The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 01, 1888, Image 1

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$2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END
leaned avtry Friday ly
U the fn'-t
Advertising medium
In the Central
Willamette Valley.
AdvrtU!riB. raira trade known on ap
V) 44
Pull Brother in Blood to Deloo Winner of the "In
land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the
Dalles Pair Sept. 20th, 1887, ''Breeders of
Intelligence Watoa and Dxaw from
every Turf Even Lessons to guide
them in the future."
Saatco will be asp at the farm of O.P.
Crawford, near lxwon, onJNariow Gauge
R. R and will be allowed to serve a limited
number of tuareeatfSOto macro in foal, but no
responsibility for aooideota. He is a rioh.
dark bay, withont whit, will be three years
old June 10ch. 1888 Waa sired by Oueeo,
three year old record 2 41, son of Altatnont,
wagon reoord 3 26 in eighth beat.
First dam Laura I), by Kdward EveretU.
Second dam D!cy Marsh, a tine road mare of
tried endurance. Ooeco's dam is Bell l'rtoo,
by Doble, two year old reoord 2-40. the fast
eat in the world for 4 years He afterwards
obtained a reoord of 2-28 when entirely blind.
Doble by Erioaon (tire of the Grand Dam of
Phalae the fasteet living stallion, 213J) four
year old reoord 2 30J. which stood as the
fastest for 14 yeara.
Oneoo was the Jarenile King of the North
Pad tic. successively lowering and holding
the 2 and 3 year old records, proving in the
golden crucible of actual performance that he
la well worthy of his grand lineage. Price
moot his full brother now holds the 2 year
old reoord, 2-49 J.
New and Second Hand Store
Owing to the increased demand of our
business we have Leon compelled to move
Into a larger store and we can now be
found next door to s K, Young, where
we will be pleased to see cur patrons. If
you need any stores, furniture, tinware,
crockery, clocka, carpets, pictures, fruit
jars, trunks, books, roller aketee, "addles,
saws, planet, etc and a thousand dif
ferent and use a tides you can n.-t do
belter this aid -( Sen Frmnci ico than you
can do with us on a purchase or exchange,
Portia it Photographer.
fctuaio corner 8cond and Ferry St.-eets
nesr Opera House. Oround llo.-r.
Children's pictures a specialty.
the lumber mon We can furniab
to builders and contractors, rough, clear
or finifthing
on abort notice. Ibis lumber iscut from
the test yeilow fir, rafted from tti cele
brated McKinzbi timber regions sod menu
faciured a Cobunr. Any quantity can be
furniMbed at Albany at low prices. It
needs no rooommHndation as to qu-tdty
and lumber of all kin I-on our yard con
stantly. Don! order without seeing or
bearing !nm u. We will naye yoo
Albany Liuu Co,, (it.
Palace Meat Market.
Will keep constantly on band beat,
mutton, pork, veal, eausage, etc,, the best
meats and largest variety in the city
Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock.
Dealers in General Mbrcnandise.
Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds
Country rodace.
next eafct of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty,
Wednesdays and Thursdays of eaci
week, and painting done tooideron
plaques and other material,
Nire 'assortment of Artist materials on
Albany Track and Dray Co,, Ne, 1.
Goods handled with care and dispatch.
Who wish to secure first grade certificates
shoud send for Normal Question Book,
which contains about 500 pages of question
with complete answers. Price, $1.50. Ad
dress Prof. A, B. Childers, Brownsville,
Edward Everett, sire of the dam of Ssatco,
ia by a son of Pathdndur out o! daughter
of Vermont, and is Till hrothr to Kitty
Linn, 2 41, the dam of W. B. K. the colt
that challenged all two year Vr lat April
for $W0 a aide, ana met with no reaponae
Kd Hard Everett is the sire f YMxy 8, the
dam of Deloo, haaidrs many speedy aad
game road horses. All competent horsemen
who have seen him and his avt inr they are
arriving at maturity, confidently predict that
he will soon become one of the great brood
mare sires of the North Pacific. la disposi
tion, beauty and pure trotting action, Seatoo
ia simply perfection, and is eminently en
dowed on both sides of the line with the
blood that trot, and by all the laws of he
redity should le able to sta.i.p upon his pro
dace bis own inheritance.
To gentlemen desiring arl horses and to
young men wishing lo embark in the faacinat
ing business of brcediog and developing the
American trotter, 1 call special attention to
this yoang Stallion and wi'l take pleasure in
showing him on any day.
sm now rectivingmy tpriag urd
w e e wa
'imoier atock of boo'.s and h.-,
have as nicely a fitted up Boot .nd Shoe
Store, and aa complete a htock as any
thin side of Portland and very few better
in Portland. I buy hI my lxtg and
shoes direct frum msuufnci - h and aoi
authoriMtd to warrant every pafir no mat
ter bow oheap. No firm tu Oregon
are anv s vtnttgH of m to buy rug as
biv hi j i 1'irjA, ,m uiV tb Ctsh.
o Udsssi at ad chtldrrH shurl.
i i t ,, rt aad gieat
ei varw.v in the ct'v VI . :n i!i
V-t, l i J 4. l I 1 Villi- f If
the money as p-mi'lv oni; U; done.
City Market,
M. HYDE Proprietor.
Fresh meat6 constantly on hand Near
corner of First and Ferry Streets.
Crockery, Glass Ware and Hardwara
Agricultural Implements
Agent tor Fire antt
3 oj,SPtNGCR
Li n rtrMAf a
iISHH rissnrct
: HOUSE : jjfjfftWBassi TACKLE &
22, 24, 26, 23, 30 & 32 Lake Street,
Muttering Iitteuftft. Head Nearly
Haw. Body Covered with lures
( nrd by the t'ntteara
Messrs. Mlevona and Rrunar, Honrs, N. 0.
Dear Kirs: -About two months ago, on jour rne
omiaeudsUon, I bought a bottle of Cutleurs Itesol
ettt. one boa OuUcura Salve, aiut one cake of Cull
ure Soap, tor my son, aged thirteen years, who has
base allHeted with erantna tor long Ume, rxl I am
pleased to say that I believe the remtdioe bars cured
film Ills suffertnes wars Intense, hie head bet: a
neat ly raw, bla oar. blng sons extent the erleUe.atid
hla body oovered with sores. Ilka condition fright
ful in behidd. TIvj area have now all dtssMisred,
hla aklc la healthy, eyea bright cheerful III dlaHMlttoii
and la forking- every day. My neighbor are wlu
Sjsssst to thl remarkable cure, and the doubting ones
s reuueated to atl or write me, or any of my neigh
WM.8. srr.PHRN.40N,
Winchester, P. 0 Union, Co., K. C.
M-mriM). N. C. Oet, Ka, 1SS7.
The Potter Dru? and CbeniLwl Co. :
Uentletnen : Mr Wat 8 Mtephetiaon of thla count)
brought hi. U town ti-dy to let ua mm htm, and
In .how u what U'lcura MsSasOte had eViie for turn.
Thla lathe taae referr, d to In our letter toruueome
me ago. look at the hoy now. oe would auitixMo
at there bad never been anything the matter with
as, eem to be In perfect health We have written
d herewith Inclose what hla father has to say about
e matter, wrote It Ju.t aa be dictated.
We are selling quite a iiututUy of Cutleura Hem
es and heor nothing but prsiee for them. We regard
he Cutleura tteraedie the beet In the market, and
.hall do ail we can to promote their sale.
Yours truly.
Urugylata and Prtann. LU.
Cutleura, the great akin care, and CuUVore ikmf
prepared from It, eatemally, and t'atlcura Resolvent,
the new blood purtltnr. Internally, are a poettlve cure
for ovary form of akin and blood dlaeaae, ,'rom ptmplea
to acrofela
Hold evert where. Prte, CuUeura, 60 i Soap, l ;
lUaolveut, ft. Prepared by the Potter lrug and
Chemical Co., Huston, Mass.
CsTHend for "H.w to Curs Skin Dt.ea.n." 04
pages, 60 UluatraUeua. and 100 testimoniale.
KLK4. black heads, red, rough, c!i( ir '
oily eala prevented by rmi u- Seep.
Sneezing Catarrh,
The distressing soecse, aueese. sneeae. the acrU.
alary llechargae from the ejres sad niee, the paiuful
Inflammation rttemllng tuthe throat, the cltin; f
he mucous ilnlag, causing choking aensstiona,cough,
riaging maeaa in the heaU and epliulag headaches.
buar tmiatheaaym4onH are to Ihiassuss whe
suffer periodlcall from head ootds or Inflaeaaa, and
who lire in lenoraaos of the fact that a alogU .
u ,.(M!(.rl. lui. .I('ur.l,rr.urrh aill asVrd
itutantaneous relief.
But tht trcauaent In eaaea of aiaarde Catarrk yiras
hut a faint idea of a hat thla remesly will d in the
chronic f..nna. whre the rasthlng ia ohArmed by
ch- king. MXtrid mucuua accumulatl.. the ham.K
affected, emetl and Uau g.-nc, utroat ulcerated sod
hiking cough gradn.lljr faatentar Itself uj-m the
tlebilluudaetom Then it is that the saarv.llous
curaUve bower of Hanford'a Radical Cure manihwu
iteeif In InetanUnaoua and grateful relief. Cura begin.
Ir-m lb. fli.t SSSBisajHsa. It is rapid, radical, parrna.
e SsaSssMgftgaOggsi WSf
Saaford'a Radical c ore eonstsu of one hoUle of let
Radical ttrs. one boa ef Catarrhal SoUeni. and one
impr..Hi i,,nicr. ail wrapped In one paeftsce. with inl.liroU..n. and IJ brail Irue-taU f.,r
ft. '
fotter trug and Chew, lea I Co , UoaUm.
or re.nai.ea
lawantlr relieved br the Caller Anil
fain lla.lre, a new. nto.t awrwwahle.
netantaoeou. mm! InUllibla ilo k Hit,..
p'a-tcr. M(. tally adapted to relieve tm
Pain. ad Weaaawssss. Warranted 4
vaauy auperl r to all
Antidote u, l-aln. I
At all drnesHsts. a ssnia 1
e for$
free, of Potter Drug and
Physician and Surgeon.
Office cor. First and Ferry Streets,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Block.
Homeopathic Physician,
ewn poyaician, orrtoa ast rssldSBUs corner of First
and linker Strteta, Altny, Orecn. Chronic UlaeaJK.-.
.iw.-iaiiy, vnasssSSSSSl lre, uflicc hou'a : 10 a. m
to 12 am and S to & p. nt.
THAI NINO. Persons willinr to join a
class. ach memher of which will receive in
structions for $5, 12. instead of 825.57. will
piea aaaress local editor Democrat, Al
bany. Ur. Fees to !, it-ut t PfMa.. a
Uissette, 237 Fifth Avenue, New York, who
win, 1 aeon prospectus poet free.
Fine Millinery,
Warine Insurance
avjun - a -
Politioaliy we are hot at thla place, the
war is being waged with feelings akin to old
Mr F M OsVine lad the Dullarhide Hroa.,
have finished slashing brash for Alfred field
The poLtooti bridge is in and the aodawater
ia excellent,
Mr ilroea ia now prepared to accommcdate
the public a, heretofore.
Mrs John Johnston, of Cedarville, Kansas,
snd her four daughters are eejoyuig oar
nlitnate snd th assnotatioo of her parents,
Mr and Mrs Wm Dollarhid. D. D as also
ker brotners, John and J Oloaa Doliarhido
antt famila. They esneot t sUrt home the
drat of next week. Mr John Oollsrhide will
acoompany his sister home to take the post
tidii of eounter jumper.
I am now ready to enter the canvass for
Parson's lwsof Business, and II ' Tuni
son's School Maps. Will otnvass the entire
ooaaty for these articles.
Rvervthiug qnist. (Iraio and gardens look
well Health itood.
Bern To the wife of Frank W Do Vasty,
May 20th. 1888, a daughter. Prank ia fatt
ing, so well it being his first girl, that be will
vote the atraight Pemocrttic (leket.
Kemerhber we have the finest place here
for a oarrtptneeting. The groend is all pre
Cared but put picking ap a little brush and
amine Home denomination ought to util
iae it It will be prepared if anyone will send
notice to F M hate.
The Oollarhide Bros, are slaahiog htbsb
for Rob't McCully.
Mrs Meddus Vanderpool died yesterday
moroing. A host of friends extended their
deepest sympathy to the family in their aad
8ohoo at the McKioney school house waa
a total failure. But the school under the able
management . Julia Thayer is a grand aac
ceaa. Sho ia giving uuieral satisfaction.
Oar Waterloo school is splendid. Miss
Allie Charlton ia having saooee, and the
pupils are advancing rapidly.
Mr-11 Y (itbaon i in town to day, he will
start for Kavtern Oregon io a day or so.
John Small man for Sheriff.
The K F Examiner has another toO.UUU
sait on hand.
Tom Merry, of Portland, has gone to the
great Melbourne exposition with a few pict
ures 01 uregoa scenes in hi pocket. Hooray !
Mrs. W. H. (isaton snd children, of t'ouie
trille, W. T.. arrtvnt m Albany Wednesday
evening, and will remain in the ooaaty sever
si weeks visittsg friends.
Peter Kslk tried to kill Mrs. Kullmever
at Han Francisco, Sunday, bat she wore cor
Seta, which protested her somewhat from
the blow, of the enraged man sad saved her
Lord Williams, of England. jwho has bees
in Albany several weeks, the guest of W.
K. tlraham and John Brig. left last week
for Sao Francisco, fr n whence be will go to
a . i
The IIksjockut hat raasifssi a or
fifteen nears Doeaa. wtuoa is too lone for its
eolumcs. and will hays to lav over unttl
Albany grows considerably.
The democrat of Illinois last weak norm
nated the following excellent ticket: Ex
Gov J M Palmer for governor A J Bell for
l.ea tenant governor; N U Hacks for secretary
of state; Andrew Welch for auditor; Cbas
ackrrfyr trra.urer; and Jsceb K Cretgh-
ton for attorney general. The convetum
unanimously endorsed Cleveland's admiaia-
tiali on and tariff reform.
Cheap Tkaciikks.A few teachers of
Linn county in order to get schools have
been guilty of underbidding. At the re
cent district institute at Browaavllle tbe
question was asked a to what should be
done with teachers who take school by
underbidding, and It was decided, on the
spur ef the moment, to hang them. Then
It waa thought this would make them too
prominent and it would be better to ex
clude them from the institute, at Icaat
refuse to notice them when they do at
tend, and show them they have nothing in
common with teachers. A person lte
will take a school for leas than the estab
lished price, is unworthy to be recegnized
as a member of the fraternity and ahould
be relegated to that obacurity where he
justly belong. This waa the verdict of
the teachers.
Stat Gkanuc At a meeting of the
State Grange In Salem Wednesday the
following officers were elected: Worthy
master II. E. Hayes, Voorhees. lecturer,
John Simpson, steward, J. W.Cook, assist
ant ateward, W. A. Sample, chaplain,
(laiidKlv. accrctarv. fra. Vf I Train
keeper, S. A. Dawaon. Poma, Mrs. R. P.
BoUe. Flora, Mrs.S. M. Cook. Ceres. Mr.
S. A. Dawaon, ladv assistant steward, Mra,
i. M, w nite.
lOT The captain of
the Unmentionables at Oregon City sent
ihc 'owing report to his patty organ :
m.-r , .carcc, crawa very small, an
average of eight we get in our hall ; five or
..... .1 . . , .
.... iu.iwi gcucrunr awry un singing
ih over, anu men ao awav." The aamr
would oc very appropriate tor Albany.
Thkir Headquarters. The headquar-
, , " . - .
ters of the Oretron Dcmorrata I St T
during the National Convention wiS be in
room 76, Laclede Hotel. The Oregon dele-
gates, TJ Black, H Klippcljohn F Miller,
James K. Kely, M S Hellman, and Napo-
Icon Davis, will leave for St. Loula about
the 28th, and will stay at the Laclede hotel.
Luscious. Mr. A. B. Woodin has
shown us a plate of strawberries which
fairly takes the strawberry short cake for
lutcioUMness. 8ome measured six inches In
circumference, large plump, not flat, fel
lows. He has had them photographed and
will send the pictures of them East to his
Coming lN.-Conslderabie wheat is be
ing hauled from the country to the city
and sold, 65 cents in a lower market be
ing quite an inducement. The pr ospec
tor us coming up another notch is no
1 A strawberry displayed at
Carrao & Moutcith , raited by Mr W H
Warner, across the river, measures 8A inches
in circumference, and faiily makes one hao
gry to gaze at it. It is really an elephant
among strawberries; but for our part give ua
wie racing norse, the Wilson strawberry, a
oerry cnuca iuii oi quality.
Price of Wood. Monday the bids for
225 cords of wood for the state were
opened. Following were the lowest and
highest bids: Oak, $3,24 and 3.90; fir, $2
and $2 47. sawing oak, 80 c. and hr 7 c.
These are about the prices that prevail in
Albany for wood in small quantities, that
ts, $ 2. 50 and $3.50.
The Rival Cities. A gentleman re
cently from Tacoma says that city is grow
ing fully twice as fast as Seattle, and unless
a railroad is obtained for the latter place,
t will soon be at the heels of the former.
The republican party does not appear to
be very harmonious upon the tariff issue.
All of the leaders do not propose to be fed
on air.
Another letter is about due
great letter writer, Mr. Blaine.
We have become accustomed to an ex
orbitant tariff, just as the eel becomes ac
Cuetomed to beipg skinned.
R. 0. Miller, one of the democratic can.
didstea for the legislature Is one of the
pioneers of Linn county, navlng come here
In n very early day and has grown up with
the country. Democrats, ae that his
name Is on your ticket wl.en you come to
vote. He w ill vote for a democrat for V.
8. Senator.
The Democracy of New York has spok
en to the Democracy of the country, and
it tone retnemovea the doubt of Demo
cratic harmony In the coming campaign.
The Democratic party to-day is united
and enthusiastic, both a to its candidate
and aa to Its policy.
New York Democracy distinguished it
self by selecting a citixen of African decent
a alternrute Delegate at targc to the
St. I .on la Convention. HI name U Mat
thews and he hails from Albany He I a
particular and personal friend of President
Richardson, republican candidate for the
legislature, wants to have free whisky and
free tobacco and taxed clothing and food.
He would make whisky free for the guz
zler, and tax the widow woman', shawl,
coal, salt, lumber and other necessaries of
life. This is hi position. Can you sup
port him Scratch his name off.
J. U. Morelock, democratic candidate for
the legislature la a citizen oi Browns lite,
engaged In the milling business, strictly
honest, a man of sound Judgment, and
every way a At man to represent Linn In
the legislature. He la making friends
every day.
Remember John P. Irish will speak at
the court house to-morrow at one o'clock.
Ladles and gentleman, old and young, are
all Invited. An immense crowd la coming
In from the country. Goesrlyoryou wi I
not get seats.
Jerry She say he has already called a
jury of six men, "good and true," to set en
the republican ticket just prior to the start
ing out of the procession June 5th up iralt
People are willing to be taxed to the ex
tent of ralelng'faoney enough to meet all
the just demands of the government eco
nomically adminiatcred, but they object to
being taxed to hoard up million In the
treasury to lie idle and do no one any good.
Gearin wants to reduce taxation on the
necessaries of life, while Hermann is onpo
ed to it. If people tote Intelligently on
this matter Gearin will have a large major
ity. Hon. John Burnett has been on the Cir
cuit and Supreme benches (n this state,and
always acquitted himself to the entire aat
iefacrton of the people. All his sympathies
are with the moss of the common people
and antagonistic to grasping monopolies.
He will be juet the kfnd of man that farm
era and laborers would like to have on the
Supreme bench.
An able Democratic Congressman from
an Ohio wool dUtrict who opposes the
Tariff Reform bill, was not refused a nom
ination on Wednesday, but the convention
paaaed a strong resolution of Instructions
that he Ate for bill. It Is easy to see who
holds the great Democratic heart. It is
Grayer Cleveland.
fo our farmers In the Middle and North
ern States engaged in raising hogs and
selling their products we have made salt
free of duty and rcleneed revenues amount
ing to $676,865.50- To the people who are
settling on the vast prairies of the
closing their lands and building farm
houses, we have made lumber free and re-
.moved duties amounting to $1,039,207,35.
A vole for RichardtoD, Kirk or Irvine
for the legislature is a vote for Dolph or
some such republican for the U. S. Senate.
Docs any democrat want to voteior Dolph ?
No. Then do not vote for any of these
The great satisfaction of all is in the
knowledge that Mr. Cleveland's own brains
and couragchave made him the power that
he is, and that the popularity which he en
joys is that which follows faithful service
and loyalty to the interests of the people
lne plain peopleof the country.
He U
popular because he has never courted pub
He favor. He i strong because he is true
to his trust, and dares to do right because
I j. B fiffht
I m t J .1 a .l 1 . 1
ne uciwecn ine 1. wo parties in tc
coming campaign may be briefly stated as
follow: Tbe Democrat are in favor of
cutting down the taxes to meet the expend
tures of tnc Government economically
administered, while the Republican favor
increasing the expenditure in order to eat
up the present high taxes. You may turn
the matter in any shape you wish, bat that
is what it comes to in the end.
Jeff Myera, one of the democratic candi
date for the legislature, Is a young man of
good ability and strict integrity. He is en
gaged in the lumber business near Scio,
where he was raised. He Is a grandson of
Green McDonald.anold pioneer and a high
ly respected citizen of the "forks." Let
thc democratic voters of Linn stand solidly
Of OJ v.
by their young candldate.and then when It
comes to electing a U. S. Senator you will
have a man who will represent your senti
ments by voting for some democrat and
against Flaxbrake Williams.
Which shall It be free whisky and to- advised by republicans In the tariff
debate, or will it be cheapened necessaries
of life and free raw material as indicated
by the Mills bill and the President's mes
sage ? The Mills bill is a very conservative
measure, one in which every industry is
dealt fairly with. Not one of them would
be injured In the least should the bill be
come a law. They would be greatly bene
fitted by being relit ved of high taxes on
raw materials which their foreign rivals
are not burdened with. It Is evident to alt
thinking persons who have taken the trou
ble to investigate this question that our ina
bility to compete with foreign- rivals In the
markets of the world is not due to superior
wages paid our operatives, as claimed by
protectionists, for statistics demonstrate
that there is little if any addition to the
cost of producing an article on account ef
Children Cry for
Representative Scott of Pennsylvania I
not afraid to call a apade a spade in the
house or out of H.
Very soon the democracy will know how
many black sheep H has In the lower house
of Congress.
Ed. Davis Is a democrat of the old school.
He Is cupable, honest and worthy ,and there
la no reason why every democrat should
not vote for him for Recorder. See 'that
K. E. DavU" is on your ticket.
X. B. Moss has been Assessor once be
fore and the people have called upon him
to serve In that capacity again. See that
y 1 vote a ticket with "moss" on it.
The Alabama republican convention
furnishes the reason why there Is no ub-
atantial opposition to the democracy. It is
not rebel brigadier, but corrupt and dis
honest men who run the party of great
moral idea.
It. Farwell is a farmer of Syracuse pre
cinct. Every one that know him, knows
him to be lionet and competent. He sen
cd one term aa County Treasurer and will
get a large majority for the same office on
June 4th.
Democrats, sec that the name of John
Kinallman Is on your ticket for Sheriff.John
Is a good acholar and, when he wants to
add up a co'umn of figure two inches long,
docs not have to call on hi neighbor to do
it for him.
"Wash" Phillips, ofSclo, and B. W.
Cooper, of Center,are the democratic can
didate for County Commissioner. They
were selected without any effort being
made to secure their nomination. They
arc therefore entitled to the support of
every democratic voter.
E. J. O'Conner of thi city is an excel.
lent surveyor, having done much work in
that line for the Oregon Pacific Railroad
Company. Hi name was placed on the
ticket without solicitation on hi part. He
Is entitled to the aupport of the party.
Judge Whitney has managed the finan
cial affair of thi countv in a way that
meet the hearty approval of those men
who pay the taxes to meet the expenses of
the countv. The tax payer want their
money judiciously expended, and for that
reason scores ot republican tax payers will
go to the poll and quietly vote for bim
Mark it.
While the states are wheeling in with
their special candidate the Blaine men rub
heir hand and smile and remark aignifi-
cantly that their candidate i the second
choice of nearly every delegation thu far
chosen to the Chicago convention.
Elmer Montague i a man who will fill
the County Clerk's office in a way that will
meet the hearty approbation of the people.
He la a very pleasant, sociable gentleman,
and will.before hla time expirea,have made
friend of all who do huiness with him.
Keep Elmer in your mind and vote for him
on election day.
Seth Kinman, a veteran acout, has pre
sented every president from Buchanan to
Arthur with a chair made by himself from
the home and hide of elk and deer he ha
tain. Mr. Kinman is making one of these
chairs for Prckidetrit Clevcland.but trouble
f rom an old'gunshot wound ha delayed It
oroerek. Beth need not hurry. Anytime
W SSV wr w
in the next four years will answer.
The lower house of Congress it demo
craticand all concede that it will remain so
for veark. For thi reason the people of
Oregon will fare much better in the way
, - -
of appropriation and legislation beneficial
to the state by having a representative In
harmony with that body. Hence it wculd
largely promote the interet of the whole
state by electing Jonn M Gearin, "the
Oregon boy," to Congress. As a matter of
huaincs Interest republican in variou
Mtrta of the state will vote for him.
IjHtrr Mat.
JTotlowinf ia Uic Hat l letters remalnin ia tat. Pjs
Oases, Albert; . Unu county, Orsfim. May S4. lass
iersuaa aeJIln f-w thaso tottur. muat g la the dais on
which thar saaje atlvcrUesd :
Allen. bl
Uckrait, Phil H
itr.dwall. Jacob C
Burhsnh. J T
Collina. Mr. Sarah
Her flu, Ueorv-o
licit tor. Mra Delia K
Hennoaa, U L
Hut-hcn.. leiic
N olson, Fred C
o.Urhut, Cbss II
Strmhan, J J
smith and Co
Woorl, U F
tietlin fi.-M-ifr
Juttm, James Fraud
Neleon. U
I'anuei, K A,
Smith. IVee
Wall, Thotnaa
The Appetite
May bo increased, the Digestive organs
strengthened, and the bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer's Pills. These Fills ar
purely vegetable in their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, and may be taken
with perfect safety by persons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I had no appetite,
and was constantly nfiiicted with Head
ache and Dizziness. I consulted our
family doctor, who prescribed for me, at
various times, without affording more
than temporary relief. I finally com
menced taking Ayer's Pills. In a short
time my digestion and appetite
Ty bowels were regulated, and, by the
time I finished two boxes of these Pills
my tendency to headaches had disap
peared, and I became strong and well.
Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
I waa troubled, for over a year, with
Ixjss of Appetite, and General Debility.
I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and,
before finishing half a box of this medi
cine, my appetite and strength were re
stored. 0. O. Clark, Dan bury, Conn.
Ayer's Pills are tbe best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a disordered
Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over
three) ears with Headache, Indigestion,
and Constipation. I had no appetite, and
was weak and nervous moat of the time.
three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the
game time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cured. My digestive organs are
now in good order, and I am in perfect
health. P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder
fu.aV. For months I suffered from Indi-
afton and Headache, was restless at
rht, and had a bad taste in my mouth
every morning. After tatting one nox
of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis
appeared, my food digested well, and
my Bleep was refreshing. Henry
Semmenway, Rockport, Mass.
I was oared of the Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved mo
of that painful disorder, but give me in
creased vigor, and restored my health.
Jotm Lazarus, St. John, N. B.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer fc Co,, Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine.
Pitcher's Castor ia.
W. F.
(Successor to N.
It now iceelving new goods in ev
fcw W
hfflfi lirml WBBBM fii. il
t-J 1 ara i r.
Everything Ne w,with New Prices
Lower than Ever Offered
in Albany,
conatKtidg cf
I propose fW have as eowrV.) a ato MlUvm v; iin H4 K-n-fc ,n
any, with all 643
New Novelties
Latest Styles
and as they are manufactured. All old customers snd friends of thai house
and aa well new ones, are ordially
Do Not Propose fie To Untold.
57 First, Street, Albany, Or.
.ssssssWA dlllCd
Nervous Prostration. Net wens Headache. raiinaastnial sra11sielin
Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness,
and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dya- " fi.OO. bold by Druggists.
POpaia, aad ail affections of the Kidneys, WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO. Prop,
VITUI n.ilta wwasa,
Druggists and Booksellers.
Agents for John B. Aldeu's publications,
tfhioh wo sell t publisher's pr ess with
Successor to B, W. Lamgdciu.
and everything kepi in a first-class Dru
Store. Also a Hue stock or pia 10s an
H. Allen & Co.)
- ry line. Old good;!,! out.
invited to call and iotxect stock aad
Sucessor to N. H. Allen k Co
PaxotCs Cxijoit Oosmroiro ia a Kerns Ttotde
which never faila. I'ont&initw fiilm . ul
Coca, those wonderful nerve aOmulaats, it
apidiij cures ail nerrooa dJeocdere.
PaisTs Cexxst Orarono per! flea the
blood. It drives oat the lactic artd. which
ran Rbeumatism. aad restores the blood
making organs to a heatthy eondiUoa. It is
the true remedy fox
lai jot's Csxrt CoanwwD quickly rest area
tbe liver and kidneys to perfect health. Thla
curaUve power, combined with its nervs
ionic, ma r it ua Dsn remedy tor au
Paunrs Cbxeby Oosrrotnro
stomach, and quiets the nervea of the diges
ttve onrana Thi. la why it cures even the
worse caacs of Dyspepsia.
Fancya Crt rat Cotnrotnro is not a esthar.
tic. It ia a laxative, givta easy sad natural
rasa natural
ty sorely fo.
acuoa towne Doweie. jtartuanq
Iowa its
Stomach """ Bend tor book.
eVWAsUUlJtlS, Y sW
Red CrownMills
Highest Price in Cash fo
Roses a Specialty.
Cemeterylots planted and attended to.