -R C Minor, of Ubanon, JaS Mayara, (Mo. .i It K Moraioctr, llrownarUU JUDGE J J WhliMjr, t Alfcanjr. COMMISSION KKS -4T OooiH.r, of enter. CtKRl K NNUm, ofLeWnon. KSCOBDSR - C X lK of HJurrUmir. 11KKIKF- JohaSmkllnunv, of Srto. TftgASlRKR-H Syrmottao. A.SSKSSOR -t B V , of Bnuh Craak. SCHOOL t'PBRlNTKSDMTL M Curi. of Soto. CORONER -Jacry Mm, of Swaat Horn. SURVEYOR E J O'Connor, ol Albam, llttSH M Sl'KKl H Saturday an immense audience greeted Mr. Irish at the Court House in this city Every soat In the large court room was fill mi and scores had to stand in the ante rooms. The speaker said that the only question be fore the people was taxation In which all were equally interested. Now the tariff never Increased the price of wool a penny. The fiockmastera are needlessly alarmed. At the best the sheep Interest Is temporary, as all men know sheep kept In large flocks destroy the natural feed of a range and have to move on, while horses and cattle do not destroy It and therefore are a more perm anent interest. There are cases in Oregon In whkh men have had to ell their horse and cattle and quit raising them becaue sheep had invaded and destroyed the range But consulting tariff and wool price from the United States census and the oflicia wool report of Boston which makes the wool price In thU country ,we find the tariff to be without value In raising the price of domestic wool. The Chicago Tribmtu; republican paper, and, therefore, good au thoritv for republican, prints the tariff and price on wool from 184710 i88i,from offi cial sources. From 1847 to 1S56 the woo tariff was 30 per cent, and the price of wool per pound ra need from to umo'j cents, averaging 45. In 1857 the duty wa al takes off and tbere wa free trade in woo for four year-. and the price ranged 45 to 54 cents, averaging 50V. the highest average of wool for the last 41 years. In 1861 tariff of 5 per cent, was put on the price fell to 44 cents. In i86i and '63 the tariff was isper cent , the price 49,4- In 1864 66 the tariff was 30 per cent , the price 46 In 1867-71 the tariff was 60 per cent., the price 40 cents. In ib7J-ii the tantt wsa 55 per cent., the price 46 cents. The aver age price for the whole period 1847-1881 was 47 cents, and the average of the fou free trade year was 50 cents a pound These official figures prove that we hav high wool prices under low tariff, and low- prices under high tariff, and the highest average price of all under absolute free trade In wool. As tariff never added a penny to the price of wool, it never added a mill to the wages 'of labor. Labor is paid according to its productive power. American wage have increased with the introduction of steam. power and machinery into our man uiactures, increasing the productive powc of labor. Fifty years ago in tbeciotb mill of New England live men produced 2,400 yards of cloth in a year, a..d their wage were $63 per pear, or Stoo a year for the whole five. Now by labor saving machin cry in the same five men produce iaojOOO vard of cloth in a year, and their T w ov st wace arc Si87 each. Figure il for vour selves. When five men for a total of wage of $300, made only 2,400 yard of cloth I a year the labor cost of the cloth was 1 j ' , cents ayard. Now five men make 140,000 yards a year, and their wage aggregate $1435, but they produce x much more tha t the labor cost of the cloth is only 108 cents per yard. The labor cost of a pound of American cotton good U 644 cent. Eng lish cotton of ti.e same grade has a labor cost of 7 cent a pound, because the English workman produce les and therefore the labor cost U higher. The total cost of American cotton good U higher than that of Ei glish, while the labor cost alone is low er, for the reason that we tax the cotton worker's dye stuff, machinery, oil, coal.lum bsr and everything he uses except raw cot ton, while England leaves all them free. You will observe then that the high priced labor of America produces cheaper than the pauper labor of England,because it produce mere per hand, but England undersells us because we Ux our manufacturers upon what England leaves free. Mr.S wift in his speeches admits that Eng lish clothing is cheaper than American.but says if we buy clothing in England what will become of our tailor ? Take off un necessary tariff taxc,and our tailor will be a 1 right, for their superior productive pow er makes the labor cost of an American suit of clothes cheaper than a British suit. If then the tariff does not add to the price of wool nor to the wages of labor, why should republicans refuse to vote for reduc tion of United States taxes to the amount of the $60,000,000 a year .which is now being piled in the treasury, withdrawn from the people and use less to the government t That is all there i of it. Both parties in 1S84 promised to reduce these taxes by mod ifying the war tariff. Mr. Cleveland is try ing to have hi party keep it promise.whilc republican are asked by their leaders to violate the solemn pledge made by their party four year ago. The 1 In aid pcr-i-t s in its falsehood that Judge Whitney said that he would bolt the presidential ticket this fall if he were not elected County Judge. Well, if that paper from feheer choice desires to place itself in this pitable plight before a people who be lieve in fair dealing, so be it. But it ought, to cheerfully shoulder all the shame which such a course entails, and not attempt to shift any part of it to the shoulders of any one eltc, which it evidently means to do, by bringing In the name of (). II, Irvinc.O II. Irvine will not back up that paper in such a course of slander and misrepresen tation. The Herald is evidently very much soured to find that its course is making votes for Whitney instead of weakening him. The friend of Whitney are anxious that the Herald should repeat this falsehood ,cverv day until after the election. The democrats of Santiam picciuct de clare the v do not propose to stand down to wards the foot of the democratic class any longer. Thev propose to increase their majority, so that after the election they will stand above Harrisburg precinct, and Harrisburg has accepted the challenge and the contest will be most interesting next Monday as the majority la very near'y equal. Boys get in and dr l. with a twist- FIX tlcmcm The IHt fretu Ihe people the c ah o burden of la .ulou inherited froifl tubllcan iniumuenien Cltient; lu evpend- 1 1 ', H J w il! the ptiueiploH of and the dli-cellon of the revenue In ,nt atrh teewnom v Constitution. A very Urge and enthutdaatic audience collected In ttrewavlllc Saturday evening last to hear Mr. Weatherford on the lasuc before the people. Mr. Weatherford spoke two hour and hi speech had a mot ex cellent effort. Republican every -where are commlng In now at thU late day and aing "Oh we are In favor of reducing (axetO." Hut. since when. The sentiment of the country ha been steadily Rtovlng forward a the Republican party ha- tood Mill. It U only ncccaaary to hnd how far they arc apart to tell how badly they will be beaten at the coming election. The 1'htladelphla Press concede atlalne 377 vote on the first ballot at the Republi can convention and estimate that 560 dele-1 gate arc for the Maine man for first or second choke. Pretty good showing for a man that is not a candidate. It certainly i dutiful and to the best In terest of the country that legUlotion, If protective at all, should care first for the masse. The rich can look out for them selves, but the laborers must find a friend, a defender in the public policy. If 'hat is not the geniu of our institutions, then our Institutions are simply boastful faUehoods. We hereby allege that the republican party is a "free trade pany,"and make bold to prove it by referring to the fact that that party, just now . with a unanimity not com mon in that party In these belter days, U wholly devoted to putting sugar and "mo lasses" on the free UsL To a republican this argument must be conclusive. The A, say that Judge Whitney threatens on t lie stump to bolt the presi dential ticket if he U not elected County Judge, The Herald knew this statement mas absolutely and unqualifiedly fa!sc when it made it. Hhame on a newspaper that hatoreort to such unblushing and open falsehood to bolster up a Mnklng cause. Such contemptible conduct only make vote for Judge Whitney. The people like fair dealing and will have it at the polls I nowhere else. A correspondent of the Oregtnitm in at tempting to show that Mr. Irish dictated the democratic platform adopted at Pcn dleton.say the committee was out over 36 hour. A gentleman w ho w as on the com mittee says it wa appointed at 3 o'clock the first day of the convention and made their report at 10 o'clock the next dav. An other one nailed. A republican living about four or live mile east of Albany say he want a Sher iff who has education enough at lcat to add a short column of figure. 1 Ic ay he w ili therefore vote for John Smallman. The only thing to be regretted about the report that Thurman of Ohio had agreed to accept the nomination for the vice presi dency on the ticket with Cleveland le that it is not true. Cleveland and Thurman ! What an invincible ticket It would be. It is with much pleasure that we convey the cheering news to the reader of the DmnmiT that the report which we re ceive from all part of the county are to the effect that democrat arc closing up their rank preparatory to the gaining of a big victory next Monday. Mention wa made in the 1miU last week that Mr. Myers at Shedd' had evad ed the dicusion of the resolutions which it was said he had approved and out of which Mr. Irvine attempted to mahc some political capital. We are infohned by a rc -liable gentleman that the discussion was discontinued at the special instanceand re quet of the republican candidate for the legislature. The people of Oregon w ill find it greatly to their interests to be represented in the lower house of Congress by a democrat, a that body Is democratic. Mr. Hermann has introduced a great many bills, but he d" not have influence sufficient to secure their passage. Dolpb sav- the interests of Oregon are neglected in the house. Then why should not the people elect a man who will be In harmony with the majority of Congrcss,so that he may have influence enough with the majority of the house to secure some legislation beneficia' to Ore gon? In view of this fact the people owe it to themselves to elect Hon. John M. Gearin.who will be in accord with the ma jority of that body, and can therefore do something for the interest of the state. Ntttirf to Farmer. All persona wishing binding wire will please call and deav their orders for the same on or before Juoe 1, 188S, as Me shall not carry any wire in stock excel t what is ordered. Kxapp, Bi kkiAx Si Co. Albany. Oregon. THE ONLY exclusive Boot and Shoe house in Albany and nothing but good honest good at living prices. Repairing neatly done. Kit Al" -SK & Klkik, Fllnn Block. ' Eiflr-trie Bitter. This remedy is becoming so well-known and so popular as to need no special mention -All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do ail that U claimed. Electric Bitters will enre all dis eases f the Livei and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt itheuro aad other affec tions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the fystem and prevent as well as care all Malarial fevers. Fur cure of head ache, constipation and indigestion try Elec tric Bitters entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. I'ricn 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Koshxy .( Mason's Drug store Is Cearaaiptiea Incurable ? Ilad the following . MrC U Mo ri., New ark, Ark,, saya : "Was down with abacess of lungs, and friends and physicians pro nounced me Iucurah'e Consnmptire. Began taking Dr King's New Discovery for Con suuitron, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm, It is tbo liniat medicine ever made. Jesse Middlewart. Decatur, Ohio, says s "Hod it not been for Dr King's New Dis covery far Consumption I would of djed ef Lang Troubles, Waa given up by doctors. Air now in best of healt," Try it. Sample bottles free at Foahay A Mason's Drug store Baeklen's Arnica Salve The best qalve in the world for Cuts, BruisoM, Bores, Ulcers, wait Kboum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Cnapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all ttkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It isguaranteed to give perfect sutisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 eonts per t ox. For sale b7 Foahay fc Mason, Its Delicacy ef Flavor and the efficacy of its action have render d the famous California liquid fruit rem- dy, Syrup of Figs, itnmeutoly opular. It lemses aad tones up th clogged and ftv riih system, and dispels lieacaohca, colds and fevjrs. Ft r sale bf Foi hay fc I lere'ta vour euiot ratfc platform. ION IN UN COUNTY.. wc find .million the foil t I'c the liiuiui Irtl ofI,lm couRt Amount of thpmcji on Amount ' hand ApH! tst, lee'H. $i6tt77 raid out on wnrrantH from April it to Mnv oth, 188H, $.V4f.33. Intimated cvpeiwH from May j 9th to (Kt. ist. 1S88, $7, Leaving! an limited hn'.anee Oct. iU iStS,5.7yy-- 4S. From a eertillcsitc of the County Truakorcr il smcar Utut he paid out Irotn the yth day of May, 1887, to the it clay of Amll. 1888. an runntnk exiebe of the county, escluslve of $857.91 paid Marlon countv on account of the Saioulera trlal.the MR of $7,331 19. Katitt.ating the expen ics of the count v far the tame period thla year at that amount it will he accn that the county will have a surplus the trcanurv on Oct. ut, 1888, of $5,79948. ThU how that the county will he at that time In a very health v condition financially. ThU $5,799,481 surpluN cnough.aod there U no reason to doubt that the tax payer of thla county willfully approve fudge Whitney's management on next Monday by re-electing him to the office of County Judge. VOTKI'OIt UKAKIM. The reason for casting a ballot for Hon. M. Ocarln for congressman may be briefly stated a follow: Mr. Gcarin I an able and eloquent man, evcrv wav Qualified for Ihe position for which he plre-.. He wilt be in harmony with the majori ty ot the house of 1 enrr-cntatlvcs and hi influence will he correspondingly greater. e He reqrescnts the popular Idea of tariff reform and reduced taxation. He stand" for the living Issue of the day in unison with the democracy of Cleve land. East Portland Star Rep. a aoai as Toe rkolairapkrr. Albany. Or I htvR all Him :.Mit'vM taken bV A B. Pax ton and any ouo can havo dupli cate from their negatives b nddrooalng us. at ti e following- on. : t'.ird sir.. 'A per doaen, cabinet niae, 3 par doaen, boti doors, fo per doaen. I keep the unest line of Oregon views In tbo west. Cata logue rurnlshod on appiluUioo. Copying and enlargirg old picture a specialty. J. O. CRAWFORD. HOW MKN DIK. If we know all the methods of approach a do poled by an enemy wc arc the better enabled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes Inevitable. In many instance the inher ent strength of the body suffices to enable It to oppose the tendency toward death. Many however have tot these forces to such an extent that there i little or no help. In other cases a litt'c aid to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death and many years of useful life. Upon the first symptoms- of s Cough. Cold or any trouble of the Throat or Lungs, give that old and well-known remedy -Boachces German Syrup, a careful trial. ' It will prove what thousands y it to be, the "benefactor of anv Itotnc." AKlH POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th W i aSSSf BSV w v rUa. A marvel cf pttr7 etrsaerh and More Own ttu ordinary kinds. aad soaoot UsnM in petiUM with the MuHbase of tor test, short w est iri, i xm ornnespiiase uu m mm s. CASS. HOTXi, II'.KISO I'OVlHLa Ob.. lO) T.'sll C J. A. WINTER, A Photographer of exnemnce.ts in Browns ville for the tunnrn-r, and la pr the tunimer. and is prepared t make photca in all sizes' snd atylea. THE PLACE. By all means call on 'arker Brothers, Successor to John Pox, J-r yonr Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc , Etc, Thuir goodr are the best and their prices reasonable. A NCI Ah roMUT r ton, W record oft! owing ftpYAl AT COST ! it wing d eotded tocose tut ou business here, we will sell our ENTIRE STOCK -0F- ;imj Furnishing Goods, Hats, Oaps, Trunks, Yalises, Etc. At Cost ! Th 1 1 hinst bargaiaa wii oi l "ry before 00 days. e sold within the iu-' C. B. Roland & C o one of ih olJeat sr d ot reliable Bakt ku wn. I alao kop a Till assortment 0 The Ball's Coil Spring Health CorMet, - Dr. Warner's Health Corset, B' eidee b full Hoe of FRENCH WOVEN COESET sod ooraete vsryiog in price from 50 end lengths of sbdominsl, nursing, wsisie for children end Misse. Notice for Publication, Lend Office at Oregon City, Or. May 17n, t. J Notice Is hereby gWn that the follow, ins named Met tier has filed notice Of bis inionttnu to make final proof In support of nla claim, and that ssld proof win o made before the Judge or In case of bis absence the County Clerk of Una coun ty, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on enatajr. Jnly Mb, I see. vir. John M. Flsugher. Homestead En ire Ho. 470. for the N A of N K J si and N li of N W of Scci'i.Tp 118 KI K. Ho name tbo following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, amid lend, vis : Jee M Neuih, John O Boyd, Thomas Crockett William Hay, all of Lebanoo, Linn couoly.Oregon, W. T. Hon sr. Administrator's Notice. Notion Is hereby given that the under signed bss been, by order of tbo County Court of Linn county, Oregon, made April 24th, lS&S, duly appointed Admin Utrstorol the eetete of Kainue! K Duncan, dm-oeaod. All persona hsvmg claims atraluat aaid tats are hereby notified to preoeni4bem duly verified to the under shrned st hie residence in Albany, within six month from tbo date hereof, April 27lb, 1HSH. H, M. PgSRlSOTO, T. J. Stitss, A dm initiator. Attorney fsr Administrator. .MaiflVk O.mfv A NagT ass se O 1 UU J ) O'MMP working for u. Agstue preferred cn fun.Lh lhir own Iwrw mn giv s iMtr hot UHH l btuiMaa. Bfr max N BSSSUatSJ SSSJSVVed l. A ( mirtile inwi .ml eita. B. V Msw. iftd Cr... 10OB Mate Si va. CO CO CO HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS. anr t en thing usually kept in a first-class sh , Repairing carefully and promptly E.L, P0W1E. Prop'l . FAULTLESS! on-MatuM U faultless aad so ia that IB noble discovery, containing only Na ture's own remedies, ''The" It is a beoent to tha human race. KEEP UP YOUTH. HEALTH. VIOORby the use of Q u; k ?rfdr?plcUCu ns o?aH Dueaoof of the Skin, Kidneys, Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malsria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepola aad Biliouaneaa.aad nuts fresh energy Into the syatem by making New, Ittch lllood. Take It in time, rirht now, as it r annul be best as a preventative of disease. A1 and used everywhere. Si a bottle. 6 for Ix FOR SALE, st very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Uall for prices at yard on 6tb 8t,. east of O. A C. switch. W. W, CROWOER. the stack is broken, as the te fMi slA I haye jut received an inroiee.'oi ih celebrated Thompson Glove Fitting Corset cents to $3.00 each, end Misses cor set a, Samuel E. Young. ALTAGO, VA 3 YEAR OLD The Past and Game Son of Maggie Arnold, 2:35. Will ba at J. Mhmevftr'j ils'ilk Albanv. balance of the time at J. W. MeKnlgot's farm 4 miles west of Lebanon on Narrow fliMM R R. P-klnr mill twk fur. Uh.-.l ml thU friri at fJ Per month. ACChiSntS snd escapes at owners risk. Take notios of hla remarkable brooding t . Hired by Altsmont (Wagon reoerd l-r. ) First dam Maggie Arnold (record 26. public trial MsK) by Almont Msuibrlno (full bretber to MsUle We, dam of Mae Mahon 2d, Durango aX) by Almont. Second dam Altee Drake (dUm or Norman Modlumfett; Alios Adieon, 2sWV ; Maggie Arnold, ; Altino. 4 yssurs,fc4I) by Alsxsndsr's Normsu aire of Isilu 5:I4X . Msy Queen, 2D. Third dam by Pilot, Jr. sir of tbo damn of Maud ., 2:WX , Jay Eye bee, 10. A'Umont (lbs aire of Altsgo) aiml AlmoneUe. 2:29) ; Kiphon, 5 yfars. 2:32K ; AIU, a veara, 2:324 : Zilophooe, 2:37 : Idy Heath, 2:8s ; Ooqulu. 4 2:SX ; Oooco. Fenrs, 2:42 ; Altsgo, 3 years, 1:42 ; Frleemomont, I years, 2:49; ; AtU A., I years, 2&H and many otber gam and fast borons besides being tbo only heme now llviug In ths Northwest tbst is standard through bis brooding his own performance and tbo performance of his progeny. mmImmj m Almont Merabrlno (the sire of the dsm of Altago) baa a record of 2:4H and showeJ s 2 gsit st Fair lawn before he was sold. He was from the loins of the greet Al moi.t oui of a Msmbrtno bief mare, being a full brother to Mottle West, tbo mot wonderful breed msre tbst over II rod according to her opportunities. Alaxander Norman (ths sire of Alice !rke tbo second dam of Altago) sired Lulu. 2;l4?i ; Msy Queen. 2:20, and is grandairo of Proline, 2:18 ; Moody. 2:18H ; Faoy Itob loson, 28 ; black wood. Jr., 2:224, and 21 other In the 23d Hat, Pilot. Jr..vlre o.'the 3rd dsm of Altago) wat directly the sire or John Morgso, Ml ; Tacky. 2:J6 : Tatler, 2:M, snd 6 otbers with records of 2:30, or bettor, end is grsndsre of Msud H. WK i Jay Kyo Hoe, 2:10 ; Nutwood, J:I8 ; Noontide, 2:20$ ; Mambrino Jlft. 3M i Pilot Boy, 20 Nslsd Queen, ttlti Viking &20X, snd 33 others In tbe 20 list. We Invito a careful study of tbe blood lines that concentrate in the pedigree of this young horse He bss some or a:i th u m UN veui sno noiumg iu c.s . om wl-at le of the best, tske notice, ho has tbe blood of tbe 4 greet fountain heads. Ham bletonUn, Mambrino Chief, Alsssnder'a Norman and Pilot, Jr. Ho bss 3 oroaess to Mambrino Chief, tbe bead of the Mambrino family snd 2 crosses to Hsmblotonisn tbe founder of tbe fismbietonlsn family, while Norman sired hla second dam and bis third dsm was a daughter of Pilot Jr. Don't over look tbe fact that the blood of these Kit horses Is 1 ended ''own to him through tbo very speediest and beat channels. Ides ho Is a trotter himself a very important thin for a man to know when be Is breeding for speed. No horse bred like tbis backed up with s three yesr old record of 2:42 can do otherwise than get speed st tbe trotting gait. Tbe fee reonirrtd for hla service la f.r below that of anv horse Standing in Oregon, of like breeding snd Inuividsul excelence. light bsrneae blood don't overlook Altago, e will be allowed to serve mare at &S5 to bo In foal or has changed owners. Season $25 payable at time of service, not re sponsible for accidents. For f nither Information or extenued pedigree, s i Jross D. B. AT COST. Having purchased the etcck of goods at cout until closed out. That tneana roon-y in your pocketr Pin aueh bar gates evr before offered. I have alao purchased the baukiupt stock ef HAY & ASHBY, of Harrisburg oooststiog of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and General Merchandise. Everything will be sold at COST WITHOUT RESERVE. MY SC., IOC. I5C. AND 25 CENT COUNTERS ouuVd with articles worth twioe their price. Several thousand of yariety. Bargains in all of them.- G. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon. asseassasB SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL. " SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Olllce on BaHroad St., between 4th and 5th Street Having lumber not excelled in quality, and faoilitiea not surpassed for the prompt and satisfactory filling ot orders, I respectfully solioit a share of the trade. A. Wheeler. 5 I keep ext s sixes snd everything it RECORD 2:42. ARamont I'M 34, and Fridays and Saturdays of each week. The You that are breeding iu the direction of to insure. Hiyable when the mare Is known MCKNIGHT, Albany, Oregon. AT COST. of Shsxo & Loneway I will aell the aaeae f HAT 1, E. Id :nn(ic number of and business, for men and quality is considered, A vary large stock of did one to select from, as prices to suit. Dozens of styles of the very latest goods in neckwear, and prices remarkably lew. 50 cents buys a necktie of splendid quality and 25 cents a good one, A variety of styles of side of Portland, and a extensive in its nature. A stock of goods all together that speak3 fo itself on inspection. Foster's Block, Albany, or. Knapp, Burrell & Company, Ifsve hi stock a complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description Including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deertng and McCormick, Mowers and Binders, Hoilingsworth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Bnffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. t also a full line of first-class CARRIAGES. RUCC IES, HACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call and examine the goods snd get catalogue of prices, which are greatly reduced for trade of 1888. F. H. ROSCOE, Manager, JULIUS Manufacturer -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED dgsrs, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, snd a lino of S mole ra' Artieles, Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkbart A Keeney's Real Estate Office, ilbeny, Oregon. EVERYTHING Boot and AT until BROWN ELL & STANARDS. BLA1N HAS. suits of clothing, dress boys, Prices low when shoes and boots, a splen it contains all grades at hats hardly equalled this stock of fuiBiehicg geeds JOSEPH, of Choice Cigars AND KEY WEST fnti in the Shoe Line COST closed out at