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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1888)
MHsl Hj as Conrad Meyer. .-PROPRIKTOR OF STAH JBAKE11Y. Cnrner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DKALKR IN- a'anae! Frm im, (UlMRWMrf, Dried FrttlU, Tobacco, Uuecnwarc, Vegetable, Cigars, Spice, Tp, Etc., In fot everything that in kept lt a gen ml variety and grocery store. High market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Company's steam hip Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME then by any other route. First-data through naaamisrar and freight line from Portland eud all point a las wmameiie alloy to and trout Stn Francisco, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The - Win. M. Uoag," The "N. 8. Beat- ley," The "Throe Slater." are In eerviee for both passenger and freight traffic be tween Corvallia and Portland aud mediate ooiuta. leavmir Corral lis, aud Messrs. Muiman A Co'a wun. ea. aw ana SBBI Front St., I'ort land, three time a week as follows : WORTH BOUND. LN'i Corvallia, Mini , West. aiHl NrM, 10 00 A. M Lav Albenv. atouJay, Wed. aad Knuaj, livO Noon Artm PorUand, tM , Thu. avt SialurUar, 6:30 p. U sot III BOUND. LOT IMrUMd, Hon., WeJ. ..iPTrWv, S.W A. M. a" aissaoj, ruo., mur. uk SituiMit, l io p. U Arrlv Corv.iiu, Toe., thu. and saiuni'. 4:l f at Raf nitk nliuu nnn Inn llli. with trains of the Oregon Pacific KailroaJ. TlafBSVHKDULK. (axoetH Sundays.) Leave Albany. 1:00 r. a, , Leave Yaquiaa, 6 30 a, a. Leave Cr.niii, 1:17 r, a . (Leave CorvsJIU.IU SS a.m. Arms Y stuina, b.bO r. a Arms Albany, 11:16 a. , O s U. trains oouneot at Albany and Oorvaliia. The above traina connect at Yaquin with the Oregon Development C kinpaoy'a Line or b lea in hi pa between Yaqulna and Sao Francisoo. SAILISU DATES . STBASSSa, raos sas rSAXcisvo. FROM TAVISA anitaoMiu Ysllsy. April Kh. Mar Mb. WUlsuwus VsUsy, May loin. May 15th Wlhsaasus VsUsjr. MVvSl.. Mt SSh. Willssssu YsUty. Msy Slat, The Company aryea the right to lange eailiua daUa wiLkout aotiia. N. Tl. Paaaengera from Por. Una and Willamette Vs. ley poiuta can make close connection with the trains of the Yaquiua rout at Albany or Corvaliia, and it des tined to San Francisoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquiua the evening before dale ofaaillog. trr aad Pi right Mates always the Lowest. Pr inlortUAtion s;ply u Q J gtusrt, Frshjbt an 4 Tic Ml Afeat, Albany, o. to C I Ussasll. Jr., U . P. P. AxV. Orojfun Dstelopinei.t CO., XH Monlg-uiar tt.. San trsacteco, UU. r aot.i , A. d. F. sad P. Atrsut. Oreou IViec H RUo. ConrsilW. O. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -YIA- Oregon A O&liloruta li. H AMD CONNECTIONS. tmk jmt. aataaiA stoi rt Haas bsiwsso Alba-y sitd sou Frsncise:, 45 Ituors. AuroaaLA sxeasss ti uss bajlt. toaSb .N..rth 4.U0 r. a. I Lears ForUAnd Arnr . 10 40 a m Us" AJaaoy 7.1 a a 7: AO a a Anita Baa F Muciaco aoss I tjg r a locai. rAasssasa tsaiss sailt vexeept 8aoasy. a-a a a Laara t'orUaad Arn. S:4Sra 12.40 r a Usv. Albany ixara j 11:36 a I t:tOrs Arnte Eueeua Laars 9 Hi a a local rassssoss TSAISS OAILT. szcsi-r SCKDAV. ail r a I Lcsts Albany Arrive I 6 6 a a S:3r a Arms baouii Uave j 6: M) a a 11:50 ra I Leave .-Albany Arrive i 2:45 r a 1:98 rs Arrivs Lebanon Leave J:0u r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. xccstaioa aLaMtrasa rr aeeead Class Faaseaaers en all (breach trains WtLMM OF t UHLE. West aide avtvlelea. f-OHf Ltin A M COFAl.lJa. hail tsais daily (es -pt Sunday.) fortlstitl Crv!lis Arrivs tf:16 r a Leave j l 30 r m sxraaas tsaiss oailt (axe ip Snaday .) 4:50 r a I Leave SstS r a Arrie Punlsod MeMintiville Arrive I-av(. 00 A M 6 46 A a AtAIkaay M CarvalKs eouneet with traiss of Oregon Faeitv Skilruad Fnrtull iiifennaUoa regsrdiaf lates, stsps, eta., call en ( ompaoy's Ajmt. t. tomn.n. jt. p. aooaaa. Summons, 1 Uu Cirsiut Court of Ut Sta'-t oj Oregon for L aa CoutUy. R,S. WHiLaca, Plaint. ff. a-at. John Ilt ilisie, Wm England and Oeorge Williams. lie Ion d ih'm. To John Heigh tie. VYm England and oeorge Williams, Defendants. IN the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint (tied against yeu in the above enlitlori suit, on or osforo the tMh day of Jane, IS88, that being the Aral day of the next regular term of said Court following the puolica Hon of this Summons, and if yon fail to ao susaer, taid Plaintiff will apply to aald Court for a decree against the aatd Defendant, Jobu ittdghsle for the eum of two thousand dollara. wuh intereet there n at the ratotf ten per cent per annum iuce the 25th aay of September, 1886, an money due Plaintiff jpn a p omissory note be mado by Mild John Heighsle, to Plain tiff, aud also a decree agaiust said Pefen danta for the forcloauie of a inorigNfre. mado bv said Defendant, John Heighsle o mid Plaintiff to secure the psyuitnt f aid sum and inter. at and for the sale of t in mortgaged premises or land mnrtgag kiI, described io-wi : Tho west of S K i and est Ms W ofeciion 20 in Townahip 9 south of range 2 east of the Willamette merluiau, in Linn county, Oregon, and against said Defendant. John Heigli-lM for $200 Attorneys fees and tdttt and dUburi-ementM and also that the pro coed of such sale be applied in payment of aid principal and tule'Oat, Attorney' fo w and diaourserneuts. This Summons is served by publication thereof six socwkmi ve weeks in the St aim Kiohts Demockat by order of Hon. R, P Boise, Judge of said Court, made st Chambers arm bearing date tbo 9th day of May, 1888 Shaw fe Gkeoo, Attorneys for Plaiutiff. Notice for Publicatioc. Lai.d Ollioe . ' Koe bnrg. Or., April lGth, 1838. Nidicr i hrrw y given tin t the following nanitid aetil - r hn tilod noticr of his intention to inke rinal prooi ti suijpoit of lii claim, and that said pro. 4 trill e u ade before the lleaister or Rrnfiver of "the V. 8. Land Of fice, at Roeoburg, Or., on Thursdar, Jane 7th, Ittt, is : Kiil i A Leaoh, Pre. mption D 8 No 6181 fo the K i N K j Sec 4,Tp. 14 8 R i west, W. M. if" na.n.a the following wit aaatas to proyo his continuous residence apoa and cnltivaiiou of sud laoo, ia ; Herbert E Cady, f Home, Lina couotv, Or, Pslsg Frnitt, Genrge Uot-fleir, J W Mo Daniel, allwf CraLrdsville, Linu eouuty,0r. (.'has. W. Johnston, Register. SO a a I Leave ttt&r aJArrive Red CrownMills 1S0M, LANNIN'U & (U, JPR0PR8. raw raocaa run' a supkhioh por vAaU'-tss AMD BAB BBS C8B. BKST STORAGF ?AC!L1T1ES. Highest Price in Cain fo Wheat ALBANY OR. MRS. 1$. HYMAN, neat eat of S. E, Young's, Albany, Ot Catting and Fitting a Specialty. STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMr INC DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of eaci week, and palctmg done tooider nu plaques and other material, Nice assort mmt of Artist materials ou oand. Andrews & Hackh'man, WLDOUGLASi tt QAA mil 11 f 1 I an ciinr vTv nun wAnrwustL' ' mW . e T TAH SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. - - OREGON Summons. Im tkt ('it i uit Conn of tkt- Sut vj Orrg for tho Comuty oj Limn Martha Houston, Plaintiff. vs. Josle K, Timmermaii, DefonJant. To Joele K. Titnmerinau, the above named Defendant. IN the name of the Stale of Oregon: Ysu are hereby required to appear and aa swerths couipiaiot of the above named Plaintiff in the above ealitied Court now en file with IheCierkof said Court, within ten days from the date of the service of ibis Huuiiuous uponyou,lfaervd in Liun county, Oregon, but if served in any otbercouuly in this Mala then within twenty days from the data of the service upon you, or if served ou you out of the &ta:e or by publication, then by the tlrst day ol the Jane term of the Circatt Court following such service, towit : Ike b day or Jaac, IMs. and you are hereby uotiOed that if you tail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required the Plaintiff will take judgment againat you for the sum of 464.33 aud in tar eat i hereon from May th, 1898, at 8 par cent per annum and for the further sum of $3oi 33 with internet thereon at the rato of 8 per cent per an nam from the Und day of May, 185, and for the cents aud JUburteDienta to be taxed and for an order of the urt to sell the property attached in the above entitled action to satisfy any judgment obtained, towit . Lot 71 in the city of Sclo, Linn oeunty, Oregon, eacepting the following I Beginning at the 8 K corner of said lot 71. thence W 50 feet ; thence) N 16 feet ; t hence K 50 feet ; thence m 10 feet le the place o( beglnuing. Also the E H of lot 7u in Hclo, Linn 00 Or Also oommeiKlug at the S h comer of Lot 70 in the city of Sclo. Linn county, Oregon, and runulng, thence W 25 leet ; the-jce S S' feet lo the nonb hank of 'J homes Creek ; therco eesterly along the north bank i said Crtek to a point opposite and on a line with the esst boundary line of said Lot 70; thence 31 feet to the plsce of beginning, at a point 14 88 chains K of the N K corner of Hec. 22, Tp. 10 8 R 2 w ; thence K 5:12 chalita : thence 8 20 cbaius ; thence 8 KU 48' K 40.54 chains ; thence 8 32 80 cbalna ; thence W 45 66 chains ; thence N 52.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 mcr&t,iu I.fnn county, Oreaon. This is published by ordor of the lion. R. P, Boise, mado at Chambers the 10th day of Mar, 18S. J. K. W EATn EF.FORD, Attorney ler Plaintiff. 8TEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Ucadquart- tri Department cf the Cjlombia, Ottice of Chif Quartermaster, Vancouver Bi-rscke, W. T , March 15, 1888. There will be offer ed for atle at Port Sherman, I. T., on May 19th, 188, at psbtst auction, the U. 8. steam Lunch "Amelia Wbeatou." (and prop erty pertaining thereto.) Stern ahvel, light draught ; length 76 feet ; bestn 17 feet ; depth of hold 4 h-et ; lower cabin, 8x14x57 ; upper Otttn, "4x14x30 ; eugims about 40 horae nower. Sale to tak- olaceat II o'c!.ck. i mr e a J a. m. Terms of sale : Caah iu U 8 currency, j All ioqairies sddreesed to this n'Iko or to the I Post Quartermaster. Port S;ier.i an, 1. T.. will be promptly answered J. G. C LEE, Major and Chief Quartermaster. The BUYERS' GUIDE le issued March and Sept.. l each year. It is on enev. Iclopedia of useful infer. 'matlou for all who pur chase tho luxuries cr tho noeoaaitioa t.t 1if XkTm. can clotho you and furniah you with all the neoossary and unnecessary appliances to lido, walk, danco, aloep, eat, flab, hupt, vrork, go to church, or utay at homo, and in various elzos, ttyles and quantities. Ju&t flfuro out what is requirod to do all tbeso things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent noon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the .State of Orvjon tor ine uounty of Linn : Mary A Broad well, Plaintiff. Jacob C Brcadwbll, Defendant. Tu Jacob C. Broadwell tie above nsmed iH-renuant. IN tbe nam j of the State of Oregon : You -a. are neieoy required to apear and an awer tlin coirinlaint of tiiA t i.vtr.A nantaul Plaintiff in tbe sbeve eutilled (;ourt now or. file witli the tharlc iAka., iv.i.ri i.i. In ten days from the date of the sorvloo of mis nuirmiens upon you irserveil In Linn county, Oregon, but if served In any other vuiiiy luinumaie oi ureon, then with n twenty oHvaoi I tie uervit-e. ol th Im si.,,n mons upon you. or If served outsi te of tbe Ssl is . a . . puonrauon inm by tho first uay ui inv neat leguiar term or Court fol lowing, o wit : flir 'i.'ifli flits, uf .Inita Itfuu and y u are hereby notified' ir you fail to arm .ter sal'! comnlamt as herehv ...mi,,,.,! the Plairuifl will apply to the Court for the relief deinanded in nomnialni to.wlt : A itecreediasDiving the bonds of inatri'oony now cxiMitag and for the care, ( us otlv aod control or mlnnr .hiiirAn t.amed to tbe oomplaint aud for the casts nd diabursemorita and such other relief a may be equitable. This Summons it publMit d by the or. der of the Hon. It- P. Uolae, Judge of said Court made May 3rd, 18Ss. J. K. WvATUKRriRD, Attorney for Plaintiff. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE G00D3. 0BE60H PACIFIC COHTBACTOE, for thia section. Laborers furnieLed on short,notice fo any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, THIS PAPEI I is on file tn Philadelphia .at ttvs Mowupapee AOvcr !tllnif A(?on of Mowini. tl. W. AVER A I I. our euttiorizea nt;cutH. JACOBS Oil FOR 80RE THROAT. Malignant Sort Throat Is very preva lent among the people of India. Mr. E. A. PEREIRA. Head Inspector Post Of flcos, Calcutta, India, writes over his autograph here shown : Instantaneous relief tn Throat troubles In the Campbell Hospital was obtained by St. Jacobs Oil Was myself cured by It." - gold by -DRUGGISTS AND DtALIlt EVERYWHERE, The Chat. A. Vogeler Co., BALT1MQRK, MP. Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO UO TO W. H. WILLARD, where you will 11 ud the best make and uneet finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd dlffereut styles of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Prloet reasonable. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. Firs Term Ones a September 131b, ISO?. A tall corps of instructors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet tba aaed of all grades of students. SerNsf imdmcomtemti ojferod to ttmdemtt from abroad. Tuition ranges from 6.o0 to U,W. Hoard In private fain 1' tee at ow rates. Kooma lor self-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision ezereiaed over stu dents away from home. Fait term opens September 7th. for circulars aud full particulars addreaa the President. bm. iibiit a. castT. Albany, Oregon. First National Bank OP 4LB1X1 , OREtiOR. Praaklwit.... L. r i.1 MM . c I'rc-ldeul sad saaaeeae S. K. YU S(i Caablsr OKO. K. CIIAUBKUI aIN TRANSACTS A GKNKRAL Ur.kuig boatness. AOCOL'jrrS KEPT subject u, check. SIGHT BXCIlA.VtlB sod telosTsphlc traaafer, sok on New York, Han Fraaeleoo, Chlcaca and Portl Otagesv COLLECTIONS MA HE on bivursMe s. K. Torse, Oso, I Crasbsslais L. a Blais. L. Buss, WabTsa B Tt aaatx. Linn Vnnty Bank, COWAN, KALSTON & CO., (Bocceasors tv Cowan A CiuaVk.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACT!! s generd banktni; budnees. DRAW StOIlT DBAfTM oa New York. Ban I'raa eisco and Portland, Orefon. LOAN MO.VEY on aiprorsd ssewrltjr. METElVBdetxadUsabject U cheek. COLLECTIONS entrusted lo as will receive prompt en u on. H. F. MERRILL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - ORECON. 811 oxebang en New York, San Kranolsco and rortiand . Buy notes. Ma's, county and c'ty wsrranta Be ssie oepeetta enoject to chec. interest aiioweu on Urn ai".mu. Collertione will receive pnuspi stuntion. Comep'indtne s,IIcIUk1. Firesnd sasttBS Insurance placed in reliable con JBjrOfBce boors from 8 s. ra. to ft p. at. Sheritfs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Linn county. J C Johnson, Plaintiff. vs. Mary J Beard and Green Beard, L fend at t NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out f tbe above nsmed Court in the above entitled action, I will on Saturday the tail day or Jaae, I Has, at the Court House door in tho city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. tn., sell at public auction far cash in band to the highest bidder the real prop erty described to said order of sale ss follows, to wit . All the right title sud interest of tbe said Defendant, in and to the south half of the donation land c'sim of Alinon Moore and wife, being Notification No. 1597 in Township 10. south of range 2, wett of the Willamette meridian in Linn coutity, Ore gon. The proceeds arising from the ssle of said remise to be applied : Firat to the payment of the coat and disbursements of suit taxed at $30.10, and tbe costs and ex ponas rf sale. .Second to the payment to the Plaintiff herein the sum cf SI t0. 75, with ax cruing interest at the rate of ten per cent per am a m from tbe 18th day of November, 1887, and the further um of $20 Attorneys fees sod the overplus if any to be paid to the said Defendants. Dated April 26ih, 1888. D. 8. Smith, ' Sheriff. Notice of Final Settlement, NOTICE ia hereby iven t hit the uude signed Executrix r f the last will and tcatr -meut of Perry C Lines, deceased, has filed n the Hice of the Cleik of the County Court for Linn cuntc, Oregon, her final accoi nt and the Court has fixed Tneadsy, the .".lb day of Jane, iskh, at Oi'- hour of on o'clock, p. m. for the hear ing cf objections to said account if any and for the final settlement of said ei tatn. Tins April 27th, 1888. Martha M. 1 inkh, Exrcutrix f the estate of Perry Line", ! ceased. J K Wkithkkvord. Attorney for Executrix. Notice for PublicationT Laud Office al Oregon fftv, Or., Aunl 301.. 1888 NOTICE ii hereby Kive.i timr, li. i ,ilow- inu u;iin;l Keltn r n i- lile'l iioCiuh in. tei.tion to ntd.e Hnel iir t i. n)H;.ir. of his claim, auo tn .t pant r of m ih ii in ! befoie theC'ii'i'v Cltik t Li oh ciuiitx. Or., st Alti.iny. t)r. , on MesHfaay, dune Itfh, ihhm, t . .L,hn W Cox. urp- HHiutiiin D S V 5171 for Lt 1. Sc. 34, Tp. 1ISH1 W. He . It - .. a a namei tne nu, owing witnesses to prove ins 72 ?a i i.. . Z continuous resui uce upon, ana ctutivatmn of said land, viz . John O Boyd, R Tucker, B Powel', A J Fi zwater, all of Lebanon Or. Register. Children Cry for Stir $fiu0cvat. OjfsfiQUNTY VHk FFIGI&L Ij and PiPER. . .I I TELEGRA1TH IC N E WS- David Vetoes It. Aluany, May y. Governor Hill vetoed the high license hill to day. Hose burg Booming. KottKtit'KO, Or., May 9. Rosehurg Is booming. A subsidy far a woolen mill, amounting to $5035,118 been raised. The whole country Is jubilant, and ork upon the mill will commence at once. Broke Ills Neck San Fbancisco, May y.Wm Nichol son, a shoemaker, while returning home this morning, Intoxicated, fe't down stairs and broke his neck. Probated. Utic-a, May y. -The will of Roscoe Conkllna was probated te-duv. tie be- uucath all ids property to his wifeund her property lats Iter i heirs, and appo sole executor. Tke Chinese Mast . Wahiiinoion, May y. Senator Dolph and Senator Stewart prepared a Chinese exclusion bill to-day, which will be Intro duced in the Senate to-morrow. The bill Is Intended to carry out the provisions ol the new Chinese treaty, and Senator Stew art thinks that It will prevent the landing of any Chinese laborers who are not en titled, under the treaty ,to enter the I'nited States. Tbe new bill provides that tbe provisions of the bill shall go Into operation immediately upon it passage. Tin Is In tended to exclude all Chinese who have left this country with certificates and who have in .t returned It also provides that Chinese lalorera whe are eatitlcd to return, ba lug either a family or one thousand dollars in this cauntry.sttalt be entitled to land only at the following place I Portland.Oregon ; San Fram lro. Cal , Boston, Ma. ; Nc York and New Orleans The bill is made up from other bills which have been pre sented to Congress at this session by Mor row.Felton.Belmont.Mllchell and Stewart Wall for Yaquina. Sas FaANCiftcu, May io.- One ol the finest spectacles ever seen in this harbor was witnessed this morning, when fifteen vessels under full canvas arrived from dif fcrcnt port and sailed together in through the Golden Gate aud up to the city. Ka-Heaator Urever. W t sin vi. t on. Mat io. Ex-Senator Gro ver of Oregon was on the Door of the Sen ate to-day. He ha returned from a six month' trip In Europe, and I on hi way home, where he hope to take part In the campaign. la Daager. LoxnoN.May to. - The Daily Tehgrafh, in a column article headed "England la Langer, asserts, on the highest military authority, that the strength of the army I entirety insufficient. It says : If extra men were enlisted to-morrow there would be no barrack accommodation for them Many of the artillery batteries are provided v. tin trie wort guns served to anv armv Though we posses an unsurpassed gun, wc have no mean for manufacturing guns. except after much delay. Land (iraata. WAMiiNUTox.May 10. The ftenatetfler three weeks' consideration of the land grant forfeiture bill, during which it ha been three time passed and three time reconsidered, has finally agreed upon measure. The title of the bill I a mis nomer. A reported, the bill provided for fotfi-tture of the unearned portions of rail road grants, and it ha been amended so that it bears no semblance to the original form. A passed, the bill confirms about as much land as is forfeited. P. O.'a aad Pension. Wamunoto.v, May 10.- A poctoffice was established to-day st Hatton, Adams county, Washington territory, and John D flackett was appointed postmaster. James II. master at Silver ton, Marion county, Oregon, has resigned. and John V Moxier has been appointed In his place. The following pensions were to-day granted Oregon Mexican survivors : Peter F Christinas, Cove, Union county, Wash ington Territory ; Michael Shultlce.Taco ma ; David Williams, Pullman. Drouth In Morrow County. 1'- uu. and. May 11. C. A. Rhea, a prominent stock raUer of Heppner, is in the city. He says there has been no rain In Morrow county for over two months, and that the country has not been so dry before at this season of the year for twenty year. Much spring-sown grain has not come up, and fall grain was badly frozen out. The crop will be a failure unless rain falls yet this spring. It is getting to be more and more plain that the republicans will rely a good deal in the national campaign this year on what they call the issue of an honest vote.mean ing by that the question of the suppression of the negro republican vote In some of 1 tne Southern States. There was a time when they hoped to avoid this plan, 'they thought that they had a "fighting chance" in several of the Southern States in the two Virginias and in North Carolina- and they felt that if they were to make any thing of this chance they must do so on some other issue than that of race, for this is what the matter amounts to. When Senator Sherman went South and made his peaceful and smooth speech, he had this chance in mlnd,and there was a num ber of other signs of the same sort. The plan was a good one, and it would have been likely to work fairly well out for one thing : If the republicans were to drop the Southern question, the only one left, for them wab the tariff, and, though the leaders are clearly going to stick to the tariff issue, they have a suspicion that they cantiot get rid of, that it will drive off s good many of their votes in the North unless they can hold them by the feeling 3 that the Southern question arouses. Congressman Kerr, of Iowa, republican. made a speech a few days ago on the tariff; question, in which he said : "He approved a reduction of the reve nue by the abolition of the internal reve- nue tax. The time had come.he thouoht- '? in the history of the American govern- ment for the nation to declare that hence forth it would take no share in the profits i of the sale of alcoholic liquor." As we have often said before,lhe repubJ stantial ?la" or defra"g tl)? currant ex-ii-MM-:ax ir:,r fl i penses of the year, too lengthy, however, policy of taking the war taxes from whis- ky and tobacco and retaining it on the necessaries of life. Free whisky and free "chaws,"and taxed clothing for the poor is the republican program. How do the people like it ? Pitcher's Castor ia. HTATE W, T. V. The Executive Committee of the W. C. U. met at 9:30 a.m. in the Methodist church which by the way, Is one of the neatest W SF edifice 1 have seen, both In at vie of archi " e lecture and finish. Articles of Incorporation were read and adopted, incorporating the W. C. T. U. of Oregon. A committee, consisting of Mcsdames Edward, Brown and lloxtcr was appoint ed on revision of the constitution. The annual report of the Industrial llemewa read, and other matter con cerning the work in general, was consid ered. All thce matter are to be brought tirfoi.- the convention (or approval, when I will report them In full. KVBNtKO BXBBCISBS. A mass meeting was held In the fS;ning. After some excellent music by ft large choir, the President delivered her iftmial address. Ibis wu a superior d He ent being a thorough and comprchcnsiYC prc sentatien of the department ol work font ducted by the Woman's Christian Union and although these departments are num ereu, and because of thrlr variety almost perplexing, yet, alter having listened with marked attention to the various merits o them all, we could rot have determined, which one wa to be prefcrcd, In point of supremacy, the excellency 01 tne wttoie being the firm foundation upon which .a si a . s as they are founded. The address was re celved with profound attention, and at it rloe Mr. Edward made a stirring ap peal for a collection, which proved a sue. cess. The exercises closed with music and the benediction. wxumknuay mob mi no. Convention met at 9 o'clock and after devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. Ross, cf East Portland, the convention proceeded to business. The following committees were appoint ed 1 Committee on Credential -Mrs. Royal, Elbs and Ramp. Committee on Resolutions -Mrs. Wilson, Rosa and Edward. Committee on Plan of Work M r Ross, of the it district ; Mrs. Townsend, of the and district ; Mr. Bell, of the 3rd dUtrict ; Mrs French, of the 4th district. Commltte! on Finance- Mrs. Iloxter, Dalglish and Ross. Committee on Parliamentary Rules Mrs L II Addition. The Committee on Credentials reported 3$ delegates present, 7 general officers, and 5 Superintendents. The Cor. Secretary's elaborate and well written report showed the Unions to be in good, substantial working order. Her re port showed that $5231. .17 ha been raised during the past year by lite Unions. The Treasurer's report howed the fol lowing figures s Cah on hand from lat Jcar, $352.85. Donation Irom Eastern riend for our campaign fund, $330.35. Donation from our Unions for campaign fund, $270.77. Fund for publication of minutes of last State Convention, $86.25. Dues from Unions $217.10. Paid out, $900.40. Total $1157.32. The Sup ! of Scientific Temperance In struction sent her report which was read by the Secretary. She stated that the teachers, generally, favored thorough In struction In this branch. In the discuion which followed the reading of the paper, the opinion prevailed, that the time had not arrived for the disbanding of Bands of Hope, and putting the work Into the hands of teacher of our public school alone. The Sun't. ot Literature reported 100,000 pages of literature distributed during the year. This U far from a correct estimate, a many pages have been distributed of which no account has been kept. H. B. waiMfttAY a iran moos'. An interesting mother' meeting was held under the direction ol Mrs. Edward, the evangelistic uperintendent. Many irnportant question on the management of children were discuaed. Thl confer ence closed the afternoon session. avas t no axaacisK. We can scarcely speak too highly of the music furnished by the Glee club of Eu gene under the able management of Mr. L. G. Adair. The pieee rendered, o far, are of a classical character and would do credit to professionals. The president introduced Rev. Alfred C. Rummer, of the Taylor street church, Portland, who delivered a most masterly address; it was scholarly, full of logic, argumentative and convincing The con vention feels under many obligations to Dr. Rummer for his timely aid. Mr. Robb's graceful collection speech brought a liberal return. THCBSIMY MOBSIMO The convention opened at 9 a. m. with the usual devotional exercises. First in order ol business, was the appointing of the fallowing committee en nominations: Mesdames Townsend and Hatch and Mis Newton, also Madam President as advisory member. A paper on Sabbath desecration was read, also the report of the superintendent of fairs and public gatherings. This report showed that an energetic effort had been made to counteract the evils always so prevalent at these gatherings, and in many instances, a gratifying success attended the effort. A spirited and humorous discussion on music finally terminated in the expressed belief that "Our Country Tis of Thee" and "Home Sweet Home" were more high ly appreciated by the average American voter, than all the classical music now published, and that such pieces were very appropriate for public meetings. Juvenile work was next before the con vention, and under this head a report of the Baby Home recently established in East Portland. The enterprise was heart ly endorsed by the convention, as such an institution is clearly one of the Lord's pro visions for hts neglected little ones. The report o? the Industrial Home brought out many interesting remarks upon the benefit to be derived from the establishing oi these institutions. The one now established in Portland will meet with the cordial support of the state organ ization. The state ooperintendent of jail and prison work recommended this organiza tion and askeo' for the appointment of a police matron in Portland. Closed with prayer. aftbrnoon sessiok. After devotional exercises came the report of the superintendent of unferment ed wine. Seventeen unions reported and these represented 74 churches, 50 of which use unfermented wine. The superintendent of higher education read a most able report, and among good suggestions she recommended that some f;entleman be brought into our state to ecture before our schools and organize the young men into clubs, designated as 1 White Cross clubs. The evangelistic superintendent read a veiT encouraging reports from the unions, The finance committee submitted a bub- to report here The superintendent of the department of capital and labet plainly showed the great importance of this work, explaining that in helping this department yeu helped every other department. In this depart ment you will find all the leading questions now before the public mind. Vital issues are involved in these leading questions; government, law, finance, religion, edu- cation, yes, even civilization Itself is bring tested tn the crucible of public opinion, and these Wtlghly question are all embraced n the gigantic Industrial problem. This report closed thr afternoon session. H. B. KM-1' IT IN Ml Nil. The bonded public debt of the United State I as follows : Funded Joan of 1801, redeemable en and after September 1 at, 1891, and bearing Interest at four and a half per cent, $228,054,600. Funded loan of 1907, redeemable on and after July ist 1 ;, an-l bearing Interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, $73 1,3 80,350. The government ha two general sources of obtaining revenue. The first i by duties on Imported commodities and the other is known a internal rcvmue.that l,u tax on whisky, tobar-co and oleomargarine. The Internal tax on whisky for the year ending June 3oth,i887,amountedto $65,829,321.71, on tobacco $30,101,067.13, and from oleo margarine and other sources,1?; 2,879,91 J.22, making a total of internal revenue taxes of $118,837,301.06. The amount of money received from duties on imported goods was $217,286,893 I2,and from various other sources, $35,202,993.31, making a sum total of all taxes collected of $.371,403,277.66. The ordinary expenses of the government for the same time was $3i5,83528,leuvirig a surplus In tho treasury June 30th.1887.ol $55,567,849.54. Carelul estimate shew that for the year ending June 3oth,i888,the surplus for the year will amount to nearly $ioo1fj,oo I In- added te the surplus of hutyear will amount to $155,507,849.54. Every person must sec that great harm arid financial disaster will result if this policy of accumulating surplus I to go on. Some thing rnut be done by Congress to check up thl constant flow of the people's money into the treasury there to be hoarded up and subjected to non-use, or a financia crash and panic will come upon the coun try such a It ha never sect before. There are three ways by which thl accumulation ol fturplu money may be stopped 1 First, a reduction ol taxation. Second, more ex tensive appropriations of the public money for public improvement. going into the market and buying United States bond. No tax-payer who i true to hi own interest can object to the first method for tax reduction mutt alway be the slo gan oi the people when they are paying more titan the government need. All careful, frugal taxpayer will object tu the ecod,a it establishes the foolish and dan gerous policy of extravagance in public expenditure. No citizen could conist ently endorse the thlrd,a the government would have to pay a premium of - ' 1 to 8 cents on the funded loan of 1891 and 26 to 27 cents on the funded loan of 1907. If we decide to reduce the surplus by reduc ing taxation, then the question arises whether this reduction shall be made on tariff duties on the necessaries of life.or on internal taxe on whisky and tobacco. Which will you have, cheap clothing and c'.eap necessaries of IWe.or free v hisk v and tobacco f The Mill Nil will give you the former and republican policy the latter. Choose ve thi dav which you will have. 11KAL EST A I r. KALKK. As recorded tn the County Clerk' office of Linn county. Oregon : W R (Iraham to R acne I Brlggs, 20 acres adjoining Albany $ Rachel Briggsand husband to Mar garet Graham, same Pollv Humphrey to L Douglas, 80x164 feet, 9 in., Harriaburg. . . Enoch Ho-tit to Edward Upmeyer, 109,4 acres, 15 w j F A Watts to Edward Holme. lot. Shedd Edward Holme to F A Watts, 54.81 5 5 75 1370 1500 acre near Sltcdd 1375-25 I 11 wiKiam to John Ucrmgcrxt 15 ft. bl 101 II A. Albany Wm Rumbaugh to (i F Round lots, 5 and 6, hi 24 IPs jnd A, Albany O E Hotdredge to J W Compton, I acre end 2 blocks, ftdo W C Read to John H Morgan, 4.83 acres adjoining Albany Thos Humphrey 10J W Miller, 40 acres, 1 1 w 2 Milton Hale 10 Fike Ackcrman, 60 acre, 12 w 4 D 1 1 Holmau to I K Charlton, one and fraction lots, Scio Io P Ames to Mart Putnam, about 55 750 483 650 12O0 360 40x36 rod, 13 E 2 too T P Patton to J M Porter,! let.lfalscy Wm Basse tt to 8arah (iithens, 50 acres, 14 w 4 Corinthian Lodge to John Urush, 1 lot Masonic cemetery Corinthian Iotlgc to W "R Graham, 1 lot Masonic cemetery M H Herder on to F A Writs, int. in 54.81 acres 1300 1000 35 35 5 M G Johpson to S and 8 Thompson, 320 acre, 10 w 3 2400 L L Hill to Ja M Calavan, 11. in terest in 240 acres 200 Elixa Pentland to Ed Goins, piece of land in Seta 225 Geo E Chamber I an, assignee, N Whealdon to John Fohay, InL in 1 60 acres 100 Corinthian Lodge to Temple Com mandery.'a' of First SL property Albany 312 .50 Every democrat who thinks of scratch ing his ticket hould bear In mind that two years from now he will be regarded and bclil to be a "kicker, "and his standing u-J.i democrat will be regarded as doubtful. There is an implied agreement that all who take part in the primary meetings and county conventions of their party shall abide by the action of the party. If one shall vote against a part of his party ticket he I not voting against the individ ual candidate, but he is voting against his party. Democrat of Linn county, this is president i.i! year when every one should stand true to hi colors. No man can ex pect to get all the candidates he wants. He is unreasonable if he does. Then let every democrat stand firmly to his post and do his whole dutv. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, aho flung to Caatorla, When she had Children, she gave them Caatorla, I. 0. POWKLL. W. K. B1LTBTJ POWELL & BILYEU, tTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, I. It ANY. ... ORIfiON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms, jdr Office In Foster's Briok.lN vl4nl9tf. i , L. H. MONT ANTE. attorney at law -AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, Crawford Block. J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, ORKSN. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE State. Special attention given to collections aad cobalt) matter. aWQl&oQ In Odd Falloiv'B Temple. n:8 Children Cry for) for Infants and Children. VBSiMllsllWWllqpWBWBSUSTsV4IBW B I r"-ommrr. it a Bijimrtor to ane tmaaeAloa I " - - - - - auowna .. ,Y a a. , r. ' I IU So. Oafofd 81, Brooklyn, li. T. - r V f 'S THr SPRIIG II a. ts Send s V. Stewart & Sox, FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF- Albaoy Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- OHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We are now prepsred to rail at whole sola, always fresh and pure at Portland pric to dealers, tve also keep a run line of Nats and Tropical Fruits, OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO department la oow'ry, Wa keep the rot) flnaot atoek of e:uok.AA and chewing toba. --!, mrs-haimi tftl brier pipos ttiai is a delight to smokers. HOLY ANCELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boyi 1 ! Conducted by secular priests and lay (eariiera. First term opens firat Monday in 8p t ember. Mecood term opena first Monday In February. For prewpectus adnrem Rov. F. A. Becker, Vancouver, W. T. Bos 103. PATENTS Mai nod ana all ether besnasas 1a UteU. B. raise ffi.) atteiMleoed u for raedsrsU fees. rs... ..1 - - 1. 1 . t- . i, u ts.. am 1 ' ve oan obtain Patents lei Washington . steese or drswtne We to patent sbiliij (ree of charge ;sinl we make i saams ar,.l,uin patent. We refer here, to tbe Pnetrnaeter. th tW order liv. and to officials ofibeU. B OSJoc for circular, advice, terms, and o actual clients in jourosm Slate or county, Co 4. SNOW &, OfPOtt Patent Office, Washington, D . 0. C CBKKHT. CB.FVBBEB ALBANY IRON WORKS, CHERRY & PARKF.S, Machinists, Millwrights, and Ircr Founders. w E aro now completely prcpaiad lo handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engine, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinda rf Iroa and Brass Castings. v PATTERNS M4DB OX SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Ross House. J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Tnis bouse' is now open and furnished with the beat new furniture. Everything clean and cctnmodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any ia the city. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms tor commercial travelers, J&TPree Coaea to and rrwm tbe Holel.Sa Notice of Final Settlement, Notice ia hereby given that the under signed Administratrix of tbe estate of John P. Hawk, decased, ku filed her final account in tbe Counwf Court for Linn oounty, Oregon, and tbe Court has set tbe 4th oay t t June, 1888. at the hour of oae o'clock, p. m. fr hearing ofob jeotlons and settling said estate Nanov J, Hawk, Administratrix. notice of final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the uudersigu- ed Administrator of the estate of Annie Bamford, deceased, has Hied hi Hnal account with the Clerk of the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the Court has fixed Wed nesday, the 6th day of June. 1SS8, at the hour of 1 oo.uck p. ss., as the time for hear ing ohjectio to and for finally settling said estate. This 2nd day of May, 1888. T. A. Powell, K Weathjcrfoko, Administiator. Att'y fer Adm'r. T. J. STITEa ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OKEGON. Pitcher's Castoria RO.A T . . - .... gm m. . aUla. Worms, give sleep, aou ap Witloui liljartc rnevlkastfca. Tna Cawtacb CoajPAjrr, 77 Murray Street, W. Y iST MARKET List m Co., Agents, Albany, Or. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinda d rough, dressed sand seas . iamber .laths- o.u ! pickets kept canstantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PEOPEIETOES Albany Track and Dray Co., He. 1. Goed bandied with care and dispatch. e.aoLriBTOif , o, at, nmsi W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW "O'Bco up Mairs InToafer'a Block. ALBANY, OREGON- D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fi-lh.w V.Tetnple, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. All business will lecetve promt t attention j.j.Whitney, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice In all of tbe Courts of .bisState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. JOHN BR.CCS, FLOKIST ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. AMD GCEOS Are aca-ooT!rt(T(! (q hr- haa ; mn... .....'.i. . . . " FINK IIXUSTBATL-D CATALOGUE Coaialala eat SWSI ssi'sllfs.isrtsahsa 01 rrcu caUoa. WUITS FOU 1. x. 1 Twr.A.-y so 00., FtosjtT and StEOsacs, St. Paul, Kwk. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for limn Vountjf. In tho matter of the estate of Samuel T. Harris, deceased. To the following named heirs at law of said deceased, to-wit : B. E. Harris, L. 8. Harris, Kachel WiilUms, Henry Moler. Jad Moler, Albert Moler, Kaohel Molar and Harry Mcklin, and to all others un known if any such thereby. IN the name of tbe State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the County Court of the oounty of Linn in the State of oiegon, at the Court House in the city of Albany, in said county and State on Tuesday the Stk day ot June, A. D., IBBB. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day the same being the second day of the regular term thereof, to-wit t tho June term, 1888, and then and there show cause if any exist why an order ef sale should net be made directing and licens ing tbe Administrator of said estate to sell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, at the time of his death, both in law and in equity in and to the real property hereinafter de scribed es prayed for in petition of J, H. Peery, Administrator of tbe estate of said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, which peti tion is now on file in the office of the Ceunty Clerk of L.lnn county, State of Oregon, whioh said real property is de scribed as follows, to wit : Beginning at the northwest corner of Section twelve in Township 10 south of range 1 west c f tbe Willamette meridian ; thence east M4 rods ; thence south 208 rods to the south bauk of Thomas Creek ; thence west along the south bank of Thomas Creek ; thonce weal along the south bank of said Creek following the meauderlugs thereof eTK rods to the line ef said Section 12 ; thence north along said Section Hoe 208 rods to the place of beginniog,coBtaining 80 acres, more or less, in Linn county, Oregon. Done by older cf the Hon. J, J. Whitney Judge of said Court. lil testimony whereof I have hereunto apt my hand nd iV xsd ibe seal of said Coun Court tb s HI day of April, 1888 l b.3 J. P- 0lbbaith, Clerk, SJSWSWTBW vene WBSj VUU.."i ". 8of Htomach, DiarJBCM, Irtictatlon, Mm WPH r X