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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1888)
No Baits OUR STANDING OFFER Lowest Rates To the buyers of Groceries and Provisions in Albany and Vicinity is to furnish the best quality of Goods at the LOWEST 'RATES FOR CASH. We offer no baits on a few Leading Articles, but Sell the Entire stock at the Lowest rates, and we offer as Large an Assortment to choose from as there is in Linn County. We also invite Attention to our Specialties, viz : Pine Roasted Coffee. OUR Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN- C anned Frail, 0ani Meat. GltMwtN, Qneeaaware, Dried I'rulti, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sagar, ttplcea, C'oflee, Tea, Etc., Ete.. Id fact everything that U kept la a gen rai variety tod grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNIN6 & CO., PROPRS. saw raocaas rtoca sxrreaion roa nxnoi BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash to Wheat ALBANY OR. ws & Hackieman, WLDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, . - OREGON Administrator'! Rale of Real Estate. Njtice it hereby Jtiven, that under and by virtue of sn order of sale duly made and entered of record by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, t the March teim,I8S8, thereof in the matter of the estate of Annie Bantford, deceased, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deceaaed will, at the Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on the tatk day el April, lSSS, at the honr of one o'clock p. m. , offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit : Lots No. one and two, block No. eleven, in the town of Ualsey, Linn county .Oregon, as shewn by the maps and pUts of said town, now on tile in the office of the County Clerk for Linn county, Oregon. Terms of saie -Cash in hand on the day of ale. T. A. Poweix, J. K. VV katiiRFOED, Administrator. Att'y tor Adm'a. Notice of Appointment of an Ad ministratrix. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed hat been by the County C urt of Linn count? , Oregon, duly ippoiuted Administra trix of the estate of James Oariett, deceased, late of Liun county, Oregon All persons having ulai n against the estate of deceaaed are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at her residence near Peoria, in aid county, or to her attorney, properly veritird, within six months from this date. March 21st, 1888. Pbahces .m. Gakhett, Admiaiatratrix of said estate. J. K. WSATHEKFOBD. Att'y for Administratrix. . ... Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of tkt State of Ornjon for the County of Linn : Martha Barnes, Plain' iff. v M. Beir gan, B. Brenner, R, Glass and t? H. 9!am, partners, dolntr buaineMS under the firm name and atyio of R. Oiaa fc Hon, and Levi West eiid Ed Robinson, jartners, doing busineas under the firm nam of Kobi neon A VVett, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale ls KUed out of theabovo named Court in the above entitled suit. I will on Katurda? She .1th stay ef Nay, IH, a', the Court House door in the C'ty of Al bany, Lino county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'o'ock, p. m., at public auction for cash in band to the highest bidder, seJl the real property described in aald notice of nale as To Iowa, to wit : the nortbeaat quarter .f section 8 in Tp. 15, 8. R. 1 E, of the VVIIIamftte meridian, containing 160 acre. Also the east t alf of the northeast quarter of Hection 81 in Tp. 14, H. R. 1 E. of the Willamette meridian, coutalniug 80 acres, all la I Jnn county, Oregon, The proceeds arising from the sale of sM premises to t e applied : First to the psy asset of the oat and disbursements of uit taxed at $41 45 and the costa snd ex penses of sale. Seouud to the payment to the Plaintiff lh eum of 1 1 52,62 with ac oruing Interest at 10 per cent ner snnum f om the 2lat day of March 18S8, and the further sum of sf Attorneys !'w, next to the payment i- the Defend tut, B. Brenner the sum of $101 with accruing interest thereon from March 2lt, 1888, at the rate ef 10 percent per annum and the further um of f 12.05 oostM and 'U Attorneys fees aud tbo overplus if any to be paid to the Dofendant, M. Kerrigan. Dated Match 2tKb, 188. D s. S.M I I I F Sheriff. Hi s a avarv 'aw am BLENDED COFFEE OUR FANCY COFFEE OUR PREMIUM COFFEE OUR ACME COFFEE OUR STANDARD MOCHA AND JAVA - . - - Finest Flavor, Uniform Streugtii, Lowest Price' Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Conn . State of Oregon for ike County of Lin The American Mortgage Company ef 8 land (limit d ), Pit B, Scot- vs. K DGilson, Defoudaut. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue si an execution and order of sale iaaued oat of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Saturday tbe IMS day ef May,, at the Court Hoase door in the city f M baoy, Linn county, Oregon at tbo hour of one o'cloek p. m.,tell at public for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said extern ton aud order ot sale as follows, to-wit : Comtueaciug at tbe southeast corner ef the 8 M Pennington do nation land claim. Notification llt'4, Claim No 57 ; theace east oue hundred snd eighteen (118) rods; thence sooth fifty four 24 100 (54 24 100) rods; thence seat oue hundred and eighteen (118) rods ; thence north fifty -four 24-100 (54 24-100) rods to the place of beginuioff, containing forty SSfSSj AIsd a portion of the donation laud claim of Allen Parker, Not. 2312, Claim 37 in Township 12, sooth range 2 west, oommeccing at the north west corner of said claim, ruuoiog thence east 40 45-100 chains ; thenee south 32 31 100 chains ; thence west one T'J 100 chains ; thence south 17 96 100 chains ; thence a eat 38 08-100 chsins ; thence -north 50 27-100 chains to the place of beianinjr, containing two nundred (2O0) acres . Also commencing at the northwest corner of ssid laud claim Not No. 2312, Claim 37, and rnomog thecoe west 70 rods ; thence south 68 rods ; thence east 70 rods ; taeuce ooitb 68 rods to the place of beginning, containing thirty (30) acre, together with all and singular the Uso meats, hereditaments and appuneuanoea thereunto belonging or in anyai-a apprrtaiu ing. The proceeds arising tri m thu sale of said premises to b applied - First tu the payment of tbe costs aud disbursements of salt taxed at f539 35, and the ousts and x- Keses of sale. Second to the pay tut ut to the amtirT, the soui of $290 with accruing in terest thereoo at the rate of 10 per SSfl p r m i t i a. t inoa 1 aL . - - annum irom marc i um, isoe, ani me . plus if any to be paid to the Dcfccdaat heic in. Dated April 5th, 1(88. B. a. 9mm, Sheriff. Executrix Notice. Notice la hereby given that tbe under aliened Executrix of tbo lavt will and tes tament of Andrew J. Warren,deccaed,ha filed her final account in aald estate in tba office of the County Clerk far Linn county. Oregon, and the Court hit axed Monday, tbe 7th day of May, IHuh, at tbe houi of one o'clock p. m. of said day.ror tne hear lug of objection' to aald account and for tbe settlement or said estate. This Slat day of March, 1888. Eliza Wakrb.v, Executrix of the last will of Andrew J, Warren.dc'd. J. K. Wkathkrkobd, Att'y for Executrix. STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Headqusrt era Department of tbe Columbia, Offico of Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Barrack', W. T, March 15, 1888 There will be offer, ed for sale st Fort Sherman, I. T., on May 19th, 1888, at public auction, tbe U. 8. steam launch "Amelia VVbeatou." (and prop erty pertaining thereto.) Stern wheel, light draught ; length 76 feet ; beam 17 feet ; depth of hold 4 feet ; lower cabin, 8x14x57 ; upper cabin, 7 i 14x30 ; engines about 40 horse power. Sale to takft place at II o'clock, a. in. Terms of sale : Cash in U S currency. All inquiries addressed to this o5ce or to the fost Quartermaster. Fort b Herman, 1 T., will be promptly answered. J. G.C.LEE, Major and Chief Quartermaster. OThe BTJYEBB' GUIDE is Issued March and Sept., each year. It la an ency clopedia of uaoful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or tho neceaaities of life. Wo can clotho you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sixes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the valuo of the BUYER8 GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Assignee's Notice, lit the matter of tbe estate of Jerry Hay and R. F. Asbby, partner under the firm name ef Hay A Ashby, Insolvent debtor, ihe undersigned having been duly ap pointed alguee of tbe above uamed In solvent debtors under and by virtue of an act of tbeLrgUJstive Aenibly of the state of Oregon, entitled ''An Act te tccure to creditor a just division of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the berufit of credi'.orsapproved October )8tn, 187m and amendments thereto, approved February 24th 1885," all persons having claim! against said estate are hereby noti fied to present tho name to me at my office. over tho Bank of BritLh Columbia, corner First and Vine Htreete, in the City of Port land, Oregon, duly ver fiadas by law re quired, within three months from tbe dt) hereof. Dited this 14th day of March, A. D.,1888 , R. Dawson. Notice. We have appointed Mr. 8. A. DcVaney, of W uterloo as our Agent In Linn county for Law of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's ol Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supremo Bgsch. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3io6 California St., Han Francisco, Cat. SEEDS The Best Garden or Brass Seeds to be Had in Oregon. Our seeds have been brought from Minne sota and as they are pure and freah and rais ed In Northern latitudes, a much larger pro portion of them will grow than any now to be had in this market We have thorough ly tested them and know this to be so. We have placed them on sale in this city ami throughout the county. Ask your mer chant for our or t kern (imwn Seeds. Mark et gardens and all others wanting either garden or grass seeds should not forget this. Stxwakt St Sox. Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DOOO TO W. H. W1LLARD, where you will find tbs best make and finest 11-iUbsd BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS. EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine line of PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different tj!ts of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and beH m k of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept In Albany. Prions reasonable. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. rir Term Opens SHrptesaber I Sib, 1SST A tali corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of -tudy arranged to meet the assa or an grades or studeula. Seciid inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.60 to $VJ,M. ooara in private rauii'ies at .ow raise nooma lor seir- boarding at small expense A careful unervislon exercised nvr ain deals away from home. Fall term opOM repiumoer rtn. ror circulars and full particulars addtes tbe President. BtKV. fcl.8ft.HT M. e.tllT Albany, Oregon, First National Bank OF ALB4X1, OREGON, President... , t. TUSH ri rrasiuoiii . y vol NO Caahiar -.OKO. K. CHAMBltKLAIN TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking bostossa ACCOUNTS KEPT rablsct to check. 8IGHT EXCHANGE snd telegraphic tnnsfer, sol u , i um, emui r raiicisco, lauafo ana Port! Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terns. DiBBcroas. . E Yotnro, Gso. E Csumkilaib L. E ISLAIX, L. Puss, Wilts g Tx-aasu., Linn unty Bank, COWAN, RALSTON & 0., (uccessors to Cowan Cnsiek.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAPTS on New York, st. Fraa clsoo and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE doiwrniu subject to cheek. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt H. F. MERRILL, 33 j&l. IN" KI E3 B, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Sell exchange on New York, San Pranelsoo and PSrtiand . Buy notes, SU'c, county and c'tjr warrants. Re ceive deposits subject to check. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections will receive prooiptattenUon. Correspondence solicited. Eire and marine Insurance placed In reliable corn pan lea, t j o.'lice hours (run 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tbo tlrut ilasocrten nstnniahca the In valid, git li;y ciuxttvlty of mind und Bouyaxicy of Body to v. Mr!i o vnn before u tranger. Tbty ulvc ajiiw.i : GOOD DIGESTION, rojrnlii bowclr. nnd Molid flesh. k Nice ly tusur eiiuies!. 1-riee, aScta. per box. Sold Everywhere. Life Renewer DR. PIERCE'S New Osl- vajUeCOAXBT BELT with Zleetrie Suspensory, utior- 1:j018 and perfect Chain ii&ttnrv in mrM . . 1 " WW. Ute bi Wilty. "iwwuB uitruiuiue, noun. Pain In V. a T.-k T1J. 'T3CCDSia , flu 'ify Ataeumotiani, WeoAnees ot Sexual rani-iw-o, Qitt.. or 8Q4 N. 81 t h j gytfflJff- IltfsPl r -n.iiivi. Children Cry for ewocrai FFiCIAL .and APEB. ON THE HOLTBKKN BOUNDARY The sther day while reaching a jar from a high shell Vela Smith lost her balance ant. fell, breaking the jar and cutting a gash about tws Inches long in her fere head. Ysung gentlemen getng te call on Mln Clara should stop at the gate and Inquire if the pup Is tied, otherwise there mi y be as accident. A severe wind storm passed thrsugh this section en the morning of the 3ist, ending roofs tad feacca whirling at Co burg. It took a pertion of the roof from the warehouse, exposing several huadrcd bushels sf wheat to the storm. On April ist a Sunday School was or gsalaod at the Somraerville school house, and the following officers were elected i B. R. Henry, Superintendent ; Harvey SonsmervUle, Secretary ; Harry Mac, Treasurer. Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Semraer ville, volunteer teachers. Others to b se lected. The chsngs In the schedule sn the Nar row Guage last week seem te give gener al satisfaction to farmers In thta locality and to people doing business at Coburg. A quantity of lumber Is being shipped from Coburg over the Narrow Guage. It Is no unusual occurrence for houods to run deer down to the valley .then there Is an exciting chase by v. and dog Mrs. J. K. Jones Is In poor health this spring. James Barger and Clarence Tavlor are attending Court at Eugene In the capacity of jurymen this week. M and Mrs. Billmlre were visiting rl atives in this vicinit y last week. W W. Allingham is laid up with i crushed ankle, caused by a log rolling on it. It will be some time before he Is around agaia. O. B. Allingham and slaters were visit ing la Monroe a portion of last week. aSe Astoria, April 9. Tho following races have been adopted for the Northwestern Firemen's Association tournament ef 1888, to be held la Portland, June ai.aa aad 23 Championship race Run 150 yards to hydrant.attach.lay 350 feet of hose, put oa pipe and get water ; take a length from the cart, replace the second length from the hydrant and get water ; time to be called whea water passes the pipe the second time ; cart to carry 450 feet of hose, all couplings made. la this race it Is sup posed that the second length from the hy draat burst, and that the firemen had to ht off the water, and replace with a sound length. Wet test Distance 700 feet in alt, 500 feet to hydrant, lav 200 feet of hose, ua couple, and acrew oa pipe ; hose cart to carrv not less than 300 feet of hose ; time taken when water leaves the pipe. National hose test-Distance.600 feet la all ; 400 feet to the hydrant, make a light coupling and lay 300 feet of hose ; break the light coupling and screw on the pise three full threads ; carts to carrv not less than 350 feet of hose ; time to be taken when the pipe is on. Spedd race Distance 700 feet ; carts to carry not lest than 250 feet of hose ; time taken when the center of the reel of the hose cart crosses the score. Hook and Ladder contestIn the hook and ladder team not more than thirty men hall run 600 feet, put up a 30-foot ladder within 10 degrees of perpendiculars the treet,and have a man ascend to the top in any manner he may select ; time called when he grasps the top rung, which must be held until time is called. Tender contest Engine tender compa nies, twelve beys, 1 6 year or run 2 oo yards and carry 200 pounds of coal. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When sue became Hiss, she clung to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria The Devil Fish Described by Hns-o It not a more tenacious monster than ma laria, whether it takes the form ofehllla and fever, bilious remittent, ague cake or dumb ague. Like the octopus of the story it filar. na thn victim In it -- - f . - v. v. . , BUU folds him oioar and closer in s horrible em AitacKeu wita u os tetter 'a Stom ach Hitter, hiiwov.r if. oriylniilli. mJZZIZZ. its tremendous grip, finally abandoms it, and tbe quondam Rufferer.lfberated at last, rejoices in the sense of new born freedom, engendered by the restoration of complete .iiu. uyapepsia, too, ano constipation, those old snd remorseless enemies of the human familv.trl vat e-rnunrl.anH , An .11- driven from tbe field by this Napoleon of louiouira, hjb greaitm, me purest in the familw n n r m n r -! Rhanmilln cumbstoit, so do kidney troubles. The nerves.when overstrained, regain quietude and vigor by its aid.and the ability to rest tranquilly and eat with zeat are Increased by it. Resort to it in time snd sroid un necessary suffering. She i Pitcher' Castorla. 1 A Kir 1 BEruRM FKOdKGHMlNQ. The complete returns from the Khode island election give the Kepublicaa can didate for Goveraor 1989 majority over all, and a plurality of 3334, about one-half the plurality of Blaine la 1884, aad a little more than one-third hU majority that year. A significant feature of the elec tion, as showing the awakening of public sentiment oa the question of tariff reform was the enormous vote polled. It was 4516 larger than the vote of last year which was tbe largest at that time ever, cast Is the state It was 702b more than tb vote of 1884, when Maine- received 194030 against 12,391 given Cleveland, Both parties made gains over their vot of 1884, hut whits the Democrats were de feated Wednesday, they showed a gain of three votes te every one gained by their opponents. Blaise's total vote was 19030, while the Republican candidate for Gov. raor (who ras ahead of his associates on his ticket) received last Wednesday 20, 768, showing a net Republican gain of 1738. In 1884 Mr. Cleveland received 12, 391 votes, whllt the Democratic candidate for Governor received 17,444, ahswlng a set gain of 5153. While the contest was purely local In Its character, the Issues presented wars national. The liquor li cssse question, which was one of the leading issues of last year's Gubernatorial campaign, was this year completely ob scured by the tariff issue. Rhode Island being relatively the most extensive manu facturing State in the Union, was deemed particularly wedded to the Republican Idea of high tariff. That the Republicans have lost ground where they ought to have gained, if they are to gain anywhere. Is an evidence ef the rapid education of the masses on economic question Plain ly no great number of voters were misled by the clamor about free trade. Whea the natural Republican proclivities of a large majority of the voters in Rhode Island are considered, tha heavy actual and relative gain for tariff reform U as gratifying as unexpected. The figures cos tain so comfort for thosa who contend that excessive asd unnecessary taxation is the basis of national prosperity. A like proportionate gain in Massachusetts would throw that Stat into the Democratic col urns by a decisive majority. Much waa said during the canvass in condemnation of the new Fisheries Treaty, but the count of the votes hows that it was estimated at its true value. Ti Dkmocsat ha 1 several times referred to the eentunan David Caraes, a veteran of the war of 1812. The following is from Us KspreM, and refers to the remarkably old geuUeman is a nios msnner : "David Garnet, a eitisea in the southern part of Linn county is 104 years eld. He is hale and h Tarty ; his neighbors ssy that be split 8000 rails this winter and repaired his fence with them. A Lebanon ExjtrtM friend, found him is Brownsville tbs other day and learned from tks old gentleman the following fasts : 'I waa bora is Washington ooonty, Pennsyl vania, in 1784, lived there until I was 40 years old, then moved to Indiana and lived there nearly 40 years and crossed tbe plains ths last ysar ef the war.' 'Well old gentle men how do you like Oregon ?' 'Sir, if 1 hsd a hundred years inoia to livs, I would never leave the Willamsttn Valley ; this is the best country this side of heaven.' If any ef our co temporaries, or any body alas can beat this we would like te hear from them . ' This is the way a Washington Territory Kper rustles tor the whrswithal to boy his tie oaes bread : "Ws are glad thosn who dstire office are coming around with the eash for apace in this paper to advocate their cause, This is as it should be, as apace in a nswapsper is all tbs capital a publisher has aad there, is no reason why men seeking places of honor should deadhead it any mora than other advertisers should. It is a cold busiasss and ths sooner thie fact is recogniz ed the better it will be for all concerned.'' The protective tariff is a subsidy exacted from the whole body of consumers by the manufacturers and going to the manu facturers only ; but as the manufacturers are unwilling that consumers shculd dwell too much on that particular source of their unearned profits, they adroitly conceal it by raUlng the mendacious howl that "pro tection maintains the high figure of Amer ican wages." What the high tariff actu ally decs for American labor is to increase the cost of Its living by 30 or 40 per cent more than there is any need that that liv ing should cost. And the gift, most peo ple will think, is of rather a questionable character. An exchange gives the following ac. count of a financial transaction which took place in an office in that city a few days since : "By seme means er other it hap pened that the office-boy owed one ef the clerks three cents, the clerk owed the cashier two cents, and the cashier owed the office-boy two cent, The office boyf having a cent in his pocket, concluded to diminish his debt and therefore handed the cent over to the clerk, who in tura, paid half of his debt by giving the coin to the cashier. Ths latter handed the cent back to the office-boy, remarking : 'Now I owe you only one cent.' The office-boy again passed the cent to the clerk, who gassed it back to the office-boy, and the latter squared all accounts by payiug it to the clerk, theieby discharging the entire debt." Kenton Chase, grocers, Albany. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, K PI ran ST TUB Women'i CbriitiiB Trmpernee Uiiti gjr - " ' . - 1 1 1 r The " 0. T. U. mr-ets on the 1st aud 81 d Tun .i-.v of t-ach mouth st 3 o'clock f. if , st ihe W. 0, T. U. Boll, SB Mer. Hugh and Ward have just closed a aeries of temperance meetings is Wash ington Territory. Is Tacoma they began their meetings with an audience of 40 per sons, at their close the largest hall in the city would not hold the crowds who flock ed to hear them. Fifteen hundred signed the pledge. They have now gone to Walla Walla for a three weeks engage ment, after which they will come to this vallev, if desired to do so. Oskalooaa, Kan., has elected a woman for Mayor and an entire City Council of women. It is a shams to crowd out the men in that style, they are not used totak lag aback seat. The women ought to have a little mercy and bring the change on by degrees. The International Council of women has just closed a moat successful session. A Washington paper says, "It was the grandest body of women the sun ever shown upon." The Union Signal gives the following lists of officers elected : The International Council appointed a strong committee of representative women to present plans sf permanent organisation for National and International Aaaociatioa, This committee reported cosstitutisns for both.and the following list of officers were elected : International Council : Presi dent, Millicent Fawcett, England ; vice president,t!lara Barton, America ; corres ponding secretary, Rachel G.Foater.Amer lea ; recording secretary, Kirstine Fred eriksen, Denmark . treasurer, Uabelle Bogelot,France. National Council : Presi dent, Frances E. Willard, Illinois ; vice president. Susan B. Anthony, New York corresponding secretary, May Wright Sew ell, Indiana ; recording secretary .Mary F. Eastman, Massachusetts ; treasurer, M. Louise Thomas.New York. The Ckristian AdvoaJe quotes Robert J. Burdette as say ing.with reference to recent letters from Paris affirming that the writ ers could not find a drunken man there, that the only Inference one could draw from these remarkable letters Is "either that the writers thcmaelvea were blind drusk all the time they were in Paris, or tha Parisian drunkard Is a most success ful hlder. Because, while our travellers last year did not see a single instance of drunkenness in Paris, the police records state that the police of Paris saw and ar rested an average of 150 people every day between January 1st and April 30th for being drunk on the streets." So It might easily happen that visitors in New York could walk many times to and fro in Broadway or Fifth Avenue and not see or find a drunken man, but the police courts and city prisons would meanwhile, as in Paris, tell quite another story of drunken ness, and much of it,in other localities. Commenting on the aggressive influ ence of the saloon in politics, Harper's Weekly takes occasion to say : "The saloon is now not merely a resort for drinkers. It has become an organized 'interest' and a very effective force in politics. It nom inates candidates and controls elections solely with reference to its own advantage, and consequently those who otherwise would be disposed to disregard the ques tion are compelled to interest themselves in It to prevent a degrading and disastrous ascendency in public affairs." The only effective way to get rid of the troublesome saloon question in politics is to abolish the saloon itself. As long as it has a legal existence it is practically an opea political club house, continually on the alert, t hrough the bribery of appetite and other corrupting methods, for Its swn aggran dizetneat,and to perpetuate indefinitely its supremacy and control. m Senator George, of Mississippi, - from Senate Committee on the Judiciary ,on the 19th ult. reported adversely the bill to ap ply the law- of the several prohibitory states relating to the sale of distilled and fermented liquors to such liquor when they have been imported as well as when manufactured in the United State. The leading distillers, admonished by the late decision of the United States Su preme Court, and by the rising tide of temperance public opinion, appear to be quite conscious of impending danger to their "vested (whiskey) interet,and to be preparing in advance for the coming storm. A late number of Bon fort's Wine aud Spirit Circular say : "Nearly all the prominent Kentucky distiller have out side intcrests,to which they give a consid erable portion of their attention, and to which they can turn should prohibition ever settle its destructive fangs upon this state." Thi indicate that the Kentucky distillers, whatever else they may be, are, in a business point of view, cautious, pru dent men. Children Cry for for Infants and Children. CasetissowtJIadatloeluldiwuiat I ittaaasywlortoaaqr prescription I aaows to me. B. A, mflo.02lsrdsfilOQa1ya,K. T. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, -PROPRIETORS OF Albaoy Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- 0H0I01 CONFECTIONERY, We are sow prepared to sell st whole sals, alwaya fresh sod pore st Portland prices to dealers, We also keep a full line of Nuts and Tropical Fruit, -OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO department is 00 m-'" Ws keep the very finest stock of suck ax snd chewing tobaooo, meerachaum and brier pipes that is s delight to moksra. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE, i Boarding School for Boys I ! Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers, First term opens first Monday In Sep tember. Necood term opens first Motdsy in February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Beckar, Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. PATENTS OtHaiaed, and ail ether boeiaaae In the 0. 8. rates OsW aWaaisslsd to lor iswdSrala tees. Oar 1 ac ,. .-,-i...t Ha : I trtasi Ossa ami wee ebuln Patent leas ass Usui thsis reeaeSa Send osodl or drawing. W ad- to patent sonny rres of charge ; ana we max e o charge we obtain patent. We rater here, to the Potunaater. tha Butt, et Money Order Piv. end to sslolals of the U. S. Patent face. For circular, advice, tenna. and oscuial clients in your own Slate or comity, Ce As SNOW&COs, Opposite Patent OH as, Wsahna,tnn. D . O. O CHERRT. CB.PVRKKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, w K are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. Ws will manufacture Steam Engines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, ana all kinds Af Iron snd Brass Castings. PATTERNS N SDK ON SHOKT MsFCTCK. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Rnss House. Proprietor. This house) is now open and furnished with the beat new furniture. Everything olean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any ia the city. Sheriff's Sale, In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Linn County. Q. H, Liggett, Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hines and Thomas Mines, Defen dants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order ot sals Is sued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, 1 will on saturdsy the 5th day or May, IRSS, at the Court House door In the City of Al bany, Linn oounty, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. nv, sell at public miotic n for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said order )f sale as follows, te-wlt : tbe east half of tie northwest quarter and lots one snd two of Section sixteen In Township eleven, south ef Usage one west of tbo villamette meridian in Linn oounty, Oregon, con taining 129 71 acres. The proceeds aris ing from the sale ef said real estate to be applied : First to the payment of the costs snd disbursements of suit taxed ( t $21.50 and the costs and expenses of sahi. Second to the payment to the Ptaintiif herein tbe sum of 11445.84 with accruing interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 15th day of March, 1888, and the further sum of 120 and ths overplus if any to be paid to the Defend ant, Sarah Hines. Dated March 29th, 1888 D. S. Smith, , Sherift Pitcher's Caetoria. 1 GoBe. Oesathatfoe. sour DiarrboBsv, BraetaUon, Kills Worms, gives sleep, ssd prombssi di- Tux CSSTACS CourAjrv, 77 Murray Street, H. T. J. E. WE ATHERF0BD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AUsaxv, 117 ILL PRACTICE IH ALL THE COURTS OF THE If Hu , sasa Stat. Special attention ft vest to as ssaftf CTMBes Is Odd Fellow's Tempt. S.WOLVSSTOS, o. h, iavnns W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW roBe op stairs in' Ford er 'a Block. ALBANY. OREGON- L. H. MONTANYB. attorney at law AND Notary Public. alhany, Oregea. Office upstairs, Crawford Block. .. O. POWELL. W. S. KILT EH POWELL, & BILYEU, tTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. ALBANY. ... OKkfiOH. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jaVOfflce in Foster's Biick.ffta vl4nl9tf. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Alt business will receive prompt attention Js J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in sll of the Courts of this State. All business intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OKEGON. JOHN BRICCS, FLORIST, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. CR0SSEN & ALLEN. PEOPEIETOES Albany Tracl. and Dray 0o He, L Goods handled with care and dispatch. NORTHERN GROWN PLAfcTv AND SEEDS Are acknoplprlred tho hent, being hardier, more productive aud yield b tter crops. FIXK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Cwai.tutB4'ouxth. btrVMc, nulled fras csUon. WittlK FOR IT. I. X.. TuT a.-st &, oo rUORlSTS AND 5E5CSMEN, St. Pajl, Min;;. a "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of sll kinds on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0EE60H PACIFIC CONTRA DTDS, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or