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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1888)
Wnt goiioaat. FRIDAY MeY 11, 1888. anrBa & nuttinq. Killer aat lrprleUr. rBPt. airrmu. i,cai Baiter. K'tterel l the Put O tilts at Albany, Or as neooud-elaaa mail matter. A Trip to Cor v alms. Lat Friday evening an excursion party of about sixty nvV went from this city to Corvalli to t teU tbe entertainment for the benefit of the "adlng room of that city. The ride both WH wa u mat enjoyable one, full of elec trical spark and snap. The program fur the entertainment was furnished by Al Mir people, assisted by a local orchestra A nice and choice audience, filling nearly the body of the city hall, greeted our young P-ple. The program consisted of scver ong, by a quartet Messrs. 1'rltchsrd, Fort. ""ler, Irvine and Woodworth, the Hatchet Ptv, recitations bv Misses Laura Vance B'd Helen Crawford and Flower drill by the y sng ladies of the Congregational Church. A 'pleasing feature of the Hatchet party tht attracted considerable attention was a yet'.ng ladies quartet, consisting of Misses r :nr and Robertson aad the Mrs. Powc Nutting, in which all the parts were rcP1 jscuted, the baas particularly being im W'ise. Hoard or Tradk. -In response to a call 'ftrgc number of Albany's representative citiaens met at the G. A. R. Hall on Thar oa.Y evening of last week for the purpose of organizing a Board of Trade. Judge J. C -well was elected Chairman and Jay W f-hin, Secretary. A committee of seven consisting of Judge Powell, Mayor Cawan s Young. J O Writsman, L E Blain, D P Mason and D B Monteith, was appointed on Constitution and By-laws. An adjourn ment was bad to meet on Wednesday even rg at 8 o'clock First Oregon Strawberries. Las, Friday morning, Mr. Wm. Peacoc k Go'cbleas his perennially big heart enter d the Democrat office with the first ripe Ogon strawberries brought to Ablany this eaon. Most luscious of all berries, his first offerings are always gladly received at urc democrat othce. Lst year Mr. Jra pt Drought tn tne nrst strawaemes on M y 24th, in 1886 on or about May 10th, in 5 on April 33m. a. ... Bidden Changs. One of the most u4den change ever to occur in temper 011 re happened a day or two ago. Speak 'jr 01 cnange it is noticeable that cus tomers of Conn Bras., the popular grocery mri. never change. They get efcch good wm ana nne treatment that thev con tlniS. t . s ... -a . . ' "" rigm along with them. You can gt crockery ware remarkably cheap of thean as well as groceries. 11 ..... xi. oung Miller, the boy mur der, was examined yesterday at Yaquina BJ held to await the action of the gr:id jury without bail. He was brought to Corvallis on the noon train. Ilk par enU feel very badly about the matter lneve is quite a feeling in Benton county 1111, though guilty ,the boy will not quite narg. Bv the war this seem not to be hhnging age. Wiikw. Since Geo D Piper, formerly of Albany and Salem, left Oregon and located at -Napa Cal., he has developed vocalistic rfcrs that have rendered hi service In demand at many entertainments and am.v tur operatic performances given in that muic loving town. A paper recently re cefwd here state he will personate the 4" attain" in the immortal "Pinafore." RkjiT KtNDor Training. The hose team of this city is receiving the kind of training young men might well receive during hie. Cigarettees and intoxicating drinlf are absolutely proscribed. If these thing should not go with voung men in training for tournaments they should not be pertaitted in any other field. We need clerks antf laborers with as good blood a running hremen. The Crops. Reports to the Democrat office from different parts of the the county indicate bright prospect for a large crop of wheak. Spring wheat is in its glory Amnf,2 the wheat sown in the fall the LanJreth wheat is reported generally to have tood ihe freeze out with the stiffest uppca jp. Tiav Unlucky Steamer. The Queen of th Pacific, which sunk at San Louis Obispo. Ca'i last week, has been raised Severn Albany gentlemen who were an the ane steamer September 2, 1884, when it went wn at Clatsop Beach, congratu late themselves on being on dry land. The, gentlemen have never been on the oceas, since then Ovu Amateurs. Members of the G A. R. arid W. K . C, of this city, assisted by other local talent, will oon present the lovely dria "Force of Impulse." The splendid impression they made In their last play wil: give many an impulse to attend. It Pas. A school teacher who adver tised for a school writes us: "I am pleased to inform you that through the "ad."in your pape. I was successful in getting a school." Thos Rogers saw I. V. Hails bicycle "ad." in ths DBMocnaT, came to this city and on Fri lay nought a a inch Columbia, Ihe moral i plain. H.-HTijiG. The suit of G. W Hunt, the conti actor, against the O P. has been trans ferred, to the V. S. courts, ihe plaintiff now bc'nfr. a resident of another 6tate. It is quite ,, trick in Oregon to become resident of other states for this purpose. Dask Some Coxcenteai an Lye. A. litije sou of E. D. Underwood, aged two years. who recently arrived In Linn county, from the East, helped himself to some con centrated lye last Friday, and In a few lour.; djed fr0m the effects of the dose. Bi;rxed. Les ie Mattoon, formerly of tbi, city, now station agent at Stampede Tui.,nel, was quite badly burned one day 'at week. The station house caught on in the night time. A jrAGO. This gamy horse may now be taut at Schmeer' liyery table in thir city on Fridays and Saturdays, and the rest of the trme at J. W. McfCnight's farm four m'e west of Lebanon. Horsemen wil I take notice. H'.ILDINO AND LOAV ASSOCIATION. r'ro'ninent citizens are contemplating the organization of one of these associations, whlci. are proving in other places not only pajg Institutions but as well of great convenience to a city. Cows, it would be of great benefit to Alba.,y jf ft had a Cow Ordinance of such a natute tf,at the fences of the city could be taxei, d0Wri entirely That is the way a &cn..icrnan tells a Democrat man they do hi he East, and everybody keeps a cow Lost. On Tangent road, May 4, a ladies wrP. golden brown. Leave at L. E. Plain's. Eli Perkins. This celebrated gentle man has flown all around Albany, but dared not stop and compete with some of our local prevaricator's. It takes a brave man to do that. ' ...... . . ..- . . ...... . . . ...... .. . ,.aV. '. ' .r:, . . , ,-,., Feminine Fracas. On laat Friday evening the quiet and peace af SodavtUe and yicinlty were milch disturbed and ax cited over a case of assault and battery ia which all the parties were women. It seems that a Mrs. Wilson had gone to visit an old lady, Mrs. Vanderpaol, and to wait upon and care far her. While thtre she met a Mrs. Peck, Mrs. Vanderpool and an other lady whose name we did not learn. Mrs.Vaaderpealand Mrs. Wilson had same words about aome carpet. The wards led to blow and the three women joined in te gether against Mrs. Wilson, put her out of the house and bruised her up somewhat. Mrs. Wilson had her Three cncmle arrest ed and they were tried before Sqalre Smith at Lebanon Monday. The result was that Mrs. Peck was lined $10 ; Mrs. Vander pool $5, and the other was discharged. Much excitement prevailed at Lebanon during the trial. The Brownsville Mines, Mr. Van. Hagen, of Brownsville, left at this office on Tuesday two specimens of quarts, one from the "Luck Boy" on Blue River and ane from the "Golden Kaglc" on McKen tie. The Blue River mines are about 70 miles frm Brownsville and the other 7 mites further on on the McKenaie. The (Jolden Ragle according to assays made at the government assay onVe at Boise City is worth $86 to the ton. The casing at Lucky Boy turn out 50 cents to the pan. There is great excitement about Browns ville.everybody nearly leaving for the mlnss Mr. Van Hagen says the excitement and bustle reminds one of the palmy day af Nevada. Brownsville will evidently be a busy bust ing place and supplies will go from that point to the mines. There is plenty of wood, water and water-powsr so that work can go on all winter. Ttik W. V f. M. Waoon Road. From Mr. Gilllland, who came down from Sweet Home Tuetdav, we learn that the mountain road Is in goo. I condition up to the snow which nets in at Indian Prairie No wagons have crossed the mountains yet, but Mr Gilllland thinks If the weather cantinucs warm and clear parties can cross with teams about the aoth ta the ?tn of the month. Mr itindinan, ot Lebanon, who started across with a team a few days asm left his wagon at Indian Prairie and went on horseback. Same few have sane acrost horseback, but it U slovlsn travelling a the mow is soft. Discharged. The Democrat ha al way been opposed to bringing family quar rels into court. Mr. J. J. Raiclle, of Sweet Home, who was arrested Tuesday for assaulting his son-in-law, Mr. Morris, war tried before Justice Humphrey Wed nesday, Hon. L. H. Montanye appearing for the prosecution and Capt. Humphrey and D. R. N. Blackburn for the defense. After hearing the testimony the justice discharged the prisonc. Hi head was level. According to the testimony it was a family quarrel with a knife in it that nould never have gone farther than the front gate. Rocky Riding. Tuesday forenoon Messrs. Cushman and Daniels, two Ta coma young men, were in the city on their way to San Francisco on their bicycles. They left home on April 39, and had been having rough traveling an account of so many -local showers, being obliged to lay over four or five days at different daces. They did not act quite as enthus astie as we presume they did on leaving home, and we predict will make most of the remainder af the trip by rail. To Be Torn Down.--The old building beginning just 3J feet and 3 inches north of the Democrat office, owned by Mrs. Brown, has been given ta D M. Cooper far the material in it. and it will be torn dawn and taken off, when a new black of offices and stores, four ar five in number, will be ouilt. Already there has been a large demand far them. There is no better location in the city for certain pur pose. Business is bound to gradually sprcau southward. Conference Rev S E Davis returned on Monday's train from ttie Conference of the Evangelical Church at Portland, and states that Mr 1 B Fisher was appointed as his successor here. Mr Davis Intends, on account of throat trouble, to retire from the pulpit at least for awhile, if not perm- anently He will sell the Vic reck mop and the Singer Sewing machine. An Insane Jump. A man being taken to the asylum at Salem an Monday from Portland, suddenly jumped through a window to the ground. The train wa stopped, and strange to relate, the man. though hi hands were handcuffed and fastened to his waisL was very little in jured. An Artistic Place. The little enclos ure at each end of the depot hotel at this city, attract great attention en ac count of the very tasty manner in which the flowers and beds are arranged. Mr. Grass is an artist of considerable merit in this line. For the Mines. S H Althouse, J J Davis and If Kenton, of this city are on their way to the Calipooia mines, with ex pectation of seeing omc ore that will make their eyes sparkle. Mr Davis particularly is a good prospector, having done valiant service in hunting for the Blue Bucket mine. To Ashland Archie lohnson.of Scio. and Roscoe Hibler, MifRty of CorvallU, have formed a co-partnership, bought out a boat and shoe store at Ashland and will go to that city to do business for themselves. They are worthy young men and deserve to prosper. Delinquency. Sheriff Smith informs us that the delinquency in taxes this year will only be about $10,000, some less than last year. The amount collected under the assessment by the sheriff ha been about $1700. S. S. Convention. A. State S. S. Con vention will be held In this city on May 22nd to and inclusive of May 24th. Prep- , arations are being made for a large gath- 1 ering. Albany people will be expected to furnish entertatnment and should begin getting their latch strings ready. Unsettled Rev T J Wilson.of Halsey returned Monday evenin' from the Warm Springs Agency, and on account of several changes in the form of administration of the agency it is doubted If he moves there at ad. Things are said to be a little 1 nixed. Fully Explained. A man by the name of John Morgan, living at Shedd station, has a cow thirteen months old that has never had a calf and gives milk. She must have swallowed a milk can. E. O. For Sale. Two safes, two platform scales, two counter scales, one set store lamps, four show cases, for one-half orlg nal cost. Wm. Simpson. Concert. The vine-yard laborers will give a concert at the Baptist church next Saturday evening, May 12 All are cord ially Invited. Admission 10 cents. Large Shipment. Mr. C. S. Wright left Albany Tuesday, on the riverwith 80 head of fine cattle, bound for Dayton, W. T. Mr. N. P. Payne is lying seriously ill with fever at his home near Albany. THE ONLY exclusive Boot and Shoe house in Albany and nothing but good honest goods at living prices. Repairing neatly done. Krausse & Klein, Flinn Block. TELEGRAPPHIC NEWS. Washington, D. C.,May 7. Ths House passed the River and Harbor bill to-day by a vote of 161 tefjo. Treaty Ratified. Washington, Ma 7. The Senate In executive session ratified the Chinese treaty without division. Senator Teller and Mitchell made spceches.ln which they et forth the ground of their opposition to the treaty.but did not demand a vote. Wagou lUtads. Washington, May 7.--The house com mittee an public lands discussed to day the aubject af wagon road grant In Ore gon, but came to no definite conclusion. Chairman Holman, however, Introduced in the house a bill declaring forfeited land grant for thl purpote, substantially like that accompanying the President' me sage, and this will farm the bal of any actlan the committee may take in the matter. N. W. IV tit Ion. Washington, May 7. Senator Mitchell Introduced In the Senate to-day a petition af cltlsen af Lewi river valley, W. T., praying the removal of obstruction to navigation in the Lewis river a. copy af resolutions which were passed by Knights of Labor at Junction City, Or., protesting against legislation looking ta the perpetua tion of the national banking system ; a me morial af citlitns af Arllngton.Or , praying for the passage of the Senate bill for the protection of Yellowstone national park, and a petition, numerously signed by citi zens of Alaska, protesting- against the bill creating a territorial government for Ala ia- ka R. H, ACCIDENT. Mount Carmel, Penn., May 6. Be tween tea and eleven o'clack last night a terrible accident occurred on the Philadel phia and Reading railroad, between this city and Locust Gap. A freight traln.con- slstlug af evnty-five car bound far Wll- Uamsport Ve ame disconnected by break ing af coupling The engine and three cars ran half a mile before the crew dis- covered that the train was divided. The first section awaited the arrival of second at the foot af a heavy grade and twa brake- ( men losing control af the second dashed into the first sectlan causing an ex plosion in the third car, which was loaded with Dupant powder. Thirty persons were Injured or killed. The lass In money is estimated at $75,000. JUST KIUHT. Salt Lake, May 6. The Territorial Democratic Convention was held yesterday at Ogden. Craig Chambers and Charley William were chosen as delegate to the St. Louis National Convention. Resolution were adopted declaring that the democrats of Utah cannot affiliate with Mormons. number of Mormons were present at the convention as delegates, but the Committee on credentials refused to recognise them. It i therefore probable that the Mormons will hold an independent convention. Tony Ool There. EU- Wasiiington, May S. Anthony Nnlt ner, of Portland, Or., ha been appointed postoffice inspector. Mr. Naltner 1 appointed ta succeed George M ason. deceased, and hi headquart ers will be Portland. Coarrrt. Following Is the program to be given next Saturday evening, May uth. at the BaptUt Church by the "V. LV Double Quartet Anthem. Prayer. Duct -Misses Rose and Grace Trumbell Hong Children. Declamation W T Wile. Ladies Trio Mrs Lee, Mrs Thompson, Miss Trumbell. Male Quaitet. Solo - - Mrs Lee. Selection Miss Bridgeford. Duet Mr and Mr Thompcou. Recitation Zeno Richard. Solo Miss Rose Trumbell. Duet Mrs Lee and Grace Trumbell. Hie "Miff Tree " Duet Mrs liurkhart and Mrs Thomisson Song -"Think on These Thing"- Chil dren. Admission 10 cents. All are cordially invited. Drank Concentrated Lve. Wed nesday about one o'clock the 2 year old girl of John Deringer, the butciier, picked I up a can about half full of each concent rat ! ed lye and water with which her mother had been cleaning a sink, and drank It. Dr Maston was sent for about an hour after wards and did all he cauld for the child ; but it was doubled if she could live. This makes the third case in this vicinity recently. The two other proved fatal and this one probably will. The warning i a terrible ane to mother. Do not risk the live of the little ones with the stuff. Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers . for Linn county, will take place at the I Court House in Albany, commencing at noon Thursday, May 31st, 1888. All teachers desiring examination will please be present at the beginning. Yau will further notice that the above date is made one day later than that required by law, for tne reason that Wednesday, May 30th is a legal holiday. D. V. R. Reid, County School Superintendent. Strayed. A small light grey mare branded with tho 6iiir "11" shnont 10 vesrs old and tbin 0. ll .-h. lie trd of S2 50 for her return to ' Geo. J Akdsrhoh. A KM Kits needing anything in the boot and shoe line are requested to call in at the Albany Shoe Store. We will sell you goods at Bed Rock prices and do your repairing at reasonable figures and all goods bought of us are re paired free gratis. Krausse & K.I.EIN, Flinn Block. Contract Let. The bid heretofore advertised by the County Court for build ing a bridge and dirt rock road across Beaver 81ouRh were opened Wednesday by the Court and were as fellows : Martia Ryland, $490 ; A D Manser, $620 ; H Stone, $545 ; Johnson White, $405 ; F M Smith, $6eo ; lease M Smith. Sage ; C L Krengcr, $540. The bid of Jesse M South was aceppted. It includes some work in additon to the advertised plan. Linn County District Lodge L O. 6. T. Tbe next session of tbe Linn County Dis trict Lodge I 0 G T will bo held at Scio, Friday, the 2nd of June, 1888. All tabor dieate lodges in tbe district will confer favor by sending m their full delegation. Visiting members from abroad will be made welcome. Fichard Fox, D T, I C Robrbtt, D Sec. Notiee to Formers. All persons wishing binding wire wil please call and leave their orders for the saw s oa or before Jane 1, 1888, ss we aha! not carry any wire in sfcoclc except what is ordered. Knapp, Burrell Si Co. Albany, Oregon. MURDER. TWO YAQUINA BAY 8.8. 8C110LAK8 QUAB KRU AND ONE K1I.LB THE OTHER. 1 A Cold Blooded Affair. From Conductor Kennedy, and a brake man, on the Oregon Pacific R. R. we learn incomplete particulars of a wilful boy mur der that occurred at Mill 4, four miles thl Ideof Yaquina City, Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. It wm that just a week previous the 18 year old son of A W. Wright and the 14 year old son . ,, Miller were in the same class in Sab oath School together when the teacher asked young Wright a question which he could not anawcr ; but which young Miller immediately answered cor rectly. After school had closed the Wright bay "codded" the Miller boy about being so much "marter" than he. The Miller bay went Into a passion ; but did nothing at the time. A week passed without their seeing each other. After Sabbath School Sun day young Wright jokingly asked the Miller boy If he wa ready to settle their difficulty. "Yes, you d-d S of b-," said young Miller, and steppln g up to theforiner, drew a case knife, sharpened to a point, evidently for the purpose, and run it five inches Into younng Wright' left breast, just above the heart, severing the large artery running Into the lungs, from the effect af which the poor boy died in a very few mament. Bert Van Cleve rode a horse nearly to death to New port to get a surgeon ; but had there been one there at the time nothing could have saved the life of young Wright, Two or three other boy witnessed the affair. A Coroners jury found that the deceased came to his death by wilful murder at the hands of youpg Miller. hU kra Bristle. A young man clothed In the garb of a log sawyer stood on the bridge that spans the foaming water of Cocunk Crekat the foot of Yamhill Avenue. His fine proportioned form was matchless and his turgid muscle spoke his great strength. If I hair, black as the raven's wing, hung In wavy ringlets over a brow ol high Intellectual mould ; his eyes, dark as the hgvptiau night, shone with a light that only comes to the eyes of one In wnose oosom surge ana nam me taut love waves, that makes the strong man weak. To-night he whispered 1 "I must know my fat to-night. 1 shall lay my heart and my cross-cut saw at the feet of one of the no blest women tliat ever banged her hair or set a hen on nineteen eggs. The sound of footsteps fell on his ear and into his pre ence stepped a vision of loveliness that would have quickened pulsation of the calmest heart to have looked upon. Her lithe, willowy form was fenced in with calico fencing, bought of C. B. Montague, of Leb anon, tihe wore the standard bustle of Hit- period arm in arm with its half sister, the (irrvUn bend. Her hair, black and glossy hung in billowy mas-Mrs from her regal head ; her eyes, large and tortuous, would hare vied in blackness with those of an India Princess ; her cheeks had the delicate tint of the damask rose ; her lips, ripe and full, reminded one of the heart of the passion flower grown in the tropical garden of the t , r-ai. i nc young man, wun a cry 01 joy, sprang to her side, and In a voice that could be heard above lite roar of the torrent he told her that he loved her with a love strong er than a stone fence and that life without iter angelic presence would be a howling waste swept by a cyclone of misery and de spalr. "Henry," cried the fair maiden in 1 voice choked with emotion and spruce gum, "gladly would I be thlne.but the fates have willed that I must be another' . yea,darlin, before the setting af another sun the orange blossoms will deck my brow and I will be the loving, constant wife of the lumber stacker, noblest and best of men," she twittered as she glued her lips to his mus tache, sorgive me If my words sjtva you pain, 1 will be your friend, your sister." "Stop,"he cried In a voice terse with agony, his whole soul looking out of hi gleaming eves, "false hearted trsitoress, do you know that vou have Imbittered my whole life, do you Know that for wccks.yea.mont hs, 1 have been faded on your shape, and that every fern that those seven by nine feet of yours tread on is dearer to me than life itself. Go," he wsiied, and as she turned to depart he fell with a hollow moan upon the bridge, where in the morning sunlight his friends found him clasping in his arm the fatal crosscut saw. Henry Ross Deakin of the Fifth Ward was elected Pros. Attorney of the Bristle at the last election. A grand ball was given by the Chicken Bristle gun and rod club at the Wigwam on Friday night ot last week. Music by the well known and efficient orchestra of H. Ross Deakins.of this city. Mr. S. R. Clay pool, of Chrystal Valley, will start for Eastern Oregon the first of Mav. Sam's many friends wish him a pleasant journey and safe return t , .t J. c t-avenpurr. .... noi y laacn .as oath of office. Messrs, Hale Backenstoand Sid Darris.of your city, were at the Bristle last week on a fishing excursion. They landed several fine rout. The Sabbath School at Liberty church Is progressing finely. The attendance is large and much Interest Is manifested by all who attend. Preaching the first Sunday tof every month by Rev. D. C. McFarland. Brick Dust. 1'laiiivlew. Summer fallow plowing nearly done. Spring grain look fine after the wel come rain. Jeff Healy went to Albany Monday on business. Scott Ward and Johnny Isom started for Eastern Oregon last week to he gone a couple of weeks. The Sunday School at Rock Creek largely attended. A surprise nartv came off at Lewis Scott's near Saddle Butte last Saturday evening., cnioyaDie nine. , Jeff Isom, of this place has some of thcl finest blooded stock that we have seen, coaJ sisung 01 snort horn cattle, Itcrkstiire hogs, Clydesdale stallions, a nne scotch bull ter rier and a nice young man to attend them. Mr. Whealdon started across the moun tains this morning to be gone some time Jap Custar is just getting in and drilling icre. Tangent Tidbits, Here is a conversation that took place be t ween a group of eirls. One said why do w e ' ' er some af the young men in this neighbor hood go to school and get a good education and others having as good a chance do net Oh, said another they all - go to school . How is that said a third. Well, said the second, some of them go to one kind af school and some to another kind. Some go to the public school and then go to Col lege and graduate and are then qualified to engage in any business, and others go to schools called saloons to graduate slowly but surely and are fitted for one business only that of filling a drunkard's grave Tangent still improving. Ben Simpson and Wheeler have material on the ground to build a meat m arket. I W Newcomb is improving his prop erty. I am now receiving my spring and summer dress goods. Call early and socure bargains. W. F. Brao. e 1 Cash will save yon 5 per sent at Brownell & Stan aid's. HOME AND ABROAD. X h Power' band mads harness. New shos at Reads. F. M. French keeps railroad time. New ribboa all shade and style at Read's Woad is going to be cheap thl summer. Hand-sowsd harness nest to Democrat of no. H Ktrt, practical watchmaker and jaw slsi, Thompson k Overman keens the best har as sass. Cash goes a long ways at Brow-tell & mmtmn, Mayor Gates, of Portland, was worth 70,060. Now embroidery just reoeivsd at , W F Heads. Get your boots and shoos at Brow us 11 & Stanard's. You will got good treatment st Brownall ASUriaru'. J. P. Wallaoo, i'hysioUu and tJnrgoon, Al bany, Or. A big floood hss boon rsgiog along the Mississippi. If yon wsot ths best hsrnsss in ths msrkst I go to J J Da l, u ills . Fine line of light w sight Spring suits in fashiooable designs at Asia's, Bis shaves for a doilsr and a oh an towsl to every customer, at Tbo. Jones. 7 O.ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia and oothsobs. Koshay k Mason, Agsnt. Andrew Crabtree hss sod oat in the "forks" and asovsd to Eastern Oregon. aaori honsd. set and out ia ord. r at Jones' Sharing and Hair Dressing Parlor. Kvorylhttur bouuht sod sold at M Prank lis) k Co' second band store, Albany, Or. at rreuott, Moot Singer Msnufsosunng Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Mrs. B. M. Reynold aod fatntiv. of l-ebsoon, bsvs moved to Albany to reside. Hon. J R Sontb, living nssr BsJsey, is very law and espeeted to die st any moment. Dr. M. if Klhs. physioisn sud nrgeesi city or AH any, Oregon, flails mads ia sou n try, lea, Ben. Lane has returned to ths Si lets eney and all ths tomahawks have been isapyid sad the pipe of pesos smoked. F A Bark hart 4c Co. have quite a numbs of mun wanting emph'Vinent. Farmers want- ing help should oall on thorn aod be supplied. Tracy D. Porter was ia the city ovsr Sun dsy, to see a boot getting up an - esonrston to the printers pteoia at NaJem, the data of which has not yet been fixed. Several of the young people of this city attended the firemen 'a ball at Lebanon, Fri day night. Fast time was mads, ss well as an enjoyable. Mr. Allen has just reeeird his CO horse power engine for bis elec trio light system Wo regret to learn that O. P. Cosaow Sr.. of Brownsville, is very law with little hopes of m-.iyery. Mr. Perry Knighton, pioaoer of this novate, is lyina'dsnaeronsty ill at his home near Tsngsnt. The Mountain House beyond Sweet Home, will be run this summer by H P. 1'arrish and L I Peterson. Dr J W Harris brother to Dr T W Harris formerly af this place, but now of Eugene City, talks of locating here. Mr. Martin and wife, brother-in-lew to oar fell low townsman, A. B. Woedin, arrived bora a few days since from Miebigsn. They come to make their home bora. Mr. Hoffman, of this eity. hss been noti led to be fcreaeet at a mooting of the board of dirsetnes of the firemen's asaoeiatioa at Portland on May 17 Jlosebnrg is to bare a woolen mill. Two Hootobmen are in that eity with business in their eyes reaching dear back lata their braies. That is what Albany needs whan it eon tee to getting factories. B. C. Miller, of Lebanon, a reeident of lion county for forty years, is in ths city Mr. Miller is tbo kind of a man who knows iust what Ltna county needs, remember tbi in June. A welcome rsin struck California laat Fri day sod immediately the exact value of the tares wss figured oat. It was a good many mil too dot last. California never had a rain storm yet that was not welooose. Mr. Batohotor, reprsasntiog Knspp, Bur roll A Co. hss boon in the city giving their agent, Mr. V II. Kosooo, a starter. This is a very reliable firm and their machinery ia among tbo boot manufactured. Yea will save money by taking voor sick eering machine to the repairer, B F Parsons at ftistb and Jefferon 8te. Albany, Oregon Good itisf notion or aa pay. Horsemen should consider the elaims of owned bv W W Crawford, for their attention. He hss eae af ths best pedi greee of any haras ia Oregon. Sea advertise msnt on first page. Real Ratals aad Employment Agency. Parties having farm f r sle f ah.,ut 160 aeros or those hsvirg larger tracta which tbev woald be willing t divide nt m- 80 or 100 acre lots are invited to call at onr v( flan aa we have a fo v c -.turners fr that class of farm. W esn also fomili parties in tbe eity or ooantry wrh eitaer male or female help on short notiee. and we also have a few situation for both male r.nd female in ! tbo citv snd ooantry. Call st oor office N , . ft:Bin W fi &', First Street, sd joining w rj Tweedele a. Tin Store. F. A. BrkKHAKT 4t Co. W. MCLAUGHLIN. Fashionable Tailor. Nobby suits and pants, cut and made to order, from the latest line of samples, direct from 'Frisco, a speciality. Cleaning ard repairing promptly done. Main Street, Albany, Oregon Bead Keatoa ease. e Chase's blc adv. oa th A Correction. ' It has recently come to oar knowledge tbst parties ars circulating a report that we are going out of the boot and shoe business. Wo wish to state that suoh is not the esse, hut .Jthet we have to-day s laraer atook in that T . . . " 1 H u Daemon ever ueurn, mni ui wv iiim - ejw and elegant 'y lea not ts he found elsc- W bare, in town. Brown km. STANARP. .j Hereafter syS will allow all oasli purchases of goods st oar store o par cent on rrorn remar price. Bit own ill St Stanaro. Wanted Permsrs to know that they can buy of us boots snd sheas ohaspsr than anywhere else in town and get a rebate of 5 per cent for cash. Bkownkll k Star ard. Lowson Dancing Academy ia open every Saturday night frm 8 to 12 o clock. W. W. URAwrORD, manager. Bead Keataa page. Chase's bis adv. oa tfe Sweet Potato Plants. The only place in town where you oan find tbe above is at Brownell k Stararp's, Ths low pries grocers. An Allowance of 5 per eeni-will be allowed sll ch buyers at urowaeii et . We have in the line of ladisa fins ahoe (mod which era bod v excellence in shapeliness comfort and durability and we sell tbem st rrw.k bottom Drioes with 5 per cent off for cash. Brownell Stanard. We gnarsntee to save you money on gro caries. Brownell & Stanparp On the Southern Boundary, Wild strawberries are ripe. This country has been blessed with cop ious showers during the past week and good crops are almost a certainty. Miss Jennie Bowlsby is spending the summer in this vIRhity. Carson Holt returned home from Cali fornia the first of last week. From what we can hear his health Is not much Im proved. V. J. Wllloughhy has been shipping veal to Portland lately. Messrs. Stafford and Hammltt, of Mo hawk, were visltlpg at Mr. Henry's last Friday night. ' Severul head of mutton sheep have been sold lately In this locality. Mr. Coleman was shearing mutton shcrp the last of I a ft wee k. Miss Janle Kby, of (lohen, has been spending a few week with relatives near here and returned home lust Sunday. Miss Olive Long, of Hatsey, Is teaching school In this district (Mi. Prof Dunlavy haying failed to make his appearance. School begun last week with but small at tendance. Revs McFarland and Craig have been holding u pro'racted meeting at the Som- ervllle school house for two weeks, but brought it to a close, last Wednesday even- ng, Mr. Lucky rccclvcda new hav press via the Narraw Gauge last week. J.C. Brnmwell, of Lake Creek, was in the neighborhood last week. We wish It distinctly understood that the John Henry who was ihot In the hand n Albany waa not our John Henry. J. U. Henry was unfortunate enough fo be kh ked in the side by a horse the other day. Summons, lk$ Circuit Court af th HtaU oj Oregon or i,mn i.ouniy. R. 9. wallaoo, Plaintiff. VS. L John Helghsle, Wm England and George v imams, iseienueuie. To John Helghsle. Wm England and is sorgo Will Isms, Defendants. I N the name of tbe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and aa ower the comnlalnt filed asrainet veo in the above entitled suit, on or osfore tne sal day of Jane, lags. that being the first day of tho next regulsr term of aaid Coui ri 101 lowing lowing the pumice lion r this Summon, ana if yau fall to ao aner, said I'lalntlfT will annlv to id Court for a decree against tho aaid I h fomlsnl, John noighsle for tho um of two thousand dollars, with Interest there on at the rato cf ten por cent oer annum since tho 'J&th day of Hepteaabar, 1(180, aa money duo Plaintiff (on a p.omuMory note bo made by said Johu tf elghelo, to Plain tiff, and also a day-roe agaiuet aaid Lefea- uanieror tne foroiosuie of a monger made by aaid ItafWudant, John Helghsle to aaid Plaintiff to secure tbe payment of aid sum and interest and for tho sale of tho mortgaged nromlaoa or land morlusa ed, descilbed to-wit : The woat U of 8 K and eat U of S W i of section so In lowuahip U aeuth of tauge 2 east of tho Willamette meridian. In Linn count r Oregon, and against said Dafendant. John uoigneio tor lam Attorneys fee and cost and disbursement aad also that tba nro needs of such sale I a not led in sarmant ca asm brineipai and intern, Attorny'i a. . . . . w 1 teenanu uta-iuraemnnl. Thl Summon la served bv publication thereof six euooaealva wostta In tbe Satk Kf'iKTs Ukmocrst by order of Hon. ft. i' iioiae, judge or said Court, made at Chambers ana bearing date tbo 9th day of -nay, joea. hmaw A Genoa. Attorneys for Plsintlff. Summons. In tkt Circuit Court of the Malt of Ortnon for th Vounty of Lota ? Msry A Broad well, Plaintiff. vs. Jar-ob C Hroadwell, Defendant. To Jacob C. Broad well tue above named Defendant. IN the name of the State of Oregon : Yon are hereby r quired to appear snd an a wer ihe onto plaint of the above named Plaintiff In the above entitled Court now oa file with the Clerk of said Court with in tan days from the data of tbe service of ihla Hum man upon vou If served in Linn county. Orogoa, but If served In any other county In the state of Oregon, then within twenty dsysot tba eon Ice. of this Sum mons upon you. or If served outside of tbe Stale or by publication thtn by Ihe first day of tho nexl regular term af Court fol lowing, 'o wit : Ike 1.11k day tf J ear, ISSS, and you are boreby noiitlod If you fail to answer aaid complaint as hereby required the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In this oompislnt. trwwit : A decree i!iotvnia the bonds of matrimony now existing and for the care, melody and control of minor children named In tbe complaint and for the coeia and dishiiraeuiente and suoh other relief a may bo equitable. Th Sumulema la pub!l-lw d 1. v the or. drtftb H It . Uni, Judge of aaid Court made Mav 3rd, ISM. J. K WrATllKHFIRP, Attorney lor Plaintiff. Summons. Im tkt Circuit Court . of tkt Stmt mf Oregon for the Commty of Lim. Martha Houston, Plaintiff. ys. Joels E. Tiuitnermsu, De'ondaot. To J os is E. Timmsrsaaa, the above a a mod Defendant. I N the name of tbe State or Oregon: Yea 1 are hereby required to appear and aa .worths cemplaUt ef the above named Plaintiff la tbe above entitled Court now on ale with the Clerk of eald Court, within ten days from the date of tbe service of this Sumnaoas upon you, if served in Linn county , Dragon, tmt If served lu any other county in this State then within twenty davs from the data ef tba aervtce upon ynuror if served on you out sf the State or by publication, then by the first day ol tbe June term of tbe Cuoail Court following sucn service, towit: ike SMh slay or Jaae, lSSs, and you are hereby notified that if yon lull ta appear and anewer said complaint aa hereby required tho Plaintiff will take iudaruent airainat you for tbe sum of S454.38 and interest thereon from May 6tb, IA8, at 8 per cent per annum and for the further xum uf 83:12.33 with interest therein: at tbo rata of 8 Dsr ceut oar an num from the 2ud day of Ma , 1886, and for the costs and aiabureemeiits to be laxed ami for an order of tbe Court to sail tbe prooorty attached in theabove entitled action to satisfy any judgment obtained, to-wit. l-i 71 tu the olty of Scio, Ltpn county, Oregon, excepting tbe lollowln-c : BesiuniUK at the H tu corner ot said lot 71, theses VV &t fwt : iiamee N HI foot ; t hence E 60 feet : tueii -o -1 Hi foot to tbo plaoe or uealuulm. Aim the E of lot 70 in Solo, Linn Co. Dr Also oommencinK at tne S K corner of Lot 70 in the city of Solo, Linn county, Oregon, and running, thence vV 26 (set ; thence S 32 feet to tho north bank of Thomas Creek ; thence essterly along the north bank ef ssid Creek to a point opposite and on a line with tho east boundary line or said Lot 70; tnenoe a 81 feet to ths plaoe of beginning, at a point 14 88 chains Jfl or the N K oorner 01 oo, 22, Tp. 10 S R 2 w ; thence K 5:12 chains ; thence 8 20 chains : thence 8 S9 48' E 40,54 chains ; thence S 82S chains ; thence W 45. W chains : thence N 52,80 obatna to the plaoe of beginning, containin g 160 acres, lu Linn county, Oregon. This is published by ordor of tbe Hon. R. P, Boise, made at Chambers the 10th day of May, 1888. J. K, W EATHBRFORD, Attorney ter Plaintiff. FOR SALE, at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices at yard east of C. & C. switch. on 6th St,, just W. W, CROWDER. Everybody llow ow we doit ; yt if th woil.J only knew of inn energy, grit and enterprise we sve displayed in collecting such n magnificstit dilsy of staple and fancy gto- oerieait would not he WfytimtA plete stock of Wt have GROCERIES AND ever brought into tl is city, ar d we are ever befr cflVred in (his f lnce. Yon ou wilt ca'l and exunine tbe quality of Get Oup you will b- convinced tbst we have not over-estimated ourselves. Ucmeaber w are buying our goods lastly direct from li r i hand, thereby saving all profits of tbe middle mon, and rnr c-iuimaod of ready cah baa enabled us to buy onr goods remark b!y cheap, getting the benefit cf nil discounts aod re bates, placing us in a poai-.i n where wo thereby always getting the BEST AND and rffcver allowing our goodfi to g ow a profile. These are the reaoni why we dt joy snob a healthy trade. Wc 1 ave adds plets line ot Crockery and Tbese goods we bought direct from Eastern f;clorifr, ihn seontiog (be latest designs st pricea way down. The goods have fo he stn to H appreciated Fatroers having product to 1I will t lor good producr, and your patroi wi is WORTH LISTENING TO aod worth your careful consideration. We bve the "Jumbo sleek, goods tbsn sny three stores of tbe kind in WALLACE k TH CHAS. H. D0DD & CO. Front, First and Vine Sts., PariUmd, Or. WHOLE 8ALF DEALERS IK I 1 1 HARD- I I I WARE, 1 1 eareJI!aSSa.---aSsb, t9l. L SBubapffayaieJSJfflssrp . FARM MACHINERY. tola Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the f BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER. p Vbase Machines are too wan known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have use tbem and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satlslaotlon to the purchaser. MILLER 8 NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Bflbetlve aad Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning 9rain ever Constructed. 4 BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE-BINDERS, k The features that distinguish this Twin -Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with IV KxtraordinaTy Strength and Durability. The Binder ia of tbo Appleby pattern, tbe only really rraeoeeatnl one yet known. We nave two styles, tbe Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent- both recommended by hundreds of patrons. BROKE, the lumber monopoly. Wo oan furnish to builders and contractors, rough, clear or finishing LUMBER, ou short notice. This lumber is cut fiem the best yellow fir, raited from the cele brated McKlnzle timber regions and inann factured U Coburg. Any quantity can be furnished at Albany at low prices, It needs no recommendation as to quality CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS, and lumber of all kinds on our yard con stantly. Don't erder without seeing or hearing tram us. we win save you money. HAMMER BROS., Albany Linn Co,, Or. $100 TO $300 A MONTH can be made working for u. Agents nreferrad who can furnish their own horses aad give their whole time to business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F Johnson and Co., 1009 Main St., Richmond, V. wonders th- largraf, finest and most CO fo PROVISIONS goieR o tell at prices below act thing u,y think this our gocdi aod e w age h ishh assrrtion ; but if Prices can dictate to them and not (hey to ns, FRESHEST e.f Om ar.d stale weiting for big - iiro j.jor patrooagn and why we en - I rt Cffiflj to cor stock a full and com- Glass Waref all tiroes i c -i . the top o tbe market etrruMtiy h jiicire l. 1 nese facta era Albany, astd prices thst beat tbem all new Block, Albany, Oregon. i l l IRON, STEEL 1 1 1 Sohuttler Farm Wagons, Deere Flows, Deere Sulky Plows. Cook A Oo.'s Gar r iagoa, Phsatons and Top Buggiaa, Four. Spring Mountain Wagon. Buckboards. Superior Drill and Seeders, Corbin Disc Harrows, Hodgos-Hainea Headers, Haish Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CISCULASS. Administrator's Notice, Notice ia hereby given that the under signed has been, by order of the County Court of I. inn county, Oregon, made April 24th, 1SS8, duly appointed Admin istrator ot tho eatate of Samuel R Duncan, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them duly verified to the under signed at his residenoe in Albany, withiu six months from the date hereof. April 27th, 18o, T. J. Stitks, Administrator. Attorney far Administrator. WHITTIER & THOMPSON. Plain and Ornamental Fainting and Paper Hanging, CEILING DECORATIONS A SPECIALTY Work done on short notice either in cily or country. Charges reasonable. 9 OMPSON, AND 9