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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1888)
e BWFV-' No Baits OUR STANDING OFFER To the buyers of Groceries and Provisions in Albany and Vicinity is to furnish the best quality of Goods at the LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. mm LUnuui 11141 J We offer no baits OUR Conrad Meyer. ,-PROPRlETOK OF STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin ani First Sts., OKAl.KK IN- nusied rruitrt, Uluawrr, Dried Fruits. iOff, WUm Canufx Meat. Vegetables, Tea, Etc., u U-i ev-trythln that i kept ia a gen vmj variety and grocery store. Higlieat tntrket price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Eed Cro wnMills ISOM, LANNINU & CO., PROPR'S. NaCW flour cr arnica worn, VAwntm asm bakc&b un. UEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OP. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, 'r-gon Development Company's Sua u sbip Liue '225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME tlaaa by any other route. First data through paaeeugor and li. tight line from Portland and all paints in tbe Willamette Valley to and from ban t rsaeisco, Cal. Willamette River Lina of Steamers. riie "Wa. M. Hoag," The "N. 8, Bent-i-.." The Three bister" are iu service i .- both paaaengcr and freight traffic be i . ven Corvailis and Porilaud and i iiate poiuts, leaving Company's wharf, orvallia, and Measra. llutman dc Co's barf, Nes. 20U and 202 Front bt., Port saarf, three times a week at follows : NORTH BfUMJ. LcsvaCorralua, Mwn , Wed. suU fruity, lo.uo A, H. L a. Albany, M ". , Wctl. ami Friday. lt:W So-jn Arrive IWUsud, 1 ue , Tbu, su-l ssMrdsv, &:M K M. SOUTH ktOUbU. L .v. rwtlaixi, Hon., Wed. and fnJiv, 8:0U A. M. IMC Albany, Tim., Tbur. lint S.lunisy, 1:4) p. M. AirtveOonrailis, Tub., Ttalt. tuul saUuiLay, :M P.M. Beats make close connection at Albany m :i trains of the Oregon fa-dfic Railroad. TIMg sVHKliLLK. (-ei ttuialay.) tas Altaay, 1:00 P. ,. Leave Yaqoiaa, 0 30,. i. .. i cir-.iin, 1:17 r, a. Basses Curvuu,lo-.s a.m. rr,e Y squiii, 640 r s Arme Albany, 11:16 A. a, vl .. C. trai.s con no .a st Albany sod t'orvaJlai The above irsius connect at . njuinawith tbe Oregon Development uiupany'. Line of steamships between V equina and Au Pram ico. MAILINU UAI EU . iromu, rao (A rSAMCISCu. rOS Y .141, ISA W.IUmeUe V lley, W.lltuteUe Valley, Wi.i4iu.Us Vslley. v i. Vsll.y, April 29th. ly 10th. My tl.t . May 81l. Msy :,th. Msy 16th M Witt, ibe Company .rve .be right to linge sailing dates without notice. X. li. PaMMeugers from Por.luu and i 'ilsmette Vadey points can make close nnecli n with tbe tmhta uf tbe Ysquina i tie at Aibsnr or Corvsllis, and il dei i .. dtobau FranciHo should arrange to i rnve at Yaquiua tbe evening bel'wre date i 'uiling. i aataMgaw aad P.elabt Bale always the Lw Ml. or iufurmstlon spply tu C J Stuart, Fraight and Tm kef Axat, AlUuiy, oi to C 11 11ms.II, Jr., O. F. . f. Agt Ore(sri Unvelopmsi.t Co., Sj4 Muiitgoiuery at . ssii tnuatco, Csl. il., A.O. Y . sad F. Agent, Oregon I'sciOc 11 It Co. Cervsuts, or. bVULAhD lb CAliFGitNIA (trogoii & Ch It fit) in la li. H, AUD 'JONNEi I IONS. TUK MT. SMtalA Ull Tfc. T. iiu uwtwosu Alus"y sud ssu Fivicisea, k6 hour. oALiroaaiA exrau i. tu dailt. b hoKh r. a. Leave Portland Arrivo j 10:41 am U-m I Lesv. Albuny Leave I 7:06 A a i.4U a a I Aftlve su F seiesfl heave 0:30 r a i. 'CAt Fakmsmsss tsaiv daily except Sunday). t ) a a i.u.v. I .:0 i a I Ltsve . r m I Arrive foi Hand Albany Kuiroue Amv. 3:46 r a Leave 11:36 A M Leave 9 AO a m local rAsssaaaa raAina pailv, exlkpt klnuat. Him i' 4r a Lt'sv. Jum$ Leave Arm Albany I.cbaiiMD Albany Lebanuii Arrive I 6:46 a a Leave 1 6:90 a m Arrive I 2:45 r u Leave 2:Uu r u i . :, ) r a I i .m r a I PULLMAti BUFFET SLEEPERS. KXCtJttslo aLKKPKK far aeeend ( lata raitteagers wo all iJir.mali trains rater. i en liter.. Wel sM IVIvlaleu. Iti.lWKK.X PtiUli tVil Al UmUMIH, mAilvbaiii oailv (txwpt SunJay,) T.J 11 I Lesv. 1. .-.tit ru Arrive I'.irtisnd 0rvllia Arrive b:ii) r a 1:80 r a TBAiaa daily (axojp'. lundsy.) 1 r a I Leave St Ore ! Ani e Arrive Lare 9:00 a u 6.46 a a on a few Leading Articles, but Sell the Entire stock at the Lowest rales, there is in Li Cowry, We also invite Attention to onr BLENDED COFFEE OUR FANCY COFFEE OUR PREMIUM COFFEE OUR ACME COFFEE OUR STANDARD MOCHA AND JAVA Finest Flaw, Inform Sti.i;ii; hi, Lowest Price Andrews & Hackitiiuan, W.LOQUGLAS: $3.00 J SHOE WARRANTCO SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON SbenfFs Sale. I Ike Circuit Court . for tie County oj Li Statu oj Oregon The American M .rtoge Cotnoaay ef Scot land ('imitrd), Pli , vs. K DCiUos, I ! NOTICE is hereby giyen that by virtue of an execution and order of aie leaned out of tbe above named Court in the above entitled ait, I will on eatarela MM 11th day ef Hay, laaa, at the Court Hoase door in the city of Al bany, Lion county, Oregon at the hour of one o'clock p. to., tell atpub.ic auction, for cash ia hand to tbe highest bidder the real property described ia sstd exurutiou and order ot sale as follows, to-wit : Coinmeaciog at the southeast corner ef the 8 M Pennington do nation huid claim, Notification 1 lv4. Claim No 57 ; thence east one hundred aad eighteen (118) rods; thence south tifty four 24100 (54 24-100) rods ; thence wnt one hundred and eighteen (118) rods ; thence north fifty four 24-100 (54 24-100) rode to the place rf bogioniog, containing forty acru. Alio a ?rtion of tbe donation taud claim of Allen arker, Not. 2312, Claim 37 in Towuship 12, south range 2 wst, commencing at tbe north west corner of ssid claim, rnuning thence east 40 45-100 chains ; thence sooth 32 31 100 chains ; thence west one 7'J 100 chains ; thence south 17 96 100 cbsios ; thence west 38 08-100 chains ; thence north 50 27-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing two nnndred (200) acres. Also commencing at the northwest corner of said laud claim Not No. 2312, Claim 37, snd running tbecos west 70 rods ; thence auuth 68 rod ; thence east 70 rods ; thenco not th 63 rods to the place of beginning, containing thirty (30) seres, together with all and singular the teae incut", Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongieg or in anywtic sppertsin. iog. The proceeds arising from the sale of said premises to be applied - First to the payment of tbe cost and disburseiiieais of suit taasd st 9539.35, and the cost sad ex- ? loses of sale. Second to the payment to the laiatifT, the sum of $290 with accruing in terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from March 13th, 1888, and the over plua if any to be paid to the Defendant here in. DAted April 5tb, 1888. D. I. Smith, Srieriff. STKAM LAUNCH FOU SALE. Headquart er Department of the Columbia, OHice tf C.iif Q tartei master, Vanoouver Drrack, W. T., March 15, 1888. Tnere willbeoffei. ed for s.le at Ft rt Sherman, I. T., on May 19th, 1S88, at public auction, the U. P. steam Imncii "Amelia Wheaton." (and prop ertv Dsr'.aininif thereto.) Stern wheel, liirbt draught ; Jeia-ih 76 feet ; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 4 (est ; lewer cabin, at 14X07 ; upper ctl'is, 7x14x30 ; engines about 40 horse poer. Naieto taltn place at II o'clock, a. m. Terms of sale : Cash in U 3 currency. AH inquiries addreesed to this oJice or to the Post Quirter master. Fort Sherman, 1. T., will be proTiptly answered J. O.C.LEE, Major and Chief Quartermaster. OThe BUY EBS' OUIDE la issued March and Bept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor. mation for all who pur chase tbe luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, flab., hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can mako a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' OUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVancy, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Laws of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justice of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced bv thousands of the clearest headed business inei: of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States 31064 California St., Hm Francisco, Cal. Notice for Publication. Land OlKce at Roeehnrg, Or., April 16th, 1838. Notice i herehv given that the following named sv.tthr has tiled notice of hir intent n n to make final pmof ;n support of hit claim, and that said proof will he made b' fore th Keguter or Receiver of the U. S. Laud Of fice, at ltosoburg, Or., on Tbursdar. lane 7tb, ihhh, viz : lieuben A Leach, Preemption D S No 5181 for the K J f N Ei Sec. 4,Tp 14 8 R 1 west, W. M. Ho nam. the following wit nesses to prove hiicontiouou rasidtoce u; on aad cultivation of siid isud, vis , flihert E WSJL. MVML MP Stjacobs oil 1 CDD DUCIIMATICM FOR RHEUMATISM. HON. 8. CROSBY, Hawaiian Consul, LiMa. Peru, writes aa follows: USL Jacobs Oil cured me of painful Rheumatism." Mr. C. A. BUCK. Editor and Publisher, "The Spirit of the Tlet," N.Y.,aaya " Aare used Si. Jacob OH, repeated!?, v it A satiaetorf results.' Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., HALT 1 MOKE, MIX Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DO GO TO w h win arh II lit II IaJUXIIIUi where you will find the beat make and nnaat tl -lie bed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine Una of PICTURE FRAMES. and a bunderd different atylea of .Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. The largest and best atock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept In Albany. Prl ua reaeouable. ALBANY GOLLEBfAIE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON. 1887, 1888. Term Open September IStfc, last. Ilri A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY. COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet the need of all grades of students. Speeud inducements ojered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.50 to SI?, 50. Board in private fain 1' lea at low ratea. Rooms lor self-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision exerciaed over stu dents away from home. Fall term opene September 7lh. For circulars and full particulars address tbe President. HKV. KLBKftT X. OMD1T. A First National Bank OF ALRAN1, OKKGOK. rreeident l. rLfWN Vice PrcMiilent a. a vnrwi; Osshler UKO. E. CHAMBKHLAIM TRANSACTS A OENKRAL tanking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT rabject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, solJ on Now York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portl Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable term. Diascroaa. w. E. YOVSS, OSO, E CltAMSCKLAIS L. E Blais, L. run, Wautkh E Ti hrsll, Linn unty Bank, , COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (suceeeaors te Cowan 61 Cusick.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general tanking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San I ran Cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOWEYon approved security, RECEIVE depoaiU aubject to check. COLLECTIONS entruated to us will receive prompt etttlon. H. F. MERRILL, 33 UsT HKI IE JEt , Albany, - - - Oregon. Hell exchange on New York, San Francisco and Portia nU. Buy noiea, Sita'e, county and c ty warrants. Re ceive d4ioeit subject to check. Interest allowed on time !i '". hi . Collection will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited . Fire and nuritie insurance placed in reliable com panies, Office hour from 8 a. rn . to 6 p. m. A Planters Experience. "My plantation la In a malarial dis trict, where fever and aarue prevailed. I employ ISO hands ; frequently half of them were alek. I was nearly dis couraged when I bof-an tbe nse of Tutf s Pills The result was marvellous. My men became strong and hearty, and! havo had no f nrthur trouble. With these pills, I would not fear to live In any swamp." K. BIVAJL, Bayou Sara, .. A Fine Roasted Coffee. y gtm(ut OflOUHTY A FPIBIAL !ub MlPBR. WAMMINGTON Frees our Wasiiixutox, D. C. April i6th, 1S88 "What Is the legislative outlook, from a democratic standpoint ?" wa asked of a gentleman who U known to stand very close to Mr. Cleveland. He renlled as w - follow : "Well, It Is by no mean a bad as it was a week ago. The deadlock cost us ten days of valuable lime. but there' no u.c wasting time now In talking about that. It Is os rr .thank Heaven. The main question that Congress has to deal with this session Is the tariff. The fight on that will begin to-morrow lit the House when the Mill's tariff bill U called up for conlderation, and will continus until the bill Is passed or defeated, though I don't think the last is llkelv to occur. No other legislatioa, with the exception of the reg ular appropriation bills, will be considered by the House until the tariff question Is settled ; and I understand that at the prop er time the leaders of the party will call a House caucus, which will compel all dem ocrats In the House to vote for the bill A! that will of course take time, but the la tentien is, If possible, to bring the bill to a vote before the date set for the meeting of the St. Louis convention "In my opinion," he continued, "It it extremely doubtful whether this program can be carried out ; there is not time enough left. There will probably be hundred or more set speeches delivered on the blti.some 75 or 80 members having already filed notice with the Speaker of their intention to speak on the subject From to-morrow to the meeting ef the St Louie convention there are just 41 days exclueive of Sundays. In all probability thespecches to be made on this bill wil take up more time than that, to say nothing of the days that It will be absolutely neces sary to devote to consideration of the reg ular appropriation bills which must be passed before the Joth of June,or some of the wheels of government will become clogged. "However, much time may be saved by holding an early caucus and mappiag oat the exact course to be followed on the floor of the House, and once mapped out, the leaders should see that there I no going outside the lines by any member of the party. If a vote Is reached on the final passage of the MUJ's bill before the let of July, I shall be greatly surprised. "Of the other legislation now before Congress, the River and Harbor bill will past the House surely and probably the Senate ; the Dependent Pension bill Is hardly likely to get through the House at this session ; the Springer Omaibu bill for the admission of the Territories of Dakota, Montana, Washington and New Mexico, will be passed by the House but not by the Senate ; the Blair Educational bill is not likely to be reported from the House committee. There now, I "have given you my ideas of the democratic leg islative prospect 1 you are welcome to them, budon't use my name, not that I care, but somebody else might, you know." Ex-Senator Wallace, of Pa., says the democrats of that state are unanimous for the renomination of Cleveland. The same news comes here from all sections of the country. Chauncey Dcpew has a long head. He says he does'nt want the republican nom ination. He did not give his reasons, but the presumption is that he dld'nt want to be struck by the Cleveland cyclone. Ablll for the relief of soldiers and sail ors who enlisted and served in the army or navy during the rebellion under assum ed names has been favorably reported by the House committee on Military Affairs. The Government Printing Office inves tigation, which was suspended a short time ago on account of the illness of the Chair man of the House committee on printing, has been resumed. Mr. Oaies, the Alabama Representative who led the filibusterers in the recent fight against the direct tax understood to be ambitious ef representing his state in the Senate. Mr. Allen, of Mississippi, is makinir quite a reputation In the'Heuse as a quick Itrirtpfl anA raAv rl.itnl.. U i- f " " " , , vc "nc .. . .o. day, yvhich was much enjoyed by the Midline, ins victim was Mr. i'erklns.ot Kansas, who had started to address the House on the Indian appropriation bill but who floundered around, mixing up the tariff and the slave trade and mistaking the con stitution of the Confederate states for the platform of the democratic party. Mr. Allen stood this as long as he could and then proceeded to make the disconnected gentleman from Kansas a laughing stock. 9 and see what kind of a day it was going to he The tatter opened the ttla doer of the cupboard and exclaimed, "It Is dark as hell and smells like cheese." Instead of getting his head out into the daylight of 1S8-H, the gentleman from Kansas had got his head into the cpbo.rd of rebellion. where everything was dark and smelted ike slavery. Mr. Allen Invited him to discuss the live Issues presented by the democratic party Into the open un!tlne ef to dav. 1 'nil 10 s a I... Ill HOI to I M MaTTKss. She fell upon the crowded walk. Amid the great parade. Ia dainty boot and fabric rich. And sealskin sacque arrayed Her daughter bent low over her, Her heart almost dismayed ; "What Is It, mamma tell me quick f In accents wild, she said. The pale tips moved.the weak voice spoke WI couldn't couldn't match the shade '." Railroad Superintendent (during big strike) Have you had any experience In manafiag a locomotive f ApplicantNot exactlv : but mv ifc ww or ' w aad 1 successfully started the kitchen fire with kerosene for three year, without get. ting blown up. "Eureka ! John, tell the president I've found a man brave enough to run a flyer. 1 know a maiden fair to see. So do you, so do y ou ; A pretty as a maid can be, That Is true, quite true ; Yet when I hear her gurgle, "(Joh f And rattle off a lot of a bosh, It makes me feet that beantv is A vain conceit, a vain conceit ; It makes me feet that beauty is Aa empty, empty cheat. "How Is It," remarked the represcnta tlve of aclothlnif firm, "that traycltcrs for tobacco houses never offer a fellow 1 cigar ?" "The reason Is very plain." "What is It r "They don't want to give their cigar way." A fashionable dresmaker has received an order from a Western woman for a gown with "one of them vestibule trains that are talked of so much In the papers." Adulteration of lard seems likely to go on until a pig can be devised that can grew cotton instead of bristles and whose fat will consist entirely of cotton-seed oil. Californians have a method of preserv lng fruit without sugar so that it will keep sound and fresh for years. The recipe Is as follows 1 Fill clean, dry, wide-mouthed bottles with fresh, sound fruit ; add nothing, not even water. Be sure that the fruit is well and closely packed in, and ram the corks, of best quality, tightly down in to the neck of the bottles until level with the glass. Now tie the corks down tight with strong twine, and after putting the bottles Into bags, stand them in a pan or boiler of cold water. Let the water reach not quite to the shoulder of the bottles. I et the fire be moderate, and bring the water to boiling. Boil gently for ten minute and move from the fire and allow all to cool. Owing to the stringent law against sell ing antiques in Greece, many object are broken when found by peasants or thrown Into the sta. A similar move In Egypt under S,iUI Pasha produced simitar re sults. A new decree makes it unlawful to deal In antiquities, and wilt make the Arabs who find tombs and scattered an tiques yet more secretive, and lead them to destroy objects rather than allow their existence to be known. oeei We Import annually about $50,000,000 worth of woolen goods,representing from 100,000,000 to 120,000,000 pounds of raw wool. Give our manufacturers free wool m4 as soon as industry and business ad justs itself to changed conditions, we will manufacture a great part of the woolen fabrics to meet this demand, and which we now meet by importations from Great Britain, Germany and elsewhere. That this is not mere theorizing is demonstrat ed by the' results that have followed plac ing hides on the free list. A republican paper.commenting on the presidential candidates, says : "The situa tion is simply this : Blaine or defeat.' This is hardly correct. The situation is nearer this : Blaine and defeat. The Chicago Journal says that if the right man is nominated by the republicans he will get there. It makes very little dif- ferencc who thev nominate, he will be the unU, e,ection day Rftcr fc he wU1 bthe u,eft mnM ' 'Lish Appi Agate "I ye sized np this Col . Irish, and if he comes here I'll take tho stump aasiust him, and an-ni-hi-tate him." J W Whalley "Pshaw ! Irish is a better stump speaker than any man we've got. He's head ana shoulders above any orator in Ore gon. I head him when I made mv speech at the 0 & C last spike ceremonies, ' jj. A. Well that's sot very onipliaierj tary to me after what I said I could do, bit I will agree with you this far ; of all the talkers at tho Asbiaud calebrat on and I and we offer as Large an Assortment to choose Specialties, viz : Kenton Chase, grocers, I KIOI'9 FACT. A French workman has succeeded in producing artificial silk. tjirUarc trained to agriculture In Den mark, the owner of farms receiving them a pupils. Lv- Nature claim that a machine of one hot e power would keep J7,ooo,f-jo watch c going. Several teeth of a mastodon were lately found near the Alalia River, in Florida, One of them weighs over seven pounds. An eminent firm of soap makers offered to print the British Census K'raii., if they were allowed tr print their advertisements onthecowr. The proposition was de c lined. A parrot died last year in Pari at the reputed age of 103 years, and, since it was handed down by will to successive own ers, Its longevity may be accepted as a fact fully established Silver, generally a very desirable metal Is a source of great annoyance in the man ufacture of white lead, (or if present in an appreciable quantity it spoil the color of the finished product, owing to the well known blackening effect of light upon the salts of silver. Much ef the -o tailed nun now in ue 1 ftlmply potato. A good, sound potato washed in diluted sulphuric acid, then boiled in the same solution, and then slow ly dried, is all ready to he turned into but tons, pokr chips and innumerable other thihgs that ivory was used for once upon a time. A new kind of glas has been invented in Sweden which is asserted to possess wonderful microscopic power. While the highest power of an old-fashioned micro topic len rcveid only the i-Ansvoooth part of an inch, this new glass will enable us to distinguish 1.204.7000.000th part of an inch. An ancient Japanese coat-of-mai! is re ported to have been unearthed recently near Victoria, B. C, in diggings well four feet below the surface. It is such armor a was made by the Japanese 200 or 300 years ago. Some years since a number of Japanese coins were found in cairns, or stone graves, in the neighborhood of Vic. torla. These finds indicate a visit of Jap anese to the region. While the democrats wilt probabt y nom inate President Cleveland by acclamation for a second term the first ballot at the republican convention will look a if it had been shaken out of a pepper box. Senator Sawyer, of Wisconsin, wilt erect an $So,ooo house on Connecticut avenue Washington.and will then proceed to drop out of sight. When the question i reduced to the ab olition of the tax on whisky or the reduc tion of the tariff, the contest, as Mr. Mc Millin aptly says, "narrows down to one between the drunkard's belly and the poor man's back When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, Whim ahe became Ml, she clung to Castoria, When site had Children, she gave them Castoria Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In tho matter of the estate of Samuel T. Harrla, deceased. To the following nauind heirs at law of said deceased, to-wit : B. E. Harris, L. H Harris, Kaobel Williams, Henry Mofer, Jud Moler, Albert Moler, Kaohel Moler and Hrr Nicklin, and to all others un known if uny such therebe. IN thn name of the Slate of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the County Court of the county of Linn in the State of O lego n, at the Court J. louse in tbe city of Albany, in said oounty and State on Tuesday the 5th day ot Jane, a. D-, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day the Name being the second day of the) regular term thereof, to wit the June term, 1883, and then and there show cause if any exist why an order of sale should not be made direcMng and lioenss ina; tbo Administrator of said estate to sell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, at the time of his deats, both in law and in equity in and to the real property hereinafter de scribed as prayed for in petition of J, H Peery, Administrator of tbe estate of said samuel T. Harris, deceased, which peti tion is now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Linn county, State of Oregon, which said real property is de aorioed as follows, to wit : Beginning at the northwest corner 01 section twelve in Township 10 south of range I west cf tbe Willamette meridian ; thence east bi:4 rods : thence south 208 rods to tbe south bank of Thomas Creek ; thence west along the soutskbank or Thomas creek ; thonoe west along the south bank of said Creek following the meandering thereof 6l$ rods to the line of said Section 12; thence north along said Section line 208 rods to the piaoe of beginniBg,coBtaining 80 acres, more or less, in Linn oountv, oreeon. Don by older cf the Hon. J, J. Whitney Judge of said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sst my hand and affixed the seal of said "asBasBBBBsesSBaM tor Infants and Children. "CBsaatialaseweJl rloBssI li alalaW 11 that 1 i! u amtlA an r-irLn I foOT AotBSjCfa. torn" n a lm tf T I "onus, spmm e-v. mbe,Oztord8,brooBK y. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, 4 LB"Tff PUOPKIKTOKS OF f!l Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIOHERT, Wo are aow prep .red to roll at whole sale, always fresh and pore at Portland price to dealers, We also keep a full lino or Huts and Tropical Fruits, OUK- CiQAR AND TOBACCO department ia com r. We keep the f07j finest stuck of and chewing tobacoo, meerw-haum and brier pipun Map tt ft delight to smokers. tOLY AHCEL8 COLLECE. 1 Boarding School for Boys I 1 Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers. First term opene first Monday in Sep tember. Sei-und term opens first Monday In February. For prospectus address iter. F. A. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Boa 103. PATENTS Obtained , and ail other business in th D. 8 Paten Office attendedwd to lor moderate fees. Our office is opiwett tbe U.S. Patent Ottlce, sod v osn obtain Patents loss linn than thoss remote rvm Wu.biDiftou. bend motile ordrasinf. We a to patent ability tree of charge -.and we male, u chare unless we obtain patent. Wa refer here, to tbe Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Oiv. and to official. the t" . K Patent Office. Kordixulsr. advice, term, snd nfcreuoee o actual client in your own State or county, address C, A. $lOU &C O.s Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D . , 0. O OHKftRY. C.R.PVRKKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHWaBY & PARKES, Machinists, Millwrights, and Irer Founders. W E are now completely prepsred to handlo all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Kngines, and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M4DE ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. lims House. a. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house' is now open aud furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and ocmmodious, offenug to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. Revere House; ALBANY. - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, MTFree Coaen to and fro hi the Mo I el, 15 Hotice of Final Settlement. xt t. hAnhv erivftn that the tmder- rtianed Administiatrlx of the estate of rni.n 0 Hawk. 4wasad. has filed her final account in the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and ttteuoutc nas set the 4th oay r,r June, is&, anno nour of one o'clock, p. m. far hearing ofob lections and settling said estate Nawcy J, Hawk, Administra ris. Mice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the und'jrsign Administrator of the estate of Annie Bamford, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court fcr Linn oountv. Orecon.aud the Court has fixed Wed nesday, the 6th day of Jane. 1888, it the hour of 1 o'clock d. in., as the time for hear ing objections to and for finally settling said estate r n a ,nO . , , mo w owl , eaves Colte. Ooaatlna,-. Utarrbrr- Km v 1 v J rm BfaJ tt ' J I s AO ' lsBBBBj Tax CssTAca OostiJnr, 9 it. AUkincU ol roug-' and seas. Jimbejyif pickets kpp; cwt hand Bills sawedo , shortest notice T Calapooia ttirr terms made f nt. KOBLNSJIN ? 0 MRS P nvw ass km, j next eabt of S. E, . Cutting ajiil STAMP! NC Qj rt INCDOHET1- LESSONS 1 Wednesdays a week, and. pa pltfrjmra j oCbri . Nine assorim is nfL . k wr vKnrojs ATtom4l'."V ALBA: D, R. ft 12 Attorn Otfio,&d 1 ALBANY, - All buslhesR- - Hfc ittorne? Mi- ALB.' Oft Will praotie .n ail Misstate. All business will be prompt 1 ' ATTORNEY xa'jfcJsy spsu'vu -FtiOi ALBANY, R0SS Cemetery 1 , 1 CROSS!? x - - -fcfcv.O-Er Asmtmwom Albany Trucr, Goods handled wh. "'V-,A e acicnov.l,-("P! thp "i more prvahtcfivo ut, 1 p si fixe KLr.tnsBATOraX: - tS Cuuifciulne "lily IH bt vv. ' , catiuu V.U!'. X.. X.. Sc-t "j Flori.t. auo Sctcsmrv, vS ist 1 "Jim A?, CHINESE rf Full line of Chinese goods hand, Aisp'Ju JAPANESE . 0E160H PACIFIfi- son". for this ses. . Laborers furnished1! ; any purpose. o. tmrn f ., Etc. prices Opposite S E