No Baits OUR STANDING OFFER Lowest Rates We offer no baits OUR THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, .- ton Development CompMy'e Steeoi eblp Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME tn by any other route. Kirt c!s through psssouaer and lit itfbt litis from Portland and all petals 4.i the Willsuiette Valley to an I from San ) raocisco, Cal Viilamette Diver Line of Steamers. 1 be "Win. M. Uoa,," Tbe 8, Beat It,. .' The Three Sinter" aie in service f..r both passenger ami freight traffic be t vt-en Corvsllis snd Portland sud iater uedisle poiutt, leaving Company's wharf. orvallis, and Messrs. Huiman A Co's urf. Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follows : NOBTU bet' NO. L-.v.CorralUa, Hon.. Wed. S Friday, lu.wA,M. L e.e AlbnuT, Monday. Wed. and Friday, li OO Noon A t.- Iurtland, Tue., Thu. and Saturday. 6.30 P M. WW BOt'WU. L SM Portland, Moo., Wed. and Friday, 8.00 A. M. Albany, Tue., Tnure. am' Saturday, 1:3) p. M. A.nveUailis, Tue., Ills, and Saturday, :W I. M. iiaats make close connection st Albany nu trains of the Oregon Paoiflo Railroad. TIMt siHKULLK. (except Sundae a.) L.-tu Albany, 1:00 r. s, . Leave Yaqwaa, 0 30 , a. J.j.v Corvailia, 1:17 F.M.I Leave Corvallia.lU 33 a.s. Srnre Yequina, 6:50 r. u I Arn.e Albany, 1 1 15 a. S, ) & Q trains connect at Albany sud urvslii. The above trains connect at Miuins with tbe Oregon Development t .in pan' Line of bleamsbips between V equina end nUn Francisco. HA1L1SC. DAT EM . Sesasaaa, raos a as rA.iCeOD. .ROM T4M A V ilUmeUe Valley, V.lUmetie Valley, V t.iamette Valley. V illameite Valli-y, April iJth. atay 10th. May SIM . May Stat. May Mb. May . .,u. M :ul, 1 be Compauy -,rve .he right to it '.oge sailing dates without notice. 31 . it. Pamteugers from Por.Und and ' illsinelte Vs. ley points can make close v .uoecli.'u with the trains of the Yaquiua I.. ileal Albany or Corvsllis, sud it des t ued to San Francisco should arrange to rnve at Yaquiua tbe evening before date 1 1 sailing. k'-ieaeaaer aad r. eight Mate always the jm wrel. or information apply to 0 J Stuart. Freight and fxkSt Agent, Aluaii), or to 0 U Ussaell, Jr., U. F. P. Aft,, Orcgteii UevclonM.t.tCo A Morita-oiuety g... San rrantiacj. Cel. C ., A. O. F. and P. Agent, Oregon I'acioc K RC. Oorvalna, Or. OYtRLAKD TO CALIFORNIA -TIA- C.'rcgon & California R. K, AND yONNECTIOSS. TIIK HT. H in I 1 KOIU o 1 rfte beiwoeu Albsrsstf (at. Fisocieci, U boars OAurofcsu ursisa W uss bailt. tneSSS Ustfh 4 r. s. Leave Portland Arrive I 10:41 a I MPS I Leave Albany Leave I 7:06 a s '..40 as Arrive Ban Ftaucieco heave 6:80 r sjcai r aaasxosa tsaim naitr xcept Bauda)). a J a M Leave 1 .: 10 r a Leave i . r a I Arrive Portland Albany Kurene Arrive I 3:46 rs Leave i 11:35 a M Leave 1 0 300 as LOCAL KAaaUMISa THAI. DAILY, MCSPT StXDAT. fl r a Leave Arrive Albany Lebanon Arrive I 6:46 a M Leave .'.. a a Arrive I 2:45 rs Leave 2:0u r a 1 ; M r M I Arrive Lebanon PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. KXi I ESI4M SLEEPER lor Heroad 'Ism I'saarngera sll thrsagb trslaa run. OF HAKCE, Weal aide hlrUUa. I i lHKM FOKTttWO Al COgVALUl, mail thai PA1LT (e pt Monday.) 7 i am Leave fort land Arriv . oau r m 1 ..5 p m Arrive Corvtllif Leave 1:80 r M KXfsua TuaiK dailt (exempt taaday.) lUMraT leeave Portland Arrive 0.00 a m v: o I'm I Arrl- McMlunvlUe jghW Ml a jj At Albviv and CorvaiHa connect wHh trains of 4 legon Paoiflc Uallrosd fevfafl information rugardan rates, mane, etc., Deb oo company 'a Agua. g. K0EHLK8, E. P. B00ER8, Msesger. A PsssAstwt. Sheriff's Sale J 4 tfte Oircnit (Jonri of the State of Oregon j i- Ike County of Linn : Martha Barnes, Plain' iff. VM. M. Btiirigan, B. Brenner, K, Glims and D. . ffigsjat, partner, doing business under l h firm nurne and style of K. Oias A I ii, Mnd I.'jvi West Mnd E1 Robinson, ) irtnerM, doing business undr the firm i : inof KobiiiMon & West, Defendants, rvTOTICK is hereby given thst by virtue i of sn execution and order of sale is- nrd out of the above named Court in the '.ovs entitled suit, I will on Katardajr the Sth day of May, Is, r th Court House door in tbe C'ty of AN I u.--, Linn c iunty, Ongon.atthe hour of o'o'oyk, p. in , at public auction for ah in hand to the hihfst bidder, seM i ie real p.op-rty described In said notice MH'e as fo lowa, to wit: tha northeast irtr of Section 3 in Tp S, M. K. 1 E. of I a Willamette morltllxn '..:'Mlng 100 a. res. Alo the east : alf ( lti urtneait v .artur of MfRtloQ 31 in Tp. II, H K. I E. t he M'Uiamtiite inerltlisn, unuiiiing 80 i .mi, ill iu l.lun wutity, Oregon, I he - c e It urlMin from the aa'n f said j '.uii-ftM io e applied : Ktrt to the pty -i unt of the 'stm mid dlobuiaemeuta of i i t tsxed at i! and th (-. sud ex . iife i.-f Ha'f. Mfsj in! to the iy meat to i 4 "laintliY the Nttai of f 152.61 With xc i Mint ii.i.-i'- -i at 10 per 'ent ear milium i in tit tls day of March 18HH, gnd the ! rttier miiii f tlh .ttortteja faaa, next to I o payment ft the Defend tot, 11. Brenner t euinof 101 with accruing interest I on from March 21 t, 1MH8, at l he rate 10 percent iar annum aad th further i una nf X.05 ootM and i '0 vtioirieys fves . d (h overplus if an 7 to e ptid to tuo lfeudantMWrruHo on a few Leading 4 Hides but Sell the Entire stock at the Lowest rates, there is in U County. We also invite Attention to onr Pine Roasted Coffee. BLENDED COFFEE OUR FANCY COFFEE OUR PREMIUM COFFEE OUR ACME COFFEE OUR STANDARD MOCHA AND JAVA - - - - Finest Flavor, Uniform Strkruth, Lowest Prick Andrews & Hackieman, W.LDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court . StuU 0 Oregon for the County of Lin The A nerican Mortgage Company mt 8ctt lanJ (limit. I'll , vs. E DUiUon, Pilisiiwt. NOTICE is hervby giym tliAt by virtue of an execution and order f sale iaaucJ oat ol the shove n anted Court in the above entitled nit, 1 will on aatarday the I9lh day r Kay, lass. st the Coert Hoose iloor iu tho city i M baoy, Linn county, Oregon t tue hour of one o'clock p. en., tell st public suction for csah in hand to the highest bidder the teal j 1 1 1 described in said esccu'iou and wttf at sals ss follows, tow it : Corometiciiig at the southeast corner of the 8 M Penutntou do nation land claim, Koliccatiou 1 l'J4, Claim No57 ; theoce east one i.utdied audrightten (118) rods; thence south fifty foor 1'4-100 (54 24-100) rods ; thcuce not 0M hundred sod eicbteen (118) rods ; thence Msik tifty four 24-100 (54 24100) rods to the pluce rf boKioniog, coatsioing iorty acres. Alas a portion of the donation land claim of Allen Parker, Not. 2312, Chum 37 in Township 12, south range 2 west, commencing st the north west corner of said claim, running thence east 40 45-100 chains ; thence snuth 32 31 100 chains ; theoce weat oue79 100 chains; thtnee south 17 00 100 chains ; thence weat 38 08-100 chains ; thence north 50 27-100 chains to the place of begioniog, containing two nundred (200) seres . Also commencing st tbe northwest corner of said laud clsim Not No. 2312, Claim 37, and ranmng thecoe vest 70 rods ; thence south 08 rods ; thence aet 70 rods ; tneuce noith G8 rods to tbe place of beginning, oontaioiag thirty (30) seres, together with all and singular the t n merit, hereditamtuts and appurteusnces thereunto belonging sr in any s ue appertain, ing. The precceda ariaing Iroin the ssleof ssid premises to be sppiied - First to the payment of the coat and disbursemuats of suit taxed at $539.35, and the costs and ex penses of ssle. Second to the payment to the PlaiatifT, the sum of $290 with accruing in terest thereon st the rate of 10 per cent pir annum from Marc'i 13th, 188S, and the over plus if sny to be psid to the Defendant here in. Dated April 5th, 1888. D. S., Sheriff. STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Ueailquart rs Department i f the Columbia, Olticu of Chif Quartern-safer, Vsuci.uvcr Birracltv, W. T., March 15, 1888 There will be ..ller cd for s!e at Fort Snerman, 1. T. , 00 May 10th, HS, at public suction, the U. steam I much "Amelia Wbe-aton." (and prop erty pertaining thereto.) Stern v. 1. , 1, light draught ; length Id feet ; leain 17 feet ; depth of hold 4 feet ; lower cabin, 8 14x57 ; upper cabin, 7Jx 14x30 ; engines about 40 horac power. Hsleto tskeplsceat 11 o'clock, s m. Terms of sale : Cash in U o currency. All inquiries addretted to this r.rJico or to the I'ost Quartermaster. Fort Sherman, 1. T., will be promptly anawered J. C C LFE, Major and Chief Quartermaster. Tho BUYEBS' GUIDE it issued March and Sept., .each year. It is on ency clopedia of useful Infor. m&ticn for all rho pur cboso the luxuries cr tho necessities of life. We oan clotho you and furnish you with all tho noocasary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sloop, ost, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or ct7 at homo, and in various eizea, styles and quantities. Just figur3 out what Is required to do all theso thingrj COMFORTABLY, and you can mako a fair estimate of tho valuo of the BUYEBS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon rooeipt of 10 cents to pay pottage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonue, Chicago, HI. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, of Watcrlooas our Agent in Linn county for Lawa of Business prepared by Prof. Pardon's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousandsof the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to bcv.it10ut We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agx-nt for Western and Pacific States) 31004 ( alifortiia St., Man Francisco, Cal. Executrix Notice. Not lea Is i.oreby givn that the under nigned Executrix of the last will and tea laioent or Andrew J. Warren, deceased, has fild her final account in said estate in the olllen of tho County Clerk far Linn county, Ort-gon, and the Court has fixed Monday, t.'ieTih day of May, I8H8. at tbe hout of one o'clock p in. of s.ild d ty.for tbe bear ing of objection t ) aaid not and for 1 ii aettlMiient of aaid CMtate. Thl- 81st diy of Man b. 1:83. , Eli a a Wakrbn, Exeoutrix of the last will of yam J s. aw aawar sd aawaaae t i To the buyers of Groceries and Provisions in Albany and Vicinity is to furnish the best quality of Goods at the LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. SEEDS The Best Garden or Grass Seeds to be Had in Oregon. Our arcda have been brought from Minne sota and as they arc pure and freh and rais ed in Northern latitudes a much larger pro Ertion oft hem will grow than any now to had i:i this market. Wc have thorough ly tented Ihctn and know thia to be so. We have placed them on sale in thl city and throughout the county Ak your mer chant for our Xortkern tirov. n Strds, Mark et garden and all others wanting either garden or grate needs should not forget this. Stuwart Si Sox. Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DOO ) TO W.H.W1LLARD whero you will ilud the best mske snd hne-t fl tubed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. AUo a fino line of PICTURE FRAMES. end s hunderd di.rreut stylts of MonltSiiigs. fPicturo frames made to order. The largest end i. str k of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prt:e reasonable ALBANY C0LLE6ATE INSTITOTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. ft'lrs tmu Uprsa arptrsaber I lib, Itmi A loll corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraos of tudy arranged to tneet tbe neod or a! I grades of students. Special inducttnents offered to students from abroad. Tuition rsnges from $5,50 to .'. I id In private firi'ie at cw rates. Kofinia lor self boaraing at small ex- cuss. A careful Muirviion cxer-ised over atu deau sway from homo. Fsli term op-n Septemiier 7tb. For circular and full partifiilars addrevn tbo President. Ki t . I l.HI.UT V tOXtIT. Albany, Oregon, First National Bank OF ALMVIe ORECsOll. Prest lent u WUWn Vii I'reeidctil M. K. YOt gO liisr MeO, K. !1 S M i.l.Ul.A 1 s TRANSACTS A OKSERALUnkiiijrbtistasss. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. HKIIIT KXCUANCE and Ulezrapblc tranafer. m,0 ou New York, San Kranciacu, Chicago and Portl Oregon. (;LLECTION'S MADE on favorable terms. MRKCTORS. F. Youso, (iso, I CMAMiiauua L. E Olais, L, Pusa, Waltsh E TcaaaLL, tim vunty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & CO., (' uccexson tw Cowan A Cuslck.) ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a k-et.cral Ur.kliifr bualneas. DRAW HIOMT DRAFTS on New York, fisn Fran dsco snd Portland, Oregon. LOANMO.VEYon approved securltx. RECEIVE deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS entnutod io us will receive prompt ei.tion. IS. F. MERRILL. 33 -A. 3ST ZEC EI IR , ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell exchange on New York, San Francisco and Portland . Buy note, Sta'c, county and c'ty warrant. Re ceive deiMMits subject to check. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections will rocel v. prompt attention. Correspondence solicited. Fire and nurine insurance placed In reliable com panies, eVOfflce hours from 8 s. in. to 5 p. m. For Old and Youngs Tatt's Liver Pills act as kindly on the child, the delicate female Or Infirm old age, aa upon the vigorous man. Tuffs Pills give tone to the weak fttomarh, how el., kidneys and bladder. To these organs their strengthening qualities are wonderful, eau.lng them to per form their functions as In youth. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St, New York. 5L.FE REHEWEB Oft:' -dfe-TvJ?. 'OH. PJFUCE'8 Kaw Gal. -vf4jK7fv?ivi.fci " au caaiw bxlt with ' ji-r? .''-'- ' " f&ZiStX. Aleotne yoapetifory, snu (1'-STvayri,vi,Cpf,?.- ntaed Uu. mot powerful, I 'NerkJ. Zu daittOii! uul jriect Chain. ' -"tT ' -fUS J."i' icry in the world. Onrea, "c . 'V--' .ith,u i-.miii: -, Xcrvona jyjility. lV.nlithoPacii.KidnorDiaeaes. JijipoytU Ithetiaia'wUui, Waoinees of Sexual Prxon-. TH Oj.1I or recd vtnmv tor Paiaph.o. 2. cmortat. 0noDKTY n FFIUIAL and MiPEE. TKMPERAHCE DEPARTMENT, . 1 'II . - J. KIMTKO Y TUB Women! Christian TrmprriBte t'livi 1 t ii si i- - -. a n C I'. U. meet, on tbe 1st li..- 7 nd y.d Viaul.i cfi tcb month at 8 oVjio.k r. u i st the W. C. T. U. Hall, The Third Dl.trict held a convention on the tOth last, st Monmouth. The ses sion was a successful one. To public evening meetings were held with good audiences. The reports shew the werk of the district in good condltlen.and prespeets encouraging. The State W. C. T. U. convention rMt be held In Eugene Wednesday, Ma? h The executive committee is expected te held its format meeting on Tuesdav. The I'nien ef t hi- ceuntv should send their full quota ef dclegates,as the piece of held Ing the convention Is so near and reduced rstes will be secured on the railroad., there should be a large delegation from oar vat lev Unions. Our round-the-world missioasrr, Mrs Lesvetl, Is now In Calcutts, India, where .he has organltcd a W. C. T. I' She states in her last letter that ahe called up on His Excellency, l.erd Dufferin, and found him thoroughlv In accord with us on the tobacco and purity reforms, but thinks wc go toe far when we ask that la dies and gentlemen give up their wine. The National Convention of t h Army of the Blue and the Gray, which is cem poed of all ex-soldiers of the United States and of the late Confederate army who de sire the overthrow of King Alcohol, will be held at Indianapolis May 31st; a grand prohibition camp-fire will be held at which short addresses will be made br Gen Clinton B. Fisk.Col. George Bsln.Col.R S Chcvcsand Maj. George H. Hilton. Pittsburg, J'enn., U all torn up over the license question. Judges Ewinif aad White, on whom rests the decisloa of ap pHcants for licenses to sell liquor in the county, have referred them to the proprie tors of seme of the most popular resorts, as well as to the tow doggeries. The de cisien of the Court was made after a reg utar hearing of all of the applicants, most ef them being represented by attorneys ; the Law and Order Society also had its attorneys on hand, with the record of every applicant. There are now in Allegheny county, in which Pittsburg i situated, more than sixteen hundred saloons, of which one thousand, in round nutnbers.are locat ed in this city. Out of this one thousand the proprietor of seven hundred were ap plicants for licenses under the new law, ut of which number the Judges have granted the applications of exactly 218, which will represent the total of the sa leens of Pittsburg from and after May 1st The liquor people arc wild with excite ment and indignation at this working of the Brooks law, which, Mrs. Ellen Watson writes, is the best law Pennsylvania has had yet. The W. C. T. U. has been hard at work in securing evidence against sa loon keepers and attending license court. Mrs. Watson says she has been in court five days out of every week since March 19th. This week will wind it up. Union Signal. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided tltat saloon keepers are re sponsible for any injury, loss or damage suffered by their patrons in the saloons, or as a consequence of their visits there. It says : "When one enters a saloon or tav em, opened for the entertainment of the public, the proprietor is bound to see that he Is properly protected from the assaults r insults of those who are in his employ, as well as of the drunken and vicious men whom he may choose to harbor." This will probably make men mere careful about signing saloon keepers' bonds Scarcely a day passes without an account of some oue being assaulted or robbed in seme saloon. If the brewers and distil- lers,who are usually the bondsmen ef sa loon keepers, are made to foot the bills for the assaults, it will be a sort of poetic jus tice which they will not relish. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. "Baz" Cooper and G. W. Phillips are both old residents of Linn county, whose only interest will be to build up the mate rial interests of the county. Having both managed their own business well, the pco Site pie will make no mistake la electing them 1 001.-, NOT Aide UK AD. On March 31 t, ssvs the Walta Walla Union, a grccu-lookiiig individual, 1). A. Meyers by name, arrived from Spokane Falls, and early next morning presented himself to Agent Fallon, of the Pacific express company, asking if a package or small box had been rcccircd for him from the East. The box was produced and charges to the amount of $373.25 were paid by Meyer.. He took the box and went off, but aeon returned much excited and told the agent there was nothing in the package that he expected. Upon being asked what the box was to have contained he stated that he had made arrangements for the purchase of $10,000 in "green goods," as counterfeit money is called. He had already paid the "green goods" mer chant of Jersey City $iJv in cold hatd coin, when the stuff was to be shipped him In an iron box to Walla Walla, with C. O. D. charge, of $37-$650 being the price set on the merchandise. A. aeon a. he had received the package from the express office he had hied himself to a secluded spot and opened it, only to find an elegant assortment of old newspapers and tike debris. By the advice of attorneys the last payment of $370 was garnishedind U new In the hands of Sheriff Boalcs, to await the decision of the express company. The reporter was iaformed of the occur rence the same day .but It being represent ed that the fool was led into it mere through Ignorance than any criminal in tent.consented to suppress the fact for the present, but now that the matter has leak ed out, ucs its information a little late. It is not believed that he can recover hia $,i;o by any legal procet., and law-abiding citi sens will not wish him to do so. ST. JOHN ONTHE TAKI1 I Proceeding to discuss the emptine.s of the old parties, he read the plank of each on prohibition, which wa. nothing. He held that the republican party waa dying f the same disease as the democratic of thirty-five years ago a spirit of inteler ancc and persecution. Then speaking ef the tariff as a national issue, he asserted that la the tariff there was more politics than protection ; it was a subject of which most people know very little. For every dollar of protection glv ea to the laboring men $50,000 was given to the monopoliat. The mansion on the hill is for the manufacturer, and the mis erable tenement in the alley for the labor er. But one male opera ive in many owns his heme. Wages are low and living high. He cannot get ahead. The blacksmith's apron, tools,aalls,herseshoes and hammer are protected all but the muscle of the blacksmith. Any system which enables a Vander hi It to possess $200,000,000 in a life-time is wrong. Two hundred and eighteen such men could buy all the wealth of the United States. Let the railway lines be condemned and run in the interest of the people. The Grand Rapids feekly Democrat says: "Calculations, based on the census and statistics fiom the agricultural bureau, make the profits of farmers from the amount ef capital Invested about ?' per cent. If they pay manufacturers forty four percent, tariff tax en everything they buy, and from seven to ten percent, on the mortgages on their farms, how long will it take them to get free from debt ? This is a question left to every firmer staggering under a mortgage. "Eternal hope" is a good thing under any circum- stances,but it is a better thing when it has something solid to rest on. a The San Francisco Alta, edited by John P. Irlsh.of whom Orcgonian's have heard so much of late, has entered upen one of the most f (Utile undertakings it could pos sibly engage in. It has opened up criti cisms ef the country press for using its editorials without credit. This is a large jeb,as matter from that paper can be found in every paper on the coast and, In many instances, without credit. Z. B. Mess has a very well defined no tion that he can beat any preacher for Assessor. Rev. Sperry we suppose is a very good man, but he knows very little ef the value of property. Moss will beat him. The Uevil Fish Described by 11 ago Is not a more tenacious monster than ma larla, whether it takes the form of chills and fever, bilious remittent, ague oake or dumb ague. Like the octopus of the story it olasps tho victim in Its tentaculae, and folds him olosr and closer in a horrible embrace. Attacked with Hostetter'sStom ach Bitters, however, it gradually relaxes its tremendous grip, final ly abandoms it, and the quondam sufferer.liberated at last, rejoices in the sense of new born freedom, engendered by the restoration of complete health. Dyspepsia, too, and constipation, those old and remorseless enemies of the human family.glveground.and are finally driven from the field by thia Napoleon of remedies, the greate.t, the purest in the family pharmacopoeia. Rheumatism sua cumbs to it, so do kidney troubles. The nerves.when overstrained, regain quietude and vigor by its aid, and the ability to rest tranquilly and eat with zest are lmreaseu and I e offer as Large an Assortment Specialties, viz : Kenton & Chase, grocers, Albany. U II T Id IT f A farmer ask us to explain what an ad valorem duty !, and, also, to explain a specific duty. Ad valtretn is a Latin phrase,sigiiifying"according tothc value," and an ad valorem duty on imported goods a certain rate per cent of the value of the goods. A specific duty is so many cent. or dollars as the case mav be, on the pound, the yard, the barrel, or any other unit of the weight or measure of lilt goods, without regard to the price. 10 Illustrate : An importer ships from France 100 yards of cassimere ef the value of $150. There is a duty of 40 per cent on the valueoi these goods. That is the importer will have to pay, as a duty, 40 cents for every one dol lar ef the value of the goods. This Is an ad valorem duty. Suppose the law provi. ded that he should pay as a duty 60 cents n every yard of casaimcre imported.Th is, then, would be a specific duty. Otcgen is just now being literally fiood ed with p.itnphiets and tracts written to show that the present high tariff rates should not be reduced. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent in preparing.publlshing and distributing these campaign documents. We are asked by the reader v. he furnishes the money to pay for this campaign literature. The reader himself and every other consumer of protected articles in the United Statea sunnlics a part of this money. These st e er documents are prepared and distributed by the protected monopolies of the coun try, the expense being paid out of the im mense profits which they make oat of protection. Yes, it is this blood money forced out ef the consumers that is now being used to convince them that it is best for them ta continue to submit to high taxation. Mr. Harrison, possible candidate for President, has acted with Sherman, Ed munds, Ingalls, Hawley and Allison and with the Republican party generally, ex cept on this coast iu opposing Chinese immigration. He believes in protecting American labor by taxing the necessaries of life, instead of keeping out the "pauper labor" of China. Citation. In the County ( 'ouri of the KttUe of Oregon for Linn County. In tho matter of the estate of Samuel T. Hrrl, deceased. To tho following named heirs at law nf Maid deceased, to-wlt : B. K. Harris, L. H HarrlM, Kadiel Williams, Uonrj Moler, Jnd Moler, Allien Moler, haohel Moler and Ilsrr Mcklin, and to all others un known if any auch tberebe. IN the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to be and appear in the County Court of the county of Linn in the Mute of oiegon, at the Court House In the city of Albany, in Maid county and State on Tnesday Ilie !!. day el Jane, 4. !., Issa, at the hour efono o'clock In the afternoon of said day the same being the second day of the regular term thereof, to wit the June term, 1SS8, and then and there show cause If any exist why an order ef sale should not be made direc'ing and licens ing tho Administrator of said estate to sell all the right title and interest of the said Samuel T. Harris, deceased, at tho time of his death, both in law and in equity in and to tho real property hereinafter de scribed as prayed for in petition of J, H. Peery, Administrator of tbe estate of said Hamuel T. Harris, deceased, which peti tion is now on file in the ofTie of the County Clerk of Linn county, State of Oregon, which ald real property is de scribed as follows, to wit : Beginning at tbe northwest corner of Section twelve in Towtihhlp 10 south of range 1 west cf tbe Willamette meridian ; theneo east Gl4 rods ; theneo outb. 208 iods to the south bank of Thomas Creek ; thence west along the south bauk of Thomas Creek ; thonce .vet along the south bank of said Creek fallowing the meandering thereof 61 rods to the line ef said Section 12; thence north along said Section line 208 rods to the place of beginning,oontaining 80 acres, more or less, in Linn county, Oregon. Done by oider t fthe Hon. J, J. Whitney Judgo of said Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto 89t my hand nd affixed the seal of said County Couit this 14th dsy of April, 1888 it. . J, P. Galbraith, Clerk, Notice for Publication. Land Office st Roseburg, Or,, April 16th, 1888. Notice is herehv given that the followiug named aettlf r has filed notice of his intention to mske final proof m support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the UoKister or Receiver of the U. S. Land Of fice, at Rosoburg, Or., on Thursday, June Ttb, ikss, viz : Reuben A Leach, Preemption D S No 5181 for the E of N E i Sec. 4,Tp. 14 SR I west, W. M. He namws the following wit rtfHNH to nrovn hU continuous residence unon 1 and nullivatinn nf said land, viz ! Herbert K j Cady, of Sweet Home, Linn county, Or., j: Ptleg Fruitt, George Hoeflein, J W Mo- Uaml, allot Craw lords vine, i.inu county, ur. Ciias. W. Johnston, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under sined Administratrix of tbe estate of John P. Hawk, decased, has filed her final account iu tbe County Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the Court has set tho 4t,h oay cf June, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m. f-r bearing ofob jecllons and settling said jstate. JNA.NCX j, hawk, for Infants and Children. "Castorla is so sAl adapted seehOdirc thst I 1 1 1 iimirsandttssayqwrlertospresoilptloa I w. e at t . bw. . jl. mm. ml. u.. Ui bo. Oxford St., lirooaujra, V. T. FRANCIS PFEIFFEB, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- 0H0I0E CONFECTIONERY, We are mow prepared to ell at whole aale, always fresh and pure at Portland f trices to dealers. We also keep a full la of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIQAR AND TOBACCO department is corn-'r We keep the very finest steak of staok.aa and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipos thai is a delight to mokera. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. i Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers. First terra opens first Mondsy in Sep tember. Wecond term opens first Mondsy In February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Becker, Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. Obtained, and all other business In the U. 8. Paten OaV aiundeded to tor moderate fees. Our office ta ort the I" 8. Paumt OSce. and T can obtain I a ten la lea. time than thoae remote root Wa.uinrtou. hend nsedie or drawing. Wi ir" te patent ability free ef charge ; and we make o cbaiy unlcw we obtain patent. We refer here, to tbe PoeunaaKr, the 8upt. ol Money Order Ui. and to official, of the U. 8. Patent office. Furdixular, advice, terms, and ef enure. "actual clients In your own State or county, wdiii C. A. SNOW &., Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D . 0. 0 CHXKRT. C.R.PYRKES ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. w E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Orist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS H4DE ON SHORT NOTICE Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Ross House. Proprietor. This house ! is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything elean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. Sheriff's Sale. In Hit Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Q. H, Liggett, Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hines and Thomas llines. Defen dants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order ot sale is sued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, 1 will on Saturday the 5th day or May, IHss, at the Court House door in the City of Al bany, Llun county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m , sell at publio auction for cash in band to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of salens follows, te-wit : the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two of Section sixteen in Township eleven, south of Range one west of the Yt. ilUmette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, con taining 129.71 aorea. The proceed aris ing from tbe sale ef said real estate to be applied : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at 21.50 and the costs and expenses f sale. Second to the payment to tbe Plaintiff herein the sum of $1445.84 with accruing Interest thereon at the ratoeflOper cent per annum from the 15th day of March, 1888, and the further sum of $120 a id the overplus if any to be paid to the Defend ant, Sarah times to choose from as Casteria eeres CoHe, Ocas tpst Ion. Boor Storoseh, Warrfaoss, Eructation. I Kills worms, gives steep, sua Without Injurious medicatkax Tax Cavraea Codaxy, 77 Murray Street, S. Y ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds cf rough, dressed and seas . lnmber,laths . ,t pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. MRS. B. HYMAN, next ca.M of S. K. Young's, Albany, Oz Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP IMC DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Tbnrsdsys of each wrek, snd psirting done tooideron plaques and other msterisl, Nioo assortment of Artist materials on uand. . K.Wol.VRRTO!C, o, H, IK VINE W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pser-Cnoe up stairs in Fester's Block. ALBANY. OREGON. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will recelvo prompt attention J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Con its o hlsState. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. T. J. STITBS: ATTORNEY AT JLAW T -AND Notary Public- ALBANY, OfieEGON. JOHN BRIGGS, FLOEIST, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PEOPEIETOES Albany Track and Dray Co., Nc, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch. AMD Aw ecl:-.. . ' -o 1 ;:.. h.-t, betes herHsr, I mot j M.-l.-.-tivo r.ini ;. i .'tit. tier o.r.:8. I n.v:: i- s.-;r?t.vr::- j eeitae. ..!?.; ;r. 1 CO., J FV.ui., Kt't.K. I ,rO -vW "a - - - "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PACIFIC CONTRA CTOB, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or --.- r t ... I s iiimi manwi zi., t . i ooj un k Is on file In 1