Lowest Rates No Baits OUR STANDING OFFER We offer no baits OUR Conrad Meyer. ,-PKOPKlETOa OF. STAR BAKERY, Cnrner Broadalbm and First Sts .-DEALER IN t united Fruit. Cbh HfrtXs, lilsvsaware, qut'cnnwurf, Dried Fruit-, Vegetable, Tobufco. ligsira, Sugar, Mpleeui, t'oflrr. Tea, Etc,, Kir., fa fact everything that i kupt in a umi ra! variety and grocery store. Highest market price pai J for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. KW PKOCKM FLOUR SUPERIOR 90M. tAMTKtm AXT BAKIM CO. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Andrews & Hackienian, WlMJGLASl $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. . - OREGON Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Njtic U hereby i vei, th t andcr and by virtue of an order of sale duly made and . atcred of record by the County Court of Lino coaaty,Orgin,t the March leim, 18S8, thereof in the matter of the estate i f Annie . '...mford, deceased, the undersigned a in. in i trator of the estal of said deceased will, at the Court Home door, io the city of Albany, Liuo county, Oregon, oa th IHth day et April, ISOS, 9 1 the hour of one o'clock p. ra. , otler for Bale i c public action to the highest bidder the j. (lowing described real estate, to-wit : Lots No. one aud two, block No. eleven, iu the town of Lfalsey.Linn county,Oregon,as shown I y the maps and plats of siid town, now on Ida iu the office of the County Clerk for Linn t oonty. Oregon. Terms of sale Cash in band on the d.iy of Sals. T. A Powell. J. U. Wkathrrvord, Administrator. Att'y lor Adm's. Mice of Appointment of an Ad ministratrix. Notice is hereby given that the undersign id has been by the County C urt of Linn unty, Oregon, duly sppoiuted AdminUtra t4 of the estate of James Garrett, deceased, lata of Linn county, Oregon. AH person luring clai ns against the estate of deceased ie hereby notified to present them to the 1 alersigoed at her residence near Peons, iu raid county, or to her attorney, pr veriiied, within six mouths from this d March 21st, 1888. FltAXCES M. QaKBEI Administratrix of said 3. K. VVkatherfobo. Att'y for Administratrix. Sheriffs Sale Jn the Circuit Court of the Slate of jor the County of lAun : Martha Barnes, Plain iff. v M. Berrigan, B. Brenner, R. Glass a j I. (flasa, partners, donn; uusinr-MS trie firm name and m vio of R. Q fson. und Levi West and Ed Robi artners, doing buiineRs uuder the jr.uio ot tvouinain a, ieieu NOTICE is hereby given that by of an execution and order of s t ued out of the above named Court .!ove entitled suit, I will on Matardsy Ike 5th day sf May t tli Court Houmo door In the City htrtv, I. inn county, On-gon, st the h ne o'o'ook, p in., at public ancti I-ah In hsud i the liighst blddc i ItM rfuil . ro r.y described in said I aal a fo low, to wit : tho nor!. , darter of Soctlnu 8 In Tp. 16, 8. It. 1 i lie Winatnt-U" iiiorluian. coikhiimii I'M. Alio ihfl oast r alf of the unrt ipiarter of Keotiou 81 in Tp. 14, S. K. f the Willauielte moritlisn, oontalld inrer. nil iu Lion oonnty, Oregon, i ... tod rtri-ir-, fiom ll, e Ka!e of jiremisos to o acpiis l : Kirt to the ment of the onr and dltMtrsemesi ult taxed at ftl !" anrt Hi- tisdt hi d pe uses of nal'. SMnd to i !i --t t. ilie Maintill the sum of wkh ex - it o HO ruing iutoiesi hi 10 pr vhl i-r aniua) f om the 2Ut duy of March IMfts, nfl t),(l mrther sum of $J5 Altorrisys ' t:.t lo the payment to the Defendant, It. Hrsu DAr nesumor fioi wun accruing "uerrtht J liuu... , U O I ,u!U ..I II.. 'II.IWIIIIUUI MSIl'U I, JOCK., IU ' ll'HlM r in percent per annum and tbe rurah(r uni of f 42. 00 coat and 0 Altornaysi,', , mm inn overptua II any to no P'vsjB the jior.innaiit. i. IJerrlitansj . f Sals on n few Leading Articles, but Sell the Entire stock at the Lowest rates, there is in Linn Con n, We also invite Attention to our Pine Roasted Coffee. BLENDED COFFEE OUR FANCY COFFEE OUR STANDARD MOCHA AND JAVA - . Shenffs Sale. Im the Circuit Coir. Stat oj Oregon fr ike County oj Liuh The American Mortgrge Company of Scot laud ( iuutcd), Pit , va, E DOtUor, Def K iUut. NOTICE ia hereby giycii that l virtue of an execution and order of sale iued out of the above named Court iu the above entitled suit, I will on 0 Saturday the l.'ih day mt Hay, iss. at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Liun county, Oregon at the hour of one o'clock p. in., sell at public auctiou for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real ropcrty described in said extent iou and ordr ot sale as follows, to wit : Commencing at the southeast coruer of the S M Pennington do nation land claim, Notification 1 184, Claim No 57 ; thence east one t.undrcd aud eighteen (118) rods; thence south tifty four 24100 (34 24-100) rods ; thence sttt or.e hundred aud eighteen (118) rods ; thence north fifty four 24-100 (54 24-100) rede to the place of beginning, containing lorty acrrs. AIs-j a portiou of the donation laud claim of Allen Parker, Not. 2312, Chum 37 in Township 12, south range 2 west, commeuciug at the north waat corner of said claim, ruuning thence east 40 45-100 chains ; thence south 32 31 100 chains ; thence west one 70 100 chains; thence south 17 96 100 chains ; theuce west 38 08 100 chains ; thei.co north 50 27-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing two nundred (200) acres . Also o Jtiunoncing at the northwest corner of said land claim Not No. 2312, Claim 37, aud running thecoo treat 70 rod ; thence south 08 rods ; thence east 70 rods ; taenca north 68 rod to the place of begianing, containiog t'nrty (30) acres, together with all and singular the Urn meets, hereditaments aud aupurteuauoe thereunto belonging or iu anyi appertain ing. The proceeds arising tr.m the rale of said premises to be applied - First to the payment of the cost aud dubursemeats of snit Uxed at $530.35, and the c i and tx- Knsea ofsale. fctocoud to thepa:nmt to tl.e aiatifT, the sum of $2-190 with accruing in ten st thereon at the rate of 10 per cel. pr auoom from March 13th, 1888, aud the over plus if any to be paid to the Uefendaat here in. Dated April 5th, 18S8. b. Smith, S.ierilf. Executrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Executrix of the last will and to, (.uncut of Andrew J. Warren.de oasod.ha filr-d her final account In said estate In tl.o ornco of i be County Clerk far Linn county, Oregon, and the Court baa flxed Monday, the 7th day of May, 1H8, at the houi of one o'clock p. m. of said day.for the hear log of objection to said account and ! r the settlement of said estate. This Slat day of March, 1883. Eliza Wakkkn, Executrix of the last will of Andrew J, Warren.dc'd. J. K. Wbathkrvohd, Att'y for Executrix. STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Headqnart ers Department of the Columbia, Office of Chif Q icrtermaster, Vanc uver Barrack, W. T, March 15, 1888. There will be offer ed fur sale at Fort Sherman, L T., on May 19th, 1888, at public auction, the U. . steam l iuoch "Amelia Whatoo." (and prop erty pert&iuiug thereto.) Stern whel, light draught; length 76 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 4 feet ; lower cabin, 8x14x57 ; upper cabin, 7x14x30; engines about 40 horse power. Sals to taka place at II o'clock, a. m. Terms of sale : Cash in U 8 currency. A11 inquiries addreised to this o(5co or to the I'ost Quartermaster, Fort Sherman, 1. T., will be promptly answered. J, 0.0. LEE, Major and Chief Quartermaster. MgtfP Tho B9 IBBf OV rDE ii JB&Sqgfe iseucd March and Bept., Hjeach year. It is an oncy Hclopedia of useful infor lV mation for all who pur chano tho luxuriea cr tho sT4 necessities of life. Wo can clotho you and furniah you with incv, 4.. ...j .... ; . .lint Parson's of Harvard University extrrsh fnv furmer nid business mm. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be -without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted In every county in the irtate. (Agent for Western lies. ) ' ii. ssssssssssSsssssssssssssssasi! en. Bob, i I MP air mxH' BBBBBBBBIfeBBBBBBBBBBBTJOn I go, J io. HHHHH I . V - j fit iu Btori. bBB' ii Hi hi oi an BW Ml 'l 1 14 ie to - Of bH 4 lw. M I t li f 8tn, I 4 B i :.;- ffice, jtrner LVort. v rc- BS ' J BH t Ot'O To the buyers of Groceries and Provisions in Albany and Vicinity is to furnish the best quality of Goods at the SEEDS The Best Garden or Grass Seeds to be Had in Oregon. Our sec Jh have been brought from Mlnnc sota and as they arc pure and fresh and rals' ed in Northern latitudes, much larger pro portion of them will grow than any now to be had In tlil market. Wc have thorough ly tested them and know this to be so. Wc hove placed them on sale in this city and throughout the county Ask your mer chant iox our Xortherii (irev. H Scut. Mark et gardens and all others wanting either garden or gra seeds should not forget this. Stewart Si Sox. Do You Want Furniture ? IK YOU DOOO TO W. H. WILLARD where ou will Oiid the best make and ftnel finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNCES. Alxo a One line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and s hunderd different styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and b Ml atoL-k of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prl m reasonable. ALBAHY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. "Irs Terns Opens September 1Kb, 1AS7 A toll corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Co arses of tudy Arranged to meet (he neod or all grades or students. Sfecial iudueemrnls offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.60 to Hoard in private faini'les at iosr raica Room lor e:r-boarding st small expose. A careful supervUioo exercised over ntu deiat away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars nnd full particulars address tho President. BEY. H UI kT N. CvXDIT. Albany, Oregon, First National Bank OP AIJ5A.W, OBEOOJI. PreWnt L. fUKN Vice President 8, B, YOl NO Csshisr (JKO. E. CHAMBERLAIN TIIANSACTS A GENERAL banking busli ACCOUNTS REFT subject to cheek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telempMc transfsr, sokf oti New York, Man Francisco, Chicago and Fortl Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. biRseroas. . E. Vouso, Geo, E CiusraaLAia L. E Blaix, L. Fuss, Waives E TuaaxtL, Um vunty Bunk, COWAN, JU' iON & CO., tHmmm U Cowan A Cusick.) ALO&ftY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, fan Frsn cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN SfO.VEYon approved security. RECEIVE dcoslt subject to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt ention. W F. MERRILL, B ANKEE, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Sell exchange on New York, Sao Francisco and Portland . Ruy noted, Sta'o, coanty an 1 c'.ty warrants. Re ceive deposit subject to cheek. Interest allowed on time dtjKisits. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondence volicited. Fire and irui Ine Insurance placed In re'iabl) com panies, t aTOlflce hour, from 8 a. m . to 5 p. m. GaM 15 1Mb. I hare been m great sufferer from Torpid Uver and Dyspwpata. Kvery thing I ate disagreed with me until I began takins; Tutt's Pills w ...,.- mmm Ixlml AffAOdl never have a headache, and nave sjaln- SOLD EVEBYWHEBE, aRUPTURE BQnlckTy und Perm anenth "Cubkd bj the Clebrald TU. PIERCE'S PATEN1 JKIAACNETIC ELASTIC TRUS8 SIX Original. ud Oult aimini t Electrto Truss. Perfect Ketain n Easy to went'. In.tuntly relieved ever lane. Hns-cured thoiuiands. EatiibM W. laud for Free llluntr'd Pamnhlat NoL AUAin buaxu ca i (tfi r: i w r i Am ih '"iPftvKAM IiTO ST.. RAW FRAN! LOWEST RATES FOR CASH. OffOUHTY f FPIOIAL Kand JAPER. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, EDITED BY TIB Women'. ChrUlian Tenpcrtia IJilti 'wr . -r- r --g . vt- "e ..1 wrm The W C T. 17. meets on tbe 1st nl 8id Tupidat offecb month at 3 o'clock r. m., at the W. 0. T. U. Hall, NON ENFOKCEb ENT OF U1UU LICKNNK. Tiie exaerlence ef Minneapolis, Mian., where the license fee U $1000 without any discriralatlon between ditiileJ and fer mented liquors, does not appear to justify the restrictive claim of the high license advocates. We clip the following from The Xatiaiutl Advocate which show the matter In it true light l Much has bee a said of tbe diminished number of licensed saloons under the pres eat law as evidence of its practical value to the cause ef temperance, but it would appear from the court records that unli censed liquor selling 1 carried an with comparative impunity, aad that the high license saloons are allowed to violate the law, and even to sell liquor on Sundays'at very small risk of punishment by the au thoriiics. A late Minneapolis telegram states that of "forty-four cases indicted six month ago by the grand jury for viola tlon of the liquor law In keeping open Sunday, twenty-nine were dimled by the count v attorney for various reason six cases were centiaued.one pleaded gsii ty, a jury found seven set guilty .and three were found guilty. These latter were sentenced to pay a fine of $ jo and serve fifteen dsys in jsil." The telegram sdds that of "fifty-seven 'blind-pig' case on the calendar at the beginning of the last term fourteen have been continued. There were but three conviction for telling Ii quor without a license last tern. The records show that of the 231 case, repre senting 16c offenders, only thirteen have been committed to jail. License-Inspector Ray claim that the municipal author ities are the ones to prosecute these liquor casesnd does not be'.lave it can be suc cessfully done under the present system." It Is quite apparent. In the light of thit significant testimony from court records of Minneapolis, that the high license re striction fall to restrict. If It were Port land or Bangor instead, what a howl there would be, Indeed, concerning the failure of prohibition to prohibit ! Hon. James Black, of Pcnn., in a recent letter to the editor of The Advocate con cerning the repeal of the Internal revenue tax on distilled and fermented liquors, writes : "I favor the repeal of the Internal reve nue tax upon spiritueu and fermented drink mainly on the ground that the vice pf men should be prohibited, not encour aged and fostered as government protecT tlon by tax surely docs. If tH urlnks were only a luxury tb.vy"wou'd be highly proper ubject ior taxation ; but when weconA'jer the result continuously flow Ing from their use, and that justification for such use i found and pleaded becaute of the revenue they may yield, the entire aspect 1 changed. Government should promote health.morals, Industry .prosperi ty, and all the range of human virtues.nnd should discourage and forbid any manu facture or butlne whose tendency would disturb or destroy these." United States Senator Jonathan Chace, of Rhode Island, says : "It is my wish alto 'to stand up and be contented' with those who wish to rid our land of the saloon incubus. The saloon is the enemy of morality, religion, and pros perity, the ally of every form of crime and wickedness,and a menancs to-the liberties of the people." The Medical Record, discussing the sub ject of "Science and Drink," say that Harley has found that, even In the small proportion of five per cent.,alcoholuexerts a powerful chemical effect on blood, so powerful as to entirely derange one of Its most important functions namely, the function of respiration. The alcohol seems to act like an asphyxiant, inasmuch as It not alone diminishes the power of the red corpuscles to absorb oxygen, but to exhale carbonic acid, and that, too, In the same way (though to a somewhat less extent) as morphia does." It is held that it is be cause of this chemical effect that the blood of the drinker is Imperfectly oxidized, un fitted for the purposes of nutrition, and predisposed to the gravest forms of disease. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorlo, (? lu-n site was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When Bhe became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. The rainfall in California has been fa creasing ever since the country was settled. OUR PREMIUM COFFEE OUR ACME COFFEE Finest Fm von, I mi oh m Si kkiwth, Lowest Prick FASHION NOTrX. Coarse straw bonnet, draped with col ored llsse, are a new fancy. Brooches of translucent enamel in the form of mythological heads arc In vogue. The trimming are cord pasvementerles, In the two color of the tripe of the klrt. Many new shade appear In street gloves, Intended to match the costume with which they are to be worn. Very elegant brocaded moire are wov en upon a ground of glace molre,and show brilliant changeable tint. What are known a"laburnam hat"are of black Use. with vcllow tahuruams r m . drooping over the high crown. Five mall ribbon rotcttc. ecru,reeda, leaf green, brown and pink, were used a trimmings upon a single bonnet. Wraps ef the dre material are fre quently made up this seaon,and the ma jority of case they arc heavily braided. An odd piece of jewelry Is a brooch In tbe form of a gold mule, studded with dia monils.ainl having a harness of oxidized liver. As a variation of the combination cos tume, instead of a figured material,a plain one finely tucked.of theamc or contrast ing color. Is used. Wash dresses for little girl are tome time made with full skirt and belted waist. wi:h eight or ten fcather-fttitched tuck down the front and back. Pretty cottume have the kirt of striped ilk with a polonaise of caahmere, the latter draped in four points or opened In front or at the back. Small black mantles of Bengalinc, silk embroidered cahmere,trimmed with me tallic cord paementcrie. are worn with dresse of all kind. Velvet ribbon In rows mak? pretty bar der for kirts of shepherd's check woo!, cbatlis or India ilk, now being made tp for misses' Summer drce. Scotch ginghams for frock for even the tiniest girl are chosen in large plaids and wide irregular striae. Plain colors arc also made up for their use. Gloves having wide bands of stitching, In clf or contrasting colors, are est 111 in vogue, ncverthele the plain styles arc quite as desirable a ever. Little girls of all age will wear Leg horn flats the coming Summer. Floral wreathe and bow of broad ribbon with streamer at the back will be used to trim thesa. Among tbe new bonnet trimmings are three soft roette of crepe lic in con tracting colors, or In place of one of the rotette a cluster of violets is sometimes used. The artificial flowers of the present sea son approach nature Jvrry closely. Care less, unstudied clusters have entirely su perseded the stiff arrangement of previous seasons. CURIOUS FACTS. The Japanese' hitch their horses in the VreeT'by tying their forelegs together. A full-grown horse only thirty Inches high and weighing seventy pounds has been imported into New York from Japan. Mildew may be removed from linen by rubbing upon the damaged spot common yellow soap and sifting upon it some starch. Rub in well and expose to the bright sunshine. A scheme is under consideration in Mexico for tunnelling the volcano ef Pop pocatapetl through fie wall of the crater, in order to reach the immense sulphur deposits inside the mountain. A narrow gauge railroad will connect the tunnel with the town of Amecameca, which, in turn, will connect with the Morelos read leading to the national capital. An Austrian has patented a process for getting a thread that can be spun and bleached from wood, which is cut in long lengths and boiled till it will cleave apart in fibrous bunches by shaking in water. It ia then shredded by hand or by machin ery, and pun like hemp. This" gives a very fine thread, and less boiling gives a coarser one. The Devil Fish Described by Hugo Is not a more tenacious monster than ma laria, whether It takes the form of chills and fever, bilious remittent, ague cake or dumb ague. Like the octopus of tbe story it clasps the victim in Its tentaculae, and folds him closer and closer in a horrible embrace. Attacked with HoKtetter'aStoin aca Bitters, however, it gradually relaxes its tremendous grip, final ly abandotns it, and the quondam sufferer,lib8rated at last, rejoices in the sonse of now born freedom, engendered by the restoration of complete health. Dyspepsia, too, and constipation, those old and remorseless enemies of the human family, give ground.and are finally j drlvfin frati tbe liold bv this Nanolnon of I remedies, the greatest, the purpst in the, family pharmacopoeia. Rheumatism suo f. CUmbstO it. SO do kidnev troubles. Tho nerves.when ovorstrained, regain quietude and vigor by its aid,and (he ability to rest tranquilly and eat with zest are intreaned by It. Resort to It in time and avoid uu neoeesary suffering. Deers shed their antlers every year, and although the antlers, when the deer is killed before they are removed, will withstand all weathers for years, it is very rarely that a pair that have been shed are f jund. This is said to be due to a small insect that attacks .the antlers soon after they are dropped, and destroys them by and we offer as Large an Assortment Specialties, viz : Kenton & Chase, grocers, Albany. Cmk A'.o, April t6. A Times Louisville Kentucky, special says j August Anderson of Norwegian, committed suicide in Shel byvllle, Kentucky, yesterday. Thccasc was a strange one. Last Sunday he went to church and heard a sermon on the subject of "Your Sin Will Find You Out." He di- played a great deal of emotion at the time, and was in a state of mental depression during the week. Last nigiit he told a friend he could live no longer witliout mak ing a confession. Then he declared that eignt years ago he had murdered his wife and three children in cold blood. He had dodged justice, he said, but hi crime had always haunted him like a nightmare. Some advised him to sun aider himself, while other believed him crazy and paid no attention fo his story. Thl morning an ollker went lo arrest i.im and while he was going up stairs a pistol shot was heard. A moment later A ndc t son was found thing on the floor of his room. Nothing was left to locate the scene of his crime. Real wheat is used to a considerable ex tent on the new bonnets, for making the bonnet itself as well as for trimmings. THE YAQUINA UObTK. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Ievjlopmnt Coocpany's Steam ship Line '225 MILES oHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First -class through passenger and freight tine from Port I and and ail points In tae W ilUiueiU) Valley lo and tram .-an Francisco, Cal. Willamette Fiver Line of Steamers. The -Win. M. Uoag." The 8, Bout ley." Tbe "Three slater" are In service for both passenger ami frelxbt trailic bo twen Cor vail ia aud Portland ud m.er tuediste polo!, tug 1 'mju 's wharf, or van i and M OS SIS. MutUisn A Co's wkarf, No. 2bo auu aii Froui St., Pott laml, tt roe times n . -k as follows : Noarti Jouif D. Uatsl urisIU, Muo , Wetl. sua Frulaj, 10 Oj A. 11. Usve AltssiM, MunKi). Wd. sed Krula), UtHI .Wn Arm FortLsod, lu , Thu. Md SsiuruAy, biM F. M. liuUTU UOU.NU. Loavo fortUnd, Uim., Wed. sod Friday, 8:00 A. M. Lasts Alt"), luo , Tuur.. and Saturday, I m u. M. ArrneOu'salU, Tae., luu. and tssiurda;, --0 P.M. Boats make close connection at Albany witu trains Ot iho Oregon Pactli! Railroad. TtMK ii HfcOl LK et.t Kuudjs.) Iaae Albany. 1 '00 p. , , Last YsijtlinA. 630 a.m. Ur rr.u., l:l7r. M. Leave Corvaiua.lO.Stf a,M. Arrirs Ya4Uina, tr&l t. s (Arms Albany, 11:16 a. a. O A V. ir.ii:. connect at Albany and Corvallia lha above trains eonuoctat Yaqulus with t'n Oregon Development Company's Lino of steamabips between Yaquina and Man Francisco, NA1L1XU DATES . irtt, rOM HAS rKAllHX.. KMia w is a WilUruette Valky, Willamette Valioy, April 8th, April lWh. Ata-il 13tb. April 2th Tbe Company . corves the right IO change sailing datss without notice). N . B. PoMengern from Portland and V illamttto Vadey poiuts can make close eoumvit n with ttae trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, aud it des tined to Han Franotfcoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the eveniug before date of sailiug, rasscnaer soil ftflabt Kates always the Lowest. For liitormaUon apply to C J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Aeiit, Albany, or to C II Haawcll, Jr., Q. F. A F. Ag-t,,, Oregon Develupmei.t Co,, 33 Montjrouiery St., San Kram&eo, Cat, V. iloi.i .. A. U. F. and P. Agent, Oregon Paeilo B ROo. CsrvauTs, Or. 0 VE ULAN 0 TfFc ALIF0BN1A VIA- Oregon & California U. R AND CONNECTIONS, nit: MT. an AST A moctk. o Time between Albany and Sai. Frsueisca, IS hours. oauroitMA axraiss st tiss daily. 8oa4i North 4.U0 r. u. I Leave ForUand Arrive j 10:40 a m 3:06 r a Leave Albany Leave 1 7:06 a M 7:ioam I Ar.lve fran faajSS hesv I 6:30 r u local rAsasxesa thaus pailt except Sunday). eToo Tu I Leave PuYuisd' Arrlv 1:46 p'i 12:40 r s Leave Albany Leave 1 11:36 A a :40rM Arrive Eurene Leave 1 9O0m local rASsaxoaa trains daily, exckpt sckdat. 8:10 r a I Leavs Albany" Arrive I 6:46 a M 8:60 r x Arrive Lebauon Leave 6:00 a at 12:60 p u I Leave Albany Arrival 2:45 th 1:30 ra I Arrive Lebanon Leave 8:00 v u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. l KfelON SLEEPERS lor Second Class Passenger on all through trains FREE OF CUARCE, West Side lVlvUloa. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CQ-RVAEE1S. HAIL train daily (exjopt Snndsy.) so a m 12:26 P m Leave Arrive Portland Corvallis Arrive liCare 0:16 r S 1:30 p M BXPRKBS TRAINS DAILY (SXCipt Sunday .) 4:50 pu RiOO pm Leave Arri -o Tort land M-iMlnnville Arrive 1.' ave 9:00 A M 6.45 A M At Albany ml OorvelHs connect with trains ot Oregon Paciflt Kaliroad For full luformalioti ragardiiijr rat, inapF, etc., ! .nil riii t 'i tiii 1 1 lii ; i A 'l ilt. R. KOEHLKR, P. ROGERS, A Pane A cent. Manatrer. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travel ra, jHTFree Coach to and from the Hotel, 11 for Infants and T 11 rriiamssiilltassuisMlnrl 11 iibiisMIibi 1 saowBiome ' ii a ismn ii ii I HI Bo. Oxford fit., brookln, K . Y. j wTsiswa'lajBriosa medtcatfrm Tax Carrara Comfaxt. 77 Murray Street, K FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers ot CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, Wo are now prepared to all at whole ale, always fresh snd pure at Portland prices to dealers. We also keep a foil line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO department la corn- "r We keep the very fines, stcok of suoiuagand chewing tobacco, meerschanm and brier pipes thst la a delight to smokers. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests and Lay (eechera, First term opens first Monday in Sep tember. (Second term opens first Monday In February. For pro pectus uddreHs Rev. F. A. Becker, Vancouver, W. T. Bos 103. patWts Obtained, and sll ether business In the U. H. Paten Onlt-e sttendrdad to tor moderate tees. Our offlo is Meats' tbe I S. Patent Office, sod -v can huin I 'stent lea lima than lh remote eoru Washington. bend modi or drawing. We aJ to patent anility free of charge ;and wemafca o charge unless e obtain patent. We refer here, to th Poat master, the Kupt. of Money Order Div. aad to officiala of lbU. a Patent tlttx. for circular, advice, terms, and efcrencue o actual client in your own Slate or county, edd Ca .4. SNOW &COe, Oppoaiu Patent Office. Waahington, D . O, O CBKRRT. C.B.PTRKS8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, KacWnists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. vv E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds nf Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS H4DB ON SHOetT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Russ House. Proprietor. This house) is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and ocmmodioUs, offering to the gen eral publio superior accommodations to any ia the city. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stat oj Oregon for Linn County. G. H, Liggett, Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hmes and Thomas I lines Defen dants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order ol sale Is sued out of the above named Couit in the above entitled suit, 1 will on Saturday tke 5th day of Hay, I8S8, at the Court House door in the City of Al bany. Llun county , Oregon, at the hour of one o'olock, p. m . sell at publio auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said order of sale as follows, te-wit : the east half of the northwest quarter and lots one ami two of Section sixteen in Township eleven, south of Range one west of tho Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, con taining 129 71 acres. The pocee.ts aris ing from the sale ef said real estate to be applied : First to the payment of the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at $21.50 and the oosts and expenses of sale. Second to the payment to the I'laintitT herein tbe sum of $1445.84 with accruing Interest thereon at the rate of 10 par cent per annum from the 15th day of March, 1888, and the further sum of $120 and the overplus If any to be paid to tho Defend ant, Sarah fiines. Dated March 29LU, 1888 D. 8. Sm .th, Saeriff. to choose from as Children. enrea CoBc. CoKlfatlon, Boor Btooacb, imsthkbs, sa uusiiua. UU worms, givse sleep, aaa ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds oi rough, dressed nd seas . rf lumber ,lathb & . pickets kept constantly en hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. MRS. B. HYMAN, next east of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAV.P1NC OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, and painting done to Older on plaques and other materia), Nice assortment of Artist materials on .land. . B.WOLVKRTO, O, H, IKVINK W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW JfJTO'Bce up stairs in' Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON- D, R. N9 BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd FeUow's;Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive prompt attention J. J. WHITNEY, lttfty-4ui JSjinnsBlbt At, Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of .hisStato. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- ALBANY, OttEGON. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST ALBANY, - - - ORECON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PEOPRIETOES Albany Track and Dray Co., Re, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch. r KlJHa'H:.M Are scknrivWi.-od tl.o Kvt, W'iag hunllcr, move- productive and 3 H id Wneromp. OTXJS r&UJSTSATl CVTAtOGCE 0a.3Uk lty ih. beat "' i..-.-u 1.-00 aw ( V, "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand. Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PACIFIC CONTRA CTOE, for this eection. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or 1 Is on ni. in PhiladeSahta (sitae Sewsitai'or Adver- j CO., J r. Paul. K Htinj