Ik geiuorrat. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. CONORI8SMAN- Jthn M. Gtsrin, of Mullen ah. 8UPRKMK JUDUS John Burnett, r Bwttoa. rHltlDKNTIAL ELECTORS. - W. H. Efllngor, of Multnomah W. R, Hll y mi. ol Unn, I, R. klpworth, of Umatilla. unuor ATTORNEY 0. W. Belt, of MrU7 1KM0CR4T1C COUNTY TICKKT REPRESENTATIVES -R C Miller, of Ubtnon, Jff Mkym, of Solo. J BR Moralock, Urowt.w Jl LH.K J J Whltaajr, af Alton. COMMISSIONERS B W Coopw, of Ontrr. U W Phillip, of Solo. CLERK E MunUwru. uf Ukuw. RECORDER E E Dl, of HfcTrtthurff IIIRIFK - John Smtllintn, at Roto. TREASURER H rmrwtll.of S7tcum. ASSESSOR Z R Mass, of Brush Cmk, SCHOOL SUFERINTENDEMT L M Cart, of Seio, 'RONER-Jrry 8h, of 8wm1 Hon Kl'RVRYOR E J O'OunMT. JI IM1K WILLIAMS' SI'RKt'H. A Islr sited audience collected at the Court HouKe Monday night to hear Judge William. He wa Introduced by Mr. O.K. Wolverton, and launched into hit subject at once. For a quarter of an hour he made war upon Cleveland and his adminUtra tion, and this was the burden of his song Cleveland vetoed the river and harbor biil This amounted to almos a crime in the Judge's eve,and all this In the face of the fact that the last republican president had been guilty of doing the same thlng.and, U our memory series us right, Grant did the same thing at the very time when Wil liams occupied a teat In the cabinet. An other matter that seemed to fearfully shake up and disturb the Judge was the fact that over 40,000 republicans holding federal ap pointments at the time Cleveland went in to office had given way to democrats who now fill the same place. This was truly fearful to contemplate. The Judge's ntatc ment that a large majority of these faith ful adherents of his party had been remov ed to make way for democrats was far from the truth. Not one in four had been re moved at ail, and those that were removed were displaced because of incompetency, neglect of duty, etc. The terms of nearly lift I mm m .1. . an nu expired octore tneir places were filled. Very few removals were made, in fact, as is clearly seen here in Oregon. Were any of the postmasters at the following places removed by Cleveland, to-wit, Pert EDITORIAL NOTES. Thc number of Democratic state con ventions that have declared for (irover Cleveland corresponds exactly with the number of states in which conventions have been held. The Eugene Journal very pointedly con demns mud-tllnsina and other "nlnncy" conduct In political campaigns and then in the very tame article calls Governor Pen- never "a free trade crank." The Journal very innocently means that no one shull throw mud at it or itt political atsoclatet, but it thall have liberty to use all the mud it chooses. Day by day the cheering news reaches us from various parts of the county that democrats arc closing up the lines and will march on to complete victory on the 4th of June. This is presidential year.and the bright outlook for President Cleveland's re-election inspires democrats everywhere to stand together In solid phalanx to elect the whole county ticket Say, now, are Swift and Tanner rcpubll can emissaries sent here by the leaders of that party to Interfere In the politics of this state ' Isn't this outside interference an in suit to the republican voters of this state t Are they authorized to come here to tel republican voters how to vote ? lienor bright,now,right up to the mark. Let every democratic voter In the city turnout to hear Hon. Geo. H. Williams 011 n. t Monday evening. He is a man of ability and will present the republican side of the tariff with both skill and ingenuity Democrats will always be the gainer where this question is discussed cooly .deliberately and with candor From every republican paper in South em Oregon we find Indubitable proof that Col. Irish's speeches have had telling effect en the minds of the voters in that region. Every republican exchange has Its editorial columns tilled with long and elaborate ar ticles to break the effect of Mr. Irish's speeches. "Truth crushed to earth w III 1 ie again." The democrat w ho bolts his ticket th's year will be called a bolter two years from now. In these days when republican pa pers like the Orrgonian are lashing their voters into line and demanding that thev hall vole the "straight ticket," it would be well for every democrat in Linn county to carefully consider what his duties are in the premises. While Mr. Bilycu was making his speech TI1K CANDIDATES AT BCIO. The candidates for county officers spoke at acio esterduy. The discussion was opened by Judge Blackburn, who stated that If elected to the office of County Judge he would do his duty to the best of his abil ity. He was followed by Indue Whitney. w 0 v sir m ' who showed front figures taken from the record that no county is managed so care fully and economically as Linn has been. He showed that he had stood up in the In terest of the tax pavers, whose ir.oney he had to spend, and It was clear that the au dlencc was clearly satisfied that the Judice made out a conclusive case. The vote the Judge will get there will show this to be true. He was very courteous to Indue Blackburn, his opponent. Judge Blackburn was equally courteous to Judge Whitney, These were followed in turn by O. H. Ir vine, W. W. Rlchardson.rcpubHcm candi dates, undjeff Myers and Mr. Morclock democratic candidates for the legislature, Mr. Denny and Mr. Gcodman for the pro hibitionists, also by Mr. Williams, republi can, for School Superintendent, and Mr. Curl, demecrat.for the same office. By the way we are informed that Mr. Curl floored his opponent In the discussion. The dem ocrats of the "forks" arc more harmonious this year than they have been for a long time. Thev will live a irood account of themselves on the 4th of June. Every democrat we talked to while there seemed to appreciate the Importance of doing their whole duty tlds presidential vcar. I hays jut retired so invoice of the ct! bralid Thompson Glove Pitting Corset one of the oldest ar lost reliable tasks known. I e'o keep a full assortment t The Hall's Coil Spring Health Corset Dr. Warner's Health Corset, land, East Portland, Astoria, Oregon Citv. Salem, Albany, Eugene City, Roseburg, Saturday at Brownsville, urging voters to Jacksonville, Ashland, Corvallls, Dalles, Pendleton or Baker City ? Not one. Some of the republican appointee are still serv ing. So it has been all over the co-intry The Judge damaged his case very much by these misrepresentations. The Judge de clared that mani had been appointed to office from the South with nothing else to jut so ca. wm menu inem except me iact mat tnev had borne arm against the government, when in fact he knew that no man had been appointed for that reason. The Judge de clared that he had no desire or intention to revive the memories of the late war,( Haunt the bloody shirt.) yet he put in about 15 minutes solid work in berating the "briga dier of the South,"including Justice Lamar, whom he evidently hates with a "whole lot" of venom. During all the time he ws denouncing Lamar and Fuller a trait or, every one present could ee a vein of intense bitterness running through all his remarks. Those who had not forgot fen a little incident in the Judge's history could easily trace it cause. When Grant was president, fwr some causewhich the country never comprehended, he appointed Judge Williams to the very office to which Lamar and Fuller have been appointed. No sooner had the appointment been announced than "Rome began to howl" all over the coun- tr y .and uch wa the strength and character of the opposition among both republican and democrat that the president was com pelled to withdraw the nomination, a It wa evident that the Senate would reject it Comparing this with the fact that a republican Senate confirmed La 1 ... ... . mum no win soon conn rin fuller, and we have the cause of the Judge's disposition to wave the "bloody garment." The Judge then discussed the Mill's bill and placed his opposition to it upon the ground that it wa sectional and partisan, removing tariff from Northern commodities and leaving ali on Southern ot mmoditie. In order to prove that it was sectional, he had to resort to ibterfuge and open misrepresentation. Be aid the Mill' bill removed all the six mil Hop duty on wool and left the fifty-eight m.. lions on sugar. The Mill's bi 1 makes reduction of $1 i.ooo.oooon sugar, but the Judge say it make none. He attempt to deceive the people about the matter, and also attempted to do the same when he said no reduction had been made on rice, when all know who have read it that it makes a material reduction on rice. His fallacies about a p-otective tariff effecting higher wages for laboring men were so pa lent that they need no notice here. We k'ive thejudgc credit for stating explicitly that he favored the reduction of the sur plus in the treasury by removing the fifty- eight millions' tax en sugar, putting that ar ticle on the free list, and removing the tax from tobacco, but this is so intensely parti san and tectienal that it did ro credit to the Judge's candor, in view of the fact that that was his main reason for opposing the Mill's bill. He asked the editor of the Dem ocr at to explain why the Mill's bill re moves all the six millions duty from wool and retains all the fifty-eight mil ion en sugar.andthe IeralJ, though ignorant of the reason of the truth which it told, said the Democrat would not answer it. Of course, the Democrat, nor no one else, could be held to answer a proposition that is not true. The Mill's bill removes the $6,000,000 duty from wool ami $11,000,000 from sugar, hence the speaker is entitled to no answer to a question false on its face. The J jdge is getting old and seems to be dwe ling in the political barbarisms of the past, vainly endeavoring to resist the en lightened progress of the present, and his speeches lack the force, clearnes, fire and consistency that characterized those of former years. vote for Mr. Gearin for Congre,hc asked what Mr. Hermann had done to entitle in to -the votes of the people again. He paused a moment and then asked any re publican present to tell what Mr. Hermann had done. He paucd again when an old republican answered "he drew his salary. Any one could do that. There Is a significant sentiment growing up among voters all over the state.and tak ing deep hold in the minds of many. It i that Oregon ought to be represented in Congress bv both parties and for thW reaaon many republicans consider vcrv a m favorably the business proposition of send ine- Mr. Gearin to Congress. It Is believed m , that Oregon would fare much better if both parties were represented. At a mat ter of business and le-'Ulatlve ir.tcrest many republicans will vote for .Mr Gearin Every true democrat should lay ahh all personal dislikes concerning candidate and labor to promote the union of demo cratic sentiment and democratic action Each democrat, as a member of the great democratic partncrt.hip,owes something to every other member of the party. A "ccr- tain candidate may not suityou.but he may be exactly the choic of hundred of demo crats who have equal rights and privileges in the party with you. Vote a- a democrat this presidential year Mr. Conter, republican candidate for Sheriff, w e understand is going round ad vising republican voters to vote the straight ticket and not tcratch a idngle man from Congress to Coroner,and at the same time soliciting demverats to vote for him. He would thus make too' of these democratic voter h. and two years from now would de nounce these democrat as bolters Dem ocrats beware of the honied words of these enemies who try to lip Into office on you votes. If any of these republican candi dates should by hook or crook be elected they wil' throw their hats into your faces and crow over the way they hoodwinked you. The Eastern Oregon Seoul, an indepen dent paper, has this to say : "During the last month we have talked with many re publicans who are in favor of low tariff Such naturally belong to the opposite par tv and should vote the democratic ticket Dolph, Mitchell and Hermann and the res of the republican members of Congress with but few exceptions, vote for the rctcn tion of the present high protective tariff. while the democratic members, with few exceptions.are in favor of substantial reduc lions. A vote for Hermann or the repub lican legislative ticket is a vole for high tariff. No other issue is before the people and men should be frank and lionet voting upon the question." HOW MKN 1MK. If we know all the method of approach adopotcd by au enemy we are the better enabled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In many instance the Inher ent strength of the body sutlicc to enable It toeppose the tendency toward death. Many however have lost thcHc forces to Mich an extent that there is tittle or no help. In other case a litt'e aid to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death and many years of useful life. I'pon the first symptoms of a Cough, Cold or any trouble of the Throat or Lungs, give that old and well-known remedy lkxchee s ticrman nvrup, a carrlul trial. It will prove what thousands say It to be, the "benefactor of any home. Braides a full line . f FRENCH WOVEN CORSET n 1 coreets earring iu price from 50 cant to f 3.00 each. 1 kef), est a nixes and Itngtha of abdcmioel, nursing, and Misers com.!, aod err t jilting i. waiata for children and Muss. Samuel E. Young. film 4KI8 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A S-Tvsl of portt j This powUor m or vvrW xiin ts .:.a4jr k.w-U.anSaaaaot UbUitutt lt u- ft wn tS araKavS o lt tot, sfcoH sgValSBiori H3pkaU uuiiton. Smoonivia CAM. B7l ECJt twi Co. . u V FOR SALE, at vrry low rate. Lumbsr, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Pence Trimming, Sasb9 Door3 and Blinds. Call for prists ei yarJ ou Oih 8t,. ft saatofo. AC hwite . W. W, CROWDER. The friends of Alex. Brandon will find ft "whole lot" more food for reflection in trds mornings Herald. That paper admits to its columns under a hidden name what it has not the courage to say itself. It complains about the county court allowing Ad. Harmon's bill. Well, Alex Brandon allowed that bi I, and he is the republican candidate for commissioner. The lone of the Republican press indi cates an inci easing uneasine.s at the pros pect that the responsibility for the defeat of revenue ref 01 m, if it is defeated, must rest with the Republican majority in the senate In this critical campaign year. Worth Knowing. Mr, W. H. Morgan, metehi.nt, Lite City, Fla. was taken with a aevere cold attended with a distressing coazh and running into consumption in ita first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced In flesh, bad difficulty In breathing and was unable to sleep, Final'v tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and found immediate relief.und after using about a half dozn bottles found himself well anu has h A 1.0 return of tbe disease. No 01 her remedy can show so grand a record of cores ss Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do Jott what i . .!tfmed for it Trial bottle free at Fos'iay & Mason's Dtug Htore. Kseklea's Am lea Salve Tbe beet salve in the world for C.r.ts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer e, Malt Ftbeum, Fever Soros, Totter, Cnanped Hands, Chilbla'us. Corns and ali Skin Eruptions, and posi lively euros Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or unonev refunded. Frice 25 cents per box. For salf by Fosbay A Mason, Keaews ISer -unli. Mrs. .Phoebe Chesley, Feterson, Clay Co., Iowa, U)ls the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of tbe town : "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness for many years ; could not dress myself without help, "ow I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do alt mv own housework, I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for haying renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c at Foshay aud Ma son Drng Store. Its Delicacy of Flavor and the efficacy of its action have render ed the famous California liquid fruit rem edy 1 Byrap of Figs, imaiemely popular. It cleanses and tones up the clogged and feverish syatotn, and dispels headaches, colds and fevera. Fi r sals by Foshay A Mason, Administrator's Sale OP 8T. CHARLES HOTEL A WD OLD ORANGE STORE. Notice for Publication, Land OiHee at Oregon Citv, Or. 1 May 17h, IStftB. Notloa la hereby given that the follow ing nasoed settler has filed not Ice of bis Intention to maka final proof in support of nia claim, and that said proof will be made bs fore tbe Judge or In esaa of Ida aboe the County Clerk of Ltna ooun ly, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on MUaday, Jaljr a. lass. via : John M. Flaugher, Homestead En try Io 4S70. for the N of N K i and N !i of N W J of 8eo. 82, To 1 1 H Hi E. He nataea the following witnesses to prove ht continuous rentdsncs upon and euHi vatlon o', said lead, vis : Jas II 8ouh, John O Boyd, Thomas Crockett. William Ray, all of Lsbanoo, Linn coit.ty,Orsgoo, W. T. HCB-SKT, ALTAGO, 9320. m !!ZI3SIm J, A. WINTER, A Phetosrspbtrof esptriaaos.is ia Browm villa for the samtner, aod is pesparol tv make photos in all sisss and styles. Admiuistrator's Notice. Not Wis is hereby given that the under algned has boon, by order of the Canute Court of l inn county, Oregon, made April jlil.. Iftss, duly unpointed Admin Utrator of tho estate of Samuel K Duncan docs seed. All parsons having claims against said estate am hereby notified to present them duly verified 10 the under ajgnnd at bis resldenoe in Albany, within six months front the date hereof, April 37tb, lim, R, M. PasmseTo, T. J. stitks. Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. W 1 m t T. I mA AgSTonU SPlVMF 1VJ S?Jt;tl work-nt for u Aeis trafMTd who ran lun.i.h llictr .,u buraaa and ) iM.tr hlc tltm t .ti.u.caa. Sir n-innU may 'roftubly eiriflov d MS A law taauxAas la towes ml elilM. K. r MHSSSB and Co., 100 Main St It; - .in 1. Va. NOTICE is hereby Liven Hat H i ooder- igntrd Adn.ioitrstr of the ct-psitoership etite of BOMS Mejcr, lleery AKy.r, be- iog debased, in parsaance of so order and di-crraof the Cmn.ty Court cf l.mn county. Oreuca, trade aud Mitcrtd of record on the 2nd day of April. I8W, w ill sell at public auction to tbe bigl.t-zt bidder, at tbo Court House door in Linu tounty, Urrgoa, ca Ihetadtfajr f Janr, 1SSS, at tbs boor of one o'clock iu the aflerooon of said day, the following describd real prop erty bt-lonKinu to B4id estate, to-wit : Lots No. 5, 0, 7 and 8, in block No. 1, in tbe c;ty of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon ; also 26 ftetofftli. west side of lot No. 1, iu block No. 10, in the city of Albany, in Linu coun ty, Oregon ; also the estt one half of lot No, 3, in block 11, iu the oily of Albany, in Linu ccunty, Oregon, as described on the piata and surveys of said city ; aloo lot No. 7, containing C.67 acres, known as fair ground lot, survcied iff swd plotted by the Linn County Ak .cultural Association, the same beings part of the N W quarter of the do nation land claim sf 1 am: IIutcLir.fl, in Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale cash 10 hand. .'011 n A. CRAWroan, Administrator. A. J. PsQSSITER, Veterinary Surgon. jrsiduate fthe Ontario Voterinary lcg, Toronto, Canada, o sh jfllH HHHn " la? la V f g CO 2 HAND SEWED DOUBLE AND SINCLE HARNESSES, SADDLES, WHIPS, an vert thine, usually kent in a first-class 1 , Repairing carefully and promptly c. B.L, P0WIB, Prop'r, FAULTLESS I a.-Nati.ri. U riullltu maA ma la that ATI-Nature U faultless and so la that discovery, containing only Na- noble ture'a own remedies, ''The It isa benefit to the human racr. KEP UP YUUin, HfiALTH, VIQCRb the of KFUNDCS'S UREQON BLOOO PUBIf ICR Quick and Complete Cure or alt Diseases of tbe Skin, Kidneys. Bladder and Liver. It checks Rheumatism and Malaria, relieves Constipation, Dyspepsia and Bilious neas,and puts fresh energy Into the system by making New, Jtlch Mood. Take It In time, right now, ' """' oeai as apreventallve ol disease. -jld and used everywhere. $t a bottle. 6 (or K 3 YEAR OLD RECORD 2:42. The Past and Game Son of Attamont, I'll 3-4, and Maggie Arnold, 2:35. Will be at J. NabniSet 'a tah, Albany, Fridays and Hatnrdsy ef each weak. The balance of the time at J. W. MeKnignt'a farm 4 miles west of Ijbsnen on Harrow flanss R. K. Pasture will be furbUked at thi farm at ti per month. Accidents sod sseapss at owner risk. Take notion of hla remarkable braedlns; : Klrssi by Altarnonl ( Wsfton reoard 2:2tr) Ft rat dam Maggie Arnold (record 2:36 nubile trial 2:2810 by Atmout Msiubrino (full bretbor to Mauls Wo, dam of Mac Mahon 221. Durango 2:23') by Alto nt. Heoond dam All? Drake (dm of Norman Medium 2.-20; Alios Adison, 2:28 ! ; Haggis Arnold, S.33: Attino. 4 year a, 2:41) by Alexander's Norman aire of Lulu 3:I4 , May Q en, 2:20. Third dam by Pilot, Jr. Htr of tbe dams of Maud H 208 V , Jay -By M. 2:10. A tamsnl (tbe aim of Attago) aired Almoneue, 2.29'4; Plphon, 6 years. 2MH ; Alts, S years, 2:3 2 H ; Zilophena, 2:37 ; Lady I loach, 2:38 ; (oquita. 4 yoarc, 2:39 Si ; Oneoo. Syaara,2:42; Attago, S years, 3:42 ; Prloemomont. 2 year, 2:4f. : Atta A., 2 year. 2SH ; and many other gamo and fast homos hsssiss being tt only bsrwe now living in the Nortbwoat that Issisndar-I through his brooding his own performance and the performance of hla progeny. Almoo; Mam brum (the sire of tbe dam of Altago) has a record of 2:K and ahuwoJ s 2:2S gait at Fairtawn bofore be ess ootd, lie was from tbe loins of tbs great A 1 mot.! ou; of e Mambrino ilef mare, bolnc a full brother to Mettio West, the moot wonderful brord mare tust evor lived according to her opportunities, Alexander' Norman (the aire of Alice lrke tbe aocontl dam ef Attago) aired Lulu, ; May Quoon, 20, and la grandslre of Proline, 2:18 ; Moody, 2:18ft ; Fany Rob lnaon, tMSi ; itlackwood. Jr., 2:22ft, and 21 other- In tho 2JSa list. Pilot, Jr..talre otke 3rd dam of Attago) was directly tho aire of John Morgan, 2:2 -, Tacky, 2:28 ; Toiler, 2:38. and 8 others with records of U:30, or better, und is grsndatre of Maud H. 2:06V : Jay Kre ee, 2:10 ; Nutwood, J:l8i ; Noontide, 2:304 ; Mambrino Jlft, 2:20; Pilot Boy, 2:20; Naiad Queen, 20 Viking 2:2ft, and 83 others In tbe We invito a careful study of tbe blood lines that concentrate in the pedigree of tbie young horse Mo has some of alt tke bst is bta vein aod nothing in fc.'t elns but wl at la of the beat, take not loo. he has the blood of the 4 great fountain beads. Ham blatonian, Mambrino Chief, Alaxaudor'a Norman and Pilot, Jr. lie has 3 croa.es te Mambrino Cbtof. the h.a l of the Mambrino family and 2 crosaoa to Hatnbletonlan tho founder of tbe ifambletonlan family, wid e Norman aired hie second dam and bis third dam was a daughter of Pilot Jr. Don't oyer look tbe fact that the blood of these great horaos is . ended ''.own to kirn through tbo very speed leal and beet chsooola. lteoldon ho u a trotter himself a very Importaut tbLr for a man to know when be Is breeding for speed. No horse brsd like this backed up with a throe year old record of ?:42 eon do otherwise than get sored at the ironing gu. Tbe fee required for hla service Is f r below that cf any horse standing In Oregon, of like brteding and inuividanl exceieooe. You that are breeding iu tho direction of light harness blocd don't overlook AlUgo. Me will be allowed to serve mare at fSft to insure. Pevsbie when the mars Is known to be in foal or haa changed ewuera. (season 125 nsvab.e at time of aorv'ce. not ro- mponstble for act-Menu. For fuitber Infoi motion or extonded pedigree, aJiresa WHAT L. E. BLAIN HAS. An imm esee number of suits of clothing, dress and business, for men and boys, Prices low when quality is considered, A very large stock of shoes and boots, a splen- did one to select from, as it' contains all grades at prices to 'suit, nnns rf of1oa . ikA x j ovjids vt ujuo wry L&bvab goous in neckwear, and prices remarkably low. 50 cents buys a necktie of splendid quality and 25 cents a good one, A variety of styles of hat s hardly equalled this side of Portland, and a stock of furnishing gcods extensive in its nature. A stock of goods all together that spea tself on inspection. Foster s Block, Albany, wr. Knapp, Burrell & Company, D. B. MCKNIGHT, Albany, Oregon. The Photographer, Albany, Or. I havo all the nasat'vea taken bv 0, us, at tLe following prices : Card size, '2 Paxton and anv one can havo dnoli Col - catea from their negatlvea b addressing alee. S3 per dozen, bou- Oflioo and renbleiiiM corner ofSesond donrs, f6 per dozen. I keep the linest and Uaker Streets nr or uregon views in the west. Cata- AIDAftlV nDCPPLl Jogue rurntshed on application Copvtug ALbAN T, UntUun. and enlargir g old pictures a specialty. J. G. duwroRn. EVER TTHING in the Boot and Shoe Line AT COST until closed out at BRQWNELL & STANARD S. AT COST. AT COST. Having tiutckssed the stc.ck cf goods cf Sliasr t L.nwm 1 v ill sell tbe sano- at cost until oiosed nut. That means monf v in vour pockt. No sueii bar gsins eesr befoie cflersd. I have alo purcbasf-d the bauktnpt stock tf HAY & ASHBY, of Hsrriaborg pot hletipg i f Clothing', Gents Furnishing Goods and General Merchandise. Everything will be sold at. COST WITHOUT RESERVE. MY SC., IOC, ISC. AND 25 CENT COUNTERS thousand cf s Have In slock s complete assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of every description including Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows Deering and McCor mick, Mowers and Binders, Hollingsworth and Tiger Hay Rakes, for one and two horses, Buffalo Pitts Threshers, Steam and Horse Power, Harness, Farm Bells, Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Etc. also a full line of first-class N CARRIAGES, BUCC3ES,H ACKS AND CARTS. Buggy Tops a Specialy. Call and examine the goods and got oata.ogua of pritws, which are greatly reduced for trade of 1888. ' F. H. R0SC0E, Manager, JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars add with aitijles worlh twice their price. Seversl variety. Bargains in all of them. vat . W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon. SPRINGFIE ELD SAW MI Lib. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Oflles on Railroad St., between 4th and 5th Street Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facllitae not surpvwed f r the prompt aud satisfactory filling of crders, I respactfully solicit a share of the trade. A. Wheeler. -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Ctgara, Plug snn Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and a full line of Sraok' rs Artisles, Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkban A Koenty's Reai Estate Office, Albany, Oregon. THE PLACE. By all means call on 'arker Brothers, Successors to John Fax, fr vowrj Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc , Etc. Their goods are the' best and their pri.es reasonable. J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. New stock cf 1888 pattern bicycles just received. Bargains in second hand wheels all sizes and prices. Call and examine stack or bend for catalogue freej